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A09505 Thre godly and notable sermons, of the moost honorable and blessed sacrament of the aulter. Preached in the Hospitall of S. Antony in London, by Wyllya[m] Peryn preest, bachelar of diuinite, [and] now set forth for the auaunceme[n]t of goddes honor: the truthe of his worde, and edification of good christen people Peryn, William. 1546 (1546) STC 19786; ESTC S119176 101,649 236

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the breade that he wolde gyue shulde be he hys fleshe For playnlye in these wordes Christe made a promyse of hys blessed bodye to be eaten as breade in the holye sacrament The whyche promyse the Euangelistes S. Mathew S. Marke s Luke sheweth how it was ꝑformed at the latter supper of Christ And thus doth the one place of scripture open thother Vnto thys sence vnderstanding of this place of S. Ioh. all the aūcient wryters subscribeth cōcordātly as I haue sayd vnderstādyng it of the corporal eatynge of the body of Christ in the holy sacrament For yf we shuld vnderstād it We must not vnderstande the promyse of Christ to be mēt only of i. Cor. x. the spirituall eatynge of hys fleshe in the sacrament only of the spiritual eatyng of the body of Christ by faythe then had Christe made vnto vs christanes no greater ꝓmyse thē Moyses made vnto the Iewes whē he ꝓmysed thē Manna For they dyde eate in Māna the body of christ spiritually by fayth as saynt Paule recordeth ✿ All they did eate sayth he the same meat c. To what purpose shuld thē christ p̄ferre the bread that he ꝓmised to geue aboue the bread that Moises gaue vnto thē syth the Iewes in Manna dyd eate the bodye of Christ as wel as we and we no more thē they as cōcerning the spiritual eatyng It aperith thē by these p̄misses the christ speaketh in this chapiter of the eating of his fleshe body corporally in the sacrament Whō they shuld eat not only spiritually in fayth but verely really euen as his fleshe is there that very same that shuld be geuē for the life of the world For so he ꝓmised to geue it vnto vs to be eaten The which ꝓmise he hath ꝑformed as thre of the Euāgelistes with S. Paule recordeth And that the thing maye apere clerely I wyl recyte the narrations of the Euāgelistꝭ therby we shall ꝑceyue how plaīly opēly they affirme this ꝓmis of christ to be accōplished Thus the euāgelist S. Math. declareth the mater ✿ As they were saith he at supꝑ Iesꝰ toke the bread whē he had geuē thākes he brake it gaue it vnto his disciples and sayd Math. 26. This is my body And taking the cuppe he gaue thākes and gaue it vnto them sayde Drynke you all therof This is my blood of the new testamēt that shal be shede for the remyssion of synnes What more plaine more euident wordes can there be spoken to signifye and declare the presens of his blessed bodye and blood in the holy sacrament He could not spake more playnly in so fewe wordes Saynt Marke also with as playne wordes concordantly settith forth the same verytie Mar. 14. Reade good crystiane and marke howe agreably and concordantly the narracions and histories of these euangelistes agreyth are corespōdent vnto the promises that Christe made in the syxte of saynt Iohn Where he ꝓmysed as thou hast harde that the bread that he wolde geue was his fleshe or bodye And here he sayth vnto his dysciples when he had taken breade and blessed it Take and eate this is my bodye As who wolde say This is the bread that I promysed when I sayde The breade that I wyl geue it is my fleshe for the lyfe of the worlde And agayne My fleshe verely is meate and my bloode verely is drynke This he promysed before And nowe in fact and dede takynge breade geuing thākꝭ he geueth it to his discyples sayth This is my body Here he geuith thē his fleshe as meate And takyng the cuppe he geuyth it thē sayng This is my bloode here he gaue also his blod as drinke Doth not this facte dede of Christ Luce. 21. playnly accomplishe the promise of Christ And on the other syde doth not the ꝓmysse of Christ when he sayd The bread that I wyll geue it is my fleshe ratifye these wordes of Christe Take eate this is my body Yes plaīly What neade we then to seke any other sence or vnderstāding of these places of scripture sith that the one so plainly openyth declareth thother The euāgelist saint Luke cōfirmeth the testimonyes of saynt Mathew Marke in this wise And he toke the bread gaue thākꝭ brake it and gaue it them sayde Luce. 22. This is my body which shal be geuen for you This perticle whiche shal be geuen for you was added for none other cause then to signyfie shew that the same body that he gaue vnto them shulde the same nyght be geuen for them into the handes of the Iewes vnto death And after he had supped he toke the cuppe in like maner and sayde This cuppe is the testament in my bloode whiche shal be shed for you Here we haue other wordes thē saint Mathwe or saint Marke had Yet certaīly all is but one meanīg and vnderstadyng For where they said This is my bloode of the new testamēt and saynt luke saythe This cuppe is the newe testament in my blood Both he they sayth singnifieth That the same cuppe contaynith the very same bloode wherewith the newe testamēt shuld be was the next day ratifyed and cōfirmid And this was none other bloode but the moste p̄cious blood Exo. 24. Hebre. 