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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12088 The blessednes of the Virgin Marie the mother of our Lord Iesvs Christ. Shaw, John, 1559-1625. 1618 (1618) STC 22391; ESTC S103212 48,106 180

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the name of his elder brother and in his clothing so we putting on the Lord Iesus Christ Phil. 3.9 may be found in him not hauing our owne righteousnesse which is of the Law but that which is through the faith of Christ and may say with the Church or seede which the Lord hath blessed I will greatly reioyce in the Lord Isa 61.10 my soule shall be ioyfull in my God for he hath clothed me with the garments of saluation he hath couered me with the robe of righteousnesse as a bridegroome decketh himselfe with ornaments and as a bride adorneth her selfe with iewels Now concerning faith we do not teach nor beleeue that we are iustified or saued for our faith or the worthinesse of it but we cleaue to the word and beleeue as therein we are taught namely Gal. 3.11 The iust shall liue by his faith We are iustified by faith haue peace with God Rom. 5.1 Gal. 3.26 We are all the children of God by faith in Christ Iesus To him that worketh not Rom. 4.5 but beleeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodly his faith is COVNTED to him for righteousnesse And that comfortable bill of acquittance Act. 13.38 Be it knowne vnto you men and brethren that through this man is preached vnto you forgiuenesse of sinnes and from all things from which ye could not be iustified by the law of Moses by him euery one that beleeueth is iustified Vnderstand for a fuller clearenesse in this point that like as it is said of Timothie continuing in holinesse and sound doctrine 1. Tim. 4.6 In doing this thou shall saue thy selfe and them that heare thee It is not meant that Timothie or any Minister doth saue otherwise then as instruments Who is Paul 1. Cor. 3.5 or who is Apollos but Ministers by whom ye beleeued So though no other faith iustifieth but that which worketh by loue the same neither iustifying together with loue nor faith hauing his efficacie from loue yet faith which saueth Eph. 2.8 Ye are saued by grace through faith and not of your selues it is the gift of God saueth not as it is a worke or as it worketh by loue but as it receiueth Christ Iohn 1.11 that in him we may be righteous Euen as fire giueth comfort to the frozen and be nummed with cold not by the light thereof but by the heate of it As God giueth his Sonne vnto vs and in him eternall life so giueth he also to euery of his faith to be as a hand to receiue the gift so that they which receiue abundance of grace Rom. 5.17 and of the gift of righteousnesse shal reigne in life by one Iesus Christ It is true that true faith is neuer alone that is it is not fruitlesse barren or idle as that in Hypocrites but it is effectuall or there is a worke of faith 1. Thes 1.3 and labour of loue Yet it alone and no other grace iustifieth as to them that will be wise according to the word it is very manifest Gal. 2.16 Knowing that a man is not iustified by the workes of the Law but by the faith of Iesus Christ euen we haue beleeued in Iesus Christ that we might be iustified by the faith of Christ and not by the works of the Law for by the works of the Law shall no flesh be iustified This needeth no further declaration but is as cleare as that short speech of Christ to the same effect Mar. 5.36 Onely beleeue And that also Luke 8.50 Feare not beleeue onely and she shall be made whole And this doctrine maintaineth Christs honour and extolleth his bountie who giueth to the thirstie of the fountaine of the water of life freely Reu. 21.6 And it giueth to the broken in heart and sorrowfull soule much and sound comfort in greatest conflicts and terrors of conscience and when for sinne Satan would draw vs to despaire Let vs then cheare vp our hearts refresh our fainting spirits with the holy harmonie of the Apostles all of thē so sweetly sounding out this learning of our blessednesse by faith in Iesus Christ Saint Iude thus exhorteth Iude 21. Build vp your selues on your most holy faith looking for the mercy of our Lord Iesus Christ vnto eternall life Iames requireth we aske in faith Iam. 1.6 nothing wauering Iohn assureth vs that it is the commandement 1. Ioh. 3.23 that we should beleeue on the name of his Sonne Iesus Christ Paul setteth downe very briefly the summe of the Gospell Beleeue in the Lord Iesus Christ Act. 16.31 and thou shalt be saued Peter in a great assembly taught Act. 15.9 that God put no difference betweene them and vs after that by faith he had purged their hearts Why tempt ye God to lay a yoke on the disciples necks which neither our fathers nor we are able to beare but we beleeue through the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ to be saued euen as they do Yea To him giue all the Prophets witnesse Act. 10.43 that through his Name whosoeuer beleeueth in him shall receiue remission of sinnes A fourth obiection If good works do not answer the righteousnesse of Gods Law nor iustifie nor satisfie nor merite before God it may seeme they are vile in your eyes or at least you make small account of them and you set a doore wide open to carnall liberty and all licentiousnesse of liuing O be it farre from all that professe Christianitie so to thinke or speake for good workes are a maine part of that worship of God which he commandeth and will call vs to account for they are the end of our Election assurances of our Calling companions of our Iustification the practise of Sanctification forerunners of Glorification the effects of grace the life of Religion the beauty of Christianitie witnesses of faith nurses of hope fruites of loue euidences of thankfulnesse our sacrifice to God our acceptance with men the difference betweene