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A72420 The soule is immortall, or, Certaine discourses defending the immortalitie of the soule against the limmes of Sathan to wit, Saducees, Anabaptists, atheists and such like of the hellish crue of aduersaries / written by Iohn Iackson. Jackson, John, fl. 1611.; Houppelande, Guillaume, d. 1492. De immortalitate animae.; Xenocrates, of Chalcedon, ca. 396-ca. 314 B.C. De morte.; Athenagoras, 2nd cent. De resurrectione.; Palingenio Stellato, Marcello, ca. 1500-ca. 1543. 1611 (1611) STC 14297a.3; ESTC S116566 64,456 189

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hanc vitam recipiuntur That is Abrahams Bosome is the rest of the blessed poore whose is the kingdome of heauē whither after this life they are receiued So by the iudgement of Beda agreeing with the trueth Abrahams Bosome is the Kingdome of Heauen with Lazarus was caried Out of the same place also it is apparent concerning the Soules of the Wicked For the Rich Glutton is sayd on the contrarie to be carried downe into Hell Therefore the Soules liue after the Body 19. Luk. 23.43 Christ hanging on the Crosse said vnto the Thiefe This day shalt thou be with mee in Paradise Now that Paradise is Heauen is prooued by Saint Paul in the 2. Cor. 12. 1 2 3 4. where he sayth He was taken vp into the third Heauen which hee calleth Paradise But the Thiefe could not be with Christ in Paradise in the Body because that was dead buried Therefore his Soule was with Christs in Paradise and so consequently the Soule liueth and is Immortall 20. Luk. 23.46 Father into thy hands I commende my spirit 21. John 16. Your ioy shall no man take from you 22. John 5.24 Hee that heareth my word and beleeueth in him that sent me hath euerlasting life shal not come into condemnation but hath passed from death to life 23. Joe 6.54 Whosoeuer eateth my flesh and drinketh my Blood hath eternall life and I will raise him vp at the last day 24. Joh. 11.26 Who soeuer liueth and beleeueth in mee shall neuer die 25. 1. Cor. 2. The eye hath not seene neither eare hath heard neither can it enter into mans heart what thinges God hath prepared for them that loue him 26. 2. Cor. 5.8 8 We loue rather to remoue out of the Body to dwell with the Lord Wherefore the Soules sleepe not as some Anabaptistes will haue them but inioy Immortall life celestiall glory with God 27. Phil. 1.23 I desire to be loosed and to be with Christ He speaketh of the rest and ioy which he should inioy with Christ But they who feele nothing what can their ioy or happinesse be Wherefore they also are refuted in this poynt that say That mens Soules sleepe and so withall denie the Immortalitie of the Soule 28. 1. Thes 4. So shall we euer be with the Lord. 29. Reuel 2. To him that ouercommeth will I giue to eate of the Tree of Life which is in the middest of the Paradise of God Be faythfull vnto the death and I shall giue thee the Crowne of life Reue. 3. Him that ouercommeth will I make a Pillar in the Temple of God and he shall goe no more out To him that ouercommeth will I graunt to sit with me in my seate 31. Reu. 4. The 24. Elders that sate on the Seates were clothed in White rayment and had on their heades Crownes of Gold 32. Reu. 7.15 16 17. 15 They are in the presence of the Throne of God and serue him day and night in his Temple and he that sitteth on the Throne will dwell among them 16 They shall hunger no more neither thirst any more neither shall the Sunne light on them neither any heate 17 For the Lame which is in the middest of the Throne shall gouerne them and shall lead them vnto the liuely Fountaines of waters and God shall wipe away all teares from their eyes 1. Cor. 15.19 If in this life onely we hope in Christ then are we most miserable of all men If Christians in this life onely do hope in Christ 1. If they hope of Christ for the blessednesse of this life onely and not of one to come then are they most miserable of all men But Christians are not most miserable of all men Ergo they do not looke or hope of Christ for the blessednesse of this life onely but also of the life to come and by a consequent they shall rise from the dead that they may be partakers of that blessednesse in an other life These testimonies of Scriptures doe teach and confirme most euidently that not onely in the Body before death and after the resurrection of the Body but also in the whole space and time comming betweene the Soules are liue feele vnderstand out of the Body though the manner of their operations be to vs vnknowne Wherefore also this gift of Immortalitie hath some similitude with God who alone is the onely fountaine of life hath Immortalitie as sayth Paul 1 Tim. 6.16 The Aduersaries of this Trueth the deare dearelings of the Diuell fighting with weapons of their graund Captaine Sathan euen as he