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A69066 A summe of Christian doctrine: composed in Latin, by the R. Father P. Canisius, of the Society of Iesus. With an appendix of the fall of man & iustification, according to the doctrine of the Councel of Trent. Newly translated into Englishe. To which is adioined the explication of certaine questions not handled at large in the booke as shall appeare in the table; Summa doctrinae Christianae. English Canisius, Petrus, Saint, 1521-1597.; Garnet, Henry, 1555-1606. 1592 (1592) STC 4571.5; ESTC S107545 301,676 715

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name of (g) in sentētiis Prosper 342. ex Aug tract 33. in Io. ser 47. de verb. Do. Rab. l 1 c. 30 Isid l. 2. c. 25 Chrisme and then in like sort al Christians Whereupō (h) l. de carnis resurrectione c. 8. Item in lib. de Bapt. Theod. in c. 1. Cantic Dionys Clemens Tert. Fabiā Cornel Cypr. Cyrill vterque Basil Paciā Amphiloc Optat c. Cōcil Rom. sub Siluest Itē 2. 3. 4. Carthag 2. Tol. 1. Vasinse Trid. TERTVLLIAN very fitly alluding as it were to the nature of Oile hath written of this Sacrament in this manner The fleshe is annointed that the Soule may bee consecrated the fleshe is signed that the Soule may bee fensed the fleshe by imposition of hands is ouershadowed that the Soule by the spirite may bee illuminated By which it is euident that they which reiect holy Chrisme doe greatly bewray their owne ignorance and folly as manifestly denying the most auncient ordinance of the Apostles rashely condemning the continuall custome Tradition of the Church 5 What is the vse and commodity of this Sacrament IN Baptisme we are (a) Io. 3 5. Melch. ad Hisp Episc Conc. Flor. Petr. Clun lib. 6. ep 1. regenerate vnto life after Baptisme in this Sacrament we are strengthned vnto combate In Baptisme wee are washed by this after Baptisme we are strengthned that the holy-Ghost may be alwaies present with the regenerate as a keeper and a comforter a tutor This is the Doctrine of that holie high Bishop Martyr MELCHIADES And hereunto agreeth that which (b) Ep. 4. ad Iulium Amb. l. 3. de Sacram. c. 2. de iis qui initiant mysteriis cap. 7. S. CLEMENT testifieth hee receiued of the Apostles themselues When any man hath beene regenerate by water let him be afterwarde confirmed by a Bishoppe with the seauenfoulde grace of the holy-Ghost because otherwise he can neuer be a perfect Christian This (c) Dion de Eccles hierarc cap. 2. Sacrament therefore profiteth in maruelous manner that they which are by regeneration entered in the mysteries of Faith as (d) 1. Pet. 2 2 Infants newe-borne and as yet weake feeble may waxe greater in groweth and be strengthned in Christ These as it were nouices in christian warfare the Bishop admonisheth in annointing that against so many enemies daily dangers they must be confirmed (e) Psal 50 14. Spiritu principali with a principall Spirite He signeth with the Crosse (f) Aug. in Psal 141. Luc. 9.26 Mat. 10 33. 1. Pet. 2 20. Luc. 21.15 Mat. 5 39. Act. 4 13.31 5 29.41 their foreheade which is the seate of shamefastnesse that they may constantly and without feare confesse the name of our Lord. Hee giueth them also a blowe on the cheeke that they may alwaies remember how they must with inuincible patience performe and finishe their Christian warfare OF THE SACRAMENT OF THE EVCHARIST 1 What doth the name of the Eucharist signifie THis one name doth betoken that high and (a) Dion Eccles hier cap. 2. 3. Conc. Trid. sess 13. cap. 2. 3. most blessed Sacramente than the which the Church hath nothing more honorable more woonderfull more effectuall or holesome And it is doubtlesse very worthelie called the Eucharist that is (b) Amb. l. 5 de sacra c. 3. Cyp. de lapsis Orig. cō Cels lib. 8. good grace or thankes-giuing because it containeth the principall greatest (c) Chry. ho. 6● ad pop 83. in Mat. 45. in Io 61. ad pop Ant gifte of God yea the very fountaine and author himselfe of al grace and it admonisheth vs of those speciall good thinges for the receit whereof we do owe thankesgiuing praise and most soueraigne glory to the supreame maiesty of almightie God For we coulde not haue wished a greater benefit than that Christ Iesus our Lord borne of the Virgine MARY Crucified and (d) Chry. l. 3. de sacerd ho. 2. ad pop Ant. ho. 3. ad Ephes assumpted into glory should so giue himselfe wholly vnto vs that euen nowe at this present we truely receiue his Body Bloude and are wholly (e) Cyril in Io. li 4. c. 16. 