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A65188 The retired mans meditations, or, The mysterie and power of godlines shining forth in the living Word to the unmasking the mysterie of iniquity in the most refined and purest forms : and withall presenting to view ... in which old light is restored and new light justified : being the witness which is given to this age / by Henry Vane. Vane, Henry, Sir, 1612?-1662. 1655 (1655) Wing V75A; ESTC R23767 277,940 392

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the true object of his Faith he sojourned as in a strange Country and was willing and content to have no inheritance given to him in it no not so much as to set his foot on but dwelt in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob Heirs with him of the same promise For he looked for a city which hath foundations whose builder and maker is God After this manner was Abraham kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation making use of the very glory of the first Covenant and excellency of the earthly Canaan but as an Inn by the way in his passage towards the glory that was to follow the better and heavenly Country which his eye was set upon by vertue whereof he offered up Isaac when he was tried and resigned up thereby all interest in him as he was the fleshly seed or type of Christ according to the flesh in order to receive him again upon a better account as the figure of him that was to rise from the dead and in the glory and power of that life to make good the Promises to him which he waited for Now what saith the Scripture in this case Hearken unto me ye that follow after righteousness ye that seek the Lord look unto the rock whence ye are hewen and to the hole of the pit whence ye are digged look unto Abraham your father and Sarah that bare you for I called him alone and blessed him and multiplied him yea I have given him as a patern unto the whole Spiritual Seed so as they that are of the same faith with him shall be also blessed with him and share with him in his heavenly inheritance To be of the same faith with Abraham is to be called with the like effectual calling as he was according to Gods purpose not of works but of grace and thereby to be begotten again unto a lively hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead unto an inheritance incorruptible that fadeth not away which inheritance the believer is interessed in by being made that one seed with Christ through the new birth as the substance of things hoped for by him and the evidence of things that are wholly unseen to his natural senses and faculties of mind in their best improvements as singly natural So that through this effectual calling this precious faith is wrought in the soul giving Christ an actual inhabitation and abode there as him that is the true one or head of the spiritual seed and anointing the causer and begetter of the soul into actual membership with himself in his heavenly and spiritual humane perfection Which manner of receiving Christ in the heart is a participation with him in his heavenly nature whereby his chosen ones receive power to become the sons and adopted children of God even as many as thus believe on his name For through this union with their head Christ is made unto them wisdom righteousness sanctification and redemption is all in all to them as to whatsoever they stand in need of for salvation In this manner wheresoever Christ is and dwels he distinguishes such persons from all others whatsoever that are not of the same seed but do shew themselves in the end to be reprobates as it is written 2 Cor. 13. 5. examine your selves whether ye be in the faith know ye not your own selves how that Iesus Christ is in you except ye be reprobates Here this kind of being of Christ in the heart is called faith such as distinguishes the persons that have it from reprobates being a differing faith in kind from what those have that have the knowledge and enjoyment of Christ only according to the flesh who upon trial fall away and sink down into hypocrisie and apostasy The exercise of which temporary faith though true believers may have for a while in common with the children of the first covenant whilst they walk like men and are but babes in Christ in respect of the growth of the spiritual seed in them yet they stay not here nor content themselves with the single exercise thereof but are made in time to see and experience that it is by faith of another kind conveying with it Christs heavenly nature by which they must be conducted and enter into the true Rest Albeit after effectual calling that which is the precious saving faith of Gods Elect may lie undistinguished in operation from the first faith which the spiritual seed may continue a long time in the single exercise of in common with the fleshly seed or children of the first covenant as was most evident in Peter who was effectually called when the Father revealed Christ to him and in him as the Son of the living God grounding his heart thereby upon that rock which the gates of hell should never prevail against Yet how low and weak did the operation and power of faith remain in Peter to the suffering of him to fall so shamefully as he did and to the leaving of him several times to the actings of his fleshly will and desire tending to the sparing of the flesh and keeping back the sufferings of the cross It is not therefore barely the having of this faith in the right kind that singly and simply sufficeth to the actual distinguishing of the spiritual seed from the carnal either in inward experience unto themselves or outward witness and testimony unto others But this faith shewing itself as saith Iames ch 2. by its works without which it is as dead in the soul where it is administring little profit to the sense of the man that hath it and hath not its works with it For the bare having it doth not discover his state to be safe nor doth it justifie itself to be of the right kind but as it is operative and shews itself by its works to be the faith that doth justifie true believers Untill which discovery made in the heart and conscience as the body without the soul is dead so the comfortable sense of right believing is wanting which was abundantly shed abroad in the heart and experience of Abraham when God had tried the powerfull working of his faith in the offering up of Isaac upon the Altar wherein he saw a working power of his faith and how faith wrought with his works and by works was made perfect in the experimental sense and discovery thereof unto himself and others And that Scripture was fulfilled that saith Abraham believed God and it was imputed unto him for righteousness and he was called the friend of God For that faith wrought out in Christ his Head whereby he was justified before God now evidenced it-self to the personal Faith of Abraham in this his trial and proof to be the faith the Scripture meant when it so spake and wherein he had stood justified ever since his effectual calling This place of James thus understood is so far from owning a justification by works for which it is usually alledged that it doth most
gainer experimentally finding that when thus he is weakest then he is strongest as brought into such a frame of spirit wherein he is disabled to do any thing against the truth and thereby qualified to do all things for the truth This profitable weakness and disability came not all at once upon Christs natural man but gradually growing up at last into the perfect Rest and Cessation from his own works wherein the true sabbathism consists and in which Christ sets forth himself a pattern for his Saints imitation Heb. 4. 10. This made him say Joh. 8. 28. when ye have lift up the son of man then ye shall know that I am he and that I do nothing of my self but as my Father hath taught me I speak these things and he that hath sent me is with me the Father hath not left me alone but is ever bringing the natural powers and senses of my mind into perfect subserviency and subjection to my spiritual which through faith are alwaies exercised in unity with my Fathers will so that I do alwaies those things that please him In this blessed association consists the life of the new creature when of twain there is made one new man by the blood of this sacrifice In this new frame of spirit and newness of life and operation Christ delights to be taken notice of Joh. 7. 28. where he saith ye both know me and whence I am I am not come of my self but he that sent me is true whom ye know not but I know him for I am from him and my doctrine is not mine but his that sent me under the power of whose teachings I am so absolutely and intirely brought that I do not so much as speak of my self much less think or act for he that speaks of himself seeks his own glory but he that seeks the glory of him that sent him the same is true and there is no unrighteousness in him And he it is Joh. 5. 20. whom the Father loves and sheweth all things that himself doth and who will shew him greater works then these that ye may marvel for as the Father raiseth up the dead and quickneth them by his immediate witness in the Son so the Son quickens whom he will even the whole spiritual seed by making them one with him as he and the Father are one Thus in this first part of Christs passive obedience he through the law becomes dead unto the law through the law of the spirit of life in the second Adam becomes dead unto the law and life of the first fulfilling the whole law of righteousness by being rendred utterly unable to perform one tittle of it in mans first activity and sufficiency or as left alone to the grace and strength received by the first-covenant principles Thus we have seen Christ not only as the Lamb prepared without spot and blemish in order to be offered up but as he became our passover actually sacrificed for us being in one person as well the priest as the sacrifice fulfilling the righteousness and conditions of both covenants in that newness of life and operation which sprang up in him through faith or the unity of operation he was begotten into with the Father Through this twofold obedience of Christ which in him strictly considered is but one as the obedience of one man or last Adam set up in ballance against the disobedience of the first he was that and did that in his own person wherein after a peculiar manner he is made of God wisdom righteousness sanctification and redemption unto the right heirs of salvation and is become the ransom and propitiation for all sinners not for those only who so believe as that they shall be eternally saved but for the whole world as upon the terms of the first covenant renewed in the blood of Christ they are reconciled unto God and admitted again into converse and fellowship with him that by doing the things therein required they may live and so be put upon a new proof and trial whether they will live unto themselves or unto Christ that died for them and rose again Righteousness is hereby capable to be derived yea is more or less derived upon all the seed as well those which are of the law as those which are of the faith of Abraham respectively who is the father of us all or the type and shadow of Christ as he is the common parent unto both by his incarnation through which he had a twofold union wrought out in him becomming therein the head and root unto both these seeds and so to all mankind whatsoever who in one of these two respects are all made alive again in the last Adam that died in the first and this by the law of the first-fruits and root unto which the Olive branches do respectively refer for so it is said Rom 11. 16. if the first fruits be holy so is the lump and if the root be holy so are the branches where the branches are described as of two sorts the one such as may be broken off after they are engraffed in as also John 15. 1. c. having their union by the first covenant only the other those that stand by faith never to be cut off as having their union by the second and new covenant Now the first sort of these branches in right of their union and relation unto their head Christs natural man or living body unbroken and uncrucified have one sort of benefit by Christs sacrifice which is conditional and may be lost The second sort in right of their union and relation to their head Christs crucified natural man or dead body have all that the other have and over and above an additional benefit by the same sacrifice of Christ which the others have not and so the full and whole benefit of his death and that absolutely and without conditions This benefit unto each of the seeds from Christ their head is twofold either such as by way of imputation is their justification or such as by way of inherency is their sanctification respectively there is derived to the one such a justification and sanctification as answers in kind to what is required by the first covenant from him who doth those things thereby to live in them to the other there doth flow such a justification and sanctification as answers exactly to the Law of faith or second covenant unto whom faith is imputed without the works of the Law singly considered and in whom faith is operative to the purifying of the conscience in conformity to the purity and poverty of spirit found in Christs crucified and broken natural man They only that are justified and sanctified in this latter sense shall eternally be saved it being out of the power either of life or death or Angels or principalities or powers or things present or things to come or height or depth or any other creature to be able to separate them from this love of God in Christ
