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A03618 An answer vnto my lord of wynthesters [sic] booke intytlyd a detection of the deuyls sophistrye wherwith he robith the vnlernyd people of the trew byleef in the moost blessyd sacrament of the aulter made by Johann Hoper. Hooper, John, d. 1555. 1547 (1547) STC 13741; ESTC S104200 95,800 166

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iugmēt or to complayne that the spouse is taken away from us For as the say they haue hym suere inough in the pyx and will haue till the woroldes end If it be trew I will say nomore Inde uenturus i●dicare ●iuos mortuos it nedithe not to be lyue that heshall cum from heauen to iudge the quycke and deade but to belyue that he shall cum out of the pyx that hangith at eūy aulter now her inuisible and then shall be sensible But how can this lerning agrey with the scripture that sayth Videte palpate quia spiritus carnem ossa non habent quae me uidetis habere Luce 24. how do●th this lerning that sayth Christes body to be euery where agre with the wordes of thangelles Surrexit non esthic uenite uidete locum c. Mat. 28. Pauperes hab●bitis uobiscum me non habebitis Vnderstond the wordes hoc est corpus me● without à trope and there shall folow souche conttadiction in the scripture as may not be admittyd better it is to undrestond one place by many then many shuld be made false by the mystaking of one They would agree these places with inuisibiliter modo celesti To say that Christes uere naturall body is here but insensible And dooth ocopy no pla●e althow it be as uery naturalle and trew abody as mannes body is except sinne and immortalite● Sed hoc dicere facilius est quam do cere it is not sufficient to say but to proue that they say this argument cannot be denied in Aristoteles scole Corpus est finitum crgo est in loco● if Christ haue atrew body it must occopy place in the sacramēt it occopyyth no place thē it folowith it is not there Other probacion haue then none But only the sounde of these wordes Hoc est corpus meum the meaning of the wordes be agaynst them Aman may not take the letter with out the sense in amater of wayght Cicero thetnick so willith Semper autem in ●ide quid senseris non quid dixe● ris eogitandum● lib. offic Because we shuld neuer be troblyd with these gloses inuisible insensible and myraclousment He causid his immortall and glorifi●d fle● he to be senseble to chid and tried by the fingers of Thomas Ioan. 20. As for the wordes of Paule ad Ephes 4. Philippen 2. that seme to shew Christes body now glorified to ocopy no place I refer it to the iudgment and faith of the Christiane reader where Paule ment ony souch doctrine or not qui descendit idem ille est qui-etiam ascendit supra omnes coelos ut impleret omnia Thauctors of this doctrine dooth al●ige the text in A● rong sense For the scripture in many other places dooth confesse Christ to be ascendyd Into heaueus Therfore it is uerylik that Paule would not set him out of heauen But rather by these wordes he ascendid aboue all heauynes be would amplyfy the inspeakable Ioy of those glories that his most precious body possessyth The which in therth was debasyd and abiectyd unto moost uile ignominie and contempt● so Paule declarit● these too cōtraries● moost uile in therth mortale● moost glorious in heauen immortall Illud ascēdit quid est nisi e●iam quod descendat prius in infimas partes terrae Etaddit qui descenditidemille est qui acendit supra omnes coelos Paule dooth waye these too propositas and setteth one agaynst thother In infimas partes terrae descendere supra omnes coelos ascendere And he that will gather by these wordes of Paule souch an argument Christ ostendid aboue all heauens thereforū he is in no place for out of heuean is no place Then maye likwyce gather of thother wordes this argumēt Christus in infimas partes terrae descēdit ergo nulnullum locum habuit in terra But Paule Christiane reader ment no souche subtil tes in this place is holy intencion was to declate booth his inspeakoble contempt that he had in this worold and also his moost glorious loy and honor that now the body hath in heauen and dooth interpretat himselfe ad Philip. 