9. of the innocent and immaculate lambe Christ For lyke as Moyses when he had read the commaundemētes of the law vnto the people he toke the blode of calffes and gotes with water purpull wol ysope and sprynkled the boke and all the people sayng This is the blod of the testament whche God hath a poynted vnto you Athanasius in primā ad Corinthios 10. Sanguis enun iste qui calice cōtinetur ille est qui Christi latere ꝓ●lux it c. And so confirmed he the olde testament Euen so hath oure sauiour christ ratifyed and confirmed this the newe testament wyth his blood and the same blood that was shede vpon the aulter of the crosse and sprenkeled vpon vs to ratyfy the new testament that very same he gaue vnto his appostles at the supper Therfore the euangelystes saynt Mathewe and saynt Marke calleth it the bloode of the newe testamente And saynt Luke calleth it the new testamēt Saynt Iohan the euangelyste Similia habet et Crisostomus who wrote last of the foure doth passe ouer and speaketh nothynge of thys oure lordes supper No meruel hereof For so doth he the moste thynges that any of the other euangelistes dothe speake of as thynges sufficientlye declared by them Therfore this thynge he touched not For it was sufficientlye declared before by the other thre euangelystes Now thynke I longe or I here the testimony of the appostle Paule in whōe christ spake And therfore in this mater he spake none other thē he receaued of our lorde This same holy apostle wrytyng vnto the Corinthians after that he had rebuked theyr vncharitable mysuse of oure Lordes supper declareth thys
perswaded and prouyd vnto the Iewes the presens of hys godhead and that he by auctoritie of hys godhead dyd and myghte forgyue and remytte synnes the whyche godhead inuisible they coulde not see neyther the remyssyon of synnes by the euidens of the helth that he gaue vnto the man dyseased wyth the palsye That where the forgeuenesse of synnes and the gyfte of helth vnto that man so vncurably dyseased were both of equall dyfficultie and the one they myghte see the other they coulde not see whyles they se hym do the one they myghte beleue the other Wherfore then shoulde not the testymonye of the former myracles moste faythfullye set forth vnto vs in the holy worde of God whome oure predecessours also dyd see before theyr eyes perpetrate and wroughte of God by the handes as wel of the fathers ꝓphetes as by our mayster Christ and hys Apostles gyue euidēce profe of the myracles of thys sacrament sith both these and the other be of equal facilitie vnto God and of equall dyfficultie vnto nature Yf we beleue the one why shulde not we beleue the other syth that God is auctour of al. Yet perhaps thou wilt say the other myracles were euidently sene and so were these in the sacrament neuer Here vnto I answere Fyrste that thoughe our fathers dyd se the other done before theyr eyes yet dyd not we se them but we beleue them bycause that the holy scripture reporteth them to vs as of a trueth to haue bene suche done in dede Euē so the holy gospel of Christ reporteth to vs the wordes of Christe who can not lye whych sayeth Math. 26. Thys is my bodye Wherfore we ought to beleue these wordes thoughe we se not the dede Moreouer I answer that the other myracles were wrought to persuade fayth credyte vnto suche as lacketh fayth therfore were they manyfest and euident that the vnfaithfull myght be edifyed by the myracles openly sene vnto such mysteries of our fayth that can not be sene or apprehended by reason 1. Cor. 11. As saynt Paule sayth of the myracles of tonges wrytyng to the Corinthians The gyfte or myracle of tonges was gyuen to edifye the vnbeleuer but the gyfte of vnderstandynge or interpretacion was giuen to edifye the congregacion of the faythfull Euen so I saye that the other were gyuē to edifye the vnfaythfull Augustinꝰ de vera innocentia capi 134. Visibile miraculū ad illuminationem vocat inuisibile autem cum qui vocatus venit illuminat But thys Sacrament is not ordayned to edifye the vnbeleuers but is ordeyned and instituted to encrease exercyse and to certifie the true and faythfull beleuers of their vnfayned fayth and also for the comforte of the faythfull christen people Wherfore it is not necessary that it shulde be myraculus openly Thys myracle in thys Sacrament is not wrought as I haue sayd to perswade fayth as the other were but this doth presuppose requyre a cōstant fayth And as S. Paul sayeth vnto the Hebrewes Hebre. 