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A14710 An hundred, threescore and fiftene homelyes or sermons, vppon the Actes of the Apostles, written by Saint Luke: made by Radulpe Gualthere Tigurine, and translated out of Latine into our tongue, for the commoditie of the Englishe reader. Seene and allowed, according to the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions; In Acta Apostolorum per Divum Lucam descripta, homiliƦ CLXXV. English Gwalther, Rudolf, 1519-1586.; Bridges, John, d. 1618. 1572 (1572) STC 25013; ESTC S118019 1,228,743 968

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haue left that Church destitute of their ministerye considering it was so well seene vnto after they were gone For there were among them certaine Prophetes and teachers They are called Prophets which either by instinct of the holy ghost shew of things to come as we see before Agabus the Prophete did or else which haue the gift truly rightly to expound the writings of the Prophets in which sense Paule vseth this word Prophecie in his fyrst Epistle to the Corinthians 14 Chap. Both these senses is well agreeing in this present place For by hystories it is playne that the gift of prophecying endured many yeares in the primitiue Church And it can not be sayde that so notable a Church wanted exposition of Scriptures And they are called Teachers which openly instruct the Congregation and applye the holy Scriptures duly to all mennes information whome we nowe a dayes call Pastors or Ministers of the worde There was therefore at Antioch not onely a Church such as is euerywhere but also a College or schoole out of which was taken learned Ministers to be sent to other Cities This place teacheth vs that the chiefe ornament and beautie of the Church yea all the preseruation thereof consisteth in this that it be furnished and prouided of fyt Ministers and Teachers For by the ministery of them Paule plainely teacheth that through the worde of God Churches are begotten builded vp and preserued For how shall they beleue in him sayth he of whome they haue not hearde howe shall they heare without a Preacher Agayne In Christ Iesu haue I begotten you through the Gospell Hereto chiefely it appertaineth where he writeth that Christ hath giuen some Apostles some Prophetes some Euangelistes some shepeheardes and Teachers to the edifying of the Saintes euen to the edifying of the body of Christ. And bicause it is euident that the gift of teaching is not giuen to all men in myraculous wise as it was once to the Apostles therefore it is needefull to haue schooles where such may be brought vppe as shall afterwarde serue in the Ministerie Such were woont to be among the Iewes in the Cities of the Leuites and it appeareth by the storye of Samuel and Helisaeus that those singuler Prophetes of God had a speciall care of these schooles Yea Amos the Prophete most sharply reprehendeth those that did vse to corrupt the Nazarites and the yong menne giuen to the studie of the Scriptures with wyne ▪ This did great Kings and Emperours foresee in the Primitiue Church which did erect Colleges of their owne costes least at any time want of teachers might preiudice Gods religion Howbeit nowe a dayes eyther slo●hfull Dranes dwell in them or else they be at the appoyntment of such prowde men as hunt rather for ambicious names than studie for the edifycation of the Church Moreouer for that the notable Ministers of Christes Church should not be defrauded of their due prayse the holye ghost woulde haue their names recorded for a perpetuall remembraunce that it might euidently appeare that God regard●th those which doe faythfullye serue and studye for his Church And among these persons Manaen seemeth to be the chiefe who Luke writeth was fostered and brought vp with Herode the Tetrarch of a childe He was therefore a Courtyer and of a noble stocke For who will thinke that one of a ba●e stocke shoulde be appoynted a playfellow with a kings sonne or that Herode woulde afterwarde despyse him that had bene brought vp with him from his childehoode This is a notable example of the goodnesse of God which vseth in all states of men to haue his chosen and to call them when i● seemeth him good For that vniuersall spirite and author of eternall life bloweth where it pleaseth him So we reade that Naaman was in the Court of the king of Syria And in Babilon Daniel and his fellowes helde fast Gods true religion yea Paule maketh mention of some in the house of Nero that beleeued And Nichodemus is a Disciple among the Scribes the greatest enimies of christ There is also in Manaen set out vnto vs an example of fayth and syncere religion who following the example of Moses chose rather to be afflicted with the people of God than to enioy the pleasures of sinne for a season thinking the rebuke of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Herode And surely if a man woulde compare the state of the Church as it was in those dayes with the life of the Court he shall fynde a marueylous working of the holy ghost in this Manaen and euident tokens both of true regeneration and mortifycation and forsaking of himselfe But that we heare that he did it behooueth vs to imitate For it cannot be that they can truelye take holde of Christ which haue not yet learned to despyse and treade vnder foote this worlde with the honors riches and pleasures thereof But let vs come to the seconde part of this diuision wherein the sending of Paule Barnabas to the Gentyles is described Here are two things chiefely to be discussed videlicet the holy ghost the author and moderator of all this businesse and then the order that Luke writeth they obserued First he expressely teacheth that the holy ghost was the author of all this doing For as they ministred to the Lorde and fasted the holy ghost sayde seperate me Barnabas and Saule for the worke wherevnto I haue called them And it is no doubt but these things are spoken of the holy ghost forasmuch as mention is made of holy ministerye and fasting Here the Papistes playe the fooles following Erasmus his translation and bicause he as vnaptly translated the Greeke worde by this worde sacrifyce they expounde this place of the sacrifyce of the Masse Howbeit the Greekes saye they doe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which are occupied or busied in publike office or affaires as it may appéere where Paule calleth Magistrates and Aungels 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not for that they vsed to do sacrifyce but for that they are Gods publike officers ministers And where by Christes death it is manifest the Leuiticall sacrifyces are abolished that the seruice of Christ consisteth not in outwarde ceremonies but in the spirite and in truth therefore here can be vnderstanded none other ministery than such as Christ woulde haue vsed in his Church This comprehendeth in it the preaching of the worde publike prayer and the sacraments which are not sacrifyces but holye actions instituted to keepe in memorie the sacrifyce which Christ once offered vppon the aultar of the Crosse. And herein were they busily occupied when the holy ghost admonished them to sende forth Paule and Barnabas For that they were earnestly occupied herein the mention made of fasting abundantly prooueth There are in this part many things which prooue the vocation of the Gentyles to be the worke of god For as they were ministring to the Lorde the spirite aduertised the
to be so bolde in the house of God to doe it and to commit a matter of so greatweyght to the iudgement of our blinde reason Further in the choosing of Ministers no man will denye but that the chiefest regarde ought to be of the minde For in the minde is the residence of such vertuous qualities as the holy ghost requireth in a Minister But I praye you what man iudging of another mans mynde can be sure of hys iudgement Must we not confesse that men herein are deceyued euery day● since at length we finde by euident tokens howe naughtye they are whom before we tooke for very perfect persons The Apostles may herein be examples vnto vs who were ignorant a great whyle what Iudas was although he were a theefe such a one as robbed God of his honor But God is of such propertie condicion that he can be beguiled with no craft or dissimulation For he seeth not only what is without vs but searcheth the harts and reynes yea he foreseeth the thoughts and counsayles of men long before they aryse in their myndes Therefore all this matter can be to no body more safely committed than to his iudgement Which thing chiefly mooued the Apostles in this businesse to saye Thou Lorde which knowest the harts of all men shewe whether of these twaine thou hast chosen c. In the which words they plainly confesse what mooued them to runne to the iudgement of god Uerily for that they were not able to see into the hartes of other men Whereas we therfore cannot but confesse the same likewise in our choosing of Ministers we must needes seeme ouer rashe if we will make our selues Iudges in a matter where the minde is chiefly to be considered Last of all the maner order of election which the Apostles vsed both getteth the Ministers no small authoritie in the minds of the hearers encourageth them also against the manaces and attemptes of the wicked and other daungers hanging ouer them For thus it commeth to passe that the verye enimies if they will confesse a truth cannot suspect the Ministers eyther of temeritie or falshoode For who can be thought to haue crept into the Ministery by vnlawfull meanes or through fauour and authoritie of men which is declared a Minister by the iudgement of God Or who with a safe conscience dare eyther contemne or hate him whom he knoweth to haue bene elected and ordayned by his owne praiers the praiers of the whole congregation In like sort these things animate and embolden the Ministers a thing very necessary for them against the threates and attemptes of this worlde For where they knowe they are not elected by the counsell and fauour of man but by Gods ordinance they may assure themselues of Gods ayde and assistance if they will be faithfull in their office They knowe it is sayde vnto them Be not afrayde of their faces for I am with thee to deliuer thee sayth the Lorde Agayne they may be sure they shall finde God a reuenger and punisher if they be slothfull wicked and vnfaithfull in their office For they knowe that it is sayde to all Ministers which is spoken to the Prophet If I saye vnto thee concerning the wicked man that without doubt he must dye and thou giuest him not warning nor speakest vnto him that hee maye turne from his euill way and so liue then shal the same vngodly man die in his owne vnrighteousnesse but his bloude will I require of thine hande The consideration whereof me thinketh gaue such boldenesse to the Prophetes and Apostles that neyther the flatteries of false brethren nor the threates of wicked enimies could daunt or discourage them For after this sort Amos the Prophet deluded the crafty counsell of Amasias For where he exhorted the Prophete to flye awaye least Ieroboam the King shoulde laye holde on him for his sermons that were so full of threates and rebukes and so come in daunger of aduersitie he aunswered on this wise I am neyther Prophete nor sonne of Prophete but a keeper of cattell Nowe as I was breaking downe Mulberies and going after the cattell the Lorde tooke me and sayde vnto me Goe thy waye and prophecie vnto my people of Israell c. By the which wordes the Prophet meaneth that he did nothing of his owne head or priuate counsell but went about the office enioyned him of God and that therefore he coulde not giue ouer the charge that God had layde vppon him The same Amos in the thirde chapter sayth When the Lyon roareth who will not be afrayde Seeing then the Lord God himselfe speaketh who will not prophecy Hereto are to be referred the things that the Apostles did with lyke courage before the counsell at Hierusalem For when they were forbidden to preache any more in the name of the Lorde Iesus they aunswered Wee must rather obey God than man Agayne Whether it be right in the sight of God to harken vnto you more than God iudge yee But for what cause had it bene lawfull for the Apostles thus to saye if they had not certainely vnderstoode they were called and chosen to this office by god And surely in vayne shall a man looke for such boldenesse of speach and affiance in doing in those which through fauour and by vnlawfull meanes creepe into the Ministery before they be called For knowing in their conscience how they come in by craft and being in their daungers by whose meane they come to such promotion they dare doe no notable thing in setting forth the truth and glorye of God but playing the egregious tryflers studie to please both God and man yea at the length casting aside all feare of God they giue themselues wholy to hunt for worldly praise so lyke rattes perish by bewraying themselues bicause as Paule sayth they be not the seruantes of God but men pleasers Therefore whosoeuer woulde haue in the Churche the auncient authoritie of discipline and the boldenesse of the Prophetes and Apostles in the Ministers and to be short the olde integritie and soundnesse of the whole Church let him labour to reuoke and call agayne this auncient order of choosing of Ministers shewed vs by the example of the Apostles But before we goe from this matter it is requisite to see with what wordes they describe the office of the Apostles They call it the lot of the Ministery and Apostleship By this worde lot they allude to the maner of casting lottes whereby a litlte after they meane to enquire Gods minde and pleasure But in the diuision of things a lot is oftentimes taken for a part or portion of any thing that falleth to vs by lot In the which sense they here call the lot of the Ministerie or Apostleship a part of the same Therfore they oftentimes acknowledge and confesse an equalitie of state and condicion among the Apostles For if Matthias receyued a part of that Ministery which was as well
