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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14354 A treatise of the cohabitacyon of the faithfull with the vnfaithfull Whereunto is added. A sermon made of the confessing of Christe and his gospell, and of the denyinge of the same. Vermigli, Pietro Martire, 1499-1562.; Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575. aut; Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567, attributed name. 1555 (1555) STC 24673.5; ESTC S118516 95,107 174

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be called also And alwaies Augustine bringith this sentence to persuade men to suffer the Iues which is writē in the 58. psal as he nōbred the Psalmes ●…ley them not lest my poeple do forget but scater thē abroade c. The sonne of God praieth the father that the Iues mighte not be vtterlie slayne and destroyed but scatered abroad throughe the worlde Other countries and nacyōs being subdued of the Romaynes receyued their lawes and rytes and so became Romains but the Iues although that they also were ouercomme of the Romaines yet were they neuer made Romaīs neither ī ordinaūces lawes nor religiō They do kepe their own lawe so farre as they cā euē vnto this daye They wander aboute dispersed and scattered abrode neither do they forget the lawe of Godd they haue it not to obserue it indeede but only they do reade yt ād they do also reteyne certeyn signes as Circūcisiō and other ordinaūces by which they are knowē from others But they offer no sacrifices for to sacrifice was lawfull only at Hierusalē And thus it semeth that the lorde hathe sett vppon them a signe as he dyd vppon Cain which slewe his brother Abell Neither is this their dispersion amonge all the nacions of the worlde vnprofitable for vs. They are braunches brokē of and we are grafted in their place which thinge whilest we do beholde we must acknowledg the iustice of God towards them and his grace towards vs And we muste take hede that we be notlykwise cutt of through vnbelefe for the which they were broken awaie Ther is another cōmoditie besydes this that commith of this their dispersiō which is that they do kepe our bokes the holy byble I do meane These they do carye aboute with them they reade them and thoughe they beleue not because they are blinded yet do they cōfesse that these wrytinges are true And so though they be our enemies in their mynde yet the bokes which they haue and do reuerēce are our witnesses wherfore I cā not maruayle ynoughe at those mē which do persequute and hate the tonge of the Hebrewes and the Hebrewe bibels and do burne them whē as Augustine in his boke De doctrina Christiana dothe bidde that we sholde go to the truithe of the Hebrue tonge if we do doubte in any place of our translations The selfe same thinge dothe Hierome teache in manye places But they saie that these bokes are corrupted of the Iues. Heare I thinke good to answer with Hierome Either saithe he they dyd this before the comminge of Christe and the preachinge of the Apostles or after if before it is maruell that when Christ the Apostles and Paule dyd reproue moste shāfull faultes in the Iues that they wolde haue kepte in silence so greate and haynous a sacriledge as this surelie if it hade bene so they wolde haue reproued yt But if it was done after Christes ascēsiō they wolde thē chieflie haue corrup ted those places which do make mēciō of Christ and those which Christe and his Apostles did alledge But those remayne safe and vncorrupte the same sense and meaninge of thē is in their bible in which they were recyted of Christe and his Apostles for aboute the wordes they were not so curious wherfore it is not lyke that they haue corrupted any other places at all in the holy bokes of the scripture Yea if a mā dothe iustly beholde thē he shall see that they haue many moo testimonies and sentences for vs more plaine I saye then our cōmen translatiō hathe as in the. 2. Psal. kisse the sonne where ours hathe laie holde of knowledg In like maner the whole 53. of Esaie which dothe moste plainlie prophecie of Christ remaynith vncorrupt The bokes therfore are not corrupted Yea they coulde not haue corrupted those bokes thoughe they wolde but it shuld be easyly espied for ther be of them manye moste awn cient in wryten hande which haue bene kepte moste diligentlie of Christians But let vs retourne to the profyt that Augustine speaketh of Many might●…e thinke that those thinges which are spokē of the olde people were vayne and fayned and likwise those thinges which we do tell owte of the prophettes excepte they dyd see the Iues thēselues yet liuinge and remayninge with their bokes which do beare witnesse to the thinges that we do speake wherfore though the Iues be blinded in mynde and in harte are our enemyes yet euen them and their bokes we haue moste plaine witnesses of our faithe Aske thē of the prophettes whom Christ dothe alledge they graunte theym to be true Aske them of the vnderstandinge of thē in yt they are ignoraunte because they are blinded And amonge all other witnessinges that witnesse which is gyuen of a mās enemie is of greatest weight and makith most for him Of suche witnesses truly the lorde hathe prouided good stoore for his churche For we haue not only the bokes of the Hebrues to make for vs but also the verses or rydles of the Sibylles which were of an heathē poeple It is not to be thought that our elders fayned thos verses for Sibylles bokes were euen commune in all mens hands in the tyme of Eusebius the bishoppe of Cesarea of Lactantius and of Augustine All which do vse and alledg them But if they hade alledged false and counterfett verses the heathen mē which then excelled in knowledge and were very many also in numbre they wolde ha ue reproued theym as vayn men and lyars If then men wyll gyue this vnto the verses of the Sibylles that they be vncorrupte moche more is it to be giuen to the bokes of the Hebrues Thus hath it pleased the lorde to defende and arme his churche yea euē with the testimonies of his aduersaires Wherfor let the Iues be suffred amonge the Christians both for the promis which they haue of the saluaciō to comme to their stocke and also for the commodities which they do carie with them such as I haue rehearsed And for this cause they be not only by lawes suffered but also they haue their Synagoges graunted vnto them As in the Nouellis Constitutionibus of Iustinian and in the Decrees it doth appere But this is permitted vnder such condicion that they shuld not haue moo Synagoges then they hadd before nor greater Yet maye they repaire them that fall into decaye This was graūted to them bicause that in their cōgregacions ther is no impiete nor wickednes committed They do but reade only the bookes of the holy scripture and do publiquely praye In which thinge yet the Magistrates and Bushopps do euell which do not diligētly serche take heede and prouide that they do nothinge els in their congregations indeede then that I haue spoken of for they shuld by al meanes take heede that in their publique and cōmon prayers exhortations and readinges they do not speake euell of Christe our lorde and Godd Which thynge seing they do not both the Magistrates and the Bushopps are