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A32977 Certain sermons or homilies appointed to be read in churches in the time of Queen Elizabeth of famous memory and now reprinted for the use of private families, in two parts. 1687 (1687) Wing C4091I; ESTC R1759 454,358 660

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themselves by true Faith perfect Charity and sure Hope of the endless Joy and Bliss everlasting All those therefore have great cause to be full of Joy that be joyned to Christ with true Faith stedfast Hope and perfect Charity and not to fear death nor everlasting Damnation For Death cannot deprive them of Jesus Christ nor can any Sin condemn them that are grafted surely in him which is their only Joy Treasure and Life Let us repent of our Sins amend our Lives trust in his Mercy and Satisfaction and Death can neither take him from us nor us from him For then as St. Paul saith Whether we live or die we be the Lords own And again he saith Christ did die and rose again because he should be Lord both of the dead and quick Then if we be the Lords own when we be dead it must needs follow that such temporal death not only cannot harm us but also that it shall be much to our profit and joyn us unto God more perfectly And thereof the Christian Heart may surely be certified by the infallible or undeceivable Truth of Holy Scripture It is God saith St. Paul which hath prepared us unto immortality and the same is he which hath given us a● earnest of the Spirit Therefore let us he always of good Comfort for we know that so long as we be in tho Body 2 Gal. 5. we be as it were far from God in a strange Country subject to many perils walking without perfect Sight and Knowledge of Almighty God only seeing him by Faith in Holy Scriptures But we have a courage and desire rather to be at home with God and our Saviour Christ far from the Body where we may behold his Godhead as he is Face to Face to our everlasting Comfort These be St. Paul's words in effect whereby we may perceive that the Life in this World is resembled and likened to a Pilgrimage in a strange Country far from God and that Death delivering us from our Bodies doth send us strait home into our own Country and maketh us to dwell presently with God for ever in everlasting Rest and Quietness So that to die is no loss but profit and winning to all true Christian People What lost the Thief that died on the Cross with Christ by his Bodily death Yea how much did he gain by it Did not our Saviour say unto him Luke 16. This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise And Lazarus that pitiful Person that lay before the Rich Man's Gate pained with Sores and pined with Hunger did not death highly profit and promote him which by the ministry of Angels sent him unto Abraham's Bosom a place of Rest Joy and Heavenly Consolation Let us think none other good Christian People but Christ hath prepared and made ready before the same Joy and Felicity for us that he prepared for Lazarus and the Thief Wherefore let us stick unto his Salvation and Gracious Redemption and believe his Word Serve him from our Hearts Love and Obey him and whatsoever we have done heretofore contrary to his most Holy Will now let us Repent in time and hereafter study to Correct our Life and doubt not but we shall find him as merciful unto us as he was either to Lazarus or to the Thief whose examples are written in Holy Scripture for the comfo●t of them that be sinners and subject to sorrows miseries and calamities in this World that they should not despair in God's Mercy but ever trust thereby to have forgiveness of their Sins and Life everlasting as Lazarus and the Thief had Thus I trust every Christian Man perceiveth by the infallible or undeceivable Word of God that Bodily death cannot harm nor hinder them that truly believe in Christ but contrarily shall profit and promote the Christian Souls which being truly penitent for their offences depart hence in perfect Charity and in sure Trust that God is merciful to them forgiving their Sins for the Merits of Jesus Christ his only natural Son The Second Cause why some do fear death The Second Cause why some do fear death is sore sickness and grievous pains which partly come before death and partly accompany or come with death whensoever it cometh This fear is the fear of the frail flesh and a natural passion belonging unto the nature of a mortal Man But true Faith in God's promises and regard of the pains and pangs which Christ upon the Cross suffered for us miserable sinners with consideration of the Joy and everlasting Life to come in Heaven will mitigate those pains and moderate this fear that it shall never be able to overthrow the hearty desire and gladness that the Christian Soul hath to be separated from this corrupt Body that it may come to the Gracious Presence of our Saviour Jesus Christ If we believe stedfastly the Word of God we shall perceive that such bodily sickness pangs of death or whatsoever dolorous pangs we suffer either before or with death be nothing else in Christian Men but the rod of our Heavenly and Loving Father wherewith he mercifully correcteth us either to try and declare the Faith of his patient Children that they may be sound Laudable Glorious and Honourable in his Sight when Jesus Christ shall be openly shewed to be the Judge of all the World or else to chastise and amend in them whatsoever offendeth his Fatherly and Gracious Goodness lest they should perish everlastingly And this his correcting rod is common to all Men that be truly his Therefore let us cast away the burden of Sin that lieth too heavy on our necks and return unto God by true penance and amendment of our lives Let us with patience run this course that is appointed suffering for his sake that dyed for our Salvation all sorrows and pangs of death and death itself joyfully when God sendeth it to us having our Eyes fixed and set fast ever upon the Head and Captain of our Faith Jesus Christ Phil. 2. Who considering the Joy that he should come unto cared neither for the shame nor pain of death but willingly conforming and framing his Will to his Fathers Will most patiently suffered the most shameful and painful death of the Cross being innocent and harmless And now therefore he is exalted in Heaven and everlastingly sitteth on the right hand of the Throne of God the Father Let us call to our remembrance therefore the Life and Joyes of Heaven that are kept for all them that patiently do suffer here with Christ and consider that Christ suffered all his painful passion by sinners and for sinners And then we shall with Patience and the more easily suffer such sorrows and pains when they come Let us not set at light the chastising of the Lord nor grudge at him nor fall from him when of him we be corrected For the Lord loveth them whom he doth correct and beateth every one whom he taketh to be his Child What Child is
the high Powers for the putting away of Whoredom and for the maintaining of Holy Matrimony or Wedlock and pure Conversation And the Authors of these Acts were no Christians but the Heathen Yet were they so enflamed with the love of Honesty and pureness of Life that for the maintenance and conservation or keeping up of that they made godly Statutes suffering neither Fornication or Adultery to reign in their Realms unpunished Christ said to the People The Ninevites shall rise at the Judgment with this Nation meaning the unfaithful Jews and shall condemn them For they repented at the Preaching of Jonas but behold saith he a Greater than Jonas is here Mat. 12. meaning himself and yet they repent not Shall not think you likewise the Locrensians Arabians Athenians with such other rise up in the Judgment and condemn us forasmuch as they ceased from their Whoredom at the Commandment of Man and we have the Law and manifest Precepts and Commandments of God and yet forsake we not our filthy Conversation Truly truly it shall be easier at the day of Judgment to these Heathens than to us except we repent and amend For though death of Body seemeth unto us a grievous Punishment in this World for Whoredom Yet is that pain nothing in comparison to the grievous Torments which Adulterers Fornicators and all unclean Persons shall suffer after this Life For all such shall be excluded and shut out of the Kingdom of Heaven 1 Col. 6. Galat. 5. Eph. 5. as Saint Paul saith Be not deceived for neither Whoremongers nor Worshippers of Images nor Adulterers nor effeminate Persons nor Sodomites nor Thieves nor covetous Persons nor Drunkards nor cursed Speakers nor Revilers shall inherit the Kingdom of God Apoc. 20. And Saint John in his Revelation saith That Whoremongers shall have their part with Murtherers Sorcerers Enchanters Lyars Idolaters and such other in the Lake which burneth with Fire and Brimstone which is the second death The Punishment of the Body although it be death hath an end But the Punishment of the Soul which Saint John calleth the second death is everlasting there shall be Fire and Brimstone there shall be weeping and gnashing of Teeth the Worm Mat. 13. Mark 9. that there shall gnaw the Conscience of the damned shall never dye O! whose Heart destilleth not even drops of Blood to hear and consider these things If we tremble and shake at the hearing and naming of these Pains Oh what shall they do that feel them that shall suffer them yea and ever shall suffer Worlds without end God have mercy upon us Who is now so drowned in Sin and past all Godliness that he will set more by filthy and stinking Pleasure which soon passeth away than by the loss of everlasting Glory Again who will so give himself to the Lusts of the Flesh that he feareth nothing at all the pain of Hell fire But let us hear how we may eschew the Sin of Whoredome and Adultery that we may walk in the Fear of God and be free from those most grievous and intolerable Torments which abide all unclean Persons Now to avoid Fornication Adultery Remedies whereby to avoid Fornication and Adultery and all Uncleanness let us provide that above all things we may keep our Hearts pure and clean from all evil Thoughts and carnal Lusts For if that be once infected and corrupt we fall headlong into all kind of Ungodliness This shall we easily do if when we feel inwardly that Satan our old Enemy tempteth us unto Whoredom we by no means consent to his crafty Suggestions but valiantly resist and withstand him by strong Faith in the Word of God Alledging against him always in our Heart this Commandment of God Scriptum est non moechaberis It is written Thou shalt not commit Whoredom It shall be good also for us ever to live in the Fear of God and to set before our Eyes the grievous Threatnings of God against all ungodly Sinners and to consider in our mind how filthy beastly and short that Pleasure is whereunto Satan continually stirreth and moveth us And again how the pain appointed for that Sin is intolerable and everlasting Moreover to use a temperance and sobriety in Eating and Drinking to eschew unclean Communication to avoid all filthy Company to flee Idleness to delight in reading the Holy Scriptures to watch in Godly Prayers and virtuous Meditation and at all times to exercise some Godly Travels shall help greatly to the eschewing of Whoredom And here are all degrees to be monished whether they be married or unmarried to love Chastity and Cleanness of Life For the married are bound by the Law of God so purely to love one another that neither of them seek any strange Love The Man must only cleave to his Wife and the Wife again only to her Husband They must so delight one in another's Company that none of them covet any other And as they are bound thus to live together in all Godliness and Honesty so likewise it is their Duty virtuously to bring up their Children and provide that they fall not into Satan's Snare nor into any Uncleanness but that they come pure and honest unto Holy Wedlock when time requireth So likewise ought all Masters and Rulers to provide that no Whoredom nor any point of Uncleanness be used among their Servants And again they that are single and feel in themselves that they cannot live without the Company of a Woman let them get Wives of their own and so live Godly together For it is better to marry than to burn 1 Cor. 7. And to avoid Fornication saith the Apoostle let every Man have his own Wife and every Woman her own Husband Finally all such as feel in themselves a sufficiency and ability through the working of God's Spirit to lead a sole and continent Life let them praise God for his Gift and seek all means possible to maintain the same as by reading of Holy Scriptures by Godly Meditations by continual Prayers and such other virtuous Exercises If we all on this wise will endeavour ourselves to eschew Fornication Adultery and all Uncleanness and lead our Lives in all Godliness and Honesty serving God with a pure and clean Heart and glorifying him in our Bodies by the leading an innocent and harmless Life we may be sure to be in the number of those of whom our Saviour Christ speaketh in the Gospel on this manner Blessed are the pure in Heart Matth. 5. for they shall see God to whom alone be all Glory Honour Rule and Power World without End Amen A SERMON AGAINST Contention and Brawling THIS day good Christian People shall be declared unto you the unprofitableness and shameful unhonesty of Contention Strife and Debate to the intent that when you shall see as it were in a Table painted before your Eyes the Evil-Favouredness and Deformity of this most detestable Vice your Stomachs may be moved to rise against it and
abominable wickedness heaping up to themselves damnation against the day of Gods inevitable Judgment Examples of such scorners we read in the Second Book of Chronicles 2 Par. 30. When the good King Ezechias in the beginning of his Reign had destroyed Idolatry purged the Temple and reformed Religion in his Realm he sent Messengers into every City to gather the People unto Jerusalem to solemnize the Feast of Easter in such sort as God had appointed The Posts went from City to City through the Land of Ephraim and Manasses even unto Zabulon And what did the People think ye Did they land and praise the Name of the Lord which had given them so good a King so zealous a Prince to abolish Idolatry and to restore again Gods true Religion No no. The Scripture saith The people laughed them to scorn and mocked the Kings Messengers And in the last Chapter of the same Book it is written That Almighty God having compassion upon his people sent his Messengers the Prophets unto them to call them from their abominable Idolatry and wicked kind of living But they mocked his Messengers they despised his words and misused his Prophets until the wrath of the Lord arose against his people and till there was no remedy For he gave them up into the hands of their enemies even unto Nabuchodonosor King of Babylon who spoiled them of their Goods burnt their City and led them their Wives and their Children Captives unto Babylon The wicked People that were in the days of Noe made but a mock at the Word of God when Noe told them that God would take vengeance upon them for their sins The Flood therefore came suddenly upon them and drowned them with the whole World Lot Preached to the Sodomites that except they repented both they and their City should be destroyed They thought his sayings impossible to be true they scorned and mocked his Admonition and reputed him as an old doting Fool. But when God by his Holy Angels had taken Lot his Wife and two Daughters from among them he rained down Fire and Brimstone from Heaven and burnt up those scorners and mockers of his Holy Word And what estimation had Christs Doctrine among the Scribes and Pharisees What Reward had he among them The Gospel reporteth thus The Pharisees which were covetous did scorn him in his Doctrine O then ye see that worldly rich men scorn the Doctrine of their Salvation The worldly wise men scorn the Doctrine of Christ as foolishness to their Understanding These scorners have ever been and ever shall be to the Worlds end 2 Pet. 3. For St. Peter Prophesied that such scorners should be in the world before the latter day Take heed therefore my Brethren take heed be ye not scorners of Gods most Holy Word provoke him not to pour out his wrath now upon you as he did then upon those Gybers and Mockers Be not wilful murderers of your own Souls Turn unto God while there is yet time of Mercy ye shall else repent it in the World to come when it shall be too late for there shall be Judgment without Mercy This might suffice to admonish us and cause us henceforth to reverence Gods Holy Scriptures but all men have not Faith This therefore shall not satisfie and content all mens minds but as some are carnal so they will still continue and abuse the Scriptures carnally to their greater damnation 2 Pet. 3. The unlearned and unstable saith St. Peter pervert the holy Scriptures to their own destruction 1 Cor. 1. Jesus Christ as St. Paul saith is to the Jews an offence to the Gentiles foolishness But to Gods children as well of the Jews as of the Gentiles he is the power and wisdom of God The holy man Simeon saith Luke 2. that he is set forth for the fall and rising again of many in Israel As Christ Jesus is a fall to the Reprobate which yet perish through their own default so is his Word yea the whole Book of God a cause of damnation unto them through their incredulity And as he is a rising up to none other than those which are Gods Children by adoption so is his Word yea the whole Scripture the power of God to Salvation to them only that do believe it Christ himself the Prophets before him the Apostles after him all the true Ministers of Gods Holy Word yea every word in Gods Book is unto the Reprobate the savour of death unto death Christ Jesus the Prophets the Apostles and all the true Ministers of his Word yea every jot and tittle in the Holy Scripture have been is and shall be for evermore the savour of life unto eternal life unto all those whose hearts God hath purified by true Faith Let us earnestly take heed that we make no jesting-stock of the Books of Holy Scriptures The more obscure and dark the sayings be to our Understanding the further let us think our selves to be from God and his Holy Spirit who was the Author of them Let us with more reverence endeavour our selves to search out the wisdom hidden in the outward Bark of the Scripture If we cannot understand the sense and the reason of the saying yet let us not be scorners jesters and deriders for that is the uttermost token and shew of a Reprobate of a plain Enemy to God and his wisdom They be not idle Fables to jest at which God doth seriously pronounce and for serious matters let us esteem them And though in sundry places of the Scriptures be set out divers Rites and Ceremonies Oblations and Sacrifices let us not think strange of them but refer them to the Times and People for whom they served although yet to learned men they be not unprofitable to be considered but to be expounded as figures and shadows of things and persons afterward openly revealed in the New Testament Though the rehearsal of the Genealogies and Pedegrees of the Fathers be not to much edification of the plain ignorant people yet is there nothing so impertinently uttered in all the whole Book of the Bible but may serve to spiritual purpose in some respect to all such as will bestow their labours to search out the meanings These may not be condemned because they serve not to our Understanding nor make to our Edification But let us turn our labour to understand and to carry away such sentences and stories as be more fit for our Capacity and Instruction And whereas we read in divers Psalms how David did wish to the Adversaries of God sometimes shame rebuke and confusion sometime the decay of their Off-spring and Issue sometime that they might perish and come suddenly to destruction as he did wish to the Captains of the Philistines Cast forth saith he thy lightning and tear them shoot out thine arrows and consume them with such other manner of Imprecations Yet ought we not to be offended at such Prayers of David being a Prophet as he was singularly
CERTAIN SERMONS OR HOMILIES Appointed to be Read in CHURCHES In the Time of Queen Elizabeth OF FAMOUS MEMORY And now Reprinted for the Use of Private Families In Two Parts LONDON Printed for George Wells at the Sun Abel Swall at the Unicorn in St. Paul's Church-yard and George Pawlett at the Bible in Chancery-Lane 1687. THE PREFACE As it was Published In the Year 1562. COnsidering how necessary it is that the Word of God which is the only food of the Soul and that most excellent Light that we must walk by in this our most dangerous Pilgrimage should at all convenient times be Preached unto the People that thereby they may both learn their Duty towards God their Prince and their Neighbours according to the Mind of the Holy Ghost expressed in the Scriptures And also to avoid the manifold Enormities which heretofore by false Doctrine have crept into the Church of God And how that all they which are appointed Ministers have not the Gift of Preaching sufficiently to instruct the People which is committed unto them whereof great inconveniences might rise and ignorance still be maintained if some honest Remedy be not speedily found and provided The Queens most Excellent Majesty tendering the Souls Health of Her Loving Subjects and the Quieting of their Consciences in the Chief and Principal Points of Christian Religion and willing also by the true setting forth and pure declaring of God's Word which is the principal Guide and Leader unto all Godliness and Virtue to expel and drive away as well corrupt vicious and ungodly Living as also Erroneous and poisoned Doctrines tending to Superstition and Idolatry Hath by the Advice of Her most Honourable Counsellors for her discharge in this behalf caused a Book of Homilies which heretofore was set forth by Her most Loving Brother a Prince of most worthy Memory Edward the Sixth to be Printed anew wherein are contained certain Wholsome and Godly Exhortations to move the People to Honour and Worship Almighty God and diligently to Serve Him every one according to their Degree State and Vocation All which Homilies Her Majesty Commandeth and straitly Chargeth all Parsons Vicars Curates and all others having Spiritual Cure every Sunday and Holiday in the Year at the ministring of the Holy Communion or if there be no Communion ministred that day yet after the Gospel and Creed in such order and place as is appointed in the Book of Common Prayers to Read and Declare to their Parishioners plainly and distinctly one of the said Homilies in such order as they stand in the Book except there be a Sermon according as is enjoyned in the Book of Her Highness Injunctions and then for that Cause only and for none other the Reading of the said Homily to be deferred unto the next Sunday or Holiday following And when the foresaid Book of Homilies is read over Her Majesties pleasure is that the same be repeated and read again in such like sort as was before prescribed Furthermore Her Highness Commandeth that notwithstanding this Order the said Ecclesiastical Persons shall read Her Majesties Injunctions at such times and in such order as in the Book thereof appointed And that the Lords Prayer The Articles of the Faith and the Ten Commandments be openly read unto the People as in the said Injunctions is specified that all Her People of what Degree or Condition soever they be may learn how to invocate and call upon the Name of God and know what Duty they owe both to God and Man So that they may Pray Believe and Work according to Knowledge while they shall live here and after this life be with him that with his Blood hath bought us all To whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost be all Honour and Glory for ever Amen AN ADMONITION TO ALL MINISTERS Ecclesiastical FOR that the Lord doth require of his Servant whom he hath set over his Houshold to shew both Faithfulness and Prudence in his Office it shall be necessary that Ye above all other do behave your Selves most faithfully and diligently in your so high a Function That is aptly plainly and distinctly to read the Sacred Scriptures diligently to instruct the Youth in their Catechism gravely and reverently to Minister his most Holy Sacraments prudently also to choose out such Homilies as be most meet for the time and for the more agreeable instruction of the People committed to your charge with such discretion that where the Homily may appear too long for one Reading to divide the fame to be read part in the Forenoon and part in the Afternoon And where it may so chance some one or other Chapter of the Old Testament to fall in order to be read upon the Sundays or Holidays which were better to be changed with some other of the New Testament of more edification it shall be well done to spend your time to consider well of such Chapters before-hand whereby your prudence and diligence in your Office may appear so that your People may have cause to Glorifie God for you and be the readier to embrace your Labours to your better commendation to the discharge of your Consciences and their own A TABLE OF THE SERMONS Contained in this present Volume I. A Fruitful Exhortation to the Reading of Holy Scripture Pag. 1. II. Of the Misery of all Mankind Pag. 10 III. Of the Salvation of all Mankind Pag. 19 IV. Of the true and lively Faith Pag. 32 V. Of Good Works Pag. 46 VI. Of Christian Love and Charity Pag. 61 VII Against Swearing and Perjury Pag. 69 VIII Of the Declining from God Pag. 78 IX An Exhortation against the Fear of Death Pag. 89 X. An Exhortation to Obedience Pag. 105 XI Against Whoredom and Adultery Pag. 119 XII Against Strife and Contention Pag. 137 XIII Of the right Use of the Church Pag. 159. XIV Against peril of Idolatry Pag. 175 XV. For repairing and keeping clean the Church Pag. 282 XVI Of Good Works And First of Fasting Pag. 289 XVII Against Gluttony and Drunkenness Pag. 309 XVIII Against excess of Apparel Pag. 322 XIX An Homily of Prayer Pag. 334 XX. Of the Place and Time of Prayer Pag. 356 XXI Of Common-Prayer and Sacraments Pag. 370 XXII An Information of them which take offence at certain places of Holy Scripture Pag. 385 XXIII Of Alms-Deeds Pag. 402 XXIV Of the Nativity Pag. 421 XXV Of the Passion for Good-Friday Pag. 434 and 435 XXVI Of the Resurrection for Easter-day Pag. 455 XXVII Of the worthy receiving of the Sacrament Pag. 467 XXVIII An Homily concerning the coming down of the Holy Ghost for Whitsunday Pag. 480 XXIX An Homily for Rogation-week Pag. 497 XXX Of the state of Matrimony Pag. 530 XXXI Against Idleness Pag. 540 XXXII Of Repentance and true Reconciliation unto God Pag. 556 XXXIII An Homily against Disobedience and wilful Rebellion Pag. 583 A Fruitful EXHORTATION TO THE Reading and Knowledge OF HOLY SCRIPTURE UNto a Christian Man there can be nothing either more necessary
or profitable The praise of Holy Scripture than the Knowledge of Holy Scripture forasmuch as in it is contained God's true Word setting forth his Glory and also Man's Duty The perfection of Holy Scripture The knowledge of Holy Scripture is necessary To whom the knowledge of Holy Scriture is sweet and pleasant Who be enemies to Holy Scripture And there is no Truth nor Doctrine necessary for our Justification and everlasting Salvation but that is or may be drawn out of that Fountain and Well of Truth Therefore as many as be desirous to enter into the Right and Perfect way unto God must apply their Minds to know Holy Scripture without the which they can neither sufficiently know God and his Will neither their Office and Duty And as Drink is pleasant to them that be Drie and Meat to them that be Hungry So is the Reading Hearing Searching and Studying of Holy Scripture to them that be desirous to know God or themselves and to do his Will And their Stomachs only do loath and abhor the Heavenly Knowledge and Food of God's Word that be so drowned in worldly Vanities that they neither favour God nor any Godliness For that is the cause why they desire such Vanities rather than the time knowledge of God As they that are sick of an Ague An apt Similitude declaring of whom the Scripture is abhorred An exhortation unto the diligent reading and searching of the holy Scripture Matth. 4. The Holy Scripture is a sufficient Doctrine for our Salvation What things we may learn in the Holy Scripture whatsoever they eat and drink though it be never so pleasant yet it is as bitter to them as Wormwood not for the bitterness of the Meat but for the corrupt and bitter humor that is in their own Tongue and Mouth Even so is the sweetness of God's Word bitter not of itself but only unto them that have their Minds corrupted with long custom of Sin and love of this World Therefore forsaking the corrupt judgment of fleshly Men which care not but for their Carkass Let us reverently hear and read Holy Scripture which is the Food of the Soul Let us diligently search for the Well of Life in the Books of the New and Old Testament and not run to the stinking Puddles of Mens Traditions devised by Mens Imagination for our Justification and Salvation For in Holy Scripture is fully contained what we ought to do and what to eschew what to believe what to love and what to look for at God's hands at length In these Books we shall find the Father from whom the Son by whom and the Holy Ghost in whom all Things have their Being and Keeping up And these Three Persons to be but One God and One Substance In these Books we may learn to know ourselves how Vile and Miserable we be and also to know God how Good He is of Himself and how He maketh us and all Creatures partakers of His Goodness We may learn also in these Books to know God's Will and Pleasure as much as for this present time is convenient for us to know And as the great Clerk and godly Preacher St. John Chrysostom saith whatsoever is required to the Salvation of Man is fully contained in the Scripture of God He that is Ignorant may there learn and have Knowledge He that is Hard-hearted and an obstinate Sinner shall there find Everlasting Torments prepared of God's Justice to make him afraid and to mollifie or soften him He that is oppressed with Misery in this World shall there find Relief in the promises of Everlasting Life to his great Consolation and Comfort He that is wounded by the Devil unto death shall find there Medicine whereby he may be restored again unto Health If it shall require to teach any Truth or reprove any false Doctrine to rebuke any Vice to commend any Virtue to give good Counsel to Comfort or Exhort or to do any other thing requisite for our Salvation All those things saith St. Chrysostome we may learn plentifully of the Scripture There is saith Fulgentius abundantly enough Holy Scripture ministreth sufficient Doctrine for all Degrees and Ages Matth. 4. Luke 3. John 17. Psal 19. What commodities and Profits the knowledge of Holy Scripture bringeth both for Men to eat and Children to suck There is whatsoever is meet for all Ages and for all Degrees and sorts of Men. These Books therefore ought to be much in our Hands in our Eyes in our Ears in our Mouths but most of all in our Hearts For the Scripture of God is the Heavenly Meat of our Souls the Hearing and Keeping of it maketh us Blessed Sanctifieth us and maketh us Holy it turneth our Souls it is a light Lanthorn to our Feet it is a sure stedfast and everlasting instrument of Salvation it giveth Wisdom to the humble and lowly Hearts it Comforteth maketh Glad Cheereth and Cherisheth our Conscience It is a more excellent Jewel or Treasure than any Gold or precious Stone it is more sweet than Honey or Honey-comb it is called the best part which Mary did choose for it hath in it everlasting Comfort The Words of Holy Scripture be called Words of Everlasting Life For they be God's Instruments ordained for the same purpose They have power to turn through God's Promise and they be effectual through God's assistence Luke 10. John 6. and being received in a faithful Heart they have ever an Heavenly spiritual working in them They are lively quick and mighty in Operation and sharper than any two-edged Sword and enter through Heb. 4. even to the dividing asunder of the Soul and the Spirit of the Joints and the Marrow Christ calleth him a Wise Builder Matth. 7. that Buildeth upon his Word upon his sure and substantial Foundation By this Word of God we shall be judged For the Word that I speak saith Christ John 12. is it that shall judge in the last day He that keepeth the Word of Christ is promised the Love and Favour of God John 14. and that he shall be the Dwelling-place or Temple of the Blessed Trinity This Word whosoever is diligent to Read and in his Heart to Print that he readeth the great affection to the transitory things of this World shall be minished in him and the great desire of Heavenly things that be therein promised of God shall increase in him And there is nothing that so much strengthneth our Faith and Trust in God that so much keepeth up Innocency and Pureness of the Heart and also of outward Godly Life and Conversation as continual Reading and recording of God's Word For that thing which by continual use of Reading of Holy Scripture and diligent searching of the same is deeply Printed and Graven in the Heart at length turneth almost into Nature And moreover the Effect and Virtue of God's Word is to illuminate the Ignorant and to give more light unto them that faithfully and diligently
understood And concerning the hardness of Scripture he that is so weak that he is not able to brook strong Meat yet he may suck the sweet and tender Milk and defer the rest until he wax stronger and come to more knowledge For God receiveth the Learned and Unlearned and casteth away none but is indifferent unto all And the Scripture is full as well of low Valleys plain Ways and easie for every Man to use and to walk in As also of high Hills and Mountains which few Men can climb unto God leaveth no Man untaught that hath good Will to know his Word And whosoever giveth his Mind to Holy Scriptures with diligent Study and burning Desire it cannot be saith St. Chrysostome that he should be left without help For either God Almighty will send him some Godly Doctor to teach him as he did to instruct the Eunuch a Nobleman of Ethiope and Treasurer unto Queen Candace who having affecton to read the Scripture although he understood it not yet for the desire that he had unto God's Word God sent his Apostle Philip to declare unto him the true Sense of the Scripture that he read or else if we lack a learned Man to instruct and teach us yet God himself from above will give light unto our Minds and teach us those things which are necessary for us and wherein we be ignorant How the knowledge of the Scripture may be attained unto Matt. 7. A good rule for the understanding of Scripture And in another place St. Chrysostome saith that Man 's Human and Worldly Wisdom or Science is not needful to the understanding of Scripture but the revelation of the Holy Ghost who inspireth the true meaning unto them that with Humility and Diligence do search therefore He that asketh shall have and he that seeketh shall find and he that knocketh shall have the Door opened If we read once twice or thrice and understand not let us not cease so but still continue Reading Praying Asking of others and so by still knocking at the last the Door shall be opened as St. Augustin saith although many things in the Scripture be spoken in obscure mysteries yet there is nothing spoken under dark Mysteries in one place but the self-same thing in other places is spoken more familiarly and plainly to the capacity both of learned and unlearned No Man is excepted from the knowledge of God's Word And those things in the Scripture that be plain to understand and necessary for Salvation every Man's Duty is to Learn them to print them in Memory and effectually to Exercise them And as for the dark Mysteries to be contented to be ignorant in them until such time as it shall please God to open those things unto him In the mean season if he lack either aptness or opportunity God will not impute it to his folly But yet it behoveth not that such as be apt should set aside reading because some other be unapt to read Nevertheless for the hardness of such places the reading of the whole ought not to be set apart And briefly to conclude What persons would have Ignorance to continue as St. Augustine saith by the Scripture all Men be amended weak Men be strenthened and strong Men be comforted So that surely none be enemies to the reading of God's Word but such as either be so ignorant that they know not how wholsome a thing it is or else be so sick that they hate the most comfortable Medicine that should heal them Or so ungodly that they would wish the People still to continue in blindness and ignorance of God Thus we have briefly touched some part of the Commodities of God's Holy Word The Holy Scripture is one of God's chief Benefits which is one of God's chief and principal Benefits given and declared to Mankind here on Earth Let us thank God heartily for this his great and special Gift beneficial Favour and Fatherly Providence The right reading use and fruitful studying in Holy Scripture Psal 50. Let us be glad to receive this precious Gift of our Heavenly Father Let us Hear Read and Know these Holy Rules Injunctions and Statutes of our Christian Religion and upon that we have made profession to God at our Baptisme Let us with fear and reverence lay up in the chest of our Hearts these necessary and fruitful Lessons Let us night and day muse and have Meditation and Contemplation in them Let us ruminate and as it were chew the Cud that we have the sweet Juice spiritual Effect Marrow Honey Kernel Taste Comfort and Consolation of them Let us stay quiet and certify our Consciences with the most infallible Certainty Truth and perpetual assurance of them Let us pray to God the only Author of these Heavenly Studies that we may Speak Think Believe Live and Depart hence according to the wholesom Doctrine and Verities of them And by that means in this world we shall have God's Defence Favour and Grace with the unspeakable solace of peace and quietness of Conscience and after this miserable life we shall enjoy the endless Bliss and Glory of Heaven which he Grant us all that died for us all Jesus Christ to whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost be all Honour and Glory both now and everlastingly A SERMON OF THE Misery of Mankind and of his condemnation to Death everlasting by his own Sin THe Holy Ghost in Writing the Holy Scripture is in nothing more diligent than to pull down Man's Vain-glory and Pride which of all Vices is most universally grafted in all Mankind even from the first infection of our first Father Adam And therefore we read in many places of Scripture many notable Lessons against this old rooted Vice to teach us the most commendable virtue of Humility how to know ourselves and to remember what we be of ourselves In the Book of Genesis ●●n 3. Almighty God giveth us all a Title and Name in our great Grandfather Adam which ought to warn us all to consider what we be whereof we be from whence we came and whither we shall saying thus In the sweat of thy Face shalt thou eat thy Bread till thou be turned again into the ground for out of it wast thou taken inasmuch as thou art Dust into Dust shalt thou be turned again Here as it were in a Glass we may learn to know ourselves to be but Ground Earth and Ashes and that to Earth and Ashes we shall return Also the Holy Patriarch Abraham did well remember this Name and Title Dust Earth and Ashes appointed and assigned by God to all Mankind and therefore he calleth himself by that Name when he maketh his earnest Prayer for Sodom and Gomorrah And we read that Judith Esther Job Jud. 4. 9. Job 13. Jer. 6. and 25. Jeremy with other Holy Men and Women in the Old Testament did use Sackcloth and to cast Dust and Ashes upon their Heads when they bewailed their sinful
Faith doth directly send us to Christ for remission of our Sins and that by Faith given us of God we embrace the Promise of God's Mercy and of the remission of our Sins which thing none other of our Virtues of Works properly doth therefore the Scripture useth to say That Faith without Works doth justifie And forasmuch as it is all one Sentence in effect to say Faith without Works and only Faith doth justifie us therefore the old ancient Fathers of the Church from time to time have uttered our Justification with this Speech Only Faith justifieth us meaning no other thing than St. Paul meant when he said Faith without Works justifieth us And because all this is brought to pass through the only Merits and Deservings of our Saviour Christ and not through our Merits or through the Merit of any Virtue that we have within us or of any Work that cometh from us Therefore in that respect of merit and deserving we forsake as it were altogether again Faith Works and all other Virtues For our own Imperfection is so great through the corruption of Original Sin that all is imperfect that is within us Faith Charity Hope Dread Thoughts Words and VVorks and therefore not apt to Merit and Deserve any part of our Justification for us And this form of Speaking use we in the humbling of ourselves to God and to give all the Glory to our Saviour Christ who is best worthy to have it Here you have heard the Office of God in our Justification and how we receive it of him freely by his Mercy without our deserts through true and lively Faith Now you shall hear the Office and Duty of a Christian Man unto God what we ought on our part to render unto God again for his great Mercy and Goodness They that preach Faith only justifieth do not teach carnal liberty or that we should do no good Works Our Office is not to pass the time of this present Life unfruitfully and idly after that we are Baptized or Justified not caring how few good VVorks we do to the Glory of God and Profit of our Neighbors Much less is it our Office after that we be once made Christ's Members to live contrary to the same making ourselves Members of the Devil walking after his enticements and after the suggestions of the VVorld and the Flesh whereby we know that we do serve the VVorld and the Devil and not God The Devils have Faith but not the true Faith For that Faith which bringeth forth without Repentance either evil VVorks or no good VVorks is not a right pure and lively Faith but a dead devilish counterfeit and feigned Faith as St. Paul and St. James call it For even the Devils know and Believe that Christ was Born of a Virgin that he Fasted forty Days and forty Nights without Meat and Drink that he wrought all kind of Miracles declaring Himself very God They Believe also that Christ for our sakes suffered a most painful Death to redeem us from everlasting Death and that he rose again from Death the Third Day They Believe that he ascended into Heaven and that he Sitteth on the Right Hand of the Father and at she last end of this VVorld shall come again and judge both the Quick and the Dead These Articles of our Faith the Devils Believe and so they Believe all things that be written in the New and Old Testament to be true And yet for all this Faith they be but Devils remaining still in their damnable estate lacking the very true Christian Faith What is the true and justifying Faith For the right and true Christian Faith is not only to believe that Holy Scripture and all the foresaid Articles of our Faith are true but also to have a sure Trust and Confidence in God's merciful Promises to be saved from everlasting Damnation by Christ Whereof doth follow a loving Heart to obey his Commandments And this true Christian Faith neither any Devil hath nor yet any Man which in the outward profession of his Mouth and in his outward receiving of the Sacraments in coming to the Church and in all other outward appearances seemeth to be a Christian Man and yet in his Living and Deeds sheweth the contrary They that continue in evil living have not true Faith For how can a Man have this true Faith sure Trust and Confidence in God that by the Merits of Christ his Sins be forgiven and he reconciled to the Favour of God and to be partaker of the Kingdom of Heaven by Christ when he liveth ungodlily and denieth Christ in his Deeds Surely no such ungodly Man can have this Faith and Trust in God For as they know Christ to be the only Saviour of the World so they know also that Wicked Men shall not enjoy the Kingdom of God They know that God hateth Unrighteousness Psal 25. that he will destroy all those that speak untruly that those which have done good Works which cannot be done without a lively Faith in Christ shall come forth into the Resurrection of Life and those that have done Evil shall come unto the Resurrection of Judgment Very well they know also that to them that be Contentious and to them that will not be Obedient unto the Truth but will obey Unrighteousness shall come Indignation Wrath and Affliction c. Therefore to conclude considering the infinite Benefits of God shewed and given unto us mercifully without our Deserts who hath not only Created us of Nothing and from a piece of vile Clay of his infinite Goodness hath exalted us as touching our Soul unto his own Similitude and Likeness But also whereas we were condemned to Hell and Death everlasting hath given his own natural Son being God Eternal Immortal and Equal unto Himself in Power and Glory to be incarnated and to take our mortal Nature upon him with the infirmities of the same and in the same nature to suffer most shameful and painful Death for our Offences to the intent to justifie us and to restore us to Life everlasting So making us also his dear Children Brethren unto his only Son our Saviour Christ and Inheritors for ever with him of his Eternal Kingdom of Heaven These great and merciful Benefits of God if they be well considered do neither minister unto us occasion to be idle and to live without doing any good Works neither yet stir us up by any means to do evil things But contrariwise if we be not desperate Persons and our Hearts harder than Stones they move us to render ourselves unto God wholly with all our VVills Hearts Might and Power to serve him in all good Deeds obeying his Commandments during our Lives to seek in all things his Glory and Honour not our sensual Pleasures and Vain-glory evermore dreading willingly to offend such a Merciful God and Loving Redeemer in VVord Thought or Deed. And the said Benefits of God deeply considered move us for his sake also
shall justly judge both the quick and the dead according to their Works For whosoever forsaketh the Truth Though Perjury do escape here unspied and unpunished it shall not do so ever for love or displeasure of any Man or for lucre and profit to himself doth forsake Christ and with Judas betray him And although such perjured Mens falshood be now kept secret yet it shall be opened at the last day when the secrets of all Mens Hearts shall be manifest to all the World And then the Truth shall appear and accuse them and their own Conscience with all the blessed company of Heaven shall bear witness truly against them And Christ the Righteous Judge shall then justly condemn them to everlasting shame and death This sin of Perjury Almighty God by the Prophet Malachy doth threaten to punish sore saying unto the Jews Malac. 3● I will come to you in judgment and I will be a swift witness and a sharp Judge upon Sorcerers Adulterers and Perjured persons Which thing to the Prophet Zachary God declareth in a vision wherein the Prophet saw a Book flying which was twenty Cubits long and ten Cubits broad God saying then unto him this is the curse that shall go forth upon the face of the Earth for Falshood false Swearing and Perjury And this Curse shall enter into the House of the false Man and into the House of the perjured Man and it shall remain in the midst of his House consume him and the timber and stones of his House Thus you see how much God doth hate Perjury and what punishment God hath prepared for false Swearers and perjured Persons Thus you have heard how and in what causes it is lawful for a Christian Man to Swear Ye have heard what properties and conditions a lawful Oath must have and also how such lawful Oaths are both Godly and necessary to be observed Ye have heard that it is not lawful to Swear vainly that is other ways than in such Causes and after such sort as is declared And finally ye have heard how damnable a thing it is either to forswear ourselves or to keep an unlawful and an unadvised Oath Wherefore let us earnestly call for Grace that all Vain-swearing and Perjury set apart we may only use such Oaths as be lawful and Godly and that we may truly without all fraud keep the same according to God's Will and Pleasure To whom with the Son and the Holy Ghost be all Honour and Glory Amen A SERMON How dangerous a thing it is to fall from God OF our going from God the Wise Man saith that Pride was the first beginning for by it Man's Heart was turned from God his Maker For Pride saith he Eccl. 10. is the Fountain of all Sin He that hath it shall be full of Cursings and at the end it shall overthrow him And as by Pride and Sin we go from God so shall God and all Goodness with him go from us And the Prophet Osee doth plainly affirm that they which go away still from God by vicious living and yet would go about to pacifie him otherwise by Sacrifice Osee 5. and entertain him thereby they labour in vain For notwithstanding all their Sacrifice yet he goeth still away from them Forsomuch saith the Prophet as they do not apply their Minds to return to God although they go about with whole Flocks and Herds to seek the Lord yet they shall not find him for he is gone away from them But as touching our turning to God or from God you shall understand that it may be done divers ways Somtimes directly by Idolatry as Israel and Judah then did Somtimes Men go from God by lack of Faith and mistrusting of God whereof Isaiah speaketh on this wise Wo to them that go down into Egypt to seek for help trusting in Horses and having confidence in the number of Chariots and puissance or power of Horsemen Isai 31. They have no confidence in the Holy God of Israel nor seek for the Lord. But what followeth The Lord shall let his hand fall upon them and down shall come both the helper and he that is holpen they shall be destroyed all together Somtimes Men go from God by the neglecting of his Commandments concerning their Neighbours which command them to express hearty Love towards every Man as Zachary said unto the People in God's behalf Give true judgment shew mercy and compassion every one to his brother imagine no deceit towards Widows Zach. 7. or children fatherless and motherless towards strangers or the poor let no man forge evil in his heart against his brother But these things they passed not of they turned their backs and went their way they stopped their Ears that they might not hear they hardned their Hearts as an Adamant stone that they might not listen to the Law and the words that the Lord had sent through his Holy Spirit by his ancient Prophets Wherefore the Lord shewed his great Indignation upon them It came to pass saith the Prophet even as I told them As they would not hear so when they cried they were not heard but were scattered into all Kingdoms which they never knew and their land was made desolate Jer. 7. And to be short all they that may not abide the Word of God but following the persuasions and stubbornness of their own Hearts go backward and not forward as it is said in Jeremy They go and turn away from God Insomuch that Origen saith He that with Mind with Study with Deeds with Thought and Care applieth Jer. 7. and giveth himself to God's Word and thinketh upon his Laws day and night giveth himself wholly to God and in his Precepts and Commandments is exercised This is he that is turned to God And on the other part he saith Whosoever is occupied with Fables and Tales when the Word of God is rehearsed he is turned from God Whosoever in time of reading God's Word is careful in his mind of Worldly business of Money or of Lucre he is turned from God Whosoever is intangled with the cares of Possessions filled with covetousness of Riches Whosoever studieth for the Glory and Honour of this World he is turned from God So that after his Mind whosoever hath not a special mind to that thing that is commanded or taught of God he that doth not listen unto it embrace and imprint it in his Heart to the intent that he may duly fashion his life thereafter he is plainly turned from God although he do other things of his own Devotion and Mind which to him seem better and more to God's Honour Which thing to be true we be taught and admonished in the Holy Scripture by the example of King Saul who being commanded of God by Samuel 1 Kings 15. that he should kill all the Amalekites and destroy them clearly with their Goods and Cattle Yet he being moved partly with pity and partly as he thought with devotion
unto God saved Agag the King and all the chief of their Cattel therewith to make Sacrifice unto God Wherewithal God being displeased highly said unto the Prophet Samuel I repent that ever I made Saul King for he hath forsaken me and not followed my Words and so he commanded Samuel to shew him and when Samuel asked wherefore contrary to God's Word he had saved the Cattel he excused the matter partly by fear saying he durst do no other for that the People would have it so partly for that they were goodly Beasts he thought God would be content seeing it was done of a good intent and devotion to honour God with the Sacrifice of them But Samuel reproving all such intents and devotions seem they never so much to God's Honour if they stand not with his Word whereby we may be assured of his pleasure said on this wise Would God have Sacrifices and Offerings Or rather that his Word should be obeyed To obey him is better than offerings and to listen to him is better than to offer the fat of Rams yea to repugn against his voice is as evil as the sin of soothsaying and not to agree to it is like abominable Idolatry And now forasmuch as thou hast cast away the word of the Lord he hath cast away thee that thou shouldest not be King By all these examples of Holy Scripture The turning of God from Man we may know that as we forsake God so shall he ever forsake us And what miserable state doth consequently and necessarily follow thereupon a Man may easily consider by the terrible threatnings of God And although he consider not all the said misery to the uttermost being so great that it passeth any Man's capacity in this life sufficiently to consider the same Yet he shall soon perceive so much thereof that if his Heart be not more than stony or harder than the Adamant he shall fear tremble and quake to call the same to his remembrance First the displeasure of God towards us is commonly expressed in the Scripture by these two things By shewing his fearful Countenance upon us and by turning his Face or hiding it from us By shewing his dreadful Countenance is signified his great wrath But by turning his Face or hiding thereof is many times more signified that is to say That he clearly forsaketh us and giveth us over The which significations be taken of the properties of Mens manners For Men towards them whom they favour commonly bear a good a chearful and a loving Countenance So that by the Face or Countenance of a Man it doth commonly appear what Will or Mind he beareth towards others So when God doth shew his dreadful Countenance towards us that is to say doth send dreadful plagues of Sword Famine or Pestilence upon us it appeareth that he is greatly wroth with us But when he withdraweth from us his Word the right Doctrine of Christ his Gracious assistance and aid which is ever joyned to his Word and leaveth us to our own Wit our own Will and Strength He declareth then that he beginneth to forsake us For whereas God hath shewed to all them that truly believe his Gospel his Face of Mercy in Jesus Christ which doth so lighten their Hearts that they if they behold it as they ought to do be transformed to his Image be made partakers of the Heavenly Light and of his Holy Spirit and be fashioned to him in all Goodness requisite to the Children of God So if they after do neglect the same if they be unthankful unto him if they order not their lives according to his Example and Doctrine and to the setting forth of his Glory he will take away from them his Kingdom his Holy Word whereby he should reign in them because they bring not forth the fruit thereof that he looketh for Nevertheless he is so merciful and of so long-sufferance that he doth not shew upon us that great wrath suddainly But when we begin to shrink from his Word not believing it or not expressing it in our livings First he doth send his Messengers the true Preachers of his Word to admonish and warn us of our Duty That as he for his part for the great love he bare unto us delivered his own Son to suffer death that we by his death might be delivered from death and be restored to the Life everlasting evermore to dwell with him and to be partakers and inheritors with him of his everlasting Glory and Kingdom of Heaven So again that we for our parts should walk in a Godly life as becometh his Children to do And if this will not serve but still we remain disobedient to his Word and Will not knowing him nor loving him nor fearing him nor putting our whole trust and confidence in him And on the other side to Neighbours behaving our selves uncharitably by Disdain Envy Malice or by committing Murder Robbery Adultery Gluttony Deceit Lying Swearing or other like detestable Works Heb. 3. and ungodly behaviour then he threatneth us by terrible Comminations swearing in great Anger Psal 15. that whosoever doth these Works shall never enter into his Rest 1 Cor. ●● which is the Kingdom of Heaven The Second Part of the Sermon of Falling from God IN the former part of this Sermon ye have learned how many manner of ways Men fall from God Some by Idolatry some for lack of Faith some by neglecting of their Neighbours some by not hearing of God's Word some by the Pleasure they take in the Vanities of worldly things Ye have also learned in what misery that Man is which is gone from God And how that God yet of his infinite Goodness to call again Man from that his misery useth first gentle Admonitions by his Preachers after he layeth on terrible Threatnings Now if this gentle Monition and Threatning together do not serve then God will shew his terrible Countenance upon us he will pour intolerable Plagues upon our Heads and after he will take away from us all his Aid and Assistance wherewith before he did defend us from all such manner of Calamity As the Evangelical Prophet Isaiah agreeing with Christ's Parable Isaiah 5. doth teach us saying That God had made a goodly Vineyard for his beloved Children he hedged it he walled it round about he planted it with chosen Vines and made a Turret in the mid'st thereof Matth. 2●● and therein also a Vine-press And when he looked that it should bring forth good Grapes it brought forth wild Grapes And after it followeth Now shall I shew you saith God what I will do with my Vineyard I will pluck down the Hedges that it may perish I will break down the Walls that it may be troden under foot I will let it lye waste it shall not be cut it shall not be digged but Bryers and Thorns shall overgrow it and I shall command the Clouds that they shall no more rain upon it By these Threatnings we
Pleasure and Consolation But the unmerciful rich Man descended down into Hell and being in Torments he cried for Comfort complaining of the intolerable pain that he suffered in that flame of Fire but it was too late So unto this place bodily death sendeth all them that in this World have their Joy and Felicity all them that in this World be unfaithful unto God and uncharitable unto their Neighbours so dying without Repentance and hope of God's Mercy Wherefore it is no marvel that the worldly Man feareth death for he hath much more cause so to do than he himself doth consider Thus we see three Causes why worldly Men fear death One The First because they shall lose thereby their worldly Honors Riches Possessions and all their Hearts desires Another Second because of the painful diseases and bitter pangs which commonly Men suffer either before or at the time of death Third But the chief cause above all other is the dread of the miserable state of eternal damnation both of Body and Soul which they fear shall follow after their departing from the worldly Pleasures of this present Life For these Causes be all mortal Men which be given to the love of this World both in fear and state of death through Sin as the Holy Apostle saith so long as they live here in this World But Heb. 10. everlasting thanks be to Almighty God for ever there is never a one of all these Causes no nor yet them all together that can make a true Christian man afraid to die who is the very Member of Christ 1 Cor. 3. the Temple of the Holy Ghost the Son of God and the very Inheritor of the everlasting Kingdom of Heaven but plainly contrary he conceiveth great and many Causes undoubtedly grounded upon the infallible and everlasting truth of the Word of God which moveth him not only to put away the fear of bodily death but also for the manifold Benefits and singular Commodities which ensue unto every faithful Person by reason of the same to wish desire and long heartily for it For death shall be to him no death at all but a very deliverance from death from all Pains Cares and Sorrows Miseries and Wretchedness of this World and the very entry into Rest and a beginning of everlasting Joy a tasting of heavenly Pleasures so great that neither Tongue is able to express neither Eye to see nor Ear to hear them no nor any earthly Man's heart to conceive them So exceeding great Benefits they be which God our heavenly Father by his mere Mercy and for the Love of his Son Jesus Christ hath laid up in store and prepared for them that humbly submit themselves to God's Will and evermore unfeignedly love him from the bottom of their Hearts And we ought to believe that death being slain by Christ cannot keep any Man that stedfastly trusteth in Christ under his perpetual Tyranny and Subjection But that he shall rise from death again unto Glory at the last day appointed by Almighty God like as Christ our Head did rise again according to God's appointment the third day For St. Augustine saith The Head going before the Members trust to follow and come after And St. Paul saith If Christ be risen from the dead we shall rise also from the same And to comfort all Christian Persons herein Holy Scripture calleth this bodily death a sleep wherein Man's Senses be as it were taken from him for a season and yet when he awaketh he is more fresh than he was when he went to Bed So although we have our Souls separated from our Bodies for a season yet at the general Resurrection we shall be more fresh beautiful and perfect than we be now For now we be mortal then shall we be immortal Now infected with divers Infirmities then clearly void of all mortal Infirmities Now we be subject to all carnal desires then we shall be all Spiritual desiring nothing but God's Glory and things eternal Thus is this bodily death a door or entring unto Life and therefore not so much dreadful if it be rightly considered as it is comfortable not a mischief but a Remedy for all mischief no Enemy but a Friend not a cruel Tyrant but a gentle Guide leading us not to mortality but to immortality not to Sorrow and Pain but to Joy and Pleasure and that to endure for ever if it be thankfully taken and accepted as God's Messenger and patiently born of us for Christ's Love that suffered most painful death for our Love to redeem us from death eternal Accordingly hereunto St. Paul saith Col. 3. Our Life is hid with Christ in God But when our Life shall appear then shall we also appear with him in Glory Why then shall we fear to die considering the manifold and comfortable Promises of the Gospel and of Holy Scriptures 1 John 5. God the Father hath given us everlasting Life saith St. John 1 John 5. and this Life is in his Son He that hath the Son hath Life and he that hath not the Son hath not Life And this I write saith St. John to you that believe in the Name of the Son of God that you may know that you have everlasting Life and that you do believe upon the Name of the Son of God And our Saviour Christ saith John 5. He that believeth in me hath Life everlasting and I will raise him from Death to Life at the last day St. Paul also saith 1 Cor. 1. That Christ is ordained and made of God our Righteousness or Holiness and Redemption to the intent that he which will glory should glory in the Lord. St. Paul did contemn and set little by all other things Phil. 3. esteeming them as Dung which before he had in very great price that he might be found in Christ to have everlasting Life true Holiness Righteousness and Redemption Finally St. Paul maketh a plain Argument on this wise Rom. 8. If our heavenly Father would not spare his own natural Son but did give him to death for us how can it it be but that with him he should give us all things Therefore if we have Christ then have we with him and by him all good things whatsoever we can in our Hearts wish or desire as Victory over Death Sin and Hell We have the Favour of God Peace with him Holiness Wisdom Justice Power Life and Redemption we have by him perpetual Health Wealth Joy and Bliss everlasting The Second Part of the Sermon against the Fear of Death IT hath been heretofore shewed you That there be three Causes wherefore Men do commonly fear Death First the sorrowful departing from Worldly Goods and Pleasures The Second the fear of the pangs and pains that come with Death The last and principal Cause is The horrible fear of extreme Misery and perpetual Damnation in time to come And yet none of these three Causes troubleth good Men because they stay
that Heb. 12. saith St. Paul whom the Father loveth and doth not chastise If ye be without God's correction which all his welbeloved and true Children have then be you but Bastards smally regarded of God and not his true Children Therefore seeing that when we have on Earth our carnal Fathers to be our correctors we do fear them and reverently take their correction shall we not much more be in Subjection to God our Spiritual Father by whom we shall have everlasting Life and our Carnal Fathers somtimes correct us even as it pleaseth them without cause But this Father justly correcteth us either for our Sin to the intent we should amend or for our Commodity and Wealth to make us thereby partakers of his Holiness Furthermore all Correction which God sendeth us in this present time seemeth to have no Joy and Comfort but Sorrow and Pain yet it bringeth with it a tast of God's Mercy and Goodness towards them that be so corrected and a sure hope of God's everlasting Consolation in Heaven If then these Sorrows Diseases and Sicknesses and also Death itself be nothing else but our Heavenly Father's Rod whereby he certifieth us of his Love and gracious Favour whereby he tryeth and purifieth us whereby he giveth unto us Holiness and certifieth us that we be his Children and he our merciful Father Shall not we then with all humility as obedient and loving Children joyfully kiss our Heavenly Father's Rod and ever say in our Heart with our Saviour Jesus Christ Father if this Anguish and Sorrow which I feel and Death which I see approach may not pass but that thy will is that I must suffer them Thy Will be done The Third Part of the Sermon against the Fear of Death IN this Sermon against the fear of Death Two Causes were declared which commonly move worldly Men to be in much fear to die and yet the same do nothing trouble the faithful and good Livers when Death cometh but rather give them occasion greatly to rejoice considering that they shall be delivered from the sorrow and misery of this World and be brought to the great Joy and Felicity of the Life to come The Third Cause why Death is to be feared Now the Third and special Cause why Death indeed is to be feared is the miserable State of the worldly and ungodly People after their Death But this is no Cause at all why the godly and faithful People should fear Death but rather contrariwise their godly Conversation in this Life and Belief in Christ cleaving continually to his Mercies should make them to long sore after that Life that remaineth for them undoubtedly after this bodily Death Of this immortal State after this transitory Life where we shall live evermore in the Presence of God in Joy and Rest after Victory over all Sickness Sorrows Sin and Death There be many plain places of Holy Scripture which confirm the weak Conscience against the fear of all such Dolours Sicknesses Sin and bodily Death to asswage such trembling and ungodly fear and to encourage us with Comfort and hope of a blessed State after this Life Saint Paul wisheth unto the Ephesians Ephes 1. That God the Father of Glory would give unto them the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation that the Eyes of their Hearts might give Light to know him and to perceive how great things he had called them unto and how rich an Inheritance he hath prepared after this Life for them that pertain unto him Phil. 1. And St. Paul himself declareth the desire of his Heart which was to be dissolved and loosed from his Body and to be with Christ which as he said was much better for him although to them it was more necessary that he should live which he refused not for their sakes Even like as St. Martin said Good Lord if I be necessary for thy People to do good unto them I will refuse no Labour But else for mine own self I beseech thee to take my Soul Now the Holy Fathers of the Old Law and all faithful and righteous Men which departed before our Saviour Christ's Ascension into Heaven did by Death depart from Troubles unto Rest from the hands of their Enemies into the hands of God from Sorrows and Sicknesses unto joyful refreshing in Abraham's bosom a place of all Comfort and Consolation as the Scriptures do plainly by manifest words testifie Wisdom 3. The Book of Wisdom saith That the Righteous Mens Souls be in the hand of God and no torment shall touch them They seemed to the eyes of foolish Men to die and their death was counted miserable and their departing out of this World wretched but they be in Rest And another place saith Wisd 4. That the Righteous shall live for ever and their Reward is with the Lord and their Minds be with God who is above all Therefore they shall receive a Glorious Kingdom and a Beautiful Crown at the Lord's hand And in another place the same Book saith The Righteous though he be prevented with suddain Death nevertheless he shall be there where he shall be refreshed Of Abraham's Bosom Christ's words be so plain that a Christian Man needeth no more proof of it Now then if this were the state of the Holy Fathers and Righteous Men before the coming of our Saviour and before he was Glorified How much more then ought all we to have a stedfast Faith and a sure Hope of this blessed state and condition after our death Seeing that our Saviour now hath performed the whole Work of our Redemption and is Gloriously ascended into Heaven to prepare our dwelling places with him and said unto his Father Father John 17. I will that where I am my servants shall be with me And we know that whatsoever Christ Will his Father Wills the same wherefore it cannot be but if we be his Faithful Servants our Souls shall be with him after our departure out of this present life St. Stephen when he was stoned to death even in the midst of his torments what was his Mind most upon Acts 7. When he was full of the Holy Ghost saith Holy Scripture having his eyes lifted up into Heaven he saw the Glory of God and Jesus standing on the right hand of God The which Truth after he had confessed boldly before the enemies of Christ they drew him out of the City and there they stoned him who cryed unto God saying Lord Jesu Christ take my Spirit And doth not our Saviour say plainly in St. John's Gospel Verily John 5. verily I say unto you He that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life and cometh not into judgment but shall pass from death to life Shall we not then think that death to be precious by the which we pass unto life Therefore it is a true saying of the Prophet Psal 116. The death of the Holy and Righteous Men is precious in the
