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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03909 A faithful declaration of Christes holy supper comprehe[n]ded in thre sermo[n]s, preached at Eaton Colledge, by Roger Hutchinson. 1552. Whose contentes are in the other syde of the lefe. Hutchinson, Roger, d. 1555. 1560 (1560) STC 14018; ESTC S104326 58,400 142

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receiue the holy sacrament at thy mouth so it is better to take it in thy hāds as Christ and his Apostles did and the laite of the primatiue church These matters be touched hetherto but onles God inwardly with his spirit do teache you this Phylosophy and wisdome and transforme your hearts and iudgementes leading you into all truthe my preaching is but lost labour Therfore let vs call vpon the name of God with praier and inuocatiō for his help and holy spirit Let vs pray for the vniuersall company of Christes church throughout all Realmes and dominions whersoeuer they dwel namely for the congregation of Englande and Irelande desiring the ete●nall God of his fatherly mercy to cōtinew strengthen both them and vs in the confession and obedience of his worde and truthe Also for al infideles and vnbeleuers that God may turne their hartes to beleue vpon his sonne Iesus Christ our Lorde for S. Paul vnto Timothe commaundeth vs to pray for all men For the kinges maiestie a prince of moste excellent hope that vertue and knowledge may dwell in his noble hart For these thinges for the remission of our sinnes and for Gods helpe hereafter in all our workes words thoughtes I shall desier you to say a praier after me ⸫ The Praier O Eternall God who art the author of al truth didst ordeine this holy sacramēt of bread and wyne by thy only begotten son in the roum and place of the easterlambe which they of y e old law did ea● yerely for a memory of their deliueraunce from Egipt from Pharao by thy mighty power in hope of the comming of Christ whom Iohn the christener Paul do call our easter lambe that we of the new lawe receiuing this new sacramēt shold reserue thy louing kindnes in continuall remembraunce in that thou hast sent thy only son to become womās seed to breake the serpentes head to deliuer vs from the power of the deuill and from the bondage of syn by his crosse and by theffusion of his most honorable bloud Here our praiers and supplications O merciful father and send vs thy syerit from thy holy place to perswade al men women to celebrate thy supper after the example of Christ and of his Apostles disciples and stablish the hartes of the people against false teachers of priuat masses and of supersticious crossing with the contemplatiō of Christes ensample with the vse of the Oriental church and with the knowledge of thy holy scriptures y t we may be mete gestes for thy table and be partakers of all the benefites of Christes death and passion to whom with the and the holy spirit ●e al honor glory prayse now euer So be it THE SECOND SERMON vpon the Lordes Supper IN my last Sermon welbeloued in the Lord where as I began to declare vnto you y e Lordes supper which was a part and membre of the Gospel and thorow plenty of matter I did not ende the same now occording to my promes I wyll shew you what a Sacrament is and howe Christes body and bloud be present in his holy supper Thus much remaineth yet to be spokē of Take eat saith Christ this is my body And likewyse of the Cup he saith Drinke of it euery one For this is my bloud of the newe Testament shed for many to the forgiuenes of sinnes I say vnto you I will not drinke henceforth of this fruit of the vine tyll that day when I shall drinke it new with you in my fathers kingdom And when they had song praises they wēt out into moūt Oliuet That I may declare this heauēly matter to Gods honour and finde out suche lessons and eruditiō as may be mete for this audience and for your edifying and enstruction which be assembled here to serue God in prayer and hearyng his word let vs aske Gods help and his holy spirit for the whiche I shall desier you to say the Lordes prayer after me Our father which art in heauen c. There is no matter in the holy scripture welbeloued in the Lord more necessary to be knowen and to be discussed then these wordes of our sauiour Iesus Christ This is my body this is my bloud of the new Testament There is no text which hath bene so abused and racked to maintein superstition and diuers purposes And where as Christ ordeineth here a sacrament of vnitie to knit vs together in peace amitie and loue Inimicus homo super sen●inauit rirania that is the deuill who goeth about to depraue all Godly thinges hath sowen so many tares and such pestiferous opinions and hurtfull sedes and dampnable doctrine in mens harts by his ministers the Papistes the questionistes scholemen the Anabaptis●es that nothing nowe is a matter of more contention of