17. lib. 10. c. 13. l. 11 ca. 26. 27. Hil. de Trin. l. 8. Iren. l. 5. c. 2. Cyr. Hieros catech 4. mystag Chry. ho. 45. in Io. 61. ad pop Ant. incorporated vnto him by this diuine Sacrament 2 What thinges are speacially contained in this Sacrament THree (a) Cyr. Hieros cat 4. myst thinges are comprehended in the holy Eucharist the visible formes the trueth (b) Mat. 26 26. Mar. 14.22 Luc. 22.19 1 Cor. 11 24 of the body and bloode of our Lorde and the effecte of spirituall grace For that which appeareth vnto our eies are (c) Theoph. in 14. Mat. in Mat. 26. in Io. 6. Cyril ad Calos Amb l. 4. de sacr c. 4. li. 6. c. 1. visible formes to wit of breade and wine But that which vnder those fourmes our faith not (d) Damasc li. 4. cap. 14. our sense reason doth apprehend that is the true body blood of Christ our Sauiour And that which by participation of this Sacrament we get is a certaine (e) Aug. tr● 26. in Io. alii postea citandi singular grace of the holy Ghost to wit the wholsome fruite and effecte of the Eucharist as we will shew heerafter 3 Which are the chiefe pointes necessary to be knowne touching this Sacrament THere are fiue that doe principally require the handling The first concerning the trueth of the Eucharist The second touching the transubstantiation of bread and wine The third of the worship and adoration of the same The fourth of the ohlation and Sacrifice thereof The last of the receiuing of the same vnder one or both kinde For of these inspeacial it is very profitable in these our daies to haue perfecte knowledge vnderstanding 4 What therfore is to bee beleeued touching the verity of the Eucharist THis surely that against all (a) Ioā 6. ibidē Cyril Aug. tract 27. in Ioan. Cypr. de caena Do. Pet. Clū l. 1. ep 2 Capharnaites we doe with the wholl Church assuredly beleeue that vnder the formes of bread and wine the very true (b) Conc. Eph. Nic. 2. act 6. Later c 1. Const ses 8. Flor. Trid. ses 11. cap. 1. 3. Ignat. ad smir teste Theod. in dial 3. Tert. de resur car cap. 8. de idol cap. 7. Cyp. de lapsis Hesich in cap. 22. Leuit. Opt. lib. 6. Leo. ser 7. de pas ep 23. Theod. dial 2 fleshe of Iesus Christ his true blood is giuen in the Eucharist by the ministery certes of the Priest but by the power and omnipotencie of our Lorde Iesus Christ with whom any word is not (c) Luc. 1. Mar. 10. impossible He (d Psal 148. Damasc l. 4. cap. 14.
OF FAITH AND OF THE CREED 1 Who is to be called a (a) Act. 11 26. 1. Pet. 4 16. Christian HEE which doeth professe the holesome doctrine of Iesus Christ true God and man in his (b) Athanas contr Arrianos orat 2. Cypr. lib. 4. ep 2. de simp praelat Ignat. ad Magnes Aug. tract 113. in Ioa. ser 181. de temp ca. 12. Ench. cap. 5. Tert. lib. de praescript Church He therefore which is a true Christian doth vtterly condemne and detest all other Religions and Sectes that are else-where to be found in any Nation or cuntrey out of the doctrine Church of Christ as the Iewishe Heathenishe Turkishe or hereticall Secte And doth firmely staie himselfe in the very Doctrine of Christ 2 In what briefe summe may Christian Doctrine be comprehended THat a Christian do know obserue those things which do belong both to (a) Ecli 1 3● wisedom Iustice Wisedome as S. Austen (b) Lib. 2. Retract cap. 63. Ench. cap. 2. 3. sheweth consisteth in the vertues Theological (c) 1. Cor. 13 13. Faith Hope Charitie which are both infused by God (c) 1. Cor. 13 13. beeing purely most feruently practised in this life they doe make men blessed diuine Iustice standeth in (d) Pros sen 98. ex Aug. two parts in declining frō euil doing good For hereūto belongeth that which the kingly Prophet saith (e) Psal 33 15. 