the Quietness and Peace of the same And whereof cometh this Contention Strife and Variance but of Pride and Vain-glory Let us therefore humble ourselves under the mighty Hand of God 1 Pet. 5. Luk. 1. which hath promised to rest upon them that be humble and low in Spirit If we be good and quiet Christian Men let it appear in our Speech and Tongues If we have forsaken the Devil let us use no more Devilish Tongues He that hath been a railing Scolder now let him be a sober Counsellor He that hath been a malicious Slanderer now let him be a loving Comforter He that hath been a vain Railer now let him be a ghostly Teacher He that hath abused his Tongue in Cursing now let him use it in Blessing He that hath abused his Tongue in evil-speaking now let him use it in speaking well All Bitterness Anger Railing and Blasphemy let it be avoided from you If you may and if it be possible in no wise be angry But if you may not be clean void of this passion yet then so temper and bridle it that it stir you not to Contention and Brawling If you be provoked with evil-speaking arm yourself with Patience Lenity and Silence either speaking nothing or else being very soft meek and gentle in answering Overcome thine Adversary with Benefits and Gentleness And above all things keep Peace and Unity Be no Peace-breakers but Peace-makers And then there is no doubt but that God the Author of Comfort and Peace will grant us Peace of Conscience and such Concord and Agreement that with one Mouth and Mind we may glorifie God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ to whom be all Glory now and for ever AMEN HEreafter shall follow Sermons of Fasting Prayer Alms-Deeds of the Nativity Passion Resurrection and Ascension of our Saviour Christ Of the due Receiving of his Blessed Body and Blood under the form of Bread and Wine Against Idleness against Gluttony and Drunkenness against Covetousness against Envy Ire and Malice with many other matters as well fruitful as necessary to the edifying of Christian People and the increase of Godly Living GOD Save the KING THE Second PART OF THE HOMILIES LONDON Printed for George Wells at the Sun Abel Swall at the Unicorn in St. Paul's Church-yard and George Pawlett at the Bible in Chancery-Lane 1687. AN ADMONITION TO ALL Ministers Ecclesiastical FOR that the Lord doth require of his Servant whom he hath set over his Houshold to shew both Faithfulness and Prudence in his Office It shall be necessary that ye above all other do behave yourselves most faithfully and diligently in your so high a Function That is aptly plainly and distinctly to Read the Sacred Scriptures diligently to instruct the Youth in their Catechism gravely and reverently to Minister his most Holy Sacraments prudently also to choose out such Homilies as be most meet for the time and for the more agreeable Instruction of the People committed to your charge with such discretion that where the Homily may appear too long for one Reading to divide the same to be Read part in the Forenoon and part in the Afternoon And where it may so chance some one or other Chapter of the Old Testament to fall in order to be Read upon the Sundays or Holy-days which were better to be changed with some other of the New Testament of more Edification it shall be well done to spend your time to consider well of such Chapters before-hand whereby your Prudence and diligence in your Office may appear so that your People may have cause to glorifie God for you and be the readier to embrace your Labours to your better Commendation to the discharge of your Consciences and their own THE TABLE OF Homilies ensuing I. OF the Right Use of the Church Page 93 II. Against Peril of Idolatry Page 102 III. For Repairing and keeping Clean the Church Page 282 IV. Of Good Works And first of Fasting Page 289 V. Against Gluttony and Drunkenness Page 309 VI. Against excess of Apparel Page 322 VII An Homily of Prayer Page 334 VIII Of the Place and Time of Prayer Page 356 IX Of Common-Prayer and Sacraments Page 370 X. An Information of them which take Offence at certain places of Holy Scripture Page 385 XI Of Alms-Deeds Page 402 XII Of the Nativity Page 421 XIII Of the Passion for Good Friday Page 434 443 XIV Of the Resurrection for Easter Day Page 455 XV. Of the Worthy Receiving of the Sacrament Page 467 XVI An Homily concerning the coming down of the Holy Ghost for Whitsunday Page 480 XVII An Homily for Rogation-Week Page 497 XVIII Of the State of Matrimony Page 539 XIX Against Idleness Page 540 XX. Of Repentance and true Reconciliation unto God Page 556 XXI An Homily against Disobedience and wilful Rebellion Page 583 AN HOMILY OF THE Right Use of the Church or Temple of GOD and of the Reverence due unto the same The First Chapter WHereas there appeareth in these days great slackness and negligence of a great sort of People in resorting to the Church there to serve God their Heavenly Father according to their most bounden duty as also much Uncomely and Unreverent behaviour of many Persons in the same when they be there assembled and thereby may just fear arise of the Wrath of God and his dreadful Plagues hanging over Head for our grievous Offences in this behalf amongst other many and great Sins which we daily and hourly commit before the Lord. Therefore for the discharge of all our Consciences and for the avoiding of the common Peril and Plague hanging over us let us consider what may be said out of Gods Holy Book concerning this matter whereunto I pray you give good Audience for that it is of great weight and concerneth you all Although the Eternal and Incomprehensible Majesty of God the Lord of Heaven and Earth whose seat is Heaven and the Earth his Footstool cannot be inclosed in Temples or Houses made with Mans Hand as in dwelling places able to receive or contain his Majesty according as is evidently declared by the Prophet Isaiah Isaiah 66. Act. 7.17 3 Reg. 8. 2 Par. 2. and 6. and by the Doctrine of St. Stephen and St. Paul in the Acts of the Apostles And where King Solomon who builded unto the Lord the most glorious Temple that ever was made saith Who shall be able to build a meet or worthy House for him If Heaven and the Heaven above all Heavens cannot contain him how much less can that which I have builded And further confesseth What am I that I should be able to build thee an House O Lord But yet for this purpose only it is made that thou mayest regard the Prayer of thy Servant and his Humble Supplication Much less then be our Churches meet dwelling places to receive the Incomprehensible Majesty of God And indeed the chief and special Temples of God wherein he hath greatest pleasure and most delighteth to dwell
and continue in are the Bodies and Minds of true Christians and the chosen People of God according to the Doctrine of the Holy Scripture declared in the First Epistle to the Corinthians Know ye not saith St. Paul 1 Cor. 3. that ye be the Temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you If any Man defile the Temple of God him will God destroy For the Temple of God is Holy which ye are And again in the same Epistle Know ye not that your body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost dwelling in you whom ye have given you of God 1 Cor. 6. and that ye be not your own For ye are dearly bought Glorifie ye now therefore God in your Body and in your Spirit which are Gods And therefore as our Saviour Christ teacheth in the Gospel of Saint John John 4. they that worship God the Father in Spirit and Truth in what place soever they do it worship him aright For such Worshippers doth God the Father look for For God is a Spirit and those that Worship him must Worship him in Spirit and Truth saith our Saviour Christ Yet all this notwithstanding the material Church or Temple is a place appointed as well by the usage and continual Examples expressed in the Old Testament as in the New for the People of God to resort together unto there to hear Gods Holy Word to call upon his Holy Name to give him thanks for his innumerable and unspeakable benefits bestowed upon us and duly and truly to celebrate his Holy Sacraments in the unfeigned doing and accomplishing of the which standeth that True and Right Worshipping of God aforementioned and the same Church or Temple is by the Holy Scriptures both of the Old Testament and New called the House and Temple of the Lord for the peculiar service there done to his Majesty by his People and for the effectuous presence of his Heavenly Grace wherewith he by his said Holy Word endueth his People so there assembled And to the said House or Temple of God at all times by common order appointed are all People that be godly indeed bound with all diligence to resort unless by sickness or other most urgent causes they be letted therefore And all the same so resorting thither ought with all quietness and reverence there to behave themselves in doing their bounden duty and service to Almighty God in the Congregation of his Saints All which things are evident to be proved by God's Holy Word as hereafter shall plainly appear And first of all I will declare by the Scriptures that it is called as it is indeed the House of God and Temple of the Lord. He that Sweareth by the Temple saith our Saviour Christ John 2. Matth. 23. John 2. Sweareth by it and him that dwelleth therein meaning God the Father which he also expresseth plainly in the Gospel of Saint John saying Do not make the House of my Father the House of Merchandize And in the Book of the Psalms Psal 5. the Prophet David saith I will enter into thine House I will Worship in thy Holy Temple in thy Fear And it is almost in infinite places of the Scripture especially in the Prophets and Book of Psalms called the House of God or House of the Lord. Somtimes it is named the Tabernacle of the Lord Exod. 25. and somtimes the Sanctuary that is to say the Holy Place or House of the Lord. And it is likewise called the House of Prayer Levit. 19. 3 Reg. 8 2 Par. 6. as Solomon who builded the Temple of the Lord at Jerusalem doth oft call it the House of the Lord in the which the Lords Name should be called upon Isaiah 56. Matth. 12. Matth. 21. Mark 11. Luke 19. Luke 18. Luke 2. And Isaiah in the Fifty sixth Chapter My House shall be called the House of Prayer amongst all Nations Which Text our Saviour Christ alledgeth in the New Testament as doth appear in Three of the Evangelists and in the Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican which went to pray in which Parable our Saviour Christ saith They went up into the Temple to pray And Anna the Holy Widow and Prophetess served the Lord in Fasting and Prayer in the Temple Night and Day And in the Story of the Acts it is mentioned Acts 3. how that Peter and John went up into the Temple at the Hour of Prayer And Saint Paul praying in the Temple at Jerusalem was wrapt in the Spirit and did see Jesus speaking unto him And as in all convenient places Prayer may be used of the Godly privately So it is most certain that the Church or Temple is the due and appointed place for common and publick Prayer Now that it is likewise the place of Thanksgiving unto the Lord for his innumerable and unspeakable benefits bestowed upon us appeareth notably at the latter end of the Gospel of Saint Luke Luke 24. Acts 22. and the beginning of the Story of the Acts where it is written that the Apostles and Disciples after the Ascension of the Lord continued with one accord daily in the Temple always praising and blessing God And it is likewise declared in the First Epistle to the Corinthians Cor. 11. that the Church is the due place appointed for the use of the Sacraments It remaineth now to be declared that the Church or Temple is the place where the lively Word of God and not Man's Inventions ought to be Read and Taught and that the People are bound thither with all diligence to resort And this proof likewise to be made by the Scriptures as hereafter shall appear In the Story of the Acts of the Apostles Acts 13. we read that Paul and Barnabas Preached the Word of God in the Temples of the Jews at Salamine And when they came to Antiochia they entred on the Sabbath-day into the Synagogue or Church and sate down and after the Lesson or Reading of the Law and the Prophets the Ruler of the Temple sent unto them saying Ye Men and Brethren if any of you have any Exhortation to make unto the People say it And so Paul standing up and making silence with his Hand said Ye Men that be Israelites and ye that fear God give Ear c. Preaching to them a Sermon out of the Scriptures as there at large appeareth And in the same Story of the Acts the Seventeenth Chapter is testified how Paul preached Christ out of the Scriptures at Thessalonica And in the Fifteenth Chapter James the Apostle in that Holy Council and Assembly of his Fellow Apostles saith Acts 15. Moses of old time hath in every City certain that preach him in the Synagogues or Temples where he is read every Sabbath-day By these places ye may see the usage of Reading the Scriptures of the the Old Testament among the Jews in their Synagogues every Sabbath-day and Sermons usually made upon the same How much more then is it
found And as concerning Worldly commodities we have a sure promise of our Saviour Christ Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and the righteousness thereof and all these things shall withal be given unto you And thus we have in the First Part of this Homily declared by God's Word that the Temple or Church is the House of the Lord for that the Service of the Lord as Teaching and Hearing of his Holy Word calling upon his Holy Name giving Thanks to him for his great and innumerable Benefits and due ministring of his Sacraments is there used And it is likewise declared by the Scriptures how all Godly and Christian Men and Women ought at times appointed with diligence to resort unto the House of the Lord there to serve him and to glorifie him as he is most worthy and we most bound to whom be all Glory and Honour World without end Amen The Second Part of the Homily of the right Use of the Church IT was declared in the First Part of this Homily by God's Word that the Temple or Church is the House of the Lord for that the Service of the Lord as Teaching and Hearing his Holy Word calling upon his Holy Name giving Thanks to him for his great and innumerable Benefits and due ministring of the Sacraments is there used And it is likewise already declared by the Scriptures how all Godly and Christian Men and Women ought at times appointed with diligence to resort unto the House of the Lord there to Serve him and to Glorifie him as he is most worthy and we most bounden Now it remaineth in this Second Part of the Homily concerning the right use of the Temple of God to be likewise declared by God's Word with what quietness silence and reverence those that resort to the House of the Lord ought there to use and behave themselves It may teach us sufficiently how well it doth become us Christian Men reverently to use the Church and Holy House of our Prayers by considering in how great reverence and veneration the Jews in the old Law had their Temple which appeared by sundry places whereof I will note unto you certain In the 26th of Matthew it is laid to our Saviour Christ's charge before a Temporal Judge as a matter worthy death by the two false witnesses that he had said He could destroy the Temple of God and in three days build it again not doubting but if they might make Men to believe that he had said any thing against the Honour and Majesty of the Temple he should seem to all Men most worthy of death Acts 21. And in the 21st of the Acts when the Jews found Paul in the Temple They laid hands upon him crying Ye Men Israelites help this is that Man who teacheth all Men every where against the People and the Law and against this place Besides that he hath brought the Gentiles into the Temple and hath prophaned this holy place Behold how they took it for a like offence to speak against the Temple of God as to speak against the Law of God and how they judged it convenient that none but Godly Persons and the true worshippers of God should enter into the Temple of God And the same fault is laid to Paul's charge by Tertullus an eloquent Man and by the Jews in the 24th of the Acts Acts 24. before a Temporal Judge as a matter worthy of death that he went about to p●llute the Temple of God And in the 27th of Matthew Matth. 27. when the chief Priests had received again the pieces of Silver at Judas's Hand they said It is not lawful to put them into Corban which was the Treasure-House of the Temple because it is the price of Blood So that they could not abide that not only any unclean Person but also any other dead thing that was judged unclean should once come into the Temple or any place thereto belonging And to this end is Saint Paul's saying in the Second Epistle to the Corinthians 2 Cor. 6. the Sixth Chapter to be applyed What Fellowship is there betwixt Righteousness and Vnrighteousness Or what Communion between Light and Darkness Or what Concord between Christ and Belial Or what part can the Faithful have with the Vnfaithful Or what agreement can there be between the Temple of God and Images Which sentence although it be chiefly referred to the Temple of the Mind of the Godly yet seeing that the Similitude and Pith of the argument is taken from the material Temple it enforceth that no Ungodliness specially of Images or Idols may be suffered in the Temple of God which is the place of worshipping God And therefore can no more be suffered to stand there than Light can agree with Darkness or Christ with Belial For that the true worshipping of God and the worshipping of Images are most contrary And the setting of them up in the place of Worshipping may give great occasion to the Worshipping of them But to turn to the Reverence that the Jews had to their Temple You will say that they Honoured it Superstitiously and a great deal too much crying out The Temple of the Lord the Temple of the Lord Jer. 7. being notwithstanding most wicked in Life and be therefore must justly reproved of Jeremiah the Prophet of the Lord. Truth it is that they were Superstitiously given to the Honouring of their Temple But I would we were not as far too short from the due Reverence of the Lord's House as they overshot themselves therein And if the Prophet justly reprehended them hearken also what the Lord requireth at our Hands that we may know whether we be blame-worthy or no. It is written in Ecclesiastes the Fourth Chapter Eccles ● When thou dost enter into the House of God saith he take heed to thy Feet draw near that thou must hear For Obedience is much more worth than the Sacrifice of Fools which know not what evil they do Speak nothing r●shly there neither let th●ne Heart be swift to utter words before God For God is in Heaven and thou art upon the Earth therefore let thy words be few Note welbeloved what quietness in gesture and behaviour what silence in talk and words is required in the House of God for so he calleth it See whether they take heed to their Feet as they be here warned which never cease from uncomely walking and jetting up and down and overthwart the Church shewing an evident signification of notable contempt both of God and all good Men there present And what heed they take to their Tongues and Speech which do not only speak words swiftly and rashly before the Lord which they be here forbidden but also oftentimes speak Filthily Covetously and Ungodlily talking of matters scarce honest or fit for the Ale-House or Tavern in the House of the Lord little considering that they speak before God who dwelleth in Heaven as is here declared when they be but Vermine here
the nature of Charity concluding that because they did pray for men on Earth therefore they do much more the same now in Heaven Then may it be said by the same reason that as oft as we do weep on Earth they do also weep in Heaven because while they lived in this World it is most certain and sure they did so And for that place which is written in the Apocalyps namely that the Angel did offer up the Prayers of the Saints upon the golden Altar it is properly to be understood of those Saints that are yet living on Earth and not of them that are dead otherwise what need were it that the Angel should offer up their Prayers being now in Heaven before the face of Almighty God But admit the Saints do Pray for us yet do we not know how whether specially for them which call upon them or else generally for all men wishing well to every man alike If they Pray specially for them which call upon them then it is like they hear our Prayers and also know our hearts desire Which thing to be false it is already proved both by the Scriptures and also by the Authority of Augustin Let us not therefore put our trust or confidence in the Saints or Martyrs that be dead Let us not call upon them nor desire help at their hands but let us always lift up our Hearts to God in the name of his dear Son Christ for whose sake as God hath promised to hear our Prayer so he will truly perform it Invocation is a thing proper unto God which if we attribute unto the Saints it soundeth to their reproach neither can they well bear it at our hands When Paul had healed a certain lame man Acts 14. which was impotent in his Feet at Lystra the People would have done Sacrifice unto him and Barnabas who rending their clothes refused it and exhorted them to worship the true God Likewise in the Revelation Apoc. 19. when St. John fell before the Angel's feet to worship him the Angel would not permit him to do it but commanded him that he should worship God Which Examples declare unto us that the Saints and Angels in Heaven will not have us to do any Honour unto them that is due and proper unto God He only is our Father he only is Omnipotent he only knoweth and understandeth all things he only can help us at all times and in all places he suffereth the Sun to shine upon the good and the bad he feedeth the young Ravens that cry unto him he saveth both Man and Beast he will not that any one hair of our Head shall perish but is always ready to help and preserve all them that put their trust in him according as he hath promised Isai 65. saying Before they call I will answer and whilst they speak I will hear Let us not therefore any thing mistrust his goodness let us not fear to come before the Throne of his Mercy let us not seek the aid and help of Saints but let us come boldly our selves nothing doubting but God for Christs sake in whom he is well pleased will hear us without a Spokes-man and accomplish our desire in all such things as shall be agreeable to his most Holy Will Chrysost 6 hom de profectu Evang. So saith Chrysostom an ancient Doctor of the Church and so must we stedfastly believe not because he saith it but much more because it is the Doctrine of our Saviour Christ himself who hath promised that if we Pray to the Father in his name we shall certainly be heard both to the relief of our Necessities and also to the Salvation of our Souls which he hath purchased unto us not with Gold or Silver but with his precious Blood shed once for all upon the Cross To him therefore with the Father and the Holy Ghost three Persons and one God be all Honour Praise and Glory for ever and ever Amen The Third Part of the Homily concerning PRAYER YE were taught in the other part of this Sermon unto whom ye ought to direct your Prayers in time of need and necessity that is to wit not unto Angels or Saints but unto the eternal and everliving God who because he is merciful is always ready to hear us when we call upon him in true and perfect Faith And because he is Omnipotent he can easily perform and bring to pass the thing that we request to have at his hands To doubt of his Power it were a plain point of Infidelity and clean against the Doctrine of the Holy Ghost which teacheth us that he is all in all And as touching his good will in this behalf we have express Testimonies in Scripture Psal 50. how that he will help us and also deliver us if we call upon him in time of trouble So that in both these respects we ought rather to call upon him than upon any other Neither ought any man therefore to doubt to come boldly unto God because he is a sinner For the Lord as the Prophet David saith is gracious and merciful yea Psal 107. 1 Tim. 1. his mercy and goodness endureth for ever He that sent his own Son into the World to save sinners will he not also hear sinners if with a true penitent Heart and a stedfast Faith they Pray unto him Yea 1 John 1. if we acknowledge our sins God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness as we are plainly taught by the Examples of David Peter Mary Magdalen the Publican and divers others And whereas we must needs use the help of some Mediator and Intercessor let us content our selves with him that is the true and only Mediator of the New Testament namely the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ For as St. John saith If any man sin 1 John 2. we have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous who is the Propitiation for our sins And St. Paul 1 Tim. 2. in his first Epistle to Timothy saith There is one God and one Mediator between God and man even the man Jesus Christ who gave himself a ransom for all men to be a testimony in due time Now after this Doctrine established you shall be instructed for what kind of things and what kind of persons ye ought to make your Prayers unto God It greatly behoveth all men when they Pray to consider well and diligently with themselves what they ask and require at Gods hands lest if they desire that thing which they ought not their Petitions be made void and of none effect There came on a time unto Agesilaus the King a certain importunate suiter who requested him in a matter earnestly saying Sir and it please your Grace you did once promise me Truth quoth the King if it be just that thou requirest then I promised thee otherwise I did only speak it and not promise it The man would not
degree or state soever they be In which place he maketh mention by name of Kings and Rulers which are in Authority putting us thereby to acknowledge how greatly it concerneth the profit of the Common-wealth to pray diligently for the Higher Powers Neither is it without good cause that he doth so often in all his Epistles crave the Prayers of Gods People for himself Colos 4. Rom. 15. 2 Thess 3. For in so doing he declareth to the World how expedient and needful it is daily to call upon God for the Ministers of his Holy Word and Sacraments that they may have the door of utterance oppened unto them Ephes 6. that they may truly understand the Scriptures that they may effectually Preach the same unto the People and bring forth the true Fruits thereof to the Example of all other After this sort did the Congregation continually Pray for Peter at Jerusalem Acts 12. and for Paul among the Gentiles to the great increase and furtherance of Christs Gospel And if we following their good Example herein will study to do the like doubtless it cannot be expressed how greatly we shall both help our selves and also please God To discourse and run through all degrees of Persons it were too long Therefore ye shall briefly take this one conclusion for all Whomsoever we are bound by express Commandment to love for those also are we bound in Conscience to pray But we are bound by express Commandment to love all men as our selves therefore we are also bound to Pray for all men even as well as if it were for our selves notwithstanding we know them to be our extream and deadly Enemies For so doth our Saviour Christ plainly teach us in his Gospel saying Love your enemies Matt. 5. bless them that curse you do good to them that hate you pray for them that persecute you that ye may be the children of your Father which is in Heaven And as he taught his Disciples so did he practice himself in his life-time Luke 23. praying for his Enemies upon the Cross and desiring his Father to forgive them because they knew not what they did As did also that Holy and blessed Martyr Stephen Acts 7. when he was cruelly stoned to death of the stubborn and stiff-necked Jews to the example of all them that will truly and unfeignedly follow their Lord and Master Christ in this miserable and mortal life Now to entreat of that Question whether we ought to pray for them that are departed out of this World or no Wherein if we will cleave only unto the Word of God then must we needs grant that we have no Commandment so to do For the Scripture doth acknowledge but two places after this life The one proper to the Elect and Blessed of God the other to the Reprobate and Damned Souls as may be well gathered by the Parable of Lazarus and the Rich man Luke 16. Lib. 2. Evang. quaest 1. cap. 38. which place St. Augustine expounding saith in this wise That which Abraham speaketh unto the Rich man in Lukes Gospel namely that the Just cannot go into those places where the Wicked are tormented what other thing doth it signifie but only this that the just by reason of Gods Judgment which may not be revoked can shew no deed of Mercy in helping them which after this life are cast into Prison until they pay the uttermost farthing These words as they confound the Opinion of helping the dead by Prayer so they do clean confute and take away the vain Error of Purgatory which is grounded upon the saying of the Gospel Thou shalt not depart thence until thou hast paid the uttermost farthing Now doth St. Augustine say that those men which are cast into Prison after this life on that condition may in no wise be holpen though we would help them never so much And why Because the Sentence of God is unchangeable and cannot be revoked again Therefore let us not deceive our selves thinking that either we may help other or other may help us by their good and charitable Prayers in time to come For as the Preacher saith When the tree falleth whether it be toward the South Eccles 11. or toward the North in what place soever the tree falleth there it lieth meaning thereby that every mortal man dieth either in the state of Salvation or Damnation according as the words of the Evangelist John do also plainly import saying John 3. He that believeth on the Son of God hath eternal life But he that believeth not on the Son shall never see life but the wrath of God abideth upon him Where is then the third place which they call Purgatory or where shall our Prayers help and profit the dead Lib. 5. Hypogno Chrysost in Heb. 2. Homil. 5. in Cyprian contra Demetrianum St. Augustine doth only acknowledge two places after this life Heaven and Hell As for the third place he doth plainly deny that there is any such to be found in all Scripture Chrysostom likewise is of this mind that unless we wash away our sins in this present World we shall find no comfort afterward And St. Cyprian saith that after death Repentance and Sorrow of pain shall be without fruit Weeping also shall be in vain and Prayer shall be to no purpose Therefore he counselleth all men to make provision for themselves while they may because when they are once departed out of this life there is no place for Repentance nor yet for satisfaction Let these and such other places be sufficient to take away the gross Error of Purgatory out of our Heads neither let us dream any more that the Souls of the dead are any thing at all holpen by our Prayers But as the Scripture teacheth us let us think that the Soul of man passing out of the Body goeth straightways either to Heaven or else to Hell whereof the one needeth no Prayer the other is without Redemption The only Purgatory wherein we must trust to be saved is the death and blood of Christ which if we apprehend with a true and stedfast Faith it purgeth and cleanseth us from all our sins even as well as if he were now hanging upon the Cross The blood of Christ 1 John 1. Heb. 9. saith St. John hath cleansed us from all sin Th● blood of Christ saith St. Paul hath purged our Consciences from dead works to serve the living God Heb. 10. Also in another place he saith We be sanctified and made holy by the offering up of the body of Jesus Christ done once for all Yea he addeth more bidem saying With the one oblation of his blessed Body and precious Blood he hath made perfect for ever and ever all them that are sanctified This then is that Purgatory wherein all Christian men put their whole trust and confidence nothing doubting but if they truly repent them of their sins and die in perfect Faith that then they
in the Scripture Another would have a Medicine to all Diseases and Maladies of the Mind Can this be found or gotten otherwhere than out of Gods own Book his sacred Scriptures Christ taught so much when he said to the obstinate Jews Search the Scriptures John 5. for in them ye think to have eternal life If the Scriptures contain in them Everlasting Life it must needs follow that they have also present remedy against all that is an hindrance and let unto eternal life If we desire the knowledge of Heavenly Wisdom why had we rather learn the same of man than of God himself James 1. Mat. 28. who as St. James saith is the giver of wisdom Yea why will we not learn it at Christs own mouth who promising to be present with his Church till the Worlds end doth perform his promise in that he is not only with us by his grace and tender pity but also in this that he speaketh presently unto us in the Holy Scriptures to the great and endless comfort of all them that have any feeling of God at all in them Yea he speaketh now in the Scriptures more profitably to us than he did by word of mouth to the carnal Jews when he lived with them here upon Earth For they I mean the Jews could neither hear nor see those things which we may now both hear and see if we will bring with us those Ears and Eyes that Christ is heard and seen with that is diligence to hear and read his Holy Scriptures and true Faith to believe his most comfortable Promises If one could shew but the print of Christs Foot a great number I think would fall down and worship it But to the Holy Scriptures where we may see daily if we will I will not say the print of his Feet only but the whole shape and lively Image of him alas we give little reverence or none at all If any could let us see Christs Coat a sort of us would make hard shift except we might come nigh to gaze upon it yea and kiss it too And yet all the Clothes that ever he did wear can nothing so truly nor so lively express him unto us as do the Scriptures Christs Images made in Wood Stone or Metal some men for the love they bear to Christ do garnish and beautifie the same with Pearl Gold and Precious Stones And should we not good Brethren much rather embrace and reverence Gods Holy Books the sacred Bible which do represent Christ unto us more truly than can any Image The Image can but express the form or shape of his Body if it can do so much But the Scriptures do in such sort set forth Christ that we may see both God and man we may see him I say speaking unto us healing our Infirmities dying for our sins rising from death for our Justification And to be short we may in the Scriptures so perfectly see whole Christ with the Eye of Faith as we lacking Faith could not with these bodily Eyes see him though he stood now present here before us Let every Man Woman and Child therefore with all their Hearts thirst and desire Gods Holy Scriptures love them embrace them have their delight and pleasure in hearing and reading them so as at length we may be transformed and changed into them For the Holy Scriptures are Gods Treasure-House wherein are found all things needful for us to see to hear to learn and to believe necessary for the attaining of Eternal Life Thus much is spoken only to give you a taste of some of the Commodities which ye may take by hearing and reading the Holy Scriptures For as I said in the beginning no Tongue is able to declare and utter all And although it is more clear than the noon day that to be ignorant of the Scriptures is the cause of Error as Christ saith to the Sadduces Ye err not knowing the Scriptures Mat. 22. and that Error doth hold back and pluck men away from the knowledge of God And as St. Jerome saith Not to know the Scriptures is to be ignorant of Christ Yet this notwithstanding some there be that think it not meet for all sorts of men to read the Scriptures because they are as they think in sundry places stumbling-blocks to the unlearned First for that the phrase of the Scripture is sometime so simple gross and plain that it offendeth the fine and delicate Wits of some Courtiers Furthermore for that the Scripture also reporteth even of them that have their commendation to be the Children of God that they did divers acts whereof some are contrary to the Law of Nature some repugnant to the Law written and other some seem to fight manifestly against publick Honesty All which things say they are unto the simple an occasion of great offence and cause many to think evil of the Scriptures and to discredit their Authority Some are offended at the hearing and reading of the diversity of the Rites and Ceremonies of the Sacrifices and Oblations of the Law And some worldly witted men think it great decay to the quiet and prudent governing of their Common-weals to give ear to the simple and plain Rules and Precepts of our Saviour Christ in his Gospel as being offended that a man should be ready to turn his right Ear to him that struck him on the left and to him which would take away his Coat to offer him also his Cloak with such other sayings of perfection in Christs meaning For Carnal Reason being alway an Enemy to God and not perceiving the things of Gods Spirit doth abhor such Precepts which yet rightly understood infringeth no Judicial Policies nor Christian mens Governments And some there be which hearing the Scriptures to bid us to live without carefulness without study or fore-casting to deride the simplicities of them Therefore to remove and put away occasions of offence so much as may be I will answer orderly to these Objections First I shall rehearse some of those places that men are offended at for the simplicity and grosness of speech and will shew the meaning of them In the Book of Deuteronomy it is written That Almighty God made a Law if a man died without issue his brother or next kinsman should marry his Widow and the child that was first born between them should be called his child that was dead that the dead mans name might not be put out in Israel And if the Brother or next Kinsman would not marry the Widow then she before the Magistrates of the City should pull off his shoe and spit in his face saying So be it done to that man that will not build his brothers house Here Dearly beloved the pulling off his shoe and spitting in his face were Ceremonies to signifie unto all the People of that City that the Woman was not now in fault that Gods Law in that point was broken but the whole shame and blame thereof did now redound to
that man which openly before the Magistrates refused to marry her And it was not a reproach to him alone but to all his Posterity also For they were called ever after The House of him whose shoe is pulled off Another place out of the Psalms Psal 75. I will break saith David the horns of the ungodly and the horns of the righteous shall be exalted By an Horn in the Scripture is understood Power Might Strength and sometime Rule and Government The Prophet then saying I will break the horns of the ungodly meaneth that all the Power Strength and Might of Gods Enemies shall not only be weakned and made feeble but shall at length also be clean broken and destroyed though for a time for the better tryal of his People God suffereth the Enemies to prevail and have the upper hand In the 132 Psalm it is said Psal 132. I will make David 's horn to flourish Here David's Horn signifieth his Kingdom Almighty God therefore by this manner of speaking promiseth to give David Victory over all his Enemies and to stablish him in his Kingdom spite of all his Enemies And in the threescore Psalm it is written Moab is my wash-pot Psal 60. and over Edom will I cast out my shoe c. In that place the Prophet sheweth how graciously God hath dealt with his People the Children of Israel giving them great Victories upon their Enemies on every side For the Moabites and Idumeans being two great Nations proud People stout and mighty God brought them under and made them Servants to the Israelites Servants I say to stoop down to pull off their shoes and wash their feet Then Moab is my wash-pot and over Edom will I cast out my shoe is as if he had said The Moabites and the Idumeans for all their stoutness against us in the Wilderness are now made our Subjects ou● Servants yea Underlings to pull off our shoes and wash our feet Now I pray you what uncomely manner of speech is this so used in common phrase among the Hebrews It is a shame that Christian men should be so light headed to toy as Ruffians do with such manner of speeches uttered in good grave signification by the Holy Ghost More reasonable it were for vain men to learn to reverence the form of Gods Words than to sport at them to their Damnation Some again are offended to hear that the godly Fathers had many Wives and Concubines although after the phrase of the Scripture a Concubine is an honest name for every Concubine is a Lawful Wife but every Wife is not a Concubine And that ye may the better understand this to be true ye shall note that it was permitted to the Fathers of the Old Testament to have at one time moe Wives than one for what purpose ye shall afterward hear Of which Wives some were Free-women born some were Bond-women and Servants She that was Free-born had a Prerogative above those that were Servants and Bond-women The Free-born Woman was by Marriage made the Ruler of the House under her Husband and is called the Mother of the Houshold the Mistress or the Dame of the House after our manner of speaking and had by her Marriage an Interest a Right and an Ownership of his Goods unto whom she was married Other Servants and Bond-women were given by the Owners of them as the manner was then I will not say always but for the most part unto their Daughters at the day of their Marriage to be Handmaidens unto them After such a sort did Pharaoh King of Egypt give unto Sarah Ge● 29. Abraham's Wife Agar the Egyptian to be her Maid So did Laban give unto his Daughter Lea at the day of her Marriage Zilpha to be her Handmaid And to his other Daughter Rachel he gave another Bond-maid named Bilha And the Wives that were the owners of their Handmaidens gave them in Marriage to their Husbands upon divers occasions Sarah gave her Maid Agar in Marriage to Abraham Gen. 16. Lea gave in like manner her Maid Zilpha to her Husband Jacob. So did Rachel his other Wife give him Bilha her Maid Gen. 30. saying unto him Go in unto her and she shall bear upon my knees which is as if she had said Take her to Wife and the Children that she shall bear will I take upon my lap and make of them as if they were mine own These Hand-maidens or Bond-women although by Marriage they were made Wives yet they had not this Prerogative to Rule in the House but were still Underlings and in such subjection to their Masters and were never called Mothers of the Houshould Mistresses or Dames of the House but are called sometimes Wives sometimes Concubines The plurality of Wives was by a special Prerogative suffered to the Fathers of the Old Testament not for satisfying their carnal and fleshly Lusts but to have many Children because every one of them hoped and begged oft-times of God in their Prayers that that Blessed Seed which God promised should come into the World to break the Serpents Head might come and be born of this stock and kindred Now of those which take occasion of carnality and evil life by hearing and reading in Gods Book what God had suffered even in those men whose commendation is praised in the Scripture As that Noe 2 Pet. 2. Gen. 9. whom St. Peter calleth the eighth Preacher of Righteousness was so drunk with Wine that in his sleep he uncovered his own Privities Gen. 19. The just man Lot was in like manner drunken and in his drunkenness lay with his own Daughters contrary to the Law of Nature Abraham Gen. 17. whose Faith was so great that for the same he deserved to be called of Gods own mouth a Father of many Nations Rom. 4. the Father of all Believers besides with Sarah his Wife had also carnal company with Agar Sarah's Handmaid Gen. 29. The Patriarch Jacob had to his Wives two Sisters at one time The Prophet David and King Solomon his Son had many Wives and Concubines c. Which things we see plainly to be forbidden us by the Law of God and are now repugnant to all publick Honesty These and such like in Gods Book good People are not written that we should or may do the like following their examples or that we ought to think that God did allow every of these things in those men But we ought rather to believe and to judge that Noe in his drunkenness offended God highly Lot lying with his Daughters committed horrible Incest We ought then to learn by them this profitable Lesson that if so godly men as they were which otherwise felt inwardly Gods Holy Spirit inflaming their hearts with the fear and love of God could not by their own strength keep themselves from committing horrible sin but did so grievously fall that without Gods great Mercy they had perished everlastingly How much more ought we then miserable
wretches which have no feeling of God within us at all continually to fear not only that we may fall as they did but also be overcome and drowned in sin which they were not And so by considering their fall take the better occasion to acknowledge our own Infirmity and weakness and therefore more earnestly to call unto Almighty God with hearty Prayer incessantly for his grace to strengthen us and to defend us from all evil And though through Infirmity we chance at any time to fall yet we may by hearty Repentance and true Faith speedily rise again and not sleep and continue in sin as the wicked doth Thus good People should we understand such matters expressed in the Divine Scriptures that this Holy Table of Gods Word be not turned to us to be a snare a trap and a stumbling stone to take hurt by the abuse of our Understanding But let us esteem them in a reverent Humility that we may find our necessary Food therein to strengthen us to comfort us to instruct us as God of his great Mercy hath appointed them in all necessary works so that we may be perfect before him in the whole course of our life Which he grant who hath Redeemed us our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost be all Honour and Glory for evermore Amen The Second Part of the Information for them which take Offence at certain places of the Holy Scripture YE have heard good People in the Homily last read unto you the great Commodity of Holy Scriptures ye have heard how ignorant men void of godly Understanding seek Quarrels to discredit them Some of their Reasons have ye heard answered Now we will proceed and speak of such politick wise men which be offended for that Christs Precepts should seem to destroy all Order in Governance as they do alledge for example such as these be If any man strike thee on the right cheek Mat. 5● turn the other unto him also If any man will contend to take thy coat from thee let him have cloak and all Let not thy lest hand know what thy right hand doth If thine eye thine hand Mat. 18. or thy foot offend thee pull out thine eye cut off thine hand or thy foot and cast it from thee Rom. 12. If thine enemy saith St. Paul be an hungred give him meat if he be thirsty give him drink so doing thou shalt heap hot burning coals upon his head These sentences good People unto a natural man seem meer absurdities contrary to all Reason 1 Cor. 2. For a natural man as St. Paul saith understandeth not the things that belong to God neither can he so long as old Adam dwelleth in him Christ therefore meaneth that he would have his faithful servants so far from vengeance and resisting wrong that he would rather have him ready to suffer another wrong than by resisting to break Charity and to be out of Patience He would have our good deeds so far from all carnal respects that he would not have our nighest Friends know of our well-doing to win vain-glory And though our Friends and Kinsfolks be as dear as our right Eyes and our right Hands yet if they would p●●● us from God we ought to renounce them and forsake them Thus if ye will be profitable Hearers and Readers of the Holy Scriptures ye must first deny your selves and keep under your Carnal Senses taken by the outward words and search the inward meaning Reason must give place to Gods Holy Spirit you must submit your Worldly Wisdom and Judgment unto his Divine Wisdom and Judgment Consider that the Scripture in what strange form soever it be pronounced is the Word of the living God Let that always come to your remembrance which is so oft repeated of the Prophet Esaias The mouth of the Lord saith he hath spoken it and Almighty and everlasting God who with his only word created Heaven and Earth hath decreed it the Lord of Hosts whose ways are in the Seas whose paths are in the deep Waters that Lord and God by whose word all things in Heaven and in Earth are created governed and preserved hath so provided it The God of gods and Lord of all lords yea God that is God alone incomprehensible almighty and everlasting he hath spoken it it is his Word It cannot therefore be but truth which proceedeth from the God of all Truth it cannot be but wisely and prudently commanded what Almighty God hath devised how vainly soever through want of grace we miserable wretches do imagine and judge of his most Holy Word The Prophet David describing an happy man Psal 1. saith Blessed is the man that hath not walked after the counsel of the ungodly nor stand in the way of sinners nor sit in the seat of the scornful There are three sorts of People whose Company the Prophet would have him to flee and avoid which shall be an happy man and partaker of Gods Blessing First he may not walk after the counsel of the ungodly Secondly he may not stand in the way of sinners Thirdly he must not sit in the seat of the scornful By these three sorts of People ungodly m●n sinners and scorners all Impiety is signified and fully expressed By the ungodly he understandeth those which have no regard of Almighty God being void of all Faith whose hearts and minds are so set upon the World that they study only how to accomplish their worldly practices their carnal imaginations their filthy lust and desire without any fear of God The second sort he calleth sinners not such as do fall through Ignorance or of frailness for then who should be found free What man ever lived upon Earth Christ only excepted but he hath sinned Prov. 24. The just man falleth seven times and riseth again Though the godly do fall yet they walk not on purposely in sin they stand not still to continue and tarry in sin they sit not down like careless men without all fear of Gods just punishment for sin but defying sin through Gods great grace and infinite mercy they rise again and fight against sin The Prophet then calleth them sinners whose hearts are clean turned from God and whose whole conversation of life is nothing but sin they delight so much in the same that they choose continually to abide and dwell in sin The third sort he calleth scorners that is a sort of men whose hearts are so stuffed with Malice that they are not contented to dwell in sin and to lead their lives in all kind of wickedness but also they do contemn and scorn in other all Godliness true Religion all Honesty and Vertue Of the two first sorts of men I will not say but they may take Repentance and be converted unto God Of the third sort I think I may without danger of Gods judgment pronounce that never any yet converted unto God by Repentance but continued still in their
for chattering Jays but for Eagles who flie thither where the dead body lieth And if this advertisement of man cannot perswade us to resort to the Lords Table with understanding see the counsel of God in the like matter who charged his People to teach their Posterity not only the Rites and Ceremonies of the Passover but the cause and end thereof Whence we may learn that both more perfect knowledge is required at this time at our hands and that the ignorant cannot with fruit and profit exercise himself in the Lords Sacraments But to come nigher to the matter St. Paul blaming the Corinthians for the profaning of the Lords Supper concludeth that ignorance both of the thing it self and the signification thereof was the cause of their abuse for they came thither unreverently not discerning the Lords Body Ought not we then by the motion of the Wise man by the wisdom of God by the fearful example of the Corinthians to take advised heed that we thrust not our selves to this Table with rude and unreverent ignorance the smart whereof Christs Church hath rued and lamented these many days and years For what hath been the cause of the ruin of Gods Religion but the ignorance hereof What hath been the cause of this gross Idolatry but the ignorance hereof What hath been the cause of this mummish Massing but the ignorance hereof Yea what hath been and what is at this day the cause of this want of love and charity but the ignorance hereof Let us therefore so travel to understand the Lords Supper that we be no cause of the decay of Gods Worship of no Idolatry of no dumb Massing of no hate and malice so may we the boldier have access thither to our comfort Acts 1. Neither need we to think that such exact knowledge is required of every man Matth. 26. that he be able to discuss all high points in the Doctrine thereof But thus much we must be sure to hold that in the Supper of the Lord there is no vain Ceremony no bare sign no untrue figure of a thing absent 1 Cor. 11. But as the Scripture saith the Table of the Lord the Bread and Cup of the Lord the memory of Christ the Annunciation of his death yea the Communion of the Body and Blood of the Lord in a marvellous incorporation which by the operation of the Holy Ghost the very bond of our conjunction with Christ is through faith wrought in the souls of the faithful whereby not only their souls live to eternal life but they surely trust to win their bodies a resurrection to immortality The true understanding of this fruition and union which is betwixt the Body and the Head betwixt the true Believers and Christ Iren. lib. 4. cap. 34. Igna. Epist ad Ephes Dionysius Origen Optat. Cyp. de caena Domini Atha de pec inspir sanct the ancient Catholick Fathers both perceiving themselves and commending to their People were not afraid to call this Supper some of them the Salve of Immortality and Sovereign Preservative against Death other a Deifical Communion other the sweet dainties of our Saviour the pledge of eternal health the defence of Faith the hope of the Resurrection other the food of Immortality the healthful Grace and the Conservatory to everlasting life All which sayings both of the Holy Scripture and godly men truly attributed to this celestial Banquet and Feast if we would often call to mind O how would they inflame our hearts to desire the participation of these Mysteries and oftentimes to covet after this bread continually to thirst for this food Not as especially regarding the terrene and earthly Creatures which remain but always holding fast and cleaving by Faith to the Rock whence we may suck the sweetness of everlasting Salvation And to be brief thus much more the Faithful see hear and know the favourable mercies of God sealed the satisfaction by Christ towards us confirmed and the remission of sin established Here they may feel wrought the tranquillity of Conscience the increase of Faith the strengthening of Hope the large spreading abroad of brotherly kindness with many other sundry graces of God The taste whereof they cannot attain unto who be drowned in the deep dirty lake of blindness and ignorance From the which O beloved wash your selves with the living Waters of Gods Word whence you may perceive and know both the spiritual food of this costly Supper and the happy trustings and effects that the same doth bring with it Now it followeth to have with this knowledge a sure and constant Faith not only that the death of Christ is available for the redemption of all the World for the remission of sins and reconciliation with God the Father but also that he hath made upon his Cross a full and sufficient Sacrifice for thee a perfect cleansing of thy sins so that thou acknowledgest no other Saviour Redeemer Mediator Advocate Intercessor but Christ only and that thou mayest say with the Apostle that he loved thee and gave himself for thee For this is to stick fast to Christs promise made in his Institution to make Christ thine own and to apply his merits unto thy self Herein thou needest no other mans help no other Sacrifice or Oblation no sacrificing Priest no Mass no means established by mans invention That Faith is a necessary instrument in all these holy Ceremonies we may thus assure our selves for that as St. Paul saith without Faith it is unpossible to please God Heb. 11. In Johan Hom. 6. When a great number of the Israelites were overthrown in the Wilderness Moses Aaron and Phineas did eat Manna and pleased God for that they understood saith St. Augustine the visible meat spiritually Spiritually they hungred it spiritually they tasted it that they might be spiritually satisfied And truly as the bodily meat cannot feed the outward man unless it be let into the stomach to be digested which is healthful and sound no more can the inward man be fed except his meat be received into his soul and heart De Caena Domini sound and whole in Faith Therefore saith Cyprian when we do these things we need not to whet our teeth but with sincere Faith we break and divide that whole bread It is well known that the meat we seek for in this Supper is spiritual food the nourishment of our soul a heavenly refection and not earthly and invisible meat and not bodily a ghostly substance and not carnal so that to think that without Faith we may enjoy the eating and drinking thereof or that that is the fruition of it is but to dream a gross carnal feeding basely objecting and binding our selves to the Elements and Creatures Whereas by the advice of the Council of Nicene Concilium Nicen. we ought to lift up our minds by Faith and leaving these inferiour and earthly things there seek it where the Sun of Righteousness ever shineth Take then this Lesson
Cursing the Godly with Bell Book and Candle as also in Absolving the Reprobate which are known to be unworthy of any Christian Society Whereof they that Lust to see Examples let them search their Lives To be short look what our Saviour Christ pronounced of the Scribes and Pharisees in the Gospel the same may be boldly and with safe Conscience pronounced of the Bishops of Rome namely that they have forsaken and daily do forsake the Commandments of God to erect and set up their own Constitutions Which thing being true as all they which have any light of Gods Word must needs confess we may well conclude according to the Rule of Augustin That the Bishops of Rome and their adherents are not the true Church of Christ much less then to be taken as chief Heads and Rulers of the same Whosoever saith he do dissent from the Scriptures concerning the Head August contra Petilian Donatist Ep. cap. 4. although they be found in all places where the Church is appointed yet are they not in the Church a plain place concluding directly against the Church of Rome Where is now the Holy Ghost which they so stoutly claim to themselves Where is now the Spirit of Truth that will not suffer them in any wise to err If it be possible to be there where the true Church is not then is it at Rome otherwise it is but a vain brag and nothing else St. Paul as you have heard before saith If any man have not the Spirit of Christ the same is not his And by turning the words it may be truly said If any man be not of Christ the same hath not the Spirit Now to discern who are truly his and who not we have this Rule given us that his Sheep do always hear his Voice And St. John saith John 10. John 8. He that is of God heareth Gods Word Whereof it followeth that the Popes in not hearing Christs voice as they ought to do but preferring their own decrees before the express Word of God do plainly argue to the World that they are not of Christ nor yet possessed with his Spirit But here they all alledge for themselves that there are divers necessary Points not expressed in holy Scripture John 16. which were left to the Revelation of the Holy Ghost Who being given to the Church according to Christs promise hath taught many things from time to time which the Apostles could not then bear To this we may easily Answer by the plain words of Christ teaching us that the proper Office of the Holy Ghost is not to institute and bring in new Ordinances contrary to his Doctrin before taught but shall come and declare those things which he had before taught John 16. so that it might be well and truly understood When the Holy Ghost saith he shall come he shall lead you into all truth What truth doth he mean Any other than he himself had before expressed in his Word John 16. No. For he saith He shall take of mine and shew unto you Again he shall bring you in remembrance of all things that I have told you It is not then the Duty and part of any Christian under pretence of the Holy Ghost to bring in his own Dreams and Phantasies into the Church but he must diligently provide that his Doctrin and Decrees be agreeable to Christs holy Testament otherwise in making the Holy Ghost the Author thereof he doth Blaspheme and Belie the Holy Ghost to his own Condemnation Now to leave their Doctrin and to come to other Points What shall we think or judge of the Popes intolerable Pride The Scripture saith that God resisteth the Proud and sheweth grace to the Humble Also it pronouceth them blessed which are Poor in Spirit Matt. 5. Matt. 14. promising that they which humble themselves shall be exalted And Christ our Saviour willeth all his to learn of him because he is humble and meek As for Pride St. Gregory saith it is the Root of all Mischief And St. Augustin's judgment is this that it maketh Men Devils Can any Man then which either hath or shall read the Popes Lives justly say that they had the Holy Ghost within them First as touching that they will be termed Universal Bishops and Heads of all Christian Churches through the World we have the judgment of Gregory expresly against them Lib. 3. Epist 76.78 who writing to Mauritius the Emperor condemneth John Bishop of Constantinople in that behalf calling him the Prince of Pride Lucifers Successor and the fore runner of Antichrist Serm. 3. de resur Dom. St. Bernard also agreeing thereunto saith What greater Pride can there be than that one Man should prefer his own judgment before the whole Congregation as though he only had the Spirit of God Dialogorum lib. 3. And Chrysostom pronounceth a terrible sentence against them affirming plainly that whosoever seeketh to be chief in Earth shall find confusion in Heaven and that he which striveth for the Supremacy shall not be reputed among the Servants of Christ Again he saith To desire a good work it is good Chrysost sup Mat. but to covet the chief degree of Honor it is meer Vanity Do not these places sufficiently convince their outragious Pride in Usurping to themselves a Superiority above all other as well Ministers and Bishops as Kings also and Emperors But as the Lion is known by his Claws so let us learn to know these Men by their Deeds What shall we say of him that made the Noble King Dandalus to be tied by the Neck with a Chain Sabell Ennead 9. lib. 7. and to lie flat down before his Table there to gnaw Bones like a Dog Shall we think that he hath Gods holy Spirit within him and not rather the Spirit of the Devil Such a Tyrant was Pope Clement the VI. What shall we say of him that proudly and contemptuously trod Frederick the Emperor under his Feet applying the verse of the Psalm unto himself Thou shalt go upon the Lion and the Adder Psal 60. the young Lion and the Dragon thou shalt tread under thy foot Shall we say that he hath Gods holy Spirit within him and not rather the Spirit of the Devil Such a Tyrant was Pope Alexander the III. What shall we say of him that Armed and animated the Sun against the Father causing him to be taken and to be cruelly famished to death contrary to the Law both of God and also of Nature Shall we say that he had Gods holy Spirit within him and not rather the Spirit of the Devil Such a Tyrant was Pope Pascal the II. What shall we say of him that came into his Popedom like a Fox that reigned like a Lion and died like a Dog Shall we say that he had Gods holy Spirit within him and not rather the Spirit of the Devil Such a Tyrant was Pope Boniface the VIII What shall we say of him that made
ye see how all is of God by his Son Christ our Lord and Saviour Remember I say once again your Duty of Thanks let them be never to want still injoyn your self to continue in Thanksgiving ye can offer to God no better Sacrifice For he saith himself Psal 50. It is the Sacrifice of Praise and Thanks that shall honor me Which thing was well perceived of that holy Prophet David when he so earnestly spake to himself thus Psal 103. O my Soul bless thou the Lord and all that is within me bless his holy Name I say once again O my Soul bless thou the Lord and never forget his manifold rewards God give us Grace good People to know these things and to feel them in our Hearts This knowledge and feeling is not in our selves by our selves it is not possible to come by it a great pity it were that we should lose so profitable knowledge Let us therefore meekly call upon that bountiful Spirit the Holy Ghost which proceedeth from our Father of Mercy and from our Mediator Christ that he would assist us and inspire us with his presence that in him we may be able to hear the goodness of God declared unto us to our Salvation For without his lively and secret inspiration can we not once so much as speak the Name of our Mediator as St. Paul plainly testifieth 1 Cor. 12 No Man can once Name our Lord Jesus Christ but in the Holy Ghost Much less should we be able to believe and know these great Mysteries that be opened to us by Christ St. Paul saith That no Man can know what is of God 1 Cor. 2. but the Spirit of God As for us saith he we have received not the Spirit of the World but the Spirit which is of God for this purpose That in that holy Spirit we might know the things that be given us by Christ The Wise man saith that in the Power and Vertue of the Holy Ghost resteth all Wisdom and all Ability to know God and to please him For he waiteth thus We know that it is not in Mans power to guide his goings Wisd 9. No Man can know thy Pleasure except thou givest Wisdom and sendest thy holy Spirit from above Send him down therefore prayeth he to God from the holy Heavens and from the Throne of thy Majesty that he may be with me and labor with me that so I may know what is acceptable before thee Let us with so good Heart Pray as he did and we shall not fail but to have his assistance For he is soon seen of them that love him he will be found of them that seek him for very liberal and gentle is the Spirit of Wisdom In his power shall we have sufficient Abilty to know our Duty to God in him shall we be comforted and encouraged to walk in our Duty in him shall we be meet vessels to receive the Grace of Almighty God for it is he that purgeth and purifieth the mind by his secret working And he only is present every where by his invisible Power and containeth all things in his Dominion He lightneth the Heart to conceive worthy thoughts to Almighty God he sitteth in the Tongue of Man to stir him to speak his Honor no Language is hid from him for he hath the knowledge of all Speech he only Ministreth Spiritual strength to the powers of our Soul and Body To hold the way which God had prepared for us to walk rightly in our Journey we must acknowledge that it is in the power of his Spirit which helpeth our infirmity That we may boldly come in Prayer and call upon Almighty God as our Father it is by this holy Spirit which maketh intercession for us with continual Sighs Galat. 4. Rom. 8. If any Gift we have wherewith we may work to the Glory of God and profit of our Neighbor all is wrought by this own and self same Spirit which maketh his distributions peculiarly to every Man as he will 1 Cor. 12. If any Wisdom we have it is not of our selves we cannot glory therein as begun of our selves but we ought to glory in God from whom it came to us as the Prophet Jeremy writeth Jerem. 9. Let him that rejoyceth rejoyce in this that he understandeth and knoweth me for I am the Lord which sheweth Mercy Judgment and Righteousness in the Earth for in these things I delight saith the Lord. This Wisdom cannot be attained but by the direction of the Spirit of God and therefore it is called Spiritual Wisdom And no where can we more certainly search for the knowledge of this Will of God by the which we must direct all our Works and Deeds but in the holy Scriptures for they be they that testifie of him John 5. saith our Saviour Christ It may be called Knowledg and Learning that is other where gotten without the Word but the Wise Man plainly testifieth Wisd 13. that they all be but Vain which have not in them the Wisdom of God We see to what Vanity the Old Philosophers came who were destitute of this Science gotten and searched for in his Word We see what Vanity the School Doctrin is mixed with for that in this Word they sought not the Will of God but rather the Will of Reason the Trade of Custom the Path of the Fathers the Practice of the Church Let us therefore Read and Revolve the holy Scripture both Day and Night Psal 1. Psal 119. For blessed is he that hath his whole meditation therein It is that which giveth light to our Feet to walk by It is that which giveth Wisdom to the simple and ignorant In it may we find Eternal Life In the holy Scriptures find we Christ in Christ find we God for he it is that is the express Image of the Father He that seeth Christ seeth the Father And contrariwise as St. Jerome saith the ignorance of the Scripture is the ignorance of Christ Not to know Christ Psal 19. Heb. 1. John 14. is to be in darkness in the midst of our Worldly and Carnal light of Reason and Philosophy To be without Christ is to be in foolishness For he is the only Wisdom of the Father in whom it pleased him that all fulness and perfection should dwell Coloss 2. With whom whosoever is endued in Heart by Faith and rooted fast in Charity hath laid a sure Foundation to build on whereby he may be able to comprehend with all Saints what is the breadth length and depth and to know the love of Christ This universal and absolute knowledge is that Wisdom which St. Paul wisheth these Ephesians to have as under Heaven the greatest treasure that can be obtained Ephes 3. For of this Wisdom the Wise Man writeth thus of his experience All good things came to me together with her and innumerable Riches through her hands And addeth more in that same place Sap. 7.
