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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06509 The images of a verye Chrysten bysshop, and of a couterfayte bysshop Luther, Martin, 1483-1546.; Marshall, William, fl. 1535. 1536 (1536) STC 16983.5; ESTC S120764 81,924 308

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counsaylled That worde cytie dothe betoken there by the determynacyon of the church of Rome and of vs an hole prouynce or kyngdome For yf it be lawfull and free for the pope to chaunge the true sense of scripture which the wordes and argumentes do declare fortyfye why shulde it not also be ī his lybertie power after his owne lust and pleasure to chaunge and tourne clene contrary wayes bothe the wordes and the vocabules of the same For wordes to vse theyr owne paradoxe doo sygnyfye at pleasure Wordes do sygnyfy at pleasure Wherfore as soone as it shall please any such so myghtie and so well mytred and hatted a papyste or as soone as it shal come to his mynde vpon his wyne benche both the Greke and also the Latyne lettres and wordes shall be constrayned to goo in to an other nature so that yf it lyke them well from hensforthe this worde garden shall betoken a cytie and a starre a stabule Garden Cytie Starre and an asse a man And yf any man that thynketh hym selfe wyse wyl here obiecte agaynst me and saye hytherto thou haste rebuked the pope and now thou dyspraysest the bysshops what then wylte thou alone confunde mengle and tourne all thynges vp and downe Here I saye who soeuer thou arte that doste thynke these thynges be thou thy selfe whiche arte the dysputer bothe iudge and vmpyer I saye I appeale vnto the thy selfe as iudge all affeccyons layde aparte gyue thou thyne owne selfe the sentence Maye I not by ryght here make that answere vnto the bysshops Besias Achab. whiche Helyas made to kynge Achab in the .xviii. chapitre of that thyrde boke of kynges IT is not I that troble disquyet Israel but you c. I Say discerue and iudge thy selfe Who tour neth all thynges vp sette downe whether of vs is here in the defaulte whether I do tourne all thyngꝭ vp downe and the wronge waye so as they do compleyne which do teache the worde of god that clere ordenaunce and decre of the holy ghost or elles they which teachyng theyr owne ordynacyon do extyncte the ordynaunces of god Tel me whether of these two thynges is more tollerable whether lesse agaynst equytie that they shulde ouertourne destroy the ordinaunce of god or elles that I do ouerthrowe and cast downe the deuylysshe furyes and madnesses of them theyr erroneous humane ordynaunces do not consydre here what I do but consydre the very thynges selues wherupon I do pryncipally groūde which of them selues do this thyng that is to wyt the worde of god the scriptures The offyce duetie of a preacher The preacher ought not so mochto regard and consydre what maner men howe great howe myghtie they be agaynst whome he doth preache or what he may gette by his sermones but this thynge onely and nothynge elles he ought to care for that he may preache the pure word of god for this is not to be watred or to be attempred and made to agre vnto the affeccyons of men what soeuer thynges maye chaunce or elles maye be feared to be done vnto hym of man This worde I say is purely and syncerely to be preached althoughe not onely the bysshops but also all the aungelles of heuen wolde resyste saye agaynst it Nowe yf thou wylte here agayne obiecte that they are very great very hygh very wyse and very well learned men after the worldely iudgemente agaynst whome I do wryte these thyngꝭ I answere vnto the Peter Paule and all the prophetes dyd prophecye before that there shulde not come a more and vengeable myschyef vpon the earthe then that of Antechryste and of the last dayes Dost thou suppose these so hyghe wordes of the holy ghost to haue ben spoken of the leues of trees or of small trysles The worde of god as it appereth in the prophetes alwayes speaketh agaynst kyngdomes agaynst peoples of great thynges agaynst them that are the heddes amonge the people agaynst many great nacyons whiche way soeuer thou dost loke they are vtterly great and wondrefull thynges wherof god dothe speake How moch more lykely is it thā that they shulde be great noble worshypfull and very wyse men as concernyng the flesshe which shall be the doers and workers of this extreme myschyef of the last dayes wherof all the prophetes haue prophecyed and spoken before namely seynge