more debate strife variaunce not only betwene man and man but also betwene cōtries and kingdomes because euery man is wedded stubbornly to his own iudgement and where as they should reforme their opinions and submit their iudgementes to Gods scriptures as to the touchstone which trieth good from euil they rather do rack wrest Gods word making it a mariners slop or a nose of wax bowyng it vnto euery purpose Therfore I thought it good to vtter my knowledge which is but smal in this matter not to teach such as be enstructed alredy rype in knowledge of whom I am desirous to lerne my self but partly for their sakes and eruditiō which be vnlearned of y e laite that thei mai know how to prepare themselues to come to Gods borde this holy time of Easter at other times partly also to testifie professe my conscience and faith in this matter Many doe affirme and thinke these wordes of Christ this is my body to be a lyke phrase a like kynde and a lyke maner of speche as when he sayth Ego sum vitis I am the vyne I am the dore I am the way I am the bridgrom They be no like phrases but far diuers and different For the vine is no sacrament nether the dore nor the wey nor the bridgrom be no sacramentes but metaphores and borowed speches The bread of which Christ said this is my body the mine which he affirmeth to be his bloud be not bare and naked metaphores as y e aforesaid phrases are but they be sacramentes of his honorable body comfortable bloud as both the Occidental and Oriētal the Greke church al writers both new olde do acknowledge confesse with one voyce For al christendom haue always agreed in this point Therfore the nature of a sacramēt being thorowly knowē examined tried it will teach you y e meaning of Christes words how he is present in his supper What is a sacrament I wil not deuise a discription of mine own head nor shew a fantasy of mine own braine I will folowe in this matter the sentence iudgementes
fide solum sed reipsa corpus suum effecit We saith this holy learned father we ar made one matter w t Christ not by faith alone and charitie as he writeth also to the people of Antioche but we are made euen his very body reipsa that is effectually truly and really And S Ambrose doth write that we are chaunged and turned into Christ Emisenus also doth professe a reall mutation of vs into Christ and yet we are not transubstantiat and cōuerted we ar not transformed into him but our natur and substance remaineth stil as it did before our receit of the Sacrament and so doth the nature and substance of the Sacramentes For if the nature of bread wyne be altered our nature must be altered in like maner for asmuch as the fathers witnes that we doe eate Christes flesh reipsa that is really and effectually so that our flesh is made holy flesh of his flesh and we must be as Paul sayth bones of his bones How ar we flesh of his flesh not by any mutation or chaunge of our substaunce essence or nature whiche remayneth styll but in that we do eate Christes fleshe and drynke hys bloud by fayth and belefe by which only Christ is eaten and dronken and no wayes els To eat Christes flesh and to drynke his bloud is to beleue that the son of God toke on him our humanite to beleue that his body was nayled vpō the Crosse and that his bloud was let s●●th and shed for the remission of our sinnes for our transgressions and offences and to repose vs into his fathers sauour againe who was displeased with vs. To teache vs this he calleth hymself the bread of God that came from heauen to gyue life vnto the world Which chapter is a manifest probation of this matter that his flesh is neuer eaten nether in the sacrament nor without the sacrament but only by belief S. Augustin whose excellent learnyng and vertue is well knowen doth so take all that is spoken there For he sayth wrytyng vpon the same Chapter Vt quid paras dentes ventrem Why dost thou make ready thy teeth and belly Vis man ducare Christum Wilt thou eate Christes flesh and drynke his bloud and he aunswereth Crede manducasti that is to say beleue and I say vnto thee thou hast eaten his fleshe and dronke his bloud But here the Papistes reply that Christes fleshe is eaten in the Sacrament and without it and that without the sacrament it is eaten only by fayth But in the Sacrament it is eaten without fayth of those that eate it vnworthely as Iudas did I answer Christs flesh as it is y e bread of life so always it doth giue life to the spirit which euil men haue not Moreouer Christes flesh is meat according to owne saying Caro ●ea vere est cibus my flesh is very meat and my bloud is very drinke What meat and drinke is it Verely the meat and drinke of the soule not of the body the fode and sustenaūce not of the flesh but of the spirit as the figurs and sacramentes of bread and wyne are bodily sustenaunce For the spirit is not fed or noryshed with corporall fode for it is written Quod