in tempting our Sauiour Christ wrested the Scriptures to his purpose euen so they peruerting the true sense alleadge sundry places of the Scriptures to disprooue the Immortalitie of the Soule and to approoue their owne wicked assertion that the Soule is Mortall Of which hellish Champions and their vaine and wicked not reasons but wordes I with a reproofe will bring a double disproofe and so thereby giue our side a stronger approofe by enterpreating their false alleadged places according to the right sense and meaning 1. Gen. 2. In the day that thou eatest of the Tree of knowledge of Good and Euill thou shalt die the death Loe say they the death of Body and Soule both Answere interpreating the place The Lord in this Scripture doth not threaten to Man the destruction or extinguishing of his Soule but eternall Death that is the horrible feeling and terrour of Gods wrath and iudgement and to liue forsaken and cast off from God subiect to all miseries torments vnto the which eternall death the separation and parting asunder of the Soule and Body by temporall death is an adiunct which at that time through Gods mercie was deferred that that mankind might be saued For so was Adam dead while he yet liued in Paradise euen so soone as euer he had eaten the forbidden Fruite So in eternall death liue all the damned and reprobate whose Fire shall not be put out and their Worme shall neuer die So in the second to the Ephesians are they sayd To be dead through sinne that liue in sinne without repentance And Ephes 5. Hee who from sinne is reclaymed to God is willed to rise from the dead And Rom. 7.5 Paul saith That through the knowledge of sinne and the wrath of God hee was dead 2. Eccles. 3.19 19 The condition of the Children of men and the condition of Beastes are euen as one condition to them As the one dyeth so dyeth the other for they haue all one breath and there is no excellencie of Man aboue the Beast for all is Vanitie 20 All goe to one place and all was dust shall returne to the dust Therfore the Soule is not Immortall Answere interpreating Heere they are deceiued by a fallation taking that to be spoken simply which is but secundum quid i. in some fort or in some respect For the Preacher doth not simply say That Men die as Beastes and so doe vtterly perish for
abstract then the Substaunce from which it is sayd to flow Seeing then we doe prooue in our selues that the Soule existing in the bodie doth know many thinges which can not fall vnder our sense and that without the mediation or vsing the meanes of the body for wee prooue or finde by experience that it knoweth the relations following Nature and insensible relations of reason wee finde by experience that it assenteth to the complections without possibilitie of contradicting or erring many other things seeing therefore I say that these Actes haue no conueniencie neither can agree to other formes and thinges corruptible it is most like and agreeable to reason that these Actes are sufficient to prooue that the Soule is immortall Moreouer the Immortalitie of the Soule is prooued by certaine reasons of the Schoole Doctors First In whom there is power and virtue alwayes Proficere to profits in the same also there is power and virtue alwayes to bee Seeing that the subsistence of the Accident cannot be naturally without the Essence of the subiect But in the Soule there is alway power and virtue proficere to profits therefore there is in the Soule power and virtue alwayes to bee The Minor is euident by the saying of a certaine Wise man who sayth Cum consummauirit homo tunc incipit 1. When man shall make his ending then is his beginning And in an other place Multitudinem ingressus saepientiae quis intellexit Who hath euer knowne the multitude of Wisedomes entries Which speach seemeth to haue this sense that by the prosecting and increasing of Wisedome the entrance in vnto her is multiplyed because he seemeth more and more to enter in vnto her that more and more profecteth in her This Exposition is helped by the speach of the Prophet that saith to his Soule Post me ingredi non cessabis Thou shalt not cease to enter in after mee The Answere of Plato doth also further it For he being asked when a man can haue profited so much in Philosophie that there can remaine nothing for him to know more or when he can haue learned so much that there can be nothing left for him to learne Hee answered Hoc solum scio quod nescio 1. This onely I know that I know not As if hee should haue sayd Solum cognosco ignorantiam meam 1. I know onely mine ignorance This I thus confirme The perfections and dispositions that the reasonable Soule can acquire or get are not limitted therefore the life of the reasonable Soule or the existence thereof is not limitted and so by consequence it must needes be Immortall The Antecedent is plaine