read it to comfort their Hearts and to encourage them to perform that which of God is commanded 1 Reg. 14. 2 Per. 20. 1 Cor. 15. 1 John 5. It teacheth Patience in all Adversity in Prosperity Humbleness What Honour is due unto GOD What Mercy and Charity to our Neighbour It giveth good Counsel in all doubtful things It sheweth of whom we shall look for Aid and help in all Perils and that God is the only giver of Victory in all Battels and Temptations of our Enemies Who profit most in reading Gods Word Bodily and Ghostly And in reading of God's Word he not always most profiteth that is most ready in turning of the Book or in saying of it without the Book but he that is most turned into it that is most inspired with the Holy Ghost most in his Heart and Life altered and changed into that thing which he readeth He that is daily less and less Proud less Wrathful less Covetous and less desirous of worldly and vain Pleasures He that daily forsaking his old vicious Life increaseth in Virtue more and more And to be short there is nothing that more maintaineth Godliness of the Mind and driveth away Ungodliness than doth the continual Reading or Hearing of God's Word Esa 5. Matth. 22. 1 Cor. 14. What discommodities the ignorance of God's Word bringeth if it be joyned with a Godly Mind and a good Affection to know and follow God's Will For without a single Eye pure Intent and good Mind nothing is allowed for good before God And on the other side nothing more darkeneth Christ and the Glory of God nor bringeth in more Blindness and all kinds of Vices than doth the ignorance of God's Word The Second part of the Sermon of the Knowledge of Holy Scripture IN the first part of this Sermon which exhorteth to the Knowledge of Holy Scripture was declared wherefore the knowledge of the same is necessary and profitable to all Men and that by the true Knowledge and Understanding of Scripture the most necessary points of our Duty towards God and our Neighbors are also known Now as concerning the same Matter you shall hear what followeth If we profess Christ Why be we not ashamed to be ignorant in his Doctrine Seeing that every Man is ashamed to be ignorant in that Learning which he professeth That Man is ashamed to be called a Philosopher which readeth not the Books of Philosophy and to be called a Lawyer an Astronomer God's Word excelleth all Sciences or Physisian that is ignorant in the Books of Law Astronomy and Physick How can any Man then say that he professeth Christ and his Religion if he will not apply himself as far forth as he can or may conveniently to read and hear and so to know the Books of Christ's Gospel and Doctrine Although other Sciences be good and to be learned yet no Man can deny but this is the chief and passeth all other incomparably What excuse shall we therefore make at the last day before Christ that delight to read or hear Mens Phantasies and Inventions more than his most Holy Gospel And will find no time to do that which chiefly above all things we should do and will rather read other things than that for the which we ought rather to leave reading of all other things Let us therefore apply ourselves as far forth as we can have time and leisure Vain excuses diswading from the knowledge of God's Word The First The Second Matth. 22. to know God's Word by diligent hearing and reading thereof as many as profess God and have Faith and Trust in Him But they that have no good affection to God's Word to colour this their fault alledge commonly two vain and feigned excuses Some go about to excuse them by their own frailness and fearfulness saying that they dare not read Holy Scripture lest through their ignorance they should fall into any error Others pretend that the difficulty to understand it and the hardness thereof is so great that it is meet to be read only of Clerks and learned Men. As touching the first Ignorance of God's Word is the cause of all Error as Christ himself affirmed to the Sadducees saying that they erred because they knew not the Scripture How should they then eschew Error that will be still ignorant And how should they come out of ignorance that will not read nor hear that thing which should give them knowledge He that now hath most Knowledge was at the first Ignorant yet he forbare not to read for fear he should fall into Error But he diligently read lest he should remain in Ignorance and through Ignorance in Error And if you will not know the Truth of God a thing most necessary for you lest you fall into Error by the same reason you may then lye still and never go lest if you go you fall into the Mire Nor eat any good Meat lest you take a Surfeit nor sow your Corn nor labour in your Occupation nor use your Merchandise for fear you lose your Seed your Labour your Stock and so by that reason it should be best for you to live idly and never to take in hand to do any manner of good thing lest peradventure some evil thing may chance thereof And if you be afraid to fall into Error by reading of Holy Scripture I shall shew you how you may read without danger of Error Read it humbly with a meek and lowly Heart How most commodiously and without all peril the Holy Scripture is to be read to the intent you may glorify God and not yourself with the knowledge of it And read it not without daily praying to God that he would direct your Reading to good effect And take upon you to expound it no further than you can plainly understand it For as St. Augustin saith the knowledge of Holy Scripture is a great large and a high place but the Door is very low so that the high and arrogant Man cannot run in but he must stoop low and humble himself that shall enter into it Presumption and Arrogancy are the Mother of all Error and Humility needeth to fear no Error For Humility will only search to know the Truth it will search and will bring together one place with another and where it cannot find out the meaning it will pray it will ask of others that know and will not presumptuously and rashly define any thing which it knoweth not Therefore the humble Man may search any Truth boldly in the Scripture without any danger of Error And if he be ignorant he ought the more to read and to search Holy Scripture to bring him out of Ignorance I say not nay but a Man may profit with only hearing but he may much more profit with both hearing and reading This have I said as touching the fear to read through ignorance of the Person Scripture in some places is easie and in some places hard to be
living They called and cryed to God for Help and Mercy with such a ceremony of Sackcloth Dust and Ashes that thereby they might declare to the whole World what an humble and lowly estimation they had of themselves and how well they remembred their Name and Title aforesaid their vile corrupt frail Nature Dust Earth and Ashes Sapi. 7. The Book of Wisdom also willing to pull down our proud Stomachs moveth us diligently to remember our mortal and earthly Generation which we have all of him that was first Made and that all Men as well Kings as Subjects come into this world and go out of the same in like sort that is as of ourselves full miserable as we may daily see And Almighty God commanded his Prophet Esay to make a Proclamation and cry to the whole World and Esay asking What shall I cry The Lord answered Cry That all Flesh is Grass Esay 40. and that all the Glory thereof is but as the Flower of the Field when the Grass is withered the Flower falleth away when the Wind of the Lord bloweth upon it The People surely is Grass the which dryeth up and the Flower fadeth away And the Holy Man Job Job 14. having in himself great experience of the miserable and sinful estate of Man doth open the same to the World in these words Man saith he that is born of a Woman living but a short time is full of manifold Miseries he springeth up like a Flower and fadeth again vanisheth away as it were a shadow and never continueth in one state And dost thou judge it meet O Lord to open thine Eyes upon such a one and to bring him to judgment with thee Who can make him clean that is conceived of an unclean Seed and all Men of their evilness and natural proneness be so universally given to Sin that as the Scripture saith God repented that ever he made Man And by Sin his Indignation was so much provoked against the World that he drowned all the World with Noes Flood Gen. 7. except Noe himself and his little Houshold It is not without great cause that the Scripture of God doth so many times call all Men here in this world by this Word Earth O thou Earth Jer. 22. Earth Earth saith Jeremy hear the word of the Lord. This our right Name Calling and Title Earth Earth Earth pronounced by the Prophet sheweth what we be indeed by whatsoever other Style Title or Dignity Men do call us Thus he plainly named us who knoweth best both what we be and what we ought of right to be called And thus he setteth us forth speaking by his faithful Apostle St. Paul All Men Jews and Gentiles are under sin there is none righteous no not one There is none that understandeth there is none that seeketh after God they are all gone out of the way they are all unprofitable there is none that doth good no not one Their throat is an open Sepulchre with their tongues they have used craft and deceit the poison of serpents is under their Lips their mouth is full of cursing and bitterness their feet are swift to shed blood destruction and wretchedness are in their ways and the way of peace have they not known Rom. 11. Gal. 3. there is no fear of God before their eyes And in another place St. Paul writeth thus God hath wrapped all nations in unbelief that he might have mercy on all The Scripture shutteth up all under Sin Ephes 2. that the Promise by the Faith of Jesus Christ should be given unto them that believe St. Paul in many places painteth us out in our colours calling us the Children of the wrath of God when we be born saying also that we cannot think a good thought of ourselves much less can we say well or do well of ourselves And the Wise Man saith in the Book of Proverbs Prov. 24. The iust man falleth seven times a day The most tried and approved Man Job feared all his Works Luke 1. St. John the Baptist being Sanctified in his Mothers Womb and praised before he was Born being called an Angel and great before the Lord filled even from his Birth with the Holy Ghost the preparer of the way for our Saviour Christ and commended of our Saviour Christ to be more than a Prophet Matth. 3. and the greatest that ever was born of a Woman Yet he plainly granteth that he had need to be washed of Christ he worthily Extolleth and Glorifieth his Lord and Master Christ and Humbleth himself as unworthy to unbuckle his Shooes and giveth all Honour and Glory to God So doth S. Paul both oft and evidently confess himself what he was of himself ever giving as a most faithful Servant all Praise to his Master and Saviour So doth blessed St. John the Evangelist in the name of himself and of all other Holy Men be they never so just make this open Confession If we say we have no sin 1 Joh. 1. and 2. we deceive our selves and the truth is not in us If we acknowledge our sins God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness If we say we have not sinned we make him a lyar and his word is not in us Wherefore the Wise Man in the Book called Ecclesiastes maketh this true and general Confession Eccles 7. There is not one just man upon the Earth that doth good and sinneth not And David is ashamed of his sin but not to confess his sin Psal 51. How oft how earnestly and lamentably doth he desire God's great Mercy for his great Offences and that God should not enter into judgment with him Psal 113. And again How well weigheth this Holy Man his sins which he confesseth that they be so many in number and so hid and hard to understand that it is in a manner impossible to know utter Psal 19. or number them Wherefore he having a true earnest and deep Contemplation and Consideration of his sins and yet not coming to the bottom of them he maketh Supplication to God to forgive him his privy secret hid sins The knowledge of which he cannot attain unto He weigheth rightly his Sins from the Original root and Spring-head perceiving Inclinations Provocations Stirrings Stingings Buds Branches Dregs Infections Tastes Feelings and Scents of them to continue in him still Wherefore he saith Mark and Behold I was conceived in sins He saith not Sin Psal 51. but in the plural number Sins forasmuch as out of one as a Fountain spring all the rest Mark 10. Luke 18. Our Saviour Christ saith There is none good but God And that we can do nothing that is good without him nor can any man come to the Father but by him He commandeth us also to say that We be unprofitable servants John 15. Luke 17. when we have done all that we can do He preferreth the penitent
Publican before the Proud Holy and Glorious Pharisee He calleth himself a Physician but not to them that be whole Luke 18. Matth. 9. but to them that be sick and have need of his Salve for their Sore He teacheth us in our Prayers to acknowledge ourselves Sinners and to ask Righteousness and deliverance from all Evils at our Heavenly Father's hand He declareth that the sins of our own Hearts do defile our ownselves He teacheth Matth. 12. that an evil Word or Thought deserveth Condemnation affirming that We shall give account for every idle word Matth. 15. He saith He came not to save but the sheep that were utterly lost and cast away Therefore few of the Proud Just Learned Wise Perfect and Holy Pharisees were saved by him because they justified themselves by their counterfeit Holiness before Men. Wherefore good People let us beware of such Hypocrisie Vain-glory and Justifying of ourselves The Second Part of the SERMON of the Misery of Man FOrasmuch as the true knowledge of ourselves is very necessary to come to the right knowledge of God ye have heard in the last Reading how Humbly all good Men always have thought of themselves and so to think and judge of themselves are taught of God their Creator by his Holy Word For of ourselves we be Crab-trees that can bring forth no Apples We be of ourselves of such Earth as can but bring forth Weeds Nettles Brambles Briers Cockle and Darnel Our Fruits be declared in the 5th Chapter to the Galatians Gal. 5. We have neither Faith Charity Hope Patience Chastity nor any thing else that good is but of God and therefore these Virtues be called there The fruits of the Holy Ghost and not the fruits of Man Let us therefore acknowledge ourselves before God as we be indeed miserable and wretched Sinners And let us earnestly Repent and Humble ourselves heartily and cry to God for Mercy Let us all Confess with Mouth and Heart that we be full of Imperfections Let us know our own Works of what imperfection they be and then we shall not stand foolishly and arrogantly in our own Conceits nor challenge any part of Justification by our Merits or Works For truly there be imperfections in our best Works We do not love God so much as we are bound to do with all our Heart Mind and Power We do not fear God so much as we ought to do We do not pray to God but with great and many imperfections We Give Forgive Believe Live and Hope imperfectly We Speak Think and Do impefectly We Fight against the Devil the World and the Flesh imperfectly Let us therefore not be ashamed to confess plainly our state of Imperfection Yea let us not be ashamed to confess Imperfection even in all our best Works Let none of us be ashamed to say with the Holy St. Peter Luke 5. Psal 106. I am a sinful man Let us say with the Holy Prophet David We have sinned with our fathers we have done amiss and dealt wickedly Let us all make open Confession with the Prodigal Son to our Father and say with him We have sinned against Heaven Luke 14. and before thee O Father we are not worthy to be called thy sons Let us all say with Holy Baruch Baruch 2. O Lord our God to us is worthily ascribed shame and confusion and to thee righteousness We have sinned we have done wickedly we have behaved ourselves ungodlily in all thy Righteousness Let us all say with the Holy Prophet Daniel Dan. 9. O Lord righteousness belongeth to thee unto us belongeth confusion We have sinned we have been naughty we have offended we have fled from thee we have gone back from all thy Precepts and Judgments So we learn of all good Men in Holy Scriptures to Humble our selves and to Exalt Extol Praise Magnifie and Glorifie God Thus we have heard how evil we be of ourselves how of ourselves and by ourselves we have no Goodness Help or Salvation but contrariwise Sin Damnation and Death everlasting Which if we deeply weigh and consider we shall the better understand the great Mercy of God and how our Salvation cometh only by Christ 2 Cor. 3. For in ourselves as of ourselves we find nothing whereby we may be delivered from this miserable Captivity into the which we are cast through the envy of the Devil by breaking of God's Commandment in our first Parent Adam Psal 50. Ephes 2. We are all become unclean but we all are not able to cleanse ourselves nor make one another of us clean We are by nature the children of God's wrath but we are notable to make ourselves the Children and Inheritors of God's Glory We are Sheep that run astray 1 Pet. 2. but we cannot of our own power come again to the Sheepfold so great is our Imperfection and Weakness In ourselves therefore may we not glory which of ourselves are nothing but sinful neither may we rejoyce in any Works that we do all which be so Imperfect and Impure that they are not able to stand before the Righteous Judgment Seat of God as the Holy Prophet David saith Psal 143. Enter not into judgment with thy Servant O Lord for no man that liveth shall be found righteous in thy sight To God therefore must we flee or else shall we never find Peace Rest and Quietness of Conscience in our Hearts For he is the father of mercies and God of all consolation He is the Lord with whom is plenteous redemption 2 Cor. 1. He is the God which of his own mercy saveth us Psal 130. and setteth out his Charity and exceeding Love towards us in that of his own voluntary Goodness when we were Perishing he Saved us and provided an everlasting Kingdom for us And all these Heavenly Treasures are given us not for our own Deserts Merits or good Deeds which of ourselves we have none but of his mere Mercy freely And for whose sake Truly for Jesus Christ's sake that pure and undefiled Lamb of God He is that dearly beloved Son for whose sake God is fully pacified satisfied and set at One with Man He is the Lamb of God John 1. which taketh away the sins of the World of whom only it may be truly spoken that he did all things well 1 Pet. 2. and in his mouth was found no craft nor subtilty None but he alone may say The Prince of the World came and in me he hath nothing And he alone may also say Which of you shall reprove me of any fault John 8. He is the high and everlasting Priest Heb. 7. which hath offered himself once for all upon the Altar of the Cross and with that one oblation hath made perfect for evermore them that are sanctified 1 John 2. He is the alone Mediator between God and Man which paid our ransom to God with his own blood and with that hath he cleansed us
Three things must go together in our justification which walk not after the flesh but after the spirit In these foresaid places the Apostle toucheth specially three things which must go together in our justification Upon God's part his great Mercy and Grace upon Christ's part Justice that is the satisfaction of God's Justice or the price of our Redemption by the offering of his Body and shedding of his Blood with fulfilling of the Law perfectly and throughly and upon our part true and lively Faith in the Merits of Jesus Christ which yet is not ours but by God's working in us So that in our Justification there is not only God's Mercy and Grace but also his Justice which the Apostle calleth the Justice of God and it consisteth in paying our Ransom and fulfilling of the Law And so the Grace of God doth not shut out the Justice of God in our Justification but only shutteth out the Justice of Man that is to say the Justice of our Works as to be Merits of deserving our Justification And therefore St. Paul declareth here nothing upon the behalf of Man concerning his Justification but only a true and lively Faith which nevertheless is the Gift of God and not Man's only Work without God And yet that Faith doth not shut out Repentance Hope Love Dread and the Fear of God to be joyned with Faith in every Man that is justified but it shutteth them out from the office of Justifying How it is to be understood that Faith justifieth without Works So that although they be all present together in him that is Justified yet they justifie not altogether Neither doth Faith shut out the Justice of our good Works necessarily to be done afterwards of Duty towards God for we are most bounden to serve God in doing good Deeds commanded by him in his Holy Scripture all the days of our Life But it excludeth them so that we may not do them to this intent to be made Just by doing of them For all the good Works that we can do be imperfect and therefore not able to deserve our Justification but our Justification doth come freely by the mere Mercy of God and of so great and free Mercy that whereas all the World was not able of themselves to pay any part towards their Ransom it pleased our Heavenly Father of his infinite Mercy without any our desert or deserving to prepare for us the most precious Jewels of Christ's Body and Blood whereby our Ransom might be fully paid the Law fulfilled and his Justice fully satisfied So that Christ is now the Righteousness of all them that truly do believe in him He for them paid their Ransom by his Death He for them fulfilled the Law in his Life So that now in him and by him every true Christian Man may be called A fulfiller of the Law Forasmuch as that which their Infirmity lacked Christ's Justice hath supplied The Second Part of the Sermon of Salvation YE have heard of whom all Men ought to seek their Justification and Righteousness and how also this Righteousness cometh unto Men by Christ's Death and Merits Ye heard also how that three things are required to the obtaining of our Righteousness that is God's Mercy Christ's Justice and a true and lively Faith out of the which Faith spring good Works Also before was declared at large That no Man can be justified by his own good Works that no Man fulfilleth the Law according to the strict rigor of the Law And St. Paul in his Epistle to the Galatians proveth the same saying thus Gal. 2. If there had been any Law given which could have justified verily Righteousness should have been by the Law And again he saith If righteousness be by the Law then Christ died in vain And again he saith Ephes 2. You that are justified by the Law are fallen away from Grace And furthermore he writeth to the Ephesians on this wise By Grace are ye saved through Faith and that not of yourselves for it is the gift of God and not of Works lest any Man should Glory And to be short the sum of all Paul's Disputation is this That if Justice come of Works then it cometh not of Grace and if it come of Grace then it cometh not of Works And to this end tend all the Prophets as St. Peter saith in the 10th of the Acts. Of Christ all the Prophets saith St. Peter Acts 10. do witness that through his Name all they that believe in him shall receive the remission of sins Faith only justifieth is the Doctrine of old Doctors And after this wise to be justified only by this true and lively Faith in Christ speak all the old and antient Authors both Greeks and Latins Of whom I will specially rehearse three Hilary Basil and Ambrose St. Hilary saith these Words plainly in the ninth Canon upon Matthew Faith only justifieth And St. Basil a Greek Author writeth thus This is a perfect and whole reioycing in God when a Man advanceth not himself for his own Righteousness but acknowledgeth himself to lack true Justice and Righteousness and to be justified by the only Faith in Christ And Paul saith he Philip. 3. doth glory in the contempt of his own Righteousness and that he looketh for the Righteousness of God by Faith These be the very words of St. Basil and St. Ambrose a Latin Author saith these words This is the Ordinance of God that they which believe in Christ should be saved without Works by Faith only freely receiving remission of their sins Consider diligently these words Without works by Faith only freely we receive remission of our sins What can be spoken more plainly than to say That freely without Works by Faith only we obtain remission of our sins These and other like Sentences that we be justified by Faith only freely and without Works we do read oft-times in the best and most antient Writers As beside Hilary Basil and St. Ambrose before rehearsed we read the same in Origen St. Chrysostom St. Cyprian St. Augustin Prosper Oecumenius Proclus Bernardus Anselm and many other Authors Greek and Latin Nevertheless this Sentence that we be justified by Faith only is not so meant of them that the said justifying Faith is alone in Man without true Repentance Hope Charity Dread and the Fear of God at any time and season Faith alone how it is to be understood Nor when they say that we should be justified freely do they mean that we should or might afterward be idle and that nothing should be required on our parts afterward Neither do they mean so to be justified without good Works that we should do no good Works at all like as shall be more expressed at large hereafter But this saying That we be justified by Faith only freely and without Works is spoken for to take away clearly all Merit of our Works as being unable to deserve our Justification at God's hands
and thereby most plainly to express the Weakness of Man and the Goodness of God the great infirmity of ourselves and the Might and Power of God the imperfection of our own Works and the most abundant Grace of our Saviour Christ and therefore wholly to ascribe the merit and deserving of our Justification unto Christ only and his most precious Blood shedding This Faith the Holy Scripture teacheth us The profit of the Doctrine of Faith only justifieth is the strong Rock and Foundation of Christian Religion this Doctrine all old and antient Authors of Christ's Church do approve this Doctrine advanceth and setteth forth the true Glory of Christ and beateth down the Vain-glory of Man this whosoever denieth is not to be accounted for a Christian Man nor for a setter forth of Christ's Glory but for an adversary to Christ and his Gospel and for a setter forth of Mens Vain-glory. What they be that impugn the Doctrine of Faith only justifieth And although this Doctrine be never so true as it is most true indeed that we be justified freely without all merit of our own good Works as St. Paul doth express it and freely by this lively and perfect Faith in Christ only as the ancient Authors use to speak it yet this true Doctrine must be also truly understood and most plainly declared lest carnal Men should take unjustly occasion thereby to live carnally after the Appetite and Will of the World the Flesh and the Devil A declaration of this Doctrine of Faith without Works justifieth And because no Man should err by mistaking of this Doctrine I shall plainly and shortly so declare the right understanding of the same that no Man shall justly think that he may thereby take any occasion of carnal liberty to follow the desires of the flesh or that thereby any kind of sin shall be committed or any ungodly living the more used First you shall understand that in our Justification by Christ it is not all one thing the Office of God unto Man and the Office of Man unto God Justification is not the Office of Man but of God for Man cannot make himself Righteous by his own Works neither in part nor in the whole for that were the greatest arrogancy and presumption of Man that Antichrist could set up against God to affirm that a Man might by his own Works take away and purge his own sins and so justifie himself But Justification is the Office of God only Justification is the Office of God only and is not a thing which we render unto him but which we receive of him Not which we give to him but which we take of him by his free Mercy and by the only Merits of his most dearly beloved Son our only Redeemer Saviour and Justifier Jesus Christ So that the true understanding of this Doctrine We be justified freely by Faith without Works or that we be justified by Faith in Christ only is not that this our own act to Believe in Christ or this our Faith in Christ which is within us doth justifie us and deserve our Justification unto us for that were to count our selves to be justified by some Act or Virtue that is within ourselves but the true understanding and meaning thereof is that although we hear God's Word and believe it although we have Faith Hope Charity Repentance Dread and Fear of God within us and do never so many Works thereunto Yet we must renounce the merit of all our said Virtues of Faith Hope Charity and all other Virtues and good Deeds which we either have done shall do or can do as things that be far too weak and insufficient and imperfect to deserve remission of our Sins and our Justification and therefore we must trust only in God's Mercy and that Sacrifice which our High Priest and Saviour Christ Jesus the Son of God once offered for us upon the Cross to obtain thereby God's Grace and Remission as well of our original Sin in Baptism as of all actual Sin committed by us after our Baptism if we truly repent and turn unfeignedly to him again So that as St. John Baptist although he were never so Virtuous and Godly a Man yet in this matter of forgiving of Sin he did put the People from him and appointed them unto Christ saying thus unto them Behold yonder is the Lamb of God John 1. which taketh away the sins of the World Even so as Great and as Godly a Virtue as the lively Faith is yet it putteth us from itself and remitteth or appointeth us unto Christ for to have only by him remission of our Sins or Justification So that our Faith in Christ as it were saith unto us thus It is not I that taketh away your Sins but it is Christ only and to him only I send you for that purpose forsaking therein all your good Virtues Words Thoughts and Works and only putting your Trust in Christ The Third Part of the Sermon of Salvation IT hath been manifestly declared unto you that no Man can fulfil the Law of God and therefore by the Law all Men are condemned Whereupon it followeth necessarily that some other thing should be required for our Salvation than the Law And that is a true and a lively Faith in Christ bringing forth good Works and a Life according to God's Commandments And also you heard the ancient Authors Minds of this Saying Faith in Christ only justifieth Man so plainly declared that you see that the very true meaning of this Proposition or Saying We be justified by Faith in Christ only according to the meaning of the old ancient Authors is this VVe put our Faith in Christ that we be Justified by him only that we be Justified by God's free Mercy and the Merits of our Saviour Christ only and by no Virtue or good Works of our own that is in us or that we can be able to have or to do for to deserve the same Christ himself only being the cause meritorious thereof Here you perceive many words to be used to avoid contention in Words with them that delight to brawl about Words and also to shew the true meaning to avoid evil taking and misunderstanding and yet peradventure all will not serve with them that be contentious But Contenders will ever forge matters of Contention even when they have none occasion thereto Notwithstanding such be the less to be passed upon so that the rest may profit which will be more desirous to know the Truth than when it is plain enough to contend about it and with contentious and captious Cavillation to obscure and darken it Truth it is that our Works do not justifie us to speak properly of our Justification that is to say our Works do not merit or deserve remission of our Sins and make us of Unjust Just before God But God of his own Mercy through the only Merits and Deservings of his Son Jesus Christ doth justifie us Nevertheless because
to be ever ready to give ourselves to our Neighbours and as much as lieth in us to study with all our endeavour to do good to every Man These be the fruits of true Faith to do good asmuch as lieth in us to every Man and above all things and in all things to advance the Glory of God of whom only we have our Sanctification Justification Salvation and Redemption To whom be ever Glory Praise and Honour VVorld without end Amen A Short DECLARATION OF THE True Lively and Christian Faith Faith THE First coming unto God good Christian People is through Faith whereby as it is declared in the last Sermon we be Justified before God And lest any Man should be deceived for lack of right Understanding thereof it is diligently to be noted that Faith is taken in the Scripture two manner of ways A dead Faith There is one Faith which in Scripture is called a Dead Faith which bringeth forth no good Works but is idle barren and unfruitful And this Faith by the Holy Apostle St. James is compared to the Faith of Devils James 2. which believe God to be True and Just and tremble for fear yet they do nothing well but all evil And such a manner of Faith have the wicked and naughty Christian People which confess God as St. Paul saith in their mouths Titus 6. but deny him in their deeds being abominable and without the right Faith and to all good works reproveable And this Faith is a Persuasion and Belief in Man's Heart whereby he knoweth that there is a God and agreeth unto all Truths of God's most Holy Word contained in the Holy Scripture So that it consisteth only in Believing in the Word of God that it is true And this is not properly called Faith But as he that readeth Caesar's Commentary believing the same to be true hath thereby a knowledge of Caesar's Life and notable Acts because he believeth the History of Caesar Yet it is not properly said that he believeth in Caesar of whom he looketh for no help nor benefit Even so he that Believeth that all that is spoken of God in the Bible is true and yet liveth so ungodly that he cannot look to enjoy the Promises and Benefits of God Although it may be said that such a Man hath a Faith and Belief to the Words of God yet it is not properly said that he believeth in God or hath such a Faith and Trust in God whereby he may surely look for Grace Mercy and everlasting Life at God's hand but rather for Indignation and Punishment according to the Merits of his wicked Life For as it is written in a Book Entituled to be of Didymus Alexandrinus Forasmuch as Faith without Works is dead it is not now Faith as a dead Man is not a Man This dead Faith therefore is not that sure and substantial Faith which saveth Sinners Another Faith there is in Scripture which is not as the aforesaid Faith idle unfruitful and dead A lively Faith but worketh by charity as St. Paul declareth Gal. 5. Which as the other vain Faith is called a dead Faith so may this be called a quick or lively Faith And this is not only the common belief of the Articles of our Faith but it is also a true Trust and Confidence of the Mercy of God through our Lord Jesus Christ and a stedfast hope of all good things to be received at God's hand And that although we through Infirmity or Temptation of our Ghostly enemy do fall from him by Sin yet if we return again unto him by true Repentance that he will forgive and forget our Offences for his Sons sake our Saviour Jesus Christ and will make us Inheritors with him of his everlasting Kingdom and that in the mean time untill that Kingdom come he will be our Protector and Defender in all perils and dangers whatsoever do chance And that though somtime he doth send us sharp adversity yet that evermore he will be a loving Father unto us correcting us for our Sin but not withdrawing his Mercy finally from us if we trust in him and commit our selves wholly unto him hang only upon him and call upon him ready to obey and serve him This is the true lively and unfeigned Christian Faith and is not in the Mouth and outward Profession only but it liveth and stirreth inwardly in the Heart And this Faith is not without Hope and Trust in God nor without the Love of God and of our Neighbors nor without the Fear of God nor without the Desire to hear God's Word and to follow the same in eschewing Evil and doing gladly all good Works Heb. 12. Thus Faith as St. Paul describeth it is the sure ground and foundation of the benefits which we ought to look for and trust to receive of God a Certificate and sure looking for them although they yet sensibly appear not unto us And after he saith He that cometh to God must believe both that he is and that he is a merciful rewarder of Well-doers And nothing commendeth good Men unto God so much as this assured Faith and Trust in him Of this Faith three things are specially to be noted Three things are to be noted of Faith First that this Faith doth not lye dead in the Heart but is lively and fruitful in bringing forth good Works Secondly that without it can no good Works be done that shall be acceptable and pleasant to God Thirdly what manner of good Works they be that this Faith doth bring forth Faith is full of good Works For the First That as the Light cannot be hid but will shew forth itself at one place or other So a true Faith cannot be kept secret but when occasion is offered it will break out and shew itself by good Works And as the living Body of a Man ever exerciseth such things as belong to a natural and living Body for nourishment and preservation of the same as it hath need opportunity and occasion Even so the Soul that hath a lively Faith in it will be doing alway some good Work which shall declare that it is living and will not be unoccupied Therefore when Men hear in the Scripture so high commendations of Faith that it maketh us to please God to live with God and to be the Children of God If then they fancy that they be set at liberty from doing all good Works and may live as they list they trifle with God and deceive themselves And it is a manifest token that they be far from having the true and lively Faith and also far from Knowledge what true Faith meaneth For the very sure and lively Christian Faith is not only to believe all things of God which are contained in Holy Scripture but also is an earnest Trust and Confidence in God that he doth regard us and that he is careful over us as the Father is over the Child whom he doth love and that
and we be in the time when he is come Therefore saith St. Augustine In Johan Tract 45. The Time is altered and changed but not the Faith For we have both one Faith in one Christ 1 Cor. 4 The same Holy Ghost also that we have had they saith St. Paul For as the Holy Ghost doth teach us to trust in God and to call upon him as our Father E●ai 4● So did he teach them to say as it is written Thou Lord art our Father and Redeemer and thy Name is without beginning and everlasting God gave them then Grace to be his Children as he doth us now But now by the coming of our Saviour Christ we have received more abundantly the Spirit of God in our Hearts whereby we may conceive a greater Faith and a surer Trust than many of them had But in effect they and we be all one We have the same Faith that they had in God and they the same that we have And St. Paul so much extolleth their Faith because we should not less but rather more give our selves wholly unto Christ both in Profession and Living now when Christ is come than the old Fathers did before his coming And by all the Declaration of St. Paul it is evident that the true lively and Christian Faith is no dead vain or unfruitful thing but a thing of perfect Virtue of wonderful Operation or Working and Strength bringing forth all good Motions and good Works All Holy Scripture agreeably beareth witness that a true lively Faith in Christ doth bring forth good VVorks And therefore every Man must examine and try himself diligently to know whether he have the same true lively Faith in his Heart unfeignedly or not which he shall know by the fruits thereof Many that professed the Faith of Christ were in this error that they thought they knew God and believed in him when in their Life they declared the contrary VVhich error St. John in his First Epistle confuting writeth in this wise 1 John 2. Hereby we are certified that we knew God if we observe his Commandments He that saith he knoweth God and observeth not his Commandments is a lyar and the truth is not in him And again he saith 1 John 3. Whosoever sinneth doth not see God nor know him let no man deceive you welbeloved children And moreover he saith Hereby we know that we be of the truth and so we shall persuade our hearts before him 1 John 3. For if our own hearts reprove us God is above our hearts and knoweth all things Welbeloved if our hearts reprove us not then have we confidence in God and shall have of him whatsoever we ask because we keep his Commandments and do those things that please him And yet further he saith Every man that believeth that Jesus is Christ is born of God and we know that whosoever is born of God doth not sin But he that is begotten of God purgeth himself and the Devil doth not touch him And finally he concludeth and sheweth the cause why he wrote this Epistle 1 John 5. saying For this cause have I thus written unto you that you may know that you have everlasting life which do believe in the Son of God And in his third Epistle he confirmeth the whole matter of Faith and VVorks in few words 3 John 1. saying He that doth well is of God and he that doth evil knoweth not God And as St. John saith That as the lively Knowledge and Faith of God bringeth forth good VVorks So saith he likewise of Hope and Charity That they cannot stand with evil living Of Hope he writeth thus 1 John 3. We know that when God shall appear we shall be like unto him for we shall see him even as he is And whosoever hath this hope in him doth purifie himself like as God is pure And of Charity he saith these words 1 John 2. 1 John 5. He that doth keep God's word and Commandment in him is truly the perfect love of God And again he saith This is the love of God that we should keep his Commandments And St. John wrote not this as a subtil saying devised of his own phantasie but as a most certain and necessary Truth taught unto him by Christ himself the Eternal and infallible Verity who in many places doth most clearly affirm That Faith Hope and Charity cannot consist or stand without Good and Godly VVorks 1 John 5. Of Faith he saith He that believeth in the Son hath everlasting Life But he that believeth not in the Son John 3. shall not see that life but the wrath of God remaineth upon him John 6. And the same he confirmeth with a double Oath saying Verily verily I say unto you he that believeth in me hath everlasting life Now forasmuch as he that believeth in Christ hath everlasting life it must needs consequently follow that he that hath this Faith must have also good Works and be studious to observe God's Commandments obediently For to them that have evil Works and lead their Life in Disobedience and Transgression or breaking of God's Commandments without Repentance pertaineth not everlasting Life Matth. 25. but everlasting Death as Christ himself saith They that do well shall go into life eternal but they that do evil shall go into everlasting Fire And again he saith Apoc. 21. I am the first Letter and the last the beginning and the ending To him that is athirst I will give of the well of the water of life freely He that hath the victory shall have all things and I will be his God and he shall be my Son But they that be fearful mistrusting God and lacking Faith they that be cursed People and murtherers and fornicators and sorcerers and all lyars shall have their portion in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death And as Christ undoubtedly affirmeth that true faith bringeth forth good works So doth he say likewise of Charity Charity bringeth forth good Works John 14. Eccles. 1. Eccles. 15. Whosoever hath my Commandments and keepeth them that is he that loveth me And after he saith He that loveth me will keep my word and he that loveth me not keepeth not my words And as the Love of God is tryed by good Works so is the Fear of God also as the Wise man saith The dread of God putteth away sin And also he saith He that feareth God will do good Works The Third Part of the Sermon of Faith YOu have heard in the Second Part of this Sermon that no Man should think that he hath that lively Faith which Scripture commandeth when he liveth not obediently to God's Laws for all good Works spring out of that Faith And also it hath been declared unto you by examples that Faith maketh Men stedfast quiet and patient in all affliction Now as concerning the same matter you shall hear what followeth A Man
Superstition and Hypocrisie Their Hearts within being full of Malice Pride Covetousness and all Wickedness Against which Sects and their pretended Holiness Christ cried out more vehemently than he did against any other Persons saying and often rehearsing these words Mat h. ●● Woe be to you Scribes and Pharises ye Hypocrites for you make clean the vessel without but within ye be full of ravine and filthiness Thou blind Pharisee and Hypocrite first make the inward part clean For notwithstanding all the goodly Traditions and outward shews of good Works devised of their own imagination whereby they appeared to the World most Religious and Holy of all Men yet Christ who saw their Hearts knew that they were inwardly in the sight of God most Unholy most Abominable and farthest from God of all Men. Therefore said he unto them Hypocrites the Prophet Isaiah spake full truly of you when he said This People honour me with their lips Matth. 15. Isaiah 19. but their Heart is far from me They worship me in vain that teach Doctrines and Commandments of men for you leave the Commandments of God to keep your own traditions And though Christ said they worship God in vain Man's Laws may be observed and kept but not as God's Laws that teach doctrines and commandments of Men yet he meant not thereby to overthrow all Mens Commandments for he himself was ever obedient to the Princes and their Laws made for good Order and Governance of the People But he reproved the Laws and Traditions made by the Scribes and Pharises which were not made only for good order of the People as the Civil Laws were but they were set up so high that they were made to be right and pure worshipping of God as they had been equal with God's Laws or above them For many of God's Laws could not be kept but were fain to give place unto them This arrogancy God detested that Man should so advance his Laws to make them equal with God's Laws wherein the true honouring and right worshipping of God standeth and to make his Laws for them to be left off God hath appointed his Laws whereby his pleasure is to be honoured His pleasure is also That all Mens Laws not being contrary unto his Laws shall be obeyed and kept as good and necessary for every Commonweal but not as things wherein principally his Honour resteth And all Civil and Man's Laws either be or should be made to bring Men the better to keep God's Laws that consequently or followingly God should be the better honoured by them Howbeit the Scribes and Pharises were not content that their Laws should be no higher esteemed than other positive and Civil Laws nor would they have them called by the name of other temporal Laws but called them Holy and Godly Traditions Holy Traditions were esteemed as God's Laws and would have them esteemed not only for a right and true worshipping of God as God's Laws be indeed but also for the most high honouring of God to the which the Commandments of God should give place And for this cause did Christ so vehemently speak against them saying Your Traditions which Men esteem so high Holiness of Man's device is commonly occasion that God is offended Matth. 12. be abomination before God For commonly of such Traditions followeth the transgression or breaking of God's Commandments and a more Devotion in keeping of such things and a greater Conscience in breaking of them than of the Commandments of God As the Scribes and Pharises so superstitiously and scrupulously kept the Sabbath that they were offended with Christ because he healed sick Men and with his Apostles because they being sore a hungry gathered the ears of Corn to eat upon that day and because his Disciples washed not their Hands so often as their Traditions required The Scribes and Pharisees quarrelled with Christ Matth. 15. saying Why do thy Disciples break the traditions of the Seigniours But Christ laid to their charge that they for to keep their own Traditions did teach Men to break the very Commandments of God For they taught the People such a Devotion that they offered their Goods into the Treasure-house of the Temple under the pretence of God's Honour leaving their Fathers and Mothers to whom they were chiefly bound unholpen and so they brake the Commandments of God to keep their own Traditions They esteemed more an Oath made by the Gold or Oblation in the Temple than an Oath made in the Name of God himself or of the Temple They were more studious to pay their Tithes of small things than to do the greater things commanded of God as Works of Mercy or to do Justice or to deal sincerely uprightly and faithfully with God and Man These saith Christ ought to be done Matth. 23. and the other not left undone And to be short they were of so blind Judgment that they stumbled at a straw and leaped over a block They would as it were nicely take a Fly out of their Cup and drink down a whole Camel And therefore Christ called them Blind guides warning his Disciples from time to time to eschew their Doctrine For although they seemed to the World to be most perfect Men both in Living and Teaching yet was their Life but Hypocrisie and their Doctrine but sower Leaven mingled with Superstition Idolatry and overthwart Judgment setting up the Traditions and Ordinances of Man instead of God's Commandments The Third Part of the Sermon of Good Works THat all Men might rightly judge of Good Works it hath been declared in the Second Part of this Sermon what kind of Good Works they be that God would have his People to walk in namely such as he hath commanded in his Holy Scripture and not such Works as Men have studied out of their own Brain of a blind Zeal and Devotion without the Word of God And by mistaking the nature of good Works Man hath most highly displeased God and hath gone from his Will and Commandments So that thus you have heard how much the World from the beginning until Christ's time was ever ready to fall from the Commandments of God and to seek other means to Honour and Serve him after a Devotion found out of their own Heads And how they did set up their own Traditions as high or above God's Commandments which hath hapned also in our times the more it is to be lamented no less than it did among the Jews and that by the corruption or at least by the negligence of them that chiefly ought to have preserved the Pure and Heavenly Doctrine left by Christ What Man having any Judgment or Learning joyned with a true Zeal unto God doth not see and lament to have entred into Christ's Religion such false Doctrine Superstition Idolatry Hypocrisie and other enormities and abuses so as by little and little through the sower Leaven thereof the sweet Bread of God's Holy Word hath been much hindred and laid apart
unlawful and forbidden by the Commandment of God For such Swearing is nothing else but taking of God's Holy Name in vain And here is to be noted that lawful Swearing is not forbidden but commanded by Almighty God For we have examples of Christ and Godly Men in Holy Scripture that did Swear themselves and required Oaths of others likewise Deut. 6. and God's Commandment is Thou shalt dread thy Lord God and shalt swear by his Name And Almighty God by his Prophet David saith Psal 63. All Men shall be praised that swear by him Thus did our Saviour Christ Swear divers times saying Verily John 3. Verily And St. Paul Sweareth thus I call God to witness 2 Cor. 1. And Abraham waxing old required an Oath of his Servant Gen. 24. that he should procure a Wife for his Son Isaac which should come of his own kindred And the Servant did Swear that he would perform his Masters Will. Abraham also being required Gen. 21. did Swear unto Abimelech the King of Geraris that he should not hurt him nor his posterity and likewise did Abimelech Swear unto Abraham And David did Swear to be and continue a faithful Friend to Jonathan and Jonathan did Swear to become a faithful Friend unto David Also God once commanded that if a thing were laid to pledge to any Man or left with him to keep if the same thing were stoln or lost that the keeper thereof should be Sworn before Judges that he did not conveigh it away nor used any deceit in causing the same to be conveighed away by his consent or knowledge Heb. 6. And St. Paul saith That in all matters of controversie between two Persons whereas one saith Yea and the other Nay so as no due proof can be had of the Truth the end of every such Controversie must be an Oath ministred by a Judge And moreover God by the Prophet Jeremy saith Thou shalt swear the Lord liveth in truth Jer. 4. in judgment in righteousness So that whosoever Sweareth when he is required of a Judge let him be sure in his Conscience that his Oath have three Conditions and he shall never need to be afraid of Perjury First he that Sweareth may Swear truly that is What conditions an Oath ought to have he must setting apart all Favour and Affection to the Parties have the Truth only before his Eyes and for love thereof say and speak that which he knoweth to be Truth and no further The Second The Second is he that taketh an Oath must do it with judgment not rashly and unadvisedly but soberly considering what an Oath is The Third is The Third He that Sweareth must Swear in Righteousness That is for the very Zeal and Love which he beareth to the defence of Innocency to the maintenance of the Truth and of the Righteousness of the Matter or Cause all Profit Disprofit all Love and Favour unto the Person for Friendship or Kindred laid apart Thus an Oath if it have with it these three Conditions is a part of God's Glory Why we be willed in Scripture to Swear by the Name of God which we are bound by his Commandments to give unto him For he willeth that we shall Swear only by his Name not that he hath pleasure in Oaths but like as he commanded the Jews to offer Sacrifice unto him not for any delight that he had in them but to keep the Jews from committing Idolatry So he Commanding us to Swear by his Holy Name Isai 42. doth not teach its that he delighteth in Swearing but he thereby forbiddeth all Men to give his Glory to any Creature in Heaven Earth or Water Hitherto you see that Oaths lawful are Commanded of God used of Patriarchs and Prophets of Christ himself and of his Apostle Pau● Therefore Christian People must think lawful Oaths both Godly and necessary Commodities had by lawful Oaths made and observed For by lawful Promise and Covenants confirmed by Oaths Princes and their Countries are confirmed in common Tranquillity and Peace By Holy Promises with calling the name of God to witness we be made lively Members of Christ when we profess his Religion receiving the Sacrament of Baptism By like Holy Promise the Sacrament of Matrimony knitteth Man and Wife in perpetual Love that they desire not to be separated for any displeasure or adversity that shall after happen By lawful Oaths which Kings Princes Judges and Magistrates do Swear Common Laws are kept inviolate Justice is indifferently ministred harmless Persons Fatherless Children Widows and poor Men are defended from Murderers Oppressors and Thieves that they suffer no wrong nor take any harm By lawful Oaths mutual Society Amity and good Order is kept continually in all Communalties as Boroughs Cities Towns and Villages And by lawful Oaths Malefactors are searched out Wrong doers are punished and they which sustain wrong are restored to their right Therefore lawful Swearing cannot be evil which bringeth unto us so many Godly Vain Swearing is forbidden Good and necessary Commodities Wherefore when Christ so earnestly forbade Swearing it may not be understood as though he did forbid all manner of Oaths But he forbiddeth all vain-Swearing and forswearing both by God and by his Creatures as the common use of Swearing in Buying Selling and in our daily Communication to the intent every Christian Man's Word should be as well regarded in such matters as if he should confirm his Communication with an Oath For every Christian Man's Word saith St. Hierom should be so true that it should be regarded as an Oath And Chrysostome witnessing the same saith It is not convenient to Swear For what need we to Swear when it is not lawful for one of us to make a lye unto another Peradventure some will say An Object I am compelled to Swear or else Men that do commune with me or do buy and ell with me will not believe me An Answer To this answereth St. Chrysostome that he that thus saith sheweth himself to be an unjust and a deceitful Person For if he were a trusty Man and his Deeds taken to agree with his Words he should not need to Swear at all For he that useth Truth and Plainness in his bargaining and communication he shall have no need by such vain Swearing to bring himself in Credence with his Neighbours nor will his Neighbours mistrust his Sayings And if his Credence be so much lost indeed that he thinketh no Man will believe him without he swear then he may well think his Credence is clean gone For Truth it is as Theophylactus writeth that no Man is less trusted than he that useth much to Swear Eccles 33. And Almighty God by the Wise Man saith that Man which Sweareth much shall be full of Sin and the scourge of God shall not depart from his House But here some Men will say Another Objection An Answer for excusing of their many Oaths in their
daily talk Why should I not Swear when I Swear truly To such Men it may be said that though they Swear truly yet in Swearing often unadvisedly for trifles without necessity and when they should not Swear they be not without fault but do take God's most Holy Name in vain Much more ungodly and unwise Men are they that abuse God's most Holy Name not only in buying and selling of small things daily in all places but also in eating drinking playing communing and reasoning As if none of these things might be done except in doing of them the most Holy Name of God be commonly used and abused vainly and unreverently talked of sworn by and forsworn to the breaking of God's Commandment and procurement of his Indignation The Second Part of the Sermon of Swearing YOu have been taught in the First Part of this Sermon against Swearing and Perjury what great danger it is to use the Name of God in vain And that all kind of Swearing is not unlawful neither against God's Commandment and that there be three things required in a lawful Oath First that it be made for the maintainance of the Truth Secondly that it be made with Judgment not rashly and unadvisedly Thirdly for the zeal and love of Justice Ye heard also what commodities come of lawful Oaths and what danger cometh of rash and unlawful Oaths Now as concerning the rest of the same matter you shall understand that as well they use the Name of God in vain that by an Oath make unlawful promises of good and honest things and perform them not As they which do promise evil and unlawful things and do perform the same Of such Men Lawful Oaths and Promises would be better regarded Josh 6. that regard not their Godly Promises bound by an Oath but wittingly and wilfully break them we do read in Holy Scripture two notable punishments First Joshua and the people of Israel made a League and faithful Promise of perpetual Amity and Friendship with the Gibeonites Notwithstanding afterwards in the days of wicked Saul many of these Gibeonites were murthered contrary to the said faithful Promise made Wherewith Almighty God was sore displeased that he sent an universal Hunger upon the whole Country which continued by the space of three years And God would not withdraw his punishment until the said Offence was revenged by the death of seven Sons 2 King●● Chap. 25. or next kinsmen of King Saul And whereas Z●dechias King of Jerusalem had promised Fidelity to the King of Chaldea afterward when Zedechia● contrary to his Oath and Allegiance did rebel against King Nebuchadonosor This Heathen King by God's permission and sufferance invading the Land of Jury and besieging the City of Jerusalem compelled the said King Zedechias to flee and in fleeing took him prisoner slew his Sons before his Face and put out both his Eies and binding him with chains led him prisoner miserably into Babylon Thus doth God shew plainly Unlawful Oaths and Promises are not to be kept how much he abhorreth breakers of honest Promises bound by an Oath made in his Name And of them that make wicked Promises by an Oath and will perform the same we have example in the Scriptures chiefly of Herod of the wicked Jews and of Jeptha Matth. 14. Herod promised by an Oath unto the Damsel which danced before him to give unto her whatsoever she should ask When she was instructed before of her wicked Mother to ask the Head of St. John Baptist Herod as he took a wicked Oath so he more wickedly performed the same and cruelly slew the most Holy Prophet Likewise did the malicious Jews make an Oath Acts 23. Judges 11. cursing themselves if they did either eat or drink until they had slain St. Paul And Jeptha when God had given to him victory of the Children of Ammon promised of a foolish Devotion unto God to offer for a Sacrifice unto him that Person which of his own House should first meet with him after his return home By force of which fond and unadvised Oath he did slay his own and only Daughter which came out of his House with Mirth and Joy to welcome him home Thus the Promise which he made most foolishly to God against God's everlasting Will and the Law of Nature most cruelly he performed so committing against God a double offence Therefore whosoever maketh any Promise binding himself thereunto by an Oath let him foresee that the thing which he promiseth be good and honest and not against the Commandment of God and that it be in his own power to perform it justly And such good Promises must all Men keep evermore assuredly But if a Man at any time shall either of Ignorance or of Malice Promise and Swear to do any thing which is either against the Law of Almighty God or not in his power to perform Let him take it for an unlawful and ungodly Oath Now somthing to speak of Perjury to the intent you should know how great and grievous an offence against God this wilful Perjury is I will shew you what it is to take an Oath before a Judge upon a Book Against Perjury First when they laying their hands upon the Gospel Book do Swear truly no enquire and to make a true presentment of things wherewith they be charged An Oath before a Judge and not to let from saying the Truth and doing truly for favour love dread or malice of any Person as God may help them and the Holy Contents of that Book They must consider that in that Book is contained God's everlasting Truth his most Holy and Eternal Word whereby we have forgiveness of our Sins and be made inheritors of Heaven to live for ever with God's Angels and Saints in Joy and Gladness In the Gospel Book is contained also God's terrible threats to obstinate sinners that will not amend their lives nor believe the Truth of God's Holy Word and the everlasting pain prepared in Hell for Idolaters Hypocrites for false and vain Swearers for perjured Men for False Witness-bearers for False Condemners of innocent and guiltless Men and for them which for favour hide the crimes of evil doers that they should not be punished So that whosoever wilfully forswear themselves upon Christ's Holy Evangely they utterly forsake God's Mercy Goodness and Truth the Merits of our Saviour Christ's Nativity Life Passion Death Resurrection and Ascension they refuse the forgiveness of Sins promised to all penitent Sinners the joyes of Heaven the company with Angels and Saints for ever All which Benefits and Comforts are promised unto true Christian Persons in the Gospel And they so being forsworn upon the Gospel do betake themselves to the Devils Service the Master of all Lies Falshood Deceit and Perjury provoking the great Indignation and Curse of God against them in this Life and the terrible Wrath and Judgment of our Saviour Christ at the great day of the last Judgment when he
Lord's sight Holy Simeon after that he had his Hearts desire in seeing our Saviour that he ever longed for in his life he embraced and took him in his Arms and said Now Lord Luke 2. let me depart in peace for mine eies have beholden that Saviour which thou hast prepared for all Nations It is truth therefore that the death of the Righteous is called Peace and the benefit of the Lord as the Church saith in the name of the Righteous departed out of this World My soul Psal 116. turn thee to thy Rest for the Lord both been good to thee and rewarded thee And we see by Holy Scripture and other ancient Histories of Martyrs that the Holy Faithful and Righteous ever since Christ's Ascension or going up in their death did not doubt but that they went to Christ in Spirit which is our Life Health Wealth and Salvation Apoc. 14. John in his Holy Revelation saw an hundred forty and four thousand Virgins and Innocents of whom he said These follow the Lamb Jesu Christ wheresoever he goeth And shortly after in the same place he saith I heard a voice from Heaven saying unto me Write happy and blessed are the dead which die in the Lord From henceforth surely saith the Spirit they shall rest from their pains and labours for their works do follow them So that then they shall reap with joy and comfort that which they sowed with labours and pains They that sow in the Spirit of the Spirit shall reap everlasting Life Let us therefore never be weary of well-doing for when the time of Reaping or Reward cometh we shall reap without any Weariness everlasting Joy Therefore while we have time as St. Paul exhorteth us Gal 6. Matth. 6. let us do good to all Men and not lay up our Treasure in Earth where Rust and Moths corrupt it which Rust as St. James saith shall bear Witness against us at the great day condemn us and shall like most burning Fire torment our Flesh Let us beware therefore as we tender our own Wealth that we be not in the number of those miserable covetous and wretched Men James 5. which St. James biddeth m●arn and lament for their greedy gathering and ung●dly keeping of Goods Let us be wise in time and learn to follow the wise Example of the wicked Steward Let us so wisely order our Goods and Possessions committed unto us here by God for a season that we may truly hear and obey this Commandment of our Saviour Christ Luke 16. I say unto you saith he make you Friends of the wicked Mammon that they may receive you into everlasting Tabernacles or Dwellings Riches be called wicked because the World abuseth them unto all Wickedness which are otherwise the good gifts of God and the Instruments whereby God's Servants do truly serve him in using of the same He commanded them not to make them rich Friends to get high Dignities and worldly Promotions to give great gifts to rich Men that have no need thereof but to make them Friends of poor and miserable Men unto whom whatsoever they give Christ taketh it as given to himself And to these Friends Christ in the Gospel giveth so great Honor and Preeminence that he saith They shall receive them that do good unto them into everlasting Houses Not that Men shall be our Rewarders for our well-doing but that Christ will reward us and and take it to be done unto himself whatsoever is done to such Friends Thus making poor Wretches our Friends we make our Saviour Christ our Friend whose Members they are Whose misery as he taketh for his own misery so their Relief Succor and Help he taketh for his Succor Relief and Help and will as much thank us and reward us for our goodness shewed to them as if he himself had received like Benefit at our hands as he witnesseth in the Gospel saying Matth 25. Whatsoever ye have done to any of these simple Persons which do believe in me that have you done to myself Therefore let us diligently foresee that our Faith and Hope which we have conceived in Almighty God and in our Saviour Christ wax not faint and that the love which we bear in hand to bear to him wax not cold But let us study daily and diligently to shew ourselves to be the true Honorers and Lovers of God by keeping of his Commandments by doing of good Deeds unto our needy Neighbours relieving by all means that we can their Poverty with our Abundance and Plenty their Ignorance with our Wisdom and Learning and comfort their Weakness with our Strength and Authority calling all Men back from evil-doing by godly Counsel and good Example persevering still in well-doing so long as we live So shall we not need to fear Death for any of those three Causes afore-mentioned nor yet for any other Cause that can be imagined But contrarily considering the manifold Sicknesses Troubles and Sorrows of this present Life the dangers of this perillous Pilgrimage and the great encumbrance which our Spirit hath by this sinful Flesh and frail Body subject to Death Considering also the manifold Sorrows and dangerous Deceits of this World on every side the intolerable Pride Covetousness and Lechery in time of Prosperity the impatient murmuring of them that be worldly in time of Adversity which cease not to withdraw and pluck us from God our Saviour Christ from our Life Wealth or everlasting Joy and Salvation Considering also the innumerable Assaults of our Ghostly Enemy the Devil with all his fiery Darts of Ambition Pride Lechery Vain-glory Envy Malice Detraction or Backbiting with other his innumerable Deceits 1 Pet. 5. Engines and Snares whereby he goeth busily about to catch all Men under his dominion ever like a roaring Lion by all means searching whom he may devour The faithful Christian-Man which considereth all these Miseries Perils and Incommodities whereunto he is subject so long as he here liveth upon Earth and on the other part considereth that blessed and comfortable state of the Heavenly life to come and the sweet condition of them that depart in the Lord how they are delivered from the continual encumbrances of their mortal and sinful Body from all the Malice Crafts and Deceits of this World from all the assaults of their Ghostly Enemy the Devil to live in peace rest and endless quietness to live in the fellowship of innumerable Angels and with the congregation of perfect and just Men as Patriarchs Prophets Martyrs and Confessors and finally unto the Presence of Almighty God and our Saviour Jesus Christ He that doth consider all these things and believeth them assuredly as they are to be believed even from the bottom of his Heart being established in God in this true Faith having a quiet Conscience in Christ a firm Hope and assured Trust in God's Mercy through the Merits of Jesu Christ to obtain this Quietness Rest and everlasting Joy shall not only be without