36 27 1. Pet. 3 10. Turne from euill doe good Now out of these fountains to wit Wisedome and Iustice other things are easily drawē deduced whatsoeuer do appertaine to Christian Instruction Ro. 10 14. Heb. 11 6. Aug. serm 38. de temp sermo 1. de verbis Apost cap. 4. Leo. ser 4. de nat Dom. and Discipline 3 What is first taught in Christian Doctrine FAith that very gate entrāce to our saluation without the which none in this life can find cal vpō serue please almighty god For he that cōmeth to god must beleue (a) He. 11 6. saith the Apostle And (b) Mar. 16 16. he that beleeueth not shal be condemned is (c) Io. 3 18. already Iudged by the sentence of Christ 4 What is vnderstoode by the name of Faith A (a) Eph. 2 8. Heb. 11 1. Basil ser de fidei conf Ber. ep 190. Aug. cont ep sund c. 5. gifte of God and a light wherewith man beeing illuminated doth firmely assent cleaue vnto those things which are reuealed by God proposed vnto vs by the Church to be beleeued As are these that followe That God is (b) 1. Io. 5 7. one in three persons that the world was (c) Gen. 1 1. Io. 1 14. Luc. 2 7. Rom. 3 8. created of nothing that god was made mā suffered death for our sakes that MARY (d) Conc. Eph. cap. 13. Luc. 1 35. 1. Cor. 15 51. Io. 3 5. is both a Virgine the mother of God that all the deade are to be raised againe to life that man is borne againe of Water and the holie Ghost that Christ is wholly in the (e) Conc. Constantie Flor. Trid. B. Sacrament and other such of like sorte that are the reuerend mysteries of our religion which being reuealed by God cannot be comprehended by mans (f) Eccli 3 22. 2. Cor. 10 5. capacity but maie be conceiued onlie by faith Whereupō the Prophet saith (g) Esa 7 9. secundū 70. Basil in Psa 115. in moral Reg. 80. cap. 21. Greg. ho. 26. in Euang. Chrys in 1. ad Cor. homil 4. Vnlesse ye will beleeue yee shall not vnderstand For faith respecteth not the order of nature neither doth shee trust to experience of senses or relie vpon the might or reason of man but vpon the power authority of God holding this as a most vndoubted verity that the most soueraigne eternal trueth which is God cā neither deceiue nor euer be deceiued Wherfore it is the very cōdition property of faith to bring all vnderstanding into (h) 2. Cor. 10 5. captiuitie vnto the obedience of Christ with whom there is no (i) Lu. 1 37. Hier. 32 27. worde that is hard to be done much lesse impossible This (k) Euseb Emis ho. 2. de symb Cyr. catech 5. Illum Chrys serm de fide spe charit Cyril lib. 4. in Ioa. ca. 9. faith is the light of the soule the dore or entrance to life the foundation of eternal saluation 5 Is there any brief cōprehēsion of Faith and summe of all those thinges that we must beleeue There is that which the twelue Apostles haue deliuered in their Creed and which they haue aptely distinguished into twelue Sections and Articles A worke doubtlesse worthy of such (a) Clem. ep 1. ad sr Do. Amb. ep 81. serm 38. Aug. serm 181. de tēp Ruf. in sym Iren. lib. 1. c. 2. l. 3. c. 4. Hieron ad Pammach aduers errores Ioā Hieros cap. 9. Leo. ser 11. de pass ep 13. ad Pulc ser cont Eutyc Maxim ser de traditione symb The Creede is expoūded by these Authors following Cyril in Catech illum Chrys ho. 1. 2. in sym Aug in Enc. ad Laurent in lib. 4. de symb ad Catech. lib. de sid symb ser 115. 119. 123. 125. 131. 181. 192. 193. 194. de tēp Euseb Emi. ho. 1. 2. in symb Chrysol ser 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. Max. ho. 1. de diuersis authors which next vnto Christ our Lord were the principall and most holy founders of the Christian faith And this Creed surely is as it were a plaine euident marke whereby christians are to be distinguished discerned from those wicked persons which doe professe either none at all or not the right faith of Christ 6 Which be the Articles of this Creede I Beleeue in God the Father Almighty maker of Heauen earth 2 And in IESVS CHRIST his onely Sonne our Lorde 3 Which was conceived by the holie Ghost borne of the VIRGINE MARY 4 Suffered vnder PONTIVS PILATE was crucified dead buried 5 He descended into hell the third day he rose againe from the dead 6 Hee ascended into Heauen and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almightie 7 From thence he shal come to iudge the quicke and the deade 8 I beleeue in the Holy Ghost 9 The holy Catholicke Church the communion of Saints 10 The forgiuenesse of sinnes 11 The resurrection of the fleshe 12 And the life euerlasting Amen 7 To what end specially are these wordes of the Creede TO this end surely Hier. 9 23. Io. 17 3. 