because the Soule cannot know so many things but it may know more The Consequence is plaine because it is vnpossible for the virtue and power of euerie subiect to be of those dispositions and perfections from the which the subiect is naturally prohibited For this mortall life cannot suffice naturally for the getting or participating of infinite perfections seeing that euery one of them requireth time A second Reason is this If the Soule should be corrupted and so mortall it should be either through the action of the contrarie or else through the corruption of the subiect But it is not corrupted by meanes of the action of the contrarie because it hath no contrarie Neither can it be corrupted by reason of the corruption of the subiect because nothing is corrupted in that wherein it consisteth by it owne perfection For these are contrarie mutations to witte of Corruption and Perfection But the Perfection of the Soule consisteth in a certaine abstraction from the Body for the Body waxing old in men liuing moderately and temperately the Soule is perfected according to the science and knowledge thereof and according to the virtues thereof According to the science and knowledge because in auncient old men is Wisedome and in much time is Prudence According to the Virtues because such men are temperate neither giue place to wicked Concupiscence nor haue any great difficultie in act But young men haue wicked Concupiscences and are delighted therein neither can they refraine them without great difficultie This Argument is confirmed by a double Reason The first is this That when the Body is weakened or some Organ thereof hath receiued some hurt the Soule is more fortified thereby and made more stronger and virtuous in the other senses and powers as though it were vnto them a more inward supply of those thinges that seeme to be taken away by the defect of the members Therefore when the Body dieth the Soule doth not die The Antecedent is knowne to be true by experience for a blind man is more sharpe quicke in hearing and in vnderstanding and in other senses then hee that is well sighted Whereof Guilermus Parisiensis sayth That a certaine Blinde man was so cunning and had so much prosited in experience that he could infallibly tell onely by the touching handling feeling or croping any peece of Monie of his owne Country coyne though there were neuer so many and sundry sortes of them And a certaine blind Boy in the fourteenth yeare of his age learned all liberall Artes knew and vnderstood all the sacred Scriptures and taught them and wrote most largely and amply vpon them as is mentioned in the Tripartue Historie The second Confirmation is thus As is the whole Body to the whole Soule so are the partes of the Body to the parts of the Soule But whē one part or some Organ of the Body is corrupted there is no part of the Soule corrupted nor hurt nor suffereth in it selfe but remayneth sound and perfect Therefore when the Body dyeth the Soule doth not die The Antecedent is plaine by the Philosopher Si senex haberet oculum neuenis videret vtigque vt iuuenis c. If an old man should haue the eye of a young man hee should see as a young man therefore when part of the Body is hurt the Soule is not hurt in it selfe although it be depriued of the act For when our Sauiour Christ restored sight vnto the blind he gaue not nor conferred vnto the Soule any strength or actiuitie but onely repaired the hurt or indisposition of the Organ Also the reasonable Soule by how much more it vnderstandeth and knoweth thinges intelligible by so much more perfect is it made and more disposed to vnderstand But the Soules of all mortall men by how much more they feele and exercise their operations by so much more are they weakened made vnfit for the exercising of their operations Experience doth teach both these to be true and so doth the Philosopher also where hee saith Excellens sensibile currumpit sonsum excellens autem intelligibile non corrumpit intellectum 1. The excellent sensible thing corrupteth the sense but the excellent intelligible thing doth not corrupt the vnderstanding Therefore there is another kind of the Soule from that which is corruptible and so by consequence it must needes be Immortall
