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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A96993 Elisij Campi. A paradise of delights: or an Elixier of comforts Offered to believers, in two short discourses of I. The confirmation of the Covenant from Heb. 6. 17. 18. II. The donation of Christ from Romans. 8. 32. By R.W. minister of the Gospel and sometime preacher at Tamerton-Foliot, in the county of Devon. Wyne, Robert. 1672 (1672) Wing W3774A; ESTC R231977 98,406 309

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Abraham's Seed throughout their Generations This Doctrine is clearly offered from the Text for if the promise made to Abraham were not intended for and belonging to Believers in after Generations then the confirmation of it to Abraham had not tended to the consolation of New-Testament Believers as here this is expressed to be the end of God's Oath to Abraham that we might have strong consolation who have fled for refuge c. this is as I said a description or paraphrase of Believers Now with respect to the Doctrine in prosecution of it First I shall hint something explicatorily Secondly I shall prove the point Thirdly I shall make some improvement of it by application By way of explication Explication I shall shew 1 What the Covenant is 2 How it is confirmed 3 Who are Believers to whom it is confirmed who are Abraham's Seed to whose consolation the confirmation of the Covenant tendeth 1 What this Covenant is It s kind The Covenant what It s substance 1 As to the kind of it It s kind it is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Testament or Testamental Covenant wherein Legacies of Grace are bequeathed wherein good things are freely given by God in and through Jesus Christ unto his people It is called in Scripture the Covenant of Promise Gods Covenant of Peace the Covenant of Gods love a Covenant of Grace it is a Covenant or Promise founded in Christ the Mediator and a Testament that is put in force by the death of Christ the Testator and this Testament or Covenant is an unchangeable dispensation an everlasting Covenant It s substance 2. As to the substance of the Covenant it is diversly expressed in Scripture in the sundry branches or particular promises but we have a very full account of it in few words Genes 17. where we find that God's Promise or Covenant established with Abraham and his Seed after him in their Generations is this That he will be a God to him and to his Seed after him for ever The expression is short but very full and comprehensive there could not be any thing more put into the Covenant for nothing is excluded where God is included Here is a promise of blessings Spiritual Temporal and Eternal This short expression carries in it all the Covenant of Promise which God gave from the first man to the manifestation of Christ it is as one saith the Epitome or sum of the whole Gospel it is God's promise of pardon and peace of righteousness and life of Justification and Sanctification and Salvation of all grace and blessing here and hereafter This is the substance of the Covenant and it is substantial indeed hath substance enough in it How is this Covenant confirmed Covenant confirmed how It is confirmed by Gods Word and Oath and Seals and by the Death of Christ 1 We have God's Word his written Word to shew for it he hath given it us under his hand in many places of Scripture 2 There is God's Oath for the confirmation of the Covenant his Oath to Christ The Lord sware Heb. 7.21 and will not repent thou art a Priest for ever after the Order of Melchisedeek The sense or meaning of that Scripture is this God sware to Christ that his Priesthood should be for ever available and effectual for the salvation of sinners that he would justifie and bless and save sinners through him according to the Covenant of Promise accepting his Sacrifice for them and there is God's Oath to Believers Heb. 6.13 14 17. in this Chapter as in the Text so in the thirteenth and fourteenth verses 3 This Covenant is confirmed by God's Seals both external and internal external the Sacraments Circumcision is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Seal of the righteousness of Faith Rom. 4.11 which is the great promise of the Covenant of Grace and is Synecdochically put for the whole Covenant The internal Seal is the Spirit perswading and assuring our hearts of the truth of the promise and of our interest in it 4 The Covenant is confirmed by the Death of Christ He was appointed to be the Mediator of the Covenant to mediate as a Surety and he hath mediated by Bloud hath fulfilled the Law of a Redeemer and fully answered his engagement of Suretiship so that God cannot now in Justice withhold any thing that he hath promised to give nor refuse to do any thing which he hath promised to do upon Christ his dying Christ having died according to that agreement betwixt his Father and him is to be satisfied for his dying as well as by his death he hath satisfied his Father now nothing will satisfie Christ but to