Noah the preacher of righteousnesse went before the floud by whose preaching the worlde might haue bene brought to repentance Loth was sent by God vnto the Sodomites by whose words and examples they might haue bene admonished The Egyptians beside Moyses and Aaron sawe such horrible and monstrous tokens that if there had bene any sense or vnderstanding in them it might haue mollified their harts Rachab the harlot testifieth that the Chanaanites had warning afore of the destruction to come No man but meanly traueyled in the wrytings of the Prophetes is ignoraunt howe many and faythfull aduertisements went before the captiuitie of Babilon Concerning the signes and woonders that went before the last destruction of Hierusalem and people of Iurie Iosephus and Egesippus haue written most straunge and monstrous things I let passe the things conteined in other histories the truth wherof was always tryed by the effect falling out By these let vs learne to know the goodnesse of God and to iudge of the woonders and straunge signes of our days least if we like blind and deafe folke neglecting them be found despisers of God and suffer grieuous punishment for our contempt But some man may maruell what shoulde be the cause of so vnfortunate and troublous a state seeing the sonne of God appeared in the fleshe to make a loue daye betweene God and vs at whose birth the Aungelles were hearde to sing Glory be to God on high peace vpon earth and vnto men a good will. Where nowe God may seeme more angry and more offended with the earth than before his sonnes incarnation Surely hereof in tymes past the enimies of Christian profession tooke occasion to inueigh against Christes religion as after whose birth a whole sea of mishaps burst into the earth and ouerflowed all mankinde whose slaunders Tertullian Cyprian Augustine Arnobius and diuers of the auncient wryters haue grauely and learnedly aunswered and confuted Yea we shall finde some among the professours of Christianitie whome the consideration of these euils doth not a little dismay Therfore to marke and search out the cause of these euils is neyther vnprofitable nor superfluous but two wayes to be obserued For it is to be searched as well in the godly as the vngodly and so it shall easily appeere that the cause of these calamities is in vs and that the Christian faith and Christ himselfe is in no fault In the vngodly needeth no great inquisition to finde the cause whereas they dayly commit many thinges which deserue the wrath and punishment of god For eyther there reigneth in them the lyfe of Epicure and a carelesse contempt of God and all holynesse or else superstition and idolatrie Both these engender an hatred to the truth and stirre vp persecutions agaynst the ministers of Christ which by the light of the truth reprooue licentious liuing and accuse superstition These things reigne in our dayes yea they swarme in euery place that there is no man so blind but may see them nor none so impudent that can deny thē We may heare euerywhere mockers which as Peter warned vs with prety taunts can deride the day of iudgement and call the resurrection of the deade into question yea flatly deny it And they that can brydle their tongues yet with licentiousnesse of life testifie that they are stained with the same impiety Against these the professors of religion set themselues but being superstitious and giuen to grosse ydolatrie they fight for their colde ceremonies for mans traditions for the painted righteousnesse of their owne workes with no lesse vngodlynesse and waywardnesse than the Iewes in times passed stroue for the righteousnesse of the lawe Both these kindes of men consent in oppugning the truth as once we reade the Phariseys dalied with the Herodians against christ And the matter is not concluded in wordes and argumentes but with chaines imprisonments haulter fire and sworde And vngodlynesse in many places is gone so farre that there is counted no more heynous offence than purely to confesse Christ and boldlye to defende the veritie of the Gospell and the synceritie of Christian faith These thinges bicause they are daily committed it needeth not further to search the cause of the calamities that are daily seene considering how the same wickednesses caused Israel in times past to be led captiue to Babilon and afterwarde vtterly to be rooted vp Reade the second booke of Chronicles .xxxvj. Math. 23. Luc. 19. Chap. But I knowe thou wilt say the wicked are auctors of euill and that their doinges deserue more grieuous punishmentes than they yet feele But what maketh this to the godlye and syncere worshippers of Christ who are wrapped in the same calamities whome we see are the first that feele the smart of them Ought the impietie and frowardnesse of the vngodly to preiudice them Howbeit we must in the godly not only consider the truth of their doctrine sinceritie of fayth and integritie of religion but also the imperfection and vices which cleaue vnto them by reason of the flesh and then it shall appeare that they are not faultlesse and suffer not for others faultes For in them many times the desires of this world shew themselues and not seldome times vnder the cloke of Christ they seeke with the sonnes of Zebedaeus their priuate honours dignities and riches Therfore it is necessarie that they also doe drinke of the cup of Christ and being exercised with afflictions learne that the kingdome of Christ is not of this worlde Furthermore oftentimes the godly are to bolde and confident through securitie whereof they slippe into many enormities which thing as is manifest happened to Dauid and manye others Therefore it behooued that that carelesnesse and securitie should be shaken of with affliction and with the Crosse least they also shoulde grieuously offende or that when they had offended they might learne to saye with Dauid It is good for mee that I haue bene in trouble that I maye learne thy statutes My soule melteth away for very heauinesse comfort thou mee according to thy worde And bicause God considereth the contrite in heart and Christ calleth them that traueyle and are heauie laden vnto him it is necessary we be brought downe by afflictions that when we feele our selues burthened and heauy loden we maye go the gladlyer vnto Christe Besides this The seruaunt that knoweth his maisters will and doth it not shall be the sorer beaten And if we woulde iudge or accuse our selues we shoulde not be iudged or condemned of the Lord. But bicause moste times we flatter our selues and winke at other mens faultes Gods iudgements are necessary to shewe that he is no fauourer or allower of sinne Last of all the glorie of God requireth that where he punisheth the wickednesse of the worlde iudgement shoulde beginne at his house as the Apostle sayth least he might seeme to beare and allowe in his owne folke that he seuerely punisheth in other If we consider well these things we
of the resurrection he more fully setteth forth the same going on speaking still vnder the person of christ For he saith Bicause thou wilt not leaue my soule in hell neyther wilt thou suffer thine holye one to see corruption Thou hast shewed me the wayes of lyfe thou shalt make me full of ioy with thy countenance There be in these words diuers things which are to be vnderstāded of Christ only as Peter teacheth in the things folowing Yet bicause the certaintie of our resurrection dependeth vpon Christes resurrection whome Paule for that cause calleth the first fruites of them that sleepe the fruites and effects of all those things that came to passe in Christs resurrection appertaine also to vs Therefore it shall be profitable for vs diligentlye to consider the things here sayde For as they set forth the resurrection of Christ so they teach vs wherein to hope and paint out the order and maner of our resurrection with that true felicitie which followeth the same First he sayth Thou shalt not leaue my soule in hell The Hebrues take this worde Inferi which we englishe hell sometime for the sepulchre or graue sometime for the deade and buried in which sense the brethren of Ioseph saye Thy seruauntes shall bring the graye heade of our father with sorow ad infernum siue inferos that is to say to the graue The sense therfore of Christes words is that the soule of Christ should not tary long separated from the bodye in the place where the soules of the blessed be but should returne shortly to the body againe Manye haue vnderstoode these wordes of the discention of Christ into hell which we professe among the articles of our faith whose iudgement me thinketh ought not altogither to be reiected Great disputation hereabout hath bene kept among the auncient writers And in our dayes haue certaine phreneticke persons starte forth which haue sayde that the soule of Christ hath suffered in hell the tormentes of the damned But Christe himselfe confuteth them whiche a little before he died sayde vnto the theefe This daye thou shalt be with mee in Paradyse Besides being ready to giue vp the ghost hee sendeth not his soule to hell but commendeth it into the handes of his father Furthermore it is manifest that he offered himselfe vpon the aultar of the Crosse for the sinnes of all the worlde and did there fully accomplish the businesse of our saluation so that he truely sayde It is done or finished Therefore it must not be suffred that any shall say Christes soule suffered any thing after it departed out of his body It was heauy and sadde and felt the terrours of death at mount Oliuete as he himselfe confesseth It seemed also to haue felt the angrye countenaunce and wrath of his father in punishing sinne when he sayde vpon the crosse My God my God why haste thou forsaken me But bicause his death and passion was sufficient to purge our sinnes it is a very absurde and vnchristian point to adde anye thing else thereto Therefore Christes descending into hell may plainely be vnderstanded if we saye eyther that he truely died or that the merite of his death extended vnto them also which died before him from the beginning of the worlde as Peter in another place seemeth to meane saying that Christ preached vnto the deade which were in prison This serued bothe to the greater comfort of those which beleeued the promises made of him and increased the paines and sorrowes of the reprobate which wickedlye contemned them In the meane season the vtilitie and profit of the things here spoken is deriued vnto vs also For as Christes soule was not forsaken so our soules be in the protection and hande of God and shall retourne to our bodies againe in the later day Secondly therefore he addeth Neyther wilt-thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption This after a sort perteyneth to the exposition of the first member In the meane season as he spake of the soule so he sheweth what shall become of the body He sayth it shall not see corruption whiche afterwarde at large he declareth to be vnderstanded of Christes body onlye And surely it is plaine that all our bodies are subiect to corruption for the saying of God must of necessitie be fulfilled Thou art dust and into dust thou shalt returne againe Neyther doth the arte and industrie of man any thing preuayle going about to conserue the bodies of great men with sweete odours spicery and perfumes But Christes bodye bicause it was raysed againe the thirde daye coulde not see corruption much lesse be corrupted but rose againe