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A55486 Christophagia, The mystery of eating the flesh and drinking the blood of Christ and the modus or manner thereof discovered / by Edm. Porter ... Porter, Edmund, 1595-1670. 1680 (1680) Wing P2983; ESTC R4670 79,869 188

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would signifie a necessity of our most near conjunction with him so as to be one flesh with his Flesh in order to the Redemption of our bodies by his Body which otherwise could not be as is shewed before for there cannot be a surer Union than such as our food with us which unites it self and grows into one bulk with our Bodies as is before said the whole stature and increase of our magnitude from Cap. 2. our Nativity our augmentation from one cubit at our Birth to five cubits at our full and ripe Age is wholly by our food so that nothing is more ours than that There was a truth in that Epitaph of the voluptuous King Sardanapalus Haec habui Plut. mor. Diod. Sic. quae edi he accounting nothing to be his but what he had eaten for when all other worldly acquirements of lands wealth treasures and honours at our death are utterly lost that only by which our Food is united with us shall be restored and after the Resurrection will continue with us for ever and must he accounted ours Like this union is the Union of our flesh with the Flesh of Christ in the first Man which is the ground of our Redemption and of the Resurrection of our bodies without which neither could be more than the resurrection of brute beasts for in the first Man was the general Atonement of mankind with Christ both in flesh and in Soul by which Vnion Mankind is made capable of claiming the benefits of his Merits and of the Passions of his blessed Body and Soul Christ saith No man hath ascended Joh. 3. 13 into heaven but the Son of Man c. upon which words St. Austin saith Si vis ascendere Aug. in loc esto in Christo whosoever shall ascend into heaven must necessarily be in Christ that is united with Christ for except we so eat the Flesh of the Son of Man c. we have John 6. no life in us This doctrine of Vnion was represented and signified by Christ in the Institution of his Holy Supper by eating and drinking that sanctified Bread and Wine That Sacrament is therefore called by St. Cyprian the Sacrament of Redemption and by St. Austin the Sacrament of Vnion and both Cap. 2. the Scripture and the Church call it the Communion which word clearly signifieth the mutual Union of Christ and Mankind as is before shewed which the Primitive Fathers did so rightly apprehend as may appear by a general usance practised in those times in the office of the Sacrament In the Sacramental Chalice the Fathers for many Ages tempered or mixed water with the Wine although we find neither Precept nor Precedent for it in the holy Scriptures yet de facto it appeareth that so it was by many evidences in the Fathers as in Justin Martyr Cyprian Ambrose Chrysostom and Austin which Custome is to this day continued in many Places and Churches and by reason of the Antiquiry thereof it is pretended to be an Apostolical Tradition and very early instituted as a Canon by Alexander the first who was Bishop of Rome about the year of Christ 118. as Platina reports Of this Usance St. Cyprian renders this Cyp. l. 2. epist 3. reason and plausible account in an Epistle written to Caecilius in the sacred Chalice saith he the Water signifieth the People and the Wine representeth Christ Vinum sine aqua est Christus sine Populo Aqua sine vino est Populus sine Christo Wine alone may signifie Christ without his People and water alone may signifie the People without Christ but both together so mingled in the Chalice was to signifie that Christ and his People were so united concorporated and entwined one with the other as the wine with the water therefore Christ said He that eateth my Flesh and drinketh my John 6. Blood dwelleth in me and I in him which is as much as if he had said he that dwelleth in me is he that Eateth my flesh which dwelling is mutual for by this Union the flesh of Christ dwelleth in us and our flesh in him There were a Sect of Hereticks called Theod. haer fab lib. 1. Hydroparastatae or Aquarii set up by one Tatianus mentioned in Theodoret who consecrated water only in the Sacramental Chalice without Wine and are therefore by St. Austin put into his Catalogue of Hereticks under the title of Aquarii because Aug. T. 6. haer 64. water alone did not represent that mutual Union of Christ and his People which the Church intended as is before said by their mixture of Water with Wine CHAP. IX THere were in the Primitive times some Hereticks who thought those words of Christ concerning the eating his Flesh and drinking his Blood were to be understood grosly and literally of Oral eating just as the Transubstantiators at this day pretend and as formerly the Disciples of Capernaum thought when they asked how can this Man give us his flesh to eat Upon which words St. Austin saith Discipuli ejus Aug. in Psal 25. acceperunt id stultè carnaliter cogitantes quòd Dominus praescisurus erat particulas de corpore suo eis daturus Those Disciples apprehended that speech foolishly and carnally thinking that he would cut his Body in pieces and give it them The Manichees said that when men did eat fruits or herbs or other food that then they did eat the parts or Members of God mingled with those creatures As St. Austin Aug. cont Faust l. 13. c. 6. reporteth of them The Gnostick Hereticks used for their Mysteries or Sacraments to bruise the flesh of a new-born Babe in a mortar and to eat it with Honey and Pepper and for this they pretended those words of Christ Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man c. as Epiphanius reporteth Epiph. h●●r 26. Hie. Epi. ad Marcel n. 18. Epip haer 48. The Montanists also cruelly and impiously used to prick the veins of a sucking Child and with it to knead Meal and of both to make their Encharist as Epiphanius reporteth and St. Cyril of Jerusalem nameth Cyril cat 16. a Montanist-Woman one Midra who practised this cruelty in the 16th Catechism of Illuminates if those Catechismes be his Now let the prudent Reader consider whether the Doctrine of the Transubstantiators be not grounded on the same misunderstood Principle on which the above-named Hereticks founded their Errors and cruel practices viz. on those words of Christ Except ye eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of Man c. These practices brought a great suspicion and raised scandalous reports upon the ancient Christians as Epiphanius observes Epip haer 26. 29. for because those Hereticks who did really in their Mysteries so do as is said and called themselves Christians therefore the Jews and the Gentiles and Persecutors thought that all true and Catholick Christians did the same Salvianus tells us that Salv. n. 6. the