Saints and reprobates the truth of repentance a turning from dead workes preseruatiues from scandals a lasting debt and dutie they adde honour to our profession peace to our consciences further our reckning they are seales of saluation the way to the kingdome follow vs to Gods tribunall they are our walking in the waies of God and our blamelesse conuersation without which we are as fruitlesse trees fitted for the fire and hypocrites that without all helpe shall be cast into hell for as the word of truth teacheth Heb. 12.14 Without holinesse no man shall see the Lord. Take knowledge then and be minded that we beleeue and teach both a necessitie of good works and sundry excellent vses of them A necessitie of good works we do beleeue First because of Gods commandement Psal 119.4 Thou hast commanded that we should keepe thy precepts diligently Leu. 19.2 Be ye holy for I am holy This is the will of God 1. Thes 4.3 euen your
saluation to them that obey him This most holy Heb. 7.25 high PRIEST is perfectly able to SAVE them that come to God by him seeing he euer liueth He is our REDEEMER Ephes 1.7 In whom we haue redemption through his bloud He is our RIGHTEOVSNES Rom. 5.19 By the obedience of one many shall be made righteous He is our RECONCILER 10. When we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Sonne He is the MEDIATOR of the new Couenant Heb. 12.24 9.24 entred into heauen now to appeare in the presence of God for vs. He is our ADVOCATE with the Father 1. Ioh. 2.2 and the propitiation for our sinnes he is at the right hand of God Rom. 8.33 and maketh intercession for vs. BATHSHEBA the mother of King Salomon had great cause to blesse God that gaue her a sonne so great so good who gaue such honor vnto his mother as is remēbred in the holy word 1. Kin. 2.19 that The King rose vp to meete her and sate downe on his Throne and he caused a seate to be set for the Kings mother and she sate at his right hand But blessed Marie had a greater and better sonne euen him Rom. 14.11 to whom all knees bow euen him of whom it is said Let all the Angels of God worship him Heb. 1.6 This sonne did highly honour his mother First in his subiection to her for it is written that he was obedient to her Luk. 2.51 Secondly in his holy care for her and that in his extreme anguish on the crosse Ioh. 19.25 There stoode by the crosse of Iesus his mother and when he saw her and the Disciple standing by whom he loued he saith vnto his mother Woman behold thy Sonne then saith he to the Disciple Behold thy mother and from that houre that Disciple tooke her vnto his owne home And whereas conformitie to Gods image and sound holinesse is a great part of true blessednesse this most godly Virgine shewed forth singular and rare vertues for being at a Mariage with Christ at Cana in Galile her Loue and Compassion was made euident when she spake to her sonne They haue no wine Ioh. 2.3 her meeknesse that kept silence when Christ rebuked her also her godlinesse in directing perswading to that which is the summe of our duty most agreeable to that voice of God from heauen Heare him Mat. 17.5 when she exhorted saying Iohn 2.5 Whatsoeuor he saith vnto you do it She suffered much affliction for Christ and so was partaker of that dignity of the Saints Phil. 1.29 that both beleeue in Christ and suffer for his sake both when she liued as an exile with him in Egypt Mat. 2.14 as also whē Simeons prophecie was fulfilled in his bitter passion Luk. 2.35 A sword shall passe through thy soule She persisted constantly in the profession of Religion and continued in and with the holy Church and assembly of the Saints in all true holinesse as it is said They all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication Act. 1.14 with the women and Marie the mother of Iesus and with his brethren Thus it appeareth euidently that she was a blessed mother of a most blessed Sonne euen blessed among and aboue all women The first vse and fruite for Confutation We knowing and beleeuing the wonderfull conception and birth of our Lord Iesus Christ do controll the madnesse and confute the damnable heresies of all that impugne the two distinct natures of that one person Immanuel Isa 7.14 who is the Sonne of God eternally and the sonne of Marie borne of her wombe in the fulnesse of time decreed before the world was made or that any way derogate from his Propheticall Priestly or kingly offices by which he wrought the saluation of his Church This doctrine soundly grounded on the word of God refuteth the Iewes of this age that yet waite for MESSIAH who is already come in humilitie to redeeme his Saints and will the second time come in glorie Heb. 9.28 to crowne them and confound his foes 2. Thes 1.8 and will then repay vengeance to all them that know not God and obey not the Gospell of our Lord Iesus Christ. Yea moreouer As euery spirit that confesseth that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God so euerie spirit that confesseth not 1. Ioh. 4.2 that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God and this is that spirit of Antichrist whereof ye haue heard that it should come and euen now already is in the world There is no other true Messiah but Iesus Christ the Sonne of the virgine Marie whose blessed mouth hath said Iohn 8.24 Except ye beleeue that I am he ye shall die in your sinnes The second vse and fruite for confirmation Our holy faith and soundest comfort are confirmed strongly in the ancient gracious Couenant of God made in Paradise often renewed to the Patriarches and Church of the Iewes accomplished when God was manifested in the flesh dwelt among vs when Christ was borne of the Virgine Marie as it is written In the fulnesse of time Gal. 4.4 God sent forth his Sonne made of a woman made vnder the Law to redeeme them that were vnder the Law that we might receiue the adoption of Sonnes Rom. 10.10 With the heart