can lay his hands on the Lords anointed and be guiltless And David said furthermore As sure as the Lord liveth the Lord shall smite him or his day shall come to die or he shall descend or go down into Battel and there perish the Lord keep me from laying my hands upon the Lord 's anointed But take thou now the spear that is at his head and the cruse of Water and let us go And so he did Here is evidently proved that we may not withstand nor in any ways hurt an anointed King which is God's Lieutenant Vicegerent and highest Minister in that Country where he is King But peradventure some here would say that David in his own defence might have killed King Saul lawfully An Objection and with a safe Conscience But holy David did know than he might in no wise withstand An Answer hurt or kill his Sovereign Lord and King He did know that he was but King Saul's Subject though he were in great favour with God and his Enemy King Saul out of God's favour Therefore though he were never so much provoked yet he refused utterly to hurt the Lord 's anointed He durst not for offending God and his own Conscience although he had occasion and opportunity once lay his hands upon God's high Officer the King whom he did know to be a Person reserved and kept for his Office sake only to God's Punishment and Judgment therefore he prayeth so oft and so earnestly that he lay not his hands upon the Lord 's anointed And by these two Examples Holy David being named in Scripture a Man after God's own Heart Psal 88. giveth a general Rule and Lesson to all Subjects in the World not to withstand their Liege Lord and King not to take a Sword by their private Authority against their King God's anointed who only beareth the Sword by God's Authority for the Maintenance of the good and for the Punishment of the evil who only by God's Law hath the use of the Sword at his command and also hath all Power Jurisdiction Regiment Correction and Punishment as Supreme Governor of all his Realms and Dominions and that even by the Authority of God and by God's Ordinances Yet another notable Story and Doctrine is in the second Book of the Kings that maketh also for this purpose When an Amalekite 2 Kings 1. by King Saul's own consent and Commandment had killed King Saul he went to David supposing to have had great Thanks for his Message that he had killed David's deadly Enemy and therefore he made great haste to tell to David the chance bringing with him King Saul's Crown that was upon his Head and his Bracelet that was upon his Arm to persuade his tidings to be true But Godly David was so far from rejoycing at this news that immediately and forthwith he rent his Cloaths off his Back he Mourned and wept and said to the Messenger How is it that thou wast not afraid to lay thy hands on the Lords anointed to destroy him And by and by David made one of his Servants to kill the Messenger saying Thy blood be on thine own head for thine own mouth hath testified and witnessed against thee granting that thou hast slain the Lords anointed These examples being so manifest and evident it is an intolerable ignorance madness and wickedness for Subjects to make any Murmuring Rebellion Resistance or withstanding Commotion or Insurrection against their most dear and most dread Sovereign Lord and King ordained and appointed of God's Goodness for their Commodity Peace and Quietness Yet let us believe undoubtedly good Christian People that we may not obey Kings Magistrates or any other though they be our own Fathers if they would command us to do any thing contrary to God's Commanments In such a case we ought to say with the Apostle Acts 7. We must rather obey God than man But nevertheless in that case we may not in any wise withstand violently or rebel against Rulers or make any Insurrection Sedition or Tumults either by force of Arms or otherwise against the Anointed of the Lord or any of his Officers But we must in such case patiently suffer all wrongs and injuries referring the Judgment of our Cause only to God Let us fear the terrible Punishment of Almighty God against Traytors and rebellious Persons by the Example of Korah Dathan and Abiram who repined and grudged against God's Magistrates and Officers and therefore the Earth opened and swallowed them up alive Others for their wicked Murmuring and Rebellion were by a sudden Fire sent down from God utterly consumed Others for their froward behaviour to their Rulers and Governors God's Ministers were suddenly striken with a foul Leprosie Others were stinged to death with wonderful strange fiery Serpents Others were sore plagued so that there were killed in one day 2 Kings 18. the Number of Fourteen thousand and seven hundred for Rebellion against them whom God had appointed to be in Authority Absalom also rebelling against his Father King David was punished with a strange and notable Death The Third Part of the Sermon of Obedience YE have heard before in this Sermon of good Order and Obedience manifestly proved both by the Scriptures and Examples that all Subjects are bound to obey their Magistrates and for no cause to resist or withstand or rebel or make any Sedition against them yea although they be wicked Men. And let no Man think that he can escape unpunished that committeth Treason Conspiracy or Rebellion against his Sovereign Lord the King though he commit the same never so secretly either in Thought Word or Deed never so privily in his privy Chamber by himself or openly communicating and consulting with others For Treason will not be hid Treason will out at length God will have that most detestable Vice both opened and punished for that it is so directly against his Ordinance and against his high Principal Judge and Anointed on Earth The Violence and Injury that is committed against Authority is committed against God the Commonweal and the whole Realm which God will have known and condignly or worthily punished one way or the other For it is notably written of the wise Man in Scripture Eccl. 10. in the Book called Ecclesiastes Wish the King no evil in thy Thought nor speak no hurt of him in thy privy chamber For the bird of the air shall betray thy voice and with her feathers shall bewray thy words These Lessons and Examples are written for our Learning Therefore let us all fear the most detestable vice of Rebellion ever knowing and remembring that he that resisteth or withstandeth common Authority resisteth or withstandeth God and his Ordinance as it may be proved by many other places of Holy Scripture And here let us take heed that we understand not these or such other like places which so straitly command Obedience to Superiours and so straitly punished Rebellion and Disobedience to the same to be
meant in any condition of the pretenced or coloured Power of the Bishop of Rome For truly the Scripture of God alloweth no such Usurped Power full of Enormities Abusions and Blasphemies But the true meaning of these and such places be to extol and set forth God's true Ordinance and the Authority of God's Anointed Kings and of their Officers appointed under them And concerning the Usurped Power of the Bishop of Rome which he most wrongfully challengeth as the successor of Christ and Peter We may easily perceive how false feigned and forged it is not only in that it hath no sufficient ground in Holy Scripture but also by the Fruits and Doctrine thereof For our Saviour Christ and St. Peter teach most earnestly and agreeably Obedience to Kings as to the chief and Supreme Rulers in this world next under God But the Bishop of Rome teacheth that they that are under him are free from all burdens and charges of the Commonwealth and Obedience toward their Prince most clearly against Christ's Doctrine and St. Peters He ought therefore rather to be called Antichrist and the Successor of the Scribes and Pharises than Christ's Vicar and St. Peter's Successor Seeing that not only in this point but also in other weighty matters of Christian Religion in matters of Remission and Forgiveness of Sins and of Salvation he teacheth so directly against both St. Peter and against our Saviour Christ who not only taught Obedience to Kings but also practised Obedience in their Conversation and Living For we read that they both paid Tribute to the King And also we read that the Holy Virgin Mary Matth. 17. Mother to our Saviour Christ and Joseph who was taken for his Father at the Emperor's Commandment went to the City of David Luke 2. named Bethlehem to be taxed among other and to declare their Obedience to the Magistrates for God's Ordinances sake And here let us not forget the blessed Virgin Maries Obedience For although she was highly in God's Favour and and Christs natural Mother and was also great with Child at the same time and so nigh her Travail that she was delivered in her journey yet she gladly without any excuse or grudging for Conscience sake did take that cold and foul Winter journey being in the mean season so poor that she lay in a Stable and there she was Delivered of Christ And according to the same Lo how St. Peter agreeth writing by express words in his first Epistle 1 Pet. 2. Submit your selves and be Subject saith he unto Kings as unto the chief heads and unto rulers as unto them that are sent of him for the punishment of evil-doors and for the praise of them that do well for so is the will of God I need not to expound these words they be so plain of themselves St. Peter doth not say Submit your selves unto me as Supreme Head of the Church Neither saith he Submit your selves from time to time to my Successors in Rome But he saith Submit your selves unto your King your Supreme Head and unto those that he appointeth in Authority under him for that you shall so shew your Obedience it is the Will of God God will that you be in subjection to your Head and King This is God's Ordinance God's Commandment and God's Will that the whole Body of every Realm and all the Members and Parts of the same shall be subject to their Head their King and that as St. Peter writeth for the Lords sake 1 Pet. 2. Rom. 13. Matth. 22. And as St. Paul writeth for conscience sake and not for fear only Thus we learn by the word of God to yield to our King that is due to our King That is Honour Obedience payments of due Taxes Customs Tributes Subsidies Love and Fear Rom. 13. Thus we know partly our bounden Duties to common Authority now let us learn to accomplish the same And let us most instantly and heartily pray to God the only Author of all Authority for all them that be in Authority according as St. Paul willeth writing thus to Timothy in his first Epistle 1 Tim. 2. I exhort therefore that above all things Prayers Supplications Intercessions and giving of Thanks be done for all Men for Kings and for all that be in Authority that we may live a quiet and a peaceable life with all godliness and Honesty For that is good and accepted or allowable in the sight of God our Saviour Here St. Paul maketh an earnest and an especial Exhortation concerning Giving of Thanks and Prayer for Kings and Rulers saying Above all things as he might say in any wise principally and chiefly let prayer be made for Kings Let us heartily thank God for his great and excellent Benefit and Providence concerning the state of Kings Let us pray for them that they may have God's Favour and God's Protection Let us pray that they may ever in all things have God before their Eyes Let us pray that they may have Wisdom Strength Justice Clemency and Zeal to God's Glory to God's Verity to Christian Souls and to the Commonwealth Let us pray that they may rightly use their Sword and Authority for the maintenance and defence of the Catholick Faith contained in Holy Scripture and of their good and honest Subjects for the fear and punishment of the evil and vicious People Let us pray that they may most faithfully follow the Kings and Captains in the Bible David Ezekias Josias and Moses with such other And let us pray for ourselves that we may live Godlily in Holy and Christian Conversation So shall we have God on our side and then let us not fear what Man can do against us So we shall live in true Obedience both to our most merciful King in Heaven and to our most Christian King on Earth So shall we please God and have the exceeding Benefit peace of Conscience rest and quietness here in this World and after this life we shall enjoy a better Life Rest Peace and the everlasting Bliss of Heaven which he grant us all that was obedient for us all even to the death of the Cross Jesus Christ To whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost be all Honour and Glory both now and ever Amen A SERMON Against Whoredom and Vncleanness ALthough there want not good Christian People great swarms of Vices worthy to be rebuked unto such decay is true Godliness and Virtuous living now come Yet above other Vices the outragious Seas of Adultery or breaking of Wedlock Whoredom Fornication and Uncleanness have not only burst in but also overflowed almost the whole World unto the great dishonour of God the exceeding Infamy of the Name of Christ the notable decay of true Religion and the utter destruction of the publick Wealth and that so abundantly that through the customable use thereof this Vice is grown unto such an height that in a manner among many it is counted no sin at all but rather a pastime a
Acts 15. That when the Apostles and Elders with the whole Congregation were gathered together to pacifie the hearts of the faithful dwelling at Antioch which were disquieted through the false Doctrine of several Jewish Preachers they sent word to the Brethren That it seemed good to the Holy Ghost and to them to charge them with no more than with necessary things Among others they willed them to abstain from Idolatry and Fornication from which said they if you keep your selves ye shall do well Note here how these holy and blessed Fathers of Christ's Church would charge the Congregation with no more things than were necessary Mark also how among those things from the which they commanded the Brethren of Antioch to abstain Fornication and Whoredom are numbred It is therefore necessary by the determination and consent of the Holy Ghost and the Apostles and Elders with the whole Congregation that as from Idolatry and Superstition so likewise we must abstain from Fornication and Whoredom It is necessary unto Salvation to abstain from Idolatry So it is to abstain from Whoredom Is there any nigher way to lead unto damnation than to be an Idolater No even so neither is there any nearer way to damnation than to be a Fornicator and a Whoremonger Now where are those People which so lightly esteem breaking of Wedlock Whoredom Fornication and Adultery It is necessary saith the Holy Ghost the blessed Apostles the Elders with the whole Congregation of Christ it is necessary to Salvation say they to abstain from Whoredom If it be necessary unto Salvation then woe be to them which neglecting their Salvation give their Minds to so filthy and stinking a Sin to so wicked Vice and to such detestable abomination The Second Part of the Sermon against Adultery YOU have been taught in the First Part of this Sermon against Adultery how that Vice at this day reigneth most above all other Vices and what is meant by this word Adultery and how Holy Scripture dissuadeth or discounselleth from doing that filthy Sin and finally what corruption cometh to Man's Soul through the Sin of Adultery Now to proceed further let us hear what the blessed Apostle St. Paul saith to this matter writing to the Romans he hath these words Rom. 13. Let us cast away the Works of Darkness and put on the Armour of Light Let us walk honestly as it were in the day time not in eating and drinking neither in chambering and wantonness neither in strife and envying but put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ and make not provision for the Flesh to fulfil the Lusts of it Here the Holy Apostle exhorteth us to cast away the Works of Darkness which among other he calleth gluttonous eating drinking chambering and wantonness which are all Ministers unto that Vice and preparations to induce and bring in the filthy Sin of the Flesh He calleth them the Deeds and Works of Darkness not only because they are customably in Darkness John 3 Matth. 25. or in the night time for every one that doth evil hateth the Light neither cometh he to the Light lest his Works should be reproved but that they lead the right way unto that utter Darkness where weeping and gnashing of Teeth shall be Rom. 8. And he saith in another place of the same Epistle They that are in the Flesh cannot please God We are Debtors not to the Flesh that we should live after the Flesh for if ye live after the Flesh ye shall die 1. Cor. 6. Again he saith Flee from Whoredom for every Sin that a Man committeth is without his Body But whosoever committeth Whoredom sinneth against his own Body Do ye not know That your Members are the Temples of the Holy Ghost which is in you whom also ye have of God and ye are not your own For ye are dearly bought Glorifie God in your Bodies c. And a little before he saith Do ye not know That your Bodies are the Members of Christ Shall I then take the Members of Christ and make them the Members of a Whore God forbid Do ye not know That he which cleaveth to a Whore is made one Body with her There shall be two in one Flesh saith he but he that cleaveth to the Lord is one Spirit What godly Words doth the blessed Apostle St. Paul bring forth here to dissuade and discounsel us from Whoredom and Uncleanness Your Members saith he are the Temples of the Holy Ghost which whosoever doth defile G●d will destroy him as saith St. Paul If we be the Temple of the Holy Ghost how unfitting then is it to drive that Holy Spirit from us through Whoredom and in his place to set the wicked Spirits of Uncleanness and Fornication and to be joined and do Service to them Ye are dearly bought saith he 1. Pet. 1. therefore glorifie God in your Bodies Christ that innocent Lamb of God hath bought us from the Servitude of the Devil not with corruptible Gold and Silver Esaiah 38. but with his most precious and dear heart blood To what intent That we should fall again into our old Uncleanness and abominable Living Luke 1. Nay verily But that we should serve him all the days of our Life in Holiness and Righteousness that we should glorifie him in our Bodies by purity and cleanness of Life He declareth also That our Bodies are the Members of Christ How unseemly a thing is it then to cease to be incorporate or imbodied and made one with Christ and through Whoredom to be enjoined and made all one with a Whore What greater dishonor or injury can we do to Christ than to take away from him the Members of his Body and to join them to Whores Devils and wicked Spirits And what more dishonor can we do to ourselves than through Uncleanness to lose so excellent a Dignity and Freedom and to become Bond-slaves and miserable Captives to the Spirits of Darkness Let us therefore consider First the Glory of Christ then our Estate our Dignity and Freedom wherein God hath set us by giving us his Holy Spirit and let us valiantly defend the same against Satan and all his crafty Assaults that Christ may be honored and that we lose not our Liberty or Freedom but still remain in one Spirit with him Eph. 5. Moreover in his Epistle to the Ephesians the blessed Apostle willeth us to be so pure and free from Adultery Fornication and all Uncleanness that we not once name them among us as it becometh Saints nor Filthiness nor foolish Talking nor Jesting which are not comely but rather giving of Thanks For this ye know saith he that no Whoremonger 1 Cor. 6. neither unclean Person or covetous Person which is an Idolater hath any Inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and of God And that we should remember to be holy pure and free from all Uncleanness the holy Apostle calleth us Saints because we are sanctified and made holy by the
Blood of Christ through the Holy Ghost Now if we be Saints what have we to do with the manners of the Heathen 1 Pet. 1. Levit. 19. Saint Peter saith As he which called you his Holy even so be ye Holy also in your Conversation because it is written Be ye Holy for I am Holy Hitherto have we heard how grievous a Sin Fornication and Whoredom is and how greatly God doth abhor it throughout the whole Scripture How can it any otherwise be than a Sin of most abomination seeing it may not once be named among the Christians much less may it in any point be committed And surely if we would weigh the greatness of this Sin and consider it in the right kind we should find the Sin of Whoredom to be that most filthy Lake foul Puddle and stinking Sink whereunto all kinds of Sins and Evils flow where also they have their resting place and abiding For hath not the Adulterer a pride in his Whoredom As the Wise Man saith They are glad when they have done evil and rejoyce in things that are stark naught Is not the Adulterer also Idle and delighteth in no Godly exercise but only in that his most filthy and beastly pleasure Is not his Mind pluckt and utterly drawn away from all virtuous Studies and fruitful Labours and only given to carnal and fleshly imagination Doth not the Whoremonger give his mind to Gluttony that he may be the more apt to serve his Lusts and carnal Pleasures Doth not the Adulterer give his Mind to Covetousness and to polling and pilling of others that he may be the more able to maintain his Harlots and Whores and to continue in his filthy and unlawful Love Swelleth he not also with Envy against others fearing that his Prey should be allured and taken away from him Again is he not ireful and replenished with Wrath and Displeasure even against his best beloved if at any time his beastly and devilish Request be letted What Sin or kind of Sin is it that is not joyned with Fornication and Whoredom It is a Monster of many Heads It receiveth all kinds of Vices and refuseth all kinds of Virtues If one several Sin bringeth Damnation what is to be thought of that Sin which is accompanied with all Evils and hath waiting on it whatsoever is hateful to God damnable to Man and pleasant to Satan Great is the Damnation that hangeth over the Heads of Fornicators and Adulterers What shall I speak of other incommodities which issue and flow out of this stinking puddle of Whoredom Is not that Treasure which before all other is most regarded of honest Persons the good Fame and Name of Man and Woman lost through Whoredom What Patrimony or Livelihood What Substance What Goods What Riches doth Whoredom shortly consume and bring to nought What Valiantness and Strength is many times made weak and destroyed with Whoredom What Wit is so fine that is not besotted and defaced through Whoredom What Beauty although it were never so excellent is not disfigured through Whoredom Is not Whoredom an enemy to the pleasant Flower of Youth and bringeth it not gray Hairs and old Age before the time What gift of Nature although it were never so precious is not corrupted with Whoredom Come not many foul and most loathsome Diseases of Whoredom From whence come so many Bastards and misbegotten Children to the high displeasure of God and dishonour of Holy Wedlock but of Whoredom How many consume all their Substance and Goods and at the last fall into such extreme poverty that afterward they steal and so are hanged through Whoredom What Contention and Man slaughter cometh of Whoredom How many Maidens be deflowred How many Wives corrupted how many Widows defiled through Whoredom How much is the Publick and Commonweal impoverished and troubled through Whoredom How much is God's Word contemned and depraved through Whoredom and Whoremongers Of this Vice cometh a great part of the Divorces which now adays be so commonly accustomed and used by Mens private Authority to the great displeasure of God and the breach of the most Holy knot and bond of Matrimony For when this most detestable Sin is once crept into the Breast of the Adulterer so that he is intangled with unlawful and unchast Love straightways his true and lawful Wife is despised her Presence is abhorred her company stinketh and is loathsom whatsoever she doth is dispraised There is no quietness in the House so long as she is in his sight Therefore to make short work she must away for her Husband can brook her no longer Thus through Whoredom is the honest and harmless Wife put away and an Harlot received in her stead And in like sort it happeneth many times in the Wife towards her Husband O Abomination Christ our Saviour very God and Man coming to restore the Law of his Heavenly Father unto the right sense understanding and meaning among other things reformed the abuse of this Law of God For whereas the Jews used a long sufferance by custom to put away their Wives at their pleasure for every cause Christ correcting that evil custom did teach That if any Man put away his Wife and marrieth another Matth. 19. for any cause except only for Adultery which then was Death by the Law he was an Adulterer and forced also his Wife so divorced to commit Adultery if she were joyned to any other Man and the Man also so joyned with her to commit Adultery In what case then are these Adulterers which for the love of an Whore put away their true and lawful Wife against all Law right Reason and Conscience O how Damnable is the state wherein they stand Swift Destruction shall fall on them if they repent not and amend not For God will not suffer Holy Wedlock thus to be dishonoured hated and despised He will once punish this fleshly and licentious manner of living and cause that this holy Ordinance shall be had in Reverence and Honour For surely Wedlock as the Apostle saith is honourable among all Men and the Bed undefiled Heb. ● But Whoremongers and Fornicators God will Judge that is to say punish and condemn But to what purpose is this labour taken to describe and set forth the greatness of the Sin of Whoredom and the Discommodities that issue and flow out from it seeing that breath and tongue shall sooner fail any Man than he shall or may be able to set it out according to the Abomination and Heinousness thereof Notwithstanding this is spoken to the intent that all Men should flee Whoredom and live in the fear of God God grant that it may not be spoken in vain The Third Part of the Sermon against Adultery IN the Second Part of this Sermon against Adultery that was last read you have learned how earnestly the Scripture warneth us to avoid the sin of Adultery and to embrace cleanness of Life And that through Adultery we fall into all kinds of Sin
we do not speedily and earnestly Repent us of this Wickedness Thus ye have heard dearly beloved out of Gods Word what Reverence is due to the Holy House of the Lord how all Godly Persons ought with diligence at times appointed thither to repair how they ought to behave themselves there with Reverence and Dread before the Lord what Plagues and Punishments as well Temporal as Eternal the Lord in his Holy Word threatneth as well to such as neglect to come to his Holy House as also to such who coming thither do unreverently by gesture or talk there behave themselves Wherefore if we desire to have seasonable Weather and thereby to enjoy the good Fruits of the Earth if we will avoid Drought and Barrenness Thirst and Hunger which are Plagues threatned unto such as make haste to go to their own Houses to Ale-Houses and Taverns and leave the House of the Lord empty and desolate if we abhor to be scourged not with Whips made of Cords out of the material Temple only as our Saviour Christ served the Desilers of the House of God in Jerusalem but also to be beaten and driven out of the Eternal Temple and House of the Lord which is his Heavenly Kingdom Ephes 3. with the Iron Rod of Everlasting Damnation and cast into utter Darkness where is Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth if we Fear Dread and abhor this I say as we have most just cause to do Then let us amend this our negligence and contempt in coming to the House of the Lord this our unreverent behaviour in the House of the Lord and resorting thither diligently together let us there with Reverent hearing of the Lords Holy Word calling on the Lords Holy Name giving of hearty Thanks unto the Lord for his manifold and inestimable benefits daily and hourly bestowed upon us celebrating also Reverently the Lords Holy Sacraments serve the Lord in his Holy House as becometh the Servants of the Lord in Holiness and Righteousness before him all the days of our Life and then we shall be assured after this Life to rest in his Holy Hill and to dwell in his Tabernacle there to Praise and Magnifie his Holy Name in the Congregation of his Saints in the Holy House of his Eternal Kingdom of Heaven which he hath purchased for us by the Death and Shedding of the precious Blood of his Son our Saviour Jesus Christ to whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost one Immortal God be all Honour Glory Praise and Thanksgiving world without end Amen AN HOMILY AGAINST Peril of Idolatry and superfluous Decking of Churches The First Part. IN what points the true Ornaments of the Church or Temple of God do consist and stand hath been declared in the two last Homilies treating of the Right Use of the Temple or House of God and of the due Reverence that all true Christian People are bound to give unto the same The Sum whereof is that the Church or House of God is a place appointed by the Holy Scriptures where the lively Word of God ought to be Read Taught and Heard the Lords Holy Name called upon by publick Prayer hearty Thanks given to his Majesty for his infinite and unspeakable benefits bestowed upon us his Holy Sacraments duly and reverently ministred and that therefore all that be Godly indeed ought both with diligence at times appointed to repair together to the said Church and there with all Reverence to use and behave themselves before the Lord. And that the said Church thus godly used by the Servants of the Lord in the Lords true Service for the effectual presence of Gods Grace wherewith he doth by his holy Word and Promises endue his people there present and assembled to the attainment as well of Commodities worldly necessary for us as also of all heavenly Gifts and Life everlasting is called by the Word of God as it is indeed the Temple of the Lord and the House of God and that therefore the due Reverence thereof is stirred up in the Hearts of the Godly by the Consideration of these true Ornaments of the said House of God and not by any outward Ceremonies or costly and glorious decking of the said House or Temple of the Lord contrary to the which most manifest Doctrine of the Scriptures and contrary to the usage of the Primitive Chruch which was pure and uncorrupt and contrary to the Sentences and Judgments of the most antient learned and godly Doctors of the Church as hereafter shall appear the Corruption of these later days hath brought into the Church infinite multitudes of Images and the same with other parts of the Temple also have decked with Gold and Silver painted with Colours set them with Stone and Pearl clothed them with Silks and precious Vestures fancying untruly that to be the chief Decking and Adorning of the Temple or the House of God and that all People should be the more moved to the due Reverence of the same if all Corners thereof were glorious and glistering with Gold and precious Stones Whereas indeed they by the said Images and such Glorious decking of the Temple have nothing at all profited such as were Wise and Understanding But have thereby greatly hurt the Simple and Unwise occasioning them thereby to commit horrible Idolatry And the covetous Persons by the same occasion seeming to worship and peradventure worshipping indeed not only the Images but also the matter of them Gold and Silver as that Vice is of all others in the Scriptures peculiarly called Idolatry Ephes 5. Coloss 3. or worshipping of Images Against the which foul Abuses and great Enormities shall be alledged unto you First the Authority of Gods holy Word as well out of the Old Testament as of the New And secondly the Testimonies of the holy and ancient learned Fathers and Doctors out of their own Works and ancient Histories Ecclesiastical both that you may at once know their Judgments and withal understand what manner of Ornaments were in the Temples in the Primitive Church in those times which were most pure and sincere Thirdly the Reasons and Arguments made for the defence of Images or Idols and the outragious decking of Temples and Churches with Gold Silver Pearl and precious Stones shall be confuted and so this whole matter concluded But lest any should take occasion by the way of doubting by Words or Names it is thought good here to note first of all that although in common speech we use to call the likeness or similitudes of Men or other things Images and not Idols yet the Scriptures use the said two words Idols and Images indifferently for one thing alway They be words of divers Tongues and Sounds but one in Sense and Signification in the Scriptures The one is taken of the Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an Idol and the other of the Latin word Imago an Image and so both used as English terms in the translating of Scriptures indifferently according as the Septuaginta
unreasonable Beasts without dread of Punishment or respect of Reward have diminished and dishonored the high Majesty of the Living God by the baseness and vileness of sundry and divers Images of dead Stocks Stones and Metals And as the Majesty of God whom we have left forsaken and dishonoured and therefore the greatness of our Sin and Offence against his Majesty cannot be expressed So is the weakness vileness and foolishness in device of the Images whereby we have dishonoured him expressed at large in the Scriptures namely the Psalms the Book of Wisdom the Prophet Isaiah Places of the Scripture against Idols or Images Ezekiel and Baruch especially in these places and Chapters of them Psalm 115. and 134. Isaiah 40. and 44. Ezekiel the 6th Wisdom 13 14.15 Baruch 6. The which places as I exhort you often and diligently to read so are they too long at this present to be rehearsed in an Homily Notwithstanding I will make you certain brief or short Notes out of them what they say of these Idols or Images First that they be made but of small pieces of Wood Stone or Metal and therefore they cannot be any similitudes of the great Majesty of God whose Seat is Heaven and the Earth his Footstool Secondly that they be dead have Eyes and see not Hands and feel not Feet and cannot go c. and therefore they cannot be fit Similitudes of the living God Thirdly that they have no power to do good nor harm to others though some of them have an Ax some a Sword some a Spear in their hands yet do Thieves come into their Temples and rob them and they cannot once stir to defend themselves from the Thieves Nay if the Temple or Church be set a fire that their Priests can run away and save themselves but they cannot once move but tarry still like blocks as they are and be burned and therefore they can be no meet Figures of the Puissant and Mighty God who alone is able both to save his Servants and to destroy his Enemies everlastingly They be trimly deckt in Gold Silver and Stone as well the Images of Men as of Women like wanton wenches saith the Prophet Baruch that love Paramours Baruch 6. and therefore can they not teach us nor our Wives and Daughters any Soberness Modesty and Chastity And therefore although it is now commonly said that they be the Lay-mens Books yet we see they teach no good Lesson neither of God nor Godliness but all Error and Wickedness Therefore God by his Word as he fordiddeth any Idols or Images to be made or set up so doth he command such as we find made and set up to be pulled down broken and destroyed Numb 23. And it is written in the Book of Numbers the 23 Chapter that there was no Idol in Jacob nor there was no Image seen in Israel and that the Lord God was with the People Where note that the true Israelites that is the People of God have no Images among them but that God was with them and that therefore their Enemies cannot hurt them as appeareth in the Process of that Chapter And as concerning Images already set up thus saith the Lord in Deuteronomy Deut. 7. and 12. Overturn their Altars and break them to pieces cut down their Groves burn their Images for thou art an holy People unto the Lord. And the same is repeated more vehemently again in the twelfth Chapter of the same Book Here note what the People of God ought to do to Images where they find them But lest any private persons upon colour of destroying Images should make any stir or disturbance in the Commonwealth it must always be remembred that the redress of such publick Enormities pertaineth to the Magistrates and such as be in Authority only and not to private Persons and therefore the good Kings of Juda Asa Ezechias Josaphat and Josias are highly commended for the breaking down and destroying of the Altars Idols and Images And the Scriptures declare that they specially in that point did that which was right before the Lord. And contrariwise 1 Kings 16. 2 Chron. 14.15.31 Jeroboam Achab Joas and other Princes which either set up or suffered such Altars or Images undestroyed are by the word of God reported to have done evil before the Lord. And if any contrary to the Commandment of the Lord will needs set up such Altars or Images or suffer them undestroyed amongst them The Lord himself threatneth in the first Chapter of the Book of Numbers and by his Holy Prophets Ezekiel Micheas and Abakuk that he will come himself and pull them down And how he will handle punish and destroy the People that so set up or suffer such Altars Images or Idols undestroyed he denounceth by his Prophet Ezekiel on this manner I my self saith the Lord will bring a sword over you Numb 1. Ezekiel 6. to destroy your high places I will cast down your Altars and break down your Images your slain Men will I lay before your gods and the dead Carkasses of the Children of Israel will I cast before their Idols your bones will I strew round about your Altars and dwelling places your Cities shall be desolate the hill Chappels laid waste your Altars destroyed and broken your gods cast down and taken away your Temples laid even with the ground your own works clean rooted out your slain shall lye amongst you that ye may learn to know how that I am the Lord and so forth to the Chapters end worthy with diligence to be read That they that be near shall perish with the Sword they that be far off with the pestilence they that flee into holds or wilderness with hunger And if any be yet left that they shall be carried away prisoners to servitude and bondage So that if either the multitude or plainness of the places might make us to understand or the earnest charge that God giveth in the said places move us to regard or the horrible plagues punishments and dreadful destruction threatned to such worshippers of Images or Idols setters up or maintainers of them might engender any fear in our Hearts we would once leave and forsake this wickedness being in the Lord's sight so great an offence and abomination Infinite places almost might be brought out of the Scriptures of the Old Testaments concerning this matter but these few at this time shall serve for all You will say peradventure these things pertain to the Jews what have we to do with them Indeed they pertain no less to us Christians than to them For if we be the people of God how can the Word and Law of God not appertain to us St. Paul alledging one Text out of the old Testament concludeth generally for other Scriptures of the old Testament as well as that Rom. 15. saying Whatsoever is written before meaning in the Old Testament is written for our instruction Which Sentence is most specially true of such writings
of the First Part was promised that this Truth and Doctrine concerning the forbidding of Images and Worshipping of them taken out of the Holy Scriptures as well of the Old Testament as the New was believed and taught of the old Holy Fathers and most ancient Learned Doctors and received in the Old Primitive Church which was most uncorrupt and pure And this Declaration shall be made out of the said Holy Doctors own Writings and out of the ancient Histories Ecclesiastical to the same belonging Tertullian a most ancient Writer and Doctor of the Church who lived about One Hundred and Threescore years after the Death of our Saviour Christ both in sundry other places of his Works and specially in his Book Written against The manner of Crowning Lib. contra coronandi morem and in another little Treatise Entituled Of the Souldiers Crown or Garland doth most sharply and vehemently write and inveigh against Images or Idols And upon Saint John's words the First Epistle and Fifth Chapter saith thus Saint John saith he deeply considering the matter saith My little Children 1 John 5. keep yourselves from Images or Idols He saith not now keep yourselves from Idolatry as it were from the Service and Worshipping of them But from the Images or Idols themselves that is from the very shape and likeness of them For it were an unworthy thing that the Image of the living God should become the Image of a dead Idol Do you not think those Persons which place Images and Idols in Churches and Temples yea shrine them even over the Lords Table even as it were of purpose to the Worshipping and Honouring of them take good heed either to Saint John's Counsel or Tertullian's For so to place Images and Idols is it to keep themselves from them or else to receive and embrace them Origen in his Book against Celsus saith thus Christian Men and Jews when they hear these words of the Law Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God and shalt not make any Image do not only abhor the Temples Altars and Images of the Gods but if need be will rather die than they should defile themselves with any impiety And shortly after he saith In the Common-Wealth of the Jews the Carver of Idols and Image-maker was cast far off and forbidden lest they should have any occasion to make Images which might pluck certain foolish Persons from God and turn the Eyes of their Souls to the Contemplation of Earthly Things And in another place of the same Book It is not only saith he a Mad and Frantick part to Worship Images but also once to dissemble or wink at it And a Man may know God and his only Son and those which have had such Honour given them by God that they be called Gods But it is not possible that any should by Worshipping of Images get any knowledge of God Athanasius in his Book against the Gentiles hath these Words Let them tell I pray you how God may be known by an Image If it be by the matter of an Image then there needeth no shape or form seeing that God hath appeared in all material Creatures which do testifie his Glory Now if they say he is known by the form or fashion Is he not better to be known by the living things themselves whose fashions the Images express For of surety the glory of God should be more evidently known if it were declared by reasonable and living Creatures rather than by dead and unmoveable Images Therefore when ye do Grave or Paint Images to the end to know God thereby surely ye do an unworthy and unfit thing And in another place of the same Book he saith The invention of Images came of no good but of evil and whatsoever hath an evil beginning can never in any thing be judged good seeing it is altogether naught Thus far Athanasius a very Ancient Holy and Learned Bishop and Doctor who judgeth both the first beginning and the end and altogether of Images or Idols to be naught Laclantius likewise an Old and Learned Writer in his Book of The Original of E rour hath these words God is above Man and is not placed beneath but is to be sought in the highest Region Wherefore there is no doubt but that no Religion is in that place wheresoever any Image is For if Religion stand in godly things and there is no godliness but in heavenly things then be Images without Religion Lib. 2. c. 16. These be Lactantius his words who was above Thirteen Hundred years ago and within Three Hundred years after our Saviour Christ Cyrillus an Old and Holy Doctor upon the Gospel of Saint John hath these words Many have left the Creator and have Worshipped the Creature neither have they been abashed to say unto a Stock Thou art my Father and to a Stone Thou begottest me For many yea almost all alas for Sorrow are fallen unto such folly that they have given the Glory of Deity or Godhead to things without Sense or Feeling Epiphanius Bishop of Salamine in Cyprus a very Holy and Learned Man who lived in Theodosius the Emperors time about Three Hundred and Ninety years after our Saviour Christs Ascension writeth thus to John Patriarch of Jerusalem I entred saith Epiphanius into a certain Church to pray I found there a Linen Cloth hanging in the Church Door Painted and having in it the Image of Christ as it were or of some other Saint for I remember not well whose Image it was therefore when I did see the Image of a Man hanging in the Church of Christ contrary to the Authority of the S●●●ptures I did tear it and gave Counsel to the 〈◊〉 of the Church that they should wind a 〈…〉 ●hat was Dead in the said Cloth and 〈…〉 And 〈…〉 same Epiphanius sending another 〈…〉 for that Painted one which 〈◊〉 ●ad 〈…〉 said Patriarch writeth thus I pray you 〈…〉 Elders of that place to receive this Cloth which 〈…〉 sent by this bearer and Command them 〈◊〉 from henceforth no such Painted Cloths contrary to our Religion be hanged in the Church of Christ For it becometh your goodness rather to have this care that you take away such scrupulosity which is unfitting for the Church of Christ and offensive to the People committed to your charge And this Epistle as Worthy to be Read of many did Saint Jerome himself Translate into the Latin Tongue And that ye may know that Saint Jerome had this Holy and Learned Bishop Epiphanius in most high Estimation and therefore did Translate this Epistle as a Writing of Authority hear what a Testimony the said Saint Jerome giveth him in another place in his Treatise against the Errours of John Bishop of Jerusalem where he hath these words All notable Bishops were then called Popes Thou hast saith Saint Jerome Pope Epiphanius which doth openly in his Letters call thee an Heretick Surely thou art not to be preferred before him neither for Age nor Learning nor
Godliness of Life nor by the Testimony of the whole World And shortly after in the same Treatise saith Saint Jerome Bishop Epiphanius was ever of so great Veneration and Estimation that Valens the Emperor who was a great Persecutor did not once touch him For Hereticks being Princes thought it their shame if they should persecute such a notable Man And in the Tripartite Ecclesiastical History the Ninth Book and Forty Eighth Chapter is testified That Epiphanius being yet alive did work Miracles and that after his Death Devils Lib. 9. c. 48. being expelled at his Grave or Tomb did roar Thus you see what Authority Saint Jerome and that most ancient History give unto the Holy and Learned Bishop Epiphanius whose judgment of Images in Churches and Temples then beginning by stealth to creep in is worthy to be noted First he judged it contrary to Christian Religion and the Authority of the Scriptures to have any Images in Christs Church Secondly he rejected not only Carved Graven and Molten Images but also painted Images out of Christs Church Thirdly that he regarded not whether it were the Image of Christ or of any other Saint but being an Image would not suffer it in the Church Fourthly that he did not only remove it out of the Church but with a vehement zeal tare it in sunder and exhorted that a Corse should be wrapped and buried in it judging it meet for nothing but to rot in the Earth following herein the Example of the good King Ezechias who brake the brasen Serpent to pieces and burned it to Ashes for that Idolatry was committed to it Last of all that Epiphanius thinketh it the duty of Vigilant Bishops to be careful that no Images be permitted in the Church for that they be occasion of scruple and offence to the people committed to their charge Now whereas neither S. Jerome who did translate the same Epistle nor the Authors of that most ancient History Ecclesiastical Tripartite who do most highly commend Epiphanius as is aforesaid nor any other godly or learned Bishop at that time or shortly after have written any thing against Epiphanius his Judgment concerning Images It is an evident proof that in those days which were about four hundred years after our Saviour Christ there were no Images publickly used and received in the Church of Christ which was then much less corrupt and more pure than now it is And whereas Images began at that time secretly and by stealth to creep out of private Mens Houses into the Churches and that first in painted Cloths and Walls such Bishops as were godly and vigilant when they spyed them removed them away as unlawful and contrary to Christian Religion as did here Epiphanius to whose Judgment you have not only Saint Jerome the Translator of his Epistle and the Writer of the History Tripartite but also all the learned and godly Clerks yea and the whole Church of that Age and so upward to our Saviour Christs time by the space of about four hundred years consenting and agreeing This is written the more largely of Epiphanius for that our Image-maintainers now adays seeing themselves so pressed with this most plain and earnest act and writing of Epiphanius a Bishop and Doctor of such Antiquity and Authority labour by all means but in vain against the Truth either to prove that this Epistle was neither of Epiphanius's Writing nor Saint Jerome's Translation Either if it be say they it is of no great force For this Epiphanius say they was a Jew and being converted to the Christian Faith and made a Bishop retained the hatred which Jews have to Images still in his mind and so did and wrote against them as a Jew rather than as a Christian O Jewish Impudency and Malice of such Devisers it should be proved and not said only that Epiphanius was a Jew Furthermore concerning the reason they make I would admit it gladly For if Epiphanius his Judgment against Images is not to be admitted for that he was born of a Jew an Enemy to Images which be Gods Enemies converted to Christs Religion then likewise followeth it that no Sentence in the Old Doctors and Fathers sounding for Images ought to be of any Authority for that in the Primitive Church the most part of Learned Writers as Tertullian Cyprian Ambrose Austin and infinite others more were of Gentiles which be Favourers and Worshippers of Images converted to the Christian Faith and so let somwhat slip out of their Pens sounding for Images rather as Gentiles than Christians as Eusebius in his History Ecclesiastical and Saint Jerome saith plainly That Images came first from the Gentiles to us Christians And much more doth it follow that the opinion of all the Rablement of the Popish Church maintaining Images ought to be esteemed of small or no Authority for that it is no marvel that they which have from their Childhood been brought up amongst Images and Idols and have drunk in Idolatry almost with their Mothers Milk hold with Images and Idols and speak and write for them But indeed it would not be so much marked whether he were of a Jew or a Gentile converted unto Christ's Religion that writeth as how agreeable or contrary to Gods word he doth write and so to credit or discredit him Now what Gods word saith of Idols and Images and the Worshipping of them you heard at large in the First part of this Homily Saint Ambrose in his Treatise of the Death of Theodosius the Emperor saith Helene found the Cross and the Title on it She Worshipped the King and not the Wood surely for that is an Heathenish Errour and the Vanity of the wicked but she Worshipped him that hanged on the Cross and whose Name was Written in the Title and so forth See both the godly Empress her fact and Saint Ambrose's Judgment at once They thought it had been an Heathenish Errour and Vanity of the Wicked to have Worshipped the Cross itself which was embrued with our Saviour Christs own precious Blood And we fall down before every Cross piece of Timber which is but an Image of that Cross Saint Augustine the best Learned of all ancient Doctors in his Forty fourth Epistle to Maximus saith Know thou that none of the Dead nor any thing that is made of God is Worshipped as God of the Catholick Christians of whom there is a Church also in your Town Note that by Saint Augustine such as Worshipped the Dead or Creatures be not Catholick Christians The same Saint Augustine teacheth in the Twelfth Book of the City of God the Tenth Chapter That neither Temples or Churches ought to be builded or made for Martyrs or Saints but to God alone And that there ought no Priests to be appointed for Martyr or Saint but to God only The same Saint Augustine in his Book of The Manners of the Catholick Church hath these words I know that many be Worshippers of Tombs and Pictures I know that there be
that when the Contention began about Images how of Six Christian Emperors who were the chief Magistrates by Gods Law to be obeyed only one which was Theodosius who Reigned but one year held with Images All the other Emperors and all the Learned Men and Bishops of the East Church and that in assembled Councils condemned them besides the two Emperors before mentioned Valens and Theodosius the Second who were long before these times who strictly forbad that any Images should be made And universally after this time all the Emperors of Greece only Theodosius excepted destroyed continually all Images Now on the contrary part note ye that the Bishops of Rome being no ordinary Magistrates appointed of God out of their Diocess but Usurpers of Princes Authority contrary to Gods Word were the Maintainers of Images against Gods Word and Stirrers up of Sedition and Rebellion and Workers of continual Treason against their Sovereign Lords contrary to Gods Law and the Ordinances of all Human Laws being not only Enemies to God but also Rebels and Traytors against their Princes These be the first bringers in of Images openly into Churches These be the maintainers of them in the Churches and these be the means whereby they have maintained them To wit Conspiracy Treason and Rebellion against God and their Princes Now to proceed in the History most worthy to be known In the Nonage of Constantine the Sixth the Empress Irene his Mother in whose Hands the Regiment of the Empire remained was governed much by the advice of Theodore Bishop and Tharasius Patriarch of Constantinople who practised and held with the Bishop of Rome in maintaining of Images most earnestly By whose Counsel and intreaty the Empress first most wickedly digged up the Body of her Father in Law Constantine the Fifth and commanded it to be openly burned and the Ashes to be thrown into the Sea Which Example as the constant report goeth had like to have been put in practice with Princes Corses in our days had the Authority of the Holy Father continued but a little longer The cause why the Empress Irene thus used her Father in Law was for that he when he was alive had destroyed Images and had taken away the sumptuous Ornaments of Churches saying That Christ whose Temples they were allowed Poverty and not Pearls and precious Stones Afterward the said Irene at the persuasion of Adrian Bishop of Rome and Paul the Patriarch of Constantinople and his Successor Tharasius assembled a Council of the Bishops of Asia and Greece at the City Nicea where the Bishop of Rome's Legates being Presidents of the Council and ordering all things as they listed the Council which was assembled before under the Emperor Constantine the Fifth and had decreed that all Images should be destroyed was Condemned as an Heretical Council and Assembly And a Decree was made That Images should be put up in all the Churches of Greece and that Honour and Worship also should be given unto the said Images And so the Empress sparing no diligence in setting up of Images A Decree that Images should be Worshipped nor cost in decking them in all Churches made Constantinople within a short time altogether like Rome itself And now you may see that come to pass which Bishop Serenus feared and Gregory the First forbad in vain to wit that Images should in no wise be Worshipped For now not only the Simple and Unwise unto whom Images as the Scriptures teach be specially a snare but the Bishops and Learned Men also fall to Idolatry by occasion of Images yea and make Decrees and Laws for the maintenance of the same So hard is it and indeed impossible any long time to have Images publickly in Churches and Temples without Idolatry as by the space of little more than One Hundred years betwixt Gregory the First forbidding most strictly the Worshipping of Images and Gregory the Third Paul and Leo the Third Bishops of Rome with this Council Commanding and Decreeing that Images should be Worshipped most evidently appeareth Now when Constantine the young Emperor came to the Age of Twenty years he was daily in less and less estimation For such as were about his Mother persuaded her that it was Gods Determination that she should Reign alone and not her Son with her The Ambitious Woman believing the same deprived her Son of all Imperial Dignity and compelled all the Men of War with their Captains to Swear to her that they would not suffer her Son Constantine to Reign during her Life With which Indignity the young Prince being moved recovered the Regimen of the Empire unto himself by force and being brought up in true Religion in his Father's time seeing the Superstition of his Mother Irene and the Idolatry committed by Images cast down brake and burned all the Idols and Images that his Mother had set up But within a few years after Irene the Empress taken again into her Son's Favour after she had persuaded him to put out Nicephorus his Uncle's Eyes and to cut out the Tongues of his four other Uncles and to forsake his Wife and by such means to bring him into hatred with all his Subjects now further to declare that she was no Changeling but the same Woman that had before digged up and burned her Father-in-Law's Body and that she would be as natural a Mother as she had been a kind Daughter seeing the Images which she loved so well and had with so great cost set up daily destroyed by her own Son the Emperor by the help of certain good Companions deprived her Son of the Empire And first like a kind and loving Mother put out both his Eyes and laid him in Prison where after long and many Torments she at the last most cruelly slew him In this History joined to Eutropius it is written That the Sun was darkned by the space of xvij days most strangely and dreadfully and that all Men said that for the horribleness of that cruel and unnatural Fact of Irene and the putting out of the Emperor's Eyes the Sun had lost his light But indeed God would signifie by the darkness of the Sun into what darkness and blindness of Ignorance and Idolatry Christendom should fall by the occasion of Images The bright Sun of his eternal Truth and light of his Holy Word by the mists and black Clouds of Mens Traditions being blemished and darkned as by sundry most terrible Earthquakes that happened about the same time God signified that the quiet estate of true Religion should by such Idolatry be most horribly tossed and turmoiled And here may you see what a gracious and virtuous Lady this Irene was how loving a Neece to her Husband's Uncles how kind a Mother-in-Law to her Son's Wife how loving a Daughter to her Father-in-Law how natural a Mother to her own Son and what a stout and valiant Captain the Bishops of Rome had of her for the setting up and maintenance of their Idols or Images Surely they could
great contention in the Church of Christ about them to the great trouble and decay of Christendom And withal ye have heard the Sentences of old Ancient Fathers and Godly Learned Doctors and Bishops against Images and Idolatry taken out of their own Writings It remaineth that such reasons as be made for the maintenance of Images and excessive Painting Gilding and Decking as well of them as of the Temples or Churches also be answered and confuted partly by application of some places before alledged to their Reasons and partly by otherwise answering the same Which part hath the last place in this Treatise for that it cannot be well understood of the meaner sort nor the arguments of Image-maintainers can without prolixity too much tedious be answered without the knowledge of the Treatise going before And although divers things before-mentioned be here rehearsed again yet this repetition is not superfluous but in a manner necessary for that the simple sort cannot else understand how the foresaid places are to be applyed to the Arguments of such as do maintain Images wherewith otherwise they might be abused First it is alledged by them that maintain Images that all Laws Prohibitions and Curses noted by us out of the Holy Scripture and Sentences of the Doctors also by us alledged against Images and the worshipping of them appertain to the Idols of the Gentiles or Pagans as the Idol of Jupiter Mars Mercury c. and not to our Images of God of Christ and his Saints But it shall be declared both by God's Word and the Sentences of the ancient Doctors and Judgment of the Primitive Church that all Images as well ours as the Idols of the Gentiles be forbidden and unlawful namely in Churches and Temples And first this is to be replyed out of God's Word that the Images of God the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost either severally or the Images of the Trinity which we had in every Church be by the Scriptures expresly and directly forbidden and condemned Deut. 4. as appeareth by these places the Lord spake unto you out of the middle of Fire you heard the voice or sound of his words but you did see no form or shape at all left peradventure you being deceived should make to your self any graven Image or likeness and so forth as is at large rehearsed in the First Part of this Treatise against Images And therefore in the Old Law the middle of the propitiatory which represented God's Seat was empty lest any should take occasion to make any similitude or likeness of him Isaiah Isaiah 40 after he hath set forth the incomprehensible Majesty of God he asketh To whom then will ye make God like or what similitude will ye set up unto him Shall the Carver make him a Carved Image And shall the Goldsmith cover him with Gold or cast him into a form of Silver Plates And for the poor man shall the image-maker frame an image of timber that he may have somewhat to set up also And after this he cryeth out O wretches heard ye never of this Hath it not been preached to you since the beginning how by the Creation of the World and the greatness of the Work they might understand the Majesty of God the Maker and Creator of all to be greater than that it could be expressed or set forth in any Image or B●dily Similitude Thus far the Prophet Isaiah who from the Forty fourth Chapter to the Forty ninth treateth in a manner of no other thing And Saint Paul Acts 17. in the Acts of the Apostles evidently teacheth the same that no Similitude can be made unto God in Gold Silver Stone or any other matter By these and many other places of Scripture it is evident that no Image either ought or can be made unto God For how can God a most pure Spirit whom Man never saw be expressed by a gross bodily and visible Similitude How can the infinite Majesty and Greatness of God incomprehensible to Man's Mind much more not able to be compassed with the Sense be expressed in a small and little Image How can a Dead and Dumb Image express the Living God What can an Image which when it is fallen cannot rise up again which can neither help his Friends nor hurt his Enemies express of the most Puissant and Mighty God who alone is able to reward his Friends and to destroy his Enemies Everlastingly A Man might justly cry with the Prophet Habakkuk Habak 2. Shall such Images instruct or teach any thing right of God Or shall they become Doctors Wherefore Men that have made an Image of God whereby to Honour him have thereby dishonoured him most highly diminished his Majesty blemished his Glory and falsified his Truth Rom. ● And therefore Saint Paul saith that such as have framed any Similitude or Image of God like a mortal Man or any other likeness in Timber Stone or other matter have changed his Truth into a Lie For both they thought it to be no longer that which it was a Stock or Stone and took it to be that which it was not as God or an Image of God Wherefore an Image of God is not only a Lie but a double Lie also But the Devil is a Liar John 8. and the Father of Lies Wherefore the lying Images which be made of God to his great dishonour and horrible danger of his People came from the Devil Wherefore they be convict of foolishness and wickedness in making of Images of God or the Trinity for that no Image of God ought or can be made as by the Scriptures and good Reason evidently appeareth Yea and once to desire an Image of God cometh of Infidelity thinking not God to be present except they might see some sign or image of him as appeareth by the Hebrews in the wilderness willing Aaron to make them gods whom they might see go before them Where they object that seeing Isaiah and Daniel by certain descriptions of God as sitting on a high seat c. Why may not a Painter likewise set him forth in colours to be seen as it were a Judge sitting on a Throne as well as he is described in Writing by the Prophets seeing that Scripture or Writing and Picture differ but a little First it is to be answered that things forbidden by Gods Word as Painting of Images of God and things permitted of God as such descriptions used of the Prophets be not all one Neither ought nor can Man's Reason although it shew never so goodly prevail any thing against God's express Word and plain Statute-Law as I may well term it Furthermore the Scripture although it have certain descriptions of God yet if you read forward it expoundeth it self declaring that God is a pure Spirit Infinite who replenisheth Heaven and Earth which the Picture doth not nor expoundeth it self but rather when it hath set God forth in a bodily similitude leaveth a Man there and will easily bring
not things indifferent nor tolerable but against Gods Law and Commandment taking thei● own Interpretation and Exposition of it First for that all Images so set up publickly have been Worshipped of the Unlearned and Simple sort shortly after they have been publickly so set up and in conclusion of the Wise and Learned also Secondly for that they are Worshipped in sundry places now in our time also And Thirdly for that it is impossible that Images of God Christ or his Saints can be suffered especially in Temples and Churches any while or space without Worshipping of them And that Idolatry which is most abominable before God cannot possibly be escaped and avoided without the abolishing and destruction of Images and Pictures in Temples and Churches for that Idolatry is to Images specially in Temples and Churches an inseparable accident as they term it so that Images in Churches and Idolatry go always both together and that therefore the one cannot be avoided except the other specially in all publick places be destroyed Wherefore to make the Images and publickly to set them up in the Temples and Churches places appointed peculiarly to the service of God is to make Images to the use of Religion and not only against this Precept Thou shalt make no manner of Images but against this also Thou shalt not bowe down to them nor Worship them For they being set up have been be and ever will be Worshipped And the full proof of that which in the beginning of the first part of this Treatise was touched is here to be made and performed To wit that our Images and Idols of the Gentiles be all one as well in the things themselves as also in that our Images have been before be now and ever will be Worshipped in like form and manner as the Idols of the Gentiles were Worshipped so long as they be suffered in Churches and Temples Whereupon it followeth that our Images in Churches have been be and ever will be none other but abominable Idols and be therefore no things indifferent And every of these parts shall be proved in order as hereafter followeth Simulachra gentium Argentum aurum Fusile Similitudo Sculptile Simulachrum opera manuum hominum And first that our Images and the Idols of the Gentiles be all one concerning themselves is most evident the matter of them being Gold Silver or other Metal Stone Wood Clay or Plaister as were the Idols of the Gentiles and so being either molten or cast either carved graven hewen or otherwise formed and fashioned after the similitude and likeness of Man or Woman be dead and dumb Works of Man's hands having Mouths and speak not Eyes and see not Hands and feel not Feet and go not and so as well in form as matter be altogether like the Idols of the Gentiles Insomuch that all the Titles which be given to the Idols in the Scriptures may be verified of our Images Wherefore no doubt but the like Curses which are men-in the Scriptures will light upon the Makers and Worshippers of them both Secondly that they have been and be worshipped in our time in like form and manner as were the Idols of the Gentiles is now to be proved And for that Idolatry standeth chiefly in the mind it shall in this part first be proved that our Image-maintainers have had and have the same Opinions and Judgment of Saints whose Images they have made and worshipped as the Gentiles Idolaters had of their Gods And afterwards shall be declared that our Image-maintainers and Worshippers have used and used the same outward Rites and manner of honoring and worshipping their Images as the Gentiles did use before their Idols and that therefore they commit Idolatry as well inwardly and outwardly as did the wicked Gentiles Idolaters And concerning the first part of the idolatrous Opinions of our Image-maintainers What I pray you be such Saints with us to whom we attribute the defence of certain Countries spoiling God of his due honor herein but Dij Tutelares of the Gentiles Idolaters Dij Tutelares Such as were Belus to the Babylonians and Assyrians Osiris and Isis to the Aegyptians Vulcan to the Lemnians and to such other What be such Saints to whom the safeguard of certain Cities are appointed but Dij Praesides with the Gentiles Idolaters Such as were at Delphos Apollo at Athens Minerva at Carthage Juno at Rome Quirinus c. What be such Saints to whom contrary to the use of the Primitive Church Temples and Churches be builded and Altars erected but Dij Patroni of the Gentiles Idolaters Such as were in the Capitol Jupiter in Paphus Temple Venus in Ephesus Temple Diana and such like Alas we seem in thus thinking and doing to have Learned our Religion not out of Gods Word but out of the Pagan Poets who say Excessere omnes adytis arisque relictis Dij quibus imperium hoc steterat c. That is to say All the Gods by whose defence this Empire stood are gone out of the Temples and have forsaken their Altars And where one Saint hath Images in divers places the same Saint hath divers Names thereof most like to the Gentiles When you hear of our Lady of Walsingham our Lady of Ipswich our Lady of Wilsdon and such others what is it but an imitation of the Gentiles Idolaters Diana Agr●tera Diana Coriphea Diana Ephesia c. Venus Cypria Venus Paphia Venus Gnidia Whereby is evidently meant that the Saint for the Image sake should in those places yea in the Images themselves have a dwelling which is the ground of their Idolatry For where no Images be they have no such means Terentius Varro sheweth that there were Three Hundred Jupiters in his time there were no fewer Veneres and Diana's we had no fewer Christophers Ladies and Mary Magdalens and other Saints Oenomaus and Hesiodus shew that in their time there were Thirty Thousand Gods I think we had no fewer Saints to whom we gave the Honour due to God And they have not only spoiled the true living God of his due Honour in Temples Cities Countries and Lands by such devices and inventions as the Gentiles Idolaters have done before them But the Sea and Waters have as well special Saints with them as they had Gods with the Gentiles Neptune Triton Nereus Castor and Pollux Venus and such other In whose places be come Saint Christopher Saint Clement and divers other and specially our Lady to whom Shipmen Sing Ave maris stella Neither hath the Fire scaped the Idolatrous inventions For instead of Vulcan and Vesta the Gentiles Gods of the Fire our Men have placed Saint Agatha and make Letters on her day for to quench Fire with Every Artificer and Profession hath his special Saint as a peculiar God As for Example Scholars have Saint Nicholas and Saint Gregory Painters Saint Luke neither lack Souldiers their Mars nor Lovers their Venus amongst Christians All Diseases have their special Saints as Gods the curers