a glorious body and voyde of all corruption Here is the resurrection of our bodies proued For although our bodies corrupt moulder to dust yet by the power of Christ when the last day commeth they shall be restored againe as we haue heretofore declared For our mortall bodies as Paule sayth must become lyke vnto Christes glorified bodye Neyther shall it be impossible for him to raise our bodies from the dust which made man at the beginning of claye yea all this great frame of the worlde of nothing They maye here also be confuted which saye Christes body in the resurrection was vanished awaye and had not the true properties of a body such as is to be felt and handled to be conteyned in a place to moue from place to place c. For if he sawe no corruption howe coulde he lose those things without the which a verye body cannot consist Thirdly he sayth Thou hast shewed mee the wayes of life that is thou hast brought me into life And he speaketh of the heauenlye and eternall life which only is worthye so to be called Ergo life euerlasting followeth after resurrection which life euen as Christ had so shall we haue the same in him This is well to be obserued where it is sayde the waye of life is shewed to christ Adam by sinne deserued death and the doore of Paradise after he was driuen out God fensed and garded with a sworde of fire least he shoulde returne thither and eate of the tree of life God signified hereby that men of their owne strength and power could not enter into life But in Christ the waye of life was set open againe that euen as by one man sinne entred into the worlde and through sinne death so by Christ only righteousnesse and life shoulde be restored againe Therefore the Apostle speaking of Christ sayth that the life appeared to vs. And Christ euerye where is called the breade of life the light and the waye of lyfe and the resurrection and the lyfe This commoditie therefore which the resurrection of Christ hath gotten vs is verye singular bicause we shall be raysed to an heauenly and an eternall life not to an earthly and mortall such as we nowe liue which may be trulyer called a death than a life The meane hereto
men counsel how they should be saued he must beginne alwayes with these twoo things For vnlesse we acknowledge our sinnes and be sory for them we shall neuer thinke of anye amendement and reconciliation with god But bicause the wicked sometime acknowledge their sinne and be sorie for them as we see Iudas did he addeth an other worde namely that they must conuert The conuersion or turning must be vnto that thing from which by sinne they departed before But that we depart from God by sinne is more manifest than needeth any great proofe of wordes Therefore it is sayde in the Scriptures that sinners doe forsake the wayes of god Therefore we must turne vnto God by repentance And we conuert vnto God partly by amending our life and partly by faith in Iesus Christ. The one maketh vs to ceasse from sinne whereby we prouoked the wrath of God the other indueth vs with the righteousnesse of Christ and maketh vs able to stande in his sight For the doctrine of the Gospell teacheth vs that God the father is reconcyled vnto vs by christ Of faith springeth the inuocation of God and whatsoeuer other fruites vse to growe of repentance Therefore Peter sheweth the same waye of saluation here that he did before which we must thinke belongeth no lesse to vs than to the Iewes We are the shorter in this place bicause the things that might here be spoken are sayd before where he may see more hereof that listeth Unto this precept or counsell he addeth a promise to mooue them the more He promiseth them forgiuenesse of sinnes wherof it is credible they were chiefely carefull But marke the maner of speach which he for great cause and consideration vseth Conuert sayth he that your sinnes maye bee done away He doth not attribute vnto them any glorie of merite or desert as though by workes of penaunce they might put awaye their sinnes or make satisfactiō for them But teacheth them how they must be done away by another that is to saye by God against whome we sinne and by sinne become debters vnto him For it is a Metaphore or translation taken from Creditors or lenders who only haue power and authoritie to wype debtes out of their bookes of reckening when eyther they are satisfyed by their debters or else themselues of fauour and goodnesse will remitte and forgiue all the debt And all they which sinne become debters vnto God according to that saying of Dauid I haue sinned against thee O Lorde And verily whatsoeuer is cōmitted against the will of the Lord is sinne Therfore vnlesse God wype out the ●●btes of our sinnes there can none other deliuer vs from them The wysest both of the Iewes and Gentiles haue herein consented and agreed For albeit the Gentiles attributed muche to their superstitions yet they confessed they were in vaine vnlesse some peculiar fauor of God were ioyned with them Among the Iewes the Phariseyes attributed much to their works yet we read that they themselues confessed openly that God onely had power to forgiue sinnes He forgiueth them or putteth them awaye not bicause it is in our power to purge them and to make satisfaction for them for before him no fleshe is iustified and all our righteousnesses be as an olde worne and ragged clothe which can neyther couer vs nor keepe vs warme but for that Iesus Christ the sonne of God hath pourged them vppon the aultar of the crosse by the merite of his death and by the price of his bloude hath cancelled all that that hath made vs guiltie of death before god The Lord in the same sense vseth this translation of doing awaye or wyping out in Esay the Prophete cap. 43. and .44 And Christ declareth all the maner hereof by a feate Parable in the .xviij. of Mathew Peter therefore admonisheth the Iewes hereof to th ende they might vnderstande that their sinnes were nowe all done awaye so that they would with all their heart embrace Iesus Christ by whose merite they were put away Nowe that which is sayde to them we must thinke spoken also to vs who aboue all thinges must haue this care that in our repentance we haue our eyes fast fixed vppon the onelye forgiuenesse of our sinnes that through to wicked and ouer bolde a confidence we chalenge not to our selues or to the merites of our workes that benefite which commeth of the only grace of God obtayned by the meryte of Christ. Furthermore as there is nothing more wholesome and necessary for man than repentaunce and turning vnto God wherevnto Peter in this place counselleth vs so the fleshe will credit and beleeue anye thing more easily than this For such is the corruption of our nature that we delight in sinne and are so proude that we are ashamed to confesse our fault and to amende it Therefore the Apostle vrgeth them standing wauering and in doubt with most strong argumentes agreeable to this purpose He setteth before their eyes the remembraunce of the later daye and the glorious comming of Christ our Iudge His talke or phrase herein is somewhat defectiue not full but may in this wise be easily supplied It is not in vaine that I require you to repent and to turne vnto god For the same shall be profitable and necessary for you that you maye hereafter be able to stande sure when the time of refreshinge which we shall haue of the Lordes sight commeth and when he shall sende the same Iesus Christ which was before preached whome the heauens must receyue vntill the time that all things be restored againe Out of the which wordes we may gather two argumentes The one is taken of the time the sense whereof is thus This forme of the worlde shall not alway endure neyther that trade of men and other creatures that we now see For there shall come a daye of refreshing and restoring of all things when both the godly shall be deliuered and restitution required of the wicked c. Therfore as your saluation is deare vnto you so applie you busily that that day may bring vnto you refreshing and saluation and not feare and tormentes The other argument he taketh of the Iudges person ▪ God will sende this Iesus Christ of whome we now speake to be a Iudge before whose iudgement seate all men must stande that there they may receyue in their bodies according to all their doings whether they be good or badde Is it not therefore necessarye that you shoulde get the fauour of this Iudge before he come to punishe you for your offences It seemeth that a thirde argument also maye be gathered of these wordes in that he sayth he whome he now preached shall come to be a Iudge For so he taketh from them all pretence of ignorance that they shoulde not thinke theyr former ignorance shoulde excuse them in the daye of iudgement And of such weyght are the thinges here spoken that if the consideration of them can not mooue any man certes
Comptrollers espie any thing in these mennes conuersation Naye such as these sate highest among them Yet are the Apostles who hitherto had hurt no man but profited a great many cyted examined and commaunded to prison So in these dayes where men burne in hatred of the truth all men may freely be naught But to preache Christ and to call mennes mindes through his doctrine from superstition and ydolatrie that is an heynous matter I warrant you This is the olde corruption of the worlde which neuer is afrayde of punishment for sinne but abhorreth and hateth them most which endeuour to bring them to God. After Peter had reprehended their vniust proceeding he answereth their question more apparantly and testifyeth that Iesus Christ is the only author of the myracle Be it knowne sayth he to you all and to all the people of Israel that by the name of Iesus Christ of Nazareth whome you crucified whome God raysed agayne from death euen by him doth this man stande here present before you whole He repeateth the same here againe that he sayde in the Church For he so ascribeth to Christ only the glorye of the myracle that therewith also he casteth in their teeth their wickednesse committed against the sonne of god He maketh mention also of Christes resurrection to shewe them that they stroue against him in vaine seeing he whome they thought to haue made out of the waye had ouercomme death and nowe liued in glory Peters example is to be well marked for thereby we are taught howe to deale with the professed enimies of the truth He giueth them such honor as God doth vouchsafe to giue vnto Iudges as euen nowe was declared Yet he abstaineth from all kinde of vile flatterie yea rather he freely and frankly vttereth those thinges which make for the setting forth of Christes truth and glorie For both he telleth them of their wicked deede and sheweth them that he whome they persecuted liueth and reigneth This waye must we also take least eyther we suffer our tongue to runne at ryot or else for cowardly feare or fauour dissemble the truth For as it is not meete we should followe the children of this worlde in euill speaking so the enimies of the truth are not worthy to haue their tyrannie and wickednesse spared We haue other examples of this kinde both in the Prophetes and in the Apostles But it shall be best to followe the prompting of the holy spirite which neuer fayleth them that are zealous towarde Christ. Howbeit where the Apostles were chiefely appointed to preach Christ vnto the worlde here Peter also forgetteth not his dutie but taking occasion of the premisses teacheth in fewe wordes that all our saluation is conteyned in Christ alone But this seemed a great stumbling blocke bicause Iesus Christ was condemned by them which had power in the Church by Gods appoyntment to teache and administer euery thing Therfore he first remooueth this blocke out of the waye alleaging the wordes of Dauid out of the Cxviij Psalme which wordes Christ also vsed as we reade in the Gospell For Dauid who was a figure of Christ speaking of himselfe sayth The same stone which the builders refused is become the heade stone in the corner Which wordes Peter expressely expounding of Christ and the Priestes of the Iewes sayth This is the stone which was cast away of you builders which is become the chiefe of the corner The sense of the wordes is this I knowe that both you and also other marueyle greatly why we ascribe so great prayse and glory vnto Christ and say that he liueth and raigneth and is risen againe from death whom you by shamefull death would haue made out of the waye But this ought to offende no man Nay rather ye maye learne that he is the same Iesus whome the Prophetes long before sayde shoulde come haue you forgotten that saying of Dauid which teacheth vs that so God had appointed that the Messias shoulde be reiected of them which ought to haue builded vp Gods Church and to bring