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A16049 The Nevv Testament of Iesus Christ, translated faithfully into English, out of the authentical Latin, according to the best corrected copies of the same, diligently conferred vvith the Greeke and other editions in diuers languages; vvith arguments of bookes and chapters, annotations, and other necessarie helpes, for the better vnderstanding of the text, and specially for the discouerie of the corruptions of diuers late translations, and for cleering the controversies in religion, of these daies: in the English College of Rhemes; Bible. N.T. English. Douai. Martin, Gregory, d. 1582. 1582 (1582) STC 2884; ESTC S102491 1,123,479 852

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THE NEVV TESTAMENT OF IESVS CHRIST TRANSLATED FAITHFVLLY INTO ENGLISH out of the authentical Latin according to the best corrected copies of the same diligently conferred vvith the Greeke and other editions in diuers languages Vvith ARGVMENTS of bookes and chapters ANNOTATIONS and other necessarie helpes for the better vnderstanding of the text and specially for the discouerie of the CORRVPTIONS of diuers late translations and for cleering the CONTROVERSIES in religion of these daies IN THE ENGLISH COLLEGE OF RHEMES Psal 118. Da mihi intellectum scrutabor legem tuam custodiam illam in toto corde meo That is Giue me vnderstanding and I vvil searche thy lavv and vvil keepe it vvith my vvhole hart S. Aug. tract 2. in Epist Ioan. Omnia qua leguntur in Scripturis sanctis ad instructionem salutem nostram intentè oportes audire maxime tamen memoria commendanda sunt qua aduersus Hareticos valent plurimùm quorum insidia infirmiores quosque negligentiores circumuenire non cessant That is Al things that are readde in holy Scriptures vve must heare vvith great attention to our instruction and saluation but those things specially must be commended to memorie vvhich make most against Heretikes vvhose deceites cease not to circumuent and beguile al the vveaker sort and the more negligent persons PRINTED AT RHEMES by Iohn Fogny 1582. CVM PRIVILEGIO THE CENSVRE AND APPROBATION CVM huius versionis ac aeditionis authores nobis de fide eruditione sint probè cogniti aliiue S. Theologiae linguae Anglicanae peritissimi viri contestati sint nihil in hoc opere reperiri quod non sit Catholicae Ecclesiae doctrinae pietati consentaneum vel quod vllo modo potestati ac paci ciuili repugnet sed omnia potius veram fidem Reip. bonum vitaeue ac morum probitatem promouere ex ipsorum fide censemus ista vtiliter excudi publicari posse PETRVS REMIGIVS Archidiaconus maior Metropolitana insignis Ecclesia Rhemensis Iuris Canonici Doctor Archiepiscopatus Rhemensis generalis Vicarius HVBERTVS MORVS Rhemensis Ecclesiae Decanus Ecclesiastes in sacratissimae Theologiae facultate Doctor IOANNES LE BESGVE Canonicus Rhemensis Doctor Theologus Cancellarius Academiae Rhemensis GVLIELMVS BALBVS Theologiae professor Collegij Rhemensis Archimagister S. August lib. 1. c. 3. de serm Do. in monte Paupertate spiritus peruenitur ad Scripturarū cognitionem vbi oportet hominem se mitem praebere ne peruicacibus concertationibus indocilis reddatur Vve come to the vnderstanding of Scriptures through pouertie of spirit vvhere a man must shevv himself meeke-minded lest by stubburne contentions he become incapable and vnapt to be taught THE PREFACE TO THE READER TREATING OF THESE THREE POINTS OF THE TRANSLATION OF HOLY SCRIPTVRES INTO THE vulgar tongues and namely into English of the causes vvhy this nevv Testament is translated according to the auncient vulgar Latin text of the maner of translating the same THE holy Bible long since translated by vs into English and the old Testament lying by vs for lacke of good meanes to publish the vvhole in such sort as a vvorke of so great charge and importance requireth vve haue yet through Gods goodnes at length fully finished for thee most Christian reader all the NEVV TESTAMENT vvhich is the principal most profitable comfortable peece of holy vvritte and as vvel for all other institution of life and doctrine as specially for deciding the doubtes of these daies more propre and pregnant then the other part not yet printed Vvhich translation vve doe not for all that publish vpon erroneous opinion of necessitie that the holy Scriptures should alvvaies be in our mother tonge or that they ought or vvere ordained by God to be read indifferently of all could be easily vnderstood of euery one that readeth or heareth them in a knovven language or that they vvere not often through mans malice or infirmitie pernicious and much hurtful to many or that vve generally and absolutely deemed it more conuenient in it self more agreable to Gods word and honour or edification of the faithful to haue them turned into vulgar tonges then to be kept studied only in the Ecclesiastical learned languages Not for these nor any such like causes doe vve translate this sacred booke but vpon special consideration of the present time state and condition of our countrie vnto vvhich diuers thinges are either necessarie or profitable and medicinable novv that othervvise in the peace of the Church vvere neither much requisite nor perchance vvholy tolerable In this matter to marke onely the vvisedom moderatiō of holy Church and the gouernours thereof on the one side and the indiscerete zeale of the popular and their factious leaders on the other is a high point of prudence These later partly of simplicitie partly of curiositie and specially of pride and disobedience haue made claime in this case for the common people vvith plausible pretences many but good reasons none at all The other to vvhom Christ hath giuen charge of our soules tho dispensing of Gods mysteries and treasures among vvhich holy Scripture is no smale store and the feeding his familie in season vvith foode fit for euery sort haue neither of old nor of late euer vvholy condemned all vulgar versions of Scripture nor haue at any time generally forbidden the faithful to reade the same yet they haue not by publike authoritie prescribed commaunded or authentically euer recommended any such interpretation to be indifferently vsed of all men The Armenians say they haue the Psalter and some other peeces translated by S. Chrysostom into their language vvhen he vvas banished among them and George the Patriarch in vvriting his life signifieth no lesse The Saluonians affirme they haue the Scriptures in their vulgar tongue turned by S. Hierom and some vvould gather so much by his ovvne vvordes in his epistle to Sophronius but the place in deede proueth in not Vulpilas surely gaue the Scriptures to the Gothes in their ovvne tonge and that before he vvas an Arrian It is almost three hundred yeres since Iames Archbishop of Genua is said to haue translated the Bible into Italian More then tvvo hundred yeres agoe in the daies of Charles the fifth the Frenche king vvas it put forth faithfully in Frenche the sooner to shake out of the deceiued peoples hādes the false heretical translations of a secte called Vvaldenses In our ovvne countrie notwithstanding the Latin tonge vvas euer to vse Venerable Bedes vvordes common to all the prouinces of the same for meditation or studie of Scriptures and no vulgar translation commonly vsed or occupied of the multitude yet they vvere ●xtant in English euen before the troubles that Vvicleffe and his folovvers raised in our Church as appeareth as well by some peeces yet remaining as by a prouincial Constitution of Thomas Arundel Archbishop of Canturburie in a Councel holden at Oxford vvhere straite
all sortes so to vse them or absteine from them as is most conuenient for euery ones saluation with this general admonition that none can vnderstand the meaning of God in the Scriptures except Christ open their sense and make them partakers of his holy Spirit in the vnitie of his mystical bodie and for the rest she committeth it to the Pastor of euery prouince and people according to the difference of time place and persons how and in vvhat sort the reading of the Scriptures is more or lesse to be procured or permitted Vvherein the varietie of circūstances causeth them to deale diuersly as we see by S. Chrysostoms people of Constantinople vvho vvere so delicate dull vvorldly and so much giuen to dice cardes specially stage-plaies or theaters as S. Gregorie Nazianzene witnesseth that the Scriptures all holy lections of diuine things were lothsome vnto them whereby their holy Bishop was forced in many of his sermons to crie out against their extreme negligence and contempt of Gods vvord declaring that not onely Eremites and Religious as they alleaged for their excuse but secular men of all sortes might reade the Scriptures and often haue more neede thereof in respect of them selues then the other that liue in more puritie and contemplation further insinuating that though diuers thinges be high and hard therein yet many godly histories liues examples precepts of life and doctrine be plaine and finally that when the Gentiles vvere so cunning and diligent to impugne their faith it were not good for Christians to be to simple or negligent in the defense thereof as in truth it is more requisite for a Catholike man in these daies vvhen our Aduersaries be industrious to empeache our beleefe to be skilful in Scriptures then at other times vvhen the Church had no such enemies To this sense said S Chrysostom diuers thinges not as a teacher in schole making exact and general rules to be obserued in all places times but as a pulpit man agreably to that audiēce his peoples default nor making it therfore as some peruersely gather of his wordes a thing absolutely needful for euery poore artificer to reade of studie Scriptures nor any vvhit fauouring the presumptuous curious and contentious iangling and searching of Gods secretes reproued by the foresaid fathers much lesse approuing the excessiue pride and madnes of these daies vvhen euery man and vvoman is become not only a reader but a teacher controuler and iudge of Doctors Church Scriptures and all such as either contemne or easily passe ouer all the moral partes good examples and precepts of life by vvhich as vvell the simple as learned might be much edified only in a maner occupie them selues in dogmatical mystical high and hidden secretes of Gods counsels as of Predestination reprobation election prescience forsaking of the Ievves vocation of the gentiles other incomprehensible mysteries Languishing about questions of onely saith fiduce nevv phrases and figures euer learning but neuer comming to knovvledge reading and tossing in pride of vvitte conceit of their ovvne cunning and vpon presumption of I can tell vvhat spirit such bookes specially and Epistles as S. Peter foretold that the vnlearned and instable vvould depraue to their ovvne damnation They delight in none more then in the Epistle to the Romans the Cantica canticorum the Apocalypse which haue in them as many mysteries as wordes they find no difficultie in the sacred booke clasped vvith seuē seales they aske for no expositor vvith the holy Eunuch they feele no such depth of Gods science in the scriptures as S. Augustine did vvhen he cried our Mira profunditas eloquiorum tuorum mira profunditas Deus meus mira profunditas horror est intendere in eam horror honoris tremor amoris that is O vvonderful profoundnes of thy vvordes vvonderful profoundnes my God vvonderful profoundnes it maketh a man quake to looke on it to quake for reuerence and to tremble for the loue thereof they regard not that vvhich the same Doctor affirmeth that the depth and profunditie of vvisedom not only in the vvordes of holy Scripture but also in the matter sense is so vvonderful that liue a man neuer so long be he of neuer so high a vvitte neuer so studious neuer so seruēt to attaine the knovvledge thereof yet vvhen he endeth he shall confesse he doth but begin they feele not vvith S. Hierom that the text hath a hard shel to be broken before vve come to the kirnel they vvill not stay them selues in only reading the sacred Scriptures thirtene yeres together vvith S. Basil S. Gergorie Nazianzene before they expound them nor take the care as they did neuer othervvise to interpret them then by the vniforme consent of their forefathers and tradition Apostolike If our nevv Ministers had had this congitation and care that these and all other vvise men haue and euer had our countrie had neuer fallen to this miserable state in religion that vnder pretence colour and coūtenance of Gods vvord neither should vertue and good life haue bene so pitifully corrupted in time of such reading toiling tumbling and translating the booke of our life and saluation vvhereof the more pretious the right and reuerent vse is the more pernicious is the abuse and prophanation of the same vvhich euery man of experience by these fevv yeres proofe and by comparing the former daies and maners to these of ours may easily trie Looke vvhether your men be more vertuous your vvomen more chast your childrē more obedient your seruants more trustie your maides more modest your frendes more faithful your laitie more iust in dealing your Cleargy more deuout in praying vvhether there be more religion feare of God faith and conscience in all states novv then of old vvhen there vvas not so much reading chatting and iangling of Gods vvord but much more sincere dealing doing and keeping the same Looke vvhether through this disorder vvomen teach not their husbands children their parents yong fooles their old and vvise fathers the scholers their maisters the sheepe their pastor and the People the Priest Looke vvhether the most chast and sacred sentences of Gods holy vvord be not turned of many into mirth mockerie amorous ballets detestable letters of loue and leudnes their delicate rimes tunes and translations much encreasing the same This fall of good life prophaning the diuine mysteries euery body seeth but the great corruption decay of faith hereby none see but vvise men who onely knovv that vvere the Scriptures neuer so truely translated yet Heretikes and ill men that follovv their ovvne spirit and knovv nothing but their priuàte fantasie and not the sense of the holy Church and Doctors must needes abuse them to their damnation and that the curious simple and * sensual men vvhich haue no tast of the things that be of the Spirit of God may
came into the land of Israel ✝ verse 22 But hearing that Archelaus reigned in Ievvrie for Herod his father he feared to goe thither and being vvarned in sleepe retyred into the quarters of Galilee ✝ verse 23 And coming he dvvelt in a citie called Nazareth that it might be fulfilled vvhich vvas sayd by the Propheres That he shal be called a Nazarite ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. 1. Behold Our Lordes apparition or Epiphanie to these Sages being Gentils their Pilgrimage to him and in them the first homage of Gentilitie done vnto him the twelfth day after his Natiuitie and therfore is Twelfth day highly celebrated in the Catholike Churche for ioy of the calling of vs Gentils His baptisme also and first miracle are celebrated on the same day 2. Starre Christs Natiuitie depended not vpon this starre as the Priscillianists falsely surmised but the starre vpon his Natiuitie for the seruice wherof it was created Grego Ho. 10. 2. Come to adore This coming so far of deuotion to visite and adore Christ in the place of his birth was proprely a Pilgrimage to his person and warranteth the faithful in the like kind of external worship done to holy persons places and things 4. Inquired of them The high Priests were rightly consulted in quaestion of their law and religion and be they neuer so il are often forced to say the truth by priuilege of their v●ction as here and after they did concerning the true Messias 11. Adored him This body saith S. Chrysostom the Sages adored in the cribbe Let vs at the least imitate them thou seest him not now in the cribbe but on the altar not a woman holding him but the Priest present and the Holy Ghost powred out aboundantly vpon the sacrifice Ho. 24. in 1. Cor. Ho. 7. in Mt. Ho. de sancto Philogonio 11. Treasures These treasures are as it were the first fruites of those riches and gifts which according to the Prophecies of Dauid and Esay Gentilitie should offer to Christ and his Churche and now haue offered specially from the time of Constantine the Great As also these three Sages being principal men of their Countrie represent the whole state of Princes kings and Emperours that were according to the said Prophecies to beleeue in Christ to humble them selues to his crosse to foster enriche adorne and defend his Church Wherevpon it is also a very conuenient and agreable tradition of antiquitie and a receiued opinion among the faithful * not lacking testimonies of ancient writers and much for the honour of our Sauiour that these three also were kings to Witte either according to the state of those Countries * where the Princes were Magi and * Magi the greatest about the Prince or as we read in the Scriptures of Melchisedec king of Salem and many other kings that dwelt within a small compasse or as * Iobes three freendes are called kings These are commonly called the three kings of Colen because their bodies are there translated thither from the East Countrie their names are said to haue been Gaspar Melchior Baltasar 11. Gifts These Sages were three and their gifts three and eche one offered euerie of the three to expresse our faith of the Trinitie The Gold to signifie that he was a King the frankincense that he was God the myrrhe that he was to be buried as man Aug. ser i. de Epiph. 15. Out of Aegypt This place of the Prophete and the like in the new Testament here applied to Christ wheras in the letter it might seeme otherwise reacheth vs how to interprete the old Testament and that the principal sense is of Christ and his Churche 16. Murdered By this example we learne how great credite we owe to the Churche in Canonizing Saints and celebrating their holy daies by whose only warrant without any word of Scripture these holy Innocents haue been honoured for Martyrs and their holy day kept euer since the Apostles time although they died not voluntarily nor al perhaps circuncised and some the children of Pagans Aug. ep ●● Orig. ho. 1. in diuersos CHAP. III. Iohn Baptist by his Eremites life by his preaching and baptisme calleth al vnto penance to prepare them to Christ 10. He preacheth to the Pharisees and Sadducees threatening to them vnles they truly doe penance reprobation here and damnation hereafter and so saluation sendeth them to Christ and his baptisme Which being far more excellent then Iohns yet Christ him self among those penitents vouchsafeth to come vnto Iohns baptisme where he hath testimonie from heauen also verse 1 AND in those dayes * cometh Iohn the Baptist preaching in the ″ desert of Ievvrie ✝ verse 2 saying ″ Doe penance for the Kingdom of heauen is at hand ✝ verse 3 For this is he that vvas spoken of by Esay the Prophet saying A voyce of one crying in the desert prepare ye the way of our Lord make straight his pathes ✝ verse 4 And the sayd Iohn had his garment of camels heare a girdle of a skinne about his loynes and his meate was locustes vvilde honie ✝ verse 5 Then vvent forth to him Hierusalem al Ievvrie and al the countrey about Iordan ✝ verse 6 vvere baptized of him in Iordan ″ confessing their sinnes ✝ verse 7 And seeing many of the Pharisees Sadducées coming to his baptisme he sayd to them Ye vipers brood vvho hath shevved you to flee from the vvrath to come ✝ verse 8 Yeld therfore ″ fruite vvorthie of penance ✝ verse 9 And delite not to say vvithin your selues vve haue Abraham to our father for I tel you that God is able of these stones to raise vp children to Abraham ✝ verse 10 For novv the ″ axe is put to the roote of the trees Euery tree therefore that doth not yeld good fruite shal be cut dovvne cast into the fyre ✝ verse 11 I in deede baptize you ″ in vvater vnto penance but he that shal come after me is stronger then I vvhose shoes I am not vvorthie to beare he shal baptize you in the Holy Ghost fire ✝ verse 12 Whose fanne is in his hand and he shal cleane purge his ″ floore and he vvil gather his vvheate into the barne but the chaffe he vvil burne vvith vnquencheable fire ✝ verse 13 Then cometh IESVS from Galilee to Iordan vnto Iohn to be baptized of him ✝ verse 14 But Iohn stayed him saying I ought to be baptized of thee and comest thou to me ✝ verse 15 And IESVS ansvvering sayd to him Suffer me for this time for so it becommeth vs to fulfil al iustice Then he suffered him ✝ verse 16 And IESVS being baptized forthvvith came out of the vvater and loe the heauens vvere ″ opened to him and he savv the Spirit of God descending as a doue coming vpon him ✝ verse 17 And behold a voyce from heauen saying This is
things therfore vvhatsoeuer you vvil that men doe to you doe you also to them For this is the Lavv and the Prophets ✝ verse 13 Enter ye by the narrovv gate because brode is the gate and large is the vvay that leadeth to perdition and many there be that enter by it ✝ verse 14 Hovv narrovv is the gate and straite is the vvay that leadeth to life and fevv there are that finde it ✝ verse 15 Take ye great heede of false Prophets vvhich come to you in the ″ clothing of sheepe but invvardly are rauening vvolues ✝ verse 16 ″ By their fruites you shal knovv them Do men gather grapes of thornes or figges of thistels ✝ verse 17 Euen so euery good tree yeldeth good fruites and the euil tree yeldeth euil fruites ✝ verse 18 A good tree can not yeld euil fruites neither an euil tree yeld good fruites ✝ verse 19 Euery tree that yeldeth not good fruite shal be cut dovvne and shal be cast into fyre ✝ verse 20 Therfore by their fruites you shal knovv them ✝ verse 21 Not euery one that sayth to me ″ Lord Lord shal enter into the Kingdom of heauen but he that doeth the vvil of my father vvhich is in heauen he shal enter into the kingdom of heauen ⊢ ✝ verse 22 Many shal say to me in that day Lord Lord haue not vve prophecied in they name and in thy name cast out diuels and in thy name vvrought many miracles ✝ verse 23 And then I vvil cōfesse vnto them That I neuer knevv you depart from me you that vvorke iniquitie ✝ verse 24 Euery one therfore that heareth these my vvordes and doeth them shal be likened to a vvise man that built his house vpon a rocke ✝ verse 25 and the rayne fel and the fluddes came the vvindes blevve and they beate agaynst that house and it fel not for it vvas founded vpon a rocke ✝ verse 26 And euery one that heareth these my vvordes doeth them not shal be like a foolish man that built his house vpon the sand ✝ verse 27 and the rayne fel and the fluddes came and the vvindes blevve and they beate agaynst that house and it fel the fall therof vvas great ✝ verse 28 And it came to passe vvhen IESVS had fully ended these vvordes the multitutde vvere in admiration vpon his doctrine ✝ verse 29 For he vvas teaching them as hauing povver and not as their Scribes and Pharisees ANNOTATIONS CHAP. VII 1. Iudge not It is not Christian part to iudge il of mens actes which be in them selues good and may procede of good meaning or of mans inward meanings and intentions which we can not see of which fault they must beware that are to suspicious and giuen to deeme alwayes the worst of other men But to say that Iudas or an Heretike euidently knowen to die obstinatly in heresie is damned and in al other playne and manifest cases to iudge is not forbidden 6. Holy to dogges No holy Sacrament and specially that of our Sauiours blessed body must be geuen wittingly to the vnworthy that is to them that haue not by confession of al mortal sinnes examined and proued them selues See the Annot. 1. Cor. 11 27. 28. 29. ● Euery one that asketh Al things that we aske necessarie to saluation with humilitie attention continuance and other dewe circunstances God wil vndoubtedly graunt when it is best for vs. 15. Clothing of sheepe Extraordinarie apparance of zeale and holines is the sheepes cote in some Heretikes but these of this time weare not that garment much being men of vnsatiable sinne This is rather their garment common to them with al other Heretikes to crake much of the word of the Lord and by pretensed allegations and * sweete wordes of benediction and specially by promise of knowledge light and libertie of the Gospel to seduce the simple and the sinful 16. Fruites These are the fruites which Heretikes are knowen by diuision from the whole Churche diuision among them selues taking to them selues new names and new malsters inconstancie in doctrine disobedience both to others and namely to spiritual officers loue and liking of them selues pride and intolerable vaunting of their owne knowledge aboue al the holy Doctors corruption falsification and quite denying of the parts of Scriptures that specially make agaynst them and these be common to al Heretikes lightly Othersome are more peculiar to these of our time as Incestuous mariages of vowed persons Spoile of Churches Sacrilege and profanation of al holy things and many other special poynts of doctrine directly tending to the corruption of good life in al states 21. Lord Lord. These men haue faith otherwise they could not inuocate Lord Lord Ro. 10. But here we see that to beleeue is not ynough and that not only infidelitie is sinne as Luther teacheth Yea Catholikes also that worke true miracles in the name of our Lord and by neuer so great fayth yet without the workes of iustice shal not be saued 1. Cor. 13. Agayne consider here who they are that haue so often in their mouth The Lord the Lord and how litle it shal auaile them that set so litle by good workes and contemne Christian iustice CHAP. VIII Immediatly after his Sermon to confirme his doctrine with a miracle he cureth a Leper 5 But aboue him and al other Iewes he cōmendeth the faith of the Centurion who was a Gentil and foretelleth by that occasion the vocation of the Gentiles and reprobation of the Iewes 14 la Peters house he sheweth great grace 18 In the way to the sea he speaketh with two of folowing him 23 and vpon the sea commaundeth the tempest 28 and beyond the sea he manifesteth the deuils malice agaynst man in an heard of svvine verse 1 AND vvhen he vvas come dovvne from the mountaine great multitudes folovved him ✝ verse 2 And * behold a leper came and adored him saying Lord if thou vvilt thou canst make me cleane ✝ verse 3 And IESVS stretching forth his hand touched him saying I vvil be thou made cleane And forthvvith his leprosy vvas made cleane ✝ verse 4 And IESVS sayth to him See thou tel no body but goe * shevv thy self to the ″ priest offer the ″ gift vvhich Moyses commaunded for a testimonie to them ✝ verse 5 And * vvhen he vvas entred into Capharnaum there came to him a Centurion beseeching him ✝ verse 6 saying Lord my boy lieth at home sicke of the palsey is sore tormēted ✝ verse 7 And IESVS sayth to him I vvil come cure him ✝ verse 8 And the Centurion making ansvver sayd Lord ″ I am not vvorthie that thou shouldest enter vnder my roofe but only say the vvord and my boy shal be healed ✝ verse 9 For I also am a man subiect to authoritie hauing vnder me souldiars and I say to this goe and he goeth and to an other come
case to be assured that Christs faith shal be preached and the Church spred through out al Nations the Holy Ghost concurring continually with the Apostles and their Successors for the same 11. Assumpted from you By this visible Ascending of Christ to heauen and like returne from thence to iudgement the Heretikes do incredulously argue him not to be in the Sacrament But let the faithful rather giue eare to S. Chrysostome saying thus O miracle he that sitteth vvith the Father in heauen aboue at the very same time is handled of men beneath Christ ascending to heauen both hath his flesh vvith him and left it vvith vs beneath Eliae● being taken vp left to his Disciple his cloke only but the Sonne of man ascending left his ovvne flesh to vs. Li. ● de Sacerd. Ho. 2 ad po Ant. in fine Ho. de diuit paup in fine 14. MARIE the mother of IESVS This is the last mention that is made in holy Scripture of our B Lady for though she were ful of al diuine wisedom and opened no doubt vnto the Euangelistes and other writers of holy Scriptures diuerse of Christs actions speaches and mysteries whereof she had both experimental and reuealed knowledge Yet for that she was a woman and the humblest creature liuing and the paterne of al order and obedience it pleased not God that there should be any further note of her life doings or death in the Scriptures She liued the rest of her time with the Christians as here she is peculiarly named and noted among them and specially with S. Iohn the Apostle * to whom our Lord recommended her Who prouided for her al necessaries her spouse Ioseph as it may be thought being deceased before The common opinion is that she liued 63 yeres in al. At the time of her death as S. Denys first after him S. Damascene de dormit Deiparae writeth al the Apostles then dispersed into diuers nations to preache the Gospel were miraculously brought together sauing S. Thomas who came the third day after to Hierusalem to honour her diuine departure and funeral as the said S. Denys witnesseth Who saith that him self S. Timothee and S. Hierotheus were present testifying also of his owne hearing that both before here death and after for three daies not onely the Apostles and other holy men present but the Angels also and Powers of heauen did sing most melodious Hymnes They buried her sacred body in Gethsémaui but for S. Thomas sake who desired to see and to reuerence it they opened the sepulcher the third day and finding it void of the holy body but excedingly fragrant they returned assuredly deeming that her body was assumpted into heauen as the Church of God holdeth being most agreable to the singular priuilege of the mother of God and therfore celebrateth most solemnely the day of her Assumption And that is consonant not onely to the said S. Denys and S. Damascene but to holy Athanasius also who auoucheth the same Serm. in Euang. de Deipara of which Assumption of her body S. Bernard also wrote fiue notable sermons extant in his workes But neither these holy fathers nor the Churches tradition and testimonie do beare any sway now a daies with the Protestants that haue abolished this her greatest feast of her Assumption who of reason should at the least celebrate it as the day of her death as they doe of other Saincts For though they beleeue not that her body is assumpted yet they wil not we trow deny that she is dead and her soule in glorie neither can they aske scriptures for that no more then they require for the deathes of Peter Paul Iohn and other vvhich be not mentioned in scriptures yet are still celebrated by the Protestants But concerning the B. Virgin MARIE they haue blotted out also both her Natiuitie and her Conception so as it may be thought the Diuel beareth a special malice to this woman whose seede brake his head For as for the other two daies of her Purification Aununciation they be not proper to our Lady but the one to Christs Conception the other to his Presentation so that she by this meanes shal haue no festiuitie at al. But contrariwise to consider how the auncient Church and fathers esteemed spake and wrote of this excellent vessel of grace may make vs detest these mens impietie that can not abide the praises of her whom al generations should call blessed and that esteeme her honours a derogatiō to her sonne Some of their speaches we wil set downe that al men may see that we neither praise her nor pray to her more amply then they did S. Athan●sius in the place alleaged after he had declared how al the Angelical spirits and euery order of them honoured and praised her with the AVE wherewith S. Gabriel saluted her We also saith he of al degrees vpon the earth ●xtol thee with loude voice saying Au● gratia plena c. Haile ful of grace our Lord is vvith thee pray for vs 〈◊〉 Maistresse and Lady and Queens and mother of God Most holy and auncient Ephrem also in a special oration made in praise of our Lady saith thus in diuerse places thereof Intemerata De●p●●● c. Mother of God vndifiled Queene of al the hope of them that despaire my lady most glorious higher them the heauenly spirit● more honorable then the Cherubins holier then the Seraphins and vvithout comparison more glorious thē the supernal hostes the hope of the fathers the glorie of the Prophets the praise of the Apostles And a litle after Virgo ante partum in partu post partum by thee vve are reconciled to Christ my God thy sonne thou art the helper of sinners thou the hauen for them that are tossed vvith stormes the solam of the vvorld the deliuerer of the emprisoned the helpe of orphans the redemption of captiues And afterward Vouchsafe me thy seruant to praise thee Haile lady MARIE ful of grace haile Virgin most blesed among vvomen And much more in that sense which were to long to repeate S. Cyril hath the like wonderful speaches of her honour hom 6. contra Naestorium Praise and glorie be to thee ● holy Trinitieito thee also be praise holy mother of God for thou art the pretious pearle of the vvorld thou the candel of vnquencheable light the crovvne of Virginitis the scepter of the Catholike faith By thee the Trinitie is glorified and adored in al the vvorld by thee heauen reioyceth Angels and Archangels are glad diuels are put to flight and man is called againe to heauen and euery creature that vvas held vvith the errour of Idols is turned to the knowledge of the truth by thee Churches are foūded through the world thee being their helper the Gentiles come to penance and much more which we omit Likewise the Greeke Liturgies or Masses of S. Iames S. Basil and
in state of saluation and being chastised for their fault in the next life vvere deliuered by Christs descending thither and not they onely but al others in the like conditiō For the Apostle giueth these of Noes time but for an example 21. Of the like forme The vvater bearing vp the Arke from sinking and the persons in it from drowning vvas a figure of Baptisme that likewise saueth the vvorthie receiuers from euerlasting perishing As Nee saith S. Augustine vvith his vvas deliuered by the vvater and the vvood so the familie of Christ by Baptisme signed vvith Christs Passion on the Crosse Li. 12. Cont. Faustum c. 14. Againe he saith that as the vvater saued none out of the Arke but vvas rather their destruction so the Sacrament of Baptisme receiued out of the Catholike Church at Heretikes or Schismatikes hands though it be the same vvater and Sacrament that the Catholike Church hath yet profiteth none to saluation but rather vvorketh their perdition Vvhich yet is not meant in case of extreme necessitie vvhen the partie should die vvithout the said Sacrament except he tooke it at an Heretikes or Schismatikes hand Neither is it meant in the case of infants to vvhom the Sacrament is cause of saluation they being in no fault for receiuing it at the hands of the vnfaithful though their parents and frendes that offer them vnto such to be baptized be in no small fault S. Hierom to Damasus Pope of Rome compareth that See to the Arke them that communicate vvith it to them that vvere saued in the Arke al other Schismatikes and Heretikes to the rest that vvere drowned 21. The examination of a good conscience The Apostle seemeth to allude here to the very forme of Catholike Baptisme conceining certaine interrogatories and solemne promises made of the articles of the Christian faith and of good life and of renouncing Satan and al his pompes and vvorkes vvhich no doubt hovvsoeuer the Caluinists esteeme of them are the very Apostolike ceremonies vsed in the ministration of this Sacrament See S. Denys in fine Ec. hierarchia S. Cyril li. 12 in 〈◊〉 c. 64. S. Augustine ep 23. S. Basil de Sp. sancto c. 12 and 15. S. Ambrose de ijs qui mysterijs initiantur 6. 2. 3. 4. CHAP. IIII. That they arme them selues to sinne no more after Baptisme against the tentations of the Heathen considering that the general and novv approcheth 8 specially tovvard their euen-Christians to shevv their charitie hospitalitie and grace doing al to the glorie of God 1● And as for being persecuted because they are Christians to reioyce considering the revvard that they shal haue vvith Christ and damnation that they avoid thereby verse 1 CHRIST therfore hauing suffered in the flesh be you also armed vvith the same cogitation because he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sinnes ✝ verse 2 that novv not after the desires of men but according to the vvil of God he liue the rest of his time in the flesh ✝ verse 3 For the time past sufficeth to accomplish the vvil of the Gentiles them that haue vvalked in riotousnes desires excesse of wine banketings porations and vnlavvful seruices of Idols ✝ verse 4 Vvherein they maruel blaspheming you not concurring into the same confusion of riotousnes ✝ verse 5 vvho shal render account to him vvhich is ready to iudge the liuing and the dead ✝ verse 6 For for this cause also vvas it euangelized to the dead that they may be iudged in deede according to men in the flesh but may liue according to God in the Spirit ✝ verse 7 And the end of al ●shal approche ' ✝ Be vvise therfore and vvatch in praiers ✝ verse 8 But before al things hauing mutual charitie cōtinual among your selues because * ● charitie couereth the multitude of sinnes ✝ verse 9 * Vsing hospitalitie one tovvard an other vvithout murmuring ✝ verse 10 * Euery one as he hath receiued grace ministring the same one tovvard an other as good dispensers of the manifold grace of God ✝ verse 11 If any man speake as the vvordes of God if any man minister as of the povver vvhich God administreth that in al things God may be honoured by IESVS Christ ⊢ to vvhom is glorie and empire for euer and euer Amen ✝ verse 12 My deerest thinke it not strange in the feruour vvhich is to you for a tētation as though some nevv thing happened to you ✝ verse 13 but communicating vvith the passions of Christ be glad that in the reuelation also of his glorie you may be glad reioycing ✝ verse 14 * If you be reuiled in the name of Christ you shal be blessed because that vvhich is of the honour glorie and vertue of God and the Spirit vvhich is his shal rest vpon you ✝ verse 15 But let none of you suffer as a murderer or a theefe or a railer or a coueter of other mens things ✝ verse 16 But if as a Christian let him not be ashamed but let him glorifie God in this name ✝ verse 17 for * the time is ● that iudgement begin of the house of God And if first of vs vvhat shal be the end of them that beleeue not the Gospel of God ✝ verse 18 And * ● if the iust man shal scarse be saued where shal the impious and sinner appeare ✝ verse 19 Therfore they also that suffer according to the vvil of God let them commend their soules to the faithful creator in good deedes ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. IIII. 9. Charitie couereth Faith onely cannot iustifie seeing that charitie also doth cause remission of sinnes And saying charitie he meaneth loue and charitable vvorkes tovvard our neighbours vnto vvhich vvorkes of mercie the Scriptures do specially attribute the force to extinguish al sinnes See S. Augustine c. 69 E●chiridij and tract 1. in ep 1. Io. ● 1. and venerable Bede vpon this place And in the like sense the holy Scriptures commonly commend vnto vs almes and deedes of mercie for redemption of our sinnes Prouerb c. 10. Ecclesiastici 12. v. 2. Danielis ● 4. v. 24. 17. That iudgement begin In this time of the new Testament the faithful and al those that meane to liue godly specially of the Clergie must first and principally be subiect to Gods chastisement and temporal afflictions vvhich are here called iudgement Vvhich the Apostle recordeth for the comfort and confirmation of the Catholike Christians vvho vvere at the time of the vvriting hereof excedingly persecuted by the heathen Princes people 18. If the iust Not that a man dying iust and in the fauour of God can afterward be in doubt of his saluation or may be reiected of God but that the iust being both in this life subiect to assaults tentations troubles and dangers of falling from God and losing their state of iustice also oftentimes to make a straite count to
prouision vvas made that no heretical version set forth by Vvicleffe or his adherentes should be suffered nor any other in or after his time be published or permitted to be readde being not approued and allovved by the Diócesan before alleaging S. Hierom for the difficultie and danger of interpreting the holy Scripture out of one tonge into an other though by learned and Catholike men So also it is there insinuated that neither the Translations set forth before that Heretikes time nor other aftervvard being approued by the lavvful Ordinaries were euer in our countrie wholy forbidden though they were not to say the truth in quiet and better times much lesse when the people vvere prone to alteratiō heresie or noueltie either hastily admitted or ordinarily readde of the vulgar but vsed onely or specially of some deuout religious and contemplatiues persons in reuerence secrecie and silence for their spiritual comforte Now since Luthers reuolt also diuers learned Catholikes for the more speedy abolishing of a number of false and impious translations put forth by sundry sectes and for the better preseruation or reclaime of many good soules endangered thereby haue published the Bible in the seueral languages of almost all the principal prouinces of the Latin Church no other bookes in the world being so pernicious as hereticall translations of the Scriptures poisoning the people vnder colour of diuine authoritie not many other remedies being more soueraine against the same if it be vsed in order discretion and humilitie then the true faithful and sincere interpretation opposed therevnto Vvhich causeth the holy Church not to forbid vtterly any Catholike translation though she allow not the publishing or reading of any absolutely and without exception or limitation knowing by her diuine and most sincere wisedom how where when and to whom these her Maisters and Spouses giftes are to be bestowed to the most good of the faithful and therfore neither generally permitteth that which must needes doe hurt to the vnworthy nor absolutely condemneth that which may doe much good to the worthie Vvherevpon the order which many a wise man wished for before was taken by the Deputies of the late famous Councel of Trent in this behalfe and confirmed by supreme authoritie that the holy Scriptures though truely and Catholikely translated into vulgar tonges yet may not be indifferētly readde of all men nor of any other then such as haue expresse licence therevnto of their lawful Ordinaries with good testimonie from their Curates or Confessors that they be humble discrete and deuout persons and like to take much good and no harme thereby Vvhich prescript though in these daies of ours it can not be so precisely obserued as in other times places where there is more due respecte of the Churches authoritie rule and discipline yet we trust all wise and godly persons will vse the matter in the meane while with such moderation meekenes and subiection of hart as the handling of so sacred a booke the sincere senses of Gods truth therein the holy Canons Councels reason and religion do require Vvherein though for due preseruation of this diuine worke from abuse and prophanation and for the better bridling of the intolerable insolencie of proude curious contentious wittes the gouernours of the Church guided by Gods Spirit as euer before so also vpon more experience of the maladie of this time the● before haue taken more exacte order both for the readers and translatours in these later ages then of old yet we must not imagin that in the primitiue Church either euery one that vnderstoode the learned tonges wherein the Scriptures were written or other languages into which they were translated might without reprehension reade reason dispute turne and tosse the Scriptures or that our forefathers suffered euery schole-maister scholer or Grammarian that had a litle Greeke or Latin straight to take in hand the holy Testament or that the translated Bibles into the vulgar tonges were in the handes of euery husbandman artificer prentice boies girles mistresse maide man that they were sung plaies alleaged of euery tinker tauerner rimer minstrel that they were for table talke for alebenches for boates and barges and for euery prophane person and companie No in those better times men were neither so ill nor so curious of them selues so to abuse the blessed booke of Christ neither was there any such easy meanes before printing was inuented to disperse the copies into the handes of euery man as now there is They were then in Libraries Monasteries Colleges Churches in Bishops Priests and some other deuout principal L●y mens houses and handes who vsed them with seare and reuerence and specially such partes as perteined to good life and maners not medling but in pulpit and schooles and that moderately to with the hard and high mysteries and places of greater difficultie The poore ploughman could then in labouring the ground sing the hymnes and psalmes either in knowen or vnknowen languages as they heard them in the holy Church though they could neither reade nor know the sense meaning and mysteries of the same Such holy persons of both sexes to whom S. Hierom in diuers Epistles to them commendeth the reading and meditation of holy Scriptures were diligent to searche all the godly histories imitable examples of chastitie humilitie obedience clemencie pouertie penance renoūcing the world they noted specially the places that did breede the hatred of sinne feare of Gods iudgement delight in spiritual cogitations they referred them selues in all hard places to the iudgement of the auncient fathers and their maisters in religion neuer presuming to contend controule teach or talke of their owne sense and phantasie in deepe questions of diuinitie Then the Virgins did meditate vpon the places and examples of chastitie modestie and demurenesse the maried on coniugal faith and continencie the parents how to bring vp their children in faith and seare of God the Prince how to rule the subiect how to obey the Priest how to teach the people how to learne Then the scholer taught not his maister the sheepe controuled not the Pastor the yong student set not the Doctor to schoole not reproued their fathers of error ignorance Or if any were in those better daies as in al times of heresie such must needes be that had itching eares tikling tonges and wittes curious and contentious disputers hearers and talkers rather then doers of Gods word such the Fathers did euer sharply reprehend counting them vnworthy and vnprofitable readers of the holy Scriptures S. Hierom in his Epistle to Paulinus after declaration that no handy craft is so base nor liberall science so easy that can be had without a maister which S. Augustine also affirmeth De vtilitate cred cap. 7. nor that men presume in any occupation to teach that they neuer learned Only saith he the art of Scripture is that vvhich euery man chalengeth this the chatting old vvife this
wordes breede some vvicked opinion concerning the thinges conteined vnder the vvordes De ciuitate lib. 10. cap 12. Vvhereof our holy forefathers and auncient Doctors had such a religious care that they vvould not change the very barbarismes of incongruities of speach vvhich by long vse had preuailed in the old readings or recitings of scriptures as Neque uubent neque nubentur in Tertullian li. 4. in Marcion in S. Hilarie in c. 22 Mat. and in al the fathers Qui me confusus fuerit confundar ego eum in S. Cyprian ep 63 nu 7. Talis enim nobis decebat sacerdos vvhich vvas an elder translation then the vulgar Latin that novv is in S. Ambrose c. 3 de fugaseculi and S. Hierom him self vvho othervvise corrected the Latin translation that vvas vsed before his time yet keepeth religiously as him self professeth Praefat. in 4 Euang. ad Damasum these and the like speaches Nonne vos magis pluris estis illis and filius hominis non venit ministrari sed ministrare and Neque nubent neque nubentur in his commentaries vpon these places and Non capit Prophetam perire extra Hierusalem in his commentaries in c. 2. Ioël sub finem And S. Augustine vvho is most religious in al these phrases counteth it a special pride and infirmitie in those that haue a litle learning in tonges none in thinges that they easily take offense of the simple speaches or solecismes in the scriptures de doctrina Christ li. 2. cap 13. See also the same holy father li. 3 de doct Christ c. 3. and tract 2 in Euang. Ioan. But of the maner of our translation more anon Now though the text thus truely translated might sufficiently in the sight of the learned and al indifferent men both controule the aduersaries corruptions and proue that the holy Scripture vvhereof they haue made so great vauntes make nothing for their nevv opinions but vvholy for the Catholike Churches beleefe and doctrine in all the pointes of difference betvvixt vs yet knovving that the good and simple may easily be seduced by some fevv obstinate persons of perdition vvhom vve see giuen ouer into a reprobat sense to whom the Gospel vvhich in it self is the odour of life to saluation is made the odour of death to damnation ouer vvhose eies for sinne disobedience God suffereth a veile or couer to lie whiles they read the nevv Testamēt euen as the Apostle saite the Ievves haue til this day in reading of the old that as the one sort can not finde Christ in the Scriptures reade they neuer so much so the other can not finde the Catholike Church nor her doctrine there neither and finding by experience this saying of S. Augustine to be most true If the preiudice of any erreneous persuasion preoccupate the mind vvhatsoeuer the Scripture hath to the contrarie men take it for a figuratiue speach for these causes and somevvhat to help the faithful reader in the difficulties of diuers places vve haue also set forth reasonable large ANNOTATIONS thereby to shevv the studious reader in most places perteining to the controuersies of this time both the heretical corruptions and false deductions also the Apostolike tradition the expositions of the holy fathers the decrees of the Catholike Church and most auncient Coūcels which meanes vvhosoeuer trusteth not for the sense of holy Scriptures but had rather folow his priuate iudgemēt or the arrogat spirit of these Sectaries he shal vvorthily through his owne wilfulnes be deceiued beseeching all men to looke vvith diligence sinceritie and indifferencie into the case that concerneth no lesse then euery ones eternal saluation or damnation Vvhich if he doe vve doubt not but he shal to his great contentment find the holy Scriptures most clerely and inuincibly to proue the articles of Catholike doctrine against our aduersaries vvhich perhaps he had thought before this diligent search either not to be consonant to Gods vvord or at least not conteined in the same and finally he shal proue this saying of S. Augustine to be most true Multi sensus c. Many senses of holy Scriptures lie hidden and are knowen to some fevv of greater vnderstanding neither are they at any time auouched more commodiously and acceptably then at such times vvhen the care to ansvver heretikes doth force men there vnto For then euen they that be negligent in matters of studie and learning shaking of sluggishnes are stirred vp to diligent hearing that the Aduersaries may be refelled Againe hovv many senses of holy Scriptures cōcerning Christes Godhead haue been auouched against Photinus hovv many of his Manhod against Manichaeus hovv many of the Trinitie against Sabellius hovv many of the vnitie in Trinitie against the Arrians Eunomias Macedonians hovv many of the Catholike Church dispersed through out the vvhole vvorld and of the mixture of good and bad in the same vntil the end of the vvorld against the Donatistes and Luciferians and other of the like errour hovv many against al other heretikes vvhich it vvere to long to rehearse Of vvhich senses and expositions of holy Scripture the approued authors and auouchers should othervvise either not be knovven as al or not so vvel knovven as the contradictions of proud heretikes haue made them Thus he saith of such thinges as not seeming to be in holy Scriptures to the ignorant or heretikes yet in deede be there But in other pointes doubted of that in deede are not decîded by Scripture he giueth vs this goodly rule to be folovved in all as he exemplifieth in one Then doe vve hold saith he the veritie of the Scriptures vvhen vve doe that vvhich novv hath seemed good to the Vniuersal Church vvhich the authoritie of the Scriptures them selues doth cōmend so that forasmuch as the holy Scripture can not deceiue vvhosoeuer is afraid to be deceiued vvith the obscuritie of questions let him therein aske counsel of the same CHVRCH vvhich the holy Scripture most certainely and euidently shevveth and pointeth vnto Aug. li. 1. Cont. Crescon c. 13. NOVV TO GIVE thee also intelligence in particular most gentle Reader of such thinges as it behoueth thee specially to knovv concerning our Translation Vve translate the old vulgar Latin text not the common Greeke text for these causes 1. It is so auncient that it vvas vsed in the Church of God aboue 1300 yeres agoe as appeareth by the fathers of those times 2. It is that by the common receiued opinion and by al probabilitie vvhich S. Hierom aftervvard corrected according to the Greeke by the appointment of Damasus then Pope as he maketh mention in his preface before the foure Euangelistes vnto the said Damasus and in Catalogo in fine and ep 102. 3. Consequently it is the same vvhich S. Augustine so commendeth and allovveth in an Epistle to S. Hierom. 4. It is that vvhich for the most part euer since hath been vsed
to deceiue the reader Sometime also vve doe it for an other cause as vvhen vve say The aduent of our Lord and Imposing of handes because one is a solemne time the other a solemne action in the Catholike Church to signifie to the people that these and such like names come out of the very Latin text of the Scripture So did Penance doing penance Chalice Priest Deacon Traditions aultar host and the like vvhich vve exactly keepe as Catholike termes procede euen from the very vvordes of Scripture Moreouer we presume not in hard places to mollifie the speaches or phrases but religiously keepe them vvord for vvord and point for point for feare of missing or restraining the sense of the holy Ghost to our phantasie as Eph. 6. Against the spirituals of vvickednes in the celestials and Vvhat to me and thee vvoman whereof see the Annotation vpon this place and 1 Pet. 2. As infants euen novv borne reasonable milke vvithout guile desire ye Vve do so place reasonable of purpose that it may be indiffēt both to infants going before as in our Latin text or to milke that folovveth after as in other Latin copies and in the Greeke Io. 3 vve translate The spirit breatheth vvhere he vvil c. leauing it indifferent to signifie either the holy Ghost or vvinde vvhich the Protestants translating vvinde take avvay the other sense more common and vsual in the auncient fathers Vve translate Luc. 8 23. They vvere filled not adding of our ovvne vvith vvater to mollifie the sentence as the Protestants doe and c. 22. This is the chalice the nevv Testament c. not This chalice is the nevv Testament likevvise Mar. 13. Those daies shal be such tribulation c. not as the Aduersaries In those daies both our text and theirs being othervvise Iac. 4 6. And giueth greater grace leauing it indifferent to the Scripture or to the holy Ghost both going before Vvhereas the Aduersaries to to boldly presumptuously adde saying The Scripture giueth taking avvay the other sense which is far more probable likevvise Hebr. 12 21 vve translate So terrible vvas it vvhich vvas seen Moyses said c. neither doth Greeke or Latin permit vs to adde that Moyses said as the Protestants presume to doe So vve say Men brethren Avvidovv vvoman A vvoman a sister Iames of Alphaus and the like Sometime also we folow of purpose the Scriptures phrase as The hel of fire according to Greeke and Latin vvhich we might say perhaps the firy hel by the Hebrue phrase in such speaches but not hel fire as commonly it is translated Likevvise Luc. 4 36. Vvhat vvord is this that in povver and authoritie he cōmaundeth the vncleane spirits as also Luc 2. Let vs passe ouer and see the vvord that is done Vvhere we might say thing by the Hebrue phrase but there is a certaine maiestie and more signification in these speaches and therfore both Greeke Latin keepe them although it is no more the Greeke or Latin phrase then it is English And vvhy should vve be squamish at nevv vvordes or phrases in the Scripture vvhich are necessarie vvhen vve do easily admit and folovv nevv vvordes coyned in court and in courtly or other secular vvritings Vve adde the Greeke in the margent for diuers cause● Sometime vvhen the sense is hard that the learned reader may consider of it and see if he can helpe him self better then by our translation as Luc 11. Nolite extolli 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and againe Quod superest date eleemosynam 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Sometime to take away the ambiguitie of the Latin or English as Luc. 11. Et domus supradomum cadet Vvhich we must needes English and house vpon house shal fall by the Greeke the sense is not one house shal fal vpon an other but if one house rise vpon it self that is against it self it shal perish according as he speaketh of a kingdom deuided against it self in the wordes before And Act. 14. Sacerdos Iouis qui erat in the Greeke qui is referred to Iupiter Sometime to satisfie the reader that might otherwise conceiue the translation to be false as Philip. 4. v. 6. But in euery thing by praier c. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not in al praier as in the Latin it may seeme Sometime when the Latin neither doth nor can reache to the signification of the Greeke word we added the Greeke also as more significant Illi foli seruies him only shalt thou serue 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And Act. 6. Nicolas a stranger of Antioche 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and Ro. 9. The seruice 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and Eph. 1. to perfite instaurare omnia in Christo 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And Vvherein he hath gratified vs 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Eph. 6. Put on the armour 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and a number the like Sometime when the Greeke hath two senses and the Latin but one we adde the Greeke 2. Cor. 1. By the exhortaion vvherevvith vve also are exhorted the Greeke signifieth also consolation c. and 2 Cor. 10. But hauing hope of your faith increasing to be c. vvhere the Greeke may also signifie as or vvhen your faith increaseth Sometime for aduantage of the Catholike cause when the Greeke maketh for vs more then the Latin as Seniores 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Vt digni habeamini 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Qui effundetur 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Praecepta 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Io. 21. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Pasce rege And sometime to shew the false translation of the Heretike as when Beza saith Hoc poculum in meo sanguine qui. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Luc. 22. Quē oportet coelo cōtineri 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Act. 3. Thus we vse the Greeke diuers waies esteeme of it as it is worthie taken al cōmodities thereof for the better vnderstāding of the Latin which being a translation can not alwaies attaine to the ful sense of the principal tonge as vve see in al translations Item vve adde the Latin vvord sometime in the margent vvhen either vve can not fully expresse it as Act. 8. They tooke order for Steuens funeral Curauerunt Stephanum and Al take not this vvord Non omnes capiunt or vvhen the reader might thinke it can not be as vve translate as Luc. 8. A storme of winde descended into the lake and they vvere filled complebantur and Io. 5. vvhen Iesus knevv that he had novv a long time quiaiam multum tempus haberet meaning in his infirmitie This precise folovving of our Latin text in neither adding nor diminishing is the cause why we say not in the title of bookes in the first page S. Matthevv S. Paul● because it is so neither in Greeke nor Latin though in the toppes of the leaues folovving where vve may be bolder we adde S. Matthew c. to satisfie the reader Much
verse 27 For the hart of this people is vva●en grosse and vvith their eares haue they heauily heard and their eies they haue shut left perhaps they may see vvith their eies and heare vvith their eares and vnderstand vvith their hart and be conuerted and I heale them ✝ verse 28 Be it knovven therfore to you that this Saluation of God is sent to the Gentiles and they vvil heare ✝ verse 29 And vvhen he had said these things the Ievves vvent out from him hauing much questioning among them selues ✝ verse 30 And he taried ful tvvo yeres in his hired lodging and he receiued al that came into him ✝ verse 31 preaching the kingdom of God and ●eaching the things that concerne our Lord IESVS CHRIST vvith al confidence vvithout prohibition ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXVIII ● Shaking of the beast The promes of Christ Marc. 16 that venemous serpents should not hurt them that beleeue in him is fulfilled not in al beleuers but in such as had the gift of miracles as S. Paul had Vvhom here a viper by nature so venemous that the people thought he should haue died out of hand did no vvhit annoy he extinguishing by the povver of Christ al the poison of the beast Yea and as the Christian people there til this day beleeue by S. Paules praiers the Iland vvas deliuered for euer from al such venemous serpents in so much that children there play vvith scorpions euer since that time and Pilgrimes daily carie vvith them peeces of stones out of the place vvhere S. Paul abode by vvhich they affirme that they heale them vvhich in other countries adioyning are bitten of scorpions the medicine therfore being called S. Paules grace The Heretikes that knovv not the povver of God nor the miraculous vertues giuen to his Saincts maruel and blaspheme vvhen they beare such things as be proper to certaine countries attributed sometimes to Gods miracles done by his Saincts ● as though that vvere not possible or vvere not as much to Gods honour and more then things proceding only of natural causes Such profane men vvould not haue attributed the holsom●es of the vvaters of Iericho to Eliseus his vertue and miracles amending them by casting salt into them if the Scripture had not expresly testified the same It is the part of al faithful men to referre such things to God vvhen any iust occasion is giuen therevnto rather then to nature though the incredulous doe alvvaies contrarie for feare of superstition dishonouring God As though this escape of drovvning might better and more to Gods glorie be referted to chaunce and the mariners industrie then to S. Paules praiers and extraordinarie vvorking ●0 Chaine I vvould vvish novv saith S. Chrystome to be for a time in the place vvhere these chaines remaine and to see the ●etters vvhich Diuels feare and Angels reuerence homil 5 ad populum Antiochenum See also S. Gregorie lib. ● episto ●0 of the miracles done by S. Paules chaines and that he sendeth to the Emperesse Constantia some dust thereof 〈◊〉 of for a great Relike and holy gift 22. Concerning this sect The Heretikes of al sortes comfort them selues much vvhen they finde here or els vvhere the Christian faith called of the Ievves or incredulous persons a Sect or an Heresie sometimes in contempt of Christes person the Maister of the same the Secte of the Nazarens as though the Church of God might as vvel erre in naming their doctrine Heresie as the Ievves and Pagans might and did misse in condemning Christian religion for an Heresie or as though the Protestants doctrine vvere as vvel proued and tried to be no Heresie by the Proph●ts and other Scriptures miracles and consent of al Nations and ages as Christes blessed doctrine is Vvhereas in deed the Protestants doctrine is euidently conuinced to be heretical by the same arguments that Christes religion is proued to be the only true doctrine of saluation and not an heresie And vvhosoeuer can deduce the Christian faith from Adam to this day through out al the Fathers Patriarches Prophetes Priests Apostles and Bishops by descent and succession of al lavves and states of true vvorshippers and beleeuers vvhich is the only or special vvay to proue that the Christian faith is no heresie he shal by the same meanes al at once proue the Protestants doctrine to be an heresie and a false secte That the Ievves therfore and il men in al places contradicted the Christian religion calling it an Heresie or a Sect as though it had a beginning of some certaine Sect-Maister other them God him self they vvere deceiued and the Church of God neuerthelesse calling the Protestants doctrine Heresie in the vvorst part that can be and in the vvorst sort that euer vvas doth right and most iustly The end of the Actes of the Apostles Vvherevnto we ioyne for the readers behalfe tvvo Tables of the tvvo cheefe Apostles and a note of the rest as an abridgement of the said booke and a supply of some things not there mentioned THE SVMME OF THE ACTES OF THE APOSTLES CONTEINING SPECIALLY THE GESTES OF THE TVVO PRINCIPAL Apostles SS Peter and Paul in such order of time and yeres of the Emperours and from Christs Natiuitia and Ascension as they vvere done so ●●r as by holy Scriptures or Ecclesiastical vvriters may be gathered Wherein though is be not possible to set dovvne the procise and vndoubted time or yere of euery thing because neither S. Luke nor others do note particularly and orderly the moments of euery action of the said Apostles no● vve folovv the most probable and plaine 〈◊〉 that vve finde in holy Scripture and auncient vvriters Whereby the studious reader may easily discouer the folly of the Protestants that can finde no time when * Peter might possibly come to Rome be Bishop and die there diuers things in S. Paules actes being no lesse hard to reconcile to the course of S. Lukes narration then any thing touching the historie of S. Peter namely his * three yeres preaching in Arabia al vvhich must needes be true vvhether vve bit the very iust time or no and hovv so euer authors differ about the same A TABLE OF S. PETER Tiberij Nat. Dn̄i Ascen   18 34 1 PETER causeth the Disciples to procede to the election of an other Apostle in Iudas roome Act. 1.       Receiuing vvith the rest the gifts of the Holy Ghost on Vvhit-sunday he made the first Sermon and conuerted 3000. Act. 2.       He cureth one borne lame preacheth Christ and penance to the Ievves so that 5000 beleeued Act. 3 4.       He is imprisoned released againe threatened and commaunded to preache no more but he vvith Iohn ansvvereth that they must obey God more then man Act. 4.       He striketh to death vvith a vvord Ananias and Saphira for sacrilege Act. 5.       He is sent
vvere circumcised and had receiued the Lavv by Moyses for such carnal respects they trusted in themselues as though God and Christ vvere vnseparably bound vnto them attributing also so much to their ovvne workes vvhich they thought they did of them selues being holpē with the knovvledge of their lavv that they vvould not acknovvledge the death of Christ to be necessarie for their saluation but looked for such a Christ as should be like other princes of this vvorld and make them great men temporally Herevpon did S. Paul vvrite his Epistles to shevv both the vocation of the Gentiles and the reprobation of the Ievves Moreouer to admonish both the Christian Gentiles not to receiue Circumcision and other ceremonies of Moyses lavv in no vvise and the Ievves also not to put their trust in the same but rather to vnderstand that novv Christ being come they must cease Againe to shevv the necessitie of Christs comming and of his death that vvithout it neither the Gentiles could be saued no nor the Ievves by no vvorkes that they could doe of them selues although they vvere also holpen by the Lavv telling them what vvas good vvhat vvas bad for so much as al vvere sinners and therfore also impotent or infirme and the Lavv could not take avvay sinne and infirmitie and giue strength to fulfil that vvhich it gaue knovvledge of but this vvas God onely able to doe and for Christs sake onely vvould he doe it Therfore it is necessarie for al to beleeue in Christ and to be made his members being incorporat into his Body vvhich is his Catholike Church For so although they neuer yet did good vvorke but al il they shal haue remission of their sinnes and nevv strength vvithal to make them able to fulfil the cōmaūdemēts of Gods lavv yea their vvorkes after this shal be so gracious in Gods sight that for them he vvil giue them lift euerlasting This is the necessitie this is also the fruite of Christian Religion And therfore be exhorteth al both Gentils and Ievves as to receiue it humbly so also to perseuêre in it constantly vnto the end against al seduction of heresie and against al terror of persecution and to vvalke al their time in good vvorkes as novv God hath made them able to doe The same doctrine doth the Catholike Church teach vnto this day most exactly to vvit that no vvorkes of the vnbeleeuing or vnbaptized vvhether they be Ievves or Gentiles can saue them no nor of any Heretike or Schismatike although he be baptized because he is not a member of Christ yea more then that no vvorke of any that is not a liuely member of Christ although othervvise he be baptized and continue vvithin his Church yet because he is not in grace but in mortal sinne no vvorke that he doth is meritorious or able to saue him This very same is S. Paules doctrine he denieth to the vvorkes of such as haue not the Spirit of Christ al vertue to iustifie or to saue neither requireth he a man to haue had knovvledge of the Lavv or to haue kept it afortime as though othervvise he might not be saued by Christ but yet vvhen he is Christened he requireth of necessitie that he keepe Gods commaundements by auoiding of al sinne and doing good vvorkes and to such a mans good vvorkes he attributeth as much vertue as any Catholike of this time Neuerthelesse there vvere certaine at that time as also al the Heretikes of this our time vvhom S. Peter termeth vnlearned and vnstable vvho reading S. Paules Epistles did misconster his meaning as though he required not good vvorkes no more after Baptisme then before Baptisme but held that onely Faith did iustifie and saue a man Therevpon the other Apostles vvrote their Epistles as S. Augustine noteth in these vvordes Therfore because this opinion Ad salutem obtinendam sufficere Solam sidem that onely faith is sufficient to obteine saluation was then risen the other Apostolical Epistles of Peter Iohn Iames Iude do against it specially direct theire intention to auouch vehemently fidem sine operibus nihil prodesse that saith vvithout vvorkes profiteth nothing As also Paul him selfe did not define it to be quamlibet fidem qua in Deum creditur whatsoeuer maner of faith vvherevvith vve beleeue in God but that holesome expresse Euangelical faith vvhose vvorkes procede from loue and the faith quoth he that vvorketh by loue vvherevpon that faith vvhich some thinke to be sufficient to saluation he so affirmeth to profite nothing that he saith If I should haue al faith so that I could remoue mountaines and haue not charitie I am nothing He therfore that vvill not erre in this point nor in any other reading either S. Paules Epistles or the rest of the holy Scriptures must sticke fast to the doctrine of the Catholike Church vvhich Church S. Paul termeth the piller and ground of the truth assuring him self that if any thing there found to him as contrarie herevnto he faileth of the right sense and bearing alvvaies in his minde the admonition of S. Peter saying As also our most deere brother Paul according to the vvisedom giuen to him hath vvritten to you as also in al his Epistles speaking in them of these things in the vvhich are certaine things hard to vnderstand vvhich the vnlearned and vnstable depraue as also the rest of the Scriptures to theire ovvne perdition You therfore brethren foreknovving take heede lest ye be led amis by the error of the vnvvise and fall avvay from your ovvne stedfastnes THE TIME VVHEN THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANES VVAS VVRITTEN and the Argument thereof THE historie of S. Paul vntil be came to Rome S. Luke in the Actes of the Apostles vvrote exactly and though vvithout any mention of his Epistles yet certaine it is that some of them he vvrote before he came there to vvit the ●vvo vnto the Corinthians and this to the Romanes * as it seemeth before them al the Epistle to the Galatians Vvherein yet because he maketh mention of the fouretenth yere after his conuersion it appeareth that he preached so long vvithout any vvriting And this order may thus briefely be gathered First he preached to the Galatians Act. 16 and passing through Phrygia and the countrey of Galatia Vvhereof he maketh mention himselfe also Gal. 1 Vve euangelized to you and Gal. 4 I euangelized to you heretofore After vvhich the false Apostles came and persuaded them to receiue Circumcision Vvherevpon he saith Gal. 1 I maruel that thus so soone you are trāsferred from him that called you to the grace of Christ vnto an other Gospel and vvisheth therfore Gal. 4. saying And I vvould I vvere vvith you novv And accordingly he came vnto them aftervvard as vve reade Act. 18 Vvalking in order through the countrie of Galatia and phrygia confirming al the Disciples At vvhich time also it seemeth that he tooke order vvith them about those contributions
his vocation and doctrine to their trial and approbation and to ioyne in office teaching and societie or communion vvith them For there is no extraordinarie or miraculous vocation that can seuer or separate the person so called in doctrine or fellovvship of Christian life and religion from the ordinarie knowen societie of Gods people and Priestes Therfore vvhosoeuer he be vpon vvhat pretence so euer that vvil not haue his calling and doctrine tried by the ordinarie Gouerners of Gods Church or disdaineth to go vp to the principal place of our religion to conferre vvith Peter and other pillers of the Church it is euident that he is a false teacher a Schismatike and an Heretike By vvhich rule you may trie al your nevv teachers of Luthers or Caluins schoole vvho neuer did nor euer durst put their preaching to such conference or trial of holy Councel or Bishops as they ought to do and vvould do if it vvere of God as S. Paules vvas 2. In vaine Though S. Paul doubted not of the truth of the Gospel vvhich he preached knovving it to be of the holy Ghost yet because other men could not nor vvould not acknovvledge so much til it vvere allovved by such as vvere vvithout al exception knovven to be Apostles to haue the spirit of truth to discerne vvhether the vocation spirit Gospel of Paul vvere of God he knevv he should othervvise vvithout conferēce vvith them haue lost his labour both for the time past and to come He had not had saith S. Hierom securitie of preaching the Gospel if it had not been approued by Peters sentence and the rest that vvere vvith him Hiero. ep 29. c. 2. See Tertul. li. 4 Cont. Marc. nu 3. Therfore by reuelation he vvent to conferre with the Apostles at Hierusalem that by them hauing his Apostleship and Gospel liked and approued he might preach vvith more fruite Vvherein vve see this holy Apostle did not as the seditious proud Heretikes do novv a daies vvhich refusing al mans attestation or approbation vvil be tried by Scriptures onely As also vve may learne that it is not such absurditie as the Aduersaries vvould make it to haue the Scriptures approued by the Churches testimonie Seing the Gospel vvhich S. Paul preached being of as much certaintie and of the same Holy Ghost that the Scriptures be vvas to be put in conference and examination of the Apostles vvithout al derogation to the truth dignitie or certaintie of the same And the cauilling of Heretikes that we make subiect Gods Oracles to mans censure and the Scriptures to haue no more force then the Church is content to graunt vnto them is vaine and false I or to beare vvitnes or to giue euidence or attestation that the preaching or vvriting of such is true and of the Holy Ghost is not to make it true no more then the Goldsmith or touch-stone that trie and discerne vvhich is true gold make it good gold but they giue euidence to man that so it is And therfore that disputation also vvhether the Scripture or the Church be of greater authoritie is superfluous either giuing testimonie to the other and both assured by the Holy Ghost from al error the Church yet being before the Scriptures the spouse of Christ and proper dwelling temple or subiect of God and his graces for the vvhich Church the Scriptures vvere and not the Church for the Scriptures In vvhich Church there is iudicial authoritie by office and iurisdiction to determine of doubtful questions touching the sense of the Scriptures and other controuersies in religion to punish disobedient persons Of which iudicial power the Scriptures be not capable as neither the truthes determinations of the same can be so euident to men ' nor so agreable and fit for euery particular resolution as diuersitie of times and persons requireth Certaine is the truth and great is the authoritie of both but in such diuers kindes as they can not be vvell compared together The controuersie is much like as if a man touching the ruling a case in lavv or giuing sentence in a matter of question should aske vvhether the iudge or the euidēce of the parties be of more authoritie or credit vvhich vvere as friuolous a dispute as it were a disordered part for any man to say he vvould be tried by no other iudge but by his owne vvritings or euidences Vvith such tristers and seditious persons haue vve to do now a daies in diuinitie as vvere intolerable in any prophane science or facultie in the vvorld 6. Added nothing The Gospel and preaching of S. Paul vvas wholy of God therfore though it vvere put to the Churches probation as gold is to the touch stone yet being found in al pointes pure nothing could be altered or amended therein by the Apostles Euen so the Scriptures vvhich are in deede vvholy of the Holy Ghosts enditing being put to the Churches trial are found proued and testified vnto the vvorld to be such and not made true altered or amended by the same Vvithout vvhich attestation of the Church the holy Scriptures in them selues vvere alvvaies true before but not so knowen to be to al Christians nor they so bound to take them And that is the meaning of the famous sentence of S. Augustine Cont. ep fund c. 5. vvhich troubleth the Heretikes so much I vvould not beleeue the Gospel saith he vnles the authoritie of the Church moued me 7. To Peter of the circumcision Vve may not thinke as the Heretikes deceitfuly teach that the charge of the Apostles vvas so distincted that none could preach or exercise iurisdiction but in those seueral places or towardes those peoples or prouinces onely vvherevnto by Gods appointment or their ovvne lot or election they vvere specially designed For euery Apostle might by Christes commission Mat. 28. Goe and teach al nations vse al spiritual functiō through the vvhole vvorld yet for the more particualr regard care of prouinces for peace order sake some were appointed to one countrie some to an other as of the other Apostles we see in the Ecclesiastical histories and for S. Peter S. Paul it is plaine by this place other that to them as to the tvvo cheefe and most renovvmed Apostles the Church of al Nations vvas giuen as deuided into two partes that is Ievves and Gentiles the first and principal being S. Peters lot that herein also he might resemble our Sauiour vvho vvas sent namely * to the lost sheepe of Israel and vvas properly * the Minister of the Circumcision the second being S. Paules vvhom Christ chose specially to preach to the Gentiles Not so for al that that either he vvas limited to the Gentils onely vvhō the Actes of the Apostles report in euery place first to haue entered into the Synagogs preached Christ to the Ievves as he vvrote also to the Hebrues euer had special regard honour to thē
