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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B03609 A description of the true temple and worship of God. And Jesus Christ manifested to be the head of the Church, which is his body, and the onely pastour and also the members of the body of Christ, known by their fruits, from the synagogue of Antichrist, with a few words to the Romane Catholicks. Likewise the order of the church in God the body of Christ made manifest, and the disorder of the synagogue of Antichrist. Harwood, John. 1658 (1658) Wing H1103; Interim Tract Supplement Guide 4152.f.21[12]; ESTC R28064 21,102 30

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to have the rule over the spirituall man but thou fleshly man thy Strength is the Arm of flesh and thy weapons of Warre are carnal and thou canst not prevail against the man born of the Spirit for the Lord of hosts is his strength who is Mighty and Powerfull who will cut downe by the World of his Power the Sword of his Mouth and give him dominion over thee though thou use all thy craft and subtill policy for to bring the spirituall seed under thee yet thou shall know that God hath decreed the contrary for this is the day of the Lords mercy and the innocent seed which hath long been sore oppressed by the unrighteous generation of fleshly men shall now be freed from bondage and thraldome and I know the day draws nigh wherein this shall be fulfilled though the utmost of your wrath and cruelty you will manifest who walk in the flesh yet all your striving plotting and close combining and unrighteous decrees shall stand you in no stead for the elect seed according to the determinate Counsell of the Almighty God shall now be set free as well from out ward bondage as inward and shall reign and govern in righteousness over all the earth for evermore our God according to his promise for his elect sake will hasten his work a short work he will make upon the earth now woe woe to the oppressors of Sion great will be your misery pain and torment of your grief and sorrow there shall be no end but blessed art thou who art hated and despised persecuted and shamefully entreated mocked and scorned and not counted worthy to live upon the earth thy grief and sorrow shall be turned into everlasting joy thou shalt sing and be glad when thy enemies mourn and lament thy time of sorrow is come in remembrance with God and he will plead thy cause against thy oppressions and give thee ease and peace for ever and over the smoke of their torment shalt thou rejoyce and the time draweth night wherein our God will bring this to pass Gods people his Temple and who they are THe Apostle Paul writes unto the Corinthians in plain words concerning the Temple of God 1 Cor. 3.16 which might stop the mouths of all the Carnall professors upon the earth who call a stone-house their Church or Temple if the words were truly weighed and beleeved know ye not saith he that ye are the Temple of God and the spirit of God dwelleth in you if any defile the temple of God him shal God destroy for the temple of God is holy which temple ye are but the whole earth hath been covered with thick darkness in this long time of Apostacy that the understandings of most part of people hath been vailed and blinded that the knowledge of the truth and life of the holy Scriptures hath been sealed from them and are to thousands at this day who make a profession of it and by many thousands of people in this Nation and other Nations the stone houses the Idol Temples made with mens hands are called Churches and Temples and are esteemed to be more holy places then others though the Scripture clearly manifests to the true understanding Reader that the people of God are his Church or Temple 2 Cor. 6.16 ye are saith Paul to the Church of Corinth the Temple of the living God as God hath said I will dwell in them and walk in them take notice the people in whom God dwells and walks are his Temple but if any of Gods people whom he hath chosen to be his rabernacle do now bear restimony of the spirit of life dwelling in them it is by this dark generation of people counted presumption and by some blasphemy because it is beyond the reach of their carnal reason and sensuall wisdome which never shall enter into the true knowledge of this my stery god dwelling in man and man dwelling in God and furthermore Paul saith to to the Church at Corinth 1 Cor. 6.19 what know ye not that your body is the temple of the holy Spirit which is in you is not this a plain thing that the people of God are his temple and dwelling place if you will beleeve the Scriptures you cannot deny the truth of this which is so clearly made manifest And these are Gods people who walk in his light and Counsell who are borne againe of the incorruptible seed who have put off the old man with his deeds and put on the new man Christ Iesus and this is the same body as ever was the temple God dwells in the body purged from sin and corruption and this is the eternall tabernacle of God the new man Christ Jesus the same to day yesterday and for ever but such people as be in the corruptible nature not purged nor cleansed from sin and corruption are not the holy temple of God such as bring forth the fruits of unrighteousness and hath no experience of the in ward work of Gods living power in them but are ignorant of the work of repeneration they be none of the body of Christ the temple of God but the Synagogue of Satan the body of Anti-Christ for it is they and onely they who are borne of the spirit and walk after the spirit to walk after the spirit is to be led and guided by it which brings forth the peaceable fruit of righteousness which knows the operation of the divine power and the work of Regeneration wrought in them which are the true and onely temple of God ye who