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sin_n believe_v jesus_n remission_n 4,257 5 9.2662 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10295 [The perfect pathway to salvation] R., James (James Rowbotham), attributed name. aut 1590 (1590) STC 20579.5; ESTC S112957 50,554 348

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con Mothers brother af Fathers sisters husband af Mothers sisters husband af Husbands fathers brother af Husbands mothers brother con Father con Stepsather 1 Husbands father con Sonne af Husbands sonne af Daughters husband con No man may marrie his Sister af Wiues sister af Brothers wife con Sonnes daughter con Daughters daughter af Sonnes sonnes wife af Daughters sonnes wife af Wines sonnes daughter af Wines daughters daughter con Brothers daughter con Bisters daughter af Brothers sonnes wife af Sisters sonnes wife af Wines brothers daughter af Wiues sisters daughter con No woman ought to marrie her brother af Husbands brother af Sisters husband con Daughters sonne con Sonnes sonne af Daughters sonne af Sonnes daughters husband af Daughter daughters husbād af Husbands sonnes sonne af Husbands daughters sonne con Brothers sonne con Sisters sonne af Brothers daughters husband af Sisters daughters husband af Husbands daughters sonne af Brothers sisters sonne How a man shall behaue himselfe in the Morning when he riseth When thou risest in the morning looke that thou with all humblenes of mind kneele downe and lifting vp thy hart thy hands thine eyes into heauen vnto God the father almighty pray on this maner A Prayer for the Mcrning OAlmghty and most grntle God wre thanke thee for that sweet sleepe and comfortable rest that thou hast gruen vs this night And forasnitich as thou hast commanded by thy holy word that no mā should he idle but alwaies occupied in vertuous exercises euery man according to his callin g We most humblie beseech thee that thine eyes may attend vpon vs daily defend vs in forrow succour vs cheresh comfort and gouerne all our counsailes studies and labours In such wise that we may so spend this day according to thy most blessed will without hurting of our neighbour that we may diligently and warely eschue and audide all things that should displease thee se thtem alwaies before our eyes liue in thy feare and euer worke that that may be found acceptable before thy diuine Maiestie vnto the praise of thy holy name through Iesus Christ our Lord. So be it After thou hast prayed on this maner seeing that we be all sinnerse it shall be expedient if thou hast conuenient leisure thereunto to confesse thy selfe on this maner vnto God the father The confession of our sinnes vnto God the father O Almighty God and he auenly Father and maker of heauen earth I confesse my selfe vnto thee euen from the very hart that I am a milerable wretched and abominable sinner And haue wickedly transgressed all thy holy commandements the druine precepts of thy godlie will The sins alas which I haue committed in my flesh against thee are so great and so exceedingly increased that they are no lesse innumerable thē the sands of the Sea and they thrust me down euen as an intollerable burthen In these wicked sinnes oh Lord God haue I hitherto walked according to the will of the Prince of this world whiles I did that was pleasant to the fleshand ill lusts through baine thoughts the blindnes of the heart the outward pretence of godlines and fayned faith This came to passe oh wretch that I am because that I did neuer earnestlie striue against the suggestions of Sathan nor the concupiscences or desires of the world nor yet the lustes of the flesh But filthily obeyed them a thousand times more then the motions of thy holy Spirite O Lorde my God It came to passe also that I did set naught by thy godly counsaile despised thy holy name and feaed thy bengeance and heauy vispleasure nothing at all But whatsoeuer I haue in this behalfe offended thy most godly maiestie it sore repenteth me and the fault grieueth me euen vnto the very hart And if it were not O most mercifull Father that thou hadst layd vp mercie in the bowels blood and wounds of Iesus Christ thy Sonne and or Lord for so many as vnfeinedly repent and truely beleeue be their sins neuer so great many I should see no other way but throwe my selfe downe headlong through despecation into the bottomeies pit of hell But forasmuch as thou hast set thy welbeloned Son Iesus Christ to be our Mediator and mercie stocke and hast promised grace mercie and forgiuenesse of sins to as many as aske it in his name through faith in his bloood Therefore in this time of grace mercy I miserable sinner come now vnto thee and desire thee my Lord God that thou wilt graund mee through that our Lord Iesus Christ a right true saith And for his lake forgiue me all my sins and make me to walke daily more and more in a newe heart and in the fruits of the holy Ghost tha● I may vtterl despise all the vngodly lustes of this world and that I may be found con●●●ent pure of liuing temperate good righteous bonest diligent in all goodnesse meeke mercifull modest humble and ready to forgiue such as offend me euen from the very hart And so liue all the daies of my life according to thy diuine will and true feare that I may dye to the world to all sinne and to my selfe And with a good confience and merrie heart looke for the comming of the Lord and my Sauiour Iesus Christ To whom with thee and the holy Ghost be all honour and glorie for euer and euer So be it Thou maist if thou wilt after thy confession say the Lordes prayer And so commending thy selfe