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A17372 The principles of the true Christian religion breifelie selected, out of manie good bookes. first reade: and then iudge. Butterfield, Swithun, d. 1611. 1590 (1590) STC 4206; ESTC S109600 46,918 109

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liued here on the earth vntil the thirtie three yeere of his age Hee hungred and thirsted slept and was werie of trauell Thereby shewing that hee was perfect man And also by his wonderfull miracles shewed him selfe to bee perfect God C Christ as concerning his diuine nature is very God he descended merueilously Iohn 1. 14. from heauen and yet his diuine nature left not heauen His diuine power and maiestie filled the whole worlde as God And where it is said the word was made fleshe that is to bee vnderstoode That Christ vnited and ioyned the manhoode to the Godheade So as the Godhead had his seuerall propertie and was not infused or turned into fleshe nor mingled with the bodie but had his seate in the manhoode As my soule hath in my bodie For my soule is not my body nor my body is not my soule But either of them haue their seuerall properties remaining So is Christ one God in substance with the father and the holy ghost And perfecte man also as I am in all thinges sinne excepted It was his wil to be merueilously conceiued in the virgins wombe and to dwell in her wombe for a time and of her to be borne and to be conuersant heere on earth vntill the thirty three yeere And so was the sonne of God as begotten of the father almightie and the sonne of man and seede of Abraham by being borne and nourished in the wombe of the holy Virgin Sainte Marie a Christ Iesus was conceiued by the holy Ghost Math 1 18. Luke 1 35. Ioh. 1 14. b Christ is the seed of the woman and of Abraham in whom we are blessed And is very man Gen 3 15 22 18. Esay 7 14. Ma. 1 18. Luke 1 31 2 7. Acts 3 25. Gal 3 8 4 4. 5. Gen 12 3 18 18. Ioh 4 6. Mat 4 2. Luke 2 40 19 41. c Christ is very God and very man vnited together Ioh 1. 10 8 42 17 5 21 10. 30 Rom 1 4 9 5. Heb 1 3 5 8. Col 1 13 2 9 Math 3. 17. Ephe. 4 9 10. Math 28 20. HE suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried A Christ suffered vnder Pontius Pilate He suffered vnder Pontius Pilate when hee was gouernour ouer the Iewes in Iurie Christ then suffered his manhood to be most wickedly betrayed by Iudas his own disciple and to be most falsely and malitiously accused by the Iewes condemned and scourged with other vile abuses And finally suffered his manhode or mans nature To be put to death on the crosse as a malefactor Because it was so appointed by God from the beginning of the world that the same manhoode or mans nature should be put to death and suffer those iniuries for a sacrifice and redemption for the sins of all the world Christ was crucified hee in all his lyfe Was crucified time heere on the earth suffered paine and greife for our sinnes Christ yeelded himselfe in our place and steed to satisfie God his father for our sins and by his death and extreame torments he appeased the wrath of God towardes vs and reconciled vs to God and so by his death hath deliuered vs from the tiranny of the deuill and from eternall death if wee beleeue in him God was displeased with vs for the offence of our first father Adam and in his iustice he would not leaue that sinne vnpunished euen to Adams whole posteritie For that we were not able to satisfie his wrath therefore Christ Iesus came pure and innocent and obeyed God his father in all thinges and fulfilled the lawe and suffered his manhoode to bee put to a vile death on the crosse that his obedience and death might bee a raunsome for our sins to God his father And that the sinnes of all that truely beleeue and trust in him might be laid vpon him and forgiuen them And so by faith in Christ Iesus and trust in Gods mercie for his sake we are absolued obteine remission of our sinnes and be reconciled to God ANd buried A Christ his manhood being dead was And buried buried after the common maner of men And his bodie lay in the graue till his resurrection The stone ouer the graue where Christ was buried vntill his resurrection was kept with souldiers whereby appeareth euident the very death of his manhoode and the separation of his soule from his body And so by his death the mysterie of our redemption was accomplished the wrath and anger of God appeased and peace made betweene God and vs. Our redemption dependeth wholy of the death of the manhood of Christ for the ransome for our sinnes is his death and passion A Mat 27 24 c Luk. 23 Iohn 19. Christ suffred his manhood to be put to death for to be a sacrifice attonemēt for the sinnes of all the elect and faithfull Acts 2 23 4. 27 28. Luk. 24 26. 2. Cor. 15 18 c. Ephe. 2 16. Col. 1 20. Esay 53 Gal. 3 13 14 4. 4 5. Deu. 21 23. Gal. 1 4. Eph. 1 2. 11. c. Col. 1 2. 1. Pe. 2. 24. 3 18. 4 1. Ro. 5 8 c. Heb. 2 14 15 7 24 c. 9 11 c. 10. 12 c. Ro. 8 1 2 33 34. 1. Ioh. 1 7. Apo. 1 5. 1. Tim. 2 5. 2. Tim. 1 9 10. 1. Iohn 2 1 2 4. 10 Ioh. 3 16. 6 51. Rom. 1 16. 17 3 24 25. Act. 4 10 12 5 31 10 43. 1. Cor. 15 3. Mar. 10. 45. b Christ his manhoode being dead was buried Mat. 27. 5 7 c. Mar. 15 43. c. Lu. 23 52 53. Ioh. 19 40 41. Mat. 12 40 Act. 13 29. 