out of the Man and not made of another piece of Earth for the Woman could not have been in union with Christ except she had been taken out of the Man as Christ and all Mankind are nor could she or we have been capable of Redemption by Christ without this union with Christ in the first Man Hence it is that the Apostle saith We are Members of his Body of his Flesh and of his Eph. 5. 30 31 32 Bones The like he saith of Christ and his whole Church They two shall be one Flesh but I speak concerning Christ and his Church This is said because all Men and Women with Christ also were originally joyned and united in Adam and therefore Prosper Prosp ad Cap. Gallorum observeth Nullus est hominum cujus natura non erat suscepta à Christo there is not any Man in the world whose Nature was not assumed by Christ Ipse Adam toto terrarum orbe sparsus est Aug. Ps 95. And St. Paul saith God hath made of one Blood all Acts 17. 26. nations of Men it is meant of the blood of the first Man by which word Blood something more is implied than only Flesh as will appear hereafter and more than Blood literally taken In the Old Testament where we read of Filius Hominis or Son of Man the same words in the Original are Ben-Adam often The Genealogy of St. Luke derives Christ from Adam and St. Paul calls Christ the Last Adam as children are called by the 1 Cor. 15. 45. names of their Progenitors therefore St. Austin to shew the original of all Men with Christ himself saith Omnis homo terrenus Aug. Retract l. 1. c. 16. est Adam every Man of the Earth is Adam for it is as easie to apprehend Christ to be the Son of Adam as to be the Son of David and of Abraham and as easie Mat. 1. 1. to understand that Christ was united with Mankind in the loins of Adam as to apprehend that Levi was in the loins of Abraham Heb. 7. 10 when Melchisedech met him which was long before Levi was begotten Moreover even when Adam was formed there was an original corporal union of all Mankind in that one parcel of Earth of which Man was made which is the reason why not only Adam but all his Posterity are called Earth and Dust O Earth Earth Earth hear the Word of the Lord. Gen. 3. 19 Jer. 22. 29. The reason why I have said that the Redeemer must be united and be one with the Redeemed is because God doth not punish or reward eternally one for another but the same that performeth or transgresseth his Laws is punished or rewarded The Wise man saith He that justifieth the Prov. 17. 15. wicked and condemneth the just are both abominable to the Lord. The Jews had a cursed and murmuring Proverb among them The Fathers have eaten sour grapes and the Eze. 18. 2 Jer. 31. 29. Childrens teeth are set on edge their meaning was that their Fathers had committed that sin for which their Children were punished but God did controll that false imputation saying Every one shall die for his own sin And He that eateth sour grapes his teeth shall be set on edge and the Soul that sinneth it shall die So it is said in the Gospel Every man shall bear his own burthen Gal. 6. 5● 1 Pet. 1. 17. and God judgeth according to every Mans work Therefore the Redeemer must be really united and be as one man with the Redeemed otherwise the passions and Death of Christ the Redeemer cannot in the exact Justice of the Godhead satisfie for the sins of the People Christ said to a young man If thou wilt Mat. 19. 17. enter into life keep the Commandments This must be confessed to be true that no man can be saved except he perform the Law If it be enquired how any meer man can enter into Life seeing every one transgresseth the Law We answer that every true and faithfull Member of Christ fulfilleth the Law because Christ hath performed it who is One with his Members This weighty and necessary Doctrine of the union of Christ with Mankind is evidently and plentifully declared both in the Holy Scriptures and also in the Writings of the Fathers which I have elsewhere shewed at large in the Gospel Christ said I am the Vine ye are the branches the root stock and branches of the Vine are Joh. 15. 5 but one Tree St. Paul saith of Christ and of men that they are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 fellow Plants or planted together planted in Adam and we being many are one body in Christ and Rom. 6. 5 Rom. 12. 5. as the Body is one and hath many members and all the members of that one body being many are one body so is Christ And your 1 Cor. 12. 12. 1 Cor. 6. 15. 1 Cor. 12. 27. Gal. 3. 28 bodies are the members of Christ and ye are the Body of Christ and members in particular and therefore the same Apostle saith of the Galatians Ye are all one in Christ Jesus The union or Oneness of men with Christ doth not consist only in this that Christ communicateth his Spirit to us men but also in that Christ and all Mankind were originally together in the first Man and are all derived from the flesh and blood of him as I noted before from the words of St. Paul Acts 17. 26. that God made of one blood all Nations of men and that one Blood was the blood of Adam For although we never were in the loins of Christ nor derived from him yet because Christ and we and all Generations of men were originally in the loins of Adam therefore in him we were then all united CHAP. V. IN the next place we are to enquire what was the Doctrine of the Fathers concerning the Body of Christ and also concerning the Union of the Head with the members thereof 1. The Body of Christ in Scripture hath a double signification 1. It signifieth the natural proper and individual or personal Body of Christ of which it is said a woman poured ointment on his Body and Joseph begged Mat. 26. 12 27 58 the Body of Jesus 2. The Body of Christ signifieth his Body Mystical that is the whole Corporation of Christ and his Members of which it is said He is the Head of his body the Church Col. 1. 18 Christs Natural body is but a part of his Mystical body as our head is but a part of our natural body And as the head and other parts of our natural body are visibly united so Christ and all his Members are united and joyned by an invisible Tie or knot both in Flesh and Soul as will hereafter appear as also in one Spirit proceeding from Christ the Head and communicating it self to every particular member of that great Mystical Body as it is said of the precious Ointment upon the
