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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20361 A true report of all the doynges at the assembly co[n]cernyng matters of religion, lately holden at Poyssy in Fraunce. Written in Latine by Mayster Nicholas Gallasius, minister of the Frenche Churche in London, and then present, [and] one of the disputers in the same, translated into English, by I. D.... Seen and allowed accordyng to the order appoynted by the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions; True report of all the doynges at the assembly concernyng matters of religion, lately holden at Poyssy in Fraunce. Des Gallars, Nicolas, ca. 1520-ca. 1580. 1561 (1561) STC 6776; ESTC S110901 50,348 138

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for the layīg on of hāds but to proue himself an apostle he did not so much cite his miracles of the which he had great store as y● fruite of his preachyng the cōuersiō of those people whō the lord had turned at his calling For writing to the Corinthiās he saith You are the seale of my apostleship in that lord Cor. ix Thesame truely say of so gret a nūber as by our preching haue receued the gospel agaīst al the power of mā nether seke we any other cōfirmatiō of our calling ministery For the power vertue of god hath sufficiētly shewed it self forasmuch as nether prysō fier banishmēt nor death could stay yesame But quoth Spēsa shew me but euē one example wtin these .xv. C. yeares like to your case Although quoth Beza al hystories are not writtē yet I donbie not but there may be foūd som But if ther be none it is no incōuenience to say that god in our daies hath done y● which he neuer did afore Afterwards we cam to traditiōs which Spēsa made equal with that scripture ●…ātus preferred aboue it as more certain thā it But to the place of Paul which reuoketh vs to y● scripturs Spēsa āswerd that Paul speketh generally of doctrine Which forth w e was āswered not of vs only but of an other singularly wel learned mā which was there presēt that it is writē ther 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Moreouer we said it was new strāge that Xātus wold haue the traditiōs more certain thā the scripture for y● by reasō of many interpretatiōs may be vncertayne For what foūdatiō shal our faith haue if we doubt of it neither is it therefore incertain bicause many times mē misapply it mangle it abuse it For the truthe abides alway one which though it be somtymes darkned yet continueth her force euen to the last Neither bicause heretikes abuse it ought we therefore the lesse to fly to it What wrōg he doth vs in cōparing of Anabaptistes other diuelish sectes our writings wel testify They admit onely som part of the Scriptures We accept allow the whole they credit new reuelations We say that suche thynges are out of place sithe Christe hath manifested al things fully vnto vs. As to the place of Tertulliā wherof ●…antus warned Beza twice or thrice to read it I quoth Beza haue read it more than xx tymes am so well assured that you shall finde it as I saye as I perfectly know that you shal neuer finde in Chrisostom that which you in his name haue falsely alleged But do not deny that Tertullian did manye tymes passe his bondes Neuerthelesse if we cōsider towhat ende he spake it you shal perceiue how lightly this which you thynke to make so much with you shal be answered For this was his purpose that we should not in vaine reason with heretikes As Paule coūsaileth vs after the first or seconde admonition to leaue them But what maner of heretikes were those Suche as beig conuicted of their heresy by the worde of god tryfled in vayne What were the traditions whiche he layde against them Such as are conteyned in the writinges of the Apostles and pertayn to the chiefe articles of our fayth and which the whole church professed Fyrst therfore we should haue ben cōuicted by the same worde that if we be in any erroure we might thereby bee withdrawen from it But to bee confuted by tradition whiche is neither Apostolical nor yet grounded on their writings that truely is asmuch as to opē the gate to all deceite and vtterly to ouerturne the certaintye of oure faith But why doth Tertullian himself vpbrayde the heretikes saying Let them beleue the scriptures if they can do it beleuig agaynst the scriptures except we ought to flye to them and by them confute all errors If these rytes whyche at thys daye our aduersaries haue brought in were Apostolike the churche would alwayes haue vsed them Neither should they haue had so late beginning Now forasmuche as the authors of them are wel knowē described in histories certainly it cannot be said that they came first frō the Apostles Falsly also is the name of traditions refrained to those things which are deliuered frō hande to hande in as muche as this woorde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is referred euē to those things that are writen Tertulliā refuteth those that taught that the apostles had not sufficiently instructed vs in al things that thei might leaue a place for new traditiōs as things reuealed by the holy gost Thei are wōt to say quoth he that the apostles knew al but neuertheles put not al in writing In both pointes blaming christ as though he had either insufficiētly instructed his apostles or els had chosē such simple mē as were not able to vtter their mindes in writing For what sober mā would beleue that the apostles wer ignorāt in any thing whō the lord appointed as maisters ▪ c. To the Apostles therfore we must fly whō christ sēt to preach But how shall we be assured of their doctrine but by their wrytings Was not vnctiō geuē vnto thē for this cause that they might deliuer and write vnto vs al things necessarye for our saluatiō not to leaue vs douting or vncertain And herby is that place of Chrisostom easily discussed which was earst aleged where he saith that Christ left nothing in writing to his apostles Wuld he therfore that thei shuld write nothing No sure But therfore he taught them therfore he reueled it vnto them by his spirit that the same doctrine once written might remain for euer But thei taught som●…things which are not cōtained in their writings Neither that truely do we deny But we saie that there is nothing pertaining to our saluation Whyche they haue not left in writing other thiges which cōcerne rites ciuill dyscypline they might easily teach by worde of mouth But because yesame chaunge according to time place they woulde not bu●… then our consciences therwith As to the obiection of the names of vnbegotten consubstātiality trinity baptisme of children although the playne names wordes be not in the scriptures yet the thinges themselues that is to wit the sence and grounde Whereof the names are gathered is playnelye expressed and shewed in the scripture These thinges were long debated and sometymes the talke interrupted Xantus spake muche and affirmed a great while that the virginitie of Mary after her deliuerance coulde not bee proued by the scriptures Neither yet that yong children ought to be baptised Neuerthelesse bothe were proued by the authoritie of the scripture But he ceassed not to bable after the maner of the Sorbonistes as though he shoulde wynne the victorie with triflyng and talking His talke litle liked so honorable anaudience as it that was full of bitternes sharpenesse and stomake Our men in the meane tune modestly stayd themselues And albeit manye of our aduersaries spake at once confusedly