same dales they be novv solemnely kept his B. mothers and other Saincts as the Aduersaries them selues confesse aboue 1300 yeres as appeareth in the barbarous combattes betvvene Vvestphalus the Lutheran Caluin and by the vvritings betvvixt the Puritans and Protestants For vvhich purpose see also hovv old the holiday of S. Polycarpe is in Eusebius li. 4. c. 14 of the Assumptiō of our Ladie or her dormition in S. Athanasius S. Augustine S. Hierom. S. Damase both of that feast and of her Natiuitie in S. Bernard vvho professeth he receiued them of the Church that they ought to be most solemnel kept ep 174. Vvherein vve can not but vvonder at the nevv Church of England that though against the pure Caluinistes vvil and doctrine keepe other Saincts and Apostles daies of their death and yet haue abolished this special feast of our Ladies departure vvhich they might keepe though they beleeued not her Assumption in body vvhereof yet S. Denys giueth so great testimonie being assured she is departed at the least except they either ●are her or thinke her vvorthy of lesse remembrance then any other Sainct her self prophecying the contrarie of al Catholike generations that they should blesse her And in deede the Assumption is her proper day as also the feast of her Natiuitle the other of the Purification and the Annune●ation vvhich they keepe in England being not so peculiar to her but belonging rather to Christes Presentation in the Temple and his Conception To conclude vve may see in S. Cyprian ep 34. Origen ho. 3. in diuers Tertulliau de cor ●il S. Gregorie Nazianzene de amore pauperum the Councel of Gangres yea and in the councel of Nice it self giuing order for Easter and the certaine celebrating thereof that Christian Festiuities be holy aūcient and to be obserued on prescript daies and times and that this is not Iudaical obseruation of daies as Aërius taught for vvhich he vvas condemned of Heresie as S. Epīphanius witnesseth But of holidaies S. Augustine sheweth both the reason and his liking in these memorable vvordes 〈◊〉 for the feastes belonging to our Lord thus We dedicate and consecrate the memorie of Gods benefites vvith solemnities feastes and certaine appointed daies left by tract of times there might creept in ingrateful and vnkinde obliuion Of the festiuities of Martyrs thus Christian people celebrate the memories of Martyrs vvith religious solemnitie both to moue them selues to imitation of them and that they may be partakers of their merites and be holpen vvith their praiers Cont. Faust li. 20. c. 21. And of al Saincts daies thus Keepe ye and celibrate vvith sobrietie the Natiuities of Saincts that vve may imitate them vvhich haue gone before Vs and they may reioyce of vs vvhich pray for vs. In ps 88. Conc. 2. in fine And as is said of prescript daies of feastes so the like is to be said of fastes vvhich els vvhere vve haue shewed to be of the Apostles ordinance And so also of the Ecclesiastical diuision of the yere into Aduent Septuagesme c. the vveeke into so many I eries the day into Houres of praiers as the Prime the Third the Sixth the None c. Vvhereof see S. Cyprian vvho deriueth these things by the Scriptures from the Apostles also and counteth these things vvhich the vvicked Heretikes reproue to be ful of mysterie Like vnto this also is it that the holy Scriptures were so disposed of and deuided that certaine peeces as is alvvaies obserued and practised vntil this day should be read at one time and others at other times and seasons through out the yere according to the diuersitie of our Lordes actions and benefites or the Saincts stories then recorded Vvhich the Puritane Caluinists also condemne of superstition desiring to bring in hellish horrour and al disorder See conc Carthag 3. c. 47. pag. 288 of this booke 24. By an allegorie Here vve learne that the holy Scriptures haue beside the litteral sense a deeper spiritual and more principal meaning which is not only to be taken of the holy vvordes but of the very factes and persons reported both the speaches and the actions being significatiue ouer and aboue the letter Vvhich pregnancie of manifold senses if S. Paul had not signified him self in certaine places the Heretikes had bene lesse vvicked and presumptuous in condemning the holy fathers allegorical expositions almost vvholy who now shew them selues to be mere brutish and carnal men hauing no sense nor feeling of the profunditie of the Scriptures vvhich our holy fathers the Doctors of Gods Church savv ●1 Freedom He meaneth the libertie and discharge from the old ceremonies sacraments and the vvhole bondage of the Lavv and from the seruitude of sinne and the Diuel to such as obey him but not libertie to do vvhat euery man list or to be vnder no obedience of spiritual or temporal lavves and gonerners not a licence neuer to pray fast keepe holyday or vvorkday but vvhen and hovv it seemeth best to euery mans phantasie Such a dissolute licentious state is farre from the true libertie vvhich Christ purchased for vs. CHAP. V. Against the lie of the false Apostles he protesteth his mind of Circumcision 13 and testifieth that they are called to libertie But yet left any misconster Christian libertie he telleth them that they shal not inherite the kingdom vnles they abstaine from the vvorkes of the flesh vvhich are al mortal sinnes and do the fruitful vvorkes of the Spirit fulfilling al the commaundements of the Lavv by Charitie verse 1 STAND and be not holden in againe vvith the yoke of seruitude ✝ verse 2 Behold I Paul tel you that if you be circumcised Christ shal profite you nothing ✝ verse 3 And I testifie againe to euery man circumciding him self that he is a detter to doe the vvhole Lavv. ✝ verse 4 You are euacuated from Christ that are iustified in the Lavv you are fallē from grace ✝ verse 5 For vve in spirit by faith expect the hope of iustice ✝ verse 6 For in Christ IESVS * neither circumcision auaileth ought nor prepuce but ″ faith that vvorketh by charitie ✝ verse 7 You ranne vvel vvho hath hindered you not to obey the truth ✝ verse 8 The persuasion is not of him that calleth you * ✝ verse 9 A litle leauen corrupteth the vvhole paste ✝ verse 10 I haue confidence in you in our Lord that you vvil be of no other minde but he that troubleth you shal beare the iudgement vvhosoeuer he be ✝ verse 11 And as for me brethren if as yet I preach circumcision vvhy doe I yet suffer persecution then is the scandal of the crosse euacuated ✝ verse 12 I would they vvere also cut of that trouble you ✝ verse 13 For you brethrē are called into libertie only make not this ″ libertie an occasion to the flesh but by charitie serue
mans perdition but hath prouided a general medicine redemption to saue al from perishing that vvil accept it or that haue it applied vnto them by his Sacraments and other meanes by him ordained and so vvould haue al saued by his conditional vvil and ordinance that is if men vvil them selues by accepting doing or hauing done vnto them al things requisite by Gods lavv for God vseth not his absolute vvil or povver tovvardes al●●● this case But he that list see the manifold senses al good and true that these vvordes may beare let him see S. Augustine Ad articul sibi false impos resp ● to 7. E●ch c. 103. Ep. 107. De cor grat c. 15. and S. 〈◊〉 li. 2. de orthod fide ● 29. 5 One mediator The Protestants are to peuish and pitifully blind that charge the Catholike Church Catholikes vvith making moe Mediators then one vvhich is Christ our Sauiour in that they desire the Saincts to pray for them or to be their patrones and intercessors before God Vve tel them therfore that they vnderstand not vvhat it is to be a Mediator in this sense that S. Paul taketh the vvord and in vvhich it is properly and onely attributed to Christ For to be thus a Mediator is by nature to be truely both God and man to be that one eternal Priest and Redeemer vvhich by his sacrifice and death vpon the Crosse hath reconciled vs to God and paied his bloud as a full and sufficient raunsom for al our sinnes him self vvithout neede of any redemption neuer subiect to possibilitie of sinning againe to be the singular Aduocar and Patrone of mankind that by him self alone and by his ovvne merites procureth al grace mercie to mankind in the sight of his ●ather none making any intercession for him nor geuing any grace or force to his praiers but he to al none asking or obtaining either grace in this life or glorie in the next but by him In this sort then as S. Augustine truely saith Cont. ep Parm. li. 2. c. 8. neither Peter nor Paul no nor our B. Lady nor any creature vvhatsoeuer can be our Mediator The aduersaries thinke to basely of Christes mediation if they imagine this to be his onely prerogatiue to pray for vs or that vve make the saincts our Mediators in that sort as Christis vvhen vve desire them to pray for vs. vvhich is so far inferior to the singular mediation of him that no Catholike euer can or dare thinke or speake so basely vnto him as to desire him to pray for vs but vve say Lord haue mercie vpō vs Christ haue mercie vpon vs not Christ pray for vs as vve say to our Ladie and the rest Therfore to inuocate Saincts in that sort as the Catholike Church doth can not make them our Mediators as Christ is vvhom vve must not inuocate in that sort And as vvel make vve the faithful yet liuing our Mediators by the Aduersaries arguments vvhen vve desire their praiers as the departed Saincts But novv touching the vvord Mediator though in that singular sense proper to our Sauiour it agreeth to no mere creature in heauen or earth yet taken in more large and common sort by the vse of Scriptures doctors and vulgar speach not onely the Saincts but good men liuing that pray for vs and help vs in the vvay of saluation may and are rightly called Mediators As S. Cyril li. 22 Thesaur c. 10 proueth that Moyses according to the Scriptures and Ieremie and the Apostles and others be Mediators Read his ovvne wordes for they plainely refute al the Aduersaries cauillations in this case And if the name of * fauiour and redeemer be in the Scriptures giuen to men vvithout derogation to him that is in a more excellent and incomparable maner the onely Sauiour of the vvorld vvhat can they say vvhy there may not be many Mediators in an inferior degree to the only and singular Mediator S. Bernard saith Opus est mediatore ad Mediatorem Christum nec alter nobis vtilior quam Maria. that is We haue neede of a mediator to Christ the Mediator and there is none more for our profite then our Ladie Bernard Ser. qui incipit Signum magnum apparuit c. post Ser. 5 de Assumpt S. Basil also in the same sense vvriting to Iulian the Apostata desireth the mediation of our Ladie of the Apostles Prophets and Martyrs for procuring of Gods mercie and remission of his sinnes His vvordes are cited in Conc. Nic. 2. act 4. pag. 110 111. Thus did and thus beleeued al the holy fathers most agreably to the Scriptures and thus must al the children of the Church do be the Aduersaries neuer so importunate and vvilfully blinde in these matters 12. I permit not In times of licentiousnes libertie and heresie vvomen are much giuen to reading disputing chatting and langling of the holy Scriptures yea and to teach also if they might be permitted but S. Paul vtterly forbideeth it and the Greeke Doctors vpon this place note that the vvoman taught but once that vvas vvhen after her reasoning vvith Satan she persuaded her husband to transgression and so she vndid al mankind And in the Ecclesiastical vvriters vve find that vvomen haue been great promoters of euery sort of heresie vvhereof see a notable discourse in S. Hierom ep ad Ct●siph cont Pelag. c. 2. vvhich they vvould not haue done if they had according to the Apostles rule folovved pietie and good vvorkes and liued in silence and subiection to their husbands CHAP. III. Of vvhat qualitie they must be vvhom he ordaineth Bishops ● and Deacons 14 and the cause of his vvriting to be the excellencie of the Catholike Church and of Christ vvho is the obiect of our religion verse 1 A Faithful saying If a man desire a Bishops office he desireth ″ a good worke ✝ verse 2 * It behoueth therfore ″ a Bishop to be irreprehensible the husband ″ of one vvife sobre vvise comely chast a man of hospitalitie a teacher ✝ verse 3 not giuen to vvine no fighter but modest no quareler not couetous ✝ verse 4 vvel ruling his ovvne house hauing his children subiect vvith al chastitie ✝ verse 5 But if a man knovv not to rule his ovvne house hovv shal he haue care of the Church of God ✝ verse 6 ″ Not a neophyte lest puffed into pride he fall into the iudgment of the Deuil ✝ verse 7 And he must haue also good testimonie of them that are vvithout that he fall not into reproch and the snare of the Deuil ✝ verse 8 Deacons in like maner chast not double tonged not giuen to much vvine not folovvers of filthie lucre ✝ verse 9 hauing the mysterie of faith in a pure cōscience ✝ verse 10 And let these also be proued first so let them minister hauing no crime ✝ verse 11 The vvomen in like maner
thee Amen ANNOTATIONS CHAP. VI. 4. Languishing Euen these be the good disputes of our nevv Sect-maisters and the vvorld hath to long proued these inconueniences here named to be the fruites of such endles altercations in religion as these vnhappie sectes haue brought forth 20. Depositum The vvhole doctrine of our Christianitie being taught by the Apostles and deliuered to their successors and comming dovvne from one Bishop to an other is called the Depositum as it vvere a thing laid into their hands and committed vnto them to keepe Vvhich because it passeth from hand to hand from age to age from Bishop to Bishop vvithout corruption change or alteration is al one vvith Tradition and is the truth giuen vnto the holy Bishops to keepe and not to lay men See the notable discourse of Vincentius Lirinensis vpon this text li. cont profan har Nouationes And it is for this great old and knovven treasure committed to the Bishops custodie that S. Irenaeus calleth the Catholike Church Depositorium diues the rich treasurie of truth li. 3. c. 4. And as Clemens Alexandrinus vvriteth li. 2 Strom this place maketh so much against al Heretikes vvho do al change this Depositum that 〈◊〉 onely such men in his daies denied this Epistle The Heretikes of our daies chalenge also the truth and say it is the old truth but they leape 14 or 15 hundreth yeres for it ouer mens heads to the Apostles But vve call for the Depositum and aske them in vvhose hands that truth vvhich they pretend vvas laid vp and hovv it came dovvne to them for it can not be Apostolical vnles it vvere Depositum in some Timothees hand so to continevv from one Bishop to an other vntil our time and to the end 20. Profane nouelties Non dixit antiquitates saith Vincentius Lirinensis non dixit vetustates sed prophanas nouitates Nam si vitanda est nouitas tenenda est antiquitas si prophana est nouitas sacratae est vetustas that is He said not ANTIQVITIES he said not AVNCIENTNES but PROFANE NOVELTIES For if noueltie is to be auoided antiquitie is to be kept if noueltie be profane auncientnes is holy and sacred See his vvhole booke against the profane nouelties of heresies Vve may not measure the nevvnes or oldnes of wordes and termes of speaking in religion by holy Scriptures only as though all those or only those were new and to be reiected that are not expresly found in holy vvrite but vve must esteeme them by the agreablenes or disagreablenes they haue to the true sense of Scriptures to the forme of Catholike faith and doctrine to the phrase of the old Christians to the Apostolike vse of speache come vnto vs by tradition of all ages and Churches and to the prescription of holy Councels and Schooles of the Christian world vvhich haue giuen out according to the time and questions raised by heretikes and contentious persons very fit artificiall and significant vvordes to discerne and defend the truth by against falshod These termes Catholike Trinitie Person Sacrament Incarnation Masse and many moe are not in that sense vvherein the Church vseth them in the Scriptures at all and diuers of them were spoken by the Apostles before any part of the nevv Testament vvas vvritten some of them taken vp straight after the Apostles daies in the vvrittings and preachings of holy Doctors and in the speach of all faithfull people and therfore can not be counted Nouelties of vvordes Others beside these as Consubstantial Deipara Transsubstantiation and the like vvhich are neither in expresse termes found in Scriptures not yet in sense if vve should folovv the iudgement of the speciall sectes against vvhich the said vvordes were first inuented the Arians crying out against Nicene Councel for the first the Nestorians against the Ephesiue Coūcel for the second the Lutherans Caluinists against the Laterā and the later Councels for the third these vvordes also notwithstanding by the iudgemēt of holy Church and Councels approued to be consonant to Gods vvord and made authenticall among the faithfull are sound and true vvordes and not of those kinde vvhich the Apostle calleth Nouelties The vvordes then here forbidden are the new prophane termes and speaches inuented or specially vsed by heretikes such as S. Irenee recordeth the Valentinians had a number most monstruous as the Manichees had also diuers as may be seene in S. Augustine The Arians had their Similis substantia and Christ to be ex non existentibus the other heretikes after those daies had their Christiparam and such like agreable to their sectes But the Protestants passe in this kinde as they excede most heretikes in the number of new opinions as their Seruum arbitrium ' their sole faith their fiduce their apprehension of Christes iustice their imputatiue righteousnes their horrible termes of terrors anguishes distresses distrust feares and feeling of hell paines in the soule of our Sauiour to expresse their blasphemous fiction of his temporall damnation vvhich they call his descending to hell Their markes tokens and badges Sacramentall their Companation Impanation Circumpanation to auoid the true conuersion in the Eucharist their presence in figure in faith signe spirit pleadge effect to auoid the reall presence of Christes body These and such like innumerable vvhich they occupie in euery part of their false doctrine are in the sense that they vse them all false captious and deceitfull vvordes and are nouitates vocum here forbidden And though some of the said termes haue been by some occasion obiter vvithout il meaning spokē by Catholikes before these Heretikes arose yet now knovving thē to be the propre speaches of Heretikes Christiāmen are boūd to auoid them Wherein the Church of God hath euer been as diligent to resist Nouelties of vvordes as her Aduersaries are busy to inuent them for vvhich cause she vvil not haue vs cōmunicate vvith them nor folow their fashion and phrase nevvly inuented though in the nature of the vvordes sometime there be no harme In S. Augustines daies vvhen Christiā men had any good befallē them or entered into any mans house or met any frind by the vvay they vsed alvvaies to say Deo gratias The Donatistes and Circumcellions of that time being nevvsangled forsooke the old phrase and vvould alvvaies say Laus Deo from vvhich the Catholike men did so abhorre as the said Doctor vvriteth that they had as leefe mette a theefe as one that said to them Laus Deo in steede of Deo gratias As novv vve Catholikes must not say The Lord but Our Lord as vve say Our Lady for his mother not The Lady Let vs keepe our forefathers vvordes and vve shal easily keepe our old and true saith that vve had of the first Christians Let them say Amendement abstinence the Lordes Supper the Communion table Elders Ministers Superintendent Congregation so be it praise ye the Lord Morning-Praier Euening-praier and the rest as they vvill
to principal persons both of the Clergie and Laitie be godly and cōsonant to Priestly vocation As also seruing of Princes and Commonvveales in ciuil causes and matters of state in making peace and quietnes among the people by deciding or compounding their controuersies and al such like affaires tending to the honour of God and good of men and to the vpholding of true religion vvhen they may be done vvithout notorious damage or hinderance of their spiritual charge or vvhen the hurtes thereof be aboundantly recompensed by the necessarie dueties done for the general good of kingdom or Countrie al such things I say be lavvful and often very requisite And S. Augustine S. Ambrose S. Bernard and other holy Bishops of old vvere much occupied therein as vve see in S. Augustines booke de opere Monachorum c. 29. Possid in vit c. 19. 15. Rightly The Scriptures or chalenge of the vvord of God is common to Catholikes and Heretikes but al is in the handling of them these later handle them guilefully adultering the vvord of God as * els vvhere the Apostle speaketh the other sincerely after the maner of the Apostles and doctors of Gods Church Vvhich the Greeke expresseth by a significant vvord of cutting a thing straight by a line 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 17. Their speache The speaches preachings and vvritings of Heretikes be pestiferous cōtagious and creeping like a canker therfore Christian men must neuer heare their sermons nor read their bookes For such men haue a popular vvay of talke vvhereby the vnlearned and specially vvomen loden vvith sinne are easily beguiled Nothing is so easy saith S. Hierom as vvith voluble and rolling tong to deceiue the rude people vvhich admire vvhatsoeuer they vnderstand not Ep. 2. ad Nepot c. 10. 20. In a great house He meaneth not that Hymenaeus and Philétus of vvhō he spake immediatly before or other heretikes be properly vvithin the Church as catholike men are though greuous sinners but that euil men vvho for the punishment of their sinnes become heretikes vvere before they fell from their faith as vessels of contumelie vvithin the Church Yea and often also after they be seuered in hart and in the sight of God so long as they stand in external profession and vse of the same Sacraments and in the outvvard fellovvship of Catholikes not yet either separated of them selues nor cast out by the gouernours of the Church so long we say they be after a sort in the Church though properly and in deede they be out of the compasse of Gods house Mary of those that are openly seuered in Sacraments Seruice and communion there is no question but they are out of the Church 21. Cleanse him self Man then hath free vvil to make him self a vessel of saluation or damnation though saluation be attributed to Gods mercie principally the other to his iust iudgement neither of both being repugnant to our free vvil but vvorking vvith and by the same al such effectes in vs as to his prouidence and our deserts be agreable CHAP. III. He prophecieth of Heretikes to come 6 and noteth certaine then also for such bidding him to auoid them 10 and vvhatsoeuer persecution befall for it to cōtinue constant in the Catholike doctrine both because of his Maister S. Paul him self 15 and also because of his ovvne knovvledge in the Scriptures verse 1 AND this knovv thou that * in the last daies shal approache perilous times ✝ verse 2 and ″ men shal be louers of them selues couetous hautie proud blasphemous not obedient to their parents vnkinde vvicked ✝ verse 3 vvithout affection vvithout peace accusers incontinent vnmerciful vvithout benignitie ✝ verse 4 traitours stubburne puffed vp and louers of voluptuousnes more then of God ✝ verse 5 hauing an appearance in deede of pietie but denying the vertue thereof And these auoid ✝ verse 6 For of these be they that craftely enter into houses and leade captiue ●eely ″ vvomen loden vvith sinnes vvhich are ledde vvith diuers desire● ✝ verse 7 alvvaies learning and neuer attaining to the knovvledge of the truth ✝ verse 8 But as Iannes Mambres * resisted Moyses so these also resist the truth men corrupted in minde reprobate cōcerning the faith ✝ verse 9 But they shal prosper no further for their ″ folly shal be manifest to al as theirs also vvas ✝ verse 10 But thou hast attained to my doctrine institution purpose faith longanimitie loue patience ✝ verse 11 persecutions passions vvhat maner of things vvere done to me at Antioche at Iconium at Lystra vvhat maner of persecutiōs I sustained and out of al our Lord deliuered me ✝ verse 12 And ″ al that vvil liue godly in Christ IESVS shal suffer persecution ✝ verse 13 But euil men and seducers shal prosper to the vvorse erring and driuing into errour ✝ verse 14 But thou continue in those things vvhich thou hast learned and are committed to thee knowing of vvhom thou hast learned ✝ verse 15 and because from thine infancie thou hast knovven the holy Scriptures vvhich can instruct thee to saluation by the faith that is in Christ IESVS ✝ verse 16 ″ * All Scripture inspired of God is profitable to teach to argue to correct to instruct in iustice ✝ verse 17 that the man of God may be perfect instructed to euery good vvorke ANNOTATIONS CHAP. III. 2. Men shal be Al these wordes S. Cyprian expoundeth of such as by pride and disobedience resist Gods Priests Let no faithful man saith he that keepeth in minde our Lordes and the Apostles admonition maruel if he see in the later times some proud and stubburne fellowes and the enimies of Gods Priests goe out of the Church or impugne the same vvhen both our Lord and th Apostle foretold vs that such should be Cypr. ep 55. nu 3. 6. Women loden Women loden with sinnes are for such their deseruings and through the frailtie of their sexe more subiect to the heretikes deceites then men the enemie attempting as he did in the fall of our first parents by them to ouerthrovv men See S. Hierem vpon the 3 chapter of Ieremie Where he addeth that euery heresie is first broched propter gulam ventrem for gluttonie and belly-cheere 9. Folly manifest Al heretikes in the beginning seeme to haue some shew of truth God for iust punishment of mens sinnes permitting them for some vvhile in some persons and places to preuaile but in short time God detecteth them and openeth the eies of men to see their decei tes in so much that after the first brunt they be mainteined by force onely al wise men in maner seing their falshod though for troubling the state of such common weales vvhere vnluckely they haue been receiued they can not be so sodenly extirped 12. Al that vvil liue Al holy men suffer one kinde of persecutiō or other being greeued and molested by the vvicked one way or an
to the order of Aaron but according to the order of Melchisedec See ep 120. c. 19. ep 57. ad q. 1. in fine Thus you see vvhen the holy fathers handle the Scriptures they finde Masse and Sacrifice in many places vvhere the ignorant heretikes or the simple might thinke they speake onely of a common thankes giuing 16. God is promerited This latin vvord promeretur cannot be expressed effectually in any one English vvord It signifieth Gods fauour to be procured by the foresaid vvorkes of almes and charitie as by the deserts and merites of the doers Which doctrine and vvord of merites the Aduersaries like so il that they flee both here and els vvhere from the vvord translating here for promeretur Deus God is pleased more neere to the Greeke as they pretend Which in deede maketh no more for them then the latin vvhich is agreable to most auncient copies as vve see by Primasius S. Augustines scholer For if God be pleased vvith good vvorkes and shew fauour for them then are they meritorious and then only faith is not the cause of Gods fauour to men 17. Obey your Prelates There is nothing more inculcated in the holy Scriptures then obedience of the lay people to the Priests and Prelates of Gods Church in matters of soule conscience and religion Vvhereof the Apostle giueth this reason because they haue the charge of mens soules and must ansvver for them vvhich is an infinite preeminence and superiority ioyned vvith burden and requireth maruelous submission and most obedient subiection of al that be vnder them and their gouernement From this obedience there is no exception nor exemption of kings nor Princes be they neuer so great If they haue soules and be Christian men they must be subiect to some Bishop Priest or other Prelate And vvhatsoeuer he be though Emperour of all the vvorld if he take vpon him to prescribe and giue lawes of religion to the Bishops and Priests vvhom he ought to obey and be subiect vnto in religion he shal he damned vndoubtedly except he repent because he doth against the expresse vvord of God and law of nature And by this you may see the difference of an heretical and a disordered time from other Catholike Christian daies For heresie and the like damnable reuoltes from the Church of God is no more but a rebellion and disobedience to the Priests of Gods Church vvhen men refuse to be vnder their discipline to heare their doctrine and interpretation of Scriptures to obey their lawes and counsels This disobedience and rebellion from the Spiritual Gouernour vnder pretence of obedience to the Temporal is the bane of our daies and specially of our Countrie vvhere these new Sectes are properly mainteined by this false principle That the Prince in matters of soule and religion may commaund the Prelate vvhich is directly and euidently against this Scripture and all other that commaund the sheepe of Christes fold to obey their spiritual Officers THE ARGVMENT OF THE EPISTLE OF S. IAMES THIS Epistle as the rest folovving is directed specially as S. Augustine saith against the errour of only faith vvhich some held at that time also by misconstruing S. Paules vvordes Yea not only that but many other errours vvhich then also vvere annexed vnto it as they are novv doth this Apostle here touche expresly He saith therfore that not only faith but also good vvorkes are necessarie that not only faith but also good vvorkes do iustifie that they are actes of Religion or seruice and vvorship of God that to keepe al the commaundements of God and so to abstaine from al mortal sinne is not impossible but necessarie that God is not author of sinne no not so much as of tentation to sinne that vve must stay our selues from sinning vvith feare of our death of the Iudgement of hel and stirre our selues to doing of good vvith our revvard that vve shall haue for it in heauen These pointes of the Catholike faith he commendeth earnestly vnto vs inueighing vehemently against them that teach the cōtrarie errors Hovvbeit he doth vvithal admonish not to neglect such but to seeke their conuersion shevving them hovv meritorious a thing that is Thus then he exhorteth generally to all good vvorkes dehorteth from al sinne but yet also namely to certaine from certaine as from acception of persons from detraction and rash iudging from concupiscēce and loue of this vvorld from svvearing and to praier to almes to humilitie confession and penance but most copiously to patience in persecution Novv vvho this Iames vvas It is not be vvhose feast the Church keepeth the 25 of Iulie vvhich vvas S. Iohns brother and vvhose martyrdom vve haue Act. 12. but he vvhom the Church vvorshippeth the first of Maie vvho is called Frater Domini our lordes brother and brother to Iude and vvhich vvas the first Bishop of Hierusalem of vvhom vve reade Act. 15 21. and also Gal. 2. of vvhose vvonderful austeritie and puritie of life the Ecclesiasticall stories do report Euseb li. 2. c. ●2 Hiero. in Catalogo Therfore as the old High-priest had povver and charge ouer the Ievves not only in Hierusalem and Iurie but also dispersed in other Countries as vve vnderstand Act. 9. v. 1 2. so S. Iames likevvise being Bishop of Hierusalem and hauing care not only of those Ievves vvith vvhom he vvas resident there in Iurie but of al the rest also vvriteth this Epistle To the tvvelue tribes that are in dispersion and in them to al Christians vniuersally dispersed through the vvorld THE CATHOLIKE EPISTLE OF IAMES THE APOSTLE Catholike Epistle The vvord Catholike though in the title of this Epistle the rest folovving called The Catholike Epistles it be not vvholy in the same sense as it is in the Creede yet the Protestants so feare and abhorre the vvord altogether that in some of their Bibles they leaue it cleane out although it be in the Greeke and in some they had rather translate ridiculously thus The general Epistle c. vvhereas these are famously knovven and * specified in antiquitie by the name of Catholike Epistles for that they are vvritten to the vvhole Church not to any peculiar people or person as S. Paules are CHAP. I. Vve haue to reioyce in persecution but if vve be patient and vvithal absteine from al mortal sinne 9 considering hovv vve shal be exalted and crovvned for it vvhen the persecutor vvho enricheth him self vvith our spoiles shal fade avvay 13 But if any be tempted to fall or to any other euil let him not say God it the author of it vvho is the author of al good onely 19 Such points of the Ca●●-faith vve must be content to learne vvithout contradiction and anger and to doe accordingly 26 Because othervvise vve may talke of Religion but in deede it is no Religion verse 1 IAMES the seruant of God and of our Lord IESVS Christ to the tvvelue tribes
that are in dispersion greeting ✝ verse 2 Esteeme it my brethren al ioy vvhen you shal fall into diuers tentatiōs ✝ verse 3 knovving that * the probatiō of your faith vvorketh patience ✝ verse 4 And let patience haue a perfect vvorke that you may be perfect entire failing in nothing ✝ verse 5 But if any of you lacke vvisedom let him aske of God who giueth to al men aboundantly and vp braideth not and it shal be giuen him ✝ verse 6 But * let him ● aske in faith nothing doubting for he that doubteth is like to a vvaue of the sea vvhich is moued caried about by the vvinde ✝ verse 7 therfore let not that man thinke that he shal receiue any thing of our Lord. ✝ verse 8 A man double of minde is inconsant in al his vvaies ✝ verse 9 But let the humble brother glorie in his exaltation ✝ verse 10 and the riche in his humilitie because * as the floure of grasse shal he passe ✝ verse 11 for the sunne rose vvith heate parched the grasse and the floure of it fel avvay and the beautie of the shape thereof perished so the riche man also shal vvither in his vvaies ✝ verse 12 Blessed is the man suffereth tentation for vvhen he hath been proued he shal receiue the crovvne of life vvhich God hath promised to them that loue him ⊢ ✝ verse 13 ″ Let no man vvhen he is tempted say that he is tempted no man ✝ verse 14 But euery one is tempted of his ovvne cōcupiscence abstracted and allured ✝ verse 15 Aftervvard ″ concupiscence vvhen it hath cōceiued bringeth forth sinne but ″ sinne vvhen it is consummate ingendreth death ✝ verse 16 Do not erre therfore my deerest brethren ✝ verse 17 Euery best gift and euery perfect gift is from aboue descending from the Father of lightes vvith vvhom is no transmutation nor shadovving of alteration ✝ verse 18 Voluntarily hath he begotten vs by the vvord of truth that vve may be some beginning of his creature ⊢ ✝ verse 19 You knovv my deerest brethren And * let euery man be svvift to heare but slovv to speake and slovv to anger ✝ verse 20 For the anger of man vvorketh not the iustice of God ✝ verse 21 For the vvhich thing casting avvay al vncleannesse and aboundance of malice in meekenesse receiue the engraffed vvord vvhich is able to saue your soules ⊢ ✝ verse 22 But * be doers of the vvord and not hearers only deceauing your selues ✝ verse 23 For if a man be a hearer of the vvord and not a doer he shal be compared to a man beholding the countenance of his natiuitie in a glasse ✝ verse 24 For he considered him self and vvent his vvay and by and by forgat vvhat an one he vvas ✝ verse 25 But he that hath looked in ″ the lavv of perfect libertie and hath remained in it not made a forgetful hearer but a doer of the vvorke this man shal be blessed in his deede ✝ verse 26 And if any man thinke him self to be religious not bridling his tong but seducing his hart this mans religion is vaine ✝ verse 27 ″ Religion cleane and vnspotted vvith God and the Father is this to visite pupilles and vvidovves in their tribulation to keepe him self vnspotted from this vvorld ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 6. Aske in faith nothing doubting The Protestants vvould proue by this that no man ought to pray vvithout assurance that he shal obtaine that vvhich he asketh Where the Apostle meaneth nothing els but that the asker of lavvful things may not either mistrust Gods povver and hability or be in diffidence and despaire of his mercie but that our doubt be onely in our ovvne vnworthinesse or vndue asking 13. Let no man say that he is tempted of God Vve see by this that vvhen the Scriptures as in the Pater noster and other places seeme to say that God doth sometimes tempt vs or leade vs into tentation they meane not that God is any vvaies the author causer or mouer of any man to sinne but onely by permission and because by his gratious povver he keepeth not the offender from tentations Therfore the blasphemie of Heretike making God the author of sinne is intolerable See S. August ser 9. de diuers c. 9. 13. God is not a tempter of euils The Protestants as much as they may to diminish the force of the Apostles conclusion against such as attribute their euil tentations to God for other tentations God doth send to trie mens patience and proue their faith take and translate the vvord passuely in this sense that God is not tempted by our euils Vvhere more consonantly to the letter and circumstance of the vvordes before after as agreably to the Greeke it should be taken actiuely as it is in the Latin that God is no tempter to euil for being taken passiuely there is no coherence of sense to the other vvordes of the Apostle 15. Concupiscence vvhen it hath conceiued Concupiscence vve see here of it self is not sinne as Heretikes falsely teach but vvhen by any consent of the minde vve do obey or yeld to it then is sinne ingendred and formed in vs. 15. Sinne consummate ingendreth death Here vve see that not al sinne nor al consent vnto concupiscence is mortal or damnable but vvhen it is consummate that is vvhen the consent of mans minde fully and perfectly yeldeth to the committing or liking of the acte or motion vvherevnto concupiscence moueth or inciteth vs. 25. The lavv of perfect libertie The lavv of the Gospel and grace of Christ is called the lavv of libertie in respect of the yoke and burden of the old carnal ceremonies and because Christ hath by his bloud of the nevv Testament deliuered all that obey him from the seruitude of sinne and the Diuel But not as the Libertines and other Heretikes of this time vvould haue it that in the nevv Testament euery man may follovv his ovvne liking and conscience may choose vvhether he vvil be vnder the lavves and obedience of Spiritual or Temporal Rulers or no. 27. Religion cleane True religion standeth not onely in talking of the Scriptures or onely faith or Christes iustice but in puritie of life and good vvorkes specially of charitie and mercie done by the grace of Christ This is the Apostolical doctrine and far from the Heretical vanitie of this time CHAP. II. Against acception of person 10 From al and euery sinne vve must absteine hauing in al our vvordes and deedes the Iudgement before our eies vvherein vvorkes of mercie shal be required of vs 14 and onely faith shal not auaile vs. 18 And that the Catholike by his vvorkes shevveth that he hath faith vvhereas the Heretikes hath no more faith than the Diuel talke he of faith neuer so much and of iustification thereby onely by the
during al eternitie 31. That is in Babylon The Protestants shevv them selues here as in al places vvhere any controuersie is or that maketh against them to be most vnhonest and partial handlers of Gods vvord The aūcient fathers namely S. Hierom in Catalogo de scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis verbo Marcus Eusebius li. 2 c. 14 hist Oecumenius vpon this place and many moe agree that Rome is meant by the vvord Babylon here also as in the 16 and 17 of the Apocalypse saying plainely that S. Peter vvrote this Epistle at Rome vvhich is called Babylon for the resemblance it had to Babylon that great citie in Chaldaea vvhere the Ievves vvere captiues for magnificence Monarchie resort and confusion of al peoples and tongues and for that it vvas before Christ and long after the seate of al Ethnike superstition idolatrie the slaughter house of the Apostles other Christian men the Heathen Emperours thē keeping their cheefe residēce there See S. Leo Ser. 1. in Nati Petri Pauli This being most plaine and cōsonant to that vvhich folovveth of S. Marke vvhom al the Ecclesiastical histories agree to haue been Peters scholer at Rome and that he there vvrote his Gospel yet our Aduersaries fearing hereby the sequele of Peters or the Popes supremacie at Rome deny that euer he vvas there or that this Epistle vvas vvritten there or that Babylon doth here signifie Rome but they say that Peter vvrote this Epistle at Babylon in haldaea though they neuer reade either in Scriptures or other holy or profane historie that this Apostle vvas euer in that tovvne but see their shameles partiality here Babylon say they is not taken for Rome because it vvould folovv that Peter vvas at Rome c. but in the Apocalypse vvhere al euil is spoken of Babylon there they vvill haue it signifie nothing els but Rome and the Romane Church also not as the fathers interprete it the temporal state of the Heathen Empire there So do they folovv in euery vvord no other thing but the aduantage of their ovvne heresie See the Annotation vpon the last of the Romans v. 16. and vpon the 17 of the Apocalypse v. 5. And as for their vvrangling vpon the supputation of the time of his going thither and the number of yeres that he vvas there the diuersitie that seemeth to be in the Ecclesiastical vvriters concerning the same read B. Fisher and other that substantially ansvver al such cauils And if such contentious reasoning might take place vve should hardly beleeue the principal things recorded either in Ecclesiastical histories or in the Scriptures them selues Concerning the time of Christs fleing into Aegypt of the comming of the Sages to adore him yea of the yeres of his age time of his death al aūcient vvriters do not agree and concerning the day of his last supper and institution of the holy Sacrament there is diuersitie of opinions Shal vve therfore inferre that he neuer died and that the other things neuer vvere Can the Heretikes accord al the histories that seeme euen in holy Scripture to haue contradiction Can they tel vs certainely vvhen Dauid first came to Saul and the like doubt they vvhether the vvorld vvas euer created because the count of the yeres is diuers Do they not beleeue that Paradise euer vvas because no man knovveth vvhere it is and such other like things infinite to rehearse Vvhich vvhen they vvere done vvere plaine and knovven things in the vvorld and novv for vs to call them to an account after so many yeres ages and vvorldes is but sophistication and plaine infidelitie And this sect of the Protestants standing onely vpon destruction and negatiues dealing vvith our religion euen as Iulian Porphyrie and Lucian did it is an easie thing for them to bestovv their time in picking of quarels THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PETER THE APOSTLE CHAP. I. Hovv much God hath done for them making them Christians 5 and that they againe must doe their part not hauing onely faith but al other vertues also and good vvorkes that so they may haue the m●re assurance to enter into the kingdom of heauen 13 And that he is so careful to admonish them knovving that his death is as hand knovving also most certainely the ●●●ming of Christ by the vvitnes of the Father him self as also by the Prophets Concerning vvhom he vvarneth them that they folovv not priuate spirites but the holy Ghost speaking nevv in the Church verse 1 SIMON PETER seruant and Apostle of IESVS Christ to them that haue obtained equal faith vvith vs in the iustice of our God and Sauiour IESVS Christ ✝ verse 2 Grace to you and peace be accomplished in the knovvledge of God and Christ IESVS our Lord ✝ verse 3 as al things of his diuine povver vvhich pertaine to life and godlines are giuen vs by the knovvledge of him vvhich hath called vs by his ovvne propre glorie and vertue by vvhom he hath giuen vs most great and pretious promises that by these you may be made partakers of the diuine nature fleeing the corruption of that concupiscence vvhich is in the vvorld ✝ verse 5 And you employing al care minister ye in your faith vertue and in vertue knovvledge ✝ verse 6 and in knovvledge abstinence and in abstinence patience and in patience pietie ✝ verse 7 and in pietie loue of the fraternitie and in the loue of the fraternitie charitie ✝ verse 8 For if these things be present vvith you abound they shal make you not vacant nor vvithout fruite in the knovvledge of our Lord IESVS Christ ✝ verse 9 For he that hath not these things ready is blinde and groping vvith his hād hauing forgotten the purging of his old sinnes ✝ verse 10 Vvherfore brethren labour the more that ● by good vvorkes you may make sure your vocation and election for doing these things you shal not sinne at any time ✝ verse 11 For so there shal be ministred to you aboundantly an entrance into the euerlasting kingdom of our Lord and Sauiour IESVS Christ ✝ verse 12 For the vvhich cause I wil begin to admonish you alvvaies of these things and you in deede knovving being confirmed in the present truth ✝ verse 13 But I thinke it meete as long as I am in this tabernacle to stirre you vp by admonition ✝ verse 14 being certaine that the laying avvay of my tabernacle is at hand according as our Lord IESVS Christ also signified to me ✝ verse 15 And I vvil doe my diligence you to haue often ● after my decease also that you may keepe a memorie of these things ✝ verse 16 For not hauing folovved vnlearned fables haue vve made the povver and ●presence ' of our Lord IESVS Christ knovven to you but made beholders of his greatenesse ✝ verse 17 For * he receiuing from God his father honour and glorie this maner of voice comming dovvne to him from the magnifical glorie This is
my beloued sonne in vvhom I haue pleased my self heare him ✝ verse 18 And this voice vve heard brought from heauen vvhen vve vvere vvith him in the holy mounte ✝ verse 19 And we haue the prophetical vvord more sure vvhich you doe vvel attending vnto as to a candel shining in a darke place vntil the day davvne and the day starre arise in your hartes ⊢ ✝ verse 20 vnderstanding this first that no prophecie of scripture is made by ● priuate interpretation ✝ verse 21 For * not by mans vvil vvas prophecie brought at any time but the holy men of God spake inspired vvith the holy Ghost ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 10. By good vvorkes Here vve see that Gods eternal predestination and election consisteth vvith good vvorkes yea that the certainty and effect thereof is procured by mans free vvill and good vvorkes and that our vvel doing is a meane for vs to attaine to the effect of Gods predestination that is to life euerlasting and therfore it is a desperate folly and a great signe of reprobate persons to say If I be predestinate doe vvhat I vvil I shal be saued Nay the Apostle saith If thou hope to be one of the predestinate for knovv it thou canst not do vvel that thou maist be the more assured to attaine to that thou hopest or make it sure by good vvorkes The Protestāts in such cases not much liking these vvordes by good vvorkes though the latin haue it vniuersally and some Greeke copies also as Beza confesseth leaue them out in their translations by their vvonted pollicie 15. After my decease also These vvordes though they may be easily altered by cōstruction into diuers senses not vntrue yet the correspondēce of the partes of the sentēce going before and folovving giue most plaine this meaning that as during his life he vvould not omit to put them in memorie of the things he taught them so after his death vvhich he knew should be shortly he vvould not faile to endeuour that they might be mindeful of the same Signifying that his care ouer them should not cease by death that by his intercession before God after his departure he vvould doe the same thing for them that he did before in his life by teaching and preaching This is the sense that the * Greeke Scholies speake of and this is most proper to the text and consonant to the old vse of this Apostle and other Apostolike Saincts and fathers of the primitiue Church S. Clement in his Epistle to S. Iames our Lordes brother vvitnesseth that S. Peter encouraging him to take after his decease the charge of the Apostolike Romane See promised that after his departure he vvould not cease to pray for him his flocke thereby to ease him of his Pastoral burden To. 1 Concil ep 1. S. Clem. in initio And S. Leo the Great one of his successors in the said See often attributeth the good administration and gouernement thereof to S. Peters praiers and assistance namely in these goodly vvorkes Ser 3 in anniuers 〈◊〉 assumpt ad Pontif. We are much bound saith he to giue thankes to our Lord and Redeemer Iesus Christ that hath giuen so great povver to him vvhom he made the Prince of the vvhole Church that if in our time also any thing be done vvel be rightly ordered by vs it is to be imputed to his vvorkes and his geuernement to vvhom it vvas said And thou being conuerted confirme thy brethren and to vvhom our Lord after his resurrection said thrise leede my sheepe Which novv also vvithout doubt the godly Pastor doth execute confirming vs vvith his exhortations and not ceasing to pray for vs that vve be euercome vvith no tentation c. Yea it vvas a common thing in the primitiue Church among the auncient Christians and alvvaies since among the faithful to make couenant in their life time that vvhether of them vvent to heauen before the other he should pray for his frende and fellovv yet aliue See the Ecclesiastical historie of the holy virgin and Martyr Potamiaena promising at the houre of her Martyrdom that after her death she vvould procure mercie of God to Basilides one of the souldiars that ledde her to execution and so she did Euseb li. 6. c. 4. Also S. Cyprian ep 57 in fine Let vs saith he pray mutually one for an other and vvhether of vs tvvo shal by Gods elemencie be first called for let his loue continue and his praier not cease for his brethren and sisters in the vvorld So said this holy Martyr at that time vvhen Christiās vvere so far from Caluinisme vvhich abhorreth the praiers of Saincts praying to them that to be sure they bargained before hād to haue the martyrs other Saincts to pray for them The same S. Cyprian also in his booke De disciplina habitu virginum in fine after a godly exhortation made to the holy Virgins or Nonnes in his time speaketh thus vnto them Tantum tunc mementote nostri cùm incipiet in vobis virginitas honorari that is Onely then haue vs in remembrance vvhen your virginitie shal begin to be honoured that is after their departure Vvhere he insinuateth the vse of the Catholike Church in keeping the festiual daies and other dueties tovvard the holy Virgins in heauen S. Hierom also in the same manner speaketh to Heliodorus saying that vvhen he is once in heauen then he vvil pray for him that exhorted and incited him to the blessed state of the Monastical life Ep. 1. c. 2. And so doth he speake to the vertuous matrone Paula after her death desiring her to pray for him in his old age affirming that she shal the more easily obtaine the neeres she is novv ioyned to Christ in heauen in Epitaph Paule in fine It vvere to long to report hovv S. Augustine desireth to be holpen by S. Cyprians praiers then and long before a Sainct in heauen to the vnderstanding of the truth concerning the peace and regiment of the Church li. 5 de Bapt. cont Donatistas c. 17. And in an other place the same holy Doctor alleageth the said S. Cyprian saying that great numbers of our parents brethren children frendes and other expect vs in great solicitude and carefulnes of our saluation being sure of their ovvne li. 1 de praedest Sanctorum c. 14. S. Gregorie Nazianzene in his orations of the praise of S. Cyprian in fine and of S. Basil also in fine declareth hovv they pray for the people vvhich tvvo Saincts he there inuocateth as al the auncient fathers did both generally al Saincts and as occasion serued particularly their special Patrones Among the rest see hovv holy Ephrem in orat de laud. S. Deipara praied to our B. Ladie vvith the same termes of Aduocatt Hope Reconciliatrix that the faithful yet vse and the Protestants can not abide S. Basil ho. de 40 Martyribus in fine S. Athanasius Ser. in Euang. de
thus the damnation of the vvhole adulterous blouddy societie he doth also expresly report of their three grād Captaines damnation vvhich are these Antichrist and his False prophet and the Deuil him self the author of al this mischiefe Finally on the other side in the fifth part he reporteth the vnspeakeable and euerlasting glorie that the Church after al this suffering shal by Christ her glorious Spouse be assumpted vnto And so he concludeth the booke THE APOCALYPSE OF IOHN THE APOSTLE CHAP. I. 9. S. Iohn being banished in the ile Patmos is commaunded to vvrite to the seum Churches of Asia signified by the seuen candlestickes that vvhich he savv vpon a Sunday round about the Sonne of man 13 vvhose maner of appar●tion is described verse 1 THE ″ Apocalypse of IESVS Christ vvhich God gaue him to make manifest to his seruants the thinges vvhich must be done quickly and signified sending by his Angel to his seruant Iohn ✝ verse 2 vvho hath giuen testimonie to the vvord of God and the testimonie of IESVS Christ vvhat things soeuer he hath seen ✝ verse 3 Blessed is he that readeth and heareth the wordes of this prophecie and keepeth those thinges Which be vvritten in it for the time is nigh ✝ verse 4 Iohn ″ to the seuen churches vvhich are in Asia Grace to you and peace from * him that is and that vvas and that shal come and ″ from the seuen spirites vvhich are in the sight of his throne ✝ verse 5 and from IESVS Christ vvho is the faithful vvitnes the * first borne of the dead the prince of the kings of the earth vvho hath loued vs and * vvashed vs from our sinnes in his bloud ⊢ ✝ verse 6 and hath made vs * ″ a kingdom and priestes to God and his father to him be glorie and empire for euer and euer Amen ✝ verse 7 Behold he commeth vvith the cloudes and euery eie shal see him and * they that pricked him And al the tribes of the earth shal bevvaile them selues vpon him yea Amen ✝ verse 8 * I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and end saith our Lord God vvhich is and vvhich vvas and vvhich shal come the omnipotent ✝ verse 9 I Iohn your brother and partaker in tribulation and the kingdom and patience in Christ IESVS vvas in the Iland vvhich is called Patmos for the vvord of God and the testimonie of IESVS ✝ verse 10 I vvas in spirit ″ on the Dominical day and heard behind me a great voice as it vvere of a trompet ✝ verse 11 saying That vvhich thou feest vvrite in a booke and send to the seuen churches vvhich are in Asia to Ephesus and Smyrna and Pergamus and Thiatîra and Sardis and Philadelphia and Laodicia ✝ verse 12 And I turned to see the voice that spake vvith me And being turned I savv seuen candlestickes of gold ✝ verse 13 in the middes of the seuen candlestickes of gold one like to the Sonne of man ″ vested in a priestly garment to the foote and girded about neere to the pappes vvith a girdle of gold ✝ verse 14 and his head and heares vvere vvhite as vvhite vvoole as snovv and his eies as the flame of fire ✝ verse 15 and his feete like to latten as in a burning fornace and his voice as the voice of many vvaters ✝ verse 16 and he had in his right hand seuen starres and from his mouth proceded a sharpe tvvo edged svvord and his face as the sunne shineth în his vertue ✝ verse 17 And vvhen I had seene him I fel at his feete as dead And he put his right hand vpon me saying Feare not * I am the first and the last ✝ verse 18 and aliue and vvas dead and behold I am liuing for euer and euer and haue the keies of death and of hel ✝ verse 19 Vvrite therefore the thinges vvhich thou hast seene and that are and that must be done after these ✝ verse 20 The sacrament of the seuen starres vvhich thou hast seene in my right hand and the seuen candlestickes of Gold ″ the seuen starres are ″ the angels of the seuen churches and the seuen candlestickes are the seuen churches ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 1. APOCALYPSE Of the Apocalypse thus vvriteth the auncient father Denys Bishop of Corinth as Eusebius alleageth him li. 7 c. 20 hist Eccl. Of this booke saith he this is my opinion that the matter thereof is far more profound then my vvit can reache vnto and I doubt not but almost in euery sentence of it there lieth hidden a certaine sense exceding mystical and maruelous vvhich though I vnderstand not yet I conceiue that vnder the vvordes there is a deepe meaning and I measure not the matter by reason but attribute al to faith taking it to be more high and diuine then I can by cogitation comprise not reprouing that vvhich I vnderstand not but therfore I admire vvith reuerēce because my vvit can not attaine to it Againe S. Augustine saith that in the Apocalypse many things are obscurely spoken to exercise the minde of the reader and yet some fevv things left euident that through them a man may vvith labour searche out the rest specially for that the author so repeateth the same things in diuers sortes that seeming to speake of sundry matters in deede is found bus to vtter the same things diuers vvaies li. 20 de Ciuit. Del c. 17. Vvhich vve set dovvne here in the beginning to vvarne the good Christian reader to be humble and vvise in the reading both of al other holy Scriptures and namely of this diuine and deepe prophecie giuing him further to vnderstand that vve vvil in our Annotations according to our former trade and purpose onely or cheefely note vnto the studious such places as may be vsed by Catholikes or abused by Heretikes in the controuersies of this time and some other also that haue special matter of edification and that as breefely as may be for that the volume grovveth great 4. To the 7 Churches That certaine numbers may be obserued as significatiue and mystical it is plaine by many places of holy Scripture and by the auncient Doctors special noting of the same to many purposes Vvhereby vve see the rashnes of our Aduersaries in condemning generally al religious respect of certaine numbers in our praiers fastes or actions Namely the number of Seuen is mystical and prophetical perfect and vvhich as S. Augustine saith the Church knovveth by the Scriptures to be specially dedicated to the Holy Ghost and to appertaine to spiritual mundation as in the Prophets appointing of Naam in to vvash seuen times in lordan and the sprinkling of the bloud seuen times against the tabernacle li. 4 qu●st in numer q. 33 See li. 5. c. 5 de Gen. ad lit li. 5 quest in Deuter. q. 42. Al these visions stand
called to the supper of the mariage of the Lambe ⊢ And he said to me These vvordes of God be true ✝ verse 10 ● And * I fel before his feete to adore him And he saith to me See thou doe not I am thy fellovv-seruant and of thy brethren that haue the testimonie of IESVS Adore God For the testimonie of IESVS is the spirit of prophecie ✝ verse 11 And I savv heauen opened and behold a vvhite horse and he that sate vpon him vvas called Faithful and True and vvith iustice he iudgeth fighteth ✝ verse 12 And his eies as a flame of fire and on his head many diademes hauing a name written vvhich no man knovveth but him self ✝ verse 13 * And he vvas clothed vvith a garment sprinkled vvith bloud his name is called THE VVORD OF GOD. ✝ verse 14 And the hostes that are in heauen folovved him on vvhite horses clothed in vvhite and pure silke ✝ verse 15 And out of his mouth procedeth a sharpe svvord that in it he may strike the Gentiles And * he shal rule them in a rod of yron and he treadeth the vvine presse of the furie of the vvrath of God omnipotent ✝ verse 16 And he hath in his garment and in his thigh vvritten * KING OF KINGES AND LORD OF LORDES ✝ verse 17 And I savv one Angel standing in the sunne he cried vvith a loud voice saying to al the birdes that did flie by the middes of heauen Come and assemble together to the great supper of God ✝ verse 18 that you may eate the flesh of kings and the flesh of tribunes and the flesh of valiants and the flesh of horses of them that sit on them the flesh of al freemen and bondmen and of litle and great ✝ verse 19 And I savv the beast and the kings of the earth their armies gathered to make vvarre vvith him that sate vpon the horse and vvith his armie ✝ verse 20 And the beast vvas apprehēded and vvith him the false ●prophet vvhich vvrought signes before him vvherevvith he seduced them that tooke the character of the beast and that adored his image These tvvo were cast aliue into the poole of fire burning also with brimstone ✝ verse 21 And the rest vvere slaine by the svvord of him that sitteth vpon the horse vvhich procedeth out of his mouth and al the birdes vvere filled vvith their flesh ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XIX 4. Amen Alleluia These tvvo Hebr●e vvordes as other els vvhere both in the Greeke Latin text are kept religiously not translated vnles it be once or tvvise in the Psalmes Yea and the Protestants them selues keepe them in the text of their English Testaments in many places and maruel it is vvhy they vse them not in al places but sometimes turne Amen into verely vvhere of see the Annotation Ioan. 8. v. 34. and in their Seruice booke they translate Alleluia into Praise ye the Lord as though Alleluia had not as good a grace in the acte of seruing God vvhere it is in deede properly vsed as it hath in the text of the Scripture The Church Catholike doth often and specially vse this sacred vvord to ioyne vvith the Church triumphant consisting of Angels and Saincts vvho here are said to laude and praise God vvith treat reioycing by this vvord Alleluia and by often repetition thereof as the Catholike Church also vseth namely in Easter time euen til Vvhi●-sontide for the ioy of Christs resurrection vvhich as S. Augustine declareth ep ad Ianuarium vvas the general vse of the Primitiue Church making a greater mysterie and matter of it then our Protestants novv do At other times of the yere also he saith it vvas sung in some Churches but not in al and S. Hierom numbereth it among the heresies of Vigilantius That Alleluia could not be sung but at Easter Aduers Vigilant c. 1. The truth is by the vse of the Scriptures it hath more in it then Praise ye the Lord signifying vvith laude glorifying and praising of God a great reioycing vvithal mirth and exultation of hart in the singers thereof and that is the cause vvhy the holy Church saith Laus tibi Domine Praise be to thee ô Lord in Lent and times of penance and mourning but not Alleluia vvhich as S. Augustine also declareth is a terme of signification and mysterie ioyned vvith that time and then vsed specially in the Church of God vvhen she representeth to vs in her Seruice the ioyes and beatitude of the next life vvhich is done specially at Easter by the ioyful celebrating of Christs glorious Resurrection and Ascension after the penal time of Lent vvhich representeth the miserie of this life See S. Augustine Ser. 1. 5. c. 9 6. c. 9 de Diuersis to 10. and his ena●tation vpon the 148 Psalme for in the titles and endes of diuerse holy Psalmes this Alleluia is ful of mysterie sacred signification Vvhere vve must aske the Protestants vvhy they haue left it out altogether being in the Hebrue saying neither Alleluia nor Praise the Lord in the Bible 1577 that nine times in the sixe last Psalmes Moreouer the said holy Doctor li. 2 de doct Christ c. 11 affirmeth that Amen Alleluia be not translated into any other language propter sanctiorem authoritatem for the more sacred authoritie of the vvordes so remaining and ep 178. he saith that it is not lavvful to translate them Nam sciendum est c. for it is to be knovven saith he that al nations do sing Amen and Alleluia in the Hebrue vvordes vvhich neither the Latine man not the Barbarous may translate into his ovvne language See S. Hierom also epist 137. And namely for our Nation S. Gregorie vvil beare vs vvitnes that our countrie receiued the vvord Alleluia vvith their Christianitie saying thus li. 27 Moral c. 6. Lingua Britannia qua nihil aliud nouerat quim barbarum frendere iamdudum in Diuinis laudibus Hebraeum ●●pit resenare Alleluia that is The Britan tongue vvhich knevv nothing els but to mutter barbarously hath begone of late in Gods diuine laudes and praises to sound the Hebrue Alleluia And for Iurie S. Hierom ep 17. c. 7 vvriteth that the husbandmen at the plough sang Alleluia vvhich vvas not then their vulgar speache Yea he saith that in Monasteries the singing of Alleluia vvas in st●ede of a bel to call them together ad Collectam in Epitaph Paul●e c. 10. This vvord is a sacred Christian mystical and Angelical song and yet in the nevv seruice booke it is turned into Praise ye the Lord and Alleluia is quite gone because they list neither to agree vvith the Church of God not vvith the vse of holy Scriptures no not vvith their ovvne translations but no maruel that they can not sing the song of our Lord and of Angels in a strange countrie that is out of the
of the last iudgement but of the Sees or Consistories of Bishops and Prelates and of the Prelates them selues by vvhom the Church is novv gouerned As the iudgement here giuen can be taken no othervvise better then of that vvhich vvas said by our Sauior Mat. 18. Whatsoeuer you binde in earth shal be bound in heauen and therfore the Apostle saith What haue I to doe to iudge of them that are vvith out 4. And the soules He meaneth saith S. Augustine in the place alleaged the soules of Martyrs that they shal in the meane time during those thousand yeres vvhich is the time of the Church militant be in heauen vvithout their bodies and reigne vvith Christ for the soules saith he of the godly departed are not separated from the Church vvhich is euen novv the kingdom of Christ for els there should be kept no memorie of them as the altar of God in the communicating of the body of Christ neither should it auaile to hasten to Baptisme in the perils of death for feare of ending our life vvithout it nor to hasten to be reconciled if vve fortune for penence or of il conscience to be separated from the same body And vvhy are al these things done but for that the faithful departed also be members of the Church And though for an example the Martyrs be onely named here yet it is mean● of others also that die in the state of grace 5. The rest liued not The rest vvhich are not of the happie number aforesaid but liued and died in sinne reigne not vvith Christ in their soules during this time of the nevv Testament but are dead in soule spiritually and in body naturally til the day of iudgement S. August ibidem 3. This is the first resurrection As there be tvvo regenerations one by faith vvhich is novv in Baptisme and an other according to the flesh vvhen at the later day the body shal be made immortal and incorruptible so there are tvvo resurrections the one novv of the soules to saluation vvhen they die in grace vvhich is called the first the other of the bodies at the later day S. August li● 20 de Ciui● c. 6. 6. They shal be Priests It is not spoken saith S. Augustine li. 20 de Ciuit. c. 10 of Bishops and Priest● onely vvhich are properly novv in the Church called Priests but as vve call al Christians for the mystical Chrisme or ointment so al Priests because they are the members of one Priest of vvhom the Apostle Peter saith A holy people a kingly Priesthod Vvhich vvordes be notable for their learning that thinke there be none properly called Priests novv in the nevv Testament no othervvise then al Christian men and vvomen and a confusion to them that therfore haue turned the name Priests into Ministers 7. Satan shal be loosed In the vvhole 8 chapter of the said 20 booke de Ciuitate Dei in S. Augustine is a notable commentarie of these vvordes Vvhere first he declareth that neither this binding nor loosing of Satan is in respect of seducing or not seducing the Church of God prouing that vvhether he be bound or loose he can neuer seduce the same The same saith he shal be the state of the Church at that time vvhen the Diuel is to be loosed euen as since it vvas instituted the same hath it been shal be at al time in her children that succede eche other by birth death And a litle after This I thought vvas therfore to be mentioned left any man should thinke that during the litle time wherein the Diuel shal be loosed the Church shal not be vpon the earth he either not finding it here vvhen he shal be le● loose or consuming it vvhen be shal by al meanes persecute the same Secondly he declareth that the Diuel to be bound is nothing els but not to be permitted by God to exercise al his force or fraude in tentations as to be loosed is to be suffered by God for a small time that is for three yeres and a halfe to practise and proue al his povver and artes of tentations against the Church and her children and yet not to preuaile against them Thirdly this Doctor shevveth by vvhat great mercie our Lord hath tied Satan and abridged his povver during the vvhole millenarie or thousand yeres vvhich is al the time of the nevv Testament vntil then vvith vvhat vvisedom he permitteth him to breake loose that litle time of three yeres and sixe moneths tovvard the later day vvhich shal be the reigne of Antichrist Lastly he shevveth vvhat kinde of men shal be most subiect to the Diuels seductiō euen such as novv by tentation of Heretikes goe out of the Church and vvho shal auoid it By al vvhich vve may confute diuers false expositiōs of old late Heretikes first the aūcient sect of the Millenaries that grounded vpon these thousand yeres named by the Prophet this heresie that there should be so many yeres after the resurrectiō of our bodies in vvhich vve should reigne vvith Christ in this vvorld in our bodies in al delites and pleasures corporal of meates drinkes and such like vvhich they called the first resurrection of vvhich heresie Cerinthus vvas the author Epiph. haer 77. in fine Hiero. C●mment in c. 19 Mat. August har 8 ad Quodvul● Deum Eus●bius also li. 3 historia c. 33 shevveth that some principal men vvere in part though after a more honest maner cōcerning those corporal delicacies of the same opinion by misconstruction of these vvordes of S. Iohn Vvhereby vve learne and al the vvorld may perceiue the holy Scriptures to be hard vvhen so great clerkes did erre and that there is no securitie but in that sense vvhich the Church allovveth of The late Heretikes also by the said S. Augustines vvordes are fully refuted affirming not only that the Church may be seduced in that great persecution of the Diuels loosing but that it hath been seduced euen a great peece of this time vvhen the Diuel is bound holding that the very true Church may erre or fall from truth to errour and idolatrie yea vvhich is more blasphemie that the cheefe gouernour of the Church is Antichrist him self and the very Church vnder him the vvhoo●e of Babylon and that this Antichrist vvhich the Scriptures in so many places and here plainely by S. Augustines exposition testifie shal reigne but a small time and that tovvard the last iudgement hath been reuealed long sithence to be the Pope him self Christs ovvne Vicar and that he hath persecuted the Saincts of their secte for these thousand yeres at the least Vvhich is no more but to make the Diuel to be loose and Antichrist to reigne the vvhole thousand yeres or the most part thereof that is almost the vvhole time of the Churches state in the new Testamēt vvhich is against this and other Scriptures euidently appointing that to be the time of
Vvorldly frendes 93. 94. 176 marg Z ZEale against heretikes See Heretikes in Gods cause 706. nu 16. pag. 741. nu 9. Zeale in religion counted of worldly men madnes 93. See Neuters Zeale and seruor to heare and folovv Christ 106. Zeale of sauing soules 150. 182. and 183 marg 529 marg 544 m. 651 marg Zeale against sinne 433 mar The madde zeale of heretikes 342 m. THE EXPLICATION OF CERTAINE VVORDES IN THIS TRANSLATION NOT FAMILIAR to the vulgar reader vvhich might not conueniently be vttered otherwise A Abstracted Dravven avvay pag. 642. Acquisition Getting purchasing pag 514. Aduent The comming pag 69. Adulterating Corrupting See pag. 475. 478. Agnition knovvledge or acknovvledging p. 600. Allegorie a Mystical speache more thou the bare letter pag. 505. See the Annot. p. 508. Amen expounded pag. 244. Anathema expounded p. 405. Archisynagogue expounded pag. 99. Assist pag. 135 signifieth the Angels standing and attēding alvvaies readie to doe their ministerie Assumption p. 165 Christs departure out of this vvorld by his death and Ascension Azym●s Vnleauened bread p. 75. C Calumniate By this vvord is signified violent oppression by vvord or deede pag. 143. Catechizeth and Catechized p. 510. He catechizeth that teacheth the principles of the Christian faith and they that heare and learne are catechized and are therfore called often in the Annotations Catechumens Character a marke or stampe pag. 7●3 Commesssations Immoderate bankets and belly cheere vvith vvanton riotousnes p. 509. Condigne comparable p. 400. Contristate This vvord signifieth to make heauie and sad pag 519. Cooperate signifieth vvorking vvith others p. 401. likevvise Cooperation Cooperateurs Corbana expounded pag. 80. D Depositum p. 582. See the Annot. pag. 584. It may signifie also Gods graces giuen vs to keepe pa. 587. v. 14. Also v. 12 ibid. See the Annot. Didrael me expounded pag. 49. D●minical day Sunday See Annot p. 701. 702. Donaries giftes offered to God for his Temple c. 199. E Euacuated from Christ that is Made voide and hauing no part vvith him p. 508. The 〈◊〉 of the crosse euacuated that is made voide cleane taken avvay ibidem Euangelize signifieth such preaching of good tidinges as cōcerneth the Gospel See the preface Eunuches gelded men Euro-aquilo A north-eastvvinde p. 368. Exinanited abased excedingly p. 528. G Gratis an vsual vvord to signifie for nothing freely for Godamercie vvithout desert H Holocauste a kinde of sacrifice vvhere al vvas burnt in the honour of God p. 625. Hostes sacrifices p. 445. I Inuocated called vpon praied vnto p. 316. Hereof vve say Inuocation of Saincts and to inuocate Issue good euent pag. 445. Iustice taken in the nevv Testament not as it is cōtrarie to vvrong or iniurie but for that qualitie vvhere of a man is iust and iustified p. 391. N Noophyte expounded p. 569. P Paraclete expounded pag. 260. Parasceue the Ievves Sabboth-eue Good friday p. 130. v. 43. See the Preface Pasche Easter and the Paschal Iambe p. 201. Pentecost vvhitsuntide the space of fifte daies Prefinition A determination before p. 517. Prepuce expounded pag. 387. Prescience foreknovvledge p. 294. Preuaricatour transgressor and preuarication trāsgression p. 386. 387. Loaues of Proposition so called because they vvere proposed and for vpon the table in the Temple before God pag. 31. R Repropitiate the sinnes pag. 605. that is make a roconcillation for them Resolution the separation of the body and the soule the departing out of this life p. 592. Resuscitate the grace that is Raise quicken renew and reviue the grace vvhich othervvise languisheth and decaieth pag. 586. S Sabbatismt A time of resting and ceasing from labours pag. 607. Sacrament for mysterie p. 513. Sancta Sanctorum The holies of holies that is the inmost and holiest place of the Ievves Temple as it vvere the Chauncel pag. 621. Superedified Builded vpon Christ the principal stone pag. 657. T Tetrarch Gouernour or Prince of the 4 part of a countrie p. 33. Thrones an higher order of Angles p. 537. V Victims Sacrifices p. 308. The faultes correcte thus Pag. 8. 1 Cor. 7. 2 Cor. 7. 38 Tetrach Tetrarch 42 fifth vveeke first vveeke 78 If the Sacrament In the Sacrament 148 Matth. 9 Matth. 19. 188 Scandale Scandals 204 Ignat. ep 5. ep 7. Ibid. in 3 copies the Greeke set amis     Reade 213 li. 39 de consens li. 3. 215 Eighteth yere Eighth 238 Transubstantion Transubstantiation 409 Cathee 17. Catech. 18. 440 Continencie Incontinencie 446 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 449 Is it not novv It is not novv 552 Beguile v Beguile vs. 576 Eusebius li. 5. c. 2. Theodorete LAVS DEO Translation of the Scriptures into the vulgar tōgues not absolutely necessarie or profitable but according to the time The Churches vvisedom and moderatiō concering vulgar translation * Mat. 24 45 1 Cor. 4 1. The Scriptures in the vulgar languages of diuers nations Bib. Sāct li. 4. Hiero ep 134. Bib. Sāct lib. 4. Aūcient Catholike translations of the Bible into the Italian Frenche English tongue Li. 1 hist Angl. c. 1. An aunciēt prouincial cōstitution in England concerning English translations See Linvvod li. 5 tit de Magistris The like Catholike and vulgar translations in many coūtries since Luthers time The Churches order determinatiō concerning the reading of Catholike translatiōs of the Bible in vulgar tōgues Ind. lib. prohibit regula 4. The holy Scriptures neuer read of al persons indifferently at their pleasure Vvhere and in vvhose handes the Scriptures vvere in the primitiue Church Hovv the 〈◊〉 of those daies did read them vvith what humilitie and religion and enformation of life and maners The fathers sharply reprehend as an abuse that al indifferenly should reade expound and talke of the Scriptures Hiero. ep 103● 6. In orat de moderatio in disputa seruanda The Scriptures must be deliuered in measure and discretion according to eche mans neede and capacitie De ●●gone Christ c. 33. De bono perseuer c. 16. 1 Cor. 3. Io. 16. Ia orat de modera in disp serua in fine Hiero. in prooem cō mentar in Ezachi The Ievves lavv for not reading certaine bookes of holy Scripture vntil a time Eph. 4. Ro. 10 17. The popular obiections of vvithholding the Scriptures from the people ansvvered Gen. 3. Vvhy the Church permitteth not euery one at their pleasure to reade the Scripture 1 Tim. 6 20. Ro. 12 3. The holy Scriptures to carnal men Heretikes are as pearles to svvine Mat. 7 6. Li. de prescriptionibus Orig. in 2 ad Ro. * Luca 24. S. Chrysostoms exhortations to the reading of holy Scriptures and vvhen the people is so to be exhorted In vita Athanasij * Ho. 2 in Mat. ho. 3 de Lazaro et ho. 3 in 2 ad Thess alibi sapè S. Chrysostom maketh nothing for the popular and licentious reading of Scriptures vsed among the Protestants novv a daies Euery simple artificer among them readeth much more the deepest hardest question̄s of holy
Scripture then the moral partes 1. Tim. 6. 2 Tim. c. 3 2 Pet. 3. They presuppose no difficulties which al the learned fathers felt to be in the Scriptures * Apoc. 5 1. * Act. 8. Confess lib. 12. cap. 14. See ep 3. Aug. Hiero ep 13. c. 4. Ruff. Ec. hist li. 2. c. 9. Maners and life nothing amended but much worse since this licentious tossing of holy Scriptures Scriptures as profanely cited as heathen poëtes Scriptures err●neously expounded according to euery vvicked mans priuate fansie 1 Cor. 2 Mat. 4. Al Heretikes pretend Scriptures The Scriptures haue been falsely and heretically translated into the vulgar tongues and sundrie other vvaies sacrilegiously abused and so giuen to the people to reade 2 Cor. 4. * Bezaan not in c. 1. Lu. v. 78. * See the tenth article of their Creede in meter Al this their dealing is noted as occasion serueth in the Annotations vpon this Testiment and more at large in a booke lately made purposely of that matter called A DISCOVERIE c. Caluin cōplaineth of the new delicat trāslators namely Castalion him self Beza being as bad or vvorse Pref. in nouū Testa Gal. 1567. Iost● Sim lerus in vita Bullingeri 2 Cor. 2. 17. * See the 4 article of their Creede in meter vvhere they professe that Christ descēded to deliuer the fathers afterward in their cōfessiō of their faith they deny Limbus patrum The purpose commoditie of setting forth this Catholike edition The religious care sinceritie obserued in this translatiō See S. August li. 3. confes c. 5. The auncient fathers kept religiously the very barbarismes of the vulgar Latin text Mat. 22. Mar. 8. Hebr. 7. Mat. 6. 10. 22. Lu● 13. Of the ANNOTATIONS vvhy they vvere made vvhat matter they cōteine 2 Cor. 2. 2 Cor. 3. De doct● Christ lib. 3. cap. 10. Heresies make Catholikes more diligent to search and finde the senses of holy Scripture for refelling of the same In Psal 67. propè finem Many cause● vvhy this nevv Testament is trāslated according to the auncient vulgar Latin text It is most auncient Corrected by S. Hierom. Ep. 10. Commēded by S. Augustine Vsed and expounded by the fathers Only authentical by the holy Councel of Trent Sess 4. Most graue least partial Precise in folovving the Greeke Preferred by Beza him self Al the rest misliked of the Sectaries them selues eche reprehending an other * Co●hla c. 11 de Cano Script authorit●●● * The nevv Test printed thē yere 1580. in the title It is 〈◊〉 then the vulgar Greeke text it self The auncient fathers for proofe therof and the Aduersaries them selues Li. 5 cont Marcionō * Ambrose Hierom. Li. 1 cont louin c. 7. Li. 12 c. 4. Li. 7. c. 32. The Caluinistes them selues oftē forsake the Greeke as corrupt and translate according to the aūcient vulgar latin text 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Superfluities in the Greeke vvhich Erasmus calleth trifling and rash additions See No. Test Graec. Rob. Stephani in folio and Cris●ins The vulgar Latin translation agreeth vvith the best Greeke copies by Bezas ovvne iudgement Beza prafat No. Test 1556 See him also Anno. in 13. Act. v. 20. Vvhen the Fathers say that the Latin text must yeld to the Greeke be corrected by it they meane the true and vncorrupted Greeke text The vulgar Latin Translatiō is many waies iustified by most auncient Greeke copies the Fathers Codex veronensis 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Greeke fathers 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Latin fathers See Annot Lenan in No. Test and Annot Luca Brugensis in biblia Praefat. in 4. Euang. ad Damasum Praefat. citata The fevv and final faultes negligently crept into the vulgar Latin translation Sess 4. The Caluinists confessing the Greeke to be most corrupt yet translate that only and hold that only for authentical Scripture In Annot No. Test an 1556. They standing precisely vpon the Hebrue of the old and Greeke text of the nevv Testament must of force denie the one of them * An. D● 1556 and 1565. They say the Greeke is more corrupt then vve vvil graunt them We preferre not the vulgar Latin text as making more for vs. The Greeke text maketh for vs more then the vulgar Latin Luc. 22. 〈◊〉 ●0 For the real presence For fasting For free vvil Against only faith Against only faith Against special assurance of saluation For the sacrifice of Christs body and bloud The Protātats condemning the old vulgar translation as making for vs cōdemns them selues * Against D. Sand. Rocke pag. 147. See Kemnis in exam Cōc Trid. 〈◊〉 4. Mat. 3. 11. Eph. 5. Luc. 1. Heb. 13. Mar. 1. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Luc. 16. v. 20. It is void of al partialitie * Na. Test 1580. in ep ad Hebr. Ep. 14 18. The Papistrie thereof as they terme it is in the very sentences of the Holy Ghost more then in the translatiō Mat. 16. 10. 20. Mat. 16. la● 2. 1 Tim. 5. 1 Io. 5. Heb. 12. The maner of this translation and vvhat hath been obserued therein * See the last Table a● the end of the booke Certaine vvordes not English nor as yet familiar in the English tongue * See annot Amen Io. c. 8. v. 34. Apoc. c. 19. v. 4. Alleluia No Test an 1580. Bib. an 1577. Parasceue * Mar. 14. v. 42. Pasche Bib. 1577. Mat. 26. 17. Azymes Neophyte Phil. 3. Vvhy vve say our Lord not the Lord but in certaine cases see the Annotations 1 Tim. 6. pag. 585. Catholike termes proceding from the very text of Scripture Certaine hard speaches and phrases Io. 2. The Protestāts presumptuous boldnes and Iibettie in translating Mat. 5. Gehenn● ignis The Greeke added often in the margent for many causes Mat. 4. Act. 15. 2 Thes 2. 1. Cor. 11. The Latin text sometime noted in the margent In the beginning of bookes Matthew Paul c. not S. Matthew S. Paul c. Bib. an 1579. 1580. an 1577 1562. An other reading in the margent The pointing sometime al●e●ed The margent reading sometime preferred before the text Luther Caluin Luther Zuinglius Caeluin * Their scholers folovvers * Of Caluin of ●uel of the rest * So he calleth the Churches sense and the fathers interpretations of Scriptures * Othervvise Wiclesse Luther Caluin Puritanes Aug. de cat rud cap. 3. 4. Super Exod. q. 73. Mat. 5. * Io. 20 31. Eze. 1. Apoc. 4. THE FIRST part of this Gospel of the Infancie of our Sauiour Christ * Gen. 12. 22. ● Reg. 7. Psal 131. * Luc. 3 31. This Gospel is most solemly sung in holy Church at Mattins vpō Christmas day * Gen. 21. 29. 38. As also it is the Gospel of the Cōception and Natiuiti● of our B. Lady because here is declared the pedegree of her also * 1 Par. 2 5. Ruth 4 18. * 2 Re. 12 24. * 1 Par. 3 10. 4 Reg. 24. *