doe no rewardes remaine Amased all their virtuous workes shall cease and perish plaine So many stately Temples trimde so many Altars hie With Gold and Marble garnished and decked sumptuously Beside Religion Godly zeale Honour and worshipping Of God shall come to nought if after death remaine nothing That men may hope for if the Soule as Winde doth passe away Of wild and franticke common sort Religion must be stay And feare of smart for mischiuous and full of fraud their braine Is alwayes seene nor of themselues they well doe meane or plaine The common sort doe Virtue loath and euermore her hate Religion is the comlinesse and glorie of our state Which makes the Gods to fauour vs which we winne Heauen by No wise nor good man therefore dare attempt her openly To teach that Soule shal come to nought and so corrupt the mindes Of rude vnskilfull common sort that wauer like the windes Now must we teach by reason good that Soules shall neuer die But free from sting or dart of death doe liue eternally Which euery Christian man doth hold and Greshop eater Iew Who our foreskins abhorres beleeues which God that all thinges knew Would not haue made if he had thought they had been needlesse sure And Nations all besides do thinke that Soules shall aye endure For first the thing resembling most the mightiest Lord of all Of longer lasting life we count and perfecter must call For that which doth not long endure but shortly doth decay That it should be vnperfecter who is that will say nay And therefore do celestiall thinges a greater while endure Because they are more perfecter and more Diuine and pure But thinges that nearer are the earth and farthest off from skies Vnperfect since they are do fade and soonest euer dyes Shall then our Soule sith life in it and knowledge doth appeare Most like vnto the state Diuine be closde and shut vp heere With Body for to end Nor shall it heere haue longer place Then fading flesh Or shall it liue no more nor larger space Besides that Soules cannot decay this Reason witnesse shall Because it is of single state and voyde of matter all Adde this that when the Body fades the force of Minde doth grow As weake and aged Fathers old doe more good Counsell know Then youthful blouds of younger years and often he lacks wit That doth excell in strength and force for rare doth God permit Both strength and wit to any one Wherefore if force brought low By space and course of many yeares the Minde doth stronger grow Of Body doth it not depend but of it selfe consist Another thing and after Graue doth liue and death resist Doth not beside when foote doth ake the Minde iudge thereof plaine It is no doubt But how can griefe to towre of Minde attaine Doth it ascend from lowest partes as Smoke doth vpward flie No for many partes not foote alone if so should ake thereby Nor of the foote but of the part that nearest is to Minde The ake should grieue This shewes that Soule is not of Bodyes kind And is so free from death since it in distance needes no meane Adde this when we would call to minde the thing forgotten cleane Or else deuise some worthy fetch from Minde the Senses all It then behoues to gather vp whereby doth often fall That many better for to muse doe shut vp close their eyes Or else forsaking companie some secret place deuise Or whē the night with darksome cloude the earth doth ouer spread And creatures all with heauie sleepe do take their rest in bed They still do watch and silent all vpon their beds doe rest And light put out in darknesse whet their Minde with Body prest For Senses doe the Minde disturbe Affections it destroyes Amazing it with Dulnesse great and Blindnesse it annoyes None otherwise then Cloudes do hide the Sunne that clearely shines If therefore when it doth remaine within his owne confines And flying farre from Senses all and cares that Body bringes It wiser be then shall it know and vnderstand all thinges In better sort when it is free and from the flesh doth flie More perfect of it selfe it is and liues continually Againe sith Man as Meane consistes the Saintes and Beastes betwixt Some part with each he common holds with Beast his Body mixt And with the Saintes his Minde agrees one of these partes doth die Of th' other death can haue no power but liues continually Death therefore takes not all away for why his deadly dartes Doe neuer harme the Soule a whit when it from Body partes And more then this I haue to say if nothing doe remaine Of vs when Carcasse lyes in Tombe God shall be called plaine Vniust and one that fauour shewes to such as naughtie liue For such for tearme of all their life no Sorrowes do them grieue No Ritches lacke nor Pleasures great but happily reioyce Exalted with Promotions hie and with the Commons voyce On th' other side the Virtuous men a thousand Griefes molest now sore diseasd now plagu'd with need In fine alwayes opprest Therefore the Soule liues after graue and feeles deserued paynes And if it haue done iustly heere a Crowne of Glorie gaines By these and many other wayes I could declare no doubt That Soule of man doth neuer die and Body liues without But thi 's enough time bids me end Not ignorant am I That some the soule although vnapt doe tearme an Harmonie And as of sundry voyces mou'd proceedes a melodie Of sundry Compounds Medcine made which heale with soueraigntie So of the ioyned Elements by certaine meane and way Created of the Heauens eke the Soule to