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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10957 The English creede consenting vvith the true, auncient, catholique, and apostolique Church in al points, and articles of religion, which euerie Christian is to know and beleeue that would be saued. The second part, in most loyal manner to the glorie of God, credit of our Church, and displaieng of al hæresies, and errors, both olde and newe, contrarie to the faith, subscribed vnto by Thomas Rogers. Allowed by auctoritie.; English creede. Part 2 Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616. 1587 (1587) STC 21227; ESTC S116387 55,407 97

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in other places of the reformed Church name lie in the Confes. of VVittem art 32. Sueuin art 15. Sound in iudgment therefore theie are not VVhich being not of the Church of Christ wil notwithstanding take vpon them to iudg yea to condemne the doctrine of the Church of God as do The Machiauils The Iewes The Turkes The Papists The Fam. of Loue. The Anab. VVhich hold that the Pope alone hath power To iudg al men and matters but maie be iudged of none To make reuoke at his p●●su●e what articles of Religion him listeth and that without controlment VVhich suppose there is No iudgment but in the Clergie so called None auctoritie to determine of controuersies in Religion but by the bookes of the dead Fathers Doctors Schole men as Th●● Aquinas ●co●●● c. 4 To interpret the word of God is à peculiar blessing giuē by God onelie to the church or companie of the faithful though not to al and euerie of them For Saith our Sauiour Of men in general No man knoweth the Sonne but the Father neither knoweth anie man the Father but the Sonne and he to whom the Sonne wil reueile him Mat. 11. 27. Of his faithful disciples It is giuen to you to know the secrets of heauen but to them it is not giuen Matth. 13 11. Saith S. Paul vnto the church at Corinth The manifestation of the Spirit is giuen to euerie man to profit withal For to one is giuen by the Spirit the worde of wisedome c. And to another prophecie 1. Cor. 12. 7 c. If anie thing be reueiled to another that sitteth by let the first hold his peace 1. Cor. 14. 30. The Apostles Iames and Iohn do write vnto al the Church or people of God If anie man lacke wisdome let him aske of God Iam. 1 5. Ye haue an ointment from him that is holie and yee haue knowne al things c ye know the truth c ye need not that anie man teach you 1. Iohn 2. ver 20 21 27. Hereunto subscribe the Churches in Heluet. Confes. 2. c. 7. Bohem. Confes. c. 1. VVittē Confes. c. 30. Al of vs iointlie opposing our selues Against those men which thinke that to expound the word of God is so easie à matter as anie student indued with à good natural wit by diligence maie do the same Against them that teach how to interpret or expound the Scriptures is too hard à thing for anie mortal man to attaine vnto such VVas Iohannes de VVessalia Are manie of the Anabaptists Against the fam of Loue who though they grant some can expound or open so far as is conuenient for man to know the meaning of God in his word yet that Some there saie are themselues and none other Against the Papists VVhich thinke that to interpret the holie scripture is not so much à special gift of God vpō some chosen persons as an ordinarie power annexed to the state of Popes Bishops General Councels That are so far from giuing the people of God not being of the Clergie power to expound that theie vvil not suffer them to read no not so much as to haue the Scriptures in à vulgar tongue except it be their ovvne most corrupt and barbarous translation vvhich but of late yeeres neither and that in part too is granted But for the Scripture of God in place theie obtruded Festiuals Legends Rosaries Horaries Psal●eries of our Ladie 5 Forsomuch as no prophecie is of anie priuate motion 2. Pet. 1. 20. and whatsoeuer interpretation man giueth not agreeing to Th'analogie of faith which S. Paul from God gaue in commandement to be obserued Rom. 12. 6. is à priuate interpretation special heed is to be had that one place of Scripture be so expounded as it agree with another and al to the proportion of faith This do the Churches protestant so like of as theie approue the same by publique Subscription as maie appeare in the Confession of Heluet. 1. art 2. Heluet. 2. c 2. France art 7. Saxon. art 1. VVittem ca. 30. 31. 