natum est ex carne caro est that which is borne of flesh is fleshe that is to say carnall and fleshly And Christ reproueth such which vnderstode that he would geue his flesh to be eaten really and corporally and substantially saying The flesh profiteth nothing it is the the spirit which quickeneth but ther are some of you that beleue not as if he had sayd I toke not my body of the holy virgin to giue it to be eaten really and naturally for the remission of sinne or to ordein any carnal eating but I toke my body and became man to die for synne and that waies to profit sanctifite you Mortua prodest caro non comesa the death of my flesh profiteth and auaileth you not the eating therof whiche profit you must receiue by faith only and through belief in my passion by the operation of the spirit My flesh is the bread of life in that it shalbe beaten torne and slayn for you not in that it shalbe eaten For that the fruit the benifit and whole commodite of his comming should be distributed into the world by his his death only he teacheth vs himself by a similitude saiyng Nisi granum frumenti deiectum in ter ram mortuum fuerit ipsum solum manet onles the corne whiche is sowen in the ground do first die it doth not encrease if it die it bringeth forth much fruit So his body doth profit vs not in that we eat it really but in that it was beaten cruelly scorged slain for vs in that it was crucified it is the bread of life the bread of saluation redemption and iustification With these sentences Christ plucketh vs from carnal eating and teacheth vs that his body is eaten by faith only in this life But I heare one say whiche deliteth in his owne wyt and thinketh that he cause further in a mylston beyōd others If we receiue Christes body by faith only what nedeth the sacrament What boteth it to come to the Lordes table saying we may receiue his body without the sacrament whersoeuer we be if we beleue vpon him whether we be in the field or in the towne or in our beddes Truly if thou be honestly and Godly affected and doest reuoke Christes passion to thy memory hoping for remission and pardon of thy offence thorow the sheding of his bloud through the death of his body thou doest eate his body and drinke his bloud But if thou regarde not his sacrament if thou regarde not the promises which he hath annexed to his table if thou passe not on his commaundement which is Take ye eate and drinke ye of this euery one thou doest not beleue but art carnally mynded and the seruaunt of syn Wher fayth is there is also hope modesty humilite sobernes and obedience to Gods preceptes for the nature of fayth is to iustifie Now carnall and disobedient mē do not eate Christes body forasmuch as it is eaten only in spirite and in fayth that is of spirituall and faythfull men and women alwayes vnto health and redemption and neuer vnto hurt or destruction Thou maiest say lykewyse I wyll not come to the churche to praye for God heareth me euery where Thou mayst say likewyse I wyll not be absolued of the minister for God is not boūd to his sacramentes and he only bloteth out synne without the ceremony of ministration as he did the synnes of the these of Mary Magdalene and of others True it is God absolueth before thou come to the priest if thou haue earnest remors and an vnfayned purpose to amend For he clensed the mam from Leprosy of whome Mathewe speaketh he raysed Lazarus from the
lyuely holy and very members of thy mistical body Abide alwayes in vs and norishe vs cōtinually with the grace of thy almighty spirit with the fode of thy eternal word with faith in thy holy bloud with the death of thy precious and natural body which thy body is the bread of lyfe to vs the bread of redemption and rightuousnes not really eaten but in y t it was cruelly beatē slain for vs. Teach vs the right vse of this thy sacrament deliuer vs from superstition idolatry ignorauncie with whiche both we our forefathers haue bene snared and fettered in times past Fulfyll these our desyres and petitiōs of thy voluntary goodnes and fre mercy who lyuest and reignest in one glory and equal maiestie with the father and the holy spirit worlde without end So be it ⸫ THE THIRD SERMON vpon the Lordes Supper HEtherto christē hearers I haue furnished Christs supper with two sermōs as it were with two disshes Ther remaineth yet apercel vnspokē of which now I entend to finish I haue declared the meaning theffect the vnderstāding of these wordes of Christ our lord Hoc est corpus meum c. This is my body this is my bloud of the new testament And I haue shewed aswel out of the scripturs as also by the authoritie of the elder and learned fathers of gods church that they are thus much to say This is a sacrament of my body bloud this is a certificat of my fauor a testimony as it wer a broad seal and patent that God my father is recōciled vnto you that he doth embrace that he doth loue you and