1. Cor. 2 2. 1. Pet. 1 8. cap. 13 1. that we may haue comprehended in a briefe summe the true knowledge of god of heauenly things which knowledge truly is necessary to euery mā that he may liue wel happily And in this Creed the acknowledging confessing
cap. ●● the Charitie of God is powred forth in their hartes that are iustified is inherent in thē And therfore in this iustificatiō togither with remission of sins a man receiueth by IESVS CHRIST vnto whom he is ingraffed all these thinges infused together to wit FAITH HOPE and CHARITY For FAITH excepte that HOPE and CHARITY bee adioined thereunto neither doth perfectly vnitie with CHRIST nor make a man the liuely mēber of his body In regarde whereof it is most truely saide Iac. 2 d that FAITH without workes is deade and idle And in Gal. 5 a Chrys ho. 5. in Io. Aug. l. 3. cot 2. ep Pelag. cap. 5. ho. 17. cap. 2 ex 50. lib. 15. Trin. cap. 18 Greg. l. 6. ep 15. Fulg. ep 2. c. 8. de incarn grat Christi c. 26. CHRIST IESVS neither Circumcision auailethe ought nor prepuce but FAITH that worketh by CHARITY This Faith before the Sacrament of Baptisme the Catechumens according to the Traditiō of the Apostles do demaūd of the Church when they aske Faith which yeeldeth life euerlasting which truely without HOPE and CHARITY FAITH cannot afford And therefore they doe presently heare that word of CHRIST Mat. 19 c If thou wilt enter into life kepe the Commaundementes Therfore receiuing true and Christian Iustice that same euen as the first stole giuen vnto them by Iesus Christ for that which ADAM by his disobedience lost for himselfe vs they are presently after their regeneratiō cōmaunded to keep white vnspotted that they may bring the same before the iudgement seate of our Lord Iesus Christ haue life euerlasting 12. Howe it is vnderstoode that a wicked man by Faith freely is iustified ANd whereas the Apostle Ro. 3 ● Aug. de praedest sanct c. 7. ser 38. de temp saith that a man is iustified by FAITH and freely those wordes are to be vnderstood in that sense which the continuall consente of the Catholike Church hath helde and taught To wit that we are therefore said to be iustified by Faith because Faith is the beginning of mans saluation the foundation and roote of all Iustification Heb. 11 b without the which it is impossible to please God and to come to the societie of his children And we are therefore saide to be iustified Aug. l. 6. Hypog c. 4. l. 1. quaest ad Simplic qu. 2. lib. 1. cont Pelag. et Coelest cap. 31. serm 15. de verb. Apost c. 2. de spir et lit cap. 26. Prosp ad 3. prima dub Gennuen Haimo in Rom. 3. freely because none of all those thinges that goe before iustification whether it be Faith or Workes doe deserue the grace of Iustification For if it be Grace now not of workes otherwise as the same Apostle saith Ro. 11 ● Grace now is not grace 13 Against the vaine confidence of Hereticks ANd although it be necessarie to beleeue that sinnes neither are nor euer haue ben forgiuen but freely through the mercie of God for CHRIST his sake yet must wee saye that to no man which braggeth of a confidence and certaintie of the remission of his sinnes and which resteth only in that either are or euer were sinnes forgiuen whereas euen among Heretikes and Schismatikes this vaine confidence and voide of all pietie may be yea and is in these our daies with great contention is vaunted off against the Catholike Church But neither is this to bee affirmed that those which are truelie iustified ought for to assure themselues without any manner Iob. 9 d Psal 18 c Eccles 9 ● Eccli 5 b Pro 20 b 1. Cor. 4 a Aug. de perf iust cap. 15. in Psal 41 lib. 10. Conf. cap. 32. Hier. ep 127. ad Fabiol mansio 23. Chrys hom 11. in 1. Cor. Theod. in cap. 4. ● Cor. Bern. ep 42. 