33. Sueauia art 1. This wil not be granted of the Antichristian synagogues whereof Some thinke that the Scripture may be expounded in what sense and to what purpose we wil as the Helchesaits Papists among whome theie be which from this opiniō do tearme the most holie word of God in reproch A shipmā● hoase A leaden rule A nose of waxe Some condemne al interpretation of the word as vnnecessarie theie being taught as theie saie of God himsēlfe such are the Libertines Some depend vpon visions and Reuelations as the Euthusiasts Anabaptists Some dislike of the literal calling it à Grammatical sense and so prefer the Allegorical exposition that theie cal it the spiritual sense of Gods word and therbie make vvhat them list of the Scriptures most monstrouslie as the Originists Fam. of Loue Some vvil haue of euerie place of Scripture an exposition Analogical Allegorical Historical Moral As the curious Thomists Monches Some are addicted to an interpretation vvhich theie cal mystical and prophetical as the B●●●ardists Some thinke th'interpretation vvhich the Church of Rome maketh of the Scripture vvhatsoeuer it be is the od and the onelie true sense of Gods vvord as Harding doth Some deeme that as the Church by time doth alter so th'interpretation of the Scripture also maie varie vvhereby that vvhich in Th'apostles time vvas à truth in theis daies shal be an error and contrarivvise in this error vvas Cardinal Cusanus 6 Though the church hath power to heare determine in controuersies of saith as alreadie hath bine prooued yet hath the Church auctoritie nei ther to iudge the worde of God not to iudge otherwise than the word of God doth iudg For it is said To the church Novve I besceche you brethren marke thē diligentlie which cause diuision and offences contrarie to the doctrine which ye learned and auoid them Rom. 16. 7. Heare him euen Christ Math 17. 5. To him giue al the Prophets vvitnesce Act. 10. 43. Search the Scriptures Iohn 5. 39. VVhosoeuer transgresceth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God 2. Iohn vers 9. Yee are no more straungers and forreners c. and are built vpon the foundation of Th'apostles and Prophets c. Ephes. 2 19. Heereby shal yee knowe the spirite of God c. 1. Iohn 4. 2. Of the holie Scripture The worde is the truth Iohn 17. 17. The whol Scripture c is profitable to teach to improue to correct to instruct in righteousnes that the man of God maie be absolute c. 2. Tim. 6. ver 16. 17. They haue Moses and the Prophets let them hear them Luk. 16. 29. VVee haue also à most sure vvorde of the Prophets to the which ye do wel that yee take heede c. 2. Pet. 1. 19. If anie man teache otherwise consenteth not to the wholsome wordes of our L. I. Christ and to the doctrine which is according to godlines he is pust vp
can bee read in the worde of God nor yet were heard of in the primitiue Church lib. 4. dist 24. VVhere maie it bee found that th' office of a Deacon is to read the Gospel VVhere is the minister of the word Sacraments of the nevv Testament called priest in the popish sense VVhere is it appointed to the ministers of the nevv Testamēt onlie to minister the Sacramēts or to minister mo than two baptisme and the L. Supper Or if there bee mo than two as there be not by what Scripture maie they not minister al of them but must onlie minister Sacraments that is certaine Sacraments By what one place haue priests auctoritie to offer sacrifice and that for the quicke dead also VVhere with-out extreme sacriledge can theie shew that our S. Christ was a Porter an Exorcist c. and not alwaies à King à Prophet and a Priest 8 Marriage is à state of life holie and honorable among al men Heb 1● 4 ●o forbid the same s●uoureth of an e●●on●ous spirite and is the doctrin of diuels 1. Tim. 4 1. c. Howbeit to saie that Marriage is à Sacrament instituted and that by christ as the papists doe we cannot be induced that for sundrie reasons of importaunce For Marriage o● the wedded state VVas neuer commanded to bee taken for à Sacrament As á Sacrament should Baptism the L Supper haue Hath none outwarde element Hath no prescribed forme Hath no promise of saluation or damnation Maie bee entered into or not at our discretiō but it is not at our chois to be pertakers or not to participate of the Sacraments i● wee maie come by them Marriage was ordained by God himselfe in paradise but the Sacraments of the nevv Tes. were instituted by christ in the time of the Gospel It vvas no Sacrament to the Fathers before and in the time of the Lavve and therefore no Sacrament v●to vs. Herevnto in effecte subscribe the Churches of god elsewhere Conf. Heluet. 2. c. 19. 29. Heluet. 1 art 20 37 Basil. art 5. Bohem c. 9 France art 24. 35. Flan. art 33. Ausburg art 2. 5. 6. Saxon. art 12. 18. VVittemb c. 21. 26. Sueau cap. 12. 