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A01991 Admirable and memorable histories containing the wonders of our time. Collected into French out of the best authors. By I. [sic] Goulart. And out of French into English. By Ed. Grimeston. The contents of this booke followe the authors aduertisement to the reader; Histoires admirables et memorables de nostre temps. English Goulart, Simon, 1543-1628.; Grimeston, Edward. 1607 (1607) STC 12135; ESTC S103356 380,162 658

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hee had counted his monie hee sayed merilie that hee had beene with a verie good Hostes seeing that in seauen daies hee had not spent anie thing Memoires de Lion There be many that escaping out of dangers are compelled by the consideration of strange euents to confesse that GOD hath deliuered them without the aide of any second cause Of many examples I will choose and recite one which is worthy of note The Dukes of Saxony FREDERICK the Elector and IOHN his brother went one day by bote along the riuer of Elba from Torque to Wittenberg The water was all couered ●…uer with great pieces of Ice newly broken Those pieces so ran against the boate and bruised it in such sort that assoone as the Princes were landed it split in two and sanke The Princes with great astonishment considering such a spectacle from the shoare and in what danger they had bin by reason of the greatnesse depth and fury of the riuer acknowledged that GOD had preserued the bote vntill such time as they were landed And hauing bin a long time in this consideration without speaking a word the Elector say to his Brother Let vs confesse that GOD hath preserued vs and therfore let vs giue him thanks for his assistance in this many other dangers But whereas you sawe the boate fall in peeces assoone as we were out of it verily I am affraied that our house of Saxony will go to ruine after the death of vs two PEVCER in his Commentary of the principall sortes of Diuinations book 1. Chap. 13. The yeare 1558. a meruailous thing happened at Mech●…rode in Almaigne confirmed by the testemony of diuers credible persons About 9. of the clocke at night a personage attyred in white and followed by a white dogge came and knocked at an honest poore womans dore and called her by her name She thinking it had bin her husband who had beene a long time in a farre Country ran presently to the dore This personage taking her by the hand asked her in whom she put all the hope of her saluation In Iesus CHRIST answered she Then he commanded her to followe him which she refusing to do he exhorted her to be of good courage to feare nothing that done he led her all night through a forrest The next day about noone hee set her vpon an exceeding high mountaine and shewed her things which she was neuer able to expresse Hee enioyned her to returne home and to exhort euery one to turne from their wicked waies adding that an horrible destruction was at hand and hee commanded her also to rest her selfe eight daies in her house at the end whereof he would come to her againe The day following in the morning the womā was found at the townes end and carried home to her house where she continued eight whole daies without eating or drinking When her neighbors and friends perswaded her to take some sustenance her answere was that being extreame weary nothing was so agreable to her as rest how within eight daies the man that had carried her forth would come againe and then she would eate As indeede it came to passe but afterward this woman stirred but little out of her bed sighing from the bottome of her heart and crying out very often O how great are the ioyes of that life and how miserable is this life Beeing demmanded whether shee thought the personage attired in white which appeared so vnto her to bee a good Angell or rather some euill spirit that had transformed himselfe into an Angell of light She answered It is not an euill spirit it is an holy Angell who hath commanded mee to pray incessantlie to GOD and to exhort both great and small vnto amendment of life If any one questioned with her concerning her beliefe I confesse sayd shee that I am a poore sinner but I beleeue that Iesus CHRIST hath obtayned me remission for all my sinnes through the benefit of his death and passion The Minister of the place testified the singular piety and humble deuotion of this woman adding that she was wel instructed and could yeeld very good reason for her religion IOB FINCEL in his 8. booke of Myracles c. In the yeare 1546. a great personage of Germanie hauing beene stayed three daies at Hale in Swabe by the furie and roughnesse of the Waters finally vrged by necessitie