85. ser 2. in octa Pasch Haimo in cap. 4. ad Cor. Greg. lib. 6 ep 22. Cassian Col. 22. cap. 7. c the 1 question of sinnes against the holy Ghost page 315. of doubte that they are iustified and that no man is absolued from his sinnes and iustified but he who doth assuredly beleeue that he is absolued and iustified and that by this Faith only absolution and iustification is accomplished as though hee that beleeued not that must needs doubt of the promises of Almightie God or of the efficacie of CHRISTS death and Resurrection For as no godly person ought to dout of the mercie of GOD of the meritte of CHRIST and of the vertue and efficacie of the Sacraments so euery man considering himselfe and his owne infirmitie indisposition may iustly haue some feare of his owne grace whereas with certaintie of Faith in which there cannot be any falshood no mā can know that he hath obtained the Grace of God 14 Of the encrease of Iustification once receiued THey therefore who are thus iustified and made the frendes and Eph. 2 d domesticalls of God going from vertue to vertue Ps 83 b are renued as saieth the Apostle ● Cor. 4. d from day to day that is to say by mortifying Col. 3 a the members of the fleshe and Ro. 6 b Aug. de morib Eccles Cathol cap. vlt. lib. 14. de Trin. c. 17. l. 2. de peccat mer. cap. 7. 13. 17. lib. 6. cont Iul. c. 7. serm 16. de verb. Apost cap. 5. Fulg. ep 4. cap. 3. Bern. ep 91. Conc. Vien Clement ad nostrum de haeret exhibiting them as instrumentes of Iustice vnto sanctification by the obseruation of the commandementes of God and of the Church in that Iustice which they haue receiued by the grace of CHRIST Faith cooperating with good Workes they doe encrease are more iustified as it is written Apoc. 22 c He that is iust let him be iustified yet And againe Eccli 18 c Doe thou not feare to be iustified euen vnto death And again you doe see that by works a man is iustified and not by Faith only And this encrease of Iustice doth the holy Church demand when she praieth Giue vs O Lorde encrease of Faith Iac. 2 d In orat Domin 13. post Pent. Hope and Charitie 15 Of obseruing the Commaundements of the necessity possibility thereof BVt no man although he be iustified ought to thinke himselfe free Mat. 28 d Hier. Beda Theoph. ibidem Aug. lib. 3. cont 2. ep Pelag. cap. 4. Cyp. de vnitat Eccles Conc. Vien in Clem. ad nostrum de haeret See q. 5. of the ten Com. p. 64. q. 1. of the precepts of the Church page 90. frō obseruing the Cōmaundements nor vse that rash speach prohibited Hier. in expla Symb. ad Damas Conc. 2. Araus can 25. by the fathers vnder paine of excommune that the Commandementes of God are impossible to be obserued of a man that is iutified For God doth not commaund Aug. de natura grat c. 43. l. 2. de peccat mer. c. 6. de gratia lib arbit cap. 16. Chry. ho. 8. de poenit Leo. ser 5. de quadr
shewed vnto the Saintes For if hee had euer seene it vsed in the day than must it needes haue beene for a signe of ioy honour to the Saintes which he heere denieth to haue beene the intent of the Church Yet that this custome was in other partes of the world far from S. Hierome as in SPAINE FRANCE where Vigilantius liued we may gather manifestly both by his obiection out of others whō we will alleadge Yea S. Hierome himselfe although he seeme not to acknoweledge any general custome of the Church in this pointe yet doth he commend the zeale of who soeuer might perchaunce in some place vse the same euen to honour Saintes thereby comparing their deuotion to that of MARY MAGDALEN when shee powred the ointmente vpon our Sauiour and was by him defended from Iudas his hipocrisie So whosoeuer doth light torches saith he hath a reward according to his faith Whereas the Apostle saith Let euery one abounde in his owne sense These men dost thou call Idolaters We al I confesse which doe beleeue in Christ came forth of the error of Idolatrie For we are not made Christians