15. As of vs opposing our selues against the manifolde aduersa●ies of this trueth whereof Some haue too highlie conceiued of the wedded state as The Papistes sometime when theie wil haue it to be a Sacrament Certaine Vigilantian Bishopps that woulde take none into the Cleargie except they would be Married first Some haue too baselie and wikedly thought of Marriage And therefore some doe holde that it is not meete That anie man or woman should marrie such were The Gnostikes The Mar●ionites The Tatians The Montanists The Manichies The Hieracites Th'aposto likes That anie shoulde twice marrie the husbande or wise being dead as The Catharans Origen Tertulian That some should marrie at al. namelie Such are the papists Such as haue taken Orders Spiritual kinsfolks Kinsfolks with in manie degrees That man who is lawfullie diuorced from an adulteresse 9 The Papists furthermore take Annoiling of the sick which theie cal E●treme vnction for à Sacrament VVhereof as theie vvrite The matter is onelie hallowed by a Bishop vvherevvith the sicke is annoiled vpon th' eies eares mouth nose hands and feete The forme is the vvordes which the priest speaketh when he doth anoin● the sicke in the foresaid places as By this holie oile God forgiue thee thy sinnes which thou hast committed by thine eies nose eares and mouth by thine hands and by thy feete All the teach thee Angels Archangels Patriarch● Prophets Apostles Euangelists Martyrs Confessors Virgins VVidovves and Infants The Minister Is the Priest as some Papists do think vvho is To heare Confession To giue Absolution To minister the Sacrament of Th' altar To annoile If anie Christian as Papists in chiefest place do permit Th' effect is to purge and put-awaie Venial sinnes committed by mispending of our senses Sinnes forgotte● In this Antichristian doctrine manie errors do concur For to omit in silence how nothing which the Papists deliuer concerning extreme vnction can bee found in the hohe Scriptures as neither the matter nor the maner nor the Minister nor anie institution at al from Christ nor anie commaundement that either al which are sicke or in al ages to the worlds end some sicke persons should be annoiled In respect of the matter the Papists make of à grosse element à spiritual ointment whereas there is none ointment spiritual but the holie Ghost In respect of the forme The onelie propitiator and Mediator betweene God and man Christ Iesus is blasph●med and the merit and power of his death ascribed to greasie oile Christ is not acknoledged for the onelie Sauiour of mankind and physition of our soules but other physitions be receiued besides him In respect of the Minister It appeareth that man hath power to forgiue sinnes which belongeth vnto God alone Other men yea women besides the ordinarie Ministers of the vvord maie be ministers of the Sacraments In respect of th' effect we maie gather that Al sinnes be not mortal Christ hath not cleansed such as be his from al their sinnes by his precious blood 10 In the worde of God the right vse of the Sacramēts and th' ends of their institution are euidentlie set downe For concerning Baptisme Christ he saith Teach al nations baptizing them c. Mat. 28 29. He that shal beleeue and be baptized shal be saued Ma● 16 16. The Lord his Supper saith Our Sauiour Ma● 26 v. 26 27. Of the bread Take eate c. Of the cup Drinke yee al of it S. Paul 1. Cor. 10 16. The cup of blessing which we blesse is it not the cōmunion of the blood of Christ The bread vvhich vvee breake is it not the cōmunion of the bodie of Christ This truth doe the Churches reformed by publike Cōfession subscribe vnto Confes. Hel. 2. c. 20. 21. Helue 1. art 22. Bohem. c●● 12. 13. France ar 35. 38 Flan. art 34. 35. Ausb art 2. 9. Sax. art 13. 14. 15 VVitt. c. 10. 19. Sueau cap. 13. 18. Therfore greatlie do theie sinne VVho wil not vse the Sacraments at al but contemne them as The Libertines Th'euchites The Schuenkfildians VVho abuse the Sacrament Of Baptisme as they do VVhich thinke that No children as Th'anabaptists No married folks as the Marcionits None that are sicke as Chrys. VVhich hold that things without life euen Dead bels as the Papists Dead bodies of mē as the Calaphrygians Are to be baptized The liuing are to be baptized for the dead as the Marcionites Of the Lords Supper par tlie By thrusting it into the mouthes of dead men as did some condemned long ago by à Councel at Carthage Such are the Papists By strawing the Sacrament vpon graues and tombes By vsing it magicallie as a salue against bodilie sicknesse adue●sitie c. By carieng it about pompouslie supersticiouslie to be adored of the beholders like an Idol