are Regenerate and born again of the immortall seed ye are the true Christians body of Christ temple of God and Gods dwelling house and tabernacle ye babes of God who through the eternall spirit hath mortified the Just and Concupiscence of the flesh Crucified the old man with his deeds from whom all old things are passed away who are created a new unto good works ye are the Church of the first borne your body is the temple of the eternall God and he will dwell in you and make his abode with you for ever The members of the body of Christ known by their fruits from the Synagogue of Anti-Christ YE who be of the body of Christ from sin and iniquity are purged and cleansed through the Spirit by which ye are baptised into the one body and ye cannot bring forth evill fruits ye are known one of another in the life of innocency though the world know ye not ye are meek loving and full of tender compassion ye cannot render evill for evill to no person ye are patient and long suffering willing freely to forgive them that trespass against you your humillity and moderation is manifest to the light in all consciences ye are not puft up with pride and conceitedness but are low and little in your own eyes ye cannot seek after earthly honour or riches but are contene with what the Lord provides for you and ye seek onely after honour of
practised nor commanded any such things to be observed therefore if it had not been confessed by one of your own professors I had known the rice and foundation of these things wherefore I say unto you view your foundation and be ashamed to take the name of Christians and build upon the Heathen and have no other example for your Ceremonies and traditions but the Heathenish Idolaters own your name according to your nature and disposition for the true and Innocent Christian followeth the example of Christ and hath no other foundation but the chief corner stone the true light Christ which hath enlightned every man that is come into the world and who are built on this sure foundation the rock of ages denyes and witnesses against all the Customs Ceremonies and foolish traditions of the Heathenish Idolaters and cannot follow their example in any thing but follow the true light Iesus Christ who gives his followers the light of life so that in love to your souls I desire you to cease from the customs of the Heathen from your vain traditions and foolish Ceremonies in which there is no life and follow Iesus Christ the everlasting unchangeable high Priest for in him is the life he is the substance the way truth and life and in him is the salvation but no salvation in your ceremonies and vain traditions truly my soul pitties you to see how you are blinded and kept in ignorance from the knowledge of the truth by the spirit of error which hath long deceived the Nations and yet are highly conceited of your selves and of your Religion which is made up of foolish and vain imaginations and inventions of the old crooked Serpent who through his subtilty hath deteined and deluded your Fore-fathers in the time of Apostacy and still makes a prey upon you their successours who cryes up the antiquity of your Religion as if the long continuance of it were sufficient to prove it to be the true Religon but then the lews who pretend to be Moses Disciples may plead the antiquity of their Religion who are of a longer standing then ye if antiquity were a sufficient proof and they have Scripture for their Temple-offerings and services in the old Testament but ye who pretend to be the Disciples of Christ have no Scripture in the new Testament for the upholding of your temple daily services ceremonies and traditions but all such things testified against by the holy men which gave the Scripture forth so that the rise and foundation of your Religion is the imagination and invention of the sensuall wisdome from which wisdome the secrets of God and the true Christian Religion is hid the Eternall God of power and infinit wisdome if it be his glorious will open your eyes that ye may see the vanity of externall things which ye feed upon and bring you to serve him in the spirit and to worship him in the truth that you may no longer feed upon carnall imaginations and inventions but upon the bread of life the substance which is the immortall food which refreshes and nourisheth the soul up to life eternall And all ye forms of Religion under what name or title soever who set up teachers amongst you and will not permit any to speak in your Assemblies but such as ye in your own wills set up and appoint ye are the people who heap to your selves teachers having Itching ears ye are out of the order of the Church in God where all the members have liberty to speak one by one in the disorder and cofusion which makes you manifest to be of the body of Anti-christ and not of the body of Christ the true Church the members of the body of Christ abide in his doctrine and follow the example of the true Christians every particular member having a word of exhortation as they are moved of the Lord may have free liberty to speak in the Saints Assembly according to the order of the Primitive Church the Church in God but ye who deny the order of the true Church and follow your own ways and imaginations manifest your disorder and shews that ye are our of the true way of God the true worship of God in the false way and worship ye know not what my wayes saith the Lord is not as the way of man my thoughts as the thoughts of man such as follow their own thoughts and their own imagined wayes goes out of the way of God the true light is the way of God and in it the will and minde of God is revealed and the power manifested which brings the creature into subjection makes subject to the requirings of God and brings to know the true Church the body of Christ and the true and perfect