all men vnto him you your selues are those builders For vnto you was committed the office of teaching and the whole ordring of religion You haue reiected Iesus and would giue him no place in the Church of god Him hath God raised from death and made him the head of the corner that is a Lord and a sauiour and the ruler of his Churche And hath so inclosed in him only all saluation that without him the same is no where else to be founde For among men vnder heauen there is none other name giuen wherein we can be saued Peter therefore so preacheth Iesus to be a sauiour that he therewith denieth all hope of saluation to them which disdaine to embrace him Here are three things to be considered the consideration whereof is no lesse profitable than necessary The first is howe the holy ghost foresheweth that Christ should be refused of those which by Goddes appoyntment were the chiefe among the people This reprooueth the wicked pride of the Bishops of Rome which say they cannot erre For although it were manifest they were appointed of God yet that they cannot erre shoulde neuer be graunted them seeing they which were ordeyned by God haue so often erred But while they saye they cannot erre they bewray their follie whereas now their errors are open not onely to Barbours and bleare eyed as is in the Prouerbe but also to boyes and children Clement the seauenth being Pope confessed this grosse ignorance or rather impudent lust of theirs to lye For where at his table two Monks as their maner is were disputing whether the Pope could erre or no after many words to fro they agreed he might erre as he was a man but as he was Pope Christes vicar on earth he could by no means erre Clement offended with this most impudent more than slauelike flatterie sayd to the Monke with angrie moode nay I confesse that euen as I am Pope I both may and often doe erre For whyle I bestowe benefices and other ecclesiasticall dignities as I suppose vpon good godly persons I find at length they be very knaues worthy of no honor Let them listen to this oracle of their Caiphas which now a dayes haue the Popes in such admiration that they thinke it an heinous matter to swarue one nailes bredth from their decrees Furthermore this place teacheth vs not to be offended when we see Christ reiected of the states of the world of those which some men take for the pillers henges heads of the church This is the auncient guise of the world which vseth to preferre darcknesse before light which thing Esaias complaineth of when in declaring of the mysteries of Christ he saith there were but few that would beleeue him truly acknowledge the power of the Lorde And Christ testifieth that these mysteries are reuealed to little ones hidden from the wise of this world Yea
bicause all things are written for our instruction we must applie the example of Abraham not onely to this present cause but also to our selues and there shall no little profite ensue vnto vs if we well consyder the calling of God and the fayth or obedience of Abraham In the calling of God whereby Abraham came out of Vr in Chaldaea into the land of Chanaan are two things principally to be considered The first is that he was called without any merite or desert of his before going For Iehosuah in his .xxiiij. Chapter testifieth that he dwelt among Idolaters and worshipped straunge Gods. Yea Epiphanius by report of auncient writers sayth that Thares Abrahams father was the first that made ymages of claye and that therfore he was punished of God with the death of Haran his sonne who was the first among the auncient fathers that of naturall death died before his father Neyther coulde he be commended bicause he was circumcised or was in the time of the Temple whereof the one was built many yeares after the other was a signe of the couenaunt made with him whereas the righteousnesse of fayth which he had alreadye attayned was sealed and confirmed The seconde is howe all this calling dependeth vpon the bare worde of god For he is commaunded to forsake his countrie and kindred and seeth nothing that might cause him to looke or hope for any better state or cōdicion For God promised him neither trustier friendes nor fruitfuller countrie but speaking directly sayth Come into the lande which I shall shewe thee These things are worthy to be diligently obserued For first they teach vs that we are called to saluation and to the heauenly countrie whereof the lande of Chanaan was sometime a figure through the meere grace of God without respect of any our workes or deserts in this matter For what had we deserued seeing we were chosen in Christ before the world was made Or what can they bragge of that haue nothing but that they haue receyued And surely if we consider the disposition of our nature it shall appeare that we are no more mindefull of the heauenly Countrie before we be called and drawen than Abraham was of the land of Chanaan whose name he had not heard of yea when the Lord calleth vs we prooue the vntowarde nature of the fleshe stryueth agaynst Gods calling which we can neuer be able to ouercome except we be holpen by the effectuous drawing of the holye spirite Furthermore we are taught that our vocation which offereth vs saluation dependeth vpon the onely worde of God and therefore can not be taken holde of by fleshlye sense or mannes reason but by fayth onely which also is the gift of God For the naturall man perceyueth not the things belonging to the spirit of God. And God hath prepared such things for them that loue him as neyther eye hath seene nor eare hearde nor yet hath entred into the heart of man And here the power of fayth marueylously declareth it selfe which only taketh holde of the promises of God and most surely embraceth those things that farre exceede all sense and capacitie of mannes reason Therfore Paule calleth it a sure confidence of things which are hoped for and a certeyntie of things which are not seene These things ought well to be considered of them who thinke the doctrine of the iustification of fayth so light a matter as though it appoynted to easie a waye vnto saluation and so mainteyned the securitie and licentiousnesse of the fleshe For how can that be iudged a light and easie matter that surmounteth and passeth all the powers of man Or shal we account it a matter of greater weyght before God that men doe of their owne power than that that cannot be done without the power of the holy ghost Let vs compare fayth with all the workes of all the Monkes that euer were and yet shall we finde more yea and perfiter workes among the Philosophers of the Gentyles but fayth shall we be able to shewe in none but in him that is borne agayne of the word of God through the holy spirite Therefore our saluation and iustification is iustly ascribed to the greatest and exellentest thing that any man liuing can haue vpon the earth Nowe the beliefe and obedience of Abraham following the calling of God is very woonderfull There were diuers thinges which myght haue lette and hindred hi m. For to let passe all other great is the force of our natiue soyle and countrie and draweth men as the Poet sayth with a great desire and lyking and still maketh them mindefull thereof And it is no small authoritie that kinsefolke and allyaunce be of whome we then most vehemently loue when we be ready to forgo them The age also and infirmitie of his father myght haue stayed him whereof he dyed before he came to the borders of the Countrie promised And it is also likely that Abraham was in great honor in his countrie such as he coulde not easily hope for in a forreyne lande among straungers But none of all these things coulde withholde that godly brest but that without delaye he woulde followe the vocation of God wythout any curious enquirie of the condicion and state of the Countrie This is that obedience of fayth so oftentimes commended of Paule and which he sayth is the ende of the lawe This doth Christ require of vs where he commaundeth vs to forsake father mother sister brother wife children and our selues if we will be his Disciples And the accomplishment hereof is so difficult a thing that it is vndoubtedly impossible for vs to performe it except we be regenerate and borne againe of the holy spirite as Christ teacheth disputing with Nichodemus Therefore let them that desire to be called Christians examine themselues after this rule least whyle they rashly bragge thereof they become lyke foolishe buylders who go about to set vp some great building before they haue cast the charges thereof Let this consideration awake vs incessantly to make our feruent prayers for the increase of fayth that after the losse of all these worldlye goodes we maye come to the inheritaunce of the heauenly Countrie with Iesus Christ our sauiour to whome be prayse honor power and glorye for euer Amen The .xliiij. Homelie AND he gaue him none inheritaunce therin no not so much as one foote and promised that he woulde giue it him to possesse and to his ●eede after whereas yet he had no sonne God sayde on this wyfe thy seede shall be a soiourner in a straunge land and they shall make them bonde and intreate them euill fower hundred yeares And the Nation whome they shall serue I will iudge sayth the Lorde And after that they shall come forth and serue me in this place BIcause Steuen was accused as a publike enimie of Gods glory and all religion by reason of his doctrine of abrogation of the lawe and ceremonies
they offer to Deuil ▪ and 〈◊〉 God. Beside all this they reioyced in the workes of their owne 〈◊〉 In these wordes is expressed partly a trust of minde and ioye that ●●ringeth thereof both which ought to be sought in God onely and partly a kinde of outward reioycing whereinto ydolaters vse to fall without all modestie or measure The holye historie sheweth that both these things came to passe in thys place For assoone as the Calfe was molten and grauen with a great showte they cry These be thy Gods ô Israel which brought thee out of the lande of Aegypt Then being filled with the fleshe offred to the Idoll they rise vp to play This is the propertie of Idolaters For Idol● too men 〈◊〉 their hearts as the Prophet sayth So it commeth to passe that they which should reioyce in God onely reioyce in Idols and where they ought to be ledde and gouerned with the spirite of God they rage in immoderate and vnseasonable pastimes Nowe if thou wilt compare the things hytherto spoken with that is done in the Papa●ie or Popedome thou shalt see them all one For what other beginning canst thou alleage of ydolatrie but that men leaue the worde of God and turne agayne in their hartes ▪ to the abhominations of the Iewes and Idolaters from whence through the benefite of God they were delyuered ▪ This appeareth well in that dyuers of our doings agree with the rytes and ceremonies both of the Iewes and Gentiles By and by after contempt of the worde followed the contempt of the ministerie which the ignoraunce and blockheadnesse of the priestes greatly set forwarde which sent the simple people to dumbe ymages there to learne what belonged to their saluation Of these springes issued out newe Goddes some like men some like women some like oldemen some like yong Yea beside the fourmes of men were added fourefooted beasts fowles of the ayre wormes of the earth and fyshes of the sea I let passe the gastly fourmes and sightes of souldyours the whoorishe prancking and decking of Images which should haue represented the lykenesse of saints and of God hymselfe But new Goddes must haue new wayes and maners of worshipping Therefore in the honor of them were temples buylded aulters consecrated offerings hanged vp pylgrimages appoynted lampes burning holye dayes proclaymed sacrifices offred and nothing was left vndone which heretofore was vsed in the sacrifyces of the Gentyles And as though men had bene cleane eased of the burthen of theyr sinnes ▪ they greatly reioyced in the workes of their owne handes And there wanted not libertie of carnall ioyes which neuer raigned more than in the feastes and dedications of these Goddes So grieuous great was the blyndenes from the which God hath deliuered vs by the light of his gospell Let vs therfore hereafter flee the inuencions of our owne witte and the workes of our owne handes Let vs serue God the father of our Lorde Iesus Christ in spirite and in truth to whome be prayse honor power and glory Amen The .lij. Homelie Then God turned himselfe and gaue them vp that they shoulde worshippe the hoste of the skie as it is written in the booke of the Prophetes ô yee of the house of Israell gaue yee to mee sacrifices and meate offeringes by the space of fourtie yeares in the wildernesse And you tooke vnto you the Tabernacle of Moloch and the starre of your God Rempham