11. Faythe is of thynges that appere not and can not be sene therfore are these myracles wrought of God inuisiblye that fayth myght here in haue place and that all the wyttes and sences of mā myght be tried subiugate obedient vnto fayth Playnly yf the faith of the thefe on the ryght syde of Christe were acceptable as in dede i● was that he seyng Christ as a thefe in lyke tormēt and payne with hym and yet beleued that he was most myghtest kynge of heauen and earthe bothe God and man Ioh. 2● Christus dixit Thome Beati qui nō viderunt et crediderfit I saye that the fayth of them is very acceptable that constantly agaynst the course guyse of nature do beleue in thys holy sacramente the worde and wytnesse of Christ whyche sayeth Thys is my bodye For from the thefe vpon the crosse was hyd onely the Godhead or diuinitie of Christe but in thys sacrament vnto vs is hydden from oure syghte our sensible felynge tastynge and touchynge bothe the dyuinitie and also the humanitie that our fayth myghte be so much the more acceptable as it lacketh experience and tryall of that thynge that we obedientlye beleue For in thys sacrament naturall experience cōtendith openlye agaynste fayth and not onely reason but also all oure senses are lede captyue agaynst al naturall experience vnto the sole and onely worde of God And that not in one myracle but in manye whyche are deprehended onely by constant fayth Wherfore no wonder thoughe the naturall man that wāteth fayth and beleueth nomore then fleshe and bloode that is to saye natural reason or sense reuelyth to hym be offendyd as the Caphernaites were at this moost myraculous and holy sacrament where in are wroughte so manye wonderous workes of God For fyrste in thys holy sacramente the substaunce of breade wyne Ciprianꝰ de cena d●mini Panis iste coīs in carnem et sanguinem mutatus procurat vitam et incrementum corporibꝰ by the admyrable power of goddes myghtye worde are conuerted by transubstantiacion into the verye bodye and bloode of Christe so that after the consecration there remaineth not the substance of breade or wyne nether any other substaunce saue only the substaunce of the reall and verye bodye and bloode of Christe God and man Secondly the whole and perfect bodye wyth all the lymmes and membres are in both the kyndes Itē Thomas aquinas citat hec Eusebii Niseni verba No 〈◊〉 tibi impossibile esse non debet ꝙ xp̄i substātiam terre na et mortalia conuertūtur hec ille in tertia summe q. 75. articulo 4 and in euery porcion of eyther of them as well a parte as togyther and consequently in euerye sensyble porcion of eyther of the kyndes is the parfecte bodye and whole bloode of Christe and is in so many places as any kynde or porcion of thys sacrament is Thyrdlye Christe is immediatlye present reallye in the sacrament as sone as the wordes of consecration are duelye spoken of the preest at masse and that wythout anye bodelye passage throughe the clowdes from heauen and so to descende vppon the aulter Fourthlye the qualities and the other accidenttall properties of breade remayne in this sacrament and yet there is not the substaunce of bread neyther anye other saue onelye the substaunce of Christe Itē Augustinus in libro sententiarum Prosperi dicit Nos in speciebꝰ panis vini quas videmus res in visibiles .i. carnem et sanguinē honeramꝰ Fyfthly the qualities of bread are subsystant by them selfe myraculouslye with out any staye or ayde of any substaunce where in naturally they shulde be and that by the synguler power of God Syxtly God almyghtye gyueth myraculously vnto these qualities and accidentall properties power in al natural operations and passions as wel as thoughe the substaunce of bread were there And therfore doth the consecrate hoost norysshe augmente when it is
conuinceth mānes reason and sheweth suche thinges in the worde of God that semys impossible vnto mannes wytte reason to be very easye and possible vnto god as is thys wonderfull mysterye of the blessed sacrament Also buyldeth and confirmeth the fayth and treuth of goddes worde and promyse For where anye thynge in the word or promyse of god semyth vnto our weake wytte blynde reason impossible bycause that reason can not reache wysedōe or wytte attayneth not the senses lacketh experiens and the carnall or natural mā beleueth not there myracle shewyth it possible easye to God and fayth teacheth vs to lede captiue to subdue al wytte reason vnto the worde and power of God vnto whome there is nothynge impossible For we muste vnderstande that the miraculus workes of god were not wrought before the former people and lefte truely faythfully reported vnto vs in the holy scriptures to teache persuade only the possibilite of thē selfes for they were to euidēt to be dowbted of But they were wrought writtē to declare set forth the possibilitie verite of al thīges that the word of god teacheth vs to beleue As for exāple Exodi 4. Ait Moydn̄o Non credent mihi neque audiēt vocem meaz sed dicent non appa ruit tibi dn̄o Dixit ergo ad ●n̄ Quid est ꝙ tenes in manu tua Respondit Virga Dixit dn̄s Proi●ce ī terrā Pro iecit c. Vt credāt ꝙ apparu it tibi dn̄s deus tuus c. Ioh. 10. Et si mihi non vultis credere operibꝰ credite vt cognoscatis c. The wōderful workes that