we do beleeue and with the mouth we confesse that Iesus Christ conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the Virgine Marie is the Immanuel God with-vs foretold by the Prophet Isaias made like vnto vs in all things Heb. 4.15 Ioh 1.29 yet without sinne Euen that Lambe of God which taketh away the sinne of the world Euen he by whom all effectually called Heb. 9.14 receiue the promise of eternall inheritance For be it that we all were conceiued in sinne and borne in iniquitie and corrupted in all the parts of our soules and bodies yet the Conception Birth whole nature of Christ our Sauiour was fully sanctified by being vnited to his Godhead and imputed to vs so that the holinesse of Iesus is a robe to couer all our sinfulnesse and whereby we shall stand most gloriously in Gods sight in the great day of the Lord. For as Ester Ester 5.3 aduanced from low estate to be a great Queene had not this dignity put vpon her for her selfe alone but also for the comfort of all her kinred euen all the Iewes so that the glorious Messiah was borne of the blessed Virgine Marie was not her blessednesse alone but redounded to the ioy honour and saluation of all that beleeue in him Rom. 10.11 be they Iewes or Gentiles This high holy and comfortable mysterie why God would become man to worke mans saluation though it be greater then can be well expressed yet let vs endeuour stammeringly to vtter what we haue learned therein Iudg. 9.8 And as Iotham in
euery one whereof deserueth Gods curse and damnation yet if we be truly humbled for them seeke vnto Christ and beleeue Heb. 10.19 We haue boldnesse to enter into the Holiest by the bloud of Iesus and are commanded that we draw not backe vnto perdition Heb. 10.39 but be of them that beleeue to the sauing of the soule For albeit our sinnes are as bonds death as a tormentor hell an eternall prison the diuell as a sergeant to arrest and as a iaylor there to keepe vs because we are indebted ten thousand talents to the great King who will haue the debt payd and we are vtterly vnable yet one comfort Ioh. 8.36 and but one is left vs. If the Sonne make you free ye shall be free indeed Now he hath freed the beleeuing as our High-priest Heb. 7.22 and as our suretie paying our debts to God for vs. Christ hath once suffered for sinnes 1. Pet. 3.18 the iust for the vniust that he might bring vs to God Colos 2.14 Yea hath blotted out the handwriting that was against vs and is a iustifier of him which beleeueth in Iesus Rom. 3.26 And like as Abraham with a strong hand rescued Lot his kinsman Gen. 14.16 when he was vnder the captiuitie of his enemies after the like manner Iesus our King and kinsman Colos 2.15 conquered Satan spoyled principalities and powers and deliuered vs out of his clawes For when the Iudge and the Law are satisfied what hath the Iaylor any more to molest the prisoner Yea such is Christs louing kindnesse to all vnfeined repenting sinners that beleeue with the whole heart seeke to him Tit. 2.14 that He redeemeth them from all iniquitie withall doth purifie them to himselfe a peculiar people zealous of good works A second obiection and doubt Iam. 2.21 Was not Abraham our father iustified by workes when he had offered Isaac his sonne vpon the altar Out of these words of S. Iames some gather that to be freed from sin so to obtaine blessednesse for blessed is the man to whom God imputeth none iniquitie is for the merit and worthinesse of good workes To which we answer that not onely the words but the true meaning of them is diligently to be pondred lest we should thinke one Scripture to be contrary to another which cannot be Gather we then the true sense of them from the word it selfe for as no man can see the Sunne that shineth but by the light of the Sunne so neither attaine we to the right vnderstanding of the word but by the other Scriptures as this may clearely be vnfolded by the words of S. Iames going before For he well knowing that many who by their profession were Christians but in their conuersation Libertines and Epicures such as made shew of Religion but denied the power of it speakers of the word of God but not doers of his will euen such as turned the grace of God into wantonnesse laboureth to set before them the danger thereof and how they deceiued themselues either not vnderstanding or not regarding the nature of true faith he maketh it plaine to them that they had no true faith and by this argument that they had not such workes as necessarily proceed from a right faith Reasoning as our Lord Iesus Christ did Iohn 8.39 If ye were Abrahams children ye would do the workes of Abraham but ye go about to kill me that tell you the truth this did not Abraham Assuring them that faith if it haue no workes is dead in it self Iam. 2.20 Wilt thou know O vaine man that faith without workes is dead For as where there is no heate there is no fire so where there is no good fruit there is no true faith But where faith is there workes follow and flow from it as Abraham by a rare and readie obedience in a seruice so contrary to nature and in appearance also to the great promise made vnto him did make it manifest what true trust and stedfastnesse of faith he had in the Lords holy promises By faith Heb. 11.17 Abraham when he was tried offered vp Isaac and he that had receiued the promises offered vp his onely begotten sonne of whom it was said In Isaac shall thy seed be called God gaue testimonie of these fruites of faith when he said Gen. 22.12 Lay not thy hand on the child for now I know thou fearest God seeing thou hast not withheld thy sonne thy onely sonne from me On the other side an hypocriticall and dead faith Mat. 21.19 is like the fig tree with faire leaues but hath no fruite on it or if it haue a fruite all we reade of is compared to the faith of diuels the fruite feare and trembling Thou beleeuest there is one God Iam. 2.19 thou