and immortal life but by faith in Jesus Christ who was from the beginning the right object of faith unto Angels and men to have lead translated them into the true Rest Eternal life without the coming in of sin between if he had been received and believed on when he caused his second voice and heavenly testimony to be heard on the seventh day But forasmuch as the word then preached to them did not profit them because it was not mixed with faith Christ finding this his testimony thus sleighted and resisted by Angels and men resorts to the other part of the power that is in this heavenly voice which is to judge and condemn in righteousness those that shewed themselves disobedient to it and neglecters thereof And here behold the goodness and severity of God severity to them that fell and fell wilfully as did the Serpent and the wicked Angels by plain direct disobedience and down-right opposition to their Head as also yet further by enticing and seducing man also to his sin and fall but goodness to man unto whom he made sin and the judgement declared by reason of the same to be the occasion in all likelyhood of his and Eves conversion and the reason is given why God thus distinguished his way of dealing with Angels and men For the Angels in what they had done sinned wilfully moved by their own malice in a self-hardning fixed way manifestly quitting their Head and their fellow Angels that followed him to the place whither he looked or intended to go whilest they forsook and turned off from him But for Adam and Eve they were seduced and beguiled as over-reached by the Serpent wherefore as the Apostle Paul said in the like case when in zeal he persecuted the Church The Lord was merciful unto me because I did it ignorantly so aso the Lord was merciful unto our first parents that were seduced and beguiled by the Serpent and was pleased to renew his Covenant with them in that blessed and most excellent remedy the blood of Christs sacrifice whose vertue now appeared to be as well of force to make up and restore what was lost by sin and the fall as to bring man into a better state then he had at first which might as we have shewed have been done without sins ever entering or making of this breach and so the instability of those first principles might have been removed that wavering condition might have been fixed against all the assaults of sin or Sathan whatever and secured from all danger of miscarrying through the comming of the same Jesus in the flesh and his entring within the veil by death and the resurrection from the dead without being exposed to the shameful and accursed part of the death of the cross which was properly that which was occasioned by the Fall And although it be the secret counsel of God which makes the true and general discrimination between the objects of his mercy and his severity wherein he freely hath mercy on whom he will have mercy and shews severity on whom he will shew severity yet in the revealed and declared dispensation of his will herein unto Angels or men when he comes to deal and proceed with them either in the way of his mercy and favour or severity and displeasure he alwaies observes a method of proceedings with them most exactly consonant unto his justice and consistent therewith so as he proceeds not actually to a final rejection and casting off the vessels of wrath till they have ripened themselves for the same through their own unworthiness and long abuse of his patience under full and sufficient means of light disswading and warning the contrary Nor doth he suffer those that he intends for objects of his mercy to sin the sin unto death or to arrive at that height of unworthiness as willfully to resist the light of his love but alwaies prevents this extremity of sin in them with seasonable discoveries of mercy and manifestations of his free grace which surely was the meaning of the aforesaid place of Paul when he said because I did it ignorantly I found mercy as much as if he should have said The Lord in mercy would not suffer me to come to that height of sinning for which he swears in his wrath those that do arrive thereunto shall never enter into his Rest which is to do that which all those in some sense or other are guilty of whom God hath determined for ever to exclude from partaking of that union through which only they can enter into the true Rest forasmuch as they have thereby wilfully rendred themselves unworthy and uncapable thereof We are therefore to acknowledge righteousness and truth to be the pillars that bear up the judgements and determinations of God in his most secret counsels when from all Eternity he predetermines and designs Angels and men to their use and service in his house either as vessels of honour or dishonour as objects of his love or hatred For God is true and righteous altogether and will appear and be found so when he is judged and when he comes to declare and lay open the grounds of his proceedings toward his creatures shewing himself willing to be argued with concerning the same but however the secret of these things belongs to God who is best able to give his own account of them in his own time yet what he hath already revealed and so made appertaining unto us to cast our eyes upon we may and ought to take notice of the better to settle our minds in duty and subjection unto him who is the Father of our spirits This then he gives us to understand that he hath supplied and provided against the faultiness and waveringness of the creatures standing by the first covenant in the seventh daies rich grace that was to follow so that what the Law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh● God by giving the promised seed in the light and power of the new and second appearance fulfilled that which the first was not able to carry through by reason of the weakness of the flesh or readiness which is in all natural beings to prefer the light and glory of Gods first appearance before his second and to refuse the hard condition which appears to flesh and blood in the observation of the duty of the true Sabbath or cessation from its lawful works when ever it is called thereunto though the penalty annexed in case of wilful refusal and disobedience be the utter exclusion of the creature from the blessed end for which it had any being given unto it at all Upon this consideration it is that God who from all eternity doth foresee all things and foreknow how universally all Angels and men will conclude themselves under sin and do as much as in them lies utterly to exclude and debar themselves from the priviledge and mercy of that manner of conversing with him and enjoying of him which is accepted
and so agreeing with the pure natural heart of man In the exercise of this second and new-covenant-life Christ was enabled to offer up himself in the flesh through the eternal spirit as a Lamb without spot and guile unto God to bring in everlasting righteousness and that subjection of heart and brokenness of spirit in man which God requires by the law of faith or tenor of the second and new-covenant answering to the law of the new-creature-being and life whose original pattern was hereby set up in Christ as the first fruits in that image of the first-born from the dead wrought out in him unto whom all the rest of the adopted children whose names are written in the Lambs book of life from the beginning of the world were predestinated to be made conformable Jesus being thus qualified in the same nature and person even as the son of man to be as well a high-Priest as a sacrifice proceeds to fulfill the will of his father that is herein given him to do even to perform that obedience that is required of him as Surety and Mediator of both Testaments standing in force by vertue of his death This obedience is the second general particular which we have propounded to treat of consisting in the right use and mannaging of those powers and senses of mind that by the WORD were formed and set up in Christ for the performance of the will of God as to all that he required from man in and by the Rule and law of the first and second covenants the righteousness of both which laws he was to fulsil even all righteousness which accordingly he did as himself declares Heb. 10. 7 9. where he saith Lo I come in the volume of the book it is written of me to do thy will O God and this by taking away what was faulty in the first covenant and establishing the good and righteousness of both in the second For he came not to destroy the Law but to fulfil it so as the very righteousness of the Law which as upon its first bottom passeth away as a morning dew and waxeth old is fulfilled in the new-covenant-obedience by those who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit and was so fulfilled to the utmost in and by the man Christ Jesus who as the second Adam did all that was needful and which God required to be done for the remission of sin and the utter abolishing and removal of it out of mans nature with an absolute incapacity of ever returning more upon the true and right heirs of salvation In respect whereof it is said Rom. 5. 19. That as by one mans disobedience many that is all were made sinners so by the obedience of one many that is all shall be made righteous Having that ransom paid and means provided in him to make them righteous so that there shall be no necessity remaining upon any to perish forasmuch as sufficient provision is made to bring all men to repentance and to the knowledge of the truth that as in Adam all died so in this sense all again in Christ are made alive that is capable of receiving life from God upon the terms of one of the two Covenants For if through the offence of one many be dead and judgement was by one to condemnation much more the grace of God and gift by grace which is by one man Jesus Christ hath abounded unto many to the justification of many offences v. 15 16. God esteeming it just that by the righteousness and obedience which is performed according to his will by one man Jesus Christ the free gift should come upon all men unto justification of life as well as that by one mans offence and disobedience death should raign over all This one righteousness and obedience performed by Christ is that which not only answers by way of satisfaction unto all that was occasioned and brought forth by the offence and disobedience of Adam but where sin hath abounded grace hath abounded much more that as sin raigned unto death grace might raign through righteousness unto eternal life by Iesus Christ the second Adam Which eternal life sin shewed it self able to hinder the first Adams attainment of upon his first principles The obedience then which Christ performed we are to consider under a twofold respect First that which is usually called his active obedience whereby he was in his own person legally righteous and perfectly holy according to the tenor of the first covenant as made under the Law and rendred in the natural powers of his mind exactly conformable thereunto This conformity in Christ to the righteousness of the Law qualified him to be the Lamb without spot or blemish which God required to be offered up and slain as a sacrifice for sin which conformity may be considered either as inherent in him qualifying him thus for sacrifice or Secondly as coming into actual exercise by the proper activity of his living soul or natural man if left alone therein or Thirdly as being brought into exercise by the Fathers indwelling presence teachings not suffering him to speak or do any thing of himself or in the single activity of his natural principles as himself saith Ioh. 14. 10. The words that I speak unto you I speak not of my self but the Father that dwelleth in me doth the works In which third and last consideration Christ was made active through the exercise of a newness of life and operation set up in him in the way of faith flowing from that second seed and union begotten in him by the WORD as we have already shewed In which activity he did not only perform the righteousness and obedience required of man by the Law or first covenant but that also which is required of him by the new second covenant Without which second branch of his active obedience there could have been no sacrifice nor shedding of blood no Lamb slain nor feast of passover as it is written 1 Cor. 5. 7. Christ is our passover who was slain for us for there would have wanted the priest or sacrificing power to offer up the same according to the will of God declared in the new and second covenant Heb. 10. 9. For though it be most true that Christ through the righteousness of the Law and this considered chiefly as inherent in him is thereby the pure and spotless Lamb of God the male of the flock without blemish which it was needful for him to be as prepared for sacrifice and to be offered up it being requisite not only to be but to continue Holy harmless and separate from sinners throughout the whole course of his life and sufferings in the flesh yea and in the grave i●self not to see corruption otherwise he had not answered and fulfilled the righteousness of the Law nor been in his own person legally righteous such an one as justice it self upon that account could take no exception against yet this made him not high Priest