God almyghty wroughte by Moyses hys deare and faythfull seruaunt before the chyldren of Israell and before the Egiptians dyd not onely declare that God almyghty was hable to shewe suche wonders sygnes and myracles But they manyfestly declared bothe the myghte and power of the Lorde God that sent vnto them Moses hys seruaunt and also confirmed ratifyed the veryte of all suche promyses and commaundementes that Moyses brought vnto them from the mouth of God For thys cause had Moyses power of myracles that these wonders whyche they se hym do before theyr eyes myght teache perswade thē the veryte and possibilite of hys tydynges and message whych semed both vntrew and impossible Not that they shuld beleue only the myraculous workes that they dyd see but that they by the euydens of these workes shulde beleue the word of God the Moyses ministred brought vnto thē The holy fathers ꝓphetes ratifyed persuaded the verite of goddes message sent by them vnto the people with lyke testimonye of miracles Our sauioure Christe and after hym hys disciples confyrmed and dyd corroborate the verite and possibilitie of hys holye gospell wyth the wytnes of hys wonderfull workes Wherfore I thynke it an argument of no small efficatie and strengthe to perswade and proue by the experiens of gods power in the former myracles the possibilitie of the excedynge great myracles in the moste blessed sacramēt of the Aulter the whych goddes worde teacheth vs to beleue seme they vnto mans reason neuer so vntrewe and vnpossible For these myraculus workes left vnto vs in the sacrat scripture are none other then the very playne experimentes and euident tryal of goddes myghtye power and registred in the byble to corroborate stablyshe as I haue sayd oure faythe and the doctrine of goddes holy word to conuynce and reprehende all vnbelefe and heresye But specially suche grosse and stubburne blyndnesse that wolde not haue reason subiugate and obediēt vnto goddes myghtie worde power but wolde that the omnipotent worde and power of God shulde take suche auctoritie place as theyr blynd carnall wytte wyll gyue leue as oure grosse frowarde and obstinate caphernaites doth nowe a dayes aboute the mooste sacrate and blessed Sacrament of the Aulter the blessed monument and memoriall both of the death and also of the might and power of our sauiour and Lorde God Christe The sacrament besydes that it contayneth that vyry bodye bloode of Christ is also a memorial of Christes death and therfore stereth vp our charitie towardes hym And in that that it is inuisibly myraculus it excercyseth our fayth For whyles they denye the reall and verye presens of Christes bodye and bloode in the sacramente contendynge agaynste the scripture by reason to be impossible that it shulde be so they extenuate and imbecyl the power of God also they here in denye and subuerte the verite of Goddes worde ratifyed and confirmed by Christ and his disciples with innumerable sygnes wonders and miracles And why semeth thys incredible Playnly for thys cause onely that in thys moste holy sacrament nature is altered and loseth her cōmen course order reason can shewe no persuasion The senses hathe contrarie experiens Therfore these carnall infideles voyde of the spirite of God for wante of faith sayeth and thynke it impossible For manyfest scriptures truely taken and vnderstāde to proue theyr heresy they haue none Saue that where the scripture in hys natiue sence wyll not sustayne eyther helpe theyr horrible heresie and detestable blasphemye they vyolently wrynge it wreste it they toose it and rugge it wyth tropes and fygures catacreses alligories and metaphers to force it to bowe vnto theyr phanaticall frensye and frantyke heresye And althoughe that the blynde obstinacie of these blasphemous heretykes be suche that there semeth lytle remedye to recouer them Titū 5. sythe they subuerted are as saynt Paule sayeth condēpned in theyr owne iudgement Yet for the confirmation and comforte of the faythfull I shall set forth and proue by goddes adiutorie the possibilitie of suche myracles as the faith catholique doth teach and sheweth vs to be wrought by the infinite power of goddes myghtye worde in the holy sacrament of the Aulter Thys shal I do by the testimony of these myraculus workes that the scripture reporteth vnto vs. That whyles we perceyue the scripture to set forth before vs so euident open plaine demonstratiōs and experimētes of the oīpotent power deuine that they can not be denyed saue onely of an infidele it maye euidentlye apere vnto euery faythfull christiane howe lykely and possible it is that almyghtie God can and doth by the power of hys myghtye worde these wonderful myracles in the holy sacrament And thys maner of argument maye not seme straunge vnto anye man in that that the veritie and possibilitie of thys mysterye and archane of oure faythe by proued and declared by other myracles wrytten whome we beleue in the holye scripture for there in I haue myne example of saynte Paule 1. Cor. 15. who wrytyng vnto the Corinthians and dysputynge the artycle of the generall resurrection proueth by the myraculous resurrection of Christe the whyche they had receyued and beleuyd by the preachynge of saynt Paule the verytie and possibilitie of the generall resurrection Oure sauioure Christe also