1. Cor. 15 4. Lu. 22 37. Ioh. 20 31. HE descended into hell A Christ suffered for me all mankind He descended into hell in his soule and manhood The paines and torments of hel which is due vnto the wicked therby to redeeme me and all those that beleeue in him from hell and from the eternal death Also he suffred the punishment due to our bodies and soules both by death of his manhood and by the torments and anguish of his soule B Christ by his death hath vāquished and ouercome the deuil sinne death And by the vertue of his death he stroke a great terror into the deuils wicked wherby they knew that christ in his māhood hath vāquished ouercom them a Christ his sufferings and torments Esa 53 6 10 Mat. 26 38. 27 46 50 Luk. 22 42 44. Ioh. 12. 27. Luk. 23 43 46. Mat. 12 40. Lu 11. 29 30 Act. 2 31. Ps 19 10. ● Hebr 2. 14. 15. Col 2. 15. 1. Cor 15. 24 25. 1. Pet 3. 18 19. 20. 2. Tim 1. 9. 10. THe third day hee rose againe from the deade A Christ the third day after his death The third day
The Principles of the true Christian religion breifelie selected out of manie good Bookes First reade and then iudge Ioh 17 2 3 3 16. The Godly ioye of a true Christian is to knowe the onely God in Christ So shall hee obtaine the eternall ioyfull life 1. Tim 4 8. Godlinesse is good vnto all thinges As a thing which hath promises in the life that is now And in the life to come 1590. ❧ To the Christian Reader EVery Christian ought to haue great care to ground him selfe in the principles of christian religion a 2. Tim 3. 16. 17. Acts 17. 11. 19. 28. Ioh 5. 39 Reue 3. 15. 16. Iam 1. 6. 7. 1. Pet 3. 15. 16. Vpon the sure rocke of the holie Scriptures that he bee not caried awaie with euery winde to a newe religion nor vnto hereticall opinions nor wauering in his faith b Mar 16. 16. Ioh 3. 18. 36. 12. 48. For except a man beleeue the Catholicke faith vndoubtedlie with an assured beleefe he cannot be saued c Act 17. 11. The consideration hereof maie stirre vppe euerie Christian to search the holie Scriptures to learne to knowe Christ and howe to attaine vnto saluation These thinges caused me to select and write this little booke for mine owne instruction Reade diligentlie this little booke ●●d I doubte not you will acknowledge to haue receiued profite worth your paines Thus wishing the encrease of the knowledge of God to al people I commend you to his gratious protection Thine in the Lord. Swithunc Butterfeild Aprill 1590. The Principles of Christian Religion EVery Christian which desireth to attaine eternall life in heauen must knowe howe condemnation Rom 5. 18. 19. and sinne came on all men by the offence of our first father Adam from whom wee are all discended And therefore hee and his posteritie accursed And how that condemnation and curse Ioh 17. 2. 3. Rom 5. 18. 19. is put from vs and the ioyfull eternall life attained Onely by the mercye of God through faith in Iesus Christ our sauiour Mar 16. 16. Mat 16. 26. 27. Ephe 1. 4. 1. Pet 1. 15. 9. Ioh 3. 18. Therefore euerie Christian must know what hee must beleeue and howe to serue God Thereby to obtaine forgiuenes of all his sinnes in this life that hee may attaine vnto eternall life in heauen The faith in Iesus Christ which wee Ioh 17. 2. 3. Mat 22. 37. to 40. Gal 5. 14. must beleeue and the true seruing of God according to his holy will Is breifely comprised in the Creede The tenne commaundementes of almightie God the Lo 〈…〉 s prayer and the right vse of the holy Sacramentes so Religion consistes in faith and obedience The Creede teacheth what we must beleeue The tenne commaundementes sheweth vs our dutie towardes God and our dutie towardes our neighbour The Lordes prayer teacheth vs how we must pra● and for what we must pray The holy Sacramentes are ordeined to be holy signes and assured tokens to vs of the mercy of God and forgiuenes of sinnes For the merites death and passion of Christ Iesus our sauiour These foure parts containeth faith which is the beleeuing of the Gospell The Law Praier and Sacramentes Or more shorter The Lawe and the Gospell Those articles of faith which wee must beleeue are these that followe Commonlie called the Apostles Creede The Creede I Beleeue in God the father almightye maker of heauen and earth All my hope trust and beleefe for al things I beleeue in God I shall neede either heauenly or earthly is in the same A onely very God that made the heauens and the earth B The father of our Lord Iesus Christ C and my father for Christ his sake For hee hath chosen all the faithful in Christ to bee his children And loueth them Who is so D almightie that hee made Almighty maker of heauen and earth the heauens and the earth and all thinges therein with his word And doth still so preserue rule and gouerne them that nothing happeneth in this world but by his determination will and foreknowledge It is God onely that giueth faire weather and foule weather plentye and all things else as pleaseth him There is not any thing that happeneth to me in blessings or punishments but by the appointment and foreknowledge of almightie God Whereby I knowe that the deuill is not able to doe any hurt to me vntill God suffer him for my punishment and that only so farre as he giueth the deuell leaue The wicked spirites the wicked people and the wilde beasts are the messengers of God to execute his iudgementes and punishmentes C This almighty God is so wonderfull mighty and incomprehensible that my minde nor any man whatsoeuer is not able to conceiue what hee is But Christ hath taught vs that this our good God and father is a spirite a Of God Gen 1. Ioh 1 17 3. 1 Tim 2 5. 