have the end of his death which is that they for whom he died be justified and saved Isai 53.11 He shall see of the travel of his Soul and shall be satisfied So that Christ his death makes the Covenant sure without all question to be performed 3 To whom is the Covenant confirmed Our Doctrine saith Covenant confirmed to whom to all Believers the Seed of Abraham Now who are Believers interessed in the Covenant to whose consolation the confirmation of the Covenant tendeth Why they are all such as have a true justifying Faith To believers who are called the seed of Abraham are his spiritual seed ye are all the Children of God by Faith in Christ Jesus Gal. 3.26 ●9 and if ye be Christ's then a●● ye Abraham's seed and Heirs according to the Promise Rom. 4.16 Theref●r it is of Faith or through the righteousness of Faith as v. 13. that it might be by Grace to the end that the Promise might be sure to all the seed not to that only which is of the Law but to that also which is of the Faith of Abraham i. e. not only to the believing circumcised Jews but also to the believing uncircumcised Gentiles Now I shall shew you what Faith is and how it is evidenced that you may understand who are Believers Abraham his seed interessed in the Promise not to mention the divers acceptions of the word Faith nor the several sorts of Faith it is a justifying Faith that we are speaking of Faith what the Faith of Gods Elect which is subjected in the understanding and in the will 1 Faith in the understanding is a right apprehension and certain knowledge of its object which is either general or special general the whole Word of God more special the promise of Grace or the Gospel-promise of Remission and Reconciliation and Justification and Salvation by Christ Jesus or Christ put to death in the flesh and quickned by the Spirit with all the benefits of his Death and Resurrection 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2 Faith in the heart and will is a firm assent unto and confidence and acquiessence in the promises of the Gospel called a confident perswasion and assurance What hath been hitherto spoke of Faith amounts to this short definition It
Covenant therefore let humble souls broken-hearted sinners arise and go to God who calls them and holds forth grace to them in his Covenant There is yet a third specialty in our second general rule of direction which he that would rightly apply the Covenant must take notice of 3 This Covenant is a Covenant offered to sinners to those to whom the poyson of Adam's corrupted nature is propagated and by whom much sin hath been acted to such as are full of sin and loaden with guilt even to Publicans and Harlots to a Manasseh to a Mary Magdalen God's Covenant is held out to such if they come in by repentance and bring Faith to lay hold on it Isai 55.7 Let the wicked forsake his way and the man of iniquity his thoughts and let him return to the Lord for he will have mercy upon him and to our God for he will abundantly pardon Paul tells the Corinthians 1 Cor. 6.9 that some of them were Fornicators and Idolaters and Adulterers and Covetous and Drunkards c. but they are washed and justified and sanctified Now this was Covenant grace this was the performance of the Covenant to them This is to be considered by those that have been great sinners to keep them from presumption on the one hand and from dispair on the other hand 1 The Covenant is held out to sinners not to proud self-admiring Pharisces or presumptuo●● offenders but to humble self-judging Penitents to repenting sinners If we do not see our selve● sinners if we have not a d●● humbling sight and sense of sin we cannot apply the Covenant 〈◊〉 Grace 2 The Covenant is held out to sinners even to the greatest sinners that repent therefore let no● any self-judging soul despair o● receiving the mercy and grace o● the Covenant 1 Jo. 1.9 If we confess o● sins God is just and faithful to fu●give our iniquities and to cleanse us from all our unrighteousness Come to me all ye that labour Mat. 11 2● and are heavy laden and I will give you rest Thus you see what use is to be made of this consideration with respect to the application of the Covenant it is a Covenant offered to sinners therefore we must see our selves to be sinners and judge our selves for our iniquities that we may take it and having a sight of our own unworthiness and being wounded with the sense of sin we must not out our selves off from the Covenant wh●se the Word of God doth not ●ut us off as I willsay to the impenitent secure presumptuous sinner Why medlest thou with the Covenant Hands off it belongs not to thee so I would say to any humble mourning penitent self-judging sinner Poor soul why standest thou so far off Behold the Lord calls thee and offers his grace to thee therefore draw thou near and lay hold on the Covenant of his mercy and love You have seen a second rule that is to be observed by those who desire duly to apply the Covenant Remember that it is God's Covenant of Grace offered to sinners 3 That