matter in this wyse 1. Cor. 11. That which I receaued sayth he of oure Lorde I delyuered vnto you For oure lorde Iesus the same nyght that he was betrayed toke breade and gaue thankes and brake it and said This is my body whych is broken for you this same do you in the remembraunce of me In like maner when he had supped he toke the cuppe and sayd Thys cuppe is the newe testament in my bloode The same do you as often as you shall drynke here of in the remēbraunce of me Here saint Paule that was instructed receyued hys doctrine learnynge of no man ●ala 1. Augustinꝰ ad Ianuariū epist 117. Cōtinuo quippe cū dixis● et Iudicium sibi māducat et vibit addidit vt diceret Nō d●iudicās corpus domini quod satis toto ipso loco in epistola ad Cor. 1. si diligenter atienbatur apparet but by the reuelacion of our lord Iesu Christe therfore taught he no other in thys matter then he had receyued of Christ affirmeth plainly in these wordes the very reall presens of Christes body and bloode to be in the sacrament And nameth it at no tyme eather fygure mystery or sacramēt but twyse in the same chapiter he calleth it the bodye of our Lorde And yf our Lorde mayster Christ wolde haue had any fyguratiue speache to be vnderstanded in these hys wordes had not ment that hys bodye shulde be in the sacrament but as in the fygure certaynly he wolde haue sygnifyed by some other wordes that he spake fyguratiuelye as he dyd in al suche lyke fyguratiue and parabolycall speches or els certaynly he wold haue instructed Paule the apostle more largely and clerely herof Or els at the least Paule who was so ware and circumspecte that he wolde not leue any ambiguous sentens in hys wrytynges rawlye wolde not haue lefte so necessary a lesson vntouched but wolde haue rather opened the playne and clere vnderstandynge and sence herof least any thynge shulde haue escaped hym wherby any occasion of erroure myght haue bē takē of hys wordes Neyther is it to be thought that so necessarye and also so daūgerous a lesson in so weyghty a matter of our saluacion shuld be lefte vntaught bothe of Christe of the appostles and also hetherto of the holie goost who cam to teache the appostles and the church all verytie vndoughtedly so he dyd styl doth shal vntyl the worldes ende For what offēce were it vnto god horrible error in the church of Christ and hath ben syth the appostles tyme hetherto that the churche of christ shuld worship the creature of bread instead of god there creator for so doth the churche now hath done this fyftyne hundreth yere and aboue yf the vnder the shape and fourme of breade and wyne be not verely and ryally the bodye of Christ God man There was no suche fearfull threatenynge for the vnworthye receauyng or of Māna eather of the paschal lābe rather of of any of the Mosaical sacrifices For they were but onely bare figures Forthermore where Paule in the same place thretneth dampnatiō vnto the vnworthy receauers of this sacramēt Yf there be nothīg els ther in but bare bread it were to seuere rygorus sentens and harde Iugemēt to thretten or execute dampnacion for eating of a peace of bread But verely the holye appostle Paule maketh a more worthyer thynge of thys then breade For he sayth that he that eatith of this breade and drynketh of thys cuppe vnworthely eatyth and drynketh hys one Iudgemente or dampnacion Not Not by cause that he doth mysuse a peace of breade or a cuppe of wyne But bycause he putteth no differens betwene bread and the body of christ Therfore sayth saynt Paule he eateth and drynketh his owne dampnacyon bycause he putteth no dyfferens he sayth not betwene bread and breade but betwene the breade that is but onely and very breade and the breade that is the very body of our lorde By these it may manyfestly appere howe playnly the holy apostle Paule affirmeth with the euangelystes the very and reall presens of Christes body in holy sacrament 1. Cor. 10. Moreouer in the same epistle in the x. chapter the appostle Paule after the he had set forth the terryble plages of God executed vpō the mysusers of the mosaycall figures he sayth That all those thynges happened vnto them for an example are left wryten in the scriptures to be a warnyng for vs. In this wyse the apostle Paule exhorteth the corynthians and in them al faythfull chrystians by these terryble and seuere punyshmentes to be warned and ware that we mysusynge the greater benefites of God shewe not oure selues vnthankful vnto so liberal a lord leste we prouokynge hym vnto wrathe sustayne at hys hande more worser and more greuous plages then dyd the Iewes whose feareful examples we may cede of in scrypture By causse that we haue receaued the more excellent and greater benefytes And