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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68136 A letter vvritten by a true Christian Catholike, to a Romaine pretended Catholike Wherein vppon occasion of controuersie touching the Catholike Church the 12. 13. and 14. Chap. of the Reuelations are breifly and trulie expounded. Which conteine the true estate thereof, from the birth of Christ, to the end of the world. Herbert, William, Sir, 1553?-1593. 1586 (1586) STC 12752.5; ESTC S112797 52,029 90

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nō negabit Therefore it is not of vs that we doe vnderstande but of him which maketh vs to comprehende those thinges which would not be knowen Therefore of him knowledge is to be hoped which will open to them which knocke will shewe to them that seeke and will not denie to them that craue Hereof Saint Bernarde writeth right well Quo spiritu scripturae factae sunt eo spiritu legi desiderant ipsae etiam intelligendae sunt Nunquam ingredieris in sensum Pauli donec vsu bonae intentionis in lectione eius studio assiduae meditationis spiritum eius imbiberis sicque de reliquis By the same spirite whereby the scriptures are reuealed do they require also to be reade by the same also they are to bee vnderstoode Thou shalt neuer enter into the vnderstanding of Paule vntill with a good intent thou mayest sucke out his spirit by continuall reading and daily meditation and so of the rest And we may well say that both the roote and frute of prayer and meditation in the worde of God is the spirite of God which openeth our vnderstanding and leadeth vs vnto all truth For from Gods grace these godly exercises doe proceede and by the continuall vse of them his grace is increased augmented in vs to the outwarde hearing of the word of God and meditation thereof the inward working and operation of the holie Ghost being ioyned and vnited which is both promised and performed to all the faithfull euen to all the children of God We reade in the 59. of Esay Spiritus meus qui in te est verba quae posui in ore tuo seminis tui in perpetuum non deficient My spirite which is in thee and my words which I haue put in thy mouth and of thy seede shal not depart for euer Christ saith in the 14. of Iohn Spiritus sanctus docebit vos omnia suggeret vobis omnia quae dixi vobis The holie Ghost shall teach you all thinges and minister all things which I haue spoken vnto you S. Iohn saith Vnctionem habetis a sancto nostis omnia vnctio docet vos de omnibus You haue your annoynting of the holy and knowe all thinges the annoynting teacheth you all thinges Saint Paul saith Animalis homo non percipit ea quae sunt spiritus Dei at spiritualis diiudicat omnia Spiritus enim omnia scrutatur etiam profunditates Dei The carnall man perceaueth not the thinges which are of the spirit of God but the spirituall discerneth all thinges euen the depth of God To conclude we learne of S. Paul that faith commeth of hearing and hearing of the worde of God for the study and obseruation thereof hath the working of the holy ghost ioyned therewith which produceth faith which is not of our selues but is the gift of God as the same Apostle teacheth vs in the 2. Chapter of his Epistle to the Ephesians so that by the outwarde hearing of the worde and the inwarde operation of the holie ghost faith is in vs kindled Christ thereby apprehended his iustice and righteousnesse to vs deriued God reconciled our sinnes pardoned his mercie obteined we in Christ Iesus adopted to be the children of God and inheritors of euerlasting saluation Therfore the Diuell our mortall enemie that euermore laboureth our confusion by his chiefe instrument Antichrist his adherents and by his owne false and slie suggestions woorketh all he may to stay men from reading and hearing the worde of God and from comming to those places where it is read and taught that is from publike seruice and sermons whereby such as are skilfull in the tongues and haue trauelled in the study of the scripture the circumstances of places are laide open the sence made manifest the proportion of the doctrine taught and declared conference collation of places vsed and applied the vse fruite thereof signified the breade of life deuided and destributed for the nourishment of our soules our faith thereby kyndled and confirmed lastly the holy Ghost therewith powred and bestowed vpon vs for our further comfort and enstruction Thus haue I briefly answered your two propositions whereby you may somewhat be induced to the consideration of your estate of the corruption of the church that you follow of the weakenes of the grounds that you stand vpon of