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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17221 The summe of the foure Euangelistes comprehending both the course of the historie, and also the seuerall points of doctrine set foorth in the same pointing foorth as it were with the hand, that Iesus is Christ, the only, perfect, and sufficient Sauiour of all the faithfull. Written in Latine by the reuerend, learned, and godly father, Master Henrie Bullinger minister of the Church of Zurich. Translated into English for the profite of the vnlearned by Iohn Tomkys. Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; Tomkys, John. 1582 (1582) STC 4077; ESTC S118851 67,670 150

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toward Christ t In the 17. ve and also adding thereunto a most cleere voyce This is my dearelie beloued Sōne yea and so thorowly beloued that for his sake onely I am nowe thorowly pleased and reconciled to the worlde wherewith for their sinnes I was moste greeuously offended * The 4. chap. v From the 1. ver vnto the 12. And hee after so excellent a testimonie did not foorthwith preache him selfe and sette foorth himselfe to bee beholden and inioyed of all men but entering into the barries or wreastling place of most strong temptations wherein Adam fighting vnhappely was subdued hee nowe the second Adam contending more happelye both conquereth Satan the cōquerour and taught vs also to conquere him being conquered x From the 12 ver vnto the 18. and nowe beyng conquerour commeth foorth at the last with greate authoritye as the Lorde of the Deuill and of all thinges and promiseth his woorshippers life and euerye good thing yea and the kingdome of heauen also preaching the grace of GOD and the forgiuenesse of sinnes and exhorting all men to the amendement of lyfe y From the 18. verse vnto the 23. Furthermore that wee might vnderstande that this promising of life and preaching of grace doeth not onelye pertayne to the men of that age but also vnto all men whiche shoulde come after euen to the ende of the world hee chooseth to him selfe Disciples whom hee might appoynt witnesses in the worlde of all thinges which he spake and did and whom hee might thorowely teache the mysterye of lyfe that they beeyng perfectlye instructed might commende bothe by liuely voyce and by writinges liuing for euer the treasures of the grace of God bestowed through Christe vppon all the worlde and in all ages and that they might as it were distribute the same z From the 23. verse to the end of the chapter He addeth heereunto notable and greate benefites in curing by his vertue and power all diseases although vncurable a The vse of the Miracles of Christ For so doeth hee declare vnto vs all not onelye in woordes but also euen by his vertue and power that hee is euen suche as his doctrine setteth him foorth that is to say the Sauiour of the worlde whiche both is willing and able to saue them whiche woorshippe him and therefore they also ought to committe themselues by fayth to him onelye b A briefe remēbrance of the contentes of these two chapters before going These bee the holye and wholesome documentes whiche thou learnest in these two chapters so that the verye maiestie and profite of so greate a matter may cause thee to bee studious and diligent except thou bee altogether a stocke c A briefe repetition of the fourth chapter Emong other thinges whiche Matthewe hath sette foorth vnto vs in this fourth chapter before goyng hee hath giuen vs a certaine taste of the sermons of the doctrine of Christe touching repentaunce and forgiuenesse of sinnes that is to saye of the mysterye of the Gospell and grace of GOD I meane of the acknowledging and confessing of our sinnes and of the turning from our sinnes to the liuing GOD through the faith of Iesus Christ whereby wee obtayne remission of our sinnes and euerlasting life so many of vs as beleeue with all our heartes d A briefe argument of the 5.6 and 7. chapters nowe the same Authour Matthewe goeth forwarde and expoūdeth in the three chapters folowing other chiefe places also of the doctrine of Christ not vsing now his accustomed briefenesse that is to say regestring only the summe of the Lorde his talke but setting foorth at large Christe his whole sermon euen as it was made by himselfe that wee might thereby iudge more certainely and rightly of all the doctrine of Christ and that after repentance and remission of sinnes beeing two chiefe pointes of our religion wee might also more fully vnderstande other verye excellent places