that the scripture dothe speake so horryble thynges of these tymes THat is to wytte that no flesshe shall be saued except those dayes were shortened And in an other place that the sone of man at his cōmyng shal scasely fynde any fayth vpon earthe And also that euen the very electe and chosen persones shulde be seduced and led out of the ryght waye yf it were possyble I Beseche requyre the good chrysten reader I beseche the for Chrystes sake consydre well waye these wordes For they are not wordꝭ spoken of any lyghte persone vpon his ale or wyne benche neyther yet any inuencyons of mannes mynde but the wordes of the eternal maiestie For yf thou do cōsydre these wordes stedfastedly with good aduysemēt thou shalt fynde the they shal be great men mē of myght power that it shal be a myghtie kyngdome which shal do and worke this last great most sore vengeable mischyef as the pope his bysshops other his prelates are in very dede bryefly what matyer I praye you maketh it how great how hygh how connyng they are seynge that it is more euydent and clere then daye that all they and theyr doctryne is agaynst god Is not god greater and hygher then all creatures The great Turke also is a great lorde of many prouynces the furke greater then is any of them and yet he is agaynst god and the enemye of god And here agayne I gesse what they wyll obiecte For all that saye they oftentymes manye sayntes haue ben bysshops not onely of one cytie but of many cyties I make answere As many as haue ben holy bisshops in very dede and called pastours by the callynge of god all those for the moste parte were the bysshops of one cytie alone as Cypriane Hilary Ambrose Augustyne Hireneus and these obserued the tradycyon of the Apostles it is founde in dede in hystoriographers that there haue bencerteyne suche was holy Boniface Boniface Tite and suche also Tite vnto Paule whiche dyd after theyr owne iudgemēt constytute other bysshops in the cyties as Titus dyd but yet were they not therfore the bysshops of many cyties And albeit that suche maner example coulde be shewed of the sayntes The exampfes of holy men maye not be preiudicyaff to goddes holy worde For all men may erre shall the examples of holy men be preiudycyal to the worde of god Is not god greater then all sayntes howe oftentymes dowe fynde that holy men haue synned and erred God saued Daniel in the dungeon of Lyons he saued
as moche as I am prouoked with so iuste grefe For not without cause we chrysten men doo sorowe with herte and mynde whiche be dayly compelled to se and suffre so shamefull so manyfest and so furyous blasphemye agaynst god For euen this one thynge alone the bysshops were worthy to be far more sore rebuked of me For all thynges what soeuer I am able to saye or to crye out be they neuer so hote so sore and so vehement yet are they to lytle for to expresse scasely the thousande part of so excedynge and vnmeasurable madnes Paule the Apostle dothe boldlye condempne bothe hym selfe and also the aungelles of heuen yf they wolde teache I do not saye any thynge agaynst the gospell any thynge besydes that which is pure gospell what wolde he thē do now to those mē whiche do teache not onely besydes the gospell but also with more then fantastycall madnes or with more then deuylysshe boldnes do openly teache thynges contrary to the gospell And let no man thynke it to be spoken agaynst the ecclesyastycal state agaynst true bysshops or good pastours He rebuketh no vertuous estates what soeuer is sayd agaynst these tyrauntes Let no man thynke it to be sayde or done agaynst the heddes and gouernours of Chrystes churche what soeuer is sayde or done agaynst these slouthefull ydle and sluggysshe beastes gyuen all to the belye For they are not bysshops but playne Idoles and dumbe ymages / ydle puppettes vysurꝭ blockes / shadowes / dysguysed game players / which do not so moche as knowe what this worde Episcopus / that is to saye bysshoppe dothe sygnyfye / so farre of they be from knowynge what is the offyce or duytie of a bysshoppe / wylte thou that I tell the at one worde what they are wolues they are tyrauntes / traytoures / manquellers / mōsters of the worlde burdeynes of the earthe / the apostles of Antechryste grauē made to corrupte and destroye the worlde and to extincte destroy the gospell And to vtter at ones what I thynke Lo I wyll here playe the bedell or cōmen cryer Be it knowen to al men that the bysshoppes of Rome with theyr clyentes bysshops which do now exercyse