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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A42231 Hugo Grotius, Of the government and rites of the ancient church, conciliation of grace and free will, certainty and assurance of salvation, government of the highest powers in church affairs in a letter to the states embassador. Grotius, Hugo, 1583-1645.; Barksdale, Clement, 1609-1687. 1675 (1675) Wing G2118; ESTC R34449 21,440 54

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some time after Faith received wherein a Person elect may not be in the state of Justification These things if need were might be prov'd by many authorities and by the confessions of Protestants See Confess August Art 11. Angl 16. Sax 10. The antient Authors seem to me to acknowledge three ways of certainty concerning Salvation The first whereof is extraordinary by Revelation this Austin saith happens to some what man can know he shall persevere to the end in the work and way of Righteousness except he be assured by some Revelation from him who by his just and secret judgment in this matter doth not instruct all but deceiveth none The ordinary ways are two the one taken from the time the o●her from the degree of Faith Certainty of his salvation a faithful man may have from the time who is at the point of death and hath now no hope of life For being a Believer knows he doth believe and withal knows a Believer is justified before God both which by the testimony of Holy Scripture and o● pious Antiquity we defend against the Papists and this time of life is at an end the Believer knows he dyeth in the state of Grace and so is certain of his Salvation In respect whereof Prosper having said predestination is uncertain to us addeth whilst we are among the perils of this present life The other ordinary manner of Assurance is from the degree of Faith For the Antients do constantly deliver that perfect Charity according to the perfection of this life for the most perfect saith Austin is not attained here never fails Notable is that of Jerom Charity which Peter before is dental bad was an herb and springs up young in every one before it is strengthened and before its perfection is lost and recovered This is that root which though the Sun saith Austin shine hot upon it cannot wither And to the same purpose he asketh which of the multitude of Believers can presume himself is in the number of the predestinate for naming the multitude he seemeth to except some few excellent ones Besides these three ways of certainty there are other degrees inferior For as Bernard himself also doth acknowledge with all Antiquity God hath not left his Elect without a testimony of consolation in this life This testimony the more and greater are the exercises of Piety is so much the more certain which the holy Scripture demonstrates plainly when we are commanded to make our calling and election firm and s ure by Faith Virtue Knowledge Continence Patience Piety Love and Charity whence that saying of Austin agreeing with the Antients Fear is so much abated as Charity is encreased I proceed now to that part of the Writing where Molinaeus separates himself from those who against all Antiquity affirm Men are created to this end that they may perish and putting Reprobation before the fall put upon themselves a necessity of attributing to God the efficacious procurement of all sins even of the first sin also because he that absolutely sets the end ought withal to set the means without which there is no coming unto the end Here the most learned man walking heedfully does with a little fear declare his judgment saying he digesteth not such kind of speaking to wit because they are persons of great Autority that so speak But truly the danger is not in the form of vvords but in the Doctrine it self For that Opinion directly runs into the Anathema of the Arausican Council boldly pronounced by Augustin and Prosper And here it is to be admired whereas all they that deduce sins from a fatal necessity were by the antient Church cast unto the Manichees the worst and most hated Hereticks but the Semipelagians were suffered very long in their Communion why at this day on the contrary such as make God partly unjust partly unmerciful partly the Author of all wickedness live freely without censure But if any man do concieve more meanly of Grace though not near to Pelagianism all do every where rise against him with equal animosity Is the fault so much less to load the Benefactor with contumelies than to deny the benefit Rightly indeed and agreeably both to the Gallic and Belgic Confession doth Molinaeus pronounce Reprobation is not but in the corrupt mass But this corrupt Mass some consider in original sin alone catching that which is spoken of Esau and Jacob albeit that very speech is such as goeth afore of Isaac and Ismael which the apostle himself else where declares to be Allegorical Gal. 4. It was I confess Austin's opinion which displeases most of the Reformed That some children dying in their Infancy are damned for original sin But Austin could not think this of Esau because in his opinion original