Jesus our Lord. But the justification and sanctification received upon the terms of the first covenant which are conditional and depending upon the creatures continuance are subject in a time of tryal to fail the persons concerned therein unto whom through the common relation which all mankind is taken into with Christ as he is flesh of our flesh bone of our bone like unto us in all things sin only excepted there is given as in a way of common grace and salvation first a relative holiness and righteousness in ballance to the relative unholiness and unrighteousness derived to the first Adams posterity as they stood related to him their common parent in his fallen state which is freely conferred upon them with offer and promise to bring them out of the bondage of corruption they are in by nature if they will hear and obey Secondly there is an actual exercise of long-suffering and patience put forth towards them freely on Gods part by vertue of the satisfaction he hath received on their behalf in the sacrifice of Christ by reason whereof he declares himself willing not to impute unto them sins past or present if through obeying Christs voice they shall render themselves capable of such benefit and shall not by their wilful personal sinning against the grace offered them and persisting therein so far abuse the benefit of Christs sacrifice as wholly to render themselves unworthy thereof Thirdly there is an actual imputation of Christs legal righteousness to all such as obeying his call in the first-covenant are thereby made the seed which is of the Law born after the flesh and become actual members of his natural body From what then hath been said concerning Christs active and passive obedience we may discern how far Christ therein wrought out mans redemption as he stood in the relation of a common person and parent to both seeds and as their surety undertook on their behalf to fulfill the righteousness of both Covenants in himself and this after such a manner as to be able to derive and communicate the benefit thereof unto them in a way of the Justification and Sanctification required by either of the two covenants respectively and this either singly and apart each from other or joyntly and together to the rendring those righteous in him that were helpless sinners and wretched ones in themselves Christs obedience then hitherto treated of in the two forementioned branches of his active and the first branch of his passive though it doth procure all that which is needful to make man righteous and holy according to what is required by both covenants yet it is not that properly which expiates the guilt of sin already committed nor frees from the curse of the Law in order to which Christ was made a Curse for us and did bear the punishment due to our sins which without blood could not receive remission at the hands of Gods Justice Heb. 9. There is then yet remaining a second part of Christs passive obedience to be opened wherein this did consist and in respect of which it behoved Christ to suffer as a Malefactor without the Gate a reproachful accursed bodily death with all the heightning circumstances accompanying the same from God Angels and men to the bruising of his heel in which also the Scriptures are very plain and express saying that upon him God laid the iniquity of us all Isa 53. who were as sheep gone astray and 1 Pet. 2. 24. he himself bare our sins in his own body on the tree and chap. 3. 18. it is said that he being put to death in the flesh but quickned in the spirit hath once suffered for sins the just for the unjust and 1 Tim. 2. 4 6. Who gave himself a ransom for all as willing to have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth Christ by being made thus a curse for us redeemed us from the curse of the Law or did that in way of satisfaction to Gods Justice by reason whereof God thinks fit and finds it just to acquit and discharge sinners from the curse and wrath of God due unto them by the Law Which benefit is either renewed to us conditionally and in reference to the first Covenant-obedience by us engaged in to live and be tryed by or is given unto us absolutely and in reference to the second Covenant-obedience as living by faith and interested in the sure mercies of David that never fail Those that partake of this benefit in the first sense are spoken of Heb. 10. unto whom having been once enlightned and then sinning willfully after the knowledge of the truth to the treadding underfoot the Son of God accounting the blood of the Covenant wherewith they were sanctified an unholy thing and doing despight to the Spirit of Grace there remains no more sacrifice for sin but they fall again not only under the first curse but the second death or final ministry of Gods fiery vengeance which no sacrifice of Christ will be admitted to atone on their behalf for ever Psal 49. 8. but like sheep they are laid in the grave for death to feed on they go to the Generation of their Fathers and never see light But those that partake of this benefit of Christs sacrifice in the latter sense have at once a perfect and absolute remission of all sins vouchsafed to them never to be recalled more as it is written Their sins and their iniquities I will remember no more This being laid down we shall now proceed to shew first the particulars wherein Christ did undergo Gods wrath and was made a curse on our behalf by way of satisfaction and ransome for the sins of all mankind which properly was our due to have undergone in our own persons and secondly to open the nature of that wrath from God which Christ was capable of undergoing and that was thought meet and required by God to be executed upon him and undergone by him in the work of our Redemption For the particulars wherein Christ underwent the wrath of God and did bear the punishment which was due only unto sinners the Scriptures declare them to be these First Christ was exposed as a mark which was aimed and shot at all the daies of his flesh by the rage and malice of wicked Angels and men and as a spectacle of open scorn and reproach to be trampled upon by his insulting adversaries as if he had been a worm and no man unto all which God was thus far contributing as to suffer it and sit silent as a Spectator yea by his providences and outward dispensations rather furthering then hindring it and this in persuance of his declared mind herein even unto the Serpent himself Gen. 3. 15. when he told him speaking of Christ the seed of the woman he shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel For the exercise of all this rage of Devils and men against him did bring to pass no other thing but
by themselves and comparing themselves amongst themselves were not wise but justly comprehended under the rank of foolish virgins over whom the Apostle was jealous with a godly jealousie hoping to have presented them as a chaste virgin to Christ but now fearing lest they should be beguiled and sin after the similitude of Adams transgression through the subtilty of the devil transforming himself into an Angel of light These among the Galatians were they that Paul stood in doubt of as discerning in them principles that would carry them no higher then the first Covenant before whom therefore he laid the distinction of the two Covenants and the two seeds even under the Gospel those that might be born after the spirit and those that might be born but of the flesh only one of the free woman the other of the bond And among the Philippians this sort of Professors were so prevalent that the Apostle was very sharp ch 3. v. 2. v 18 19. calling them those of the concision dogs and enemies to the cross of Christ whose God was their belly and whose glory was in their shame minding earthly things walking in a quite different strain from them who forgetting what is behinde press forward to the mark ver 14. of perfection brought to light by the death and resurrection of Christ worshipping God in the spirit rejoycing in Christ Jesus and having no confidence in the flesh It would be endless to rehearse the several passages in the remaining Epistles of Paul and the other Apostles deciphering this generation of Professors in the times they lived Teachers of the Law that knew not what they said nor whereof they affirmed as to the lawfull use of the very Law it self who by not holding faith and a good conscience which is interpreted Heb. 10. 23. a not holding them fast but in such wavering uncertain principles as the first Covenant ministers concerning faith made shipwrack and so lost their good conscience too at last drawing back into perdition Like the Jerusalem complained of Ezek. 5. 5. c. where they were so far from walking up to the light of the Covenant with God which they were under that in their walkings they fell beneath the very light and principles of heathens not doing according to the judgements of the nations round about them but becoming adulterers and adulteresses such as defile the Temple of God and therefore such whom God would destroy Lastly as once for all we may see this generation of men in their holy profession and visibility of Saintship incorporated together with the true spiritual seed in every one of the seven Churches mentioned Rev. 2. and 3. chapters which are usually accounted to be typical inreference to the state of the Church under the Gospel from the Primitive times to Christs second coming In every of these churches Christ makes the distinction between the Spiritual Seed that had the spiritual ear and the carnal Seed that had it not but who in and under those very Church-forms were the Nurseries of all hypocrisie apostasie and other Spiritual uncleannesses and defilements there and were not of the faith nor in the faith of those that overcome but were such as from whom the Candlestick and light they had from Christ might be removed verifying therein that saying of his speaking of this generation as they should continue under Gospel Ordinances when he was foretelling the end of the world under the type and figure of the destruction of the material Temple in Jerusalem Verily verily saith he This generation shall not pass away till all these things be fulfilled his mystical meaning herein being that this crooked and perverse generation mentioned Deut. 32. 5. who were always resisting the Holy Ghost Act. 7. 51. and were to succeed in that enmity which they bear unto the true Spiritual Seed to the very end of the world according unto what God declared from the beginning when he said I will put enmity between the Seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent should continue till the serpents head be wholly broken and he trampled under foot and the Saints heel wholly bruised or the measure of Christs sufferings remaining to be wrought out in his whole body the Church fulfilled These are they which call themselves Jews but are not in spirit and truth though they pass currant in the judgement of mans day for the only visible Church of God excluding the heathens on the one hand as Sathan appearing in his own likeness and the true spiritual believers on the other hand as the same evil spirit transformed into an Angel of light The third sort of subjects belonging to the last administration of Christs kingdom are they who in faith and patience do possess their souls following the Lamb whither soever he goes not loving their lives unto death but through the blood of the Lamb being received into the unity of the faith of the Son of God have the use of spiritual senses set up in them enabling them to hear and obey what the spirit saith unto the Churches and so are worshippers of God in spirit rejoycing in Christ Jesus having no confidence in the flesh enjoying within themselves the witness of a better and more enduring substance then what is experienced under the first-covenant-ministry through this law of the spirit of life which the spiritual sied are made under have that overcoming power of Christ ever present with them in the actings of true and saving faith which overcomes the world and gives them the victory over all opposition not but that they also in walking as men have the same common weaknesses as other men are liable to many failings and miscariages but as they are born of God and walk and live in that spirit sin hath no more dominion over them to make them fulfil the lusts thereof Gal. 5. 16 18. These therefore are distinguished from all the earth-born sons or children of the first covenant by their higher and more divine birth as born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God Joh. 1. 13. not but that they are born also of all the other principles as well as othermen possess them in common with others something of the corrupt nature with the heathen and something of the renewed nature with the Jew or worldly Christian but they have over and besides a birth of God which none of the other two have living thereby in that light and life which no man hath seen or can see wherein they are a sort of heavenly seers and men of God that enter with Christ within the veyl and are admitted into the sight and enjoyment of God in the very brightness of his glory and express character of his person shining forth in the face of Christs second appearance and herein are heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ partaking after this manner of the divine nature it self wherein they see God face to