in this parte of this chapter he doth specially auocate and call the Corynthes frome the partycypacion of the table of ydols Whiche was none other then to eate ydoll offerynges meate or flesshe offered vp vnto ydolles and that for relygion or deuocyon and in honor of the ydoll hopyng thereby to attayne holynes Frome this enormyte the appostle feareth them by the examples of the plages of God executed vpon his elect people the Israellites and sayth that ✿ These ware wrytten to warne vs ✿ And at the lengthe he shewed a iuste cause why they shulde leaue false religion of ydolles in partakynge of the table of the deuylles saynge ✿ Is not the cuppe of thankes geuynge 1. Cor. 10. wherewyth we geue thankes the partakynge of the bloode Christe Is not the breade that wee do breake the partakynge of the boodye of Chryste In these cleare and mooste in manyfeste wordes saynte Paule speaketh nothynge of anye fygure or sygnyfycacyon onelye that shulde be in thys breade or cuppe For he saythe not that the breade or cuppe signifyeth or is onlye a fygure of the partakynge of Christes bodye and bloode But in mooste playne and manyfeste wordes he sayth that it is the partakyng of Christes bodye and bloode As who wolde saye why seke you to cōmunicate to eate of the sacrifices offered vp vnto ydols and to partake the table of deuelles for religion and sanctimonie Haue ye not the table of Christ which is not the partakinge of the fleshe and bloode of beastes But the partakinge of the fleshe the innocent bloode of Christe offered vppon the aulter vnto the liuinge God the father And in the partakyng of this table is the true religion and possession of sanctimonie That this is the trew sense of the Appostles wordes in this place Chrisostome shall wytnes wyth me Crisosto in Paulū Who wrytyng vpon the same place hath these wordes ✿ That which is in the cuppe is the same which
Actuū 20. they were not ygnorant of the greate and mooste streyght accompte that they shall geue and rendre for them at the day of iudgement Wherefore withoute doubte they ryght prudently pondred and considered what great danger and ieoberdy it shuld be chefely vnto theyr owne soules and also vnto the christian flocke yf by theyr peruerse preachynge or teachynge or by theyr wycked wrytyng the christen people shuld be broughte into so great an error as to beleaue that thyng whiche is very false and to fall thereby into so detestable blasphemy that they shulde worshype and honor bread in the steade of christe But certaynly we maye be well asswered that they wolde not preache teache neither wryte anye other thynge then they thought moost assuredly trew For vndoubtydly these wise and moost circūspect fathers had incōsideracyō that yf they shuld haue taught the people that they ought not to beleue the real very p̄sēs of the body blood of christ in the sacrament syth that it is there in dede Augustinꝰ in psal 88 Suscepit enim de ter ●a terram quia caro de terra est de carne marie car nem accepit et quia in ipsa car ne hic ambulauit et ipsam car nem nobis māducandā dedit Nemo aūt illam carnem manducat nisi prius ado cauerit inuentum est quēadmodum adore tur tale scabellum pedum dn̄i et nō 〈…〉 verely and really thē by thys theyr doctrine they shuld haue led the people not onely into an heresye but also into the syn of cōtēpt of goddes gyfte worke into the synne of excedyng great vnthankfulnes in that they so lytle regarded so noble a gyft the specially geuen of so magnificent in cōparable lord god wolde not rather receiue the same with al honor worship admiration thankes geuyng vnto God And on the other side they consydered that yf they taught the people to beleue that the bodye blood of Christ were in the sacramēt verely really yf it were vntrew not so then shulde the people haue benled by them into the detestable cryme abhominable enormitie of ydolatrie in worshippynge the creature of bread in steade of Christ Wherfore it is vnmete truely farre from christian charitie to thinke these most reuerēde godly fathers to be so rude dul vncircūspect that they coulde not se perceyue these great peryls to aryse amonge the christian flocke And wold not eyther with all cautele wysedōe deuyte exchewe them eyther wyth al policie industrie celeritie withstande thē Lest that these heresies blasphemies shuld or myght be imputed vnto theyr ouersyght or necgligens But wtout doubt they were ful wel ware what they eather taught or wryt lest any word eather in theyr preachynges or teachinges shuld escape thē wherby the rude people prone redy to suꝑstition ydolatry shuld take any notable occasiō vnto so great an heresye Moreouer where the historie of our lordes supꝑ was oftē tyme red in the church opēly that which historie is set forth by the euāgelistes by S. Paule in wōderfull playn wordes of the real presens of Christes body blood in the sacramēt It had ben very necessarye for these lerned mē to haue expoūded these wordes in theyr trew sence yf they were not to be vnder stāded as they