vnto God fall to some honest and vertuous exercise according to thy calling but whatsoeuer thou do et doe it with purenesse of heart and with singlenesse of eye Yea so doe it as though God were present and looked vpon thee as vndoubtedly he doth VVhen thou goest to thy labour or vvorke O Most kinde and gentle heauenly Father thou knowest and hast also taught vs how great the weakenesse of man is so that no man without thy good helpe can do any thing Thus bouchsafe to send vs thy holy spirit that he may strengthen 〈◊〉 and moue our vnderstanding and reason in all things that we this day outwardly shall goe about and take in hand or of that we inwardly shal thinke or haue in minde to the intent that it may all be done to his glorie and to the profite of our neighbour Amen A Prayer for the Euening O Lord God Father euer lasting and full of pittie wee acknowledge and confesse that we be not worthie to lift vp our eyes to heauen much lesse to present our selues before thy diuine Matestie with confidence that thou wilt heare our prayers and graunt one requests if we consider our owne deseraings For our consciences doe accuse vs and our sinnes witnesse against vs and we know that thou art an vpright Iudge which doest not iustifie the sinnerse wicked men but punishest the faults of all such as transgresse thy commandements Yet most mercifull father since it hath pleased thee to command vs to call vpon thee
not to order them according to thy word deserueth thy dreadfull curse Graunt therefore that as thou hast blessed me with an household so I may diligently watch that nothing be commited of the same that might offend thy father lie goodnesse and be an occasion of turning thy blessing into cursing but that so many as thou hast committed to my charge may eschue all vice imbrace all vertue liue in thy feare call vpon thy holie name learne thy blessed commandements heare thy holy word and auoiding idlenesse diligentlie exercise themselues euerie one in his office according to their vocation and calling vnto the glorie of thy most honorable name Amen Of all Christians ALbeit O Heauenly FAther all we that vnfeinedly professe thy holy religion and faithfullie call on thy blessed name are thy sonnes and heires of euerlasting glorie yet as all the members of a body haue not one office so likewise we being manx and making one bodie whereof thy dearely beloued Sonne is the head haue not all one gift neither are we all called to one office but as it hath pleased thee to distribute so receiue we we therefore most hūbly praythee to send the Spirit of loue and concord among vs that without any disorder or debate euery of vs may be conent with our calling quietly liue in the same studie to doe good vnto all men by the true and diligent exercise therof without too much séeking of our priuat gaine and so order our selues in all poynts according to thy godlie will that by well-doing wee may stoppe the mouthes of such foolish and ignorant people as reporte vs to be euill dooers and cause them through our good workes to glorifie thee our Lord God in the ay of visitation Amen A Prayer meete for all men and to besaid at all times O Most mercifull Father grant me to couer with an ardent mind those things which may please thee to search them wisely to know them truly and to fulfil them perfectly to the laud and glory of thy name Order my liuing so that I may doe thatwhich thou requirest of me and giue me grace so that I may know it and haue will and power to doe it and that I may obtaine those things which be most connenient to my soule Cacious Lord make my way sure streight to thee so that I fall not between prosperitie and aduersirie but that in prosperous things I may giue thee thankes and in aduersitie be patient so that I be not lift vp with the one nor oppressed with the other And that I may reioyce in nothing but that which moueth mee to thee nor to be sorie for any thing but for those things which draw me from thee desiring to please no bodie nor fearing to displease any besids thee most louing father let all worldly things be vile vnto me for thee and be thou my most speciall comfort aboue al. Let me not be merie with the ioy that is without thee And let me desire nothing besides thee let all labour delight me which is for thee and let all the rest wearie we which is not in thee Make me to lift vp my hart oftentimes to thee and when I fall make me to thinke on thee and be sorie with a stedfast purpose of amendement Louing Lord make me humble without faining merrie without lightnesse sad without mistrust sober without dulnes true without doublenes fearing thee without desperatiō trusting in thee with out presumption telling my neighbors their faults meekly without dissimmulatiō teaching them with words and examples without any mocking obedient without arguing patient without grudging and pure without corruption giue me also I beseech thee a waking spirite that no curious thought with draw me from thee Let it be so strong that no filthie affection dram me backward so stable that no tribulation breake it graunt me also to knowe thee diligentlie to learne a godlie conuersation to please thee and finallie hope to imbrace thee for the precious blood sake of that immaculate Lambe our onlie Sauiour Iesus Christ To whom with thee O Father and the holy Ghost thrée persons and one God be all honor and glory world without end Amen A Prayer for the obtaining of saith O Mercifull God deare Father of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ in whom as thou art well pleased so hast thou commanded vs to heare him forasmuch