doest well the diuels also beleeue and tremble But true faith hath with it ioy and gladnesse 1. Pet. 1.8 Though ye see him not yet do you beleeue and reioyce with ioy vnspeakable and glorious The manner of speech which the holy Ghost vseth must be carefully obserued if we will not fall into heresies What a dangerous noueltie of speaking is it to say holy works done in faith are satisfactory and meritorious of eternall life whereas the word of God onely saith Heb. 11.4 That they obtaine witnesse of righteousnesse As we reade By faith Abel offered vnto God a more excellent sacrifice ●hen Cain by which he obtained witnesse that he was righteous As faith that is effectuall and fruitfull giueth glorie to God for his goodnesse and true performance of all his holy promises in their appointed time so the works that spring out of it beare witnesse to our selues and others that we are not fruitlesse trees which are neare the curse but planted by the waters side that bring forth fruit in due season whereby God is glorified our hearts comforted and the faithfull praise God for vs. But on the contrary such as haue a bare knowledge assent vnto the truth or presumptuous perswasion not rightly grounded such as beleeue there is a God but beleeue not in God hauing no assurance he is their God their gaines in the end is to be deceiued of their hope and to be put in feare horror and trembling Yea the fearefull and vnbeleeuing shall haue their part in the lake which Reu. 21.8 burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death If any will yet persist to presse the words of Iames we vrge his words for our assertion who saith Iam. 2.23 The Scripture was fulfilled which saith Abraham beleeued God and it was imputed vnto him for righteousnesse and he was called the friend of God But to reconcile Paul and Iames vnderstand that Iames speaketh how Abraham was iustified declaratiuely but Paul actiuely or effectually which distinction ariseth both from the words handling of the subiect in question If we would compare Genes 15.6 with Genes
THE BLESSEDNES OF MARIE the Mother of IESVS LVKE Blessed art thou among women Blessed is she that beleeued All generations shall call me blessed ANCHORA SPEI LONDON Printed by RICHARD FIELD dwelling in Great Woodstreete 1618. TO THE RIGHT VVORSHIPFVLL AND WORTHY LADIE Ladie DOROTHY ZOVCH the vertuous wife of Sir EDWARD ZOVCH Knight at Oking IOHN SHAW desireth increase of all true comfort here and hereafter euerlasting blessednesse THe Scripture of truth wherein the mysteries of Religion are treasured vp hath three amongst others not a litle more eminent most worthie of our daylie and holiest meditations They are by some called Bernardus in Vigilia Natalis The wonders of wonders are in themselues most admirable and surpassing comfortable for vse manifested by the Highest Ioh. Heid feldius for the sure blessednesse of all Gods children without which all men had perished eternally Not to speake of the blessed Trinitie the greatest of all mysteries the three here meant are three Vnions or Couplings in one of things in themselues most different The first is the Vnion of the Godhead to Manhood in the person of Iesus Christ whereby he is God and man Immanuel God with vs. The second is the Coupling of Motherhood and Virginitie in one woman the blessed Marie whereby her Sonne is called The Sonne of man The third is the begetting of Sauing-faith in the soule of sinfull man whereby a sonne of Adam becometh a childe of God an heire of saluation The first and third of these mysteries are ioyntlie declared by Paul in these words Great is the mysterie of godlinesse 1. Tim. 3.16 God was manifested in the flesh Beleeued on in the world The second was foretold by the Prophet Isaiah Isa 7.14 Behold a Virgine shall conceiue and beare a Sonne These are comfortable secrets which none fruitfully know but the Lords heritage that are taught by his Spirit These manifest how God is neare vnto vs and dwelleth with vs and in vs as in his holy Tabernacle These are the appointed means of our saluation and blessednes These mysteries so high and holy must be sought into by humble and earnest prayer with much reuerence of heart by reading hearing and intentiue meditation we must beleeue them and reioyce greatly in the sound and lasting consolation they bring vnto vs. When man by his sinne was wofully fallen from God and the blessednesse wherein he was set and by his Apostasie had cast himselfe and his posteritie into the state of damnation then euen then did God manifest his vnspeakeable loue in restoring him againe into the fauour of his Creator and to the hope of a greater blisse then that which he had lost It was agreeable to the Lords holynesse for manifesting his mercy and iustice that as man made the fault so man should make the amends But man alone could not do it the Creator onely could repaire the creature God therefore becometh man that so he might throughly do it And he was manifested in the flesh not for a small time as he appeared to the Patriarches but the second Person in Trinitie Iohn 1.14 The WORD euen the only begotten of the Father was made flesh and dwelt among vs full of grace and truth That man might be made partaker of the diuine nature enioy eternall peace with God The Captaine of our saluation tooke not on him the nature of Angels Heb. 2.16 but he to tooke on him the seed of Abraham in all things it behoued him to be made like his brethren that he might be a mercifull and faithfull High-priest in things pertaining to God to make Reconciliation for the sinnes of the people This is the first high glorious and comfortable mysterie The second craueth of vs like holy admiration and firme faith Will God dwell in a Tabernacle in a Temple or as Salomon saith 1. King 8.27 Wil God indeed dwell on the earth will he that made the heauens take flesh of the wombe of a Virgine