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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16785 An apologie and true declaration of the institution and endeuours of the tvvo English colleges, the one in Rome, the other novv resident in Rhemes against certaine sinister informations giuen vp against the same. Allen, William, 1532-1594. 1581 (1581) STC 369; ESTC S122355 72,955 248

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Logician in the Vniuersities or schooles of Sectaries but he vvil oppose him self boldly against al the Church vvith this pretext alvvaies that Gods mere vvord so they call their Bible falsely corruptly and deceitfully translated together vvith as foul fantastical and false suppositions deduced out of the same must be folovved before al mens doctrines and inuentions And generally al Sectmaisters to abuse the people them selues shamefully deceiued before make the state of the controuersie betvvixt them and the Catholikes their aduersaries to be this Vvhether they grounding their doctrine on Gods mere vvord are to be beleued rather then their aduersaries founding theirs vpon mans traditions and fantasies Vvhere that is not the poynt of the doubt but this vvhether the vvord and vvritten letter being redde acknovvledged and common to both they haue the true sense and vnderstanding of it rather then vve and vvhether they folovv fansie that be ledde by their ovvne priuate spirit or vve that leane to the Spirit of the Church Novv then al men must knovv that as it is the propertie of the Protestants and such others to call the sense that them selues of pride and ignorance make choise of Gods mere vvord so also to terme the holy Churches sense or interpretation mans fansie or inuention Vvheras euer the priuate singular nevv and particular spirit is fansie and the common vniuersal old and Catholike interpretation is the true and mere vvord of God vvhervpon our doctrine and trayning vp the Studēts in these Catholike Colleges are grounded And the very drift of Catholike schooles in these daies must be to dravv men from phantasie priuate imagination and liking of their ovvne iudgement to the trusting of al the learned fathers of al ages to the beleefe of the Catholike Church according to a Christians profession to obey in doubtes of doctrine the holy Councels and other authentical Iudgements vvhich Christ hath left in his Church for that purpose to vvhich end vve do svveare al that take degree according to the ordinance of the holy Councel of Trent that they shal during their life in al their preaching teaching disputing vvriting and othervvise expound the holy Scriptures as neere as they can secundum vnanimem consensum Patrum according to the vniforme and agreable sense of the Fathers This is not to bring vp men according to fansies but according to the promised Spirit of truth This is to auoid the particular presumptiō of Heretikes vvho are vvholy so caried avvay vvith the priuate spirit of pride and contention that they frame to them selues certaine platformes of doctrine according to euery of their particular Sectes vvhich they call their analogie of faith and dravv Gods vvord vnto it making it to sovvnd and say vvhatsoeuer they dreame of And therfore S. Augustine noted this to be the propertie of Faustus the Manichée and the like so to handle the matter by much talking of Scriptures that al the authoritie therof might be subiect to them selues and yeld no other meaning then their fansie allovved of To auoid therfore these partial spirits vve imitate in our learning and teaching as neere as the time and opportunitie of things do suffer vs holy S. Basil and S. Gregorie Nazianzene of vvhom thus Ruffinus vvriteth For the space of thirtene yeres they studied only the bookes of holy Scripture and the vnderstanding of the same they folowed not of their owne presumption but of the vvritings and anthoritie of their forefathers vvho also them selues vvere vvel knovven to haue receiued the rule of vnderstanding by succession from the Apostles Vve teach and learne humility and obedience to our Prelates vve teach all ours to knovv and keepe those traditions vvhich the Apostle commendeth to his flockes both vvritten and vnvvrittē those precepts of the Ancients and the like of our Superiors that the faithful in the Actes vvere cōmaunded to obserue according to the difference of things and times prescribed by the gouernours of our soules In al doubtes vve resolue our selues by the definition of holy Doctors Councels and See Apostolike to vvhich Christ hath giuen the Spirit of truth the right sense of holy Scriptures and the grace of discerning the false priuate spirits of errour from the true common Spirit of Christian Catholike people Vve teach them that such