2. qua propter deus islum in summam extulit sublimitatem c. my faythis that his blessyd body is in heauen and dooth abid stille in heanen and not our of heauen Christ sayd Vbi ego sum ibl erit minister meus Erimus autem in coelis non extra coelos aut supra coelos extra omnemfci licetlocum 1. nulllbi Paule sayth Nostra connersatio in coelis est ex quo exspectamus saluatorem And do●he likwyce the same 2. Corint 5. this is à tr●w fayth which I beliue And where as the call Chrystes body athyng celestial and Diuine trew it is immortall and delyueryd from all mortall qualites according to Paules wordes Ro. 6. Viuit Deo ●ultra non morietur What can be in ferryd herof the frute of the blessyd uirgine hath not lo ost his humanite but in heauen his body is as uery trew ●●●eshe an blud as it was hanging upon the crosse immortalle and yet uery man And so in this manhed sitty the at the right hand of god Seleuciani did deny that Christ in his fleshe dyd sit at the right hand of god but the Christianes belyue the scripture It is the nature of à cōtencious arrogaunt and prode hart to take out of the scripture some souch propositiōs assound for there purpose to defend a wrong opiniō thowghe the meaning make nothing at all of there part● And then they haue none other word in there mouth but the holy word of god the playne and manifest text the holy goost is the best oratour of all noman can speake more playne then he He hast he most apt and cōuenient wordes to expresse his mind with all And when his wrong conceyuid opinion must be defendid he s●ttyth the wordes of the scripture in the ffore ffrount agaynst his cōtrary he clea uith fast unto the letter will admyt no interpretacion but as he pleasyth no collaction of places he caryth not whether it agree with other places so the worde sounde for his purpose Which hathe byn the destruction of many ffamous and excellent clerkes as Ishall repete the names of afew to scole the Christiane reader in the fere of god for it is not lerning nor wyt that preseruith the fayth of à Christiane man but godes singuler graces which must be dayly prayed for that by affection he embrasse none opinion what men so euer he is fanty sid un to But say with Dauid turris fortitudinis nomen dei Antropomorphitae● Sayd that god that made man was lik unto martall man And tok occacion to Err by these wordes Genes 1. faciamus hominem in imagine nostra secundum similitudinem nostram and doules the wordes without atrope sound euen so but thexcellent diuines that knowith by the scripture what god is and what man ys will streyght way perceaue that there is ● tropo●e and
now with that synnes and yet lik unto men of no senses we fyle nether perceaue how nether when we ar woundyd nether care to syke a remedye of thys yle thowgh ryght well we knowe that euery syne that man committyth of iustyce deseruythe eternall damnation but these thyngz mouyth nothyng at all the man that is ignorant what the deuyll the worold and synne is he felyth nether what his dyseace is nether knowith the craufft malyce and deceyte of his Ennymy and by those meanes departithe not only from god but also from all honesty and fallith he knowith not how into souche detestable crymes and ignorancye of god that booth god the worold and there awne consciens baryth testimonye of there iniquite agaynst them these oure infyrmytes and great offensis we must lern to know and ons knowen diligently study to amend them and to remoue the causes of these yles then the effect is sone destroyde the way to remedy all thys yle and to leade an upright and honest lyffe is to know god by hys trew an holy word who ledyth a man unto uertew only and so lye as dauyd teachyth Psal 119. quo pacto adolescens uitam inculpatam aget nempe si eam custodiat ut dictat uerbum tuum qum autem te queram in toto corde meo ne sinas me errare à mandatis tuis who so euer conform his lief unto the word of god shalbe out of the danger of his ennymye the deuyll thowghe he be subiect unto thinfirmytes of the fleshe and must suffre the temptacyons ther of yet shall he not be ouer com but in chryst able to resyst yea and to be delyueryd from death synne and the deuyll as all godly men before oure tyme hathe don and lykwyce lefft behynd them in wrytyng how we may do the samę Saynct Paul that kew boothe the thowghtz of the deuyl 2. Corint 2. and also his apert and open malyceagaynst those churches that he had prechid the gospel of Chryst unto among other he teachyth the Church of the galathyans that the principall remedy agaynst synne is to belyue stedfastly