themselues 2 Cor. 2 16 Holy vvidowhod 1 Cor. 7. Fasting an act of religion Dutiful obedience to parents THE SECOND part The preparation that vvas made to the manifestation of CHRIST The Gospel vpō Imber Saturday in Aduent And on the 4 Sunday in Aduent Mt. 3 1. Mr. 1 1. ⸬ Penance prepareth the way to Christ Esa 40 3. Mt. 3 7. ⸬ Fruites of penance be workes satisfactorie ⸬ A man vvithout good workes is vnfruitful and shal be cast into euerlasting fire ` is ⸬ Almes counseled or enioyned for sinnes and to auoid damnation ⸬ Iohn was so holy that many might by errour easily thinke he was Christ Mt. 3 11. Mr. 1 8 ⸬ How say then the Heretikes that the Baptisme of Christ is of no greater vertue then Iohns ` cōmeth Io. 1 26. Act. 1 5. 11 16. 19 4. Mat. 14 3 ` brother Philips Mar. 6 17. Mt. 3 13. Mr. 1 9. Io. 1 32. ⸬ Beza boldly wipeth out of this Gospel these wordes vvho vvas of Cainan though al the Greeke copies both of the old Testament of the new haue the wordes with ful cōsent whereby vve learne the intolerable saucines of the Caluinists and their cōtempt of holy Scripture that dare so deale with the very Gospel it self The reconciliation of Matthew and Luke in our Sauiours petigree Mt. 4 1. Mr. 1 12 ⸬ The Churches fast of 40 daies called Lēt cōmeth of this is an Apostolical Tradition Clem. Constit Apost li. 5 c. 13. Hier. ep ad Marcal ●du erro Mōtani Leo ser 6 et 9 de Quadrages Deuter. 8 3. Deu. 6 13 10 20. ⸬ See the Annot in S. Matthew c. 4 11. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Psal 90 11. ⸬ If the Diuel him self alleage Scripture against Christ no maruel that Heretikes do so against Christs Church Deut. 6 16. THE third part of Christes manifesting him self by preachīg and miracles specially in Galilee Mt. 4 12. Mr. 1 14 Mt. 13 54. ⸬ Our Sauiour vsed to preach in their Synagogues Mr. 6 1. Io. 4 43 Esa 61 1 ⸬ He had a maruelous grace and an extraordinarie force in mouing the harts of his hearers The Gospel vpon Munday in the 3 vveeke of Lent 3 reg 17 9. 4 reg 5 14. Mat. 4 13. 7 28. Mr. 1 21 Mat. 8 14. The Gospel vpon Thursday in the 3 vveeke of Lent And vpon Saturday in Vvhitson-vveeke Mr. 1 30 The diuels tentations Miracles at one place and not at an other Christs body conteined in place aboue nature The Apostles left their vviues The Gospel vpō the 4 Sunday after Pentecost Mt. 4 18. Mar. 1 16. Mt. 8 2. Mar. 1 40. ⸬ See S. Mat. Annot. c. 8 4. Leu. 14 2. Mt. 9 2. The Gospel vpō Friday in whitsonvveeke Mr. 2 3. Mt. 9 9. Mr. 2 14 The Gospel vpō S. Matthevves eue Septēb 2● Mat. 9 14. ⸬ Christ came not to call those who presume of their owne iustice and that coūpt them selues to haue no neede of Christ Mar. 2 18. ⸬ See S. Mat. Annot. c. 9 14. Lu. 5 33. Peters ship Peter fishing Act. 2 41. 4 4. Peters coadiutors Peters preeminence in fishing for 〈◊〉 soules Zeale of soules The intercessiō of others In catena S. Thomae Priests do remit sinnes Io. 20 23. Hiero. in Mat. 9. Forsaking al and folovving Christ Athan. in vit S. Antonij August cōfes li. 8 c. 12. Bonau in vit S. Frācisci ⸬ S. Hierom ep 1 ad Nepotia vvriteth of him self that being at Cōstantinople he asked his maister Gregorie Nazianzene the famous Doctor then Bishop there what Sabboth this vvas who by his answer declared that it was very hard to tel neither is it yet knowen to the best learned Yet the Protestants are wont to say Al is very easie Mt. 12 1 Mr. 2 23 1. Re. 21 4. Leu. 24 9. Mt. 12. 10. Mr. 3 1. The Gospel vpō S. Bartlemewes day Mt. 10 1 Mr. 3 13 6 7. Lu. 9 1. The Gospel vpō Alholowes eue And for many Martyrs Mt. 5 2. 6 7. ⸬ That is to euery one iustly asking For that vvhich is vniustly asked may be iustly denied Aug. li. 1. c. 40. de Serm. Do. in monte The Gospel vpon the first Sunday after Pentecost ⸬ He buildeth right surely that hath both faith and good vvorkes he buildeth on sand that trusteth to his faith or reading or knovvledge of the scripture and doth not vvorke or liue accordingly Heretikes vnderstād not the Scriptures The Churches praiers at the times of giuing holy Orders Calu. Inst li. 4 c. ● The name and dignitie of Apostles Ps 108 8. Act. 2 20. Eph. 1 20. Act. 〈◊〉 1 Cor. 12. Eph. 4 11. 1 Cor. 9 2. Phil. 2 25. Luc. 4 18. Hebr. 3 1. Peters preeminence Al persecution for Christ is a blessing The vanitie of Heretical preachers Against vsurie Mt. 8 5. ⸬ See the Annotations vpon S. Matth. c. 8 8. The Gospel vpō the 15 Sunday after Pentecost And vpō Thursday in the 4 vveeke of Lent And for S. Monica S. Augustin● mother Maij. 4. Mt. 11 2 c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Esa 35 5. 61 1. ⸬ Pauperes euangelizantur that is to the poore the Gospel is preached and they receiue it Mt. 11 7 ⸬ Marke this vvel concerning Iohns apparel and diet See the Annotations vpon S. Matth. c. 3 4. Mal. 3 1 ⸬ As they that contēned Iohns baptisme despised Gods counsel and wisedō so much more they that make no accoumpt of the Sacraments of the Church despise Gods counsel and ordinance touching their saluation to their owne damnation Mt. 3 4. The Gospel vpō S. Marie Magdalens day Iul 22. And vpon Thursday in Passion weeke And vpō Imber Friday in Sept. ⸬ A perfect paterne of true penance in this vvoman vvho sought of Christ vvith opē teares other strange vvorkes of satisfaction and deuotion remission of her sinnes ⸬ Not only faith as you may perceiue but loue or charitie obtaineth remission of sinnes ⸬ As the Pharisees did alwaies carpe Christ for remissiō of sinnes in earth so the Heretikes reprehend his Church that remitteth sinnes by his authoritie Building of Churches Monasteries c. Exteriour signes of more then common deuotion Iustification attributed not to faith onely Mr. 16 9. c aliae multae Mt. 13 1. The Gospel vpō the Sunday of Sexagesine Mr. 4 1. Es 6 9. ⸬ See the Annotations vpon S. Matthevv c. 13 14. ⸬ Against the Heretikes that say faith once hat can not be lost and that he vvhich novv hath not faith neuer had ⸬ He did not here disdainfully speake of his mother but teacheth that our spiritual kinred is to be preferred before carnal cognation Hilar. in 〈◊〉 Mat. Mt. 8 23. Mar. 4 36. c complebantur ⸬ See the Annotations vpon S. Matthevv c. 8 24. Mt. 8 28 Mr. 5 1. Mt. 9 18 Mr. 5 22. ⸬ See the Annotations vpon S. Matthew c. 9. 19. ⸬ It is an euidēt signe of prerogatiue that Peter only is named
but in spirit I beheld the similitudes of the thinges folovving b The I GENERAL VISION of the 7 according to S. Ambrose ⸬ It seemeth not to be Christ him self but an Angel bearing Christes person vsing diuers speaches proper to Christ c podére Sap. 18 24. Esa 41 4. 44 6. ⸬ S. Irenaeus alluding to this saith The Church euery vvhere preacheth the truth and this is the seuenfold candlesticke bearing the light of Christ c. Li. 5. aduers●haer An admonition to the reader concerning the difficultie of this booke Numbers mystical The number of Seuen mystical specially in this booke Grace peace from God the holy Angels God and our Ladie saue vs and the like Hovv al Christians be both kings Priests Difference of holy daies and vvorkedaies Sunday made holiday by the Apostles the Churches authoritie Other feastes ordained by the Church As Saturday was in memorie of the creation so Sunday of Christs resurrection The Church vseth not the Heathenish names of daies but Dies Dominicus feriae Sabbatum God giueth greater grace at holy times of praier fasting Priestly garments The true religiō manifest as the light on a candlesticke Mat. 5. 15 Angels Protectors Bishops Priests are called Angels Malach. 2 7. ⸬ That vvhich before he vvilled him to vvrite to the church he now vvilleth to be vvritten to the Angels or Bishops of the same onely vvhere vve see it is al one to the Church and to the head or gouernour therof ⸬ By this vve see is plainely refuted that vvhich some Heretikes hold that a man once in grace or charitie can neuer fall from it Apoc. 1 17. ⸬ This Church representeth the state of them that are spoiled of their goodes emprisoned manifoldly afflicted for the catholike faith ⸬ The singular revvard of Martyrdom ⸬ The death of the body is the first death the death of the soule the secōd vvhich Martyrs are surest to escape of al men ⸬ The special residence of Satan is vvhere the faithful are persecuted for Christes truth vvhere not to deny the Cath. faith for feare is much here commended Nu. 24 14. 25 2. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 calcul●̄ ⸬ None of these are any thing vvorth vvithout the other 3 Reg. 18. 1 Reg. 16. ⸬ Vvho 〈◊〉 nor here that good vvorkes deserue al utiō as il workes damnation and that it is not faith alone that God revvardeth but that faith vvhich vvorketh by charitie Ps 7 10 Ier. 11 20. ` depthes Ps 2 9. ⸬ This great priuilege of Sa●cts riseth of the povver and preeminence of Christ vvhich his father gaue him according to his humanitie and therfore to deny it to Saincts is to deny it to Christ him self Christs care of his Church Special vertues required in a Bishop Sinne is the cause that God taketh the Cath. faith from coūtries Zeale against Heretikes Nicolaites the first Heretikes so called as a paterne of Arians Lutherans and the like peculiar callings Balaam ouercomming Gods people by persuasion of lecherie and bellicheere vvas a type of Heretikes li. 4. Antiq c. 6. 2. Pet. 2 15. Iuda v. 11. Zeale against Heretikes 3 Reg. 18. Achab and Iezabel Free vvil God is not author of euil They that communicate vvith Heretikes shal be dāned vvith them 3 Reg. 19. v. 18. Ro. 11. Saincts also are Patrones not only Angels 1 Thes 5 2. 2 Pet. 3 10. Apo. 16 15. c Such as haue not cōmitted deadly sinne after baptisme ⸬ Note that there is in mā a vvorthinesse of the ioyes of heauen by holy life this is a cōmō speache in holy Scripture that man is worthy of God of heauē of saluatiō Esa 22 22. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ecclesiastici 24 9. 14. Col. 1 15. Prou. 3 12. Heb. 12 6. ⸬ God first calleth vpō man and knocketh at the doore of his hart that is to say offereth his grace and it lieth in man to giue cōsent by free wil holpen also by his grace Doing vvel in respect of revvard Adoration of creatures called Dulia Perseuêrance in good continuing to the end Neuters of indifferents in religion The 2 part first the booke with 7 seales secōdly 7 Angels with trumpets THE 2 VISION In which is represented vnto vs the glorie and maiestie of God in heauen and the incessant honour praises of al Angels and Saincts assisting him Vvhich is resembled in the daily honour done to him by al orders and sortes of holy men in the Church militant also ⸬ These foure beastes and the like described Ezaech 1 by the iudgement of the holy Doctors signifie the 4 Euangelistes and in them al true preachers the man Mathevv the liō Marke the calle Luke the egle Iohn See the causes hereof in the Summe of the 4 Euangelist pag. 1. S. Gregoin 1. Ezech. Es 6 3. The Sanctus thrise repeated THE 3 VISION ⸬ S. Gregorie taketh it to be the booke of holy Scripture li. 4. Dialog c. 42. ⸬ He speaketh not of the damned in Hel of vvhom there could be no question but of the faithful in Abrahams bosome in Purgatorie c So did Iacob Gen. 49. call Christ for his kingly fortitude in subduing the vvorld vnto him Gen. 49 9. b The Epistle vpon al-Hallovves eue ⸬ So Christ is called for that he is the immaculate host or sacrifice for our sinnes ⸬ This maketh against the Caluinistes vvho are not cōtent to say that vve merite not but that Christ merited not for him self Calu. Philip 2. v. 9. 1 Pet. 2. ` kinges The Epistle in a votiue Masse of the holy Angels Dan. 7. 10. ` riches ⸬ Al the said creatures are bound to giue honour not onely to God but to Christ as man and our redeemer so they here doe Apoc. 4 11. The Saincts in heauen offer our praiers to God Spiritual kings and Priests Limbus Patrum and Purgatorie ⸬ This one stole signifieth the glorie or blisse of the soule onely but at the day of iudgement they shal haue it doubled by adding the glorie of their body also c The tribulation that shal fall in the time of Antichrist Os●e 10. Lu. 23 50. Consecration of altars vvith Sainct● relikes Saincts be present at their tombes and relikes The Caluinistes heresie concerning the Saincts consuted by S. Hierom long agoe Apoc. 14. They vnlearnedly accuse S. Hierom a● an Vbiquiste Hovv S. Hierō saith Christ his Saincts are euery vvhere Iob. 1. That Saincts pray for vs S. Hierom proueth against the Heretike Vigilantius Hovv Martyrs crie for reuenge b The Epistle vpon Al hallovves day ⸬ It is an allusion to the signe of the Crosse vvhich the faithful beare in their foreheads to shevv they be not ashamed of Christ S. August tract 43. in Io. c Of al the tribes put together so many 144000. He signifieth by these thousands and the multitude folowing al the elect but the elect of the Ievves to be in a certaine number the elect of
the doting old man this the brabling sophister this on euery hand men presume to teach before they learne it Againe Some vvith poise of lofty vvordes deuise of scripture matters among vvomen othersome phy vpon it learne of vvomen vvhat to teach men and lest that be not ynough by facilitie of tong or rather audacitie teach that to others vvhich they vnderstand neuer a vvhit them selues to say nothing of such as be of my facultie vvho stepping from secular learning to holy scriptures and able to tickle the eares of the multitude vvith a smothe tale thinke all they speake to be the Law of God This he wrote then when this maladie of arrogancie and presumption in diuine matters vvas nothing so outragious as now it is S. Gregorie Nazianzene made an oration of the moderation that vvas to be vsed in these matters where he saith that some in his time thought them selues to haue all the wisedom in the world when they could once repeat tvvo or three wordes and them ill couched together out of Scriptures but he there diuinely discourseth of the orders and differences of degrees how in Christes mysticall body some are ordeined to learne some to teach that all are not Apostles all Doctors all interpreters all of tonges and knovvledge not all learned in Scriptures diuinitie that the people went not vp to talke with God in the mountaine but Moyses Aaron Eleazar nor they neither but by the difference of their callings that they that rebell against this ordinance are guilty of the conspiracie of Corè his cōplices that in Scripture there is both milke for babes and meate for men to be dispensed not according to euery ones greedines of appetit or vvilfulnes but as is most meete for eche ones necessitie and capacitie that as it is a shame for a Bishop or Priest to be vnlearned in Gods mysteries so for the common people it is often times profitable to saluation not to be curious but to folovv their Pastors in sinceritie simplicitie vvhereof excellently saith S. Augustine Fidei simplicitate sinceritate lactati nutriamur in Christo cum parui sumus maiorum cibos non appetamus that is Being fed vvith the simplicitie and sinceritie of faith as it vvere vvith milke so let vs be nourished in Christ and vvhen vve are litle ones let vs not couet the meates of the elder sort Vvho * in an other place testifieth that the vvord of God can not be preached nor certaine mysteries vttered to all men alike but are to be deliuered according to the capacitie of the hearers as he proueth both * by S. Paules example vvho gaue not to euery sort strong meate but milke to many as being not spiritual but carnal and not capable and * by our lordes also vvhho spake to some plainely and to others in parables affirmed that he had many things to vtter vvhich the hearers vvere not able to beare Hovv much more may vve gather that all thinges that be vvritten are not for the capacitie and diet of euery of the simple readers but that very many mysteries of holy vvritte be very far aboue their reach may and ought to be by as great reason deliuered them in measure meane most meete for them vvhich in deede can hardly be done vvhen the vvhole booke of the Bible lieth before euery man in his mother tonge to make choise of vvhat he list For vvhich cause the said Gregorie Nazianzen vvisheth the Christians had as good a lavv as the Hebrues of old had vvho as S. Hierom also vvitnesseth tooke order among them selues that none should read the Cantica Canticorum nor certaine other pieces of hardest Scriptures till they vvere thirtie yeres of age And truely there is no cause vvhy men should be more loth to be ordered and moderated in this point by Gods Church and their Pastors then they are in the vse of holy Sacraments for vvhich as Christ hath appointed Priestes and ministers at vvhose handes vve must receiue them and not be our owne caruers so hath he giuen * vs doctors prophetes expoūders interpreters teachers and preachers to take the lavv and our faith at their mouthes because our faith and religion commeth not to vs properly or principally by reading of Scriptures but as the Apostle saith by hearing of the preachers lavvfully sent though reading in order and humilitie much confirmeth and aduanceth the same Therfore this holy booke of the Scriptures is called of S. Ambrose Liber sacerdotalis the booke of priestes at vvhose handes and disposition vve must take and vse it Li. 2. ad Grat. The vvise vvil not here regard vvhat some vvilful people do mutter that the Scriptures are made for all men and that it is of enuie that the Priestes do keepe the holy booke from them Vvhich suggestion commeth of the same serpent * that seduced our first parents vvho persuaded them that God had forbidden them that tree of knovvledge lest they should be as cunning as him self and like vnto the Highest No no the church doth it to keepe them from blind ignorant presumption and from that vvhich the Apostle calleth falsi nominis scientiam knovvledge falsely so called and not to embarre them from the true knovvledge of Christ She vvould haue all vvise but vsque ad sobrietatem vnto sobrietie as the Apostle speaketh she knovveth the Scriptures be ordained for euery state as meates elements fire vvater candle kniues svvord the like vvhich are as needful most of them for children as old folkes for the simple as the vvise but yet vvould marre all if they vvere at the guiding of other then wise men or vvere in the handes of euery one for whose preseruation they be profitable She forbiddeth not the reading of them in any language enuieth no mans commoditie but giueth order hovv to doe it to edification and not destruction hovv to doe it without casting the holy to dogges or pearles to hogges See S. Chrysost ho. 24 in Matth declaring these hogges dogges to be carnal men Heretikes that take no good of the holy mysteries but thereby do both hurt them selues others how to doe it agreably to the soueraine sinceritie maiestie depth of Mysterie conteined in the same She vvould haue the presumptuous Heretike notvvithstanding he alleage them neuer so fast flying as it vvere through the whole Bible and coting the Psalmes Prophets Gospels Epistles neuer so readily for his purpose as Vincentius Lirinensis saith such mens fashion is yet she vvould according to Tertullians rule haue such mere vsurpers quite discharged of all occupying and possession of the holy Testament which is her old and onely right and inheritance and belongeth not to Heretikes at all vvhom Origen calleth Scripturarū fures theeues of the Scriptures She would haue the vnvvorthy repelled the curious repressed the simple measured the learned himbled and
of infinite places take occasion of pernicious errors for though the letter or text haue no error yet saith S. Ambrose the Arrian or as vve may novv speake the Caluinian interpretation hath errors lib. 2 ad Gratianum ca. 1. and Tertullian saith The sense adulserated is as perilous as the style corrupted De Praescript S. Hilarie also speaketh thus Heresie riseth about the vnderstanding not about the vvriting the fault is in the sense not in the vvord lib. 2 de Trinit in principio and S. Augustine saith that many hold the scriptures as they doe the Sacraments ad speciem non ad salutem to the outvvard shevv and not to saluation de Baptis cont Donat. lib. 3 ca. 19. Finally all Sect-maisters and rauening vvolues yea * the diuels them selues pretend Scriptures alleage Scriptures and vvholy shroud them selues in Scriptures as in the wooll and fleese of the simple sheepe Vvhereby the vulgar in these daies of generall disputes can not but be in extreme danger of error though their bookes vvere truely translated and vvere truely in them selues Gods ovvne vvord in deede But the case novv is more lamentable for the Protestants and such as S. Paul calleth ambulantes in astutia vvalking in deceitfulnes haue so abused the people and many other in the vvorld not vnvvise that by their false translations they haue in steede of Gods Lavv and Testament for Christes vvritten vvill and vvord giuen them their ovvne vvicked vvriting and phantasies most shamefully in all their versions Latin English and other tonges corrupting both the letter and sense by false translation adding detracting altering transposing pointing and all other guileful meanes specially vvhere it serueth for the aduantage of their priuate opinions for vvhich they are bold also partly to disauthorise quite partly to make doubtful diuers vvhole bookes allovved for Canonical Scripture by the vniuersal Church of God this thousand yeres and vpward to alter al the authentical and Ecclesiastical vvordes vsed sithence our Christianitie into nevv prophane nouelties of speaches agreable to their doctrine to change the titles of vvorkes to put out the names of the authors to charge the very Euangelist vvith follovving vntrue translation to adde whole sentences proper to their sect into their psalmes in meter euen into the very Creede in rime al vvhich the poore deceiued people say and sing as though they vvere Gods ovvne vvord being in deede through such sacrilegious treacherie made the Diuels vvord To say nothing of their intolerable liberty and licence to change the accustomed callings of God Angel men places things vsed by the Apostles and all antiquitie in Greeke Latin and all other languages of Christian Nations into nevv names sometimes falsely and alvvaies ridiculously and for ostentation taken of the Hebrues to frame and fine the phrases of holy Scriptures after the forme of prophane writers sticking not for the same to supply adde alter or diminish as freely as if they translated Liuie Virgil or Terence Hauing no religious respect to keepe either the maiestie or sincere simplicity of that venerable style of Christes spirit as S. Augustine speaketh vvhich kind the holy Ghost did choose of infinite vvisedom to haue the diuine mysteries rather vttered in then any other more delicate much lesse in that meretricious maner of vvriting that sundrie of these new translators doe vse of vvhich sort Caluin him selfe and his pue-fellovves so much complaine that they professe Satan to haue gained more by these nevv interpreters their number leuitie of spirit and audacitie encreasing daily then he did before by keeping the word from the people And for a paterne of this mischeefe they giue Castalion adiuring all their churches and scholars to bevvare of his translation as one that hath made a very sport and mockery of Gods holy vvord so they charge him them selues and the Zuinglians of Zuricke vvhose translations Luther therfore abhorred handling the matter vvith no more fidelitie grauitie or sinceritie then the other but rather vvith much more falsification or to vse the Apostles vvordes cauponation and adulteration of Gods vvord then they besides many vvicked gloses prayers confession of faith conteining both blasphemous errors and plaine contradictions to them selues and among them selues all priuileged and authorised to be ioyned to the Bible and to be said and sung of the poore people and to be beleeued as articles of faith and vvholy consonant to Gods vvord Vve therfore hauing compassion to see our beloued countrie men vvith extreme danger of their soules to vse onely such prophane translations and erroneous mens mere phantasies for the pure and blessed vvord of truth much also moued therevnto by the desires of many deuout persons haue set forth for you benigne readers the nevv Testament to begin vvithal trusting that it may giue occasion to you after diligent perusing thereof to lay avvay at lest such their impure versions as hitherto you haue ben forced to occupie Hovv vvell vve haue done it vve must not be iudges but referre all to Gods Church and our superiors in the same to them vve submit our selues and this and all other our labours to be in part or in the vvhole reformed corrected altered or quite abolished most humbly desiring pardon if through our ignorance temeritie or other humane infirmitie vve haue any vvhere mistaken the sense of the holy Ghost further promising that if hereafter we espie any of our ovvne errors or if any other either frende of good vvil or aduersarie for desire of reprehension shal open vnto vs the same vve vvil not as Protestants doe for defense of our estimation or of pride and contention by vvrangling vvordes vvilfully persist in them but be most glad to heare of them and in the next edition or othervvise to correct them for it is truth that vve seeke for and Gods honour which being had either by good intention or by occasion al is vvel This vve professe onely that vve haue done our endeuour vvith praier much feare and trembling lest vve should dangerously erre in so sacred high and diuine a vvorke that vve haue done it vvith all faith diligence and sinceritie that vve haue vsed no partialitie for the disaduantage of our aduersaries nor no more licence then is sufferable in translating of holy Scriptures continually keeping our selues as neere as is possible to our text to the very vvordes and phrases vvhich by long vse are made venerable though to some propsiane or delicate cares they may seeme more hard to barbarous * as the whole style of Scripture doth lightly to such at the begining acknowledging with S. Hierom that in other writings it is ynough to giue in trāslation sense for sense but that in Scriptures lest vve misse the sense vve must keepe the very vvordes Ad Pammach epistola 101. ca. 2 in princip Vve must saith S. Augustine speake according to a set rule lest licence of
in the Churches seruice expounded in sermons alleaged and interpreted in the Commentaries and vvritings of the auncient fathers of the Latin Church 5. The holy Councel of Trent for these and many other important considerations hath declared and defined this onely of al other latin translations to be authentical and so onely to be vsed and taken in publike lessons disputations preachings and expositions and that no man presume vpon any pretence to reiect or refuse the same 6. It is the grauest sincerest of greatest maiestie least partialitie as being vvithout al respect of controuersies and contentions specially these of our time as appeareth by those places vvhich Erasmus and others at this day translate much more to the aduantage of the Catholike cause 7. It is so exact and precise according to the Greeke both the phrase and the word that delicate Heretikes therfore reprehend it of rudene● And that it follovveth the Greeke far more exactly then the Protestants translations beside infinite other places we appeale to these Tit. 3. 14. Curent bonis operibus praeesse 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Engl. bib 1577 to mainteine good vvorkes and Hebr. 10 20. Viam nobis initiatut 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 English Bib. he prepared So in these vvordes Iustificationes Traditiones Idola c. In al vvhich they come not neere the Greeke but auoid it of purpose 8. The Aduersaries them selues namely Beza preferre it before al the rest Inpraefat no. Test an 1556. And againe he saith that the old Interpreter translated very religiously Annot. in 1. Luc. v. 1. 9. In the rest there is such diuersitie and dissension and no end of reprehending one an other and translating euery man according to his fantasie that Luther said If the vvorld should stand any long time vve must receiue againe which he thought absurd the Decrees of Councels for preseruing the vnitie of faith because of so diuers interpretations of the Scripture And Beza in the place aboue mentioned noteth the itching ambition of his fellovv-translators that had much rather disagree and dissent from the best then seeme them selues to haue said or vvritten nothing And Bezas translation it self being so esteemed in our countrie that the Geneua English Testaments be translated according to the same yet sometime goeth so vvide from the Greeke and from the meaning of the holy Ghost that them selues which protest to trāslate it dare not folow it For example Luc. 3 36. They haue put these wordes The sonne of Cainan which he wittingly and wilfully left out and Act. 1 14. they say Vvith the vvomen agreably to the vulgar Latin where he saith Cum vxoribus vvith their vviues 10. It is not onely better then al other Latin trāslations but then the Greeke text it self in those places where they disagree The proofe hereof is euident because most of the auncient Heretikes were Grecians therfore the Scriptures in Greeke were more corrupted by them as the auncient fathers often complaine Tertullian noteth the Greeke text which is at this day 1 Cor. 19. 47 to be an old corruption of Marcion the Heretike and the truth to be as in our vulgar latin Secundus homo de coelo coelestis The second man from heauen heauenly So reade other auncient fathers and Erasmus thinketh it must needes be so and Caluin him self folovveth it Instit li. 2. c. 13. parag 2. Againe S. Hierom noteth that the Greeke text 1 Cor. 7 33 which is at this day is not the Apostolical veritie or the true text of the Apostle but that which is in the vulgar Latin Qui cum vxore est solicitus est quae sunt mundi quomodo placeat vxori diuisus est He that is vvith a vvife is careful of vvorldly things hovv he may please his vvife and is deuided or distracted The Ecclesiastical historie called the Tripartite noteth the Greeke text that now is 1 Io. 4 3 to be an old corruption of the auncient Greeke copies by the Nestorian Heretikes the true reading to be as in our vulgar Latin Omnis spiritus qui soluit IESVM ex Deo non est Euery spirit that dissolueth IESVS is not of God and Beza confesseth that Socrates in his Ecclesiastical historie readeth so in the Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. But the proofe is more pregnant out of the Aduersaries them selues They forsake the Greeke text as corrupted and translate according to the vulgar Latin namely Beza and his scholers the English translatours of the Bible in these places Hebr. chap. 9 vers 1. saying The first couenant for that vvhich is in the Greeke The first tabernacle vvhere they put couenant not as of the text but in an other letter as to be vnderstood according to the vulgar Latin vvhich most sincerely leaueth it out altogether saying Habuit quidem prius instificationes c. The former also in deede had iustifications c. Againe Ro. 11 vers 21. They translate not according to the Greeke text Temporiseruientes seruing the time vvhich Beza saith must needes be a corruption but according to the vulgar Latin Domino seruientes seruing our Lord. Againe Apoc. 11 vers 2. they translate not the Greeke text Atrium quod intra templum est the court vvhich is vvithin the teme but cleane contrarie according to the vulgar Latin vvhich Beza saith is the true reading Atrium quod est foris templum the court vvhich is vvithout the temple Onely in this last place one English Bible of the yere 1562 folovveth the errour of the Greeke Againe 2 Tim. 2. vers 14. they adde but more then is in the Greeke to make the sense more cōmodious and easie according as it is in the vulgar Latin Again Ia. 5 12. they leaue the Greeke and folovv the vulgar Latin saying lest you fall into condemnation I doubt not saith Beza but this is the true and sincere reading and I suspect the corruption in the Greeke came thus c. It vvere infinite to set dovvne al such places vvhere the Aduersaries specially Beza folovv the old vulgar Latin and the Greeke copie agreable therevnto condemning the Greeke text that novv is of corruption Againe Erasmus the best translatour of al the later by Bezas iudgement saith that the Greeke sometime hath superfluities corruptly added to the text of holy Scripture as Mat. 6. to the end of the Pater noster these vvordes Because thine is the kingdom the povver and the glorie for euer-more Vvhich he calleth nugas trifles rashly added to our Lords praier and reprehendeth Valla for blaming the old vulgar Latin because it hath it not likevvise Ro. 11 6. these vvordes in the Greeke and not in the vulgar latin But if of vvorkes it is not novv grace othervvise the vvorke is no more a vvorke and Mar. 10 29. these vvordes or vvife and such like Yea the Greeke text in these superfluities condemneth
Testamēt they are forced to forsake the Greeke of the nevv or if they vvil mainteine the Greeke of the nevv they must forsake sometime the Hebrue in the old but this argument shal be forced against them els vvhere By this litle the Reader may see vvhat gay patrones they are of the Greeke text and how litle cause they haue in their owne iudgements to translate it or vaunt of it as in derogation of the vulgar Latin translation how easily we might answer them in a word why we translate not the Greeke forsooth because it is so infinitely corrupted But the truth is we do by no meanes graūt it so corrupted as they say though in comparison we know it lesse sincere incorrupt then the vulgar Latin and for that cause and others before alleaged we preferre the said Latin and haue translated it If yet there remaine one thing which perhaps they wil say when they can not answer our reasons aforesaid to wit that we preferre the vulgar Latin before the Greeke text because the Greeke maketh more against vs we protest that as for other causes we preferre the Latin so in this respect of making for vs or against vs we allow the Greeke as much as the Latin yea in sundrie places more then the Latin being assured that they haue not one and that we haue many aduantages in the Greeke more then in the Latin as by the Annotations of this new Testament shal euidently appeare namely in al such places where they dare not translate the Greeke because it is for vs against them as when they translate 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ordinances and not iustification and that of purpose as Beza confesseth Luc. 1 6. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ordinances or instructions and not traditions in the better part 2 Thess 2 15. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Elders and not Priests 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 images rather then idols and especially when S. Luke in the Greeke so maketh for vs the vulgar Latin being indifferent for them and vs that Beza saith it is a corruption crept out of the margent into the text Vvhat neede these absurd diuises and false dealings with the Greeke text if it made for them more then for vs yea if it made not for vs against them But that the Greeke maketh more for vs see 1 Cor. 7. In the Latin Defraude not one another but for a time that you giue your selues to prayer in the Greeke to fasting and prayer Act. 10 30. in the Latin Cornelius saith from the fourth day past vntil this houre I vvas praying in my house and behold a man c. in the Greeke I vvas fasting and praying 1 Io. 5 18 in the Latin Vve knovv that euery one vvhich is borne of God sinneth not but the generation of God preserueth him c. in the Greeke but he that is borne of God preserueth him self Apoc. 22 14. in the Latin Blessed are they that vvash their garmēts in the bloud of the lambe c. in the Greeke Blessed are they that doe his commaundements Rom. 8 38. Certus sum c. I am sure that neither death nor life nor other creature is able to separate vs from the charitie of God as though he vvere assured or we might and should assure our selues of our predestination in the Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I am probably persuaded that neither death nor life c. In the Euangelists about the Sacrifice and B. Sacrament in the Latin thus This is my bloud that shal be shed for you and in S. Paul This is my body vvhich shal be betraied or deliuered for you both being referred to the time to come and to the sacrifice on the crosse in the Greeke This is my bloud vvhich is shed for you and my body vvhich is broken for you both being referred to that present time when Christ gaue his body and bloud at his supper then sheading the one and breaking the other that is sacrificing it sacramentally and mystically Loe these and the like our aduantages in the Greeke more then in the Latin But is the vulgar translation for al this Papistical therfore do we folow it for so some of them call it and say it is the worst of al other If it be the Greeke as you see is more and so both Greeke and Latin and consequently the holy Scripture of the new Testament is Papistical Againe if the vulgar Latin be Papistical Papistrie is very auncient and the Church of God for so many hundred yeres wherein it hath vsed and allowed this translation hath been Papistical But wherein it is Papistical forsooth in these phrases and speaches P●●nitentiam agite Sacramentum hoc magnum est AVE GRATIA PLENA Talibus hostiis promeretur Deus and such like First doth not the Greeke say the same see the Annotations vpon these places Secondly could he translate these things Papistically or partially or rather prophetically so long before they were in controuersie thirdly doth he not say for p●●nitentiam agite in an other place p●●nitemini and doth he not translate other mysteries by the vvord Sacramentum as Apoc. 17 Sacramentum mulieris and as he translateth one vvord Gratia plena so doth he not translate the very like vvord plenus vlceribus vvhich them selues do folow also is this also Papistrie Vvhen he said Heb. 10 29. Quanto deteriora merebitus supplicia c. and they like it vvel ynough might he not haue said according to the same Greeke word Vigilate vt mereamini fugere ista omnia stare ante filium hominis Luc. 21 36. and Qui merebuntur saculum illud resurrectionem exmortuis c. Luc. 10 35. and Tribulationes quas sustinetis vt mereamini regnum Dei pro quo et patimini 2. Thess 1. 5. Might he not we say if he had partially affecteted the word merite haue vsed it in al these places according to his and your owne translation of the same Greeke word Hebr. 10 29 Vvhich he doth not but in al these places saith simply Vt digni habeamini and Qui digni habeb●●tur and how can it be iudged Papistical or partial when he saith Talibus hostiis promer●tur Deus Heb. 13 Vvas Primasius also S. Augustines scholer a Papist for vsing this text and al the rest that haue done the like Vvas S. Cyprian a Papist for vsing so often this speach promereri Dominum iustis operibus po●nitentia c. or is there any difference but that S. Cyptian vseth it as a deponent more latinly the other as a passiue lesse finely Vvas it Papistrie to say Senior for Presbyter Ministrantibus for sacrificantibus or liturgiam celebrantibus simulacbris for idolis fides tuaete saluum fecit sometime for sanum fecit Or shal we thinke he was a Caluinist for translating thus as they thinke he was a Papist when any
not * Manichaeus Choose vvhether thou vvilt If thou wilt say Beleeue the Catholike loe they vvarne me that I giue no credite vnto you and therefore beleeuing them I must needes not beleeue thee If thou say Beleeue not the Catholikes it is not the right vvay by the Gospel to driue me to the faith of Manichaeus because I beleeued the Gospel it self by the preaching of Catholikes Againe li. de vtilit credend cap. 14. I see the concerning Christ him self I haue beleeued none but the confirmed and assured opinion of peoples and nations and that these peoples haue on euey side possessed the mysteries of the CATHOLIKE CHVRCH Vvhy should I not therfore most diligently require specially among them what Christ commaunded by vvhose authoritie I vvas moued to beleeue that Christ did commaund some profitable thing Vvilt thou ō Heretike tel me better vvhat he said vvhom I vvould not thinke to haue been at al or to be if I must beleeue because thou saiest it Vvhat grosse madnes is this to say Beleeue the Catholikes the Christ is to be beleeued and learne of vs vvhat he said Againe cont Faustum li. II. cap. 1. Thou seest then in this matter what force the authoritie of the CATHOLIKE CHVRCH hath vvhich euen from the most grounded and founded seates of the Apostles is established vntil this day by the line of Bishops succeding one an other by the consent of so many peoples Vvhereas thou saiest This is Scripture or this is such an Apostles that is not because this soundeth for me and the other against me Thou then art the rule of truth vvhatsoeuer is against thee is not true 3 No heretikes haue right to the Scriptures but are vsurpers the Catholike Church being the true ovvner and faithful keeper of them Heretikes abuse them corrupt them and vtterly seeke to abolish them though they pretend the contrarie Tertullianli De praescriptionibus bringeth in the CATHOLIKE CHVRCH speaking thus to all Heretikes Vvho are you vvhen and from vvhence came you vvhat doe you in my possession that are none of mine by vvhat right Marcion doest thou cut dovvne my wood vvho gaue the licence ô Valentine to turne the course of my fountaines by vvhat authoritie Apelles doest thou remoue my boundes and you the rest vvhy do yovv sovv and seede for these companions at your pleasure It is my possession I possesse it of old I haue assured origins thereof euen from those authors vvhose the thing vvas I am the heire of the Apostles As they prouided by their Testament as they comitted it to my credite as they adiured me so doe I hold it You surely they disherited alvvaies and haue cost you of as forainers as enemies Againe in the same booke Encountering vvith such by Scriptures auaileth nothing but to ouerturne a mans stomake or his braine This heresie receiueth not certaine Scriptures and if it do receiue some yet by adding and taking avvay it peruerteth the same to serue their purpose and if it receiue any it doth not receiue them vvholy and if after a sort it receiue them vvholy neuertheles by diuising diuers expositions it turneth them cleane an other vvay c. 4 Yet do they vaunt them selues of Scriptures excedingly but they are neuer the more to be trusted for that S. Hierom aduersus Luciferianos in fine Let them not flatter them selues if they seeme in their ovvne conceite to affirme that vvhich they say out of the chapters of Scripture vvhereas the Diuel also spake some thinges out of the Scriptures and the Scriptures consist not in the reading but in the vnderstanding Vincentius Lirinensis li. cont prophanas haeres●●● Nouationes Here perhaps some man may aske vvhether heretikes also vse not the testimonies of diuine Scripture Yet in deede do they and that vehemently For thou shalt see them flie through euery one of the sacred bookes of the Lavv through Moyses the bookes of the kings the Psalmes the Apostles the Gospels the Prophets For vvhether among their ovvne fellowes or strangers vvhether priuatly or publikely vvhether in talke or in their bookes vvhether in bankets or in the streates they I say alleage nothing of their ovvne which they endeuour not to shadow vvith the wordes of Scripture also Read the vvorkes of Paulus Samosatenus of Priscillian of Eunomian of Iouinian of the other plagues pestilences thou shalt finde an infinite heape of examples no page in a manner omitted or voide which is not painted and coloured with the sentences of the new or old testament But they are so much the more to be taken heede of to be feared the more secretly they lurke vnder the shadowes of Gods diuine law For they knovv their stinkes vvould not easily please any man almost if they were breathed out nakedly simply them selues alone therfore they sprinkle them as it vvere vvith certaine pretious spices of the heauenly vvord to the end that he vvhich would easely despise the errour of man may not easely contemne the oracles of God So that they doe like vnto them vvhich vvhen they vvil prepare certaine bitter potion● for children do first anoint the brimmes of the cup vvith honie that the vnwarie age vvhen it shal first feele the svvetnes may not feare the bitternes 5 The cause vvhy the Scriptures being perfit yet vve vse other Ecclesiastical vvritings and tradition Vincentius Lirinensis in his golden booke before cited aduersus prophanas haeres●● Nouationes Here some man perhaps may aske for asmuch as the Canon of the Scriptures is perfit and in all pointes very sufficient in it self vvhat neede is there to ioyne therevnto the authoritie of the Ecclesiastical vnderstanding for this cause surely for that all take not the holy Scripture in one and the same sense because of the deepenes thereof but the speaches thereof some interpret one vvay some an other vvay so that there may almost as many senses be picked out of it as there be men for Nouatian doth expound it one vvay and Sabellius an other vvay othervvise Donatus othervvise Arîus Eunomius Macedonius othervvise Photinus Apollinaris Priscillianus othervvise Iouinian Pelagius Celestius lastly othervvise Nestorius And therfore very necessarie it is because of so great vvindinges and turninges of diuers errours that the line of Prophetical and Apostolical interpretation be directed according to the rule of the Ecclesiastical and Catholike sense or vnderstanding S. Basil li. de Spiritu sancto cap. 27. Of such articles of religion as are kept and preached in the Church some vvere taught by the vvritten vvord other some vve haue receiued by the tradition of the Apostles deliuered vnto vs as it vvere from hand to hand in mysterie secretly both vvhich be of one force to Christian religion and this no man vvil deny that hath any litle skill of the Ecclesiastical rites or customes for if vve goe about to reiect the customes not conteined in Scripture as being of smal force vve shal vnvvittingly and
yet here cānot cast thē out But as for haeretikes they can neuer doe it nor any other true miracle to confirme their false saith 20. Faith as mustard seed This is the Catholike faith by which only al miracles are wrought yet not of euery one that hath the Catholike faith but of such as haue a great and forcible faith and withal the gift of miracles These are able as here wee see by Christes warrant not only to doe other wonderful miracles here signified by this one but also this very same that is to moue mountaines in deede as S. Paul also presupposeth and S. Hierom affirmeth and Ecclesiastical histories namely telleth of Gregorius Neocaesariensnis that he moued a mountaine to make roome for the foundation of a Church called therfore and for other his wonderful miracles Thaumaturgus And yet faithlesse Heretikes laugh at al such things and beleue them not 21. Prayer aud fasting The force of fasting and praying whereby also we may see that the holy Churche in Exorcismes doeth according to the Scriptures When shee vseth beside the name of IESVS many prayers and much fasting to driue out Deuils because these also are here required beside faith 26. The Children fres Though Christ to auoid scandal payed tribute yet in deede he sheweth that both him self ought to be free from such payments as being the kings sonne aswel by his eternal birth of God the Father as temporal of Dauid and also his Apostles as being of his familie and in them their successors the whole Clergie who are called in Scripture the lotte and portion of our Lord. which exemption and priuilege being grounded vpon the very law of nature it self and therfore practised euen among the Heathen Gen. 42 27. good Christian Princes haue confirmed and ratified by their lawes in the honour of Christ whose ministers they are and as it were the kings sonnes as S. Hierom declareth playnly in these wordes We for his honour pay not tributes and as the Kings sonnes are free from such payments Hiero. vpon this place 27. Me and thee A great mysterie in that he payed not only for him self but for Peter bearing the Person of the Churche and in whom as the cheefe the rest were conteyned Aug. q. exno Test q. ●5 to 4. CHAP. XVIII To his Disciples he preacheth against ambition the mother of Schisme 7 foretelling both the author vvhosoeuer he be and also his folovvers of their vvo to come 〈◊〉 and shevving on the contrary side hovv precious Christian soules are to their Angels to the Sonne of man and to his Father 15 charging vs therfore to forgiue our brethren vvhen also vve haue iust cause against them be it neuer so often and to labour their saluation by al meanes possible verse 1 AT that houre the Disciples came to IESVS saying ″ Who thinkest thou is the greater in the kingdom of heauen ✝ verse 2 And IESVS calling vnto him a litle childe set him in the middes of them ✝ verse 3 and said Amen I say to you vnles you be conuerted and become as litle children you shal not enter into the kingdom of heauen ✝ verse 4 Whosoeuer therfore shal humble him self as this litle childe he is the greater in the kingdom of heauē ✝ verse 5 And he that shal receiue one such litle childe in my name receiueth me ✝ verse 6 And * he that shal scandalize one of these litle ones that beleeue in me it is expedient for him that a milstone be hanged about his necke and that he be drovvned in the depth of the sea ✝ verse 7 Vvo be to the vvorld for scandals for it is necessary that scandals do come but neuerthelesse vvo to that man by vvhom the scandall commeth ✝ verse 8 And * if thy ″ hand or thy foote scandalize thee cut it of and cast it from thee It is good for thee to goe in to life maimed or lame rather then hauing tvvo hands or tvvo feete to be cast into euerlasting fire ✝ verse 9 And if thine eye scandalize thee plucke him out and cast him from thee It is good for thee hauing one eye to enter into life rather then hauing tvvo eyes to be cast into the hel of fire ✝ verse 10 See that you despise not one of these litle ones for I say to you that ″ their Angels in heauen alvvaies do see the face of my father vvhich is in heauen ✝ verse 11 For * the Sonne of man is come to saue that vvhich vvas perished ✝ verse 12 * Hovv thinke you If a man haue an hundred sheepe and one of them shal goe astray doth he not leaue ninetie nine in the mountaines and goeth to seeke that which is straied ✝ verse 13 And if it chaunce that he finde it amen I say to you that he reioyceth more fore that then for the ninetie nine that vvent not astray ✝ verse 14 Euen so it is not the vvil of your father vvhich is in heauen that one perish of these litle ones ✝ verse 15 But * if thy brother shal offend against thee goe and rebuke him betvvene thee and him alone If he shal heare thee thou shalt gaine thy brother ✝ verse 16 and if he vvil not heare thee ioyne vvith thee besides one or tvvo that in the mouth of * tvvo or three vvitnesses euery vvord may stand ✝ verse 17 And if he vvil not heare them tel the Church And if he vvil not heare the Church let him be to thee as ″ the heathen and the Publican ✝ verse 18 Amen I say to you whatsoeuer you ″ shal binde vpon earth shal be bound also in heauen and vvhatsoeuer you ″ shal loose vpon earth shal be loosed also in heauen ✝ verse 19 Againe I say to you that if tvvo of you shal consent vpon earth concerning euery thing vvhatsoeuer they shal aske it shal be done to them of my father vvhich is in heauen ✝ verse 20 For vvhere there be tvvo or three gathered in my name there am I ″ in the mindes of them ✝ verse 21 Then came Peter vnto him and said * Lord how often shal my brother offend against me and I forgiue him vntil seuentimes ✝ verse 22 IESVS said to him I say not to thee * vntil seuen times but vntil ″ seuentie times seuen times ⊢ ✝ verse 23 Therfore is the kingdom of heauen likened to a man being a king that vvould make an account vvith his seruants ✝ verse 24 And vvhen he began to make the account there vvas one presented vnto him that ovved him ten thousand talents ✝ verse 25 And hauing not vvhence to repay it his lord commaunded that he should be sold and his wife and children and all that he had and it to be repayed ✝ verse 26 But that seruant falling dovvne besought him saying Haue patience tovvard me and I vvil repay thee
Saints shal iudge and yet that doeth nothing derogate to his prerogatiue by whom and vnder whom they hold this and al other dignities in this life and the next CHAP. XX. To shevv hovv through Gods grace the Iewes shal be ouerrunne of the Gentils although they beginne after he bringeth a parable of men working soner and later in the vineyard but the later revvarded in the end euen as the first 17 He reuealeth more to his Disciples touching his passion 20 Bidding the ambitious tvvo suiters to thinke rather of suffering with him 24 And teaching vs in the rest of his Disciples not to be greeued at our Ecclesiastical Superiors considering they are as he was him self is toile for our Saluation 29 Then going out of Iericho he geueth sight vnto tvvo blind verse 1 THE kingdom of heauen is like to a man that is an housholder vvhich vvēt forth early ″ in the morning to hire vvorkemen into his vineyard ✝ verse 2 And hauing made couenāt vvith the workemen for a penie a day he sent them into his vineyard ✝ verse 3 And going forth about the third houre he savv other standing in the market place idle ✝ verse 4 and he said to them Goe you also into the vineyard and that vvhich shal be iust I vvil giue you ✝ verse 5 And they vvent their vvay And againe he vvent forth about the sixt the ninth houre and did likevvise ✝ verse 6 But about the eleuenth houre he vvent forth and found other standing he saith to them what stand you here al the day idle ✝ verse 7 They say to him Because no man hath hired vs. He saith to them Goe you also into the vineyard ✝ verse 8 And vvhen euening vvas come the lord of the vineyard saith to his bailife Call the vvorkemen and pay them their hire beginning from the last euen to the first ✝ verse 9 Therfore vvhen they vvere come that came about the eleuenth houre they receiued euery one ″ a penie ✝ verse 10 But vvhen the first also came they thought that they should receiue more and they also receiued euery one a penie ✝ verse 11 And receiuing it they murmured against the good man of the house ✝ verse 12 saying These last haue continued one houre and thou hast made them equal to vs that haue borne the burden of the day and the heates ✝ verse 13 But he ansvvering said to one of them Frende I doe the no vvrong didst thou not couenant vvith me for a penie ✝ verse 14 Take that is thine and goe I vvil also giue to this last euen as to thee also ✝ verse 15 Or is it not lavvful for me to do that I vvil is thine eye naught because I am good ✝ verse 16 So shal the last be first and the first last For many be called but ″ fevv elect ⊢ ✝ verse 17 * And IESVS going vp to Hierusalem tooke the tvvelue disciples secretly and said to them ✝ verse 18 Behold vve goe vp to Hierusalem and the Sonne of man shal be deliuered to the cheefe priestes and to the Scribes and they shal condemne him to death ✝ verse 19 and shal deliuer him to the Gentiles to be mocked scourged crucified and the third day he shal rise againe ⊢ ✝ verse 20 * Then came to him the mother of the sonnes of Zebedee vvith her sonnes adoring and desiring some thing of him ✝ verse 21 Who said to her what vvilt thou She saith to him Say that these my tvvo sonnes may sitte one at thy right hād and one at thy left hand in thy kingdom ✝ verse 22 And IESVS ansvvering said You knovv not vvhat you desire Can you drinke of the cuppe that I shal drinke of They say to him we can ✝ verse 23 He saith to them My cuppe in deede you shal drinke of but to sitte at my right hand and left is not mine to giue to you but ″ to vvhom it is prepared of my father ⊢ ✝ verse 24 And the ten hearing it vvere displeased at the tvvo brethren ✝ verse 25 And IESVS called them vnto him and said * You knovv that the princes of the gentiles ouerrule them and they that are the greater exercise povver against them ✝ verse 26 It shal not be so among you but vvhosoeuer vvil be the greater among you let him be your minister ✝ verse 27 and he that vvil be first among you shal be your seruant ✝ verse 28 Euen as the ″ Sonne of man is not come to be ministred vnto but to minister and to giue his life a redemption for many ⊢ ✝ verse 29 And * vvhen they vvent out from Iericho a great multitude folovved him ✝ verse 30 And behold tvvo blinde men sitting by the vvay side heard that IESVS passed by and they cried out saying Lord haue mercie vpon vs sonne of Dauid ✝ verse 31 And the multitude rebuked them that they should hold their peace But they cried out the more saying Lord haue mercie vpon vs sonne of Dauid ✝ verse 32 And IESVS stoode and called them and said Vvhat vvil ye that I doe to you ✝ verse 33 They say to him Lord that our eies may be opened ✝ verse 34 And IESVS hauing compassion on them touched their eies And immediatly they savv and folovved him ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XX. 1. In the morning God called some in the morning that is in the beginning of the world as Abel Enoch Noë and other the iust and faithful of the first age at the third houre Abraham Isaac and Iacob and the rest of their age at the 6 houre of the day Moyses Aaron and the rest at the 9 houre the Prophets at the eleuenth that is at the later end of the world the Christian Nations Aug. de verb. Doniniser 59. breifly this calling at diuerse houres signifieth the calling of the Iewes from time to time in the first ages of the world and of the Gentils in the later age thereof It signifieth also that God calleth coūtries to the saith some souer some later and particular men to be his seruants some yonger sme elder of diuerse ages 9. Peny The peny promised to al was life euerlasting which is common to al that shal be saued but in the ●●me life there be degrees of glorie as * betwixt starre and starre in the element Aug. li. de virgi●t c. 26. 16. Fewa●ct Those are elect which despised not their caller but folowed and beleued him for men 〈◊〉 not but of their owne free will Aug. li. 1 ad Simplic q. 1. 23. To whom it is prepared The kingdom of heauen is prepared for them that are worthy of it and deserue it by their wel doing as in holy Scripture it is very often That God wil repay euery man according to his workes and Come ye blessed possesse the kingdom prepared for you Why because I was hungrie and you gaue
places at suppers ✝ verse 40 vvhich deuoure vvidovves houses vnder the pretence of long prayer these shal receiue larger iudgement ✝ verse 41 * And IESVS sitting ouer against the treasurie beheld hovv the multitude did cast money into the treasurie and many rich men did cast in much ✝ verse 42 And vvhen there came a certaine poore vvidovv she cast in tvvo mites vvhich is a farthing ✝ verse 43 And calling his Disciples together he saith to them Amen I say to you that this poore vvidovv hath cast in more then al that haue cast into the treasurie ✝ verse 44 For al they of their aboundance haue cast in but she of her penurie hath cast in al that she had her vvhole liuing ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XII 17. To God These men were very circumspect and wary to doe al duties to Caesar but of their dutie to God they had no regard So Heretikes to flatter temporal Princes and by them to vphold their Heresies doe not only inculcate mens dutie to the Prince dissembling that which is dewe to God but also giue to the Prince more then dew and take from God his right and dutie But Christ allowing Caesar his right warneth them also of their dutie toward God And that is it which Catholikes inculcate Obey God doe as he commaundeth Serue him first and that the Prince 19. His brother shal take Marke wel here that the Law which saith Thou shalt 〈◊〉 marry thy brothers wife is not such as admitteth no dispensation as though this mariage we●● against nature For here the same Law saith that in some case the brother not only might but then was bound to marry his brothers wife 24. Not knovving the Scriptures who would haue thought that by this place of Scripture alleaged by Christ the Resurrection were proued and yet we see that Christ doth hereby deduce it and chargeth these great Doctors and Maisters which arrogated to them selues the knowledge of Scriptures that it is their ignorance that they knew not so to deduce it No maruel then if the Holy Doctors and Catholike Church make the like deductions sometime and proofes where the Heretike doth not or wil not see so much therfore no doubt because he knoweth no● the Scriptures whereof he boasteth so much nor the sense of the Holy Ghost in them For example when of that place It shal not be forgiuen in this vvorld nor in the vvorld to come ancient fathers deduce that there are sinnes remitted after this life in Purgatorie See Mat. 1● 32. 24. The power of God Euen so doe Heretikes erre two waies because they know not the Scriptures which they interprete contrarie to the sense of the whole Church and of al the ancient fathers and because they know not the power of God that as he is able to raise the selfe same bodies againe so he can make his body present in many places but being altogether faithlesse and not beleeuing his power they dispute of al such matters only by reason and their owne imaginations CHAP. XIII To his Disciples by occasion of Hierusalem and the Temples destruction he foretelleth 5 vvhat things shal be before the consummation of the vvorld as specially the Churches ful preaching vnto al nations 14 Then vvhat shal be in the very consvmmation to vvit Antichrist vvith his passing great persecution and seduction but for a short time 24 then incontinent the day of Iudgement 28 to our great comfort in those miseries vnder Antichrist 32 As for the moment to vs it perteineth not to knovv it 33 but rather euery man to vvatch that vve be not vnprouided vvhen he commeth ●o 〈◊〉 one particularly by death verse 1 AND vvhen he vvent out of the temple one of his Disciples saith to him Maister behold what maner of stones and vvhat kinde of buildings ✝ verse 2 And IESVS ansvvering said to him Seest thou al these great buildings There shal nor be left a stone vpon a stone that shal not be destroied ✝ verse 3 And vvhen he sate in Mount-oliuer against the temple Peter and Iames and Iohn and Andrevv asked him apart ✝ verse 4 Tel vs ● vvhen shal these things be and vvhat shal be the signe vvhen al these things shal begin to be consummate ✝ verse 5 And IESVS ansvvering began to say to them See that no man seduce you ✝ verse 6 for many shal come in my name saying that ″ I am he and they shal seduce many ✝ verse 7 And vvhen you shal heare of vvarres and bruites of vvarres feare not for these things must be but the end is not yet ✝ verse 8 For nation shal rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shal be earthquakes in places and famines These things are the beginning of sorovves ✝ verse 9 But looke to your selues For they shal deliuer you vp in Councels and in Synagogs shal you be beaten and you shal stand before Presidents and Kings for my sake for a testimonie vnto them ✝ verse 10 And into al nations first the Gospel must be preached ✝ verse 11 And vvhen they shal leade you and deliuer you be not careful before hand vvhat you shal speake but that vvhich shal be giuen you in that houre that speake ye For it is not you that speake but the holy Ghost ✝ verse 12 And brother shal deliuer brother vnto death and the father his sonne and the children shal arise against the parents and shal vvorke their death ✝ verse 13 And you shal be odious to al men for my name But he that shal endure vnto the end he shal be saued ✝ verse 14 And vvhen you shal see ″ the abomination of desolation standing vvhere it ought not he that readeth let him vnderstand then they that are in Ievvrie let them flee vnto the mountaines ✝ verse 15 and he that is on the house-toppe let him not goe dovvne into the house nor enter in to take any thing out of his house ✝ verse 16 and he that shal be in the field let him not returne backe to take his garment ✝ verse 17 And vvo to them that are vvith childe and that giue sucke in those daies ✝ verse 18 But pray that the things chaunce not in the vvinter ✝ verse 19 For those daies shal be such tribulations as vvere not from the beginning of the creation that God created vntil novv neither shal be ✝ verse 20 And vnles the Lord had shortened the daies no flesh should be saued but for the elect vvhich he hath elected he hath shortened the daies ✝ verse 21 And then if any man shal say vnto you Loe here is Christ loe there do not beleeue ✝ verse 22 For there shal rise vp false-Christs and false-Prophets and they shal shevv ″ signes and vvonders to seduce if it be possible the elect also ✝ verse 23 You therfore take heede behold I haue foretold you al things ✝ verse
Holy Ghost ruled the penne of holy vvriters that they might not erre yet did they vse humane meanes to search out and find the truth of the things they wrote of Euen so doe Councels and the President of them Gods vicar discusse and examine al causes by humane meanes the assistance of the Holy Ghost concurring and directing them into al truth according to Christes promise Io. 16 13 as in the very first Councel of the Apostles them selues at Hierusalem is manifest Act. 15 7 and 28. Againe here vve haue a familiar preface of the Author as to his frende or to euery godly Reader signified by Theophilus cōcerning the cause and purpose and maner of his vvriting and yet the very same is confessed Scripture vvith the vvhole booke folovving Maruel not then if the Author of the second booke of the Machabees * vse the like humane speaches both at the beginning and in the later end neither do thou therfore reiect the booke for no Scripture as our Heretikes doe or not thinke him a sacred vvriter 6. Iust before God Against the Heretikes of this time here it is euident that holy men be iust not only by the estimation of men but in deede and before God 6. In al the commaundements Three things to be noted directly against the Heretikes of our time first that good men doe keepe al Gods commaundements which they say are impossible to be kept Againe that men be iustified not by only imputation of Christes iustice nor by saith alone but by walking in the commaundements Againe that the keeping and doing of the commaundements is properly our iustification 6. Iustifications This word is so vsual in the Scriptures namely in the Psal 118 to signifie the commaundements of God because the keeping of them is iustification and the Greeke is alwaies so fully correspōdent to the same that the Heretikes in this place otherwise pretending to esteeme much of the Greeke blush not to say that they auoid this word of purpose against the iustification of the Papists And therfore one vseth Tullies word forsooth in Latin constituta and his scholers in their English Bibles say Ordinances 14. Ioy and exultation This was fulfilled not only when he was borne but now also through the whole Church for euer in ioyful celebrating of his Natiuitie 2● He departed In the old Law saith S. Hierom they that offered hostes for the people were not only not in their houses but were purified for the time being separated from their wiues and they dranke neither wine nor any strong drinke which are wont to prouoke concupiscence Much more the Priests of the new Law that must alwaies offer sacrifices must alwaies be free from matrimonie Li. 1 c. 19. adu louin and ep 50 c. 3. See S. Ambrose in 1 Tim. 3. And therfore if there were any religion in Caluins Communion they would at the least giue as much reuerence in this point as they in the old Law did to their sacrifices and to the loaues of proposition 1 Reg. 21. 28. Haileful of grace Holy Church and al true Christian men doe much and often vse these wordes brought from heauen by the Archangel as wel to the honour of Christ and our B. Ladie as also for that they were the wordes of the first glad tidings of Christs Incarnation and our Saluation by the same and be the very abridgement and summe of the whole Gospel In so much that the Greeke Church vsed it daily in the Masse 28. Ful of grace Note the excellent prerogatiues of our B. Lady and abhorre those Heretikes which make her no better then other vulgar women and therfore to take from her fulnes of grace they say here Haile freely beloued contrarie to al significations of the Greeke word which is at the lest endued with grace as S. Paul vseth it Ephes 1. by S. Chrysostoms interpretation or rather ful of grace as both * Greeke and Latin fathers haue alwaies here vnderstood it and the Latines also read it namely S. Ambrose thus wel 〈◊〉 she only called ful of grace vvho only obteined the grace vvhich no other vvoman deserued to be replenished with the author of grace And if they did as wel know the nature of these kind of Greeke wordes as they would seeme very skilful they might easily obserue that they signifie fulnes as when them selues translate the like word Luc. 1● 20 ful of sores Beza vlcerosus 14. I know not man These wordes declare saith S. Augustine that she had now vowed virginitie to God For otherwise neither would she say How shal this be done nor haue added because I know not man Yea if she had said only the first wordes How shal this be done It is euident that she would not haue asked such a question hovv a vvoman should beare a sonne promised her if she had married meaning to haue carnal copulation c. 4 de virgin As if he should say If she might haue knovven a man and so haue had a childe she vvould neuer haue asked How shal this be done but because that ordinarie way vvas excluded by her vow of virginitie therfor she asketh How And in asking How The plainly declareth that she might not haue a childe by knowing man because of her vow See S. Grego Nyssene de sancta Christi Natiuitate 36. Elisabeth thy Cosin By this that Elisabeth and our Lady were cosins the one of the tribe of Leui the other of Iuda is gathered that Christ came of both tribes Iuda and Leui of the kings and the priests him self both a king and a priest and the Anointed to vvit by grace spiritually as they vvere vvith oile materially and corporally August 2 de Consens Euang. c. 1. 42. Blessed art thou At the very hearing of our Ladies voice the infant and she vvere replenished vvith the Holy Ghost and she sang praises not only to Christ but for his sake to our B. Lady calling her blessed and her fruite blessed as the Church doeth also by her vvordes and example in the AVE MARIE 43. Mother of my Lord. Elizabeth being an exceding iust and blessed vvoman yet the vvorthines of Gods mother doth so far excel her and al other vvomen as the great light the litle starres Hiero. Praef. in Sophon 48. Shal call me blessed This Prophecie is fulfilled when the Church keepeth her Festiual daies and when the faithful in al generations say the AVE MARIE and other holy Antems of our Lady And therfore the Caluinistes are not among those generations which call our Lady blessed 63. Iohn is his name wee see that names are of signification and importance God him self changing or giuing names in both Testaments as Abraham Israel Peter and the principal of al others IESVS and here IOHN vvhich signifieth Gods grace or mercie or God vvil haue mercie For he vvas the Precursor and Prophet of the mercie
39 And he said to them a similitude also Can the blinde leade the blinde doe not both fal into the ditch ✝ verse 40 The disciple is not aboue his maister but euery one shal be perfect if he be as his maister ✝ verse 41 And vvhy seest thou the mote in thy brothers eie but the beame that is in thine ovvne eie thou considerest not ✝ verse 42 Or hovv canst thou say to thy brother Brother let me cast out the more out of thine eie thy self not seeing the beame in thine ovvne eie Hypocrite cast first the beame out of thine ovvne eie and then shalt thou see clerely to take forth the more out of thy brothers eie ⊢ ✝ verse 43 For there is no good tree that yeldeth euil fruites nor euil tree that yeldeth good fruite ✝ verse 44 For euery tree is knovven by his fruite For neither doe they gather figges of thornes neither of a bush doe they gather the grape ✝ verse 45 The good man of the good treasure of his hart bringeth forth good and the euil man of the il treasure bringeth forth euil for of the aboūdance of the hart the mouth speaketh ✝ verse 46 And vvhy cal you me Lord Lord and doe not the things vvhich I say ✝ verse 47 Euery one that commeth to me and heareth my vvords and doeth them I vvil shevv you to vvhom he is like ✝ verse 48 He is like to a man building a house that digged deepe and laid the foundation vpon a rocke And vvhen an inundation rose the riuer bette against that house and it could not moue it for it vvas founded vpon a rocke ✝ verse 49 But he that heareth and doeth not is like to a man building his house vpon the earth vvithout a foundation against the vvhich the riuer did beate and incontinent it fell and the ruine of that house vvas great ANNOTATIONS CHAP. VI. 1. Neither this haue you read The Scribes and pharisees boasted most of their knovvledge of the Scriptures but our Sauiour often shevveth their great ignorance Euen so the Heretikes that novv a daies vaunt most of the Scriptures and of their vnderstanding of them may soone be proued to vnderstand litle or nothing 9. Saue a soule Hereby it seemeth that Christ as at other times lightly alvvaies did not only heale this man in body but of some correspondent disease in his soule 12. The vvholenight Our Sauiour instantly prayed alone in the mount vvithout doore al night long as a preparation to the designement of his Apostles the day after to giue example to the Church of praying instantly vvhen priests are to be ordered and a lesson to vs al vvhat vve should doe for our ovvne necessities vvhen Christ did so for other mens 13. Vvhom he named Apostles Here it is to be noted against our Aduersaries that deceitfully measure to the simple the vvhole nature and qualitie of certaine sacred functions by the primitiue signification and compasse of the names or vvordes vvhereby they be called vvith vvhom as a Priest is but an elder and a Bishop a vvatchman or Superintendent so an Apostle is nothing but a Legate or Messenger and therfore as they argue * can make no Lawes nor prescribe or teach any thing not expressed in his mandatum Know therfore against such deceiuers that such things are not to be ruled by the vulgar signification of the word or calling but by vse and application of the holy writers and in this point by Christs ovvne expresse imposition And so this vvord Apostle is a calling of Office gouernement authoritie and most high dignitie giuen by our Maister specially to the College of the Tvvelue whom he endued aboue that vvhich the vulgar etymologie of their name requireth vvith povver to bind and loose to punish and pardō to teach and rule his Church Out of vvhich roome and dignitie vvhich is called in the Psalme and in the actes a Bishoprike vvhen Iudas sel Mathias vvas chosen to supply it and vvas numbered among the rest vvho vvere as founders or foundations of our religion as the Apostle termeth them Therfore to that college this name agreeth by special imposition and prerogatiue though aftervvard it vvas by vse of the Scriptures extended to S. Paul and S. Barnabas and sometimes to the Apostles successors as also by the like vse of Scriptures to the first conuerters of countreis to the saith or their coadiutors in that function In vvhich sense S. Paul chalengeth to be the Corinthians Apostle and nameth Epaphroditus the Philippians Apostle as vve call S. Gregorie his Disciple S. Augustin our Apostles of England In al vvhich taking it euer signifieth dignitie regiment Paternitie Principalitie and Primacie in the Church of God according to S. Paul 1. Cor. 12 He hath placed in his Church first in deede Apostles c. whereby vve may see that S. Peters dignitie vvas a vvonderful eminent Prerogatiue and Soueraintie when he vvas the head not only of other Christian men but the head of al Apostles yea euen of the College of the Tvvelue And if our Aduersaties list to haue learned any profitable lesson by the vvord Apostle more profitably and truely they might haue gathered that Christ called these his principal officers Apostles or Sent him self also specially and aboue al other being Missus that is Sent and called also Apostle in the Scriptures to vvarne vs by the nature of the vvord that none are true Apostles Pastors or Preachers that are not specially sent and called or that can not shevv by vvhom they be sent and that al Heretikes therfore be rather Apostates then Apostles for that they be not sent nor duely called nor chosen to preach 14. Simon Peter in the numbering of the Apostles alvvaies first named and preferred before Andrevv his elder brother and senior by calling See Annotat. Mt. 10 2. 23. Be glad The common miseries that fall to the true preachers and other Catholike men for Christs sake as pouertie famin mourning and persecutions be in deede the greatest blessings that can be and are meritorious of the revvard of heauen Contrarievvise al the felicities of this vvorld vvithout Christ are in deede nothing but vvo and the enterance to euerlasting miserie 26. Shal blesse you This vvo pertaineth to the Heretikes of our daies that delight to haue the peoples praises and blessings and shoutes preaching pleasant things of purpose to their itching eares as did the False-Prophets vvhen they vvere magnified and commended therfore of the carnal Ievves 35 Land hoping nothing In that vve may here seeme to be moued to lend to those vvhom vve thinke not able nor like euer to repay againe it must be holder for a counsel rather then a commaundement except the case of necessitie but it may be taken rather for a precept vvherein vsurie that is to say the expectation not of the money lent but of vantage