tyranny vpon so many cyties in moste ample and large domynyon are not bysshops by the ordynacyon of god but by errour and by the seduccyon of the deuyll and by the tradycyons of men Wherfore without doubte they are the messangers and vycars of Satan yf I do not shew and proue this by so euydent testymonyes that myne enemyes shall be constrayned to confesse this verytie and that euen them selues so that they do meanely repent and waxe wyse can not denye it then let thē be bysshops then let me be thoughte to do iniurye vnto them Fyrste Paule wryteth vnto Tite that he shulde constytute and ordeyne presbyte ros in euery towne presbyter Here I suppose that no man can denye that all one thynge is sygnyfyed by this worde bresbyter and by this worde Episcopus in saynt Paules wrytinges for as moch as he dothe bydde Tite that he shulde in euery cytie constytute presbyteros And because a bysshop ought to be vnreproueable therfore he calleth hym presbyterum It is euydēt therfore what Paule doth sygnyfye meane by this worde Episcopus Episcopus bysshop that is to saye a man excellently good vertuous of rype age whiche also hath a chaste wyfe and chyldren obedyent in the feare of the lorde And the Apostle wyll that he shulde haue the ouersyghte and gouernaunce of the congregacyon in the mynysterye of the worde and the admynystracyon of the sacramentes Wherfore it is necessarye also that he be learned and well exercysed in the scriptures and also as touchyng his lyfe vnreproueable I beseche the is there any man here so moche a stone that he can eyther denye these wordes of the apostle or elles wrest them to any other sense yf he do consydre and waye well the wordes that goo before and that folowe after Besydes this it pleaseth me here to aske one question whether the worde of saynte Paule be the worde of god whether the ordynacyon of the Apostle be the ordynaunce of god For I am assured that neyther the pope neyther the deuyll hym selfe althoughe bothe of them do busylye stryue labour all that euer they can to extyncte destroy the worde of god dare denye this the Paules worde is goddes worde the worde of saynte Paule and that Paules ordynacyon is the instytucyon and ordynaunce of the spyryte of god For albeit that the worde of god doth greatly greue the deuyll yet he dare not denye it but onely he vseth these subteltyes and deuylysshe craftes that vnder the colour and cloke of the worde of god and vnder hypochrysie he may doo entrepryse all thynges contrarye to the worde yf then it be the worde of god and the ordynacion of the holy ghoste what soeuer Paule doth saye or ordeyne it foloweth that what soeuer thynge is done contrary to his worde and ordynacion the same is done agaynst god and contrarye to the ordynaunce of the holy ghoste Nowe yf it be agaynst god and his spyryte vndoubtedly it is of the deuyll Coulde this thynge be any more clere coulde it be more euydēt is there yet any thyng wherof any man may doubt For how can god be cōtrarye to hym selfe seynge that Chryst sayth that Luce. vi EUen the deuyll hym selfe is not repugnaunt nor contrarye to hym selfe SEcondarely it foloweth that all chrysten men are bounden vnder payne of goddes indygnacyon and of euerlastyng deathe to maynteyne defende the worde ordynaunce of god which saynt Paule doth teache And contrary wyse agayne they are as moch boundē to impugne to destroy to ouerthrowe and vtterly to extyncte the ordynaunce of the deuyll whiche is so repugnaunt and contrarye to god and his ordynaunce and let them spēde about this yf nede requyre as when they shall be called by the hygh powers both theyr goodes and theyr frendes and also theyr lyfe and theyr bloode or els they can not extyncte and destroy it at the least wyse let them eschewe it and flee from it as from abhominacyon and from the deuyll hym selfe This thyng verely is open and manyfest For all thynges are to be forsaken for the defence and mayntenaunce of the worde of god that his wyll may be fulfylled both in heuē and in earthe and the errours of the deuyll are to be plucked vp by the rootes afore all thynges to the vttermost of our power Herunto now take you hede you bisshops For in as moche as ye delyte so moche in bulles I shall reade vnto you a bull of a newe makynge I pray god it may please you ¶ The bulle of the author and reformacyon ALl men who soeuer they be whiche by all honest lawfull meanes do spende bestowe theyr goodes honour bloode lyfe to the ende that these bysshoprykes so pompous and