the gospell of Chryst that he preachyd unto them and not to admyt ony false doctryne or other learnyng thowgh an angell from heauen shuld preache the contrarye Gal. 1. not to admyt ony false addycyon or dreame of man but be cōtentyd to use the same as he lefft it Rebukyd wonderfully souche audacious persones as toke upon them to set oni glose or interpretacion other then he had preachyd unto them Thus tawght Moses the Chyldren of Israel and bid them obserue the law as it was yeuyn from god and threatenyd the transtrangressours and those that addyd unto the law the dyspleasure of godes yre whyche shuld cause all men to tremble and quak for fere as many tymes as the thynkyth readyth or hearyth readen ony part of the holy strypture because the reseaue it nat with more reuerence and honor with harty prayer that god wyll preserue them from all false sinister and preuerse interpretations therof and with all study and dylygens to folow and practyse waht so euer be commandyd them to do by godes word in godly and uerteues lyuyng for the law was not yeuen to be wroten in perschement or paper but in the hart of man not to bable and prate of it but to lyue as it byddyth not to bare it in the bosom but to shew it unto the worold in godly conuersacyon and uertues lief To mark al thyngz therin conteynid and to thinke uerely that all togather is spoken to the and that god requyryth that honesty and godlynys of lief in the that there is expressyd and would the to be ware how thow transgres hys law and to auoyd hys importable dyspleasure by texample of other for as god lettyd not to puuyshe the transgression of oure fore fathers he is the same god stylle and wyll do the lyke unto the if thow commit like offense Remembre that thorygynall of mannes mysery condemnacyon and death was fyrst wrowght by the false interpretacion of the scripture as thow mayst se by te horible and moost feare full example of adames wyckyd and detestable transgression whych made all hys posterite and succession prisoners eternally unto death hell and synne and compellyd by the same meanes the sonne of the ethernall god to sustayne thyncarnacyon of mortall fleshe to apeace thyre of god for mannes transgressyon that by the meanes and death of his moost innocent body he myght d●ryue in to himselfe thole dyspleasure and ucngence of mannes transgression were there no more strypture but that that descrybyth the falle of man and the meanes how he was loost it were sufficient to teach all the worold to be war● how to tak the word of god in awrong sense y● adame had byn contentyd to haue usyd the word of god as it was yeuen unto hym those myse rys had neuer be knowen ne●her by hym nether by his post●ryte bu● he wreacchyd man forgote god and god lynis yea and yke his awne wealthe lefte the text and belyuid the glose as the deuyll had tawght eue whych wrowgh● his woo and payne and where as he would not for the loue of god belyue the text of godes mouth the paynes that ●olowid his transgression tawght hym to know that the glose was diabolycall ●hus being instructyd let us beware of gloses and false interpretations and in all maters of contrauersie and causes of religyon belyue noman except he speak the word of god trewly and in the same sence that god ment it for as paule saith wear ffoundyd upon the fundacion of the prophetes and the Apostoles the cheiffe corner stone being Christ Eph. 2. and let us not dout but only the scrypture is sufficien● to theache us all uerite and treuth consernyng rellygyon and to gouern our lief in all godly and honest conuersacion and by the scripture we may cum alone unto all perfection Confute all her●sis and false doctrine thowgh there had neuer doctor wroten ne neuer decre made by ony generall councell as paule teachyth 2. Timo. 3. 2. Pet. 1. therefore Christiane reader as thow hopist tobe sauid harken diligently unto the wor des of oure heneuly father and here them not only but undrestond them belyue them and do them his wordes be these Matt. 17. Hi● est filius meus dilectus in quo m●hi complacitum est ipsum audit●● a few wordes but a great mater conteynid in them thonly saluacion of all oure healthe sufficient autoryte to ouer strow all false doctrine and all Idololatrye of the worold He that teachyth ony thing that Christ tawght not is not tobe harde souche as only hath there redempcion in thonly death of Christ● wilbe lyue nothing but that Christ commaundith nor do ony work that cannot be aprouyd by the scripture He holdyth alwayes thys texct before his y●ys That the father shewyd unto the worold sayng this is my sonne in