as he often biddeth vs to aske of thee and thereto promiseth that thou wilt heare vs and graunt vs that which in his name wee shall aske of thee Loe gracious Father I am bold to beg of thy mercie through thy Sonne Iesus Christ one sparkle of true faith and certaine perswasion of thy goodnesse and loue towards me in Christ where through I being assured of the pardon of all my sinnes by the mercies of Christ thy Sonne may be thankfull to thee loue thee and serue thee in holinesse and righteousnesse all the dayes of my life So be it A Prayer for repentance MOst gracious God and mercifull father of our Sauiour Iesus Christ because I haue sinned and done wickedlie and thorough thy goodnesse haue receiued a desire of repentance whereto this long suffering doth draw my hard hart I beseech thee for thy great mercies sake in Christ to worke the same repentance in me and by thy Spirite power and grace to humble mortifie and teare my conscience for my sinnes to saluation that in thy good time thou maist comfort and quicken me thorow Iesus Christ thy dearly beloued Sonne Amen A Prayer for remission of sinnes and for the comfort and true feeling of Gods sauor and mercie OH Lord God and deare Father what shall I say that feele all things to be in maner with me as in the wieked Blindis my mind crooked is my will and peruerse concupiscener is in me as a spring or stincking puddie Oh how faine is saith in me How little is my loue to thée or thy people How great is selfe-loue How hard is my heart by the reason whereof I am moued to doubt of thy goodnesse towards me whether thou art my mercifufll father and whether I be thy childe or no Indeede worthilie might I doubt if that the hauing of these were the cause and not the fruite rather of thy Children The cause and not the fruite rather of thy Children The cause why thou art my Father is the mercy goodnesse grace and trueth in Christ Iesus the which cannot but remaine for euer In respect whereof thou hast borne me this good wil to bring me into thy Church by Baptisme and to accept me into the number of thy Children that I might be holy faithfull obedient and innocent and to cal me diuers times by the ministring of thy word into thy kingdome besides the innumerable other benefits alwaies hether to powred vpon me all which thou hast done of this thy good will that thou of thine owne mercie bearest to me in Christ and for Christ before the world was made The which
hurt nor hindered this day when we crie vnto thee constrained by present neede not greedilie crauing through vaine care against to morrow our dailie Bread our daily and necessarie foode and reliefe both bodily and ghostlie and espeiallie so that the spirituall foode of Christs flesh and his blood by dailie preaching of thy Gospell and the ministration of the Sacraments may replenish our heart and mindes with continuall remembrance of his death and passion dailie to be vsed for our necessarie and spirituall consolation Forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs. We feeling and knowing our own sinifulnes doe desire thy mercifull forgiuenes of our faultes and trespasses which we haue committed against thee so that we freely forgiuing al other that haue offended vs in any thing whatsoeuer it be may be sure that mercie springing in thee hath proceded vnto vs being graciously offered of thee hath bin thankfully receiued of vs and being charitably vsed of vs towards other shall most certainly bee confirmed and enlarged of thée towards vs so that by free mercie springing procéeding from thee all faults may be freely forgiuen Euen as those which other haue committed against vs so likewise those which we haue done against thee And leade vs not into temptation Suffer not the Deuill by the abuse of thy benefites to leade vs Cap\tiues into deceitful and damnable temptation drawing vs by daintie meates vnto greedie Gluetonie by money and rithes vnto vnsatiable couetousnes and by wealth and prosperity vnto pride and vaine-glorie and by all thy godly and gracious gifts vnto euery diuelish and abominable sinne But deliuer vs from euill Deliuer our goods from abuse our bodies from corruption our soules from damnation Deliuer vs by Christ Iesu from the bondage of sinne vnto the libertie of the Gospell so that from the danger of the diuell and all his temptation traming and inticing towards danmation we being deliuered may serue thee in holinesse and righteousnesse all the daies of our life For thine is the kingdome the power and glory for euer and euer Amen For such is thy riches and regiment power and authoritie praise and excellencie that whatsoeuer treasures lands and possessions might wisdome and superioritie dignitie honour and maieslie hath been is or shall be in any persons times and places the same of equitie dutie and necessitie begin continue and ende so as the Eternitie Veritie and Maiestie of thy onely kingdome power and glorie may best appeare and be knowne to be far past all creatures ability vnderstanding or capacitie in thee onely Lorde God of truth without beginning change or decay eternally yea euery other kingdome power and glory be but slender shadowes and shewes seruing for this transitoric time to make vs more mindfull and desirous of thy eternall kingdome power and glorie By reason whereof out hope and the promise of eternall saluation and glorie in Christ be Amen that is to say most certaine So be it ALmightie and euerlining God vouchsafe we beseech thée to graunt vs perfect continuance in thy liuely faith augmenting the same in vs daylie till wée growe to the full measure of our