said to him Simon I haue somevvhat to say vnto thee but he said Maister say ✝ verse 41 A certaine creditour had tvvo debters one did ovve fiue hūdred pence and the other fiftie ✝ verse 42 They hauing not vvherevvith to pay he forgaue both Vvhether therfore doth loue him more ✝ verse 43 Simon ansvvering said I suppose that he to vvhom he forgaue more But he said to him Thou hast iudged rightly ✝ verse 44 And turning to the vvoman he said vnto Simon Doest thou see this vvoman I entred ″ into thy house vvater to my feete thou didst not giue but she vvith teares hath vvatered my feete and vvith her heares hath vviped them ✝ verse 45 Kisse thou gauest me not but she since I came in hath not ceased to kisse my feete ✝ verse 46 Vvith oile thou didst not anoint my head but she vvith ointment hath anointed my feete ✝ verse 47 For the vvhich I say to thee Many sinnes are forgiuen her because she hath loued much But to vvhom lesse is forgiuen he loueth lesse ✝ verse 48 And he said to her Thy sinnes are forgiuen thee ✝ verse 49 And they that sate together at the table began to say vvithin them selues Vvho is this that also forgiueth sinnes ✝ verse 50 And he said to the vvoman ″ Thy faith hath made the safe goe in peace ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. VII 5. Built a Synagogue As at that time to found a Synagogue vvas acceptable to God and procured the praiers of the faithful people for vvhose vse it vvas made so novv much more in the nevv Testament to build a Church Monasterie College or any like vvorke for the honour and seruice of God is grateful to him and procureth the praiers of the good people for vvhose vse such things be founded 44 Into thy house An exceding approbation of the extraordinary vvorkes and signes of external deuotion vvhich seeme to carnal men though othervvise faithful to be often superfluous or not acceptable This Simon vvas perhaps of a good vvil and therfore as diuers others did els vvhere inuited Christ to his house not of curiositie or captiousnes as some other did but of affectiō as it may seeme by Christs familiar talke vvith him Notvvithstanding his duties tovvardes him vvere but ordinary but the anointing vvashing kissing vviping of his feete in such sort as the vvoman did vvere further signes of more then vulgar loue such as is in deuout men or vvomen that goe on pilgrimage and kisse deuoutly the holy memories of Christ and his Saincts Vvhich is no more but an exteriour expressing of their affection and that they loue much as euery vulgar christian man doth not 50 Thy faith The remission of her sinnes being attributed before to charitie is novv also said to come of her faith Vvhereby you may knovv that it commonly procedeth of both and of hope also though but one named Because vvhen there be diuers causes concurring to one effect the scriptures commonly name but one and that especially vvhich is most proper to the purpose and time not excluding the other And therfore his vvorking miracles vpon any person is attributed to the faith of them on vvhom or at vvhose desire they be done Because he vvrought his miracles to induce al men to beleeue in him and therfore specially required faith at their hands and namely before other things vvhether they did beleeue that he vvas able to doe that vvhich they asked at his hands vvithout vvhich it had ben rather a mockrie and tentation of him then a true desire of benefite at his hands CHAP. VIII Going ouer al Galilee with his traine 4 he preacheth to the Iewes in parables because of their reprobation 9 but to his Disciples manifestly because he wil not for the Iewes incredulity haue his comming fe●strate 19 signifying also that we art his kinne though we be Gentils and not his carnal brethren the Iewes 22 To whom also signified by the Gerasens after the tempest in his sleepe that is in his death and caulme in his resurrection he commeth but they preferring their temporals before his presence he leaueth them againe 41 Likewise comming to cure the Iewes who were borne when the Gentils sickened about Abrahams time he is preuented with the faith of the Gentils and then the Iewes die but them also in the end he wil restore verse 1 AND it came to passe afterward and he made his iourney by cities and tovvnes preaching and euangelizing the kingdom of God and the Tvvelue vvith him ✝ verse 2 and some vvomen that had been cured of vvicked spirits and infirmities * Marie vvhich is called Magdalene out of vvhom seuen deuils vvere gone forth ✝ verse 3 and Ioane the vvife of Chusa Herods procurator and Susan and many others that ″ did minister vnto him of their substance ✝ verse 4 And * vvhen a very great multitude assembled and hastened out of the cities vnto him he said by a similitude ✝ verse 5 The sovver vvent forth to sovv his seede and vvhiles he sovveth some fel by the vvay side and vvas troden vpon and the foules of the aire did eate it ✝ verse 6 And other some fel vpon the rocke and being shot vp it vvithered because it had not moisture ✝ verse 7 And othersome fel among thornes and the thornes grovving vp vvithal choked it ✝ verse 8 And other some fel vpō good ground and being shot vp yelded fruite an hundred fold Saying these things he cried He that hath eares to heare let him heare ✝ verse 9 And his disciples asked him vvhat this parable vvas ✝ verse 10 To vvhom he said To you it is giuen to knovv the mysterie of the kingdō of God but to the rest in parables that * seeing they may not see and hearing may not vnderstand ✝ verse 11 And the parable is this The seede is the vvord of God ✝ verse 12 And they besides the vvay are those that heare then the deuil cōmeth and taketh the vvord out of their hart lest beleeuing they be saued ✝ verse 13 For they vpon the rocke such as vvhen they heare vvith ioy receiue the vvord and these haue no rootes because for a time they beleeue and in time of tentation they reuolt ✝ verse 14 And that vvhich fel into thornes are they that haue heard and going their vvaies are choked vvith cares and riches and pleasures of this life and render not fruite ✝ verse 15 And that vpon good ground are they vvhich in a good and very good hart hearing the vvord doe reteine it and yeld fruite in patience ⊢ ✝ verse 16 And no man lighting a candel doth couer it vvith a vessel or put it vnder a bed but setteth it vpō a cādelsticke that they that enter in may see the light ✝ verse 17 For there is not any thing secrete that shal not be made manifest nor hid that shal not be knowen come abrode ✝ verse
vvhiles he ″ blessed them he departed from them and vvas caried into heauen ✝ verse 52 And they adoring vvent backe into Hierusalem vvith great ioy ✝ verse 53 and they vvere alvvaies in the temple praising and blessing God ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XXIIII 30. Tooke bread The Fathers in diuers places take this to be meant of the B. Sacrament Author operis imperf ho. 17. S. Augustine li. 39 de consensu Euang. c. 25 ser 140 de temp ep 59 ad Paulinum q. 1● Paulinus him self in the next epistle before that among S. Augustines Venerable Bede also vpon this place Theophylacte vpon this place And that it should be meant of the holy Sacrament the forme of solemne taking the bread into his handes blessing it breaking it and reaching it to his disciples exceding proper to the consecration and common to none other vulgar benediction nor any where vsed but in Christs miraculous multiplying the loaues and the singular effecte in notifying Christ vnto them do proue And if it be the Sacrament as it is most probable then is it an euident example and vvarrant of ministration in one kinde 46. Penance to be preached He shevved vnto them out of the Scriptures not onely the things that were now accomplished in himself but also that were yet to come about his Church as where it should begin to vvit at Hierusalem and hovv farre it should goe to vvit to al nations that he might not suffer vs saith S. Augustine to erre neither in the bridegrome nor in the bride For this maketh manifestly against al Heretikes and Schismatikes that set vp nevv churches in particular countries dravving the people from the foresaid onely true Church vvhich from Hierusalem so grovveth ouer al nations til the end of the vvorld come 50. Blessed them Christ our high priest prefigured specially therein by Melchisedec often gaue his blessing to his somtimes by vvordes as Peace be to you somtimes by imposing his handes and now here by lifting vp his hands ouer his Disciples as it vvere for his farewel In vvhat forme the Scripture doth not expresse but very like it is that in forme of the crosse as Iacob the Patriarch blessed his nephewes for signification of Christs benediction for now the crosse began to be glorious among the faithful and the Apostles as it is most certaine by the fathers vvhich call it an ancient tradition vsed that signe for an external note of benediction Yea S. Augustine saith in Ps 30. Conc. 3 that Christ him self not without cause would haue his signe to be fixed in our foreheads as in the feate of shame fastnes that a Christian man should not be ashamed of the reproche of Christ and what forme can a Christian man vse rather to blesse him self or others then that which was dedicated in Christs death and is a conuenient memorial of the same Howsoeuer it be that the Bishops and Priests of Gods Church blesse with an external signe no man can reprehend being warranted by Christs owne example and action ❀ THE ARGVMENT OF S. IOHNS GOSPEL S Iohns Gospel may be diuided into foure partes The first part is of the actes of Christ before his solemne manifestation of himselfe vvhile Iohn Baptist vvas yet baptizing Chap. 1. 2. 3. 4. The second of his Actes in Iurie hauing novv begonne his solemne manifestation in Galilee Mat. 4 12 the second Easter or Pasche of his preaching Chap. 5. For of the first pasche we had in the first part chap. 2 13 And the pasche of the Iewes was at hand And that feast vvhereof vve haue in this second part chap. 5 1 After this there was a festiual day of * the Iewes is thought of good Authors to be the feast of Pasche The third part is of his Actes in Galilee and in Iurīe about the third Pasche and after it cap. 6 to the 12. For so vve haue chap. 6 4 And Pasche the festiual day of * the Iewes was at hand The fourth part is of the fourth pasche vvhich vve haue in the end of the chap. 11 55 And the pasche of * the Iewes was at hand that is to say of the Holy vveeke of his Passion in Hierusalem chap. 12. vnto the end of the booke By vvhich diuision it is manifest that the intent of this Euangelist vvriting after the other three vvas to omit the Actes of Christ in Galilee because the other three had vvritten them at large and to reporte his Actes done in Iurie vvhich they had omitted And this he doth because Iurie vvith Hierusalem and the Temple beeing the principal parte of the Countrey there abode the principal of the Ievves both for authoritie and also for learning in the lavv or knovvledge of the Scriptures and therfore that vvas the place vvhere our Lord IESVS finding in the Head it selfe and in the leaders of the rest such vvilful obstinacie and desperate resistance as the Prophets had foretold did by this occasion much more plainely then in Galilee both say and proue at sundry times euen euery yere of his preaching himselfe to be the CHRIST that had bene so lōg promised vnto them expected of them the same CHRIST to be not onely a man as they imagined but also the natural consubstantial coëternal Sonne of God the Father vvho novv had sent him Therfore these vvere the vvordes and deedes that serued best the purpose of this Euangelist being to shevv the glorie excellencie of this person IESVS that thereby the Gētils might see hovv vvorthily Hierusalem the Ievves vvere reprobated vvho had refused yea crucified such an one and hovv vvel to their ovvne saluation themselues might doe to receiue him and to beleeue in him For this to haue bene his purpose him selfe declareth in the end saying These are written that you may beleeue that IESVS is CHRIST the Sonne of God and that beleeuing you may haue life in his name And herevpon it is that S. Hierome vvriteth thus in his life Iohn the Apostle whom IESVS loued very much the sonne of Zebedee the brother of Iames the Apostle whom Herod after our Lords Passion beheaded last of al wrote the Gospel at the request of the Bishops of Asia against Cerinthus and other Heretikes and specially against the assertion of the Ebionites then rising who say that Christ was not before MARIE Wherevpon also he was compelled to vtter his Diuine Natiuitie Of his three Epistles and of his Apocalypse shal be said in their ovvne places It folovveth in S. Hierome that In the Second persecution vnder Domitian fourtene yeres after the persecution of Nero he was exiled into the ile Patmos But after that Domitian was slaine and his actes for his passing crueltie repealed by the Senate vnder Nerua the Emperour he returned to Ephesus and there continuing vnto the time of Traiane the Emperour he founded and gouerned al the Churches of Asia and
of God ⊢ ✝ verse 35 The next day againe Iohn stoode and tvvo of his disciples ✝ verse 36 And beholding IESVS vvalking he saith Behold the lambe of God ✝ verse 37 And the tvvo Disciples heard him speaking and they folovved IESVS ✝ verse 38 And IESVS turning and seeing them folovving him saith to them Vvhat seeke you Vvho said to him Rabbi vvhich is called by interpretation Maister vvhere dvvellest thou ✝ verse 39 He saith to them Come and see They came and savv where he abode and they taried vvith him that day and it vvas about the tenth houre ✝ verse 40 And Andrevv the brother of Simon Peter vvas one of the tvvo that had heard of Iohn and folovved him ✝ verse 41 He findeth first his brother Simon and saith to him Vve haue found MESSIAS vvhich is being interpreted CHRIST ✝ verse 42 And he brought him to IESVS And IESVS ″ looking vpon him said Thou art Simon the sonne of Iona thou shalt be called Cephas vvhich is interpreted Peter ✝ verse 43 On the morovv he vvould goe forth into Galilee and he findeth Philippe And IESVS saith to him Folovv me ✝ verse 44 And Philippe vvas of Bethsaida the citie of Andrevv and Peter ✝ verse 45 Philippe findeth Nathanael and saith to him Him vvhom Moyses in the lavv and the Prophets vvrote of vve haue found IESVS the sonne of Ioseph of Nazareth ✝ verse 46 And Nathanael said to him From Nazareth can there be any good Philippe saith to him Come and see ✝ verse 47 IESVS savv Nathanael comming to him and he saith of him Behold an Israelite in very deede in vvhom there is no guile ✝ verse 48 Nathanael saith to him Hovv knovvest thou me IESVS ansvvered and said to him Before that Philippe did cal thee vvhen thou wast vnder the figtree I saw thee ✝ verse 49 Nathanael ansvvered him and saith Rabbi thou art the sonne of God thou art the king of Israel ✝ verse 50 IESVS ansvvered and said to him Because I said vnto thee I savv thee vnder the figtree thou beleeuest greater then these things shalt thou see ✝ verse 51 And he saith to him Amen Amen I say to you You shal see the heauen opened and the * Angels of God ascending and defcending vpon the Sonne of man ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 1. Was the word The second Person in Trinitie which is the natural onely and eternal Sonne of God the Father is called the WORD not as the holy Scriptures or speaches of the Prophets and Apostles vvritten and spoken by Gods commaundement for the vttering of his diuine wil towards man be called his word but in a more diuine eminent and ineffable sort to expresse vnto vs in a sort by a terme agreable to our capacitie that the Sonne of God so is and so from euerlasting is borne of God the Father as our prime concept which is our internal and mental word is and issueth out of our intelligence minde This VVORD then Sonne or second Person in the holy Trinitie was and had his being then already when other creatures of what sort so euer had but their beginning and therfore can not be a creature as many Heretikes before the writing of this Gospel thought and as the Arrians after taught And this first sentence of the Gospel not onely the faithful but the Platonikes did so admire as S. Augustine writeth that they wished it to be written in gold 1. With God Because a man might say If the VVORD vvere before any thing vvas created vvhere or hovv could he be the Euangelist preuenting that carnal concept saith first that he vvas vvith God vvhose being dependeth not vpon time place space or any other creatures al vvhich vvere made by him secondly he giueth vs to vnderstand that the VVORD hath his proper subsistence or personalitle distincte frō God the Father vvherby Sabellius the old Heretike is refuted thirdly here is insinuated the order of these tvvo persons one tovvardes the other to vvit that the Sonne is with and of the Father and not the Father of the Sonne Fourthly you may consute here the blasphemie of Caluin holding the second Person to be God not as of God the Father but as of him self And yet such are the bookes that our youth now read commonly in England and that by commaundement 1. God vvas the VVord Lest any man vpon the premisses which set forth the relation and distinction of the second Person from the first might thinke that the Father onely were God the Euangelist expresly teacheth the VVORD to be God for though the wordes seeme to lie otherwise because we haue of purpose so owed the elegancie which the Euangelist him self obserued in placing them so and therfore they stand so both in Greeke and Latin yet in deede the construction is thus The VVORD vvas God and as in his first Epistle the same Apostle writeth true God lest any might say as the Arians did that he was God in deede but not truely and naturally but by common adoption or calling as good men in the Church be called the sonnes of God What wonderful wrangling and tergiuersation the Arians vsed to auoid the euidence of this place we see in S. Augustine li. 3 de Doct. Christ c. 2. euen such as the Protestauts do to auoid the like wordes This is my body concerning the B. Sacrament 3. By him Againe by this he signifieth the eternitie diuinitie omaipotencie and equalitie of the WORD or Sonne with God the Father because by him al things were created al things he saith both visible of this vvorld and inuisible as Angels and al spiritual creatures Wherevpon it is euident also that him self is no creature being the creator of al neither is sinne of his creation being a defecte of a thing rather then a thing it self and therfore neither of nor by him 1● He gaue them povver Free wil to receiue or acknowledge Christ power giuen to men if they wil to be made by Christ the sonnes of God but not forced or drawen therevnto by any necessitie 14. The Vvord made flesh This is the high and diuine testimonie of Christs incarnation and that he vouchsaued to become man for the acknowledging of which inexplicable benefite and giuing humble thankes for the same al Christian people in the world by tradition of the Fathers prostrate them selues or kneele downe when they heare it sung or said at the holy Masse either in this Gospel or in the Crede by these wordes ET HOMO FACTVS EST. 1● No man hath seen Neuer man in this mortalitie saw God in the very shape and natural forme of the diuine essence but men see him onely in the shape of visible creatures in or by which it pleaseth him to shew him self vnto many diuersly in this world but neuer in such sort as vvhen he shevved him self in the person of the Sonne of God being
made truely man and conuersing with men ●2 The Spirit Here is an euident testimonie of the third Person in Trinitie which is the Holy Ghost so that in this one Chapter we finde expresly against al Heretikes Iewes Pagans set furth the truth of the Churches doctrine concerning the whole Trinitie 42. Looking vpon him This beholding of Simon insmuateth Christs designement and preferring of him to be the cheefe Apostle the Rocke of the Church and his Vicar and therfore vpon that Diuine prouidence and intention he accordingly changeth his name calling him for Simon Cephas which is a Syriake word as much to say as Rocke or Stone And S. Paul commonly calleth him by this name Cephas whereas other both Greekes and Latines call him altogether by the Greeke word Peter which signifieth the self same thing vvhereof S. Cyril saith that our Sauiour by foretelling that his name should no more novv be Simon but Peter did by the vvord it self aptly signifie that on him as on a rocke and stone most firme he vvould build his Church CHAP. II. At the request of his mother he vvorketh his first miracle turning vvater into vvine at a mariage in Galilee although the time of his manifestation be not yet come 1● Then in Hierusalem at Pasche being but one and yet obseure he throweth out of the Temple most miraculously al the marchant●s 28 And being yet of the blind Ievves asked a signe he signifieth so long before that they should kill him but he vvil rise againe the third day 2● Vvhich also presently they vvould doe but that he knovving their falses hartes though many beleeue in him vvil not t●ri● among them verse 1 AND the third day there vvas a mariage made in Cana of Galilee and the mother of IESVS vvas there ✝ verse 2 And ″ IESVS also vvas called and his Disciples to the mariage ✝ verse 3 And the vvine failing the mother of IESVS saith to him ″ They haue no vvine ✝ verse 4 And IESVS saith to her Vvhat is to me and thee vvoman my houre commeth not yet ✝ verse 5 His mother saith to the ministers ″ Vvhatsoeuer he shal say to you doe ye ✝ verse 6 And there were set there sixe vvater-potters of stone according to the purificatiō of the Ievves holding euery one tvvo or three measures ✝ verse 7 IESVS saith to them Fil the vvater-pottes vvith vvater And they filled them vp to the toppe ✝ verse 8 And IESVS saith to them Dravv novv and carie to the cheefe stevvard And they caried it ✝ verse 9 And after the cheefe stevvard tasted the vvater made vvine and knevv not vvhence it vvas but the ministers knew that had dravvne the vvater the cheefe stevvard calleth the bridegrome ✝ verse 10 and saith to him Euery man first setteth the good vvine and vvhen they haue vvel drunke then that vvhich is vvorse But thou hast kept the good vvine vntil novv ✝ verse 11 This beginning of miracles did IESVS in Cana of Galilee and he manifested his glorie and his Disciples beleeued in him ⊢ ✝ verse 12 After this he vvent dovvne to Capharnaum him self and his mother and his brethren and his disciples and there they remained not many daies ✝ verse 13 And the Pasche of the Ievves vvas at hand and IESVS vvent vp to Hierusalem ✝ verse 14 and he found in the temple them that sold oxen and sheepe and doues and the bankers sitting ✝ verse 15 And vvhen he had made as it vvere a vvhippe of litle coardes he ″ cast them al out of the temple the sheepe also and the oxen and the money of the bankers he powred out and the tables he ouerthrevv ✝ verse 16 And to them that sold doues he said Take avvay these things hence and make not the house of my father a house of marchandise ✝ verse 17 And his Disciples remembred that it is vvritten The zeale of thy house hath eaten me ✝ verse 18 The Ievves therfore ansvvered and said to him Vvhat signe doest thou shevv vs that thou doest these things ✝ verse 19 IESVS ansvvered and said to them * Dissolue this temple and in three daies I vvil raise it ✝ verse 20 The Ievves therfore said In fourtie and sixe yeres vvas this temple built and vvilt thou raise it in three daies ✝ verse 21 But he spake of the temple of his body ✝ verse 22 Therfore vvhen he vvas risen againe from the dead his Disciples remembred that he said this and they beleeued the scripture and the vvord that IESVS did say ✝ verse 23 And vvhen he vvas at Hierusalem in the Pasche vpon the festiual day many beleeued in his name seeing his signes vvhich he did ✝ verse 24 But ″ IESVS did not commit him self vnto them for that he knevv al ✝ verse 25 and because it vvas not needeful for him that any should giue testimonie of man for he knevv vvhat vvas in man ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. 2. IESVS also vvas called By his vouchsauing to come with his to the Mariage he approueth the custome of the Faithful in meeting at honest fostes and recreations for maintenance of loue peace and amitie among them selues he reproueth the heresie of Tatian Marcion and such like condemning wedlocke lastly as S. Cyril saith he sanctifieth and blesseth the Mariage of the Faithful in the new Testament making it a new creature in him and discharging it of the manifold maledictions and disorders wherein it was before By which benediction the often diuorces remariages and pluralities of wiues and the womens seruile subiection and imparitie in that case be redressed and reduced to the primitiue institution and so Christian mariage made a Sacrament See S. Aug. de nupt concup li. 1 6. 10 21. li. 1 de adult coniug c. 8. 3. They haue no vvine Our Lady many vvaies vnderstood that now the time approched of manifesting him self to the world by miracles and preaching and nothing doubted but that he would now being at her request Whereby we learne that Christ ordinarily giueth not his graces but humbly asked and requested there vnto and that his mothers intercession is more then vulgarly effectual and that he denieth her nothing 4. What is to me and thee Because this speach is subiect to diuers senses we keepe the wordes of our text left by turning it into any English phrase we might straiten the holy Ghosts intention to some certaine sense either not intended or not onely intended and so take avvay the choise and indifferencie from the reader vvhereof in holy Scripture specially al Translatours must bevvare Christ then may meane here what is that woman to me thee being but strāgers that they want wine as some interpret it or which is the more proper vse of that kinde of speach in holy write what haue I to doe with thee that is why should I haue respect to thy desire in this case In matters touching my charge
euil into the resurrection of iudgement ⊢ ✝ verse 30 I can not of my self doe any thing As I heare so I iudge and my iudgement is iust because I seeke not my vvil but the vvil of him that sent me ✝ verse 31 If I giue testimonie of my self my testimonie is not true ✝ verse 32 There is an other that giueth testimonie of me and I knovv that the testimonie is true vvhich he giueth of me ✝ verse 33 * You sent to Iohn and he gaue testimonie to the truth ✝ verse 34 But ″ I receiue not testimonie of man but I say these things that you may be saued ✝ verse 35 He vvas the lampe burning and shining And you vvould for a time reioyce in his light ✝ verse 36 But I haue a greater testimonie then Iohn For the vvorkes vvhich the Father hath giuen me to perfit them the very vvorkes them selues vvhich I doe giue testimonie of me that the Father hath sent me ✝ verse 37 And the Father that sent me him self hath * giuen testimonie of me neither haue you heard his voice at any time nor seen his shape ✝ verse 38 and his vvord you haue not remaining in you because vvhom he hath sent him you beleeue not ✝ verse 39 ″ Search the scriptures for you thinke in them to haue life euerlasting and the same are they that giue testimonie of me ✝ verse 40 and you vvil not come to me that you may haue life ✝ verse 41 Glorie of men I receiue not ✝ verse 42 But I haue knovven you that the loue of God you haue not in you ✝ verse 43 I am come in the name of my Father and you receiue me not if an other shal come in his ovvne name him you vvil receiue ✝ verse 44 Hovv can you beleeue that receiue glorie one of an other and the glorie vvhich is of God only you seeke not ✝ verse 45 Thinke not that I vvil accuse you to the Father there is that accuseth you Moyses in vvhom you trust ✝ verse 46 For if you did beleeue Moyses you vvould perhaps beleeue me also for of me he hath vvritten ✝ verse 47 And if you doe not beleeue his vvritings hovv vvil you beleeue my vvordes ANNOTATIONS CHAP. V. 2. A pond This is as great a wonder and worke as was in the old Law yet neuer recorded in the Scripture before the conditions and circunstances of the same much to be distinctly weighed against the Miscreants of this time for many causes First that God without derogation to his honour yea to the great cōmendation of it doth giue vertue of miracles and cure to water or other creatures Secondly that he giueth such vertues to these creatures specially which be by vse and occupying in sacred functions or otherwise as it were sanctified for this pond was it wherein the carcasses of sheepe therfore called Probatica other beasts to be sacrificed were first washed to which being alwaies red as S. Hierom saith with the bloud of hostes this force was giuen for the commendation of the sacrifices of the Law there offered How much more may we acknowledge such workes of God miraculously done in or about the Sacrifice or Sacrament of the new Testament which faithlesse men wholy reiect and condemne for fables because they know not the Scriptures nor the power of God Thirdly that this operation was giuen at one time more then an other rather on great festiual daies then other vulgar times for this vvas the feast of Pasche or of Pentecost as daies more sanctified and vvhen the people made greater concourse which shevveth that vve should not vvonder to see great miracles done at the Memories and feastes of Martyrs or other great Festiuities more then at other places and times Fourthly that the Angels or some special Saincts are Presidents or Patrones of such places of miracle and workers also vnder God of the effects that there extraordinarily be done Which ought to make Christians lesse doubt that the force of diuers waters in the world is iustly attributed by our forefathers and good stories to the prayers and presence of Saincts which profane incredulous men referre onely to nature vntruely pretending that God is more glorified by the workes of nature which be of his ordinarie prouidence then by the graces of Miracle giuen to his Saincts or Angels by his extraordinarie prouidence Fifthly that miracles be not wrought on men by their faith onely and as wel by their presence in spirit as in body or vpon the parties desire or deuotion onely according to the Heretikes pretext that God is a like present by his power and grace to euery man and place and therfore that men neede not to go from their owne houses or countries to seeke holines or health at the places of Christs or his Saincts birth death memories for none could haue benefite of this water but he that could touch it and be in it corporally and at that iust time when the water was in motion by the Angel Yea sixtly we may consider that in such cases to make the matter more maruelous rare and more earnestly to be sought for and to signifie to vs that God hath al such extraordinary operations in his owne wil and commaundement without al rules of our reasons and questioning thereon none could be healed but that person who first could get into the pond after the Angel came and stirred the same Seuenthly that these graces of corporal cures giuen to this water * prefigure the like force of the Sacrament of Baptisme for the cure of soules though we neede not seeke correspondence thereof to the figure in euery point Lastly Christ by his power of excellencie and prerogatiue could and did heale this poore man that could get no body to help him into the water because he earnestly and long desired the remedie by God appointed but was excluded by necessitie as our Lord saueth al such as die without Baptisme if they in their owne persons earnestly intended desired and sought for the same 14. Sinne no more We may gather hereby that this mans long infirmitie was for punishment of his sinnes and that men often attribute their sicknes to other natural defects and seeke for remedies of the world in vaine when the sinne for which it was sent remaineth or is not repented of● and therfore that in al infirmities men should first turne to God goe to their Ghostly father and then call for the wordly Phisicions afterward 34. I receiue not Our Maister meaneth that mans testimonie is not necessarie to him nor that the truth of his Diuinitie dependeth on worldly witnesses or mens commendations though to vs such testimonies be agreable and necessarie and so for our instruction he vouchsaued to take the testimonies of Iohn the Baptist and Moyses and the Prophets and departing out of this world to send forth al his Apostles and in
you doe also ⊢ ✝ verse 16 Amen amen I say to you a seruant is not greater then his lord neither is an apostle greater then he that sent him ✝ verse 17 If you knovv these things you shal be blessed if you doe them ✝ verse 18 I speake not of you al I knovv vvhom I haue chosen But that the scripture may be fulfilled He that eateth bread vvith me shal lift vp his heele against me ✝ verse 19 From this time I tel you before it come to passe that vvhen it shal come to passe you may beleeue that I am he ✝ verse 20 Amen amen I say to you he that receiueth any that I send receiueth me he that receiueth me receiueth him that sent me ✝ verse 21 Vvhen IESVS had said these things he vvas troubled in spirit and he protested and said * Amen amen I say to you that one of you shal betray me ✝ verse 22 The disciples therfore looked one vpon an other doubting of whom he spake ✝ verse 23 There vvas therfore one of his disciples leaning in the bosome of IESVS he vvhom IESVS loued ✝ verse 24 Therfore Simon Peter beckeneth to him and said to him who is it of vvhom he speaketh ✝ verse 25 He therfore leaning vpon the breast of IESVS saith to him Lord vvho is he ✝ verse 26 IESVS ansvvered He it is to vvhom I shal reach the dipped bread And vvhen he had dipped the bread he gaue it to Iudas Iscariote Simons sonne ✝ verse 27 And after the morsel then Satan entred into him And IESVS saith to him That vvhich thou doest doe it quickely ✝ verse 28 But no man knevv of those that sate at table to vvhat purpose he said this vnto him ✝ verse 29 For certaine thought because Iudas had the purse that IESVS had said to him Bie those things vvhich are needeful for vs to the festiual day or that he should giue some thing to the poore ✝ verse 30 He therfore hauing receiued the morsel incontinent vvent forth And it vvas night ✝ verse 31 Vvhen he therfore vvas gone forth IESVS said Novv the Sonne of man is glorified and God is glorified in him ✝ verse 32 If God be glorified in him God also vvil glorifie him in him self and incōtinent vvil he glorifie him ✝ verse 33 Litle children yet a litle vvhile I am vvith you You shal seeke me * as I said to the Ievves Vvhither I goe you can not come to you also I say novv ✝ verse 34 * A ″ nevv cōmaundemēt I giue to you That you loue one an other as I haue loued you that you also loue one an other ✝ verse 35 In this al men shal knovv that you are my disciples if you haue loue one to an other ✝ verse 36 Simon Peter saith to him Lord vvhither goest thou IESVS ansvvered vvhither I goe thou canst not novv folovv me but hereafter thou shalt folovv ✝ verse 37 Peter saith to him Vvhy can not I folovv thee novv * I vvil yeld my life for thee ✝ verse 38 IESVS ansvvered him Thy life vvilt thou yeld for me Amen amen I say to thee the cocke shal not crovv vntil thou denie me thrise ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XIII 5. Began to vvash This lotion was not onely of curtesy such as the Iewes vsed tovvard their ghests nor onely for example of humilitie but for mysterie and signification of the great puritie that is required before we come to receiue the holy Sacrament which straight after this washing was to be instituted and giuen to the Apostles Ambr. li. 3. de Sacra c. 1. Bernard de ●●na Domini Serm. 1. 10. To vvash his feete The foulnes of the feete when al the rest is cleane signifieth the earthly affections and relikes of former sinnes remitted which are to be cleansed by deuout actes of charitie humilitie as S. Ambrose li. 3 de Sacr. c. 1. and S. Augustine ep 10● tract 56. in ●o do note And because this was onely a ceremonie yet had such force both now and afterward vsed of the Apostles that it purged smaller offenses and filthines of the soule as S. Ambrose and S. Bernard gather it may not seeme strange that holy water and such ceremonies may remit venial sinnes 14. You also ought Our Maister neuer spake plainer nor seemed to commaund more precisely either of Baptisme or the Eucharist or any other Sacrament and yet by the Churches iudgement directed by the Holy Ghost we know this to be no Sacrament nor necessarie ceremonie and the other to be And why do they beleeue the Church in this and do not credit her affirming the chalice not to be necessarie for the communicants 34. A nevv commaundement The commaundement of mutual loue was giuen before but manifoldly misconstrued and abridged by the Iewes to freends onely to this life onely for earthly respects onely but Christ reneweth it and enlargeth it after the forme of his owne loue toward vs and giueth grace to fulfil it CHAP. XIIII They being sad because he said that he must goe from them he comforteth them many waies as putting them in hope to folovv him vnto the same place so that they keepe his commaundements Where he telleth them that him self is the vvay thither according to his Humanitie and also the end according to his Diuinitie no lesse then his Father because he is consubstantial 15 promising also to send vnto them that is to his Church the Holy Ghost to be after his departure with them for euer 28 And saying that it is his promotion according to his Humanitie to goe to the Father for whose obediēce this his death shal be not for any guilt of his owne verse 1 LET not your hart be troubled You beleeue in God beleeue in me also ✝ verse 2 In my fathers house there be many mansions If not I vvould haue told you Because I goe to prepare you a place ✝ verse 3 And if I goe and prepare you a place I come againe and vvil take you to my self that vvhere I am you also may be ✝ verse 4 And vvhither I goe you knovv and the vvay you knovv ✝ verse 5 Thomas saith to him Lord vve knovv not vvhither thou goest and hovv can vve knovv the vvay ✝ verse 6 IESVS saith to him I am the vvay and the veritie and the life no man commeth to the Father but by me ✝ verse 7 If you had knovven me my father also certes you had knovven and from hence forth you shal knovv ' him and you haue seen him ✝ verse 8 Philippe saith to him Lord shevv vs the Father and it sufficeth vs. ✝ verse 9 IESVS saith to him So long time I am vvith you haue you not knovvē me Philippe he that seeth me seeth the Father also Hovv saiest thou Shevv vs the father ✝ verse 10 Doest thou not beleeue that I am in the Father the
and they came to the monument ✝ verse 4 And both ranne together and that other disciple did out-runne Peter and came first to the monument ✝ verse 5 And vvhen he had stouped dovvne he savv the linnen clothes lying but yet he vvent not in ✝ verse 6 Simon Peter therfore cōmeth folovving him and vvent in to the monument and savv the linnē clothes lying ✝ verse 7 and the napkin that had been vpon his head not lying vvith the linnen clothes but apart vvrapped vp into one place ✝ verse 8 Then therfore vvent in that other disciple also vvhich came first to the monument and he savv and beleeued ✝ verse 9 For as yet they knevv not the scripture that he should rise againe from the dead ⊢ ✝ verse 10 The disciples therfore departed againe to them selues ✝ verse 11 But * Marie stoode at the monument vvithout vveeping Therfore as she vvas vveeping she stouped dovvne looked into the monument ✝ verse 12 and she savv tvvo Angels in vvhite sitting one at the head and one at the feete vvhere the body of IESVS had been laid ✝ verse 13 They say to her Vvomā vvhy vveepest thou She saith to them Because they haue taken avvay my Lord and I knovv not vvhere they haue put him ✝ verse 14 Vvhen she had said thus she turned backvvard and savv IESVS standing and she knevv not that it is IESVS ✝ verse 15 IESVS saith to her Vvomā vvhy vveepest thou vvhom seekest thou She thinking that it vvas the gardiner saith to him Sir if thou hast caried him avvay tel me vvhere thou hast laid him I vvil take him avvay ✝ verse 16 IESVS saith to her Marie She turning saith to him Rabbóni vvhich is to say Maister ✝ verse 17 IESVS saith to her Do not touche me for I am not yet ascended to my Father but goe to my brethren and say to them I ascend to my Father and your Father my God and your God ✝ verse 18 Marie Magdalene commeth and telleth the disciples That I haue seen our Lord and thus he said vnto me ⊢ verse 19 Therfore vvhen it vvas * late that day the first of the Sabboths and ″ the doores vvere shut vvhere the disciples vvere gathered together for feare of the Ievves IESVS came and stoode in the middes and saith to them Peace be to you ✝ verse 20 And vvhen he had said this he shevved them his handes and side The disciples therfore vvere glad vvhen they savv our Lord. ✝ verse 21 He said therfore to them againe Peace be to you ″ As my Father hath sent me I also doe send you ✝ verse 22 Vvhen he had said this ″ he breathed vpon them and he saith to them Receiue ye the Holy Ghost ✝ verse 23 ″ VVHOSE SINNES YOV SHAL FORGIVE THEY ARE FORGIVEN THEM AND VVHOSE YOV SHAL RETEINE THEY ARE RETEINED ✝ verse 24 But Thomas one of the Tvvelue vvho is called Didymus vvas not vvith them vvhē IESVS came ✝ verse 25 The other disciples therfore said to him Vve haue seen our Lord. But he said to them Vnles I see in his handes the print of the nailes and put my finger into the place of the nailes and put my hand into his side I vvil not beleeue ✝ verse 26 And after eight daies againe his disciples vvere vvithin and Thomas vvith them IESVS commeth the doores being shut and stoode in the middes and said Peace be to you ✝ verse 27 Then he saith to Thomas Put in thy finger hither and see my handes and bring hither thy hand and put it into my side be not incredulous but faithful ✝ verse 28 Thomas ansvvered said to him My Lord my God ✝ verse 29 IESVS saith to him Because thou hast seen me Thomas thou hast beleeued blessed are they that haue not seen haue beleeued ⊢ ✝ verse 30 * Many other signes also did IESVS in the sight of his disciples vvhich are not vvrittē in this booke ✝ verse 31 And these are vvritten that you may beleeue tht IESVS is CHRIST the sonne of God and that beleeuing you may haue life in his name ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XX. 19. The doores vvere shut Such Heretikes as deny Christs body to be or that it can be in the B. Sacrament for that it is in heauen and can not be in two places at once nor without the natural maner of the quantitie space or place agreable to the condition of his humanitie be inuincible refuted by Christs entering into the Disciples the doores shut and by that that his true natural body whole and perfect in al his limmes length bredth and thicknes distincte and diuers from the substance and corpulence of the wood was in the same proper place that the wood was in and passed through the same as he also came out of his mothers wombe the clausure not sturred and passed through the stone out of his Sepulcher By al which the Heretikes being plainely reproued and conuinced of infidelitie they boldly deny the plaine Scriptures or so fondly shift them selues from the euidēce thereof that their impudencie is specially to be marked in this point Some say that he came in at the window some that the doore opened of it self to let him in some that to come in the doores being shut signifieth no more but that he came in late in the euening at what time men vse to shut their doores and such other flightes to defend falshod against ●●presse Scriptures aud against the Apostles testimonie who therfore tooke him to be a Spirit because they saw him stand sodenly in the middes of them al the house being close shut And the Fathers al confesse that he went in the doores being shut See S. Ambrose li. 10 in Lucam c. ●4 S. Augustine ep ● ad Volusi●n li. 22 de ciuit c. 8 S. Cyril in Io. li. 12 c. 53 S. Hiero. li. 1 cont Iouin●anum c. 21. we know it is the natural course od Gods ordinance that euery body should haue but one and his owne proper place fitted to the lineaments quantitie termes and limites of the same without which naturally the bodies were no where and consequently not at al as S. Augustine saith ad Dardanum but that God supernaturally and miraculously can not by his omnipotencie dispose otherwise of his owne body then the natural forme or quantitie or qualitie thereof require that is great incredulitie seing we must beleeue that he can doe so with any other body of mere men or other creatures the Scripture being plaine that he can make a camel passe through a nedles eie continuing in his natural figure and quantitie stil and S. Augustine telleth of a woman whose ring fel from her girdle both being fast and whole and Rupertus of a Religious man whose girdle fast buckled fel downe before him from his body De off Eccl. Therfore it is to
S. Chrysostom make most honorable mention of our B. Lady praying vnto her saluting her with the Angelical hymne Au● Maria and vsing these speaches Most holy vndefiled blessed aboue al our Queene our Lady the mother of God MARIE a virgin for ouer the sacred arke of Christs Incarnation broder then the heauens that didst beare they creatour holy mother of vnspeakable light vve magnifie thee vvith Angelical hymnes al things passe vnderstanding al things are glorious in thee ô mother of God by thee the mysterie before vnknovven to the Angels is made manifest and reuealed to them on the earth thou art more honorable then the Cheerubins and more glorious then the Seraphins to thee O ful of grace al creatures both men and Angels doe gratulate and reioyce glorie be to thee Which art a sanctified temple a spiritual paradise the glorie of virgins of vvhom God tooke flesh and made thy vvombe to be his throne c. And S. Augustine Serm. 18. de Sanctis ●o 10 or as some thinke S. Fulgentius O blessed MARIE who can be able vvorthily to praise or thanke thee receiue our praiers obtaine vs out requestes for thou art the special hope of sinners by thee vve hope for pardon of our sinnes in thee ô most blessed is the expectation of our revvards And then folow these wordes now vsed in the Churches seruice Sancta Maria suscurre miseris iuua pusillanimes refoue flebiles orapro populo interueni pro lero intercede pro deuoto foemineo sexu Sentiant omnes tuum inuamen quicunque celebrant tuam commemorationem Pray thou continually for the people of God vvhich didst diserue to beare the redeemer of the vvorld Who liueth and reigneth for euer S. Damascene also ser de dormitione Deiparae Let vs crie vvith Gabriel Aue gratia plena Haile ful of grace Haile sea of ioy that can not be emptied haile the onely case of greefes haile holy virgin by vvhom death vvas expelled and life brought in See S. Irenaeus li. 3 c. 33. and li. 5 circa medium S. Augustine de side Symbolo de agone Christiano Where they declare how both the sexes concurre to our saluation the man and the woman Christ and our Lady as Adam and Eue both were the cause of our fall though Adam for more then his wife and so Christ far more excellently and in an other sort then our Lady who though his mother yet is but his creature and handmaid him self being truely both God and man In al which places alleaged * many other like to these if it please the reader to see and read and make his owne eies witnesses he shal perceiue that there is much more said of her and to her then we haue here recited and that the very same or the like speaches and termes were vsed then that the Church vseth now in the honour and inuocation of the B. Virgin to the confusion of al those that wilfully wil not vnderstand in what sense al such speaches are applied vnto her to wit either because of her praier and intercession for vs. whereby she is our hope our refuge our aduocate c. or because she brought forth the author of our redemption and saluation whereby she is the mother of mercie and grace and life and whatsoeuer goodnes we receiue by Christ 15. Peter rising vp Peter in the meane time practised his Superioritie in the cōpanie or Church publishing an election to be made of one to supply Iudas roome Which Peter did not vpon commaundement of Christ written but by suggestion of Gods Spirit and by vnderstanding the Scriptures of the old Testament to that purpose the sense whereof Christ had opened to the Apostles before his departure though in more ful maner afterward at the sending of the Holy Ghost And this acte of Peter in prescribing to the Apostles and the rest this election and the maner thereof is so euident for his Supremacie that * the Aduersa●ies confesse here that he was Antistes the cheefe and Bishop of this whole College and companie 26. Loties When the euent or fall of the lot is not expected of Diuels nor of the starres nor of any force of fortune but looked and praied for to be directed by God and his holy Saincts then may lottes be vsed lawfully And sometimes to discerne betwixt two things mere indifferent they be necessarie as S. Augustine teacheth ●p 180 ad Honoratum CHAP. II. The Holy Ghost comming to the Faithful vpon vvhitsunday 5 Ievves in Hierusalem of al Nations do vv●nder to heare ●hem speaks al tongues 14 And Peter to the deriders declareth that it is not drunkennes but the Holy Ghost vvhich Ioel did prophecie of vvhich IESVS whom they crucified being now risen againe and ascended as he sheweth also out of the Scriptures hath powred ou● from heauen cōcluding therfore that he is CHRIST and they most horrible murderers 17 Whereat they being compuncte and submitting them selues he telleth them that they must be baptized and then they also shal receiue the same Holy Ghost as being promised to al the baptized 41 And so 3000 are baptized that very day 42 Whos 's godly exercises are here reported and also their liuing in state of perfection The Apostles worke many miracles and God daily increaseth the number of the Church verse 1 AND vvhen the daies of ″ Pentecost vvere accomplished they vvere al together in one place ✝ verse 2 and sodenly there vvas made a sound from heauen as of a vehemēt vvinde cōming it filled the whole house vvhere they vvere sitting ✝ verse 3 And there appeared to them parted tonges as it were * of fire and it sate vpon euery one of them ✝ verse 4 and they vvere ″ al replenished vvith the * HOLY GHOST and they began to speake vvith diuerse tonges according as the HOLY GHOST gaue them to speake ✝ verse 5 And there vvere dvvelling at Hierusalē Ievves deuout men of euery nation that is vnder heauen ✝ verse 6 And vvhen this voice vvas made the multitude came together and vvas astonied in minde because euery man heard them speake in his ovvne tongue ✝ verse 7 And they vvere al amased and marueled saying Are not lo al these that speake Galil●ans ✝ verse 8 and hovv haue vve heard ' eche man our ovvne tongue vvherein vve vvere borne ✝ verse 9 Parthians and Medians and Elamites and that inhabite Meso potámia Ievvrie and Cappadocia Pontus and Asia ✝ verse 10 Phrygia and Pamphilia Aegypt and the partes of Lybia that is about Cyrénee and strangers of Rome ✝ verse 11 Ievves also and Proselytes Cretensians and Arabians Vve haue heard ' them speake in our ovvne tonges the great vvorkes of God ⊢ ✝ verse 12 And they vvere al astonied and marueled saying one to an other Vvhat meaneth this ✝ verse 13 But others deriding said That these are ful
Const li. 7 c. 44 reporteth certaine cōstitutions of the Apostles touching the same S. Denys referreth the maner of consecration of the same Chrisme to the Apostles instruction S. Basil li. de Sp. sancto c. 27 calleth it a tradition of the Apostles And the most aūcient Martyr S. Fabian ●p 2 ad omnes Orientales Episcopos in initio to 1 Conc. saith plainely that Christ him self did so instruct the Apostles at the time of the institution of the B. Sacramēt of the Altar And so doth the Author of the booke de vnctione Chrismatis apud D. Cyprianum nu 1. telling the excellent effects and graces of this Sacrament and vvhy this kinde of oile and balsme vvas taken of the old Lavv vsed in the Sacraments of the nevv Testament Vvhich thing the Heretikes can vvith lesse cause obiect against the Church seeing they confesse that Christ and his Apostles tooke the ceremonie of imposition of hands in this and other Sacraments from the Ievves maner of consecrating their hostes deputed to sacrifice To conclude neuer none denied or contemned this Sacrament of Confirmation and holy Chrisme but knovven Heretikes S. Cornelius that B. Martyr so much praised of S. Cyprian ep ad Fabium apud Euseb li. 6 c. 35 affirmeth that Nouatus fel to Heresie for that he had not receiued the Holy Ghost by the con●ignation of a Bishop Vvhom al the Nouatians did folovv neuer vsing that holy Chrisme as Theodorete vvriteth li 1 Fabul Haer. And Optatus li. 2 cont Parm. vvriteth that it vvas the special barbarous sacrilege of the Donatists to conculcate the holy oile But al this is nothing to the sauage disorder of Caluinists in this point 17. And they receiued the Holy Ghost The Protestants charge the Catholikes that by approuing and commending so much the Sacrament of Confirmation and by attributing to it specially the gift of the Holy Ghost they diminish the force of Baptisme chalenging also boldly the aūcient Fathers for the same As though any Catholike or Doctor euer said more then the expresse vvordes of Scripture here and els vvhere plainely giue them vvarrant for If they diminish the vertue of Baptisme then did Christ so appointing his Apostles and al the Faithful euen after their Baptisme to expecte the Holy Ghost vertue from aboue then did the Apostles iniurie to Baptisme in that they imposed hands on the baptized and gaue them the Holy Ghost And this is the Heretikes blindnes in this case that they can not or vvil not see that the Holy Ghost is giuen in Baptisme to remission of sinnes life and sanctification in Confirmation for force strength and corroboration to fight against al our spiritual enemies and to stand constantly in confession of our faith euen to death in times of persecution either of the Heathen or of Heretikes vvith great increase of grace And let the good Reader note here our Aduersaries great peruersity and corruption of the plaine sense of the Scriptures in this point some of them affirming the Holy Ghost here to be no other but the gift of vvisedom in the Apostles and a fevv moe to the gouernement of the Church vvhen it is plaine that not only the Gouerners but al that vvere baptized receiued this grace both men and vvomen Some that it vvas no internal grace but only the gift of diuers languages Vvhich is very false the gift of Tongues being but a sequele and an accident to the grace and an external token of the invvard gift of the Holy Ghost and our Sauiour calleth it vertue from aboue Some say that vvhatsoeuer it vvas it vvas but a miraculous thing and dured no longer then the gift of the Tongues ioyned therevnto by vvhich euasion they deny also the Sacrament of Extreme Vnction and the force of Excommunication because the corporal punishments vvhich vvere annexed often times in the Primitiue Church vnto it ceaseth and so may they take avvay as they meane to do al Christs faith or religion because it hath not the like operation of miracles as in the beginning But S. Augustine toucheth this point fully Is there any man saith he of so peruerse an hart to deny these Children on vvhom vve novv imposed hands to haue receiued the Holy Ghost because they speake not vvith Tongues c. Lastly some of them make no more of Con●irmation or the Apostles facte but as of a doctrine instruction or exhortation to continevv in the saith receiued Vvherevpon they haue turned this holy Sacrament into a Catechisme There are also that put the baptized cōming to yeres of discretiō to their ovvne choise vvhether they vvil cōtinevv Christiās or no. To such diuelish and diuers inuentions they fall that vvill not obey Gods Churche nor the expresse Scriptures vvhich tel vs of praier of imposition of hands of the Holy Ghost of grace and vertue from aboue and not of instruction vvhich might and may be done as vvel before Baptisme by others as by Apostles and Bishops to vvhom only this Holy function pertaineth in so much that in our Countrie it is called Bishoping 18. Offered money This vvicked sorcerer Simon is noted by S. Irenaeus li 1 c. 20. and others to haue been the first Heretike father of al Heretikes to come in the Church of God He taught only faith in him vvithout good life and vvorkes to be ynough to saluation ●e gaue the onset to purchase vvith his money a spiritual function that is to be made a Bishop for to haue povver to giue the Holy Ghost by imposition of hādes is to be a Bishop as to bye the povver to remitte sinnes or to consecrate Christs body is to bye to be a Priest or to bye Priesthod and to bye the authoritie to minister Sacraments to preach or to haue cure of soules is to bye a benefice and likevvise in al other spiritual things vvhereof either to make sale or purchase for money or money vvorth is a great horrible sinne called Simonie and in such as thinke it lavvful as here Simon iudged it it is named Simoniacal Heresie of this detestable man vvho first attempted to bie a spiritual function or office D. Greg. apud ●oan Diac. in vit li. ● c. 2. ● 4. 5. 22. Doe penance S. Augustine ep 108 vnderstanding this of the penance done in the Primitiue Church for heinous offenses doth teach vs to translate this and the like places 2 Cor. 12 21. Apoc. 9 21 as vve doe and as it is in the vulgar Latin and consequently that the Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 doth signifie so much Yea vvhen he addeth that very good men doe daily penance for venial sinnes by fasting praier and almes he vvarranteth this phrase and translation through out the nevv Testament specially him self also reading so as it is in the vulgar Latin and as vve translate 22. If perhaps You may see great penance is here required for remission of sinne
that men must stand in feare and dread lest they be not vvorthy to be heard or to obteine mercie Vvhereby al men that bye or sel any spiritual functions dignities offices or liuings may specially be vva●ned that the sinne is exceding great 24. Pray you for me As this Sorc●●er had more knovvledge of the true religion then the Protestants haue vvho see not that the Apostles and Bishops can giue the Holy Ghost in this Sacrament or other vvhich he plainely perceiued and confessed so surely he vvas more religious then they that being so sharply checked by the Apostle yet blasphemed not as they do vvhen they be blamed by the Gouerners of the Church but desired the Apostles to pray for him 27. This is desert Intolerable boldnes of some Protestants here also as in other places against al copies both Greeke and Latin to surmise corruption or falshod of the text saying it can not be so Vvhich is to accuse the holy Euangelist and to blaspheme the Holy Ghost him self See Beza vvho is often very saucie vvith S. Luke 38. He baptized him When the Heretikes of this time finde mention made in Scripture of any Sacrament ministred by the Apostles or other in the Primitiue Church they imagine no more vvas done then there is expresly told nor scarsly beleeue so much As if imposition of hands in the Sacrament of Confirmation be onely expressed they thinke there vvas no chrisme nor other vvorke or vvord vsed So they thinke no more ceremonie vvas vsed in the baptizing of this noble man then here is mentioned Vvherevpon S. Augustine hath these memorable vvordes In that that he saith Philip baptized him he vvould haue it vnderstood that al things vvere done vvhich though in the Scriptures for breuitie sake they are not mentioned yet by order of tradition vve knovv vvere to be done CHAP. IX Saul not content to persecute so cruelly in Hierusalem 3 is in the vvay to Da●●scus told by our Lord IESVS of his vaine attempt and miraculously conuerted to be an Apostle and after great penance restored to his sight by Ananias and baptized 20 And presently he dealeth mightily against the Ievves prouing IESVS to be Christ to their great admiration 23 But such is their obstinacie that they lay al Damascus to kil him 26 From thence he goeth to Hierusalem and there ioyneth vvith the Apostles and againe by the obstinate Ievves his death is sought 31 The Church being novv grovven ouer al Ievvrie Galilee and Samaria Peter visiteth al and in his visitation 33 healing a lameman 36 and raising a dead vvoman conuerteth very many verse 1 AND Saul as yet breathing forth threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of our Lord came to the high priest ✝ verse 2 and asked letters of him vnto Damascus to the synagogs that if he had found any men and vvomen of this vvay he might bring them bound vnto Hierusalem ✝ verse 3 And as he vvent on his iourney it chaunced that he drevv nigh to Damascus and * sodenly a light from heauen shined round about him ✝ verse 4 And falling on the ground he heard a voice saying to him Saul Saul vvhy persecutest thou me ✝ verse 5 Vvho said Vvho art thou Lord And he I am IESVS vvhom thou doest persecute it is hard for thee to kicke against the pricke ✝ verse 6 And trembling and being astonied he said Lord vvhat vvilt thou haue me to doe ✝ verse 7 And our Lord to him Arise and goe into the citie and it shal be told thee vvhat thou must doe But the men that vvent in companie vvith him stood amased hearing the voice but seeing no man ✝ verse 8 And Saul rose vp from the ground and his eies being opened he savv nothing And they dravving him by the hādes brought him into Damascus ✝ verse 9 And he vvas three daies not seeing and he did neither eate nor drinke ✝ verse 10 And there vvas a certaine disciple at Damascus named Ananias and our Lord said to him in a vision Ananias But he said Loe here I am Lord. ✝ verse 11 And our Lord to him Arise goe into the streate that is called Straight and seeke in the house of Iudas one named Saul of Tarsus for behold he prayeth ✝ verse 12 And he savv a man named Ananias comming in and imposing handes vpon him for to receiue his sight ✝ verse 13 But Ananias ansvvered Lord I haue heard by many of this man hovv much euil he hath done to thy sainctes in Hierusalem ✝ verse 14 and here he hath authoritie from the cheefe priests to binde al that inuocate thy name ✝ verse 15 And our Lord said to him Goe for a vessel of election is this man 〈…〉 carie my name before the Gentiles and kinges 〈…〉 children of Israël ✝ verse 16 For I vvil shevv him hovv grea● 〈…〉 must suffer for my name ✝ verse 17 And Ananias vvent and entred into the house and imposing handes vpon him he said Brother Saul our Lord IESVS hath sent me he that appeared to thee in the vvay that thou camest that thou maiest see and be filled vvith the holy Ghost ✝ verse 18 And forthvvith there fel from his eies as it vvere scales and he receiued sight and rising he vvas baptized ✝ verse 19 And vvhen he had taken meate he vvas strengthened And he vvas vvith the disciples that vvere at Damascus for certaine daies ✝ verse 20 And incontinent entring into the synagogs he preached IESVS that this is the sonne of God ✝ verse 21 And al that heard vvere astonied and said Is not this he that expugned in Hierusalem those that inuocated this name and came hither to this purpose that he might bring them bound to the cheefe priests ✝ verse 22 But Saul vvaxed mightie much more and confounded the Ievves that dvvelt at Damascus affirming that this is CHRIST ⊢ ✝ verse 23 And vvhen many daies vvere passed the Ievves consulted that they might kil him ✝ verse 24 But their conspiracie came to Sauls knovvledge And * they kept the gates also day and night that they might kil him ✝ verse 25 But the disciples taking him in the night conueied him avvay by the vvall letting him dovvne in a basket ✝ verse 26 And vvhen he vvas come into Hierusalem he assaied to ioyne him self to the disciples al feared him not beleeuing that he vvas a disciple ✝ verse 27 But Barnabas tooke him brought him to the Apostles and told them hovv in the vvay he had seen our Lord and that he spake vnto him and hovv in Damascus he dealt confidently in the name of IESVS ✝ verse 28 And he vvas vvith them going in and going out in Hierusalem and dealing confidently in the name of our Lord. ✝ verse 29 He spake also to the Gentiles and disputed vvith the Greekes but they sought to kil him ✝ verse 30 Vvhich vvhen the brethren had knovven they brought him dovvné
and Icónium and persvvading the multitudes and * stoning Paul they drevv him out of the citie thinking him to be dead ✝ verse 19 But the disciples compassing him round about he rising vp entred into the citie and the next day he vvent forth vvith Barnabas vnto Derbè ✝ verse 20 And vvhen they had euangelized to that citie and had taught many they returned to Lystra and Icónium and to Antioche ✝ verse 21 confirming the hartes of the disciples and exhorting them to continue in the faith and that by many tribulations vve must enter into the kingdom of God ✝ verse 22 And vvhen they ″ had ordained to them ″ Priests in euery Church and had praied vvith fastings they commended them to our Lord in vvhom they beleeued ✝ verse 23 And passing through Pisidia they came into Pamphylia ✝ verse 24 and speaking the vvord of our Lord in Pergé they vvent dovvne into Attalia ✝ verse 25 and from thēce they sailed to Antioche * vvhence they had been deliuered to the grace of God vnto the vvorke vvhich they accomplished ✝ verse 26 And vvhen they vvere come and ●ad assembled the Church they reported vvhat great things God had done vvith them that he had opened a doore of faith to the Gentils ✝ verse 27 And they abode no litle time vvith the disciples ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XIIII 12. They vvould sacrifice This loe is the diuine vvorship consisting in external sacrifice and in acknovvledging the parties vvorshipped to be gods vvhich * may be done to no man nor creature and therfore the Apostles refuse it vvith al possible diligence and al the Angels and Saincts in heauen refuse that adoration by sacrifice The Catholike Church suffereth no Priest nor other so to vvorship any Sainct in heauen or earth She hath but one external Sacrifice vvhich is in the holy Masse of Christs body and bloud that she offereth to God alone and neither to Peter nor to Paul saith S. Augustine though the Priest that sacrificeth standeth ouer their bodies and offereth in their memories But other kindes of honours and dueties inferior vvithout al comparison hovv great so euer they be to this vve do as the Scriptures and Nature teache vs to al Superiors in heauen and earth according to the degrees of grace honour and blessednes that God hath called them vnto from our B. Ladie Christs ovvne mother to the lest seruant he hath in the vvorld for vvhich the Heretikes vvould neuer accuse Christian people of Idolatrie if they had either grace learning faith or natural affection ●● Had ordained The Heretikes to make the vvorld beleeue that al Priests ought to be chosen by the voices of the people and that they neede no other Ordering or Consecration by Bishops pressing the pro●ane vse of the * Greeke vvord more then the very natural signification requireth and Ecclesiastical vse beareth translate thus Ordained by election Vvhereas in deede this vvord in Scripture signifieth Ordering by imposition of hands as is plaine by other vvordes equiualent Act. 6 13. 1 Tim. 4. ● 2 Tim. 1. Vvhere the Ordering of Deacons Priests and others is called * Imposition of hands not of the people but of the Apostles And this to be the Ecclesiastical vse of the vvord appeareth by S. Hierom saying as is before alleaged that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i● the Ordering of Clerkes or Clergie men by praier of voice and imposition of hand ●● Priests Euen so here also as before fleing from the proper apt knovven vvord vvhich is most precisely correspondent to the very Greeke in our tongue and al nations they translate for Priest Elder that is for a calling of Office a vvord of age for a terme of art and by consent of al the Church and Apostolike authoritie and Fathers appropriated to holy Order a vulgar common and profane terme Vvith as litle grace as if they should translate Pontificem a bridgemaker the Maior of London the Bigger of London And thus you see vvithin three vvordes compasse they flee guilefully from the Latin to the Greeke and againe guilefully from the Greeke to the vulgar English Such corruption of Scriptures their hatred of Priesthod driueth them vnto If they had translated it so vvhen the Scriptures vvere first vvritten at vvhich time the vvord vvas but nevvly receiued into the special and Ecclesiastical signification and vvhen it vvas yet taken sometimes in common profane sort as 1 Tim. 5. or there only vvhere our aūcient Latin version turneth Presbyter into Senior because the vvord vvas not yet vvholy and only appropriated to holy Orders as aftervvard by vse of many hundred yeres it vvas and is their dealing might haue had some colour of honest●e and plainesse vvhich novv can not be but of plaine falshod and corruption and that of further purpose then the simple can see Vvhich is to take avvay the office of Sacrificing and other functions of Priests proper in the nevv Testamēt to such as the Apostles often and the posteritle in maner altogether call Priests Presbyteros Vvhich vvord doth so certainely imply the authoritie of sacrificing that it is by vse made also the onely English of Sacerdos the Aduersaries them selues as vvel as vve so translating it in al the old and nevv Testament though they can not be ignorant that Priest commeth of Presbyter and not of Sacerdos and that antiquitie for no other cause applied the signification of Presbyter to Sacerdos but to shevv that Presbyter is in the nevv Lavv that vvhich Sacerdos vvas in the old the Apostles abstaining from this and other like old names at the first and rather vsing the vvordes Bishops Pastors and Priests because they might be distinguished from the Gouernours and sacrificers of Aarons order vvho as yet in the Apostles time did their old functions still in the Temple And this to be true and that to be a Priest is to be a man appointed to sacrifice the Heretikes them selues calling Sacerdos alvvaies a Priest must needes be driuen to confesse Although their folly is therein notorious to apply vvillngly the vvord Priest to Sacerdos and to take it from Presbyter vvhereof it is properly deriued not only in English but in other languages both french and Italian Vvhich is to take avvay the name that the Apostles and fathers gaue to the Priests of the Church to giue it vvholy onely to the order of Aaron vvhich neuer had it before our Priesthod began Neuer did there Heretikes stand so much vpon doubtful deriuations and descant of vvordes as these Protestants do and yet neuer men behaued them selues more fondly in the same as vvhosoeuer marketh the distinction of their Elders Ministers Deacons and such like shal perceiue CHAP. XV. Some of those Ievves also that vvere Christians do fall and are authors of the Heresie of Iudaizing 2 They referre the matter to Councel 7 Wherein after great disputation Peter striking the stroke
12 and other confirming his sentence vvith miracles 13 and vvith Scriptures 22 and the Apostles and Priests do vvrite and cōma●nd in the name of the Holy Ghost vvhat is to be done 30 And the faithful thereby are straightvvaies quieted in minde 36 After vvhich Paul and Barnabas thinking to goe againe their aboue said circuite together are by occasion of Marke parted to the greater increase of the Church verse 1 AND certaine comming dovvne from Ievvrie taught the brethren That * vnles you be circumcised according to the maner of Moyses you can not be saued ✝ verse 2 No litle sedition therfore being risen to Paul and Barnabas against them they ″ appointed that Paul and Barnabas should goe vp certaine others of the rest ' to the Apostles and priests vnto Hierusalem vpon this question ✝ verse 3 They therfore being brought on their vvay by the Church passed through Phoenîce and Samaria reporting the conuersion of the Gentiles and they made great ioy to al the brethren ✝ verse 4 And vvhen they vvere come to Hierusalem they vvere receiued of the Church and of the Apostles and Auncients declaring vvhatsoeuer God had done vvith them ✝ verse 5 And there arose certaine of the heresie of the Pharisees that beleeued saying That they must be circumcised commaunded also to keepe the lavv of Moyses ✝ verse 6 And the ″ Apostles and Auncients ″ assembled to consider of this vvord ✝ verse 7 And vvhen there vvas made a great disputation ″ Peter rising vp said to them Men brethren you knovv that * of old daies God among vs ″ chose that by my mouth the Gentiles should heare the vvord of the Gospel and beleeue ✝ verse 8 And God vvhich knovveth the hartes gaue testimonie * giuing vnto them the holy Ghost as vvel as to vs ✝ verse 9 and hath put no difference betvvene vs and them by faith purifying their hartes ✝ verse 10 Novv therfore vvhy tempt you God to put a yoke vpon the neckes of the disciples vvhich neither our fathers nor vve haue been able to beare ✝ verse 11 but by the grace of our Lord IESVS CHRIST vve beleeue to be saued in like maner as they also ✝ verse 12 And al the multitude held their peace and they heard Barnabas and Paul telling vvhat great signes and vvonders God had done among the Gentiles by them ✝ verse 13 And after they held their peace ″ Iames ansvvered saying Men brethren heare me ✝ verse 14 Simon hath told hovv God first visited to take of the Gentiles a people to his name ✝ verse 15 And to this accord the vvordes of the prophets as it is vvritten ✝ verse 16 After these things I vvil returne and vvil reedifie the tabernacle of Dauid vvhich vvas fallen and the ruines thereof I vvil reedifie and set it vp ✝ verse 17 that the residue of men may seeke after the Lord and al nations vpon vvhom my name is inuocated saith the Lord that doeth these things ✝ verse 18 To our Lord vvas his ovvne vvorke knovven from the beginning of the vvorld ✝ verse 19 For the vvhich cause ″ I iudge that they vvhich of the Gentiles are conuerted to God are not to be disquieted ✝ verse 20 but to vvrite vnto them that they refraine them selues from the contaminations of Idols and ″ fornication and strangled things and bloud ✝ verse 21 For Moyses of old times hath in euery citie them that preach him in the synagogs vvhere he is read euery Sabboth ✝ verse 22 Then it pleased the Apostles and Auncients vvith the vvhole Church to chose men out of them to send to Antioche vvith Paul and Barnabas Iudas vvho vvas surnamed Barsabas Silas cheefe men among the brethren ✝ verse 23 vvriting by their handes The Apostles and Auncients the brethren to the brethren of the Gentiles that are at Antioche and in Syria and Cilicia greeting ✝ verse 24 Because vve haue heard that certaine ″ going forth from vs haue troubled you vvith vvordes subuerting your soules to vvhom vve gaue no commaundement ✝ verse 25 It hath pleased vs being gathered in one to chose out men and to send them vnto you vvith our deerest Barnabas and Paul ✝ verse 26 men that haue giuen their liues for the name of our Lord IESVS CHRIST ✝ verse 27 Vve haue sent therfore Iudas Silas vvho them selues also vvil in vvordes report vnto you the same things ✝ verse 28 For it hath seemed good ″ to the holy Ghost to vs to lay no further burden vpon you then these necessarie things ✝ verse 29 that you absteine from the things immolated to Idols and bloud and that vvhich is strangled and fornication from the vvhich things keeping your selues you shal doe vvell Fare ye vvel ✝ verse 30 They therfore being dimissed vvent dovvne to Antioche and gathering the multitude deliuered the epistle ✝ verse 31 Vvhich vvhen they had read they ″ reioyced vpon the consolation ✝ verse 32 but Iudas and Silas them Selues also being prophets vvith many vvordes comforted the brethren and confirmed them ✝ verse 33 And hauing spent some time there they vvere vvith peace dimissed of the brethren vnto them that had sent them ✝ verse 34 But it seemed good vnto Silas to remaine there and Iudas departed alone ✝ verse 35 and Paul and Barnabas taried at Antioche teaching and euangelizing vvith many others the vvord of our Lord. ✝ verse 36 And after certaine daies Paul said to Barnabas Let vs returne and visite our brethren in al cities vvherein vve * haue preached the vvord of our Lord hovv they doe ✝ verse 37 And Barnabas vvould haue taken vvith them Iohn also that vvas surnamed Marke ✝ verse 38 But Paul desired that he as vvho * had departed from them out of Pamphylia and had not gone vvith them to the vvorke might not be receiued ✝ verse 39 And there rose a ″ dissention so that they departed one from an other that Barnabas in deede taking Marke sailed to Cypres ✝ verse 40 But Paul chosing Silas departed being deliuered of the brethren to the grace of God ✝ verse 41 And he vvalked through Syria and Cilicia confirming the Churches Commaunding them to keepe the praecepts of the Apostles and the Auncients ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XV. 1. Appointed Vve learne by this example vvhat is to be done vvhen any controuersie ariseth in religion betvvene the teachers or other Christian people Vve see it is not ynough to contend by allegations of Scriptures or other proofes seeming to make for either part for so of contentious part taking there should be no end but the more vvriting vvrestling striuing there vvere euery one for his ovvne fansie cloking it vvith the title of Gods vvord and Scripture the more Schismes Sectes and diuisions vvould fall as vve see specially in the restles Heresies of our time Vvhose fa●tors admitting no iudges stand to no trial of mortal men to no
hovv far such things are to be obserued and vvhen not And in such things as these and in other like vvhich according to circunstances require alteration it is that S. Augustine saith li. 2 de bapt c. 3. to 7. The former general or plenarie Councels may be amended by the later ●● Fornication Fornication and contamination vvith Idols are of them selues mortal sinnes and therfore can neuer be lavvful yet because the Gentiles by custome vvere prone to both and of fornication made very smal account it pleased the Holy Ghost to forbid both specially Concerning the other points of absteining from bloud and stiffled meates they vvere things of their ovvne nature indifferent in vvhich for a time the Ievves vvere to be borne vvithal and the Gentils to b● a litle exercised to obedience By vvhich vve may see the great authoritie of Gods Church and Councels vvhich may commaund for euer or for a time such things as be fitte for the state of times and nations vvithout any expresse Scriptures at al and so by commaundement make things necessarie that vvere before indifferent 24. Going forth from vs. A proper discription or note of Heretikes Schismatikes and seditious teachers to go out from their spiritual Pastors and Gouernours and to teach vvithout their commission and approbation to disquiet the Catholike people vvith multitude of vvordes and svveete speaches and finally to ouerthrovv their soules 28. To the Holy Ghost and to vs. By this first vve note that it is not such a fault as the Heretikes vvould make it in the sight of the simple or any incongruitie at al to ioyne God and his creatures as the principal cause and the secondarie in one speache and to attribute that to both vvhich though diuersely yet procedeth of both God and you say good people commonly God and our Ladie Christ and S. Iohn We confesse to God and to Peter and Paul as God and his Angel To our Lord and Gedeon The svvord of our Lord and of Gedeon Our Lord and Moyses Christ and his Angels Our Lord and al Saincts ep ad Philem. S. Paul and our Lord 1 Thes 1 6. Al these speaches being partly Scriptures partly like vnto the Scriptures speaches are vvarrāted also by this Councel vvhich saith boldly hath giuen the forme thereof to al other Councels lavvfully called and confirmed to say the like It hath pleased the Holy Ghost and vs. S Cyprian ep 54. nu 2. reporting the like of a Synode holden in Afrike saith It hath pleased vs by the suggestion of the Holy Ghost Secondly vve note that the holy Councels lavvfully kept for determination or cleering of doubtes or condemning of errors and Heresies or appeasing of Schismes and troubles or reformation of life and such like important matters haue euer the assistance of Gods Spirit and therfore can not erre in their sentences and determinations concerning the same because the Holy Ghost can not erre from vvhom as you see here ioyntly vvith the Councel the resolution procedeth Thirdly vve learne that in the holy Councels specially though othervvise and in other Tribunals of the Church it be also verified Christes promes is fulfilled * that the Holy Ghost should suggest them and teach them al truth and that not in the Apostles time only but to the vvorldes end for so long shal Councels the Church and her Pastors haue this priuilege of Gods assistance as there be either doubtes to resolue or Heretikes to condemne or truthes to be opened or euil men to be reformed or Schismes to be appeased for vvhich cause S. Gregorie li. 1 ep 24 sub fin reuerenceth the foure general Councels Nicen Constantinop Ephes Chalced. as the foure bookes of the holy Gospel alluding to the number and of the fifth also he saith that he doth reuerence it alike and so vvould he haue done moe if they had beene before his time vvho saith of them thus Whiles they are concluded and made by vniuersal consent him self doth he destroy and not them vvhosoeuer presumeth either to loose whom they binde or to binde vvhom they loose S. Gregorie therfore reuerencing al fiue alike it may be marueled vvhence the Heretikes haue their fond difference betvvixt those foure first and other later attributing much to them and nothing to the rest Vvhereas in deede the later can erre no more then the first foure being holden and approued as they vvere and hauing the Holy Ghost as they had But in those first also vvhen a man findeth any thing against their Heresies as there be diuers things then they say plainely that they also may erre and that the Holy Ghost is not tied to mens voices nor to the number of sentences Vvhich is directly to reproue this first Councel also of the Apostles and Christes promes of the Holy Ghosts assistance to teach al truth Yea that you may knovv and abhorre these Heretikes throughly heare ye vvhat a principal Sect-Maister vvith his blasphemous mouth or penne vttereth saying that In the very best times such vvas partly the ambition of Bishops partly their folishnes and ignorance that the very blind may easily perceiue Satan verily to haue beene president of their assemblies Good Lord deliuer the people and the vvorld from such blasphemous tongues and bookes and giue men grace to attend to the holy Scriptures and Doctors that they may see hovv much not only S. Augustine and other fathers attribute to al general Councels specially to vvhich they referre them selues in al doubtes among them selues and in al their controuersies vvith Heretikes but to vvhich euen S. Paul him self so specially taught by God and others also yelded them selues Notorious is the saying of S. Augustine concerning S. Cyprian Vvho being a blessed Catholike Bishop and Martyr yet erred about the rebaptizing of such as vvere Christened by Heretikes If he had liued saith S. Augustine li. 2 de bapt c. 4 to haue seen the determination of a plenarie Councel vvhich he savv not in his life time he vvould for his great humilitie and charitie straight vvay haue yelded and preferred the general Councel before his ovvne iudgement and his fellovv Bishops in a Prouincial Councel only Vvhereby also vve learne that Prouincial Councels may erre though many times they do not and being conformable to the general Councels or confirmed and allovved by them or the See Apostolike their resolutions be infallible as the others are If any here aske vvhat neede so much disputing study and trauail in Councels to find out and determine the truth if the Holy Ghost infallibly guide them Vve ansvver that such is the ordinarie prouidence of God in this case to assist them vvhen they doe their endeuour and vse all humane meanes of industrie and not els And so though somvvhat othervvise God assisted the Euangelistes and other vvriters of the holy Scriptures that they could not erre in penning the same but yet they did