be some say A part whereof in Body dwels and part abroad doth lie As sight doth spring of outward light and virtue of the eye But this opinion is not true for if it should be so The Soule with flesh should neuer striue nor once against it goe But euermore in one agree As euery power doth show That wonted are of mixed thinges By spirit Diuine to grow As in the kind of Hearbes appeares and in the precious Stone Some thinke the Soule doth not remaine when flesh from it is gone Because the heauie sluggish sleepe the nearest thing that may Resembles Death and seemes to take both Sense and Minde away Or for because they see the Minde with sicknesse diuersly So vext and harmd that it cannot the place it hath supply And with the Body to encrease with which it eke decayes As well appeares in Children young and men of elder dayes Fond is the child the man discreete the old man doteth still For weake vnwealdie withered age doth Minde and Body spill And more say they if that the Soule of substaunce be Diuine And seuered from these fleshly limmes may lead a life more fine Then why should it in wretched flesh so seeke it selfe to place by whose defect so many illes and mischifes it deface But fond she is therefore if that
this sense cantradicteth other Scriptures But in two respectes the death of Men and the death of Beastes are like 1. Because Men must needes once die and depart out of this life because Men are not heere to continue for euer nor haue heere a setled place 2. Men die as Beastes that is In the sense and iudgement of the Wicked they seeme to perish 3. Psal 78.39 Hee remembred that they were but flesh yea a winde that passeth away and commeth not againe Ergo Mortall Answere By these and such like speaches is described and be wayled the frayltie of all humaine affaires that with God doe perish and come to nothing For as in this place they are likened to a Winde that soone vanisheth away so in Psal 103. they are compared to Dust Earth and Flowers of the field So Iob. 14. Man commeth vp as a Flower and is cutte downe Isa 40.6 All flesh is grasse 4. Psal 88.5 I am counted as slaine lying in the Graue whom thou remembrest no more Answere In these wordes the Psalmist doth not meane that either hee himselfe or the dead are exempted from Gods prouidence But hee complayneth that hee is forsaken of God euen as it seemeth to men that God careth not for the dead And therefore hee speaketh not according to the sense of Fayth but of his owne opinion weaknesse and miserie who iudgeth those thinges to be forsakèn and neglected of God whose deliuerie for a while he doth deferre But what Fayth in the meane season doth suggest and tell the Godly euen when they striue and wrastle with temptation he sheweth in the ii Psal and vers 2. The iust shall be had in an euerlasting remembrance 5. Psal 146.4 His Spirit departeth and returneth to his earth and then all his thoughtes perish Ergo. c. Answere Hee doth not heere say That the Spirit or Soule of men doth not die or vanish or is bereaued of sense But that it departeth to witte from the Body wherein it dwelleth and that not the Spirit but the Body returneth to earth which was made of earth And where he sayth That all his thoughtes perish he meaneth not that the Soule is after this life bereaued of Reason Iudgement and Sense of Gods mercie or wrath but that mans Purposes and Counsailes are made frustrate which in his life he had setled him selfe to bring to passe In which sense it is sayd in Psal 112.10 The desire of the Wicked shall perish 6. Psal 88. 10. Wilt thou shew a miracle to the dead Or shall the dead rise and prayse thee Whereunto we adde all such places as take away worshipping of God from the dead which must needes prooue the Soule not Immortall Answere In such speaches Death and Hell or the Graue haue two significations They who are spiritually dead whether before or after the death of the Body that is they that are depriued of Gods grace and forsaken and reiected of God and are in Hell that is in the place and tormentes of the Damned or else in this life despayring and destitute of comfort shall not prayse God at all neither in this life nor in the life to come But they who are dead not spiritually but corporally onely although they shall not prayse God while their Bodyes are in Hell that is in the Graue for which this word Hell is often vsed in the Scriptures yet in Soule they shall not ceasse to acknowledge and prayse God vntill when they haue receiued their Bodyes againe they shall magnifie him both in Soule and Body in the Celestiall eternitie But in the meane time sith God will be acknowledged and magnified of men in this life also therefore both the whole Church and euery one of the faythfull not onely pray that they may not fall into that forsaking and that sense of Gods wrath wherewith the Wicked are oppressed but also desire that they may be preserued and defended in this mortall life vntill the end thereof appoynted by God be expired for the Saintes doe not simply stand in feare of the bodily Death and Graue but that they may not be forsaken of God neither fall into desperation or destruction or their enimies insult against God when they are ouerthrowne This with dayly and ardent prayers and petitions they begge and craue continually 7. Psal 146. 