1. Cor 8 6. Eph 4 5 6. Deu 6 4. Ier 10 10 11 1 Tim 1 17. Ier 23 24. Ioh 4 24. b The father of Christ Iesus Math 1 18 20 3 17. Luk 1 32 35. Ioh 1 14. Rom 15 6. c And my father Rom 8 15 Gen 1 27 2 7 Ioh 1 12. Gal 4 6. Eph 1 5 6. Ioh 20 17 1 Ioh 3 1. Rom 5 8. D Ephe 1. Leui 26. Psal 89. 10. 91 His almighty prouidence so that nothing happeneth but by his appointment Heb 1. 3. Math 6. 31. c. Luke 21. 15. 1. Pet 5. 18. Pro 8. 15. Esay 3. 2. 1. Cor 2. 7. Ro 9. 20. Deu 11. 14. 15. 25. 32. 39. Ma. 10. 29. 30. 31. Psal 34. 7. Math 18 10. Gen 19. 22. 2. Sam 24. 1. Kings 22. 22. Math 8. 31. Iob 1. 7. 8. 12. Psal 104. 14. Acts 17. 25. c Iob 37. 5 38. 27. Exo. 21. 13. 2. Sam 17. Gen 45. 7. 8. Exod 3. 21. 4. 23. 20. Iudg 6. 7. 1 King 17 20. 22. 2. Kings 6. 7. Psal 34. 37. 127. 1. Cro 29. 11. 12. Dan 6. 22. Act. 12 Eze 14 9 Amos 3. 6. Psal 76. 2. Esay 3. 47. 5. Zach 8. 10. Esay 44. 24. 25. 45. 6. 7. Leui 19. 31. Deut 18. 10. 11. 12. Ier. 10. 2. 23. Pro 16. Eccle 11. 4. Deut 32. 39 Pro 20. 24. Act 17. 26. 27. 28. Exod 21. 13. Deut 19. 5. Iosua 11. 20. Ionas 1. 4. 1. King 12. 15. Iud 9. 23. 24. 1. Sam. 16. 14. 1. King 22. 21. 22. 2. Kin 17 26. 24. 3 2. Cor 4. 4. 1 Sam 2. 25. 2. King 7. Ier 43 11. 2. Thes 2. 9. 10. 11. Iob 1. 10. 12. Ro. 8 27. Esay 57. 1. 54. 16. Pro. 16. 3. 7. Iere. 42. 11. 12. ● Iere 23. 24. Acts 7. 48. 50. Ioh. 4. 24. What God i● 2 ANd in Iesus Christ his onely sonne our Lorde And I beleeue in Iesus Christ that hee And in
Iesus Christ is that A sauiour which God promised frō the beginning of the world and is also B my sauiour And I beleeue that God will be mercifull vnto me and c forgiue me my sinnes for his sake Christ Iesus hath reconciled all the faithfull vnto God by the sacrifice of his death And is the ransome for our redemption for it pleased almighty God to haue his iustice so satisfied Christ hath D wrought and done for me all that is needfull for my saluation if I beleeue in him and trust in his death and merites Whatsoeuer Christ hath wrought for mans saluation perteineth also vnto vnto me and I shall be pertaker thereof We must not E any where else seeke saluation but onely in Christ That as by the offence of our father Adam who was the first man in this world condemnation came on all men and therfore he and his posteritie from whence we are all descended accursed So theris no meanes to bring vs from this curse and eternall damnation but only by Iesus Christ our Lord for by him God promised saluation from the beginning of the world Wherby the holy fathers before Christs 1. Cor. 10 1 to 5. Iohn 8 56. comming in the flesh were saued by beleeuing that the sauiour Christ shoulde come to redeeme them and obteine of God forgiuenes of their sins wee are saued by beleeuing Christ is come and hath wrought all that is needefull for our saluation So by F our true faith Christ his righteousnes Faith is made ours by beleuing that the once offering of his body and bloud is a full satisfaction for our sins to God the father And that by his obedience and fulfilling of the law of God we shal be made righteous iust before God For as by the disobedience of our first father Adam wee are all made sinners So Se more at large for faith after in the 10. article and at the end of the Creede by the obedience of Christ Iesus all the faithful are made righteous Al those are made righteous by Christ which do beleeue and trust in his death merits do repent and amend their wicked liues a Christ promised from the beginning is that sauiour promised Gen 3. 15. 22. 18. Gal 3. 16. Ge. 26. 4. 28. 14. Deut 18. 18. 19. Esay 7. 14. 15. 16. 9. 6. 7. 11. 42. 53. Ier. 23. 3 to 9. 33. 14. to 19. Mic 3. 5. 2 5 Zach 9. 9. to 16. 11. 12. 13. 16. 12 10. Mala 3. 1. 2. Math 1. 21. 1. Pet 1. 19. 20. Iohn 1. b Christ is my sauiour Math 1. 21. Iohn 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 19. 1. Cor 1. 30. Eph 1. 5. 7. 2. 16. Col 1. Act. 5. 31. Rom 5. 10. 8. 2. Tim 1. 9. 10. 1. 10. 2 2 Ioh 20. 31. 3. 36. c God wil for giue me my sinnes for Christ his sake Esay 53. Ioh 20. 31. Acts 4. 12. 5. 31. 13. 38. 39. Rom 3. 24. 25. 26. 4. 25 5. 1. Cor 1. 30. 2. Cor. 5. 18. 19. 21. Gal. 3. 13. 14. 4. 4. 5. 6. 7. Eph 2. Col 1. 13 c. 1. Thes 5. 9. 10. 1. Tim 2. 5. 6. 2. Tim. 1. 9. 10. Tit 2. 11 c. 3. 4. to 8. Hebr. 9. 10. 1. Pet. 1. 18. 19. 2. 24. Reuel 5. 10. Phil 3. 20. 21. 1. Ioh 2. 2. 1. 2. Rom 8. 1. 26. 27. d Christ hat done all that is needfull fo● my saluation Ioh. 19. 30. Luke 22. 37. Ioh 20. 31. 14. 11. to 16. 1. Ioh. 3. 22. 23. 24. E Acts 4. 12 5. 31. 13 38 39. Col. There is no saluation but onely by Christ 1. 14. 1. Thes 5 9 10. Hebr 9. Gal 3. 4. Ioh. 3 18. 2. Thes 1 8 9 Ioh 14 6. f By faith christ his righteousnes is ours Hebr 3 14 7. 9 10. Gal 3. 14 16. 1 Cor 1 30. Rom 5 19 21. Acts 3 17. 2 Tim 2 19. Christ Iesus is the onely sonne of God because his manhoode was begotten of the His only son holy Virgin Saint Mary by the holy spirite of God by that onely power without any acte of man Albeit we are the children of God by grace and adoption by Christ and that God created vs yet hee begatte none in that order with his holy spirite but only Christ Iesus our Sauiour A Christ is the naturall and onely sonne of God Therefore he is the onely naturall sonne of God A Io 1. Mat 1 3 17. Lu 2. 