by birth but by regeneration And because we once worshipped Idolles must we not nowe worshippe God least we may seeme to worship him with the like honor with which we worshiped Idolles That was doone vnto the Idols and therefore must bee detested this is doone to Martyrs and therefore must be admitted For euen where there are no Relickes of Martyrs in all the East-Churches when the Gospell is to be read Lights are kindled euen the Sunne shining not to driue away darkenesse but to shewe a token of ioy Wherefore those Virgins Mat. 25. of the Gospell haue alwaies their Lampes burning And to the Apostles it is said Let your loines bee Luc. 12 35. girded burning Candels in your hands And Io. 5 35. of Iohn Baptist Hee was a Candle burning and shining that vnder the type of corporal light that light may be shewed of which we reade in the Psalter Psal 118 104. A Candell vnto my feete is thy worde O Lord a light vnto my pathes Thus farre Saint Hierome Theodoretus Lib. 5. cap. 30. reporteth of the translation of Saint Chrysostoms bodie made in his time in which the whole mouthe of the straite called Bosphorus was couered with candels burning the boates being so many that the sea seemed to be firme land The same Ibidem cap. 34. Author testifieth the like honours to haue been shewed to that Saint in his life when in the same place the people met him with burning torches at his returne from banishement Saint Paulinus Natal 3. giueth testimony of many Candels burning night and day before S. Faelix his body In S. Peters Church at Lib. 3. dial c. 24. Rome burned a Lampe cōtinually as witnesseth S. Gregory And Lib. 7. ep 2 cap. 1● Germanus the Patriarch of Constantinople reporteth the like deuotion to Images S. Iohn Damascen 3. De Imag. writeth of Lights before S. Simeons Image In the history Vide hist scrip a Constantino Porphyr also of the Image of our Sauiour at Edessa of which we spake before wee reade of a Candel burning before it In vita Siluestr Finally Constantine the great offered to the Relickes of SS Peter and Paul many Candel-sticks ordained that there shoulde be maintained many Lamps continually burning The like vnto which is to bee seene in a Donation made by Saint Gregory to Sainte Peters Church in Rome which being cutte in Marbell from very auncient time is now extant in the Porch These things therefore many other which might be brought doe euidently shew that which we purposed That is that as al other Ceremonies be holesomely obserued in the Church to represent vnto vs the benefites of God and to shewe our duty and subiection towardes him So also this of Candels is most profitablely retained to shewe our ioy exultation in Christ to represent vnto vs the light of Heauē to put vs in minde of the light of the grace and Gospel of CHRIST to stirre vs vp to walke like the children of light finally that which is an inuincible argument to See Sainte Hierome cited before shew vs that in an external signe of which the Scripture yeeldeth vs so manie signes in writing For as wee maie by reading the Scriptures put the people in minde of these excellent significations of light so may wee also by shewing the thing it selfe after a reuerend solemne maner admonishe them of the same light and stirre them to a deepe and earnest consideration of their dueties Whereas writings are but signes of the things thēselues as a Heathen Poet saith Segnius irritant animos demissa per aures quam quae sunt oculis subiecta fidelibus Ho●at in arte Poet. More slowly do those thinges moue the minde which are hearde than those which are seene VI How is it voide of Heathenish superstion that we aske in Pilgrimages diuerse things of diuerse Saints THis is another obiection of our aduersaries whereby as before they charged vs with Iudaisme so nowe because the Heathens vsed ceremonies often-times not vnlike to ours they inferre that wee are professours of Paganisme But this was long since aunswered by See pag. 605. Sainte Hierome cited here immediately before when he said that for the same reason wee must not worship God because the Gentiles vsed