abundantly confirm and make good the justification which is not of works but of grace according to Gods purpose The very nature and kinde of this faith may suffice to all unbyassed judgements to shew that those that are justified by it are not justified by works since in its principles and seed it is quite differing from that which is by the Law or born after the flesh which is of works so as the one is differenced from the other in the very kind of perfection and life both as to principles and works the seed and the fruit of each yea and this faith of the right kind considered as abiding in Christ not in us is that that properly justifies the believer For if it be by grace it is no more of works otherwise grace is no more grace But if it be of works then it is no more grace otherwise work is no more work And besides the Spiritual Seed are beloved as they are chosen in Christ before the world began and are distinguished as so accepted in him from the fleshly seed before they have done either good or evil This chusing in Christ is not the justification by faith inasmuch as that act of God never passes upon us till we be actually believers For though we have being in our head who is blessed and beloved before the world began Ephes 1. Yet we are not made to be in our own persons of that Spiritual Seed untill we have the righteousness of our head actually imputed to us and so are made to stand without guile or spot before the throne of God whilst as yet we are ungodly and bear about with us a body of sin and death unsubdued and unabolished which nevertheless in the end by faith is overcome and wholly done away The working power then which is put forth by faith in the heart and conscience of him that is the true Believer is to be distinguished from faith in the first act singly considered as the new birth and reception of Christ to inhabite and dwell there as the root and author of all spiritual life and perfection which indeed is rather itself the work or workmanship of Christ as the suitable reception that he makes for his indwelling presence in the heart then any effect of the power of faith working patience and experience there in pursuance of the end for which it is given which is to work the spirit of man either under the first or second dispensation to a compleat and full resignation of its understanding will and desire unto the teachings light and life of this faith evidencing him that is invisible and giving entrance into the glory that is within the veil shewing what is the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward that believe Which glory is not seen all that while to the natural senses and discerning but the life and workings of faith wherein the spiritual part of the believer does exceedingly rejoyce the fleshly or natural man in the Saint unsubdued cannot bear but hath its reluctancy against lusting to envy ready to oppose resist and contradict the same to the utmost and is all the season of the trial of faith in great heaviness grief and despondency through manifold temptations whilst the believing part is exercising love on him whom the natural senses cannot reach nor come to the sight of In whom though now we see him not yet believing we rejoyce with joy unspeakable and glorious girding up the loyns of our minds in sobriety and hope For the power of faith is such in its operation that it overcomes the world and all the powers of flesh and blood in us at the best which serve but to be made conquest of and triumphed over by faith in order to be nailed to the cross of Christ for the slaying of the enmity which thereby would be springing up to the choaking of the spirtual seed the crucifying afresh the Son of God and trampling under foot the blood of the everlasting Covenant as an unholy thing This power of flesh and blood that ends and expires at last under the conquering and triumphing power of faith causes for a long time a sore and fiery trial in the soul through the sharp contest and dispute that arises between the heavenly powers and spiritual senses on the one hand and the fleshly and natural powers in the same Saint on the other by reason of which the soul is often inclining and falling back into the life of the flesh and workings of the natural will instead of being strengthned in the inward man and fixed there in love and true Rest against all contradicting whatsoever made by flesh and blood whether pure and holy flesh or sinful and corrupt So that oft the party which faith by its power makes for it self in the heart and conscience of the believer is deserted and in a manner given off through the prevalent reasonings and desires of flesh and blood which make resistance in this warfare to their last breath or activity that remains in them And first when faith cals the heart to leave its natural state its kindred and relations in the heathenish world the morality and civility whereof seems to have much to say for it self after the corrupt part in it is cast off the natural powers and faculties of the mind in that state rebel and resist a long season not knowing how to submit though upon hopes of a land of promise specially when they must not know or cannot be made acquainted whither the soul is going and are therefore constantly representing all discouragements imaginable to hinder its obedience to this call of faith till at last they be over-ruled and brought under But secondly when through faiths workings by the power of the Law or Ministry of Christs first appearance the soul is brought out of the corrupt degenerate state of nature hath turned its back upon the land of its nativity and is come to the earthly Canaan to the circumcision of the flesh not in the letter only but in the spirit for the righteousness of works by the first Covenant then hath faith another Call or second voice to the soul causing it to sojourn as a stranger even in the land of promise and to look upon this earthly Jerusalem as no abiding City but that out of which it must also pass into a heavenly Country the Jerusalem that is above forgetting the things that are behind or unto which it hath already attained and pressing forwards to the mark for the price of its high calling to be clothed upon as with its house from heaven Through the call of this last voice of faith all flesh and the glory thereof is blown upon and made as nothing Isa 40. 6. the voice said cry and he said what shall I cry All flesh is grass and the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field perishing and fading in a moment
the grass withereth the flower fadeth away because the spirit of the Lord blows npon it surely the people is grass The grass withereth the flower fadeth but the WORD of our God shall stand for ever ver 7 8. So then at length the believing part in the Saint cometh to see and experiment the emptiness nothingness and fading of the best natural perfection and fleshly purity not only in legal worldly rudiments and principles but even in Evangelicals so far as they consist in the knowledge of Christ himself but according to the flesh Whereupon the believer becomes willing to be crucified to all confidence esteem or desire of Rest and abode in them seeing a patern left by Christ himself herein when he suffered in the flesh that we also might be armed with the same mind and by being crucified in the flesh may come at last to cease from sin attaining a perfect freedom there-from by the resurrection from the dead And now what high thoughts and proud imaginations do rise up in the heart fit to be brought down and subdued by the cross of Christ then which nothing is more grievous to the soul which loves this Absolon it s own uncrucified fleshly mind and the enlightned reasonings thereof in their very rebellion and endeavours to out it of the everlasting kingdom yea it struggles hard and wrestles vehemently to keep its Isaac from being offered up in sacrifice Oh! how with Zipporah doth the flesh cry out against faith as a bloody husband thus to require the full resignation of the judgement will and desire of the pure holy natural man as well as that of the corrupt All this it doth require and no less will serve its turn then the bringing of the exercise of these natnral senses as they are contesting with and resisting the workings of faith into perfect captivity to the obedience of faith and into perfect rest and silence in the grave of Christ where they are to be bound as in chains and fetters utterly disabled for ever acting more in any resisting or contradicting way unto the power and life of faith and so indeed are set free and have their truest liberty given to them to act more fully then ever in harmony with and subserviency unto the workings and life of faith Thus Rom 8. it is said If Christ be in you the body or flesh is dead because of sin but if the spirit of him that raised up Christ from the dead dwell in you he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies or crucified fleshly senses by his spirit that dwelleth in you to the bringing them forth in a better and more excellent way of operation then ever they had before For these fleshly senses as they are planted into the likeness of the death of Christ are made one dead body with him and so are shut up for ever in an everlasting impossibility to act against the truth but only for the truth to act in a way of resisting and contradicting the workings of faith but in subjection and subordination to ●●em This is that we mean by the obedience of faith and keeping of the word of Christs patience which is required by the law of the new covenant the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus as it frees us from the law of sin and death which is so far from destroying the law that it fulfils it and so far from abolishing the good works required by the law that it disannuls only the unlawful use of them setting them up in their right and lawful exercise not single and alone without the faith that is saving or in resistance and contradiction to that faith nor so mixing them with a faith that fails whereby both faith and a good conscience may come to shipwrack but making them in such manner the fruit and children of the operation of the faith of Gods elect as that against such there is no law This is the gathering together into one dead body with Christ wherein all his elect must be found as fashioned into a similitude with him in his death and that for the filling up of the measure of his sufferings in the whole number of his beloved ones that so at last they may arise likewise with his dead body and be gathered together into one glorified body with him or into a similitude with him in the glory and power of his resurrection when they shall be like him and see him as he is when at this appearing of Christ who is their life they also shall appear with him in glory The hope and expectation hereof grounded upon the promises made to this purpose in Col 3. 4. 1 Joh. 3. 2. Phil. 3. 21. and many other places of Scripture is that that hath born up the spirits of his people and faithful ones in all ages that have been made willing to follow this Lamb whithersoever he goeth from desponding and sinking away under all those insolent affronts and contradictions they have met with in their several generations from their insulting unreasonable adversaries the inhabitants of the earth who flourish prosper in the world while they are chastened every morning disciplined under the cross of Christ miscarrying as to all that 's visible and overcome in those hot contests oppositions and assaults which the seed of the Serpent lusting to envy will not fail to exercise them with who indeed could have no power against them unless it were given them from above as Christ the head of this spiritual seed told Pilate in his own personal case Ioh. 19. 11. and as power was given from above against that great Master Lord so is it also given to them to make war with the Saints and to overcome them Rev. 13. 7. but though at present they be so overset by worldly powers that they cannot work any deliverance in the earth neither do the inhabitants of the world fall before them Isa 26. 18. yet at this second coming of Christ he will call up the dead bodies of these his crucified Saints and faithful witnesses not only into a state of security from the destroyer but into a singing and triumphing condition ver 19. Thy dead men shall live together with my dead body shall they arise awake and sing ye that dwell in dust Both these states of the true Saint are most lively described Isa 54. which we shall endeavour to give some short tasts of for our clearer enlightning in the present truth specially as to what concerns the former branch the Saints conformity with Christ in his death The other consisting in a conformity to him in his Resurrection-state we shall reserve for the latter end and conclusion of this discourse CHAP. XVIII Concerning the Saints conformity with Christ in his death particularly opened and cleared from those mistakes which the enemies to the Crosse of Christ are apt to brand it with BY conformity with Christ in his death which some have been