1. Rom 1 3 4. Christ Iesus is our Lord. For God is wel Our Lord. pleased in him A hath giuen ouer to him all power in heauen and earth that he shold giue eternal life to al those y● beleue in him The B fulnes of the godhead and almighty power dwelleth and a abideth in Christ bodily as my soule dwelleth in my body And he hath redeemed vs doth rule and gouerne the whole world C And by his almighty power and working of the holy Ghost hee maketh all the faithfull to be his members and to be one with God as God is in him and he in God And so the faithfull haue Christ dwelling in thē and are his members and owe to him honour and reuerence as they honour the father therefore he is our Lord. a God hath giuen all power to Christ Math 28 18 Ioh 17 Ioh 1 Ma 17 5 3 17 Ioh 3 35 13 3 17 2. b The fulnes of the almighty power and godhead is in Christ and he is our lord and ruleth althings Io 1 Co 1 15 Io 3 13 35 Ma 28 18 Io 13 3 1 Ro 15 24 25 Ac 10 36 Ro 14 9 c The faithful haue Christ dwelling in them and are his members and he is their heade Ioh 17 21 22 23 1 Cor 12 27 6 15 17 19. Eph 5 23 30 1 22 Rom 12 5 8 9 10. WHich was conceiued by the holye ghost borne of the Virgin Mary This Iesus my sauiour in whom I beleeue Which was conceiued by the holy ghost was conceiued in the wombe of the holy Virgin Saint Mary A by the onelie power of the holy ghost And was borne and formed of her substance Although the holy Virgin was betrothed to Ioseph to take him for her husband and therfore acknowledged hym as her husband Neuerthelesse Iosephe knew not her body at any time before this Iesus our sauiour was borne Christ Iesus conceiued of the holy Virgin without sin by the power and vertue of the holy ghost This Iesus our sauiour B is the seede of the woman and of Abraham In whom all the nations of the earth shal be blessed And hee was borne very man of the holy Virgin formed and framed of her substaunce Beeing borne first a younge babe and after grewe vnto mans state as we doe and
it is a token of the vnion we 1. Cor. 10 17. Ephe 4 4 5 6. Rom. 12 5. haue with Christ and is the bonde of loue amongst vs Christians For we that are many are one body in Christ vnited together by the power of the holy ghost Christ being our head and we his members And also the receyuing of this holy 1. Cor. 11 26. 1 Cor. 10 17. Ephe. 4. 3 to 8. Col. 3 17. 1. Thes 5 18. Sacrament is a publike confession of our fayth and a solemne binding of our selues to leade a Christian life in fayth and charitie with continuall prayse and thankes to Christ for our redemption THe wicked do not eate the body of 1. Cor. 10 21. Iohn 15 1 to 8. Christ for Christ doth not dwell in them And in whom Christ doeth not abide without doubt is not partaker of Rom. 8 9. mat 5 23 24 Christ his bodie nor any member of him albeit he eate the sanctified breade and wine which is the signe of his bodie and blood He that eateth Christ dwelleth in Christ and Christ in him The wicked which are knowen are to Iohn 6 56. 1. Cor. 5 9 c. Mat. 18 17. 1. Cor. 10 21. bee excluded from this holy Sacrament vntill they shew their true sayth by godly repentance THerefore they which come to this 1. Cor. 11 28. 2 Cor. 13 5. holy Supper must examine proue themselues if they haue faith and repentance and doe faythfully beleeue that they are deliuered from damnation by the onely mercie of God for the merits death and passion of Christ Iesus our sauiour And must desire to profite and goe forward in godlinesse and newnesse of life And so to shewe forth the Mat. 5 23 ●4 2 Cor. 7 10. 1. Cor. 13 2 3. Gal. 5 6. death of the Lorde in fayth and repentance by their godly life being heartily sory for their sinnes and to be in charitie with all men He that sayth he beleeueth and doe ● Iohn 4 20. ● Tim. 3 5. Tit. 1 16. not shewe it in his life and doings is a lyer and by his euill doings he denieth the power of godlinesse Such persons professe they knowe God but by their euill workes they denie him and vnto euery good worke reprobate Saint Paul commandeth vs to withdraw our selues 2. Thes 3 6. 14. 1. Cor. 5. Rom. 16 17. 2. Pet. 2. 20. 21. 22. Mat. 12 45. Reue. 2. 5. and 3 16. from such and haue no company with thē that they may be ashamed That they and euery of them may remember from whence they are fallen and repent In baptisme we are receiued into the church therefore this is but once to be done in al our life The Lords supper is a confirming of our faith feding of our soules must be often done to declare the Lords death as aforesaid and is to be done not to one alone but in the assembly of the faithfull when they meet● 1. Cor. 10 17. and 11. 26. together He that hath true faith is fed with Christ to be saued bodie and soule vnto eternall life To whom be all prayse honour glory power and thanks for euer Amen The conclusion and summe of this Booke THose thinges which are before written Of the holy● Trinitie and Gods prouidence consisteth briefly in this That the Almightie God and his fulnesse which is the Almightie power that made Heauen and earth That the same God dwelleth and abydeth bodilye in Christ Iesus And that this holye Spirite the Almightie power which proceedeth from Christ defendeth and keepeth vs from the power of Sathan and preserueth all the faythfull to euerlasting life Iohn 1. Colos 1 22 c. 2 Cor. 5 18 19. Iohn 14 15 c. Ephes 2. 18. Rom. 8 9. 1. Cor. 6 19. Phil. 2 13. Acts 17 28. Psal 34. 