perfection in Christ whereof wée make our coufession saying The Crede of the Apostles I Beleeue in God the father Almightie maker of heauen and earth And in Iesus Christ his onely Sonne our Lord. Who was conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the Virgin Mary Suffered vnder Ponce Pilate was crucified dead and buried He descended into hell The third day he rose again from death He ascended into heauen And sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almightie From thence shall he come to iudge the quicke and the dead I beléeue in the holy Ghost The holy eathelike Church The communion of Saints The forgiuenesse of sinnes The resurrection of the bodie And the life euerlasting Amen The Confession of the Christian faith I Beleeue and confesse my Lord God eternall infinite vnmeasurable incomprehensible and inuincible one in substance three in person Father Sonne and holy Ghost who by his almightie power and wisdome hath not onely of nothing created heauen earth and all things therein contained and man after his own Image that he might in him be glorified but also by his Fatherly prouidence gouerneth maintaineth preserueth the same according to the purpose of his will I beléeue also and confesse Iesus Christ the only Sauiour and Messias who being equall with God made himselfe of no reputation but tooke on him the shape of a seruant and became man in all things like vnto vs sinne except to assure vs of mercy and forgiuenesse For when through our Father Adams transgression we were become Children of perdition there was no meanes to bring vs from that yoke of sin and damnation but onely Iesus Christ our Lord who giuing vs that by grace which was his by nature made vs thorow faith the Children of God who when the fulnesse of time was come was conceiued by the power of the holy Ghost borne of the Virgine Mary according to the flesh and preached on earth the Gospell of saluation till at length by tyrannie of the Priests he was giltlesse condemned vnder Pontinus Pilaie then President of Iurie and most slaunderously hanged on the Crosse betwixt two theeues as a notorious trespasser where taking vpon him the punishment of our sinnes he deliuered vs from the curse of the lawe And for as much as he being onely God could not feele death neither being only man could ouercome death hee ioyned both together and suffered his humanitie to be punished with most cruell death feeling in himselfe anger and seuere iudgement of God euen as if he had been in the extreame torments of hell and therefore cried with a loude voyce My God my God why hast thou for saken me Thus of his free mercie without compulsion he offered vp himselfe as the onely sacrifice to purge the sins of all the world so that all other sacrifices for sin are blasphemous and derogate from the sufficiency hereof The which death albeit it did sufficiently reconcile vs to God yet the scriptures commonly do artribute our regeneration to his resurrection for as by rising again from the graue the third day he conquered death euen so the victorie of our faith standeth in his resurrection and therefore without the one we cannot feele the benefite of the other For as by death sinne was taken away so our righteousnesse was restored by his resurrection And because he would accomplish al things and take possession for vs in his kingdome he ascended into heauen to enlarge the same kingdome by the aboundant power of his spirit by whom we are most assured of his continuall intercession towards God the Father for vs. And although he be in heauen as touching his corporall presence where the father hath now set him on his right hand committing vnto him the administration of all things as well in Heauen aboue as in the Earth
which are in Heauen haue mercie vpon me and be thou my mercifull mediator for me vnto thy Father that I may be saued O holy Ghost God conqual with the father the sonne haue mercie vpon me worke thy diume power in me thorow thy gracious mipiration Drame me vnto Iesus Christ that I may finde fanour and be saued Amen The second part As concerning my bodie that I bequeathe vnto the earth from whence it came My Consission I Knowledge and confese with all my heart that I am a sinner yea such a sinner as hath neede of the grace mercie and fauour of God My faith ioyned with hope I beleeue that the Lord will haue mercie vpon me for he hath first made me and if it shall please him he may saue me This I beleeue whether I liue or dye I am the Lords My hope I Hope that I shall find both grace and mercie for my sinnes of God the Father euen for Iesus Christes sake in him I beleeue he is my redeemer he liueth for euer and euer He maketh intercession for sinnes So this I know that now I am a corruptible body but I hope through Christ to rise an vncorruptible body Now a mortall bodie but through Christ and his merites I hope to haue though now an earthly bodie then an heauenly bodie For as many as shall be saued shall shine in the kingdome of God as bright as the Sunne This my faith and hope I lay vp in my minde the mind of my Soule trusting onely to be saued thorowe the merites of Iesus Christ God and man which is in Heauen From whence we looke againe the which shall change our vile bodie and make it like his owne most glorious bodie whereby he is ablel to subdue all things vnto himselfe O Christ haue mercie vpon mee thou hast redeemed mee O Christ saue me A Prayer for the Sicke OH how sicke am I My weakenesse increaseth more and more Lord be mercifull vnto me and giue mee grace pacientlie and thankefullie to beare the crosse and in the middest