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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09094 A brief discours contayning certayne reasons why Catholiques refuse to goe to church. Written by a learned and vertuous man, to a friend of his in England. And dedicated by I.H. to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie Parsons, Robert, 1546-1610. 1580 (1580) STC 19394; ESTC S102386 63,624 177

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Protestants to present thē selues to our Catholique Churches which he according to their blasphemous spirit calleth idolatrous His wordes are these I beleue and confesse that it is not lawful for any Christian to be assistant nether in spirit nor body at the Sacrifices of idolatours nor also to enter into their Temples whilst they are doeing their idolatries and Sacrifices excepte it be to rebuke them in shewinge them their abuses and to teach them the truth as the holy Apostles and Prophets haue done and not for to dissemble as hipocrites For if the body be a creature of God as it is as the soule is the temple of the holy Ghost and member of the mistical bodye of Christ and if it must one day rise agayne and possesse the eternal lyfe with the soule It must also necessarily be that it be altogether geuen vnto the seruice of God in this world with the soule and spirite otherwise they can not be ioyned together after the general resurrection but being seperated the one should be in heauen with God whom he loued and the other in hel with the deuil whom he serued the which is an impossible thinge Therefore I say al those dissimulations to be a verye renouncinge of Christ and of his Ghospel And in lyke manner I beleeue and confesse that all those fayned and false shewes by which the veritye of the Ghospel is hidden and the word of God despysed or by which the ignorant and infidel is confirmed in his errour or by which the weake is offended are not of God but of Sathan altogether contrarye vnto the truth of the worde Therefore we must not halt of both sides but goe vpryghtlye before that greate God which seethe behouldeth and knoweth all thinges euen before they are begonne Loehéere We sée the sentence of their Doctours to the contrarye whoe presse vs so much to goe to their Churches agaynst our consciences If errour finde such zeale what zeale ought truthe to haue If these fellowes eche of them for the defence of their pryuate fond fancies be contente most willyngelye to aduenture anye daunger or extremitye what so euer rather then to come to the true Catholicke Church wherein they were borne and to the which in Baptisme they swore obedience why should such blame be layde vpon vs for standing in defence of our consciences and for refusinge to goe to their churches wherein we were nether borne nor bred vp nor euer persuaded that they had any truth or holines in them This reason only may suffice any resonable man especiallye the Protestant except he wil mislike with his owne doctrine which condemneth me of hipocrisie dissimulation and renouncinge of Christ and his Gospel If I present but my only bodye to the churches of them whos religion I am not persuaded to be trew The which sayinge of his in a sence hath good reason albeit the wordes and meaning be wicked For if there be no man ether so foolish or impious in the world but must néeds thincke that one onelye religion amongst Christians is trew and al other false And if euerye man which hath anye religion and is resolued therein must néedes presuppose this only truth to be in his own religion then it followeth necessarily that he must likewyse persuade him selfe that all other religions besides his owne are false and erroneous and consequently al assemblies conuenticles and publike actes of the same to be wicked damnable dishonorable to God contumelious to Christ and therfore to his cōscience which thinketh so detestable Now then suppose the case thus I know in England certayne places where at certayne tymes and dayes assemblies are made by certaine men in shewe to honour and commend but in my conceate to dishonour dispraise and impugne the maiesty of my most dread soueraigne Ladye the Quéene And I am inuited thither to heare the same by my parentes kinsmen and acquaintance nay I am enforced thither by the greatest autoritie that vnder her maiestye may cōmaunde me Tel me nowe If I should goe thyther vnder anye pretence whatsoeuer of gratefiinge my frendes or by commandement of any her inferior powers can her Maiestie take it well or accounte of me better then of a trayterous catyue for yelding my selfe to stay there to heare them to countenance their doinges with my presence to hould my peace when they speake euill of her to hould my handes whiles they slaunder her and finallye to saye nothing whiles they induce other men to forsake her and her cause And if her Maiestie or anye other Prince in the Worlde could not beare at their subiectes handes any suche dissimulation trecherye or treason how much lesse shall the omnipotent Maiestye of God who requireth and deserueth muche more exact seruice at our handes beare this dissimulation and trayterous dealing of ours if we be content for temporall respectes and for satisfaction of anye mortall power lesse then him selfe to present our selues to such places and assemblies where we shal heare his Maiestie dishonoured his Sonne slādered his holy Woorde falsified his Church impugned his Sayntes and Martirs discredited his Byshopes and Pastours reuyled and all the whole Ecclesiastical Ierarchye rent broken disseuered and turned vpsydowne and his people purchased with his Blood and dearer vnto him then his own lyfe excited and sturred vp against him his ministers and by swéet woordes and gaye benedictiōs slocked away to the slaughter house of heresie What Noble man is there in the world which could take it wel if he should sée his frende and much-more his Sonne in the companie of his professed enemye at such tyme principallye as he knoweth that his enemye abuseth him in spéeche and séeketh most his discredit and dyshonour but especiallye if hee should see hym come in open assemblye of the worlde to the barre against him in companye with his aduersarie when his sayd aduersarie cōmeth of set purpose to deface him as heretiques doe to their churches and pulpets to dishonour God I think I saye he could hardly beare it And shal such disdayne be taken by a mortal man for a litle iniurie and discurtesie shewed and shal not the iustice of God be reuenged vppon our trechery and dissimulation in his cause If I geue my seruant but fortie shillinges a yeare yet I thinke him bound to defend me in al poynts and causes to be frind to my frindes enemye to my aduersaries to vphoulde my credit maintayn my honour to resift my detractors and to reuenge him selfe vppon my euilwillers and if he can be content to hould his peace hearing me euil spoken of and to put vp my flander without opening his mouth I wil account him vnworthye to weare my clothe how much more inexcusable shal we be at the dreadful daye of Indgment if we receauing at our Lord and masters handes such extraordinarie pay for our seruice in this lyfe and expecting further and aboue this all that himselfe is