7. ● Pet. 1 3 4 5. Also that we beleeue to bee saued onely Of fayth by the mercie of God for the merits death and passion of Christ Iesus our Sauiour And that therefore God will heare our prayers bee mercifull vnto vs and forgiue vs our sinnes And after our lyues here ended at the tyme appoynted for the Resurrection Christ will raise these our vile bodyes out of the dust ioyning againe to them our soules and will then make the bodies of the faythfull lyke vnto his glorious bodie to liue in heauen with him for euer 1. Cor. 5. 18 19 21. Rom. 5 10 19. 1 Iohn 5 13. 14. 1 Cor. 15 22. Col. 1 13 14. 1 Thes 5 9 10. 1. cor 1 30. Phil. 3 20 21. 2. Thes 3 14 c. Luke 20 35 36. Iohn 11 25 26. 1 Cor. 15 33. Iohn 20 31. Further That the holy Sacraments Of Sacraments of Baptisme and the Lords Supper are holy signes ordeyned to bee assured tokens to all the faythfull of the mercie of God by Christ And that we doe receyue with them by the working of the holy Ghost such good benefites and graces from Christ Iesus the which our tongues cannot expresse Matth 28 19 20. Luke 22 19 20. 1. Cor. 10 16. 17. Iohn 6 63. Gal. 2 20. Rom. 8 9. Tit. 3 4 to 8. 2 Pet. 1 3 4 5. And also That whosoeuer hath this Of the life of a Chistian assured fayth shall be saued And that hee which hath this fayth will loue Christ his Sauiour and will haue a continuall feruent and earnest desire to keepe his commaundements And hauing sufficient to mainteyne his familie for that hee which doeth not prouide for them hath denyed the fayth and is worsse then an infidell will also to his power comfort helpe and relieue with his goodes his needie neighbours and brethren in Christ And continually striue with himselfe agaynst his wicked nature to doe vnto others as he would they should doe vnto him Iohn 17 3 and 14 15 c. 1. Iohn 3 23 24. Rom. 7 14 c. and 6 12 16 and 8 1 2. 1. Tim. 5 8 1 Iohn 4 20. 21. Iam. 2 17 26 Mat. 7. 12. So the whole life of a Christian is to beleeue and trust in Christ for saluation and all things else louing him aboue all thinges And to receyue the holy Sacraments and loue one another as Christ hath commaunded 1. Iohn 3 23 24. Gal. 5. 6. 14. Eschew euill and doe good What Christ hath commaunded that we should doe what hee hath forbidden that should we not doe The summe of the holy scriptures is the Lawe and the Gospell The Law teaching vs what we ought to doe And the Gospell sheweth vs the promises of God in Christ and teacheth vs fayth and charitie The whole duetie of man is feare Eccles 12. 13. Pro. 8 8. 13. God and keepe his commaundements The feare of the Lord is to hate euill And the dutie of a christian is to know what Christ hath taught and to doe thereafter and fulfill it to his power Loue Christ aboue all and thy neighbour as thy selfe this is the summe of christianitie The Lord for his mercie direct vs euer in his truth and that directly and only we may all seeke Gods glorie Now vnto the king euerlasting immortall inuisible vnto God onely wise bee honour 1. Tim. 1. 17. and glorie for euer and euer Amen See the principles of Religion more at large in a little booke named A godly comfort for all Christians Dayly lessons to be obserued of euery Christian 1 EVery morning and euening and at thy meales pray vnto God and giue him thankes for his benefits and be sorie for thy sinns And alwayes when thou art tempted to euill then thinke on Gods cōmandement concerning that matter and the godly feare to breake that commandement will ouercome that temptation For the remembrance of God putteth away euill 2 Begin nothing before thou know how to finish the same and consider well of the ende that may come thereof Trust not to much to thine owne wit 3 Rule thy tongue that it runne not before thy wit but let thy mind rule thy tong First thinke and then speake for wordes spoken haue power ouer the speaker Affirme nothing before thou know the truth nor beleeue any thing rashly Refraine from foule language 4 If thou will correct any man doe it with gentlenesse Be gentle in thy behauiour and familier in thy communication 5 Promise with good consideration knowing first howe to performe it when thou hast promised performe it faythfully Requite benefites for it is due to render deserued thankes 6 Vse no familiaritie with any vicious person and beware of liers and flatterers 7 When thou wilt aske counsell aske it of him that gouernes himselfe honestly And make no furious man dronkard nor vicious person of thy counsell 8 Doe not that thy selfe which thou dispraysest in another 9 Eschew idlenesse and bee not ignorant in those thinges which is a shame to thee not to know Vse diligence and doe not that to morrow which thou mayest wel and lawfully doe the same day 10 It is more surer for thee to pardon then to reuenge for euery reuenge ministreth occasions of further crueltie Therefore seeke to liue in peace with all men and meddle not with those matters which perteyne not to thee Be slowe to wrath hate crueltie and in thy furie subdue thine affections Be not hastie nor wrathfull for those be the conditions of a foole Hastinesse causeth repentaunce and frowardnesse hinderance 11 Vse measure in all things for temperance calleth a man backe from all euill affections Temperate sparing is good gayning for small expences often vsed consume great substance 12 Remember what thou art and what thou shalt be and thinke nothing profitable which is not honest and godly Liue honestly hurt no man and giue to euery man his due Eschew euill and doe good and God will blesse thee Giue glorie prayse and thankes vnto Christ our Sauiour So be it Imprinted at London for Iohn Hill dwelling in Pater Noster rowe at the signe of the golden Eagle and the childe 1590.