sin was taken away by circumcision Others consider the corrupt Mass in actual sins to whom Molinaeus seems to consent when he saith some men are designd to punishments for sins which willingly and by by God unprovok'd they have admitted Lastly some there are that consider this corrupt Mass not in any sort of sins but in the contempt of Vocation for whom that sentence of Austin concerning the same Esau seems to stand He did not will he did not run but if he had willed and runned he had attained by the help of God who would give him to run and to will by calling unless by contempt of the call he would become a reprobate Out of this sentence therefore might be added to the words of Molinaeus by God unprovok'd yea and seriously invited to repentance Hither have I been carried unaware for when I began to write I purposed to dispatch in brief by the relection of that Paper wherein the sentiments of Molinaeus are contain'd Of which I was not willing to deliver my own Judgment nor would I have you think so But as it is a pleasure to me to compare the antient Writers with the modern so I esteem'd it worth my pains most noble Sir to advertise you of that which if I am not much deceiv'd by my not indiligent reading I have learned the Judgment of the Fathers touching these controversies You may so judicious you are collate the commentations of the antient and more recent Authors one with other and so far as your business will permit consider which of their different Interpretations is more consonant to the sacred Context to Reason by God illuminate and to the edification of Gods Church In the Writing of Molinaeus after the explication of his sentence follows a Collection of certain Articles wherein he thinks the parties will easily agree Of some things in them I have already made my Remarks as may appear by what I have said before having anticipated them lest the matter should be severed What remains shall now be added Free will by the fall of our first Parents is rightly said to be lost in respect of pious actions as it hath no strength to actions of that kind not so as to
ordered and disposed unto life eternal and affected with a serious desire thereof believed and that other Job 8.47 He that is of God by this pious inclination heareth the words of Christ with ass●nt of faith This surely is plain beyond denial to read the holy Scriptures to weigh them diligently to meditate of their meaning to frequent Godly Sermons to compose himself to prayers is in the power of a man haply now at the point of new Birth and not yet fully born again I assent also unto Molinaeus none of the Reformed as I suppose gainsaying That the Elect resist not the call unto the end no nor can resist it in the conjoyned sense but all the doubt is about the sense divided and the reason is because God as Molinaeus himself confesseth so bows the will as not to take away the liberty of the will The Question is whether to the Conversion of man any previous action of God be necessarily required I say previous for of the concomitant there 's another reason besides the concession of sufficient strength For say some either something more is required and then what was granted is denied the strength is not sufficient or the strength is really sufficient and then it follows that nothing more is requir'd But sufficient strength being granted the will remains free i. indeterminate to do or not to do This for the elect or such as are actually converted but for others who are not actually converted the cause why Grace is inefficacious many think it hard to attribute unto God since in no wise it seemeth Grace which is inefficacious by Intention of the Giver Nor doth it seem possible that any one should be punisht more heavily for not doing that which was impossible to be done namely for not making that grace efficacious which was in itself at least in relation to the subject inefficacious Nor does it seem to these men enough to avoid the making God the Author of unbelief which Molinaeus conceives may be avoided by casting the cause upon mans nature but withal care must be had of this also lest the signos of Gods will be made to disagree with his will and so injury be done to the Divine simplicity and sincerity For how shall they be said called seriously who are called with this mind that they may not come yea so that they cannot come Here now do those Scriptures offer themfelves to hand I desire not the death of a sinner but that he be converted and live What could I have done for my Vineyard which I have not done How often would I have gathered you and you would not and such like which do both on Gods part prove some will at least of converting and on mans part not converted argue a fault not simply natural and so necessary as 't is necessary for a stone not to live saith Molinaeus but evitable by those helps which were granted or were ready to be granted For to those also who being called to the Wedding would not come all things yet are signified to be in readiness And verily unless it be so it seems a man may be punisht for his sin that hinders him from believing but cannot be punisht more