our Souls can be by him redeemed I will not at present engage or meddle with the doctrine or meaning of the words in the mystery of the holy Supper of our Lord which was but the sign of the grand and real mystery of the Eating the flesh of Christ of which only I am now to treat in relation to those Words of Christ in the 6. Chapter of St. John before the Holy Supper was instituted of which words my purpose and earnest endeavour is to find out and to discover the meaning and true sense and my hearty desire and prayer that my Labours herein may in some measure conduce to an agreement between dissenting Parties The Roman and also the Reformed Church-Writers men of great wisdom Learning and sobriety have spent their precious time and labours something as I humbly conceive besides the matter purpose and intent of those words of Christ 1. The Romanists have laboured too much to assert and prove a carnal gross and literate eating of the very flesh of Christ orally grounding their Doctrine of Transubstantiation upon those two Speeches of Christ before mentioned but with ill success having so much been perplexed in answering and excusing the impossibilities and the unprofitableness of such an Exposition that they were forced to flie to the old Poetical refuge of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or miracles whereof they say there are eleven in effecting their Transubstantiation we may ad a twelfth which to me seemeth the greatest of all viz. that so many wise and learned men should profess and believe such unnecessary and manifest impossibilities 2. The Writers of the reformed Church have imployed their time and labour in a negative way principally in confuting the impossibility of that Roman Doctrine and in proving that we do not Orally eat the very flesh of Christ for although they acknowledge that Speech of Christ to be true when he said Except ye eat the Flesh c. yet they truly affirm that they are not to be understood of a gross carnal and oral Eating This negative Doctrine occasioned a pretence to the adverse Party to accuse them of an attempt to confute and gainsay the words of Christ These practices on both sides I conceive have bin the cause of hiding or obscuring the most gracious and comfortable doctrine of our Union with the body or flesh of Christ and consequently of the doctrine of our Redemption by him both of them being certainly implyed in those words of Eating and Drinking It is therefore to be wished that such Learned men for the future would imploy their studies in a positive Way in shewing how those Mysterious Words of Christ are true and to be rightly understood rather than in a negative confutation of a wrong Sense which work solidly performed would clear the darkness of that Mystery and be exceedingly comfortable to pious Souls and evidently declare the Wisdom Righteousness and Mercy of our ever Blessed Redeemer CHAP. II. IN order to the opening of this Mystery we are first to enquire what our Redeemer meant by those words of Eating and Drinking my Flesh and Blood which certainly are not to be understood literally but figuratively The Reader may observe that the grand Mysteries of our Religion in the Holy Scripture are represented and exemplified darkly as under a cloud or veiled with the similitude of Eating 1. The Tree of life in Paradise was planted to be eaten of it was the figure or type of Christ who called himself a Tree Luk. 23. 31. and a Vine John 15. 5. and the Life John 14. 16. and is called Rev. 2. 7. The Tree of Life The typical Tree was ordained to preserve and continue a worldy life as Christ the substantial Tree to procure an Eternal and heavenly Life Although that Tree of life was permitted by the Godhead to be eaten of by our first Parents yet they never did eat of it because in the state of their Innocency they perceived not any need thereof being in a condition of not dying as Divines say Potuit Adam non mori nor was any malady upon them so as to need any medicine to cure them of any disease But afterward when by their transgression they had incurred the curse of Mortality they were excluded from that Tree of life least they should take of the Tree of Life and live Gen. 3. 22. Gen. 2. 17. for ever whereby the Commination of God should have failed who had said In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die There was another Tree in Paradise called the Tree of Knowledge of which the Gen. 2. 9. Man was forbidden to eat although it is said that the Woman saw that the Tree was good for food and pleasant to the eye and to be desired to make one wise So though they abstained from the Tree permitted yet Gen. 3. 6. they did eat of the Tree forbidden The Tree of Life represented Christ the Tree of knowledge represented the Law as Tertullian very judiciously affirmeth and proveth That law concerning the Tree Tert. adv Judaeos was Primondialis Lex the first Law that was imposed on Man and had been large enough saith he if it had been obeyed Lex data Adae Aevae est quasi matrix omnium Id. ibid. praeceptorum Dei quae pullularunt postea data per Mosem It was as the Womb out of which sprang the Ten Commandments given by Moses and in that first Law all those Moral laws are couched and implied As the Tree of Life signifieth Christ with all his Evangelical mercies And the Eating of that Tree signified the Union conjunction and inherence of Mankind in him So the Tree of knowledge signified the Law with all its strictness rigour and penalties And the forbidding to Eat of that Tree signified that we should not trust to or rely on it or expect to obtain life by performance of the law or justification and Salvation by the works thereof This I conceive to be the meaning of forbidding the Tree of knowledge as relating to the Law because I find divers passages concerning the said law even in the Gospel which to me signifie the same as by the works of the Rom. 3. 20. Law shall no flesh be justified and The Law worketh Wrath it is called also Rom. 4. 15. The Ministration of death and the Ministration 2 Cor. 3. 7 9. of condemnation Therefore we are to depend on and feed and nourish our hope and faith only by Christ who is the only true Tree of Life and not to confide in the Law because we cannot possibly by our own selves perform it nor by any other way but only in by and through Christ and this by that interest which we have in him by our union with his Flesh and Soul 2. The Manna every one knows signified Christ The eating of Manna signified the union of Manna with the Bodies or flesh of the Israelites which was a type of the necessity of