9. 10 16. and 12. 5. Acts 4. 32. Phil. 2. 1. to 5. 1. Iohn 4. 13. b The faithfull are called Saints 1. Cor. 1 2. and 2 Cor. 1. 1. Ephe. 1. 1. Phil. 1. 1. and 4. 21. Philemon 5. verse Col. 1. 2. 1. Thes 5 27. 1. Cor. 6 15. 17. 16. 12. 1. Iohn 4 13. Rom. 8. 9. and 12. 13. THe forgiuenesse of sinnes 10 I beleeue and am fully perswaded in my The forgiuenes of sinnes heart that God will forgiue me all my sinnes and be mercifull vnto me for the merits death and passion of Christ Iesus my Sauiour Christ hath satisfied Gods iustice for mee Therefore I do assuredly rest and hope in the mercye of God through Christ and in no other meane nor way for my saluation A I am assured that by this faith and The faith that iustifieth And see before in the second Article trust in Christs death and merits that al my sinnes shall be forgiuen me and that I shall liue in heauen with Christ for euer So that I repent my sinnes past amende my wicked life and haue a continuall earnest desire and endeuour to my power to obey God to liue godly If I striue to resist sinne with all my power and so resist it that I doe not Rom. 7. 15. c. 8. 1. 2. 1. Iohn 3. 6. obey the lustes thereof and delight in it Then will God be merciful vnto me and forgiue mee all my sinnes For if I doe that I woulde not then is it not I that doeth it but the sinne that dwelleth in me which for the time hath ouercome me till Christ strengthen me with his holy spirit to ouercome it So a true christian in minde and affection doeth serue God with a readinesse of fayth and willing to keepe his commaundements and to Vse charitie to his neighbour But in his flesh and outwarde doings he is defiled with many corruptions Neuerthelesse hauing this fayth the holy Ghost will worke and frame his heart that all his desire to his power shall bee to glorifie God So the life of a true christian consistes inwardly in fayth towardes God and outwardly in charitie towardes his neighbour a He that beleeueth in Christ hath repentance newnes of life God will forgiue his sinnes for Christes sake Esay 1. 15. to 19. 55 6. 7. Eze. 18 21 c. 33. 11 to 20. Ioel 2. 12 13. Luke 24 46. 47. Iohn 3. 17. 18. 19. Mark 1 15. Matth. 3. 8. Iohn 13 34 35. Actes 2 38. and 3. 19. 26. and 5. 31. and 20. 21. and 26 18 20. Rom. 7. 15. c. and 8. 1. 2. and 12. 1. Cor. 6. 11. Galat. 5. 6. and 6. 10. Ephe. 1. 7 10. 11. and 2 Col. 1. 9. c. and 4. 23 24. 1. Thes 4. 3. 4. Heber 9. 14. and 10. 10 14. 1. Iohn 1. 8. 9. and 2. 1 2. 1. Cor. 1 30. Rom. 3. 23 24 25. Rom. 5. 10 and 6. 2. Cor. 5. 19. Prou. 28. 13. 2. Cor. 3. 10. 1. Tim. 1 15 16. and 6. 10 11. 2. Tim. 2. 19. 25 26. and 3 17. Reuel 2. 4 5. Tit. 2 11 c. and 3 4 to 9. Iam. 2 17 26 1. Pet. 1. 15 16. Hebr. 6 10. 11 and 12 ●4 Matth 5 16. and 7 12 and 12 33. Iohn 15 8. 2. Pet. 1 5 to 10. 1 Iohn 3 2. 5 6 23 24. 1. Thes 4 1. to 10. See more proofe a● large before in the seconde Article of the Creed● THe resurrection of the bodie A I beleeue that after this my life ended The resurrection of the bodie my soule shall go to God that gaue it and my bodie shall rest in the earth vntill the appoynted time for the generall resurrection of all mankinde At the generall resurrection by the power of Christ This my bodie which I nowe haue although it were eaten with the foules or deuoured by many wilde beastes or fishes or lye rotten in dust scattered a great many of yeares shal be ioyned againe to my soule and shall be made like to the glorious bodie of Christ without all corruption to liue with him in heauen for euer And I shall see God in heauen in this flesh mine eyes shall behold him for euer Almightie God by his worde onely made the heauens and earth of nothing therefore he is able to raise our bodyes out of the dust At this generall resurrection of all mankinde that euer were in this world my flesh and soule which I nowe haue shall bee restored and ioyned together againe in the same maner whereof they nowe consist beeing altered from corruption and made immortall and shall liue with Christ in heauen for euer And the bodies of the reprobate shall be then also restored to liue in hell for euer in euerlasting torments This resurrection as the holye Scripture 1. Thes 4. 16. 17 sheweth shall bee in this maner Christ shall discende from heauen with multitude of Angels and by his power all the bodies of all mankinde that euer were shall bee raysed to life And those which shall bee then ly●ing shall bee caught vp in the clowdes with them that were raysed to meete the Lorde in the ayre And then shall the elect be with the Lorde and remaine with him for euer And the reprobate shall be sent to hell there to remaine in torments for euer The day of the Lorde shall come as a 2. Pet. 3. 13. c. theefe in the night in the which the heauens shall passe away with a noyse and the elements shall melt with heate and the earth with the workes therein shall be burnt vp But we looke for newe heauens and a newe earth according to his promise wherein dwelleth righteousnesse Wherefore seeing wee looke for such thinges what manner of persons ought wee to bee in holy conuersation and godlinesse a The bodies of all mankind shall be raysed againe the elect to ioy the reprobate to torments Iob 19 25 26 Esay 26 16 66 14 and 65 17. Eze. 37. 5 6 10 13 14 and 18 24. 26. Dan. 12 2. Eccles. 12 7 and 11 3. Luke 16 22 23. and 20 35 36 and 32 43. Matth. 22 30. Iohn 5. 28. 29 and 6. 40. 44. and 11 24 25 26. 12 48. Actes 24 14 15. Rom. 8 21. 1. Cor. 15 20 c. Phil. 3 20 21. Col. 3 4. 1. Thes 4. 13. c. and 5 1 2. 1 Iohn 3 2. 2. Cor. 5. 2. 2 Pet. 3. 9 c. Mat. 25 and 19 28. Rene. 14 13. 20 10 c. 3 21. 1. Cor. 6. 2. See more proofe before in the seuenth Article of the Creede ANd the life euerlasting A I beleeue that after the resurrection And the life euerlasting of our bodies there is no more death or chaunge but the faythfull shall bee glorified to liue in ioy with Christ for euer of the which number I beleeue I am one B And the wicked shall bee