Psalmes in the stretes of Constantinople therby to allure the people to them And yet we may not say that their seruice was good like as we cānot say that the deuils talke was good with Christ albeit it were decked with allegation of scripture and other swéete words Although therfore their seruice be ful of scripture it is noe good argument that it is therfore infallible good For as S. Ierome sayeth of al Hereticks What soeuer they speake or thincke that they doe speake in the prayse of God it is the howling of woolues the bellowinge noyse of madde bullocks The reason whereof is that which the scholler of the Apostles S. Ignatius sayeth No man can cal him good or saye he doth wel that doth mingle euil with good Wherfore S. Augustine sayeth of the Donatistes schismatickes and Heretickes of his tyme that albeit they did sounde out Alleluia with as lusty a voyce as the Catholickes did and in many things else did agrée in Seruice with them more then now the Protestants doe with vs yet their seruice was impious and auayled them nothing And a litle after vpon the wordes of God vttered by the Prophete sayinge In manye thinges they were with me c. S. Austin sayeth thus God granteth that Heretyckes in many thinges are with him as in Sacramentes Cerimonies and the lyke But yet for all that they are not with me saieth God in al thinges For in that they are in schisme they are not with me in that they are in heresie they are not with me and therefore for these few things in the which they are not with me thos other many thinges in the which they are with me shal profit them nothing To come nerer to our purpose their owne Apostle and second Elias as they 〈◊〉 him Luther cōdemneth al their whole seruise for the denying onely of the real presence saying The Sacramentaries doe in vaine beleeue in God the father in God the sonne and in the holye Ghost and in Christ our Sauyour al this doth auayle them nothinge seeynge they doe denye this one Article as false of the reall presence Where as Christe doth saye This is my body Loe héere this Prophet with the same spirite wherewith he cōdemneth the Popes he condemneth the Protestants why should we beleeue him more in the one then in the other But now to shew wherein the Protestants seruice is euil it were sufficient to say that it is deuised of them selues and altogether different from al the seruice of Christendome besids and therefore not to be receaued by Catholickes with whom they deale too chyldishelye when they say their seruice differeth in nothing from the ould Catholicke seruice but onelye because it is in English therby thinckinge to make the simple people to haue the lesse scruple to come to it The which how false it is it shal appeare by that which I wil saye hereafter I myghte also bringe the opinion of all the hotter forte of Protestantes called the Puritayns who in wrytinge sermons and priuate speache doe vtterlye condemne the seruice whiche nowe Protestantes haue and thereupon doe refrayne from it as much as Catholicks But I wil geue more perticuler reasons as foloweth First the scripture is read there in false and shameles translations contayning manifest and wilful corruptions to drawe it to their owne purposes as hath bene shewed in particuler by manye learned men in their worckes and is lyke to be shortly more playnlye by the grace of God As for example throughe out the scripture where Idoles are forbidden they translate it Images as in Sainte Iohn they reade Children keepe your selues from Images Whereas the scripture sayeth Idoles And this is to make simple men beléeue that Idoles and Images are al one which is absurde For then where Moyses sayethe That God made man accordinge to his owne Image We should consequently say God made man accordinge to hys owne Idole Againe where in contrarie maner S. Paule sayth That a couetous man maketh his mony his Idole We shoulde saye that he maketh it his Image The which howe foolishe it is euerye man seethe and it can not stande with anye sence of the Scripture The like absurde translations they haue in infinite other thinges which I cannot stande to rehearse Let some man reade the latter ende of the xy chapter of the second booke of the Machabies where he shal see what labour their Inglishe translatour taketh to shifte ouer the woordes of the Scripture which talk of oblatiōs and prayers for the dead and by that one place let euerye man iudge of his fidelitie in the reste For I am sure that if a Boye should soe corrupte Tullies epistles in translatinge them in a Grammer Scoole he should be bréeched for his labour The Scripture therfore being read there in false translations it muste néedes seme to be false which is blasphemis against the holy Ghost the indyter of them Soe that by this it appeareth that that part of their seruice which they pretende to be Scripture is no Scripture because it is by the malice of the interpretour false the whiche Scripture can not be Secondly the seruice that Christians ought only to goe to shoulde be sayd as also the Sacramentes administred by Priestes and such as haue receyued the Sacrament of holy orders as al the general Councels and Fathers of the Churche shewe vnto vs. And S. Paule when he saythe That no man maye take vnto him this honour but he that is called as Aaron was Wherfore the same Paul aduiseth the Bishope Timothie not to geue this dignytie vnto any man but vpon grete consideration saying Doe not laye thy handes rashlye vppon any man But nowe that ether all or the moste parte of mynisters of Englande be méere laye men and noe preistes and consequentlye haue noe authoritie in these thinges it is euidente for manye causes as wel for that they haue not receaued the vnder Orders which they should haue done before 〈◊〉 as appeareth by the auncyent Councel of Carthage wherin Saint Augustine was himselfe and by al the Fathers bothe before and since as allso because they are not ordayned by such a Bishoppe and Preist as the Catholicke Church hath put in that aucthoritye which admitteth noe man for Bishoppe which is not ordeyned by imposicion of thrée or two Catholicke Bishoppes handes at the least Of al which thinges none are to be founde amongest the Protestantes Thyrdlye their seruice is nought because they haue dyuers false and blasphemous thinges therein and that which is yet worse they soe place those things as they may séeme to the simple to be verye Scrypture As for example In the end of a certayne Geneua Psalme They praye to God to kéepe them from Pope Lurcks and Papistrye which is blasphemous First for ioyninge the supreme minister and substytute of Christ