soūded were spokē lest the vnlerned people by occasiō of so plaī wordes myght haue fallen into mysbeleue of this blessed sacramēt cōsequētly into abhominable ydolatrye But certaynly they neuer gaue other expositiō vnto the text Thys is my body as the sacramētaries doth but as a sentēs moost plain of it selfe they vnderstode it as it lay was spokē These fathers also in theyr tyme oftimes opēly celebrated sacrificed adored worshipping the very p̄sens of Christes body blood in the sacramēt And in this theyr facte and example they taught the people to honoure Christ in the sacrament Euen as saynt Augustine teacheth vppon thys verse of the .lxxxviii. psalme Adore and worshyp his foote stole for it is holy This I haue noted before in the margyn ✿ Wauerynge or doubtful sayth saint Augustyne I conuert and turne vnto Christe for hym I do seke And here I fynde howe wythout impietie or wyckydnes hys foote stole is worshypped wyth godly honoure For he toke earth of earth for fleshe is but earth and of the fleshe of Marye he toke fleshe And in the same fleshe he was here cōuersāt and gaue vs the same fleshe to eate for our health There is no mā that eateth that fleshe but wyll fyrste worshyppe it wyth godlye honoure And thus is it founde and perceaued howe the footestole of our Lord is honoured with godlye honoure And not onlye we do not offende in so honourynge it but we do offende yf we do not so honour it Thus dyd these mooste godly and deuout fathers teache the people where in they playnly signified and shewed that they beleued the reall presens of the blessed bodye and bloode of Christ in the sacrament And it is not to be thought that they taught colorablye one thynge and wryt another neither can any mā read in any of theyr monumentes or wrytinges that they eyther taught or wryt the contrarye of the catholike fayth of the very reall presens of Christe in the sacrament But that they wryt moste manyfestlye for the same veritie as shall appere here folowynge Then standeth this veritie as an vnfained trueth that none of al these aūcient wryters eyther wryt or taught the contrarie of our catholyke fayth The thyrde veritie is that what so euer he be that beleueth not the reall verye presens of Christes body blood in the sacrament that same pertayneth not vnto the trewe church of Christ but is rather of the synagoge of sathā and therfore in the state and peryll of dampnation for he that retayneth not the whole faythe catholyke of Christe the same is none of the trew membres of Christes churche And he that beleueth not thys artycle retayneth not the whole faythe of Christe for he fayleth in this and consequentlye he beleueth none of the other how can suche a one be the mēbre of Christes church Whereof yf he be not vndoubtedlye the same is in the peryll of dāpnation Furthermore who that beleueth not this artycle beleueth not as the churche hath and doth beleue syth the Apostles tyme but he that beleuyth not as the churche doth and hath belyued alwayes in thys artycle that same pertayneth not to the churthe of Christ and therfore can he not hope of any saluation for wythout the church there is no saluation but hys parte is to be loked for amonge infideles and ypocrites excepte that he be reconcyled vnto the churche vnfaynedlye do constantlye receaue and retayne the catholyke fayth Yf any man wyll desyre to knowe howe that the church doth and hath beleued or what is the fayth that the
very profitable vnto the symple and rude people for whome onely I haue prepared thys homlye thyng to shewe what scriptures auctorities of aūcient wryters and what reasons that they allege for the mayntenaunce of theyr heresyes in answerynge vnto them to shewe breuely howe they disceaue and are disceaued Yet I wyll not brynge in all suche auctorities and places that they allege For I truste in God so to answere and declare suche as I shall reherse here that it shal be easye for a diligent reader to perceaue the craft and disceat of them in all other For certaynly suche scriptures as they brynge in eather they serue nothynge vnto the purpose eather they be glosed wyth theyr owne fātysed and false expositiōs And as for the testimonies of the aūcient wryters they bryng in very few But they are alleged as sincearely as faithfully as they allege the scriptures For eather they be truncate and be but lompes of the wrytters sayngꝭ lackynge the parte that shulde make the reste playne open eather they be infarced and patched wyth theyr additions and lyes so that they brynge not them whole faithfully and sincerelye ¶ Yet for the more easyer and facyle vnderstandyng both of theyr argumētes and also of myne answers I shall gyue vnto the reader certayne necessarie instructions and documentes Where by he shall more perfectly perceaue the falseyt of theyr reasons hereby also be more redyer to make answere to other lyke reasons The fyrst documēt is that we ought not to seke to proue wyth reason The fyrst document the matters of our faith For yf we shulde be so