of Christian religion e The qualitie of Christ his Sermon The oration or sermon of Christe is spent in teaching and expounding and in some places also in giuing of preceptes beeyng therefore diuers and made of diuers matters * The 5 chap. f From the 1. ver vnto the 17. For first hee disputeth plainely of the true blessednesse or happinesse shewing in what thinges it doth consist and in the meane season priuily confuting the foolishe and corrupt opinions of the common people touching the true felicitie g From the 17. ver vnto the end of the chapter Then hee commeth to purge the lawe For the Pharisees had corrupted it with their traditions and made it obscure with their false expositions Therefore hee sheweth manifestly by certayne examples taken foorth of the lawe whiche is the naturall sense of the lawe and what the lawe of GOD requireth of vs setting foorth with all the difference of true and counterfaite righteousnesse * The 6. chap. h A briefe argument of the first part of the 6. chap. From the 1. ver vnto the 19 And because hee reasoned of righteousnesse and emonge all the woorkes of righteousnesse the moste excellent are almes or mercifulnesse or bountifulnesse also prayer or a feruent talking with God and fasting or the chastising of the bodye and of our fleshe therefore our Lorde purgeth these woorkes of righteousnesse or exercises of godlinesse from hypocrisie wherewith the Pharisees had polluted them restoring them to their auncient and naturall beautie i From the first verse vnto the 5. and shewing moste woorthily howe wee shoulde geue our almes aright k From the 5. verse vnto the 16. howe wee shoulde praye truelye l From the 16. verse vnto the 19 and howe wee shoulde fast religiously m A briefe reason of the treatise against couetousnes in the end of the chapter Herevppon forsomuche as it is moste manifest that none other affection doeth so greatelye withdrawe vs from all godlinesse and righteousnesse as the desire of hauing and the ouermuche curious carefulnesse for meate drynke and cloth and other thinges needefull n From the 19 verse vnto the end of the chapter Therefore in the fourth place hee disswadeth vs by his graue speache from couetousnesse and plucketh vp aptlye ouermuche carefulnesse that is to saie wicked mistrust foorth of the heartes of his seruauntes and ingraffeth agayne fayth towardes GOD and a faithfull desire of religion and righteousnesse * The seuēth chapter o From the 1. verse vnto the 7. Afterwardes signifiyng with greate faithfulnesse and diligence that the rashe iudgement of men touching other men I meane backebyting and sclaundering ought to bee auoyded he teacheth vs to vse our tongue moderately and rightly For there springeth no lesse troubles foorth of the abuse of the tongue than foorth of couetousnesse and the desire of hauing p From the 7 verse vnto the 12. Moreouer because all these thinges are made perfect in vs by diuine
For he cleanseth a Leper ſ From the 17. verse vnto the 27. He healeth a man sick of a palsie in whom also he declareth that he forgiueth sinnes to mē t From the 27 vers vnto the 33 And therfore he calleth iustifieth a notable Publicane Leui and defendeth him iustified and himselfe also from the malicious detractions of his enemies v In the 33.34 35. verses Where hee ioyneth aptly certaine disputations of fasting and prayers x Frō the 36. verse vnto the end of the chap. of fit and vnfit hearers of the Gospell * The 6 chap. z From the first ver vnto the 12. of the Sabboth and of holy dayes whereby hee reproueth errours and abuses and restoring the true doctrine maintaineth the same y Why the Apostles were called Hytherto our Lorde Redeemer Christe was made knowen vnto his Disciples called for this purpose peculiarlie that they might be instructed and made the masters and teachers of all the nations in the earth z From the 12 ver vnto the 17. vnto them hee adioyneth now certaine other also all the which he consecrating commaundeth to bee Apostles that is to say Legates or Ambassadours whome at the last hee might sende into the worlde a In the 17.18 19. verses But before he sendeth them foorth he instructeth them more fully and more familiarly For hee declareth againe to them who he is what he is able to doe marking foorth moreouer what kinde of doctrine they shoulde followe For in his deedes hee sheweth diuine vertue b From the 20 verse vnto the 24. and in his woordes hee teacheth which is the true doctrine which is the true felicitie c In the 24.25 26. verses which is infelicitie d From the 27. verse vnto the 