whom I delyt and dooth also with reuerence and honor inbrace and receaue hys commanudement whych is ipsum audite hyre hym Now let us with the healpe of his holy spryt se whether Christ euer tawght thys doctrine that in the sacrament of his holy supper he ment ony alteracyon or transubstanciacion of the bread into hys uery naturall body and the wynne into his ue●y naturall blud as my lord of wynchester teachyth in h●s booke or not Or whether ●ith his gloriouse body was ascendyd into heauens heuen herth man and Angell baryng recod therof without cryes and admiracion Viri Galil●●i quid admiramini aspicientes in coelum hic ●e sus qui assumptus est à uobis in coelū c. Act. 1. Mark the maner of his uisible and corporall ascencyon and belyue the scripture thangellis an holy Apostoles y●ys that sawe hym body ly ascend and these wordes Sic ue niet c. better then this new massers whether it be possible that the seade of Abraam the ●rute an yssew of the bely of that g●o●yous uirgyne mary being in all thynges except synne as consubstancyall equall and like unto the nature of hismother and nothyng dysferyng from the sonne of Adame consernyng hys humanyte Ebre 2. as in hys godhed ys aegall and lyke in all thynges unto the father eternall that hath nether begynnyngner endyng Can be or may be agaynst the nature of atrew body Present bodely at the commanudement of euery pryst when he speakyth these wordes Hoc est corpus meum whych thyng is as possible tobe donne by aword as to make an end of the worold when he would for when so euer hys gloryons body shall descend from aboue thend is come act 1. Matth. 24. untill that day Christiane reder loke not for hyme but belyue thy crede and what so euer thow heryst spoken by those yle persones of the newe lernyng that it schuld be present corporallie in ●he masse whych is but à yesterdayes byrd trust thow to the hold lernyng of godes word Sedet ad dextram dei patris inde uenturus est iudicare uiuos mortuos Act. 1. 7. 1. Ioan. 2. belyue Chrystes body to be really and corporally in the sacrament when tho seist him there with thy corporall yeies and not before for Christ hath no body inuisible nor insensible as men dreame but auery trew and naturall mannys body like unto mortall man exceptsynne and now likewyce à glorifyed body immortall as oure shalbe in tyme tocum and as many places of the new t● stament prouyth Chrystes humanyte as prouyth hys deyte and more and as the word attributyth unto the one nature dyuine all qualites condicyons and propertyes appertayning unto the godhed so of tho●her part it more manisestith openyth and declaryth his humany ●e to be anature of other contrarye qualites and condycyons For a smouch as god dyffyrith from man so far dooth thone nature in Christ differ from thother and as I must belyue that these wordes betrewe in all thynges cōsernyng the godhed of Christ deus erat u●rbum Lik unto god and uery god So must Ibelyue this uerbum caro factum est Ioan. 1. Christ to be in all thyngzlike unto man and uery trew man in all thynges except synne And as the scripture prouyth these too natures to be unit and knyt in one person and that god and man ne is but one Christ So prouyth it like wyce the qualytes of thone nature to be contrarie unto the qualites of the other nature thone mortall thother immortall thone tobe buryd in the sepulchre the other to resustytat the insensible and ded body 27. 29. Mar. 15. Lu 23. Ioan. 19. thone nature uisible to be taken aster xl dayes of his resurrexcyon from thearth into heauens Mark 16. Act. thother nature inuisible to contynew with his electis in ●e churche untill the woroldis end Matt. 28. he that kno with thus by the scripture that thone nature of Christ uery man is taken out of the worold And shall not be in the worold till the great day of iudgment Act. 3. Can not be persuadyd Contrary unto the word of god That the same body maybe naturrally and corporally under the forme of bread But will diligently incase the scripture seme by wordes to proue the same sarch how that place may be agreyd wy ●hother that manysestly repugnith the presens of Christes body And so agre them that no