grosse and carnall that we wolde beleue no more then we can proue by naturall reason we shulde sone dyscharge our selfes of all the artycles of oure fayth and consequently we shuld haue no fayth for it is agaynste the nature of faythe which is of thynges that appeare not vnto reasō or sense to be proued by reasō But in such matters a trew christiane hart ought obediently to receaue the verytie of Goddes worde 1. Cor. 2. Non in ꝑsuasibilibus humane sapientie verbis sed in operation espiritus virtutis vt fides vr̄a nō sit in sapientia hoīm sed in virtute dei sekyng no persuasible reasons but only to persuade to hym selfe that al that Goddes word affirmeth vndoubtedly to be trew by cause that God who can not lye hathe spoken it be it neuer so impossible vnto natural sense reason A faythful christyane man ought to truste more vnto the infallible veritie of goddes worde then he wolde do vnto hys syght hys felyng tastynge eather any of hys senses or reasō for al those may dysceaue be disceaued But the word of god is more stable thē is eather heauē eather earth And for as moche as the myraculous workes of God excedyth incōparably the wyt and reason of man and be therfore ineffable therfore we ought not to be to inquisityue to knowe howe and why God hath done this or that For there can no man tell neather geue reason of Goddes vnserchable and inuestigable workes Therfore no man can tel howe Christes bodye and bloode can be and is verylye and really in the sacramēt and in euery part therof and also in so many places were this blessed sacrament is No more then he can tell how that bodi was borne of an immaculate virgyn yet her virgyniall clausures kept inuiolably shut Or how the bodye dead could come alyue out of the graue the stone vnsealed vnmoued Or how the bodye cold come in through the stone walles among the apostles And yet the holy word of God teacheth these thinges to be true but the worde of God sheweth no reason howe For God wolde haue his wonderfull workes hydden from our wyttes reason that our fayth myght haue place the greatter meryte ¶ The second is that the glorifyed bodye of Christ is in moch more noble state The .ii. document cōdition then oure corruptible bodyes are Therfore we must not esteme iudge a lyke of that spiritual heauēly body of our grosse mortal corruptible bodies for though such grosse corruptible bodies cānot be inuisible vntoucheable vntastable so that they be suche that where euer they be really present they maye be seen felte touched and tasted yet the glorious bodye of Christ can not be seen felt or tasted but onely when and where it shall please hym and maye be when and where him pleaseth inuysbly and vnpalpablye The bodye of oure sauyoure Christe in the fortye dayes after hys blessed resurrectyon was not sene at al tymes neyther of all men sauyng only suche tymes and of those to whome he wold apere visible Wherfore thoughe we do neyther see feale neather taste the boodye and bloode of Christe in the sacrament yet vndoubtedlye bothe the bodye and bloode of Christe are verely and really in the blessed sacrament For that bodye and blode may be and is there verely inuisible vnpalpable vntouchable for so it hath pleased Christe The .iii. document The thyrde is that thoughe it be repūgnant vnto nature that one bodye shuld be in many places at on s by cause that the lorde of nature dyd a poynt vnto nature that euery natural body wher it is present it shuld repleate the place and that one body shuld fulfyl but one place at ones therfore the order of nature is broken where there is present any naturall bodye and yet doth not occupie that place or where there is anye one bodye whooly in sondrye places Yet is not this repūgnāt neither aboue the power of God that the bodye and bloode of Christe sholde be whooly and reallye present in the sacrament and yet not occupie or fulfyl that place for the quantite of the breade and wyne miraculously do repleate that place being subsistēt alone wtout the substās of bread euen as well as thoughe the substance of breade were there Therfore it is not repūgnant vnto the power of God that the body of Christe may be verely and realy in innumerable places after this myraculous maner of beynge whiche maner of beynge is apropriat vnto the mooste precious bodye and bloode of our sauiour christ is aboue the course and order of nature Wherefore though Christ be in heauen yet neuerthelesse he is also in the holy sacrament for the holy scripture affirmeth bothe And therfore we are bounde to beleue bothe ✿ The fourth is that we muste not The .iiii. document so carnally and so grossely take the scriptures that teacheth vs that Christ sytteth on the ryght hād of the father as thoughe we wolde imagyne that God the father had a ryght hande and a left suche other corporall membres as it hath pleased the paynters to setforth so Christ materially to syt on the ryght hande of the father Thus to ymagyne of God who is mooste spirituall it is more then very barbarous and heathē