39. which are the duties of godlinesse of the faithfull and that the Lorde doth exact most perfect iustice of his seruantes For Luke setteth downe the whole Sermon of the Lorde made in the great assembly of men and in the middest of his Disciples e From the 39. vers vnto the 46. In the which Sermon among other things the Lorde warneth vs diligently that we beware of false teachers of whom hee reasoneth not vndiligently f From the 46. vers vnto the end of the chap. adding in the end of the Sermon that it is not enough to heare the worde of God except wee doe expresse in godly deedes that which wee haue learned in the woorde * The 7. chap. g The vse of myracles Vnto this Sermon of the Lorde Luke ioyneth againe deedes whereby the Lorde sheweth his sauing vertue h From the 1. ver vnto the 11 For hee restoreth the Centurion his Seruant i From the 11. ver vnto the 18 Then hee rayseth vp from the dead the sonne of a certaine widowe of Nain shewing thereby that hee is the Lord of life death k In the 18.19 and 20. verses And the Disciples of Iohn are there propose a question to the Lorde l In the 21.22 23. verses by occasion whereof hee declareth him selfe to bee that looked fo Messias m From the 24 ver vnto the 29 And then he extolleth Iohn with most ample prayses that hee might moue the more to beleeue his witnes which cōstantly witnessed that Iesus was Christe n From the 29 verse vnto the 36. Lastly hee most sharply reprooueth the want of beliefe of the Pharisees whereby he sheweth that it came to passe that they perished through their owne vice and fault o From the 36 verse vnto the ende of the chapter Forthwith he addeth an example wherby it may euidētly appeare how the Pharisees trusting too much in thē selues refuse Christ howe sinners beleeuing receiue him there is brought in a sinfull womā vnto whō her sinnes be freely forgiuē the Pharisees speaking much against it * The 8. chap. p Frō the 1. ver vnto the 22. These thinges being in this maner sette foorth Luke bringeth in againe the Lorde teaching and the people flocking to him in very great companies whereby they giue him occasiō to teach by a similitude what the nature of the word of God is what diuersitie there is of hearers and that hee doth not approue all hearers but thē only which bring forth fruite q From the 22 verse vnto the 26 After these thinges is placed the description of a tempest and howe a calme was restored by the Lorde to the disciples which were merueilously troubled who here also as well as other where often doeth declare that he hath power ouer tempests r From the 26. ver vnto the 41. and that he is the conquerour of Satan For with no weapons but with his word only he casteth out and putteth to flight all the legion of Deuils ſ From the 41. ver vnto the 49 Moreouer hee healeth a certaine woman beeing troubled with an issue of blood whiche coulde not bee cured t From the 49. ver vnto the end of the chapter and rayseth from the dead Iairus his daughter In all these things hee instructeth in true faith and godlines the mindes of the faithfull and chiefly of his disciples * The 9. chap. v In the 1. 2 verses whom being nowe a good while instructed hee sendeth forth at the last to the office of preaching x From the 3. ver vnto the 10. giuing them certaine peculier preceptes whiche prescribed vnto them howe they shoulde behaue them selues y In the 10. ver And the Lorde very frendly receiueth them returning and hauing dispatched their businesse happely z In the 11. ver instructing them nowe more fully that he might prepare thē for greater matters and confirme them in the trueth a From the 12 ver vnto the 18. Hee maketh the people a feast b In the 18. and 19. verses He asketh whome the people say that he is c In the 20. verse and what the disciples thinke of him d In the 20 ver also and in the 21 and 22. verses where the confession of a true faith is set foorth e From the 23 ver vnto the 28 In the same place he teacheth the denying of ones selfe f From the 28 ver vnto the 37 and is transformed in the sight of the chosen disciples g From the 37 ver vnto the 44 And he ouercometh and putteth to flight againe the Deuill rebelling and most fiercely raging h In the 44 45. verses Hee intreateth of his passion and death i In the 46 47. 48 ver And forthwith hee teacheth most diligently his disciples humilitie modestie he plucketh vp by the roote ambition and pride k In the 49. and 50 verses where he teacheth also that no man is to be contemned or reiected whiche by any maner of meanes seteth forward the glorie of Christ And