haue her indeed to be his mother and yet she continue a pure and vndefiled maide Yes assuredly it is a wonder without all example and a miraculous worke of him Psal 146.4 that alone worketh wonders Motherhood and virginitie meete in Marie the most blessed of women in her alone And hath correspondencie to that admirable Creation in the beginning where Eue the mother of all liuing was miraculously made out of the side of man alone so of the wombe of a woman alone was borne the holy Messiah euen Iesus Christ our Lord for the fulfilling of the Couenant of grace which God made with man The womans seede shall bruise the serpents head Gen. 3.15 This is the second secret and high mysterie of Christian Religion The third wonder is that faith and mans soule so meet that man who is a sinfull sonne of Adam by faith becometh a child of God according as it is written Gal. 3.26 Ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Iesus Here we may take vp Dauids words and say Psal 144.3 Lord what is man that thou takest knowledge of him or the sonne of man that thou makest account of him The difficultie of sound beleeuing in the Messiah the Sauiour of his elect and the wonderfull mercy of God in that rare grace will better appeare if we call to minde how that euen in Paradise man beleeued not God when he said Gen. 2.17 Thou shalt die the death and did beleeue the diuel Gen. 3.4 Ye shall not surely die Now that man is fallen from integrity and captiued in Originall and Actuall sin to beleeue a promise of eternall life that God will make him an heire of heauen for Iesus sake is aboue all humane learning sense and reason And this hope and confidence is onely in that litle flocke where Gods Spirit doth powerfully worke it How few beleeue Isaiah complaineth Isa 53.1 Who hath beleeued our report and to whom is the arme of the Lord reuealed How great a work of God faith is Paul witnesseth Who beleeue according to the working of his mighty power Ephes 1.19 which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead Certainlie as there was a darknesse in all Egypt that might be felt Exod. 10.22 but all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings Euen so all the chosen Israel of God now haue Christ the light of the world dwelling in their hearts by faith But the whole world of Hypocrites and vnbeleeuers loue darknesse and abide in it for euermore Hereupon it followeth that Iewes Turkes Pagans Vnbeleeuers and Hypocrites who haue no communion by faith with the Sonne of God manifested in the flesh abide vnder the curse and wrath of the Almighty But the chosen litle flocke to whom the mysteries of Christs kingdome are known who soundly and with all their heart beleeue in Iesus Christ the Son of God conceiued by the holy Ghost
reioyceth in God MY Sauiour It was no affectation of singularitie in that gracious woman to say MY Sauiour as though he had bene hers alone But so she well expressed the life of true and liuely faith vnto vs. And after her example euery Christian for himselfe is to beleeue his owne saluation building his assurance first on Gods loue in Christ 2. Cor. 5.19 reconciling vs to himselfe Secondly and on the truth of Gods free and vnchangeable promises sealed in our hearts by the spirit of adoption We receiued not the spirit of the world 1. Cor. 2.12 but the spirit which is of God that we might KNOW the things that are freely giuen vs of God It is a conceit without warranty to think this was a prerogatiue granted to her alone or to Peter Paul or some few that haue it by reuelation for euery one that is effectually called doth particularly with such application to himselfe so beleeue as she did and hath no sound and certaine comfort till he so beleeue Marke it heedfully how Paul so applieth to himselfe the promise of life and then to all euery of the faithfull that loue Christs coming I haue kept the faith 2. Tim. 4.8 henceforth is laid vp for ME the crowne of righteousnesse which the Lord the righteous Iudge shall giue ME at that day and not to ME onely but to ALL them also that loue his appearing He that doth not beleeue particularly and faithfully that Christ Iesus is His Sauiour his beleefe is no better then the faith of diuels they beleeue Christ is a Sauiour to some men but they beleeue not that he is their Sauiour As of old euery one that sprinkled his dore posts with the bloud of the Paschall Lambe Exod. 12.13 was assured by the promise of God that he should escape the destroying hand of the Angell so euery one is baptized seuerally that he may haue a personall beleefe that His sinnes are washed away in Christs bloud and He shall escape the wrath to come Philip will not baptize the Eunuch till he professe such a faith Act. 8.37 Thou mayest be baptized if thou beleeuest with all thine heart We haue a cloud of witnesses of the holy ones that thus apart to themselues applied the promises of God whose steps we must follow if we wil haue true peace in our soules Iob expresseth his faith apartly and particularly thus Iob. 19.25 I KNOW that MY redeemer liueth In Isaias we reade My soule shall be ioyfull in MY God Isa 61.10 In Abacuk I will reioyce in the Lord Abac. 3.18 I will ioy in the God of MY saluation In Zacharie I will say it is my people Zach. 8.8 and they shall say the Lord is MY God So Dauid Psal 27.1 The Lord is MY light and MY saluation Elizabeth the mother of Iohn Baptist Luke 1.43 Whence cometh this to me that the mother of MY Lord should come to me Thomas the Apostle after he was healed of his vnbeleefe could say MY God MY Lord. Ioh. 20.28 Paul most holily acknowledgeth I liue by the faith in the Sonne of God Gal. 2.20 who hath loued ME and giuen himselfe for ME. It is no presumption to beleeue all that God hath promised nor to waite for all he intends to giue vs. But it is the great sinne for which the holy Ghost will reproue the world Because they beleeue