in Asia For he hastened if it vvere possible for him to keepe the day of ● Pentecost at Hierusalem ✝ verse 17 And sending from Milétum to Ephesus he called the Auncients of the Church ✝ verse 18 Vvho being come to him and assembled together he said to them You knovv * from the first day that I entred into Asia in vvhat maner I haue been vvith you al the time ✝ verse 19 seruing our Lord vvith al humilitie and teares and tentations that did chaunce to me by the conspiracies of the Ievves ✝ verse 20 Hovv I haue vvithdravven nothing that vvas profitable but that I preached it to you taught you openly and from house to house ✝ verse 21 testifying to Ievves and Gentils penance tovvard God and faith in our Lord IESVS CHRIST ✝ verse 22 And novv behold being bound by the spirit I goe to Hierusalem not knovving vvhat things shal befall me in it ✝ verse 23 but that the Holy Ghost through out al cities doth protest to me saying that bands and tribulations abide me at Hierusalem ✝ verse 24 But I feare none of these things neither doe I make my life more pretious thē my self so that I may cōsūmat my course ministerie vvhich I receiued of our Lord IESVS to testifie the Gospel of the grace of God ✝ verse 25 And novv behold I doe knovv that you shal no more see my face al you through vvhom I haue passed preaching the kingdom of God ✝ verse 26 Vvherefore I take you to witnesse this present day that I am cleere from the bloud of al. ✝ verse 27 For I haue not spared to declare vnto you al the counsel of God ✝ verse 28 Take heede to your selues and to the vvhole flocke vvherein the Holy Ghost hath placed you bishops to rule the Church of God vvhich he hath purchased with his ovvne bloud ✝ verse 29 I knovv that after my departure there vvil ● rauening vvolues enter in among you not sparing the flocke ✝ verse 30 and out of your ovvne selues shal arise men speaking peruerse things to dravv avvay disciples after them selues ✝ verse 31 For the vvhich cause be vigilant keeping in memorie that for three yeres night and day I ceased not vvith teares to admonish euery one of you ✝ verse 32 And novv I commend you to God and to the vvord of his grace vvho is able to edifie and to giue inheritance in al the sanctified ✝ verse 33 No mans siluer and gold or garment haue I coueted ✝ verse 34 Your selues knovv that for such things as vvere needful for me and them that are vvith me these hands haue ministred ✝ verse 35 I haue shevved you al things that so labouring you must receiue the vveake and remember the vvord of our Lord IESVS because he said ● It is a more blessed thing to giue rather then to take ✝ verse 36 And vvhen he had said these things falling on his knees he praied vvith al them ✝ verse 37 And there vvas great vveeping made of al and falling vpon the necke of Paul they kissed him ✝ verse 38 being sorie most of al for the vvord vvhich he had said that they should see his face no more And they brought him going vnto the shippe ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XX. 16. Pentecost Though the Apostles might desire to come to the Ievves Festiuities by reason of the general concourse of people to the same the better to deale for their saluation and ●o spred the Gospel of Christ yet it is like that they novv kept solemly the Christian Pentecost or vvhitsontide for memorie of the Holy Ghost and that S. Paul vvent to that Feast of the Christians rather then the other of the Ievves And Ven. Bede saith here The Apostle maketh hast to keepe the fifteth day that is of remission and of the Holy Ghost For that the Christians already kept the eight day that is the Sunday or our Lordes day and had altered already the ordinarie Sabboth into the same it is plaine by the Scriptures 1 Cor. 16 2. Apoc. 1 10. and by antiquitie Iustin Mart. Apolog. 2 ad Anton. Pium in fine And it is as like that they changed the Ievves Pasche and Pentecost as that specially vvhen it is euident that * these Festiuities be kept by Apostolike tradition and approued by the vse of al auncient Churches and Councels ●9 Rauening vvolues The gouernours of the Church are foretold of the great danger that should fall to the people by vvolues that is to say by Heretikes vvhose cruelty tovvard the Catholikes is noted by this terme They be knovvē by the forsaking the vnitie of the Church vvhereof they vvere before by going out and dravving many disciples after them and by their peruerse doctrine Such vvolues came aftervvard in deede in diuers ages Arius M●cedonius Nestorius Eutyches Luther Caluin great bloudsucking vvolues and vvasters of the flocke of Christ 35. More blessed to giue Among many other infinite goodly things and speaches vvhich Christ spake and be not vvritten in the Gospels this sentence is one vvhich S. Paul heard of some of the Apostles daily conuersant vvith him or els learned of Christ him self or of the Holy Ghost And it signifieth that vvhereas the vvorld commonly counteth him happie that receiueth any benefite as almes either temporal or spiritual yet in deede he that giueth or bestovveth is more happie Vvhich if the vvorld did vvel consider men vvould giue almes faster then they do if it vvere but for their ovvne benefite CHAP. XXI From Milētum going on his iourney 4 he can not be dissuaded neither as Tyre 8 nor at Caesarea in both vvhich places the Holy Ghost reueled hovv he should be handled in Hierusalem 10 the Prophet Agabu● expresly foretelling that the Ievves there should deliuer him to the Gentils 15 but to Hierusalem he cōmeth vvhere being vvelcome to the Christians and namely to Iames the Bishop and to the Priests vvhile he goeth about to satisfie the Christian Ievves there vvho had been misinformed of him as if he had taught it to be vnlawful for the Iewes to keepe Moyses Lavv 27 he is inuaded by the infidel Ievves and ready to be murdered by them vntil the Romane souldiars do rescue him verse 1 AND vvhen it came to passe that vve sailed being caried from them vvith a straight course vve came to Cóos and the day folovving to Rhodes and from thence to Pátara ✝ verse 2 And when vve had found a ship that passed ouer to Phoenîce going vp into it vve sailed ✝ verse 3 And vvhen vve vver● in the sight of Cypres leauing it on the left hand vve sailed into Syria and came to Tyre for there the ship vvas to discharge her lode ✝ verse 4 And finding disciples vve taried there seuen daies vvho said to Paul by the Spirit that he should not goe vp to Hierusalem ✝ verse 5 And the daies being expired departing vve vvent forvvard al bringing vs on
is taken Act. 21 and from the Tribune Lysias deliuered to Felix the Gouernour Act. 23 and by him left to Festus Act. 24. he appealeth to Caesar Act. 25 and so is SENT TO ROME Act. 27 vvhere he arriueth Act. 28. Neronis Natiuit Ascen   2 58 25 At Rome he remaineth in free prison tvvo yere Act. 28. and then is deliuered 2 Tim. 4.       After his deliuerie he preached in sundrie countries of the vvest namely in Spaine Hiero. in Cataloge Epiph. Hares 27. Him self vvriteth that he purposed so to doe Ro. 15.       In his Epistle to the Philippians c. ● he minded to vis●e the Churches of Asia vvhich also he did Genebrard in Chron.       He vvriteth last of al his second Epistle to Timothee a litle before his death 2 Tim. 4. being novv the second time apprehended and in bandes at Rome Theodoret. 14 70 37 He vvas beheaded at Rome the same day that Peter vvas crucified S. Ambros ser 〈◊〉 68. S Maximus OF THE OTHER APOSTLES THE Actes of the rest of the tvvelue Apostles be not much vvritten of in this booke but as * other Eccles●●stical writers do te●tifie they preached specially in these nations as folovveth Andrevv in A●haia Iohn in Asia Philip in Pbrygia Iames in Ievvrie Bartholomevv in Scythia Thomas in India Matthevv in Aethiopia Simon in Persia Thadd●us in Mesopotamia the other Iames in Spaine Matthias in Palestine So distributing them selues through out the vvorld to gather one Catholike Church of al Nations according as Christ gaue them commission Mat. 28 19 and as it vvas prophecied of them before Psal 18. Their sound is gone forth into euery countrie and their wordes into the endes of the whole world But before they departed one from an other the time vvhereof is not certainely knovven * al Tvvelue assembling together ful of the Holy Ghost eche laying dovvne his sentence agreed vpon tvvelue principal articles of the Christian faith and appointed them for a rule to al beleeuers Vvhich is therfore called and is THE APOSTLES CREDE Not vvritten in paper as the Scripture but from the Apostles deliuered by tradition Ruff. Hiero. locis citatis Vvhich as of old Hiero. cont Lucifer so at this day al solemnely professe in their Baptisme either by them selues or by others and al that be of age and capacitie are bound to know and beleeue euery article of the ●ame Vvhich are these that folovv THE APOSTLES CREDE or SYMBOLVM APOSTOLORVM 1 I Beleeue in God the Father almightie creator of heauen and earth 2 And in IESVS CHRIST his only Sonne our Lord. 3 Vvho vvas conceiued by the Holy Ghost borne of the Virgin MARIE 4 Suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried Descended into Hel. 5 The third day be rose againe from death 6 Ascended into heauen Sitteth at the right hād of God the Father almightie 7 From thence he shal come to iudge the quicke and the dead 8 I beleeue in the Holy Ghost 9 The holy Catholike Church the communion of saincts 10 Forgiuenesse of sinnes 11 Resurrection of the flesh 12 Life euerlasting Amen ❧ THE ARGVMENT OF THE EPISTLES IN GENERAL AFTER the Gospels vvhich is a storie of Christ himselfe and after the Actes of the Apostles Vvhich is a storie of Christes Church novv folovv the Epistles of the Apostles vvhich they vvrote of such matters as they had then occasion to vvrite of For being the founders and the Doctors of the Church they did in their time as the Doctors that succeeded them did after them vvho from the beginning vnto this day haue vvritten Epistles Bookes against heresies euer as they arose and of al other Ecclesiastical matters as they had occasion ministred vnto them Of vvhich their doing the Apostles first gaue here the ensample as also S. Luke in the Actes of the Apostles led the vvay to al the writers of the Ecclesiastical Historie after him For al though there be no comparison betvvene them for authoritie for asmuch as these are Cannonical Scripture and so are not any vvritings of their successors yet the occasions and matters as I haue said are like Most of these Epistles are S. Paules Epistles the rest are called * Catholicae Epistolae the Epistles Catholike For S. Paul vvriteth not any Epistle to al hovvbeit euery one of them is for al the Church but some to particular Churches of the Gentils as to the Romanes to the Corinthians to the Galatians to the Ephesians to the Philippians to the Colossians to the Thessalonians some to particular persons as to Timothee to Tite vvho vvere Bishops among the Gentiles to vvit of Ephesus and of Crete and to Philémon and then one to the Hebrevves vvho vvere the Ievves of Hierusalem and Iurie But the Epistles of the other Apostles that is of S. Iames S. Peter S. Iohn and S. Iude are not so intituled to any one Church or person except S. Iohns tvvo later short Epistles vvhich yet might not be separated from his first because they vvere al of one Author and therefore they are termed Catholike that is vniuersal For so vvriteth S. Iames To the tvvelue tribes that are in dispersion greeting and S. Peter in his first Epistle thus To the elect strāgers of the dispersion of Pontus Galatia Cappadocia Asia Bithynia in his second thus To them that haue obteined equal faith vvith vs. likevvise S. Iude To them that are in God the father beloued and in Iesus Christ preserued and called S. Iohns first is vvithout title Novv for the occasions of their vvriting vvhereby vve shal perceiue the matters or arguments that they handle it must be remembred as the Storie of that time in the Actes of the Apostles doth at large declare that the Church then beginning vvas planted by the Apostles not onely in the Ievves but also in the Gentiles yea and specially in the Gentiles Vvhich thing offended the Ievves many waies For they could not abide to see so much as their owne Countrie to receiue him for CHRIST vvhom they had reiected and crucified much lesse to see them preach him to the Gentiles also that offended euen those Ievves also that beleeued him to be Christ Hovvbeit such of them as vvere Catholikes and therefore not obstinat vvere satisfied vvhen they vnderstood by the Apostles that it vvas Gods pleasure as Act. 11. vve reade But others of the became heretikes preached to the Christian Gentiles that it vvas necessary for them to receiue also the Ievves religion Of such vve reade Act. 15. Vnles you be circumcised you can not be saued And as these did so preach against the truth so did the vnchristened Ievves not onely them selues persecute but also stirre vp the Idolatrous Gentiles euery vvhere to persecute the Christians by such obstinacie prouoking God to reprobate theire Nation vvhich yet they thought vnpossible to be done because they vvere the seede of Abraham and
to helpe the neede of the Christians in Hierusalem vvhereof he speaketh 1. Cor. 16 And concerning the collections that are made for the saincts as I haue ordeined to the Churches of Galatia so doe you also By vvhich vvordes also it is euident that the Corinthians had not at then made their gathering But vvhen he vvrote the Second to them vvhere in the 11 Chapter he maketh mention of 14 yeres not onely after his Conuersion as to the Galatians but also after his Rapte vvhich seemeth to haue bene vvhen he vvas at Hierusalem Act. 9. foure yeres after his Conuersion in a traunce as he calleth it Act. 22 17 then vvere they readie For so he saith 2. Cor. 8 You haue begone from the yere past and 2. Cor. 9 For the vvhich I doe glorie of you to the Macedonians that also Achaia is ready from the yere past hovvbeit it folovveth theire But I haue sent the brethren that as I haue said you may be ready lest vvhen the Macedonians come vvith me and find you vnready vve be ashamed But vvhen he vvrote to the Romanes then vvas he novv come to Corinth for the purpose and had receiued theire contribution and vvas readie to goe vvith it vnto Hierusalem For so he saith Rom. 15. Novv therfore I vvil goe vnto Hierusalem to minister to the saincts For Macedonia and Achaia haue liked vvel to make some cōtribution vpō the poore saincts that are in Hierusalem So then the Epistle to the Romanes vvas not the first that he vvrote But yet it is and alvvaies vvas set first because of the primacie of that Church for vvhich cause also he handleth in it such matters as perteined not to them alone but to the vniuersal Church and specially to al the Gentiles to vvit the very frame as it vvere of the Church of Christ Tanquam enim pro ipso Domino legatione fungens hoc est pro lapide angulari vtrumque populum tam ex Iudais quàm ex Gentibus connectis in Christo per vinculum gratiae so saith S. Augustine giuing vs briefly the arguments in english thus As being a legate for our Lord him self that is for the corner stone he knitteth together in Christ by the bād of Grace both peoples as vvel of the Ievves as of the Gentils Shevving that neither of them had in their Gentilitie or Iudaisme any vvorkes to bragge of or to chalenge to them selues iustificatiō or saluation thereby but rather sinnes they had to be sorie for and to humble themselues to the faith of Christ that so they might haue remission of them and strength to doe meritorius vvorkes aftervvard In vvhich sort because the Gentils did humble them selues therefore had they found mercy though they neuer vvist of the Lavv of Moyses But the Ievves because they stoode vpon their ovvne vvorkes vvhich they did by their ovvne strength vvith the knovvledge of the Lavv being therefore also called the vvorkes of the Lavv so would not humble themselues to beleeue in Christ crucified they missed of mercy and became reprobate excepting a few Reliquiae that God of his goodnes had reserued to himself Hovvbeit in the end vvhen the fulnes of the Gentils is come into the Church then shal the fulnes of the Ievves also open their eies acknowledge their errour and submit themselues to Christ and his Church in like maner In the meane time those that haue found the grace to be Christians he exhorteth to perseuerāce as it vvas specially needeful in those times of persecutions and to leade their whole life now after Baptisme in good workes and to be careful of vnitie bearing therefore one with an other both Iew and Gentil al that they may and geuing no offence to them that are weake Thus he disputeth and thus be exhorteth through the whole Epistle though if we wil diuide it by that which is principal in ech parte vve may say that vnto the 12 chapter is his disputation and from thence to the end his exhortation Novv in those points of faith and in al others as also in example of life the commendation that he giueth to the Church of Rome is much to be noted Your faith is renoumed in the vvhole vvorld and your obediēce is published into euery place I reioyce therfore in you And againe you haue obeied from the hart vnto that forme of doctrine vvhich hath been deliuered to you And therevpon againe I desire you brethren to marke them that make dissensions and scandals contrarie to the doctrine vvhich you haue learned and auoide them For such doe not serue Christ our Lord but theire ovvne belly and by svveete speaches ad benedictions seduce the harts of innocents Therfore to shunne Luther and Caluin and al their crewes vve haue iust reason and good vvarrant They make dissensions and scandals against the doctrine of the Romane Church Let no man therefore be seduced by their sugred vvordes THE EPISTLE OF PAVL THE APOSTLE TO THE ROMANES CHAP. I. The foundation of his Apostleship being laid 〈◊〉 he highly commendeth the Romanes and protesteth his affection tovvardes them and so cōming to the matter saith our Christian Catholike doctrine that teacheth al to beleeue to be the vvay to saluation 118 because the Gentiles first of al could not be saued by their Philosophie vvhereby they knevv God for so much as they did not serue him but Idol●● he therfore iustly permitting them to fall into al kind of most damnable sinne verse 1 PAVL the seruant of IESVS CHRIST called to be an Apostle * separated into the Gospel of God ✝ verse 2 vvhich before he had promised by his Prophets in the holy Scriptures ✝ verse 3 of his sonne vvho vvas made to him of the seede of Dauid according to the flesh ✝ verse 4 vvho vvas predestinate the sonne of God in povver according to the spirit of sanctification by the resurrectiō of our Lord IESVS CHRIST from the dead ✝ verse 5 by vvhom vve haue receiued grace and Apostleship for obedience to the faith in al Nations for the name of him ✝ verse 6 among vvhom are you also the called of IESVS CHRIST ⊢ ✝ verse 7 to al that are at Rome the beloued of God called to be saincts Grace to you and peace from God our father and our Lord IESVS CHRIST ✝ verse 8 First I giue thankes to my God through IESVS CHRIST for al you because ″ your faith is renoumed in the vvhole vvorld ✝ verse 9 For God is my vvitnes vvhom I serue ″ in my spirit in the Gospel of his Sonne that vvithout intermission I make ″ a memorie of you ✝ verse 10 alvvaies in my praiers beseeching if by any meanes I may sometime at the length haue a prosperous iourney by the vvil of God to come vnto you ✝ verse 11 For I desire to see you that I may imparte vnto you some spiritual grace to confirme you ✝
9 to many other good actions 17 and specially to louing of their enemies verse 1 I BESECH you therfore brethren by the mercie of God * that you exhibite your bodies ″ a liuing host holy pleasing God your reasonable seruice ✝ verse 2 And be not conformed to this vvorld but be reformed in the newnes of your minde * that you may proue vvhat the good and acceptable and perfect vvil of God is ✝ verse 3 for I say by the grace that is giuen me to al that are among you not to be more vvise then behoueth to be vvise but to be vvise vnto sobrietie * to euery one as God hath deuided the measure of faith ✝ verse 4 For as in one body vve haue many members but al the members haue not one action ✝ verse 5 so vve being many are one body in Christ eche one an others members ⊢ ✝ verse 6 And hauing giftes according to the grace that is giuen vs differēt either prophecie ″ according to the rule of faith ✝ verse 7 or ministerie in ministring or he that teacheth in doctrine ✝ verse 8 he that exhorteth in exhorting he that giueth in simplicitie he that ruleth in carefulnes he that shevveth mercie in cheerefulnes ✝ verse 9 Loue vvithout simulation Hating euil cleauing to good ✝ verse 10 Louing the charitie of the brotherhod one toward an other Vvith honour preuenting one an other ✝ verse 11 In carefulnes not slouthful In spirit feruent Seruing our Lord. ✝ verse 12 Reioycing in hope Patient in tribulation Instant in praier ✝ verse 13 Communicating to the necessities ' of the sainctes Pursuing hospitalitie ✝ verse 14 Blesse them that persecute you blesse and curse not ✝ verse 15 To reioyce vvith them that reioyce to vveepe vvith them that vveepe ✝ verse 16 Being of one minde one tovvard an other Not minding high things but cōsenting to the humble ⊢ Be not vvise in your ovvne conceite ✝ verse 17 To no man rendring euil for euil Prouiding good things not only before God but also before al men ✝ verse 18 If it may be as much as is in you hauing peace vvith al men ✝ verse 19 Not reuenging your selues my deerest but giue place vnto vvrath for it is vvritten Reuenge to me I vvil revvard saith our Lord. ✝ verse 20 but if thine enemie hunger giue him meate if he thirst giue him drinke for doing this thou shalt heape coales of fire vpon his head ✝ verse 21 Be not ouercome of euil but ouercome in good the euil ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XII 1. A liuing host Lest men should thinke by the former discourse of Gods eternal predestination that no reward were to be had of good life and workes the Apostle now earnestly recommendeth to them holinesse of life 1. A liuing host Man maketh his body a sacrifice to God by giuing it to suffer for him by chastising it vvith fasting vvatching and such like and by occupying it in workes of charitie and vertue to Gods honour whereby appeareth how acceptable these workes are to God and grateful in his sight being compared to a sacrifice which is an high seruice done to him 6. According to the rule of faith By this and many places of holy write we may gather that the Apostles by the holy Ghost before they were sundered into diuers Nations set downe among them selues a certaine Rule and forme of faith and doctrine conteining not onely the Articles of the Crede but al other principles groundes and the whole platforme of al the Christian religion Which Rule was before any of the bookes of the new Testment were written before the faith was preached among the Gentiles by vvhich not onely euery other inseriout teachers doctrine was tried but al the Apostles and Euangelistes preaching vvriting interpreting which is here called prophecying were of gods Church appointed and admitted or disproued and reiected This forme by mouth and not by Scripture euery Apostle deliuered to the countrie by them conuerted For keeping of this forme the Apostle before praised the Romanes and afterward earnestly warneth them by no man 〈◊〉 speache to be drawen from the same This he commendeth to Timothee calling it his 〈◊〉 For not holding this fast and sure he blameth the Galatians further also denouncing to him self or an Angel that should write teach or expound against that which they first receiued 〈…〉 and commanding alwaies to bevvare of them that taught otherwise For feare of missing this line of truth him self notwithstanding he had the Holy Ghost yet lest he might haue preached in vaine and lost his labour he went to conferre with Peter and the rest for tho fast keeping of this Rule of truth the Apostles held Councels and their successors by their example For the holding of this Rule and by the measure thereof were al the holy Scriptures written for and by the same al the glorious doctors haue made their sermons commendries and interpretations Gods vvork al vvritings and interpretatiōs no otherwise admitted nor deemed to be of God but as they be agreable to this Rule And this is the sure Analogies 〈◊〉 measure of faith set downe and commended to vs euery where for the Apostles tradition and not the phantastical rule or square that euery Sectmaister pretendeth to gather out of the Scriptures falsely vnderstood and wrested to his purpose by which they iudge of doctor Scripture Church and al. Arîus had by that meanes a rule of his owne Luther had his false weightes and Caluin his owne also According to which seueral measure of euery Sect they haue their expositions of Gods word and in England as in other infected Countries they kept of lare an apish imitation of this prophecying which S. Paul here and in other places speaketh of and which was an exercise in the primitiue Church measured not by euery mans peculiar spirit but by the former Rule of faith first set downe by the Apostles And therfore al this new phantastical Prophecying al other preaching in Caluins schoole is iustly by this note of the Apostle condemned for that it is not according to but quite against the Rule of faith CHAP. XIII To yeld obedience and al other duties vnto Potestats 8 to loue their neighbour vvhich is the fulfilling of the Lavv 11 and specially to consider that novv being the time of grace vve must doe nothing that may not beseeme day light verse 1 LET ″ euery soul be subiect to higher powers for there is ″ no povver but of God And those that are of God are ordeined ✝ verse 2 Therfore he that resisteth the povver resisteth the ordinance of God And ″ they that resist purchase to them selues damnatiō ✝ verse 3 for princes are no feare to the good worke but to the euil But wilt thou not feare the povver Doe good and thou shalt haue praise of the same ✝ verse 4
more infirme and ignorant sort of Christian men be called sensual or carnal also vvho being occupied in secular affaires and giuen to sensual ioy and vvorldlines haue no such sense nor feeling of these great gifts of God as the perfecter sort of the faithful haue Vvho trying these high pointes of religion not by reason and sense but by grace faith and Spirit be therfore called spiritual The spiritual then is he that iudgeth and discerneth the truth of such things as the carnal can not attaine vnto that doth by the spirit of the Church vvhereof he is partaker in the vnitie of the same not onely see the errours of the carnal but condemneth them and iudgeth euery povver resisting Gods spirit and vvord the carnal Ievv Heathen or Heretike hauing no meanes nor right to iudge of the said spiritual man For vvhen the spiritual is said to be iudged of none the meaning is not that he should not be subiect or obedient to his Pastors and spiritual Povvers and to the vvhole Church specially for the trial or examination of al his life doctrine and faith but that a Catholike man and namely a teacher of Catholike doctrine in the Church should not be any vvhit subiect to the iudgement of the Heathen or the Heretike nor care vvhat of ignorance or infidelitie they say against him for such carnal men haue no iudgement in such things nor can attaine to the Churches vvisedom in any ceremonie mysterie or matter vvhich they condemne Therfore S. Irenaeus excellently declaring that the Church and query spiritual childe thereof iudgeth and condemneth al false Prophets and Heretikes of vvhat sort so euer at length he concludeth vvith these notable vvordes The spiritual shal iudge also all that make schismes vvhich be cruel not hauing the loue of God and respecting their ovvne priuate more then the vnitie of the Church mangle deuide and as much as in them lieth kill for smal causes the great and glorious body of Christ speaking peace and seeking battaile He shal iudge also them that be out of the truth that is to say out of the Church vvhich Church shal be vnder no mans iudgement for to the Church are al things knovven in vvhich is perfect faith of the Father and of al the dispensation of Christ and firme knovvledge of the Holy Ghost that teacheth all truth CHA. III. If they vvil not be carnal stil they must boast in God only not in their preachers which are but his ministers 10 and neede to looke vvel hovv they preach 12 because not al preaching though it be Catholike is meritorious but rather it buildeth matter to be purged by fire vvhen it is vaine and vnfruitful as also any other like vvorkes of other Catholikes marie if it be heretical destroying the temple of God then it vvorketh damnation 18 The remedie is to humble them selues and referre al to God verse 1 AND I brethren could not speake to you as to spiritual but as to carnal As it vvere to litle ones in Christ ✝ verse 2 I gaue you milke to drinke not meate for you could not as yet but neither can you novv verely for yet you are carnal ✝ verse 3 For vvhereas there is among you emulation and contention are you not carnal and vvalke according to man ✝ verse 4 For vvhen one saith I certes am Paules an other I Apollos are you not ●men ' Vvhat is Apollo then and vvhat is Paul ✝ verse 5 The ministers of him vvhom you haue beleeued to euery one as our Lord hath giuen ✝ verse 6 I planted Apollo vvatered but God gaue the increase ✝ verse 7 Therfore neither he that planteth is any thing nor he that vvatereth but he that giueth the increase God ✝ verse 8 And he that planteth and he that vvatereth are one And ● euery one shal receiue his owne reward according to his ovvne labour ✝ verse 9 For vve are Gods coadiutors you are Gods husbandrie you are Gods building ✝ verse 10 According to the grace that is giuen me as a vvise vvorkemaster haue I laid the foundation and an other buildeth therevpon but let euery one looke hovv he buildeth thereon ✝ verse 11 For other foundation no man can lay beside that vvhich is laid vvhich is Christ IESVS ✝ verse 12 And if any man build ● vpon this foundation gold siluer pretious stones vvood hay stubble ✝ verse 13 the vvorke of euery one ● shal be manifest for ● the day of our Lord vvil declare because it shal be reuealed in fire and the vvorke of euery one of vvhat kinde it is the fire shal trie ✝ verse 14 If any mans vvorke abide vvhich he built therevpon he shal receiue revvard ✝ verse 15 If any mans vvorke burne he shal suffer detriment but him self shal be saued yet so ● as by fire ✝ verse 16 Knovv you not that you are the temple of God and the Spirit of God dvvelleth in you ✝ verse 17 But if any violate the temple of God God vvil destroy him For the temple of God is holy vvhich you are ✝ verse 18 Let no man seduce him self if any man seeme to be vvise among you in this world let him become a foole that he may be vvise ✝ verse 19 For the vvisedom of this vvorld is folishnes vvith God For it is vvritten I vvil compasse the vvise in their subteltie ✝ verse 20 And againe Our Lord knovveth the cogitations of the vvise that they be ●aine ✝ verse 21 Let no man therfore glorie in men For al things are yours ✝ verse 22 vvhether it be Paul or Apollo or Cephas or the vvorld or life or death or things present or things to come for al are yours ✝ verse 23 and you are Christs and Christ is Gods ANNOTATIONS CHAP. III. 8. Euery man shal receiue according A most plaine text for proofe that men by their labours and by the diuersities thereof shal be diuersly revvarded in heauen and therfore that by their vvorkes proceding of grace they do deserue or merite heauen and the more or lesse ioy in the same for though the holy Scripture cōmonly vse not this vvord merite yet in places innumerable of the old and nevv Testament the very true sense of merite is conteined and so often as the vvord merces and the like be vsed they be euer vnderstood as correlatiues or correspondent vnto it for if the ioy of heauen be ●erribution repaiment hire vvages for vvorkes as in infinite places of holy Scripture then the vvorkes can be none other but the valure deseit price vvorth and merite of the same And in deede this vvord revvard vvhich in our English tonge may signifie a volutary or bountiful gift doth not so vvel expresse the nature of the * Latin vvord or the Greeke vvhich are rather the very stipend that the hired vvorkeman or iournieman couenanteth to haue of him vvhose vvorke he doth and is a thing equally
to them selues nor novv to be approued or examined in the assemblies but they are such as vvere giuen and vvritten by the Holy Ghost and prescribed by Christ and his Church for the faithful to vse namely the Pater noster the Au● Marie and the Creede our Ladies Mattins the Litanies and the like Therfore the Apostle prescribeth nothing here thereof condemneth nothing therein toucheth the same nothing at al. But the deuout people in their aūcient right may and ought stil vse their Latin primars beades and praiers as euer before Vvhich the wisedom of the Church for greate causes hath better liked and allowed of then that they should be in vulgar tonges though she wholy forbiddeth not but sometimes graunteth to haue them translated and vvould gladly haue al faithful people in order and humilitie learne as they may the contents of their praiers and hath commaunded also in some Councels that such as can not learne distinctly in Latin specially the Pater noster the Creede should be taught them in the vulgar tōgue And therfore as vve doubt not but it is acceptable to God auailable in al necessities more agreable to the vse of al Christian people euer since their conuersion to pray in Latin then in the vulgar though euery one in particular vnderstand not vvhat he saith so it is plaine that such pray vvith as great consolation of spirit vvith as litle tediousues vvith as great deuotion and affection and oftentimes more then the other and alvvaies morethen any Schismatike or Heretike in his knovven language Such holy Oraisons be in maner consecrated and sanctified in and by the Holy Ghost that first inspired them and there is a reuerence and Maiestie in the Churches tongue dedicated in our Sauiours Crosse and giueth more force and valure to them said in the Churches obedience then to others The children cried Hosanna to our Sauiour and vvere allovved though they knevv not vvhat they said It is vvel neere a thousand yeres that * our people vvhich could nothing els but barbarum frendere did sing Alleluia and not Praiseye the Lord. and longer agoe since the poore husband men sang the same at the plough in other Countries Hiero. to 1 ep 58. And Sursum corda and Kyrie eleison and the Psalmes of Dauid sung in Latin in the Seruice of the Primitiue Church haue the auncient and flat testimonies of S. Cyptian S. Augustine S. Hierom and other Fathers Grego li. 7 ep 6● Cypr. exp orat Do. nu 13. August c. 13 de dono perseuer de bono vid. c. 16. and ep 178. Hiero. prafat in Psal ad Sephron Aug. de Catechiz rud c. 9. de Doct. Chr. li. 2 c. 13. See ep 10. August of S. Hieroms latin translation readde in the Churches of Africa Praiers are not made to teache make learned or increase knovvledge though by occasion they sometimes instruct vs. but their special vse is to offer our hartes desires and vvants to God and to shevv that vve hang of him in al things and this euery Catholike doth for his condition vvhether he vnderstand the vvordes of his praier or not The simple sort can not vnderstand al Psalmes nor scarse the learned no though they be translated or read in knovven tonges men must not cease to vse them for al that vvhen they are knovven to containe Gods holy praises The simple people vvhen they desire any thing specially at Gods hand are not bound to knovv neither can they tel to vvhat petition or part of the Paternoster their demaund pertaineth though it be in English neuer so much they can not tel no more vvhat is Thy kingdome come then Adueniat regnum tuum not vvhether their petition for their sicke children or any other necessitie pertaine to this part or to Fiat voluntas tua or N●nos inducas or to vvhat other part els It is ynough that they can tel this holy Oraison to be appointed to vs to call vpon God in al our desires more then this is not necessarie And the translation of such holy things often breedeth manifold danger and irreuerence in the vulgar as to thinke God is author of sinne vvhen they read Leade vs not into tentation and seldom any edification at al. For though vvhen the prayers be turned and read in English the people knovveth the vvordes yet they are not edified to the instruction of their minde and vnderstanding except they knevv the sense of the vvordes also and meaning of the holy Ghost For if any man thinke that S. Paul speaking of edification of mans minde or vnderstanding meaneth the vnderstanding of the vvordes onely he is fouly deceiued for vvhat is a childe of fiue or sixe yeres old edified or increased in knovvledge by his Pater noster in English It is the sense therfore vvhich euery man can not haue neither in English nor Latin the knovvledge vvhereof properly and rightly edifieth to instruction and the knovvledge of the vvordes onely often edifieth neuer a vvhit and some times buildeth to error and destruction as it is plaine in al Heretikes and many curious persons besides finally both the one and the other vvithout charitie and humilitie maketh the Heretikes and Schismatikes vvith al their English and vvhat other tonges and intelligence so euer to be as sonans cymbalum tinniens sounding brasse and a tinkling cymbal To conclude for praying either publikly or priuately in Latin vvhich is the common sacred tōgue of the greatest part of the Christiā world this is thought by the vvisest godliest to be most expedient and is certainely seen to be nothing repugnant to S. Paul If any yet vvil be contentious in the matter vve must ansvver them vvith this same Apostle The Church of God hath no such custome and vvith this notable saying of S. Augustine ep 118. c. 5. Any thing that the vvhole Church doth practise and obserue through out the vvorld to dispute thereof as though it vvere not to be done is most insolent madnesse 14. Let vvomen hold their peace There be or vvere certaine Heretikes in our Countrie for such euer take the Scriptures diuersely for the aduantage of time that denied vvomen to hold lavvfully any kingdom or temporal Souerainty but that is false and against both reason the Scriptures This onely in that sexe is true that it is not capable of holy orders spiritual Regiment or Cure of soules and therfore can not doe any function proper to Priests and Bishopes not speake in the Church and so not preach nor dispute nor haue or giue voice either deliberatiue or definitiue in Councels and publike Assemblies concerning matters of Religiō nor make Ecclesiastical lavves concerning the same nor binde nor loose nor excōmunicate nor suspend nor degrade nor absolue nor minister Sacramēts other then Baptisme in the case of mere necessitie when neither Priest nor other man can be had much lesse prescribe any thing to
″ much more the ministerie of iustice aboundeth in glorie ⊢ ✝ verse 10 For neither vvas it glorified vvhich in this part vvas glorious by reasō of the excelling glorie ✝ verse 11 For if that which is made void is by glorie much more that vvhich abideth is in glorie ✝ verse 12 Hauing therfore such hope vve vse much confidence ✝ verse 13 and not * as Moyses put a vele vpon his face that the children of Israël might not behold his face vvhich is made voide ✝ verse 14 but their senses vvere dulled For vntil this present day ″ the self same vele in the lecture of the old testament remaineth vnreuealed because in Christ it is made voide ✝ verse 15 but vntil this present day vvhen Moyses is read a vele is put vpō their hart ✝ verse 16 But vvhen he shal be conuerted to our Lord the vele shal be taken avvay ✝ verse 17 And * our Lord is a Spirit And vvhere the Spirit of our Lord is there is ″ libertie ✝ verse 18 But vve al beholding the glorie of our Lord vvith face reuealed are transformed into the same image from glorie vnto glorie as of our Lordes Spirit ANNOTATIONS CHAP. III. 1. The Epistle of Christ S. Paul and other holy vvriters of Scriptures did set dovvne many thinges in vvriting by penne inke and paper al vvhich be of the Holy Ghost but the special and proper booke of Christes truth and Gospel is not the external vvriting in those dead creatures but in the hartes of the faithful being the proper subiecte of these truthes and graces preached in the nevv Testament and the habitacle of the Holy Ghost In the vvhich booke of faithful mens hartes S. Paul vvrote diuers thinges not vttered in any Epistle as sundrie of the Apostles vvrote the Christian religion in the hartes of their hearers onely and in other material bookes not at all Vvhereof S. Irenaeus li. 3. ● 4. saith What and if the Apostles also had left no Scriptures ought vve not to folovv the order of the tradition vvhich they deliuered vnto them to vvhom they committed the Churches● to the vvhich ordinance many nations of those barbarous people that haue beleeued in Christ do consent vvithout letter or inke hauing saluation vvritten in their hartes and keeping diligently the tradition of the elders And S. Hierom 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hiero● c. 9. ad Pa● In the Greede of our faith and hope vvhich being deliuered by tradition from the Apostles is not vvritten in paper and inke but in the tables camal of the hart And this is the Churches booke also vvhereby and vvherein she keepeth faithfully al truth vvritten in the hartes of those to vvhom the Apostles did preach vvith the like diligence as she keepeth and preserueth the other booke vvhich is of holy Scriptures from al corruption of Heretikes and other iniuries 5. Of our selues This maketh first against the Heretikes called Pelagians that hold our meritorious actions or cogitations to be of free vvil onely and not of Gods special grace Secondly against the Protestantes vvho on the contrarie side referre al to God and take avvay mans freedom and proper motion in his thoughtes and doings the Apostle confessing our good cogitations to be our ovvne but not as comming of our selues but of God 6. The letter killeth As the letter of the old Lavv not truely vnderstood nor referred the Christ commaunding and not giuing grace and spirit to fulfil that vvhich vvas commaunded did by occasiō kill the carnal Iew so the letter of the nevv Testamēt not truely taken nor expounded by the Spirit of Christ vvhich is onely in his Church killeth the Heretike vvho also being carnal and void of spirit gaineth nothing by the external precepts or good lessons of the Scriptures but rather taketh hurt by the same See S. Augustine to 〈◊〉 Ser. 70 1000 de tempore li. de Sp. lit c. 5. 6. seq 9. Much more The preeminence of the new Testament and of the priesthod or Ministerie thereof before the old is that the nevv by al her Sacraments and Priests as ministers immediate of grace and remission of sinnes doth so ex opere operato giue the spirit of life and charitie into the hartes of the faithful as the old did giue the letter or external act of the Lavv. 14. The self same vele As the Ievves reading the old Testament by reason of their blindnes vvhich God for the punishment of their incredulitie suffereth to remaine as a couer vpon their eies and hartes can not see Christ in the Scriptures vvhich they daily heare read in their Synagogs but shal vvhen they beleeue in him and haue the couer remoued perceiue al to be most plainely done and spoken of him in their law Scriptures euen so Heretikes hauing as S. Augustine noteth a farre greater couer of blindnes and incredulitie ouer their hartes in respect of the Catholike Church vvhich they impugne then the Iewes haue concerning Christ can not see though they read or heare the Scriptures read neuer so much the maruelous euidence of the Catholike Church and truth in al pointes but vvhen they shal returne againe to the obedience of the same Church they shal finde the Scriptures most cleere for her and her doctrine and shal vvonder at their former blindnes 17. Libertie The Spirit and grace of God in the nevv Testament dischargeth vs of the bondage of the Lavv and sinne but is not a vvarrant to vs of fleshly licence as S. Peter vvriteth nor dischargeth Christians of their obedience to order lavv and power of Magistrates spiritual or temporal as some Heretikes of these daies do seditiously teach CHAP. IIII. That according as so glorious a ministerie requireth he liueth and preacheth sincerely 〈◊〉 the vvhich glorie his Aduersaries can not count vaine considering his persecutions because persecution is to Gods glorie and to our humilitie and hope and meritorious of increase of grace in this life and of most glorious bodies and soules aftervvard verse 1 THERFORE hauing this ministration according as vve haue obteined mercie vve faile not ✝ verse 2 but vve renounce the secrete things of dishonestie not walking in crastines nor ″ adulterating the vvord of God but in manifestation of the truth commending our selues to euery conscience of men before God ✝ verse 3 And if our Gospel be also hidde in them that perish it is hidde ✝ verse 4 in vvhom the God of this vvorld hath blinded the mindes of the infidels that the illumination of the Gospel of the glorie of Christ vvho is the image of God might not shine to them ✝ verse 5 For vve preache nor our selues but IESVS Christ our Lord and vs your seruants by IESVS ✝ verse 6 because God that commaunded light to shine of darkenes he hath shined in our hartes to the illumination of the knovvledge of the glorie of God in the face of Christ IESVS ✝ verse 7
de doct Christ Some fevv for many most easie to be done most honorable for signification and most cleare and pure for to be obserued and kept hath our Lord him self and the Apostolical discipline deliuered And li. de ver relig c. 17. Of the vvisedom of God it self mani nature being taken vvhereby vve vvere called into libertie a fevv Sacraments most holsom vvere appointed and instituted vvhich might conteine the societie of Christian people that is of the free multitude vnder one God And againe cont Faust li. 19. c. 13. The Sacraments are changed they are made caesier fevver holsommer happier the same he hath in the 118 epistle c. 1. and many other places besides By vvhich you may see it is not al one to vse elements visible Sacraments or ceremonies and to serue them as the Pagans do or to serue vnder them as the Ievves did vvherevvith the Heretikes calumniously charge the Christians And as touching the small number facilitie efficacie and signification vvherein the said holy father putteth the special difference vvho seeth not that for so many busie sacrifices vve haue but one for Sacraments vvel nere infinite but seuen al so easie so ful of grace so significant as can be possible as of euery one in their seueral places is proued Here let the good Readers take heede of a double deceite vsed by the Aduersaries about S. Augustines places alleaged first in that they say he made but tvvo Sacraments vvhich is vntrue for although treating of the difference betvvene the Ievvish Sacraments and ours he namely giueth example in Baptisme and the Eucharist as sometimes also for example he nameth but one yet he hath no vvord nor signe at al that there should be no moe but contrarievvise in the foresaid epistle 118 he insinuateth that besides those tvvo there be other of the same sort in the Scriptures Yea vvith water and bread which be the elements of the tvvo foresaid Sacraments he expresly nameth oile also li. 2. cont lit Petil. c. 104. the element or matter of the Sacrament of Confirmation which in the same place he maketh to be a Sacrament as Baptisme is So doth he affirme of the Sacrament of Orders li. 1 de bapt c. 1. and also of Matrimonie li. de bono coniug c. 24. of Penance likevvise he speaketh as of Baptisme which he calleth Reconciliation li. 1. de adult conjug c. 28. Lastly by the booke de visitatione infirmorum in S. Augustine li. 2 c. 4. by Prosper de pradictionibus p. 2. c. 29. S. Innocentius ad Eugubinum Io. 1. Cont. ep ad Eugub c. 8. S. Cyril li. 2. in Leuiticum and S. Chrysostom li. 3 de Saterdotio Extreme vnction is proued to be a Sacrament It is false then that the Heretikes affirme of S. Augustine by vvhose doctrine it is plaine that though the elements or Sacraments of the new lavv be but few and very fevv in comparison of those in the old lavv yet there be no fevver then seuen specified by him Vvhich number of seuen the holy Councels of Florence and Trent do expresly define to haue been instituted by Christ against these late Heretikes See more of these Sacraments in their places Act. 8. 1 Tim 4. Io. 20. Ia. 5. Ephes 5. The other forgerie of the Aduersaires concerning the elements or ceremonies is that S. Augustine ep 119. c. 19. should affirme that the Church and Christian people in his daies vvherevpon they inferre that it is so much more novv vvere so loden vvith obseruation of vnprofitable ceremonies that they vvere in as great seruilitie and subiection to such things as the Ievves He saith so in deede of some particular presumptions inuentions and vsages of certaine persons as that some made it a heinous matter to touch the groūd vvith their bare feete vvithin their ovvne octaues and such like vanities whereby some simple folkes might be infected vvhich this holy Doctor specially misliked and vvisheth such things as they may vvithout scandal to be taken avvay But that he vvrote or meant so of any ceremonie that the Church vseth either appointed by Scripture or Councel or custom of the Catholike Church him self denieth it in expresse termes in the same place and in sundrie other vvhere he allovveth al the holy ceremonies done in the ministration of the Sacraments and els vvhere Vvhereby it is cleere that the Churches most comely orders and significant 〈◊〉 pertaine not to the yoke of the old lavv much lesse to the superstition of Gentilitie as Heretikes affirme but to the svveete yoke of Christ and light burden of his lavv to order decencie and instruction of the faithful in al libertie loue faith grace and spirit 9. Vveake and poore Vvhether he meane of the creatures vvhich the Gentils serued as it may seeme by the vvordes before of seruing strange gods so the elements vvere most base and beggerly or of the Iuaical ceremonies and sacraments as most expound it euen so also their elements vvere vveake and poore in them selues not giuing life saluation and remission of sinnes nor being instruments or vessels of grace as the 7 Sacraments of the nevv lavv be 10. You obserue daies That vvhich S. Paul speaketh against the Idolotrical obseruation of daies mo●eths and times dedicated by the Heathen to their false goddes and to vvicked men or spirites as to Iupiter Mercurie Ianus Iuno Diana and such like or against the superstitious differences of daies fatall fortunate or dis●nol and other obseruations of times for good lucke or il lucke in mans actions gathered either by particular fansie or popular obseruation or curious and vnlavvful artes or lastly of the Iudaical festiuities that vvere then ended and abrogated vnto vvhich notvvithstanding certaine Christian Ievves vvould haue reduced the Galatians against the Apostles doctrine al that I say do the Heretikes of our time falsely and deceitfully interprete against the Christian holidaies and the sanctification and necessarie keeping of the same Vvhich is not only contrarie to the Fathers exposition but against the very Scriptures and the practise of the Apostles the vvhole Church Aug. cont Adim●̄s c. 16. Ep. 118. c. 7. Hiero. in hunc locum In the Apocalypse c. 1. there is plaine mention of the Sunday that is our Lordes day Dominicus dies vnto vvhich the Ievves Sabboth vvas altered their Pasche into our Easter their Pētecost into our Vvhitsontide vvhich vvere ordained obserued of the Apostles them selues And the antiquitie of the feastes of Christes Natiuitie Epiphanle Ascēsion is such that they cā be referred to no other origine but the Apostles institution vvho as S. Clement testifieth li. ● const Apost c. ●9 gaue order for celebrating their follovv Apostles S. Steuens and other Martyrs daies after their death and much more no doubt did they giue order for Christes festiuities According to vvhich the Church hath kept not only his but S. Steuens and the B. Innocents euen on the
one an other ✝ verse 14 For al the Lavv is fulfilled in one vvord Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy self ✝ verse 15 But if you bite and eate one an other take heede you be not consumed one of an other ✝ verse 16 And I say vvalke in the spirit and the Iustes of the flesh you shal not accomplish ✝ verse 17 For the flesh Iusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh for these are aduersaries one to an other that not vvhat things soeuer ″ you vvil these you doe ✝ verse 18 But if you be ledde by the spirit you are not vnder the Lavv. ✝ verse 19 And the vvorkes of the flesh be manifest vvhich are fornication vncleannes impudicitie lecherie ✝ verse 20 seruing of Idols vvitch-craftes enmities cōtentions emulations angers bravvles dissensions sectes ✝ verse 21 enuies murders ebrieties commessations and such like vvhich I foretel you as I haue foretold you that they vvhich doe such things shal not obteine the kingdom of God ✝ verse 22 But the fruite of the Spirit is Charitie ioy peace patience benignitie goodnes longanimitie ✝ verse 23 mildnes faith modestie cōtinencie chastitie Against such there is no lavv ✝ verse 24 And they that be Christs haue crucified their flesh vvith the vices and concupiscences ⊢ ✝ verse 25 If vve liue in the spirit in the spirit also let vs vvalke ✝ verse 26 Let vs not be made desirous of vaine glorie prouoking one an other enuying one an other ANNOTATIONS CHAP. V. 6. Faith This is the faith vvorking by charitie vvhich S. Paul meaneth els vvhere vvhen he faith that faith doth iustifie And note vvel that by these termes circumcision prepuce not auailable to iustification it is plaine that in the other places he meaneth the vvorkes of Circumcision and Prepuce that is of the Ievves and the Gentils vvithout faith vvhich auaile not but faith vvorking by charitie as vvho should say faith and good vvorkes not vvorkes vvithout faith Againe note here that if the Protestants vvho pretend conference of places to be the best or only vvay to explicate hard speaches of the holy Scriptures had folovved but their ovvne rule this one text vvould haue interpreted cleated vnto them al other vvhereby iustice and saluation might seeme to be attributed to faith alone the Apostle here so expresly setting dovvne the faith vvhich he commendeth so much before not to be alone but vvith charitie not to be idle but to be vvorking by Charitie as S. Augustine noteth defid ep c. 14. Further the good Reader must obserue that vvhereas the Protestants some of them confesse that Charitie and good vvorkes be ioyned and requisite also and that they exclude them not but commend them highly yet so that the said Charitie or good vvorkes are no part of our iustice or any cause of iustification but as fruites and effectes of faith onely vvhich they say doth all yea though the other be present this false glose also is reproued euidently by this place vvhich teacheth vs cleane contrarie to vvitte that faith hath her vvhole actiuitie and operation tovvard iustice and saluation of charitie and not contrarievvise vvithout vvhich it can not haue any act meritorious or agreable to God for our saluation for vvhich cause S. Augustine saith li. 〈◊〉 de Trin. c. 18. Fidem non facit vtilem nisi charitas nothing maketh faith profitable but charitie But the Heretikes ansvver that vvhere the Apostle saith faith vvorketh by charitie he maketh charitie to be the instrument only of faith in vvel vvorking and therfore the inferior cause at the least but this also is easily refuted by the Apostles plaine testimonie affirming that charitie is * the greater vertue that if a man had al faith and lacked charitie he vvere vvorth nothing And againe * that Charitie is the perfection and accōplishment of of the Iavv as faith i● not vvhich can not agree to the instrumental or inferior cause And therfore vvhen it is said that faith vvorketh by charitie it is not as by an instrument but as the body vvorketh by the soul the matter by the forme vvithout vvhich they haue no actiuitie Vvherevpon the the Schooles call Charitie the forme or life of faith that is to say the force actiuitie operatiue qualitie thereof in respect of merite and iustice Vvhich S. Iames doth plainely insinuate vvhen he maketh faith vvithout Charitie to be as a dead corps vvithout soul or life and therefore vvithout profitable operation c. 2. v. 26. ●● Libertie an occasion They abuse the libertie of the Gospel to the aduantage of their flesh that vnder pretense therof shake of their obedience to the lavves of man to the decrees of the Church and Councels that vvil liue and beleeue as they list and not be taught by their Superiors but fornicate vvith euery Sect maister that teacheth pleasant licentious things and al this vnder pretence of spirit libertie and freedom of the Gospel Such must learne that al heresies schismes and rebellions against the Church and their lavvful Prelates be counted here among the vvorkes of the flesh S●● S. Augustine de fid op c. 24. 25. If any do sinne therest that do the vvorkes of the Holy Ghost must not therfore take pride in them selues but rather make humilitie of it partly by fearing their ovvne fall partly by looking straitly to their ovvne vvorkes 6 He exhorteth earnestly to good vvorkes assuring them that they shal reaps none other then here they sovv 11 With his ovvne hand he vvriteth telling them the true cause vvhy those false Apostles preach circumcision to be only to please the Ievves 17 and a plaine argument that he preacheth it not to be this that he is persecuted of the Ievves verse 1 BRETHREN and if a man be preoccupared in any fault you that are spiritual instruct such an one in the spirit of lenitie considering thine ovvne self lest thou also be tempted ✝ verse 2 Beare ye one an others burdens so you shal fulfil the lavv of Christ ✝ verse 3 For if any man esteeme him self to be something vvhereas he is nothing he seduceth him self ✝ verse 4 But let euery one proue his ovvne vvorke so in him self only shal he haue the glorie and not in an other ✝ verse 5 For euery one shal beare his ovvne burden ✝ verse 6 And let * him that is catechized in the vvord communicate to him that catechizeth him in al his goods ✝ verse 7 Be not deceiued God is not mocked ✝ verse 8 For what things a mā shal sow those also shal he reape For he that sovveth in his flesh of the flesh also shal reape corruptiō but he that soweth in the spirit of the spirit shal reape life euerlasting ✝ verse 9 And * doing good let vs not faile For in due time vve shal reape not failing ✝ verse 10 Therfore vvhiles
Christ kept conuenticles in the name of spirites and Idols of vvhich kinde of vvorship of Angels and Diuels see Clemens Alexand. Strom. 3. Tertulliā li. 5. cont Marcion expoundeth this place of the false teachers that feined them selues to haue reuelatiō of Angels that the Lavv should be kept touching differēce of cleane vncleane meates Vvhich is very agreable to that * in the Epistle to Timothee vvhere S. Paul calleth abstaining from meates after the Ievvish or heretical maner the doctrine of Diuels vvhereof see more in the annotation vpon that place Haimo a godly aūcient vvriter vpon this place saith further that some Philosophers of the Gentils and some of the Ievves also taught that there vvere foure Angels Presidents of the foure elements of mans body and that in feined hypocrisie vvhich the Apostle here calleth humilitie they pretended to vvorship by sacrifice the said Angels Theophylacte expoundeth this feined humilitie of certaine Heretikes that pretending the mediatorship to be a derogation to Christs maiestie vvorshipped Angels as the only mediators Al vvhich vve set dovvne vvith more diligēce that the Heretikes may be ashamed to abuse this place against the du● reuerence and respect or praiers made to the holy Angels Vvhom the Scriptures record so often to offer our praiers vp to God and to haue been lavvfully reuerenced of the Patriarkes neuer as gods but as Gods ministers and messengers Iosu 5 14. Tob. 12 12. Gen. 48 16. Angelus qui ●ruit m● 1 Tim. 5 21. And that they may be praied vnto can helpe heare vs see S. Hierom in cap. 10 Dani●lis S. Ambrose in Psal 118. ser 1. S. Augustine li. 10 de ciuit Dei c. 12. Bede li. 4 in Cantica c. 24. 19. Not holding the head Because he hath much a do vvith such false preachers as taught the people to preferre the Angels vvhich gaue the Lavv or other vvhatsoeuer before Christ in this Epistle and to the Ephesians he often affirmeth Christ to be our head yea and to be exalted far aboue al creatures Angels Potestats Principalities or vvhatsoeuer 20. Why doe you A maruelous impudent translation of these vvordes in the English Bibles thus Why are you burdened vvith traditions Vvhere as the Greeke hath not that signification but to make the name of Tradition odious here they put it of purpose not being in the Greeke and in other place where Traditions are cōmended 1 Cor. 11. and 2 Thes 2. and where the Greeke is so most flatly 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 there they translate it Instructions ordinances●punc c. 21. Touch not The Heretikes as before and alvvaies very vainely alleage this against the Catholike fastings vvhen it is most cleere that the Apostle reprehendeth the foresaid false teachers that though to make the Christians subiect to the obseruation of the ceremonies of the old Lavv of not eating hogges conies hares flesh●punc and such like not to touch a dead corps nor any place vvhere a vvomā in her floures had sittē other infinite doctrines of touching tasting vvashing eating and the rest either commaunded to the old people by God or as many things vvere voluntarily taken vp by them selues sometime cleane against Gods ordinance and often friuolous and superstitious Vvhich sort as Christ in the Gospel so here S. Paul calleth the precepts and doctrines of men and superstition and as the Greeke vvord signifieth voluntarie vvorship that is inuented by Heretikes of their ovvne head vvithout the vvarrant of Christ in the Scriptures or the Holy Ghost in the Church or any lavvful authoritie of such vvhom Christ commaundeth vs to obey Against such Sect-Maisters therfore as vvould haue yoked the faithful againe vvith the Ievvish or Heretical fastes of Simon Magus and the like S. Paul speaketh and not of the Churches fastes or doctrines 23. Hauing a shevv Againe the Heretikes of our time obiect that these foresaid false teachers pretended holines vvisedom and chastisement of their bodies for so S. Paul saith by forbidding certaine meates according to the Ievves obseruation euen as the Catholikes do It is true they did so and so do most vices imitate vertues for if chastising of mens bodies and repressing their concupiscences and lustes vvere not godly and if abstinence from some meates vvere not laudably and profitably vsed in the Church for the same purpose no Heretikes to induce the ●bolished obseruations and differences of meates of the Ievves or the condemnation of certaine meates and creatures as abominable according to others vvould haue falsely pretented the chastisement of their flesh or made other shevv of vvisedom and pietie to found their vnlavvful Heretical or Iudaical superstition concerning the same The Catholike Church her children by the example of Christ S. Iohn Baptist the Apostles and other blessed men do that lavvfully godly religiously and sincerly in deede to the end aforesaid vvhich these false Apostles onely pretended to do So * S. Paul did chastise his body in deede by vvatching ●asting and many other afflictions and that vvas lavvful and vvas true vvisedom and pietie in deede The foresaid Heretikes not so but to induce the Colossians to Iudaisme and other abominable errors did but pretend these things in hypocrisie CHAP. III. He exhorteth to mortifie and put of al corrupt maners of the old man and to put on such vertues as are for the nevv man 18 In particular also vviues and husbands children and parents seruants and maisters ech sort to do their duetie verse 1 THERFORE if you be risen vvith Christ seeke the things that are aboue vvhere Christ is sitting on the right hand of God ✝ verse 2 Minde the things that are aboue not the things that are vpon the earth ✝ verse 3 For you are dead and your life is hidde vvith Christ in God ✝ verse 4 Vvhen Christ shal appeare your life then you also shal appeare vvith him in glorie ⊢ ✝ verse 5 * Mortifie therfore your members that are vpon the earth fornication vncleannesse lust euil concupiscence and ● auarice vvhich is the seruice of Idols ✝ verse 6 for vvhich things the vvrath of God commeth vpon the children of incredulitie ✝ verse 7 in vvhich you also vvalked sometime vvhen you liued in them ✝ verse 8 But novv lay you also al avvay anger indignation malice blasphemie filthie talke out of your mouth ✝ verse 9 Lie not one to an other * spoiling your selues of the old man vvith his actes ✝ verse 10 and ● doing on the nevv him that is renevved vnto knovvledge * according to the image of him that created him ✝ verse 11 vvhere there is not Gentile and Ievve circumcision and prepuce Barbarous and Scythian bonde and free but al and in al Christ ✝ verse 12 Put ye on therfore as the elect of God holy and beloued * the bovvels of mercie benignitie humilitie modestie patience ✝ verse 13 supporting one an other and pardoning one an other if any
the man of sinne be reuealed the sonne of perdition ✝ verse 4 vvhich is an aduersarie is ″ extolled aboue al that is called God or that is worshipped so that he sitteth ″ in the temple of God shevving him self as though he were God ✝ verse 5 Remember you not that vvhen I vvas yet vvith you I told you these things ✝ verse 6 And now ″ vvhat letteth you knovv that he may be reuealed in his time ✝ verse 7 For novv the mysterie of iniquitie vvorketh only that he vvhich novv holdeth doe hold vntil he be taken out of the vvay ✝ verse 8 And then that vvicked one shal be reuealed * vvhom our Lord IESVS shal kil vvith the spirit of his mouth shal destroy vvith the manifestation of his aduent him ✝ verse 9 vvhose comming is according to the operatiō of Satan ″ in al povver and lying signes and vvonders ✝ verse 10 and in al seducing of iniquitie to them that perish for that they haue not receiued the charitie of the truth that they might be saued ✝ verse 11 Therfore God vvil send them the operation of errour to beleeue lying ✝ verse 12 that al may be iudged vvhich haue not beleeued the truth but haue consented to iniquitie ✝ verse 13 But vve ought to giue thākes to God alvvaies for you brethrē beloued of God that he hath chosen you first-fruites vnto saluation in sanctification of spirit and faith of the truth ✝ verse 14 into the vvhich also he hath called you by our Gospel vnto the purchasing of the glorie of our Lord IESVS Christ ✝ verse 15 Therfore brethren stand and hold the ″ traditiōs vvhich you haue learned vvhether it be by vvord or by our epistle ✝ verse 16 And our Lord IESVS Christ him self and God our father vvhich hath loued vs and hath giuen eternal consolation and good hope in grace ✝ verse 17 exhort your hartes and confirme you in euery good vvorke and vvorde ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. ● A● though the day The curiositie of man fed by Satans deceites hath sought to knovv and to giue out to the vvorld such things as God vvil not impart to him nor be necessarie or profitable for him to knovv so farre that both in the Apostles daies and often aftervvard some haue feined reuelations some falsely gathered out of the Scriptures some presumed to calculate and coniecte by the starres and giuen furth to the vvorld a certaine time of Christes coming to iudgement Al vvhich seducers be here noted in the person of some that vvere about to deceiue the Thessalonians therein And S. Augustine in his 80 Epistle ad Hesychium proueth that no man can be assured by the Scriptures of the day yere or age that the end of the vvorld or the second Aduent shal be ● Vnles there come a reuolt first Though vve can not be assured of the moment houre or any certaine time of our Lordes cōming yet he vvarranteth vs that it vvil not be before certaine things be fulfilled vvhich must come to passe by the course of Gods prouidence and permission before vvhich are diuers vvhereof in other places of Scriptures vve be forevvarned Here he vvarneth vs of tvvo specially of a reuolt defection or an apostasie and of the comming or reuelation of Antichrist Vvhich tvvo pertaine in effect both to one either depending of the other and shal fall as it may be thought neere together and therfore S Augustine maketh them but one thing This apostasie or reuolt by the iudgement in maner of al auncient vvriters is the general forsaking fall of the Romane empire So Tertullian li. de resur carnis S. Hierom q 11 ad Algasiam S. Chrysostom ho. 4. and S. Ambrose vpon this place S. Augustine De Ciuit. Dei li. 20 c. 19. Al vvhich fathers and the rest * Caluin presump●kously condemneth of errour and follie herein for that their exposition agreeth not vvith his and his fellovves blasphemous fiction that the Pope should be Antichrist To establish vvhich false impietie they interprete this reuolt or apostasie to be a general reuolt of the visible Church from God vvhose house or building they say vvas sodenly destroied and lay many yeres ruined and ruled onely by Satan and Antichrist So faith the foresaid Arch-heretike here though for the aduantage of his defence and as the matter els vvhere requireth he seemeth as al their fashion is to speake in other places quite contrarie but vvith such colour and collusion of vvordes that neither other men nor him self can tell vvhat he vvould haue or say And his fathers Vvicleffe and Luther his fellovves and folovvers Illyricus Beza and the rest are for the time of the Churches falling from Christ so various among them selues and so contrarie to him that it is horrible to see their confusion and a pitieful case that any reasonable man vvil folovv such companions to euident perdition But concerning ●his errour and falshod of the Churches defection or reuolt it is refuted suffi●iently by S. Augustine against the Donatistes in many places Vvhere he proueth that the Church shal not faile to the vvorldes end no not in the time of Antichrist affirming them to deny Christ and to robbe him of his glorie inheritance bought vvith his bloud vvhich teach that the Church may faile or perish Li. de vnit Ec. c. 12. 13. De Ciuit. li. 20. c. 8. In Psal 85 ad illud Tu so●u Deus magnus ps 70 Conc. 2. Psal 60. De vtil cred c. 8. S. Hierom refuteth the same vvicked Heresie in the Luciferians prouing against them that they make God subiect to the Diuel and a poore miserable Christ that imagine the Church his body may either perish or be driuen to any corner of the vvorld both of them ansvver to the Heretikes arguments grounded on Scriptures falsely vnderstood vvhich vvere to long here to rehearse It is ynough for the Christian reader to knovv that it is an old deceite and excuse of al Heretikes and Schismatikes for defence of their forsaking Gods Church that the Church is perished or remaineth hidden or in them selues onely and in those places vvhere they and their folovvers dvvel to knovv also that this is reproued by the holy Doctors of the primitiue Church and that it is against Christes honour povver prouidence and promis If the Aduersaries had said that this reuolt vvhich the Apostle foretelleth shal come before the vvorldes end is meant of great numbers of Heretikes Apostataes reuolting from the Church they had said truth of them selues and such others vvhom S. Iohn calleth Antichristes And it is very like be it spoken vnder the correction of Gods Church and al learned Catholikes that this great defection or reuolt shal not be onely from the Romane empire but specially from the Romane Church and vvithal from most points of Christian religion not that the Catholike Christians either in the time of
degentes is bold to call the Emperour Constantius being an Arian Heretike Antichrist for making him self Principem Episcoporum Prince ouer the Bishops and President of Ecclesiastical iudgements c. The other cause is for impugning Christes Priesthod vvhich is only or most properly exercised in earth by the sacrifice of the holy Masse instituted for the commemoration of his death for the external exhibition of godly honour to the B. Trinitie vvhich kinde of external vvorship by sacrifice no lavvful people of God euer lacked And by these tvvo things you may easily perceiue that the Heretikes of these daies do more properly and neerely prepare the vvay to Antichrist and to extreme desolation then euer any before their special heresie being against the spiritual Primacie of Popes and Bishops and against the sacrifice of the altar in vvhich tvvo the soueraintie of Christ in earth consisteth 6. What letteth S. Augustine li. 20 c. 19 de ciuit del professeth plainely that he vnderstandeth not these vvordes not that that folovveth of the mysterie of iniquitie and least of al that vvhich the Apostle addeth Only that he vvhich holdeth novv do hold c. Vvhich may humble vs al and stay the confident rashnes of this time namely of Heretikes that boldly feine hereof vvhatsoeuer is agreable to their heresie and phantasie The Apostle had told the Thessalonians before by vvord of mouth a secret point vvhich he vvould not vtter in vvritting and therfore referreth them to his former talke The mysterie of iniquitie is cōmonly referred to Heretikes vvho vvorke to the same and do that that Antichrist shal do but yet not openly but in couert and vnder the cloke of Christes name the Scriptures the vvord of the Lord shevv of holines c. Vvhereas Antichrist him self shal openly attempt and atchieue the foresaid desolation and Satan novv seruing his turne by Heretikes vnderhand shal tovvard the last end vtter reueale bring him forth openly and that is here to be reuealed that is to appeare in his ovvne person These other vvordes Only that he vvhich novv holdeth hold Some expound of the Emperour during vvhose continuance in his state God shal not permit Antichrist to come meaning that the very Empire shal be vvholy desolate destroied and taken avvay before or by his comming vvhich is more then a defection from the same vvhereof vvas spoken before for there shal be a reuolt from the Church also but it shal not be vtterly destroied Others say that it is an admonition to al faithful to hold fast their faith and not to be beguiled by such as vnder the name of Christ or Scriptures seeke to deceiue them til they that novv pretend religion and the Gospel end in a plaine breach reuolt and open apostasie by the appearance of Antichrist vvhom al Heretikes serue in mysterie that is couertly and in the Diuels meaning though the vvorld seeth it not nor them selues at the beginning thought it as novv euery day more more al men perceiue they tend to plaine Atheisme and Antichristianisme 9. In al povver Satan vvhose povver to him is abridged by Christ shal then ●e let loose and shal assist Antichrist in al maner of signes vvonders and false miracles vvhereby many shal be seduced not only Ievves But al such as be deceiued and caried avvay by vulgar speache only of Heretikes that can vvorke no miracles much more shal folovv this man of sinne doing so great vvonders And such both novv do solovv Heretikes and then shal receiue Antichrist that deserue so to be forsaken of God by their forsaking of the vnitie and happie fellovvship of Saincts in the Catholike Church vvhere onely is the Charitie of truth as the Apostle here speaketh 15. Traditions Not onely the things vvritten and set dovvne in the holy Scriptures but al other truthes and pointes of religion vttered by vvord of mouth and deliuered or giuen by the Apostles to their scholers by tradition be so here approued and els vvhere in the Scripture it self that the Heretikes purposely guilfully and of il cōscience that belike reprehendeth them refraine in their translations from the Ecclesiastical and most vsual vvord Tradition euer-more vvhen it is taken in good part though it expresse most exactly the signification of the Greeke vvord but vvhen it soundeth in their fond phantasie against the traditions of the Church as in deede in true sense it neuer doth there they vse it most gladly Here therfore and in the like places that the reader might not so easily like of Traditions vnvvritten here commended by the Apostle they translate it Instructions Constitutions Ordinances and vvhat they can inuent els to hide the truth from the simple or vnvvarie Reader vvhose translations haue no other end but to beguile such by art and conueiance But S. Chrysostom ho. 4 in 1 Thes 2. and the other greeke scholies or commentaries say herevpon both vvritten and vnvvritten precepts the Apostles gaue by tradition and both be vvorthy of obseruation S. Basil De Sp. Sancto c. 29 in principio thus I account it Apostolike to continevv famely euen in vnvvritten traditions and to proue this he alleageth this place of S. Paul In the same booke c. 17 he saieth If vve once go about to reiect vnvvritten customs as things of no importance vve shal are vve be avvare doe damage to the principal partes of the faith and bring the preaching of the Gospel to a naked name And for example of these necessarie traditions he nameth the signe of the Crosse praying tovvards the east the vvords spoken at the eleuatiō of sheavving of the holy Eucharist vvith diuerse cerimonies vsed before after the consecration the halovving of the sont the blessing of the oile the anointing of the baptized vvith the same the three immersions into the font the vvordes of abrenuntiatiō and exorcismes of the partie that is to be baptised c. Vvhat scripture saith he taught these and such like none truly al comming of secret and silent tradition vvherevvith our fathers thought it meete to couer such mysteries S. Hierom Dialog cont Lucif c. 4. et ep 28 ad Li●iniū reckeneth vp diuers the like traditiōs vvilling men to attribute to the Apostles such customs as the Church hath receiued in diuers christian countries S. Augustine esteemeth the Apostolike traditions so much that he plainely affirmeth in sundrie places not onely the obseruation of certaine festiuities fastes ceremonies whatsoeuer other solemnities vsed in the Catholike Church to be holy profitable and Apostolike though they be notvvritten at al in the scriptures but he often also vvriteth that many of the articles of our religion and pointes of highest importance are not so much to be proued by scriptures as by tradition namely auouching that in no vvise vve could beleeue that children in their infancie should be baptized if it vvere not an Apostolical tradition De Gen. ad lit li.