you may not misapply the Covenant or catch at that which belongs not to you keep this in mind That God's Covenant is made only to Abraham and his seed Now Abraham's seed children of Promise included in the same Covenant with Abraham are in general all the Elect but God's Election is a secret which cannot be known à priori but only by God himself who alone knows who are his yet we may have a knowledge of it à posteriori when we find that we are called with a holy and effectual calling Now I say you must apply the Covenant as being Abraham's ●eed finding a true work of grace in your hearts the saving effects of the Covenant upon your souls whence you may conclude your Covenant relation to God and interest in his precious promises or else you do not apply the Covenant truly and honestly but unjustly laying a false claim to it 4 As we must make God in his Covenant our end so we must make Christ as Mediator our way and therefore in applying the Covenant must look to him and act Faith primarily on him by whom the grace of the Covenant is purchased for us and in and through whom it is conveyed to us we must accept of Christ for our Lord and Jesus that we may receive the Covenant of Grace and Peace and salvation through him 5 We must know that the Covenant is propounded and offered conditionally Faith and Repentance and New Obedience are the condition of Pardon and Salvation It is certain none are saved but by Covenant by a Covenant of Grace but it is by the Covenant kept therefore I must not think without any more ado to take this Covenant to my self not having any regard to the fulfilling of the condition of the Covenant in my self where there is not Faith and Repentance a true worke of grace and holiness there can be no right application of the Covenant So much now as to the first branch of the fourth General Counsel Apply the Covenant truly 2 Apply the Covenant thorowly Apply surely and thorowly see that you make sure work of it make sure to your selves your Covenant interest Seeing there is such a Covenant of Grace so precious and so necessary for us which belongs to the feed of Abraham and to them only why should we be content to live without assurance of our interest in it They who are in Covenant are for Heaven and they that are out of Covenant are for Hell Oh how desirous should we then be to be resolved and assured whether we be in Covenant or no How can we think or speak of God with comfort or without fear and trouble in our spirits while we are uncertain whether he be our God or no whether he be our friend or our enemy Let us labour therefore to be at a certainty in this point an infallible certainty of our interest in God's Covenant may be had Oh let us strive to it Now to quicken you in this case to excite you to diligence in making up to a thorow application of God's Covenant even to the full assurance of Faith I shall hint to you something of the benefit and comfort of assurance the unspeakable advantage that hence accrues to the soul Fruits of assurance 1 This assurance of Faith will sweeten to us all Providences and every condition of life 2 Cor. 4.16 17 18. while a Christian lives by Faith in a clear apprehension of the love of God who hath made an everlasting Covenant with him no outward changes can work any great change in his spirit or make much impression pression upon him assurance of God's love will make a Christian to sit down under changes quietly and comfortably with the Prophet Habakkuk rejoycing in the Lord and joying in the God of his salvation 2 Assurance of God's love will sweeten to us our enjoyments in the world be it more
Ezek. 16. in Right cousness and holiness of Truth In the state of nature the soule is like a wretched infant in it's blood whose navil is not cut that is unvvashed cast out in the open field to the loathing of its person But Christ maketh the Christian like the King's daughter all glorious within So that he is beautiful through the comeliness which Christ puts upon him but I say there is none of this beautie none of this glory nothing but ugliness and deformitie til● Christ comes into the Soule 3. A soule without Christ is like a house that is without a Master or Governour and so there is no order in it no provision made for it there is none to refresh and comfort it where the reviving consolations of the Spirit of Christ are not 4. A soul without Christ is as a Kingdome without a King as a people without government there all things are in a confusion tending to ruine and destruction Such a heart is not framed to the obedience of Gods lawes there is none to subdue sin and repress rebellious lusts in the heart that rise up against God and fight against the soul which if not quelled by an Almighty power will destroy soul body utterly where Christ is not there is none to seek the good of the Soul efficatiously and to the soules undoubted advantage none that can enrich the soule with Grace here and bring it to Glory hereafter 5. A mans soul without Christ is in such a deplorable condition as