figures which ye made to worship them Therefore I will translate you beyonde Babylon AMongst many other things which Iesus Christ foretold should come to passe to the faythfull Preachers of hys Gospell this is not the least that he sayde the worlde shoulde persecute them as publike enimies of true religion This thing we see the Apostles founde true euen in the first springth of the church and among them Steuen chiefely who while he goeth about to bring men vnto Christ is accused for that he had spoken blasphemy agaynst God Moses the lawe and all the ceremonies thereof But he both boldly and wisely aunswereth these shamelesse sclaunders rehearsing the auncient religion whereby the fathers were saued and diligently expounding the things done by Moses declaring howe he receyued this worde of lyfe of God and deliuered it vnto the fathers He sheweth moreouer that the fathers were neuer obedient to Gods commaundements but being addicted to outward ceremonies onely feyned diuers things of their owne braine contrary to true religion And by this meane he goeth about to put out of their minds the vayne trust which they had in their fathers religion which is the moste daungerous impediment and let that can be to them that would come to the right waye of saluation To this ende therefore he recyted the hystorie of the golden Calfe whereby he conuinceth their fathers of great vngodlynesse shewing that they were saued of meere fauour seeing they deserued destruction through that wicked Idolatry only And he adioyneth herevnto this present place verye handsomely declaring that they alone sinned not herein but prooueth that their posteritie followed their steppes The rehearsing of the Idolatry of their posterity seemeth to be as it were a preoccupation For thence he preuenteth them if any man shoulde make lyght of the erecting this calfe or should say that it were long ago expiated by the godlynesse of their successors For there is no excuse left for them bicause they were so lyttle the better after their first fall that it rather increased whole heapes of impietie following For where they had once throwne awaye the worde of God and rushed into their owne destruction with myndes bent to vngodlynesse God which before tenderly fauoured them turneth his back to them and giueth them ouer into a reprobate sense to worship all the hoste of the skye and with greedinesse to followe all maner superstition of the Gentyles And in these fewe wordes Steuen briefely comprehendeth all that euer they afterwardes did agaynst the lawes of god For Salomon the first beginner of this euill for his wyues sakes that were Aliauntes and straungers builded Temples vnto diuers Gods of the Sydonians Moabites Ammonites and other Nations Ieroboam after that brought in againe the superstitious worshipping of Calues Achab brought in the honouring of Baal Amasias of a madde counsell and deuyse setteth vp the Goddes of the Idumeans whome he had vanquished to be worshipped Achaz was delyted with the Gods and religion of the Assirians At length Manasses following which farre passed all the wickednesse of his forefathers brought into Iurie whatsoeuer superstition or ydolatrie was to be founde any where among the Gentyles and by force defended those religions agaynst the true worshippers of God insomuch that we reade Hierusalem was filled with the bloude of the Saintes Whose impietie tooke so déepe roote that it coulde not be wholy pluckte vp agayne in Iosias dayes as the sermons of Ieremie and Sophonie abundantly declare And least any man might marueyle howe these things came to
God giueth repentaunce after two sortes eyther when he graunteth time and place to repent or else when he mollifyeth and conuerteth mens mindes by his spirite and worde by repentance to frame themselues to a better trade of lyfe In this place it appeareth that God did both although the later sense be more agreeing to this present argument It is most worthy to be obserued where they say repentaunce vnto lyfe is giuen vnto the Gentiles by preaching of the Gospell For in so saying they testifie that they speake of that repentaunce which through fayth in Christ bringeth saluation and which we may call the scope and marke of all the Gospell which is that we being reconcyled vnto God through Christ shoulde turne vnto him with all our hartes and liue in him For so Paule writeth God hath reconcyled vs vnto himselfe by Iesus Christ and hath giuen to vs the office to preache the attonement Nowe then are we messengers in the rowme of Christ euen as though God did beseech you through vs So pray we you in Christes steede to be reconcyled vnto God. They name repentaunce expreslye hauing respect vnto that saying of Christ which commaundeth both repentaunce and forgiuenesse of sinnes to be preached in his name Neyther must these two be at any time seperated least men take occasion vnder pretence of the Gospell to liue carnally Againe this hath in it a singuler comfort that he sayeth repentaunce is giuen vnto lyfe Therefore repentaunce in the faythfull is neuer in vayne or vnfruitefull but maketh them partakers of saluation through christ There are apparaunt promises of God wherein he euerywhere promiseth lyfe vnto them which turne vnto him with all their hart Where he sayth I will not the death of a sinner but rather that he conuert and liue And we must not thinke that God flattereth or deludeth any man with vaine promises Hereto belongeth the whole booke almost of the Iudges which prooueth by many examples that the Israelites neuer returned to God by true repentaunce in vayne And it is manifest that the Niniuites through faythfull repentaunce caused God to reuoke his sentence passed against them What shall I speake of these seing we reade that the repentaunce that Achab had but for a season and little time was by the mouth of God commended These things ought to encourage them which stande vpon the pytbrinke of desperation thinking that God is so offended with them for their former wickednesse that their repentaunce is not acceptable vnto him Which men woulde be comforted with these sayings of the Prophet If your sinnes were as red as Scarlet they shall be as whyte as snowe And though they were like purple they shall be as whyte as woolle Againe The Lorde is full of compassion and mercye long suffring and of great goodnesse He will not alwaye be chyding c. Nowe after Luke hath made an ende of the storye of Cornelius which contayneth the beginning and first fruites as it were of the vocation of the Gentiles he returneth to the discourse of the things belonging to the whole Church which he had intermytted and declareth howe the kingdome of Christ began to be stretched enlarged vnto the Gentyles And first he telleth how Antioch was conuerted vnto Christ and how men were there first called Christians And principally he noteth the occasion therof saying it was bicause of the persecution that was raysed agaynst Steuen And it is very worthye to be considered where he sayth the beginning of such a benefite sproong of so dolefull a cause For howe pitifull a case the Church stoode in in the time of that persecution we hearde in the .viij. Chapter when the rage of persecutours went so farre that it was not safe for a man in secrete ●o be a christian when both men and women were haled out of their dores as to a slaughterhouse which thing was the cause that the Church being scattered hither and thither seemed like a scratched and torne body that had be●ne incurable But by the grace and goodnesse of God it commeth to passe that of euery member of this scattered Church springeth a newe body For they whome this cruell tempest had thus scattered remembring their office and dutie beganne to preach euerywhere the name of Christ and many of them going as farre as Phenicia and Cyprus did illustrate those countries with the light of the Gospell By which example the primitiue Church and fayth full of all ages might be confirmed not to be offended with the cruell attempts of enimies forasmuch as it appeareth by these men that the kingdome of Christ can not be ouerthrowne nor driuen into straightes but is rather thereby builded vp enlarged For that that Luke reporteth here to haue come to passe the same the writers of the Ecclesiasticall hystorie report to haue come to passe in all persecutions And as after horrible tempests cleere weather commonly followeth so it appeareth that after persecutions the Church alway looked more bright cheerefull For God scattereth the deuises of Nations but his purpose standeth fast for euer whereby he hath made his sonne king and Ruler of all the worlde See the Psalmes 33.2 110 But Luke diligently intreateth of those by whose ministery God brought to passe a matter of such weight and importance All which were dispersed bicause of the faith and doctrine of Christ yet they agreed not in all points touching the order ministerie of the gospell For some of them preached to the Iewes only who it is lyke were ignorant of the things done betweene Peter Cornelius Other some which he writeth were of Cyprus Cyrene came to Antioch and preached to the Greekes that is to the Gentyles So it oftentimes commeth to passe that in some things they which are counted the most faithfull seruants of Iesus Christ doe disagree God so disposing his giftes that his woorde may be of the more authoritie and that the successe thereof shoulde not seeme to depende of a certayne conspiracie and consent of men among themselues Wherevnto also is to be referred that that is hereafter reported of the contention that fell betweene Paule and Barnabas which wexed so hote that those singuler and chosen instrumentes of Christ departed one from another Therefore let it offende no man if nowe a dayes he see any like matter to fall out in the Church For Paule writeth that there must be sectes that the elect may be tryed Howbeit in all this adooe the feruent desire of spreading abrode the kingdome of Chryst is greatly to be praised wherewith they all being enflamed haue vtterlye forgotten the daungers that they were in a little before and euerywhere publishe the worde of god Such constancie ought all faithfull Ministers of Christ to haue to th ende they must not thinke they haue done all their dutie when they haue bene once in daunger for the name of christ And they must not thinke they are for
is before God acceptable Fifthly thou ceasest not sayth he to peruert the straight wayes of the Lorde In the which wordes he comprehendeth two most heinous offences incurable maliciousnesse and earnest desire to peruert the worde of the Lorde For his worde is simple and pure and sheweth vnto vs a most playne waye of saluation But through the naughtinesse of manne it seemeth vncertaine and full of perplexitie Last of all he thundreth against him the heauy sentence of punishment And nowe beholde the hande of the Lorde is vppon thee and thou shalt be blinde and not see for a season Where yet among the terrible thunder crackes of Gods threates we see there is hope of saluation left if he will repent and turne vnto the lord For God so vseth to reueale his wrath by his worde that yet he will not haue them swallowed vppe of despaire whome he will haue saued The chiefe vse of this place is that we learne what the faythfull Ministers of Christes Church haue to doe in these dayes where many Elymae are buzeing in the eares of Kings and Princes to bring them from the fayth that they may at their pleasure oppresse the ruder sort and the Comminaltie For we can iudge the Monkes and Priests none other which deceytfully sell their trifles vnder color of Gods holy name and like the presumpteous Gyauntes arrogate to themselues power vpon heauen who of set purpose striue against the righteousnesse of Christ and the faith that maketh righteous who impudently set light the authoritie of Gods word and corrupt the same with the traditions of men who make the most plaine way of saluation most intricate and vnfyndable with their infynite mazes of Monkish vowes of orders of rules of merites of bulles of pardons and of cases reserued who fynally not herewith content procure Princes to committe slaughter and murther and to shedde innocent bloude These must be accused with like boldenesse and libertie that men maye learne to beware of them which hitherto haue beguiled them with their stagelike maiestie Neyther lette vs giue eare vnto them which in this case prescribe vs rules of modestie and charitie forasmuch as it is euident that many of them be incurable and are bent onely to defende their vsurped tyrannie be it right or be it wrong Nowe remayneth the ende and successe of this contention heauy for Elymas the deceyuer but most ioyfull for Sergius the Proconsull For on Elymas falleth by and