cōtraryete may be admittyd in the scripture for if one place be false there is none trew which were ablasphemy to say The prophete Dauid thus commendyth the scripture Psalm 19. Lex domini perfecta conuertens animas testimonium domini uerum imperitis sapi●ntiam suppeditās Decreta domini recta sunt cor exhilarancia praeceptum domini repurgatum illuminans oculos Therefore there must be as good hede y●uento the meanyng of the wordes As unto the wordes or else they illuminat not the consciens but rather darken the cōsciens and led it into all false doctrine and detestable heresis As we may se hyre in those wordes of the lordes supper Hoc est cotpus meum Matt. 26 leauyng Christes meanyng playne and constrayng the letter forsyng it to serue awyckyd purpose men would make the people belyue that these wordes consecratyd the bread into the naturalle body of Christ and tellyth the people that thowghe it repung neuer so mouch unto reson yet it repugnyth not unto fayth which belyuyth euery thyng agaynst reson Christ sayth they spak these wordes and made hys body of the breade and byd us do the same ●o these bethey wherwith all this alteracyon of bread is made the substannce therof turnyd into the substaynce of Christis body Hoc est corpus meum dispute not how belyue the words and leaue reson sai with the blessid uirgine Ecceancilla domini Luce 1. she held here selfe contentyd when she knew by the word of god that by diuine operacion of the holye goost she shuld be the moder of godes only sone she stayed hereselfe by fayth in the promese and committyd the meanes and doyng therof unto god so say they ye must hold captyue all your reson and thynk that god is able to do it belyue and it sufficyth Godis able to do all thynges as in dead he can and all these wordes be trew that they persuade the people withall if they were placyd aryght And applyed to proue à trew conclusion as they be alegyd to stablyshe afalse and detestable heresy god could haue yeuen manne wynges to flye as he gaue unto the byrdes of thayre if he would But he would not therefore he could not Quia omnia quecunque uoluit f●cit in coelo in terra And as for the literall senses of these wordes Hoc est corpus meum which they say must be undrestond with out ony trope or figure prouy the nothing Christ callid hymselfe adore Ioan. 10. auyne Ioan. 15. and yet was nether dore nor uyne except ye
persuacionem as Quintiliane dooth Now if we be persuadyd that the scripture is trew and that ffayth must be groundyd there upon we must belyue no alteracion of the bread but belyue that the bred remaynithe a●ter the wordes of confecracion as Paule ●aith 1. Cor. 11. the scripture saythe it is à memory of Christes bodye and not the body The scriptnre saythe of Christes body ascendit ad coelos sedet ad dexteram dei patris omnipotētis inde uenturus iudicare uiuos mortuos Expedit ut ego uadā pauperes semp habebitis uobiscum menō semper habebitis Christes body is aboue and nowhere else this saythe faythe groundid upon the scripture And asfor that my lord comparyth souche as trustithe unto there senses and say there styll remanythe bread unto the ffoly of the Epicures that would beliue the sonne to be but too fote brode because it semyd no greater unto the Iye Verely if my lord would haue studid à hole iere he could not haue foūd amore apt and propre sim●litude to condemne the wrong opinyon that he defendithe nether better haue accusyd his awne igno rancye The Epicures by reasone of the great distayunce betwen the zodiack and the erth could not iudge the sonne as bygg as it is in dede but folowyd there senses and sayd it was abyg as the knew These men that belyue alteracion of bread be not so far of the aulter but they may iudg what it is and how bygg it is the may tak the bread in there hand and wey it if the lyst take and proue all experience and warrant booth reason and sensesthat it is alitle peace of bread and noman Had the Epicures byn as Nere the sonne as the Aposteles were unto the hody of Christ at his departure out of this worold they would haue iudgid of the sonne other wyce but for asmouche as they iudgyd affter there senses they be more to be commendyd then those men that nether belyuythe the word of god nether reason nor there senses but plainly deny the thing theysee and say à peace of bread is god and man wher as is not at all one ynche of a man nor of