precepts and traditions as be in Scriptures commended vnto vs and al other holy Churches decrees are vntruely called the traditions or commaundements of men in the sense of Heretikes for that they be the Ordinances of the holy Ghost vvho continually assisteth our lavvful Pastor in the due regiment of our soules Vve teach them that the Scriptures be hard and high and many vvaies misconstrued to damnation that Manes Arius Macedonius Eutyches Sabellius Pelagius though they redde the Scriptutes and as much vaunted thē selues therof as the Caluinists novv do yet erred and misconstrued them shamefully and that the Protestants therfore may so do and in deede do folovving the like particular contentious and disobedient spirits as they did Vve tel thē of S. Augustines experiēce That Heretikes by daily contentions and fightes raise vp mistes and smoke vnto them selues that they can not conceiue the truth vvhich is hardly seen euē of a stil and quiet mind And againe Heretikes piking out such sentēces and chapters of Scripture as simple men vnderstand not by them do deceiue the ignorant soules which by curiositie are easily misledde because euery vnlearned soul is curious But he that hath well learned the Catholike faith spred throughout the vvhole vvorld and is armed vvith good maners and true pietie can not be deceiued Vve teach our Scholers that the ancient fathers of al ages agreing together are more like to vnderstand the Scriptures then the Protestāts and that if humility make any thing in this case as it doth al they vvere more humble then the Protestants if studie and diligence be required they passe them if great knovvledge in al sciences our good felovves be not comparable if the tonges diuers had the cheefe of them naturally vvherof ours get but a smal tast by art if much exercise of reading conferring comparing expounding the Scriptures help to vnderstād them hovv far they excel our delicate Doctors their vvorkes and infinite treatises do vvitnesse if prayer serue any thing for attaining truth and Gods spirit vvithout vvhich no such verities cā be knovven surely to cōpare onely their deuotions vvatchings fastes sacrifices to these companions endeuours vvere a great iniurie and ridiculous if to be void of vvordly distractions to liue single and chast vvhich to the onely studie of Philosophie vvas of old thought conuenient profit to the knovvledge of Diuinitie the Protestants haue no great aduantage if Gods great graces and vertues euen to the vvorkes of miracles and sustaining Martyrdom and so high holines of life that they are beleued of al Catholike men and not denyed of Heretikes to be in heauen help to the vnderstāding of
vvorldes past haue giuen sentence against that strange claime of spiritual iurisdiction vvith your Bishops imprisoned your poore subiects banished your Catholike Priests and people afflicted vvith al your auncestours O Lord Christ o Madam my Liege should Chrysostom Ambrose Gregorie Hilarie Leontius Osius Athanasius and the rest not be heard in your Parliament be deposed be emprisoned be executed No it vvould not agree vvith your good nature vvisdom and clemencie Heare them then for your soules sake vvithout the saluation vvherof al these mortal ioyes titles crovvnes and Kingdoms shal turne you vvhich God of his infinite mercie forbid to immortal miserie The very duety of our Priesthod the zeale of God and the honour and respect of your Princely state moue vs in al loyal humilitie to vvarne your Ma. tie of that vvhich being necessarie to your ovvne and the vvhole Realmes eternal good may not nor can not in that preeminent height of dignitie and contrarie lavves be told your Ma. tie at home most humbly vpon our knees desiring pardon for our plainesse and sinceritie for his sake of vvhom you also and al earthly Princes must aske pardō for your sinnes Though your Ma. tie in yonger yeres your iudgemēt knovvledge and experience not then so mature as aftervvard and at the beginning of your reigne vvhen the sense and feeling of some rigour tovvard your noble person in the former gouernemēt vvas yet fresh and had somevvhat alienated your Highnes mind from the Church and state Catholike and much more by the forcible motions of others persuading you to alteration vpon opinion of better security of your scepter vvhich vvas an vntrue and an vndutiful suggestion though your Ma. tie vvere then in maner by importunitie induced to chaunge for vve haue been credibly enformed that of your ovvne inclinatiō you vvere not desirous but very loth to admit being a vvoman and the only vvoman that euer did the title of the Churches gouernemēt Yet novv Madam after so many yeres of prosperous regiment your seat established in long peace and securitie your mind endued vvith more mature knovvledge