heavily for this that supposing sin and this inovitabl hindring be believed not That saying which Molinaeus dislikes It is in man to follow Gods calling or not to follow though it may have a dangerous sense is not yet without great Authors and therefore may receive a benign interpretation They which are halped to believe saith Prosper have it in their power to come Austin Neither ought they to ascribe unto themselves who are come because they came being called nor they that would not come to lay the fault upan another but on themselves alone because being called it was in their free power to come Again we have the beginning of our Salvation by Gods compassion 't is in our power to acquiesce in the saving inspiration Wherefore the same Father explains the calling according to purpose by that manner of calling as is fit for one to be called that he may follow not so as being called he cannot chuse but follow And although the same Austin very often describes vocation by swasion yet I think all Pious men will grant to Molinaeus God doth not work by mere suasions not only upon the mind but upon the Will by inspiring salutary aftections and not by changing the property of the will concreated with it To that Question touched by Molinaeus Why unto some the Gospel is not preached or being preached their Heart is not opened to believe I see the antient Fathers have answer'd two ways in a double respect For if it be absolutely enquir'd Why unto some people of Bithynia and Asia the Gospel was not preached at this or that time The answer is because of their voluntary sins sins of that fort for which God threatens he will send a Famine of the Word Likewise if in be enquir'd why God hardens some to whom the Gospel is preached the Answer is because they had harden'd themselves before For as Austin speaks Then began they to deserve punishment when being call'd they neglected to come But if the Question be propos'd comparatively Why to these the Gospel is preach'd rather than to those Why this mans heart is touched with more Virtue than the others Here it cannot be answer'd so as to give a general Reason in either case from man For t is certain greater Benefits do often fall to them who are the more undeserving persons Recourse must be had in this affair to the Divine Liberty Next as to the certainty of Salvation I do exceedingly approve that which is set down by Molinaeus 1. That there are some degrees of true Faith which are overthrown 2. That some Elect ones doubt of their Salvation 3. That there is a certain peculiar degree of Faith which never fails 4. That full Assurance is to be earnestly beg'd of God For hence I collect 1. That the Faith which fails and which doth not fail differ not so much in essence as degree which also was the Opinion of Iunius 2. That Christ obtain'd for us perseverance and it was promis'd by God on this condition that we ask and beg it with our earnest prayers and therefore not at all absolutely But not to be deceived with ambiguity of words we must note all the Antients so affirm that Faith which may be overthrown to be true Faith as not to deny to it the effect also of Justification For they openly pronounce Many are damned for latter sins to whom the former were remitted Nor do they less consent to this justifying Grace cannot at the same time consist with sins against Conscience as Murther Adultery and such like Wherefore being some elect after the gift of Faith received fall into fins of this sort as by too many Examples it is evident it follows and is clearly pronounced by the Holy Fathers that there may be
that sobriety to be used in determining questions that a fit respect may not only be had for Austin and Prosper and Fulgentius but also that men may abstain from condemning those sentences in which 't is manifest most holy men liv'd and dv'd who after the Apostles and before the Empire of Constantine in the Ages most conspicuous for all piety edified the Church of Christ by their words and writings by their life and blood I am now come to the last part which is concerning the Magistrate And here Molinaeus saith pleasantly He is eased by me because I am forward to teach him what ought to be his Opinion Wherein he shews himself much mistaken in my purpose For my intent was neither to teach him whom I thought fit to be admonisht by your Honor as from your self touching some things and that he should never see what I had written to you nor to teach any other but freely to deposit my thoughts in your bosom my most noble Friend And that upon this occasion because I understood by you that Molinaeus bestowed upon learned Magistrates some Right which he would not grant to the less learned That did not please me I confess and therefore I gave a clear distinction as it seemeth to me and perspicuous between the right or power and the Aptitude or Ability But Molinaeus here was so far from taking my sense that he ascribes to me a meaning contrary to my words He saith I would have a right of making laws to pertain to the learned Magistrates I said it not yea I signified the contrary that learning makes nothing to the right it self He