10 c. 23. Tradition caused him to beleeue that the baptized of heretikes should not be rebaptized notvvithstanding S. Cyprians authoritie and the manifold scriptures alleaged by him though they seemed neuer so pregnant De bap li. 2. c. 7. By tradition onely he and others condemned Heluidius the heretike for denying the perpetual virginitie of our Lady And vvithout this be the Scriptures neuer so plaine no Arian no Macedonian no Eutychian no Pelagian no Zuinglian vvil yeld We must vse tradition saith S. Epiphanius ●har 61 Apostolicorum For the Scripture hath not al things and therfore the Apostles deliuered certaine things in vvriting certaine by tradition and for that he alleageth this place also of S. Paul And againe haer 55. Melchised There be boundes set dovvne for the foundation and building vp of our faith the tradition of the Apostles and holy Scriptures and succession of doctrine so that truth is euery vvay ●insed S. Irenaeus li. 3. c. 4. hath one notable chapter that in al questions vve must haue recourse to the traditions of the Apostles teaching vs vvithal that the vvay to trie an Apostolical tradition and to bring it to the fountaine is by the Apostolike succession of Bishops but specially of the Apostolike See of Rome declaring in the same place that there be many barbarous people simple for learning but for constancie in their faith most vvise vvhich neuer had Scriptures but learned onely by tradition Tertullian li. de corona militis nu ● reckeneth vp a great number of Christian obseruations or customs as S. Cyprian in many places doth in maner the same vvhereof in fine he concludeth Of such and such if thou require the rule of Scriptures thou shalt finde none Tradition shal be alleaged the author custom the confirmer and faith the obseruer Origen also of this matter vvriteth in plaine termes that there be many thinges done in the Church vvhich he there nameth vvhereof there is no easier reason to be giuen then tradition from Christ and the Apostles ho. 5. in Numer S. Dionysius Areopagita referreth the praying and oblation for the dead in the Liturgie or Masse to an Apostolical tradition in fine E● Hierarch c. 7. parte 3. So doth Tertullian De coron militit S. Augustine De ●ura pro mortuis c. 1. S. Chrysostom ho. 3. in ep ad Philip. in Moral S. Damascene S●r. de defunctis in initio Vve might adde to al this that the Scriptures them selues euen al the bookes and partes of the holy Bible be giuen vs by tradition els vve should not nor could not take them as they be in deede for the infallible vvord of God no more then the vvorkes of S. Ignatius S. Clement S. Denys and the like The true sense also of the Scriptures vvhich Catholikes haue heretikes haue not remaineth stil in the Church by tradition The Crede is an Apostolike traditiō Ruffin in expo Symb. in principio Hiero. ep 61. c. 9. Ambros Ser. 38. Aug. de Symb. ad Catechum li. 3. c. 1. And vvhat Scriptures haue they to proue that vve must accept nothing not expresly vvritten in Scriptures Vve haue to the contrarie plaine Scriptures al the fathers most euident reasons that vve must either beleeue traditions or nothing at al. And they must be asked vvhether if they vvere assured that such and such things vvhich be not expressed in Scriptures vvere taught and deliuered by vvord of mouth from the Apostles they vvould beleeue them or no If they say no then they be impious that vvil not trust the Apostles preaching if they say they vvould if they vvere assured that the Apostles taught it then to proue vnto them this point vve bring them such as liued in the Apostles daies and the testimonies of so many fathers before named neere to those daies and the vvhole Churches practise and asseueratiō descending dovvne from man to man to our time vvhich is a sufficient proofe at least for a matter of fact in al reasonable mens iudgement specially vvhen it is knovven that S. Ignatius the Apostles equal in time vvrote a booke of the Apostles traditions as Eusebius vvitnesseth li. 3. Ec. hist c. 30. And Tertullians booke of prescriptiō against Heretikes is to no other effect but to proue that the Church hath this vantage aboue Heretikes that she can proue her truth by plaine Apostolike tradition as none of them can euer do CHAP. III. He desireth their praiers 4 and inculcateth his precepts and traditions namely of vvorking quietly for their ovvne liuing commaunding to excommunicate the disobedient verse 1 FOR the rest brethren pray for vs that the vvord of God may haue course and be glorified as also vvith you ✝ verse 2 and that vve may be deliuered from importunate and naughtie men for al men haue not faith ✝ verse 3 But our Lord is faithful vvho vvil confirme and keepe you from euil ✝ verse 4 And vve haue confidence of you in our Lord that the things vvhich vve commaund both you doe and vvil doe ✝ verse 5 And our Lord direct your hartes in the charitie of God and patience of Christ ✝ verse 6 And vve denounce vnto you brethren in the name of our Lord IESVS Christ that you vvithdravv your selues frō euery brother vvalking inordinarly and not according to the traditiō vvhich they haue receiued of vs. ✝ verse 7 For your selues knovv hovv you ought to imitate vs for vve haue not been vnquiet among you ✝ verse 8 * neither haue vve eaten bread of any man gratis but in labour in toile night and day vvorking lest vve should burden any of you ✝ verse 9 * Not as though vve had not authoritie but that vve might giue our selues a paterne vnto you for to imitate vs. ✝ verse 10 For also vvhen vve vvere vvith you this vve denounced to you that if any vvil not vvorke ● neither let him eate ✝ verse 11 For vve haue heard of certaine amōg you that vvalke vnquietly vvorking nothing but curiously meddling ✝ verse 12 And to them that be such vve denounce beseeche them in our Lord IESVS Christ that vvorking vvith silence they eate their ovvne bread ✝ verse 13 But you brethren * fainte not vvel-doing ✝ verse 14 And if any ● obey not our vvord ● note him by an epistle ✝ verse 15 and do not companie vvith him that he may be confounded and do not esteeme him as an enemie but admonish him as a brother ✝ verse 16 And the Lord of peace him self giue you euerlasting peace in euery place Our Lord be vvith you al. ✝ verse 17 The saluation vvith mine ovvne hand Paules vvhich is a signe in euery epistle so I vvrite ✝ verse 18 The grace of our Lord IESVS Christ be vvith you al. Amen ANNOTATIONS CHAP. III. 10. Neither let them eate It is not a general precept or rule that euery man should liue by this handvvorke
proper vice both of Iudaical and of Heretical false teachers to professe knowledge and great skill in the Lavv and Scriptures being in deede in the sight of the learned most ignorant of the vvord of God not knowing the very principles of diuinitie euen to the admiration truely of the learned that reade their bookes or heare them preach 9. The lavv not made to the iust By this place and the like the Libertines of our daies vvould discharge them selues vvhom they count iust from the obedience of lawes But the Apostles meaning is that the iust man doth vvel not as compelled by lavv or for feare of punishment due to the transgressors thereof but of grace mere loue tovvard God al goodnes most vvillingly though there were no law to commaund him 21. Deliuered to Satan Hymenaeus and Alexander are here excōmunicated for falling from their faith teaching heresie an example vnto Bishops to vse their spiritual power vpon such In the primitiue Church corporal affliction through the ministerie of Satan vvas ioyned to excommunication Vvhere we see also the diuels readines to inuade them that are cast out by excommunication from the fellowship of the faithful and the supereminent povver of Bishops in that case Vvhereof S. Hierom ep 1. ad Heliod c. 7 hath these memorable vvordes God forbid saith he I should speake sinistreusly of them vvho succeding the Apostles in degree make Christes body vvith their holy mouth by vvhom vve are made Christians vvho hauing the k●●is of heauen do after a sort iudge before the day of iudgement vvho in s●brietie and Chastitie haue the keeping of the spouse of Christ And a litle after They may deliuer me vp to Satan to the destruction of my flesh that the spirit may be saued in the day of our Lord Iesus And in the old Lavv vvhosoeuer vvas disobedient to the Priests was either cast out of the campe and so stoned of the people or laying dovvne his necke to the svvord expiated his offense by his bloud but novv the disobedient is cut of vvith the spiritual svvord or being cast out of the Church is torne by the furious mouth of Diuels So saith he Vvhich vvordes vvould God euery Christiā man vvould vveigh CHAP. II. By his Apostolike authoritie he appointeth publike praiers to be made for al mē vvithout exception 8 also men to pray in at places 9 and vvomen also in semely attire 11 to learne of men and not to be teachers in any vvise but to seeke saluation by that vvhich to them belongeth verse 1 I Desire therfore first of al things that ″ obsecrations praiers postulations thankesgeuings be made for al men ✝ verse 2 for kings and al that are in preeminence that vve may leade a quiet and a peaceable life in al pietie and chastitie ✝ verse 3 For this is good and acceptable before our Sauiour God ✝ verse 4 ″ vvho vvill al men to be saued and to come to the knovvledge of the truth ✝ verse 5 For there is one God ″ one also mediatour of God and men man Christ IESVS ✝ verse 6 vvho gaue him self a redemption for al vvhose testimonie in due times is cōfirmed ✝ verse 7 * vvherein I am appointed a preacher an Apostle I say the truth I lie not doctor of the Gentiles in faith and truth ✝ verse 8 I vvil therfore that men pray in euery place lifting vp pure handes vvithout anger and altercation ✝ verse 9 In like maner * vvomen also in comely attire vvith demurenesse and sobrietie adorning them selues not in plaited heare or gold or pretious stones or gorgeous apparel ✝ verse 10 but that vvhich becōmeth vvomen professing pietie by good vvorkes ✝ verse 11 Let a vvoman learne in silence vvith al subiection ✝ verse 12 But * to teach ″ I permit not vnto a vvoman not to haue dominion ouer the man but to be in silēce ✝ verse 13 For * Adam vvas formed first then Eue. ✝ verse 14 and Adam vvas not seduced but the vvoman being seduced vvas in preuarication ✝ verse 15 Yet she shal be saued by generation of children if they ' continue in faith loue and sanctification vvith sobrietie ANNOTATIONS CHAP. II. 1. Obsecrations This order of the Apostle S. Augustine ep 59 findeth to be fulfilled specially in the holy celebration of the Masse vvhich hath al these kindes expressed here in foure diuers vvordes pertaining to foure sortes of praiers the difference vvhereof he exactly seeketh out of the proper signification and difference of the Greeke vvordes And he teacheth vs that the first kind of praiers vvhich here be called obsecrations are those that the Priest saith before the consecration that the second called Praiers be al those vvhich are said in and after the Consecration about the Receiuing including specially the Pater noster vvherewith the vvhole Church saith he in maner endeth that part as S. Hierom also affirmeth that Christ taught his Apostles to vse the Pater noster in the Masse Sic docuit c. So taught he hit Apostles that daily in the Sacrifice of his body the faithful should be bold to say Pater noster c. Li. 3 cont Pelag. cap. 5. where he alludeth to the very vvordes novv vsed in the preface to the said Pater noster in the said Sacrifice audemus dicere Pater noster The third sort called here in the text Postulatiōs be those vvhich are vsed after the Cōmunion as it vver for dimissing of the people vvith benediction that is vvith the Bishops or Priests blessing Finally the last kinde vvhich is Thankes-giuings concludeth al vvhen the Priest and people giue thankes to God for so greate a mysterie then offered and receiued Thus the said holy father handleth this text ep 59 to Paulinus S. Epiphanius also insinuateth these vvordes of the Apostle to pertaine to the Liturgie or Masse vvhen he thus vvriteth to Iohn Bishop of Hierusalem Vvhen vve accomplish our praiers after the rite of the holy Mysteries vve pray both for al others and for thee also ●p 60 c. 2 ad Io. Hierosolym apud Hieronymum And most of the other fathers expoūd the foresaid vvordes of publike praiers made by the Priest vvhich are said in al Liturgies or Masses both Greeke and Latin for the good estate of al that be in high degnitie as kings and others See S. Chrys ho. 6. in 1 Tim. S. Ambr. in hunc lo● Prosper de vocat li. 1. c. 4. So exactly doth the practise of the Church agree vvith the Precepts of the Apostle and the Scriptures and so profoūdly do the holy fathers seeke out the proper sense of the Scriptures vvhich our Protestants do so prophanely popularely and lightly skimme ouer that they can neither see nor endure the truth 4 Vvho vvil al men The perishing or damnation of men must not be imputed to God vvho delighteth not in any
vseth his vvife and begetteth children but onely such an one she taketh to be Deacon Priest Bishop or Subdeacō as abstaineth from his one vvife or is a vvidovver specially vvhere the holy canō● be sincerely kept But thou vvilt say vnto me that in certaine places Priests Deacons and Subdeacons do yet beget children belike this holy father neuer heard of any Bishop that did so and therfore he leaueth out that order vvhich he named vvith the other in the former part of the sentence but that is not done according to order and rule but according to mans minde vvhich by time slacketh and for the great multitude of Christian people vvhen there vvere not found sufficient for the ministerie c. the test of his vvordes be goodly for that purpose Eusebius also Euang. demonst li. 1. c. 9 saith that such as be consecrated to the holy ministerie should abstaine vvholy from their vviues vvhich they had before S. Hierom Apolog. ad Pammach c. 8 proueth that such of the Apostles as were maried did so and that the Clergie ought to do the same by their example Yea in his time he testifieth Cont. Vigil c. 1. that they did liue single in maner through the world euē in the East Church also What saith he shal the Churches of the East do vvhat they of Aegypt of the See Apostolike vvhich take to the Clergie either virgins or the continent and vnmaried or such as if they haue vviues cease to be husbands And againe he saith in Apolog. ad Pāmach c. 3. See also c. 8. If maried men like not vvel of this let them not be angrie vvith me but vvith the holy Scriptures vvith al Bishops Priests Deacons and the vvhole companie of Priests and Leuites that knovv they can not offer sacrifices if they vse the act of mariage S. Augustine de adult Coniug li. 2. c. 20. maketh it so plaine a matter that al Priests should liue chast that he writeth that euen such as vvere forced as many vvere in the primitiue Church to be of the Clergie vvere bound to liue chast yea and did it vvith great ioy and felicitie neuer complaining of these necessities and intolerable burdens or impossibilities of liuing chast as our fleshly companie of new Ministers and Superintendents do novv that thinke it no life vvhithout vvomen much like to S. Augustine before his conuersion vvhen he vvas yet a Manichee vvho as him self reporteth Confess li. 6. c. 3 admiring in S. Ambrose al other his incomparable excellencies yet counted al his felicities lesse because he lacked a vvoman vvithout vvhich he thought in time of his infidelitie no man could liue But after his conuersion thus he said to God of S. Ambrose What hope he had and against the tentations of his excellencie vvhat a ●ight he fel● or rather vvhat a comfort and solace in tribulation and his secrete mouth vvhich vvas vvithin in his hart vvhat sauourie and svveete ioyes it tasted of thy bread neither could I coniecture neither h●d I tried See Tertullian li. 1 ad vxorem S. Cyprian de singul● 〈◊〉 the first Councel of N●ce can 3. Conc. Tolet. 2 can 3. Conc. Aurelian 3 can 2. of Carthage the second cap. 2. of Neocaesarea cap. 1 of Ancyra cap. 10. and you shal find that this vvas generally the Churches order euen from the Apostles time though in some places by the licentiousnes of many it vvas sometime not so religiously looked vnto Vvhereby you may easily refute the impudent clamors of Heretikes against Siricius Gregorie 7 and others vvhom they falsely make the authors of the Cleargies single life ● Not a Neophyte That vvhich is spoken here properly and principally of the nevvly baptized for so the vvord Neophyte doth signifie the fathers extend also to al such as be but nevvly ●etired from prophane occupations ciuil gouernement vvarfare or secular studies of vvhom good trial must be taken before they ought to be preferred to the high dignitie of Bishop or Priest though for some special prerogatiue and excellencie it hath in certaine persons been othervvise as in S. Ambrose and some other notable men Tertullian li. de praescript noteth Heretikes for their lightnes in admitting euery one vvithout discretion to the Cleargie Their Orders saith he are rash light incōstant novv they place Neophytes then secular men then our Apostataes that they may tie them by glorie and preferment Wh●m vvith the truth they can not No vvhere may a man sooner prosper and come forvvard then in the cam●e of rebelles vvhere to be onely is to deserue much therfore or● to day a Bishop to morovv somevvhat els to day a Deacon to morovv Lector that is a Reader to day ● Priest to morovv a lay man for to laie men also they enioyne the functions of Priestes And S. Hierom ep 83 ad Oceanum c. 4. saith of such Yesterday a Ca●echumene or nevvly conuerted to day a Bishop yesterday in the theatre to day in the Church at night in the place of games and maisteries in the morning at the altar a vvhile ago a great patrone of stageplaiers novv a consecrator of holy virgins And in an other place Out of the bosome of Plato and Aristophan●s they are chosen to a Bishoprike vvhose care is not hovv to sucke out the marovv of the Scriptures but hovv to soothe the peoples cares vvith florishing declamations Dialog cont Lucifer c. 5. 8. Deacons Vnder the name of Deacons are here conteined Subdeacons as before vnder the name of Bishop Priest also vvere comprehended for to these foure pertaineth the Apostles precept and order touching one vvise and touching continēcie and chastitie as by the alleaged Councels and fathers namely by the vvordes of S. Epiphanius doth appeare for they onely be in holy Orders as seruing by their proper function about the Altar and the B. Sacrament in respect vvhereof the law of chastitie pertaineth to them and not to the foure inferior Orders of Acolyti Exorcista Lectores and O●tiarij Vvho neither by precept nor vovv be bound to perpetual chastitie as the others of the holy and high Orders be bound both by precept and promis or solemne assent made vvhen they tooke Subdeaconship Al these degrees and orders to haue been euer since Christes time in the Church of God it might be proued by al antiquitie but for as much as the Apostles purpose is not here to recken vp al the Ecclesiastical Hierarchie it neede not be treated of in this place But we vvish the learned to reade the 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 chapters of the 4 Councel of Carthage vvhereat S. Augustine vvas present vvhere they shal see the expresse callings offices and maner of ordering or creating al the said sortes and shal vvel perceiue these things to be most auncient and venerable Let them read also Eusebius historie the 35 Chapter of the 6 booke vvhere for al these orders he reciteth
of the Crosse and the bread saith he vvhich they receiue thought it be not the body of Christ yet is holy and more holy then the vsual bread of the table He meaneth a kinde of bread then halovved specially for such as vvere not yet admitted to the B. Sacrament either the same or the like to our holy bread vsed in the Church of England and France on Sundaies And it vvas a common vse in the primitiue Church to blesse loaues and send them for sacred tokens from one Christian man to an other and that not among the simple and superstitious as the Aduersaries may imagine but among the holiest learnedst and vvisest Such halovved breads did S. Paulinus send to S. Augustine and Alipius and they to him againe calling them blessings Read S. Hierom in the life of Hila●ion post medium hovv Princes and learned Bishops other of al sortes came to that holy man for holy bread panem benedictum In the primitiue Church the people commonly brought bread to the Priests to be halovved Author op imp ho. 14 in Mt. The 3 Coūcel of Carthage cap. 24. maketh mention of the blessing of milke honie grapes and corne See the 4 Canon of the Apostles And not onely diuers other creatures vsed at certaine times in holy Churches seruice as vvaxe fire palmes ashes but also the holy oile Chrisme and the vvater of Baptisme that also vvhich is the cheefe of al Priestly blessing of creatures the bread and vvine in the high Sacrifice be sanctified for vvithout sanctification yea as S. Augustine affirmeth tract 118. in Ioan. vvithout the signe of the Crosse none of these things can rightly be done Can any man novv maruel that the Church of God by this vvarrāt of S. Paules vvord expoūded by so long practise and tradition of the first fathers of our religion doth vse diuers elements and blesse them for mans vse and the seruice of God expelling by the inuocatiō of Christes name the aduersarie povver from them according to the authoritie giuen by Christ Super omnia d●monia ouer al Diuels and by praier vvhich importeth as the Apostle here speaketh desire of help as it vvere by the vertue of Christ to combat vvith the Diuel and so to expel him out of Gods creatures vvhich is done by holy exorcisme and euer beginneth Adiutorium nostrum in nomine Domini as vve see in the blessing of holy vvater and the like sanctification of elements Vvhich exorcismes namely of children before they come to Baptisme see in S. Augustine li. 6 cont Iulian c. 5. de E● dogmat 6. 31. Denupt concupis li. 1 6. 20. and of holy vvater that hath been vsed these 1400 yeres in the Church by the institution of Alexander the first in al Christian countries and of the force thereof against Diuels see a famous historie in Eusebius li. 5 c. 21. and in Epiphanius her 30 Ebionitarum See S. Gregorie to S. Augustine our Apostle of the vse thereof in halovving the Idolatrous temples to be made the Churches of Christ apud Bedam li 1 c. 30 hist Angl. Remember hovv the Prophet Eliseus applied salt to the healing and purifying of vvaters 4 Reg. 2 hovv the Angel Raphael vsed the liuer of the fish to driue avvay the Diuel Tob. 6. 8 hovv Dauids harp and Psalmodie kept the euil spirit from Saul 1 Reg. 16 hovv a peece of the holy earth saued such a mans chamber from infestatiō of Diuels August de Ciuit. dei li. 22 c. 8 how Christ him self both in Sacramēts out of them occupied diuers sanctified elements some for the health of the body some for grace and remission of sinnes and some to vvorke miracles by See in S. Hierom against Vigilantius c. 2. hovv holy Relikes tormēt them In the historie of Iulianus the Apostata hovv the signe of the Crosse in the Actes cap. 19 hovv the name of IESVS yea and of Paul putteth them to flight Furnish your selues vvith such examples and groundes of Scriptures and antiquitie and you shal contemne the Aduersaries cauillations and blasphemies against the Churches practise in such things and further also finde these sacred actions and creatures not only by increase of faith feruor and deuotion to purge the impuritie of our soules and procure remission of our daily infirmities but that the cheefe Ministers of Christes Church by their soueraine authoritie graunted of our Lord may ioyne vnto the same their blessing and remission of our venial sinnes or spiritual dettes as vve see in S. Iames remission of al sinnes to be annexed to the vnction vvith holy oile vvhich to the Catholikes is a Sacrament but to the Protestants vvas but a temporal ceremonie and to some of them not of Christes institution but of the Apostles onely In their ovvne sense therfore they should not maruel that such spiritual effectes should procede of the vse of sanctified creatures vvhereas venial trespasses be remitted many vvaies though mortal ordinarily by the Sacraments onely S. Gregorie did commonly send his benediction and remission of sinnes in and vvith such holy tokens as vvere sanctified by his blessing and touching of the Apostles bodies and Martyrs Relikes as novv his successors do in the like halovved remembrances of religion See his 7 booke epistle 126 and 9 booke epistle 60. Thus therfore and to the effectes aforesaid the creatures of God be sanctified If any man obiect that this vse of creatures is like coniuration in Necromancie he must knovv the difference is that in the Churches sanctifications and exorcismes the Diuels be commaunded forced and tormented by Christes vvord and by praiers but in the other vvicked practises they be pleased honoured and couenanted vvithal and therfore the first is godly and according to the Scriptures but Necromancie abominable and against the Scriptures 14. The grace S. Augustine declareth this grace to be the gift of the holy Ghost giuen vnto him by receiuing this holy Order vvhereby he vvas made fitte to execute the office to his ovvne saluation and other mens And note vvithal that grace is not onely giuen in or vvith the Sacraments by the receiuers faith or deuotion but by the Sacrament per impositionem by imposition of handes for so he speaketh 2 Tim. 1. which is here said cum impositione vvith imposition 14. With imposition S. Ambrose vpon this place implieth in the vvord Imposition of ●ands al the holy action and sacred vvordes done and spoken ouer him vvhen he vvas made Priest Whereby saith he he vvas designed to the vvorke and receiued authoritie that he durst offer sacrifice in our Lordes steede vnto God So doth the holy Doctor allude vnto the vvordes that are said novv also in the Catholike Church to him that is made Priest Accipe potestatem offerendi pro viuis mortuis in nomine Domini that is Take or receiue thou authoritie to offer for the liuing and
Let vs auoid those Nouelties of vvordes according to the Apostles prescript and keepe the old termes Penance Fasting Priest Church Bishop Masse Mattins Euensong the B. Sacrament Altar Oblation Host Sacrifice Alleluia Amen Lent Palme-Sunday Chrisimas the very vvordes vvil bring vs to the faith of our first Apostles and condemne these nevv apostates nevv faith and phrases 20. Falsely called knovvledge It is the propertie of al Heretikes to arrogate to them selues great knovvledge and to condemne the simplicitie of their fathers the holy Doctors and the Church but the Apostle calleth their pretended skill a knovvledge falsely so called being in truth high and deepe blindnes Such saith S. Irenaeus li. 5 c. 17. as forsake the preaching of the Church argue the holy Priests of vnskilfulnes not considering hovv far more vvorth a religious idiote is them a blasphemous and impudent sophister such as al Heretikes be And againe Vincentius Lirinensis speaking in the person of Heretikes saith Come ô ye folish and miserable men that are commonly called Catholikes and learne the true faith vvhich hath been hid many ages heretofore but is reuealed and shevved of late c. See his vvhole booke concerning these matters THE ARGVMENT OF THE SECOND EPISTLE OF S. PAVL TO TIMOTHEE THE cheefe scope of this second to Timothee is to open vnto him that his martyrdom is at hand Vvhich yet he doth not plainely before the end preparing first his minde vvith much circumstance because he knevv it vvould grieue him sore and also might be a tentation vnto him Therfore he talketh of the cause of his trouble of the revvard that the one is honorable and the other most glorious and exhorteth him to be constant in the faith to be ready alvvaies to suffer for it to fulfil his ministerie to the end as him self novv had done his Vvhereby it is certaine that it vvas vvritten at Rome in his last apprehension and emprisonment there as he signifieth by these vvordes Cap. 1 Onesiphorus vvas not ashamed of my chaine but when he was come to Rome carefully sought me c. And of his martyrdom thus For I am novv ready to be offered and the time of my resolution or death is at hand cap. 4. THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAVL TO TIMOTHEE CHAP. I. Vvith his praises he couertly exhorteth him not to be dismaied for his trouble 6 hauing grace giuen in Orders to helpe him 8 and knovving for vvhat cause he is persecuted and namely vvith the example of Onesiphorus verse 1 PAVL an Apostle of IESVS Christ by the vvil of God according to the promisse of the life which is in Christ IESVS ✝ verse 2 to Timothee my deerest sonne grace mercie peace from God the father and Christ IESVS our Lord. ✝ verse 3 I giue thankes to God vvhom I serue from my progenitours in a pure conscience that vvithout intermission I haue a memorie of thee in my praiers night and day ✝ verse 4 desiring to see thee mindeful of thy teares that I may be filled vvith ioy ✝ verse 5 calling to minde that faith vvhich is in thee not feined vvhich also dvvelt first ″ in thy grandmother Loïs and thy mother Eunîce and I am sure that in thee also ✝ verse 6 For the vvhich cause I admonish thee that thou resuscitate the grace of God vvhich is in thee by the imposition of my handes ✝ verse 7 For God hath not giuen vs the spirit of feare but of povver and loue and sobrietie ✝ verse 8 Be not therfore ashamed of the testimonie of our Lord nor of me his prisoner but trauail vvith the Gospel according to the povver of God ✝ verse 9 vvho hath deliuered and called vs by his holy calling * not according to our vvorkes but according to his purpose and grace vvhich vvas giuen to vs in Christ IESVS * before the secular times ✝ verse 10 But it is manifested novv by the illumination of our Sauiour IESVS Christ vvho hath destroied death illuminated life and incorruption by the Gospel ✝ verse 11 vvherein * I am appointed a preacher and Apostle and Maister of the Gentiles ✝ verse 12 For the vvhich cause also I suffer these things but I am not cōfounded For I know whom I haue beleeued I am sure that he is able to keepe my ″ depositum vnto that day ✝ verse 13 Haue thou ″ a forme of sound vvordes vvhich thou hast heard of me in faith in the loue in Christ IESVS ✝ verse 14 Keepe the good depositum by the holy Ghost vvhich dvvelleth in vs. ✝ verse 15 Thou knovvest this that al vvhich are in Asia be auerted from me of vvhom is Phigelus and Hermogenes ✝ verse 16 Our Lord giue mercie to * the house of Onesiphorus because he hath often refreshed me and hath not been ashamed of my chaine ✝ verse 17 but vvhen he vvas come to Rome he sought me carefully and found me ✝ verse 18 ″ Our Lord graunt him to finde mercie of our Lord in that day And how many things he ministred to me at Ephesus thou knovvest better ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 5. In thy grandmother Though God shevv mercie to many that be of incredulous heretical or il parents yet it is a goodly benediction of God to haue good education and to haue good faithful progenitors and Catholike parents And it is a great sinne to forsake the faith of our fathers that be Catholikes or contrarie to our education in the Church to folovv strange doctrines abandoning not onely our next natural parents faith but the aūcient faith and beleefe of al our progenitors for many hundred yeres together And if to folovv the faith of mother and grandmother onely the Christian religion being then but nevvly planted vvas so commendable euen in a Bishop hovv much more is it novv laudable to cleaue fast to the faith of so many our progenitors and ages that continued in the same Christian religion vvhich they first receiued Our Protestants in their great vvisedom laugh at good simple men vvhen they talke of their fathers faith But S. Hierom I am a Christian saith he and borne of Christian parents and carie the signe of the crosse in my forehead And againe ep 65. c. 3. Vntil this day the Christian vvorld hath been vvithout this doctrine that faith vvil I hold fast being an old man vvherein I vvas borne a child And the holy Scriptures set vs often to schole to our fathers Aske thy fathers and they vvil shevv thee thy auncetours and they vvil tel thee And againe Our fathers haue shevved vnto vs. And cōmonly the true God is called the God of the faithful and of their forefathers Dan. 2. 3. And false Gods and nevv doctrines or opinions be named Nevv and fresh such as their fathers vvorshipped not Deut. 32. Finally S. Paul both here and often els alleageth for his defense and commendation that he vvas of faithful progenitors
other but not al that suffer persecution be holy as al malefactors The Church and Catholike Princes persecute heretikes and be persecuted of them againe as S. Augustine often declareth See ep 48. 13. Prosper Though heresies and the authors of them be after a while discouered by litle and litle forsaken generally of the honest discrete and men careful of their owne saluation yet their authors and other great sinners proceede from one errour and heresie to an other and finally to plaine Atheisme and al Diuelish disorder 16. Al Scripture Besides the Apostles teaching and tradition the reading of holy Scriptures is a great defense and helpe of the faithful aud specially of a Bishop not onely to auoid and condemne al heresies but to the guiding of a man in al iustice good life and vvorkes Vvhich commendation is not here giuen to the bookes of the new Testament onely vvhereof he here speaketh not as being yet for a great part not vvritten but to the Scripture of the old Testament also yea and to euery booke of it For there is not one of them nor any part of them but it is profitable to the end aforesaid if it be read and vnderstood according to the same Spirit vvherewith it vvas vvritten The Heretikes vpon this commendation of holy Scriptures pretend very simply in good sooth that therfore nothing is necessarie to iustice and saluation but Scriptures As though euery thing that is profitable or necessarie to any effect excluded al other helpe and vvere onely ynough to attaine the same By vvhich reason a man might as vvel proue that the old Testament vvere ynough and so exclude the new or any one peece of al the old and thereby exclude the rest For he affirmeth euery Scripture to haue the foresaid vtilities and they might see in the very next line before that he requireth his constant perseuêrance in the doctrine vvhich he had taught him ouer and aboue that he had learned out of the Scriptures of the old Testament vvhich he had read from his infancie but could not thereby learne al the mysteries of Christian religion therein Neither doth the Apostle affirme here that he had his knowledge of Scriptures by reading onely vvithout helpe of maisters and teachers as the Aduersaries herevpon to committe the holy Scriptures to euery mans presumption do gather but affirmeth onely that Timothee knevv the Scriptures and therfore had studied them by hearing good readers and teachers as S. Paul him self did of Gamaliel and the like and as al christian students doe that be trained vp from their youth in Catholike vniuersities in the studie of Diuinitie CHAP. IIII. He requireth him to be earnest vvhile he may because the time vvil come vvhen they vvil not abide Catholike preaching 5 and to fulfil his course as him self novv hath done 9 and to come vnto him vvith speede because the rest of his traine are dispersed and he dravveth novv to heauen verse 1 I Testifie before God and IESVS Christ vvho shal iudge the liuing and the dead and by his aduent and his kingdom ✝ verse 2 Preach the vvord vrge in season out of season reproue beseeche rebuke in al patience and doctrine ✝ verse 3 For ″ there shal be a time vvhen they vvil not beare ●ound doctrine but according to their ovvne desires they vvil heape to them selues maisters hauing itching eares ✝ verse 4 and from the truth certes they vvil auert their hearing and to fables they vvil be conuerted ✝ verse 5 But be thou vigilant labour in al things doe the vvorke of an Euangelist fulfil thy ministerie Be sober ✝ verse 6 For I am euen novv to be sacrificed the time of my resolutiō is at hand ✝ verse 7 I haue fought a good fight I haue consummate my course I haue kept the faith ✝ verse 8 Concerning the rest there is laid vp for me ″ a crovvne of iustice vvhich our Lord vvil render to me in that day a iust iudge and not only to me but to them also that loue his comming ⊢ ✝ verse 9 Make hast to come to me quickly ✝ verse 10 For Demas hath left me louing this vvorld and is gone to Thessalonica Crescens into Galatia Titus into Dalmatia ✝ verse 11 * Luke only is vvith me Take Marke and bring him vvith thee for he is profitable to me for the ministerie ✝ verse 12 But Tychicus I haue sent to Ephesus ✝ verse 13 The cloke that I left at Troas vvith Carpus cōming bring vvith thee and the bookes especially the parchement ✝ verse 14 Alexander the Coppersmith hath shevved me much euil our Lord vvil revvard him according to his vvorkes ✝ verse 15 vvhom doe thou also auoid for he hath greatly resisted our vvordes ✝ verse 16 In my first ansvver no man vvas with me but al did forsake me be it not imputed to them ✝ verse 17 But our Lord stoode to me and strengthened me that by me the preaching may be accomplished and al Gentiles may heare and I was deliuered from the mouth of the lion ✝ verse 18 Our Lord ● hath deliuered ' me from al euil vvorke and vvil saue me vnto his heauenly kingdom to vvhom be glorie for euer euer Amen ✝ verse 19 Salute Prisca and Aquila and * the house of Onesiphorus ✝ verse 20 Erastus remained at Corinth And Trophimus I left sicke at Milêtum ✝ verse 21 Make hast to come before vvinter Eubûlus and Pudens and Linus and Claudia and al the brethren salute thee ✝ verse 22 Our Lord IESVS Christ be vvith thy spirit Grace be vvith you Amen ANNOTATIONS CHAP. IIII. 3. There shal be a time If euer this time come as needes it must that the Apostle foresavv and foretold novv it is vndoubtedly for the properties fall so iust in euery point vpon our nevv Maisters and their Disciples that they may seeme to be pourtered out rather then prophecied of Neuer vvere there such delicate Doctors that could so pleasantly clavv and so svveetly rubbe the itching eares of their hearers as these vvhich haue a doctrine framed for euery mans phamsie lust liking and desire the people not so fast crying Speake placentia things that please but the Maisters as fast vvarranting them to doe placentia 8. Acrovvne of iustice This place conuinceth for the Catholikes that al good vvorkes done by Gods grace after the first iustification be truely and properly meritorious and fully vvorthy of euerlasting life and that therevpon heauen is the due and iust stipend crovvne or recompense vvhich God by his iustice ovveth to the persons so vvorking by his grace for he rendreth or repaieth heauen as a iust iudge and not onely as a merciful giues and the crovvne vvhich he paieth is not onely of mercie or fauour or grace but also of iustice It is his merciful fauour and grace that vve vvorke vvel merite heauen it is his iustice for those merites to giue vs
passion It hath in deede in it self to profite al but if it be not drunken it healeth not 11. Inexplicable Intending to treate more largely and particularly of Christes or Melchisedek● Priesthod he forvvarneth them that the mysterie thereof is far passing their capacitie and that through their feeblenes in faith and vveakenes of vnderstanding he is forced to omit diuers deepe points concerning the Priesthod of the nevv lavv Among vvhich no doubt the mysterie of the Sacrament and Sacrifice of the altar called MASSE vvas a principal pertinent matter vvhich the Apostles the Fathers of the primitiue Church vsed not to treate of so largely and particularly in their vvritings vvhich might come to the hands of the vnfaithful vvho of al things tooke soonest scandal of the B. Sacrament as vve see Io. 6. He spake to the Hebru●s saith S. Hierom ep 126 that is to the Ievves and not to faithful men to vvhom he might haue been hold to vtter the Sacrament And in deede it vvas not reasonable to talke much to them of that sacrifice vvhich vvas the resemblance of Christes death vvhen they thought not right of Christes death it self Vvhich the Apostles vvisedom and silence our Aduersaries vvickedly abuse against the holy Masse CHAP. VI. He exhorteth them to be perfect scholers and not to neede to be Catechumen● againe 4 considering they can not be baptized againe 9 and remembring their former good vvorkes for the vvhich God vvil not faile to performe them his promis if they faile not to imitate Abraham by perseuerance in the faith vvith patience 20 And so endeth his digression and returneth to the matter of Christes Priesthod verse 1 VVHERFORE intermitting the vvord of the beginning of Christ let vs proceede to perfection not againe laying ″ the foundatiō of penance from dead vvorkes and of faith tovvard God ✝ verse 2 of the doctrine of baptismes and of imposition of handes and of the resurrection of the dead and of eternal iudgement ✝ verse 3 And this shal vve doe if God vvill permit ✝ verse 4 For * it is ″ impossible for them that were once illuminated haue tasted also the heauenly gift and vvere made partakers of the holy Ghost ✝ verse 5 haue moreouer tasted the good vvord of God and the povvers of the world to come ✝ verse 6 and are fallen to be renevved againe to penāce crucifying againe to them selues the sonne of God and making him a mockerie ✝ verse 7 For the earth drinking the raine often cōming vpon it bringing forth grasse commodious for them by vvhom it is tilled receiueth blessing of God ✝ verse 8 but bringing forth thornes and bryers it is reprobate and very neere a curse vvhose end is to be burnt ✝ verse 9 But vve confidently trust of you my best beloued better things and neerer to saluation although vve speake thus ✝ verse 10 For ″ God is not vniust that he should forget your vvorke loue which you haue shevved in his name vvhich haue ministred to the sainctes and do minister ✝ verse 11 And our desire is that euery one of you shevv forth the same carefulnesse to the accomplishing of hope vnto the end ✝ verse 12 that you become not slouthful but imitatours of them vvhich by faith and patience shal inherite the promisses ✝ verse 13 For God promising to Abraham because he had none greater by vvhō he might sweare he sware by him self ✝ verse 14 saying * Vnles blessing I shal blesse thee and multiplying shal multiplie thee ✝ verse 15 And so patiently enduring he obtained the promise ✝ verse 16 For mē svveare by a greater then them selues and the end of al their controuersie for the confirmation is an othe ✝ verse 17 Vvherein God meaning more aboundantly to shevv to the heires of the promise the stabilitie of his coūsel he interposed an othe ✝ verse 18 that by tvvo things vnmoueable vvhereby it is impossible for God to lie vve may haue a most strong comfort vvho haue fled to hold fast the hope proposed ✝ verse 19 vvhich vve haue as an anker of the soule sure and firme and going in into the inner partes of the vele ✝ verse 20 vvhere IESVS the precursor for vs is entered made a high priest for euer according to the order of Melchisedec ANNOTATIONS CHAP. VI. 1. The foundation of penance Vve see hereby vvhat the first groundes of Christian institution or Catechisme were in the primitiue Church and that there vvas euer a necessarie instruction and beleefe of certaine points had by vvord of mouth and tradition before men came to the Scriptures vvhich could not treate of things so particularly as vvas requisite for the teaching of al necessarie groundes Among these points were the 12 Articles conteined in the Apostles Creede the doctrine of penance before Baptisme the maner and necessitie of Baptisme the Sacrament of Imposition of hands after Baptisme called Confirmation the articles of the Resurrection Iudgement and such like Vvithout vvhich things first laid if one should be sent to picke his faith out of the Scripture there vvould be madde rule quickly See S. Augustine in exposit inchoat ep ad Ro. versut finem 4. Impossible How hard the holy Scriptures be and how dangerously they be read of the vnlearned or of the proud be they neuer so vvel learned this one place might teach vs. Vvhereat the Nouatians of old did so stumble that they thought and heretically taught that none falling into any mortal sinne after Baptisme could be receiued to mercie or penance in the Church and so to a contentious man that vvould folow his owne sense or the bare vvordes vvithout regard of the Churches sense and rule of faith after vvhich euery Scripture must be expounded the Apostles speach doth here sound Euen as to the simple and to the Heretike that submitteth not his sense to the Churches iudgement certaine places of this same Epistle seeme at the first sight to stand against the daily oblation or sacrifice of the Masse vvhich yet in truth make no more for that purpose then this text we now stand on serueth the Nouatians as vvhen we come to the places it shal be declared And let the good Readers beware here also of the Protestants exposition for they are herein vvorse then Nouatians specially such as precisely folovv Caluin holding impiously that it is impossible for one that forsaketh entirely his faith that is becommeth an Apostata or an Heretike to be receiued to penance or to Gods mercie To establish vvhich false and damnable sense these fellowes make nothing of S. Ambroses S. Chrysostoms and the other fathers exposition vvhich is the holy Churches sense That the Apostle meaneth of that penance vvhich is done before and in Baptisme vvhich is no more to say but that it is impossible to be baptized againe and thereby to be renouated and illuminated to die be buried and rise againe the second time in
vvas vvholy spiritual For then Christs death vvas not a corporal external visible and truely named sacrifice neither could Christ or Melchisedec be any otherwise a Priest then euery faithful man is vvhich to hold as the Caluinists folowing their owne doctrine must needes do is directly against the Scriptures and no lesse against Christes one oblation of his body vpon the Crosse then it is against the daily sacrifice of his body vpon the altar Therfore he hath a certaine host in external and proper maner to make perpetual oblation thereby in the Church for visible and external act of sacrificing in heauen he doth not exercise 4. If vpon the earth It is by his death and resurrection to life againe that his body is become apt and fitte in such diuine sort to be sacrificed perpetually For if he had liued in mortal sort still that vvay of mystical representation of breaking his body and separating the bloud from the same could not haue been agreable and so the Church and Christian people should haue lacked a priesthod and sacrifice Christ him self should not haue been a Priest of a peculiar order but either must haue offered in the things that Aarons Priests did or els haue been no Priest at all For to haue offered onely spiritually as all faithful men do that could not be ynough for his vocation and our redemption and state of the new Testament How his flesh vvas made fit to be offered and eaten in the B. Sacrament by his death see Isychius li. 1 in leuit cap. 2. 5. Heauenly things As the Church or state of the new Testament is commonly called Regnum coelorum Dei in the Scriptures so these heauenly things be probably taken by learned men for the mysteries of the new Testament And it seemeth that the paterne giuen to Moyses to frame his tabernacle by vvas the Church rather then the heauens them selues al S. Paules discourse tending to shew the difference betwixt the new Testament and the old and not to make comparison betwene the state of heauen and the old law Though incidently because the condition of the new Testament more neerely resembleth the same then the old state doth he sometime may speake somewhat therof also 10. Into their minde This also and the rest folowing is fulfilled in the Church and is the proper effect of the new Testament vvhich is the grace and spirit of loue graffed in the hartes of the faithful by the holy Ghost vvorking in the Sacraments and sacrifice of the new law to that effecte 10. Their God This mutual couenant made betwixt God and the faithful is that vvhich vvas dedicated and established first in the chalice of his bloud called therfore the nevv Testament in his bloud and vvhich vvas straight after ratified by the death of the ●●stator vpon the Crosse 11. Shal not teach So it vvas in the primitiue Church in such specially as vvere the first founders of our new state in Christ And that vvhich vvas verified in the Apostles and other principal men the Apostle speaketh generally as though it vvere so in the vvhole as S. Peter applieth the like out of Ioël and our Sauiour so speaketh vvhen he saith that such as beleeue in him shal vvorke miracles of diuers sortes Christian men then must not abuse this place to make chalenge of new inspirations and so great knowledge that they neede no Scriptures or teaching in this life as some Heretikes doe vvith much like reason and shew of Scriptures as the Protestants haue to refuse external sacrifice And it is no lesse phantastical madnesse to deny external sacrifice sacraments or Priesthod then it is to abolish teaching and preaching CHAP. IX In the old Testament that secular Sanctuarie had tvvo partes the one signifying that time vvith the ceremonies therof for the emundation of the flesh the other signifying heauen vvhich then vvas shut vntil our High priest Christ entered into it and that vvith his ovvne bloud shed for the emundation of our consciences Wherevpon he concludeth the excellencie of his tabernacle and host aboue the old 25 Noting also the differences that he entered but once so effectual vvas that one blouddy offering of himself for euer vvheras the Leuitical High priest entered euery yere once verse 1 THE former also in deede had iustificatiōs of seruice and a secular sanctuarie ✝ verse 2 For the tabernacle vvas made the first vvherin vvere the candlestickes and the table and the proposition of Ioaues vvhich is called Holy ✝ verse 3 But after the second vele the tabernacle vvhich is called Sancta Sanctorum ✝ verse 4 hauing a golden censar and the arke of the testamēt couered about on euery part vvith gold in the vvhich vvas ″ a golden potte hauing Manna and the rod of Aaron that had blossomed * the tables of the testament ✝ verse 5 and ouer it vvere * the ″ Cherubins of glorie ouers had ovving the propitiatorie of vvhich things it is not needeful to speake novv particularly ✝ verse 6 But these things being so ordered in the first tabernacle in deede the priests alvvaies entered accōplishing offices of the sacrifices ✝ verse 7 But in the second * once a yere the high priest only not vvithout bloud vvhich he offereth for his ovvne and the peoples ignorance ✝ verse 8 the holy Ghost signifying this that the vvay of the holies was not yet manifested the former tabernacle as yet standing ✝ verse 9 vvhich is a parable of the time present according to vvhich are offered giftes and hostes vvhich can not concerning the conscience make perfect him that serueth ✝ verse 10 onely in meates and in drinkes and diuerse baptismes and iustices of the flesh laid on them ″ vntil the time of correction ✝ verse 11 But Christ assisting an high Priest of the good things to come by a more ample and more perfect tabernacle not made vvith hand that is not of this creation ✝ verse 12 neither by the bloud of goates or of calues but by his ovvne bloud entered in once into the Holies ″ eternal redemption being found ⊢ ✝ verse 13 For * if the bloud of goates and of oxen the ashes of an heifer being sprinkled sanctifieth the polluted to the cleansing of the flesh ✝ verse 14 hovv much more hath ' the bloud of Christ vvho by the holy Ghost offered himself vnspotted vnto God cleansed ' our conscience from dead vvorkes to serue the liuing God ✝ verse 15 And therfore he is the mediatour of the nevv Testament that death being a meane vnto the redemption ″ of these preuarications vvhich vvere vnder the former testament they that are called may receiue the promise of eternal inheritance ⊢ ✝ verse 16 For * vvhere there is a testament the death of the testatour must of necessitie come betvvene ✝ verse 17 For a testament is confirmed in
the dead othervvise it is yet of no value vvhiles he that tested liueth ✝ verse 18 Vvherevpon neither vvas the first certes dedicated vvithout bloud ✝ verse 19 For al the commaundement of the Lavv being read of Moyses to al the people he taking the bloud of calues and goates vvith vvater and scarlet vvool and hyssope sprinkled the very booke also it self and al the people ✝ verse 20 saying * ″ This is the bloud of the Testament vvhich God hath commaunded vnto you ✝ verse 21 The tabernacle also al the vessel of the ministerie he in like maner sprinkled with bloud ✝ verse 22 And al things almost according to the lavv are cleansed with bloud and vvithout sheading of bloud there is not remission ✝ verse 23 It is necessarie therfore that ″ the examplers of the coelestials be cleansed vvith these but the celestials them selues vvith better hostes then these ✝ verse 24 For IESVS is not entred into Holies made vvith hand examplers of the true but into heauen it self that he may appeare novv to the countenance of God for vs. ✝ verse 25 Nor that he should ″ offer him self often as the high priest entereth into the Holies euery yere in the bloud of others ✝ verse 26 othervvise he ought to haue suffered often from the beginning of the vvorld but novv once in the cōsummation of the vvorldes to the destructiō of sinne he hath appeared by his ovvne host ✝ verse 27 And as it is appointed to men to die once and after this the iudgement ✝ verse 28 so also Christ vvas offered once to exhaust the sinnes of many the second time he shal appeare vvithout sinne to them that expect him vnto saluation ANNOTATIONS CHAP. IX 4. A golden potte The Protestants count it superstitious to keepe vvith honour and reuerence the holy memories or monuments of Gods benefites and miracles or the tokens of Christes Passion as his Crosse garments or other things appertaining to him or his Saincts and thinke it impossible that such things should dure so long vvhen they may here see the reuerent and long reseruation of Manna vvhich of it self vvas most apt to putrifie and of Aarons rodde onely for that it sodenly florished by miracle the tables of the Testament c. See a notable place in S. Cyril li. 6 cont Iulian. vvhere he defendeth against Iulian the Apostataes blasphemie he keeping and honouring of that Crosse or vvood vvhich Christ died on See also S. Paulinus ep 11. and vvhat reuerence S. Hierom and the faithful of his time did to the sepulchres of Christ and his Martyrs and to their relikes We reuerence and vvorship saith he euery vvhere Martyrs sepulchres and putting the holy ashes to our eies if vve may vve touch it vvith our mouth also and do some thinke that the monument vvherein our Lord vvas buried it to be neglected But our Protestant can not skill of this they had rather folovv Vigilantius Iulianus the Apostata and such Maisters then the holy Doctors and euident practise of the Church is al ages 5. Cherubins You see it is a fond thing to conclude vpon the first or second commaundement that there should be no sacred images in the Church vvhen euen among these people that vvere most prone to idolatrie and grosse in imagination of spiritual things such as Angels are and to vvhom the precept vvas specially giuen the same God that forbade them grauen idols did commaund these images of Angels to be made and set in the soueraine holiest place of al the Tabernacle or Temple By vvhich it is plaine that much more the images of Christ and his B. mother and Saincts that may be more truely pourtered then mere spiritual substances can be are not contrarie to Gods cōmaundement nor against his honour or repugnant to any other Scripture at all vvhich condemne onely the Idols or pourtraitures of the Heathen made for adoration of false Gods 10. Vntil the time of correction Al those grosse and carnal sacrifices ceremonies and obseruations instituted to cleanse and purifie the flesh from legal irregularities and impurities onely and not reaching to the purging of the soules consciences of men being commaunded not for euer but till Christes comming ceased then and better more forcible and more spiritual Sacraments vvere instituted in their place For vve may not imagine Christ to haue taken avvay the old and put none in their places or to alter the sacraments onely into other sacraments external and not also to translate the sacrifices to some other more excellent for it is called tempus correctionis non abolitionis sacrificij aut legis the time of correction not of abolishing sacrifice or lavv Neither haue they more reason to affirme Christes one oblation vpon the Crosse to haue rather taken avvay al kind of sacrifice then al manner of Sacraments The time and state of the nevv Testament is not made lavvlesse hostlesse or vvithout sacrifice but it is the time of correction or reformation and abettering al the foresaid things 12. Eternal redemption No one of the sacrifices nor al the sacrifices of the old lavv could make that one general price ransom and redemption of all mankind and of al sinnes sauing this one highest Priest Christ and the one sacrifice of his bloud once offered vpon the Crosse Vvhich sacrifice of redemption can not be often done because Christ could not die but once though the figures also thereof in the lavv of nature and of Moyses vvere truely called sacrifices as specially this high and maruelous commemoration of the same in the holy Sacrament of the altar according to the rite of the nevv Testament is most truely and sigularly as S. Augustine calleth it a sacrifice But neither this sort nor the other of the old lavv being often repeated and done by many Priests al vvhich vvere and are sinners them selues could be the general redeeming and consummating sacrifice nor any one of those Priests nor al the Priests together either of the lavv of Nature or of Aarons or Melchisedecks order except Christ alone coulde be the general redeemers of the vvorld And this is the Apostles meaning in al this comparison and opposition of Christes death to the old sacrifices and of Christ to their Priests and not that Christes death or sacrifice of the Crosse should take avvay al sacrifices or proue that those Aaronical offices vvere no true sacrifices at al nor those Priests verily Priests They vvere true Priests true sacrifices though none of those sacrifices vvere the high capital and general sacrifice of our price and redemption nor none of them or of those Priests could vvithout respect to this one sacrifice of Christes death vvorke any thing to Gods honour or remission of sinnes as the Ievves did falsely imagine not referring them at al to this general redemption and remission by Christ but thinking them to be absolute sacrifices in them selues
And that to haue been the errour of the Hebrues you may read in S. Augustine li. 3. doct Christ c. 6. And this vve tel the Protestants is the onely purpose of the Apostle But they be so grosse or ignorant in the Scriptures and so malitiously set against Gods and the Churches truth that they peruersely and folishly turne the vvhole disputation against the sacrifice of the B. Masse and the Priests of the new Testament as though vve held that the sacrifice of the altar vvere the general redemption or redeeming sacrifice or that it had no relation to Christes death or that it vvere not the representation and most liuely resemblance of the same or vvere not instituted and done to apply in particular to the vse of the partakers that other general benefite of Christes one oblation vpon the Crosse Against the Ievves then onely S. Paul disputeth and against the false opinion they had of their Priests and sacrifices to vvhich they attributed al remission and redemption vvithout respect of Christes death 15. Of those preuarications The Protestants do vnlearnedly imagine that because al sinnes be remitted by the force of Christes passion that therfore there should be no other sacrifice after his death Vvhereas in deede they might as vvell say there ought neuer to haue been sacrifice appointed by God either in the lavv of Nature or of Moyses as al their argumēts made against the Sacrifice of the Church vpon the Apostles discourse proue as vvel or rather onely that there vvere no sacrifices of Aarons order or Leuitical lavv at all For against the Ievves false opinion concerning them doth he dispute and not a vvord touching the sacrifice of the Church vnto vvhich ●n al this discourse he neuer opposeth Christes sacrifice vpon the Crosse al Christian men vvel knovving that the host oblation of those tvvo though they differ in maner and external forme yet is in deede al one The Apostle then shevveth here plainely that al the sinnes that euer vvere remitted since the beginning of the vvorld vvere no othervvise forgiuen but by the force and in respect of Christes Passion Yet it folovveth not therevpon that the oblations of Abel Abraham Aaron c vvere no sacrifices as by the Heretikes foolish deduction it should do S. Paul not opposing Christes Passion to them for the intent to proue them to haue been no sacrifices but to proue that they vvere not absolute sacrifices nor the redeeming or consummating Sacrifice vvhich could not be many nor done by many Priests but by one and at one time by a more excellent Priest thē any of them or any other mere mortal man And that you may see the blasphemous pride and ignorance of Caluin and in him of al his fellovves read so many as may read Heretical bookes his commentarie vpon this place and there you shal see him gather vpon this that Christes death had force from the beginning vvas the remedie for al sinnes since the creation of the vvorld therfore there must be no mo● but that one sacrifice of Christes death Vvhich must needes by his deduction hold as it doth in deede no lesse against the old sacrifices then the nevv sacrifice of the Church and so take avvay al vvhich is against the Apostles meaning and al religion 20. This is the bloud Christes death vvas necessarie for the full confirmation ratification and accomplishement of the nevv Testament though it vvas begonne to be dedicated in the sacrifice of his last supper being also vvithin the compasse of his Passion Vvhich is euident by the vvordes prouounced by Christ ouer the holy chalice vvhich be correspondent to the vvordes that vvere spoken as the Apostle here declareth in the first sacrifice of the dedication of the old lavv hauing also expresse mention of remission of sinnes thereby as by the bloud of the nevv Testament Vvhereby it is plaine that the B. Chalice of the altar hath the very sacrificall bloud in it that vvas shed vpon the Crosse in by vvhich the nevv Testament vvhich is the lavv of spirit grace and remission vvas dedicated and doth consist And therfore it is also cleere that many diuine things vvhich to the Heretikes or ignorant may seeme to be spoken onely of Christes sacrifice vpon the Crosse be in deede verified fulfilled also in the sacrifice of the altar Vvhereof S. Paul for the causes aforesaid vvould not treate in plaine termes See Isychius li. 1 in Leuit. c. 4 paulo post initium applying al these things to the immolation of Christ also in the Sacrament 23. The examplers Al the offices places vessels and instruments of the old lavv vvere but figures and resemblances of the state and sacraments of the nevv Testament vvhich are here called celestials for that they are the liuely image of the heauenly state next ensuing vvhich be therfore specially dedicated and sanctified in Christes bloud sacrificed on the altar and sprinkled vpon the faithful as the old figures and people vvere cleansed by the bloud of beasts And therfore by a transition vsual in the holy Scriptures the Apostle sodenly passeth in the sentēce immediatly folovving and turneth his talke to Christes entrance into heauen the state vvhereof both by the Sacraments of the old lavv and also more specially by them of the nevv is prefigured 25. Offer him self often As Christ neuer died but once not neuer shal die againe so in that violent painful and blouddy sort he can neuer be offered againe neither needeth he so to be offered any more hauing by that one action of sacrifice vpon the Crosse made the full ransom redemption and remedie for the sinnes of the vvhole vvorld Neuerthelesse as Christ died and vvas offered after a sort in all the sacrifices of the Lavv and Nature since the beginning of the vvorld al vvhich vvere figures of this one oblation vpon the Crosse so is he much rather offered in the sacrifice of the altar of the nevv Testament incomparably more neerely diuinely and truely expressing his death his body broken his bloud shed then did any figure of the old lavv or other sacrifice that euer vvas as being in deede though in hidden sacramental and mysticall and vnblouddy maner the very self same B. body and bloud the self same host oblation and sacrifice that vvas doue vpon the Crosse And this truth is most euident by the very forme of vvordes vsed by our Sauiour in the institution and consecration of the holy Sacrament and by the profession of all the holy Doctors Our sacrifice saith S. Cyprian is correspondent to the Passion of Christ And The sacrifice that vve offer is the Passion of Christ ep 63. nu 4. nu 7. S. Augustine de f●d ad Pet. c. 19. In those carnal sacrifices vvas the prosiguring of the flesh of Christ vvhich he vvas to offer for sinnes and of the bloud vvhich he vvas to sheads but in this Sacrifice is the commemoration of the flesh of Christ vvhich
prone to their old lavv and voluntarily after the knovvledge and profession of the Christian faith by Baptisme commit this sinne of incredulitie and apostasie they can neuer haue that aboundant remission applied vnto them by Baptisme vvhich can neuer be ministred to them againe And that general full pardon he calleth here oblation and aftervvard in the 26 verse hostiam pro peccato an host for sinne 26. If vve sinne vvillingly As the Caluinists abuse other like places against the holy sacrifice of the Masse so they abuse this as the Nouatians did before them to proue that an Heretike Apostata or any that vvilfully forsaketh the truth can neuer be forgiuen Vvhich as is before declared in the 6 chapter is most vvicked blasphemie the meaning hereof being as is there said onely to terrifie the Hebrues that falling from Christ they can nor so easily haue the host of Christes death applied vnto them because they can not be baptized any more but must passe by sacramental penance and satisfaction and other hard remedies vvhich Christ hath prescribed after Baptisme in the Churches discipline Therfore S. Cyril saith li. 5 in Io. cap. 17. Penan●e is not excluded by these vvordes of Paul but the renevving by the lauer of regeneration He doth not here take avvay the second or third remission of sinnes for he is not such an enemy to our saluation but the host vvhich is Christ he denieth that it is to be offered againe vpon the Crosse So saith this holy Doctor And by this place the like you see hovv perilous a thing it is for Heretikes ignorant persons to read the Scriptures Vvhich by folovving their ovvne fantasie * they peruert to their damnation 29. The bloud of the Testament Vvhosoeuer maketh no more account of the bloud of Christes sacrifice either as shed vpon the Crosse or as in the holy Chalice of the altar for our Sauiour calleth that also * the bloud of the nevv Testament then he doth of the bloud of calues and goates or of other common drinkes is vvorthy death and God vvil in the next life if it be not punished here reuenge it vvith greuous punishment 31. It is horrible Let al Christian people do satisfaction and penance for their sinnes in this life for the iudgemēts of God in the next life done by God him self of vvhat sort soeuer vvhether temporall as in Purgatorie or eternal as in Hell be exceding greuous 34. You had compassion To be merciful to the afflicted for religion to be partakers of their miseries is a very meritorious vvorke and giueth great confidence before God in the day of repaiment or remuneration for the same 34. With ioy If all Christian men vvould consider this they vvould not thinke it so great a matter to lose their land or goods for defense of the Catholike faith 38. Liueth of faith Faithful men afflicted in this life haue their comfort in their assured faith and hope of Christes comming to deliuer them once from all these miseries so by that faith and comfort they liue vvhereas othervvise this miserable life vvere a death CHAP. XI He exhorteth them by the definition of faith to sticke vnto God though they see not yet his revvard shevving that all the Saincts aforetime did the like being all constant in faith though not one of them receiued the promis that is the inheritance in heauen but they and vve novv after the comming of Christ receiue it together verse 1 AND ″ faith is the substance of things to be hoped for the argument of things ″ not appearing ✝ verse 2 For in this the old men obtained testimonie ✝ verse 3 * By faith vve vnderstand that the vvorldes vvere framed by the vvord of God that of inuisible things visible things might be made ✝ verse 4 * By faith Abel offered a greater hoste to God thē Cain * by vvhich he obtained testimonie that he vvas i●st God giuing testimonie to his giftes by it he being dead yet speaketh ✝ verse 5 * By faith Henoch vvas translated that he should not see death and he vvas not found because God translated him for before his translation he had testimonie that he had pleased God ✝ verse 6 But vvithout faith it is impossible to please God For ″ he that commeth to God must beleeue that he is and is a revvarder to them that seeke him ✝ verse 7 * By faith Noë hauing receiued an ansvver concerning those things vvhich as yet vvere not seen seating framed the arke for the sauing of his house by the vvhich he condemned the vvorld and vvas instituted heire of the iustice vvhich is by faith ✝ verse 8 * By faith he that is called Abraham obeied to goe forth into the place vvhich he vvas to receiue for inheritāce and he vvent forth not knovving vvhither he vvent ✝ verse 9 By faith he abode in the land of promise as in a strāge lād dvvelling in cottages vvith Isaac Iacob the coheires of the same promise ✝ verse 10 For he expected the citie that hath foundations vvhose artificer and maker is God ✝ verse 11 * By faith Sara also her self being barren receiued vertue in conceauing of seede yea past the time of age because she beleeued that he vvas faithful which had promised ✝ verse 12 For the vvhich cause euen of one and him quite dead there rose as the starres of heauen in multitude as the sand that is by the sea shore innumerable ✝ verse 13 According to faith died al these not hauing receiued the promises but beholding them a farre of and saluting them and cōfessing that they are pilgrimes strangers vpon the earth ✝ verse 14 for they that say these things doe signifie that they seeke a countrie ✝ verse 15 And in deede if they had been mindeful of the same from vvhence they came forth they had time verely to returne ✝ verse 16 but novv they desire a better that is to say a heauenly Therfore God is not confounded to be called their God for he hath prepared them a citie ✝ verse 17 * By faith Abraham offered Isaac vvhen he vvas tempted and his onlie-begotten did he offer vvho had receiued the promises ✝ verse 18 to vvhom it vvas said That in Isaac shal seede be called to thee ✝ verse 19 accounting that God is able to raise vp euen from the dead wherevpō he receiued him also for a parable ✝ verse 20 * By faith also of things to come Isaac blessed Iacob and Esau ✝ verse 21 * BY faith Iacob dying blessed euery one of the sonnes of Ioseph * and ″ adored the toppe of his roddo ✝ verse 22 * By faith Ioseph dying made mention of the going forth of the children of Israël and gaue commaundement concerning his bones ✝ verse 23 * By faith Moyses being borne vvas
hidde three monethes by his parents because they savv him a proper infant and they feared not * the kings edict ✝ verse 24 * By faith Moyses being made great denied him self to be the sonne of Pharaos daughter ✝ verse 25 rather chosing to be afflicted vvith the people of God then to haue the pleasure of temporal sinne ✝ verse 26 esteeming the reproche of Christ greater riches then the treasure of the Aegyptians for he looked vnto the remuneration ✝ verse 27 * By faith he left Aegypt not fearing the fiercenes of the king for him that is inuisible he susteined as if he had seen him ✝ verse 28 By faith he celebrated the Pasche the sheading of the bloud that he vvhich destroied the first-borne might not touche them ✝ verse 29 * By faith they passed the redde sea as it vvere by the drie land vvhich the Aegyptians assaying vvere deuoured ✝ verse 30 * By faith the vvalles of Iericho fel dovvne by the circuting of seuen daies ✝ verse 31 * By faith Rahab the harlot perished not vvith the incredulous receiuing the spies vvith peace ✝ verse 32 And vvhat shal I yet say For the time vvil faile me telling of Gedeon Barac Sampson Iephtè Dauid Samuël the prophets ✝ verse 33 vvho by faith ouercame kingdōs ″ vvrought iustice obteined promises stopped the mouthes of lions ✝ verse 34 extinguished the force of fire repelled the edge of the svvord recouered of their infirmitie vvere made strong in battel turned avvay the campe of forainers ✝ verse 35 vvomen receiued of resurrection their dead and others vvere racked not accepting redemption that they might finde a better resurrection ✝ verse 36 And others had trial of mockeries and stripes moreouer also of bādes prisons ✝ verse 37 they vvere stoned they vvere hevved they vvere tempted they died in the slaughter of the svvord they vvent about in sheep-skinnes in goates skinnes needy in distresse afflicted ✝ verse 38 of vvhom the vvorld vvas not vvorthie vvandering in desertes in mountaines and dennes and in caues of the earth ✝ verse 39 And al these being approued by the testimonie of faith ⊢ receiued not the promise ✝ verse 40 God for vs prouiding some better thing that they vvithout vs should not be consummate ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XI 1. Faith is By this description of faith and by all the commendation therof through the vvhole chapter you may vvell perceiue that the Apostle knevve not the forged special faith of the Protestants vvhereby euery one of these new Sectmasters their folovvers beleeue their sinnes are remitted and that them selues shal be saued though their sectes be cleane contrarie one to an other ● Not appearing This is the praise of faith saith S. Augustine if that vvhich is beleeued be not seen For vvhat great thing is it if that be beleeued vvhich is seen according to that sentence of our Lord vvhen he rebuked his disciple saying Because then hast seen me Thomas thou hast beleeued blessed are they that haue not seen and haue beleeued Aug. in euang Io. tract 79. Vvhich may be a rebuke also and a checke to al those faithles speaches I vvould see him tast him touch him and feele his very flesh in the Sacrament othervvise I vvil not beleeue 6. He that commeth Faith is the foundation and ground of all other vertues and vvorship of God vvithout vvhich no man can please God Therfore if one be a Iewe a Heathen or an heretike that is to say be vvithout the Catholike faith al his vvorkes shal profit him no vvhit to saluation 21. Ad●red the toppe of his rod. The learned may see here that the Apostle doth not tie him self to the Hebrue in the place of Genesis vvhence it is alleaged but folovveth the Septuaginta though it differ from the Hebrue as also the other Apostles and Euangelists and our Sauiour him self did neither vvere they curious as men novv a daies to examine all by the Hebrue only because they vvriting and speaking by the holy Ghost knevve very vvell that this translation is the sense of the holy Ghost also and as true and as directly intended as the other and therfore also that translation continued alvvaies authentical in the Greeke Church notvvithstanding the diuersitie thereof from the Hebrue Euen so vve that be Catholikes folovv vvith al the Latin fathers the authentical Latin translation though it be not alvvaies agreable to the Hebrue or Greeke that novv is But Caluin is not onely very saucie but very ignorant vvhen he saith that the Septuaginta vvere deceiued and yet that the Apostle vvithout curiosity vvas content to folovv them because it is euident that the Hebrue being thē vvithout pointes might be trāslated the one vvay as vvel as the other Vvhich they vnderstood so vvel and therfore vvere not deceiued that vvithin three lines after in the beginning of the next chapter they translate the same vvord as he vvould haue it in this place Againe obserue in those vvordes He adored the toppe of his rod that adoration as the Scripture vseth this vvord may be done to creatures or to God at and before a creatures as at or before the Arke of the Testament in old time novv at or before the crucifixe relikes images and in the Psalmes 93. 131. Adore ye his footesto●le Adore ye tovvard his holy mount We vvil adore tovvard the place vvhere his feete stoode or vvhich by the Hebrue phrase is al one Adore ye his holy mount We vvill adore the place vvhere his feete stood as also the Greeke fathers S Damascene li. 1 de imaginibus and Leontius cited of him yea S. Chrysostom also do handel these places and namely that of the Apostle vvhich vve novv speake of interpreting the Greeke as our Latin hath and as vve do He adored the rod or the toppe of his rod that is the scepter of Ioseph novv Prince of Aegypt so fulfilling Iosephs dreames vvhich foretold the same Gen. 37 and vvithal signifying as it vvere by this propheticall fact the kingdom of Israel or of the ten tribes that vvas to come of Ioseph by Ephraim his yonger sonne in the first king Ieroboam thus the Greeke fathers Vvhere vnto may be added that al this vvas done in type and figure of Christes scepter and kingdom vvhom he adored by and in his Crosse as he did Ioseph by or in his rod and scepter and therfore the Apostle saith he did it by faith as hauing respect tovvard things to come By al vvhich it is euident that it is false vvhich the Calu●nists teach that vve may not adore image cru●ifixe or any visible creature that is vve may not adore God at or by such creatures nor kneele before them and therfore their corrupt translation of this place for the same purpose is intolerable saying thus LEANING vpon his staffe he adored GOD adding no lesse then
tvvo vvordes more then is in the Greeke which though it might be the sense of the place and S. Augustine so expoundeth it yet they should not make his exposition the text of holy Scripture specially vvhereas he only of al the auncient fathers as Beza confesseth so expoundeth it 33. Wrought iustice Men are not iust by beleefe onely as the Protestants affirme but by vvorking iustice And vve may note that in all this long commendation of faith in the fathers and holy persons their good vvorkes are also specially recounted as Rahabs harbouring the spies Abrahams offering his sonne vvhich their vvorkes S. Iames doth inculcate No●s making the Arke Gen. 6. Abels better oblation then Cains Gen. 4. Hebr. 11. v. 4. and so forth therfore S. Clement Alexandrinus saith that the said persons and others vvere lust by saith and obedience by faith and hospitality by faith and patience by faith and humility The Apostles purpose then is nothing els but to proue to the Hebrues vvho made so great account of their Patriarches and forefathers and their famous actes that all these glorious personages and their vvorkes vvere commendable and acceptable onely through the faith they had of Christ vvithout vvhich faith none of all their liues and vvorkes should haue profited them any vvhit the Gentiles doing many noble actes as Heretikes may also doe vvhich are of no estimatiō before God because they lacke faith And that is the scope of S. Paules Epistle to the Romanes and of al other passages vvhere he commendeth faith further prouing specially in this Epistle to the Hebrues that all their sacrifices vvere nothing els but figures and attestations of the Christian faith in Christ and his death Al vvhich high resolution conclusion against the Ievves and Gentiles that the Christian faith is the true faith religion the Heretikes of our time ignorantly and brutishly abuse against Christian vvorkes sacrifice and Sacraments vvhich the Apostle meant specially to commend and establish by his high commendation of the faith in Christ 40. Without vs should not The fathers before Christ could not be accomplished that is not admitted to the heauenly ioyes vision and fruition of God till the Apostles and other of the nevv lavv vvere associate to them and the vvay to euerlasting glorie opened by our Lordes death and Ascension Neither shal either they or vve be fully perfected in glorie both of body and soul till the general resurrection Gods prouidence being so that vve should not one be consummated vvithout an other all being of one faith and redeemed by one Lord Christ CHAP. XII By the foresaid examples he exhorteth them to patience 2 and by example of Christ him self crucified 5 and because this discipline it an argument that they be Gods children 9 vvith vvh●se rodde they should be much more content then vvish that of their carnal fathers and because it bringeth iustification 12 Exhorting them therfore to plucke vp their hartes and to take faster footing 18 considering that all bring novv so svveete and not terrible as in the old Testament their damnation if they refuse to heare vvil be so much the greater verse 1 AND therfore vve also hauing so great a cloud of vvitnesses put vpon vs * laying avvay al vveight and sinne that compasseth vs by patience let vs runne to the fight proposed vnto vs ✝ verse 2 looking on the author of faith and the consummator IESVS vvho ioy being proposed vnto him sustained the crosse contemning confusion and sitteth on the right hand of the seate of God ✝ verse 3 For thinke diligently vpon him vvhich sustained of sinners such contradiction against him self that you be not vvearied fainting in your mindes ✝ verse 4 For you haue not yet resisted vnto bloud repugning against sinne ✝ verse 5 and you haue forgotten the consolatiō vvhich speaketh to you as it vvere to children saying My sonne neglect not the discipline of our Lord neither ●e thou vvearied vvhiles thou art rebuked of him ✝ verse 6 For vvhom our Lord loueth he chasteneth and ● he scourgeth euery childe that he receiueth ✝ verse 7 Perseuêre ye in discipline As vnto children doth God offer him self to you for vvhat sonne is there vvhom the father doth not correct ✝ verse 8 But if you be vvithout discipline vvhereof al be made partakers then are you bastards not children ✝ verse 9 Moreouer the fathers in deede of our flesh vve had for instructors and vve did reuerence them shal vve not much more obey the Father of spirites liue ✝ verse 10 And they in deede for a time of fevv daies according to their vvil instructed vs but he to that vvhich is profitable in receiuing of his sanctification ✝ verse 11 And al discipline for the present certes seemeth not to be of ioy but of sorovv but aftervvard it vvil render to them that are exercised by it most peaceable fruite of iustice ✝ verse 12 For the vvhich cause stretch vp the slacked handes and the loose knees ✝ verse 13 and make straight steppes to your feete that no man halting erre but rather be healed ✝ verse 14 * Folovv peace vvith al men and holinesse vvithout vvhich no man shal see God ✝ verse 15 looking diligently lest any man be vvanting to the grace of God lest any roote of bitternes springing vp do hinder and by it many be polluted ✝ verse 16 Lest there be any fornicator or prophane person as Esau * vvho for one dish of meate sold his first-birth-rightes ✝ verse 17 For knovv ye that aftervvard also desiring to inherite the benediction he vvas reprobated * for ● he found not place of repētance although vvith teares he had sought it ✝ verse 18 For you are not come to * a palpable mount and an accessible'fire and vvhirlevvinde and darkenes and storme ✝ verse 19 and the soūd of trompet voice of vvordes vvhich they that heard excused them selues that the vvord might not be spokē to them ✝ verse 20 for they did not heare that which was said And if a beast shal touche the mount it shal be stoned ✝ verse 21 And so terrible vvas it vvhich vvas seen Moyses said I am frighted and tremble ✝ verse 22 But you are come to mount Sion and the citie of the liuing God heauenly Hierusalem and the assemblie of many thousand Angels ✝ verse 23 the Church of the first-borne vvhich are vvritten in the heauens and the iudge of all God and the spirites of the iust made perfect ✝ verse 24 and the mediator of the nevv Testament IESVS and the sprinkling of bloud speaking better then * Abel ✝ verse 25 See that you refuse him not speaking for if they escaped not refusing him that spake vpon the earth much more vve that turne avvay from him speaking to vs from heauen ✝ verse 26 Vvhose voice moued the earth then but novv he promiseth
saying Yet once and I vvil moue not only the earth but heauen also ✝ verse 27 And in that he saieth Yet once he declareth the translation of moueable things as being made that those things may remaine vvhich are vnmoueable ✝ verse 28 Therfore receiuing an vnmoueable kingdom vve haue grace by the vvhich let vs serue pleasing God vvith feare reuerence ✝ verse 29 For * our God is a consuming fire ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XII 6. He scourgeth By this vve proue that God often punisheth the sinnes euen of his louing children though not vvith eternal damnation yet vvith temporall chastisement and correction that he doth not alvvaies together vvith the remission of deadly sinnes eternal punishment exempt the offender receiued to his grace from al fatherly correction either in this life or in the next Neither haue the Heretikes of this time any reason or scripture in the vvorld vvhy they should take avvay Gods chastisement of his children in the next life more then in this vvorld 17. He found not It is not meant that Esau could not find remission of his sinne at Gods hand but that hauing once sold and yelded vp the right of his first-birth to his yonger brother it vvas to late to be sorie for his vnaduised bargaine CHAP. XIII He commandeth vnto them mutual loue 2 hospitality 3 compassion 4 chastitie 5 contentation 7 imitation of the faith of their Catholike Prelates and Martyrs not harkening to the doctrines of Heretikes nor fearing the casting out of the Ievves synagogus 17 and obedience to their present pastors 18 And so vvith requesting their praiers and praying for them he endeth the Epistle verse 1 LET the charitie of the fraternitie abide in you ✝ verse 2 And ● hospitalitie do not forget for by this certaine being not avvare * haue receiued Angels to harbour ✝ verse 3 Remember them in bondes as if you vvere boūd vvith them and them that labour as your selues also remaining in bodie ✝ verse 4 ● Mariage honorable in all and the bed vndefiled For fornicatours aduouterers God vvil iudge ✝ verse 5 Let your maners be vvithout auarice contented vvith things present For he said I vvil not leaue thee neither vvil I forsake thee ✝ verse 6 so that vve do confidently say Our Lord is my helper I vvil not feare vvhat man shal doe to me ✝ verse 7 ● Remember your Prelates vvhich haue spoken the vvord of God to you the end of vvhose conuersation beholding imitate their faith ✝ verse 8 IESVS Christ yesterday and to day the same also for euer ✝ verse 9 Vvith various strāge doctrines be not led avvay For it is best that the hart be established vvith grace ● not vvith meates vvhich haue not profited those that vvalke in them ✝ verse 10 ● Vve haue an altar vvhereof they haue not povver to eate vvhich serue the tabernacle ✝ verse 11 For * the bodies of those beastes vvhose bloud for sinne is caried into the holies by the high priest are burned vvithout the campe ✝ verse 12 For the vvhich thing IESVS also that he might sanctifie the people by his ovvne bloud suffered vvithout the gate ✝ verse 13 Let vs goe forth therfore to him vvithout the campe carying his reproche ✝ verse 14 For vve haue not here a permanent citie but vve seeke that vvhich is to come ✝ verse 15 By him therfore let vs offer ● the host of praise alvvaies to God that is to say * the fruite of lippes confessing to his name ✝ verse 16 And beneficence and communication do not forget for vvith such hostes ● God is promerited ✝ verse 17 ● Obey your Prelates and be subiect to them For they vvatch as being to render account for your soules ⊢ that they may doe this vvith ioy and not mourning for this is not expedient for you ✝ verse 18 Pray for vs for vve haue confidence that vve haue a good conscience vvilling to conuerse vvel in all ✝ verse 19 And I beseeche you the more to doe this that I may the more spedily be restored to you ✝ verse 20 And the God of peace vvhich brought out from the dead the great Pastor of the sheepe in the bloud of the eternal testamēt our Lord IESVS Christ ✝ verse 21 fitte you in al goodnes that you may doe his vvil doing in you that vvhich may please before him by IESVS Christ to vvhom is glorie for euer and euer Amen ✝ verse 22 And I desire you brethren that you suffer the vvord of consolation For in very fevv vvordes haue I vvritten to you ✝ verse 23 Knovv you our brother Timothee to be dismissed vvith vvhom if he come the sooner I vvil see you ✝ verse 24 Salute al your prelates and al the sainctes The brethren of Italie salute you ✝ verse 25 Grace be vvith you al. Amen ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XIII 2. Hospitality Hospitality that is receiuing and harbouring of poore pilgrimes persecuted and desolate persons is so acceptable to God and so honorable that oftentimes it hath been mens good happe to harbour Angles in steede of poore folke vnawares Vvhich must needes be euer a great benediction to them and their families as vve see by Abraham and Lot Gen. 18. 19. and the like fell also to S. Gregorie as Io. Diaconus vvriteth to vvhose ordinarie table of poore men not onely Angels but Christ also came in Pilgrimes vveede In vit li. 1. c. 10. li. 2. c. 22 23. vvhereof if vve had not example and vvarrant by S. Paules vvordes in this place and many other expresse Scriptures of the old Testament these scorneful miscreants of this time making so litle account both of good vvorkes and such miraculous enterance of Christ and his Angels into holy mens harbour vvould make this also seeme fabulous as they do other like things 4. Mariage honorable The Apostle saith a holy doctor saith Mariage honorable in all and the bed vndefiled And therfore the seruants of God in that they are not maried thinke not the good of mariage to be a fault but yet they doubt not perpetual continencie to be better them good mariage specially in this time vvhen it is said of continencie He that can take let him take De fid ad Pet. 6. 3. apud Aug. in fine Marke the doctrine of the fathers and of the Catholike Church concerning matrimonie that it is honorable and so honorable that it is a holy sacrament but yet inferiour to virginity and perpetual continencie honorable in all that is all such as may lawfully marie and are lawfully maried not in brother and sister not in persons that haue vowed the contrarie to vvhom the same Apostle saith it is damnable 1. Tim. 5. v. 11. And this vvere the meaning of this place if it vvere to be read thus Mariage is honorable But to see how the Protestants in all their translations
booke to be Canonical Scripture But Caluin and his companions disagreing vvith their Maisters confesse it to be holy Scripture but their shiftes and fond gloses for ansvver of so plaine places be as impudent as the denying of the Epistle vvas in the other vvho vvould neuer haue denied the booke thereby to shevv them selues Heretikes if they had thought those vulgar euasions that the Zuinglians and Caluinists do vse vvhereof they vvere not ignorant could haue serued In both sortes the Christian Reader may see that al the Heretikes vaunting of expresse Scriptures the vvord of God is no more but to delude the vvorld vvhereas in deede be the Scriptures neuer so plaine against them they must either be vvrested to sound as they say or els they must be no Scriptures at all And to see Luther Caluin Beza their fellovves sitte as it vvere in iudgement of the Scriptures to allovv or disallovv at their pleasures it is the most notorious example of Heretical pride miserie that can be See their prefaces and censures vpon this Canonical Epistle the Apocalypse the Machabees and other 21. Abraham vvas he not iustified by vvorkes It is much to be noted that S. Augustine in his booke de fide operibus c. 14. vvriteth that the heresie of onely faith iustifying or sauing vvas an old Heresie euen in the Apostles time gathered by the false interpretation of some of S. Paules profound disputation in the Epistle to the Romans vvherein he commended so highly the faith in Christ that they thought good vvorkes vvere not auilable adding further that the other three Apostles Iames Iohn and Iude did of purpose vvrite so much of good vvorkes to correct the said errour of onely faith gathered by the misconstruction of S. Paules vvordes Yea vvhen S. Peter Ep. 2 c. 3. vvarneth the faithful that many things be hard in S. Paules vvritings and of light vnlearned men mistaken to their perdition the said S. Augustine affirmeth that he meant of his disputation concerning faith vvhich so many Heretikes did mistake to condemne good vvorkes And in the preface of his commentarie vpon the 31 Psalme he vvarneth al men that this deduction vpon S. Paules speache Abraham vvas iustified by faith therfore vvorkes be not necessarie to saluation is the right vvay to the gulfe of Hel and damnation And lastly vvhich is in it self very plaine that vve may see this Apostle did purposely thus commend vnto vs the necessitie of good vvorkes and the inanity aud insufficiencie of onely faith to correct the errour of such as misconstrued S. Paules vvordes for the same the said holy Doctor noteth that of purpose he tooke the very same example of Abraham vvhom S. Paul said to be iustified by faith and declareth that he vvas iustified by good vvorkes specifying the good vvorke for vvhich he vvas iustified and blessed of God to vvitte his obedience and immolation of his onely sonne But hovv S. Paul saith that Abraham vvas iustified by faith see the Annotations vpon that place Ro. 4. v. 1. 22. Faith did vvorke vvith Some Heretikes hold that good vvorkes are pernicious to saluation and iustification other that though they be not hurtful but required yet they be no causes or vvorkers of saluation much lesse meritorious but are as effectes and fruites issuing necessarily out of faith Both vvhich fictions falshods and flightes from the plaine truth of Gods vvord are refuted by these vvordes vvhen the Apostle saith That faith vvorketh together vvith good vvorkes making faith to be a coadiutor or cooperator vvith vvorkes and so both ioyntly concurring as causes and vvorkers of iustification yea aftervvard he maketh vvorkes the more principal cause vvhen he resembleth faith to the body and vvorkes to the spirit or life of man 23. The frend of God By this also an other false and friuolous euasion of the Heretikes is ouertaken vvhen they feine that the Apostle here vvhen he saith vvorkes do iustifie meaneth that they shew vs iust before men and auaile not to our iustice before God For the Apostle euidently declareth that Abraham by his vvorkes vvas made or truely called the freend of God and therfore vvas not as the Heretikes say by his vvorkes approued iust before man onely 24. Not by faith onely This proposition or speache is directly opposite or contradictorie to that vvhich the Heretikes hold For the Apostle saith Man is iustified by good workes and not by faith only but the Heretikes say Man is not iustified by good vvorkes but by faith only Neither can they pretend that there is the like contradiction or contrarietie betwixt S. Iames speache and S. Paules for though S. Paul say man is iustified by faith yet he neuer saith by faith onely nor euer meaneth by that faith vvhich is alone but alvvaies by that faith vvhich vvorketh by charitie as he expoundeth him self Though concerning vvorkes also there is a difference betwixt the first iustification vvhereof S. Paul specially speaketh and the second iustification vvhereof S. Iames doth more specially treate Of vvhich thing els vvhere there is ynough said The fathers in deede vse sometimes this exclusiue sola onely but in far other sense then the Protestants For some of them thereby exclude only the vvorkes of Moyses law against the Iewes some the vvorkes of nature and moral vertues vvithout the grace or knowledge of Christ against the Gentiles some the necessitie of external good vvorkes vvhere the parties lacke time and meanes to doe them as in the case of the penitent theefe some the false opinions sectes and religions contrarie to the Catholike faith against Heretikes and miscreants some exclude reason sense and arguing in matters of faith and mysterie against such as vvil beleeue nothing but that they see or vnderstand some the merite of vvorkes done in sinne before the first iustification some the arrogant Pharisaical vaunting of mans ovvne proper vvorkes and iustice against such as referre not their actions and good deedes to Gods grace To these purposes the holy Doctors say sometimes that only faith saueth and serueth but neuer as the Protestants vvould haue it to exclude from iustification and saluation the cooperation of mans free vvil dispositions and preparations of our hartes by praiers penance and sacraments the vertues of hope and charitie the purpose of vvel-vvorking and of the obseruation of Gods commaundements much lesse the vvorkes and merites of the children of God proceding of grace and charitie after they be iustified and are now in his fauour vvhich are not only dispositions and preparations to iustice but the meritorious cause of greater iustice and of saluation 25. Rahab This Apostle alleageth the good vvorkes of Rahab by vvhich she vvas iustified and S. Paul 11 Hebr. saith she vvas iustified by faith Vvhich are not contrarie one to the other for both is true that she vvas saued by faith as one faith and that she vvas saued by her vvorkes as the