not on Christ Ioh. 16.9 As a wounded man hath not comfort of his incarnatiue plaister till it be laid on his sore so haue we no fruit of Gods sweete promises till we apply thē close to our soules Who knoweth not that the commandements Thou shalt not kil nor commit adulterie nor steale are giuen to euery of vs as if he had said Thou Iohn Thomas Peter c. shall obey me when I say Thou shalt not kill c. So the promises of saluation for comfort are spoken to vs as if he named euery beleeuer seuerally It will do thee no good nor put any comfort into thy soule to beleeue the resurrection of the dead and life euerlasting except thou beleeue that thou thy selfe shalt at the end of the world rise againe and enioy life euerlasting ●●ias prophecying of the coming of the Messias into the world Isa 9.6 saith not onely A Child is borne but vnto VS a childe is borne vnto VS a sonne is giuen So the Angels that were messengers of glad tidings say Luke 2.11 Vnto YOV is borne this day a Sauiour which is Christ the Lord. So the Prophets and Apostles lay downe to their hearers their particular sinnes particular punishments and particular comforts when they repent Our dutie and comfort it shall be where God speaketh to all his generally to apply it our selues particularly As Seeke ye my face my heart answered vnto thee O Lord Psal 27.8 I will seeke thy face The third vse and fruite Is comfort and reioycing for the certainty of blessednesse by faith in Christ Iesus So the Virgine Marie hauing much assurance of her owne saluation Luke 1.47 Her spirit reioyced in God her Sauiour So the Lord bad his seauentie disciples Luk. 10.20 Reioyce that their names were writtten in heauen Now reioycing which God commandeth is for good things that are certaine and not vncertaine Be it so that such as know not that the Lords loue is towards them are euer full of doubting and vncertaintie and say the Apostles Disciples of Christ by Christs reuelation might be sure and certaine of their owne personall and seuerall saluation but so cannot others Let such be put in mind that where true faith is there is also a true assurance of blessednesse the holy Ghost teaching vs that faith assurance and reioycing in the Lord go together Rom. 5.1 Iustified by faith we haue peace with God through our Lord Iesus Christ by whom also we haue accesse by faith into the grace wherein we stand and REIOYCE in hope of the glorie of God Phil. 4 4. Againe Reioyce in the Lord alway Agreeable whereto is that in Peter 1. Pet. 1.8 In whom though ye now see him not yet beleeuing YE REIOYCE with ioy vnspeakeable and full of glorie And for assurance and certaintie the holy exhortation is Heb. 10.22 Let vs draw neare with a true heart in full assurance of faith We could not attaine to this assurance of Gods loue But that we haue receiued the Spirit which is of God 1. Cor. 2.12 that we might KNOW the things that are freely giuen to vs of God He it is that perswades our hearts infallibly enabling vs to beleeue the power truth and loue of God to vs. 1. Pet. 1.5 We are kept by the power of God through faith vnto saluation What more assurance can we desire or what surer ground of reioycing then to know that we are kept for saluation and saluation kept for vs as it is there also said
1. Pet. 1.4 That the inheritance incorruptible is reserued in heauen for you Yea that we might haue strong consolation we haue the Lords oath Heb. 6.18 abundantly to shew to the heires of promise the immutabilitie of Gods counsell for blessing vs. And as the Lord is true in his promises so is he cōstant in his loue the word witnessing that Iohn 13.1 Hauing loued his owne which were in the world he loued them vnto the end Hence it is that we haue boldnesse Ephes 3.12 Heb. 4.16 Rom. 5.2 1. Thes 1.5 and accesse with confidence by faith of him Knowing the power of the word The Gospell comming vnto vs in power and in the holy Ghost and in much assurance and the power of faith that it is a ground or confidence Heb. 11.1 A substance of things hoped for the euidence of things not seene The phrase or speech of Scripture is not to doubt of Gods loue to weene trow or thinke well but to haue cōfidence assurance to beleeue and to know Iohn 6.69 We beleeue and know that thou art Christ the Sonne of the liuing God Rom. 4.21 Abraham was strong in faith fully perswaded that what God had promised he was able to performe Most comfortable are the words in Iohn Behold what manner of loue the Father hath bestowed vpon vs that we should be called the sonnes of God Now are we the sonnes of God 1. Ioh. 3.2 and it doth not yet appeare what we shall be but WE KNOW that when he shall appeare we shall be like vnto him for we shall see him as he is Paul vseth much vehemencie herein 2. Cor. 13.5 Proue your selues whether ye be in the faith examine your selues KNOW YE not your owne selues how that Christ Iesus is in you except ye be reprobates And in another place 1. Cor. 3.16 KNOW YE not that ye are the Temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you Martha speaking of her brother Lazarus that was dead saith Ioh. 11.24 I KNOW that he shall rise againe in the resurrection at the last day Can we know a certainty of the resurrection of the dead and may we not as well know the other parts of our faith which we confesse a particular and true assurance of the forgiuenesse of our sinnes and of our liuing euerlastingly in the kingdome of Christ Sure we are the Lord checketh doubting and reproueth staggering mistrust fearefulnesse vnbeleefe and wauering where we haue any promise to stay vpon Iam. 1.7 Let not him that wauereth thinke that he shall receiue any thing of the Lord. Mat. 21.21 Mat. 14.3 If ye haue faith and doubt not O thou of little faith wherefore didst thou doubt and Why are ye fearefull Mat. 8.26 O ye of little faith If it be obiected that very faithfull and holy men haue doubted bene