assumpsit carnem sed Filius tantúm So all Divines will assent to this Theological Axiom Divina Cassander Fol. 30. natura non est Redemptrix quia pati non potuit the pure and single Divine nature could not be the Redeemer because it could not suffer or die And we know that Redemption was confined and limited so as to be only by the Seed of the Woman but the Spirit or Holy Ghost is not the Seed of the Woman therefore God the Son took on him that Seed and that form of a Servant and therein he became our Redeemer because thereby he became Mortal and could suffer and die Neither could the human Nature of Christ considered singly and alone without his Divine Nature and by it self only have redeemed us because no meer Creature could possibly be of sufficient worth to ransom the World or to satisfie Divine Justice for the sins of Mankind 3. A third Reason is That other Creatures besides Mankind have the Spirit of God which is the same Spirit with the Spirit of Christ yet those other creatures have no benefit by the Incarnation and Passion of Christ For the blessed Angels are plentifully endowed with the Spirit yet because they are not united with the flesh and blood of Christ they cannot be capable of any benefit thereby or of Redemption if need were more than the evil or Apostate Angels are because the Son of God dit not assume the nature of Angels nor Heb. 2. 16. did any Angels assume the nature of Man Besides other inferiour Creatures are not destitute of the Spirit of God which is said to fill Heaven and Earth The Psalmist Jer. 23. 24. Ps 139. 6 Joel 2. 28 could not tell whether he should go from the Spirit and God by his Prophet had said I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh which is truly performed not only on Mankind but also on other inferiour Creatures for by the vertue and vigour of the Spirit they live and move and have their being yet Acts 17. 28. they are not thereby capable of the benefits or effects which come by the Incarnation because they are not so united with Christ as our Nature is For these reasons I conceive it may appear that the Eating or the Union with the Flesh of Christ is not meant of Receiving only the Spirit or of eating his Flesh spiritually in that sense which is abovesaid 2. Secondly Those words of Eating spiritually in the sense of the Church I conceive to signifie such a kind of Eating as is distinct and different from the literal or Grammatical signification thereof and from any gross carnal or Oral eating and that it signifieth to Eat according to the Spirit that is according to the intent purpose and true inward meaning and sense of the Spirit For we know that the word Spirit in Scripture is often opposed to the word Letter as may appear by those words of St. Paul God hath made us able Ministers of the 2 Cor. 3. 6. New Testament not of the Letter but of the Spirit Upon which words St. Athanasius Athan. To. 3 n. 26 thus writeth to Serapion Vos si sacras literas evolveritis invenietis Spiritus vocabulum in hoc usurpari ut mentem verborum significet If you will peruse the Holy Scriptures you will find that the word Spirit is used to signifie the Mind or meaning Now the spirit mind or meaning of those words is to be really united with Christ yet without any Oral manducation literally taken The Psalmist saith God hath spoken once twice Psal 6● 11. have I heard this Duo haec audivi that is saith Isychius that he considered not only Isych in Levit. the Letter but also the Spirit or meaning of the words for the Letter is but folium Spiritus as the same Father saith like to the leaf which covereth the fruit or like unto the Vail wherewith the shining face of Moses was shadowed or as the shell is to the kernel Origen in his Tractates upon St. Matthew calls the Letter sepulchrum Prophetarum Orig. Tract 3. 26. like a sepulcher in which the prophetical Mysteries are hid but the signification and meaning of the Letter is saith he Regalis dignior intellectus which he calls animam spiritum Literae the more noble and more worthy understanding of the Prophetical Writings and the very life and spirit of them In the Levitical Law those Creatures are Lev. 11. 3 accounted clean which divided the hoof and chewed the Cud which in the Spirit or meaning signified those Persons who in their Meditations on Scriptural Figures did distinguish or divide the outward Letter from the inward Spirit or meaning thereof And St. Austin was bold to say Aug. in Ps 103. Quaedam quasi absurda miscet Spiritus sanctus ut ex eo quod non possumus accipere ad literam cogat nos spiritualiter quaerere It hath pleased the Holy Ghost to mingle some passages with his Word which seems uncomely and absurd that thereby he might compell us to search out the Spirit or meaning of that which we cannot conceive fit or true according to the bare Letter As If thy right eye offend thee c. or Mat. 5. If thy right hand offend thee c. The great Oratour observeth Scriptum sequi Calumniatoris Tul. pro Caecina N. 14. est boni judicis voluntatem scriptoris He is but a Wrangler who urgeth only the bare letter of a Writing but a good Judge will consider the will and meaning of the Writer So say we that because to eat the flesh of Christ literally taken is impossible and unprofitable and undecent therefore we deny that way and acknowledge the other way of Eating spiritually which according to the intent Spirit and meaning of Christ signifieth the real Vnion of us with him both in flesh and soul so as is above shewed and will be more hereafter CHAP. XIII THere are others that think that the Eating and Drinking the flesh and blood of Christ is by Believing in him which they call Eating by Faith without any consideration of any other Vnion with his Flesh and Blood But these men do not rightly weigh and ponder the order and method which our most wise most just and most mercifull God designed for the acquitment of lapsed Mankind that their Redemption might be wrought not only by his Mercy but also with a strict observance of exact Justice which could not be performed without an Union of the Redeemer and the Redeemed as is before shewed This Union which Christ called Eating is not performed only by Faith or Believing for the Blessed Angels believe yet cannot be said to eat his Flesh or to be united so with him as is here required even the Apostate Angels do also believe every Article of the Christian Faith and this upon more certainty and evidence than many good Christians have knowledge of and with their