way of natural good works and well-doing pretending to keep up his natural lust and desire in the life exercise and power thereof as Saul did the best of the goods of the Amalekites and their King for Sacrifice to God And therefore the natural man in the Saint in all the powers and faculties thereof stands it out long against the workings of faith in him and fights hard upon this principle of self-preservation deriding with the brothers of Joseph that dreamer which the New-Covenant-Faith in the life language and obedience thereof appears to be to the judgement of flesh and blood when it perswades us to become weak with Christ to suffer our selves to be disarmed and despoyled of this first power and the free exercise thereof upon its single natural root as keeping up a covetousnesse in us that is Idolatry and the root of all evill and does assure us that Gods strength shall be made perfect in us through this weaknesse so as we may rejoyce and glory in such infirmities through which the strength of Christ shall come to be ever resting on us whereby at last we shall be made to take pleasure in these infirmities reproaches necessities persecutions and distresses for Christs sake which at first are grievous but in conclusion we find by experience that when we in our selves are thus most weak then are we in the Spirit of Christ made most strong In this weaknesse then which is brought upon the naturall man of the Saint in which he is made to bear about in his body the marks of the dying of the Lord Jesus consisting in infirmities reproaches necessities persecutions and distresses inward and outward doth the death of Christ work in the flesh of every Saint untill it be fully crucified brought downe into the grave and formed into one dead body with Christs natural man for ever disenabled and weakened from acting this selfish power or exercising this natural lust or desire though in a way of natural or legal good workings singly considered but to have them brought to their lawful rest in the grave of Christ as a Sabbath-keeping there their reasonable service and sacrifice acceptable unto God by Jesus Christ Whence it comes to passe that we no longer live but Christ lives in us and in and through this weaknesse brought upon us by the Crosse quickens us to a more excellent way of working with God and for God then ever we were acquainted with before to the fulfilling and establishing the righteousnesse required by the Law to the highest so that against these weakened Saints and poor broken-spirited children of God there is no Law but the death of Christ that thus works in them doth condemne sinne in the flesh and never leave till it quite abolish it there and bring in the everlasting righteousnesse of God in the roome of that righteousnesse of man which was but as a morning dew Thus we come to bear about in our body the dying of the Lord Jesus that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal or crucified flesh which work of mortification is unto the old Adam most bitter and grievous it being that which bruises him and puts him to grief beyond all that can be imagined and which therefore he fights against and resists to the last drop of blood till he can no longer stand upon his feet but doth fall down amongst the slaine in the blood of Christ whose rest is blessed thus dying with or in the Lord and his works follow him This is the third particular wherein our conformity to Christs death doth consist The fourth and last does respect the workings of faith as they maintaine the good part of this fight in the Saints and gaine the victory over the world and the fleshly seed and principles in them In the managing of which faith doth at first whilest the spiritual senses are not come into use nor strength undergo many a sore brunt and is hard put to it by the workings of unsubdued flesh and blood in them as in the renewed principles thereof they abide in their vigour and flourishing of youth under the first Covenant having through the power of the Law and life of Christs fleshly perfection brought forth in them overcome the wicked one and by the knowledge of Jesus Christ after the flesh cleane escaped the pollutions of the world respecting the filth of the flesh in the confidence and strength whereof these young ones in the experiences of the Gospel think nothing too hard for them to break through and get the mastery of and therefore despise the workings of faith and seed of the promise as a barren desolate widowhood in comparison of their flourishing youth and would be putting in for the inheritance as obteined by the perfection of the Law and Christs first appearance esteeming that to be the Kingdome that is to abide and continue the holy City whose Tabernacle must never be taken down But against all these fierce encounters from pure flesh and blood in the Saint armed with conquests over the wicked one and many fruitful evidences of Christs presence and communion as a Bridegroome and Husband according to the flesh faith armes the soul putting on it the whole armour of light and evidencing to it things unseene the hidden Manna the new name the Jerusalem that is above that which neither eye hath seene nor eare heard nor hath entred into the natural mans heart and conception with which it puts forward and advances bringing in that which is enduring substance an inheritance undefiled and which fades not away in opposition to a failing decaying corruptible Crowne and Rest which flesh and blood glories in And in this more excellent way of worshipping and serving God it comes forth and gains ground in the heart to the stopping the high careere that flesh and blood was in before to the utter silencing it at last and casting down its lofty imaginations and every high thing that exalts it self against the knowledge of God bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ Through this powerful operation of faith the youth of flesh and blood in the Saint is weakened and grey heirs now begin to appear here and there upon him in this his captivity to the obedience of faith which state is very honourable and is the qualification that renders Saints the true Elders in the Church of God who being old men in Christian experiences ought to be in great esteeme for the use and advantage they are of and the great benefit they may bring to true Church-fellowship and Christian Societie how despicable soever this frame of spirit be in the eyes of the worldly Church and of the youthful visible Churches of Saints flourishing with their fair shewes in the flesh whereby they are puffed up and have life working in them whilest death works in Paul the aged and such Elders in spiritual growth that walk as he walked yea these are full and rich and would
be reigning as Kings in a fleshly visibility and worldly glory without the true crucified Saint that in the meane time is made a spectacle to men and Angels and judged as the filth of the world and as the off-scouring of all things unto whom neverthelesse Christ speaks after this manner Esay 26. 19. Thy dead men shall live with my dead body shall they arise awake and sing ye that dwell in dust This is the last particular of our conformity to Christs death And now by what hath beene said in these four particulars as the result rising out of them all our eye may receive enlightning if God please in this great and glorious mystery of Christs death and the effect it hath upon us when it conformes us unto its own likenesse and similitude For we see it doth not annihilate the first Adam or natural man in us but it spoils and disrobes him of the power in effect to sin against God which he upon specious pretences would faine keep for sacrifice in bodily exercise though of little value a power to do his own will and to be at his owne disposal in the strength of grace received bearing oile in his Lamp but not in his vessel In the exercise of which power man is perfectly weakened and disabled by the Crosse First through Christs withdrawing the food and nourishment of it in him Secondly through Satans bruising and breaking down his stout-heartednesse as an executioner of Gods wrath upon him in bereaving him of worldly comforts which God sanctifies to a laying low of mans spirit under this rod of God though applied by Satan and his instruments Thirdly through the victory and conquest of faith which never leaves till it captivate all the powers and faculties of the natural man and bring them into obedience and subjection unto Christ to live unto him that is risen from the dead and so to bring forth fruit unto God in newnesse of spirit and of life made at last to take faith in the principles and operations of it for its Lord and best friend and therein to observe the Law of God given on that behalf that the elder should serve the younger that the first Adam should serve the last Adam Esau should serve Jacob or the naturall powers and faculties of the Saints mind should serve the heavenly birth and spiritual senses thereof that the righteousnesse of the Law may be performed in the Spirit of faith by being made one spirit with Christ in the glory of his resurrection from the dead the life whereof doth not yet fully appear but shall do when he shall be seene in that admirable glory and bring his Saints with him in the same likenesse that they may see him as he is as his associates and coheirs of the same incorruptible inheritance having hereby the use of heavenly faculties and powers given unto them whereby Christ will be admired in all those that do beleeve and they are admitted to enter within the veile and are made capable to converse with God in his own similitude apparently face to face as friend converses with friend which no man as a natural man in his best capacity did ever see nor can see and so the true Saints are made such excellent seers and contemplators of God thus influenced and over-ruled in all the powers and faculties of their subdued natural man as fashions them to do the will of God in earth or their earthly natural man thus taught obedience as they see it done and as they are the doers of it in heaven or in their spiritual and heavenly part and have oile in their vessels as well as in their lamps In which heavenly frame of spirit they are beheld by the Prophet Isaiah in the 54 chapter before mentioned when he saith All thy children shall be taught of the Lord and great shall their peace be In righteousnesse shalt thou be established thou shalt be farre from oppression for thou shalt not fear and from terrour it shall not come near thee when thou art made thus to dwell on high and art seated upon this munition of rocks behold they that shall gather together against thee shall not do it by me but whoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper and every tongue that shall rise in judgement against thee thou shalt condemne this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their righteousnesse is of me saith the Lord. And let me say thus much upon this occasion in one word to the youthful visible and flourishing Saints of these our dayes who with great earnestnesse and zeale are trimming their Lamps with oile to go out to meet the Bridegroome in expectation of the fleshly glory of Christs Kingdome to the keeping up of Absalon against the true David in Spirit of my Lord Esau against the true Jacob or of Isaac in the flesh against Isaac crucified and offered up in sacrifice to God to be received againe in spirit in the life from the dead They are not yet under those promises before mentioned by reason whereof those that gather together against them may prevaile over them and the weapons formed against them may prosper till the power of the holy people be scattered and none shut up or left Whereas if the Lord take down and bruise the youthful spirit that is in them and cause them with David when they have tried the armour of man to put it off againe to go forth in this armour of God which makes the Saint strongest when he is weakest our Goliah shall be slaine that defies the Hosts of the living God and great salvation shall be wrought for Gods people when they shall be little more then standers by the Lord of the whole earth and lookers on By this time we come to see wherein our conformity to Christ in his death consists the place whereof is found under the third administration of the Kingdome of Christ which in the three branches thereof we have endeavoured to describe in the preceding chapters The first of which may be compared to the Moone that rules the night as the weaker and fainter light of Christs first appearance the representation whereof is given by the single Ministery of Angels as the supreme Lords and Rulers under Christ of the natural and first world by the first Covenant considered meerly as the Law of nature receiving its renewal in the blood of Christ The second is likened by the Scripture unto the Sunne which shadowes forth the vigorous light and glory of Christs first appearance as it is ministred singly in and by the first Covenant considered as the Law and perfection of his flesh in the principles and life whereof the sonnes and servants are not differenced one from another but both walk to the house of God as friends the sonnes of God as well as the sonnes of perdition those that are borne after the flesh as well