deiected and bewrayed their lacke of this assurance of faith as Ionas Ionas 2.4 when he said I am cast out of thy sight Dauid when he brake out Is his mercie cleane gone for euer Psal 77.9 doth his promise faile for euermore Iob when he ran into extremitie of passion Iob 6.9 O that God would destroy me that he would let his hand go cut me off To these and the like we returne this answer that like as the beautifull Sunne is sometime eclipsed and the light of it to vs-ward is diminished for a time and as Iacob when he had preuailed with God and got a blessing Gen. 32.31 yet halted on the one thigh so the holiest vpon the earth fall faile in dutie and yet recouer thēselues through the seed of grace which God hath put in them 1. Ioh. 3.9 and so constantly to the end persist in grace and sanctimonie Yet to make it plaine by a fuller manifestation know First that at the first conuersion of a sinner he hath not full assurance of Gods loue to him but beleeuing his sinnes are pardonable afterward by spirituall growth he cometh to perswasion they are pardoned lastly to an infallible assurance and certainty thereof as we reade of Abraham Rom. 4.21 8.38 and Paul Faith is first like a bud then a blossome and after fruite of a full growth Eze. 47.3 As the waters that issued out from vnder the Temple first tooke the Prophet to the ancles thē to the knees after to the loynes lastly became a riuer that could not be passed ouer so are the graces of God in his children small at the first and haue their growth both by degrees and by attending to the word of his grace 2. Thes 1.3 So Paul thanked God that the faith of the Thessalonians grew daily 2. Secondly by some fall into a heinous sinne faith is much weakned euen as a mans body is by a sharpe and sore disease which moued Dauid to cry Psal 51.11 Cast me not away from thy presence take not thy holy spirit from me restore to me the ioy of thy saluation and stablish me with thy free spirit 3. Thirdly in time of grieuous tentations when Satans suggestions moue him to thinke hardly of God and to thinke of himselfe that he is but an hypocrite deceiuing both himselfe and others though God be good to his Saints yet hath he forsaken him that he is no true member of Christs Church but as a dead branch Notwithstanding this fall in the spirituall combate there is a recouerie Psal 37.24 God putting his hand vnder that though he fall yet he falleth not away In such fearefull skirmishes it is with Gods elect as it was with the Patriarch Iacob in his trials for he once thought that he had lost three of his children Ioseph is not Gen. 42.36 and Simeon is not and ye will take Beniamin yet through the kindnesse of his God he receiued them all three againe to the great ioy and gladnesse of his heart So when faith seemeth to be quite lost and extinguished or at the most like a sparkle of fire couered with embers yet where it once was in truth it is recouered fully as in Dauid and Peter and manifesteth it selfe Mat. 8.25 somewhile in 1. Prayer for though fainting faith said We perish yet strugling and recouering faith cryed Ionas 2.7 Lord saue vs. Ionas soule fainted in him Yet remembred the Lord and his prayer came to him in his holy Temple Otherwise by 2. Hope On thee O Lord do I waite Psal 38.15 thou wilt heare me my Lord my God Why art thou cast downe my soule why art thou disquieted within me Waite on God for I will yet giue him thankes he is my present helpe and my God In 3. Humiliation also 2. Sam. 15.26 If he say I haue no delight in thee behold here am I let him do to me as seemeth good in his eies The perplexitie of some in sundrie temptations is not vnlike Dauids and his men at Ziglag
care is now to walke with God To trust in him for aye On him to hope and him to loue In all things to obey 1. Cor. 10.31 Psal 145.2 Psal 16.3 His glorie I will soundly seeke His praises forth will tell In Saints on earth will I delight In vertue that excell Psal 119.111 His holy word will I esteeme As rule of life most pure And striue to liue as it directs To make my calling sure 2. Pet. 1.10 The life of grace as way to blisse I wholly will embrace And shun allwaies of wickednesse That may my life disgrace Yea I will warre against all sinne 1. Tim. 6.12 Ephe. 6.10 And stoutly still will fight Perswaded sure through Christ my King To conquer by his might And though through frailtie of my flesh I faile I fall or sinne Mine inward man doth it detest Rom. 7.15 And loath to lie therein My heart can witnesse that by me When Gods Law was transgrest It was not I but Adam old Rom. 7.17 Indwelling-sinne my guest Which like vnto Goliah strong Doth daily vexe and rage Whereas mine inward man is weake Like Dauid yong of age Yet shall mine inward Dauid once 1. Sam. 17.51 Triumphantly preuaile And great Goliah ouerthrow Who doth so sore assaile Meane while each conquest ouer sinne Makes Gods loue to appeare Psal 116.17 And I new thankes and praise to him Will offer in his feare Another signe of Gods sure loue I cannot chuse but know In that both Diuell and foes did rage Psal 41.11 Yet could not me downe throw For God my strength did me vphold And kept me safe and sure 1. Sam. 12.22 Psal 136.1 He is no changling now to shrinke His mercies still endure And though my fals bring griefe and feare I shall not fall away Iohn 8.28 The sheepe of God cannot be lost Although they go astray Eze. 34.11 For Christ doth go to wildernesse When one sheepe he doth lacke He seekes it there vntill he find Mat. 18.12 And brings it on his backe The Couenant old to do vs good And put in vs his feare Ier. 32.40 That we from him should not depart It doth my soule much cheare Luk. 22.32 That Peters faith might neuer faile Christ here on earth did pray He now in heauen my Aduocate Will me vphold and stay A surer seale a sweeter pledge God giues me inwardly His holy Spirit which in my heart Rom. 8.16 Doth Abba