did just so perform that great Work Well might St. Paul say We preach Christ crucified the Power of God and 1 Cor. 1. 23 24. the Wisdome of God Christ signifieth God yet not only his pure Godhead but as God is Incarnate and made Man The Wisdom of his Godhead appointed this way of ransoming the whole World from death by the death of one Man and the Power of his Godhead enabled and impowred one Man to perform that Work with full satisfaction to Divine Justice When Christ had miraculously cured a Paralitick St. Matthew tells us that the multitude glorified God Mat. 9. 8. which had given such power unto Men and we for weightier reasons shall be ever obliged to say Glory and honour and thanks be to the Son of God for so enabling and impowering the Son of Man Thus far we have proceeded in shewing the Modus or way which we conceive of the Eating the flesh of Christ If this Exposition be approved which is easily understood it will quit us from the multitude of impossibilities and the Labyrinth of subtilties and intricacies wherein that other way of Transubstantiation hath entangled many Learned men for mine own part I am persuaded that if this way which I have here described be slighted we shall never by any other way attain to any certain or but probable understanding of this Mystery In the next place by Gods assistance we will endeavour to discover the other part and more difficult Mystery which is called the Drinking of the Blood of Christ My whole Design Good Reader in the former Chapters of this Book was to shew and prove the Vnion of our flesh or body with the Flesh or Body of Christ as being necessary to the Redemption of our bodies by his Body In the following Chapters I am to shew the Union of our souls with his Soul to be altogether as necessary to the Redemption of our souls by his Soul which that I may perform truly and plainly I humbly implore the Divine and Illuminating assistance of the Spirit of our Lord Jesus our Blessed Redeemer CHAP. XIV The Blood of Christ THe Words of Christ which concern and import the Drinking of his Blood John 6. are meant and are to be understood in like manner as we said of Eating his Flesh for both those expressions signifie only the Vnion of our flesh and blood with the Flesh and Blood of Christ or with that which is by him called his Blood For the word Blood hath a more high and noble signification in that speech of Christ than the outward and literal sound expresseth for to drink his Blood literally and grosly understood is as impossible as unprofitable for us as hath been before shewed of the Oral eating of his Flesh Besides if we will suppose it possible whilest he conversed with Men on Earth or at the time of his death the real shedding of his Blood we say that in that time the eating or drinking of Blood was forbidden by God in the Jewish Law and afterwards Lev. 17. Acts 15. by the Apostles in the Gospel therefore certainly in those words of Christ some other thing is meant by Blood which liteterall and properly is not very Blood The blessed Virgin Mary and Mary Cleophas and John 19. Mary Magdalen and St. John the Evangelist stood by the Cross when Christ was crucified and although his Blood trickled down from his Hands and Feet and Side yet there was no care taken by any of those holy and zealous Persons to catch or preserve his Blood in any vessel for any present or future use which would not have been so carelesly neglected if the Oral and literal Drinking thereof had been profitable or usefull therefore surely there is some other mystical meaning of Drinking his Blood Mr. Fox reporteth that one Johannes de Mountziger wrote that Christ Act. Mon. sub Edw. 3. n. 38. at his Resurrection resumed to himself all the Blood which he had shed in his Passion the Writer it seems thought that the stock of his Blood needed to be carefully husbanded for if at this day his Blood were literally and orally to be received by Communicants how many Tunn of blood would be sufficient to Communicate the whole Christian World But the word Drink and the word Blood signifie something else and not as they sound as is next to be shewed Of the word Drink We know that this Word hath other significations in the Holy Scriptures besides oral Drinking for Christ himself when he said If any man thirst let him come to me Joh. 7. 37 and drink he did not mean or intend it of any oral Drinking as the same Evangelist immediately thus declareth saying This he spake of the Spirit which they that believe 39. on him should receive Surely no Beleever can orally Drink the Spirit or Holy Ghost So when Christ was apprehended by the Souldiers and St. Peter attempted to rescue him Christ declared that he would not be rescued saying The cup which my John 18. 11. Father giveth me shall I not drink it This cup and this drinking he meant of his Passions and that speech also when he prayed saying O my Father if it be possible Matth. 26. 39. let this cup pass from me and when he foretold some of his Disciples that they should drink of the same cup that he drank of he Mar. 10. 39. meant it of his own and of their Passions we read of drinking Iniquity and of drinking Job 15 16. 21. 20. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the wrath of the Almighty The old Greek Poet Anacreon phansied that the Sun drinketh the Sea and that the Moon drinketh the Sun The Sun and Moon properly do not drink neither are Iniquity wrath of God persecutions and passions such things as Men can properly be said to drink Orally therefore surely these speeches are but figurative and by them we are to understand some other way of Drinking which is not Oral Of the word Blood Neither is the word Blood in that speech of Christ to be taken or understood properly and literally according to the meer Grammatical signification thereof as if Christ had intended that Men should drink his very Blood this could not be his meaning as may appear by these Reasons following First Because as is beforesaid Blood was forbidden in the Old Testament Flesh with the life thereof which is the blood thereof Gen. ● 4. ye shall not eat this inhibition was by God afterwards by Moses being directed by God He that eateth any manner of Blood Lev. 17. 10. I will cut him off from among his People This Judaical and Ceremonial Law was in force at that time when Christ spake those words Secondly Because Blood was forbidden in the New Testament by that holy and unerring Council of the Apostles assisted by the Spirit of their Master Jesus It seemeth Acts 15. 28. good to the Holy Ghost and us