to worship their Gods And That was doone saith he to Idolles therefore must be detested This is doone to Martyrs therefore is to be admitted The like also doth Lib. 20 cont Faust cap. 21. S. Augustine aunswere to Faustus reprehending the honor of Martyrs as though we made thē Idols For saith he we must not therefore contemne detest the Virginity of NVNNES because there were in times past Virgins consecrated to Vesta Whence it proceedeth that the Gētiles superstitions were like to holie ceremonies True it is that the diuel who euer since the begining hath had a desire to be like the highest hath alwaies studied to transferre the rites and ceremonies of Gods people to his abominable Idolatries So witnesseth the holie Scripture 1. Mach. 3 48. reporting that in the time of the Machabees out of the sacred bookes of the Lawe the Gentiles did search out a similitude of their Idolles So also witnesseth Lib. de perscript Tertullian Hence was it that as the same Tertullian affirmeth the Gentiles hadde many superstitions much-like vnto our Sacramentes as a kind of Baptisme a certaine mysticall Bread taken no doubt frō the Iewes whose waters of expiation and breade of proposition gaue the Gentiles occasion of an Apishe and Sacrilegious imitation Nowe what meruaile if the Iewes Ceremonies being so like ours as that they were purposely instituted to presignifie them the Gentiles superstitions imitating the Iewes doe somewhat also resemble our holy Ceremonies Whereas hereof it must needs followe which Lib. 20. cont Faust cap. 21. Saint Augustine saith that as the Iewes
whom not-withstanding we may for the most parte excuse with that saying of S. Hierome Lib. con Vigil See before page 605. where in the vse of Candells otherwise thā by the general custome of the Church he thought to be receiued he fauourably interpreteth such feruent zeale not excluding them from their reward according to their faith but permitting them to abound in their owne sense Wherefore if euer it were generally receiued in our Coūtrey Of praying for Cattell or in anie other Catholicke-Countreie that for the necessities of Beastes Cattell deuoute people did pray to speacial Saints then wil I defend it against al Heretickes of the worlde For certaine I am that it is a good and godly thing to pray for Beastes to God consequently to Saints who may by their intercession obtaine of God that which we aske euen for such dumme creatures For Christ our Sauiour teacheth vs to aske of God our daily-Bread wherin is vnderstoode by the Fathers all things necessary to mans vses And Salomon Pro. 30 8. praieth for those things which are necessarie for the sustenance of his bodie amongest the temporal Benedictions of God Dauid reckoneth that their Psal 143 13. Sheepe be with Lambe their Oxen fatte And God blessed the latter thinges of Iob Iob. 42 12. more than his beginning euen by giuing him multitudes of Sheepe Camels Oxen and Asses And God purposing to blesse Iacob with such worldlie substance Gen. 31 12. taught him in his sleepe how to encrease his reward of Sheepe Well did the Diuell vnderstande thus much when he saide to Almightie God Iob. 1 10. Hast not thou defended Iob and his house and all his substance about him blessed the workes of his hands and his possessions hath increased vpon the earth Wherefore God permitted the Diuel to depriue him also of those outwarde thinges which hee possessed As he did also suffer those Diuels to enter into the Mat. 8 31. Swine to carry them headlong into the Sea S. Hilarion taught as saith S. Hierome in his life that the diuels doth enter also into Beastes for mens sakes that hee is incensed with so great hatred towards men that he desireth the destructiō not only of thē but of al their things Of which thing he brought an example that before he was permitted to tempte Iob he destroied all his substance Neither ought this to mooue any man that by Gods commaundement two thowsand Hogs were killed For why those which sawe it coulde not otherwise beleeue so great a multitude of Diuels to haue gone forth of one man vnlesse a great