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sense_n blood_n body_n wine_n 4,504 5 8.0226 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A73038 [The A B C with the catechism that is to saie, the instruction ... to be learned of euerie childe.] 1601 (1601) STC 20.7; ESTC S124489 9,147 30

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and without all bitternesse And to loue cherish and to nourish their wiues euen as their owne bodies Yea that Husbands ought to loue their wiues euen as Christ loued the Church and gaue himselfe for it to sanctifie it M. Shew me now how Wiues ought to behaue thēselues towards their Husbands S. I haue learned also that the same holy Apostles S. Paule and S. Peter do teach that wiues ought to reuerence their Husbands and that they should submit themselues and be obedient vnto their owne husbands as vnto the Lord for the Husband is the Wiues head euen as Christ is the head of the Church Therefore as the Church or Congregation is subiect vnto Christ so likewise the Wiues also should bee in subiection vnto their own Husbands in all things as is conuenient in the Lord euen as Sara obayed Abraham called him Lord. And Wiues are forbidden in the holie scriptures to weare gorgious or sumptuous apparell or broydred haire trimmed with gold But that after the example of holy womē that trusted in god they should be sober in outward apparell and be decked inwardly with vertues of their mindes as with gentlenes meekenes quietnes and chastitie which are most precious things in the sight of god M. How many Sacraments hath Christ ordayned in his Church S. Two Baptisme and the Supper of the Lord. M. What meanest thou by this word Sacrament S. I meane an outward and visible signe representing an inward and inuisible spirituall grace ordayned by Christ himselfe to testifie Gods good will and bountifulnes towards vs through the same Christ our Sauiour by the which Gods promises touching forgiuenes of sinnes and eternall saluation giuen through Christ are as it were sealed the truth of them is more certainely confirmed in our hearts M. How many parts then bée there in a Sacrament S. Two the outward visible signe and the inward spirituall grace M. What is the outward signe or forme in Baptisme S. Water wherein the person Baptised is dipped or sprinkled with it in the name of the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost M. What is the secret and spirituall grace S. Forgiuenes of sinnes regeneration or new birth Both which we haue by the death resurrectiō of Christ therof we haue a pledge seale in this Sacramēt M. Shew mée the effect of Baptisme yet more plainely S. Where by nature wee are none of Gods Church or houshould but through sin are the children of wrath most worthy of eternall damnation wee are by baptisme receiued into the Church and assured that we are now the Children of God ioyned and grafted into the body of Christ and become his members and doe grow into one body with him M. What is required of persons to be baptized S. Faith and Repentance M. Declare this more largely S. First wee must earnestly repent vs of our former wicked life and beleeue assuredly that we are clensed frō our sinnes by the blood of Christ and so made acceptable to God and that his holy spirit dwelleth in vs. And according to our profession promise made in baptisme wee ought to endeauour our selues to mortifie our flesh and by our godly life to shew that we haue put on Christ and haue his spirit giuen vs. M. Why then are Infants baptized when by reason of their tender age they cannot yet performe these things S. Because they belong to GODS Church and Gods blessing and promise made to the Church by Christ in the faith of the which Christ our Sauiour they are baptized pertayneth vnto thē Which when they come to age they must themselues learne beleeue and acknowledge and endeauour in their liues to expresse the dutie at their baptisme professed and promised M. What is the order of the Lords Supper S. The same which the Lord Christ did institute who in the same night that he was betraied tooke bread and when he had giuen thankes he brake it and gaue it to his disciples saying Take eate this is my body which is giuen for you doe this in remembrance of mee Likewise after Supper he tooke the cuppe and when he had giuen thanks he gaue it to them saying Drinke ye all of this for this is my blood of the newe Testament which is shed for you and for many for remission of sinnes do this as oft as ye shall drinke it in remembrance of me This forme and order we ought to hold truly to keepe and to celebrate deuoutly till he come againe M. To what vse S. For a continuall thankefull remembrance of his death and the benefites that wee receiue thereby And that as in baptisme we are borne againe so with the Lords Supper we are alwaies fed and sustained to spirituall euerlasting life And therefore it is ynough to bee once baptised as to be once borne but as we need oft to be fed so is the Lords Supper oft to be receiued M. What are the parts and matter of this Sacrament S. The matter and parts hereof euen as of baptisme are of two sorts the one is earthly and sensible the other is heauenly remoued from all outward senses M. What is the earthly and sensible part S. Bread and Wine both which matters the Lord hath expresly commanded all to receiue M. What is the heauenly part and matter remooued from all outward sences S. The body blod of Christ which are giuen taken eaten and drunken of the faithfull in the Lords supper only after a heauenly and spirituall maner but yet verely indeed Insomuch that as the Bread nourisheth our bodies so Christs body hath most singuler force spiritually by faith to feed our soules And as with wine mens hearts are cheered and their strengths confirmed so with his blood our soules are refreshed through faith which is the meane whereby the body blood of Christ are receiued in the Supper And that Christ as surely maketh them that beleeue in him partakers of his body and blood as they surely know that they haue receiued the bread wine with their mouths and stomacks M. Is then the bread and wine changed into the substance of the body blood of Christ S. No. For that were to destroy the nature of a sacrament which must consist both of heauenly and earthly matter M. Was this Supper ordayned of Christ to be offered as a Sacrifice to God the Fathe● for remission of sinnes S. No. For the burden of sin and damnation due vnto it is so great horrible that the sonne of God Iesus Christ onely was able to offer sacrifice for our deliuerance frō the same When Christ therfore our Sauiour died vpon the crosse he once for all fullie made that euerlasting sacrifice acceptable to God the Father for the propitiation of sinne washing vs from the same in his blood for our saluation for euer hath left nothing for vs to do but firmely to fix our faith in him and thankefully to take the vse and benefite of that