imputed as it is written Where there is no Law there is no transgression hence is it that in his temptations and assaults with which he approaches men that are subjects unto Christ under his first dispensation or the birth of natural ight by him renewed and wrought out in their consciences he does endeavour either to make them reject scorne and withstand that work of the Law in their hearts so as in their operations to preferre and adhere to the unrighteousnesse and uncleannesse of the flesh before that righteousnesse and holinesse that Christ requires of them or else so to over-value trust and rest in their personal fleshly purity and holinesse unto which they may and do oft attaine under that first administration of Christ as to become fixed opposers and resisters of the higher discoveries of Christ that are yet behind and were to have beene made knowne unto them if through this insobriety and impatience of spirit they had not justly deprived and rendered themselves unworthy thereof Now this sort of sinners and corrupted consciences when thus againe returned into a voluntary subjection unto Satans Kingdome and Rule being such who have sinn'd against and denied the Lord that bought them are treasuring up wrath against the day of wrath and the revelation of the righteous judgement of God who though they shall not be judged for what they had not and knew not as to the righteousnesse which they themselves were to have found in Christs person for their justification in the sight of God as shall those that are under the second dispensation unto whom Christ in this sense is revealed yet they do justly fall under the sin of unbelief as well as the other bringing down the guilt of Christs blood upon their souls through the unlawful use they make of their present attainments and personal righteousnesse in which they harden themselves to the opposing and keeping off the manifestation of Christs own righteousnesse unto them so much as in the knowledge of him according to the flesh The second sort of Christs subjects which the Devil applies himself to and attempts the gaining over unto his use and service for the encrease of his Dominion in opposition to Christs are those of the Circumcision children of the first Covenant who are the subjects wherein Christ sets up and maintaines his Rule and Dominion by the Law the holy Commandment delivered to them in the knowledge of him according to the flesh into whose hearts he comes as that stronger man to the dispossessing of Satan and casting of him out as an uncleane spirit who till then had beene prevailing over their minds to runne into all excesse of riot in the grosse uncleannesses of the flesh whom now Christ restrains by binding him up and in the roome thereof bringing forth the fruits of his own indwelling presence in them to the cleansing sweeping and adorning of his house and Temple wherein he comes to live with them under the first Covenant Satan perceiving how desperate his game is like to prove by this work of Christ if he should in down-right termes attempt to bring such as these back againe into the bondage of corruption is willing for a while very much to decline that way chusing rather to endeavour a returne into these cleansed enlightened hearts in the forme and appearance of an Angel of light that he may work death in them by that which is good seducing and beguiling them with subtilty as he did Eve by making their very conformity to the Law and the upholding thereof in power and credit in the conscience to be not only the means of his re-entry with seven spirits worse then before but to serve as a strong-hold to resist and beat off Christ in his approaches unto the soul in the glory of his second appearance by fixing it in a hardnesse and implacable resistance against the dawnings of that day and brightnesse of his coming In this posture is the Devil able to seat himself in the very Temple of God as God shewing himself to be God whose coming into the heart is with power with signes lying wonders and all deceivablenesse of unrighteousnesse in all that perish and take pleasure in this kind of unrighteousnesse and hatred of the truth By this means sin comes forth in the mysterious workings thereof which lies dead amongst those under the first dispensation as it is written without the Law sinne is dead taking its revival as to this kind of its operation by occasion of the coming of the Commandment in power and prevalency in respect whereof it is said The strength of sinne is the Law which strength being wanting in those that are without Law is the reason that sinne thus considered remains in them as dead without motion or activity For untill the soul by the ruling power of the Law be brought into a kind of security in its own apprehension from all prevailing danger of fleshly impurity and uncleannesse this kind of sinning springs not up in its force and vigour working death by that which is undeniably good through which it becomes exceeding sinful In this security the heart of man is the more easily nourished up from the experience it hath of converse with Christ in his own immediate personal appearance as those Luke 13 25 26. who upon this ground maintaine their confidence for acceptance with Christ saying Lord Lord open unto us for we have eate and drunk in thy presence and thou hast taught in our streets finding themselves planted into him as branches in the Vine or good Olive-tree and so rendered righteous in the righteousnesse of their head and root which knowledge and experience those under the first dispensation are strangers unto being aliens from this Common-wealth of Israel Of this number are they who after much enlightning fall away and draw back unto perdition Heb. 6. and chap. 10. with Demas Hymeneus and Philetus making shipwrack both of faith and a good conscience In these kind of Seducements the Devil hath beene long versed who began this practice upon Adam in his natural righteousnesse and purity experiencing in his case all that resistance that man in honour or at his best estate standing but upon the root of his natural perfection does signifie or amount unto for the keeping out of sin or the hindering it a second time from re-entry and revival to the making of men sin over the same sin againe after the similitude of Adams transgression Thus the old Serpent through this deceit is able to slay man againe and work death in him as fast as natural righteousnesse and holinesse renewed and revived does give him matter to work upon this way This mystery of iniquity is undiscernable at first in the consciences of those where it works who judge it to be their duty and obedience to the Law which they are performing whilst in their very righteous and holy operation they are made to serve a contrary interest unto Christs by going about to establish
their own righteousnesse not submitting to the righteousnesse of God and so prove deceived and seduced through an unskilfulnesse of discerning in that which is good to the despising and refusal of that which is a more excellent and enduring substance for the fading glory of flesh and the morning dew of natural righteousnesse wanting that wisdome which teaches to distinguish betweene the lawful and unlawful use that is to be made of the Law and the eating and drinking of the body and blood of Christ worthily or unworthly Behold then the evil desire and lust that may and doth spring up in mans pure holy and righteous nature as by being under the dominion of the Law and living in subjection and conformity thereunto he is striving to separate them whom God has joyned together in Christs second appearance and to uphold competition and opposition betweene those that should dwell together as brethren in unity in the communion of the holy Ghost which counsel of God carries much contrariety in it to mans natural desire and lust which would faine get away with Gods first word the word of the beginning Heb. 6. 1. wherewith God at first visits man refusing to stay to the end and to hear and obey the second word which God is pleased to have with him whereby he finishes and compleats his first operations in him declaring to him his whole counsel whereunto the first dispensation is appointed only as a fore-runner and therefore must needs be short as to that which is the work of the second being no otherwise intended from the beginning but as a messenger or preparer of the way Hence we may see what it is Paul means Rom. 7. and ch 8. when he acknowledges that the Law through the weaknesse of the flesh though it have nothing in it which causes or is the author of sin yet it hath that in it which sinne takes occasion by to set up it self anew and blossome forth againe in mans nature when renewed and restored to a conformity with the Law which is spiritual holy righteous and good for lust is capable to conceive in Adams posterity thus renewed and set up afresh as well as it did in himself at first and lust when it hath thus conceived brings forth sinne or an envying and contesting against the glory of Christs second appearance which sin being perfected or come to its fixing of the mind in an unchangeable and implacable enmity thereunto brings forth death even that death which is spiritual and eternal so Rom. 8. such a carnal mind as this is called death as it stands in such an enmity to the spiritual mind that it is neither subject to that Law of God which is the Law of the Crosse and Spirit of life nor indeed can be Thus saith the Apostle by the coming of the Commandment sin revived and 1 died and what was ordeined for life I found unto me to be unto death sin getting into its vigour and strength thereby assuring the soul that it is here out of all danger being begotten againe into Gods own likenesse wherein man was at first created and having the visible characters thereof shining forth in it written not with inke and on tables of stone but with the Spirit of the living God and on the fleshly tables of the heart shewing it self a right change and a real heart-work above and beyond all that is accounted civility and morality and above all notion and spirituality that is but head-work and fancy What is now to be done sayes the Tempter to this sort of men but to perswade them torest here and praise and blesse Gods Word that by this first visit and beginning hath made so beautiful glorious a change in their hearts nature as this is wherof the experiences are so lively and refreshing especially when reflection is made upon what they are changed from when brought to this and the way and means of attaining it which hath also the approbation and praise of visible Churches and Saints and of the best men so judged by mans day which makes them say Let us tabernacle here with Moses and Elias especially if we be upon the Mount and brought thither by Christ himself transfiguring himself there before us In this earthly building of the renewed natural man let us fix and resist all dawnings and approachings of any higher or better state Let this our Ishmael live was once the voice of Abraham himself that afterwards was perswaded to offer up his Isaac that was but according to the flesh If we be prevailed with to fix here and live after the flesh we shall die Rom. 8. 13. or enter and abide in those wayes of death which make us enemies to the Crosse of Christ and cause him in the end to swear we shall never enter into his Rest As man therefore in the purity and holinesse of his natural will may be using the Law of God lawfully as we have shewed so also he may exercise himself in his own holy and righteous operations of mind and nature in such manner as may be quite contrary to the mind of God and the true end of such conformity wrought in him unto the Law experiencing by this means the evil that is incident unto a pure and uncorrupt state of being and that lust that is to be known only by the coming of the Law Which evil desire or lust of man in this state is a covetousnesse which sets up idolatry in the highest streine endeavouring to oppose Christ in the Spirit by Christ in the flesh by exalting the glory of his first appearance above that of the second Sin in this sense hath for the Mother and Nurse of it mans natural righteousnesse wherein he is apt to glory and be puffed up without cause contrary to the true meaning of the Law which requires him indeed to cherish and maintaine the natural righteousnesse and holinesse therein and thereby ministred whether considered as it shines forth in the flesh of Christ or in their own hearts and consciences in opposition to that which is the filth of the flesh or to the resting in our own personal morality and vertue before the Law came to us but authorizes him not or warrants him to oppose herewith the Crosse of Christ and the excellency of the knowledge of him crucified or to resist upon pretence of keeping that up the coming in of the better and more excellent glory When once therefore such a frame of spirit as a root of gall and bitternesse is springing up in men and that wilfully against manifest conviction and long contestation and patience on Gods part to bring them to another mind at last they are brought by sad experience to find that in their flesh dwells no good thing but such as will be leaking out of this fleshly building of the first Adam at its best if rested in and subject to corrupt So that whilst with the mind they serve the Law of God with the flesh