was put down by K. Hen. 8. they had certain Signs painted on the walls of those Houses to be known by whereof one was a Cardinals Hat as J. Stow reports Now let us return to the signification of Blood CHAP. XVI IT will not I suppose be denied that the Apostolical Council did forbid the Eating of Blood so as is said And that the Apostles and the Converted Jews and the Christian Gentiles did abstain from blood by vertue of this Decree Add yet notwithstanding that Apostolical Constitution the Apostles themselves and other Christians did drink the Blood of Christ in that sense which Himself meant before the Sacrament John 6. And also in the Sacrament of which he said This is my Blood and Drink ye all of this All this being true and confessed we are next to enquire diligently what our Redeemer meant by this word Blood which certainly did not signifie his own very natural Blood literally and grammatically taken but some other thing which for some weighty reason he was pleased to call Blood That other thing which he meant by Blood we confidently affirm to be his Soul his Human or reasonable Soul and this we doubt not to make clear and apparent with Gods Assistance by the Holy Scripture because we find by many overtures and plain expressions that the Life or Soul in Holy Writ by the Mouth of God is called Blood At the Creation of Man God appointed to Adam and so to the Ante-diluvian Patriarks for their food only the herbs bearing seed and every tree in which is the Gen. 1. 29. fruit of a tree yielding seed But after the Flood he gave to the Patriark Noah and his Sons every Moving thing that liveth to be Gen. 9. 3. meat for them and although he gave them the flesh of his Creatures yet so early he forbad the Eating of the blood with the flesh giving this reason Flesh with the life thereof which is the Blood thereof shall you not eat V. 4 The Blood we see is there called Life although we know that Blood in propriety of speech is not the Life or Soul of Man or Beast but only signifieth the Life or Soul for one may loose some Blood by a wound or otherwise yet the life may continue and because the Soul it self is invisible therefore that which is visible is named for the Soul and because the blood is the companion and also the chariot of the Soul and because the letting out or spilling the Vital blood carrieth out with it the life and Soul therefore God presently after called Mans Blood the Blood of our lives which V. 5 he will require at the hand of every Beast and at the hand of every Man who shall commit homicide at the hand of every mans Brother will he require the life of Man by which words it appeareth that Blood and Life here signifie only the Soul In another place where Blood is forbidden it is said The life of the flesh is in the Blood and The life of all flesh is the Blood Lev. 17. 11 14 thereof and more plainly God saith The blood is for the life thereof whereby it may appear that Blood was not esteemed to be really the life or Soul but only to represent or signifie or to stand for the life or Soul St. Austin considering that place in Deut. Deut. 12. 23. where it is said Be sure thou eat not the blood for the Blood is the life saith Sanguis Cont. Adimant C. 12. T. 6 pecoris ejus anima sc in signo The blood of the creature is the Soul but only in sign he addeth Our Lord doubted not to say this is my body when he gave the sign of his Body The same Father on the like words Lev. 17. 14. saith Anima est sanguis non Aug. con Adv. legis L. 2. c. 6. quia hoc erat sed quia significabat sicut dicitur Petra est Christus Blood is the Soul not that blood is really the Soul but because blood signifieth the Soul even as St. Paul speaketh the Rock was Christ and it is usual 1 Cor. 10. 4. in Heathen Writers to put blood for the Soul and the Soul for blood as in Virgil. Purpuream vomit ille animam And Virg. Aen. 9. Sanguine quaerendi reditus Animâque litandum As Hugo Grotius hath observed to be frequent Grot. de Satisf n. 10. 14. that because that Blood is instead or place of the Soul often put therefore it is called the Soul so that by offering the blood of Beasts they meant the life or Vital blood of those Creatures killed and sacrificed When the Scripture saith Whoso sheddeth Mans blood by Man shall his blood be shed Gen. 9. 6. every one knows that by shedding of Blood in that place is meant the taking away a Mans life Est animae non parcere Isych in Lev. saith Isychius upon these words Judas said I have sinned in betraying Innocent Mat. 27. ● Blood he meant his betraying his Masters life to death The Jews said His Blood be 25. upon us and our children that is let his death or murther be laid to our charge The Apostle saith to his Hebrews Ye have not yet Heb. 12. ● risisted unto Blood that is to Martyrdom or loss of your lives So when Christ spake of drinking his Blood he spake of his Soul for so his Blood signified and must necessarily be so understood But how we can be truly said to drink a Soul seeing the soul of Man is a meer Spirit and incorporeal and therefore not literally drinkable and yet that these words of Christ must really be performed How both these can stand together is next to be enquired CHAP. XVII THat the Blood of Christ in those words signifieth the human Soul of Christ I nothing doubt and to drink his Soul orally is as impossible as it is for us to drink his Blood literally taken which is now in Heaven therefore as I have shewed before that the Eating of his Flesh signifieth only the Union of his Flesh with our flesh so the Drinking of his Blood or Soul signifieth only the union of his Soul with our Souls which two Unions viz. of our flesh and souls with his Flesh and Soul are so necessary in order to the redemption of our bodies by his Body and of our souls by his Soul that otherwise we could not with Justice be redeemed by him This Union which seemeth so secret and mysterious is declared to us by Christ in this Figurative or Metaphorical speech of Drinking his Blood which is all one as if he had said except my Soul be united with your Souls so as that wine which you drink for your food and nourishment is turned into your Blood and then is joyned and united with your Persons and becomes One with you otherwise your Souls cannot be redeemed by me for the word Blood signifies the Soul of Christ and drinking his Blood