by the punishment pronounced by Paule and being striken blinde he gropeth for one to leade him by the hande The like we saw fall out before to Ananias and Sapphira whereby it behoueth vs to learne the power of Gods word The chiefe thing to be marked in this place is what remayneth for false teachers and deceyuers which dare to withstande the worde of God eyther for vauntage or honour They are made blinde for the most part if not in body yet it minde and the Lorde of his iust iudgement hath giuen them vp into a reprobate sense so that they are neyther able to embrace the truth nor yet to forsake and auoide manifest and knowne errours Furthermore being in Gods iudgement defamed they lose the strength and ayde of fleshe wherein they so much trusted So is fulfylled that that is written in Zachary 11. chap. ô Idols shepehearde that leaueth the flocke The sworde shall come vpon his arme and vpon his right eie His arme shall be cleane dryed vp and his right eye shall be sore blinded And there want not examples of this iudgement in our dayes but we want eyes to behold them And these our Elymae are so much the more miserable that being blinde yet they thinke still they see and seeke for none to leade them but contemptuously disdaine those which God offereth them Furthermore as this contention came to passe vnprosperouslye for Elymas so great profyte came thereby vnto the Proconsull whome the Lorde by this meanes deliuered out of darkenesse For he seeing the iudgement of God beleeued and beganne to make much of Christes doctrine This is the peculiar propertie of Gods children that they acknowledge the iudgementes of God are amended by others example where the euill and deceyuers waxe worse and worse But in all this storie this thing is most comfortable that we see the truth can be vanquished neyther with open force of Tyrants nor subtile conueyance of the Deuill For being pressed and borne downe it riseth againe and by striuing gathereth the more strength Therefore let vs embrace the truth and constantly stande by the author and defender thereof Iesus Christ our Lorde to whome be praise honor power and glory for euer Amen The .lxxxviij. Homelie WHEN Paule departed from Paphos they that were with him came to Perga in Pamphilia and Iohn departed from them and returned to Ierusalem But they wandred through the countries and came from Perga to Antioch in Pisidia and went into the Sinagoge on the Sabboth daye and sate downe And after the lecture of the lawe and the Prophetes the Rulers of the Sinagoge sent vnto them saying ye men and brethren if you haue any sermon to exhort the people say on THere appeare many and notable tokens of diuine power and maiestie in the workes of Iesus Christ but among them al this is the most notable and euident that by the ministerie of the Apostles within few yeres he subdued all the world For where it is manifest that they were furnished with no fleshlye succors but were the least esteemed of all men and yet brought to passe things of such importance we must needes acknowledge that Gods power wrought by them whereby it came to passe that the worlde was brought to a newe countenance and the Gentyles deliuered from the errors of their olde superstition and receyued the true religion This is the chiefe thing that we haue to consider in this present voyage of Paule and Barnabas For these two being sent forth by the appoyntment of God to preach the Gospell indifferently to all Nations they prosperously passe through all impedimentes standing in their waye And fyrst cōming to Cyprus they subdue vnto the kingdome of Christ the inhabiters of a most rich Islande giuen to all riotousnesse and worshipping of Venus and they doe not onely winne vnto them the common people but Sergius also the Romaine Proconsull whose authoritie onely had bene ynough to haue resisted them if it had bene mans affayres only they had gone about and they leade about Elymas the sorcerer a chosen instrument of the Deuill and striken with horrible blindenesse in triumph so that in one conflict it appeareth mannes force and the Deuils sleightes were ouercommen both togither Nowe let vs see howe such a prosperous beginning gaue a good occasion to the Apostles farther to spreade the kingdome of Christ. Hauing gone through Cyprus they passe from Paphus into Pamphilia and came vnto Perga a Citie of that Region making a great voyage both by sea
proposeth three arguments to prooue the same vnto these he adioyneth other which he so putteth forth that therewithall he also aunswereth those obiections which might pull the hearers from embracing the fayth in christ For fyrst he testifyeth that Christ pertayneth vnto them least any man might thinke hee spake of a matter pertayning nothing to the purpose Then he putteth the offence away that men might take bicause Christ suffred on the crosse And last of all he alleageth and constantlye prooueth the resurrection of Christ which is the chiefe argument of his godheade We shall speake of eche of them in order as much as God shall permit vs. Yee men and brethren sayth he children of the generation of Abraham and whosoeuer among you feareth God to you is the worde of this saluation sent This is a graue little preface wherwith he meaneth to prouoke them to think that the doctrine of Christ belongeth vnto them For it is like there were diuers in those dayes which thought it vnsitting for their profession to haue ought to do with controuersies rising about faith and religion such as are now a days euerywhere to be seene who by this opinion go about to purchase to themselues great prayse glory But Paule denieth this that he might the more easily perswade them the truth he calleth them by a worshipfull name and title For besides that after the common vsage he calleth them Men and brethren he addeth therevnto children of the generation of Abraham in which name by reason of the couenant and promises of God he knewe they greatly reioyced Yet that they shoulde not thinke the prerogatiue of the Nation sufficient he admonisheth them also of their dutye where he sayth and whosoeuer among you feareth God. For by this meanes he teacheth them that they are then the true and right children of Abraham that ioyne vnto outwarde profession the feare of God and syncere study of religion whereof Christ also in the .viij. of Iohn disputeth Then he proceedeth saying To you is the worde of this saluation sent As though he should say If you will be taken for the children of Abraham and the syncere worshippers of God you must by no meanes despise the doctrine of saluation which is offered vnto you by the singuler benefyte of god Yet Paule speaketh not this in such meaning as though he thought the Gentyles still excluded from the fellowship of saluation whome the holy ghost had appointed him to call But he hath a respect vnto the counsell of God who as he set forth the promises of Christ vnto the fathers of the Iewes and called them out from others as a peculiar people vnto himselfe so would he first haue the saluation giuen vs in Christ preached vnto them as Christ in the Gospell euidently testifyeth when he fyrst sent out the Apostles forbidding them to go into the way of the Gentyles But when the vayle whereby the Gentyles were deuided from the Iewes was remooued away by the death of Christ then also was the doore opened vnto them that being made the children of Abraham by fayth they might enter into the same inheritance of saluation with the Iewes Therefore Paule admonisheth the Iewes of the prerogatiue that God did giue them least they should vnaduisedly reiect the knowledge of Christ as nothing appertaining vnto them And this example of Paule ought all Ministers of the worde to followe remembring that they must so preache the worde of God that the hearers must vnderstande howe the things spoken doe belong vnto them For except they so doe the worde of God shall strike their eare like a song whose sounde is in vayne as wee reade in Ezechiel the .xxxiij. Chapter So therefore let them inculcate the commaundementes of God that all men may bee assured that the obseruation thereof belongeth vnto them So let them preach the iudgements of God that they that commit the lyke may know they haue to looke for the like For then is the worde of God rightly deuided and cut when euery body may learne thereby to take what serueth eyther for their instruction consolation or erudition Furthermore it is a singuler prayse of the Gospell that it is called the worde of saluation in the which sense the Angell spake vnto Cornelius as we before sawe Simon Peter shall speake wordes vnto thee through which thou and thy house shall be saued c. Let it suffyce here to admonish thus much that their ingratitude is very enormious which rayle at that worde and that they are the greatest enimies of their owne saluation of all other From hence Paule commeth to the slaunder of the crosse which he diligently putteth away bicause they that were ignoraunt of Christes mysteries were offended with Christes death not without a great cause And chiefly it seemed an heynous matter that the Priests at Ierusalem were the authors thereof For Ierusalem was the sea of religion priesthoode and doctrine and from thence according to auncient Prophecies was the worde of saluation looked Wherefore it coulde not choose but seeme a great absurditie to acknowledge him for a Sauiour whome the chiefe of Ierusalem put to the death of the Crosse as a schismatike and a deceyuer and to embrace that doctrine that was not receyued at Ierusalem For such was the authoritie of the holy Citie for so the Prophetes called Ierusalem that many thought it impossible for them to erre in matters of faith and religion But Paule so aunswereth this offence that he teacheth the example of that Citie is rather to be auoyded than to be folowed least they might offend God through lyke ingratitude and impiety And there be fower things which he bringeth to this ende First he sayth they that dwelt at Ierusalem and their Rulers bicause they knewe him not condemned him Therefore he sayth ignoraunce was the cause of their so heynous an offence as also is sayd 1. Cor â–ª 2. Who will think it a thing worthy to be followed when he heareth men sinne of ignorance And yet this is not to be counted such ignorance as excuseth the deede For they are sayde also to be ignorant of the scriptures yea of those common Scriptures which vsed to be reade euery Sabboth day But it is a foule thing and not worthye to be pardoned for a Priest to be ignoraunt in the Scripture considering God commaundeth to search the knowledge of the lawe at his hande Furthermore he taketh from them a great part of their excuse in that Christ admonished them to search the scriptures But Paule in another place sayth that this was the onely cause of their ignorance for that they were occupyed in reading Moses and the Prophetes without the helpe of christ For this was that vayle that was the onely cause that they could not see Moses face that is to say the true meaning of the lawe Seeing therefore they were blind guides as Christ also calleth them Math. 15. they are not to be