saith after a Senator or Judge if he be a Lawyer is so as he is a judge I much dislike this For there are many Lawyers not Judges and many Judges not Lawyers The one is a name of office the other of skill Take another example There are many Pastors alas too unskilful of holy letters Their office is to interpret Scripture nor are they without a right but they have not an Aptitude thereto requisit Science therefore neither giveth nor encreaseth right but to the good using of it conduceth much An unskilful Prince not to speak yet of Church-affairs hath no less right to give commands in civil affairs and to make laws than a Prince most learned I much admire these things were not consider'd by a man most acute That which is spoken of knowledge understand also of probity of mind He must be a good man that will govern well but the right it self of governing depends no more upon Virtue than the dominion of a private estate For the covetous man is as well Master of his goods as the liberal though the liberal rightly useth riches which the covetous abuseth Molinaeus supposed I would have the Magistrate who shall govern the Church to be Orthodox Really I would and all rich men to be liberal He asketh who shall judge whether the Magistrate be Orthodox If himself great danger if others then will the Magistrate be subject to others Judgment I will ask likewise who shall judge whether the Magistrate be sufficiently skill'd in civil matters and if that argumentation prevail I will conclude the Magistrate to be subject to the judgment of the people I will ask again when the Magistrate must apply himself to some Church who shall judge whether this or that Church be the more Orthodox shall he or the Church If he there is also the same danger as before if the Church this is to beg the question for there is no Assembly of Christians which calls not it self a Church and that Orthodox too But saith he an Infidel Magistrate will abuse this example and usurp the same power As if to alledge an incommodity were to solve the Argument What is there in humane affairs without some incommodity May not I in like manner say if that be given to the Church which I conceive is to be given to the Magistrate an Assembly of Heretical Pastors will also abuse this example and usurp the same right if any where it prevail as it hath happened more than once I will answer in the words of Austin Kings when they are in Error make laws for error against the truth and when they are in the truth make laws for truth against error So are good men tryed by evil laws and by good laws are evil men reformed You see how little Austin feared that incommodity And in truth it is of no moment Aurelian the Emperor was not Orthodox therefore he could not expell from his Bishoprick the Heretick Samosatenus This consequence was not perceived by the Holy Fathers who yielded the judgment of Samosatenus to the Emperor so far that the cause being examined they requested he might by the Imperial autority be dethron'd Neither would Paul have appealed unto Nero had he believed no right of judging in a case of Religion belonged to him Wherefore as Trajan civilly honest Nero wicked are nevertheless equal in the right of Government so pious Constantine and impious Nero are equal in the right of judging in aptitude and skill unequal This most learned man further enquires whether by Governing the Church I understand being judge in the heads of faith or a power to purge the Church of scandals and to command belief of those things which are contained in the word of God But I wonder these are parted which do seem to me indissolubly joyned For if it be the office of a King to command that those things be taught which are true that scandals be avoided amongst which Heresies have the chief place how shall he do this unless he judge what is true what is Heresy For the act of commanding reguires the power of judging But he saith Those things must be commanded to be believed which are establisht by the Assembly of Pastors Orthodox And he that says this does he not shew 't is at least required to judge who are those Orthodox Pastors Now because the examples of King Edward of the States of Holland of the Prince of Orange are alledged I enquire when there were in England Romish Pastors and there were also Reformed in Holland not only Romish but Anabaptists also and Lutherans that the Reformed Religion was publickly introduced in both Nations other being either prohibited or postposed did it not so come to pass because the King the States the Prince judged this Religion purest They embraced then what was suggested by faithful Pastors and demonstrated by Scripture not for the Autority of Pastors for there were many families of them but because they judged the things agreeable to the Scripture Albeit they understood not the knots and subtilities of Theology it was sufficient that they did cast off Idolatry and Popish Tyranny and other errors with an assured judgment A question follows impertinent to this place touching a King who will with blasphemous mouth receive the holy mysteries I answer either this is forbidden by Divine law or