the daunger that thereby you are in and of the meanes whereby you may escape it And that I may yet more amplie satisfie you in the question of the Church the mistaking whereof is the roote of your error I haue herewith sent you a historie of the Church of Christ from the natiuity of our Sauiour to the end of the world laid downe by the holy Ghost by the pen of S. Iohn in the twelfth thirtenth fourtenth of the Reuelation where unto I haue added such light of interpretation as my small talent hath enabled me vnto wherein I fore see I shalbe assayled by the maleuolent with two bitter obiections the one of curiosity the other of presumption it shall suffice me to shield my selfe against both with that notable sentence and censure of Iesus the sonne of Sirach in the 39. of Ecclesiasticus 1 He onely that applieth his mind to the Law of the most high and is occupied in the meditation thereof seeketh out the wisedome of all the auncient and exerciseth himselfe in the prophesies 2 He keepeth the sayings of famous men and entreth in also to the secrets of darke sentences 3 He seeketh out the misterie of graue sentences and exerciseth himselfe in darke parables 4 He shall serue among great men and appeare before the Prince he shal trauell through straunge countries for he hath tried the good and the euil among men 5 He will giue his hart to resort early vnto the Lorde that made him and to pray before the most high and will open his mouth in prayer and pray for his sinnes 6 VVhen the great Lord wil he shal be filled with the spirit of vnderstanding that he may powre out wise sentences and giue thankes vnto the Lord in his prayer 7 He shall direct his counsell and knowledge so shall he meditate in his secrets 8 He shall shew forth his science and learning and reioice in the Law and couenant of the Lord. 9 Many shall commend his vnderstanding and his memorie shall neuer be put out nor depart awaie but his name shall continue from generation to generation 10 The congregation shall declare his wisedome and show it 11 Though he be dead he shall leaue a greater fame then a thousand if he liue still he shall get the same The exposition vpon the 12. 13. and 14. Chapters of the Reuel CHAP. 12. Verse 1. And there appeared a great wonder in heauen A woman clothed with the sunne and the Moone was vnder her feete and vpon her head a crowne of twelue starres 2. And she was with child and cried traueling in birth and was pained ready to be
but also doe adore the image without any kinde of scruple whatsoeuer yea and doe honor the same with that worship wherewith the thing or person thereby represented is to be honored And by Andradius the late defender of the Tridentine counsell whose workes are seene and allowed by the Romishe church Non inficiamur saith he hac nos latriae adoratione Christi praeclarissimam crucem colere venerari We denie not that we worship and honor the moste excellent crosse of Christ with this adoration of greatest honor worship but both the crosse of Christ and the image of the trinity and al other images are creatures therefore our conclusion is strong and certaine that the church of Rome is not the catholik church Infinite arguments to this purpose might be drawne and euerie of them in effecte demonstratiue but the matter so cleere these few may suffice Let vs then examine sith it is not the catholike church whether it be a catholik church in that sense that the word catholik is imitatiuely taken for soūd and sinceere that is whether it be a pure and perfect member of the catholike church It is very sure and certeine that sometime it hath bene a verye notable member and as it were a right arme an ayde confort and ornament to the rest of the partes but the question is what it is at this present and for manye yeeres hath beene whether now it be a sound member of the catholike churche or no for the deciding heereof wee can haue no better or more manifeste tryall then by the doctrine that it teacheth by the sacraments that it administreth by the prayers that it vseth and by the discipline that it exerciseth and heerein we come to the firste point that controleth your second proposition As in the body of a man so long as any principall member as the arme or the leg hath the bone vncrushed vnperished or vnwrested the flesh and muscles vnbrused vninfected and vnhurte the veins sinewes and arteries neither ouerstretched distorted or shrunke the skinne vnannoied vnexulcerated vnimpeached we terme and accompt it a sound member But if in any of these points it be defectiue rekon it vnsound in that proportion and degree that the nature and qualitie of the defect is of So in the body of the