2. I will prayse the Lord during my life as long as I haue any beeing I will sing vnto my God Heere hee restreyneth prayses to this life onely Answere This place maketh nothing to the purpose For he doth not limit prayses to this life but this he onely sayth that he will spend all the time of this mortall life in Gods prayses which notwithstanding in many other places he extendeth to continuall eternitie as Psal 34. I will prayse the Lord continually But often times this particle Vntill or As long signifieth a continuance of the time going before some euent without any excluding of the time following as 1. Cor. 15.25 Hee must raigne Vntill hee hath put all his enimies vnder his feete I thinke they will not say that when Christes enimies are put vnder his feete that then he shall raigne no longer 8. Job 10.20 Let him ceasse and leaue off from mee that I may take a little comfort before I goe and shall not returne Ergo the Soule is Mortall there is no Resurrection Answere In these wordes he denyeth that hee shall returne into this Mortall life and conuerse amongst men in this World But he denieth not that he in the meane season hath his beeing and doth liue vntill againe he see God in the flesh euen the same Iob who then was afflicted as himselfe sayth chap. 19.26 9. Iob. 3.11 Why died I not when I came out of the Wombe so should I haue lyen quiet and been at rest Answere Iob in these wordes doth not denie that the Soules after death doe liue feele and vnderstand but onely he sayth the Miseries of this present life are not felt Instance Iob would not wish for a bad change but if there be euils felt in the life to come hee wished for a badde change Ergo. c. Answere Iob wished not for the death of the wicked but of the godly Instance But Job maketh Kinges and Princes also which gather Gold vnto them vers 14.15 small and great good and badde vers 16 17 18 19. partakers of this rest Answere It plainely appeareth out of the whole processe and discourse of Jobs wordes that he doth not teach what is the state of men after this life but onely desireth to be ridde out of his present miserie And therefore through humaine infirmitie and impatience he compareth the sense and feeling of his present miseries with the death and state of the Dead whatsoeuer it be As they who are grieuously tormented with present Distresses and Calamities preferre any thing whatsoeuer before that which they suffer So also he sayth in the 7. chap. speaking as one despayring of deliuerie in this life Remember
that my life is but a winde and that mine eye shall not returne to see pleasure For so hee expoundeth himselfe when hee addeth vers 10. Hee shall returne no more to his house neither shall his place know him any more So likewise in the 17. chap. My breath is corrupt my dayes are corrupt the Graue is readie for mee They are wordes of one despayring of life saluation God being wroth and angrie 10. Job 34.14.15 14 If he set his heart vpon man and gather vnto himselfe his spirit and his breath 15. All flesh shall perish togeather and man shall returne vnto dust Answere Job doth not heere say that the Soule doth either sleepe or perish but that by the departure of the Soule from the Bodie the Bodie dieth and is dissolued yet not that the Body doth vtterly perish for so it should repugne other plaine places that warrant the Resurrection 11. Job 14.12 Man sleepeth and riseth not for hee shall not wake againe nor be raised from his sleepe till the Heauen be no more 12. Act. 7.60 And when he had thus spoken he fell asleepe 13. 1. Cor. 15.51 We shall not all sleepe but we shal be all changed 14. 1. Thes 4.13 I would not haue you ignoraunt concerning them which are asleepe In these places the dead are sayd to sleepe Ergo The Soule sleepeth Answere In these and such like places is vsed a figure of speach called Synecdoche translating that which is proper vnto the Bodie to the whole man For that this belongeth to the Body which is to be recalled from death to life as it were to awake from sleepe many places of Scripture declare As Iob. 7. Behold now I sleepe in the dust For not the Soule but the Body onely sleepeth in the dust or Graue 15. Mat. 24.46 Blessed is that Seruant whom his Maister when he commeth shall find so doing 16. Mat. 25.34 Come ye blessed of my Father inherite the Kingdome 17. Mark 13.13 13 And yee shal be hated