without Christ in eternal paine with y● diuel in hel for euer Euerlasting life in heauen is giuen the faythfull by the free mercie of God for Christ his sake And is begun in this life by faith and conuersion which is a full purpose and intent to liue according to Gods commaundements Eternall life is begun here by conuersion and finished in heauen by glorification The peace of conscience which is ioy and gladnesse in God doth assure vs in this life of euerlasting life a The faithfull shall enioy euerlasting life and dwell with christ for euer Matth. 19 28. 29. and 25 34 35. Luke 20 36 Iohn 3 14 15 36 and 5 24 29 and 6 47. 11 25. and 17 3. 1. Iohn 3 2. and 5 11 Esay 51 11. and 65 17 18. Rom. 2 6 and 5. 17. and 6. 23. and 8 17 30. 1 Cor. 2 9. 1. Cor. 15 53 54. Actes 13 48. Tit. 1 2. Reu. 2 10. b The wicked shall haue euerlasting torments with the deuill in hell for euer Matth. 25 41 46. and 8 12. and 13 39 to 43. Luke 16 23 Iohn 5 29. Iude Iob 10 21. 22. Esay 66 15 16 24. 2 Pet. 2 4. The ende of the Creede In this faith I am taught how and what to beleeue concerning God the Father who made me and all the world Secondly what to beleeue concerning God the Sonne who redeemed me and all mankinde Thirdly what to beleeue concerning God the holye Ghost who sanctifieth mee and all the elect people of God Fourthly what to beleeue concerning Gods people called the Church The conclusion how this fayth iustifieth A This is the Catholike fayth which Howe this faith maketh vs righteous before God except a man beleeue faithfully hee can not be saued B And by this faith we haue our sinnes forgiuen vs and are iustified and made righteous freely by the onely mercie of God for the merits death and passion of Christ Iesus our sauiour and redemer C This fayth whosoeuer hath it doeth What is fayth wholy and onely trust for his saluation vpon the mercie and promises of God in Christ And commeth vnto Christ with this true faith repentaunce and newnesse of life And so continually loueth righteousnesse and hateth the doing of euill for this fayth will worke in him conuersion NOwe is to bee called to minde what Of faith and the lawe hath bene heretofore said cōcerning sinne And that the whole life of a Christian consisteth in fayth and charitie Sinne entered on Adam and all his posteritie Gene. 3. Rom. 5. 12 c. from whom all of vs are discended by his offence in breaking of Gods commandement And to make vs more Rom. 5 20. 3. 20. sinfull and to know our sinne the law or tenne commandements of almightie God was giuen Wherein God doth Deut. 27. 26. Gal. 3. 10. Iam. 2. 10. appoynt vs what we ought to do and if wee faile in any one poynt his terrible iudgement and curse doth rest vpon vs and so eternall death D And forasmuch as it is altogether Acts 15. 10. Gal 3. 24. aboue our strength and power to fulfill the lawe of God Therefore our mercifull God hath giuen vs a meane of deliuerance to drawe vs out of this so wretched a calamitie thereby to attaine the heauenly eternall life The which meane is the foresayd fayth and trust in Gods mercie for the merits death and passion of Christ Iesus our sauiour redeemer and by him onely and by none other Acts 4. 12. Hebr. 10. 10. Ioh 3. 18. 17 3. 14. 6. way nor meane it pleaseth our heauenly father to haue mercie vpon vs and to suucour vs. And by this our true fayth the Lawe and cursse thereof taketh no holde in vs but hath an ende Who so euer hath this fayth assuredly The same will worke in him repentance and conuersion and cause him to hate euill and he that hateth euill will repent his doing of euil Thus repenting the breaking of Gods commaundements and our sinnes wee are by this our true fayth iustifyed and made righteous by Christ our Sauiour our sinnes shall not bee layde to our charge And thus beeing iustified The holy Ghost doeth sanctifie vs and prouoke and stirre vs vp to serue God and to our power to reliue our needie neighbours hauing sufficient for our familie because he that ● Tim. 5. 8. prouideth not for them hath denied the faith and is worse then an infidel So he that hath this fayth will loue Christ with all his power and aboue all thinges And will haue an earnest continuall desire and endeuour to keepe Christ his commaundements Therefore this faith can by no meane be seuered from godly affections because Christ dwelleth in the failhfull by his holy spirite and vertue and sanctifieth them * 1. Cor. 1 30. 2. Thes 2. 13. Hebr. 10. 14. Phil. 2 13. Acts 4. 12. So fayth and good workes are ioyned together This is the onely meane to enioy the eternall blessed life and to dwell with God in glorie for euer So I conclude that he which hath this faith wil to his power endeuour to worship God aright and to keepe his holy commaundements a They that beleeue not are cōdemned alreadie therfore faith is an assured knowledge trust c. Mar. 16 16 Iohn 3 18 36 8 24 10. 25 26. 12 48 Heb. 3 19. 10 22 11 1. Col. 2 2 Mat. 13 23. b The true liuely faith iustifieth for by faith we take hold of Christ his merits and the forgiuenes of sinnes Haba 2 4. Mar. 5. 36. 10 52. 16 16. Luke 7 50. 8 48. Iohn 3 16 18. 5 24. 17 3 20 21 22. Acts 10 43. 13 39 15 9. 16 31. 22 16. 26 18. Rom. 1 16. 3 24 25 26 28. 4 5. 5. 1 5 10 8 9 14 33 34. 9 30. 10 10. Gal. 2 16 20 21. 3 11. 14 22 23 24. 5. 6. Eph. 1 3. 5 7. 2 8 3 9. 2. Cor. 5 19 21. Gen. 15 6 1. Pet. 1 5. 9. 1 Iohn 17. 5 14 Ioh. 16 23 11 26 Mat. 9 29. Lu. 18 42. Heb. 11. 1. Cor. 1. 30. Ti. 3. 5 6. Mat. 7 17 12 33. See more proofe before in the 2. 10. Articles of the Creede that faith iustifieth And what this faith is is shewed before in all the Creede c whosoeuer hath this faith wil loue christ and hate the doing of euill and wil relieue his nee die neighbours to his power Iohn 15. 5. Matth. 5. 16. and 7. 12. c. and 12. 33. Gal. 5. 6. 13. 14. and 6. 8. 15. Tit. 1. 16. and 2. 11. c. and 3. 8 Phil. 2. 13. Acts 17. 28. 1. Cor. 13. 1. Cor. 1. 30. 1. Pet. 1 15. 16. Heb. 12. 14. Iohn 13. 34. 35 15. 8. 1. Iohn 3. 17 18 Col. 1. 10.