conformity with Christ in his death to the glory of the resurrection from the dead as the mark of the price of his high calling wherein true perfection and lasting blessednesse consists Where the Image of God in this third and last sense stands but in the least relative kind of union with any heart there the foundation is laid which is mentioned 2 Tim. 2. 19. where it is said The Lord knoweth them that are his bearing with and passing by all their evil carriages towards him in the times of their ignorance and unregenerate state not suffering the Destroyer to enter and utterly to make an end but because of this New Wine that is found in the Cluster God saith Destroy it not for a blessing is in it And though this hidden Being which everlasting righteousnesse hath in the soul to the separating of it unto God from the womb be not that which does actually invest such persons so much as with the Priviledges and Blessings of the first Covenant or give them a personal right to them all which depends upon the marriage-union actually to be contracted betweene Christ and them when they are so joyned as to be made one flesh yet the sanctification that passes upon the soul or separation that is made of it hereby from the womb keeps it from wilful sinning against the grace of the New Covenant and righteousnesse of Faith as appears in Solomon who in the midst of his greatest declinings and falls had this wisdome lying at bottome and keeping him from final Apostasie as the Book of Ecclesiastes at large declares So also in Paul this was evident who confesses in this respect that God shewed mercy to him who was the worst and greatest of sinners because that in all that contradiction and opposition to the light of Faith and of the New Covenant wherein he became a persecutor and a blasphemer he was ignorant and unaware I did it ignorantly sayes he 1 Tim. 1. 13. and elsewhere when called before the Magistrate Acts 26. 9. I verily thought with my self sayes he that I ought to do many things contrary to the Name of Iesus of Nazareth By this seed then of saving Faith whereby he was separated from the womb he was preserved from the great transgression or sinne that is unto death And in this sense we may safely understand that Scripture Luke 10. 5 6. Into what house soever ye enter first say Peace be to this house And if the SONNE OF PEACE be there your Peace shall rest upon it if not it shall turn to you againe So that no Peace or durable Blessednesse hath commission from God to rest upon any heart but where this seed is through which the Saints are separated unto God from the womb The Witnesse then which results and presents it self to our thoughts from this view of things is this that dying to sinne and living to righteousnesse considered only as the effect and birth of common grace or life from Christ under the first and second Ministery singly and apart from the effect and operation of saving Faith which is proper to the third Ministery alone does amount to no higher a work in the conscience then what may and will fail And yet this Mortification and Vivification thus produced in the heart is not only real but all such attainments and receivings as these from Christ with all the benefits inseperably accompanying his indwelling presence in the soul by his first appearance are as they are called Ezek. 16. 14 15. his owne comelinesse which he thinks fit to put upon these children of the first Covenant which they notwithstanding unwarrantably trusting unto and resting in do thereby commit iniquity and that such iniquity as that thereupon all their righteousnesse which they have had and done shall be no more remembered but for the iniquity which they thus commit they must die Ezek. 33. 13. as found opposers and fighters against the brightnesse of Christs second coming under pretence of upholding and adhering unto the life and glory of his first The defect therefore of these mens saintship or sanctification lies not in this that it is false counterfeit hypocritical or head-work only and unanswerable to the Rule or holy commandment given unto them For in all these respects it may be and is oftentimes free and faultlesse in the experience of those that have it who in great sincerity and zeale are servants unto righteousnesse and enemies unto sin in the two first Ministeries and upon the termes Christ therein exhibits himself unto them who yet for all this stumble at the stumbling stone and fall at last irrecoverably by setting up the work of God wrought in their hearts either under the first or second dispensation where it only obtaines the place of a Part or Branch in reference to the whole in a direct opposition to the coming on of the whole in the third and last dispensation as well knowing that when that which is perfect does once come and take place then that which is but in part and in that sense imperfect must be done away which such minds so principled as they are can by no means bear being fixedly and utterly unwilling where saving Faith is not at the bottome to part with and forgo these small Pearls whereby to make purchase of the great Pearle which comprehends all the parts in it self and that after a more excellent manner causing them to be enjoyed in a more excellent way they before and in more abundance So that the very Holinesse in kind is not lost but is perfected and fulfilled as we have at large shewed And therefore the Apostle Paul 1 Cor. 12. treating of Grace and the gifts of the Spirit under both these considerations first as the manifestation thereof is given in common to every man to profit withall dividing unto every man severally as he will or secondly as there is a giving forth of this Spirit in a more excellent way of life and grace then what the best gifts given several and apart do amount unto exhorts unto the acknowledging and retaining of both these in a consistency and loving harmony together as making but one body or compleat fulnesse in Christ which he calls Love Chap. 13. expressely asserting that all gifts of the Spirit how good and reall soever they be yet considered as they are several and in part only will leave the possessors of them little better then sounding brasse or tinkling Cymbals for they will not last or endure to the end The Apostle hereby intimates unto us the evil use that may be made of good and spiritual gifts when either the parts agree not amongst themselves but the eye sayes to the hand I have no need of thee or the head to the feet I have no need of you or when the parts considered as several conspire together against the whole as the Body against the Soul the Forme against the Power of Godlinesse When therfore the gifts of the Spirit are given
same heightning and purity which other parts of the Creation shall arrive unto through the general restitution of all things Magistracie it self as ranked among the rest is proportionably to receive For brasse sayes he I will bring gold and for yron I will bring silver and for wood brasse and for stones yron I will also make thy officers peace and thine exactors righteousnesse Violence shall be heard no more in thy land wasting nor destruction within thy borders but thou shalt call thy walls salvation and thy gates praise This restauration seemes to hold proportion with the degenerating of Magistracie figured out in Nebuchadnezzars Image Dan. 2. 32 33. Whose head was of fine gold his armes and breast of silver his belly and thighs of brasse his legges of yron his feet part of yron and part of clay which when it shall be sunk downe into this its lowest and most corrupted state is to receive a change wherein it shall be raised up to its primitive height and glory We are then from hence to be assured that Magistracie had a primitive patterne and Rule unto which Isa 1. 26. referres which though as to the practice of it it will hardly be found yet hereof the judicials of Moses were a shadow and type as through which did shine forth a Magistracie yet in promise in the man Christ Jesus which Moses beheld as the true Original in the Mount when he received the command to see that he made all things according to the patterne shewed him in the Mount and who saith of Christ Deut. 18. 15 18. A Prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren like unto me him shall you hear which compared with Isa 32. 12. shewes that this Prophet is also a King in the sense now spoken of where 't is said Behold a King shall reigne in righteousness and Princes shall Rule in judgement and a man shall be as an hiding-place from the wind and a covert from the tempest as rivers of water in a dry place and the shadow of a rock in a weary land So then faith sees or may see an image and Rule in Christ by whom Kings Rule and Princes decree justice unto which Magistracie it-self in its Primitive institution and right exercise is or ought to be conformed the knowledge of which truth was powerfully set upon Davids spirit enabling him Prophetically to describe it 2 Sam. 23. 3 4 5 6 7. saying He that rules ever men must be just ruling in the feare of God and he shall be as the light of the morning when the Sunne riseth even a morning without clouds as the tender grasse springing out of theearth by cleare shining after raine Which though David did not fully experience in his personal administration of this rule which was in him as in the type nor yet could find it like to be in his house as to the fleshly seed yet he foresaw it and accordingly prophesied of it as a thing to come by the exercise and administration thereof in the hand of Christ and his people in the latter dayes and so first describes wherein Magistracie consists as considered in the purity of its institution and the right exercise thereof when he saith He that rules over men must be JVST ruling in the fear of God and secondly when he shewes also the use which Christ will make of it when it shall by him be brought into practice according to its first patterne even for the thrusting away of all the sonnes of Belial as so many thornes that have laine goading in the sides of Gods suffering Saints for a long time which cannot be taken with hands but the man invested with this Magistracie and power shall be able to touch and subdue them as fenced with this rod of iron and staffe of a speare and they shall be burnt also with fire in the same place The fire that comes forth out of the mouth of Gods witnesses shall also slay them as concurring with this sword to the utter destruction of all Gods enemies As a true result then arising out of this Scripture it doth appear First that there is a rule over men which is Gods Ordinance capable to be brought into its exercise and practice amongst them according to the purity of its institution which being called a Rule over men and not in them signifies that the exercise thereof refers to the outward man or outward concernes of men in their bodily converse in this world Secondly that he that is to be in this power as qualified to exercise this Rule is man first Christ himself as he is the Son of man and then the Saints as gathered into one glorified body with him But this will be only at the time of Christs second coming Neverthelesse man in his earthly state as the figure and type of this is and hath beene qualified for the exercise of Magistracy from the beginning to the end of the world which seemes to be as one of the pillars whereby Christ bears up the World through the vertue of his blood when otherwise by the fall the earth and all the inhabitants thereof had beene dissolved and run into confusion Psal 75. 3. keeping this promotion at his owne disposal so as ver 6 7. It cometh neither from the East nor from the West nor from the South but God is the Judge he putteth downe one and setteth up another in the variety of formes and administrations wherein it is and hath beene exercised in all ages throughout the whole world And as the meanes of qualifying men hereunto Christ hath beene keeping up his witnesse even the fear of the Lord in the consciences of men under the threefold Government and Rule which he sets up in them which he preserves as a distinct jurisdiction from the outward exercise of Rule by man but as conducing to the better managing and carrying on of that outward Government in the hands of men For when the Scripture saith that the Rule of Magistracy is over men we are to understand by this terme the proper sphere bounds and limits of that office which is not to intrude it self into the office and proper concernes of Christs inward Government and rule in the conscience at large before discoursed by us but is to content it self with the outward man and to intermeddle with the concernes thereof in reference to the converse which man ought to have with man upon the grounds of natural just and right in things appertaining to this life wherein the Magistrate or higher power is not only the proper Judge but hath the right of coercion thereunto if not obeyed And the more illuminated the Magistrates conscience and judgement is as to natural justice and right by the knowledge of God and communications of light from Christ under any of the three dispensations before mentioned the better qualified is he to execute his office and the more accountable he is to God and man in default thereof So in