any need of or benefit by such a Presence but the true and concerning and beneficial Presence of Christ is in and with the Communicants which Presence is effected by the Union of his Flesh and Soul with our flesh and soul so as hath been before shewed Wherefore if we will be content and rest satisfied with this plain and easie Exposition of those words of Christ which I firmly believe to be true viz. that the Eating and Drinking of His flesh and blood signifieth only the union or conjunction of his Flesh and Soul with our flesh and soul all difficulties and obscurities will be cleared without any violence to those words of Christ And the order and method in which the just and mercifull Godhead proceeded in preparing and in making a way to the Redemption of our lapsed Nature will be to our great Consolation made manifest to us We have seen before how our flesh and the Flesh of Christ have been united in the next place we are now to show how the Union of our souls with his Soul hath been wrought and really performed CHAP. XIX IN order to the understanding of the Union of our Souls with the Soul of Christ which is mysteriously vailed by an obscure description under a Figurative Speech of Drinking his Blood we are first to enquire of and to find out the Original or Spring whence both Christ and we have derived and received our Souls For if it may appear that the human Soul of Christ did proceed from the very same Fountain from which all Men in the world have received their Souls then it cannot be denied that his Soul and our souls were joyned and united in that one Original Fountain which is the Soul of the first Man For why should it seem less credible or harder to conceive that all Human Souls are derived and have proceeded from that one Soul of the first Man than to believe and acknowledge that all Human Bodies Christs and all are derived and propagated from the body or lump of the said first Man Surely no Learned or but Intelligent Christian will deny that Christ and all Men were united in the Loins of Adam Now if it be enquired whence or from whom Christ immediately received his Soul We answer that he received it from his Blessed Virgin Mother and in her Womb and that it was derived and propagated from her Virgin Soul for he had no Earthly Father from whose Thigh his Soul could be propagated If it be again enquired whence the blessed Virgin received her Soul We answer that she also received it from her Mothers Soul and in the Womb and so we affirm of all the souls of Men and Women that they are propagated from the souls of their Mothers and that this Propagation ascendeth ultimately unto Eve the first Woman from whose Soul the Soul of Christ and the Souls of all her Posterity are descended If it be farther enquired when Eve had and received her Soul We answer that she received her Soul with her Body also from the first Man her Body from his Body and her Soul from his Soul and whence Adam received his Soul the Scripture evidently declareth that his Soul was immediately Created and Inspired by God in these words God breathed into his nostrils the Gen. 2. 7. breath of Life and Man became a living Soul We farther affirm that the Soul of Adam was the only Soul that was created by God and also that from that one Soul all human Souls from that time till now and also untill the end of the World are and will be derived and propagated We read not of any other particular Soul in the Holy Scriptures that was immediately created by God because indeed all Human Souls were Originally couched and virtually included in that one Prime Soul of the first Man Inspired by God Good Reader observe with me that Bucan p. 86. 88. Woolnor p. 77. which hath been formerly observed by other Writers that those words which our English Translation renders the breath of Life Gen. 2. 7. might and should more fitly and truly have been rendred the breath of Gen. 2. 7. Chaiim of Lives Lives Spiraculum Vitarum Because in the Original the word which is translated Life is a word Plural and signifieth Lives it may therefore reasonably be conceived that the most wise Spirit of God intended to signifie by that Plural word that the whole multitude of human Lives and Souls were potentially and virtually residing in that one created Soul of Adam and were to be derived and propagated from thence to all Mankind Christ and all as being the Spring and Fountain of all future Souls for of him only and of none other it is said that God breathed into him the Breath of life or lives We know that the first Woman had a Soul proper to her self but we find not that God did newly Create or Breath into her a new and several Soul because she did receive her soul from the Man and so it must have been produced for weighty Reasons and not any other way her soul was derived from his soul the Godhead did not create two Originals or Fountains of souls nor of bodies for both the flesh and the soul of Eve and of all Men with Christ also were necessarily to be derived from the flesh and soul of Adam for otherwise although the first Man and the first Woman were united in flesh yet they had not been united in Soul except Eve's soul had been derived from the soul of Adam nor could the soul of Christ by any other way have come from Adams soul and consequently he could not have been the Redeemer of the souls of Adams Posterity Certainly all Men in the World are Adamites both in respect of their bodies and also of their souls so is Christ himself Ben-Adam therefore the Apostle calls him the Last Adam because he was the Son of 1 Cor. 15. 45. Adam therefore he is called by his Fathers name By reason of the Union of our bodies with Christs Body in the loyns of Adam the Apostle saith we are members of his Flesh and by reason of the Union of all Mens souls in that one Original Soul of Adam the same Apostle said to the Athenian Philosophers that God hath made of one Blood Acts 17. 26. all Nations of Men. Blood in Scripture signifieth the soul as hath been proved before and so I believe it doth in that place and so the meaning must be that God hath made of one Soul all the souls of all nations of Men which surely is true For if their was a necessity in order to the Redemption of our Bodies that the Redeemer must have received his flesh by Propagation from the first Man the like necessity must needs be for the Redemption of our Souls that the Redeemer must have received his Soul by Traduction from the Soul of the same first Man in whom the Redeemer and the Redeemed were