of this my sickenesse alwaies to say Thy will O heauenly Father bee done and not mine Another Prayer for the Sicke O Lorde Iesus Christ which art the onely health of all men liuing and the euerlasting life of them which dye in thy faith I wretched sinner giue submic my selfe wholy to thy most blessed will And I being sure that the thing cannot perish which is committed vnto thy mercie most humbly beseech thee O Lord to giue me grace that I may now willinglie leaue this fraile wicked flesh in hope of the resurrection which in better wise shall restore it to me againe I beseech thee O most mercifull Iesu Christ that thou wilt by thy grace make strong my soule against all temptations and that thou wilt couer and defend my with the Buckler of thy mercie against all the assaults of the Diuell I see and acknowledge that there is in my selfe no helpe of life and fasuation 〈◊〉 my considence hope and trust i● in thy most mercifull goodnesse I haue no merites 〈◊〉 good workes which I may alleage before thée Of sinnes and euill works alas I see a grace heape but through thy mercie I trust to be of the number of them to whom thou wilt not impute their sinnes but take and accept me for righteous and iust and to be the inheritour of euerlasting glorie Thou O most mercifull Lord waste borne for my sake Thou diddest suffer both hunger and thirst for my sake Thou diddest preach and teach thou diddest pray and fast for my sake Thou didest all good woorkes and deedes for my sake Thou sufferedst most greeuous paynes and torments for my sake And finally thou gauest thy most precious body to dye and thy most blessed blood to be shed on the Crosse for my sake Now most mercifull Sauiour let all these things profite me which thou freely hast giuen me which hast giuen thy selfe for me let thy blood cleanse and wash away the spottes and foulenesse of my sinnes Let thy righteousnes hide and couer my vnrighteousnesse Let the merites of thy passion and blood be the satisfaction for my sinnes Giue me Lord thy grace that my faith and perswasion in thy blood wauer not in me but euer be firme and constant that the hope of thy mercie and life euerlasting neuer decay in me that Charitie waxe not colde in me finally that the weakenesse of my flesh be not ouercome with the feare of death Graunt me also O most mercifull Sauiour that when death hath shut vp the eyes of my bodie yet the eyes of my Soule may still behold and looke vnon thee and that when death hath taken away the vse of my tongue and speech yet that my heart may crye and say vnto thee O Lord into thy hands I giue and commit my soule Lord Iesu take my Spirit A thankes giuing to God for the departure of the faithfull out of this vvorld O How can we most louing Father render vnto thee sufficient thankes for thine inestimable goodnesse toward thy faithfull seruants Whom thou calling out of this wetched world vouchsafe to place in thy heauenly Ringdome among the glorious companie of thy holy Angels and blessed Saints O full precious is the death of the faithfull in thy sight Blessed are the dead that dye in the Lord. For they are at rest from their painfull trauels and labour The soules of the righteous are in thy hand O God and the paine of death shall not touch them In the sight of the vnwise they appeare to dye but they are in peace They shine as the sparkes that runne through the red bush They glister as the shyning heauen They are as the starres world without end They are as the Angels of God They are clad with white garments and haue golden Crownes vpon their heads Tey doe seruice day and night before the glorious Throne of thy Diuine Maiestie They neither hunger nor thirst any more neither doth the Sunne or any heate fall vpon them for the Lambe which is in the middest of the Throne gouerneth them and leadeth them vnto the liuing fountaine of waters They followe the Lambe whithersoeuer he goeth They haue such ioyes as eye hath not seene nor eare hath heard neither is there any heart able to thinke them infinite and vnspeakeable are thy treasures O Lord which thou hast layde vp for them that depart in thy faith For these thy fatherly benefites toward the soule of the faithfull and for that it hath pleased thee to call this our Christian brother from this vale of miserie vnto thy heauenly kingdome we giue vnto thee most heartie thankes humbly beseeching thee that thou wilt take like care for vs and so gouerne vs with thy holy Spirit both in sicknesse and in health that we may liue a good and godly life in this present world and whensoeuer it shall be thy good pleasure to call vs hence we may with strong faith
maiestie with an earnest zeale of a godly spirit and most pure affection praying and beseeching thee euerlasting God here to preserue this child according to thy most holy will that it may enioy the benefites of all thy heauenly Sacraments to liue and serue thee in purenesse of life as a faithfull member of the Christian congregation wherein thy name by it may be glorified honoured and praysed world without end So be it A prayer vvhen a man commet home from his labour THere is nothing O Lord more like to thy holy nature then a quiet minde Thou hast called vs out of the troublesome disquietnesse of the world into that thy quiet rest and peace which the world cannot giue being such a peace that passeth all mens vnderstanding Houses be ordained for vs that thereby we might be defended from the in●urie of weather 〈…〉 ●oyles of the 〈◊〉 O gracious father graunt that through thy great mercy my bo●●● may ●●ier into this house from outward actions but so that it may