the service of the Lord. And here by the way it is to be noted that at that time there was no Churches or Temples erected unto any Saint Euseb l b. 8. Cap. 19. and lib. 9. cap. 9 De ci●itate lib. 8. cap. 1. but to God only as St. Augustine also recordeth saying We build no Temples unto our Martyrs And Eusebius himself calleth Churches Houses of Prayer and sheweth that in Constantine the Emperors time all men rejoyced seeing instead of low Conventicles which Tyrants had destroyed high Temples to be builded Lo unto the time of Constantine by the space of above three hundred years after our Saviour Christ when Christian Religion was most pure and indeed golden Christians had but low and poor Conventicles and simple Oratories yea Cryptae Caves under the ground called Cryptae where they for fear of Persecution assembled secretly together A figure whereof remaineth in the Vaults which yet are builded under great Churches to put us in remembrance of the Old state of the Primitive Church before Constantine Whereas in Constantine's time and after him were builded great and goodly Temples for Christians Basilicae called Basilicae either for that the Greeks used to call all great and goodly places Basilicas or for that the high and everlasting King God and our Saviour Christ was served in them But although Constantine and other Princes of good zeal to our Religion did sumptuously deck and adorn Christians Temples yet did they dedicate at that time all Churches and Temples to God or our Saviour Christ and to no Saint Novel constit 3. 47. for that abuse began long after in Justinian's time And that gorgeousness then used as it was born with as rising of a good zeal so was it signified of the godly learned even at that time that such cost might otherwise have been better bestowed Let St. Jerome although otherwise too great a liker and allower of external and outward things be a proof hereof who hath these words in his Epistle to Demetriades Let others saith St. Jerome build Churches cover Walls with Tables of Marble carry together huge Pillars and gild their tops or heads which do not feel or understand their precious decking and adorning let them deck the doors with Ivory and Silver and set the golden Altars with precious stones I blame it not let every man abound in his own sense and better is it so to do than carefully to keep their Riches laid up in store But thou hast another way appointed thee to clothe Christ in the Poor to visit him in the sick seed him in the hungry lodge him in those who do lack harbour and especially such as be of the houshold of Faith And the same St. Jerome toucheth the same matter somewhat more freely in his Treatise of the Life of Clerks to Nepotian saying thus Many build Walls and erect Pillars of Churches the smooth Marbles do glister the Roof shineth with Gold the Altar is set with precious Stones But of the Ministers of Christ there is no election or choice Neither let any man object and alledge against me the rich Temple that was in Jewry the Table Candlesticks Incense Ships Platters Cups Mortars and other things all of Gold Then were these things allowed of the Lord when the Priests offered Sacrifices and the blood of Beasts was accounted the redemption of sins Howbeit all these things went before in figure and they were written for us upon whom the end of the World is come And now when that our Lord being poor hath dedicated the poverty of his House let us remember his Cross and we shall esteem Riches as Mire and Dung What do we marvel at that which Christ calleth wicked Mammon Whereto we do so highly esteem and love that which St. Peter doth for a glory testifie that he had not Hitherto St. Jerome Thus you see how St. Jerome teacheth the sumptuousness amongst the Jews to be a figure to signifie and not an example to follow and that those outward things were suffered for a time until Christ our Lord came who turned all those outward things into Spirit Faith and Truth And the same St. Jerome upon the seventh Chapter of Jeremy saith God commandeth both the Jews at that time and now us who are placed in the Church that we have no trust in the goodliness of Building and gilt Roofs and in Walls covered with Tables of Marble and say The Temple of the Lord the Temple of the Lord. For that is the Temple of the Lord wherein dwelleth true Faith godly Conversation and the company of all Vertues And upon the Prophet Agge he describeth the true and right decking or ornaments of the Temple after this sort I saith St. Jerome do think the Silver wherewith the House of God is decked to be the Doctrine of the Scriptures of the which it is spoken The Doctrine of the Lord is a pure Doctrine Silver tried in the fire purged from dross purified seven times And I do take Gold to be that which remaineth in the hid sense of the Saints and the secret of the heart and shineth with the true light of God Which is evident that the Apostle also meant of the Saints that build upon the Foundation of Christ some Silver some Gold some precious Stones that by the Gold the hid sense by Silver godly utterance by precious Stones works which please God might be signified With these Metals the Church of our Saviour is made more goodly and gorgeous than was the Synagogue in old time With these lively stones is the Church and House of Christ builded and Peace is given to it for ever All these be St. Jerome's sayings No more did the old godly Bishops and Doctors of the Church allow the over-sumptuous Furniture of Temples and Churches with Plate Vessels of Gold Silver and precious Vestments St. Chrysostom saith in the ministery of the Holy Sacraments there is no need of golden Vessels 2 Offi. capu● 28. but of golden Minds And St. Ambrose saith Christ sent his Apostles without Gold and gathered his Church without Gold The Church hath Gold not to keep it but to bestow it on the necessities of the Poor The Sacraments look for no Gold neither do they please God for the commendation of Gold which are not bought for Gold The adorning and decking of the Sacraments is the Redemption of Captives Thus much saith St. Ambrose St. Jerome commendeth Exuperius Bishop of Tolose that he carried the Sacrament of the Lords Body in a wicker Basket and the Sacrament of his Blood in a Glass and so cast Covetousness out of the Church And Bonifacius Tit. de consecra can Triburien Bishop and Martyr as is recorded in the Decrees testifieth that in Old time the Ministers used wooden and not golden Vessels And Zephyrinus the sixteenth Bishop of Rome made a Decree that they should use Vessels of Glass Likewise were the Vestures used in the Church in Old
foolishly and wickedly to bestow Goods purchased by Wisdom and Truth Of such lewdness Lactantius writeth thus Men do in vain deck Images of the gods with Gold Ivory and precious Stone as though they could take any pleasure in those things For what use have they of precious Gifts which understand nor feel nothing Even the same that dead men have For with like reason do they bury dead bodies farced with Spices and Odours and clothed with precious Vestures and deck Images which neither felt nor knew when they were made nor understand when they be honoured for they get no sense and understanding by their consecration Thus far Lactantius and much more too long here to rehearse declaring that as little Girls play with little Puppets so be these decked Images great Puppets for Old Fools to play with And that we may know what not only men of our Religion but Ethnicks also judge of such decking of dead Images it is not unprofitable to hear what Seneca a wise and excellent learned Senator of Rome and Philosopher saith concerning the foolishness of ancient and grave men used in his time in worshipping and decking of Images We saith Seneca be not twice Children as the common saying is but always Children but this is the difference that we being elder play the Children and in these Plays they bring in before great and well decked Puppets for so he calleth Images Ointments Incense and Odours To these Puppets they offer up Sacrifice which have a Mouth but not the use of Teeth Vpon these they put attiring and precious Apparel which have no use of Clothes To these they give Gold and Silver which they who receive it meaning the Images lack as well as they that have given it from them And Seneca much commendeth Dionysius King of Sicily for his merry robbing of such decked and jewelled Puppets But you will ask what doth this appertain to our Images which is written against the Idols of the Gentiles Altogether surely For what use or pleasure have our Images of their decking and precious Ornaments Did our Images understand when they were made or know when they be so trimmed and decked Be not these things bestowed upon them as much in vain as upon dead men which have no sense Wherefore it followeth that there is like foolishness and lewdness in decking of our Images as great Puppets for old Fools like Children to play the wicked play of Idolatry as was before among the Ethnicks and Gentiles Our Churches stand full of such great Puppets wondrously decked and adorned Garlands and Coronets be set on their heads precious Pearls hanging about their necks their fingers shine with Rings set with precious Stones their dead and stiff bodies are clothed with Garments stiff with Gold You would believe that the Images of our Men-saints were some Princes of Persia Land with their proud Apparel and the Idols of our Women-saints were nice and well-trimmed Harlots tempting their Paramours to wantonness whereby the Saints of God are not honoured but most dishonoured and their godliness soberness chastity contempt of riches and of the vanity of the World defaced and brought in doubt by such monstrous decking most differing from their sober and godly lives And because the whole Pageant must through●● be play'd it is not enough thus to deck Idols but at last come in the Priests themselves likewise decked with Gold and Pearl that they may be meet Servants for such Lords and Ladies and fit worshippers of such gods and goddesses And with a solemn pace they pass forth before these golden Puppets and fall down to the ground on their Marrow-bones before these honourable Idols and then rising up again offer up Odours and Incense unto them to give the People an example of double Idolatry by worshipping not only the Idol but the Gold also and Riches wherewith it is garnished Which things the most part of our Old Martyrs rather than they would do or once kneel or offer up one crumb of Incense before an Image suffered most cruel and terrible deaths as the Histories of them at large do declare And here again their allegation out of Gregory the First and Damascen Greg. Epist ad S●enum Massil Damas de fide ortho l. 4. c. 17. that Images be the Lay-mens Books and that Pictures are the Scripture of Ideots and simple Persons is worthy to be considered For as it hath been touched in divers places before how they be Books teaching nothing but lies as by St. Paul in the first Chapter to the Romans evidently appeareth of the Images of God So what manner of Books and Scripture these painted and gilt Images of Saints be unto the common People note well I pray you For after that our Preachers shall have instructed and exhorted the People to the following of the vertues of the Saints as contempt of this World Poverty Soberness Chastity and such like vertues which undoubtedly were in the Saints Think you as soon as they turn their faces from the Preacher and look upon the graven Books and painted Scripture of the glorious gilt Images and Idols all shining and glittering with Metal and Stone and covered with precious Vestures or else with Choerea in Terence behold a painted Table wherein is set forth by the Art of the Painter an Image with a nice and wanton Apparel and Countenance more like to Venus or Flora than Mary Magdalen or if like to Mary Magdalen it is when she played the Harlot rather than when she wept for her sins When I say they turn about from the Preacher to these Books and School-masters and painted Scriptures shall they not find them lying Books teaching other manner of Lessons of esteeming of Riches of Pride and vanity in Apparel of niceness and wantonness and peradventure of Whoredom as Choerea of like Pictures was taught And in Lucian one learned of Venus Gnidia a Lesson too abominable here to be remembred Be not these think you pretty Books and Scriptures for simple People and especially for Wives and young Maidens to look in read on and learn such lessons of What will they think either of the Preacher who taught them contrary Lessons of the Saints and therefore by these carved Doctors are charged with a lie or of the Saints themselves if they believe these graven Books and painted Scriptures of them who make the Saints now reigning in Heaven with God to their great dishonour School-masters of such Vanity which they in their life-life-time most abhorred For what Lessons of contempt of Riches and vanity of this World can such Books so besmeared with Gold set with precious Stones covered with Silks teach What Lessons of Soberness and Chastity can our Women learn of these pictured Scriptures with their nice Apparel and wanton Looks But away for shame with these coloured cloaks of Idolatry of the Books and Scriptures of Images and Pictures to teach Idiots nay to make Idiots and stark Fools and Beasts of Christians Do men
I pray you when they have the same Books at home with them run on Pilgrimage to seek like Books at Rome Compostella or Jerusalem to be taught by them when they have the like to learn at home Do men reverence some Books and despise and set light by other of the same sort Do men kneel before their Books light Candles at Noon-time burn Incense offer up Gold and Silver and other Gifts to their Books Do men either feign or believe Miracles to be wrought by their Books I am sure that the New Testament of our Saviour Jesus Christ containing the Word of Life is a more lively express and true Image of our Saviour than all carved graven molten and painted Images in the World be and yet none of all these things be done to that Book or Scripture of the Gospel of our Saviour which be done to Images or Pictures the Books and Scriptures of Lay-men and Idiots as they call them Wherefore call them what they list it is most evident by their deeds that they make of them no other Books nor Scripture than such as teach most filthy and horrible Idolatry as the users of such Books daily prove by continual practising the same O Books and Scriptures in the which the devilish School-master Satan hath penned the lewd Lessons of wicked Idolatry for his dastardly Disciples and Scholars to behold read and learn to Gods most high dishonour and their most horrible Damnation Have not we been much bound think you to those which should have taught us the truth out of Gods Book and his Holy Scripture that they have shut up that Book and Scripture from us and none of us so bold as once to open it or read in it and instead thereof to spread us abroad these goodly carved and gilded Books and painted Scriptures to teach us such good and godly Lessons Have not they done well after they ceased to stand in Pulpits themselves and to teach the People committed to their instruction keeping silence of Gods Word and become dumb Dogs as the Prophet calleth them to set up in their stead on every pillar and corner of the Church such goodly Doctors as dumb but more wicked than themselves be We need not to complain of the lack of one dumb Parson having so many dumb devilish Vicars I mean these Idols and painted Puppets to teach in their stead Now in the mean season whilst the dumb and dead Idols stand thus decked and cloathed contrary to Gods Law and Commandment the poor Christian People the lively Images of God commended to us so tenderly by our Saviour Christ as most dear to him stand naked shivering for cold and their Teeth chattering in their heads and no man covereth them are pined with Hunger and Thirst and no man giveth them a penny to refresh them whereas pounds be ready at all times contrary to Gods will to deck and trim dead stocks and stones which neither feel Cold Hunger nor Thirst Clemens hath a notable sentence concerning this matter saying thus That Serpent the Devil doth by the mouth of certain men utter these words We for the honour of the invisible God do worship visible Images which doubtless is most false For if you will truly honour the Image of God you shall by doing well to man honour the true Image of God in him For the Image of God is in every man But the likeness of God is not in every one but in those only which have a godly Heart and pure Mind If you will therefore truly honour the Image of God we do declare to you the truth that ye do well to man who is made after the Image of God that you give honour and reverence to him and refresh the hungry with meat the thirsty with drink the naked with clothes the sick with attendance the stranger harbourless with lodging the Prisoners with necessaries and this shall be accounted as truly bestowed upon God And these things are so directly appertaining to Gods Honour that whosoever doth not this shall seem to have reproached and done villany to the Image of God For what honour of God is this to run to Images of stock and stone and to honour vain and dead figures of God and to despise man in whom is the true Image of God And by and by after he saith Vnderstand ye therefore that this is the suggestion of the Serpent Satan lurking within you which perswadeth you that you are godly when you honour insensible and dead Images and that you be not ungodly when you hurt or leave unsuccoured the lively and reasonable Creatures All these be the words of Clemens Note I pray you how this most ancient and learned Doctor within one hundred years of our Saviour Christs time most plainly teacheth that no service of God or Religion acceptable to him can be in honouring of dead Images but in succouring of the Poor the lively Images of God according to St. James who saith This is the pure and true Religion before God the Father to succour fatherless and motherless Children and Widows in their affliction and to keep himself undefiled from this World True Religion then and pleasing of God standeth not in making setting up painting gilding clothing and decking of dumb and dead Images which be but great Puppets and Babies for Old Fools in dotage and wicked Idolatry to dally and play with nor in kissing of them capping kneeling offering to them incensing of them setting up of Candles hanging up of Legs Arms or whole Bodies of Wax before them or praying and asking of them or of Saints things belonging only to God to give But all these things be vain and abominable and most damnable before God Wherefore all such do not only bestow their mony and labour in vain but with their pains and cost purchase to themselves Gods wrath and utter indignation and everlasting damnation both of Body and Soul For ye have heard it evidently proved in these Homilies against Idolatry by Gods Word the Doctors of the Church Ecclesiastical Histories Reason and Experience that Images have been and be Worshipped and so Idolatry committed to them by infinite multitudes to the great offence of Gods Majesty and the danger of infinite Souls and that Idolatry cannot possibly be separated from Images set up in Churches and Temples gilded and decked gloriously and that therefore our Images be indeed very Idols and so all the Prohibitions Laws Curses Threatnings of horrible Plagues as well temporal as eternal contained in the Holy Scripture concerning Idols and the Makers and Maintainers and Worshippers of them appertain also to our Images set up in Churches and Temples and to the Makers Maintainers and Worshippers of them And all those names of abomination which Gods Word in the Holy Scriptures giveth to the Idols of the Gentiles appertain to our Images being Idols like to them and having like Idolatry committed unto them And Gods own mouth in the Holy Scriptures calleth them Vanities
Lies Deceits Uncleanness Filthiness Dung Mischief and Abomination before the Lord. Wherefore Gods horrible wrath and our most dreadful danger cannot be avoided without the destruction and utter abolishing of all Images and Idols our of the Church and Temple of God which to accomplish God put in the minds of all Christian Princes And in the mean time let us take heed and be wise O ye beloved of the Lord and let us have no strange gods but one only God who made us when we were nothing the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ John 17. who redeemed us when we were lost and with his Holy Spirit doth sanctifie us For this is life everlasting to know him to be the only true God and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent Let us honour and worship for Religions sake none but him and him let us worship and honour as he will himself and hath declared by his Word that he will be honoured and worshipped not in nor by Images or Idols which he hath most strictly forbidden neither in kneeling lighting of Candles burning of Incense offering up of Gifts unto Images and Idols to believe that we shall please him for all these be abomination before God But let us honour and worship God in Spirit and in Truth John 4. fearing and loving him above all things trusting in him only calling upon him and praying to him only praising and lauding of him only and all other in him and for him For such worshippers doth our Heavenly Father love who is a most pure Spirit and therefore will be worshipped in Spirit and in Truth And such worshippers were Abraham Moses David Elias Peter Paul John and all other the Holy Patriarchs Prophets Apostles Martyrs and all true Saints of God who all as the true Friends of God were enemies and destroyers of Images and Idols as the Enemies of God and his true Religion Wherefore take heed and be wise O ye beloved of the Lord and that which others contrary to Gods Word bestow wickedly and to their damnation upon dead stocks and stones no Images but Enemies of God and his Saints that bestow ye as the faithful Servants of God according to Gods Word mercifully upon poor Men and Women Fatherless Children Widows sick Persons Strangers Prisoners and such others that be in any necessity that ye may at that great day of the Lord hear that most blessed and comfortable saying of our Saviour Christ Come ye blessed into the Kingdom of my Father prepared for you before the beginning of the World For I was hungry and ye gave me meat thirsty and ye gave me drink naked and ye clothed me harbourless and ye lodged me in Prison and ye visited me sick and ye comforted me For whatsoever ye have done for the poor and needy in my name and for my sake that have ye done for me To the which his Heavenly Kingdom God the Father of Mercies bring us for Jesus Christs sake our only Saviour Mediator and Advocate to whom with the Holy Ghost one immortal invisible and most glorious God be all Honour and Thanksgiving and Glory World without end Amen AN HOMILY FOR Repairing and keeping clean and comely adorning of Churches IT is a common custom used of all men when they intend to have their Friends or Neighbours to come to their Houses to eat or drink with them or to have any Solemn Assembly to treat and talk of any matter they will have their Houses which they keep in continual reparations to be clean and fine lest they should be counted sluttish or little to regard their Friends and Neighbours How much more then ought the House of God which we commonly call the Church to be sufficiently repaired in all places and to be honourably adorned and garnished and to be kept clean and sweet to the comfort of the People that shall resort thereunto It appeareth in the Holy Scripture how Gods House which was called his Holy Temple and was the Mother Church of all Jewry fell sometimes into decay and was oftentimes profaned and defiled through the negligence and ungodliness of such as had the charge thereof But when godly Kings and Governors were in place then Commandment was given forthwith that the Church and Temple of God should be repaired and the Devotion of the People to be gathered for the reparation of the same We read in the fourth Book of the Kings 4 Kings 12. how that King Joas being a godly Prince gave commandment to the Priests to convert certain Offerings of the People towards the reparation and amendment of Gods Temple Like commandment gave that most godly King Josias 4 Kings 22. concerning the reparation and re-edification of Gods Temple which in his time he found in sore decay It hath pleased Almighty God that these Histories touching the re-edifying and repairing of his Holy Temple should be written at large to the end we should be taught thereby First that God is well pleased that his People should have a convenient place to resort unto and to come together to praise and magnifie Gods Holy Name And seco●d●● he is highly pleased with all those which diligen●ly and zealously go about to amend and restore such places as are appointed for the Congregation of Gods People to resort unto and wherein they humbly and joyntly render thanks to God for his benefits and with one heart and voice praise his Holy Name Thirdly God was sore displeased with his People because they builded decked and trimmed up their own Houses and suffered Gods House to be in ruine and decay to lye uncomely and fulsomly Wherefore God was sore grieved with them and plagued them as appeareth in the Prophet Aggeus Thus saith the Lord Agge 1. Is it time for you to dwell in your cieled Houses and the Lords House not regarded Ye have sowed much and gathered in but little your meat and your clothes have neither filled you nor made you warm and he that had his wages put it in a bottomless purse By these Plagues which God laid upon his People for neglecting of his Temple it may evidently appear that God will have his Temple his Church the place where his Congregation shall resort to magnifie him well edified well repaired and well maintained Some neither regarding godliness nor the place of godly exercise will say The Temple in the Old Law was commanded to be built and repaired by God himself because it had great Promises annexed unto it and because it was a figure a Sacrament or a signification of Christ and also of his Church To this may be easily answered First that our Churches are not destitute of Promises forasmuch as our Saviour Christ saith Where two or three are gathered together in my Name there am I in the midst among them A great number therefore coming to Church together in the name of Christ have there that is to say in the Church their God and Saviour Jesus Christ present among the
either earnestly lament and bewail their sinful lives or did addict themselves to more fervent Prayer that it might please God to turn his wrath from them when either they were admonished and brought to the consideration thereof by the preaching of the Prophets or otherwise when they saw present danger to hang over their heads This sorrowfulness of Heart joyned with Fasting they uttered sometimes by their outward behaviour and gesture of Body putting on Sackcloth sprinkling themselves with ashes and dust and sitting or lying upon the Earth For when good men feel in themselves the heavy burden of sin see damnation to be the reward of it and behold with the eye of their mind the horror of Hell they tremble they quake and are inwardly touched with sorrowfulness of heart for their offences and cannot but accuse themselves and open this their grief unto Almighty God and call unto him for mercy This being done seriously their mind is so occupied partly with sorrow and heaviness partly with an earnest desire to be delivered from this danger of Hell and Damnation that all desire of meat and drink is laid apart and loathsomness of all worldly things and pleasure cometh in place so that nothing then liketh them more than to weep to lament to mourn and both with words and behaviour of body to shew themselves weary of this life Thus did David fast when he made intercession to Almighty God for the Childs life begotten in Adultery of Bathshtba Vriah's Wife King Ahab fasted after this sort when it repented him of murdering of Naboth bewailing his own sinful doings Such was the Ninevites Fast brought to repentance by Jonas preaching When forty thousand of the Israelites were slain in Battel against the Benjamites the Scripture saith All the Children of Israel and the whole multitude of the People went to Bethel and sate there weeping before the Lord and fasted all that day till night Judges 20. So did Daniel Hester Nehemias and many others in the Old Testament fast But if any man will say it is true so they fasted indeed but we are not now under the yoke of the Law we are set at liberty by the freedom of the Gospel therefore those Rites and Customs of the old Law bind not us except it can be shewed by the Scriptures of the New Testament or by examples out of the same that fasting now under the Gospel is a restraint of meat drink and all bodily food and pleasures fro● 〈…〉 First that 〈…〉 is a truth more manifest than that it should here need to be proved the Scriptures which teach the same are evident The doubt therefore is whether when we Fast we ought to withhold from our bodies all meat and drink during the time of our Fast or no That we ought so to do may be well gathered upon a Question moved by the Pharisees to Christ and by his answer again to the same Why say they do John's Disciples fast often Luke ● and pray and we likewise but thy Disciples eat and drink and fast not at all In this smooth Question they couch up subtilly this Argument or Reason Whoso fasteth not that man is not of God For Fasting and Prayer are works both commended and commanded of God in the Scriptures and all good men from Moses till this time as well the Prophets as others have exercised themselves in these works John also and his Disciples at this day do fast oft and pray much and so do we the Pharisees in like manner But thy Disciples fast not at all which if thou wilt deny we can easily prove it For whosoever eateth and drinketh fasteth not Thy Disciples eat and drink therefore they fast not Of this we conclude say they necessarily that neither art thou nor yet thy Disciples of God Christ maketh answer saying Can ye make that the children of the wedding shalt fast while the Bridegroom is with them The days shall come when the Bridegroom shall be taken from them In those days shall they fast Our Saviour Christ like a good Master defendeth the Innocency of his Disciples against the malice of the arrogant Pharisees and proveth that his Disciples are not guilty of transgressing any jot of Gods Law although as then they fasted and in his answer reproveth the Pharisees of Superstition and Ignorance Superstition because they put a Religion in their doings and ascribed holiness to the outward work wrought not regarding to what end Fasting is ordained Of Ignorance for that they could not discern between time and 〈◊〉 They knew not that there is a time of rejoycing and mirth and 〈…〉 ●tation and mourning which both he teacheth in his answer as shall be touched more largely hereafter when we shall shew what time is most fit to fast in But here beloved let us note that our Saviour Christ in making his answer to their question denied not but confessed that his Disciples fasted not and therefore agreeth to the Pharisees in this as unto a manifest truth that whoso eateth and drinketh fasteth not Fasting then even by Christs assent is a withholding of meat drink and all natural food from the Body for the determined time of Fasting And that it was used in the Primitive Church appeareth most evidently by the Chalcedon Council one of the four first General Councils The Fathers assembled there to the number of 630. considering with themselves how acceptable a thing Fasting is to God when it is used according to his word Again having before their eyes also the great abuses of the same crept into the Church at those days through the negligence of them which should have taught the People the right use thereof and by vain glosses devised of men to reform the said abuses and to restore this so good and godly a work to the true use thereof decreed in that Council that every Person as well in his private as publick Fast should continue all the day without meat and drink till after the Evening Prayer And whosoever did eat or drink before the Evening Prayer was ended should be accounted and reputed not to consider the purity of his Fast This Canon teacheth so evidently how Fasting was used in the Primitive Church as by words it cannot be more plainly expressed Fasting then by the Decree of those six hundred and thirty Fathers grounding their determination in this matter upon the Sacred Scriptures and long continued usage or practice both of the Prophets and other godly Persons before the coming of Christ and also of the Apostles and other devout men in the New Testament is a withholding of meat drink and all natural Food from the Body for the determined time of Fasting Thus much is spoken hitherto to make plain unto you what Fasting is Now hereafter shall be shewed the true and right use of Fasting Good works are not all of one sort For some are of themselves and of their own proper nature always good as to love God above all things to
unto him and are inwardly touched with sorrowfulness of heart bewailing the same in the affliction of our Bodies These are the three ends or right uses of Fasting The first belongeth most properly to private Fasts the other two are common as well to publick Fasts as to private and thus much for the use of Fasting Lord have mercy upon us and give us grace that while we live in this miserable World we may through thy help bring forth this and such other fruits of the Spirit commended and commanded in thy Holy Word to the glory of thy Name and to our comforts that after the race of this wretched life we may live everlastingly with thee in thy Heavenly Kingdom not for the merits and worthiness of our works but for thy mercies sake and the merits of thy dear Son Jesus Christ to whom with thee and the Holy Ghost be all Laud Honour and Glory for ever and ever Amen The Second Part of the Homily of FASTING IN the former Homily beloved was shewed that among the People of the Jews Fasting as it was commanded them from God by Moses was to abstain the whole day from Morning till Night from Meat Drink and all manner of Food that nourisheth the Body and that whoso tasted ought before the Evening on the day appointed to Fasting was accounted among them a breaker of his Fast Which Order though it seem strange to some in these our days because it hath not been so generally used in this Realm of many years past yet that it was so among Gods People I mean the Jews whom before the coming of our Saviour Christ God did vouchsafe to chuse unto himself a peculiar People above all other Nations of the Earth and that our Saviour Christ so understood it and the Apostles after Christs Ascension did so use it was there sufficiently proved by the Testimonies and Examples of the Holy Scriptures as well of the New Testament as of the Old The true use of Fasting was there also shewed In this Second Part of this Homily shall be shewed that no Constitution or Law made by Man for things which of their own proper nature be meer and indifferent can bind the Conscience of Christian men to a perpetual observation and keeping thereof but that the Higher Powers have full liberty to alter and change every such Law and Ordinance either Ecclesiastical or Political when time and place shall require But first an Answer shall be made to a Question that some may make demanding what judgment we ought to have of such abstinences as are appointed by publick Order and Laws made by Princes and by the Authority of the Magistrates upon Policy not respecting any Religion at all in the same As when any Realm in consideration of the maintaining of Fisher-Towns bordering upon the Seas and for the increase of Fisher-men of whom do spring Mariners to go upon the Sea to the furnishing of the Navy of the Realm whereby not only Commodities of other Countries may be transported but also may be a necessary defence to resist the Invasion of the Adversary For the better understanding of this Question it is necessary that we make a difference between the Policies of Princes made for the ordering of their Commonweals in provision of things serving to the most sure defence of their Subjects and Countries and between Ecclesiastical Policies in prescribing such works by which as by secondary means Gods wrath may be pacified and his mercy purchased Positive Laws made by Princes for conservation of their Policy not repugnant unto Gods Law ought of all Christian Subjects with reverence of the Magistrate to be obeyed not only for fear of Punishment but also as the Apostle saith for conscience sake Conscience I say not of the thing which of its own nature is indifferent but of our Obedience which by the Law of God we owe unto the Magistrate as unto Gods Minister By which positive Laws though we Subjects for certain times and days appointed be restrained from some kinds of Meats and Drink which God by his Holy Word hath left free to be taken and used of all men with thanksgiving in all places and at all times yet for that such Laws of Princes and other Magistrates are not made to put Holiness in one kind of Meat and Drink more than another to make one day more holy than another but are grounded meerly upon Policy all Subjects are bound in Conscience to keep them by Gods Commandment who by the Apostle willeth all without exception to submit themselves unto the Authority of the Higher Powers And in this point concerning our Duties which be here dwelling in England environed with the Sea as we be we have great occasion in reason to take the Commodities of the Water which Almighty God by his Divine Providence hath laid so nigh unto us whereby the increase of Victuals upon the Land may the better be spared and cherished to the sooner reducing of Victuals to a more moderate price to the better sustenance of the Poor And doubtless he seemeth to be too dainty an English-man who considering the great Commodities which may ensue will not forbear some piece of his licentious Appetite upon the Ordinance of his Prince with the consent of the Wise of the Realm What good English heart would not wish that the old ancient glory should return to the Realm wherein it hath with great commendations excelled before our days in the furniture of the Navy of the same What will more daunt the Hearts of the Adversaries than to see us well fenced and armed on the Sea as we be reported to be on the Land If the Prince requested our obedience to forbear one day from flesh more than we do and to be be contented with one meal in the same day should not our own Commodity thereby perswade us to subjection But now that two meals be permitted on that day to be used which sometime our Elders in very great numbers in the Realm did use with one only spare meal and that in Fish only shall we think it so great a burthen that is prescribed Furthermore consider the decay of the Towns nigh the Seas which should be most ready by the number of the People there to repulse the Enemy and we which dwell further off upon the Land having them as our Buckler to defend us should be the more in safety If they be our Neighbours why should we not wish them to prosper If they be our defence as nighest at hand to repel the Enemy to keep out the rage of the Seas which else would break in upon our fair Pastures why should we not cherish them Neither do we urge that in the Ecclesiastical Policy prescribing a form of Fasting to humble our selves in the sight of Almighty God that that Order which was used among the Jews and practised by Christs Apostles after his ascension is of such force and necessity that that only ought to be used among
that we might keep our selves undefiled and serve him in Holiness and Righteousness according to his word hath charged in his Scriptures so many as look for the glorious appearing of our Saviour Christ to lead their lives in all Sobriety Modesty Tit●s ● and Temperance Whereby we may learn how necessary it is for every Christian that will not be found unready at the coming of our Saviour Christ to live sober-minded in this present World forasmuch as otherwise being unready he cannot enter with Christ into Glory and being unarmed in this behalf he must needs be in continual danger of that cruel Adversary the roaring Lion against whom the Apostle Peter warneth us to prepare our selves in continual sobriety 1 Pet. 5. that we may resist being stedfast in Faith To the intent therefore that this soberness may be used in all our behaviour it shall be expedient for us to declare unto you how much all kind of excess offendeth the Majesty of Almighty God and how grievously he punisheth the immoderate abuse of those his creatures which he ordaineth to the maintenance of this our needy life as Meats Drinks and Apparel And again to shew the noysom Diseases and great mischiefs that commonly do follow them that inordinately give up themselves to be carried headlong with such pleasures as are joyned either with dainty and over-large fare or else with costly and sumptuous Apparel And first that ye may perceive how detestable and hateful all excess in eating and drinking is before the face of Almighty God ye shall call to mind what is written by St. Paul to the Galatians Galat. 5. where he numbreth Gluttony and Drunkenness among those horrible Crimes with the which as he saith no man should inherit the Kingdom of Heaven He reckoneth them among the deeds of the flesh and coupleth them with Idolatry Whoredom and Murder which are the greatest offences that can be named among men For the first spoileth God of his Honour the second defileth his Holy Temple that is to wit our own Bodies the third maketh us companions of Cain in the slaughter of our brethren and whoso committeth them as St. Paul saith cannot inherit the Kingdom of God Certainly that sin is very odious and lothsom before the face of God which causeth him to turn his favourable countenance so far from us that he should clean bar us out of the doors and disinherit us of his Heavenly Kingdom But he so much abhorreth all beastly Banqueting that by his Son our Saviour Christ in the Gospel he declareth his terrible indignation against all belly-gods in that he pronounceth them accursed saying Luke 6. Wo be to you that are full for ye shall hunger And by the Prophet Isaiah he cryeth out Esai 5. Wo be to you that rise up early to give your selves to drunkenness and set all your mind so on drinking that you sit swilling thereat until it be night The Harp the Lute the Shalm and plenty of Wine are at your Feasts but the works of the Lord ye do not behold neither consider the works of his hands Wo be unto you that are strong to drink wine and are mighty to advance drunkenness Here the Prophet plainly teacheth that Feasting and Banqueting make men forgetful of their Duty towards God when they give themselves to all kinds of pleasures not considering nor regarding the works of the Lord who hath created meats and drinks as St. Paul saith 1 Tim. 4. to be received thankfully of them that believe and know the truth So that the very beholding of these Creatures being the handy work of Almighty God might teach us to use them thankfully as God hath ordained Therefore they are without excuse before God which either filthily feed themselves not respecting the sanctification which is by the Word of God and Prayer or else unthankfully abuse the good Creatures of God by surfeiting and drunkenness forasmuch as Gods Ordinances in his Creatures plainly forbids it They that give themselves therefore to bibbing and banqueting being without all consideration of Gods Judgments are suddenly oppressed in the day of vengeance Therefore Christ saith to his Disciples Luke 21. Take heed to your selves lest at any time your hearts be overcome with surfeiting and drunkenness and cares of his world and so that day come on you unawares Whosoever then will take warning at Christ let him take heed to himself lest his heart being overwhelmed by surfeiting and drowned in drunkenness he be taken unawares with that unthrifty Servant which thinking not on his Masters coming began to smite his fellow-servants and to eat and to drink and to be drunken and being suddenly taken hath his just Reward with unbelieving Hypocrites they that use to drink deeply and to feed at full wallowing themselves in all kind of wickedness are brought asleep in that slumbring forgetfulness of Gods Holy Will and Commandments Therefore Almighty God cryeth by the Prophet Joel Joel 1. Awake ye drunkards weep and howl all ye drinkers of wine because the new wine shall be pulled from your mouth Here the Lord terribly threatneth to withdraw his benefits from such as abuse them and to pull the Cup from the mouth of Drunkards Here we may learn not to sleep in Drunkenness and Surfeiting lest God deprive us of the use of his Creatures when we unkindly abuse them For certainly the Lord our God will not only take away his benefits when they are unthankfully abused but also in his wrath and heavy displeasure take vengeance on such as immoderately abuse them Gen. 3. If our first Parents Adam and Eve had not obeyed their greedy Appetite in eating the forbidden Fruit neither had they lost the fruition of Gods benefits which they then enjoyed in Paradise neither had they brought so many mischiefs both to themselves and to all their Posterity But when they passed the bounds that God appointed them as unworthy of Gods benefits they are expelled and driven out of Paradise they may no longer eat the Fruits of that Garden which by excess they had so much abused As transgressors of Gods Commandment they and their Posterity are brought to a perpetual shame and confusion and as accursed of God they must now sweat for their living which before had abundance at their pleasure Even so if we in eating and drinking exceed when God of his large liberality sendeth plenty he will soon change plenty into scarceness And whereas we gloried in fulness he will make us empty and confound us with penury yea we shall be compelled to labour and travel with pains in seeking for that which we sometime enjoyed at ease Thus the Lord will not leave them unpunished who not regarding his works follow the lusts and appetites of their own hearts The Patriarch Noah 2 Pet. 2. Noah whom the Apostle calleth the Preacher of Righteousness a man exceedingly in Gods favour is in Holy Scripture made an Example whereby we may learn to
by the abundance of Riches let us call to mind what Solomon writeth in the xxi Prov. 21. of his Proverbs He that loveth wine and fat fare shall never be rich saith he And in the xxiii Prov. 23. Chapter he maketh a vehement exhortation on this wise Keep not company with drunkards and gluttons for the glutton and drunkard shall come to poverty He that draweth his Patrimony through his throat and eateth and drinketh more in one hour or in one day than he is able to earn in a whole week must needs be an unthrift and come to beggery But some will say what need any to find fault with this He hurteth no man but himself he is no mans foe but his own Indeed I know this is commonly spoken in defence of these beastly belly-gods but it is easie to see how hurtful they are not only to themselves but also to the Common-wealth by their example Every one that meeteth them is troubled with brawling and contentious language and oft-times raging in beastly lusts like high-fed Horses they neigh on their neighbours wives as Jeremy saith and defile their children and daughters Their example is evil to them among whom they dwell they are an occasion of offence to many and whilst they wast their substance in banqueting their own houshold is not provided of things necessary their Wives and their Children are evilly treated they have not wherewith to relieve their poor Neighbours in time of necessity as they might have if they lived soberly They are unprofitable to the Common-wealth For a drunkard is neither fit to Rule nor to be ruled They are a slander to the Church or Congregation of Christ and therefore St. Paul doth excommunicate them among Whoremongers 1 Cor. 5. Idolaters Covetous Persons and Extortioners forbidding Christians to eat with any such Let us therefore good People eschew every one of us all intemperancy let us love sobriety and moderate diet oft give our selves to abstinency and fasting whereby the mind of man is more lifted up to God more ready to all godly exercises as Prayer hearing and reading Gods Word to his spiritual comfort Finally whosoever regardeth the health and safety of his own Body or wisheth always to be well in his wits or desireth quietness of mind and abhorreth fury and madness he that would be rich and escape poverty he that is willing to live without the hurt of his Neighbour a profitable member of the Common-wealth a Christian without slander of Christ and his Church let him avoid all riotous and excessive banqueting let him learn to keep such measure as behoveth him that professeth true godliness let him follow St. Paul's Rule and so eat and drink to the glory and praise of God who hath created all things to be soberly used with Thanksgiving to whom be all Honour and Glory for ever Amen AN HOMILY AGAINST Excess of Apparel WHereas ye have heretofore been excited and stirred to use temperance of meats drinks and to avoid the excess thereof many ways hurtful to the state of the Common-wealth and so odious before Almighty God being the author and giver of such Creatures to comfort and stablish our frail Nature with thanks unto him and not by abusing of them to provoke his liberality to severe punishing of that disorder In like manner it is convenient that ye be admonished of another foul and chargeable excess I mean of Apparel at these days so gorgeous that neither Almighty God by his Word can stay our proud curiosity in the same neither yet godly and necessary Laws made by our Princes and oft repeated with the Penalties can bridle this detestable abuse whereby b●th God is openly contemned and the Princes Laws manifestly disobeyed to the great peril of the Realm Wherefore that sobriety also in this excess may be espyed among us I shall declare unto you both the moderate use of Apparel approved by God in his Holy Word and also the abuses thereof which he forbiddeth and disalloweth as it may appear by the inconveniencies which daily increase by the just judgment of God where that measure is not kept which he himself hath appointed If we consider the end and purpose whereunto Almighty God hath ordained his Creatures we shall easily perceive that he alloweth us Apparel not only for necessities sake but also for an honest comeliness Even as in Herbs Trees and sundry Fruits we have not only divers necessary uses but also the pleasant sight and sweet smell to delight us withal wherein we may behold the singular love of God towards mankind in that he hath provided both to relieve our necessities and also to refresh our senses with an honest and moderate recreation Therefore David in the hundred and fourth Psalm Psal 104. confessing Gods careful Providence sheweth that God not only provideth things necessary for men as Herbs and other meats but also such things as may rejoyce and comfort as wine to make glad the heart oyls and oyntments to make the face to shine So that they are altogether past the limits of humanity who yielding only to necessity forbid the lawful fruition of Gods benefits With whose traditions we may not be led if we give ear to St. Paul writing to the Colossians Coloss 2. willing them not to hearken unto such men as shall say Touch not Taste not Handle not superstitiously bereaving them of the fruition of Gods Creatures And no less truly ought we to beware lest under pretence of Christian Liberty we take License to do what we list advancing our selves in sumptuous Apparel and despising others preparing our selves in fine bravery to wanton lewd and unchaste behaviour To the avoiding whereof it behoveth us to be mindful of four Lessons 4 L ssons taught in Holy Scripture whereby we shall learn to temper our selves and to restrain our immoderate affections to that meas●re which God hath appointed The first is that we make not provision for the flesh Rom. 13. to accomplish the lusts thereof with costly Apparel as that Harlot did of whom Solomon speaketh Proverbs the seventh Prov. 7. which perfumed her bed and deckt it with costly ornaments of Egypt to the fulfilling of her lewd lust but rather ought we by moderate temperance to cut off all occasions whereby the flesh might get the victory The second is written by St. Paul 1 Cor. 7. in the seventh Chapter of his first Epistle to the Corinths where he teacheth us to use this World as though we used it not Whereby he cutteth away not only all Ambition Pride and vain pomp in Apparel but also all inordinate care and affection which withdraweth us from the contemplation of Heavenly things and consideration of our Duty towards God They that are much occupied in caring for things pertaining to the Body are most commonly negligent and careless in matters concerning the Soul Mat. 6. Therefore our Saviour Christ willeth us not to take thought what we shall
or gold or pearl or precious clothes but as women should do which will express godliness by their good outward works If ye will not keep the Apostles Precepts at the least let us hear what Pagans which were ignorant of Christ have said in this matter Democrates saith The Ornament of a Woman standeth in scarcity of speech and apparel Sophocles saith of such apparel thus It is not an Ornament O thou Fool but a shame and a manifest shew of thy Folly Socrates saith That that is a garnishing to a Woman which declareth out her Honesty The Grecians use it in a Proverb It is not Gold or Pearl which is a beauty to a Woman but good Conditions And Aristotle biddeth that a Woman should use less Apparel than the Law doth suffer For it is not the goodliness of Apparel nor the excellency of Beauty nor the abundance of Gold that maketh a Woman to be esteemed but Modesty and Diligence to live honestly in all things This outragious vanity is now grown so far that there is no shame taken of it We read in Histories that when King Dionysius sent to the Women of Lacedaemon rich Robes they answered and said that they shall do us more shame than honour and therefore refused them The Women in Rome in old time abhorred that gay Apparel which King Pyrrhus sent to them and none were so greedy and vain to accept them And a Law was openly made of the Senate and a long time observed that no Woman should wear over half an Ounce of Gold nor should wear clothes of divers colours But perchance some dainty Dame will say and answer me That they must do something to shew their Birth and Blood to shew their Husbands Riches as though Nobility were chiefly seen by these things which be common to those which be most vile as though thy Husbands Riches were not better bestowed than in such superfluities as though when thou wast christened thou didst not renounce the pride of this World and the pomp of the Flesh I speak not against convenient Apparel for every state agreeable but against the superfluity against the vain delight to covet such Vanities to devise new Fashions to feed thy Pride with to spend so much upon thy Carkass that thou and thy Husband are compelled to rob the Poor to maintain thy costliness Hear how that Noble Holy Woman Queen Hester setteth out these goodly Ornaments as they be called when in respect of saving Gods People she was compelled to put on such glorious Apparel knowing that it was a fit stale to blind the Eyes of carnal Fools Thus she prayed Thou knowest O Lord the necessity which I am driven to to put on this apparel and that I abhor this sign of Pride and of this glory which I bear on my head and that I defie it as a filthy cloth and that I wear it not when I am alone Again by what means was Holophernes deceived by the glittering shew of Apparel which that Holy Woman Judith did put on her not as delighting in them nor seeking vain voluptuous pleasure by them But she ware it of pure necessity by Gods dispensation using this vanity to overcome the vain eyes of Gods Enemy Such desire was in those Noble Women being very loth and unwilling otherwise to wear such sumptuous Apparel by the which others should be caused to forget themselves These be commended in Scripture for abhorring such vanities which by constraint and great necessity against their hearts desire they were compelled to wear them for a time And shall such Women be worthy commendations which neither be comparable with these Women aforesaid in Nobility nor comparable to them in their good zeal to God and his People whose daily delight and seeking is to flourish in such gay shifts and changes never satisfied nor regarding who smarteth for their Apparel so they may come by it O vain men which be subjects to their Wives in these inordinate affections O vain Women to procure so much hurt to themselves by the which they come the sooner to misery in this World and in the mean time be abhorred of God hated and scorned of wise men and in the end like to be joyned with such who in Hell too late repenting themselves shall openly complain with these words What hath our Pride profited us or what profit hath the pomp of Riches brought us All these things are passed away like a shadow As for Vertue we did never shew any sign thereof And thus we are consumed in our wickedness If thou saist that the Custom is to be followed and the use of the World doth compel thee to such curiosity then I ask of thee whose custom should be followed Wise Folks manners or Fools If thou saist the Wise then I say follow them For Fools Customs who should follow but Fools Consider that the Consent of Wise men ought to be alledged for a Custom Now if any lewd Custom be used be thou the first to break it labour to diminish it and lay it down and more laud before God and more commendation shalt thou win by it than by all the glory of such superfluity Thus ye have heard declared unto you what God requireth by his Word concerning the moderate use of his Creatures Let us learn to use them moderately as he hath appointed Almighty God hath taught us to what end and purpose we should use our Apparel Let us therefore learn so to behave our selves in the use thereof as becometh Christians always shewing our selves thankful to our Heavenly Father for his great and merciful benefits who giveth unto us our daily Bread that is to say all things necessary for this our needy life unto whom we shall render accounts for all his benefits at the glorious appearing of our Saviour Christ To whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost be all Honour Praise and Glory for ever and ever Amen AN HOMILY OR SERMON CONCERNING PRAYER THere is nothing in all mans Life well-beloved in our Saviour Christ so needful to be spoken of and daily to be called upon as hearty zealous and Devout Prayer the necessity whereof is so great that without it nothing may be well obtained at Gods hand For as the Apostle James saith Every good and perfect gift cometh from above Rom. 10. and proceedeth from the Father of Lights who is also said to be rich and liberal towards all them that call upon him not because he either will not or cannot give without asking but because he hath appointed Prayer as an ordinary means between him and us Mat. 6. There is no doubt but he always knoweth what we have need of and is always most ready to give abundance of those things that we lack Yet to the intent we might acknowledge him to be the Giver of all good things and behave our selves thankfully towards him in that behalf loving fearing and worshipping him sincerely and truly as we ought to do he hath profitably and
them all other true Christian men to Pray always and never to faint or shrink Remember also the example of the Woman of Canaan Mat 15. how she was rejected of Christ and called Dog as one most unworthy of any benefit at his hands yet she gave not over but followed him still crying and calling upon him to be good and merciful unto her Daughter And at length by very importunity she obtained her request O let us learn by these examples to be earnest and fervent in Prayer assuring our selves that whatsoever we ask of God the Father in the Name of his Son Christ John 16. and according to his will he will undoubtedly grant it He is truth it self and as truly as he hath promised it so truly will he perform it God for his great mercies sake so work in our hearts by his Holy Spirit that we may always make our humble Prayers unto him as we ought to do and always obtain the thing which we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord to whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost be all Honour and Glory World without end Amen The Second Part of the Homily concerning PRAYER IN the First Part of this Sermon ye heard the great necessity and also the great force of devout and earnest Prayer declared and proved unto you both by divers weighty Testimonies and also by sundry good Examples of Holy Scripture Now shall you learn whom you ought to call upon and to whom you ought always to direct your Prayers We are evidently taught in Gods Holy Testament that Almighty God is the only Fountain and Well-spring of all Goodness and that whatsoever we have in this World we receive it only at his hands to this effect serveth the place of St. James James 1. Every good and perfect gift saith he cometh from above and proceedeth from the Father of Lights To this effect also serveth the Testimony of Paul in divers places of his Epistles witnessing that the Spirit of Wisdom the Spirit of Knowledge and Revelation yea every good and heavenly gift as Faith Hope Charity Grace and Peace cometh only and solely of God In consideration whereof he bursteth out into a sudden Passion and saith O man 1 Cor. 4. what thing hast thou which thou hast not received Therefore whensoever we need or lack any thing pertaining either to the Body or to the Soul it behoveth us to run only unto God who is the only giver of all good things Our Saviour Christ in the Gospel teaching his Disciples how they should Pray sendeth them to the Father in his Name saying Verily verily John 16. Matt. 6. Luke 11. I say unto you whatsoever ye ask the Father in my Name he will give it unto you And in another place When ye Pray pray after this sort Our Father which art in Heaven c. And doth not God himself Psal 50. Acts 1. by the mouth of his Prophet David will and command us to call upon him The Apostle wisheth Grace and Peace to all them that call on the Name of the Lord and of his Son Jesus Christ Joel 2. as doth also the Prophet Joel saying And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the Name of the Lord shall be saved Thus then it is plain by the infallible word of Truth and Life that in all our necessities we must flee unto God direct our Prayers unto him call upon his Holy Name desire help at his hands and at none others whereof if we will yet have further reason mark that which followeth There are certain conditions most requisite to be found in every such a one as must be called upon which if they be not found in him unto whom we pray then doth our Prayer avail us nothing but is altogether in vain The first is this that he to whom we make our Prayers be able to help us The second is that he will help us The third is that he be such a one as may hear our Prayers The fourth is that he understand better than we our selves what we lack and how far we have need of help If these things be to be found in any other saving only God then may we lawfully call upon some other besides God But what man is so gross but he well understandeth that these things are only proper to him which is Omnipotent and knoweth all things even the very secrets of the Heart that is to say only and to God alone whereof it followeth that we must call neither upon Angel nor yet upon Saint but only and solely upon God Rom. 10. as St. Paul doth write How shall men call upon him in whom they have not believed So that Invocation or Prayer may not be made without Faith in him on whom they call but that we must first believe in him before we can make our Prayer unto him whereupon we must only and solely Pray unto God For to say that we should believe either in Angel or Saint or in any other living Creature were meer horrible Blasphemy against God and his Holy Word neither ought this Fancy to enter into the Heart of any Christian man because we are expresly taught in the Word of the Lord only to repose our Faith in the Blessed Trinity in whose only Name we are also Baptized according to the express Commandment of our Saviour Jesus Christ Mat. 28. in the last of St. Matthew But that the truth hereof may the better appear even to them that be most simple and unlearned let us consider what Prayer is De spi lit cap. 50. De summo bono cap. 8. lib. 3. St. Augustin calleth it a lifting up of the mind to God that is to say an humble and lowly pouring out of the Heart to God Isidorus saith that it is an affection of the Heart and not a labour of the Lips So that by these places true Prayer doth consist not so much in the outward sound and voice of words as in the inward groaning and crying of the Heart to God Now then is there any Angel any Virgin any Patriarch or Prophet among the dead that can understand or know the meaning of the Heart The Scripture saith Psal 7. Apoc. 2. Jer. 17. 2 Par. 6. It is God that searcheth the Heart and the Reins and that he only knoweth the Hearts of the children of men As for the Saints they have so little knowledge of the secrets of the Heart that many of the ancient Fathers greatly doubt whether they know any thing at all that is commonly done on Earth And albeit some think they do yet St. Augustin Lib. de cura pro mort agenda c. 13. De vera R●l cap. 22. Esay 63. Lib. 22. de civit Dei cap. 10. a Doctor of great Authority and also Antiquity hath this Opinion of them That they know no more what we do on Earth than we know what they do in Heaven For Proof whereof he
shall forthwith pass from death to life If this kind of purgation will not serve them let them never hope to be released by other mens Prayers though they should continue therein unto the Worlds end He that cannot be saved by Faith in Christs Blood how shall he look to be delivered by mans Intercessions Hath God more respect to man on Earth than he hath to Christ in Heaven 1 John 2. If any man sin saith St. John we have an Advocate with the Father even Jesus Christ the righteous and he is the propitiation for our sins But we must take heed that we call upon this Advocate while we have space given us in this life lest when we are once dead there be no hope of Salvation left unto us For as every man sleepeth with his own cause so every man shall rise again with his own cause And look in what state he dieth in the same state he shall be also judged whether it be to Salvation or Damnation Let us not therefore dream either of Purgatory or of Prayer for the Souls of them that be dead but let us earnestly and diligently pray for them which are expresly commanded in Holy Scripture namely for Kings and Rulers for Ministers of Gods Holy Word and Sacraments for the Saints of this World otherwise called the Faithful to be short for all men living be they never so great Enemies to God and his People as Jews Turks Pagans Infidels Hereticks c. Then shall we truly fulfil the Commandment of God in that behalf and plainly declare our selves to be the true Children of our Heavenly Father who suffereth the Sun to shine upon the good and the bad and the rain to fall upon the just and the unjust For which and all other benefits most abundantly bestowed upon mankind from the beginning let us give him hearty thanks as we are most bound and praise his Name for ever and ever Amen AN HOMILY OF THE Place and Time OF PRAYER GOD through his Almighty Power Wisdom and Goodness created in the beginning Heaven and Earth the Sun the Moon the Stars the Fowls of the Air the Beasts of the Earth the Fishes in the Sea and all other Creatures for the use and commodity of Man whom also he had created to his own image and likeness and given him the use and government over them all to the end he should use them in such sort as he had given him in charge and commandment and also that he should declare himself thankful and kind for all those benefits so liberally and so graciously bestowed upon him utterly without any deserving on his behalf And although we ought at all times and in all places to have in remembrance and to be thankful to our gracious Lord according as it is written Psal 103. I will magnifie the Lord at all times And again Wheresoever the Lord beareth rule O my Soul praise the Lord Yet it appeareth to be Gods good will and pleasure that we should at special times and in special places gather our selves together to the intent his Name might be renowned and his glory set forth in the Congregation and Assembly of his Saints As concerning the time which Almighty God hath appointed his People to assemble together solemnly it doth appear by the fourth Commandment of God Remember saith God that thou keep holy the Sabbath Day Upon the which day as is plain in the Acts of the Apostles Acts 13. the People accustomably resorted together and heard diligently the Law and the Prophets read among them And albeit this Commandment of God doth not bind Christian People so straitly to observe and keep the utter Ceremonies of the Sabbath day as it was given unto the Jews as touching the forbearing of work and labour in time of great necessity and as touching the precise keeping of the Seventh day after the manner of the Jews For we keep now the First day which is our Sunday and make that our Sabbath that is our day of Rest in the honour of our Saviour Christ who as upon that day rose from death conquering the same most triumphantly Yet notwithstanding whatsoever is found in the Commandment appertaining to the Law of Nature as a thing most godly most just and needful for the setting forth of Gods glory it ought to be retained and kept of all good Christian People And therefore by this Commandment we ought to have a time as one day in the Week wherein we ought to rest yea from our lawful and needful works For like as it appeareth by this Commandment that no man in the six days ought to be slothful or idle but diligently to labour in that state wherein God hath set him Even so God hath given express charge to all men that upon the Sabbath day which is now our Sunday they should cease from all weekly and work-day labour to the intent that like as God himself wrought six days and rested the seventh and blessed and sanctified it and consecrated it to quietness and rest from labour even so Gods obedient People should use the Sunday holily and rest from their common and daily business and also give themselves wholly to Heavenly Exercises of Gods true Religion and Service So that God doth not only command the observation of this Holy Day but also by his own example doth stir and provoke us to the diligent keeping of the same Good natural Children will not only become obedient to the Commandment of their Parents but also have a diligent Eye to their doings and gladly follow the same So if we will be the Children of our Heavenly Father we must be careful to keep the Christian Sabbath day which is the Sunday not only for that it is Gods express Commandment but also to declare our selves to be loving Children in following the example of our gracious Lord and Father Thus it may plainly appear that Gods Will and Commandment was to have a solemn time and standing day in the Week wherein the People should come together and have in remembrance his wonderful benefits and to render him thanks for them as appertaineth to loving kind and obedient People This Example and Commandment of God the godly Christian People began to follow immediately after the Ascension of our Lord Christ and began to chuse them a standing day of the Week to come together in Yet not the seventh day which the Jews kept but the Lords day the day of the Lords Resurrection the day after the seventh day which is the first day of the Week Of the which day mention is made by St. Paul on this wise 1 Cor. 16. In the first day of the Sabbath let every man lay up what he thinketh good meaning for the Poor By the first day of the Sabbath is meant our Sunday which is the first day after the Jews seventh day And in the Apocalyps it is more plain whereas St. John saith I was in the Spirit upon the Lords
day Apoc. 1. Sithence which time Gods People hath always in all Ages without any gain-saying used to come together upon the Sunday Numb 15. to celebrate and honour the Lords blessed Name and carefully to keep that day in Holy rest and quietness both Man Woman Child Servant and Stranger For the transgression and breach of which day God hath declared himself much to be grieved as it may appear by him who for gathering of sticks on the Sabbath day was stoned to death But alas all these notwithstanding it is lamentable to see the wicked boldness of those that will be counted Gods People who pass nothing at all of keeping and hallowing the Sunday And these People are of two sorts The one sort if they have any business to do though there be no extream need they must not spare for the Sunday they must ride and journey on the Sunday they must drive and carry on the Sunday they must row and ferry on the Sunday they must buy and sell on the Sunday they must keep Markets and Fairs on the Sunday finally they use all days alike Work-days and Holy-days all are one The other sort is worse For although they will not Travel nor Labour on the Sunday as they do on the Week-day yet they will not rest in Holiness as God commandeth but they rest in ungodliness and filthiness prancing in their Pride pranking and pricking pointing and painting themselves to be gorgeous and gay they rest in excess and superfluity in gluttony and drunkenness like Rats and Swine they rest in brawling and railing in quarrelling and fighting they rest in wantonness in toyish talking in filthy fleshliness so that it doth too evidently appear that God is more dishonoured and the Devil better served on the Sunday than upon all the days in the Week besides And I assure you the Beasts which are commanded to rest on the Sunday honour God better than this kind of People For they offend not God they break not their Holy-days Wherefore O ye People of God lay your hands upon your hearts repent and amend this grievous and dangerous wickedness stand in awe of the Commandment of God gladly follow the example of God himself be not disobedient to the godly Order of Christs Church used and kept from the Apostles time until this day Fear the displeasure and just Plagues of Almighty God if ye be negligent and forbear not labouring and travelling on the Sabbath day or Sunday and do not resort together to celebrate and magnifie Gods blessed Name in quiet Holiness and godly Reverence Now concerning the Place where the People of God ought to resort together and where especially they ought to celebrate and sanctifie the Sabbath day that is the Sunday the day of Holy Rest That Place is called Gods Temple or the Church because the Company and Congregation of Gods People which is properly called the Church doth there assemble themselves on the days appointed for such Assemblies and Meetings And forasmuch as Almighty God hath appointed a special time to be honoured in it is very meet godly and also necessary that there should be a Place appointed where these People should meet and resort to serve their gracious God and merciful Father Truth it is the Holy Patriarchs for a great number of years had neither Temple nor Church to resort unto The cause was they were not staid in any place but were in a continual peregrination and wandring that they could not conveniently build any Church But so soon as God had delivered his People from their Enemies and set them in some liberty in the Wilderness he set them up a costly and a curious Tabernacle which was as it were the Parish Church a place to resort unto of the whole multitude a place to have his Sacrifices made in and other Observances and Rites to be used in Furthermore after that God according to the truth of his Promise had placed and quietly setled his People in the Land of Canaan now called Jury he commanded a great and magnificent Temple to be built by King Solomon as seldom the like hath been seen a Temple so decked and adorned so gorgeously garnished as was meet and expedient for People of that time which would be allured and stirred with nothing so much as with such outward goodly gay things This was now the Temple of God endued also with many gifts and sundry promises This was the publick Church and the Mother-Church of all Jury Here was God honoured and served Hither was the whole Realm of all the Israelites bound to come at three Solemn Feasts in the Year to serve their Lord God here But let us proceed further In the time of Christ and his Apostles there were yet no Temples nor Churches for Christian men For why they were always for the most part in persecution vexation and trouble so that there could be no liberty nor licence obtained for that purpose Yet God delighted much that they should often resort together in a place and therefore after his ascension they remained together in an Upper Chamber sometime they entred into the Temple sometime into the Synagogues sometimes they were in Prison sometimes in their Houses sometimes in the Fields c. And this continued so long till the Faith of Christ Jesus began to multiply in a great part of the World Now when divers Realms were established in Gods true Religion and God had given them peace and quietness then began Kings Noble-men and the People also stirred up with a godly zeal and ferventness to build up Temples and Churches whither the People might resort the better to do their Duty towards God and to keep Holy their Sabbath day the day of Rest And to these Temples have the Christians customably used to resort from time to time as unto meet places where they might with common consent praise and magnifie Gods name yielding him thanks for the benefits that he daily poureth upon them both mercifully and abundantly where they might also hear his Holy Word read expounded and preached sincerely and receive his Holy Sacraments ministred unto them duly and purely True it is that the chief and special Temples of God wherein he hath greatest pleasure and most delighteth to dwell are the bodies and minds of true Christians and the chosen People of God according to the Doctrine of Holy Scriptures declared by St. Paul Know ye not saith he that ye be the Temple of God 1 Cor. 3. and that the Spirit of God doth dwell in you The Temple of God is Holy which ye are And again in the same Epistle 1 Cor. 6. Know ye not that your body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost dwelling in you whom you have given you of God and that ye be not your own Yet this notwithstanding God doth allow the material Temple made with Lime and Stone so oft as his People come together into it to praise his Holy Name to be his House and