hath been Cap. 11. said before and more will be said in its due place The prime cause of the propagation of Human souls is the gift of God by his Benediction recorded in these words God blessed them and said unto them be fruitfull Gen. 1. 28. and multiply and replenish the Earth Can we imagin that this Benediction of fruit-fulness and multiplying should extend to flesh or bodies only and not to Souls Whereas the like blessing of fishes and fowls enabled them to produce and propagate not only bodies but the whole Creatures viz. both the bodies and the souls of their Kinds of which Benediction we thus read God created Whales and every living creature Gen. 1. 21. which moveth and every winged fowl and God blessed them and said be fruitfull 22. and multiply c. By vertue of this Benediction those Creature are enabled unto this day to produce their kinds both in bodies and in souls This gift and blessing of fruitfulness both of fowl and of cattle is also again renewed after the Flood and repeated Gen. 8. 17. and also of Mankind Gen. 8. 17. 9. 1. Gen. 9. 1. God blessed Noah and his Sons and said unto them be fruitfull and multiply and replenish the Earth It may seem strange that those Divines who confess the Traduction of our bodies with the Body of Christ from the loyns of the first Man as being necessary for Redemption of our bodies yet that they should deny the Traduction of our Souls with the Soul of Christ from the first Man which is altogether as needfull for the Redemption of our Soul In the Holy Scripture care is taken to declare the derivation of our souls from our Parents rather than of our Bodies because that of Souls is more secret than the other of Bodies Gen. 46. 26. it is said Gen. 46. 26. All the souls which came with Jacob into Egypt which came out of his loyns or thigh all the Souls were sixty and six How Souls can be truly said to come from the loyns or thigh of the Man without a Figure or Metonymy is hard to be understood except we will thus apprehend it viz. that although the Souls of Mankind being in the Womb are immediately and truly derived from the souls of the Mothers yet they are here said to come from the loyns of the Man because the seed of Conception which came from the Man hath it it self Potentiam receptivam a power or capacity of receiving the soul or life though it hath not Potentiam productivam any power of it self to produce or introduce the Soul And because the Womb alone without that seminal conception from the Man cannot produce a soul or life therefore are the Souls said to come from the loyns of the Man for there never was nor ever will be a Child-bearing Woman without the Cooperation of Man or Malekind except only that miraculous Childbirth of Christ by his blessed Virgin-Mother which was wrought by the Holy Ghost Nor was there ever any Soul derived immediately from Man but only the soul of Eve which accompanied her flesh The reports of Buddas Plaeto are Fables Hier. n. 14. at her Production out of the side of the Man But ever since Eve all her Posterity have received their lives or souls in the Womb from the lives or souls of their Mothers as may appear probably by the time when the Conception is first animated in the Womb which is next to be considered CHAP. XXI COncerning the time when the said Conception in the Womb is first animated or enlivened with a Soul which is called Quickning both Philosophers and learned Physicians and also our experienced Matrons who have born and brought forth many children have informed us That some Conceptions are not quickned but about the end of 20 Weeks others at 15 Weeks and some at 10 Weeks and surely at the first instant or beginning of the Conception the Soul is not presently Infused So Aristotle acknowledgeth that the soul is not Arist de Gen. Ani. l. 2. c. 3. then Actually in the conceived Seed but only Potentially so as is before said Now if it be granted that our souls come from the Souls of our Parents and also that they are not transmitted with the Seed from the Father it will follow that they cannot in reason be thought to be propagated from the Father because no Man will believe that after so long a time whilst the Conception remains in the womb without life or soul and also the Man being absent in a far remote distance of place from the Woman as it may and doth many times happen I say it cannot be imagined that at the instant of Quickning the Soul or Life should wander from the Father by a kind of Metempsychosis or Transmigration unto the mothers Womb. This being impossible it must follow that the Soul necessarily doth proceed and is derived only and immediately from the Soul of the mother wherein if she fail by reason of some continued Indisposition of the Womb she is called Barren and because the Animation of the Conception is only from the Woman therefore because of her failing therein Barrenness is imputed only to the Jer. 22. 30. Woman and not at all to the Man though Childless It is so with the Seed of Man which is conceived in the Womb as it is with meat received into the stomach which hath no life in it self Actually but it hath a power or capacity to receive life which life it will afterwards actually receive when it shall be really united with the former parts of the Body for then the life and soul will enter into it as they did before into all the additional parts of our Bodies for we see that our bodies have been augmented by our food and have grown into so great a bulk from our so small dimensions at our Birth This being evidently true why should it seem less credible that the Soul of the mother entreth into and enliveneth her Conception in the womb then it is to believe and acknowledge that the Soul doth enter into and enliven the new acquired parts of our Bodies which have been added by our food The time and manner of the Soul 's entring into the Conception is thus described by that learned Physician before mentioned when saith he the parts of the Embryon are once shaped formed and perfected Jac. Horstius to that use in the womb then doth the life or soul of the Mother together with the Vital Spirit proceed from her heart and enter into that fruit of her womb This is the time when we receive our Souls by traduction from the souls of our Mothers and this is the time of the Vnion of our souls with the Soul of Christ which Christ himself called Drinking his Blood That common saying concerning the Original of the Soul Creando infunditur infundendo creatur if it be meant of every particular human Soul is very