other saith But it vvere vutruely said that she vvas saued either by onely faith as the Heretikes say or by onely good vvorkes as no Catholike man euer said But because some Ievves and Gentil Philosophers did affirme they that they should be saued by the vvorkes of Moyses lavv these by their moral vvorkes therfore S. Paul to the Romans disputed specially against both prouing that no vvorkes done vvithout or before the faith of Christ can serue to iustification or saluation 26. Faith vvithout vvorkes is dead S. Iames as the Protestants feine saith that faith vvithout good vvorkes is no faith and that therfore it iustifieth not because it is no faith for he saith that it is dead vvithout vvorkes as the body is dead vvithout the soule and therfore being dead hath no actiuity or efficacie to iustifie or saue But it is a great difference to say that the body is dead and to say that is no body euen so it is the like difference to say that faith vvithout vvorkes is dead and to say that faith vvithout vvorkes is no faith And if a dead body be notvvithstanding a true body then according to S. Iames comparison here a dead faith is notvvithstanding a true faith but yet not auailable to iustification because it is dead that is because it is onely faith vvithout good vvorkes And therfore it is a great impudencie in Heretikes and a hard shift to say that the faith of vvhich the Apostle disputeth al this vvhile is no true or proprely called faith at all It is the same faith that S. Paul defined and commended in al the 11 chapter to the Hebrues and the same vvhich is called the Catholike faith and the same vvhich being formed made aliue by charitie iustifieth Mary true it is that it is not that special faith vvhich the Heretikes feine onely to iustifie to vvit vvhen a man doth firmely beleeue as an article of his faith that him self shal be saued this special faith it is not vvhereof the Apostle here speaketh for neither he nor S. Paul nor any other sacred vvriter in al the holy Scriptures euer speake or knevve of any such forged faith CHAP. III. Against proud Maisters and authors of Sectes 5 Of the manifold sinnes of the vnbrideled tongue 13 The difference betvvixt proud cōtentious and vvorldly vvisedom and that vvisedom vvhich is heauenly peaceable modest and so forth verse 1 BE yee not ″ many maisters my brethren knovving that you receiue the greater iudgement ✝ verse 2 For in many things vve offend al. * If any man offend not in vvord this is a perfect man he is able also vvith bridle to turne about the whole body ✝ verse 3 And if vve put bittes into the mouthes of horses that they may obey vs vve turne about al their body also ✝ verse 4 And behold the shippes vvhereas they be great and are driuen of strong vvindes yet are they turned about vvith a litle sterne whither the violēce of the director vvil ✝ verse 5 So the tongue also is certes a litle mēber vaunteth great things Behold hovv much ' fire what a great vvood it kindleth ✝ verse 6 And the tongue is fire a vvhole vvorld of iniquitie The tongue is set among our members vvhich defileth the vvhole bodie inflameth the vvheele of our natiuitie inflamed of hel ✝ verse 7 For al nature of beastes foules and serpents of the rest is tamed hath been tamed by the nature of man ✝ verse 8 but the tongue no man can tame an vnquiet euil ful of deadly poison ✝ verse 9 By it vve blesse God the Father by it vve curse men vvhich are made after the similitude of God ✝ verse 10 Out of the self same mouth procedeth blessing cursing These things must not be so done my brethrē ✝ verse 11 Doth the fountaine giue forth out of one hole svveete soure water ✝ verse 12 Can my brethren the figge tree yeld grapes or tho vine figges So neither can the salt water yeld ' sweete ✝ verse 13 Vvho is vvise and hath knowledge among you Let him shevv by good conuersation his vvorking in mildenesse of vvisedom ✝ verse 14 But if you haue bitter zeale and there be contentions in your hartes glorie not and be not liers against the truth ✝ verse 15 for this is not vvisedom descending from aboue but earthly sensual diuelish ✝ verse 16 For vvhere zeale and contention is there is inconstancie and euery peruerse vvorke ✝ verse 17 But the vvisedom that is from aboue first certes is chast then peaceable modest suasible cōsenting to the good ful of mercie and good fruites not iudging vvithout simulation ✝ verse 18 And the fruite of iustice in peace is sovved to them that make peace ANNOTATIONS CHAP. III. 1. Many maisters He meaneth principally Sect-maisters that make them selues seueral Ringleaders in sundry sortes of new deuised doctrines euery one arrogating to him self to be maister and none so humble as to be a scholer either to Gods Church and true Pastors or to other guides and authors of the said sectes So did Zuinglius disdaine to be Luthers scholer and Caluin to be the folower of Zuinglius CHAP. IIII. By concupiscence and loue of this vvorld vve are made enemies to God but vve should rather humble vs to him punishing our selues for our sinnes 11 Against detraction and rash iudging 13 To remember alvvaies the vncertenti● of our life verse 1 FROM vvhence are vvarres contentions among you Are they not hereof of your concupiscences vvhich vvarre in your members ✝ verse 2 You couet and haue not you kil enuie and can not obtaine you contend and vvarre and you haue not because you aske not ✝ verse 3 You aske and receiue not because you aske amisse that you may consume it on your cōcupiscences ✝ verse 4 Aduouterers know you not that the * frendship of this vvorld is the enemie of God Vvhosoeuer therfore vvil be a frende of this vvorld is made an enemie of God ✝ verse 5 Or do you thinke that the Scripture saieth in vaine To enuie doth the spirit couet vvhich dvvelleth in you ✝ verse 6 And giueth greater grace For the which cause it saith God resisteth the proud giueth grace to the humble ✝ verse 7 Be subiect therfore to God but resist the Deuil and he vvil flee from you ✝ verse 8 Approche to God he vvil approche to you Cleanse your handes ye sinners and ″ purifie your hartes ye double of minde ✝ verse 9 Be miserable and mourne vveepe let your laughter be turned into mourning and ioy into sorovv ✝ verse 10 * Be humbled in the sight of our lord and he vvil exalt you ✝ verse 11 Detracte not one frō an other my brethrē He that detracteth from his brother or he that iudgeth his brother detracteth from the Law and iudgeth the
the nevv Testament are called Presbyteri in Greeke and Latin and therfore both their translation to be false and fraudulent and also their naming of their nevv degrees or orders to be fond and incongruous If they say their Ministers be correspondent to such as vvere called Presbyteri in holy vvrite and in the Primitiue Church and that they are the men vvhom the Apostle vvi●●eth to be called for to anoile the sicke to pray for him vvhy do they not then translate Presbyter●s Ministers ●hich they might doe vvith as good reason as call such as they haue taken in steede of our Catholike Priests Ministers Vvhich vvord being in large acception common to all that haue to doe about the celebration of diuine things vvas neuer appropriated by the vse either of Scripture or of the holy Church to that higher function of publike administration of the Sacraments and Seruice vvhich is Priesthod but to the order next vnder it vvhich is Deaconship And therfore if any should be called Ministers their Deacons properly should be so termed And the Protestants haue no more reason to keepe the ancient Greeke vvord of Deacon appropriated to that office by the vse of antiquity then to keepe the vvord Priest being made no lesse peculiar to the state of such onely as minister the holy Sacraments offer the Sacrifice of the Altar But these fellovves folovv neither Gods vvord nor Ecclesiastical vse nor any reason but me●e phantasie noueltie and hatred of Gods Church And hovv litle they folovv any good rule or reason in these things may appeare by this that here they auoid to translate Priests and yet in their Cōmunion booke in their order of visiting the sicke they commonly name the Minister Priest 14. Anoiling vvith oils Here is the Sacrament of extreme Vnction so plainely promulgated for it vvas instituted as al other Sacraments of the nevv Testament by our Sauiour Christ him self and as Venerable Bede thinketh and other auncient vvriters the anoiling of the sicke vvith oile Marc. 6. pertaineth therevnto that some Heretikes for the euidence of this place also as of the other for good vvorkes deny the Epistle Other as the Caluinists through their confidence of cunning shiftes and gloses confessing that S. Iames is the author yet condemne the Church of God for vsing and taking it for a Sacrament But vvhat dishonour to God is it vve pray them that a Sacrament should be instituted in the matter of oile more then in the element of vvater Vvhy may not grace remission of sinnes be annexed to the one as vvel as to the other vvithout derogation to God But they say Sacraments endure for euer in the Church this but for a season in the Primitiue Church Vvhat Scripture telleth them that this general and absolute prescription of the Apostle in this case should endure but for a season vvhen vvas it taken avvay abrogated or altered They see the Church of God hath alvvaies vsed it vpon this vvarrant of the Apostle vvho knevve Christs meaning and institution of it better then these deceiued men vvho make more of their ovvne fond ghesses and cōiectures grounded neither on Scripture nor vpon any circumstance of the text no● any one authentical author that euer vvrote then of the expresse vvord of God It vvas say they a miraculous practise of healing the sicke during onely in the Apostles time and not long after Vve aske them vvhether Christ appointed any certaine creature or external element vnto the Apostles generally to vvorke miracles by Him self vsed sometimes clay and spittle sometimes he sent them that vvere diseased to vvash them selues in vvaters but that he appointed any of those or the like things for a general medicine or miraculous healing onely that vve reade not for in the beginning for the better inducing of the people to faith and deuotion Christ vvould haue miracles to be vvrought by sundry of the Sacraments also Vvhich miraculous vvorkes ceasing yet the Sacraments remaine still vnto the vvorldes end Againe vve demaund vvhether euer they read or heard that men vvere generally commaunded to seeke for their health by miraculous mea●es Thirdly vvhether al Priests or as they call them Elders had the gift of miracles in the primitiue Church No it can not be for though some had yet al these indifferently of vvhom the Apostle speaketh had not the gift and many that vvere no Priests had it both men and vvomen vvhich yet could not be called for as Priests vvere in this case And though the Apostle and others could both cure men and reuiue them againe yet there vvas no such general precept for sicke or dead men as this to call for the Apostles to heale or restore them to life againe Lastly had any external element or miraculous practise vnles it vvere a Sacrament the promisse of remission of al kinde of actual sinnes ioyned vnto it or could S. Iames institute such a ceremonie him self that could saue both body and soule by giuing health to the one and grace and remission to the other At other times these contentious vvranglers raile at Gods Church for annexing only the remission of venial sinnes to the element of vvater made holy by the Priests blessing thereof in the name of Christ and his vvord and loe here they are driuen to hold that S. Iames prescribed a miraculous oile or creature vvhich had much more povver and efficacie Into these straites are such miscreants brought that vvil not beleeue the expresse vvord of God interpreted by the practise of Gods vniuersal Church Venerable Bede in 9 Luc. saith thus It is cleere that this custome was deliuered to the holy Church by the Apostles them selues that the sicke should be anointed vvith oile consecrated by the Bishops blessing See for this and for the assertion vse of this Sacrament S. Innocentius ep 1 ad Decentium Eugubinum cap. 8. to 1. Conc Lib. 2. de visitatione infirmorum in S. Augustine cap. 4. Concil Cabilonense 2. cap. 48. Conc. Wormati●nse cap. 72. to 3. Conc. Aquisgra c. 8. Flcrentinum and other later Councel● S. Bernard in the life of Malachie in fine This holy oile because the faithful savv to haue such vertue in the primitiue Church diuers caried it home and occupied it in their infirmities not vsing it in the Sacramental sort vvhich the Apostle prescribeth as the Aduersaries vnlearnedly obiect vnto vs but as Christians novv do and then also did concerning the vvater of Baptisme vvhich they vsed to take home vvith them after it vvas hallovved and to giue it their diseased to drinke 15. The praier of faith He meaneth the forme of the Sacrament that is the vvordes spoken at the same time vvhen the partie is anoiled vvhich no doubt are most auncient and Apostolike Not that the vvord or praier alone should haue that great effect here mentioned but ioyned vvith the foresaid vnction as is plaine 15. Shal saue The
first effect of this Sacrament is to saue the soule by giuing grace and comfort to vvithstand the terrours and tentations of the enemie going about specially in that extremitie of death to driue men to desperation or distresse of minde and other damnable inconueniences the vvhich effect is signified in the matter of this Sacrament specially 15. Shal lift him vp Vvhen it shal be good for the saluation of the partie or agreable to Gods honour this Sacramēt restoreth also a man to bodily health againe as experience oftē teacheth vs. Vvhich yet is not done by vvay of miracle to make the partie sodenly vvhole but by Gods ordinarie prouidence and vse of second causes vvhich othervvise should not haue had that effect but for the said Sacrament This is the second effect 15. They shal be remitted him Vvhat sinnes soeuer remaine vnremitted they shal in this Sacrament and by the grace thereof be remitted if the persons vvorthely receiue it this is the third effect S. Chrysostom of this effect saith thus They speaking of Priests do not onely remit sinnes in baptisme but aftervvard also according to the saying of S. Iames. If any be sicke let him bring in the Priests c. Li. 3 de Sacerd. prope initiū Let the Protestāts marke that he calleth Presbyter●s sacerdotes that is Priests and maketh them the onely ministers of this Sacrament and not elders or other lay men By al vvhich you see this Sacrament of al other to be maru●lous plainely set forth by the Apostle Onely sicke men and as the Greeke vvord giueth men very vveake must receiue it onely Priests must be the ministers of it the matter of it is holy oile the forme is praier in such sort as vve see novv vsed the effects be as is aforesaid Yet this so plaine a matter and so profitable a Sacrament the enemie by Heretikes vvould vvholy abolish 16. Confesse therfore It is not certaine that he speaketh here of sacramental Confession yet the circumstance of the letter vvel beareth it and very probable it is that he meaneth of it and Origen doth so expound it ho. 2 in Leuit. Venerable Bede vvriteth thus In this sentence saith he there must be this discretion that our daily and litle sinnes vve confesse one to an other vnto our equals and beleeue to be saued by their daily praier but the vncleannes of the greater leprosie let vs according to the lavv open to the Priest and at his pleasure in vvhat maner and hovv long time he shal commaund let vs be careful to be purified But the Protestants fleing from the very vvord confession in despite of the Sacrament translate thus Acknovvledge your faultes one to an other They do not vvel like to haue in one sentence Priests praying ouer the sicke anoiling them forgiuing them their sinnes confession and the like 17. He praied The Scriptures to vvhich the Apostle alludeth make no mētion of Elias praier therfore he knevv it by tradition or reuelation Vvhereby vve see that many things vnvvritten be of equal truth vvith the things vvritten 20. Maketh to be conuerted Here vve see the great revvard of such as seeke to conuert Heretikes or other sinners from errour and vvickednes and hovv necessarie an office it is specially for a Priest 20. Shal saue Vve see it derogateth not from God to attribute our saluation to any man or Angel in heauen or earth as to the vvorkers thereof vnder God by their praiers preaching correction counsel or othervvise Yet the Heretikes are so folish and captious in this kinde that they can not heare patiently that our B. Lady or others should be counted meanes or vvorkers of our saluation THE ARGVMENT OF BOTH THE EPISTLES OF S. PETER THE FIRST AND THE SECOND OF S. Peter vve reade at large both in the Gospels and in the Actes of the Apostles and namely that Christ designed him and also made him his vica● as S. Mathevv for that cause in the catalogue of the Apostles calleth him Primus the first and all antiquitie Princeps Apostolorum the Prince of the Apostles and that he accordingly executed that office after Christes departure plating the Church first among the Ievves in Hierusalem and in al that countrey and coastes about as Christ also him self before had preached to the Ievves alone But preaching at length to the Gentiles also according to Christes commission Mat. 28. v. 19. and being novv come to Rome the head citie of the Gentiles from thence he vvriteth this Epistle to his Christian Ievves hauing care of them in his absence no lesse then vvhen he vvas present and not to the Ievves that vvere at home belike because they had S. Iames or his successor S. Simon Cleoph● resident vvith them but * to them that vvere dispersed in Pontus Galatia Cappadocia and Bithynia And that he vvriteth it from Rome him self signifieth saying The Church that is in Babylon saluteth you Vvhere by Babylon he meaneth Rome as al antiquitie doth interpret him not that he so calleth the Church of Rome but the heathen state of the Romane empire vvhich then and 300 yeres after vnto the conuersion of Constantinus the Emperour did persecute the elect Church of Rome in so much that the first 33 Bishops thereof vnto S. Siluester vvere al Martyrs For the matter vvhereof he vvriteth him self doth signifie it in these vvordes This loe the second Epistle I vvrite to you my deerest in vvhich Epistles I stirre vp by admonition your sincere minde that you may be mindeful of those vvordes c. So he saith there of both together And againe of the first to the same purpose in an other place I haue breefely vvritten beseeching and testifying that this is the true grace of God vvherein you stand For there vvere at that time certaine Seducers as S. August also hath told vs vvho vvent about to teach Onely faith as though good vvorkes vvere not necessarie nor meritorious there vvere also great persecutions to compel them vvith terrour to denie Christ al his religiō He therfore exhorteth thē accordingly neither for persecution neither by seduction to forsake it though in the first his exhortation is more principally against persecution and in the second more principally against seduction The first epistle is noted to be very like to S. Paules epistle to the Ephesians in vvordes also and so thicke of Scriptures as though he spake nothing els The time vvhen the first vvas vvritten is vncertaine the second vvas vvrittē a litle before his death as is gathered by his vvordes in the same c. 1. v. 14. THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PETER THE APOSTLE CHAP. I. He comforteth them in their persecutions being novv by Baptisme made the children of God vvith the hope of their heauenly exh●ritance 6 shevving hovv meritorious it is for them to be so constant in faith 10 and confirming them therein vvith the authoritie of the Prophets and of the
Holy Ghost 15 Exhorting them to liue also accordingly in al holines 15 considering the holines of God the vprightnes of his iudgement the price of their redemption by Christ 22 and the vertue of the seede in them ●hich is grace regeneratiue in Baptisme foretold by the Prophet also verse 1 PETER an Apostle of IESVS Christ to the electe strangers of the dispersion of Pontus Galatia Cappadocia Asia and Bithynia ✝ verse 2 according to the prescience of God the Father into sanctification of the Spirit vnto the obedience and sprinkling of the bloud of IESVS Christ Grace to you and peace be multiplied ✝ verse 3 Blessed be God and the father of our Lord IESVS Christ vvho according to his great mercie hath regenerated vs vnto a liuely hope by the resurrection of IESVS Christ from the dead ✝ verse 4 vnto an inheritance incorruptible and incontaminate and that can not fade conserued in the heauens in you ✝ verse 5 vvho in the vertue of God are kept by faith vnto saluatiō ready to be reuealed in the last time ✝ verse 6 wherin you shal reioyce a litle novv if you must be made heauy in diuerse tentations ✝ verse 7 that the probation of your faith much more pretious then gold vvhich is proued by the fire may be found vnto praise and glorie and honour in the reuelatiō of IESVS Christ ⊢ ✝ verse 8 vvhom hauing not seen you loue in vvhom novv also not seing you beleeue and beleeuing you reioyce vvith ioy vnspeakable and glorified ✝ verse 9 receiuing the end of your faith the saluation of your soules ✝ verse 10 Of the vvhich saluation the Prophetes inquired searched vvhich prophecied of the grace to come in you ✝ verse 11 searching vnto vvhich or vvhat maner of time the Spirit of Christ in them did signifie foretelling those passions that are in Christ and the glories folovving ✝ verse 12 to vvhom it vvas reuealed that not to thē selues but to you they ministred those things vvhich novv are told you by them that haue euangelized to you the holy Ghost being sent from heauen on vvhom the Angels desire to looke ✝ verse 13 For the vvhich cause hauing the loines of your minde girded sober trust perfectly in that grace vvhich is offered you in the reuelation of IESVS Christ ✝ verse 14 as children of obedience not configurated to the former desires of your ignorance ✝ verse 15 but according to him that hath called you the Holy one be you also in al conuersation holy ✝ verse 16 because it is vvritten You shal be holy because I am holy ✝ verse 17 And if you inuocate the Father him vvhich * vvithout acception of persons iudgeth according to euery ones vvorke in feare conuerse ye the time of your peregrination ✝ verse 18 Knovving that * not vvith corruptible things gold or siluer you are redeemed from your vaine conuersation of your fathers tradition ✝ verse 19 but vvith the pretious bloud as it vvere of an immaculate and vnspotted lambe Christ ✝ verse 20 * foreknovven in deede before the constitution of the vvorld but manifested in the last times for you ✝ verse 21 vvhich by him are faithful in God vvho raised him from the dead and hath giuen him glorie that your faith and hope might be in God ✝ verse 22 Making your soules chaste in obedience of charitie in the sincere loue of the fraternitie from the hart loue ye one an other earnestly ✝ verse 23 borne againe not of corruptible seede but incorruptible by the vvord of God vvho liueth and remaineth for euer ✝ verse 24 For al flesh is as grasse and al the glorie thereof as the floure of grasse the grasse is vvithered and the floure thereof is fallen avvay ✝ verse 25 But the vvord of our Lord remaineth for euer and this is the vvord that is euangelized among you CHAP. II. Novv after their Baptisme vvhat must be their meate 4 and being come to Christ hovv happie they be abou● their incredulous brethren according to the Scriptures also 11 Wherevpon he beseecheth them to shine in good life among the Heathen so to procure their conuersion 13 to be obedient subiects to higher Povvers hovvsoeuer some misconster Christian libertie 14 and seruants to obey their Maisters 19 And so doing vvel though they suffer for it it is very meritorious 21 vvhereas Christ also not onely gaue them example 24 but also by his death hath made them able to liue iustly verse 1 LAYING avvay therfore al malice and al guile and simulations and enuies and al detractions ✝ verse 2 as infants euen novv borne reasonable milke vvithout guile desire ye that in it you may grovv vnto saluatiō ✝ verse 3 if yet you haue tasted that our Lord is svveete ✝ verse 4 Vnto vvhom approching a liuing stone of men in deede reprobated but of God elect and made honorable ✝ verse 5 be ye also your selues superedified as it vvere liuing stones spiritual houses ' a holy priesthod to offer ″ spiritual hostes acceptable to God by IESVS Christ ✝ verse 6 For the vvhich cause the Scripture conteineth Behold I put in Sion a principal corner stone elect pretious and he that shal beleeue in him shal not be confounded ✝ verse 7 To you therfore that beleeue honour but to them that beleeue not the stone vvhich the builders reiected the same is made into the head of the corner ✝ verse 8 and * a stone of offense and a rocke of scandal to them that stumble at the vvord neither doe beleeue wherin also they are put ' ✝ verse 9 But you are an * elect generation a kingly priesthod a holy nation a people of purchase that you may declare his vertues vvhich from darkenesse hath called you into his maruelous light ✝ verse 10 Vvhich sometime not a people but novv the people of God Vvhich not hauing obtained mercie but novv hauing obtained mercie ✝ verse 11 My deerest I beseche you as strangers pilgrimes * to refraine your selues from carnal desires which vvarre against the soule ✝ verse 12 hauing your conuersation good among the Gentiles that in that vvherein they misreport of you as of malefactors by the good vvorkes considering you * they may glorifie God in the day of visitation ✝ verse 13 * ″ Be subiect therfore to euery humane creature for God vvhether it be ″ to king as excelling ✝ verse 14 or to rulers as sent by him to the reuenge of malefactors but to the praise of the good ✝ verse 15 for so is the vvil of God that doing vvel you may make the ignorance of vnvvise men to be dumme ✝ verse 16 as free ″ not as hauing the freedom for a cloke of malice but as the seruants of God ✝ verse 17 Honour al men Loue the fraternitie Feare God Honour
be temporally chastised in the next life cannot be saued vvithout great vvatch feare and trembling and much labouring and chastisement And this is far contrarie to the Protestants doctrine that putteth no iustice but in faith alone maketh none iust in deede and in truth teacheth men to be so secure and assured of their saluation that he that hath liued vvickedly al his life if he onely haue their faith at his death that is if he beleeue stedfastly that he is one of the elect he shal be as sure of his saluation immediatly after his departure as the best liuer in the vvorld CHAP. V. He exhorteth Priests to feede their flockes onely for Gods sake and revvard of heauen vvithout al lordlines 5 the laie to obey al to be humble one to●ards an other 8 to be constant in the Catho faith considering it is not man but that lion the Diuel that persecuteth them 9 as he doth the vvhole Church also that God vvil after a vvhile make them secure in heauen verse 1 THE seniors therfore that are among you I beseche my self a fellovv senior vvith them and a vvitnesse of the passions of Christ vvho am also partaker of that glorie vvhich is to be reuealed in time to come ✝ verse 2 feede the flocke of God vvhich is among you prouiding not by constrainte but vvillingly according to God neither for filthie lucre sake but voluntarily ✝ verse 3 neither as ● ouerruling ● the Clergie but made examples of the flocke from the hart ✝ verse 4 And vvhen the prince of pastors shal appeare you shal receiue the incorruptible crovvne of glorie ✝ verse 5 In like maner ye yong men be subiect to the seniors And do ye al insinuate humilitie one to an other because God resisteth the proude and to the humble he giueth grace ✝ verse 6 * Be ye humbled therfore vnder the mightie hand of God that he may exalt you in the time of visitation ✝ verse 7 * casting al your carefulnes vpon him because he hath care of you ✝ verse 8 Be sober and vvatch because your aduersarie the Deuil as a roaring lion goeth about seeking vvhom he may deuoure ✝ verse 9 vvhom resist ye strong in faith knovving that the self same affliction is made to that your fraternitie vvhich is in the vvorld ✝ verse 10 But the God of al grace vvhich hath called vs vnto his eternal glorie in Christ IESVS he vvil perfite you hauing suffered a litle and confirme and stablish you ✝ verse 11 To him be glorie and empire for euer and euer Amen ⊢ ✝ verse 12 By Syluanus a faithful brother to you as I thinke I haue breefely vvritten beseching and testifying that this is the true grace of God vvherein you stand ✝ verse 13 The Church saluteth you ● that is in Babylon coëlect and Marke my sonne ✝ verse 14 * Salute one an other in a holy kisse Grace be to al you vvhich are in Christ IESVS Amen ANNOTATIONS CHAP. V. 1. Seniors Though the Latin Senior be not appropriated to holy order by vse of speache neither in the Latin nor in our language yet it is plaine that the Greeke vvord Presbyter vvhich the Apostle here vseth is here also as commonly in other places of the new Testament a vvord of Ecclesiastical office and not of age and is as much to say as Priest or Bishop For the Apostle him self being of that order speaketh as by his vvordes it is plaine to such as had charge of soules saying Feed● the flocke of God vvhich is among you Because vve folow the vulgar latin translation vve say Seniors and Senior vvhereas othervvise vve might and should say according to the Greeke The Priests therfore I beseech my self a follovv-priest vvith them So doth S. Hierom read Presbyteros compresbyter and expound ep 85. So translateth Erasmus and Beza him self 3. Ouerruling Not superiority preeminence souerainty or rule on the one side not obedience subiection and inferiority on the other side be forebidden in the Clergie but tyrannie pride and ambitious domination be forbidden and humility meekenes moderation are commended in Ecclesiastical Officers the Greeke vvord here of ruling or ouerruling being the same that our Sauiour vseth in the Gospel of the tyrannical rule of secular Heathen Princes saying to his Apostles that it shal not be so among them according as here the prince of the Apostles teacheth his brethren the Ecclesiastical rulers 3. The Clergie Some of the English nevv translations turne it corruptly Parishes others heritages both to auoid the most knovven true and common vvord in al Christian languages to vvit Clergie a vvord by vse of al antiquity agreably to the holy Scriptures made proper to the Spiritualty or Clergie though in an other more vulgar acception it may agree to al Christs chosen heritage as vvel of lay people as Priests vvhich the Protestants had rather folovv because they vvill haue no difference betvvene the laity the Clergie But the holy fathers far othervvise euen from the beginning Vvhereof see S. Cyprian ep 4. 5. 6. c. And S. Hierom ep 2 to Nepotianus ● 5. vvhere he interpreteth this vvord Therfore saith he Clericus that is a Clergie man vvhich serueth the Church of Christ let him first interprete his name and the signification of the name being declared let him endeuour to be that vvhich he is called If 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Cle●us in Greeke be called in Latin Sors therfore are they called Clerici that is Clergie men because they are of the lot of our Lord or because our Lord him self is the lot or portion of Clergie men c. Vvhich calling no doubt vvas taken out of the holy Scriptures Numer 18. and Deutero 18. vvhere God is called the inheritance lot and portion of the Priests and Leuites and novv vvhen men be made of the Clergie they say Dominus pars haereditatis meae that is Our Lord is the portion of mine inheritance but specially out of the nevv Testament Act. 1 17. 25. and 8 21. Vvhere the lot or office of the Ecclesiastical ministerie is called by this vvord 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Cle●us See in Venerable Bede the causes vvhy this holy state being seuered by name from the Laity doth vvear● also a crovvne on their head for distinction Lib. 5. hist Angl. c. 22. 4. Crovvne of glorie A● life euerlasting shal be the revvard of al the iust so the preachers Pastors that doe vvel for their doing shal haue that revvard in a more excellēt degree expressed here by these vvordes Crovvne of glorie according to the saying of Daniel c. 12. They that sleepe in the dust of the earth shal avvake one sort to life euerlasting others to euerlasting rebuke but such as he learned shal shine as the brightnes of the firmament and such as instruct many to iustice shal be as starres
S. Deipara in fine S. Hilarie in Psal 124. S. Chrysostom ho. 66 ad po Antiochenum in fine Theodorete de curat Grae●orum affectuum li. 8 in fine Finally al the fathers are ful of these things vvho better knevv the meaning of the Scripture and the sense of the Holy Ghost then these nevv interpreters doe 20. Priuate The Scriptures can not be rightly expounded of euery priuate spirit or phantasie of the vulgar reader but by the same spirit vvherevvith they vvere vvritten vvhich is resident in the Church CHAP. II. At not onely Prophets but also false-prophets vvere in the old Testament so novv likevvise there shal be Maisters of Heresie to the damnation of them selues and of their folovvers 4 And of their damnation he pronounceth by examples as he comforteth the vertuous Catholikes or true beleeuers vvith the example of Lot because of their railing at their Superiors and Prelates their blaspheming of Catholike doctrine their voluptuous liuing their lecherie their couetousnes their maner of seducing and the persons seduced 20 for vvhom it had been lesse damnable if they had neuer been Christians verse 1 BVT there vvere also false● prophets in the people as also in you there * shal be lying maisters vvhich shal bring in sectes of perdition denie him that hath bought them the Lord bringing vpon them selues speedie perdition ✝ verse 2 And many shal folovv their riotousnesses by vvhom the vvay of truth shal be blasphemed ✝ verse 3 and in auarice shal they vvith feined vvordes make merchandise of you vnto vvhom the iudgement novv long since ceaseth not and their perdition slumbereth not ✝ verse 4 For if God spared not Angels sinning but with the ropes of Hel being dravven dovvne into Hel deliuered them to be tormented that they should be reserued vnto iudgemēt ✝ verse 5 he spared not the original vvorld but * kept the eight Noë the preacher of iustice bringing in the deluge vpon the vvorld of the impious ✝ verse 6 And * bringing the cities of the Sodomites and of the Gomorrheites into ashes he damned them vvith subuersion putting an example of them that shal doe impiously ✝ verse 7 and * deliuered iust Lot oppressed by the iniurie and luxurious conuersation of the abominable men ✝ verse 8 for in sight and * hearing he vvas iust dvvelling vvith them vvho from day to day vexed the iust soule vvith vniust vvorkes ✝ verse 9 Our Lord knovveth to deliuer the godly from tentation but to reserue the vniust vnto the day of iudgement to be tormented ✝ verse 10 and especially them vvhich vvalke after the flesh in concupiscence of vncleannesse and cōtemne dominion bold self-pleasers they ● feare not to bring in sectes blaspheming ✝ verse 11 Vvhereas Angels being greater in strength and povver beare not the execrable iudgemēt against them ✝ verse 12 But these men as vnreasonable beastes naturally tending to the snare and into destruction in those things vvhich they know not blaspheming shal perish in their corruption ✝ verse 13 receiuing the revvard of iniustice esteeming for a pleasure the delightes of a day coinquinations and spottes flovving in delicacies in their feastings rioting vvith you ✝ verse 14 hauing eies ful of adulterie and incessant sinne alluring vnstable soules hauing their hart exercised vvith auarice the children of malediction ✝ verse 15 leauing the right vvay they haue erred hauing folovved the vvay of Balaam of Bosor vvhich loued the revvard of iniquitie ✝ verse 16 but * had a checke of his madnesse the dumme beast vnder the yoke speaking vvith mans voice prohibited the folishnes of the prophet ✝ verse 17 These are fountaines vvithout vvater and cloudes tossed vvith vvhirlevvindes to vvhom the mist of darkenesse is reserued ✝ verse 18 For speaking the proud things of vanitie they allure in the desires of fleshly riotousnes those that escape a litle vvhich conuerse in errour ✝ verse 19 promising them libertie vvhereas them selues are the slaues of corruption for * vvherevvith a man is ouercome of that he is the slaue also ✝ verse 20 For if fleeing from the coinquinations of the vvorld in the knovvledge of our Lord and Sauiour IESVS Christ they againe intangled vvith the same be ouercome * the later things are become vnto them vvorse then the former ✝ verse 21 For it vvas better for them not to knovv the vvay of iustice then after the knovvledge to turne backe from that holy cōmaundement vvhich vvas deliuered to them ✝ verse 22 For that of the true prouerbe is chaunced to them * The dogge returned to his vomite and The sovve vvashed into her vvallovving in the mire CHAP. III. Th●se 〈◊〉 Epistles ●e vvriteth to confirme them in the Apostles doctrine and vvarnet● them of scorners that shal come and denie Domesday 5 Whose vaine argument he ansvvereth and giueth the reason of Gods so long patience 10 exhorting to al holines of life in respect of that terrible day 16 Finally giuing vvarning of such as misinterprete S. Paules Epistles the other Scriptures and that vve must not for any thing fall from the true faith verse 1 THIS loe the second epistle I vvrite to you my deerest in vvhich I stirre vp by admonition your sincere minde ✝ verse 2 that you may be mindeful of those vvordes vvhich I told you before from the holy Prophetes and of your Apostles of the preceptes of our Lord and Sauiour ✝ verse 3 Knovving this first that * in the last daies shal come mockers in deceit vvalking according to their ovvne concupiscences ✝ verse 4 saying Vvhere is his promise or his cōming For verse 5 since the time that the fathers slept al things do so perseuêre from the beginning of creature for they are vvilfully ignorant of this that the heauens vvere before the earth out of vvater and through vvater consisting by the vvord of God ✝ verse 6 by the vvhich that vvorld then being ouerflovved vvith vvater perished ✝ verse 7 But the heauens vvhich novv are the earth are by the same word kept in store reserued to fire vnto the day of iudgemēt of the perdition of the impious men ✝ verse 8 But this one thing be not ignorāt of my deerest that * one day with our Lord is as a thousand yeres a thousand yeres as one day ✝ verse 9 Our Lord slacketh not his promis as some do esteeme it but he doth patiently for you * not vvilling that any perish but that al returne to penance ✝ verse 10 And * the day of our Lord shal come as a theefe in the vvhich the heauens shal passe vvith great violence but the elementes shal be resolued vvith heate and the earth and the vvorkes vvhich are in it shal be burnt ✝ verse 11 Therfore vvhereas al these thinges are to be dissolued vvhat maner of men ought you to be in holy
conuersations and godlinesses ✝ verse 12 expecting and hasting vnto the cōming of the day of our Lord by vvhich the heauens burning shal be resolued and the elementes shal melt vvith the heate of fire ✝ verse 13 But vve expect * nevv heauens and a nevv earth according to his promises in vvhich iustice inhabiteth ✝ verse 14 For the vvhich cause my deerest expecting these things labour earnestly to be found immaculate and vnspotted to him in peace ✝ verse 15 and * the longanimitie of our Lord do ye account saluation as also our most deere brother Paul according to the vvisdom giuen him hath vvritten to you ✝ verse 16 as also in al epistles speaking in them of these things in the vvhich are ● certaine things hard to be vnderstoode vvhich the vnlearned and vnstable depraue as also the rest of the Scriptures to their ovvne perdition ✝ verse 17 You therfore brethrē foreknovving take heede lest ledde aside by the errour of the vnwise you fal away from your owne stedfastnes ✝ verse 18 but grovv in grace and in knovvledge of our Lord and sauiour IESVS Christ To him be glorie both novv and vnto the day of eternitie Amen ANNOTATIONS CHAP. III. 16. Certaine things hard This is a plaine text to conuince the Protestants vvho as al heretikes lightly doe and did from the beginning say the Scriptures be easie to vnderstand and therfore may be not onely read safely but also expounded boldly of al the people as vvel vnlearned as learned and consequently euery one by him self and his priuate spirit vvithout respect of the expositions of the learned fathers or expectation of the Churches their Pastors and Prelates iudgment may determine and make choise of such sense as him self liketh or thinketh agreable For this is partly their saying partly the necessarie sequele of their folish opinion vvhich admitteth nothing but the bare Scriptures And Luther said that the Scriptures vvere more plaine then al the fathers commentaries and so al to be superfluous but the Bible Pra●fat assert art damnat Against al vvhich Diuelish seditious arrogācie tending to make the people esteeme them selues learned or sufficient vvithout their Pastors and spiritual rulers helpe to guide them selues in al matters of doctrine doubtes in religion the holy Apostle here telleth and forevvarneth the faithful that the Scriptures be ful of difficultie specially S. Paules epistles of al other partes of holy vvrite and that ignorant men ●ad vnstable or phātastical fellovves puffed to fro vvith euery blast of doctrine and haeresie abuse peruert and misconster them to their ovvne damnation And S. Augustine saith that the special difficulty in S. Paules epistles vvhich ignorant and euil men do so peruert and vvhich S. Peter meaneth is his hard speache and much commendation of that faith vvhich he saith doth iustifie vvhich the ignorant euen from the Apostles time and much more novv haue and do so misconster as though he had meant that onely faith vvithout good vvorkes could iustifie or saue a man Against vvhich vvicked collection and abuse of S. Paules vvordes the said father faith al these Canonical or Catholike epistles vvere vvritten But the Haeretikes here to shift of the matter and to creepe out after their fashion ansvver that S. Peter saith not S. Paules epistles be hard but that many things in them are hard Vvhich may be to the Catholikes an example of their sophistical euasions from the euidence of Gods vvord As though it vvere not al one to say Such an author or vvriter is hard and There be many things in that vvriter hard to be vnderstood For vvhether it be that the argument and matter be high and past vulgar capacitie as that of praedestination reprobation vocation of the Gentiles and iustifying faith or vvhether his manner of stile and vvriting be obscure al proue that his epistles be hard and other Scriptures also because S. Peter here affirmeth that by reason of the difficulties in them vvhether in the style or in the depth of the matter the ignorant and vnstable such as Heretikes be do peruert his vvritings as also other Scriptures to their ovvne damnation Vvhereby it is plaine that it is a very dangerous thing for such as be ignorant or for vvilde vvitted fellovves to reade the Scriptures For such conditioned men be they that become Heretikes and through ignorance pride and priuate phantasie meeting vvith hard places of S. Paules epistles or other Scriptures breede Haeresies And that not onely the things treated of in the holy Scriptures but also that the very manner of vvriting and enditing thereof is high and hard and purposely by Gods prouidence appointed to be vvritten in such sort see S. Augustine li. 2 de doct Christ c. 6. and ep 119. S. Ambrose ep 44 in principio S. Hierom to Paulinus ep 103 c. 5. 6. 7. vvho also ep 65. c. 1. saith that in his old age vvhen he should rather haue taught then be taught he vvent as far as Alexandria onely to heare Didymus and to haue his helpe for the vnderstanding of the Scriptures and confesseth vvith great thankes to the said Didymus that he learned of him that vvhich before he knevve not Dauid saith Giue me vnderstanding and I vvil searche thy lavv The Eunuch in the Actes said Hovv can I vnderstand vvith out an interpreter The Apostles til Christ opened their sense to vnderstand the scriptures could not vnderstand them The holy Doctors by continual studie vvatching fasting and praying had much a doe to vnderstand them that great clerke S. Augustine cōfessing in the foresaid epistle 119. c. 21. that there vvere many moe things that he vnderstood not then that he vnderstood The Heretikes say the fathers did commonly erre and hovv could such great vvise learned men be deceiued in reading and expounding the Scriptures if they vvere not hard and if they vvere hard to them hovv are they easie to these nevv maisters the Haeretikes finally vvhy do they vvrite so many nevv glosses schol●es commentaries as a cart cannot carrie Vvhy do Luther Zuinglius Caluin and their Companions agree no better vpon the interpretation of the Scriptures if they be not hard vvhereat stumbled al the old heretikes the nevv Arîus Macedonius Vigilantius Nestorius Eutyches Berengarius Vvicleffe Protestants Puritanes Anabaptists and the rest but at the hardnes of the Scriptures They be hard then to vnderstand and Heretikes peruert them to their ovvne damnation THE ARGVMENT OF S. IOHNS THREE EPISTLES OF S. Iohn vvas said in the Argument before his Gospel Novv here folovv his three Epistles one to al Catholikes though some auncients do cal it Ad Parthos the other tvvo being very short vnto a certaine Ladie to one Gaius The effect of al is to vvitnes vnto them the certaintie of the Catholike faith and to exhort them to continue still in it also to loue the Catholike Church and so neither to become heretikes
nor Schismatikes but rather to auoid al such as the forerunners of Antichrist and to remember that Catholikes neede not to goe to schole to any such Masters hauing at home in the Catholike Church the doctrine of the holy Ghost him self vvho vvas giuen to the Church visibly in the beginning to leade her into al truth and to continue vvith her for euer Therfore he saith That vvhich you haue heard from the beginning let it abide in you Likevvise a litle after v. 27. and ep 2. v. 6. This is the commaundement that as you haue heard from the beginning you vvalke in the same because many seducers are gone out into the vvorld and v. 8. 9. And not only thus in general but also in particular he expresseth the pointes vvhich the heretikes did then call in question Some vvere about Christ him self for they denied that IESVS is Christ that he is the very sonne of God that he is incarnate Ep. 1. c. 2. v. 22. and Ep. 2. v. 7. And against such it vvas that he vvrote his Gospel also as he there signifieth Ioh. 20. v. 31. Other pointes are about our iustification against onely faith and for good vvorkes as also S. Aug. noted vvhose vvordes vvere cited before Herevpon he saith If vve say vve haue societie vvith God and vvalke in darkenes vve lie Ep. 1. c. 1. Againe He that saith he knovveth God and keepeth not his commaundements is a lier Againe This is the charitie of God that vve keepe his cōmaundements and his commaundements are not heauie Finally Children let no man seduce you he that doth iustice is iust euen as he is iust Ep. 1. c. 3. v. 7. 8. 9. likevvise c. 2. v. 29. and in deede in all the three Epistles through out he doth inculcate good vvorkes and keeping the commaundements against the heresie of only faith THE FIRST EPISTLE OF IOHN THE APOSTLE CHAP. I. Good cause there is to beleeue the Apostles preaching 5 And this is one point of their preaching that to haue participation vvith God vve must not onely beleeue but also abstaine from al mortal sinne 8 though vve al sinne venially verse 1 THAT vvhich vvas from the beginning vvhich vve haue heard vvhich vve haue seen vvith our eies vvhich vve haue looked vpon and our handes haue handled of the vvord of life ✝ verse 2 and the life vvas manifested and vve haue seen and do testifie and declare vnto you the life eternal vvhich vvas vvith the Father and hath appeared to vs ✝ verse 3 that vvhich vve haue seen and haue heard vve declare vnto you that ● you also may haue societie vvith vs and our societie may be vvith the Father and vvith his Sonne IESVS Christ ✝ verse 4 And these things vve vvrite to you that you may reioyce and your ioy may be ful ✝ verse 5 And this is the annuntiation vvhich vve haue heard of him and declare vnto you That * God is light and in him there is no darkenesse ✝ verse 6 If vve shal say that we haue societie vvith him and vvalke in darkenesse vve lie and do not the truth ✝ verse 7 But if we vvalke in the light as he also is in the light vve haue societie one tovvard an other and * ● the bloud of IESVS Christ his sonne cleanseth vs ● from al sinne ✝ verse 8 * If vve shal say ● that vve haue no sinne vve seduce our selues and the truth is not in vs. ✝ verse 9 If vve confesse our sinnes he is faithful iust for to forgiue vs our sinnes and to cleanse vs from al iniquitie ✝ verse 10 If vve shal say that vve haue not sinned vve make him a lier and his vvord is not in vs. ANNOTATIONS CHAP. I. 3. You may haue societie S. Iohn shevveth manifestly that vvhosoeuer desire to be partakers vvith God must first be vnited to the Churches societie learne that faith and receiue those Sacraments vvhich the Disciples receiued of the Truth it self conuersant vvith them in flesh So saith Venerable Bede vpon this place Vvhereby vve see there is no societie vvith God in sectes or schismes nor any vvhere but in the vnitie fellovvship and communion of that Church vvhich can proue it self to descend from the Apostles 7. The bloud of Iesus Vvhether sinnes he remitted by praiers by fasting by almes by faith by charitie by sacrifice by Sacraments by the Priests as the holy Scriptures do plainely attribute remissiō to euery of these yet none of al these do othervvise remit but in the force by the merite vertue of Christs bloud these being but the appointed meanes instruments by vvhich Christ vvil haue his holy bloud to vvorke effectually in vs. vvhich meanes vvhosoeuer contemneth depriueth him self of the cōmoditie of Christs ovvne bloud continueth still in sinne and vncleannesse vaunt he him self neuer so much of Christs death Vvhich point let the Protestants marke vvel and cease to beguile their poore deceiued folovvers persuading them that the Catholikes derogate from Christs bloud or seeke remission othervvise then by it for that they vse humbly the meanes appointed by Christ to apply the benefite of his holy bloud vnto them 7. From al sinne From original and actual venial and mortal a culpa poena that is from the fault and the paine due for the same V. Bede saith that Christs Passion doth not onely remit in Baptisme the sinnes before committed but al other aftervvard also done by frailtie yet so if vve vse for the remission of them such meanes as be requisite and as Christ hath appointed vvhereof he reckeneth some Bede vpon this place See S. Augustine also vpon this place to 9. and S. Hierome li. 2 con Pelag. c. 3. 8. That vve haue no sinne Vve gather by these vvordes and the former that there be tvvo sortes of sinnes one mortal excluding vs from light and the societie of God an other venial vvhich is found euen in those that vvalke in the light and are in the societie of God Also vve note against the Pelagians that vve be truely called the sonnes of God and so iust in deede though vve be not vvithout al sinnes euery one of vs as vvel iust as vniust being taught and bound to confesse our offenses and to aske pardon daily of God by this petition of the Pater noster Forgiue vs our debtes Therfore S. Augustine li. de natura grat c. 36. reckeneth vp al the holy Patriarches Prophets and renovvmed iust persons to haue been sinners euen vvhen they vvere in grace and Iustice excepting alvvaies our B. Ladie de qua propter honorem Domini nullam prorsus cùm de peccatis agitur habere volo quaestionem of vvhom saith he for the honour of our Lord. vvhen vve talke of sinnes I vvil haue no question And Pelagius asking vvhat sinnes Abel such iust men did commit S. Augustine āsvvereth that they might laugh
number of places specially of the English Bible printed the yere 1562 that vve neede not much to stand vpon it As this also is seen to al the vvorld that they doe it of purpose to seduce the poore ignorant people and to make them thinke that vvhatsoeuer in the Scriptures is spoken against the idols of the Gentiles vvhich the Prophet calleth Simulachra Gentium is meant of pictures sacred images holy memories of Christ and his Saincts Against such seducers the second sacred Councel of Nice called the seuenth Synode decreeth thus Act. 4. pag. 122. Quicunque sententias sacrae scriptura de Idolis contra venerendas imagines addu●unt anathema Qui venerandas imagines idola appellant anāthema Qui dicunt● Christiani adorant imagines vt Deos anathema that is Anāthema to al them that bring the sentences of holy Scripture touching Idols against the venerable images Anáthema to them that call the venerable images idols Anáthema to them that say Christiam adore images as gods Novv in their later translations the Heretikes perceiuing that the vvorld seeth their vnhonest dealing corrected them selues in some places and in this place haue put idols in the text but to giue the people a vvatchvvord that the Churches images are to be comprised in the vvord idols they haue put images in the margent But concerning this matter it is most euident that neither euery idol is an image nor euery image an idol and that hovvsoeuer the origine or etymologie of the vvord idol may be taken in the Greeke yet both the vvordes and the things be in truth and by the vse of al tonges far differing The great dragon that the Babylonians adored Dan. 14 vvas an idol but not an image the Cherubins in Salomons temple vvere images but not idols and the face of the Queene in her coine or elsvvhere as Caesars face vpon the coine that Christ called for is an image but not an idol and the Heretikes dare not translate that text of Scripture thus Vvhose idol is this superscription nor call the Queenes image the idol of the Queene nor Christ the idol of his father nor vvoman the idol of the man nor man the idol of God al vvhich in Scripture be named images for al that and be so in deede and not idols vvhich conuinceth that the Heretikes be false corrupt translatours in this place and other the like confounding these tvvo vvordes as if they vvere al one But as for the hauing of images or purtraites of holy things not onely in priuate houses but also in Churches God him self doth vvarrant vs vvho * cōmaunded euen the Ievves them selues a people most prone to idolatrie and that after he had giuen them a special precept of not hauing making or vvorshipping of idols to make the images of Angels the Cherubins and that in the soueraine holiest place of adoration that vvas in the Temple about the Arke yea and in respect of vvhich sacred images partly they did as S. Hierom saith ep 17 c. 3 so great reuerence to the holy place called Sancta sanctorum If they then vvere vvarranted and commaunded to make and haue in so great reuerēce the images of mere spirites or Angels vvhose natural shape could not be expressed hovv much more may vve Christians haue and reuerence the images of Christ his B. mother the Apostles and other Saincts being men vvhose shape may be expressed So doth the said Nicene Councel argue against the Heretikes vvhich at that time vvere the Aduersaries of images And note here that eight hundred yeres agoe they vvere straight counted Heretikes that began to speake against images and that Councel vvas called purposely for them and condemned them for Heretikes confirmed the former auncient reuerence and vse of sacred images vvhich began euen in our Sauiours time or litle after vvhen good religious folke for loue and reuerence made his image namely the vvoman that he healed of the blouddy fluxe vvhich image vvas also approued by miracles as the Ecclesiastical historie telleth and namely Eusebius Eccl. hist li. 7 c. 14. vvho also vvitnesseth that the images of Peter and Paul vvere in his daies as you may see also in S. Augustine li. d. consens Euangelist c. 10 that their pictures commonly stoode together in Rome euen as at this day Of our Ladies image see S. Gregorie li. 7. ep 5. indict 2 ad Ianuar. ep 53. In vvhom also li. 7. ep 109 you may see the true vse of images that they are the bookes of the vnlearned and that the people ought to be instructed and taught the right vse of them euen as at this day good Catholike folke doe vse them to helpe increase their deuotion in al Catholike Churches yea the Lutherans them selues reteine them still S. Damascene vvrote three bookes in defense of sacred images against the foresaid Heretikes THE SECOND EPISTLE OF IOHN THE APOSTLE He commendeth the lady and her sonnes for continuing in the old saith bidding them so to doe hereafter also lest they lose the revvard of their vvorkes in the day of iudgement and to Ioue the true beleeuers but vvith Heretikes to haue no societie expr●ssing also the points then in controuersie verse 1 THE Senior to the lady Elect and her children vvhom I loue in truth and not I onely but also al that haue knowen the truth ✝ verse 2 for the truth vvhich abideth in vs and shal be vvith vs for euer ✝ verse 3 Grace be vvith you mercie peace from God the Father and from Christ IESVS the sonne of the Father in truth and charitie ✝ verse 4 I vvas exceding glad because I haue found of thy children vvalking in truth as vve haue receiued commaundement of the Father ✝ verse 5 And novv I beseeche thee Lady not as vvriting a nevv commaundement to thee but that vvhich vve haue had ″ from the beginning * that vve loue one an other ✝ verse 6 And this is charitie that vve vvalke according to his commaundements For this is the commaundement that as you haue heard from the beginning you walke in the same ✝ verse 7 because many seducers are gone out into the vvorld which do not confesse IESVS Christ to haue come into flesh this is a seducer and an antichrist ✝ verse 8 Looke to your selues that you lose not the thinges vvhich you haue vvrought but that you may receiue a ful revvard ✝ verse 9 Euery one that reuolteth and persisteth not in in the doctrine of Christ hath not God He that persiteth in the doctrine the same hath both the Father and the Sonne ✝ verse 10 If * any man come to you and bring not ″ this doctrine ″ receiue him not into the house ″ nor say God saue you vnto him ✝ verse 11 For he that saith vnto him God saue you communicateth vvith his vvicked vvorkes ✝ verse 12 Hauing moe thinges to vvrite vnto you I
vpon Seuens seuen Churches seuen Angels seuen starres seuen spirites seuen candlestickes seuen lampes seuen trumpets seuen vial● seuen horne● of the Lambe seuen hilles seuen thunders seuen heades of the Dragon signifying the Di●el seuen of the beast that is Antichrist seuen of the beast that the harlot rid vpon finally the number also of the visions is specially marked to be seuen in this booke and euery time that this number is vsed in this prophecie it hath a mysterie a more large meaning then the nature of that number is precisely and vulgarly taken for As vvhen he vvriteth to seuen Churches it is to be vnderstood of al the Churches in the vvorld as the seuen Angels for al the Angels or gouernours of the vvhole Catholike Church and so forth in the rest because the number of Seuen hath the perfection of vniuersalitie in it as S. Augustine saith li. 5 qu●st in Deuter. q. 42. 4. From the 7 spirites The Holy Ghost may be here meant and so called for his seuen fold giftes and graces as some expositours thinke but it seemeth more probable that he speaketh of the holy Augels by comparing this to the like in the 5 Chapter folovving vvhere he seemeth to call these the seuen spirites sent into al the vvorld as S. Paul to the Hebrues c. 1. 14 speaketh of Angels and so the Protestants take it in their cōmentaries vvhich vve note because therevpon they must needes confesse that the Apostle here giueth or vvisheth grace and peace not from God onely but also from his Angels though that benediction commeth one vvay of God and an other vvay of his Angels or Sainctes being but his creatures And so they may learne that the faithful often loyning in one speache God and our Lady our Lord and any of his Saincts to helpe vs or blesse vs is not superstitious but an Apostolical speache and so the Patriarch said Gen. 48. v. 16. The Angel that deliuereth me from al euils blesse these children See the Annot. Act. 25 28. 6. A kingdom and Priests As al that truely serue God and haue the dominion and superioritie ouer their concupiscences and vvhatsoeuer vvould induce them to sinne be kings so al that employ their vvorkes and them selues to serue God offer al their actions as an acceptable sacrifice to him be priests Neuerthelesse as if any man vvould therevpon affirme that there ought to be no other earthly povvers or kings to gouerne in vvorldly affaires ouer Christians be vvere a seditious Heretike euen so are they that vpon this or the like places vvhere al Christians be called priests in a spiritual sort vvould therfore inferre that euery one is in proper signification a Priest or that al be Priests alike or that there ought to be none but such spiritual priests for it is the seditious voice of Corè saying to Moyses and Aaron Let it suffi●● you that al the multitude is of holy ones and the Lord is in the●● Vvhy are you extolled ouer the people of the Lord Num. 16. 10. On the Dominical day Many notable pointes may be marked here first that euen in the Apostles time there vvere daies deputed to the seruice of God and so made holy and different though not by nature yet by vse and benediction from other profane or as vve call them vvorke-daies Secondly that the Apostles and faithful abrogated the Sabboth vvhich vvas the seuenth day and made holy day for it the next day folovving being the eight day in count from the creation and that vvithout al Scriptures or cōmaundement of Christ that vve reade of yea vvhich is more not onely othervvise then vvas by the Lavv obserued but plainely othervvise then vvas prescribed by God him self in the second commaundement yea and othervvise then he ordained in the first creatiō vvhen he sanctified precisely the Sabboth day not the day folovving Such great povver did Christ leaue to his Church and for such causes gaue he the holy Ghost to be resident in it to guide it into al truthes euen such as in the Scriptures are not expressed And if the Church had authoritie inspiration from God to make Sunday being a vvorke-day before an euerlasting holy day and the Saturday that before vvas holy day novv a common vvorkeday vvhy may not the same Church prescribe appoint the other holy feasts of Easter Vvhitsuntide Christmas and the rest for the same vvarrant she hath for the one that she hath for the other Thirdly it is to be noted that the cause of this change vvas for that novv vve Christians esteeming more our redemption then our first creation haue the holy day vvhich vvas before for the remembrance of Gods accomplishment of the creation of things novv for the memorie of the accomplishment of our redemption Vvhich therfore is kept vpon that day on vvhich our Lord rose from life to death vvhich vvas the day after the Sabboth being called by the Ievves vna or prima Sabbathi the first of or after the Sabboth Mat 28. Act. 10. 1 Cor. 16. Fourthly it is to be marked that this holy day by the Apostles tradition also vvas named Domini●●● die● our Lordes day or the Dominike vvhich is also an old Ecclesiastical vvord in our language for the name Sunday is a heathenish calling as al other of the vveeke daies be in our lāguage some imposed after the names of planets as in the Romans time some by the name of certaine Idols that the Saxons did vvorship to vvhich they dedicated their daies before they vvere Christians Vvhich names the Church vseth not but hath appointed to call the first day the Dominike after the Apostle here the other by the name of Feries vntil the last of the vveeke vvhich she calleth by the old name Sabboth because that vvas of God and not by imposition of the heathen See the marginal Annotation Luc. 24 1. Lastly obserue that God reuealeth such great things to Prophets rather vpon holy daies and in times of contemplation sacrifice and praier then on other profaue daies and therfore as S. Peter Act. 10 had a reuelation at the six houre of praier and Zacharie Luc. 1 at the houre of incense and Cornelius Act. 10 vvhen he vvas at his praiers the ninthe houre so here S. Iohn noteth that he had al these maruelous visions vpon a Sunday 13. Vested in a Priestly garment He appeared in a long garment or vestment proper vnto Priests for so the vvord poderes doth signifie as Sap. 18 24 and that vvas most agreable for him that represented the person of Christ the high Priest and appeared to Iohn being a most holy Priest and vvho is specially noted in the Ecclesiastical historie for his Priestly garment called pé●alon or lamina Euseb li. 3 hist Eccl. c. 25. li. 5 c. 23. 20. The seuen starres The Bishops are the starres of the Church as the Churches them selues are the golden
the Church militant may ioyne vvith the triumphant and vvith al the orders of Angels vvho also are present at the consecration and doe seruice there to our common Lord and Maister as S. Chrysostom vvriteth li. 6 de Sacerdotie and h● 1. de verb. Esa to 1. The Greekes call it the hymne Trisagies that is Thrise holy CHAP. V. 4. S. Iohn vveeping because no man could open the booke sealed vvith seuen seales ● the Lambe that vvas slaine opened it vvhich being done 8 the foure beastes and foure and tvventie seniors vvith an innumerable multitude of Angels al creatures did glorifie him excedingly verse 1 AND I savv in the right hand of him that sate vpon the throne a booke vvritten vvithin and vvithout sealed vvith seuen seales ✝ verse 2 And I savv a strong Angel preaching vvith a loude voice Vvho is vvorthie to opē the booke to loose the seales thereof ✝ verse 3 And no man vvas able neither in heauen nor in earth nor vnder the earth to open the booke nor looke on it ✝ verse 4 And I vvept much because no man vvas found vvorthie to open the booke nor to see it ✝ verse 5 And one of the seniors said to me Vveepe not behold the * lion of the tribe of Iuda the roote of Dauid hath vvonne to open the booke and to loose the seuen seales thereof ✝ verse 6 And I savv and behold in the middes of the throne and of the foure beastes and in the middes of the seniors a Lambe standing as it were slaine hauing seuen hornes seuen eies vvhich are the seuen spirites of God sent into al the earth ✝ verse 7 And he came and receiued the booke out of the right hand of him that sate in the throne ✝ verse 8 And vvhen he had opened the booke the foure beastes and the foure and tvventie seniors fel before the Lambe hauing euery one harpes and golden vials ful of odours which are ″ the praiers of sainctes ✝ verse 9 and they sang a nevv canticle saying Thou art vvorthie o Lord to take the booke and to open the seales thereof because thou vvast slaine and hast redeemed vs to God in thy bloud out of euery tribe and tonge and people and nation ✝ verse 10 and * hast made vs to our God ″ a kingdom ' and priestes and vve shal reigne vpon the earth ✝ verse 11 And I looked and heard the voice of many Angels round about the throne and of the beastes of the seniors and the number of them vvas * thousandes of thousandes ✝ verse 12 saying vvith a loud voice The Lambe that vvas slaine is vvorthie to receiue povver and diuinitie ' and vvisedom strength and honour and glorie and benediction ⊢ ✝ verse 13 And ″ euery creature that is in heauen and vpon the earth and vnder the earth and that are in the sea and that are therein al did I heare saying * To him that sitteth in the throne to the Lambe benediction and honour and glorie and povver for euer and euer ✝ verse 14 And the foure beastes said Amen And the foure and tvventie seniors fel on their faces and adored him that liueth for euer and euer ⊢ ANNOTATIONS CHAP. V. 8. The praiers of Saincts Hereby it is plaine that the Saincts in heauen offer vp the praiers of faithful and holy persons in earth called here saincts and in Scripture often vnto Christ And among so many diuine vnsearcheable mysteries set dovvne vvithout exposition it pleased God yet that the Apostle him self should open this one point vnto vs that these odours be the laudes and praiers of the faithful ascending and offered vp to God as incense by the Saincts in heauen that so the Protestants may haue no excuse of their errour That the Saincts haue no knovvledge of our affaires or desires 10. A kingdom and priests To serue God and subdue vices and sinnes is to reigne or to be a king spiritually likevvise to offer vnto him the sacrifices of good vvorkes is to be a priest after a sort though neither the one nor the other in proper speache See the Annotation before Chap. 1. v. 6. 13. Euery creature He meaneth the creatures in heauen as Angels and Saincts the holy persons in earth and those that vvere in Limbo or be in Purgatorie for of the damned in hel he can not speake in this case lastly of the peoples in Ilands here called the sea vvhich the Prophets vse often to name seuerally vvhen they foretel the spreading of Christs glorie through the vvorld as Esa c. 49. Heare ye ●●andes and you people a far of c. CHAP. VI. 1 Foure seales of the seuen being opened there folovv diuerse effectes against the earth 9 vvhen the fifth seale vvas opened the soules of martyrs desire that the iudgement may be hastened 12 and at the opening of the sixt there are signes shovved of the iudgement to come verse 1 AND I savv that the Lambe had opened one of the seuen seales and I heard one of the foure beastes saying as it vvere the voice of thunder Come and see ✝ verse 2 And I savv And behold a vvhite horse and he that sate vpon him had a bovv and there vvas a crovvne giuen him and he vvent forth conquering that he might conquer ✝ verse 3 And vvhen he had opened the second seale I heard the second beast saying Come see ✝ verse 4 And there vvent forth an other horse redde and he that sate thereon to him it vvas giuen that he should take peace from the earth and that they should kil one an other and a great svvord vvas giuen to him ✝ verse 5 And vvhen he had opened the third seale I heard the third beast saying Come and see And behold a blacke horse and he that sate vpon him had a balance in his hand ✝ verse 6 And I heard as it vvere a voice in the middes of the foure beastes saying Tvvo poundes of vvheate for a penie and thrise tvvo poundes of barley for a penie and vvine and oile hurt thou not ✝ verse 7 And vvhen he had opened the fourth seale I heard a voice of the fourth beast saying Come see ✝ verse 8 And behold a pale horse and he that sate vpon him his name vvas death and hel folovved him and povver vvas giuen to him ouer the foure partes of the earth to kil vvith svvord vvith famine and vvith death and vvith beastes of the earth ✝ verse 9 And vvhen he had opened the fifth seale I savv ″ vnder the altar the soules of them that vvere slaine for the vvord of God and for the testimonie vvhich they had ✝ verse 10 ″ and they cried vvith a loude voice saying Hovv long Lord holy true iudgest thou not and ″ reuengest thou not our bloud of them that dvvel on the earth ✝ verse 11 And vvhite stoles vvere giuen to
the vvater thereof that a vvay might be prepared to the kings from the rising of the sunne ✝ verse 13 And I savv from the mouth of the dragon and from the mouth of the beast and from the mouth of the false-prophet three ' vncleane spirites in maner of frogges ✝ verse 14 For they are the spirites of Deuils vvorking signes and they goe forth to the kings of the vvhole earth to gather them into battel at the great day of the omnipotent God ✝ verse 15 Behold * I come as a theefe Blessed is he that vvatcheth keepeth his garments that he * vvalke not naked and they see his turpitude ✝ verse 16 And he shal gather them into a place vvhich in Hebrevv is called Armagedon ✝ verse 17 And the seuenth Angel poured out his vial vpon the aire and there came forth a loud voice out of the temple from the throne saying It is done ✝ verse 18 And there vvere made lighteninges and voices and thunders and a great earthquake vvas made such an one as neuer hath been since men vvere vpon the earth such an earthquake so great ✝ verse 19 And the great citie vvas made into three partes and the cities of the Gentiles fel. And Babylon the great came into memorie before God * to giue her the cuppe of vvine of the indignation of his vvrath ✝ verse 20 And euery Iland fled and mountaines vvere not found ✝ verse 21 And great haile like a talent came downe from heauen vpon men and men blasphemed God for the plague of the haile because it vvas made exceding great CHAP. XVII The harlot Babylon clothed vvith diuers ornaments 6 and drunken of the blood of Martyrs sitteth vpon a beast that hath seuen heades and ten hornes 7 al which things the Angel expoundeth verse 1 AND there came one of the seuen Angels vvhich had the seuen vials spake vvith me saying Come I vvil shevv thee the damnation of the great harlot vvhich sitteth vpon many vvaters ✝ verse 2 vvith vvhom the kings of the earth haue fornicated and they vvhich inhabite the earth haue been drunke of the vvine of her vvhoredom ✝ verse 3 And he tooke me avvay in spirit in to the desert And I savv a womā sitting vpon a scarlet coloured beast ful of names of blasphemie hauing seuen heades and ten hornes ✝ verse 4 And the vvoman vvas clothed round about vvith purple and scarlet and gilted vvith gold and pretious stone and pearles hauing a golden cup in her hand ful of the abomination filthines of her fornication ✝ verse 5 And in her forehead a name vvritten ″ Mysterie ″ Babylon the great mother of the fornications and the abominations of the earth ✝ verse 6 And I savv the vvoman ″ drunken of the bloud of the Sainctes and of the bloud of the martyrs of IESVS And I marueled vvhen I had seen her vvith great admiration ✝ verse 7 I And the Angel said to me Vvhy doest thou maruel I vvil tel thee the mysterie of the woman and of the beast that carieth her which hath the seuen heades and the ten hornes ✝ verse 8 The beast vvhich thou savvest vvas and is not and shal come vp out of the bottomeles depth and goe into destruction and the inhabitants on the earth vvhose names are not vvritten in the booke of life from the making of the vvorld shal maruel seeing the beast that vvas and is not ✝ verse 9 And here is vnderstanding that hath vvisedom The seuen heades are ″ seuen hilles vpon vvhich the vvoman sitteth and they are seuen kings ✝ verse 10 Fiue are fallen one is and an other is not yet come vvhen he shal come he must tarie a short time ✝ verse 11 And the beast vvhich vvas is not ″ the same also is the eight and is of the seuen goeth into destruction ✝ verse 12 And the ten hornes vvhich thou sawest are ten kings vvhich haue not yet receiued kingdom but shal ' receiue povver as kings one houre after the beast ✝ verse 13 These haue one counsel and force and their povver they shal deliuer to the beast ✝ verse 14 These shal fight vvith the Lambe and the Lambe shal ouercome them because * he is Lord of lordes and King of kinges they that are vvith him called and elect and faithful ✝ verse 15 And he said to me The vvaters vvhich thou savvest vvhere the harlot sitteth are peoples and nations and tonges ✝ verse 16 And the ten hornes vvhich thou savvest in the beast these shal hate the harlot and shal make her desolate and naked and shal eare her flesh and her they shal burne vvith fire ✝ verse 17 for God hath giuen into their hartes to doe that vvhich pleaseth him that they giue their kingdom to the beast til the vvordes of God be cōsummate ✝ verse 18 And the vvoman vvhich thou savvest is ″ the great citie vvhich hath kingdom ouer the kinges of the earth ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XVII 5. Babylon In the end of S. Peters first Epistle vvhere the Apostle dateth it at Babylon vvhich the auncient vvriters as vve there noted affirme to be meant of Rome the Protestants vvil not in any vvise haue it so because they vvould not be driuen to confesse that Peter euer vvas at Rome but here for that they thinke it maketh for their opinion that the Pope is Antichrist and Rome the seate and citie of Antichrist they vvil needes haue Rome to be this Babylon this great vvhore and this purple harlot for such fellovves in the exposition of holy Scripture be ledde onely by their preiudicate opinions and heresies to vvhich they dravv al things vvithout al indifferencie and sinceritie But S. Augustine Aretas and other vvriters most commonly expound it neither of Babylon itself a citie of Chaldaea or Aegypt not of Rome or any one citie vvhich may be so called spiritually as Hierusalem before chap. 11 is named spiritual Sodom and Aegypt but of the general socitie of the impious of those that preferre the terrene kingdō and cōmoditie of the vvorld before God eternal felicitie The author of the Commentaries vpon the Apocalypse set forth in S. Ambrose name vvriteth thus This great vvhoore sometime signifieth Rome specially vvhich at that time vvhen the Apostle vvrote this did persecute the Church of God but othervvise it signifieth the vvhole citie of the Diu●l that is the vniuersal corps of the reprobate Tertullian also taketh it for Rome thus Babylon saith he in S. Iohn is a figure of the citie of Rome being so great so proud of the Empire and the destroier of the saincts Vvhich is plainely spoken of that citie vvhen it vvas heathen the head of the terrene dominion of the vvorld the persecutor of the Apostles and their successors the seate of Nero Bomitian and the like Christs special enemies the sinke of idolatrie sinne and false vvorship
Catholike Church in the captiuitie of schisme heresie Lastly vve might aske them vvhether it be al one to say Mat. 21 Hosanna Saue vs vve beseeche thees vvhereas Hosanna is vvithal a●vvord of exceding congratulation and ioy vvhich they expressed tovvard out Sauiour euen so Alleluia hath an other maner of sense and signification in it then can expressed by Praise ye the Lord. 8. Iustifications of Saincts Here the Heretikes in their translations could not alter the vvord iustifications into ordinances or constitutions as they did falsely in the first of S. Luke vvhereof see the Annotatiō there vers 6. but they are forced to say in Latin iustificationes as Beza and in English righteousnes for iustifications they vvil not say in any case for fea●e of inconuenience yea and they can not deny but these iustifications be the good vvorkes of saincts but vvhere * they make this glose that they be so called because are the fruites of effect of faith and of the iustice vvhich vve haue by onely faith it is most euidently false against the very text and nature of the word for there is no cause vvhy any thing should be called a mans iustification but for that it maketh him iust so that iustifications be the vertues of faith hope charitie and good deedes iustifying or making a man iust and not effectes of iustification neither faith onely but they al together be the very ornaments and invvard garments beauty and iustice of the soule as here it is euident 10. And I fel. The Protestants abuse this place and the example of the Angels forbidding Iohn to adore him being but his fellow seruant and appointing him to adore God against al honour reuerence and adoration of Angels Saincts or other sanctified creatures teaching that no religious vvorship ought to be done vvto them But in truth it maketh for no such purpose but only vvarneth vs that Diuine honour and the adoration due to God alone may not be giuen to any Angel or other creature S. August de vera relig cap. vltimo And vvhen the Aduersaries replie that so great an Apostle as Iohn vvas could not be ignorant of that point not vvould haue giuen diuine honour vnto an Angel for so he had been an Idolater and therfore that he vvas not reprehended for that but for doing any religious reuerence or other honour vvhatsoeuer to his fellovv-seruant 〈◊〉 ve ansvver that by the like reason S. Iohn being so great an Apostle if this later kinde of reuerence had been vnlavvful and to be reprehended as the Protestants hold it is no lesse then the other could not haue been ignorant thereof not vvould haue done it Therfore they might much better haue learned of S. Augustine q. 61 in Genes hovv this facte of S. Iohn vvas corrected by the Angel and vvherein he errour vvas In effect it is thus That the Angel being so glorious and ful of maiestie presenting Christs person and in his name vsing diuers vvordes proper to God as I am the first and the last and aliue and vvas dead and such like might vvel be taken of S. Iohn by errour of his person to be Christ him self and that the Apostle presuming him to be so in deede adored him vvith Diuine honour vvhich the Angel correcting told him he vvas not God but one of his fellovves and therfore that he should not so adore him but God Thus then vve see Iohn vvas neither so ignorant to thinke that any vndue honour might be giuen to any creature not so il to commit idolatrie by doing vndue vvorship to any Angel in heauen and therfore vvas not culpable at al in his facte but onely erred materially as the Scholemen call it that is by mistaking one for an other thinking that vvhich vvas an Angel to haue been our Lord because he knevve that our Lord him self is also * called an Angel and hath often appeared in the visions of the faithful And the like is to be thought of the Angel appearing in the 22 of the Apocalypse vvhether it vvere the same or an other for that also did so appeare that Iohn not tell vvhether it vvere Christ him self or no til the Angel told him Once this is certaine that Iohn did not formally as they say commit idolatrie not sinne at al herein knovving al dueties of a Christian man no lesse then an Angel of heauen being also in as great honour vvith God yea and in more then many Angels Vvhich perhaps may be the cause and consequently an other explication of this place that the Angel knovving his great greaces and merites before God vvould not accept any vvorship or submission at his handes though Iohn againe of like humilitie did it as also immediatly aftervvard chap. 22. vvhich belike he vvould not haue done if he had been precisely aduised by the Angel but a moment before of errour vnduetifulnes in the facte Hovvsoeuer that be this is euident that this the Angels refusing of adoration taketh not avvay the due reuerence and respect vve ought to haue to Angels or other sanctified persons and creatures and so these vvordes See thou doe it not signifie rather an earnest refusal then any signification of crime to be committed thereby And maruel it is that the Protestants making them selues so sure of the true sense of euery doubtful place by conference of other Scriptures folow not here the conference and comparing of Scriptures that them selues so much of onely require Vve vvil giue them occasion and a methode so to doe thus He that doubteth of this place findeth out three things of question vvhich must be tried by other Scriptures The first vvhether there ought to be or may be any religious reuerence or honour done to any creatures taking the vvord religion or religious vvorship not for that special honour vvhich is properly and onely due to God as S. Augustine sometimes vseth it but for reuerence due to any thing that is holy by sanctification or application to the seruice of God The second thing is vvhether by vse of Scriptures that honour be called adoration in latin or by a vvord equiualent in other languages Hebrue Greeke or English Lastly vvhether vve may by the Scriptures fall downe prostrate before the things or at the feete of the persons that vve so adore ●or of ciuil duetie done to our Superiors by capping kneeling or other courtesie I thinke the Protestants vvil not stand vvith vs though in deede their arguments make as much against the one as the other But for religious vvorship of creatures vvhich vve speake of let them see in the Scriptures both old and nevv first vvhether the Temple the tabernacle the Arke the propitiatorie the Cherubins the altar the bread of proposition the Sabboth and al their holies vvere not reuerenced by al signes of deuotion and religion vvhether the Sacraments of Christ the Priests of
our Lord the Prophets of God the Gospel Scriptures the name of IESVS such like vvhich be by vse signification or sanctification made holy are not ●ovv to be reuerenced and they shal finde al these things to haue been reuerenced of al the faithful vvithout any dishonour of God and much to his honour Secondly that this reuerence is named adoration in the Seriptures these speaches do proue Ps 93. Adore ye his footestoole because it is holy and Hebr. 11. He adored the toppe of his rod. Thirdly that the Scriptures also vvarrant vs as the nature of the vvord adoratiō giueth in al three tonges to bowe downe our bodies to fall flat on the ground at the presence of such thinges and at the feete of holy persons specially Angels as Iohn doth here these examples proue Abraham adored the Angels that appeared to him Moyses also the Angel that shewed him self out of the bush vvho vvere creatures though they represented Gods person as this Angel here did that speake to S. Iohn Balaam adored the Angel that stoode before him vvith a svvord drawen Num. 22. Iosuè adored falling flat downe before the feete of the Angel calling him his Lord knowing by the Angels owne testimonie that it vvas but an Angel Vvho refused it not but required yet more reuerence commaunding him to plucke of his shoes because the ground vvas holy no doubt so made by the presence onely of the Angel Yea not onely to Angels but euen to great Prophets this deuotion vvas done as to Daniel by Nabuchodonosor vvho fell flat vpon his face before him and did other great offices of religion vvhich the Prophet refused not because they vvere done to God rather then to him as S. Hierom defendeth the same against Porphyrie vvho charged Daniel vvith intolerable pride therein and the said holy doctor alleageth the fact of Alexander the great that did the like to Ioiadas the high priest of the ●evves Hovvsoeuer that be for of the sacrifice there mentioned there may be some doubt vvhich the Church doth alvvaies immediatly to God and to no creature the fact of the prophets 4 Reg. 2 to Elizeus is plaine vvhere they perceiuing that the double grace and spirit of Elias vvas giuen to him fel flat dovvne at his feete and adored So did * the Sunamite to omit that Achior adored Iudith falling at her feete as a vvoman blessed of God and infinite other places Al vvhich thinges by comparing the Scriptures our Aduersaries should haue found to be lavvfully done to men and Angels and soueraine holy creatures Vvhereby they might conuince them selues perceiue that that thing could not be forbidden S. Iohn to doe to the Angel which they pretend though the Angel for causes might refuse euen that vvhich S. Iohn did lawfully vnto him as S. Peter did refuse the honour giuen him by Cornelius according to S. Chrysostoms opinion he 23 in c 10 Act. yea euen in the third chapter of this booke if our Aduersaries vvould looke no further they might see where this Augel prophecieth promiseth that the Ievves should fall dovvne before the feete of the Angel of Philadelphia and adore See the Annot there CHAP. XX. An Angel casteth the dragon or diuel bound into the depth for a thousand yeres in vvhich the soules of martyes in the first resurrection shal reigne vvith Christ 7 After vvhich yeres Satan being let loose shal raise Gog and Magog an innumerable armie against the beloued citie 9 but a fire from heauen shal destroy them 12 Then bookes are opened and he that sitteth vpon the throne iudgeth al the dead according to their vvorkes verse 1 AND I savv an Angel descending from heauen hauing the key of the bottomles depth and a great chaine in his hand ✝ verse 2 And he apprehended the dragon the old serpent vvhich is the Deuil and Satan and ● bound him for a thousand yeres ✝ verse 3 and he threvv him into the depth and shut him vp and sealed ouer him that he seduce no more the nations til the thousand yeres be consummate and after these thinges he must be loosed a litle time ✝ verse 4 And ● I savv seates and they sate vpon them iudgement vvas giuen them ● and the soules of the beheaded for the testimonie of IESVS and for the vvord of God and that adored not the beast not his image nor receiued his character in their foreheads or in their handes and haue liued and reigned vvith Christ a thousand yeres ✝ verse 5 ● The rest of the dead liued not til the thousand yeres be consummate ″ This is the first resurrection ✝ verse 6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection in these the second death hath not povver but ● they shal be priestes of God and of Christ and shal reigne vvith him a thousand yeres ✝ verse 7 And vvhen the thousand yeres shal be consummate ● Satan shal be loosed out of his prison and shal goe forth and seduce the nations that are vpon the foure corners of the earth * Gog and Magog and shal gather them into battel the number of vvhom is as the sand of the sea ✝ verse 8 And they ascended vpon the bredth of the earth and compassed ● the campe of the Sainctes and the beloued citie ✝ verse 9 And ● there came dovvne fire from God out of heauen and deuoured them ✝ verse 10 and the Deuil vvhich seduced them vvas cast into the poole of fire and brimstone vvhere both the beast and the false-prophet shal be tormented day and night for euer and euer ✝ verse 11 And I savv a great vvhite throne and one sitting vpon it from vvhose sight earth and heauen fled and there vvas no place found for them ✝ verse 12 And I savv the dead great and litle standing in the sight of the throne and bookes vvere opened and * ● an other booke vvas opened vvhich is of life and the dead vvere iudged of those thinges vvhich were vvritten in the bookes according to their vvorkes ✝ verse 13 and the sea gaue the dead that vvere in it and death and hel gaue their dead that vvere in them and it vvas iudged of euery one according to their vvorkes ✝ verse 14 And hel and death vvere cast into the poole of fire This is the second death ✝ verse 15 And he that vvas not found vvritten in the booke of life vvas cast into the poole of fire ANNOTATIONS CHAP. XX. 2. bound him Christ by his Passion hath abridged the povver of the Deuil for a thousand yeres that is the vvhole time of the nevv Testament vntil Antichrists time vvhen he shal be loosed againe that is be permitted to deceiue the vvorld but for a short time only to vvit three yeres and a halfe 4 I savv seates S. Augustine li. 20 de Ciuit. Dei c. 9 taketh this to be spoken not
ASSVMPTION of our Lady Gosp 168. S. Bartholomew Ep. 456. vers 26 to the 30. Gosp 152. S. Levvis king of France Gosp 193. The Decoll of S. Iohn Bapt. Gosp 101. The NATIVITIS of our Lady Gosp 3. HOLY ROODE day in September or the Exaltation of the holy CROSSE Ep. 528. Gosp 255. S. Matthevves eue Gosp 149. S. Matthevves day Gosp 22. Michelmas day Ep. 698. Gosp 50. S. Francis Ep. 511 Gosp 29. S. Dionysius Areopagita Ep. 343. Gosp 152. as vpon Alhalovves eue S. Luke Ep. 484. Gosp 166. SS Simon and Iude Ep. 518. Gosp 262. Alhalovves eue Ep. 708. Gosp 152. ALHALOVVES day Ep. 712. Gosp 11. Al-●oules day Ep. 466. Gosp 230. S. Martin Gosp 171. verse 33 to the 37. S. Clement Ep. 531. Gosp 70. S. Catharine Gosp 71. verse 1 to the 14. vvhich is the Gospel for holy virgins For Saincts generally and in common Apostles eue gosp 262. For a Martyr that is a Bishop Ep. 469. 642. gosp 181. and 45. For a Martyr that is no Bishop Epistle as vpon S. Georges day gosp 62. For one Martyr Ep. 641. 662. gosp 254. and 262. For many Martyrs Ep. 393. 400. 481. 626. 632. 655. 713. 734. Gosp 11. 29. 68. 152. 172. 199. 265. For a Cōfessor that is a Bishop Ep. 608. 615. 636. Gosp 70. 72. 123. 171. For a Confessor that is no Bishop Ep. 432 and 531. Gosp 175. 193. 254. For holy Abbots Gosp 54. For holy Virgins Martyrs Gosp 36. 71. For holy Virgins not Martyrs Ep. 438. 488. vers 17 to the 3 of the chapter following Gosp as for holy Virgins Martyrs For other holy vvomen not Virgins Gosp 36. For holy Vvidovves Ep. 578. Gosp as for holy vvomen not virgins The DEDICATION of a Church or CHVRCH HOLYDAY Ep. 741. Gosp 195. IN votiue Masses that is such as are said according to mens deuotion for diuers peculiar causes Of the B. Trinitie Ep. 493. Gosp 263. Of the holy Ghost Ep. 311. Gosp 260. Of the Passion of our Lord Gosp 272. Of the holy Crosse Ep. 528. Gosp 56. Of our B. Ladie Ep. 598. Gosp 135. 140. 171. 272. Of the holy Angels Ep. 708. Gosp 218. Of the blessed Apostles Peter Paule Ep. 301. Gosp 54. For any necessitie Gosp 117. For remission of sinnes Ep. 398. Gosp 170. For choosing of the Pope Epist 607. Gosp 260. Vpon the Popes creation coronation day Ep. 655. Gosp 44. Against schisme or for any necessitie of the Church Ep. 518. Gosp 266. Against the Paganes Gosp 170. In time of warre Gosp 68. For peace Gosp 275. vers 19 to the 24. Against the plague Gosp 147. as vpon Saturday in whitsun weeke For the sicke Ep. 651. Gosp 20. For Mariage Ep. 521. Gosp 53. In Masses of Requiem Epist 466. 550. 725. Gosp 230. 234. 235. 251. AN AMPLE AND PARTICVLAR TABLE DIRECTING THE READER TO AL CATHOLIKE truthes deduced out of the holy Scriptures and impugned by the Aduersaries A ABSOLVTION of a Priest The excellencie of this power aboue the power of Angels Princes 47. 277. Vvhat is to loose and binde 47. Abstinence See Fasting Adoration of God Latrîa and adoration of creatures Dulia pag. 11. nu 11. pa. 321. nu 25. pa. 332. nu 12. p. 633. nu 21. Adoratiō of the Arke Crucifixe Images Relikes and the like pag. 633. nu 21. of Angels Saincts and holy persons pag. 706. 737 at large 744 marg S. Iohns adoring of the Angel explicated 736. 737. Vvhat is to adore in spirit truth 218. Reuerence to holy persons euen to the kissing of their feete 300. Alleluia 735 and 736 at large Not to be translated ibid. The song both of the Chruch militant and triūphant ibid. 734 marg A word of maruelous ioy and so vsed in the Churches seruice euen in the primitiue Church 736. Sung in our countrie at our first conuersiō ib. Sung in al Christian Natiōs ib. The Protestants had rather say Praise ye the Lord. ib. In translating sixe Psalmes they haue lest it out nine times ibidem Almes redeeme sinnes c. pa. 143. marg 173. nu 41. They procure vs patrones in heauen pag. 186. nu 9. release of paines after our death 317 marg increase grace 486 marg Great Almes-men happie pag. 353. nu 35. pa. 486. nu 6. 174 marg 317 marg Almes and hospitalitie to Preists and other holy men 28. 163. marg 186. 485. 486. 487. 511. 534. 588. 637. to Catholike prisoners 341 marg 600 m. See Vvorkes The more able the greater must our almes be 121 marg Vvhen a man is bound to giue almes 681 marg Altars pag. 638. nu 10. Altars sanctified by the sacrifice of Christs body pag. 67. Altar vvhy called table sometime pa. 638. Dedication or consecration of altars vvith Saincts Relikes 711. Amen amen doubled vvhat it signifieth pa. 244. nu 34. Amen not to be translated ib. 234 marg 735. 736. Angels Protectors of men pag. 52. nu 10. pag. 326. nu 15. 679. of countries 701. of Chruches ibidem The Protestants also hold this against the Puritanes 679. They helpe vs. pag. 604. marg 541. S. Paules place of the religiō of Angels explicated pag. 14. nu 18. Praying to Angels ibid. Peace from God and the holy Angels 700. Nine orders of Angels pag. 514. nu 21. S. Michael patrone of the Church 721. fighting vvith the dragon ibid. Anoiling See E. Entrem● V●cti● Antichrist pag. 556. 557. 558. 718. 723 at large vvhy so called pa. 558. He shal be one singular man 556. nu 3. p. 724. He shal come neere the vvorldes end 557. nu 4. His reigne three yeres and a halfe p. 71. nu 22. 29. 123 marg 718 marg 711 marg 740. He shal abolish the Masse p. 558. suffer no worship but of him self only p. 557. nu 4. Al framing letters to expnesse his name vncertaine 724. Heretikes his forerunners specially these of our daies pa. 556. 558. 722 marg 723. 741. The apostasie of him his from the Cath. Church p. 556. His persecution of the same 720 marg 721. 723. 741. His attempts to dravv from the true faith 721. Many Antichristes 556. The Pope can not be Antichrist p. 554 marg pa. 557. p. 231 marg 721 marg 724. 740. The Protestants make S. Leo and S. Gregorie furtherers of Antichrist pa. 557. They place Antichrist in the See of Rome in S. Paules daies p. 557. 240 marg Not to be vvith the See of Rome is to be with Antichrist p. 323. 556. nu 3. Apostles their name dignitie authoritie pag. 154. nu 13. p. 37. nu 11. p. 53. nu 18. p. 488. Their number of Tvvelue mystical p. 94. nu 14. p. 290 marg Some of them more principal Apostles p. 492. The actes of SS Peter and Paul in two seueral tables 374. 375. They left their vviues p. 21. nu 14. p. 55 marg 191 marg p. 148. nu 38. So did S. Philip the Deacon 354 marg See Priests They vovved pouertie 55. nu 27.