the place where he hath promised to be present and where he will hear the Prayers of them that call upon him The which thing both Christ and his Apostles with all the rest of the Holy Fathers do sufficiently declare by this That albeit they certainly knew that their Prayers were heard in what place soever they made them though it were in Caves in Woods and in Desarts yet so oft as they could conveniently they resorted to the material Temples there with the rest of the Congregation to joyn in Prayer and true Worship Wherefore dearly beloved you that profess your selves to be Christians and glory in that name disdain not to follow the example of your Master Christ whose Scholars you say you be shew you to be like them whose School-mates you take upon you to be that is the Apostles and Disciples of Christ Lift up pure hands with clean hearts in all places and at all times But do the same in the Temples and Churches upon the Sabbath days also Our godly Predecessors and the ancient Fathers of the Primitive Church spared not their Goods to build Churches no they spared not their Lives in time of Persecution and to hazard their Blood that they might assemble themselves together in Churches And shall we spare a little labour to come to Churches Shall neither their Example nor our Duty nor the Commodities that thereby should come unto us move us If we will declare our selves to have the fear of God if we will shew our selves true Christians if we will be the followers of Christ our Master and of those godly Fathers that have lived before us and now have received the Reward of true and faithful Christians we must both willingly earnestly and reverently come unto the material Churches and Temples to Pray as unto fit places appointed for that use and that upon the Sabbath day as at most convenient time for Gods People to cease from bodily and worldly business to give themselves to Holy Rest and Godly Contemplation pertaining to the Service of Almighty God Whereby we may reconcile our selves to God be partakers of his Holy Sacraments and be devout hearers of his Holy Word so to be established in Faith to Godward in Hope against all Adversity and in Charity toward our Neighbours And thus running our course as good Christian People we may at the last attain the Reward of everlasting Glory through the Merits of our Saviour Jesus Christ To whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost be all Honour and Glory Amen The Second Part of the Homily of the Place and Time of PRAYER IT hath been declared unto you good Christian People in the former Sermon read unto you at what Time and into what Place ye shall come together to praise God Now I intend to set before your Eyes First how zealous and desirous ye ought to be to come to your Church Secondly how sore God is grieved with them that do despise or little regard to come to the Church upon the Holy restful Day It may well appear by the Scriptures that many of the godly Israelites being now in Captivity for their sins among the Babylonians full often wished and desired to be again at Jerusalem And at their return through Gods goodness though many of the People were negligent yet the Fathers were marvellous devout to build up the Temple that Gods People might repair thither to honour him And King David when he was a banished man out of his Countrey out of Jerusalem the Holy City from the Sanctuary from the Holy place and from the Tabernacle of God What desire what ferventness was in him toward that Holy place what wishings and prayers made he to God to be a Dweller in the House of the Lord One thing saith he have I asked of the Lord and this will I still crave that I may resort and have my dwelling in the House of the Lord so long as I live Again O how I joyed when I heard these words We shall go into the Lords House Psal 122. And in other places of the Psalms he declareth for what intent and purpose he hath such a fervent desire to enter into the Temple and Church of the Lord I will fall down saith he and worship in the holy Temple of the Lord. Again Psal 63. I have appeared in thy holy place that I might behold thy might and power that I might behold thy glory and magnificence Finally he saith I will shew forth thy name to my brethren I will praise thee in the midst of the Congregation Why then had David such an earnest desire to the House of God First because there he would worship and honour God Secondly there he would have a contemplation and a sight of the Power and Glory of God Thirdly there he would praise the Name of God with all the Congregation and Company of the People These considerations of this blessed Prophet of God ought to stir up and kindle in us the like earnest desire to resort to the Church especially upon the holy restful days there to do our Duties and to serve God there to call to remembrance how God even of his meer mercy and for the glory of his Name sake worketh mightily to conserve us in Health Wealth and Godliness and mightily preserveth us from the assaults and rages of our fierce and cruel Enemies and there joyfully in the number of his faithful People to praise and magnifie the Lords Holy Name Set before your Eyes also that Ancient Father Simeon of whom the Scripture speaketh thus to his great commendation and an encouragement for us to do the like There was a man at Jerusalem Luke 2. named Simeon a just man fearing God he came by the spirit of God into the Temple and was told by the same spirit that he should not die before he saw the anointed of the Lord. In the Temple his Promise was fulfilled in the Temple he saw Christ and took him in his Arms in the Temple he brake out into the mighty praise of God his Lord. Anna a Prophetess an old Widow departed out of the Temple giving her self to Prayer and Fasting day and night And she coming about the same time was likewise inspired and confessed and spake of the Lord to all them that looked for the Redemption of Israel This blessed Man and this blessed Woman were not disappointed of wonderful Fruit Commodity and Comfort which God sent them by their diligent resorting to Gods Holy Temple Now ye shall hear how grievously God hath been offended with his People for that they passed so little upon his Holy Temple and foulely either despised or abused the same Which thing may plainly appear by the notable Plagues and Punishments which God hath laid upon his People especially in this that he stirred up their Adversaries horribly to beat down and utterly to destroy his Holy Temple with a perpetual desolation Alas how many Churches Countries and Kingdoms of Christian
hand such good things as in the Common-Prayer of the Church are craved let us joyn our selves together in the Place of Common-Prayer and with one voice and one heart beg at our Heavenly Father all those things which he knoweth to be necessary for us I forbid you not private Prayer but I exhort you to esteem Common-Prayer as it is worthy And before all things be sure that in all these three sorts of Prayer your minds be devoutly lifted up to God else are your Prayers to no purpose and this saying shall be verified in you This people honoureth me with their lips Esay 29. Matt. 15. but their heart is far from me Thus much for the three sorts of Prayer whereof we read in the Scriptures Now with like or rather more brevity you shall hear how many Sacraments there be that were instituted by our Saviour Christ and are to be continued and received of every Christian in due time and order and for such purpose as our Saviour Christ willed them to be received And as for the number of them if they should be considered according to the exact signification of a Sacrament namely for the visible signs expresly commanded in the New Testament whereunto is annexed the promise of free forgiveness of our sins and of our holiness and joyning in Christ there be but two namely Baptism and the Supper of the Lord. For although Absolution hath the promise of forgiveness of sin yet by the express word of the New Testament it hath not this promise annexed and tied to the visible sign which is imposition of hands For this visible sign I mean laying on of hands is not expresly commanded in the New Testament to be used in Absolution as the visible signs in Baptism and the Lords Supper are and therefore Absolution is no such Sacrament as Baptism and the Communion are And though the ordering of Ministers hath this visible sign and promise yet it lacks the promise of remission of sin as all other Sacraments besides the two above-named do Therefore neither it nor any other Sacrament else be such Sacraments as Baptism and the Communion are But in a general acception the name of a Sacrament may be attributed to any thing whereby an holy thing is signified In which understanding of the Word the ancient Writers have given this name not only to the other five commonly of late years taken and used for supplying the number of the seven Sacraments but also to divers and sundry other Ceremonies as to Oyl washing of Feet and such like not meaning thereby to repute them as Sacraments in the same signification that the two fore-named Sacraments are And therefore St. Augustine weighing the true signification Dionysius Bernard de caena Domini ablut pedum and the exact meaning of the word writing to Januarius and also in the third Book of Christian Doctrine affirmeth that the Sacraments of the Christians as they are most excellent in signification so are they most few in number and in both places maketh mention expresly of two the Sacrament of Baptism and the Supper of the Lord. And although there are retained by the Order of the Church of England besides these two certain other Rites and Ceremonies about the institutions of Ministers in the Church Matrimony Confirmation of the Children by examining them of their knowledge in the Articles of the Faith and joyning thereto the Prayers of the Church for them and likewise for the Visitation of the Sick yet no man ought to take these for Sacraments in such signification and meaning as the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lords Supper are but either for godly states of life necessary in Christs Church and therefore worthy to be set forth by publick action and solemnity by the Ministry of the Church or else judged to be such Ordinances as may make for the Instruction Comfort and Edification of Christs Church Now understanding sufficiently what Prayer is and what a Sacrament is also and how many sorts of Prayers there be and how many Sacraments of our Saviour Christs institution let us see whether the Scriptures and examples of the Primitive Church will allow any vocal Prayer that is when the mouth uttereth the Petitions with voice or any manner of Sacrament or other publick or common Rite or Action pertaining to the profit and edifying of the unlearned to be ministred in a Tongue unknown or not understood of the Minister or People yea and whether any Person may privately use any Vocal Prayer in a Language that he himself understandeth not To this question we must answer No. And first of Common-Prayer and Administration of Sacraments Although Reason if it might Rule would soon perswade us to have our Common-Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments in a known Tongue both for that to pray commonly is for a multitude to ask one and the self-same thing with one voice and one consent of mind and to administer a Sacrament is by the outward Word and Element to preach to the receiver the inward and invisible grace of God and also for that both these Exercises were first instituted and are still continued to the end that the Congregation of Christ might from time to time be put in remembrance of their Unity in Christ and that as Members all of one Body they ought both in Prayers and otherwise to seek and desire one anothers commodity and not their own without others Yet shall we not need to flee to Reasons and Proofs in this matter sith we have both the plain and manifest words of the Scripture and also the consent of the most learned and ancient Writers to commend the Prayers of the Congregation in a known Tongue First Paul to the Corinthians saith 1 Cor. 14. Let all things be done to edifying Which cannot be unless Common Prayers and Administration of Sacraments be in a Tongue known to the People For where the Prayers spoken by the Minister and the words in the Administration of the Sacraments be not understood of them that be present they cannot thereby be edified For as when the Trumpet that is blown in the Field giveth an uncertain sound no man is thereby stirred up to prepare himself to the Fight And as when an Instrument of Musick maketh no distinct sound no man can tell what is piped Even so when Prayers or Administration of Sacraments shall be in a Tongue unknown to the hearers which of them shall be thereby stirred up to lift up his mind to God and to beg with the Minister at Gods hand those things which in the words of his Prayers the Minister asketh Or who shall in the ministration of the Sacraments understand what invisible grace is to be craved of the Hearer to be wrought in the inward man Truly no man at all For saith St. Paul He that speaketh in a Tongue unknown shall be to the Hearer an Aliant which in a Christian Congregation is a great absurdity For we are not
strangers one to another Ephes 2. 1 Cor. 10. and 12. but we are the Citizens of the Saints and of the houshold of God yea and members of one body And therefore whiles our Minister is in rehearsing the Prayer that is made in the name of us all we must give diligent ears to the words spoken by him and in heart beg at Gods hand those things that he beggeth in words And to signifie that we do so we say Amen at the end of the Prayer that he maketh in the name of us all And this thing can we not do for edification unless we understand what is spoken Therefore it is required of necessity that the Common-Prayer be had in a Tongue that the Hearers do understand If ever it had been tolerable to use strange Tongues in the Congregations the same might have been in the time of Paul and the other Apostles when they were miraculously endued with gifts of Tongues For it might then have perswaded some to embrace the Gospel when they had heard men that were Hebrews born and unlearned speak the Greek the Latine and other Languages But Paul thought it not tolerable then And shall we use it now when no man cometh by that knowledge of Tongues otherwise than by diligent and earnest study God forbid For we should by that means bring all our Church-exercises to frivolous Superstition and make them altogether unfruitful Luke writeth Acts 4. that when Peter and John were discharged by the Princes and High-Priests of Jerusalem they came to their fellows and told them all that the Princes of the Priests and Elders had spoken to them Which when they heard they lifted up their voice together to God with one assent and said Lord thou art he that hast made Heaven and Earth the Sea and all things that are in them c. Thus could they not have done if they had prayed in a strange Tongue that they had not understood And no doubt of it they did not all speak with several voices but some one of them spake in the name of them all and the rest giving diligent ear to his words consented thereunto and therefore it is said that they lifted up their voice together St. Luke saith not Their voices as many but their voice as one That one voice therefore was in such Language as they all understood otherwise they could not have lifted it up with the consent of their hearts For no man can give consent of the thing that he knoweth not As touching the Times before the coming of Christ there was never man yet that would affirm that either the People of God or other had their Prayers or Administrations of the Sacraments or Sacrifices in a Tongue that they themselves understood not As for the time since Christ till that usurped Power of Rome began to spread it self and to inforce all the Nations of Europe to have the Romish Language in admiration it appeareth by the consent of the most Ancient and Learned Writers that there was no strange or unknown Tongue used in the Congregation of Christians Justinus Apol. 2. Justinus Martyr who lived about 160 years after Christ saith thus of the Administration of the Lords Supper in his time Vpon the Sunday Assemblies are made both of them that dwell in Cities and of them that dwell in the Countrey also Amongst whom as much as may be the Writings of the Apostles and Prophets were read Afterwards when the Reader doth cease the chief Minister maketh an Exhortation exhorting them to follow honest things After this we rise all together and offer Prayers which being ended as we have said Bread and Wine and Water are brought forth Then the head Minister offereth Prayers and Thanksgiving with all his power and the People answer Amen These words with their circumstances being duly considered do declare plainly that not only the Scriptures were read in a known Tongue but also that Prayer was made in the same in the Congregations of Justin's time Basilius Magnus and Johannes Chrysostomus did in their time prescribe publick Orders of publick Administration which they call Liturgies and in them they appointed the People to answer to the Prayers of the Minister sometime Amen sometime Lord have mercy upon us sometime And with thy Spirit and We have our hearts lifted up unto the Lord c. Which answers the People could not have made in due time if the Prayers had not been in a Tongue that they understood The same Basil writing to the Clergy of Neocaesarea Epist 63. saith thus of his usage in Common-Prayer appointing one to begin the Song the rest follow and so with divers Songs and Prayers passing over the Night at the dawning of the Day all together even as it were with one Mouth and one Heart they sing unto the Lord a Song of Confession every man framing unto himself meet words of Repentance In another place he saith If the Sea be fair how is not the Assembly of the Congregation much more fair in which a joyned sound of Men Women and Children as it were of the waves beating on the shore is sent forth in our Prayers unto our God Mark his words B●sil Rom. 4. A joyned sound saith he of Men Women and Children Which cannot be unless they all understand the Tongue wherein the Prayer is said And Chrysostom upon the words of Paul saith So soon as the People hear these words World without end 1 Cor. 14. they all do forthwith answer Amen This could they not do unless they understood the word spoken by the Priest Dionysius saith Dionys Cyprian Ser. 6. de orat dominica that Hymns were said of the whole multitude of People in the Administration of the Communion Cyprian saith The Priest doth prepare the minds of the Brethren with a Preface before the Prayer saying Lift up your hearts That whiles the People doth answer We have our hearts lifted up to the Lord they be admonished that they ought to think on none other thing than the Lord. St. Ambrose writing upon the words of St. Paul saith This is it that he saith 1 Cor. 14. because he which speaketh in an unknown Tongue speaketh to God for he knoweth all things but men know not and therefore there is no profit of this thing And again upon these words If thou bless or give thanks with the spirit how shall he that occupieth the room of the unlearned say Amen at thy giving of thanks seeing he understandeth not what thou sayest This is saith Ambrose if thou speak the praise of God in a Tongue unknown to the Hearers For the unlearned hearing that which he understandeth not knoweth not the end of the Prayer and answereth not Amen which word is as much to say as truth that the blessing of thanksgiving may be confirmed For the confirmation of the Prayer is fulfilled by them that do answer Amen that all things spoken might be confirmed in the minds of the
Hearers through the testimony of the truth And after many weighty words to the same end he saith The conclusion is this that nothing should be done in the Church in vain and that this thing ought chiefly to be laboured for that the unlearned also might take profit lest any part of the Body should be dark through Ignorance And lest any man should think all this to be meant of Preaching and not of Prayer he taketh occasion of these words of St. Paul If there be not an Interpreter let him keep silence in the Church to say as followeth Let him Pray secretly or speak to God who heareth all things that be dumb For in the Church must he speak that may profit all Persons St. Hierom writing upon these words of St. Paul 1 Cor. 14. How shall he that supplieth the place of the unlearned c. saith It is the Lay-man whom Paul understandeth here to be in the place of the ignorant man which hath no Ecclesiastical Office How shall he answer Amen to the prayer that he understandeth not And a little after upon the words of St Paul For if I should pray in a Tongue c. he saith thus This is Paul's meaning If any man speak in strange and unknown Tongues his mind is made unfruitful not to himself but to the Hearer For whatsoever is spoken he knoweth it not Psal 18. St. Augustine writing upon the xviii Psalm saith What this should be we ought to understand that we may sing with reason of Man and not with chattering of Birds For Owls Popinjays Ravens Pies and other such like Birds are taught by men to prate they know not what but to sing with understanding is given by Gods Holy Will to the Nature of Man Again the same Augustine saith De Magist There needeth no speech when we Pray saving perhaps as the Priests do for to declare their meaning not that God but that Men may hear them And so being put in remembrance by consenting with the Priest they may ●ang upon God Thus are we taught both by the Scripture and Ancient Doctors that in the Administration of Common-Prayer and Sacraments no Tongue unknown to the Hearers ought to be used So that for the satisfying of a Christian mans Conscience we need to spend no more time in this matter But yet to stop the mouths of the Adversaries which stay themselves much upon General Decrees it shall be good to add to these Testimonies of Scriptures and Doctors one Constitution made by Justinian the Emperor who lived five hundred twenty and seven years after Christ and was Emperor of Rome The Constitution is this No●el constit 23. We command that all Bishops and Priests do celebrate the Holy Oblation and the Prayers used in Holy Baptism not speaking low but with a clear or loud voice which may be heard of the people that thereby the mind of the Hearers may be stirred up with great Devotion in uttering the Prayers of the Lord God for so the Holy Apostle teacheth in his first Epistle to the Corinthians saying Truly if thou only bless or give thanks in spirit how doth he that occupieth the place of the unlearned say Amen at thy giving thanks unto God for he understandeth not what thou sayest Thou verily givest thanks well but the other is not edified And again in the Epistle to the Romans he saith With the heart a man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation Therefore for these causes it is convenient that among other Prayers those things also which are spoken in the Holy Oblation be uttered and spoken of the most Religious Bishops and Priests unto our Lord Jesus Christ our God with the Father and the Holy Ghost with a loud voice And let the most Religious Priests know this that if they neglect any of these things that they shall give an account for them in the dreadful judgment of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. Neither will we when we know it rest and leave it unrevenged This Emperor as Sabellicus writeth favoured the Bishop of Rome and yet we see how plain a Decree he maketh for Praying and Administring of Sacraments in a known Tongue that the Devotion of the Hearers might be stirred up by knowledge contrary to the judgment of them that would have Ignorance to make Devotion He maketh it also a matter of Damnation to do these things in a Tongue that the Hearers understand not Let us therefore conclude with God and all good mens assent that no Common-Prayer or Sacraments ought to be ministred in a Tongue that is not understood of the Hearers Now a word or two of private Prayer in an unknown Tongue We took in hand where we began to speak of this matter not only to prove that no Common-Prayer or Administration of Sacraments ought to be in a Tongue unknown to the Hearers but also that no Person ought to Pray privately in that Tongue that he himself understandeth not Which thing shall not be hard to prove if we forget not what Prayer is For if Prayer be that Devotion of the Mind which enforceth the Heart to lift up it self to God how should it be said that that Person prayeth that understandeth not the words that his Tongue speaketh in Prayer Yea how can it be said that he speaketh For to speak is by voice to utter the thought of the mind And the voice that a man uttereth in speaking is nothing else but the Messenger of the mind to bring abroad the knowledge of that which otherwise lieth secret in the heart and cannot be known according to that which St. Paul writeth 1 Cor. 2. What man saith he knoweth the things that appertain to man saving only the spirit of man which is in man He therefore that doth not understand the voices that his Tongue doth utter cannot properly be said to speak but rather to counterfeit as Parats and such other Birds use to counterfeit mens voices No man therefore that feareth to provoke the wrath of God against himself will be so bold to speak of God unadvisedly without regard of reverent understanding in his presence but he will prepare his Heart before he presume to speak unto God And therefore in our Common-Prayer the Minister doth often-times say Let us pray meaning thereby to admonish the People that they should prepare their Ears to hear what he should crave at Gods hand and their Hearts to consent to the same and their Tongues to say Amen at the end thereof On this sort did the Prophet David prepare his Heart when he said Psal 57. My heart is ready O my God my heart is ready I will sing and declare a Psalm The Jews also when in the time of Judith they did with all their heart pray God to visit his People of Israel had so prepared their hearts before they began to pray 2 Par. 3. After this sort had Manasses prepared
his heart before he prayed and said And now O Lord do I bow the knees of my heart asking of thee part of thy merciful kindness When the Heart is thus prepared the voice uttered from the Heart is harmonious in the ears of God otherwise he regardeth it not to accept it But forasmuch as the Person that so bableth his words without sense in the presence of God sheweth himself not to regard the Majesty of him that he speaketh to He taketh him as a contemner of his Almighty Majesty and giveth ●im ●is Reward among Hypocrites which make an outward shew of Holiness but their hearts are full of abominable thoughts even in the time of their Prayers For it is the Heart that the Lord looketh upon 1 Reg. 16. as it is written in the History of Kings If we therefore will that our Prayers be not abominable before God let us so prepare our hearts before we pray and so understand the things that we ask when we pray that both our hearts and voices may together sound in the ears of Gods Majesty and then we shall not fail to receive at his hand the things that we ask as good men which have been before us did and so have from time to time received that which for their Souls health they did at any time desire De Catechi●●ndis rudibus St. Augustine seemeth to bear in this matter For he saith thus of them which being brought up in Grammar and Rhetorick are converted to Christ and so must be instructed in Christian Religion Let them know also saith he that it is not the voice but the affection of the mind that cometh to the ears of God And so shall it come to pass that if haply they shall mark that some Bishops or Ministers in the Church do call upon God either with barbarous words or with words disordered or that they understand not or do disorderly divide the words that they pronounce they shall not laugh them to scorn Hitherto he seemeth to bear with Praying in an unknown Tongue But in the next sentence he openeth his mind thus Not for that these things ought not to be amended that the People may say Amen to that which they do plainly understand But yet these godly things must be born withal of these Catechists or Instructors of the Faith that they may learn that as in the Common Place where matters are pleaded the goodness of an Oration consisteth in sound so in the Church it consisteth in Devotion So that he alloweth not the praying in a Tongue not understood of him that prayeth But he instructeth the skilful Orator to bear with the rude Tongue of the devout simple Minister To conclude If the lack of understanding the words that are spoken in the Congregation do make them unfruitful to the Hearers how should not the same make the words read unfruitful to the Reader The merciful goodness of God grant us his grace to call upon him as we ought to do to his glory and our endless felicity which we shall do if we humble our selves in his sight and in all our Prayers both common and private have our minds fully fixed upon him Ecclus. 35. For the prayer of them that humble themselves shall pierce through the Clouds and till it draw nigh unto God it will not be answered and till the Most High do regard it it will not depart And the Lord will not be slack but he will deliver the Just and execute Judgment To him therefore be all Honour and Glory for ever and ever Amen AN INFORMATION For them which take Offence at certain places of the Holy Scripture The First Part. THE great utility and profit that Christian Men and Women may take if they will by hearing and reading the Holy Scriptures Dearly beloved no heart can sufficiently conceive much less is my tongue able with words to express Wherefore Satan our Enemy seeing the Scriptures to be the very mean and right way to bring the People to the true knowledge of God and that Christian Religion is greatly furthered by diligent hearing and reading of them he also perceiving what an hindrance and let they be to him and his Kingdom doth what he can to drive the reading of them out of Gods Church And for that end he hath always stirred up in one place or other cruel Tyrants sharp Persecutors and extream Enemies unto God and his Infallible Truth to pull with violence the Holy Bibles out of the Peoples hands and have most spitefully destroyed and consumed the same to Ashes in the Fire pretending most untruly that the much hearing and reading of Gods Word is an occasion of Heresie and carnal Liberty and the overthrow of all good Order in all well ordered Common-weals If to know God aright be an occasion of evil then we must needs grant that the hearing and reading of the Holy Scriptures is the cause of Heresie carnal Liberty and the subversion of all good Orders But the knowledge of God and of our selves is so far from being an occasion of evil that it is the readiest yea the only means to bridle carnal Liberty and to kill all our fleshly Affections And the ordinary way to attain this knowledge is with diligence to hear and read the Holy Scriptures For the whole Scriptures saith St. Paul were given by the inspiration of God 2 Tim. 3. And shall we Christian men think to learn the knowledge of God and of our selves in any earthly mans work or Writing sooner or better than in the Holy Scriptures written by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost The Scriptures were not brought unto us by the will of man but holy men of God as witnesseth St. Peter spake as they were moved by the holy spirit of God ● Pet. 1. The Holy Ghost is the School-master of Truth which leadeth his Scholars as our Saviour saith of him into all Truth John 16. And whoso is not led and taught by this School-master cannot but fall into deep Error how godly soever his pretence is what Knowledge and Learning soever he hath of all other Works and Writings or how fair soever a shew or face of truth he hath in the estimation and judgment of the World If some man will say I would have a true pattern and a perfect description of an upright life approved in the sight of God can we find think ye any better or any such again as Christ Jesus is and his Doctrine is whose vertuous conversation and godly life the Scripture so lively painteth and setteth forth before our Eyes that we beholding that Pattern might shape and frame our lives as nigh as may be agreeable to the perfection of the same 1 Cor. 11. 1 John 2. Follow you me saith St. Paul as I follow Christ And St. John in his Epistle saith Whoso abideth in Christ must walk even so as he hath walked before him And where shall we learn the order of Christs life but
beloved of God and wrapt in spirit with an ardent zeal to Gods glory He spake not of a private hatred and in a stomach against their Persons but wished spiritually the destruction of such corrupt Errors and Vices which reigned in all devilish Persons set against God He was of like mind as St. Paul was when he did deliver Hymeneus and Alexander with the notorious Fornicator to Satan to their Temporal confusion that their Spirit might be saved against the day of the Lord. And when David did profess in some places that he hated the wicked yet in other places of his Psalms he professeth that he hated them with a perfect hate not with a malicious hate to the hurt of the Soul Which perfection of spirit because it cannot be performed in us so corrupted in affections as we be we ought not to use in our private causes the like words in form for that we cannot fulfil the like words in sense Let us not therefore be offended but search out the reason of such words before we be offended that we may the more reverently judge of such sayings though strange to our carnal Understandings yet to them that be spiritually minded judged to be zealously and godly pronounced God therefore for his mercies sake vouchsafe to purifie our minds through Faith in his Son Jesus Christ and to instill the Heavenly drops of his grace into our hard stony hearts to supple the same that we be not contemners and deriders of his Infallible Word but that with all humbleness of mind and Christian reverence we may endeavour our selves to hear and to read his sacred Scriptures and inwardly so to digest them as shall be to the comfort of our Souls sanctification of his Holy Name To whom with the Son and the Holy Ghost three Persons and one living God be all Land Honour and Praise for ever and ever Amen AN HOMILY OF Alms-Deeds and Mercifulness towards the Poor and Needy AMongst the manifold Duties that Almighty God requireth of his Faithful Servants the true Christians by the which he would that both his Name should be glorified and the certainty of their Vocation declared there is none that is either more acceptable unto him or more profitable for them than are the Works of Mercy and Pity shewed upon the Poor which be afflicted with any kind of misery And yet this notwithstanding such is the slothful sluggishness of our dull Nature to that which is good and godly that we are almost in nothing more negligent and less careful than we are therein It is therefore a very ncessary thing that Gods People should awake their sleepy minds and consider their Duty on this behalf And meet it is that all true Christians should desirously seek and learn what God by his Holy Word doth herein require of them that first knowing their Duty whereof many by their slackness seem to be very ignorant they may afterwards diligently endeavour to perform the same By the which both the godly charitable Persons may be encouraged to go forwards and continue in their merciful Deeds of Alms-giving to the Poor and also such as hitherto have either neglected or contemned it may yet now at length when they shall hear how much it appertaineth to them advisedly consider it and vertuously apply themselves thereunto And to the intent that every one of you may the better understand that which is taught and also easilier bear away and so take more fruit of that shall be said when several matters are severally handled I mind particularly and in this order to speak and intreat of these points First I will shew how earnestly Almighty God in his Holy Word doth exact the doing of Alms-Deeds of us and how acceptable they be unto him Secondly how profitable it is for us to use them and what commodity and fruit they will bring unto us Thirdly and lastly I will shew out of Gods Word that whoso is liberal to the Poor and relieveth them plenteously shall notwithstanding have sufficient for himself and evermore be without danger of penury and scarcity Concerning the first which is the acceptation and dignity or price of Alms-Deeds before God Know this that to help and succour the Poor in their need and misery pleaseth God so much that as the Holy Scripture in sundry places recordeth nothing can be more thankfully taken or accepted of God For first we read that Almighty God doth account that to be given and to be bestowed upon himself that that is bestowed upon the Poor For so doth the Holy Ghost testifie unto us by the Wise Man saying He that hath pity upon the Poor Prov. 19. lendeth unto the Lord himself And Christ in the Gospel avoucheth and as a most certain truth bindeth it with an Oath that the Alms bestowed upon the Poor was bestowed upon him and so shall be reckoned at the last day For thus he saith to the charitable Alms-givers when he sitteth as Judge in the doom to give sentence of every man according to his deserts Mat. 25. Verily I say unto you whatsoever good and merciful deed you did upon any of the least of these my brethren ye did the same unto me In relieving their hunger ye relieved mine in quenching their thirst ye quenched mine in clothing them ye clothed me and when ye harboured them ye lodged me also when ye visited them being sick in Prison ye visited me For as he that hath received a Princes Embassadors and entertaineth them well doth honour the Prince from whom those Embassadors do come So he that receiveth the Poor and Needy and helpeth them in their affliction and distress doth thereby receive and honour Christ their Master who as he was poor and needy himself whilest he lived here amongst us to work the Mystery of our Salvation at his departure hence he promised in his stead to send unto us those that were Poor by whose means his absence should be supplied and therefore that we would do unto him we must do unto them And for this cause doth the Almighty God say unto Moses The Land wherein you dwell Deut. 15. shall never be without poor men because he would have continual trial of his People whether they loved him or no that in shewing themselves obedient unto his will they might certainly assure themselves of his love and favour towards them and nothing doubt but that as his Law and Ordinance wherein he commanded them that they should open their hand unto their brethren that were poor and needy in the Land were accepted of them and willingly performed So he would on his part lovingly accept them and truly perform his promises that he had made unto them The Holy Apostles and Disciples of Christ who by reason of his daily conversation saw by his Deeds and heard in his Doctrine how much he tendred the Poor the godly Fathers also that were both before and since Christ indued without doubt with the Holy Ghost and most
certainly certified of Gods Holy Will they both do most earnestly exhort us and in all their writings almost continually admonish us that we would remember the Poor and bestow our charitable Alms upon them St. Paul crieth unto us after this sort Comfort the feeble minded 1 Thess 5. lift up the weak and be charitable towards all men And again To do good to the poor Hebr. 13. and to distribute alms gladly see that thou do not forget for with such sacrifices God is pleased Esay 58. Esay the Prophet teacheth on this wise Deal thy bread to the hungry and bring the poor wandring home to thy house When thou seest the naked see thou clothe him and hide not thy face from thy poor neighbour neither despise thou thine own flesh And the Holy Father Toby giveth this counsel Tob. 4. Give alms saith he of thine own goods and turn never thy face from the poor eat thy bread with the hungry and cover the naked with thy clothes And the learned and godly Doctor Chrysostom giveth admonition Ad pop A●tioch Hom. 35. Let merciful Alms be always with us as a Garment that is as mindful as we will be to put our garments upon us to cover our nakedness to defend us from the cold and to shew our selves comely So mindful let us be at all times and seasons that we give Alms to the Poor and shew our selves merciful towards them But what mean these often admonitions and earnest exhortations of the Prophets Apostles Fathers and holy Doctors Surely as they were faithful to God-ward and therefore discharged their Duty truly in telling us what was Gods Will so of a singular love to us-ward they laboured not only to inform us but also to perswade us that to give Alms and to succour the poor and needy was a very acceptable thing and an high Sacrifice to God wherein he greatly delighted and had a singular pleasure For so doth the Wise Man the Son of Syrach teach us saying Ecclus. 33. Whoso is merciful and giveth alms he offereth the right thank-offering And he addeth thereunto The right thank-offering maketh the Altar fat and a sweet smell it is before the Highest it is acceptable before God and shall never be forgotten And the truth of this Doctrine is verified by the examples of those holy and charitable Fathers of whom we read in the Scriptures that they were given to merciful compassion towards the Poor and charitable relieving of their necessities Such a one was Abraham in whom God had so great pleasure that he vouchsafed to come unto him in form of an Angel and to be entertained of him at his House Such was his kinsman Lot whom God so favoured for receiving his Messengers into his House which otherwise should have lien in the street that he saved him with his whole Family from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrha Such were the Holy Fathers Job and Toby with many others who felt most sensible proofs of Gods special love towards them And as all these by their mercifulness and tender compassion which they shewed to the miserable afflicted Members of Christ in the relieving helping and succouring them with their Temporal Goods in this life obtained Gods favour and were dear acceptable and pleasant in his sight so now they themselves take pleasure in the fruition of God in the pleasant joys of Heaven and are also in Gods eternal Word set before us as perfect examples ever before our eyes both how we shall please God in this mortal life and also how we may come to live in joy with them in everlasting pleasure and felicity For most true is that saying which Augustine hath that the giving of Alms and relieving of the Poor is the right way to Heaven Via Coeli pauper est The Poor man saith he is the way to Heaven They used in times past to set in High-ways sides the Picture of Mercury pointing with his finger which was the right way to the Town And we use in cross-ways to set up a wooden or stone Cross to admonish the travelling man which way he must turn when he cometh thither to direct his Journey aright But Gods Word as St. Augustine saith hath set in the way to Heaven the Poor Man and his House so that whoso will go aright thither and not turn out of the way must go by the poor The poor man is that Mercury that shall set us the ready way and if we look well to this mark we shall not wander much out of the right path The manner of wise worldly men amongst us is that if they know a man of a meaner Estate than themselves to be in favour with the Prince or any other Noble-man whom they either fear or love such a one they will be glad to benefit and pleasure that when they have need they may become their Spokesman either to obtain a commodity or to escape a displeasure Now surely it ought to be a shame to us that worldly men for temporal things that last but for a season should be more wise and provident in procuring them than we in heavenly Our Saviour Christ testifieth of poor men that they are dear unto him and that he loveth them especially For he calleth them his little ones by a name of tender love he saith they be his brethren And St. James saith that God hath chosen them to be the Heirs of his Kingdom James ● Hath not God saith he chosen the poor of this World to himself to make them hereafter the rich heirs of that Kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him And we know that the Prayer which they make for us shall be acceptable and regarded of God their complaint shall be heard also Thereof doth Jesus the Son of Syrach certainly assure us saying Ecclus. 4. If the poor complain of thee in the bitterness of his soul his prayer shall be heard even he that made him shall hear him Be courteous therefore unto the Poor We know also that he who acknowledgeth himself to be their Master and Patron and refuseth not to take them for his Servants is both able to pleasure and displeasure us and that we stand every hour in need of his help Why should we then be either negligent or unwilling to procure their friendship and favour by the which also we may be assured to get his favour that is both able and willing to do us all pleasures that are for our commodity and wealth Christ doth declare by this how much he accepteth our charitable affection toward the Poor in that he promiseth a reward unto them that give but a cup of cold water in his name to them that have need thereof and that reward is the Kingdom of Heaven No doubt is it therefore that God regardeth highly that which he rewardeth so liberally For he that promiseth a Princely recompence for a beggerly benevolence declareth that he is more delighted with
the giving than with the gift and that he as much esteemeth the doing of the thing as the fruit and commodity that cometh of it Whoso therefore hath hitherto neglected to give Alms let him know that God now requireth it of him and he that hath been liberal to the Poor let him know that his godly doings are accepted and thankfully taken at Gods hands which he will requite with double and treble For so saith the Wise man He which sheweth mercy to the poor doth lay his money in bank to the Lord for a large interest and gain the gain being chiefly the possession of the life everlasting through the merits of our Saviour Jesus Christ To whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost be all Honour and Glory for ever Amen The Second Part of the Sermon of Alms-deeds YE have heard before Dearly Beloved that to give Alms unto the Poor and to help them in time of necessity is so acceptable unto our Saviour Christ that he counteth that to be done to himself that we do for his sake unto them Ye have heard also how earnestly both the Apostles Prophets Holy Fathers and Doctors do exhort us unto the same And ye see how wel-beloved and dear unto God they were whom the Scriptures report unto us to have been good Alms-men Wherefore if either their good examples or the wholsom counsel of godly Fathers or the love of Christ whose especial favour we may be assured by this means to obtain may move us or do any thing at all with us let us provide us that from henceforth we shew unto God-ward this thankful service to be mindful and ready to help them that be poor and in misery Now will I this second time that I entreat of Alms-deeds shew unto you how profitable it is for us to exercise them and what fruit thereby shall arise unto us if we do them faithfully Our Saviour Christ in the Gospel teacheth us that it profiteth a man nothing to have in possession all the riches of the whole World and the wealth or glory thereof if in the mean season he lose his Soul or do that thing whereby it should become captive unto death sin and hell-fire By the which saying he not only instructeth us how much the souls health is to be preferred before worldly commodities but it also serveth to stir up our minds and to prick us forwards to seek diligently and learn by what means we may preserve and keep our souls ever in safety that is how we may recover our health if it be lost or impaired and how it may be defended and maintained if once we have it Yea he teacheth us also thereby to esteem that as a precious Medicine and an inestimable Jewel that hath such strength and vertue in it that can either procure or preserve so incomparable a treasure For if we greatly regard that Medicine or Salve that is able to heal sundry and grievous Diseases of the Body much more will we esteem that which hath like power over the Soul And because we might be better assured both to know and to have in readiness that so profitable a Remedy he as a most faithful and loving Teacher sheweth himself both what it is and where we may find it and how we may use and apply it For when both he and his Disciples were grievously accused of the Pharisees to have defiled their souls in breaking the constitutions of the Elders because they went to meat and washed not their hands before according to the custom of the Jews Christ answering their superstitious complaint teacheth them an especial remedy how to keep clean their souls notwithstanding the breach of such superstitious Orders Luke 11. Give Alms saith he and behold all things are clean unto you He teacheth them that to be merciful and charitable in helping the Poor is the means to keep the Soul pure and clean in the sight of God We are taught therefore by this that merciful Alms-dealing is profitable to purge the Soul from the infection and filthy spots of sin The same Lesson doth the Holy Ghost also teach in sundry places of the Scripture Tobit 4. saying Mercifulness and Alms-giving purgeth from all sins and delivereth from death and suffereth not the soul to come into darkness A great confidence may they have before the high God that shew mercy and compassion to them that are afflicted The wise Preacher the Son of Syrach confimeth the same Ecclus 5. when he saith That as water quencheth burning fire even so mercy and alms resisteth and reconcileth sins And sure it is that mercifulness quaileth the heat of sin so much that they shall not take hold upon man to hurt him or if ye have by any infirmity or weakness been touched and annoyed with them straightways shall mercifulness wipe and wash away as salves and remedies to heal their sores and grievous diseases And thereupon that Holy Father Cyprian taketh good occasion to exhort earnestly to the merciful works of giving Alms and helping the Poor and there he admonisheth to consider how wholsom and profitable it is to relieve the needy and help the afflicted by the which we may purge our sins and heal our wounded souls But yet some will say unto me If Alms-giving and our charitable works towards the Poor be able to wash away sins to reconcile us to God to deliver us from the peril of damnation and makes us the Sons and Heirs of Gods Kingdom then are Christs merits defaced and his blood shed in vain then are we justified by Works and by our Deeds may we merit Heaven then do we in vain believe that Christ died for to put away our sins and that he rose for our justification as St. Paul teacheth But ye shall understand Dearly Beloved that neither those places of the Scripture before alledged neither the Doctrine of the blessed Martyr Cyprian neither any other godly and learned man when they in extolling the dignity profit fruit and effect of vertuous and liberal Alms do say that it washeth away sins and bringeth us to the favour of God do mean that our work and charitable deed is the original cause of our acception before God or that for the digninity or worthiness thereof our sins may be washed away and we purged and cleansed of all the spots of our iniquity for that were indeed to deface Christ and to defraud him of his glory But they mean this and this is the understanding of those and such like sayings that God of his mercy and special favour towards them whom he hath appointed to everlasting salvation hath so offered his grace especially and they have so received it fruitfully that although by reason of their sinful living outwardly they seemed before to have been the Children of Wrath and Perdition yet now the Spirit of God mightily working in them unto obedience to Gods Will and Commandments they declare by their outward deeds and life in the shewing of
matter of truth and certainty we will not give credit to the truth testifying unto that which is most certain Christ saith That if we will first seek the Kingdom of God and do the works of righteousness thereof we shall not be left destitute all other things shall be given to us plenteously Nay say we I will first look that I be able to live my self and be sure that I have enough for me and mine and if I have any thing over I will bestow it to get Gods favour and the Poor shall then have part with me See I pray you the perverse judgment of men we have more care to nourish the Carcass than we have fear to see our Soul perish Sermon de Eleemosyna And as Cyprian saith whilest we stand in doubt lest our Goods fail in being over-liberal we put it out of doubt that our life and health faileth in not being liberal at all Whiles we are careful for diminishing of our stock we are altogether careless to diminish our selves We love Mammon and lose our Souls We fear lest our Patrimony should perish from us but we fear not lest we should perish for it Thus do we perversly love that which we should hate and hate that which we should love we be negligent where we should be careful and careful where we need not Thus vain fear to lack our selves if we give to the Poor is much like the fear of Children and Fools which when they see the bright glimmering of a Glass they do imagine straightway that it is the Lightning and yet the brightness of a Glass never was the Lightning Even so when we imagine that by spending upon the Poor a man may come to Poverty we are cast into a vain fear for we never heard or knew that by that means any man came to misery and was left destitute and not considered of God Nay we read to the contrary in the Scripture as I have before shewed and as by infinite Testimonies and Examples may be proved that whosoever serveth God faithfully and unfeignedly in any Vocation God will not suffer him to decay much less to perish The Holy Ghost teacheth us by Solomon Prov. 17. that the Lord will not suffer the Soul of the righteous to perish for hunger And therefore David saith unto all them that are merciful O fear the Lord ye that be his Saints for they that fear him lack nothing The Lions do lack and suffer hunger but they which seek the Lord shall want no manner of thing that is good When Elias was in the Desart 3 Kings 17. God fed him by the ministry of a Raven that Evening and Morning brought him sufficient Victuals When Daniel was shut up in the Lions Den God prepared Meat for him and sent it thither to him And there was the saying of David fulfilled The Lions do lack and suffer hunger but they which seek the Lord shall want no good thing For while the Lions which should have been fed with his flesh rored for hunger and desire of their Prey whereof they had no power although it were present before them he in the mean time was fresh fed from God that should with his flesh have filled the Lions So mightily doth God work to preserve and maintain those whom he loveth so careful is he also to feed them who in any state or vocation do unfeignedly serve him And shall we now think that he will be unmindful of us if we be obedient to his Word and according to his Will have pity on the Poor He giveth us all wealth before we do any service for it and will he see us lack necessaries when we do him true service Can a man think that he that feedeth Christ can be forsaken of Christ and left without food Or will Christ deny earthly things unto them whom he promiseth Heavenly things for his true service It cannot be therefore Dear Brethren that by giving of Alms we should at any time want our selves or that we which relieve other mens need should our selves be oppressed with penury It is contrary to Gods Word it repugneth with his Promise it is against Christs property and nature to suffer it it is the crafty surmise of the Devil to perswade us it Wherefore stick not to give Alms freely and trust notwithstanding that Gods goodness will minister unto us sufficiency and plenty so long as we shall live in this transitory life and after our days here well spent in his service and the love of our brethren we shall be crowned with everlasting glory to reign with Christ our Saviour in Heaven to whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost be all Honour and Glory for ever Amen AN HOMILY OR SERMON CONCERNING The Nativity and Birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ AMong all the Creatures that God made in the beginning of the World most excellent and wonderful in their kind there was none as the Scripture beareth witness to be compared almost in any point unto Man who as well in Body as Soul exceeded all other no less than the Sun in brightness and light exceedeth every small and little Star in the Firmament He was made according to the Image and similitude of God he was endued with all kind of Heavenly gifts he had no spot of uncleanness in him he was sound and perfect in all parts both outwardly and inwardly his Reason was uncorrupt his Understanding was pure and good his Will was obedient and godly he was made altogether like unto God in Righteousness and Holiness in Wisdom in Truth to be short in all kind of perfection When he was thus created and made Almighty God in token of his great love towards him chose out a special place of the Earth for him namely Paradise where he lived in all tranquillity and pleasure having great abundance of worldly goods and lacking nothing that he might justly require or desire to have For as it is said God made him Lord and Ruler over all the Works of his hands that he should have under his feet all Sheep and Oxen Psal 2. all Beasts of the Field all Fowls of the Air all Fishes of the Sea and use them always at his own pleasure according as be should have need Was not this a mirrour of perfection Was not this a full perfect and blessed estate Could any thing else be well added hereunto or greater felicity desired in this World But as the common nature of all men is in time of Prosperity and Wealth to forget not only themselves but also God Even so did this first man Adam who having but one Commandment at Gods hand namely that he should not eat of the Fruit of Knowledge of Good and Ill did notwithstanding most unmindfully or rather most wilfully break it in forgetting the straight charge of his Maker and giving ear to the crafty suggestion of that wicked Serpent the Devil Whereby it came to pass that as before he was blessed so
poor Pilgrim and meek soul riding upon an Ass but like a valiant and mighty King in great Royalty and Honour Not as Christ did with a few Fishermen and men of small estimation in the World but with a great Army of strong men with a great train of Wise and Noble men as Knights Lords Earls Dukes Princes and so forth Neither do they think that their Messias shall slanderously suffer death as Christ did but that he shall stoutly conquer and manfully subdue all his Enemies and finally obtain such a Kingdom on Earth as never was seen from the beginning While they feign unto themselves after this sort a Messias of their own brain they deceive themselves and account Christ as an abject and scorn of the World Therefore Christ crucified as St. Paul saith is unto the Jews a stumbling-block and to the Gentiles foolishness because they think it an absurd thing and contrary to all reason that a Redeemer and Saviour of the whole World should be handled after such a sort as he was namely scorned reviled scourged condemned and last of all cruelly hanged This I say seemed in their eyes strange and most absurd and therefore neither they would at that time neither will they as yet acknowledge Christ to be their Messi●s and Saviour But we dearly beloved that hope and look to be saved must both stedfastly believe and also boldly confess that the same Jesus which was born of the Virgin Mary was the true Messias and Mediator between God and Man promised and prophesied of so long before For as the Apostle writeth With the heart man believeth unto righteousness Rom. 10. and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation Again in the same place Whosoever believeth in him shall never be ashamed nor confounded Whereto also agreeth the testimony of St. John written in the fourth Chapter of his first general Epistle on this wise Whosoever confesseth that Jesus is the Son of God he dwelleth in God and God in him There is no doubt but in this point all Christian men are fully and perfectly perswaded Yet shall it not be a lost labour to instruct and furnish you with a few places concerning this matter that ye may be able to stop the blasphemous mouths of all them that most Jewishly or rather devilishly shall at any time go about to teach or maintain the contrary First ye have the witness and testimony of the Angel Gabriel declared as well to Zachary the High-Priest as also to the blessed Virgin Secondly ye have the witness and testimony of John the Baptist pointing unto Christ and saying Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the World Thirdly ye have the witness and testimony of God the Father who thundred from Heaven and said This is my dearly beloved Son in whom I am well pleased hear him Fourthly ye have the witness and testimony of the Holy Ghost which came down from Heaven in manner of a Dove and lighted upon him in time of his Baptism To these might be added a great number more namely the witness and testimony of the Wise Men that came to Herod the witness and testimony of Simeon and Anna the witness and testimony of Andrew and Philip Nathaniel and Peter Nicodemus and Martha with divers other But it were too long to repeat all and a few places are sufficient in so plain a matter specially among them that are already perswaded Therefore if the privy Imps of Antichrist and crafty Instruments of the Devil shall attempt or go about to withdraw you from this true Messias and perswade you to look for another that is not yet come let them not in any case seduce you but confirm your selves with these and such other testimonies of Holy Scripture which are so sure and certain that all the Devils in Hell shall never be able to withstand them For as truly as God liveth so truly was Jesus Christ the true Messias and Saviour of the World even the same Jesus which as this day was born of the Virgin Mary without all help of man only by the power and operation of the Holy Ghost Concerning whose nature and substance because divers and sundry Heresies are risen in these our days through the motion and suggestion of Satan therefore it shall be needful and profitable for your instruction to speak a word or two also of this part We are evidently taught in the Scripture that our Lord and Saviour Christ consisteth of two several natures of his manhood being thereby perfect man and of his Godhead being thereby perfect God John 1. Rom. 8. It is written The Word that is to say the second Person in Trinity became flesh God sending his own Son in the similitude of sinful flesh fulfilled those things which the Law could not Phil. 2. Christ being in form of God took on him the form of a servant and was made like unto man being found in shape as a man 1 Tim. 3. God was shewed in Flesh justified in Spirit seen of Angels preached to the Gentiles believed on in the World and received up in glory Also in another place There is one God and one Mediator between God and man even the Man Jesus Christ These be plain places for the proof and declaration of both Natures united and knit together in one Christ Let us diligently consider and weigh the works that he did whiles he lived on Earth and we shall thereby also perceive the self-same thing to be most true In that he did hunger and thirst eat and drink sleep and wake in that he preached his Gospel to the People in that he wept and sorrowed for Jerusalem in that he paid Tribute for himself and Peter in that he died and suffered death what other things did he else declare but only this that he was perfect man as we are For which cause he is called in Holy Scripture sometime the Son of David sometime the Son of Man sometime the Son of Mary sometime the Son of Joseph and so forth Now in that he forgave Sins in that he wrought Miracles in that he did cast out Devils in that he healed men with his only Word in that he knew the thoughts of mens Hearts in that he had the Seas at his Commandment in that he walked on the Water in that he rose from Death to Life in that he ascended into Heaven and so forth What other thing did he shew therein but only that he was perfect God coequal with the Father as touching his Deity Therefore he saith The Father and I are all one which is to be understood of his Godhead For as touching his Manhood he saith The Father is greater than I am Where are now those Marcionites that deny Christ to have been born in the flesh or to have been perfect man Where are now those Arians which deny Christ to have been perfect God of equal substance with the Father If there be any such we may easily
sent down from Heaven unto us the Holy Ghost nor that he sitteth on the right hand of his Heavenly Father having the Rule of Heaven and Earth Psal 17. reigning as the Prophet saith from Sea to Sea nor that he should after this World be the Judge as well of the living as of the dead to give reward to the good and judgment to the evil That these Links therefore of our Faith should all hang together in stedfast establishment and confirmation it pleased our Saviour not straitway to withdraw himself from the bodily presence and sight of his Disciples but he chose out forty days wherein he would declare unto them by manifold and most strong arguments and tokens that he had conquered Death and that he was also truly risen again to life He began saith Luke at Moses and all the Prophets Luke 24. and expounded unto them the Prophesies that were written in all the Scriptures of him to the intent to confirm the truth of his Resurrection long before spoken of which he verified indeed as it is declared very apparently and manifestly by his oft appearance to sundry Persons at sundry times First Mat 28. he sent his Angels to the Sepulcher who did shew unto certain Women the empty Grave saying that the burial-linen remained therein And by these signs were these Women fully instructed that he was risen again and so did they testifie it openly After this Jesus himself appeared to Mary Magdalen John 20. and after that to certain other Women and strait afterward he appeared to Peter then to the two Disciples which were going to Emmaus 1 Cor. 15. He appeared to the Disciples also as they were gathered together for fear of the Jews the door shut Luke 24. John 21. At another time he was seen at the Sea of Tiberias of Peter and Thomas and of other Disciples when they were fishing He was seen of more than five hundred brethren in the Mount of Galilee where Jesus appointed them to be by his Angel when he said Behold he shall go before you into Galilee there shall ye see him as he hath said unto you After this he appeared unto James and last of all he was visibly seen of all the Apostles Acts 1. at such time as he was taken up into Heaven Thus at sundry times he shewed himself after he was risen again to confirm and stablish this Article And in these revelations sometime he shewed them his Hands his Feet and his Side and bad them touch him that they should not take him for a Ghost or a Spirit Sometime he also did eat with them but ever he was talking with them of the everlasting Kingdom of God to assure the truth of his Resurrection Luke 24. For then be opened their understanding that they might perceive the Scriptures and said unto them Thus it is written and thus it behoved Christ to suffer and to ris● from death the third day and that there should be preached openly in his name pardon and remission of sins to all the Nations of the World Ye see good Christian People how necessary this Article of our Faith is seeing it was proved of Christ himself by such evident reasons and tokens by so long time and space Now therefore as our Saviour was diligent for our comfort and instruction to declare it so let us be as ready in our belief to receive it to our comfort and instruction As he died not for himself no more did he rise again for himself ● Cor. 15. He was dead saith St. Paul for our sins and rose again for our justification O most comfortable word evermore to be born in remembrance He died saith he to put away sin he rose again to endow us with righteousness His death took away sin and malediction his death was the Ransom of them both his death destroyed death and overcame the Devil which had the power of death in his subjection his death destroyed Hell with all the damnation thereof Thus is Death swallowed up by Christs Victory thus is Hell spoiled for ever If any man doubt of this Victory let Christs glorious Resurrection declare him the thing If Death could not keep Christ under his dominion and power but that he rose again it is manifest that his power was overcome If Death be conquered then must it follow that sin wherefore death was appointed as the wages must be also destroyed If Death and Sin be vanished away then is the Devil's Tyranny vanished which had the power of Death and was the author and brewer of sin and the ruler of Hell If Christ had the victory of them all by the power of his death and openly proved it by his most victorious and valiant Resurrection as it was not possible for his great might to be subdued of them and it is true that Christ died for our sins and rose again for our justification Why may not we that be his Members by true Faith rejoyce and boldly say with the Prophet Hosea and the Apostle Paul Where is thy Dart O Death Where is thy Victory O Hell Thanks be unto God say they which hath given us the Victory by our Lord Jesus Christ This mighty Conquest of his Resurrection was not only signified before by divers figures of the Old Testament as by Samson when he slew the Lion out of whose mouth came sweetness and honey and as David bare his figure when he delivered the Lamb out of the Lions mouth 1 Reg. 17. and when he overcame and slew the great Giant Goliath and as when Jonas was swallowed up in the Whales mouth Jonas 1. and cast up again on land alive but was also most clearly prophesied by the Prophets of the Old Testament and in the New also confirmed by the Apostles He hath spoiled saith St. Paul Rule and Power Col. 2. and all the Dominion of our spiritual enemies He hath made a shew of them openly and hath triumphed over them in his own person This is the mighty power of the Lord whom we believe on By his Death hath he wrought for us this Victory and by his Resurrection hath he purchased Everlasting Life and Righteousness for us It had not been enough to be delivered by his Death from sin except by his Resurrection we had been endowed with righteousness And it should not avail us to be delivered from death except he had risen again to open for us the Gates of Heaven to enter into life everlasting And therefore St. Peter thanketh God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for his abundant mercy 1 Pet. 1. because he hath begotten us saith he unto a lively hope by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from death to enjoy an inheritance immortal that never shall perish which is laid up in Heaven for them that be kept by the power of God through Faith Thus hath his Resurrection wrought for us life and righteousness He passed through Death and