and experience your daies dravving you neerer and neerer your death iudgement and accoumpt vvhich be necessarie cogitatiōs for Princes no lesse but rather somevvhat more then for poore men Consider deeply hovv to reduce your self and your Realme to the Catholike society of so many noble Prelates and Princes present and past hovv your Ma. tie may giue solace to innumerable oppressed soules your loyal subiectes that out of banishments prisonments chaines and dungeons lift vp their hands and hartes to God and your Ma. tie for the same Your Highnes noble father as of vvorthy and vvise mē vve haue heard vvas fully determined to giue ouer the title of Supremacie and vnite him self and his Realme to the See and Church Apostolike againe but being preuented by death could not accomplish his most necessarie and honorable designement and therfore may be both an example and a vvarning to your Ma. tie the last of al his deerest Children to accomplish that thing vvhich to his great vvisdom at the very going out of this life vvas thought so necessarie for his soul his people and posterity Vvhich diuers Princes and Prouinces begin novv to thinke vpon more seriously then before as of Polonia Suetia Transyluania knovving vvhy and of vvhom S. Hierom said Qui tecum non colligit spargit and finding it the honorablest condition to ioyne to that Catholike Queene to vvhom God hath giuen the vvhole vvorld for dourie as one of the fathers speaketh Incline your hart for Christes loue gratious Lady to our humble sute made for your ovvne soul and be not offended vvith your poore subiects for mouing your Ma. tie in so plaine termes in Gods and the Churches cause Vvherein if our Lord of his secret iudgement permit vs not to be heard yet in doing so dutiful and endeuour vve can not loose our labours for vvhich vve must be alvvaies ready as God shal please to loose our liues In the meane time not repugning nor resisting any your Ma. ties or the Realmes temporal lavves vve trust no reasonable man can reproue vs if vve refuse to be obedient to the pretended lavves of religion vvhich vve thinke in conscience and can proue to be against the lavves of God and not consonant to any iust and truely called lavves of our Countrie ❧ That the Students of the said Seminaries be not trained vp in erroneous doctrine CHAP. V. FOR our liuing against Gods lavves and the Realmes vve haue giuē our accoūpt And novv concerning the doctrine vvherein vve traine our scholers vve are charged that it is false and erroneous grounded on fansies and vaine traditions of men and not Gods mere vvord Vvhich accusations phrases and fashion of speach are proceded from the nevv pulpits vvhich borovved them of old Sectes For they are common to al such sortes in euery age and diuersitie of opinions repugnant to the Catholike truth and Church And that the old Maisters of errours did so speake vve giue this example out of S. Augustine vvho reporteth Maximinus the Arian Bishopsvvordes vnto him thus If thou alleage any thing of the Sctiptures which is common to vs al we must needes heare it but these sayings that be not in the Sctiptures haue no weight with vs in any case seeing the Lord admonisheth vs and saith without cause they serue me teaching the commaundements and precepts of men And againe in the same booke I wish and pray alwaies to be a scholer of the holy Scriptures if thou alleage any where that which is written we wil be disciples of holy writte This felovv you see after the ordinary of Heretikes vvas bold to compare him self to no lesse Clerke then Saint Augustine and to offer him the combat also vvith this prety prouiso that he vvould be vrged vvith nothing but Scriptures vvhich novv a daies is called the mere vvord of God making exception against al other things that Catholike men vse to alleage for the true meaning of the holy Scriptures as against the fansies precepts and traditions of men Vvhich vulgar flight rather then fight of such felovves the said Doctor contemneth not vouchsauing it an ansvver but calling his aduersarie to the matter telling him that these and such like vaine and void florishes be cōmon to al sortes and sides as they be in deede not only Catholikes to vvhom as vvel the possession custodie and vse of the Scriptures as the true sense and interpretation of the same do properly and onely appertaine iustly chalenging them but al Sectes of Heretikes be their opinions neuer so improbable and learning neuer so smal making claime that vvay and presumptuously contemning and cōdemning al the learning and the vvisdom of the vvorld or Church for folly and phantasie There is not the poorest artificer of al the Anabaptistes in Holland or of the Puritans Brethren of loue and Protestants in England nor the yongest Grammarian or