order thereof but this is not a fancy or a naturall light a thought or an imagination but a cross to all such things a living divine holy substantiall principle which manifests thoughts imaginations and inventions and the ground and rise of them which is the earthly sensuall wisdome in which God is not known nor served for God is light and in the light and truth is served and worshipped the children of light served God in the spirit and gloried in Iesus Christ Phil. 3. and put no confidence in the flesh carnall professors the upholders of carnal l Ordinances Rudiments weak and beggerly elements are led by their fleshly imaginations to uphold such shadows without life and be from the spirit the substance in which is the life wherein God is served and worshipped in which the Saints in light served God in the former ages as in this age but the flesh delights in the observation of carnal ordinances because they have their rise and foundation from its imagination and it glories in what it doth invent but all such glorying is vaine he that glorieth let him glory in the truth in the Lord and let no man trust to the arme of flesh nor put confidence in its imagination for all that glory in the flesh their glory will be turned into shame and confusion Take notice the end of fleshly glory is confusion and shame and ye who are highly pust up and exalted in your fleshly knowledge and wisdome God will bring down and abase and confound for no flesh shall glory in the pure presence of God and the poor in spirit the meek and lowly in heart God will raise up and exalt over all the earth in this the day of his power wherein he is bringing great and mervelous things to pass which hath not been seen in many ages his own sheep he will gather into his fold and them preserve by the arme of his eternall power and will scatter and consume the Wolves who have got the Sheeps clothing and all the renting tearing ravening and devouring Beasts which hath rent and torne the Innocent Lambs And ye who be in the flesh in the carnall ordinances fly to the Magistrates sword for refuge which likewise makes you clearly
manifest to be out of the truth and true way of God for the truth defends it self and hath done in all ages it needs not the help of the Magistrates sword neither did ever the antient Christians who gave forth the Scripture of truth seek to the Magistrates to defend them their weapons were not carnall they fought with but spirituall the spirit of truth was their defence the Magistrates sword or the outward Law the arme of flesh hath been refuge of Anti-christ in all ages as it is at this day for if any of the servants of the Lord the true worshippers who worship him in spirit and in truth be moved of God to goe into their meeting places which they call Churches and in obedience to the command of God speak to the Priest or a word of exhortation to the people then cryes out both Priest and people haile him away or words to that purpose and calls it disturbance to performe the will of the Lord and goes to the Magistrates for assistance and cryes away with him send him to prison or punish him this is the practise of the carnall professours who uphold the externall Temple and Synagogues therefore view your disorder and be ashamed of such gross and filthy practises for ye Rulers Priests and people in England in these late years have outstript the Heathen in many ages in your cruell persecution which makes the hearts of the righteous sad to see such fruits brought forth in the Nation where so much liberty in words and writings is proclaimed for Religion and honest hearted people by the supream in authority but woe woe from the Almighty unto you who make the hearts of the innocent sad which God hath not made sad a day of torment and misery is coming upon you wherein the righteous shall be glad which ye have made sad and over the smoke of your torment they shal rejoyce Did ever the Primitive Christians recorded in the holy Scripture persecute any prison whip burn with hot Irons or cast into Dungeons any sort of people that came into their Assemblies is not the Heathen your example for these things who persecuted and shamefully entreated and murdered the Christians who could not submit to their unrighteous decrees and unreasonable wills shew one example of cruelty if you can from the practise of Christ or his Disciples if not number your selves amongst the Heathen your example for your cruell persecution is not cruelty and persecution a true marke to know the Synagogue of Satan by from the body of Christ the Church in God who in all ages hath suffered but never persecuted any but prayed for their enemies which persecuted them c. The order of the Church in God in this age THe body of Christ the Church in God meet together as the Saints in light did in former ages upon the first dayes of the week and upon other dayes as the Lord affords opportunity and wait upon the Lord in his fear and Counsell and serve and worship the Lord in the Spirit and in the truth and doth preach the word of truth the everlasting Gospel and pray and exhort one another as they are moved of the Lord and as the holy spirit gives utterance but not in the wisdome of the world which is sensuall but in the pure wisdome and power of God which by the world is counted foolishness And this is the true and onely way of God the true way of worship and order of the body of Christ the Church of God as the Scripture of truth doth make manifest to the understanding Reader and according to the doctrine of Christ the order doctrine and practise of the antient holy Christians which in the Scriptures of truth are recorded Rom. 6. who worshipped God not in the oldness of the letter but newness of spirit which is the new and living way wherein God is and will be served and worshipped I. H. THE END