multitude of Hogs and as it were carried of very many had perished And may we not then pray that God wil restraine the Diuells power and increase his care of vs euen in these things We knowe that God hath not 1. Cor. 9 9. care of Oxen neither hath he of 4. Reg. 6 5. Hatchets or 4. Reg. 4 40. Pottage or 4. Reg. 2 21. Water or such other things for any necessitie of his yet for the vse of man did he shewe miracles in making the Hatchet to swimme in seasoning the Prophets Pottage sweetning the Waters So doth God spare Niniue not only for infinite Innocents which were within it but also as himselfe saith Ionae 4 11. for the very brute Beastes in which his handes had laboured in a certaine manner when he created them Neither must we thinke that man hauing receiued al these things Ps 8 8. of his liberal hands must not as wel looke that his mighty power must conserue also and maintaine them Wherefore the holy Church a most intelligent grateful Spouse of Christ in the very Sacrifice of the MASSE as for Raine Faire-weather so for health of Cattell praieth thus Orat. pro peste animalium O God which euen by brute Beasts hast prouided comfortes for the laboures of men we humbly beseeche thee that without what thinges mans estate cannot bee nourished those thou wilt make not to perishe from our vses through our Lorde Iesus CHIRIST Most certain it is therfore that euen for these wee may pray to God and his Saintes And if wee pray to all the Saintes we may also pray vnto any one Yet not so that we pray to any one as only able to helpe vs for that were superstition but as to one who amongest the rest can helpe vs if so it please God to directe the generall practise of the Chruch as to one by whom it pleaseth God to helpe vs in this case rather than by another Sure I am that at Rome vpon S. Anthonies-day there is not one Catholicke person who sendeth not his horses to passe before that Saints Church there to receiue the Benediction of the Priest by the sprinkeling of Holy-Water If a scoffing Hereticke blasphemous against God his Saintes aske heere a reason I will say that the practise of the Church guided and directed by the holy-Ghost is more to mee than my owne reason And that all customes of the Church which are not contrary to Faith may by Saint Hieroms Ep. 28. ad Lucin. warrant be safely obserued And that according to Origen Hom. 5. in Num. In Ecclesiasticall obseruations many such things are founde which must bee doone of all men and yet the reason of them is not knowen to all And hee bringeth examples of kneeling in praier of praying towards the East of the Ceremonies of MASSE and Baptisme which are no more necessary to be vnderstoode of al men than were the Ceremonies of the Iewes to them which notwithstanding deuoutly practised them And yet coulde I for my owne comforte deuise many congruities in this matter of S. Antony and amongest the rest this thing which S. Hierme In vita Pauli writeth of him that a Satyr meeting him desired his Praiers for the whole flocke of them in the desert And two Lions which had digged a graue for S. Paul the Eremits bodie Forthwith as it were requiring a reward for their worke holding downe their heads and moouing their eares went to Antony licked his Hands Feete But he perceiued that they did desire his Benediction And without delay beginning highly to praise Christ for that the very brute Beastes had a feeling of God he said O Lord without whose will not so much as a leafe off the tree doth fall neither one Sparrowe doth light on the ground graunt vnto them euen as thou knowest And making them signe with his hande he cōmaunded them to depart Goe nowe proude blasphemous Heresie laugh taunte and scoffe at the deuotion of this Saint glorious Doctour of the Church who writeth this at the deuout Pietie of Antony who did this and finally of all other Saints of God but thou my deere Catholicke brother for whome principally this is written knowe and assure thy selfe that 1. Tim. 4 8. Piety is profitable to all thinges hauing promise of the life that nowe is and of that to come OF INDVLGENCES OR