the worlde hath of vs and casting away the desire of earthly glory lette vs aspire to the glory to come which is heauenly Secondly he produceth Esay by whome God speaking amongst other things of the benefytes that he woulde giue vs in Christ sayth I will make an euerlasting couenant with you euen the sure mercies of Dauid Furthermore Paule folowing the common translation of the Greekes expoundeth this word mercy by this word holy not vnaptly bicause he meaneth Christ vpon whom only depend all the promises of God made in times past to Dauid and to the fathers This therfore is the sense I wil giue vnto you that holy one that is to say that sauiour which I sometime promised vnto Dauid and in whome he put all his hope trust He applyeth the whole place to the resurrection of Christ taking his argument of the perpetuity of the couenant as though he should say God made an euerlasting couenant with Dauid and promised that the same should remayne for euer vnto his posteritie And it is certaine that that couenant is grounded vpon Christ whome the Scriptures euerywhere call the sonne of Dauid Ergo Christ also must be eternall and immortall For the couenant coulde not be eternall vnlesse he also were eternall and incorruptible in whome the same is made and which is the onely mediator thereof It followeth therefore that it was necessary that Christ shoulde rise againe from the deade and being raysed agayne shoulde after that suffer no more corruption Here by the waye it is to be obserued howe Christ must die but once And then it followeth that he must be but once offered for sinne forasmuch as without shedding of bloude there is no forgiuenesse of sinne See howe copiously Paule handleth this matter Heb. 9. and .10 Whereby the sacrifyce of the Masse is so ouerthrowne that it is marueyle howe there shoulde be any among Christians so voyde of shame that can go about to stablish and defende it The thirde testimonie he alleageth out of the .xvj. Psalme which we see Peter also vsed in his fyrst sermon at Ierusalem and euen in the same sorte and wise Also he prooueth that that place cannot be vnderstanded of Dauid but onely of christ For thus he reasoneth Dauid sayeth Thou shalt not suffer thine holy one to see corruption But it is manifest that Dauid fynished the course of his lyfe after the maner of other men and after he had ended his lyfe fell on sleepe and mouldred to dust Therfore Dauid speaketh not of himselfe but of Christ which he knewe should be borne of his stocke For before he suffered corruption he rose againe the thirde day in his glorious body So Paule in fewe words comprehendeth all the mysteries of Christ and sheweth that it is he of whome the Prophetes euerywhere haue spoken Furthermore before we make an ende lette vs obserue the phrase of speach where he sayth that Dauid after he had serued his age or time This thing teacheth vs both our dutie and condicion and state admonishing vs that mutuall charitie is required of vs as long as we liue in this worlde but after we are taken out of this lyfe that we are quitte of all duties towardes all men and that from thenceforth there is no more required at our handes Ergo the deade haue nothing to doe with the liuing so that it is truly sayde of the saintes in the Prophete Abraham knoweth vs not and Israel is ignorant of vs. By this inuocation and intercession to saintes is confuted whose felicitie cannot be perfyte if they shoulde be troubled with our miseries and aduersitie Also the appearing of spirites and soules are reprooued wherby they that forged and inuented the fyre of Purgatory haue hitherto gotten great gayne Then also Paule so describeth the death of Dauid that by the same may be seene the state of euery one of vs in death For fyrst he sayeth he fell on sleepe by the will of god Then our death hangeth not vpon the vncertaine hazardes of fortune or vpon the will of man but vpon Gods counsayle and determination who as he hath the heares of our heades numbred so hath he also the number of our dayes And this one thing is sufficient to comfort vs against the daungers and terrors of death That done he sayth he fell on sleepe Christ also calleth death sleepe bicause we being ridde of all the sorowes and griefes of lyfe by death rest from our labours in hope of the resurrection to come Thirdly he sayth hee was layde vnto his fathers which kinde of speach in the Scripture is vsed very often and teacheth vs that there are certain places appointed for the soules of the deade wherof Christ also maketh mention in the Parable of the rich glutton and Lazarus For the soules of the godly are layde with the blessed whose resting place the scripture sometime calleth the bosome of Abraham Contrarywise the soules of the wicked and of as many as haue put men in feare in the lande of the liuing go vnto hell Last of all Dauid sawe corruption For this is the immutable sentence of God that we which tooke our beginning of dust shoulde be turned into dust agayne and so is it requisite for the order of our saluation For this corruptible must put on incorruptibility this mortall must put on immortality bicause flesh and bloud cannot inherite the kingdome of heauen Therfore we haue a great hope in our corruption which we knowe is the beginning of our regeneration and resurrection to come And that this was the onely hope of the Saintes Iobes wordes in his .xix. Chapter manifestly declare Let vs therefore comfort our selfe with the same and not feare death seeing that we shall be made like vnto Iesus Christ the sonne of God to whome be prayse honor power and glory for euer Amen The lxxxxiij Homelie BE it knowne vnto you therefore ye men and brethren that through this man is preached vnto you the forgiuenesse of sinnes and that by him all that beleeue are iustified from all things from which you coulde not be iustified by the lawe of Moses Beware therefore least that fall on you which is spoken of in the Prophetes Beholde you despysers and woonder and perishe ye For I doe a worke in your dayes which you shall not beleeue though a man declare it you AFter the Apostle Paule had diligentlye and plainely declared that Iesus Christ was the very sonne of God and that sauiour that was once promised vnto mankinde and had also remooued out of the way all those impedimentes that might hinder the Iewes from the embracing of Christ nowe at length he concludeth his sermon which consisteth in two pointes For fyrst he sheweth what benefytes are giuen vs in Christ meaning thereby to enflame the mindes of his hearers with the desire of true fayth Next he layeth the horrible iudgement of God before their eyes in that he
Antioche the publike sanctuary as we sayde before of all godly persons From thence he passed through the Galathians and Phrygians confyrming the brethren euerywhere in the fayth for that he was not ignorant of the craftes and enterprises of Satan which lyeth still in wayte for the godly Luke in fewe wordes comprehendeth the great paynes care and marueylous dyligence that Paule vsed in the gouerning of Christ his Church But if a man would compare the Byshops of our dayes with him which bragge of Paule and Peters name good Lorde howe little shall a man fynde in them expressing but one sparkle of Paules breast In the meane season let vs acknowledge the truth of God which prouideth for his Church such faythfull and chosen instruments and let vs beseech him to sende out faithfull labourers into hys haruest which may enlarge the boundes of his Church that our Lorde and sauiour Iesus Christ may haue a kingdome in all nations to whome be prayse honor power and glory for euer Amen The Cxxiiij Homelie AND a certaine Iewe named Apollos borne at Alexandria came to Ephesus an eloquent man and myghtie in the scriptures The same was enfourmed in the way of the Lorde and spake feruently in the spirite taught dyligently the things of the Lorde and knewe but the baptisme of Iohn onlye And the same beganne to speake boldely in the Synagoge whome when Priscilla and Aquila had hearde they tooke him vnto them and expounded vnto hym the way of God more perfitely And when he was disposed to go into Achaia the brethren wrote exhorting the Disciples to receyue him Which when he was come helped them much which had beleeued thorowe grace for he ouercame the Iewes myghtilye and that openly shewing by the Scriptures that Iesus was Christ. VNto the discourse of the thinges done by the Apostle Paule at Corinth and Ephesus Luke annexeth in order the hystorie of Apollos the Iewe borne at Alexandria For fyrst it maketh for the more perfyte declaration of the thinges done among the Corinthians bicause Apollos not long after this went to Corinth and watered the Church there that Paule had prosperouslye planted and lyke a dyligent husbandman brought it to more rypenesse of fruite as the Apostle confesseth in the fyrst to the Corinthians the thirde Chapter Here appeareth likewise the great goodnesse of God in prouyding for his Church For we heard in the Sermon going before howe Paule by secrete instinct of the holye ghost was taken from the Ephesians which being inflamed with the loue of the gospell desyred longer to haue kept him with them Therefore least any man might thinke that God neglected those that were so desyrous of saluation so myght take occasion to thinke yll of God he substituteth Apollos in his place to supply Paules absence by his diligence and endeuour For God neglecteth none that are desyrous of the truth who calleth all men vnto him euery where and allureth them with spreade open armes Therfore this hystorie maketh not a little for the comfort of the Church conteyning also an example of a faythfull and an absolute minister with many other things belonging to our instruction wherefore it shall be profytable to examine all the partes thereof Luke begynneth very commodiously with the description of the person saying fyrst he was a Iewe where partly is declared the great mercie of God which out of a most enuious nation falling and running headlong into destruction chooseth out euery day newe and freshe worshippers of hys sonne and Ministers and partly the Iewes malice is prooued incurable which could be ouercome neyther with the great dyligence of the Apostles nor yet with daylie domesticall examples Next he declareth how he was borne at Alexandria where hystories saye and thys present place prooueth was a most famous Church and schoole erected euen in the time of the Apostles For from thence commeth thys Apollos furnished with so many dyuers giftes whose labour and traueyle afterwarde appeared so great in the buylding vp of the congregation Luke in verye fewe wordes attributeth to him singuler qualities saying he is eloquent that is to saye had a gift aptly and in due maner to speake or reason of any matter also power or might in the scriptures that is a conuenable dexteritie in handling or intreating of them as one that had not learned them onely for ostentation sake Moreouer he declareth he was brought vp in the way of the Lorde thereby attributing vnto him the knowledge of Christ yet declaring he wanted some poyntes thereof where he sayth he knewe but the baptisme of Iohn onely So calleth he the principles of christian religion comprehending vnder this worde baptisme all the doctrine of Iohn and al that businesse whereof he was Minister In the which sence Christ also demaunded the Scribes of Iohns baptisme Math. 21. Yet this place must not so be vnderstanded as though Iohn had had no knowledge of Christ or had taught his Disciples any doctrine contrarie to christ For Iohns doctrine and Christes was all one For as Christ commaundeth the Apostles to preach repentaunce and forgiuenesse of sinnes in his name so reade we that Iohn mooued his hearers vnto repentaunce and shewed them that the grace of God and saluation was to be had in Christ onely For the summe of his doctrine was Repent you for the kingdome of God is at hande Beholde the Lambe of God which taketh away the sinnes of the worlde The father loueth the sonne and hath giuen all things into his hande that all that beleeue in the sonne may haue lyfe euerlasting See Luke 3. Iohn 1. and thirde chapiters And bicause Iohn was in the myddle betwixt the Prophets and Christ and was therefore but the forerunner of the sauyour that was promised who should prepare and make ready the people to receyue Christ it suffised him to declare but a short and briefe summe of our saluation and knowledge of Christ that all men might vnderstande howe forgiuenesse of sinnes and life euerlasting was to be had but in him alone In the meane season it is manifest that he no where taught the secret misteries of Christes death resurrection and ascension or the whole order of our redemption in expresse wordes For the perfyte vnderstanding hereof was reserued for an other tyme yea we reade that the very Apostles were not so skilfull in these thinges although that Christ had oftentimes reasoned hereof vntill after his ascension they were illuminated by the holy ghost that was sent them as Christ had promised them Therefore although Apollos was brought vp in the waye of the Lorde and knewe that Christ was the sauiour of the worlde yet was he ignoraunt in manye thinges which concerned the maner of our redemption whereof he was more at large to be enfourmed as shall followe a little hereafter In the meane tyme we haue two thyngs to consider in the description of this person First is the order and lincking togyther of gyftes wherewith