16. The place appointed for the observation thereof was Jerusalem where was great recourse of People from all parts of the World as may well appear in the second Chapter of the Acts wherein mention is made of Parthians Medes Elamites Inhabiters of Mesopotamia Inhabiters of Jury Cappadocia Pontus Asia Phrygia Pamphilia and divers other such places whereby we may also partly gather what great and Royal Solemnity was commonly used in that Feast Now as this was given in commandment to the Jews in the Old Law so did our Saviour Christ as it were confirm the same in the time of the Gospel 1 Cor. 10. ordaining after a sort a new Pentecost for his Disciples namely When he sent down the Holy Ghost visibly in form of cloven Tongues like Fire and gave them power to speak in such sort that every one might hear them and also understand them in his own Language Which Miracle that it might be had in perpetual remembrance the Church hath thought good to solemnize and keep holy this day commonly called Whitsunday And here is to be noted that as the Law was given to the Jews in the Mount Sinai the fiftieth day after Easter so was the Preaching of the Gospel through the mighty power of the Holy Ghost given to the Apostles in the Mount Sion the fiftieth day after Easter And hereof this Feast hath his name to be called Pentecost even of the number of the days For as St. Luke writeth in the Acts of the Apostles when fifty days were come to an end the Disciples being all together with one accord in one place the Holy Ghost came suddenly among them and sat upon each of them like as it had been cloven Tongues of Fire Which thing was undoubtedly done to teach the Apostles and all other Men that it is he which giveth eloquence and utterance in Preaching the Gospel that it is he which openeth the mouth to declare the mighty Works of God that it is he which engendreth a burning zeal towards Gods Word and giveth all Men a Tongue yea a fiery Tongue so that they may boldly and chearfully profess the truth in the Face of the whole World as Isaiah was endued with this Spirit Esay 50. The Lord saith Isaiah give me a learned and a skilful Tongue so that I might know to raise up them that are fallen with the Word The Prophet David crieth to have this gift Psal 50. saying Open thou my lips O Lord and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise For our Saviour Christ also in the Gospel saith to his Disciples Mat. 10. It is not you that speak but the Spirit of your Father which is within you All which testimonies of Holy Scripture do sufficiently declare that the Mystery in the Tongues betokeneth the Preaching of the Gospel and the open confession of the Christian Faith in all them that are possessed with the Holy Ghost So that if any Man be a dumb Christian not professing his Faith openly but cloaking and colouring himself for fear of danger in time to come he giveth Men occasion justly and with good Conscience to doubt lest he have not the Grace of the Holy Ghost within him because he is Tongue-tied and doth not speak Thus then have ye heard the first institution of this Feast of Pentecost or Whitsuntide as well in the Old Law among the Jews as also in the time of the Gospel among the Christians Now let us consider what the Holy Ghost is and how consequently he worketh his miraculous Works towards Mankind The Holy Ghost is a spiritual and divine Substance the third Person in the Deity distinct from the Father and the Son and yet proceeding from them both which thing to be true both the Creed of Athanasius beareth witness and may be also easily proved by most plain Testimonies of Gods Holy Word Mat. 3. When Christ was Baptized of John in the River Jordan we read that the Holy Ghost came down in form of a Dove and that the Father thundred from Heaven saying This is my dear and well beloved Son in whom I am well pleased Where note three divers and distinct Persons the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost which all notwithstanding are not three Gods but one God Likewise when Christ did first institute and ordain the Sacrament of Baptism he sent his Disciples into the whole World willing them to Baptize all Nations Mat. 28. In the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost And in another place he saith I will pray unto my Father and he shall give you another Comforter Again John 4. John 2. When the Comforter shall come whom I will send from my Father c. These and such other places of the New Testament do so plainly and evidently confirm the distinction of the Holy Ghost from the other Persons in the Trinity that no Man possibly can doubt thereof unless he will blaspheme the everlasting truth of Gods Word As for his proper Nature and Substance it is altogether one with God the Father and God the Son that is to say Spiritual Eternal Uncreated Incomprehensible Almighty to be short he is even God and Lord everlasting Therefore he is called the Spirit of the Father therefore he is said to proceed from the Father and the Son and therefore he was equally joyned with them in the Commission that the Apostles had to Baptize all Nations But that this may appear more sensibly to the Eyes of all Men it shall be requisite to come to the other part namely to the wonderful and heavenly Works of the Holy Ghost which plainly declare unto the World his mighty and divine Power First It is evident that he did wonderfully govern and direct the Hearts of the Patriarchs and Prophets in old time illuminating their Minds with the knowledge of the true Messias and giving them utterance to Prophesie of things that should come to pass long time after 2 Pet. 1. For as St. Peter witnesseth the Prophesie came not in old time by the will of Man but the holy Men of God spake as they were moved inwardly by the Holy Ghost And of Zachary the high Priest it is said in the Gospel Luke 1. That he being full of the Holy Ghost Prophesied and praised God So did also Simeon Anna Mary and divers other to the great wonder and admiration of all Men. Moreover was not the Holy Ghost a mighty worker in the Conception and the Nativity of Christ our Saviour St. Matthew saith Mat. 1. that the blessed Virgin was found with Child of the Holy Ghost before Joseph and she came together And the Angel Gabriel did expresly tell her Luke 1. that it should come to pass saying The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the Power of the most High shall over-shadow thee A marvellous matter that a Woman should conceive and bear a Child without the knowledge of Man But where the Holy Ghost worketh there
nothing is impossible as may further also appear by the inward Regeneration and Sanctification of Mankind When Christ said to Nicodemus Unless a Man be born a-new of Water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God he was greatly amazed in his mind and began to reason with Christ demanding how a Man might be born which was old John 3. Can he enter saith he into his Mothers Womb again and so be born anew Behold a lively pattern of a fleshly and carnal Man He had little or no intelligence of the Holy Ghost and therefore he goeth bluntly to work and asketh how this thing were possible to be true whereas otherwise if he had known the great power of the Holy Ghost in this behalf that it is he which inwardly worketh the Regeneration and New Birth of Mankind he would never have marvelled at Christs words but would rather take occasion thereby to praise and glorifie God For as there are three several and sundry Persons in the Deity so have they three several and sundry Offices proper unto each of them The Father to Create the Son to Redeem the Holy Ghost to Sanctifie and Regenerate Whereof the last the more it is hid from our understanding the more it ought to move all Men to wonder at the secret and mighty working of Gods Holy Spirit which is within us For it is the Holy Ghost and no other thing that doth quicken the Minds of Men stirring up good and godly Motions in their Hearts which are agreeable to the Will and Commandment of God such as otherwise of their own crooked and perverse Nature they should never have John 5. That which is born of the Spirit is Spirit As who should say Man of his own Nature is fleshly and carnal corrupt and naught sinful and disobedient to God without any spark of goodness in him without any vertuous or godly Motion only given to evil Thoughts and wicked Deeds As for the Works of the Spirit the Fruits of Faith charitable and godly Motions if he have any at all in him they proceed only of the Holy Ghost who is the only worker of our Sanctification and maketh us new Men in Christ Jesus Did not Gods holy Spirit miraculously work in the Child David when of a poor Shepherd he became a Princely Prophet 1 Sam. 17. Mat. 9. Did not Gods Holy Spirit miraculously work in Matthew sitting at the receit of Custom when of a proud Publican he became an humble and lowly Evangelist And who can choose but marvel to consider that Peter should become of a simple Fisher a chief and mighty Apostle Paul of a cruel and bloody Persecutor a faithful Disciple of Christ to teach the Gentiles Such is the power of the Holy Ghost to Regenerate Men and as it were to bring them forth anew so that they shall be nothing like the Men that they were before Neither doth he think it sufficient inwardly to work the Spiritual and New Birth of Man unless he do also dwell and abide in him 1 Cor. 3. Know ye not saith St. Paul that ye are the Temple of God and that his Spirit dwelleth in you Know ye not that your Bodies are the Temples of the Holy Ghost which is within you Again he saith You are not in the Flesh but in the Spirit For why Rom. 8. 1 John 2 the Spirit of God dwelleth in you To this agreeth the Doctrin of St. John writing on this wise The Anointing which ye have received he meaneth the Holy Ghost dwelleth in you And the Doctrin of Peter saith the same 1 Pet. 4. who hath these words The Spirit of Glory and of God resteth upon you O what comfort is this to the heart of a true Christian to think that the Holy Ghost dwelleth within him Rom. 5. If God be with us as the Apostle saith who can be against us O but how shall I know that the Holy Ghost is within me Some Man perchance will say forsooth As the Tree is known by his Fruit so is also the Holy Ghost The Fruits of the Holy Ghost according to the mind of St. Paul are these Love Joy Peace long Suffering Gentleness Goodness Gal. 5. Faithfulness Meekness Temperance c. Contrariwise the Deeds of the Flesh are these Adultery Fornication Uncleanness Wantonness Idolatry Witchcraft Hatred Debate Emulation Wrath Contention Sedition Heresie Envy Murder Drunkenness Gluttony and such like Here is now that Glass wherein thou must behold thy self and discern whether thou have the Holy Ghost within thee or the Spirit of the Flesh If thou see that thy Works be vertuous and good consonant to the prescript Rule of Gods Word favouring and tasting not of the Flesh but of the Spirit then assure thy self that thou art endued with the Holy Ghost otherwise in thinking well of thy self thou dost nothing else but deceive thy self The Holy Ghost doth always declare himself by his fruitful and gracious gifts namely by the word of Wisdom by the word of Knowledge which is the understanding of the Scriptures by Faith 1 Cor. 12. in doing of Miracles by healing them that are Diseased by Prophesie which is the Declaration of Gods Mysteries by discerning of Spirits diversities of Tongues interpretation of Tongues and so forth All which gifts as they proceed from one Spirit and are severally given to Man according to the measurable distribution of the Holy Ghost even so do they bring Men and not without good cause into a wonderful admiration of Gods divine Power Who will not marvel at that which is written in the Acts of the Apostles Acts 5. to hear their bold confession before the Council at Jerusalem And to consider that they went away with joy and gladness rejoycing that they were worthy to suffer Rebukes and Checks for the Name and Faith of Christ Jesus This was the mighty work of the Holy Ghost who because he giveth patience and joyfulness of heart in Temptation and Affliction hath therefore worthily obtained this name in Holy Scripture to be called a Comforter Who will not also marvel to read the learned and heavenly Sermons of Peter and the Disciples considering that they were never brought up in School of Learning but called even from their Nets to supply the Rooms of Apostles This was likewise the mighty work of the Holy Ghost John 14. who because he doth instruct the hearts of the simple in the true knowledge of God and his Word is most justly termed by this name and title to be the Spirit of Truth Lib. 11. cap. 3. Eusebius in his Ecclesiastical History cap. 3. telleth a strange Story of a certain learned and subtil Philosopher who being an extream adversary to Christ and his Doctrin could by no kind of Learning be converted to the Faith but was able to withstand all the Arguments that could be brought against him with little or no labor At length there started up a poor
simple Man of small wit and less knowledge one that was reputed among the Learned as an Ideot and he on Gods name would needs take in hand to dispute with this proud Philosopher The Bishops and other learned Men standing by were marvellously abashed at the matter thinking that by his doings they should be all confounded and put to open shame He notwithstanding goeth on and beginning in the Name of the Lord Jesus brought the Philosopher to such Point in the end contrary to all Mens expectation that he could not chuse but acknowledge the power of God in his Words and to give place to the Truth Was not this a miraculous Work that one silly Soul of no Learning should do that which many Bishops of great knowledge and understanding were never able to bring to pass So true is the saying of Bede Where the Holy Ghost doth instruct and teach there is no delay at all in learning Much more might here be spoken of the manifold gifts and graces of the Holy Ghost most excellent and wonderful in our eyes but to make a long Discourse through all the shortness of time will not serve And seeing ye have heard the chiefest ye may easily conceive and judge of the rest Now were it expedient to discuss this Question Whether all they which boast and brag that they have the Holy Ghost do truly challenge this unto themselves or no Which doubt because it is necessary and profitable shall God willing be dissolved in the next Part of this Homily In the mean season let us as we are most bound give hearty thanks to God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ for sending down his Comforter into the World humbly beseeching him so to work in our Hearts by the power of this Holy Spirit that we being Regenerate and newly Born again in all Goodness Righteousness Sobriety and Truth may in the end be made partakers of everlasting Life in his Heavenly Kingdom through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour Amen The Second Part of the Homily concerning the HOLY GHOST disso●●●●● 〈◊〉 doubt Whether all Men ri●htly 〈…〉 themselves the HOLY GHOST or no ●ohn 14. ●5 OUr Saviour Christ departing out of the World unto his Father promised his Disciples to send down another Comforter that should continue with them for ever and direct them into all truth Which thing to be faithfully and truly performed the Scriptures do sufficiently bear witness Neither must we think that this Comforter was either promised or else given only to the Apostles but also to the Universal Church of Christ dispersed through the whole World For unless the Holy Ghost had been always present governing and preserving the Church from the beginning it could never have sustained so many and great brunts of Affliction and Persecution with so little damage and harm as it hath And the words of Christ are most plain in this behalf saying John 24. Mat. 21. That the Spirit of truth should abide with them for ever that he would be with them always he meaneth by Grace Vertue and Power even to the Worlds end Also in the Prayer that he made to his Father a little before his death he maketh intercession not only for himself and his Apostles but indifferently for all them that should believe in him through their words John 17. Rom. 8 that is to wit for his whole Church Again St. Paul saith If any Man have not the Spirit of Christ the same is not his Also in the words following Ibidem We have received the Spirit of Adoption whereby we cry Abba Father Hereby then it is evident and plain to all Men that the Holy Ghost was given not only to the Apostles but also to the whole Body of Christs Congregation although not in like form and majesty as he came down at the Feast of Pentecost But now herein standeth the Controversie Whether all Men do justly arrogate to themselves the Holy Ghost or no The Bishops of Rome have for along time made a sore Challenge thereunto reasoning with themselves after this sort The Holy Ghost say they was promised to the Church and never forsaketh the Church But we are the chief Heads and the principal part of the Church therefore we have the Holy Ghost for ever and whatsoever things we decree are undoubted Verities and Oracles of the Holy Ghost That ye may perceive the weakness of this Argument it is needful to teach you First What the true Church of Christ is and then to confer the Church of Rome therewith to discern how well they agree together The true Church is an Universal Congregation or Fellowship of Gods faithful and elect People built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Ephes 2. Jesus Christ himself being the head Corner-stone And it hath always three Notes or Marks whereby it is known Pure and Sound Doctrin the Sacraments Ministred according to Christs holy Institution and the right use of Ecclesiastical Discipline This description of the Church is agreeable both to the Scriptures of God and also to the Doctrin of the Ancient Fathers so that none may Justly find fault therewith Now if you will compare this with the Church of Rome not as it was in the beginning but as it is at present and hath been for the space of Nine hundred Years and odd you shall well perceive the state thereof to be so far wide from the nature of the true Church that nothing can be more For neither are they built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets retaining the sound and pure Doctrin of Christ Jesu neither yet do they order the Sacraments or else the Ecclesiastical Keys in such sort as he did first Institute and Ordain them But have so intermingled their own Traditions and Inventions by chopping and changing by adding and plucking away that now they may seem to be converted into a new Guise Christ commended to his Church a Sacrament of his Body and Blood they have changed it into a Sacrifice for the Quick and the Dead Christ did Minister to his Apostles and the Apostles to other Men indifferently under both kinds They have robbed the Lay people of the Cup saying that for them one kind is sufficient Christ Ordained no other Element to be used in Baptism but only Water whereunto when the Word is joyned it is made as St. Augustine saith a full and perfect Sacrament Augustine They being wiser in their own conceit than Christ think it is not well nor orderly done unless they use Conjuration unless they Hallow the Water unless there be Oyl Salt Spittle Tapers and such other dumb Ceremonies serving to no use contrary to the plain Rule of St. Paul 1 Cor. 14. who willeth all things to be done in the Church to Edification Christ Ordained the Authority of the Keys to Excommunicate notorious sinners and to Absolve them which are truly Penitent They abuse this Power at their own pleasure as well in
She is the Mother of all these things for she is an infinite treasure unto Men which whoso use become partakers of the love of God I might with many words move some of this audience to search for this Wisdom to sequester their Reason to follow Gods Commandment to cast from them the Wits of their Brains to favor this Wisdom to renounce the Wisdom and Policy of this fond World to taste and Savor of that whereunto the Favor and Will of God hath called them and willeth us finally to enjoy by his Favor if we would give ear But I will haste to the Third Part of my Text wherein is expressed further in Sapience how God giveth his Elect understanding of the motions of the Heavens of the alteration and circumstances of Time Which as it followeth in words more plentiful in the Text which I have last cited unto you so it must needs follow in them that be endued with this Spiritual Wisdom For as they can search where to find this Wisdom and know of whom to ask it So know they again that in time it is found and can therefore temper themselves to the occasion of the time to suffer no time to pass away wherein they may labor for this Wisdom And to encrease therein they know how God of his infinite Mercy and lenity giveth all Men here time and place of Repentance And they see how the Wicked as Job writeth abuse the same to their Pride Job 14. and therefore do the Godly take the better hold of the time to redeem it out of such use as it is spoiled in by the Wicked They which have this Wisdom of God can gather by the diligent and earnest study of the Worldlings of this present life how they wait their times and apply themselves to every occasion of time and to get Riches to encrease their Lands and Patrimony They see the time pass away and therefore take hold on it in such wise that otherwhiles they will with loss of their sleep and ease with suffering many pains catch the offer of their time knowing that that which is past cannot be returned again Repentance may follow but remedy is none Why should not they then that be Spiritually Wise in their Generation wait their time to encrease as fast in their state to win and gain Everlastingly They reason what a brute forgetfulness it were in Man endued with Reason to be ignorant of their Times and Tides when they see the Turtle Dove the Stork and the Swallow to wait their times Jer. 8. as Jeremy saith The Stork in the Air knoweth her appointed times the Turtle the Grane and the Swallow observe the time of their coming but my People knoweth not the judgment of the Lord. Ephes 2. St. Paul willeth us to redeem the time because the days are evil It is not the Counsel of St. Paul only but of all other that ever gave precepts of Wisdom There is no Precept more seriously given and commanded than to know the time Yea Christian Men for that they hear how grievously God complaineth and threatneth in the Scriptures them which will not know the time of his Visitations are learned thereby the rather earnestly to apply themselves thereunto After our Saviour Christ had Prophesied with weeping Tears of the destruction of Jerusalem at the last he putteth the cause Luke 19. For that thou hast not known the time of thy Visitation O England ponder the time of Gods merciful Visitation which is shewed thee from day to day and yet will not regard it neither wilt thou with his Punishment be driven to thy Duty nor with his benefits be provoked to Thanks If thou knewest what may fall upon thee for thy unthankfulness thou wouldst provide for thy Peace Brethren howsoever the World in generality is forgetful of God let us Particularly attend to our time and win the time with diligence and apply our selves to the Light and Grace that is afforded us let us if Gods Favor and Judgments which he worketh in our time cannot stir us to call home to our selves to do that belonging to our Salvation at the least way let the malice of the Devil the naughtiness of the World which we see exercised in these perilous and last times wherein we see our days so dangerously set provoke us to watch diligently to our vocation to walk and go forward therein Let the misery and short transitory joys spied in the casualty of our days move us while we have them in our hands and seriously stir us to be wise and to expend the gracious good Will of God to us ward which all the day long stretched out his Hands as the Prophet saith unto us Isaiah 65. for the most part his merciful Hands sometime his heavy Hands that we being learned thereby may escape the danger that must needs fall on the unjust who lead their days in felicity and pleasure without the knowing of Gods Will toward them but suddenly they go down into Hell Let us be found Watchers found in the Peace of the Lord that at the last Day we may be found without spot and blameless yea let us endeavor our selves good Christian People diligently to keep the presence of his holy Spirit Job 2. Let us renounce all uncleanness for he is the Spirit of Purity Sap. 1. Let us avoid all hypocrisie for this holy Spirit will flee from that which is feigned Heb. 11. Cast we off all malice and all evil will for this Spirit will never enter into an evil willing Soul Let us cast away all the whole lump of sin that standeth about us for he will never dwell in that Body that is subdued to sin We cannot be seen Thankful to Almighty God and work such despight to the Spirit of Grace by whom we be Sanctified Heb. 10. If we do our endeavor we shall not need to fear We shall be able to overcome all our Enemies that fight against us Only let us apply our selves to accept the Grace that is offered us Of Almighty God we have comfort by his Goodness of our Saviour Christs Mediation we may be sure And this holy Spirit will suggest unto us that shall be wholsome and comfort us in all things Therefore it cannot be but true that St. Paul affirmeth Of him by him and in him be all things and in him after this transitory life well passed shall we have all things For St. Paul saith 1 Cor. 15. When the Son of God shall subdue all things unto him then shall God be all in all If ye will know how God shall be all in all verily after this sense may we understand it In this World ye see that we be fain to borrow many things to our necessity of many Creatures there is no one thing that sufficeth all our necessities If we be an Hungred we lust for Bread If we be Athirst we seek to be refreshed with Ale or Wine If we be
and some of both So every one except by reason of Age debility of Body or want of Health he be unapt to Labor at all ought both for the getting of his own living honestly and for to profit others in some kind of Labor to exercise himself according as the Vocation whereunto God hath called him shall require So that whosoever doth good to the Common Weal and Society of Men with his Industry and Labor whether it be by Governing the Common Weal publickly or by bearing publick Office or Ministry or by doing any common necessary affairs of his Country or by giving Counsel or by teaching and instructing others or by what other means soever he be occupied so that a profit and benefit redound thereof unto others the same person is not to be accounted Idle though he work no Bodily Labor nor is to be denied his living if he attended his Vocation though he work not with his hands Bodily Labor is not required of them which by reason of their Vocation and Office are Occupied in the Labor of the Mind to the succour and help of others St. Paul exhorteth Timothy to eschew and refuse Idle Widows 1 Tim. 5. which go about from House to House because they are not only Idle but Pratlers also and Busie-bodies speaking things which are not comely The Prophet Ezekiel declaring what the Sins of the City of Sodom were reckoneth Idleness to be one of the principle Ezek. 16. The Sins saith he of Sodom were these Pride fulness of Meat Abundance and Idleness These things had Sodom and her Daughters meaning the Cities subject to her The horrible and strange kind of Destruction of that City and all the Country about the same which was Fire and Brimstone raining from Heaven most manifestly declareth what a grievous Sin Idleness is and ought to admonish us to flee from the same and embrace Honest and Godly Labor But if we give our selves to Idleness and Sloth to Lurking and Loitering to wilful Wandring and wastful Spending never setling our selves to Honest Labor but living like drone Bees by the Labors of other Men then do we break the Lords Commandment we go astray from our Vocation and incur the danger of Gods wrath and heavy displeasure to our endless destruction except by Repentance we turn again unfeignedly unto God The inconveniencies and mischiefs that come of Idleness as well to Mans Body as to his Soul are more than can in short time be well rehearsed Some we shall declare and open unto you that by considering them ye may the better with your selves gather the rest An Idle Hand saith Soloman maketh Poor Prov. 10. Prov. 11.28 Prov. 10. but a quick Laboring Hand maketh Rich. Again He that Tilleth his Land shall have plenteousness of Bread but he that floweth in Idleness is a very Fool and shall have Poverty enough Again A Sloathful Body will not go to Plough for cold of Winter therefore shall he go a begging in the Summer and have nothing But what shall we need to stand much about the proving this that Poverty followeth Idleness We have too much experience thereof the thing is the more to be lamented in this Realm For a great part of the beggery that is among the Poor can be imputed to nothing so much as to Idleness and to the negligence of Parents which do not bring up their Children either in good Learning Honest Labor or some commendable Occupation or Trade whereby when they come to Age they might get their living Daily Experience also teacheth that nothing is more an enemy or pernicious to the health of Mans Body than is Idleness too much Ease and Sleep and want of Exercise But these and such like incommodities albeit they be great and noisom yet because they concern chiefly the Body and external Good they are not to be compared with the mischiefs and inconveniences which through Idleness happen to the Soul whereof we will recite some Idleness is never alone but hath always a long Tail of other Vices hanging on which corrupt and infect the whole Man after such a sort that he is made at length nothing else but a lump of Sin Idleness saith Jesus Sirach bringeth much Evil and Mischief Ecclus 33. St. Bernard calleth it the Mother of all Evils and step-dame of all Vertues adding moreover that it doth prepare and as it were tread the way to Hell Fire Where Idleness is once received there the Devil is ready to set in his Foot and to plant all kind of Wickedness and Sin to the everlasting Destruction of Mans Soul Which thing to be most true we are taught plainly in the 13. Matt. 13. of Matthew where it is said that the Enemy came while Men were asleep and Sowed naughty Tares among the good Wheat In very deed the best time that the Devil can have to work his feat is when Men be asleep that is to say Idle Then is he most busie in his work then doth he soonest catch Men in the snare of Perdition then doth he fill them with all iniquity to bring them without Gods special favor unto utter Destruction Hereof we have two notable Examples most lively set before our Eyes The one in King David 1 Kings 11. who tarrying at home Idly as the Scripture saith at such times as other Kings go forth to Battle was quickly seduced of Satan to forsake the Lord his God 2 Kings 12. and to commit two grievous and abominable sins in his sight Adultery and Murder The Plagues that ensued these Offences were horrible and grievous as it may easily appear to them that will read the Story Judg. 16. Another example of Samson who so long as he Warred with the Philistines Enemies to the People of God could never be taken or overcome But after that he gave himself to Ease and Idleness he not only committed Fornication with the Strumpet Dalila but also was taken of his Enemies and had his Eyes miserably put out was put in Prison and compelled to grind in a Mill and at length was made the laughing strock of his Enemies If these two who were so excellent Men so wellbeloved of God so endued with singular and Divine Gifts the one namely of Prophecy and the other of Strength and such Men as never could by Vexation Labor or Trouble be overcome were overthrown and fell into grievous Sins by giving themselves for a short time to Ease and Idleness and so consequently incurred miserable Plagues at the hands of God What Sin What Mischief What Inconvenience and Plagues is not to be feared of them which all their life long give themselves wholly to Idleness and Ease Let us not deceive our selves thinking little hurt to come of doing nothing for it is a true saying When one doth nothing he learneth to do Evil. Let us therefore always be doing of some honest Work that the Devil may find us Occupied He himself is ever Occupied never Idle
to them that they study not either to Write fair to keep a Book of Account to study the Tongues and so to get wisdom and knowledge in such Books and Works as be now plentifully set out in Print of all manner of Languages Let young Men consider the precious value of their time and waste it not in Idleness in Jollity in Gaming in Bant queting in Ruffians company Youth is but Vanity and must be accounted for before God How merry and glad soever thou be in thy Youth O young Man saith the Preacher how glad soever thy Heart be in thy young days Eccles 11. how fast and freely soever thou follow the ways of thine own Heart and the lust of thine own Eye yet be thou sure that God shall bring thee into Judgment for all these things God of his mercy put it into the Hearts and Minds of all them that have the Sword of Punishment in their Hands or have Families under their Governance to Labor to redress this great enormity of all such as live Idly and unprofitably in the Common-weal to the great dishonor of God and the grievous Plague of his silly People To leave sin unpunished and to neglect the good bringing up of Youth is nothing else but to kindle the Lords wrath against us and to heap Plagues upon our own Heads As long as the Adulterous people were suffered to live Licentiously without Reformation so long did the Plague continue and increase in Israel Numb 25. as you may see in the Book of Numbers But when due correction was done upon them the Lords anger was strait way pacified and the Plauge ceased Let all Officers therefore look straitly to their charge Let all Masters of Housholds reform this abuse in their Families let them use the Authority that God hath given them let them not maintain Vagabonds and Idle persons but deliver the Realm and their Housholds from such noysom Loyterers that Idleness the Mother of all Mischief being clean taken away Almighty God may turn his dreaful Anger away from us and confirm the Covenant of Peace upon us for ever through the Merits of Jesus Christ our only Lord and Saviour to whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost be all Honor and Glory World without end Amen AN HOMILY OF Repentance and of true Reconciliation unto God THere is noting that the Holy Ghost doth so much Labor in all the Scriptures to beat into Mens Heads as Repentance amendment of Life and speedy returning unto the Lord God of Hosts And no marvel why for we do Daily and Hourly by our wickedness and stubborn Disobedience horribly fall away from God thereby purchasing unto our selves if he should deal with us according to his Justice Eternal Damnation The Doctrin of Repentance is most necessary So that no Doctrin is so necessary in the Church of God as is the Doctrin of Repentance and amendment of Life And verily the true Preachers of the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven and of the glad and joyful tidings of Salvation have always in their Godly Sermons and Preachings unto the People joyned these two together I mean Repentance and Forgiveness of Sins even as our Saviour Jesus Christ did appoint himself saying So it behoved Christ to Suffer and to Rise again the Third Day and that Repentance and Forgiveness of sins should be preached in his Name among all Nations And therefore the holy Apostle doth in the Acts speak after this manner I have witnessed both to the Jews and to the Gentiles the Repentance towards God and Faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ Did not John Baptist Zacharias Son begin his Ministry with the Doctrin of Repentance saying Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand The like Doctrin did our Saviour Jesus Christ preach himself and commanded his Apostles to preach the same I might here alledge very many places out of the Prophets in the which this most wholsom Doctrin of Repentance is very earnestly urged as most needful for all degrees and orders of Men but one shall be sufficient at this present time These are the words of Joel the Prophet therefore also now the Lord saith Joel 2. Return unto me with all your heart with Fasting Weeping and Mourning rent your hearts and not your cloaths and return unto the Lord your God for he is gracious and merciful slow to anger and of great compassion and ready to pardon wickedness Whereby it is given us to understand A perpetual Rule which all must follow that we have here a perpetual Rule appointed unto us which ought to be observed and kept at all times and that there is none other way whereby the wrath of God may be pacified and his anger asswaged that the fierceness of his fury and the plagues of destruction which by his righteous Judgment he had determined to bring upon us may depart be removed and taken away Where he saith But now therefore saith the Lord return unto me It is not without great importance that the Prophet speaketh so for he had before set forth at large unto them the horrible Vengeance of God which no Man was able to abide and therefore he doth move them to Repentance to obtain Mercy as if he should say I will not have these things to be so taken as though there were no hope of grace left For although ye do by your sins deserve to be utterly destroyed and God by his righteous Judgments hath determined to bring no small destruction upon you yet know that ye are in a manner on the very edge of the Sword if ye will speedily return unto him he will most gently and most mercifully receive you into favor again Whereby we are admonished that Repentance is never too late so that it be true and earnest For sith that God in the Scriptures will be called our Father doubtless he doth follow the nature and property of gentle and merciful Fathers which seek nothing so much as the returning again and amendment of their Children as Christ doth abundantly teach in the Parable of the Prodigal Son Luke 15. Ezek. 18. Esay 1. 1 John 2. Doth not the Lord himself say by the Prophet I will not the death of the wicked but that he turn from his wicked ways and live And in another place If we confess our sins God is faithful righteous to forgive us our sins and to make us clean from all wickedness Which most comfortable Promises are confirmed by many Examples of the Scriptures when the Jews did willingly receive and imbrace the wholesom counsel of the Prophet Esay Esay 33. God by and by did reach his helping hand unto them and by his Angel did in one night slay the most worthy and valiant Soldiers of Sennacheribs Camp 2 Par. 53. Whereunto may King Manasses be added who after all manner of damnable wickedness returned unto the Lord and therefore was heard of him and restored again into his Kingdom
otherwhiles obey God but by and by do think that laying him aside it is lawful for them to serve the World and the Flesh And because that we are letted by the natural corruption of our own Flesh and the wicked affections of the same he doth bid us also to return with Fasting not thereby understanding a superstitious Abstinence and choosing of Meats but a true Discipline or taming of the Flesh whereby the nourishments of filthy Lusts and of stubborn Contumacy and Pride may be withdrawn and pluckt away from it Whereunto he doth add weeping and mourning which do contain an outward profession of Repentance which is very needful and necessary that so we may partly set forth the righteousness of God when by such means we do testifie that we deserved punishments at his hands and partly stop the offence that was openly given unto the weak Psal 25. Thus did David see who being not content to have bewept and bewailed his sins privately would publickly in his Psalms declare and set forth the rigteousness of God in punishing sin and also stay them that might have abused his Example to sin the more boldly Therefore they are farthest from true Repentance that will not confess and acknowledge their sins nor yet bewail them but rather do most ungodlily glory and rejoyce in them Now lest any Man should think that Repentance doth consist in outward weeping and mourning only he doth rehearse that wherein the chief of the whole matter doth lie when he saith Rent your Hearts and not your Garments and turn unto the Lord your God For the People of the East part of the World were wont to rent their Garments Psal 52. if any thing hapned unto them that seemed intolerable Hypocrites do counterfeit all manner of things This thing did Hypocrites sometimes counterfeit and follow as though the whole Repentance did stand in such outward gesture He teacheth then that another manner of thing is required that is That they must be contrite in their Hearts that they must utterly detest and abhor Sins and being at defiance with them return unto the Lord their God from whom they went away before For God hath no pleasure in the outward Ceremony but requireth a contrite and humble Heart Psal 52. which he will never despise as David doth testifie There is therefore none other use of these outward Ceremonies but as far forth as we are stirred up by them and do serve to the glory of God and to the edifying of others Now doth he add unto this Doctrin or Exhortation How Repentance is not unprofitable certain godly Reasons which he doth ground upon the nature and property of God and whereby he doth teach that true Repentance can never be unprofitable or unfruitful For as in all other things Mens hearts do quail and faint if they once perceive that they travel in vain Even so most especially in this matter must we take heed and beware that we suffer not our selves to be persuaded that all that we do is but labor lost for thereof either sudden desperation doth arise or a licentious boldness to sin which at length bringeth unto desperation Lest any such thing then should happen unto them he doth certifie them of the grace and goodness of God who is always most ready to receive them into favor again that turn speedily unto him Which thing he doth prove with the same Titles wherewith God doth describe and set forth himself unto Moses speaking on this manner Exod. 34. For he is gracious and merciful slow to anger of great kindness and repenteth him of the evil that is such a one as is sorry for your Afflictions First He calleth him gentle and gracious as he who of his own nature is more prompt and ready to do good than to punish Whereunto this saying of Esaias the Prophet seemeth to pertain where he saith Esay 55. Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous his own imaginations and return unto the Lord and he will have pity on him and to our God for he is very ready to forgive Secondly Doth attribute unto him mercy or rather according to the Hebrew word the Bowels of mercies whereby he signified the natural affections of Parents towards their Children Which thing David doth set forth goodly Psal 103. saying As a Father hath compassion on his Children so hath the Lord compassion on them that fear him for he knoweth whereof we be made he remembreth that we are but dust Thirdly He saith that he is slow to anger that is to say long-suffering and which is not lightly provoked to wrath Fourthly That he is of much kindness for he is that bottomless Well of all goodness who rejoyceth to do good unto us therefore did he create and make Men that he might have whom he should do good unto and make partakers of his Heavenly Riches Fifthly He repenteth of the evil that is to say he doth call back again and revoke the punishment which he had threatned when he seeth Men repent turn and amend Against the Novatians Whereupon we do not without a just cause detest and abhor the damnable Opinion of them which do most wickedly go about to persuade the simple and ignorant People That if we chance after we be once come to God and grafted in his Son Jesus Christ to fall into some horrible sin shall be unprofitable unto us there is no more hope of reconciliation or to be received again into the favor and mercy of God And that they may give the better colour unto their pestilent and pernicious Error they do commonly bring in the sixth and tenth Chapters of the Epistle to the Hebrews and the second Chapter of the second Epistle of Peter not considering that in those places the holy Apostles do not speak of the daily falls that we as long as we carry about this body of sin are subject unto Mat. 12. Mark 3. but of the final falling away from Christ and his Gospel The sin against the Holy Ghost which is a sin against the Holy Ghost that shall never be forgiven because that they do utterly forsake the known Truth do hate Christ and his Word they do crucifie and mock him but to their utter destruction and therefore fall into desparation and cannot repent And that this is the true meaning of the holy Spirit of God it appeareth by many other places of the Scriptures which promise unto all true repentant sinners and to them that with their whole heart do turn unto the Lord their God free pardon and remission of their sins For the probation hereof we read this O Israel saith the holy Prophet Jeremy if thou return Jer. 4. return unto me saith the Lord and if thou put away thine abominations out of my sight then shalt thou not be removed Again these are Esaias words Esay 55. Let the wicked forsake his own ways and the unrighteous his own
Unto whom this our returning must be made By whose means it ought to be done that it may be effectual And last of all after what sort we ought to behave our selves in the same that it may be profitable unto us and attain unto the thing that we do seek by it Ye have also learned that as the Opinion of them that deny the benefit of Repentance unto those that after they be come to God and grafted in our Saviour Jesus Christ do through the frailness of their Flesh and the temptation of the Devil fall into some grievous and detestable sin is most pestilent and pernicious so we must beware that we do in no wise think that we are able of our own selves and of our own strength to return unto the Lord our God from whom we are gone away by our wickedness and sin Now it shall be declared unto you what be the true parts of Repentance and what things ought to move us to repent and to return unto the Lord our God with all speed Repentance as it is said before is a true rtturning unto God whereby Men forsaking utterly their Idolatry and wickedness do with a lively Faith embrace love and worship the true living God only and give themselves to all manner of good Works which by Gods Word they know to be acceptable unto him There be four parts of Repentance Now there be four parts of Repentance which being set together may be likened to an easie and short Ladder whereby we may climb from the bottomless Pit of perdition that we cast our selves into by our daily offences and grievous sins up into the Castle or Tower of eternal and endless Salvation The first is the Contrition of the Heart for we must be earnestly sorry for our sins and unfeignedly lament and bewail that we have by them so grievously offended our most bounteous and merciful God who so tenderly loved us that he gave his only begotten Son to die a most bitter death and to shed his dear Heart Blood for our Redemption and Deliverance And verily this inward sorrow and grief being conceived in the heart for the heinousness of sin if it be earnest and unfeigned is a Sacrifice to God as the holy Prophet David doth testifie saying Psalm 5. A Sacrifice to God is a troubled Spirit a contrite and broken Heart O Lord thou wilt not despise But that this may take place in us we must be diligent to read and hear the Scriptures and the Word of God which most lively do paint out before our eyes our natural uncleanness and the enormity of our sinful life 2 Sam. 12 For unless we have a thorow feeling of our sins how can it be that we should earnestly be sorry for them Before David did hear the Word of the Lord by the mouth of the Prophet Nathan what heaviness I pray you was in him for the Adultery and the Murder that he had committed So that it might be said right well that he slept in his own sin We read in the Acts of the Apostles Acts 4. that when the People had heard the Sermon of Peter they were compunct pricked in their hearts Which thing would never have been if they had not heard that wholesom Sermon of Peter They therefore that have no mind at all neither to read nor yet to hear Gods Word there is but small hope of them that they will as much as once set their Feet or take hold upon the first Staff or Step of this Ladder but rather will sink deeper and deeper into the bottomless Pit of perdition For if at any time through the remorse of their Conscience which accuseth them they feel any inward grief sorrow or heaviness for their sins for as much as they want the salve and comfort of Gods Word which they do despise it will be unto them rather a Mean to bring them to utter desperation than otherwise The second is an unfeigned Confession and acknowledging of our sins unto God whom by them we have so grievously offended that if he should deal with us according to his justice we do deserve a thousand Hells if there could be so many Yet if we will with a sorrowful and contrite Heart Ezek. 18. make an unfeigned Confession of them unto God he will freely and frankly forgive them and so put all our wickedness out of remembrance before the sight of his Majesty that they shall no more be thought upon Hereunto doth pertain the golden saying of the holy Prophet David where he saith on this manner Then I acknowledge my sin unto thee Psalm 51. neither did I hide mine iniquity I said I will confess against my self my wickedness unto the Lord thou forgavest the ungodliness of my sin These are also the words of John the Evangelist 1 John 1. If we confess our sins God is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to make us clean from all our wickedness which ought to be understood of the Confession which is made unto God For these are St. Augustins words In Epist ad Julian comitem 30. That Confession which is made unto God is required by Gods Law whereof John the Apostle speaketh saying If we confess our sins God is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to make us clean from all our wickedness For without this Confession sin is not forgiven This is then the chiefest and most principal Confession that in the Scriptures and Word of God we are bidden to make and without the which we shall never obtain pardon and forgiveness of our sins Indeed besides this there is another kind of Confession which is needful and necessary And of the same doth St. James speak after this manner saying Acknowledge your faults one to another and pray one for another that ye may be saved As if he should say Open that which grieveth you that a Remedy may be found And this is commanded both for him that complaineth and for him that heareth that the one should shew his Grief to the other The true meaning of it is that the Faithful ought to acknowledge their offences whereby some hatred rancour ground or malice having risen or grown among them one to another that a Brotherly reconciliation may be had without the which nothing that we do can be acceptable unto God Mat. 5. as our Saviour Jesus Christ doth witness himself saying When thou offerest thine Offering at the Altar if thou remembrest that thy Brother hath ought against thee leave there thine Offering and go and be reconciled and when thou art reconciled come and offer thine Offering It may also be thus taken that we ought to confess our weakness and infirmities one to another to the end that knowing each others frailness we may the more earnestly pray together unto Almighty God our Heavenly Father that he will vouchsafe to pardon us our infirmities for his Son Jesus Christs sake and not to
move us to Repent Esay 31. Ezek. 33. Hos 14. First The Commandment of God who in so many places of the holy and sacred Scriptures doth bid us return unto him O ye Children of Israel saith he turn again from your infidelity wherein ye drowned your selves Again Turn you turn you from your evil ways For why will ye die O ye House of Israel And in another place thus doth he speak by his Prophet Hosea O Israel return unto the Lord thy God For thou hast taken a great fall by thine iniquity Take unto you these words with you when you turn unto the Lord and say unto him Take away all iniquity and receive us graciously so will we offer the Calves of our Lips unto thee In all these places we have an express commandment given unto us of God for to return unto him Therefore we must take good heed unto our selves lest whereas we have already by our manifold sins and transgressions provoked and kindled the wrath of God against us we do by breaking this his Commandment double our offences and so heap still damnation upon our own heads by our daily offences and trespasses whereby we provoke the eyes of his Majesty we do well deserve if he should deal with us according to his justice to be put away for ever from the fruition of his Glory How much more then are we worthy of the endless torments of Hell if when we be so gently called again after our Rebellion and commanded to return we will in no wise hearken unto the voice of our heavenly Father but walk still after the stubbornness of our own hearts Secondly The most comfortable and sweet promise that the Lord our God did of his meer mercy and goodness joyn unto his Commandment for he doth not only say Return unto me O Israel Jer. 4. but also if thou wilt return and put away all thine abominations out of my sight thou shalt never be moved These words also have we in the Prophet Ezekiel Ezek. 18. At what time soever a sinner doth repent him of his sin from the bottom of his heart I will put all his wickedness out of my remembrance saith the Lord so that they shall be no more thought upon Thus are we sufficiently instructed that God will according to his promise freely pardon forgive and forget all our sins so that we shall never be cast in the teeth with them if obeying his Commadment and allured by his sweet Promises we will unfeignedly return unto him Thirdly The filthiness of sin which is such that as long as we do abide in it God cannot but detest and abhor us neither can there be any hope that we shall enter into the Heavenly Jerusalem except we be first made clean and purged from it But this will never be unless forsaking our former life we do with our whole heart return unto the Lord our God and with a full purpose of amendment of life flee unto his mercy taking sure hold thereupon through Faith in the Blood of his Son Jesus Christ If we should suspect any uncleanness to be in us Similitude wherefore the earthly Prince should loath and abhor the sight of us what pains would we take to remove and put it away How much more ought we with all diligence and speed that may be to put away that unclean filthiness that doth separate and make a division betwixt us and our God Esay 59. and that hideth his Face from us that he will not hear us And verily herein doth appear how filthy a thing sin is sith than it can by no other means be washed away but by the Blood of the only begotten Son of God And shall we not from the bottom of our hearts detest and abhor and with all earnestness flee from it sith that it did cost the dear Heart-Blood of the only begotten Son of God our Saviour and Redeemer to purge us from it Plato doth in a certain place write that if Vertue could be seen with bodily Eyes all Men would wonderfully be inflamed and kindled with the love of it even so on the contrary if we might with our bodily Eyes behold the filthiness of sin and the uncleanness thereof we could in no wise abide it but as most present and deadly Poison hate and eschew it We have a common Experience of the same in them which when they have committed any heinous offence or some filthy and abominable sin if it once come to light or if they chance to have a through feeling of it they be so ashamed their own Conscience putting before their Eyes the filthiness of their Act that they dare look no Man in the Face much less that they should be able to stand in the sight of God Fourthly The uncertainty and brittleness of our own lives which is such that we cannot assure our selves that we shall live one hour or one half quarter of it Which by experience we do find daily to be true in them that being now merry and lusty and sometimes Feasting and Banqueting with their Friends do fall suddenly dead in the Streets and otherwhiles under the Board when they are at meat These daily Examples as they are most terrible and dreadful so ought they to move us to seek for to be at one with our heavenly Judge that we may with a good Conscience appear before him whensoever it shall please him for to call us whether it be suddenly or otherwise for we have no more Charter of our life than they have But as we are most certain that we shall die so are we most uncertain when we shall die For our life doth lie in the hand of God who will take it away when it pleaseth him And verily when the highest Summer of all Death the Lords Sumner Eccles 11. Contra Demetrianum Eccles 5. which is death shall come he will not be said nay but we must be forthwith be packing to be present before the Judgment seat of God as he doth find us according as it is written Whereas the Tree falleth whether it be toward the South or toward the North there it shall lie Whereunto agreeth the saying of the holy Martyr of God St. Cyprian saying As God doth find thee when he doth call so doth he judge thee Let us therefore follow the Counsel of the Wise Man where he saith Make no tarrying to turn unto the Lord and put not off from day to day For suddenly shall the wrath of the Lord break forth and in thy security shalt thou be destroyed and shalt perish in the time of Vengeance Which words I desire you to mark diligently because they do most lively put before our Eyes the fondness of many Men who abusing the long-suffering and goodness of God do never think on Repentance or amendment of Life Follow not saith he thine own mind and thy strength to walk in the ways of thy heart neither say thou Who will bring me under for
my works For God the Revenger will revenge the wrong done by thee And say not I have sinned and what evil hath come unto me For the Almighty is a patient Rewarder but he will not leave thee unpunished Because thy sins are forgiven thee be not without fear to heap sin upon sin Say not neither The mercy of God is great he will forgive my manifold sins For mercy and wrath come from him and his indignation cometh upon unrepentant sinners As if ye should say Art thou strong and mighty Art thou lusty and young Hast thou the Wealth and Riches of the World Or when thou hast sinned hast thou received no punishment for it Let none of all these things make thee to be the slower to repent and to return with speed unto the Lord. For in the day of punishment and of his sudden vengeance they shall not be able to help thee And specially when thou art either by the Preaching of Gods Word or by some inward motion of his holy Spirit or else by some other means called unto Repentance neglect not the good occasion that is ministred unto thee lest when thou wouldst repent thou hast not the grace for to do it For to repent is a good gift of God which he will never grant unto them who living in carnal security do make a mock of his Threatnings or seek to rule his Spirit as they list as though his working and gifts were tied unto their will Fifthly The avoiding of the plagues of God and the utter destruction that by his righteous Judgment doth hang over the heads of them all that will in no wise return unto the Lord Jer. 24. I will saith the Lord give them for a terrible plague to all the Kingdoms of the Earth and for a Reproach and for a Proverb and for a Curse in all places where I shall cast them and will send the Sword of Famine and the Pestilence among them till they be consumed out of the Land And wherefore is this Because they hardned their hearts and would in no wise return from their evil ways nor yet forsake the wickedness that was in their own hands that the fierceness of the Lords fury might depart from them Rom. 8. But yet this is nothing in comparison of the intolerable and endless torments of Hell fire which they shall be fain to suffer who after their hardness of heart that cannot repent do heap unto themselves Wrath against the day of anger and of the declaration of the just Judgment of God Whereas if we will repent and be earnestly sorry for our sin and with a full purpose and amendment of Life flee unto the mercy of our God and taking sure hold thereupon through Faith in our Saviour Jesus Christ do bring forth Fruits worthy of Repentance he will not only pour his manifold Blessings upon us here in this World but also at the last after the painful Travels of this Life reward us with the inheritance of his Children which is the Kingdom of Heaven purchased unto us with the death of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord To whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost be all praise glory and honor World without end Amen AN HOMILY AGAINST Disobedience and Wilful Rebellion The First Part. AS God the Creator Lord of all things appointed his Angels and heavenly Creatures in all obedience to serve and to honor his Majesty so was it his will that Man his chief Creature upon the Earth should live under the obedience of his Creator and Lord and for that cause God as soon as he had created Man gave unto him a certain Precept and Law which he being yet in the State of innocency and remaining in Paradise should observe as a pledge and token of his due and bounden Obedience with denunciation of Death if he did transgress and break the said Law and Commandment And as God would have Man to be his obedient Subject so did he make all earthly Creatures subject unto Man who kept their due obedience unto Man so long as Man remained in his obedience unto God In the which obedience if Man had continued still there had been no Poverty no Diseases no Sickness no Death nor other miseries wherewith Mankind is now infinitely and most miserably afflicted and oppressed So here appeareth the Original Kingdom of God over Angels and Man and universally over all things and of Man over earthly Creatures which God hath made subject unto him and withal the felicity and blessed State which Angels Man and all Creatures had remained in had they continued in due obedience unto God their King For as long as in this first Kingdom the Subjects continued in due obedience to God their King so long did God embrace all his Subjects with his love favor and grace which to enjoy is perfectly Felicity whereby it is evident that Obedience is the principal Vertue of all Vertues and indeed the very root of all Vertues Mat. 4. b. 9. Mat. 25. d. 41. John 8. f. 44. 2 Pet. 2. a 4. Epist Jude a. 6. Apoc. 12. b. 7. Gen. 3. a. 1 Wisd 2. d. 24. Gen. 3. b. 8.9 c. c. 17. d. 23.24 and the cause of all Felicity But as all Felicity and Blessedness should have continued with the continuance of Obedience so with the breach of Obedience and breaking in of Rebellion all Vices and Miseries did withal break in and overwhelm the World The first Author of which Rebellion the Root of all Vices and Mother of all Mischiefs was Lucifer first Gods most excellent Creature and most bounden Subject who by Rebelling against the Majesty of God of the brightest and most glorious Angel is become the blackest and most foul Fiend and Devil and from the height of Heaven is fallen into the Pit and bottom of Hell Here you may see the first Author and Founder of Rebellion and the reward thereof here you may see the grand Captain and Father of Rebels who perswading the following of his Rebellion against God their Creator and Lord unto our first Parents Adam and Eve brought them in high displeasure with God wrought their exile and banishment out of Paradise a place of pleasure and goodness into this wretched earth and vale of misery procured unto them sorrows of their Minds Mischiefs Sickness Diseases death of their Bodies and which is far more horrible than all worldly and bodily Mischiefs Rom. 5. c. 12. c. d. 19. c. he had wrought thereby their eternal and everlasting death and damnation had not God by the obedience of his Son Jesus Christ repaired that which Man by Disobedience and Rebellion had destroyed and so of his mercy had pardoned and forgiven him of which all and singular the Premises the holy Scriptures do bear record in sundry places Thus do you s●e that neither Heaven nor Paradise could suffer any Rebellion in them neither be places for any Rebels to remain in Thus became
Rebellion as you see both the first and the greatest and the very root of all other sins and the first and principal cause both of all worldly and bodily Miseries Sorrows Diseases Sicknesses and Deaths and which is infinitely worse than all these as is said the very cause of death and damnation eternal also After this breach of Obedience to God and Rebellion against His Majesty all mischiefs and miseries breaking in therewith and overflowing the World lest all things should come unto confusion and utter ruin God forthwith by Laws given unto Mankind Gen. 3. d. 17. Gen 3. c. 16. Job 34. d. 30. 36. a. 7. repaired again the rule and order of Obedience thus by Rebellion overthrown and besides the Obedience due unto his Majesty he not only ordained that in Families and Housholds The Wife should be obedient unto her Husband the Children unto their Parents the Servants unto their Masters but also when Mankind increased and spread it self more largely over the World he by his holy Word did constitute and ordain in Cities and Countries several and special Governors and Rulers unto whom the residue of his People should be obedient Eccl. 8. a 2. 10. c. 16.17 d. 20. Psal 18. g. 50. 20. b. 6. 21. a. 1. Prov. 8.115 As in reading of the Holy Scriptures we shall find in very many and almost infinite places as well of the Old Testament as of the New that Kings and Princes as well the evil as the good do Reign by Gods Ordinance and that Subjects are bounden to obey them that God doth give Princes Wisdom great Power and Authority that God defendeth them against their Enemies and destroyeth their Enemies horribly that the anger and displeasure of the Prince is as the roaring of a Lion and the very messenger of death and the Subject that provoketh him to displeasure sinneth against his own Soul with many other things concerning both the Authority of Princes and the Duty of Subjects But here let us rehearse two special places out of the New Testament which may stand instead of all other Rom. 13. The first out of St. Pauls Epistle to the Romans and the thirteenth Chapter where he writeth thus unto all Subjects Let every Soul be subject unto the higher Powers for there is no Power but of God and the Powers that be are ordained of God Whosoever therefore resisteth the Power resisteth the Ordinance of God and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation For Princes are not to be feared for good Works but for evil Wilt thou then be without fear of the Power Do well so shalt thou have praise of the same for he is the Minister of God for thy Wealth But if thou do evil fear for he beareth not the Sword for nought for he is the Minister of God to take vengeance upon him that doth evil Wherefore ye must be subject not because of Wrath only but also for Conscience sake for for this cause ye pay also tribute for they are Gods Ministers serving for the same purpose Give to every Man therefore his due tribute to whom tribute belongeth custom to whom custom is due fear to whom fear belongeth honor to whom ye owe honor Thus far are S. Pauls words The second place is in St. Peters Epistle and the second Chapter 1 Pet. 2. whose words are these Submit your selves unto all manner of Ordinances of Man for the Lords sake whether it be unto the King as unto the chief Head either unto Rulers as unto them that are sent of him for the punishment of evil doers but for the cherishing of them that do well For so is the Will of God that with well doing ye may stop the mouths of ignorant and foolish Men as free and not as having the liberty for a cloak of maliciousness but even as the Servants of God Honor all Men love Brotherly Fellowship fear God honor the King Servants obey your Masters with fear not only if they be good and courteous but also though they be froward Thus far out of St. Peter By these two places of the Holy Scriptures it is most evident that Kings Queens and other Princes for he speaketh of Authority and Power be it in Men or Women are ordained of God are to be obeyed and honored of their Subjects that such Subjects as are disobedient or rebellious against their Princes disobey God and procure their own damnation that the government of Princes is a great blessing of God given for the Common-wealth specially of the good and godly For the comfort and cherishing of whom God giveth and setteth up Princes and on the contrary part to the fear and for the punishment of the evil and wicked Finally That if Servants ought to obey their Masters not only being gentle but such as be froward as well and much more ought ●ubjects to be obedient not only to their good and courteous but also to their sharp and rigorous Princes It cometh therefore neither of chance and fortune as they term it nor of the ambition of mortal Men and Women climbing up of their own accord to dominion that there be Kings Queens Princes other Governors ov●r Men being their Subjects but all Kings Queens other Governors are specially appointed by the ordinance of God And as God himself being of an infinite Majesty Power and Wisdom ruleth and governeth all things in He●ven and Earth Psal 80. b. 16 45. a. 6. c. 47. a. 2. Eccl. 17. c. as the Universal Monarch and only King and Emperor over all as being only able to take and bear the charge of all so hath he constituted ordained and set earthly Princes over particular Kingdoms and Dominions in Earth both for the avoiding of all confusion which else would be in the World if it should be without Governors and for the great quiet and benefit of earthly Men their Subjects and also that the Princes themselves in Authority Power Wisdom Providence and righteousness in government of People and Countries committed to their charge should resemble his heavenly Governance as the Majesty of heavenly things may by the baseness of earthly things be shadowed and resembled Mat. 18. c. 23. 22.12 Ps 10. b. 16 and 45. a. b. 47. a. 2. c. Mat. 22. b. 13. 25. c. 34. Psal 82. b. 6. And for that similitude that is between the heavenly Monarchy and earthly Kingdoms well governed our Saviour Christ in sundry Parables saith That the Kingdom of Heaven is resembled unto a Man a King and as the name of the King is very often attributed and given unto God in Holy Scriptures so doth God himself in the same Scriptures sometimes vouchsafe to communicate his Name with earthly Princes terming them Gods doubtless for that similitude of Government which they have or should have not unlike unto God their King unto the which similitude of heavenly Government the nearer and nearer that an