Father crie My free Adoption he makes knowne 1. Ioh. 2.20 My deare Redemption seales My full Attonement with my God Rom. 8.16 He inwardly reueales He bends my heart vnto his will Eze. 36.27 He guides me by his Law To trust in him to loue him still On him to stand in awe His pow'r sometimes though I feele not Through sinne and fleshly feare Yet seede of grace sowne in my heart 1. Ioh. 3.9 In time doth me vpreare His loue so old so sweete so firme My heart with ioy doth fill Whom once he loues he neuer leaues Ioh. 13.1 But doth embrace him still The legacie of lasting life Rom. 6.23 His gift it is most free How then can any thing debarre Or keepe the same from me Wherefore were seales to Couenant set Mat. 26.28 Isa 34.9 Why did our Lord oft sweare But to cheare vp the fainting soule And make his loue appeare Hence I by faith vnto my selfe Gods promises apply Gal. 2.20 And say with Paul Christ so lou'd me That he did for me die Ioh 18.17 Ioh. 20.24 Mat. 12.20 And though with Peter I fall farre Or do with Thomas doubt Thou that breakst not the bruised reede Nor smoking flaxe put out As thou didst them restore in grace And made them to abide So wilt thou me who onely art Ioh. 20 28. My King my God my guide So whether it be thy holy will Rom. 14.8 That I shall liue or die I am thine owne and so shall be Now and eternally Luke 1.47 Wherefore in God my Sauiour My soule do thou reioyce In praysing of his holy Name Lift vp a chearefull voice Psal 107.22 In offering vp such sacrifice Lord make me spend my daies Make it my studie and my ioy To giue thee thankes and praise The Complaints of a Sinner The Comforts of our Sauiour SINNER COnceiu'd in sin in sin brought forth Psal 51.5 Rom. 7.14 Rom. 5.12 Gen. 8.21 Sold vnder sinne I was Seede of all sinne in me vile vaine I vglie am alas SAVIOVR A Sauiour I am to that flocke 2. Cor. 6.17 Ioh. 1.13 1. Cor. 6.11 Whom I anew create Thou borne of God by new-birth art Through me in happie state SINNER The Law of God as iust and good Rom. Doth blesse who it fulfill But me for my foule faults and sinnes It doth both curse and kill Gal. 3.10 SAVIOVR The holy Law of God most high I haue fulfilled for thee Rom. 10.4 Heb. 8.10 Act. 16.31 Beleeue the Couenant of my grace And blessed thou shalt be SINNER The guilt of sinne breeds griefe dread Rom. 6.21 7.11 It woundeth as a sword Psal 38. An hell on earth it seemes to me What helpe for this O Lord SAVIOVR 1. Pet. 3.18 1. Pet. 2.24 When I the iust for vniust died And bare your sinnes on tree From guilt of sinne I clearly set Eze. 18.27 Repentant sinners free SINNER Rom. 6.23 1. Cor. 10.5 Sharpe punishments with wrathfull rods By each sinne we procure What mortall man can them escape Or yet the stripes endure SAVIOVR Iohn 1.29 Ioh. 3.16 Deut. 8.2 The Lambe of God your sinnes hath borne Beleeuers are made free To worke amendment rods are sent To trie and humble thee SINNER Rom. 7.23 Sinnes bondage blinds besots my mind My heart to euill bends Rom. 8.7 To hate the good to loue the bad To aime at sinfull ends SAVIOVR Rom. 6.22 Thou seruant made to righteousnesse By my grace art set free 2. Cor. 10.4 Though yet a while thou tug and toile Till warfare ended be SINNER Through flesh so fraile I oft am foild Rom. 7.15 What I would not I do What good I would I leaue vndone Rom. 7.19 This weakenesse works my wo. SAVIOVR Yet spirit oft the flesh doth courbe Rom. 7.22 1. Cor. 9.27 Rom. 8.13 And shall in time all sway This battell will a conquest bring To perfect peace make way SINNER The wicked world on euill set 1. Ioh. 5.14 Allures me vnto sinne Hath sundry snares and fearefull plagues Iam. 4.4 And oft wraps me therein SAVIOVR Thy home is heauen seeke after it 2. Cor. 5.2 Vaine worldly pleasures flie A friend to world is foe to God Iam. 4.4 Loue thou the things on hie SINNER The vglie Diuell sweld with spite Reu. 12.17 To sinne doth tempt me still And Lion-like seekes here and there 1. Pet. 5.8 Whom to deuoure and kill SAVIOVR Iam. 4.7 Ioh. 12.31 By faith resist and he will flie From heauen he is out cast Rom. 16.20 And vnder foote he shall be trod Through my great power at last SINNER Heb. 2.15 Vnwelcome death so gastly grim Vntimely comes with speed Heb. 9.27 My precious life it will cut off And keepes me in much dreed SAVIOVR 1. Cor. 15.55 Philip. 1.21 I conquer'd Death Deaths sting is gone It ends thy cares and sinne To lasting life it s as a gate By it thou entrest in SINNER Luk. 16.24 Hell-torments are a liuing death The paines of easelesse wo Reu. 19. ●0 For sinners these prepar'd of old These fright my heart also SAVIOVR Iob 42.6 Mourne for thy sinnes abhorre thy selfe Haue stedfast faith in me Reu. 20.14 I vanquish'd death and hell also For all that faithfull be SINNER The dreadfull day of doome drawes on When all men must appeare 2. Cor. 5.10 The Iudge is iust our sinnes are great Act. 17.31 What will then ease my feare SAVIOVR The righteous Iudge thy Sauiour is Iohn 5.27 Who will thee surely blisse But hypocrites will send to hell Mat. 24.51 The righteous doome is this SINNER O Sauiour sweete my life my light Instruct me to know thee What is thy will what is that good Thou hast laid vp for me Vnfained faith in me increase And make me strong therein To vanquish Satan doubts and feares And each presumptuous sinne Teach me with patient hope to waite On thy good pleasure still With true submission of my heart And conquest of my will My frozen heart set thou on fire With loue of thee my Lord With loue of grace of heauen of Saints With loue of thy sweet word The holy feare of thy great Name So put into my heart As may cause me from wickednesse And from all sinne depart The sacrifice of daily thankes From ground of heart I giue To thee my God with ioyfulnesse By whom my soule doth liue Let all my life set forth thy praise And therein neuer ceasse O grant me growth in godlinesse O let mine end be peace FINIS