mannys proporcion These men ar worthy to be persuadyd as he that seyth the snow whyt and yet wil not belyue it uerberibus as the scoles theachithe non ratione then hathe my lord an other mocpareson and would make godd the thyng that he purposith And saythe why be men more offendyd to belyue the body of Christ to be in the sacramēt more then whē that god beyng immensus could be holy includyd in the uirginnesbely the wherfore is that the scripture cōmaundi●● us to belyue the on and not the other Conceptus est de spiritu sancto natus ex Maria uirgine Matt. 12. Luc. 12. Men saw him in the worold and when he departid out of the worold Now my lord knowith right well that in Christ be too natures one diuine and the other humane And eche of them hathe his proper qualites God was holye in the bely and holye out of the bely man was holy in the bely and not out of the bely till the time of his byrthe then holy out of the bely and not within the bely So sayth Augustine fuit totus in uentre totus in cruce totus in inferno totus in sepulchro But this is the property of his godhed and not of his manhed that is in one place and neuer with out place the other in all places andyet in no place D●us est totus in toto totus in qnalibet eius parte as the soule of man is And asfor the auctorite of loan Chrysost he prouith not my lordes purpose but disprouith for he saythe oculis intellectus perspiciamus there is noman but saith the body of Christe is present to the faythe of man how be it not carnally nather bodely receauid of him that receauithe the sacrament De modo presentiae est totum dissidium Chrysost declarith how he is present in sprit unto fayth and not in the body unto the Mouthe And godly spokē of this doctor so sayd Ireneus before him that there is too thin ges in the sacrament one to the senses and the other to the sprit for if there were nothing representid unto the faythe by the sacramentes then were they no sacramentes but bare signes which noman saythe then accusi the my lord those that say it is the btead that muldy the and saythe the deuill hathe tawght men to say somwhat if it be not bread let some man tell us what it is that muldith it cannot be nothing he would make men helyue that nothing corruptithe by miracle this is à wounderfull miracle that is wrowght in nothing Here is thre thinges putrefactiō nothing And à miracle by the poure of god and yet all thre nothing after my lordes mind I deny ony miracle at all to be in the sacrament But euery thing wrowghthe by god accustomydly by ●ayth remission of sinne and augmētacion of godes yefftes and the signes to remayne in there propere nature so dooth Augnstine deny ony miracle to be in the sacrament lib. de Trinit 3. cap. 10. It is innocentius 3. that would proue this wrong opinion of transubstanciacion by miracle in his booke de officio missae Then doothe my lord name 1500. Yers that the churche hath belyuid it If it be trew why dooth not he name thauctors that makyth godd his sayng all the scripture and old doctors be agaynst him The breaking of the bread hath byn usid in the churche this 1500. yeres and od but not in à priuate masse as it is at this day but unto all the churche Gregories time was ouer chargid with supersticion yet was the communion of booth kyndes usid then among the people And this manne died not for 1500. hundrithe yers sithe He was creatyd byshope of Rome 157. yers aster the dethe of August And died Anno 604. in the reigne of phocas themperour That first de●rede te church of Rome to be the hed of Grekys and Latinnes thowghe the churche of Constantinople neuer consentid there unto The name of the masse beganne then ffyrst tobe knowen among the people how be it● it was à communion and no priuate masse Souch as make Iames the Apo●●el● and Basilius thauctors of this wyckid and deuillyshe priuat Masse Moost proue that they say by good auctorite Except the meane by the name of the masse the communion of the lordes supper It shuld seme by the canon of the masse That is at this day redyn which was wroten i● Gregories time that the masse was à communion for the pryst offryd the ye●●tes of the people the bread ad w●nne unto god with thankes by these wordes Per Christum dominum nostrum per quem haec omnia domine semper bona creas● sanctificas uiuificas benedicis c. so callith Ireneus and Tertullian the bread of thankes yeuing the