earthly Prince doth come in his Regiment the greater Blessing of Gods mercy is he unto that Country and People over whom he Reigneth and the further and further that an earthly Prince doth swerve from the example of the heavenly Government the greater plague is he of Gods wrath and punishment by Gods justice unto that Country and People over whom God for their sins hath placed such a Prince and Governor For it is indeed evident both by the Scriptures and daily by experience that the maintainance of all Vertue and Godliness and consequently of the Wealth and Prosperity of a Kingdom and People doth stand and rest more in a wise and good Prince on the one part than in great multitudes of other Men being Subjects and on the contrary part the overthrow of all Vertue and Godliness and consequently the decay and utter ruin of a Realm and People doth grow and come more by an undiscreet and evil Governor than by many thousands of other Men being Subjects Eccles 10. d. 16. Prov. 16. 29. Eccles 10. Esa 32. a. Thus say the Scriptures Well is thee O thou Land saith the Preacher whose King is come of Nobles and whose Princes eat in due season for necessity and not for lust Again A Wise and Righteous King maketh his Realm and People wealthy And a Good Merciful and Gracious Prince is a shadow in Heat as a defence in Storms as Dew as sweet showers as fresh Water-springs in great droughts Again the Scriptures of undiscreet and evil Princes speak thus Eccles 10.16 Pro. 28. 29. Wo be to thee O thou band whose King is but a Child and whose Princes are early at their Banquets Again When the wicked do Reign then Men go to Ruin And again A foolish Prince destroyeth the People and a covetous King undoeth his Subjects Thus speak the Scriptures thus experince testifieth of good and evil Princes What shall Subjects do then shall they obey Valiant Stout Wise and Good Princes and Contemn Disobey and Rebel against Children being their Princes or against undiscreet and evil Governors God forbid For First What a perilous thing were it to commit unto the Subjects the Judgment which Prince is Wise and Godly and his Government good and which is otherwise as though the Foot must judge of the Head an enterprise very heinous and must needs breed Rebellion For who else be they that are most enclined to Rebellion but such haughty Spirits From whom springeth such foul ruin of Realms Is not Rebellion the greatest of all Mischiefs And who are most ready to the greatest of Mischiefs but the worst Men Rebels therefore the worst of all Subjects are most ready to Rebellion as being the worst of all Vices and farthest from the duty of a good Subject as on the contrary part the best Subjects are most firm and constant in obedience as in the special and peculiar vertue of good Subjects What an unworthy matter were it then to make the naughtiest Subjects and most inclined to Rebellion and all evil Judges over their Princes over their Government and over their Counsellors to determin which of them be good or tolerable and which be evil and so intolerable that they must needs be removed by Rebels being ever ready as the naughtiest Subjects soonest to Rebel against the best Princes specially if they be young in Age Women in Sex or gentle and courteous in Government as trusting by their wicked boldness easily to overthrow their weakness and gentleness or at the least so to fear the minds of such Princes that they may have impunity of their mischievous doings But whereas indeed a Rebel is worse than the worst Prince and Rebellion worse than the worst Government of the worst Prince that hitherto hath been both Rebels are unmeet Ministers and Rebellion an unfit and unwholsom Medicine to reform any small lacks in a Prince or to cure any little griefs in Government such lewd Remedies being far worse than any other maladies and disorders that can be in the Body of a Common-wealth But whatsoever the Prince be or his Government it is evident that for the most part those Princes whom some Subjects do think to be very godly and under whose Government they rejoyce to live some other Subjects do take the same to be evil and ungodly and do wish for a change If therefore all Subjects that mislike of their Prince should Rebel no Realm should ever be without Rebellion It were more meet that Rebels should hear the advice of wise Men and give place unto their Judgment and follow the example of obedient Subjects as reason is that they whose understanding is blinded with so evil an affection should give place to them that be of sound judgment and that the worst should give place to the better and so might Realms continue in long Obedience Peace and Quietness But what if the Prince be undiscreet and evil indeed and is also evident to all Mens eyes that he so is I ask again What if it be long of the wickedness of the Subjects that the Prince is undiscreet and evil Shall the Subjects both by their wickedness provoke God for their deserved punishment to give them an undiscreet or evil Prince and also rebel against him and withal against God who for the punishment of their sins did give them such a Prince Will you hear the Scriptures concerning this Point Job 34.10 Hos 13.6 God say the Holy Scriptures maketh a wicked Man to Reign for the sins of the People Again God giveth a Prince in his anger meaning an evil one and taketh away a Prince in his displeasure meaning especially when he taketh away a good Prince for the sins of the People as in our Memory he took away our good Josias King Edward in his young and good years for our wickedness And contrarily the Scriptures do teach 2 Par. 2.9 Prov. 16. That God giveth wisdom unto Princes and maketh a wise and good King to Reign over that People whom he loveth and who loveth him Again If the People obey God 1 Reg. 12. both they and their King shall prosper and be safe else both shall perish saith God by the mouth of Samuel Here you see that God placeth as well evil Princes as good and for what cause he doth both If we therefore will have a good Prince either to be given us or to continue now we have such a one let us by our obedience to God and to our Prince move God thereunto If we will have an evil Prince when God shall send such a one taken away and a good in his place let us take away our wickedness which provoketh God to place such a one over us and God will either displace him or of an evil Prince make him a good Prince so that we first will change our evil into good For will you hear the Scriptures Prov. 21. The heart of the Prince is in Gods hand which way soever it
shall please him he turneth it Thus say the Scriptures Wherefore let us turn from our sins unto the Lord with all our Hearts and he will turn the Heart of the Prince unto our quiet and wealth Else for Subjects to deserve through their sins to have an evil Prince and then to Rebel against him were double and treble evil by provoking God more to plague them Nay let us either deserve to have a good Prince or let us patiently suffer and obey such as we deserve And whether the Prince be good or evil let us according to the Counsel of the holy Scriptures Pray for the Prince for his continuance and increase in goodness if he be good and for his amendment if he be evil Will you hear the Scriptures concerning this most necessary Point 1 Tim. 2. I exhort therefore saith St. Paul that above all things Prayers Supplications Intercessions and giving of Thanks be had for all Men for Kings and all that are in Authority that we may live a quiet and peaceable life with all godliness for that is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour c. This is St. Pauls Counsel and who I pray you was Prince over the most part of the Christians when Gods holy Spirit by St. Pauls Pen gave them this Lesson Forsooth Caligula Claudius or Nero who were not only no Christians but Pagans and also either foolish Rulers or most cruel Tyrants Will you yet hear the Word of God to the Jews when they were Prisoners under Nabuchodonosor King of Babylon after he had slain their Kings Nobles Parents Children and Kinsfolks burned their Country Cities yea Jerusalem it self and the holy Temple and had carried the residue remaining a live Captives with him into Babylon Will you hear yet what the Prophet Baruch saith unto Gods People being in this Captivity Baruc. 1.11 Pray you saith the Prophet for the life of Nabuchodonosor King of Babylon and for the life of Balthasar his Son that their days may be as the days of Heaven upon the Earth that God also may give us strength and lighten our Eyes that we may live under the defence of Nabuchodonosor King of Babylon and under the Protection of Balthasar his Son that we may long do them service and find favor in their sight Pray for us also unto the Lord our God for we have sinned against the Lord our God Thus far the Prophet Baruch his words which are spoken by him unto the People of God of that King who was an Heathen a Tyrant and cruel Oppressor of them and had been a Murtherer of many Thousands of their Nations and a Destroyer of their Country with a Confession that their sins had deserved such a Prince to Reign over them And shall the old Christians by St. Pauls exhortation Pray for Caligula Claudius or Nero Shall the Jews Pray for Nabuchodonosor These Emperors and Kings being strangers unto them being Pagans and Infidels being Murtherers Tyrants and cruel Oppressors of them and Destroyers of their Country Countrymen and Kinsmen the Burners of their Villages Towns Cities and Temples And shall not we Pray for the long prosperous and godly Reign of our natural Prince No stranger which is observed as a great blessing in the Scriptures of our Christian our most gracious Sovereign no Heathen nor Pagan Prince Shall we not Pray for the health of our most merciful most loving Sovereign the Preserver of us and our Country in so long peace quietness and security no cruel Person no Tyrant no Spoyler of our Goods no Shedder of Blood no Burner and Destroyer of our Towns Cities and Countries as were those for whom yet as ye have heard Christians being their Subjects ought to Pray Let us not commit so great Ingratitude against God and our Sovereign as not continually to thank God for his Government and for his great and continual benefits and blessings poured upon us by such Government Let us not commit so great a sin aginst God against our selves and our Country as not to pray continually unto God for the long continuance of so gracious a Ruler unto us and our Countrey Else shall we be unworthy any longer to enjoy those benefits and blessings of God which hitherto we have had by her shall be most worthy to fall into all those mischiefs and miseries which we and our Country have by Gods grace through her Government hitherto escaped What shall we say of those Subjects May we call them by the name of Subjects Who neither be thankful nor make any Prayer to God for so gracious a Sovereign but also themselves take Armor wickedly assemble Companies and Bands of Rebels to break the publick Peace so long continued and to make not War but Rebellion to endanger the Person of such a gracious Sovereign to hazard the Estate of their Countrey for whose defence they should be ready to spend their Lives and being English Men to rob spoil destroy and burn in England English Men to kill and murder their own Neighbors and Kinsfolk their own Countrey-men to do all evil and mischief yea and more too than Foreign Enemies would or could do What shall we say of these Men who use themselves thus rebelliously against their gracious Sovereign Who if God for their wickedness had given them an Heathen Tyrant to Reign over them were by Gods Word bound to obey him and to pray for him What may be spoken of them So far doth their unkindness unnaturalness wickedness mischievousness in their doings pass and excel any thing and all things that can be expressed and uttered by words Only let us wish unto all such most speedy Repentance and with so grievous sorrow of heart as such so horrible sins against the Majesty of God do require who in most extream unthankfulness do rise not only against their gracious Prince against their natural Countrey but against all their Countrey-men Women and Children against themselves their Wives Children and Kinsfolks and by so wicked an example against all Christendom and against whole Mankind of all manner of People throughout the wide World such Repentance I say such sorrow of Heart God grant unto all such whosoever rise of private and malicious purpose as is meet for such mischiefs attempted and wrought by them And unto us and all other Subjects God of his mercy grant that we may be most unlike to all such and most like to good natural loving and obedient Subjects Nay that we may be such indeed not only shewing all obedience our selves but as many of us as be able to the uttermost of our power ability understanding to stay and repress all Rebels and Rebellions against God our gracious Prince and natural Country at every occasion that is offered unto us And that which we are all able to do unless we do it we shall be most wicked and most worthy to feel in the end such extreme Plagues as God hath ever poured upon Rebels Let us make
continual Prayers unto Almighty God even from the bottom of our hearts that he will give his grace power and strength unto our gracious King to vanquish and subdue all as well Rebels at home as Foreign Enemies that all Domestical Rebellions being suppressed and pacified and all outward Invasions repulsed and abandoned we may not only be sure and long continue in all obedience un o our gracious Sovereign and in that peaceable and quiet life which hitherto we have led under his Majesty with all security but also that both our gracious King and we his Subjects may all together in all obedience unto God the King of Kings and unto his holy Laws lead our lives so in this World in all Vertue and Godliness that in the World to come we may enjoy his everlasting Kingdom which I beseech God to grant as well to our gracious Sovereign as unto us all for his Son our Saviour Jesus Christs sake To whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost one God and King immortal be all glory praise and thanksgiving World without end Amen Thus have you heard the First Part of this Homily Now good People Let us pray The PRAYER as in that time it was Published O Most mighty God the Lord of Hosts the Governor of all Creatures the only giver of all Victories who alone art able to strengthen the Weak against the Mighty and to vanquish infinite multitudes of thine Enemies with the Countenance of a few of thy Servants calling upon thy Name and trusting in thee Defend O Lord thy Servant and our Governor under thee our Sovereign Lord the KING and all thy People committed to his charge O Lord withstand the cruelty of all those which be Common Enemies as well to the Truth of thy Eternal Word as to their own natural Prince and Country and manifestly to this Crown and Realm of England which thou hast of thy Divine Providence assigned in these our days to the Government of thy Servant our Sovereign and gracious KING O most merciful Father if it be thy holy Will make soft and tender the stony Hearts of all those that exalt themselves against thy Truth and seek either to trouble the quiet of this Realm of England or to oppress the Crown of the same and convert them to the knowledge of thy Son the only Saviour of the World Jesus Christ that we and they may joyntly glorifie thy Mercies Lighten we beseech the their ignorant Hearts to embrace the Truth of thy Word or else so abate their cruelty O most mighty Lord that this our Christian Realm with others that confess thy holy GOSPEL may obtain by thy aid and strength surety from all Enemies without shedding of Christian Blood whereby all they which be oppressed with their Tyranny may by relieved and they which be in fear of their cruelty may be comforted and finally that all Christian Realms and especially this Realm of England may by thy Defence and Protection continue in the Truth of the Gospel and enjoy perfect Peace Quietness and Security And that we for these thy Mercies joyntly all together with one consonant Heart and Voice may thankfully render to thee all Laud and Praise that we knit in one Godly concord and unity amongst our selves may continually magnifie thy glorious Name who with thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ and the holy Ghost art one Eternal Almighty and most merciful God To whom be all Laud and Praise World without end Amen The Second Part of the Homily against Disobedience and Wilful Rebellion AS in the First Part of this Treaty of Obedience of Subjects to their Princes and against Disobedience and Rebellion I have alledged divers sentences out of the holy Scriptures for proof so shall it be good for the better declaration and confirmation of the said wholsom Doctrin to alledge one example or two out of the holy Scriptures of the Obedience of Subjects not only unto their good and gracious Governors but also unto their evil and unkind Princes As King Saul was not of the best but rather of the worst sort of Princes as being out of Gods favor for his disobedience against God in sparing in a wrong pity the King Agag whom Almighty God commanded to be slain according to the Justice of God against his sworn Enemy and although Saul of a Devotion meant to Sacrifice such things as he spared of the Amalechites to the Honor and Service of God yet Saul was reproved for his wrong Mercy and Devotion and was told that Obedience would have more pleased him than such lenity which sinful humanity saith holy Chrysostom is more cruel before God than any Murther or shedding of Blood when it is commanded of God But yet how evil soever Saul the King was and out of Gods favor yet was he obeyed of his Subject David the very best of all Subjects and most valiant in the service of his Prince and Country in the Wars the most obedient and loving in Peace and always most true and faithful to his Sovereign and Lord and farthest off from all manner of Rebellion For the which his most painful true and faithful Service King Saul yet rewarded him not only with great unkindness but also sought his destruction and death by all means possible so that David was fain to save his life not by Rebellion or any Resistance but by flight and hiding himself from the Kings sight Which notwithstanding when King Saul upon a time came alone into the Cave where David was so that David might easily have slain him yet would he neither hurt him himself neither suffer any of his Men to lay hands upon him Another time also David entring by night with one Abisai a valiant and fierce Man into the Tent where King Saul did lie asleep where also he might yet more easily have slain him yet would he neither hurt him himself nor suffer Abisai who was willing and ready to slay King Saul once to touch him Thus did David deal with Saul his Prince notwithstanding that King Saul continually saught his death and destruction It shall not be amiss unto these Deeds of David to add his words and to shew you what he spake unto such as encouraged him to take his opportunity and advantage to slay King Saul as his mortal Enemy when he might 1 Reg. 24. b. 7 c. 1 Reg. 26. b. 9. b. 10 c. The Lord keep me saith David from doing that thing and from laying hands upon my Lord Gods Anointed For who can lay his hand upon the Lords Anointed and be guiltless As truly as the Lord liveth except that the Lord do smite him or his days shall come to die or that he go down to War and be slain in Battel the Lord be merciful unto me that I lay not my hand upon the Lords Anointed These be Davids words 1 Reg. 24. a. 1 Reg. 1 b. 7. b. 9. 2 Reg. 1. b. spoken at sundry times to divers his Servants
provoking him to slay King Saul when opportunity served him thereunto Neither is it to be omitted and left out how when an Amalechite had slain King Saul even at Sauls own bidding and commandment for he would live no longer now for that he had lost the Field against his Enemies the Philistines the said Amalechite making great hast to bring first word and news thereof unto David as joyous unto him for the death of his mortal Enemy bringing withal the Crown that was upon King Sauls head and the Bracelet that was about his arm both as a proof of the truth of his news and also as fit and pleasant Presents unto David being by God appointed to be King Saul his Successor in the Kingdom 2 Reg. 1. c. 12. yet was that faithful and godly David so far from rejoycing at these news that he rent his Cloaths Wept and Mourned and Fasted and so far off from thanksgiving to the Messenger either for his deed in killing the King though his deadly Enemy or for his Message and News or for his Presents that he brought that he said unto him How hapned it that thou wast not afraid to lay thy hands upon the Lords Anointed to slay him Whereupon 2 Reg. 1. c. 4. c. 15. immediately he commanded one of his Servants to kill the Messenger and said Thy Blood be upon thine own head for thine own mouth hath witnessed against thy self in confessing that thou hast slain the Lords Anointed This Example dearly beloved is notable and the Circumstances thereof are well to be considered for the better instruction of all Subjects in their bounden Duty of Obedience and perpetual fearing of them from attempting of any Rebellion or hurt against their Prince On the one part David was not only a good and true Subject but also such a Subject as both in Peace and War had served and saved his Princes honor and life and delivered his Countrey and Countrey-men from great danger of Infidels Foreign and most cruel Enemies horribly invading the King and his Country 1 Reg. 8. d. 18. g. 30. for which David was in a singular favor with all the People so that he might have had great numbers of them at his Command if he would have attempted any thing 1 Reg. 16. c 12. c. c. 1 Reg. 18. c. 11. 2 Reg. 15. c. 11. 1 Reg. 18. 10. 12. Besides this David was no common nor absolute Subject but Heir apparent to the Crown and Kingdom by God appointed to Reign after Saul which as it increased the favor of the People that knew it towards David so did it make Davids cause and case much differing from the case of common and absolute Subjects And which is most of all David was highly and singularly in the favor of God On the contrary part King Saul was out of Gods favor for that cause which is before rehearsed and he as it were Gods Enemy and therefore like in War and Peace to be hurtful and pernicious unto the Commonwealth and that was known to many of his Subjects for that he was openly rebuked of Samuel for his disobedience unto God which might make the People the less to esteem him 1 Reg. 15. 22. 26. King Saul was also unto David a mortal and deadly Enemy though without Davids deserving who by his faithful painful profitable yea most necessary Service had well deserved as of his Country so of his Prince but King Saul far otherwise the more was his unkindness hatred and cruelty towards such a good Subject both odious and detestable Yet would David neither himself slay nor hurt such an Enemy for that he was his Prince and Lord nor would suffer any other to kill hurt or lay hand upon him when he might have been slain without any stir tumult or danger of any Mans life Now let David answer to such demands as Men desirous of Rebellion do use to make Shall not we specially being so good Men as we are The Demand Rise and Rebel against a Prince hated of God and Gods Enemy and therefore likely not to prosper either in War or Peace but to be hurtful and pernicious to the Commonwealth The Answer No saith good and godly David Gods and such a Kings faithful Subject and so Convicting such Subjects as attempt any Rebellion against such a King to be neither good Subjects nor good Men. But say they The Demand shall we not rise and rebel against so unkind a Prince nothing considering or regarding our true faithful and painful Service or the safeguard of our Posterity No saith good David The Answer The Demand The Answer whom no such unkindness could cause to forsake his due obedience to his Sovereign Shall we not say they rise and rebel against our known mortal and deadly Enemy that seeketh our lives No saith godly David who had learned the Lesson that our Saviour afterward plainly taught that we should do no hurt to our Fellow-Subjects though they hate us and be our Enemies much less unto our Prince though he were our Enemy Shall we not Assemble an Army of such good Fellows as we are and by hazarding of our lives The Demand and the lives of such as shall withstand us and withal hazarding the whole Estate of our Country remove so naughty a Prince No saith godly David for I The Answer when I might without Assembling force or number of Men without tumult or hazard of any Mans life or shedding of any drop of Blood The Demand have delivered my self and my Country of an evil Prince yet would I not do it Are not they say some lusty and couragious Captains valiant Men of stomach and good Mens Bodies that do venture by force to kill and depose their King The Answer being a naughty Prince and their mortal Enemy They may be as lusty and couragious as they list yet saith godly David They can be no good nor godly Men that so do for I not only have rebuked but also commanded him to be slain as a wicked Man which slew King Saul mine enemy though he being weary of his life for the loss of the Victory against his Enemies desired that Man to slay him The Demand The Answer What shall we then do to an evil to an unkind Prince an Enemy to us hated of God hurtful to the Common-wealth c Lay no violent hand upon him saith David but let him live until God appoint and work his end either by natural Death or in War by lawful Enemies not by traiterous Subjects Thus would godly David make answer and St. Paul as ye heard before willeth us also to pray for such a Prince If King David would make these Answers as by his deeds and words recorded in the Holy Scriptures indeed he doth make unto all such Demands concerning rebelling against evil Princes unkind Princes cruel Princes Princes that be to their good Subjects mortal Enemies Princes
Enemies with the Countenance of a few of thy Servants calling upon thy Name and trusting in thee Defend O Lord thy Servant and our Governor under thee our Sovereign Lord the KING and all thy People committed to his charge O Lord withstand the cruelty of all those which be Common Enemies as well to the Truth of thy Eternal Word as to their own natural Prince and Country and manifestly to this Crown and Realm of England which thou hast of thy Divine Providence assigned in these our days to the Government of thy Servant our Sovereign and gracious KING O most merciful Father if it be thy holy Will make soft and tender the stony Hearts of all those that exalt themselves against thy Truth and seek either to trouble the quiet of this Realm of England or to oppress the Crown of the same and convert them to the knowledge of thy Son the only Saviour of the World Jesus Christ that we and they may joyntly glorifie thy Mercies Lighten we beseech the their ignorant Hearts to embrace the Truth of thy Word or else so abate their cruelty O most mighty Lord that this our Christian Realm with others that confess thy holy GOSPEL may obtain by thy aid and strength surety from all Enemies without shedding of Christian Blood whereby all they which be oppressed with their Tyranny may be relieved and they which be in fear of their cruelty may be comforted and finally that all Christian Realms and especially this Realm of England may by thy Defence and Protection continue in the Truth of the Gospel and enjoy perfect Peace Quietness and Security And that we for these thy Mercies joyntly all together with one consonant Heart and Voice may thankfully render to thee all Laud and Praise that we knit in one Godly concord and unity amongst our selves may continually magnifie thy glorious Name who with thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ and th● 〈◊〉 Ghost art one Eternal Almighty and most merc●●●● God To whom be all Laud and Praise World without end Amen The Third Part of the Homily against Disobedience and Wilful Rebellion AS I have in the First Part of this Treatise shewed unto you the Doctrin of the Holy Scriptures as concerning the Obedience of true Subjects to their Princes even as well to such as be evil as unto the good and in the Second Part of the same Treaty confirmed the same Doctrin by notable examples likewise taken out of the Holy Scriptures so remaineth it now that I partly do declare unto you in this Third Part what an abominable sin against God and Man Rebellion is and how dreadfully the wrath of God is kindled and inflamed against all Rebels and what horrible plagues punishments and deaths and finally eternal damnation doth hang over their heads as how on the contrary part good and obedient Subjects are in Gods favor and be partakers of Peace Quietness and Security with other Gods manifold blessings in this World and by his mercies through our Saviour Christ of life everlasting also in the World to come How horrible a sin against God and Man Rebellion is cannot possibly be expressed according unto the greatness thereof For he that nameth Rebellion nameth not a singular or one only sin as is Theft Robbery Murder and such like but he nameth the whole puddle and sink of all sins against God and Man against his Prince his Country his Country-men his Parents his Children his Kinsfolks his Friends and against all Men universally all sins I say against God and all Men heaped together nameth he that nameth Rebellion For concerning the offence of Gods Majesty who seeth not that Rebellion riseth first by contempt of God and of his holy Ordinances and Laws wherein he so straitly commandeth Obedience forbiddeth Disobedience and Rebellion And besides the dishonor done by Rebels unto Gods holy name by their breaking of their Oath made to their Prince with the attestation of Gods Name and calling of his Majesty to witness Who heareth not the horrible Oaths and Blasphemies of Gods holy Name that are used daily amongst Rebels that is either amongst them or heareth the truth of their Behavior Who knoweth not that Rebels do not only themselves leave all Works necessary to be done upon Work-days undone whiles they accomplish their abominable work of Rebellion and to compel others that would gladly be well occupied to do the same but also how Rebels do not only leave the Sabbath-day of the Lord unsanctified the Temple and Church of the Lord unresorted unto but also do by their Works of wickedness most horribly prophane and pollute the Sabbath-day serving Satan and by doing of his work making it the Devils day instead of the Lords day Besides that they compel good Men that would gladly serve the Lord assembling in his Temple and Church upon his day as becometh the Lords Servants to Assemble and meet Armed in the Field to resist the fury of such Rebels Yea and many Rebels lest they should leave any part of Gods Commandments in the first Table of his Law unbroken or any sin against God undone do make Rebellion for the maintainance of their Images and Idols and of their Idolatry committed or to be committed by them and in despite of God cut and tear in sunder his holy Word and tread it under their Feet as of late ye know was done The fifth Commandment As concerning the second Table of Gods Law and all sins that may be committed against Man who seeth not that they be contained in Rebellion For first the Rebels do not only dishonor their Prince the Parent of their Country but also do dishonor and shame their natural Parents if they have any do shame their Kindred and Friends do disinherit and undo for ever their Children and Heirs The sixth and eighth Commandment Thefts Robberies and Murders which of all sins are most loathed of most Men are in no Men so much nor so perniciously and mischievously as in Rebels For the most arrant Thieves cruellest Murderers that ever were so long as they refrain from Rebellion as they are not many in number so spreadeth their wickedness and damnation unto a few they spoil but a few they shed the Blood but of a few in comparison But Rebels are the cause of infinite Robberies and murderers of great Multitudes and of those also whom they should defend from the spoil and violence of other and as Rebels are many in number so doth their wickedness and damnation spread it self unto many And if Whoredom and Adultery amongst such Persons as are agreeable to such wickedness are as they indeed be most damnable The Seventh Commandment What are the forcible oppressions of Matrons and Mens Wives and the violating and deflouring of Virgins and Maids which are most rife with Rebels How horrible and damnable think you are they Now besides that The Nninth Commandment Rebels by breach of their Faith given and the Oath made to their
Prince be guilty of most damnable Perjury It is wondrous to see what false colours and feigned causes by slanderous lies made upon their Prince and the Counsellors Rebels will devise to cloak their Rebellion withal which is the worst and most damnable of all false witness-bearing that may be possible For what should I speak of coveting or desiring of other Mens Wives Houses Lands Goods and Servants The Tenth Commandment in Rebels who by their wills would leave unto no Man any thing of his own Thus you see that all good Laws are by Rebels violated and broken and that all sins possible to be committed against God or Man be contained in Rebellion which sins if a Man list to name by the accustomed names of the seven capital or deadly sins as Pride Envy Wrath Covetousness Sloth Gluttony and Lechery he shall find them all in Rebellion and amongst Rebels For first As Ambition and Desire to be aloft which is the property of Pride stirreth up many Mens minds to Rebellion so cometh it of a Luciferian pride and presumption that a few rebellious Subjects should set themselves up against the Majesty of their Prince against the Wisdom of the Counsellors against the power and force of all Nobility and the faithful Subjects and People of the whole Realm As for Envy Wrath Murder and desire of Blood and covetousness of other Mens Goods Lands and Livings they are the inseparable accidents of all Rebels and peculiar Properties that do usually stir up wicked Men unto Rebellion Now such as by Riotousness Gluttony Drunkenness excess of Apparel and unthrifty Games have wasted their own Goods unthriftily the same are most apt unto and most desirous of Rebellion whereby they trust to come by other Mens Goods unlawfully and violently And where other Gluttons and Drunkards take too much of such Meats and Drinks as are served to Tables Rebels waste and consume in short space all Corn in Barns Fields or elsewhere whole Garners whole Store-houses whole Sellers devour whole Flocks of Sheep whole Droves of Oxen and Kine And as Rebels that are married leaving their own Wives at home do most ungraciously so much more do unmarried Men worse than any Stallions or Horses being now by Rebellion set at liberty from Correction of Laws which bridled them before abuse by force other Mens Wives and Daughters and ravish Virgins and Maids most shamefully abominably and damnably Thus all sins by all names that sins may be named and by all means that sins may be committed and wrought do all wholly upon heaps follow Rebellion and are to be found altogether amongst Rebels Now whereas Pestilence 2 Reg. 24. cap. 14. Famine and War are by the Holy Scriptures declared to be the greatest Worldly Plagues and Miseries that likely can be it is evident that all the Miseries that all these Plagues have in them do wholly altogether follow Rebellion wherein as all their Miseries be so is there much more mischief than in them all For it is known that in the resorting of great Companies of Men together which in Rebellion happeneth both upon the part of true Subjects and of the Rebels by their close lying together and corruption of the Air and place where they do lie with Ordure and much filth in the hot weather and by unwholsom Lodging and lying often upon the ground specially in cold and wet weather in Winter by their unwholsom Diet and feeding at all times and often by Famin and lack of Meat and Drink in due time and again by taking too much at other times It is well known I say that as well Plagues and Pestilences as all other kinds of Sicknesses and Maladies by these means grow up and spring amongst Men whereby more Men are consumed at the length than are by dint of Sword suddenly slain in the Field So that not only Pestilences but also all other Sicknesses Diseases and Maladies do follow Rebellion which are much more horrible than Plagues Pestilences and Diseases sent directly from God as hereafter shall appear more plainly And as for Hunger and Famin they are the peculiar companions of Rebellion for while Rebels do in short time spoil and consume all Corn and necessary Provision which Men with their labors had gotten and appointed upon for their finding the whole Year after and also do let all other Men Husband-men and others from their Husbandry and other necessary works whereby Provision should be made for times to come who seeth not that extream Famin and Hunger must needs shortly ensue and follow Rebellion 2 Reg. 24. cap. 24. Now whereas the wise King and godly Prophet David judged War to be worse than either Famin or Pestilence for that these two are often suffered by God for Mans amendment and be not sins of themselves but Wars have always the sins and mischiefs of Men upon the one side or other joyned with them and therefore is War the greatest of these worldly mischiefs but of all Wars Civil War is the worst and far more abominable yet is Rebellion than any Civil War being unworthy the name of any War so far it exceedeth all Wars in all naughtiness in all mischief and in all abomination And therefore our Saviour Christ denounceth desolation and destruction to that Realm Mat. 12. that by Sedition and Rebellion is divided in it self Now as I have shewed before that Pestilence and Famine so is it yet more evident that all the calamities miseries and mischiefs of War be more grievous and do more follow Rebellion than any other War as being far worse than all other Wars For not only those ordinary and usual mischiefs and miseries of other Wars do follow Rebellion as Corn and other things necessary to Mans use to be spoiled Houses Villages Towns Cities to be taken sacked burned and destroyed not only many very wealthy Men but whole Countries to be impoverished and utterly beggered many thousands of Men to be slain and murthered Women and Maids to be violated and deflowred which things when they are done by Foreign Enemies we do much mourn as we have great causes yet are all these miseries without any wickedness wrought by any of our own Countrymen But when these mischiefs are wrought in Rebellion by them that should be Friends by Countrymen by Kinsmen by those that should defend their Country and Country-men from such miseries the misery is nothing so great as is the mischief and wickedness when the Subjects unnaturally do Rebel against their Prince whose honor and life they should defend though it were with the loss of their own lives Country-men disturb the publick Peace and Quietness of their Country for defence of whose Quietness they should spend their lives the Brother to seek and often to work the death of his Brother the Son of the Father the Father to seek or procure the death of his Sons being at Mans Age and by their faults to disinherit their innocent Children and Kinsmen their
c. 10. Num. 16. Ps 77. Some of the Children of Israel being Murmurers against their Magistrates appointed over them by God were stricken with foul Leprosie many were burnt up with Fire suddenly sent from the Lord sometime a great sort of thousands were consumed with the Pestilence sometime they were stinged to death with a strange kind of fiery Serpents and which is most horrible some of the Captains with their Band of Murmurers not dying by any usual or natural death of Men but the Earth opening they with their Wives Children and Families were swallowed quick down into Hell Num. 16. Which horrible destructions of such Israelites as were Murmurers against Moses appointed by God to be their Head and chief Magistrate Num. 16. are recorded in the Book of Numbers and other places of the Scriptures for perpetual memory and warning to all subjects how highly God is displeased with the murmuring and evil speaking of Subjects against their Princes so that as the Scripture recordeth Exod. 16. b. 7 c. Their murmur was not against their Prince only being a mortal Creature but against God himself also Now if such strange and horrible Plagues did fall upon such Subjects as did only murmur and speak evil against their Heads what shall become of those most wicked imps of the Devil that do conspire arm themselves assemble great numbers of Armed Rebels and lead them with them against their Prince and Country spoiling and robbing killing and murdering all good Subjects that do withstand them as many as they may prevail against But those Examples are written to stay us not only from such mischiefs but also from murmuring and speaking once an evil word against our Prince which though any should do never so secretly yet do the Holy Scriptures shew that the very Birds of the Air will bewray them and these so many Examples before noted out of the Holy Scriptures do declare That they shall not escape horrible punishment therefore Now concerning Actual Rebellion Eccl. 10. d. 2 King 15. c. 12. 17. a. 1 c. 11. 18. b. 7.18 Amongst many Examples thereof set forth in the Holy Scriptures the Example of Absalom is notable who entring into Conspiracy against King David his Father both used the advice of very witty Men and assembled a very great and huge company of Rebels the which Absalom though he were most goodly of Person of great Nobility being the Kings Son in great favor of the People and so dearly beloved of the King himself so much that he gave commandment that notwithstanding his Rebellion his life should be saved when for these considerations most Men were afraid to lay hands upon him 2 King 18. a. 5. a great Tree stretched out his Arm as it were for that purpose caught him by the great and long Bush of his goodly Hair lapping about it as he fled hastily bare-headed under the said Tree and so hanged him up by the Hair of his Head in the Air to give an eternal document that neither comliness of Personage 2 King 18. b. 9. neither Nobility nor favor of the People no nor the favor of the King himself can save a Rebel from due punishment God the King of all Kings being so offended with him that rather than he should lack due Execution for his Treason every Tree by the Way will be a Gallows or Gibbet unto him and the Hair of his own Head will be unto him instead of a Halter to hang him up with rather than he should lack one A fearful example of Gods punishment good People to consider Now Achitophel Achitophel though otherwise an exceeding wise Man yet the mischievous Counsellor of Absalom in this wicked Rebellion for lack of an Hangman a convenient Servitor for such a Traytor went and hanged up himself 2 King 15. c. 12. 16. d. 2. 23. 17. f. 23. 2 King 18. c. 7. 8 9. A worthy end of all false Rebels who rather than they should lack due execution will by Gods just Judgment become Hangmen unto themselves Thus hapned it to the Captains of that Rebellion beside forty thousand of rascal Rebels slain in the Field and in the Chase Likewise is it to be seen in the Holy Scriptures how that great Rebellion which the Traitor Seba moved in Israel 2 King 20. was suddenly appeased the head of the Captain Traitor by the means of a silly Woman being cut off And as the Holy Scripture doth shew so doth daily experience prove that the Counsels Conspiracies and attempts of Rebels never took effect neither came to good but to most horrible end For though God doth oftentimes prosper just and lawful Enemies Ps 20.12 which be no Subjects against their Foreign Enemies yet did he never long prosper Rebellious Subjects against their Prince were they never so great in Authority Gen. 14. or so many in number Five Princes or Kings for so the Scripture termeth them with all their multitudes could not prevail against Chedorlaomer unto whom they had promised Loyalty and Obedience and had continued in the same certain years but they were all overthrown and taken Prisoners by him but Abraham with his Family and Kinsfolks an handful of Men in respect owing no subjection unto Chedorlaomer overthrew him and all his Host in Battel and recovered the Prisoners and delivered them So that though War be so dreadful and cruel a thing as it is yet doth God often prosper a few in lawful Wars with Foreign Enemies against many thousands but never yet prospered he Subjects being Rebels against their natural Sovereign were they never so great or noble so many so stout so witty and politic but always they came by the overthrow and to a shameful end so much doth God abhor Rebellion more than other Wars though otherwise being so dreadful and so great a destruction to Mankind Though not only great multitudes of the rude and rascal Commons but sometime also Men of great Wit Nobility and Authority have moved Rebellions against their lawful Princes whereas true Nobility should most abhor such Villanous and true wisdom should most detest such frantic Rebellion though they should pretend sundry causes as the Redress of the Common-wealth which Rebellion of all other mischiefs doth most destroy or Reformation of Religion whereas Rebellion is most against all true Religion though they have made a great shew of holy meaning by beginning their Rebellions with a counterfeit Service of God 2 Reg. 15. c. 12. as did wicked Absalom begin his Rebellion with Sacrificing unto God though they display and bear about Ensigns and Banners which are acceptable unto the rude ignorant common people great multitudes of whom by such false pretences and shews they do deceive and draw unto them yet were the multitudes of the Rebels never so huge and great the Captains never so noble politic and witty the Pretences feigned to be never so good and holy yet the speedy
them to beware of the subtil suggestions of such restless ambitious Persons and so to flee them that Rebellions though attempted by a few Ambitious through the lack of maintainance by any multitudes may speedily and easily without any great labor danger or damage be re-ressed and clearly extinguished It is well known as well by all Histories as by daily Experience that none have either more ambitiously aspired above Emperors Kings and Princes nor have more perniciously moved the ignorant People to Rebellion against their Princes than certain Persons which falsly challenge to themselves to be only counted and called Spiritual I must therefore here yet once again briefly put you good People in remembrance out of Gods holy Word how our Saviour Jesus Christ and his holy Apostles the Heads and chief of all true Spiritual and Ecclesiastical Men behaved themselves towards the Princes and Rulers of their time though not the best Governors that ever were that you be not ignorant whether they be the true Disciples and followers of Christ and his Apostles and so true spiritual Men that either by Ambition do so highly aspire or do most maliciously teach or most perniciously do execute Rebellion against their lawful Princes being the worst of all carnal Works and mischievous Deeds Mat. 17. d. 25. Mark 12. b. 14. Luke 20. d. 25. Mat. 27. Luke 23. Rom. 13. a. 1 c. 1 Tim. 2. a. 1. 1 Pet. 2. c. 13. John 6. b. 15. and 18. f. 36. Mat. 20. d. 25. Mark 10. f. 42. Luke 22. c. 25. Mat. 23. a. 8. Luke 9. f. 46. 2 Cor. 1. d. 24. 1 Pet. 5. a 3. Mat. 18. a. 4. 20. d. 28. Luke 9. f. 48. 22. c. 27. Sex decre lib. 3. tit 16. cap. unic lib. 5. tit 9. cap. 5. i● glossa The holy Scriptures do teach most expresly that our Saviour Christ himself and his Apostles St. Paul St. Peter with others were unto the Magistrates and higher Powers which ruled at their being upon the Earth both obedient themselves and did also diligently and earnestly exhort all other Christians to the like obedience unto their Princes and Governors whereby it is evident that Men of the Clergy and Ecclesiastical Ministers as their Successors ought both themselves specially and before other to be obedient unto their Princes and also to exhort all others unto the same Our Saviour Christ likewise teaching by his Doctrin that his Kingdom was not of this World did by his Example in fleeing from those that would have made him King confirm the same expresly also forbidding his Apostles and by them the whole Clergy all Princely Dominion over People and Nations and he and his holy Apostles likewise namely Peter and Paul did forbid unto all Ecclesiastical Ministers dominion over the Church of Christ And indeed whiles the Ecclesiastical Ministers continued in Christs Church in that order that is in Christs Word prescribed unto them and in Christian Kingdoms kept themselves obedient to their own Princes as the Holy Scripture doth teach them both was Christs Church more clear from ambitious Emulations and Contentions and the State of Christian Kingdoms less subject unto Tumults and Rebellions But after that Ambition and desire of Dominion entred once into Ecclesiastical Ministers whose greatness after the Doctrin and Example of our Saviour should chiefly stand in humbling themselves and that the Bishop of Rome being by the order of Gods Word none other than the Bishop of that one See and Diocess and never yet well able to govern the same did by intolerable Ambition challenge not only to he the Head of all the Church dispersed throughout the World but also to be Lord of all Kingdoms of the World as is expresly set forth in the Book of his own Canon Laws most contrary to the Doctrin and Example of our Saviour Christ whose Vicar and of his Apostles namely Peter whose Successor he pretendeth to be After this Ambition entred and his Challenge once made by the Bishop of Rome he became at once the spoiler and destroyer both of the Church which is the Kingdom of our Saviour Christ and of the Christian Empire and all Christian Kingdoms as an Universal Tyrant over all And whereas before that Challenge made there was great amity and love amongst the Christians of all Countries hereupon began Emulation and much Hatred between the Bishop of Rome and his Clergy and Friends on the one part and the Grecian Clergy and Christians of the East on the other part for that they refused to acknowledge any such Supream Authority of the Bishop of Rome over them The Bishop of Rome for this cause amongst other not only naming them and taking them for Schismatics but also never ceasing to persecute them and the Emperors who had their See and continuance in Greece by stirring of the Subjects to Rebellion against their Sovereign Lords and by raising deadly hatred and most cruel Wars between them and other Christian Princes And when the Bishops of Rome had translated the Title of the Emperor and as much as in them did lie the Empire it self from their Lord the Emperor of of Greece and of Rome also by right unto the Christian Princes of the West they became in short space no better unto the West Emperors than they were before unto the Emperors of Greece for the usual discharging of Subjects from their Oath of Fidelity made unto the Emperors of the West their Sovereign Lords by the Bishops of Rome the unnatural stirring up of the Subjects unto Rebellion against their Princes yea of the Son against the Father by the Bishop of Rome the most cruel and bloody Wars raised amongst Christian Princes of all Kingdoms the horrible murder of infinite thousands of Christian Men being slain by Christians and which ensued thereupon the pitiful losses of so many goodly Cities Countries Dominions and Kingdoms sometime possessed by Christians in Asia Africa Europe the miserable fall of the Empire and Church of Greece sometime the most flourishing part of Christendom into the hands of the Turks the lamentable diminishing decay and ruin of Christian Religion the dreadful increase of Paganism and Power of the Infidels and Miscreants and all by the practice and procurement of the Bishop of Rome chiefly is in the Histories and Chronicles written by the Bishop of Romes own Favorers and Friends to be seen and as well known unto all such as are acquainted with the said Histories The ambitious intents and most subtil drifts of the Bishops of Rome in these their Practices appeared evidently by their bold attempt in spoiling and robbing the Emperors of their Towns Cities Dominions and Kingdoms in Italy Lombardy and Sicily of ancient right belonging to the Empire and by joyning of them unto their Bishoprick of Rome or else giving them unto strangers to hold them of the Church and Bishop of Rome as in capite and as of the chief Lords thereof in which tenure they hold the most part thereof
take all their Commandments for Gods For as they would not suffer the Holy Scriptures or Church Service to be used or had in any other Language than the Latin so were very few even of the most simple People taught the Lords Prayer the Articles of the Faith and the Ten Commandments otherwise than in Latin which they understood not by which universal ignorance all Men were ready to believe whatsoever they said and to do whatsoever they commanded For to imitate the Apostles phrase if the Emperors Subjects had known out of Gods word their Duty to their Prince they would not have suffered the Bishop of Rome to persuade them to forsake their Sovereign Lord the Emperor against their Oath and Fidelity and to Rebel against him only for that he cast Images unto the which Idolatry was committed out of the Churches which the Bishop of Rome bare them in hand to be Heresie If they had known of Gods Word but as much as the Ten Commandments they should have found that the Bishop of Rome was not only a Traitor to the Emperor his Liege Lord but to God also and an horrible Blasphemer of his Majesty in calling his holy Word and Commandment Heresie and that which the Bishop of Rome took for a just cause to rebel against his lawful Prince they might have known to be a doubling and trebling of his most heinous wickedness heaped with horrible Impiety and Blasphemy But lest the poor People should know too much he would not let them have as much of Gods Word as the Ten Commandments wholly and perfectly Henry 4. Gregor 7. Anno Dom 167. Paschal 2. Anno 19● withdrawing from them the second Commandment that bewrayeth his Impiety by a subtil Sacriledge Had the Emperors Subjects likewise known and been of any understanding in Gods Word would they at other times have rebelled against their Sovereign Lord and by their Rebellion have holpen to depose him only for that the Bishop of Rome did bear them in hand that it was Symony and Heresie too for the Emperor to give any Ecclesiastical Dignities or promotion to his learned Chaplains or other of his learned Clergy which all Christian Emperors before him had done without controlement would they I say for that the Bishop of Rome bare them so in hand have rebelled by the space of more than forty Years together against him with so much shedding of Christian Blood and murder of so many thousands of Christians and finally have deposed their Sovereign Lord had they known and had in Gods Word any understanding at all specially had they known that they did all this to pluck from their Sovereign Lord and his Successors for ever that ancient Right of the Empire to give it unto the Romish Clergy and to the Bishop of Rome that he might for the Confirmation of one Arch-Bishop and for the Romish Rag which he calleth a Pall scarce worth Twelve pence receive many thousand Crowns of Gold and of other Bishops likewise great Sums of Mony for their Bulls which is Symony indeed Would I say Christian Men and Subjects by Rebellion have spent so much Christian Blood and have deposed their natural most noble and most valiant Prince to bring the matter finally to this pass had they known what they did or had any understanding in Gods Word at all And as these ambitious Usurpers the Bishops of Rome have over-flowed all Italy and Germany with streams of Christian Blood shed by the Rebellions of ignorant Subjects against their natural Lords and Emperors whom they have stirred thereunto by such false pretences so is there no Country in Christendom which by their like means and false pretences hath not been over-sprinkled with the Blood of Subjects by Rebellion against their natural Sovereigns stirred up by the same Bishops of Rome And to use one Example of our own Country the Bishop of Rome did pick a Quarrel to King John of England ●ing John about the Election of Stephen Langton to the Bishoprick of Canterbury wherein the King had ancient Right being used by his Progenitors all Christian Kings of England before him the Bishops of Rome having no Right but had begun then to usurp upon the Kings of England and all other Christian Kings as they had before done against their Sovereign Lords the Emperors proceeding even by the same ways and means and likewise cursing King John and discharging his Subjects of their Oath of Fidelity unto their Sovereign Lord. Now had English-men at that time known their Duty to their Prince set forth in Gods Word would a great many of Nobles and other English-men natural Subjects for this Foreign and unnatural Usurper Innocent III. his vain curse of the King and for his feigned discharging of them of their Oath and Fidelity to their natural Lord upon so slender or no ground at all have rebelled against their Sovereign Lord the King Would English Subjects have taken part against the King of England and against English-men Philip French King with the French King and French-men being incensed against this Realm by the Bishop of Rome Would they have sent for and received the Dolphin of France with a great Army of French-men into the Realm of England Lewis Dolphin of France Would they have sworn Fidelity to the Dolphin of France breaking their Oath of Fidelity to their natural Lord the King of England and have stood under the Dolphins Banner displayed against the King of England Would they have expelled their Sovereign Lord the King of England out of London the chief City of England and out of the greatest part of England upon the South-side of the Trent even unto Lincoln and out of Lincoln it self also and have delivered the possession thereof unto the Dolphin of France whereof he kept the possession a great while Would they being English men have procured so great shedding of English-blood and other infinite mischiefs and miseries unto England their natural Country as did follow those cruel Wars and traiterous Rebellion the fruits of the Bishop of Romes blessings Would they have driven their natural Sovereign Lord the King of England to such extremity that he was inforced to submit himself unto that Foreign false Usurper the Bishop of Rome who compelled him to surrender up the Crown of England into the hands of his Legat who in token of possession kept it in his hands divers days and then delivered it again to King John upon that condition that the King and his Successors Kings of England should hold the Crown and Kingdom of England of the Bishop of Rome and his Successors as the Vassals of the said Bishop of Rome for ever in token whereof the Kings of England should also pay a yearly Tribute to the said Bishop of Rome as his Vassals and Liege-men Would English-men have brought their Sovereign Lord and Natural Country into this thraldom and subjection to a false Foreign Usurper had they known and had any understanding in Gods
Word at all Out of the which most lamentable case and miserable tyranny raveny and spoil of the most greedy Romish Wolves ensuing hereupon the Kings and Realm of England could not rid themselves by the space of many years after the Bishop of Rome by his Ministers continually not only spoiling the Realm and Kings of England of infinite treasure See the Acts of Parliament in King Edward the Third his days but also with the same Mony hiring and maintaining Foreign Enemies against the Realm and Kings of England to keep them in such his subjection that they should not refuse to pay whatsoever those unsatiable Wolves did greedily gape for and suffer whatsoever those most cruel Tyrants would lay upon them Would Englishmen have suffered this Would they by Rebellion have caused this trow you and all for the Bishop of Romes causless curse had they in those days known and understood that God doth curse the Blessings and bless the Cursings of such wicked usurping Bishops and Tyrants As it appeared afterward in King Henry the Eighth his days and King Edward the Sixth and in our gracious Sovereigns days that now is where neither the Popes curses Malac. 2. nor Gods manifold blessings are wanting But in King Johns time the Bishop of Rome understanding the brute blindness ignorance of Gods Word and superstition of English-men and how much they were inclined to worship the Babylonical Beast of Rome and to fear all his threatnings and causless curses he abused them thus and by their Rebellion brought this noble Realm and Kings of England under his most cruel Tyranny and to be a spoil of his most vile and unsatiable covetousness and raveny for a long and a great deal too long a time And to joyn unto the reports of Histories matters of later Memory could the Bishop of Rome have raised the Rebellions in the North and West-Countries in the times of King Henry and King Edward but by abusing of the ignorant People Or is it not most evident that the Bishop of Rome hath of late attempted by his Irish Patriarchs and Bishops sent from Rome with his Bulls whereof some were apprehended to break down the Bars and Hedges of the public Peace in Ireland only upon confidence easily to abuse the ignorance of the wild Irish-men Or who seeth not that upon like confidence yet more lately he hath likewise procured the breach of the public Peace in England with the long and blessed continuance whereof he is sore grieved by the Ministry of his disguised Chaplains creeping in Lay-mens Apparel into the Houses and whispering in the ears of certain Northern borderers being then most ignorant of their duty to God and to their Prince of all People of the Realm whom therefore as most meet and ready to execute his intended purpose he hath by the said ignorant Mass Priests as blind guides leading the blind brought those silly blind Subjects into the deep ditch of Horror and Rebellion damnable to themselves and very dangerous to the State of the Realm had not God of his mercy miraculously calmed that raging Tempest not only without any Shipwrack of the Common-wealth but almost without any shedding of Christian and English Blood at all And it is yet much more to be lamented that not only common People but some other youthful or unskilful Princes also suffer themselves to be abused by the Bishop of Rome his Cardinals and Bishops to oppressing of Christian Men their faithful Subjects either themselves or else by procuring the force and strength of Christian Men to be conveyed out of one Country to oppress true Christians in another Country and by these means open an entry unto Moors and Infidels into the possession of Christian Realms Countries other Christian Princes in the mean time by the Bishop of Romes procuring also being so occupied in Civil Wars or troubled with Rebellions that they have neither leisure nor ability to confer their common Forces to the defence of their Fellow Christians against such invasions of the common Enemies of Christendom the Infidels and Miscreants Would to God we might only read and hear out of the Histories of old and not also see and feel these new and present oppressions of Christians rebellions of Subjects effusion of Christian Blood destruction of Christian Men decay and ruin of Christendom increase of Paganism most lamentable and pitiful to behold being procured in these our days as well as in times past by the Bishop of Rome and his Ministers abusing the ignorance of Gods Word yet remaining in some Christian Princes and People Jer. 18. c. 18. By which sorrow and bitter fruits of ignorance all Men ought to be moved to give ear and credit to Gods Word shewing as most truly so most plainly how great a mischief ignorance is and again how great and how good a gift in knowledge Gods Word is And to begin with the Romish Clergy who though they do brag now as did sometime the Jewish Clergy that they cannot lack knowledge yet doth God by his holy Prophets both charge them with ignorance Ezek. 7. g. 26. Hos 4. b. 6. Ps 2. and threaten them also for that they have repelled the knowledge of Gods Word and Law from themselves and from his people that he will repel them that they shall be no more his Priests God likewise chargeth Princes as well as Priests that they should endeavor themselves to get understanding and knowledge in his Word threatning his heavy wrath and destruction unto them if they sail thereof Prov. 19. Wisd 13. Prov. 17. Ephes 4. John 12. Esay 5.13 Luke 19. g. 44 and 23. c. 34. Acts multis locis John 16. a. 2. Esay 27. Hos 4. Baruc. 3. Esay 6. c. 9. Mat. 13. b. 14.15 John 12.40 Wisd 5. Mat. 13.19 2 Cor. 4. a. And the wise Man saith to all Men universally Princes Priests and People Where is no knowledge there is no good nor health to the Soul and that all Men be vain in whom is not the knowledge of God and his holy Word that they who walk in darkness wot not whither they go and that the People that will not learn shall fall into great mischiefs as did the People of Israel who for their ignorance in Gods Word were first led into captivity and when by ignorance afterward they would not know the time of their Visitation but crucified Christ our Saviour persecuted his holy Apostles and were so ignorant and blind that when they did most wickedly and cruelly they thought they did God good and acceptable Service as do many by ignorance think even at this day Finally through their ignorance and blindness their Countries Towns Cities Jerusalem it self and the Temple of God were almost horribly destroyed the chiefest part of their People slain and the rest led into most miserable captivity For he that made them had no pity upon them neither would spare them and all for their ignorance And the Holy Scriptures do teach
that the People that will not see with their Eyes nor hear with their Ears to learn and to understand with their Hearts cannot be converted and saved And the wicked themselves being damned in Hell shall confess ignorance in Gods Word to have brought them thereunto saying We have erred from the way of the truth and the light of Righteousness hath not shined unto us and the Sun of understanding hath not risen unto us Mat. 7. John 3. we have wearied our selves in the way of wickedness and perdition and have walked cumberous and crooked ways but the way of the Lord have we not known Mat. 11. b. 15. 13. a. 9. f. 3. Luke 8. a. 8. Joh. 5. f. 39. Ps 1. Mat. 7. b. 7. Luk. 11.9 Luke 16. g. 30.31 Gal. 1. b. 8. Deut. 5.32 Deut. 17. c. 14.15 c. Rom. 13. 1 Pet. 2. Psal 118. Psal 18. 118. Eph. 5.14 1 Thes 5. a. 4.5 John 12.35.36 Jam 1. c. 17. 1 Tim. 6. d. 16. John 3. And as well our Saviour himself as his Apostle St. Paul doth teach that the ignorance of Gods Word cometh of the Devil is the cause of all error and misjudging as falleth out with ignorant Subjects who can rather espy a little mote in the eye of the Prince or a Counsellor than a great Beam in their own and universally it is the cause of all evil and finally of eternal damnation Gods Judgment being severe towards those who when the light of Christs Gospel is come into the World do delight more in darkness of ignorance than in the light of knowledge in Gods Word For all are commanded to read or hear to search and study the holy Scriptures and are promised understanding to be given them from God if they so do all are charged not to believe either any dead Man nor if an Angel should speak from Heaven much less if the Pope do speak from Rome against or contrary to the Word of God from the which we may not decline neither to the right hand nor to the left In Gods Word Princes must learn how to obey God and to govern Men in Gods Word Subjects must learn Obedience both to God and their Princes Old Men and young rich and poor all Men and Women all Estates Sexes and Ages are taught their several Duties in the Word of God For the Word of God is bright giving light unto all Mens Eyes the shining Lamp directing all Mens Paths and Steps Let us therefore awake from the sleep and darkness of Ignorance and open our Eyes that we may see the light let us rise from the works of darkness that we may escape eternal darkness the due reward thereof and let us walk in the light of Gods Word whiles we have light as becometh the Children of light so directing the steps of our Lives in that way which leadeth to light and life everlasting that we may finally obtain and enjoy the same which God the Father of Lights who dwelleth in light incomprehensible and inaccessible grant unto us through the light of the World our Saviour Jesus Christ Unto whom with the Holy Ghost one most glorious God be all Honor Praise and Thanksgiving for ever and ever Amen Thus have you heard the Sixth Part of this Homily Now good People Let us pray The PRAYER as in that time it was Published O Most mighty God the Lord of Hosts the Governor of all Creatures the only giver of all Victories who alone art able to strengthen the Weak against the Mighty and to vanquish infinite multitudes of thine Enemies with the Countenance of a few of thy Servants calling upon thy Name and trusting in thee Defend O Lord thy Servant and our Governor under thee our Sovereign Lord the KING and all thy People committed to his charge O Lord withstand the cruelty of all those which be common Enemies as well to the truth of thy eternal Word as to their own natural Prince and Country and manifestly to this Crown and Realm of ENGLAND which thou hast of thy Divine Providence assigned in these our days to the Government of thy Servant our Sovereign and gracious KING O most merciful Father if it be thy holy Will make soft and tender the stony hearts of all those that exalt themselves against thy Truth and seek either to trouble the quiet of this Realm of ENGLAND or to oppress the Crown of the same and convert them to the knowledge of thy Son the only Saviour of the World Jesus Christ that we and they may joyntly glorifie thy Mercies Lighten we beseech thee their ignorant hearts to embrace the truth of thy Word or else so abate their cruelty O most mighty Lord that this our Christian Realm with others that confess thy holy GOSPEL may obtain by thine aid and strength surety from all Enemies without shedding of Christian Blood whereby all they which be oppressed with their Tyranny may be relieved and they which be in fear of their cruelty may be comforted And finally that all Christian Realms and especially this Realm of ENGLAND may by thy Defence and Protection continue in the truth of the Gospel and enjoy perfect Peace Quietness and Security and that we for these thy Mercies joyntly all together with one consonant heart and voice may thankfully render to thee all laud and praise that we knit in one godly concord and unity amongst our selves may continually magnifie thy glorious Name who with thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost art one Eternal Almighty and most merciful GOD. To whom be all laud and praise World without end Amen A THANKSGIVING for the Suppression of the last Rebellion O Heavenly and most merciful Father the defender of those that put their trust in thee the sure fortress of all them that flee to thee for succor who of thy most just Judgments for our Disobedience and Rebellion against thy holy Word and for our sinful and wicked living nothing answering to our holy profession whereby we have given an occasion that thy holy Name hath been blasphemed amongst the ignorant hast of late both sore abashed the whole Realm and People of England with the terror and danger of Rebellion thereby to awake us out of our dead sleep of careless security and hast yet by the miseries following the same Rebellion more sharply punished part of our Country-men and Christian-brethren who have more nearly felt the same and most dreadfully hast scourged some of the seditious Persons with terrible Executions justly inflicted for their disobedience unto thee and to thy Servant their Sovereign to the example of us all and to the warning correction and amendment of thy Servants of thine accustomed goodness turning always the wickedness of evil Men to the proof of them that fear thee who in thy Judgments remembring thy Mercy hast by thy assistance given the Victory to thy Servant our Queen her true Nobility and faithful Subjects with so little or rather no effusion of Christian Blood as also might have justly ensued to the exceeding comfort of all sorrowful Christian hearts and that of thy fatherly pity and merciful goodness only and even for thine own names sake without any our desert at all Wherefore we render unto thee most humble and hearty thanks for these thy great mercies shewed unto us who had deserved sharper punishment most humbly beseeching thee to grant unto all us that confess thy holy Name and profess the true and perfect Religion of thy holy Gospel thy heavenly Grace to shew our selves in our living according to our profession that we truly knowing thee in thy blessed Word may obediently walk in thy holy Commadments and that we being warned by this thy Fatherly correction do provoke thy just wrath against us no more but may enjoy the continuance of thy great mercies towards us thy right hand as in this so in all other Invasions Rebellions and dangers continually saving and defending our Church our Realm our Queen and People of England that all our Posterities ensuing confessing thy holy Name professing thy holy Gospel and leading an holy Life may perpetually praise and magnifie thee with thy only Son Jesus Christ our Saviour and the Holy Ghost To whom be all laud praise glory and Empire for ever and ever Amen FINIS