for it is the holy ghost that encreaseth and strengtheneth our fayth and maketh the Sacraments to bring forth fruit in vs. We doe not denie but Christ himselfe Matth. 28. 20. with the power of his spirit is present at the administration of the holye Sacraments and the grace of God is there truely present to our fayth when we receyue them Neuerthelesse the inwarde grace of the spirite is seuered from the outward ministerie And the Sacraments doe not profite but being receyued by fayth All that are baptised haue not the spirite of Christ Simon Magus was baptised Acts 8. 13. 18 to 25. by Philip the Apostle but had not the grace of the holy ghost he confessed the truth yet was not regenerate by the holy ghost So Baptisme and the Lords supper may be receyued without the holy ghost Albeit God inwardly worketh by the holy ghost that which the Sacraments testifie Hee that despiseth the holy sacraments and willingly doth forbeare the Gen. 17 13 14. Luke 14 24. Mar. 8 38. vse of them as though he needed them not he is not to bee accounted any of Gods people And also thereby he refuseth the grace of Christ But he that receyueth Iohn 3 16. 17 20 c. them in fayth and repentance vnto him the holy Sacraments seale and confirme most assuredly the promise of 1. Iohn 2 3 Rom. 3 25. 5 9 2. cor 5 21. Gal 3 1● heb 9 14. 10 10. Col 1 14. grace and forgiuenesse of sinnes and that he shall bee partaker of Christ and his benefites and dwell with him in heauen for euer Of Baptisme BAptisme is a holy signe and an assured Mark 16 16. Tit. 3 5. Gal 3 27. 1. Cor. 12 13. token to mee that my sinnes are forgiuen mee for Christ his sake and that I am receyued into the holy Church as a member of the same and vnited vnto Christ by the speciall working of the holy Ghost Baptisme hath the promise of forgiuenesse Matt. 28 19. Mark 16 16. Rom. 6 3. Tit. 3 5. 1. Pet 3 21. of sinnes and saluation annexed to it that euery one which beleeueth and is baptised shall be saued And in Baptisme wee are renued by the holye Ghost whereby our euill inclinations are chaunged into good that wee haue thereby an hatred of sinne In Baptisme the offence and punishment Gal. 3 27. Ephe. 5 26. Tit. 3 5. 1. Pet. 3 21. of our sinne is taken away Neuerthelesse the corruption or inclination to sinne remayneth in vs which maketh euery one of vs subiect to sinne and alwayes to neede the mercie of God and 1. Iohn 1 8 9 10 forgiuenesse of sinnes Baptisme is a ceremonie or outwarde What Baptism is and wherefore it was ordeyned signe instituted by Christ being washed with water in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost Whereby Christ testifyeth 1. Iohn 1 7. Ephe. 5. 26. to vs that wee are cleansed from our sinnes by his blood And Baptisme is also a solemne signe of our receyuing into the holy Church and the marke whereby Christians are knowne from Infidels Also it is the Sacrament Acts 2 38. of Christian profession for by my receyuing of Baptisme I do professe 2. Cor. 5 17. Rom. 6 3 4. to liue a Christian to beleeue trust for my saluation all things else which I shall neede onely in the name of the father the sonne and the holy ghost three persons and one true and euerlasting God And I doe thereby solemnly binde my selfe to Christ to keepe his commaundements to my power and to beleeue and trust in his merits death and passion for my saluation And so by Acts 22. 16. 15 9. Mar. 16 16. Tit. 3. 5. fayth in Christ I am sanctified by the spirite vnto eternall life The visible signe in Baptisme is water with which the person baptised is washed The spirituall and inuisible grace is 1. Cor. 6 1 1. Tit. 3. 5. forgiuenesse of sinnes and the renuing by the holy ghost After our Baptisme Christ with his grace by the working of the holy ghost doeth regenerate and frame the faithfull to newnesse of life by fayth and repentance so long as they liue here in this worlde whereby they hate sinne and the deuill and in the end ouercome them To be baptised in the name of the father the sonne and the holy ghost signifieth into the Religion profession and grace of the father the sonne and the holy ghost Baptisme is the solemne receyuing of vs into the holy Church and into Gods fauour therefore euery of vs are but once baptised in our whole life Although our baptisme doe require Baptisme of infants fayth and repentance yet the Baptisme of infants doth very well agree with the institution of Christ and the nature of the signe For the signes consist not in the outward ceremonies but principally Acts 2. 39. Gal. 3 7. 29. Gen. 17 7. 1. Cor. 12. 13. depende vppon the promise of saluation which belong also to the children of the faythfull and wee and our children by baptisme enter into the profession of God that we may be reckoned his people Also Baptisme hath the same office with vs as Circumcision had with the Iewes And God commanded the Iewes to circumcise their infants Infants Mat. 19 14. 15. mar 10. 14. 15. 16. Gal. 3. 29. are partakers of Christ and heyres by promise Therefore are not to be debarred from baptisme The children of Christians are accounted holy although they bee the 1. Cor 7 14. issue but of one faythfull parent Therefore the childe of a Christian may bee baptised The Prophet Ieremie and saint Iohn Baptist were sanctified in Iere. 1 5. Luke 1 15. their mothers wombes whereby plainly appeareth saluation is according to Gods election albeit the infant were Tit. 3. 5. 2 Thes 2. 13 neuer baptised God hath chosen vs before the foundation of the worlde So then saluation is not in him that willeth Ephe. 1. 4. Rom. 9 16 nor in him that runneth but in God that sheweth mercie Of the holy Communion THe holy Communion I receyue in remembraunce Luke 22. 19 20 1. Cor. 11 24. 25 26. Rom. 4 25. that Christ dyed for my sinnes and rose againe to giue mee and all the faythfull eternall life And in this holy Sacrament receyuing the same in true fayth and repentaunce I receyue by the 1. Cor. 13 2 3. working of the holy Ghost grace and vertue from heauen from the verie bodie and blood of our Sauiour Iesus Christ for out 1. Cor. 10 3 4 16 17. gal 2 20 Iohn 6 51 c. of the substance of his flesh he giueth life to my soule and the holy Ghost doeth thereby nourish my heart to beleeue faythfully in Christ his death and merits for my saluation and dwelleth in mee and vniteth mee vnto Christ And also maketh mee