dwel in you by the grace of his holy spirit for theffusion of my bloud death of my body I tolde you also what it is to eate Christes body that it is not eatē really or corporally for asmuch as it is the meat and sustenaunce not of our bodies and fleshe but of our spirit and inward man which are not fed or norished with any corporal nature or bodely substāce Or to expresse this thing more plainly Christes flesh is panis vitae the bread of life in that it was beaten not in that it is eaten It is the bread of saluatiō of redētion of sanctificatō of rightuousnes of iustification in y t it was cruelly scouged and slayne for vs and not through any corporall any reall or naturall receit As he teacheth vs hymselfe Iohn vi reprouing those whiche vnderstode that he would geue his body to be really and substancially eaten saying Caro non prodest quicunque c. The flesh profiteth nothing it is the spirit that quickeneth that is to say the spirituall receit and eating doeth profite and sanctify you the bodely and corporall eatyng is vnprofitable To eate Christes fleshe and to drinke his bloud is to beleue that the sonne of God concerning his humanitie fleshe was nailed on the crosse that his bloud was let furth for y e expiatiō of our sins for our redemption and rightuousnes to repose vs againe into Gods fauour And this spirituall receit whiche is by faith is so effectuall and of so mighty so vehement an operation that as matrimony maketh man and wife one flesh according as it is written Erunt duo in carne vna So it ioyneth vs vnto Christ re ipsa that is really truly and effectually making vs flesh of his flesh bones of his bones as Paul witnesseth That is liuely holy and very members of his mistical body For Paul doth not speak there only of natural flesh but also of holy flesh and cleane from syn whiche shall arise and be immortall not by the course of nature nor by Adam but through Christ who doth knit and couple and in corporat his chosen to himself by his sacramentes and faith so that they may truly thenceforth say with Paul Viuo iam non ego sed viuit in me Christus I liue yet now not I but Christ liueth in me Gods holy word knoweth no other receit of Christes very body and naturall flesh nether in the Sacrament nor without it Nether any of y e elder fathers of christes church doe acknowledge or teache any other eating Because it is to long a matter to alledge them all I wyll alledge two or thre of the chief and principall and best learned of which y e aduersaries of the truth do brag not a litle S. Austin a famous Godly and learned father of Christes church wryting vpō S. Iohns gospel affirmeth this eating most plainsaying Credere in eū hoc est māducare panē vinū c. To beleue vpō Christ saith this holi father is to eat the bread of life And again qui credit manducat inuisibiliter signa He that beleueth eateth and is fed inuisibly Here percase thou wylt say as Christ spiritually and worthely is receiued by faith of good mē vnto saluation so euil men doe in the sacrament eate his flesh vnworthely and without faith and vnto condemnation By what testimony of the scripture can this be proued that Christes flesh is eaten vnworthely and vnto dampnation Paul sayth quicunque manducauerit panem hunc c. He that eateth of this bread drinketh of this cup of the Lorde vnworthely He doth not say he that eateth Christes body vnworthely or drinketh his bloud vnworthely which alwaies be receiued to sanctification to life saluation but he that eateth this bread that is not common bread not daily bread but sacramētal bread that is ment by the word this Throughout the scriptures this worde vnworthely is neuer ioined with Christes body neuer with his bloud for they do sanctifie their receiuers S. Austin also denieth this destinction Sermone circa sacra feria paschoe wryting thus Qui non manet in Christo in quo non manet Christus proculdubio non manducat eius carnem nec bibit sanguinem etiam si tante rei sacramentum ad iudicium sibi manducet bibit That is to say he that abideth not in Christ and in whome Christ abideth not without doubt he eateth not Christes fleshe nor drynketh not his bloud although he eate and drynke the sacrament of so great a thyng vnto his dampnation This holy father doth teache and confesse here thre things which thynges he teacheth lykewyse in many other places of his bokes One is that euell men do not eate Christes flesh for it is the bread of lyfe and ryghtuousnes Another is that they doe eate the sacrament and the only figure therof Thirdly that they eate the saide only sacrament and the only figure vnto condemnation making them selues as Paul saith gilte of Christes body and bloud whiche they do not receiue because they wyll not beleue These thre most true and Godly lessons of this elder and learned father be a manifest deniall of the transubstantiation and of all corporall reall and naturall receit Let vs