become luxome and obedient to the soule and make no resistance against the same that in soule and bodie I may haue a godly quietnesse and peace to praise thy holy name So be it Peace bee in this house and to all that dwell in the same Thinke what a returne and how merrie a returne it will be to come to our eternall most quiet and most happie home Then will all griefe and sorrowe cease Whatsoeuer here is pleasant and ioyfull the same is nothing but a very shadowe in comparison of that which is to come A prayer for the sicke O LORD looke downe from heauen behold visite and relieue this thy seruant looke vpon him with the eyes of thy mercie giue him comfort and sure confidence in thee defend him from the daunger of the enemie and keepe him in perpetuall peace and safetie through Iesus our Lord. Amen ¶ Another prayer for the sicke HEare vs 〈◊〉 ●●ghty and most ●●●●ifull GOD and Sauiour entend thy accustomed goodnesse to this thy Seruant which is grieued with sicknesse visite him O Lord as thou diddest Peters wiues mother and the Captaines seruant Restore vnto this ficke person his former health if it be thy will or els giue him grace to take thy visitation that after this payuefull life ended he may dwell with thee in life euerlasting Amen Another prater for the sicke O Lord Iesu Christ thou only Sonne of the heauenly Father ou● a●one Redeemer and omni●●fficient Sauiour we most humbly beseech thee deliuer this sicke and weake person now being in great paines and at the poyne to depart out of this world from all vglisome and terrible assaults and temptations of the Deuill sinne and Hel. Deliuer him O Lord as thou deliueredst Noe from the raging waues of the Sea Lot from the distruction of Sodome Abraham from the feare of the Chaldees The Children of Israell from the tyrannie of Pharao Dauid from the hand of Goliah the three men from the violence of the fierie Fornace in Babilon Daniell from the mouth of the Lyons Ionas from the bellie of the Whalefish and Peter from the prison of Herode Euen so O gracious Lord deliuer the soule of this person both now and whensoeuer he shall departe hence from all perrilland daunger Open vnto him at the hower of death the doore of Paradise the gates of heauen and the entrie of euerlasting life O Lord Iesus Christ forgiue him all his sinnes and leade him with ioy into the kingdome of thy heauenly father euen vnto the bosome of Abraham and appoynt him vnto euerlasting rest that he may reiayce with thee and with all the elect Children of God in euerlasting life Amen The sticke mans Prayer LOrd hearken vnto my prayer and giue eare to my most humble requestes O most mercifull God O father of all mercies the father of our Lord and samour Iesus Christ be mercifull to me a sruner Haue pietie on me and quickly helpe me noore wretch for the most better passion and most precious death of Iesus Christ thy onely begetten Sonne and our alone redeemer and Sauiour Enter not into iudgement with thy setuant O Lord Haudle me not according to my deserts and merites neithere reward me afeer mine iniquities but for thine infinite and vnmeasurable bountie and exceeding great mercie receiue me and take me into thy fauour I miserable and weake creature am in thy hand I am thy boud seruant and thy debter O most gentle God O most fauourable Father forsake me not cast mee not away poore wretch that I am For I am thine with all there euer I can make No man is able to strengthen mee no man is able to deliuer me no man is able to helpe me but thou alone Thou art the true helper in aduersitie Thou art the most sure and present comforter of all necessitie Thou alone art our helper our Bulwarke our Fortresse and our most mightie and strongly defended tower Thou O God art our reiuge thou art our helper in all our tribulations In thee O Lord doe I trust let me not be confounded Let me neuer be put to shame let me not be deceiued of my hope but preserue me for thy righteousnesse sake Bowe downe thine eare vnto me make haste to deliuer me Be my befender O God and my strong hold thou shat mayest saue me For thou art my strength and my refuge yea thou art my God and my de●●●●ies are in thy hands Lighten thy countenance vpon thy seruant and saue me for thy mercies sake O Lord. And forasmuch O sooecte father as it is thy godlie y●●as●● to call me now from this miserable life and wretched morld I most ●ntirely beseech thee to defend me in this agonie of death that neither Sathan nor his Ministers preuaile against me but that I con●●●●e faithfull and constant vnto the ende in the confession of thy holy name looking for full remission of all my sinnes in the precious blood of thy weldeloued Sonne and my onely Sauiour Iesus Chrst and that I departing in this faith and perfect trust may bee placed among thy blessed saints and heauenly Spirites and so for euer and euer remaine with thee in glorie Graunt this O most mercifull Father for thy deare Sonnes sake Iesus Christ our alone mediatour and aduocate Amen My Testament THis I make my Testament and last Will in the name of the eternall liuing God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost in whose name I was baptized In whom onely I hope and beleeue to be saued Amen First I bequeath my soule into thy hands O God Father Sonne and holy Ghost Thou hast first made me and thou hast giuen thy Sonne to become man and dyed for my sinnes and for the sinnes of the people O father for thy sonnes sake haue mereie vpon me O Lord Iesu Christ thou Sonne of God thou hast bought me with thy precious blood by one oblation sufficiently for all that beleeue in thee O Christ God and man