church as long as any member or particuler church as the Church of Rome the Church of Antioch the Church of England the Church of Fraunce hath the worde of God whiche resembleth the bone or pith vppon the whiche it ought to growe and depende vnperished vnwrested and vncorrupted the praiers and supplications which are as it were the flesh and muscles of it wherewith it ought to be filled and replenished vnwasted and vnconsumed with atheisme and securitie and vnpoysoned and vninfected with Idolatry and superstition The holy sacraments which represent the veynes sinewes and arteries wherewith it is both norished vnited vnmāgled vndisordred and vnstrayned and the discipline which is like to the skinne that enuironeth compasseth and defendeth the rest vnexulcerated and vnenflamed with the tumors of tiranny or cankers of couetousnesse or otherwise vnstained with iniquity we are to tearme and accompt it a sounde member of the catholike churche and so much the lesse sounde by how much the more it is in any of these pointes defectiue or euill affected If wee cast this leuell ouer the Romaine churche shall not wee soone discouer howe crooked and corrupt it is and howe much it hath swarued from the vprightnesse and sinceritie wherein it was first established The holy Scriptures it hath not onelye corrupted and wrested as by infinite examples might be shewed but also depriued of force and strength where it ought to haue depended of the Scriptures it maketh the scripture depend of it And whereas the sense of the holy ghost is sure certaine and immutable it maketh it variable and alterable according to the temporary practise of that church This shall you finde in the epistle of Cardinall Cusanus no lesse blasphemously then barbarously recorded The Sacrament of the Lords supper it hath mangled into a half communion and a priuat Masse disordred with the monstrous fantasie of transubstantiation and thereby altered the commemoration to an adoration the Sacrament to a Sacrifice propiciatorye The sacrament of Baptisme it hath pestered if not polluted with manye superstitious and superfluous ceremonies The names and dignitye of sacramentes it hath strayned and stretched to other things contrarye to their nature The prayers and supplications which ought only to bee made vnto God and so made vnto God as the congregation may both in vnderstanding and deuocion ioyne with them and saye Amen It hath what with inuocation of Saints what with worshipping of images what with a strange and vnknowne language made either impious or vnprofitable The discipline which should keep all things in order and frame in it is altogether stained with ambition and couetousnesse finally it is a member so ful of corruption so swolne with pride and so envenomed with ambitiō that it perswadeth the world that it is the body and that all the rest of the partes are but members of it and that whatsoeuer parte is not like it is corrupt and carying vppon it the Romaine Byshop as a most pestilent vlcer it saith that is the head to which all other partes must submit and subiect themselues And is it not then rightlye to bee iudged an vnsound member and an vnsincere Examine in like sort any other particuler church Do it vprightly and sincerely and it shal make manifest vnto you whether it be a sounde or vnsounde member of the catholike church and if vnsound in what degree proportion and measure it is so to bee iudged and accompted These therefore are perfect and pregnant sayings which can neuer deceaue you if the lampe of eternal light Gods holy and heauenly worde beare any credite or authoritye with you for by that shall you knowe whether the doctrine of any church be pure or impure whether the Sacraments be rightly or otherwise administred whether the praiers be godlye and religiously or Idolatrously and superstitiouslye made and vsed whether the discipline be sincere and perfect or disorderly and corrupt and in this we fall to the second point that aunswereth your second proposition If the doctrine of any church is conformable to the doctrine of the Patriarkes the Prophets the Apostles whose doctrine and documents the holye scripture layeth downe it is to be iudged sound and sincere and so much the lesse sounde be how muche it more swarueth from their faith and doctrine If the Sacraments in any church bee ministred according to their firste institution and vse which the holy scriptures doth declare they are to be accompted rightly and duely administred If prayers in any church be vsed according to that forme manner purpose and intent that the godlye of all ages testified in the scriptures did vse and exercise they are to be reckoned