of a teacher in their Church For as it is needefull that a Minister of the worde haue the commendation of persons abrode that he fall not into the snare of the slaunderer so they may not be denyed the commendation of their vertue which haue declared their fayth by manifest arguments vnto the Church For they that promote such as these are to the ministerie deserue no small prayse in the kingdome of god Againe they are worthyly accounted wicked both against Christ and the church which of blinde affection keepe backe such as are worthy from the ministerie yet we must beware as Paule sayth that we admyt not euerie one rashely therevnto least we be partakers of other mennes sinnes And that we say of the Ministers of the church is to be obserued of all other in any maner of office or vocation that is to say that the worthy be set forwarde and the vnworthy repulsed and kept backe as much as in vs lyeth least whyle we commende naughtie packes we endammage and indaunger the whole common weale And as concerning Apollos he endeuored himselfe to aunswere the testimony and commendation of the brethren least they might seeme to haue thrust an v●meete Minister into an other peoples Church For he much profyted the brethren at Corinth which beleeued through the grace of god Now whether a man referre this worde grace to Apollos or to the Corinthians it commeth all to one sense For he teacheth thereby that nothing is to be attributed to mannes industrie but howe God is to be taken for the author of all goodnesse which did vouchsafe to giue such an increase whereof Paule disputeth at large in the fyrst Epistle to the Corinthians the thirde chapter And surely if the Corinthians had well considered this one thing they had neuer giuen place to those which afterwarde disturbed the Church with the factious names of Paules disciples Peters and Apollos But Luke declareth also the meane and waye howe Apollos thus profyted the brethren namely by open confuting of the Iewes and by proouing out of the scriptures that Iesus was Christ that is to say that sauiour of the worlde that was promised which place teacheth vs many things needefull to be obserued For fyrst we learne that not onely the Church hath neede to be instructed but also that the aduersaries should be confuted For they can not much profyte the church which doe not with all their endeuour go about to roote vp false doctrine euen as that tyllage can not be fruitfull which suffreth thornes and coccle to growe among it For this cause Ieremie is commaunded fyrst to weede and pull vp and then after that to builde plant And Paule appointeth such an one to be Byshop as is able to conuince the gainesayers and aduersaryes And that we say of false teachers which must needes be confuted the same is also to be vnderstanded of open and notorious naughtie packes which gyue occasion of offence vnto the weaker sort For the faythfull Minister must set on them also with the sworde of the spirite or else leaue his Church to be torne of the Woolues Therefore they are farre deceyued which woulde haue the gospell so preached nowe a dayes that men must speake neyther against impious doctrine nor vngodlynesse of maners We are furthermore admonished with what weapons church men must fyght verilie with Scriptures which Paule sayth are inspyred of God and profytable to teach improoue exhorte and amende 2. Timoth. 3. They are fowlely therfore deceyued that say the heretikes must not be conuinced by scriptures bicause they are to obscure and darke to conuince them by Wherefore they flye vnto counselles and to the determination of the church But therein they fare as if one should take from a souldyour going to the battayle his sworde of yron and giue him one of leade As though the authority of mans constitutions were greater than the holy ghost which speaketh in the scriptures Finally as we haue oftentimes aduertised here is repeated the ende of preaching the gospell which is to beleeue in Iesus Christ our Lord sauiour to whom be praise honour power and glory for euer Amen The .xix. chapiter vpon the Actes of the Apostles The Cxxv. Homelie IT fortuned whyle Apollos was at Corinth that Paule passed through the vpper coastes and came to Ephesus and founde certaine disciples and sayde vnto them haue you receyued the holy ghost since you beleeued And they sayde vnto hym no we haue not heard whether there be any holye ghost or no. And he sayde vnto them wherewith then were ye baptised And they sayde with Iohns baptisme Then sayde Paule Iohn verily baptised with the baptisme of repentaunce saying vnto the people that they shoulde beleeue on him which shoulde come after him that is on Christ Iesus When they heard this they were baptised in the name of the Lorde Iesus And when Paule layde his handes vpon them the holye ghost came on them and they spake with tongues and prophecyed and all the men were about twelue BYcause the Euaungelist Luke beganne to speake of the begynning of the Ephesian church in the chapiter going before he maketh an ende of that hystorie now in this chapiter declaring howe Paule returned to Ephesus according to his promise and there brought the church so happily begonne vnto a perfection But that the power of Gods grace declaring it selfe by preaching of the gospell may appeare the more before all things we haue to consider Ephesus the which writers report was the most famous Citie in all Asia For by reason it was of situation and fruitfulnesse of soyle so commodious for traffiquers it grewe to be passing riche Beside the fame of false religion which called gestes thither from all partes of the worlde For there was the Church of Diana the most sumptuous gorgeous thing that was builded in all the worlde bicause it appeareth that all Asia was occupied in the buylding thereof about a two hundred and twentie yeares togither so that it was worthyly accounted among the miracles of the worlde In this Citie therefore raigned ryot and superstition which commonly hath wayting 〈◊〉 hir as hir companions and handemaydes magicall and curious artes whereof we shall see when we come to the place that the Ephesians were most s●udious Yet Paule so conuerted this Citie within the space of two yeares that there was founded a most famous Church there vnto the which afterwarde Christ attributeth no small praise in his reuelation In this place we haue partly to consider the grace of God which Paule hereafter commendeth to the Ephesians by this their owne example as may be seene in his Epistle to them seconde chapiter and partly here appeareth the power of the ministerie of the gospell which neyther the authoritie of rooted superstition neyther pryde and glorie of the worlde could hynder but that Christes kingdome flourished where the same gospell was preached Moreouer Luke purposing to declare a storie
followe him to giue themselues wholy to him bicause in him onely those things were to be founde which are fygured by outwarde baptisme For who is able to performe them without the operation of the holy spirite Therefore the glorye you haue in Iohn your teacher is of so little sufficiencie that his doctrine and baptisme wherewith you were baptized compelleth you to go further so to cleaue vnto Christ that being graffed in him through a liuely fayth and quickened with his spirite you may declare by the very effectes of the holy ghost that you are true Christians And that this is the verye playne and vnracked meaning of Paules wordes the whole order of the hystorye prooueth Wherefore foolish is the error of them which by this place go about to prooue that Iohn his baptisme and Christes was not all one but diuers For that is a thing so farre from Paules meaning that it rather prooueth howe men are sent by the baptisme of water that Iohn ministred vnto Christ in whome onely those thinges are to be taken holde of the tokens whereof we receyue in baptisme Also here is a generall rule confyrmed how it is not to be borne with that they that will be taken for true worshippers of God shoulde stay or rest vpon the authoritie of man but that they ought to be vrged to giue themselues wholy vnto Christ to liue in him by the quickening of his spirite least while they professe him with their mouth they declare by their deedes howe they be farthest of from him Furthermore Luke ioyneth herevnto a moste prosperous ende of this hystorie For these persons being conuict in their consciences through the secrete working of the holye ghost yeelded vnto Paules reasons and were baptized in the name of the Lorde Iesus These wordes must not be expounded of the baptisme of water as though they receiued that againe For so it shoulde followe that Iohns baptisme had not bene lawfull nor sufficient to consecrate men vnto god But that this is an absurde thing to be sayde both the example of Christ teacheth vs which did vouchsafe to be baptised of Iohn and so to become a copartener with vs and also this thing prooueth the same for that we no where read how they were rebaptised whom Iohn had baptised before wherefore this place must be vnderstanded of the baptisme of fyre the Minister or author whereof Iohn before had sayde that Christ shoulde be For the holye ghost was giuen in the likenesse of fyre whereof we spake in the seconde Chapter of this booke And it is manifest that this worde baptising is often vsed for the giuing of the holy ghost and his giftes For so Iohn vseth it speaking of Christ he shall baptise you with the holy ghost and with fire Christ being ready to ascende vp into heauen vseth it in the same sense saying you shall bee baptised with the holye ghost within these fewe dayes Which phrase of speach Peter vttered in the same sense before the congregation intreating of Cornelius conuersion So in this place Luke teacheth vs howe this worde baptising ought to be taken whyle by waye of exposition he addeth And when Paule had layde his handes on them the holye ghost came on them and they spake with tongues and did prophecie Therefore by laying on of handes they were consecrated or appoynted onely vnto Christ and after that followed the holye ghost acco●ding as we hearde came to passe at Samaria also Wherevppon it appeareth that the olde writers abused this place whyle by authoritie hereof they contended that those ought to be newe baptised which had bene baptised by heretykes before Herein they were deceyued that they thought Iohn and Christes baptisme of water was diuers And the ignorance of the Anabaptistes is as great that apply vnto the baptisme of water that which ought to be vnderstanded of the baptisme of fyre that is to saye of the receyuing and gyft of the holy ghost But we haue principally to consider the ende and vse of the myracle that is how God ment to confyrme and adorne the authoritie of his Gospell hereby among the Gentyles as we haue already oftentimes declared Let vs therefore beleeue the Gospell whose credite and truth is prooued by so many and notable signes and woonders Let vs in lyfe aunswere to the profession of our fayth that we being quickened with the spirite of Christ maye liue in him to whome be prayse honour power and glory for euer Amen The Cxxvj. Homelie AND he went into the Synagoge and behaued himselfe boldlye for the space of three monethes disputing and giuing them exhortations of the kingdome of god When diuers waxed harde hearted and beleeued not but spake euill of the way and that before the multitude he departed from them and seperated the disciples And he disputed daily in the schoole of one called Tyranus ▪ And this continued by the space of twoo yeares so that all they which dwelt in Asia hearde the worde of the Lorde Iesu both Iewes and Greekes And God wrought speciall myracles by the handes of Paule so that from his body were brought vnto the sicke Napkins and Partelettes and the diseases departed from them and the euill spirites went out of them AFter the Euangelist Luke hath declared how Paule had fullye enstructed those twelue menne at Ephesus which liued not aunswereable to their profession he sheweth afterwarde how by the ministery of the same Paule the kingdome of God was spredde farre and neare both among the Ephesians and ouer all the Countrie bordering vpon Asia And this present place comprehendeth the summe of this hystorie in the consideration whereof we must be the more diligent bicause there are diuers thinges in euery part thereof which serue for the common instruction of vs all After this he sheweth what was done with the reprobate and vnbeleeuing Thirdly he describeth the singuler profyte and commoditie of the Apostles labour and traueyle First the Euangelist comprehendeth the whole summe of Paules doctrine in fewe wordes where he sayeth that he entred into the Synagoge and there disputed three monthes togther boldly and exhorted men to receyue the kingdome of god Therefore as otherwheres so here also he preacheth fyrst to the Iewes Hereby appeareth partly the great mercy of God towarde so rebellious and frowarde a people and partly a moste feruent and syncere affection of charitie in Paule which by so manye and grieuous iniuries coulde not be quenched But bicause we haue hereof intreated diuers times already let vs omit this poynt and see what trade of teaching Paule vsed among the Ephesians wherevnto there appertayne three things whereof Luke discourseth Fyrst he nameth the place and sayth he taught in the open Synagoge That therefore that Paule diligently obserued in other places he thought good to vse also at Ephesus namely to teach in one certayne and publike place although he knewe well the Iewes vsages which in that place bare all the rule Whereby