is the bodie in which are all the principal defects of Nature like a man deprived of all his senses that can neither see nor hear nor taste nor smell nor feel if we could suppose such a one in life That such a soul is spiritually blinde I have shewed already Further it is Christ in the heart that furnisheth a man with a spiritual eare it is only the ear bored by the Spirit of Christ that can hear the voice of God Multi habent aures audiendi pauci aures obediendi Aug. that so heareth as to understand and believe and obey the Word of God others are as deafe Adders that hear not the voice of the Charmer charme he never so wisely Many reproofs many instructions many admonitions many good counsels and exhortations are dealt out to people yet they are deaf to all and so will be nothing will enter into them till Christ be with their Spirits Souls without Christ are without feeling like a man all over in a dead Palsie we speak of spiritual feeling neither Gods Word nor his works make any impression upon such a heart it is as senseless of the smitings of God in the ministry of the Word as the Anvile is of the strokes of the Hammer That is true of such a soul which Solomon speaks of the drunkard They have stricken me Pro. 23. ult and I was not sick they have beaten me and I felt it not So may such a soul say or we may say of him he hath been smitten with reproofs for his Drunkeness for his Oaths for his Coveteousness for his Sabbath-breaking for his ordinance slighting c. Oh many blows have been given him but he felt them not it appeareth so because he is never the better for these smitings he reformeth not those evils for which he hath been reproved Lastly In a word A soul without Christ savoureth not the things that are of God This term savour is in Scripture applied both to tasting and smelling to tasting so meat is said to be savoury Gen. 27. to smelling and so there is the savour of ointments and the savour of garments spoken of in the Book of Canticles Now as a man that hath not the sense of tasting cannot distinguish meats or drinks all are alike to him he perceiveth no sweetness in Sugar or Honey no tartness in Vinegar no bitterness in Gall and as a man that hath not the sense of smelling senteth neither sweet nor stinking taketh no pleasure in those things which yeild a most fragrant smell nor is offended at that which senteth most noisomely and odiously so is it in a spiritual sense with the soul that is without Christ there is no sence of tasting or smelling no perceivance or apprehension of the sweetness of Jesus Christ and of the doctrine of the Gospel of the deliciousness of the things of grace such a soul savoureth not the heavenly Manna the Word of God is not at all sweet unto his taste but unsavoury unto him nor is sin disgustful he perceiveth no bitterness in it but takes pleasure in it so putting bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter 6. Till you can find that you are in Christ and Christ in you you cannot look upon your selves but as vessels of dishonour ordained unto wrath Rom. 8.1 There is n● condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus but to all out of Christ Christ is wisdome and righteousness and sanctification to those to whom he is made redemption it is Christ in us that is the hope of glory to us Examine your selves 2 Cor. 13. ● saith the Apostle prove your selves know you not that Jesus Christ is in you except ye be reprobates If thou hast not Christ who is that best garment which the Father of the returning Prodigal called for to put it upon his Son if thou hast not put on the Lord Jesus Christ who is that Wedding-garment spoken of in the Parable M●t. 22. I say if thou hast not Christ thou wilt be speechless dumb not able to speak one word for thy self in that day when the King of Kings the great Judge of all the World shall ask thee why thou shouldst not be condemned and cast into hell for the sin in which thou was born and the sins in which thou hast lived whereas the soul that hath gotten Christ that hath taken him up by Faith and hath him dwelling in it by his Spirit hath the merits of Christ his death to plead and the righteousness of Christ to hold forth unto God Lord though in my self I am worthy of death and have deserved to die a thousand times though I have no righteousness of my own yet in as much as Christ hath died for me I must not die in as much as thy Son whom thou hast given me hath fulfilled all righteousness for me and is made of God righteousness to me I shall not be condemned but I say he that is without Christ will have nothing to say when it shall be demanded of him what he can plead for himself why he should not die for his sins and what hath the judge then to say to such a Christless wretch Oh he passeth a dreadful sentence Bind him hand and ●oot and take him away and cast him into ou●er darkness there shall be weeping and guashing af teeth Ah now dear souls seeing the ●nhappiness of men and women and their misery is so great in the want of Christ labour to