in thee and in thy sonne Christ Iesu our Lord commend both our bodies and soules into thy mercifull hands and through thy goodnesse be placed in thy glorious kingdome among thy faithfull chosen people and so for euer and euer praise and magnifie thee our heauenly Father to whom with thy dearly beloued Sonne Iesu Christ our Lord and Sauiour and the holy Ghost that most sweete comforter bee all glorie and honour world without end Amen A Prayer of the comming of Christ to iudgement and of the reward both of the faithfull and vnfaithfull OH Lord Iesus Christ the Sonne of the euerliuing God by whom all things were made are ruled and gouerned as of thy loue for our redemption thou diddest nto disdaine to be our mediacour and to take vpon thee our nature in the wombe of a Virgin purely and without sinne by the operation of the holy spirit that both thou mightest in thine owne person woonderfully beautifie and exalt our nature and worke the same in vs also first abolishing the giltinesse of sinne by remission then sinne it selfe by death and last of all death by raysing vp againe these our bodies that they may be like vnto thine owne glorious and immortall bodie according to the power wherewith thou art able to subiect all things vnto thee as I say of the loue for our redemption thou becamest man and that most poore and afflicted vpon earth by the space of three and thirtie yeeres at the least in most humilitie and paydest the brice of our ransome by thy most bitter death and passion for the which I most hartely giue thankes to thee so of the same by loue towardes vs in thy good time thou wilt come againe in the cloudes of Heauen with power and great glorie with flaming fire with thousands of Saints with Angelles of thy power with a mightie crie shoure of an Archangel and blast of a Trumpe suddenly as a lightning which shmeth from the East c. when men thinke least euen as a Theefe in the night when men be asleepe thou wilt so come I say thus suddenly in the twinekling of an eye all men that euer haue been be and shall be with women and Children appearing before thy tribunall iudgement seate to render account of all things which they haue thought spoken and done against thy lawe openly and before all Angels Saints and Deuils and so to receiue the iust reward of thy vengeance if that they haue not repented and obeyed thy Gospell and so depart from thee to the Deuill and his Angels and all the wicked which euer haue been or shall be into Hell fire which is vnquenchable and of paynes intolle rable easellesse endlesse hopelesse euen from the face of thy glorious and mightie power but if they haue repented and beleeued thy Gospell If they be found watching with their Lamps and Dyle in their hands if they be found readie apparelled with the wedding garment of innocencie if they haue not hardned their harts and hoorded vp the Treasure of thy vengrance in the day of wrath to be reuealed but haue vsed the time of grace the acceptable time the time of saluation that is the time of this life in the which thou stretchest out thy hand and spreadest thine armes calling and crying vnto vs to come vnto thee which art meeke in hart and lowly for thou wilt ease all that labour and are heauie ioden If they hane visited the sicke and prisoners comforted the comfortlesse fed the hungrie clothed the naked lodged the harbourlesse if they haue not laden their hearts with Gluttonie and surfetting and carefulnesse of this life If they haue not digged and hid their Talent in the ground doing no good therewith but haue been faithfull to occupie thy giftes to thy glorie and here washed their garments in thy blood by heartie repentance then shall the Angels gather them together not as the wicked which shall be collected as Faggoctes and cast into thy fire but as the good wheate that is gathered into thy Barne then shall they be caught vp to meete thee in the Cloudes then shal their corruptible bodie put on incorruption then shall they be indued with immortalitte and glorie then shall they be with thee and goe whither thou goest Then shall they heare Come ye blessed of my Father possesse the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning Then shall they be set on Seates of Maiestie iudging the whole world then shall they reigne with thee for euer then shall God be all in al with them and to them then shall they enter and inherite heauenly Ierusalem and the glorious restfull land of Canaan where it is alwayes day and neuer night where is no maner of weeping teares infirmitie hunger colde sickenesse enuie malice nor sinne but all wayes ioye without sorrow mirth without measure pleasure without paine heauenly harmonie most pleasant melodie saying and singing Holy holy holy Lord God of hosts c. Finally the eye hath not seene the eare hath not heard neither hath it entred into the heart of man that they shall then inherite and most surely inio although here they be tormented prisoned burned solicited of Sathan tempted of the flesh and intangled with the world where through they are inforced to crye Thy kingdome come Lord Iesus c. How amiable are thy Tabernacles Like as the Hart desireth the water brookes c. Now let thy Seruants departe in peace I desire to be dissolued and to be with Christ we mourne to our selues wating for the deliuerance of our bodies c. O gracious Lord when shall I finde such mercie with thee that I may repent beleeue hope and looke for these things with the fruition of those he auenly ioyes which thou hast prepared for all them that feare thee and to rest with thee for euer more A prayer concerning life euerlasting the place vvhere it is and the incomparable ioyes thereof THat there is an euerlasting life none will denie but such as will denie God For if he be true and iust which he must needes be or els he is not God then can there not be but an eternall life That he hath both spoken it and promised it in Matth. 