of all men for my names sake But whosoeuer shall endure vnto the ende the same shall be saued 27 And he shall then send his Angles and gather to geather his elect from the foure Windes 18. Dan. 12.1.2 1 And at that time my people shal be deliuered euery one that shal be found written in the Booke 2 And many of them that sleepe in the dust of the earth shall awake some to euerlasting life c. These places doe plainely shew that Blessednesse and the Kingdome promised to the godly shall then first fall vnto them at the last day Ergo Soules go not presently to heauen after death of the Body Answere Those places doe not shew that But they shew that at the last day when the Bodies shal be raised vp againe the Soules that alreadie are in Heauen shall by being ioyned to the bodyes againe haue their felicitie and glory consummated and made absolute For so we pray Thy Kingdome come when yet now God also raigneth in vs. 19. 1. Cor. 15.19 If in this life onely we haue Hope we are of all men most miserable Of this place they reason thus Hee that is blessed and happy before the Resurrection is not without the Resurrection most miserable But wee without the Resurrection should be of all men most miserable Ergo wee are not before the Resurrection blessed and happie Answere To the Maior we answere That he is not miserable without the Resurrection who can not onely before it but without it also be blessed But we are in such wise blessed before it that notwithstanding without it following and ensuing we can not enioy that former blessednesse because that God with so inseparable a knot hath ioyned togeather the beginning proceeding and finishing or perfectiō of the Electes blessednesse that none can haue the beginning who must not come to the end and consummation thereof Wherefore we must rise againe or we must want also the Celestiall blessednesse before the Resurrection Rom. 8.11 If the spirit of him that raysed vp Iesus from the dead dwell in you hee that raysed vp Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortall Bodies 20. Heb. 11.39 These all through Fayth are dead and receiued not the Promise Therefore they receiued not their Countrie Answere Although when they died they had not found their Countrie yet would it not follow of these wordes that they are not at all or haue no sense after death for he that is not or hath no sense seeketh not his Countrie Secondly it is not there spoken of the life after death which is ledde in the Celestiall countrie spoken of in 2. Cor. 5. from vers 1. vnto 10. but of this life in which the faythfull walking their pilgrimage sought for the Celestiall countrie not finding their Countrie on Earth 21. If presently after death the godly were blessed then iniurie was done vnto them who were called againe into this mortall life Answere It was not iniurions to them seeing God is debtor to no man God did raise them vp for the manifesting of his glorie Now what can happen better or more acceptable vnto the Godly then to serue for the manifesting of his glory either by life or by death Therefore there was no iniurie done vnto them Phil. 1. As alwayes so now Christ shall be magnified in my Body whether it be by life or by death c. 22. The Soule hath neither sense nor action but by bodily instrumentes and therefore being naked of those instrumentes it is also destitute of sense motion and operation Answeré Although we graunt the Antecedent that the Soules action and sense is by the instrumentes of the Body while it is in the Body before this naturall or corporal death yet notwithstanding that it is not so with the Soule after death when it is freed from the Body both learned Philosophers doe confesse and the word of God testifieth 1. Cor. 13.9 Wee know in part and wee prophecie in part but when that which is perfect is come then that which is in part shal be abolished ¶ Thus I hope are sufficiently disprooned those wicked Aduersaries of this knowne and necessarie Trueth The Soule is Immortall And the Scriptures falsely by them alleadged rightly and fully interpreted according to their true sense By which reproofe of the Aduersarie and disproofe of their cause the trueth is more approoued and stronglier confirmed For contraries by their contraries are euer made more manifest God giue the Trueth a speedie victorie in the heartes of his people that Errours may be beaten downe Sathan confounded and all our Enimies vanquished that we may triumph with our Captaine that Lion of the Tribe of luda our Lord Jesus Christ Athenagoras an Athenian and a Christian Philosopher flourished in the time of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus and Commodus Emperours of Rome within two hundred yeares after Christ and in his Booke of the Resurrection he reasoueth thus REasons touching thinges belonging to Mankind are some drawne