neither shall there be any more paine for the former things are passed away and by the power of him that sits upon the Throne all things are made new This GENERAL ASSEMBLY in the exercise of their Judicial power are to be considered in a twofold capacity First that wherein they are properly spiritual or heavenly men qualified with a discerning peculiar to the spiritual seed through the anointing which is truth and no lie whereby they enter within the veile and are admitted into that light and immortality which their owne natural man sees not nor can see but by the help and teachings of this anointing and that at second hand As thus considered they have committed unto them the power of the KEYS in the full extent and exercise thereof whereby all that they binde in earth shall be bound in heaven and all that they loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven so as all the declarative power of what infallibly is truth and the mind and will of God to be observed in heaven or in earth by all the inhabitants of both shall be in them and all disobedience and opposition thereunto shall be punished by their Church-Censures in a way of Excommunication considered in the Scriptures either as conditional and referring to sianes against the Son of man as in his first appearance or the disobedience against the first Covenant capable of release in this world or Secondly as the final irrevocable sentence called the ANATHEMA MARANATHA respecting the sinne against the holy Ghost Christ in his second appearance or the wilful disobedience against the second Covenant from which censure none shall be able to escape or appeale this JUDGEMENT-SEAT of Christ having for its attendants and Ministers of justice the holy and mighty Angels ready with flames of fire to take vengeance on all that shall not obey the Gospel and to punish them with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power Secondly the same GENERAL ASSEMBLY do also in another capacity exercise their Judicial power to wit as they are properly natural men qualified with a pure natural discerning wherein they are found acting the powers and faculties of the natural mind in all the righteous and holy operations required by the first Covenant in a newnesse of life received by the resurrection from the dead and as they are made one glorified incorruptible body with Christs natural man In this sense they have the power of the sword committed to them as supreme Ministers of natural right and justice under Christ the KING OF RIGHTEOUSNESSE and in association with the innumerable company of holy Angels Heb. 12. 22. who in the exercise of this part of Judicial power are joynt-Rulers with the Saints that in the first were but servants and attendants as those PRINCIPALITIES AND POWERS in heavenly places unto whom the manifold wisdome of God is made knowne by the Church Ephes 3. 10. By Saints in this capacity Christ will judge the world and rule the Nations as with a rod of yron breaking those in pieces as a potters vessel that are stubborne and rebellious binding their Kings in chaines and their Nobles in fetters of yron as it is written Psal 149. Such honour have all his Saints to wit as met together in this GENERAL ASSEMBLY authorized and enabled to administer as well the distributive as the revenging justice of God so as to be a terrour unto all that presume to offend against the principles of natural good and right held forth in and by the righteousnesse of the first Covenant and a protection and encouragement unto all that do well and shall be found approving themselves in the practice of those pure natural and holy principles Unto this that in 1 Cor. 6. 2. must necessarily referre where Paul saies Do you not know that the Saints shall judge the world taking cognizance of things pertaining to this life and to shew the superiour jurisdiction which the Saints as the Church or in their spiritual capacity have over Angels themselves he saith also v. 3. Know ye not that we shall judge Angels how much more things that appertaining to this life It is in this sense likewise we are to understand what is mentioned Rev. 21. 24. where the Nations that are said to be saved that is to say with the common salvation which by vertue of Christs ransome shall then be effectually applied to all men in general to the freeing the natural man from the bondage of corruption at the restitution of all things then to be made during this THOUSAND YEARS REIGNE shall walk in the light or live under the Protection of this Government which shall flov forth from the new JERUSALEM and true MOUNT SION there described so as not only the Kings of the earth in their owne persons shall bring their glory and honour into it as contented to do homage and to be under the blessings of it but they shall also be willing to be the means of bringing the glory and honour of the very Nations themselves thereinto by their patterne and example v. 26. Thus there is a quicknin and judicial power as we have shewed which the Saints shall put forth through their conformity with Christ in his resurrection by means whereof they shall stand possessed of the power and perfection as well of the true Church and Ministery as of the right Magistracy or worldly Rule and Dominion both which shall then be found in their purity as well of their practice as institution in this triumphing Church of the NEW JERUSALEM and universal worldly Government or Magistratical Dominion in this true COMMON-WEALTH OF ISRAEL for whose sakes all thinigs shall be made new all being theirs as they are Christs and Christ is Gods 1 Cor. 3. 22 23. Nor have the Scriptures left us without witnesse herein but in sundry particulars do lay open and declare the manner how and steps whereby Christ proceeds as well to the bringing in as to the actual setting up of this Kingdome of his during a THOUSAND YEARS to be managed by himself and the quicken'd glorified body or society of his Saints as the Church or general Assembly of the first-borne fitted and adorned by himself to share with him in this his Rule and Government The preparatory dispensation unto this is a dark MIDNIGHT Matth. 25 6. such a time of trouble as never was since there was a Nation in which the powers of the holy people shall be scattered and utterly broken Dar. 12. 1 7. the earthly Jerusalem or worldly Christian Church shall be besieged and taken Zech. 14. 1 2. that great and holy City Rev. 11. 2 8. which for her hypocrisie and spiritual whoredomes apostasie and enmity against the faithful WITNESSES of Christ is compared Rev. 11. to SODOME and EGYPT answering to the state of the same Jerusalem in the letter where our Lord was crucified And therefore in Matth. 24. and other Scriptures where the literal Jerusalem is
but made like unto the Sonne of God abides a Priest for ever at Gods right hand By which description it may appear that the manhood of Christ considered as the OFF-SPRING and BRANCH is brought forth into such likenesse and equality with the ROOT as to be made a fit associate to the Son of God considered as the ROOT And thus it is by way of figure and resemblance with the nature of man in the first degree of life attained by the resurrection from the dead as he is brought forth into the exercise of life like unto Angels and so becomes their equal yet is not an Angel nor loses the subordination and inferiority of his natural being unto the Angels So also Christ is still perfect man notwithstanding this his exaltation yet so as that he is also in the same person God as we have shewed and the Saints that come thus to be branches of the same perfect heavenly manhood with him are so neverthelesse in a distinguished state of subordination and inferiority to him in the capacity of the Bride the Lambs wife who by all this their exaltation are neither Godded with God nor Christed with Christ but are still in the proper capacity of creatures but of the highest and best creatures under Christ their Head exalted above all Angels or any particular nature whatsoever and brought thus at last into the enjoyment of the beatifical vision of God in the face of the blessed Trinity Thus we have endeavoured to describe the glory wherein Christ is given to be the Head and Husband to the whole spiritual seed as actually espousing and taking to wife the whole general assembly of the first-borne bringing them into the same glory with himself as he hath received power from the Father and expressing it to be his will and desire that they should participate of the same glory and be one with him as he is one with his Father Neverthelesse by this dignity given unto them they do not attaine unto the priviledge and preheminence that is due only unto their Head in that Hypostatical union into which he is taken but have that which belongs to them as the BRIDE the LAMBS WIFE in a secondary and subordinate way by marriage-union with Christ wherein they are one with Christ as he is one with the Father Heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ but a in weaker inferiour state of glory This is figured out by the woman who partakes of the same life and glory in kind with the man as she is his image or glory and so is as his equal yea one with him by marriage-union yet singly considered is in a state of subordination and inferiority to him And as thus we see what is the attainment unto which the right heirs of salvation do come by the resurrection from the dead when they shall be made like unto Christ and see him as he is so we also have hereby signified unto us what the wicked do arrive unto who must also partake of the resurrection from the dead and be raised up in dishonour to everlasting contempt and that consists first in their being made equal in the first degree of the resurrection with wicked Angels and fit associates for them as spirits perfected to be kept up as vessels of dishonour in a way of contempt Secondly in that state of dishonour into which their body returnes at the resurrection thereof wherein it becomes incorruptible never to be changed more And now for as much as in this manifestation of the sons of God there shall be found the perfect use of the natural sences of their minde and body wholly subjected by the Crosse of Christ to their spiritual and heavenly in this perfect and compleat exercise of their natural sences they shall hold forth that Law of righteousnesse and the obedience thereof unto which natural men in those dayes shall be required to conform who shall for that end not only be set at liberty from the bondage of corruption but stand free from the assaults and wiles of Satan who shall be bound up from molesting them and be moreover advantaged with all needful and requisite helps and meanes to further them therein under the influence of a Ministery and Magistracy brought forth in the highest and utmost perfection and purity that can be enjoyed on earth managed by the person of Christ himself and the whole GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the first-borne The book of the creatures shall also be made legible in the fairest characters wherein they can be written out and the Scriptures opened in the highest degree of clearnesse and full comprehensivenesse thereof an instance of which Christ gave after his resurrection Luke 24. 27. who beginning at Moses and all the Prophets expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself which will be the general practice of the Saints after their resurrection all along the thousand yeares Reigne Hence it is that besides the change that we have already spoken of which is peculiar to the Saints there shall be brought forth by the Saints as the secondary meanes in Christs hand a most glorious change next in order unto theirs upon the whole creation as we have already laid open in general which in reference to men the principal part of it shall be as a state of common salvation mutable and temporary to the affording of the highest example and proof that possibly can be given of this common state of purity and excellency appertaining to the natural man which men have so generally admired and been so fond of from the beginning of the world to this time Then it will shew it self in its kind and plainly discover what it will signifie and amount unto at its best where it shall be only reteined single and want the benefit of association and consortship with the spiritual sences which are found in the minde of true Saints to the making Christ admired in all them that do beleeve and to the abasing and entirely bringing down the pride and glory of all flesh Thus Christ as sitting upon this Throne of his glory and his Saints with him shall make all things new by bringing forth the second change before mentioned which shall come upon the world the former things as old being made to passe away and to receive a consuming by fire that all things may be renewed and restored into their first purity and natural perfection throughout the whole first creation in all the parts and members of it by vertue of the powerful influence that shall come from this healing refreshing presence of the Lord in with his Saints for that purpose at which time he shall make good that saying of the Apostle Paul 1 Cor. 3. 22 23. All things are yours and you are Christs and Christ is Gods by granting a general day of JUBILE and release unto all natural beings then in the world from under the power of sin and Satan and setting up means for the keeping and