to passe ouer hee embarked himselfe in a small bote for to crosse the Riuer accompanyed with three of his Sonnes and a learned Diuyne his friend And seeing his bote readie to bee ouerwhelmed and himselfe and the rest drowned without any apparance of rescue full of faith and hope in GOD he sayd to his friend What triumph would Satan make thinke you and how glad would he be if we two and my three sonnes should bee drowned in this floud But hauing escaped the danger they came safe to land and that personage hauing taken order for certaine great affaires dyed within a while after very peaceably in the inuocation of the name of GOD. Maister ANDDEVV HONSDORFF in his Theater of Examples pag. 296. The yeare 1535. in a village of Silesia named Olst hapened the strangest and most furious tempest in the ayre that euer was seene for it made euen the strongest houses that were built of hewed stone to shake and ouerthrewe diuers One of the inhabitants of the Village named LAVVRENCE THOPHAROSKE hauing his house ioyning to the market place and being verily perswaded that the end of the world was come by reason the Element was all of a flame and that great flakes of of fire flew about shutte himselfe vp in his house and falling on his knees with his wife and children began to pray very earnestly vnto GOD and to sing Hymnes and Psalmes of repentance During these holy exercises a great clap of Tempest with a wonderfull violence tore away the vpper part of the house that was all of hewed Stone together with the roofe and flung it all to the ground without hurting either the Father the Mother or the Children But in another place this tempest did great harme for hauing ouer-throwne a Pinnacle of the Towne-house made all of great foure squared stone cimented and fastned together with Clampornes and barres of Yron fiue persons were slaine with the fall of the houses wherevpon this ruine lighted Whereas contrariwise three others and a Child lying in a little bed were preserued in another house vnder the same ruine and it being demanded of the Child that began to prattle who had holpen him in that danger hee lifted vp his little hand and pointed to Heauen M. AMBROSA MOI●…AN in his exposition of the 19. Psalm No-lesse horrible and dreadfull was another tempest that ranne ouer all the Country of Misnia vpon the 13. day of August 1559. Which thundring very strangely in the aire and ouerthrowing all that it encountred a certaine woman got her selfe with all speede into her Stoue with foure Sonnes shee had and
dayly happens wee see that many sick folkes haue no appetite by reason their ventricle is stuft with euill humors and they receiue lesse meate in a weeke then they did in a day when they were well But when a man of a sound bodie can but passe one or two daies without meate and not bee an hungred that exceedes the rules of nature and is a Diuine miracle Howe much more admirable is it that such a man should fast fortie daies togither in such manner that hee feeles no hunger hath no neede to resist the desire of eating nor hath any more appetite to meate or drinke then an Angell Wee beleeue that IESVS CHRIST had a bodie exceeding temperate and pure though hee were subiect to our infirmities according to the condition of his humaine natu●…e sinne excepted Wee acknowledge like-wise that MOYSES and ELIAS when they abstayned fortie da●…e togither from meate and drinke were in perfect health at that time and by a certaine prerogatiue exempted from the common life of men Wherevpon it ensueth that they are iustly esteemed for excellent miracles whereby the authority of those Prophets and of IESVS CHRIST were established Nowe it is no nouelty that the like effects should happen by the order of things which our most good and mighty GOD hath prescribed to nature and by an euident miracle against the lawes of the same nature For feauers and diuers other disseases which the Saints haue healed the Physitions doe also cure But the meanes which they vse make great difference in the case For the Saints by their worde or touch alone through the grace of GOD tooke away the causes of such effects with the necessity imposed vpon nature The Physitions do nothing but oppose vnto naturall things other like wise naturall whereby if the vertue of the remedies giuen by the Creator bee of greatest strength and that it be his will it should not bee in vaine at that time the cause which doth offend is defaced IESVS CHRIST throughly healed the inueterate course of menstruall bloud with the onely touch of the hem●…e of his garment and sayd hee felt that vertue was gone out of him for that effect but the womā touched that in faith which presented