25.1 Cor. 16. Hebr. 4.11 and 13.1 Peter 1. it plainly appeareth and els where in very many places So that to deny an euerlasting life is to deny God to deny Christ and all that euer he did also to denie all duetie and religion to condemne of foolishnesse all good men Martyrs Confessours Euangelists Prophets Patriarkes Finally the denyal of eternal life is nothing els but a denyall of the immortalitie of the Soule and so a playne making of man nothing better then beasts If it so be let vs then cate and drinke for to morrowe we shall dye Lord preserue vs from the saduciall and Epicuriall impietie and graunt vs for thy mercies sake deare God that we may be assuredly perswaded that there is in deede an eternall life and blisse with
Lord. Amen A prayer for the Queenes Maiestie O Lord our heauenly Father high and mightie King of Kings Lorde of Lords the onely ruler of Princes which doest from thy throne behold all the dwellers vpon earth most hartily we beseech thee with thy fauour to beholde our most gracious Soueraigne Ladie Queene Elizabeth and so replenish her with the grace of thy holy Spirite that she may alway incline to thy will and walke in thy way indue her plentifullie with heauenly gifts graunt her in health and wealth long to liue strength her that she may vanquish and ouercome all her enemins Adn finally after this life she may attaine euerlasting ioy and felicitie through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen A prayer for Pastors and Ministers of the Church ALmightie and euerlasting God which onely workest great meruailes send downe vpon our Bishops and Curates and all Congregations committed to their charge the healthfull spirit of thy grace and that they may truely pleas thee powre vpon them the continuall dewe of thy blessing Graunt this O Lord for the honour of our Aduocate and meditatour Iesus Christ Amen A prayer of Chrysostome ALmightie God which hast giuen vs grace at this time with one accorde to make our common supplication vnto thee and dost promise that when two or three be gatheren together in thy name thou wilt grant their requestes fulfill now O Lord the desires and petitions of thy seruants as may be most expedient for them graunting vs in this worlde knowledge of thy trueth and in the worlde to come life euerlasting Amen A prayer necessarie for all persons O Mercifull GOD I a wretched sinner reknowledge my selfe bound to keepe thy holy commaundements but yet vnable to performe them and to be accepted for iust without the righteousnesse of Iesu Christ thy onely Sonne who hath perfectly fulfilled the Lawe to iustifie all them that beleeue and trust in him Therefore graunt me grace I beseech thee to be occupied in doing of good workes which thou commaundest in holy Scripture all the dayes of my life to thy glorie and yet to trust onely in thy mercie and in Christs merites to be purged from my sinnes and not in my good workes be they neuer so many Giue mee grace to loue thy holy word feruently to search the scriptures diligentlie to reade them humbly to vnderstand them truly to liue after them effectuallie Order my life so O Lord that it be alway acceptable vnto thee Giue me grace not to reioyce in any thing that displeaseth thee but euermore to delight in those things that please thee be they neuer so contrarie to my desires Teach me so to pray that my petitions may be graciouslie heard of thee Keepe me vpright among diuersitie of opinions and iudgements in the worlde that I neuer swarue from thy truth taught in holy Scripture In prosperitie O Lorde saue me that I waxe not proude In aduersitie helpe mee that I neither dispaire nor blaspheme thy boly Name but taking it patiently to giue thee thanks and trust to be deliuered after thy pleasure When I happen to fall into sinne through frailtie I beseech thee to worke true repentance in my heart that I may be sory without desperation trust in thy mercie without presumption that I may amend my life and become truly religious without hypocrisie lowly in hart without fayning faithfull and trustie without deceite merie without lightnesse sad without mistrust sober without slothfulnesse content with mine owne without couetousnesse to tell my neighbour his faultes charitably without dissimulation to instruct my householde in thy Lawes truely to obey our Queene and all gouernours vnder her vnfainedlie to receiue all lawes and common ordinances which disagree not from thy holy word obedientlie to pay euery man that which I owe vnto him truely to backebite no man nor slaunder my neitghbour secretly and to abhorre all vice louing all goodnesse earn●s●ly O Lord graunt me thus to to doe for the glory of thy holy Name Amen GOd preserue our Quéene Elizabeth God destroy all her enemies God preserue her most honourable Counsellors God ayde te Clergie in fetting forth of his trueth God preserue the Nobilitie of this Realme and all the Commons of the same God defend the fauourers of the Gospell God chaunge the hearts of our enemies and send them a better mind The power ●f God destroye Autichrist with all his wicked kingdome God send the Gospell a ioyfull and free passage through the whole world God send vnto all degrees such grace that they may walke worthilie in their vocation and calling Amen FINIS