it selfe to her hand embracing the power of our Sauiour in her thought Wee by the art of Physick whereof he himselfe a mercyfull Father hauing pittie on mans condition is the true author institutor helpe our s●…lues in the like disseasses with certaine medicines So no question may an abundant phlegmatique humor naturally induce fasting as appeared in those before named which felt themselues well through the good pleasure of GOD. But besides these there are infi●…ite miracles that exceede our vnderstanding which neither humane Art nor Nature it selfe can any waie immitate Such is the curing of naturall blindnesse expelling of vncleane spirits out of humaine bodies raysing of the dead halfe rotten and such like which confirme the authority of the Almightie GOD. By this I thinke it appeares that things which are sayd to happen by a certaine Lawe of nature although but seldome reproue not true miracles nor dimynish their credit and that hee no way contradicteth the Chistian fai●…h which diligently examineth the causes of such euentes But rather is not the verity of vnfained miracles thereby confirmed the better in taking away the occasion of impostures therewithall to the ende they should not easily abuse the vnexperienced people For if any of those which liue without eating by reason of their cold intemperature and abundance of flegme should counterfeit the Prophet inspired of the euer lyuing GOD howe many thousands might hee drawe head-long into error and distruction Verily hee is impio●…s and ignorant of true nay dyuine Phylosophy which thinking of these things and considering them shall affirme it to bee wicked and irreligious to go aboute to distinguish with vnpainted reasons betweene the workes and as wee vse to say the miracles of nature and the miracles of GOD Which all good and Godly persons will freely confesse do belong to an honest religious charitable man These are Doctor IOVBERTS owne wordes whose booke was Printed at Paris the yeare 1579. It hath beene told me of a certaintie that there was a Chanon at Salamanca which went to Toledo and backe againe hauing remained there fifteene or twenty dayes without drinking any drop of Wine or Water from the time of his setting forth till his returne But that which puts me into a greater meruaile is that written by PONTANVS in his Booke of Meteors Of a man that in all his life neuer drunke a drop of any thing which LADISLAVS King of Naples vnderstanding made him drinke a little Water that greatly pained him at his stomack I haue also heard of diuers credible persons that in the Towne of Mansill not farre from the Cittie of Leon was a man liuing that vsed to be two or three moneths without drinking and neuer felt any harme or displeasure by it A. de TORQVEMADO in the first day of his Hexameron Imprinted the yeare 1582. Singular Modestie yeelding to a seuere Censure THere are few men to be found especially among them that are called learned which doe not highly esteeme their owne workes and endure reprehensions impatiently If there be any such found they deserue to be admired and imitated MARCILLIVS FICINVS a most learned Philosopher and renowmed Desciple of PLATO in our time hauing vndertaken PLATOES workes to Translate them out of Greeke into Latin cartyed his Translation vnto a very learned Man called MARCVS MVSVRVS CANDIOT to haue hi●… aduise MVSVRVS seeing that this translation was done hastely and that it would not satesfie the expectation of many which did greatly affect it Beeing loth to haue his friend derided and to discharge himselfe of his promise hee takes a sponge and puts it into an Inck pot and so blots out all the first page of FICINVS translatiō then turning towards him hee sayd thou seest howe I haue corrected the first page if thou wilt I will do as much to the rest FICINVS without any choller answered him It is no reason that PLATO should be disgraced through my fault then he retired himselfe and hauing his second conceptions better refined he made a newe translation worthie both of the maister and the disciple ZVINGER in the 1. tome of his Theater A Mocker mockt A Certaine man remayning at Onzain neere to Amboisse being perswaded by an hostesse who committed the infamous crime of Adulterie with him to make shewe for the freeing of her husband of all future Iealousie that hee would be gelt by one called M. PETER des SERPENS Surgion at Villantrois in Berry he sent for his kins-folks and after that hee had tould them that hee neuer durst discouer his griefe vnto them hee was in the ende brought to that extremity as he was forced to take that course wherevpon he made his will And to make the better shewe of it after that he had