increased by persecution 316 marg Peter Cephas Rocke al one 218 marg 44. 47. 216. Christ by giuing him this name designed him before hand to be the rocke foūdation of his Church ibidem 47. nu 18. p. 79. nu 75. He promiseth to build his Church vpon him that is his person 46. 47. at large He praieth that his faith shal not faile 206. The Church vvas builded vpon him he receiueth the Primacie 279. 516. nu 20. pag. 654. Vpon him not vpon his faith only or confession 45. 46. 47. Peters manifold dignitie preeminence 27. 40. 50. 52. nu 1. p. 94. 128. 131 m. 150. 154. 161 m. 206. nu 31. 224 m. 497. 500. nu 7. p. 278 m. 326. 442. m. S. Paul submitteth his doctrine to his approbation 499. The keies giuen to him what authoritie is signified by them 47. His authoritie to bind and loose 47. He doth practise his primacie 292. 293. 303. marg 337. 499. 501. nu 9. pag. 654. His successors the Bishops of Rome haue the same primacie authoritie 45. nu 17. p. 46. 47. 206. 280. 337. 499. 501. By the Rocke is signified not only Peters person but his Chaire and See the Church of Rome 46. 47. He breaketh the Churches vnitie that forsaketh this See or Chaire 501. 520. Christ is the Rocke foundation and head of the Church on vvay Peter an other way 46. 514. 515. 516. Peters ship signifieth the Church 150. He gouerneth and protecteth the Church continually 304. 668. The Protestants and Puritans disagree about his preeminence or primacie 280 marg They denied it before and now confesse it 280 marg They derogate from Peter as much as is possible 501. Beza thinketh the Greeke text of the scripture falsified in fauour of Peters primacie 27. Their folish argumēts against Peters primacie 312. 421 m. 501. Their impudent assertion that he was neuer at Rome 422. 500. 665. For this purpose only they deny that Babylō signifieth Rome 665. Their wrangling about the time of his being there 665. Their folish and greatest reason against his being there 421 marg 422. He and S. Paul planted the Church at Rome 288. 500. 383 marg 421 mar 370. He wrote from Rome 665. He vvas crucified there 280. A table of S. Peters Actes 374. Pilgrimage pag. 6. 311 marg to the holy land in the primitiue Church 49. to the holy Sepulchre 85. to the memories of Saincts 231. The deuotion of Pilgrimes and the maner of their deuotion in holy places 158. nu 44. pag. 85. See Relikes Pope The succession of Popes is an argument vsed by the Fathers against Heretikes 520. Popes 33 Martyrs pag. 654. and pag. 556. Their roome and dignitie called an Apostleship 520. Their supremacie 280. 515. 572. The practise thereof by S. Leo the great and S. Gregorie the great 280. Hovv they refused the name of vniuersal Bishop 280. The Councel of Chalcedon called the Pope vniuersal Bishop 280. They write them selues Seruos seruorum Dei 280. He is the ministerial head of the Church vnder Christ 515. S. Peters successor 280. 520. Not to communicat vvith him is to be against Christ or vvith Antichrist 33. nu 30. See Antichrist The Pope can not be Antichrist 71. nu 22. 29. pag. 231 marg 554 marg See Antichrist He may erre personally not iudicially 206. 253. 266. nu 13. pag 388 m. p. 502. nu 11. Vve may not respect the Popes person but the priuileges of his office 66. 67. 206. The priuileges and dignities of his office See Roman Church and Peter Praier See Canonical houres Long praier not forbidden pag 16. nu 7. To pray alwaies 190 marg The Churches collectes breife 16. nu 7. Seruice praier in the Latine tōgue much better then in the vulgar 461. at large S. Augustine our Apostle brought vs the seruice in the Latine tongue 461. It vvas alwaies in Latine through out the vvest Church 463. Our people at their first conuersion sang Alleluia not praise ye the Lord. 463. Sursum corda Kyrie eleison ibidem See Masse The peoples priuat praiers in Latine 462. It is not necessarie that they vnderstand either publike or priuate praiers 461. 463. They vnderstand them not being in the English tong neither are they any thing the more edified 461. 463. Their intētion deuotiō is as great acceptable in the one as in the other 462. 463. 43. hu 8. pag. 61. They are edified and take profite of the Priests fūctions though they neither heare nor see what he doth 134. and 135 m. They are taught the meaning of ceremonies and seruice and doe knovv them perfectly in al Cath. countries 461. 462. Latine praiers are and may be translated 462. S. Paules place falsely alleaged against the latin seruice or praier explicated at large and that he speaketh of no such thing much lesse against it 460. 461. 462. 493. An other obiection answered and vvhat it is to pray vvith the lippes only 43. num 8. Faith in praier 643. Vvhat is to pray vvithout intermission 382 marg 551 marg Our Lords praier or the Pater noster 15. 170. It is the first and last in al the Churches praiers and said most often The Aue Maria. See L. our B. Ladie Praier for the dead 361. 480. 687. The Saducees seeme to haue denied it 361. Aërius an old condemned Heretike denied it Other mens praiers intercessions for vs. 150. 420 marg Praying one for an other is of great force 420 marg 543. To pray for our persecutors 209. nu 34. Publike praiers more auailable then priuat pag. 471. The Priests praiers more auailable pag. 610. At the time of praier specially God sendeth comfortable visitations 319 marg Preachers that preach vvel must liue accordingly 104 marg 112 marg 386. marg Catholike preachers in time of persecution vvhat is their comfort 547. Predestination and reprobation declared at large pag. 406. 407. They consist vvith free vvil 370. 403. 406. 407. The mysterie of predestination and reprobatiō is humbly to be reuerēced not curiously searched 402. 403. 407. nu 20. 21. 412. No man must by occasion thereof be reachlesse and desperate in neglecting his saluation 403. 406. 359 marg Good vvorkes must concurre vvith Gods predestination 668. Vvhat and how far we may and should learne herein 403. 412. Heretical and presumptuous bookes of Predestination 407. 412. Priest The name in al languages almost the same 333. heretically changed into Elder ibidem The vvord Senior Auncient in the vulgar Latine translation is alvvaies in the Greeke Presbyter Priest 334 marg 664. 351 marg His office and vocation 609. 610. His dignitie 609. They are called Angels 701. They are coadiutors vvith and vnder Christ and worke in his name 92. 190. 444. 474. 480. 482. 429 marg Their authoritie to remit sinnes 21 24. 53. nu 18. p. 92. 151. 162 m 190. 276. 480. 252 marg The Protestants carpe at this authoritie as the Iewes did at Christ for
may be broken and otherwise emploied 78. nu 10. pag. 92. nu 25. Sainctes know our doings hartes heare our praiers 64. 184. 186. m. 187. 428. 457. m. They are as Angels 198. They may be present with the liuing 49. 110. m. at their ovvne tōbes monumēts 711. Praying to Saincts that they pray for vs. 380 m. 186. 304. 471. 668 at large 679. 709. 711. 717. 309. m. They are our mediators an aduocates without any derogatiō to Christ 471. 568. 678. 679. 714 m. How Christ is our only Mediator and only Aduocate 568. 678. 679. The conclusion of al praiers is Per Christum Dominum nostrum 265 marg The Protestants arguments ansvvered 409. 607. 608. 611. nu 9. 568. 678. Vigilantius their father founder of this heresie refuted by S. Hierom 711. Hovv S. Hierom saith that Christ his Saincts are euery where ibidem Their Festiuities or holidaies 7. nu 16. 75. m. 507. at large 668. Their memories or commemorations in the sacrifice of the Masse 332. 454. 726. Canonizing of Saincts 7. Their miracles 33. nu 24. See Miracles Relikes The great honour of Saincts and that it is no derogation to Christs honour 55. nu 28. pag. 350. nu 16. pag. 553 marg 577. 601. 653. 703 marg 704. 714 marg 720 marg 742 marg They are patrones of men and countries 404. They are called sauiours redeemers c. vvithout derogation to Christ 569. 577. 653. 308 marg our hope 548 marg God and our Ladie saue vs the like speaches 337. 700. To beleeue in Saincts 409. nu 14. pag. 601. Saluation No man sure of his saluation but in hope 263. 394. 402. nu 16. pag. 403. 418. 433. 444. 493. 530. 393. marg See F. The Protestants special faith Satisfaction See Penance Satisfactorie vvorkes of one for an other 474. 485. 538. Satisfaction enioyned 143 m. Schisme Prefigured in the Ievves Schismatical temples 166. 227. 228. 448. in Ieroboams calues and altars 448. in Corè Darhan Abiron 482. 695. contrarie to the vnitie of the Church 456 501. nu 9. pag. 519. 520. detestable and sacrilegious 520. The beginning of al Schismes 426 marg In schisme no vvorke auailable to saluation 14. nu 24. pag. 180. 263. nu 4. pag. 457. num 1. See Church Schismatikes Schismatical seruice sermons to be auoided 94. 482. 590. 225 marg Specially the Communion 442. 447. 448. See Heretike and Heresie Scandal 112 marg 356. 386 marg Scripture Canonical and not Canonical discerned and iudged by the Church 499. 500. See pag. 2 after the preface S. Augustines sentences cited at large The Scripture and Church Whether is elder and of more authoritie 500. The Protestants deny many bookes of the Scripture because they are repugnant to their heresies See Heretikes They many vvaies corrupt the Scriptures See Heretikes Priuate Phantastical interpretatiō of Scriptures 669. 672. Al Heretikes and the Diuel him self alleage Scriptures but falsely p. 5. nu 25. p. 11. nu 6. p. 34. 145 m. 162. nu 20. p. 261. 402. 14. nu 35. 39. pa. 613. 645. 651. nu 12. p. 646. nu 21. p. 682. 711. 740. Vvomē great tatlers talkers of Scripture 568. Not the great talkers and hearers thereof but the doers are blessed 698 m. The Scripture is ful of profound senses 232. 508. hard to vnderstand 151 marg 311 marg 558. nu 6. pag. 613. nu 4. pag. 672. 673. 661. nu 19. p. 662 marg 740. S. Paules epistles hard about iustification by faith and therfore misconstrued of old and new heretikes 389. 646. 672. The Epistle to the Romanes hard concerning predestination 404 marg The difficultie of the Apocalypse 699. The Protestants count al Scriptures easie for euery mā to vnderstand by his priuate spirit therfore they reiect the Doctors expositiōs admit nothing but Scripture 672. Their folish distinction that S. Paules epistles are not hard but the matter he vvriteth of ibid. The self same scriptures alleaged by the old heretikes and the Protestants and answered by the fathers long agoe 444. nu 5. pag. 575. 646. 711. 712. The Scripture cōsisteth in the true sense therof which is only in the Cath. Church 477. nu 6. p. 669. nu 20. The bare letter killeth both Iew Heretike 477. They searche not the Scriptures deepely but superficially 232. Vvho be the litle ones that best vnderstand the Scriptures 30. nu 25. p. 169. nu 21. The auncient fathers humilitie in reading and expounding the Scriptures 67● 5●8 661. nu 19. pag. 699. Catholike Doctors only are right handlers of the Scriptures 590. The curse for adding and diminishing thereof and that it pertaineth to heretikes not to Catholike expositors 45. The interpretation of Scripture is called prophecie 413 marg when the same is according to the rule of faith ibid. Of the translating and reading the holy Scriptures in the vulgar tongue of the difficultie of them vvith what humilitie they ought to be read of many others pointes concerning the sacred Scriptures see the Preface to the reader The text corrupted by old heretikes 684. 687. Scriptures haue not only a literal sense but also a mystical and allegorical 7. nu 15. pag. 508. 607 marg 614 marg The Protestāts deride the mystical interpretations of the auncient Doctors 614 marg The people may not iudge of the sense of Scriptures or of their Pastors expositions 344. The comfort and profite of Christian Cathol men in reading and hearing the Scriptures 344. 419 marg 592. Vvhat they finde in searching the Scriptures 230. Not only Scriptures but tradition also 622. marg 559. 592. 279 marg 678 marg 717 marg The Apostles and Churches precepts 336 marg See Tradition The Churches order in reading the Scriptures in her diuine Seruice See CHVRCH Secte taken sometime in good part but novv in the euil 373. 362 marg Simonie vvhat and vvhy so called 314. Vvhat a heinous sinne ibid. nu 22. Sinne original actual 395. nu 14. 676. nu 7. Al conceiued and borne in original sinne Christ excepted and his B. mother 395. No man liueth vvithout sinne 676. nu 8. pag. 16. S. Augustine excepteth our B. Ladie ibidem Sinnes mortal and venial 14. 16. 385. 643. 676. Not God but the Diuel is author of sinne 36 m. See God Hovv the Diuel sinned from the beginning 682. Cōcupiscence cause of sinne 642 m. Al sinne procedeth of three special things mentioned by S. Iohn 677 marg The lavv did not cause sinne 395. 398 m. Mortal sinne excludeth grace and iustice 682. Venial sinnes consist vvith grace and true iustice 676. Examples of venial sinnes 676. How they are taken away without any Sacrament 258. they may be forgiuen after death 94. Al remission of sinnes is by the Passion of Christ 676. Many secundarie meanes instruments of remission by which the Passion of Christ is applied 676. Vvhat is meant by Sinnes couered and not imputed 392. Sinnes against the holy Ghost 33. nu 31. Sinnes crying
to heauen 651. No sinne but in this life it may be remitted the contrarie is the heresie of the Caluinists 686. See Penance They are worse in this point then the Nouatians 613. Vvhat is in S. Iohns Epistle a sinne to death 687. Three degrees of sinnes signified by the three dead that Christ raised to life 100. Sinne the cause of sicknes and other plagues 132. Spirit To adore and serue God in spirit 228. Boasting of the spirit 684. Not to credit euery spirit and hovv to trie them 552. The Church onely hath to discerne spirites 684. The testimonie of the Spirit in vs. 402. Superioritie and difference of degrees not forbidden 57 marg 165 marg Superstition not allowed in the Catholike Church 344. 539 marg The Protestants falsely call deuotion superstition 344. Supremacie of temporal Princes in matters Ecclesiastical See Princes T Tithes due to God and his Priests 615. Giuen by the inferior to the superior ibid. Paied in the Law of nature Moyses ib. How due to the Priests of Christes Church 616. Tongues Praiers in an vnknovven tōgue See Praiers The 14 chap. of the first to the Corinthians explicated concerning tongues 460. The Protestants vaine boasting of tongues 457 marg The three principal tongues in the title of the Crosse of Christ 271 marg The holy Scriptures most conueniently preserued in them ibid. Traditions not written 559. at large 413. 414. 476. 612. 653. 279 marg 353. 451. 454. 43. 106. 464 marg 695. 591 marg Apostolical traditions 413. 414. 451. 476. 559. 560. 612. 464 marg Particular traditiōs of the Apostles the Lent 12. 145 marg the administration of the B. Sacrament 451. 454. a commemoration inuocation of Saincts in the Masse ibid. praier for the dead ibid. and 560. mingling water with wine ibid. Baptizing of infantes 559. the Apostles Creede 560. See other particular traditions pag. 454. 559. Pater noster in the Masse 567. keeping of Sunday Easter Vvhit-sontide c. 43. 467 mar How to know Apostolical traditions 560. 559. Ignatius booke of the Apostles traditions ib. The fathers estimation of traditions 559. The Protestants hatred of the very name and suppressing the same in the text of holy Scripture 559. 560 marg They are called Depositum 414. 581 mar descending from the Apostles by Bishop and Bishop vnto the end 584. The Protestāts can shew no such Depositum 584. Heretikes conuicted by traditiō 5. 559. Iewish and heretical traditions 43. 106. Translation of the Bible into Greeke called Septuaginta 633. cited of the Euangelistes and authentical in the Greeke Church ibid. The authentical Latin translation 633. Beza preferreth it before al the rest See the preface Translatours of holy Scripture must be exacte and sincere 221. See the preface V VIrginitie better then Mariage more meritorious and grateful to God fitter for his seruice 4. 55. 440. 725 m. 356. The contrarie was Iouinians old condēned heresie 582. Virginitie coūseled not commaunded 55. 440. 438 marg See Mariage Professed virgins may not marie See Vovv The state of virgins passeth the rest 725 m. Visions recorded in the Scriptures 315. 318. 319. 368. 492. Visions haue no credite with Heretikes specially with the Protestants 319 marg 492. Some haue been rapt to see the state of the next life 491 marg Extreme vnction See Extreme Vovv an acte of soueraine worship 169. Neuer true religion without vowes and votaries ib. The Protestants haue abandoned al vowes and votaries ib. Vow of monastical and religious life 169. 304. Vow of Virginitie or chastitie lawful possible c. 55. 580. 581. 582. Yong vvomen may vovv Religion 581. Our B. Ladie vowed virginitie 138. The daughters of Philip the Deacon were vowed virgins 356. The Apostles vowed pouertie and professed the religious state of perfection pag. 55. nu 21. 27. Breache of vowes damnable 304. 439. 440. It is to breake their first faith 580. It is to goe after Satan 581. It is the highest kinde of Sacrilege 304. It is worse then aduoutrie 582. Vvhat virgins widovves the Apostle allovveth to marie 440. 581. Iouinian for persuading Nunnes to marie is called of S. Augustine a monster of S. Hierom he and his folovvers Christian Epicures 582. The Protestants call Iouinians heresie Gods word 582. Vvhat vovves are unlavvful and not to be kept 361. Vsurie not to be vsed among Christians 255. Spiritual vsurie in the better sense 74. nu 27. W VVidovvhod 579 at large This state more blessed then the state of matrimonie 439 m. Their cōtinual praier continencie 578 m. The example of holy Anne 141. 142. S. Ambrose and S. Augustine wrote whole bookes in cōmēdation of the state of widowhod 579. The Churches widowes called Diaconissae and their office 579. They must haue had but one husband ibid. The Caluinists most absurd expositiō of these wordes The husband of one wife 580. The Apostle forbiddeth not al yong widowes to vow 581. See Continencie The vvord of God is not only that vvhich is written in the Scriptures 548. See Gospel Tradition Vvorkes meritorious of life euerlasting 17. 177. 387. 430. 593. 594. 613. 703 mar No workes of them selues vvithout faith and the grace of God are meritorious 378. 594. Such are the workes that S. Paul excludeth from iustification 378. 387. 390. 411. 385. 499 marg Vve presume not vpon our owne workes or merites as of our selues but as of Gods grace 516 marg 594. The Protestants make no difference betwene Christian mens workes done in grace and the workes of Ievves Pagans 411. They are iniurious to Gods grace vvhich maketh vorkes meritorious 594. The Scriptures which they falsely alleage answered 189. 402. Vve are iustified by vvorkes also and not by faith only 16. 643. 645 and 646 at large 153 marg 678 marg 510 m. 538. m. See faith Good workes before faith though not meritorious yet are preparatiues to the first iustification 320. 389 m. That euery man shal be rewarded according to his vvorkes is a cōmon phrase in Scripture 47. 386 marg 387. 430. 656 marg 744 marg not according to faith only or lacke of faith 741. nu 12. Al good workes rewarded in heauen 630 marg 413. nu 1. pag. 587. 524 marg 543 marg 191 marg Heauen is due for them according to Gods iustice 593. 594. 613. 553 mar They giue great confidence before God 630. 627 marg Vvorkes may be done in respect of reward 16. nu 4. pag. 631. marg pa. 444. The three workes of iustice 14. 15. 16. Vvorkes of mercie how acceptable to God 663. 317. m. 341 marg See Almes Vvorkes of perfection or supererogation 444. 485. 168 m. See C. Euangelical Counsels Vvorkes satisfactorie 143 m. See faith Iustification Merite Revvard Heauen prepared for them only that deserue it by good workes 58. nu 23. pag. 73 marg Vvithout good vvorkes a man shal be demned 143 marg 153 marg 739 marg The booke of euery mans workes opened in the day of iudgement 741.
li. 2. c. 39. Io. 20 31. Hier. in Catal. a Io. 21 20. b Mat. 4. 21. b Mat. 4. 21. c Act. 12 2. a Io. 13 23. 24. c. 21 20. a Io. 13 23. 24. c. 21 20. a Io. 13 23. 24. c. 21 20. b Io. 20 4. c Io. 21 7. The 1. parte THE ACTES of Christ before his manifestation whiles Iohn Baptist was yet baptizing The Gospel at the third Masse vpō Christmas day And euery day at the end of Masse ` nothing that was made ET VERBVM CARO FACTVM EST. ⸬ He is preferred made of more dignitie and excellencie then I because he was before me al things eternal God The Gospel vpō the 3 Sunday in Aduent Mal. 4 5 Deu. 18 15. ⸬ By like the Iewes ignorātly vnderstood not the place in Deuteronomie of Christ and therfore they aske also whether he be the Prophet there spoken of See also c. 7 40. Esa 40 3. Mt. 3 11. ⸬ He doth oftē here signifie the great difference of his baptisme of Christs as of his person Christs See Annot. Mat. 3. Mr. 1 8. Lu. 3 16. The Gospel on the octaue of the Epiphanie ` sinnes AGNVS DEI at Masse The Gospel vpō S. Andrews eue ⸬ Messias in Hebrue in Greeke Christ ī English Anointed to witte with the spiritual oile of grace aboue his brethren Ps 44. ⸬ Cephas in Syriake Peter in Greeke in English Rocke See Mat. 16 18. The Gospel in a votiue Masse of the holy Angels Gen. 28 12. How God the Sonne is called the VVORD The Platonikes August de Ciu. Dei li. 10 c. 29. The VVORD coeternal vvith the Father distinct in person and of the Father Calu. inst li. 1 c. 13. sect 23 25. The VVORD true God by nature 1 Io. c. 5 20. The Protestants are like the vvrāgling Ariās The VVORD not a creature but the creator Free-vvil Humble kneeling at the solemne wordes of Christs incarnation How mortal men see God The B. Trinitie Peter by his new name designed to be the Rocke of the Church Cephas Petrus Li. 2 c. 12 in Ioan. The Gospel vpō the 2 Sunday after the Epiphanie ⸬ He that seeth water turned in to wine nedeth not dispute or doubt hovv Christ changed bread into his body The Gospel vpō Munday in the fourth vveeke of Lent Ps 68 10. Mt. 26. 61. 27 40. Christ with his presence honoureth and approueth Mariage Cyril in 2 Io. c. 22. Our Ladies intercession Translatours of holy Scriptures Our lady doubteth not but Christ vvil graūt her petition li. 2 in Io. c. 23. Profaners of Gods Church are to be punished in soul body by the Spiritual power The B. Sacrament is not to be giuen to nouices or yonglings in faith Tract in Io. 11. The Gospel vpō Holy Roode day Maij ● ⸬ We folow rather S. August those ancient fathers which most commōly vnderstand this place of the holy Ghost not of the winde● although both senses be good Nu. 21 9 The Gospel vpō Munday in the whitsonweeke Io. 1 19. Io. 1 20. Baptisme in water necessarie to saluation August haeres 18. Baptisme in two cases not necessarie but othervvise supplied Euery infidel and namely heretikes are iudged already Gal. 5 6. Tit. 3 11● The excellencie of Christs povver and graces ⸬ He did not baptize ordinarily yet that he baptized his Apostles S. Aug. thinketh it very probable ep 108. Gen. 48 22. The Gospel vpō Friday in the ● weeke in Lent ⸬ This woman is a figure of the Church not yet iustified but now to be iustified Aug. tract 15 in loan ⸬ There were many other causes why the faithful Iewes could not abide the Samaritans but their precise abstaining from their companie cōuersation was their Schismatical Temple and seruice in moūt Garîzim c He speaketh of his baptizing in the Holy Ghost See Io. c. 7 39. Deu. 12 6. Ps 121 13. 4 Reg. 17 28 36. ⸬ This womā mystically beīg the Church it is here signified that they which at the first beleeue because the Church teacheth so afterward be much confirmed sinding it in the Scripture also and by other instructions Mt. 4 12 Mr. 1 14 Luc. 4 14. Io. 2 9. The Gospel vpō the 20 Sunday after Pentecost Io. 2 11. The Schismatical tēple contendeth against the true Tēple Ioseph li. antiq 11. c. 8. The true Temple preuaileth Ioseph li. 13. antiq c. 6. The true Temple is proued by continual succession Christian adoratiō throughout al natiōs in euery place in spirit veritie that is in the Sacraments and seruice of the new law ful of spirit grace in the veritie of things before prefigured specially the true sacrifice of Christs body and bloud Mal. 1 11. Io. 1 17. The 2 part THE ACTES of Christ in Iewrie hauing already begonne his solemne Manifestation in Galilee Mt. 4 12 the second Pasche of his preaching The Gospel vpō friday in the first vveeke of Lent ⸬ By our latin text and the Greeke this miraculous pond vvas in or vpon Probatica that is a place vvhere the sheepe to be sacrificed vvere kept But by other latin copies S. Hierom and some Greeke fathers Probatica is the very pōd it self so called because the sheepe of sacrifice vvere there vvashed ` Bethesda c multū tempus haberet ` is passed The Gospel vpō Alsoules day ⸬ Not faith only but good and il deedes shal be counted and accordingly rewarded at the day of iudgement Io. 1 19. Mt. 3 17 ⸬ Catholikes searche the scriptures and finde there Peters his successors Primacie the real presence the Priests power to forgiue sinnes iustification by faith good workes Virginitie preferred before matrimonie breach of the vow of cōtinencie damnable voluntarie pouertie Penāce almes and good deedes meritorious diuers rewardes I heauē accordīg to diuers merites such like ⸬ He meaneth specially Antichrist How thē can the Pope be he seing the Iewes receiue him not 1 Vertue of miracles giuen to creatures 2 The same giuē specially to sanctified creatures Hiero. de locis Hebr. post med 3 Miracles done at on time more thē at an other specially ī greater solemnities 4 Angels and Sainctes patrones Workers in places of miracles 5 Miracles in certaine places wrought vpō thē that corporally visite the same See S. Augustine ep 137. 6 Al reasonīg in these matters must yeld to Gods pleasure Hiero. con Lucifer c. ● 10. 2. 7 This water is a figure of Baptisme 8 Christ extraordinarily healeth and saueth vvithout creatures Sinne the cause of sicknes and infirmities Neither Ievves nor Heretikes finde the truth because they searche not the Scriptures deepely but read superficially The 3. part His ACTES in Galilaee in Iewrie about the third Pasche and after The Gospel vpō Midlen● Sūday Mt. 14 13. Mar. 6 32. Lu. 9 10 Mt. 14 23. Mr. 6 46. ⸬ These wordes do plainly import that the giuing thankes was an
effectual blessing of the bread and working the multiplication thereof Exo. 16 4. 14. ⸬ why we keepe the hebrue word Amen translate it not See the Annot. c. 8. vers 34. Ps 77 24. The Gospel in the An̄iuersarie of the dead The Gospel vpō Imber vvenesday in vvhitson-vveeke Esa 54 13. The Gospel in a daily Masse for the dead Mt. 26 26. Mr. 14 22. Lu. 12 19. 1. Cor. 11 24. The Gospel vpō COR●VS CHRISTI day Io. 3 13. Why Christ is called bread beleeuing eating Ierem. 11 19. Gen. 49. 11. What signifieth The true bread Lu. 24 35. The B. Sacrament called bread Act. 2 42. 20 7. 1 Cor. 10. God draweth vs vvith our free wil. Aug. cont duas Ep. Pelag. li. 1 c. 19. Ser. 2 de verb. Ap. c. 2. The manifold preeminēces of the B. Sacramēt aboue Manna In the B. Sacrament Hovv is a Iewish word The real presence Ser. 6 de ieiun 7. mens Receiuing in both kindes not necessarie The Sacramental receiuing of Christs body not alwaies necessarie to saluation Li. 1 de pec merit c. ● The true morning of S. Augustin vvordes touching infants receiuing of the B. Sacrament Cō● Trid. Ses 21 c. 4. Cyril li. 4 c. 14 15. The effects of the B. Sacramēt both in our body and soule Tertul. de resur ●ar nu 7. Li 4 c. 34. Nyss in orat catech magna The B. Sacrament is the true Manna vvater of the rocke Cō● Trid. Ses 21 c. 1. The vvhole grace and effect thereof in one kinde and therfore the people not defrauded Receiuīg in one or both kindes īdifferēt according to the holy Churches appointment Ep. 118 c. 6 ad Ianuarium Authoritie of Scriptures and the Primitiue Church for receiuing in one kinde Lu. 24 35. The causes of the Churches practise ordināce cōcerning one kinde The Priests that say Masse must receiue both kindes Lu. 22 19. 1 Cor. 11. 1 Cor. 10 18. Christ insinuateth that faithles mē shal not beleeue his presence in the B. Sacrament because he is ascēded The Capharnaites grosse vnderstanding of Christs flesh to be giuen or eaten And hovv his flesh doth profit and not profit August de Doct. Chr. li. 3 c. 13. Christs flesh giueth life because it is the flesh of God man Li. 4 c. 23 in Io. Ignatius apud Theodor dial 3. Iudas the cheefe of them that beleeue not the real presence * vers 64. Heretikes beleeue nor the real presence because they see bread and wine as the Iewes beleeued not his Godhead because of the shape of a poore man The disciples reuoltīg at Christs wordes proue that he spake not metaphorically as at other ●imes As Iudas of al vnbeleeuing heretikes so Peter beareth the person of al beleeuing Catholikes namely in the B. Sacrament * Cypr. ep 55. nu 3. Tract 27 in Euang. Io. ` in Galilee The Gospel vpō Tuesday in Passion weeke ` in Iurie ⸬ Scenopégia Leu. 23 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is the feast of Tabernacles which the Iewes kept frō the 7 octob for eight daies together by Gods commaundement for a memorie that their fathers dwelt by Gods protectiō fourtie yeres in tabernacles or tentes and not in houses comming out of AEgypt See Leuit. 23 34. Leu. 23 34. ` I vvil not yet goe vp The Gospel vpō Tuesday in the 4 weeke of Lent ⸬ The vvay to come to knovv the truth is to liue vvel ⸬ It is spoken of Antichrist specially and it is true in al Heretikes August tract 29. in Euang Io. Io. 5 18. ⸬ No maruel vvhen these speake thus to Christ him self if Heretikes call his vicar Antichrist Leu. 12 3. Gen. 17 10. ` cheefe Priests The Gospel vpō Mūday in Passion vveeke Io. 13 33. Leu. 23 36. Ioel. 2 28. * Act. 2 1. ⸬ This was fulfilled on whitsunday Act. 2 afterward alvvaies by imposition of hands in the Sacrament of Confirmation visibly in the primitiue Church and inuisibly to the end of the world Ps 131 11. Mich. 5 2. ⸬ Christ hath some good alwaies euen amōg the vvicked which secretly serue him and by vvise delaies auert the execution of vniust lawes against him and his people as Nicodemꝰ and Gamaliel Io. 3 2. The Gospel vpō Saturday the 3 Weeke of Lent Leu. 20 10. ⸬ We can not conueniently reprehend or cōdemne other mens faults if our selues be guilty of the same or other greater Cyril in Io. See Annot. Mt. 7 1. ⸬ S. Augustine by this example of our Maister proueth that Clergie men specially should be giuen much to mercie and that they ought oftē as the cause and time require to get pardō of the secular Magistrates for offenders that be penitēt Ep. 54. b The Gospel vpon Saturday the 4 weeke in Lent Deu. 17 6. 19 15. The Gospel vpō Munday in the 2 weeke of Lēt ⸬ So read S. Cyril S. Ambrose S. Augustine expounding it of Christes person that he is the beginning or cause of al creatures ⸬ Onely faith is not sufficient without perseuêrance or abiding in the keeping of his cōmaundements Ro. 6 16 2 Pet. 2 19. ⸬ Man was neuer without free wil but hauīg the grace of Christ his wil is truely made free as S. Augustine saith from seruitude of sinne also tract 41 in Euang. Io. ⸬ Not onely faith but good workes also make men the childrē of Abraham according as S. Iames also speaketh of Abrahams workes c. 2. ⸬ S. Augustine compareth Heretikes in their spiritual murder by driuīg Christian men out of the Church to the Diuel that droue our parents out of Paradise Cont. lit Petil. li. 2. c. 11. The Gospel vpō PASSION Sunday ⸬ He denieth not that he is a Samaritane because he is our keeper or protector as the word signifieth and because he is in deede that merciful Samaritanē in the parable of the vvounded man Luc. 10 33. Aug. tract 41 in Ioan. Why Amen amen is not translated * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 * See the preface Annot. in Apocal. ● 19 4. The Gospel vpō wenesday in the 4 weeke of Le●t ⸬ Though many infirmities fall for sinne yet not al some cōming for probation and some sent that God by the cure thereof may be glorified ⸬ The time of working and meriting i● in this life after death we can deserue no more by our deedes but must onely receiue good or il according to the difference of workes here c This was a figure of Baptisme to which al men borne in sinne and blindnes are sent for health sight Ambr. li. ● c. 2 de Sacramentis ⸬ So say the Heretikes whē they derogat frō miracles done by Saincts or their Relikes pharisaically pretending the glorie of God As though it were not Gods glorie whē his Saincts do it by his power and vertue yea his greater glorie that doeth such things by his seruants by the meanest things belonging to them as Peters shadow Act. 5. Paules napkin Act.
9. ⸬ By this we see that this miracle was not onely maruelous and beneficial to the blinde but also significatiue of taking away spiritual blindnesse External ceremonies Heretical trāslation Casting out of the Synagogue The Churches Excōmunicatiō See in the Annot Mat. 18 17. The Heretikes ridiculous Excommunicatiō Num. 16. The Gospel vpō Tuesday in whitson weeke ⸬ The theefe is the Heretike specially any other that vnlawfully breake in vpō the sheepe to kil destroy them by false doctrine and otherwise ⸬ That is the fashion of Iewrie other countries signifying that the shepheard or Pastor must teach the sheepe and not they him The Gospel vpō the 2 Sunday after Easter and for S. Thomas of Canterburie Decemb. 29. Esa 40 11. Ezec. 34 23. ⸬ Christes death was so necessarie for the flocke that when he might haue escaped he voluntarily offered him self to death for his flocke c He meaneth the Church of the Gentils Ezec. 37 24. Esa 53 7. 1 Mach. 4 56. 59 The Gospel vpō Wenesday in Passion weeke An other reading is My father that hath giuen me c. c vnum Ps 81 6. Arch-heretikes specially are the theeues that clime in an other way not by the doore Whē the Pastor must tarie or may flee Iudas Machabaeus Dedication of Churches * 2 Macha 12. Christs essence diuine nature of the Father Caluins autotheisme The Gospel vpō Friday in the 4 weeke of Lent Lu. 7 37 Mat 26 7. Mar. 14 3. Io. 12 3. c de dormitione somni The Gospel in a Masse for the dead vpon the day of the burial or deposition Io. 9 6. ⸬ S. Cyril li. 76. vlt. in Io. and S. August Tract 49 in Io. apply this to the Apostles and Priests authoritie of absoluing sinners affirming Christ to reuiue none frō sinne but in the Church and by the Priests ministerie The Gospel vpō friday in Passion vveeke ⸬ All men but specially Natiōs must take hee-de that vvhiles to saue their temporal state they forsake God they lose not both as the Iewes did Aug. tract 49 in Io. The priuilege of the office order though in a wicked person Lu. 22 23. The 4 part THE 4 Pasche holy weeke of his Passion in Hierusalem Mt. 26 6. Mar. 14 3. The Gospel vp●̄ Munday in Holy weeke PALME SVNDAY eue ⸬ Of this womans extraordinarie offices of deuotion how acceptable they were to Christ see the Annot. Mt. 26. ⸬ The deuout offices of balming and anointing the dead bodies of the faithful are here also allowed ⸬ Not in visible and mortal cōdition to receiue almes of you or such like offices for supply of my necessities The Gospel vpō Saturday in Passion weeke PALME SVNDAY * Mt. 21 7. Mr. 11 7. Lu. 19 35. Ps 117 26. Zach. 9 9. ⸬ We may see there is a great differēce where a man pray or adore at home or ī the Church holy places when the Gentils also came of deuotion a pilgrimage to the Temple in Hierusalem b The Gospel for S. Ignatius Febr. 1. And for a martyr that is no Bishop as namely S. Laurence Aug. 10. The Gospel vpō Holy roode day Septemb. 14. in latin Exaltatio S. Cruci● Io. 3 14. Es 53 1. ⸬ If any man aske saith S. Augustine why they could not beleeue I answer roūdly because they would not Tract 13. in Io. See the meanīg of this speach Annot. Mat. 18. 15. Mar. 4 12. Esa 6 9. Mt. 13 14. Mr. 4 12. Lu 8 〈◊〉 Act. 28 27. ⸬ This is the case of many principal men in such countries where heresie hath the vpperhand who know and beleeue the Catholike faith but making cholse rather to keepe mans fauour thē Gods they dare not confesse the same Such may pray that God and the world agree together for els it is seen whose part they wil take Church ornaments Toleration of the euill The Gospel vpō Maūdy thursday at Masse and at the washing of feete Mt. 26 1 Mr. 14 1. Luc. 22 1. ⸬ By supper he meaneth the eating of the Paschal lambe for the institution of the B. Sacrament was after this MAVNDY THVRSDAY Ps 40 10. Mat. 26 18. Mar. 14 16. Luc. 22 21. ⸬ Christ had some prouision before hand giuen him by the Collections of the faithful which was vsed both in his owne necessities bestowed vpon the poore Io. 7 34. 1 Io. 3 23. Mt. 26 35. Mr. 14 29. Lu. 22 33. Puritie required to the receiuing of the B. Sacrament Venial sinnes taken avvay by sacred ceremonies Ambr. Bern. locis cita●is The Church defineth which are Sacraments and which not c. The Gospel vpō SS Philip and Iacobs day Maij. 1. ⸬ These mansiōs signifie differences of glorie in heauen Hiero. li. ● adu Iouin ` doe knovv The Gospel in a votiue Masse for the election of the Pope vpon whitsun eue ⸬ It is then possible both to loue Christ and to keepe his cōmaundements c Paraclete by interpretation is either a comforter or an aduocate and therfore to trāslate it by any one of them only is ꝑhaps to abridge the sense of this place ` shal knovv The Gospel vpō whitsunday And in a Votiue Masse of the holy Ghost ⸬ See the Annot vpō the 16 Chap. vs 12 13. li. de Babyla mart ●o 5. We may and must easely beleeue the miracles of Saincts of their relikes whē Christ him self foretelleth they shal doe such wonderful things * Act. 5 15 19 1● * See Annot Mat. 1● ●0 The Heretikes as faithles ī this point as the old Pagans The HOLY GHOST is promised to the CHVRCH for euer The Spirit of truth shal assist the CHVRCH alvvaies The Arians alleage as plaine Scriptures as the Protestāts The Gospel for one Martyr ⸬ Christ hath some branches in his body mystical that be fruitles therfore il liuers also may be members of Christ the Church ⸬ Man may cōtinually increase in iustice and sanctification so long as he liueth ⸬ S. Augustine expoundeth it of the Sacramētal word of Baptisme and not as Heretikes do of preaching onely Tract 80. in Io. ⸬ If a Schismatike pray neuer so much he is not heard because he remayneth not in the body of Christ Io. 13 34 The Gospel vpō S. Barnabees day and on the eue of an Apostle The Gospel vpō SS Simon and Iudes day Io. 13 16 Mt. 10 24. Lu. 6 40. ⸬ He foresheweth that many wil not obey the Churches wordes no maruel because they cōtemned Christes owne precepts The Gospel vpō Sunday after the Ascension and in a Votiue of the B. Trinitie Ps 24 19. Act. 2 1. No man sure of perseuêrance Not onely faith ⸬ The Heretikes translate Excommunicate you See what corruption this is and the reason thereof Annot. c. 9 22. The Gospel vpō the 4 Sunday after Easter ⸬ If he shal teach al truth that for euer as before c. 14. 16 how is it possible that the Church
can erre or hath erred at any time or in any point The Gospel vpō the 3 Sunday after Easter The Gospel for many Martyrs The Gospel vpō the 5 Sunday after Easter ⸬ Vpon this the Church cōcludeth al her praiers Per Christū Dominum nostrū euen those also that be made to Sa●cts Mt. 27 31. Mr. 14 27. Christ left many things to be taught by the Church The Spirit of truth The Gospel vpō Ascension eue ⸬ The Father glorifieth the Sonne by raising him from death exalting him vp to his right hand making al creatures to bow downe at his Name and geuing him al power and iudgement The Sonne againe glorifieth the Father by making his honour which onely in a maner was in Iewrie before now knowen to al Nations The Gospel in a Votiue Masse against Schisme ⸬ His petition is specially to keepe the Apostles and his Church in vnit●e and from Schismes Io. 18 9. Ps 40 10. 108 8. ⸬ To sanctifie him self is to sacrifice him self by dedicating his holy body and bloud to his Father both vpon the Crosse and in the holy Sacramēt True knovvledge of God The Church can not erre The Canon of the Masse THVRSDAY night Mt. 26 36. Mr. 14. 32. The PASSION according to S. Iohn in these two Chapters is the Gospel at Masse vpon Good friday Lu. 22 39. So the PASSION is read in holy weeke foure times according to the foure Euangelistes as S. Augustine appointed also in his Church at Hippo. Ser. 144. de tempore Mt. 26 47. Mr. 14 43. Luc. 22 47. Io. 17 12 Io. 11 49. Mt. 26 58. Mr 14 54. Lu. 22 54. ⸬ It is al one for a man to deny Christ and that he is a disciple of Christ or a Catholike or a Christian man vvhen he is demaunded Aug. tract 11● in Io. for so Peter here denieth Christ in denying him self to be his Disciple Mt. 27 1 Mr. 15 1 Lu. 23 1 GOOD FRIDAY Io. 12 33 Mt. 20 19. Mt. 27 11. Mr. 15 2. Lu. 23 4. ⸬ It pleased God that Christ who was to dy both for the Iewes the Gētiles should be betraied of the one and put to death by the other Mt. 27 15. Mr. 15 6. Lu 23 17. Mt. 27 27. Mr. 15 16. ⸬ He meaneth midday counting from sunne rising for so doth the Scripture count the houres of the day Mat. 20. Mar. 15. Luc. 21. Io. 4. Act. ● ●o Mt. 27 33. Mr. 15 20. Lu. 23 33. ⸬ These three tongues being for other causes most famous before in al the world are now also dedicated to God in the triumphās title of the Crosse of Christ and in them the holy Scriptures are more conueniently Written taught preseru●d * Mt. 27. 35. Mr. 15 24. Luc. 23 34. ⸬ This coate without seame is a figure of the vnitie of the Church Cypr. de vnit Ec. And Euthymius and other write that our Lady made it Ps ●1 19 The Gospel in a votiue Masse of our B. Lady betweene Easter Whitsuntide ⸬ The great loue faith courage compassion and sorovves that our Lady had who forsooke not the Crosse and her sonne when so many were fled from him and his cheefe Apostles denied him b The Gospel in a votiue Masse of the Passion Psa 68 22. Exo. 12 46. Zac. 12 10. * Mt. 27 57. Mr. 15 42. Lu. 23 50. Io. 3 1. 7 50. The HOLY CROSSE By this you see why in Catholike Churches MARIE and Iohn stand by the Roode li. 2. adu Iouinian The Sacraments issued out of Christs side and thence haue their vertue Exo. 18. Num. 30. Tract 9 in Ioan. Hom. 14 in Ioan. The CHVRCH builded of Christs side as Eue of Adams Gen. 2 21. ⸬ That is the first day of the weeke as some interprete it taking Sabboth as sometime it is for a weeke This is our Sunday called Dies Domini●● because of our Lords resurrection See the marg annot Lu● 24 1. The Gospel vpō Saturday 〈◊〉 Easter weeke EASTER DAY Mt. 28 1 Mr. 16 1 Lu 24 1 Luc. 24. 12. b The Gospel vpō Thursday ● Easter weeke ⸬ The Sepulchres of Martyrs saith S. Hierom ep 17 we do honour euery where putting their holy ashes to our eles if we may we touch it also with our mouth and be there some that thinke the monumēt wherein our Lord was laid is to be neglected where the Diuel and his Angels as often as they are cast out of the possessed before the said monument tremble and roare as if they stoode before the iudgement seate of Christ Mt. 28 1 Mr. 16 5 Luc. 24 4. The Gospel vpō Dominica in albis or Lovv Sunday Mr. 16 14. Lu. 24 36. 1. Cor. 15 5. ⸬ Though he gaue them his peace hard before yet novv entering to a nevv diuine action to prepare their hartes to grace and attention he blesseth them againe The Gospel vpō S. Thomas the Apostles day Decemb. 21. LOVV SVNDAY ⸬ See the annotation on the 19 verse of this Chapter ⸬ They are more happy that beleeue without sensible argumēt or sight then such as be induced by sense or reason to beleeue Io. 21 25 The being of Christs body in the B Bacramēt without space or quātitie correspondēt there vnto is proued by other examples I Scripture Heretical shifts to auoid plaine Scripture August ep 37. Christ can dispose of his owne body others aboue nature Mat. 19. Aug. li. 2● c. 8. de ciu Dei Vbiquetaries of Brentiani Christ sheweth his commission so giueth the Apostles power to remit sinnes Augu. q. no. Test q. 93 Cōt ep Parmen li. 2 c. 11. The holy Ghost is here purposely giuen to the Apostle to remit sinnes Cyril li. 12 ● 56 in Io. The Sacrament of PENANCE instituted Men are bound to confesse al their mortal sinnes and that in particular * Cypr. de laps nu 11. * Hiero. in 16 Mat. To reteine sinnes The necessitie of this Sac●●ment Hiero. ad Demetriadem c. ● to 1. Mat. 18. The Heretikes wrastling against plaine Scripture See the cōmunion booke The English Ministers heare confessions and absolue Li. 3 de Sacerd. Priests power to forgiue sinnes is aboue the power of Angels or worldly Princes Confession to Priests Secrete or auricular Confession In vita D. Ambr. prope finē Mt. 18. The Gospel on wenseday in Easter weeke ⸬ See in S. Augustine tract 122 〈◊〉 Io. the great mysterie hereof concerning the CHVRCH and in S. Gregorie hom 24 in Euang. and S. Bernard li. 2 c. 8 de consid Peters PRIMACIE here mistically signified ` the disciples ⸬ Not the third apparition but the third day of his apparitions for he appeared in the very day of his Resurrectiō oftē againe vpon Low Sunday then this third time And S. Marke saying last he appeared c. 16 14 meaneth his last apparition the first day The Gospel on the one of SS Peter and Paul c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 feede rule b The Gospel
in Christmas vnto Septuagesme The Epistle vpō Christmas eue Act. 13. 2. ● Faith must not be subiect to sense reason arguing or vnderstāding but must cōmaund be obeied in humilitie and simplicitie c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ⸬ S. Augustine vseth this place and the like agaīst Heretikes vvhich vvould dravv the common Catholike faith of al natiōs to some certaine countries or corners of the world Aug. ep 161. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ⸬ He praieth without intermission that omitteth no day certaine times of praier Aug. here 's 57. ⸬ The Romanes vvere conuerted and taught by S. Peter before therefore he vseth that speach to confirme them in their saith Author Com. apud Hierony Theodoret in 16. Rom. Chrys ⸬ He meaneth not Gods owne iustice in him self but that iustice vvhervvith God endueth man vvhen he iustifieth him Aug. de Sp. lit c. 9. Whereby you may gather the vanitie of the Heretical imputatilue iustice Abac. 2 4. c Lo these and the like are the Images or Idol● so often condēned in the scriptures and not the holy Images of Christ and his Saincts ⸬ Eph. 4 19. he saith They haue deliuered or giuen vp them selues to al vncleannesse By vvhich cōferēce of scriptur● vve learne that them selues are the cause of their ovvne sinne and damnation God of his iustice permitting leauing them to their ovvne vvil and so giuing them vp into passions c. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Apostolical salutation or blessing Epiph. h●res 6● The same vsed of Heretikes The Romane faith highly cōmended Luc. 22. It can not false not be corrupted Pro●● li. 2. Com. in ep ad Gal. The Romane statiōs a token of greater faith and deuotion The Catholike and Romane faith al one Hovv God is serued in spirit Praies for conuersion of soules The Gospel is not only the written word Mat. 28. The Apostles vvriting and preaching vvhether more necessarie and hovv The Catholike or Christian ●aith with good vvorkes iustifieth vvithout this faith no vvorkes whatsoeuer Not only faith God is not the author of sinne God punisheth sinne by permitting men to fall further and further Sinnes mortal and venial Good men also according to the merits of their good vvil shal haue their reward Aug. ●p 4● Ps 61 13 c That is the Gentile Deu. 10 17. Act. 10. 34. Mt. 7 21 Ia. 1 22 ⸬ It is a shameful and damnable thing for preachers teachers or other guides of mens life to commit the same things them selues which they reproue in other Es 52 5. Ez. 36 20. c It is a great sinne that by the i● life of the faithful our Lordes name should be il spoken of amōg the misbeleuers many vvithdravven from the true religiō thereby ⸬ Prepuce is the foreskinne not circumcised therfore signifieth the Gentiles or the state and conditiō of the Gentiles as circumcisiō the Ievves and their state Iudging other men Gods long suffering is for our repentance Good vvorkes meritoriou● Li. de grat lib. arb c. 8. Aug. de Sp. lit c. 16. to 3. The first iustification vvithout vvorkes the second by vvorkes S. Paul speaketh of the first specially S. Iames of the second Against imputatiue iustice True inherent iustice more for Gods glorie for the commendation of Christs merites True iustice both in Ievv and Gentile is by keeping the Lavv. The letter and the spirit The carnal and spiritual Ievve de sp lit to 3. Io. 3 33. ⸬ ●od only by nature is true al mere men by nature may lie deceiue and be deceiued yet God by his grace spirit may and doth preserue the Apostles and principal Gouerners of his people the Church and Councels in al truth though they vvere and are mere men Ps 115 11. Ps 50 6. Ps 13 1. 52 3. Ps 5 11. Ps 139 4 c Aspidum A kinde of litle serpents Ps 9 7. Es 19 7. Pro. 1 16 Ps 35 2. Gal. 2 16. c To beleeue in him here compriseth not only the act of faith but of hope charitie as the Apostle explicateth him self Galat. 5 6. ⸬ No man atteineth his first iustification by the merites either of his faith or workes but merely by Christes grace and mercie though his faith workes proced●g of grace be dispositiōs preparations therevnto ` propitiatour 2. ●et 3. S. Paules speaches mistaken of the vvicked Ro. 5 2● Ro. 3 4. The sense of the places that sound as if God caused sinne Iob. 1. Hovv it is said none iust * Luc. 1● No vvorkes auaile vvithout faith and grace The Heretikes phantastical or imputatiue iustice De p●●mer li. 1 ● 9. 10. True inhaerent iustice Vvhat vvorkes are excluded from iustification de grat lib. arb c. 7. Gal. 1. Gen. 5 6. Gal. 3 6. Ia. 2 23. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ps 31 1. ⸬ The vvord Reputed doth not diminish the truth of the iustice as though it vvere reputed for iustice being not iustice in deede but signifieth that as it vvas in it self so God esteemed reputed it as the same greeke vvord must needes be taken v. 4. next going before 1 Cor. 4 ● and els where c Our Sacraments of the nevv Lavv giue ex opere operato that grace and iustice of faith vvhich here is commended vvhereas circūcisiō vvas but a signe or marke of the same Gen. 17 10. Gen. 17 4. ` he beleeued Gen. 15 5. Abrahams Workes before faith Iustice before men and iustice before God Not vvorkes but mere grace is cause of our first iustificatiō c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Heretical translation Vvhat is Sinnes couered or not imputed Io. 1 29 2 Cor. 6 11. Apoc. 1 5. The Sacramēts are not mere markes but causes of iustification By vvhat faith vve are iustified Luc. 1 45. The Epistle on Imber Saturday in vvhitsonweeke And for many Martyrs ⸬ Christian mē do not vaunt thē selues of the certaītie of their saluatiō but glorie in the hope thereof onely vvhich hope is here insinuated to be giuen in our iustificatiō is aftervvard to be cōfirmed by probation in tribulation 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c The Heretikes falsely translate of no strength to take avvay al free vvil No. Test. 15●0 ` sinner ⸬ Here vve may see against the Heretikes that they vvhich be borne of Christ and iustified by him be made constituted iust in deede not by imputation only as al that be borne of Adam be vniust and sinners in truth not by imputation Against the Heretikes special faith and securitie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Iustificatiō attributed much to faith as to the f●ndation Our hope is strengthened by vvel doing Charitie is a qualitie in vs. Conc. Tri. sess s● decr de pe● orig Al by Adam borne in original sinne Christ only not conceiued in sinne and as it is thought our B. Lady The Lavv did not cause more sinne though that vvere the sequele
Sacraments proued out of S. Augustine * Aug. ser 215 de ●ēp de rectitud Cath. conuersat S. Augustine falsely alleaged against the ceremonies of the Church The Heathenish and Iudaical obseruatiō of daies heretically cōpared vvith the Christian obseruation of festiuities and holy daies c. Sūday Easter vvhitsontide The festiuities of Christ Orig. ho. 3. in diuers Aug. ep 28. et Ser. de Sāctis Other holidaies of Saincts Fulgent Leo. * See the Annotation Act. 1. v 14. Festiuities of our B. Ladie ep ad Timotheū Luc. 1. v. 48. See S. Grego li. 7. ep 29. of Martyrs feasts al the yere and Masses in the same Cōc Gāgr c. 20 Epiphan Har. 75. S. Augustines vvordes of Festiuities and holy daies Aug. de Ciuit. Dei li. 10. c. 16. Prescript fasting daies * Hilar. prolog in psal explan Epip haer 75. in fine li. 3. cont har Canonical houres * Cypri de erat Do. nu 15. Reading of the Scriptures according to the time of the yere The Scriptures haue an allegorical sense beside the litteral True Christiā libertie Gal. 6 15 1 Cor. 5 6. The Epistle vpō the 14 Sūday after Pentecost Leu. 19 18. ⸬ Here men thinke saith S. Augustine the Apostle denieth that vve haue free libertie of vvil not vnderstanding that this is said to them if they vvil not hold fast the grace of faith conceiued by vvhich only they cā vvalke in the spirit not accōplish the concupiscences of the flesh in c. 5. Gal. c S. Augustine shevveth hereby that not only insidelitie is a damnable sinne b The Epistle vpō the 15 Sūday after Pentecost Iustificatiō by faith only disproued by conference of Scriptures Hovv the Protestants admit charitie and good vvorkes to iustificatiō Charitie is more principal then faith in iustificatiō Cor. 13. Hovv faith vvorketh by charitie Rom. 13. 1 Tim. 1● True libertie not carnal and fleshly 1. Cor. 9 7. 2. Thes 3 13. ⸬ The workes of mercie be the seede of life euerlasting and the proper cause thereof and not faith only b The Epistle for S. Francis Octob. 4. ⸬ Christ saith S. Augustine chose a kinde of death to hang on the Crosse and to sixe or fasten the same crosse in the foreheads of the faithful that the Christian may say God forbid that I should glorie sauing in the crosse of our Lord IESVS CHRIST Expos in Euang. Io. tract 43. Duety to our spiritual teachers In almes whom to preferre Iustice an inherent qualitie in vs. Faith with the other vertues is the formal cause of iustification Eph. 3. v. 1. 4. v. 1. Eph. 6. v. 20. * See Act. 20. v. 25. 32. ⸬ Vve learne here that by Gods grace men be holy and immaculate not onely in the sight of men nor by imputation but truely and before God contrarie to the Doctrine of the Caluinistes c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ⸬ Some referre this to the grace of Baptisme but to many learned it seemeth that the Apostle alludeth to the giuing of the Holy Ghost in the Sacrament of Confirmation by signing the baptized with the signe of the Crosse holy Chrisme For that vvas the vse in the Apostles time as els where we haue prooued Annot. Act. 8. Ps 8 8. ⸬ Christ is not ful vvhole and perfect without the church no more then the head without the body Nine orders of Angels Cal. vpon this place As Christ is king and yet men are kings also so Christ is head of the Church and yet man may be head thereof also Apoc. 19. 1 Pet. 2 25. Christ is head of his Church in a far more excellent sort then any man can be Hiero. ep 123. 1. Cor. 12 21. Eph. 6 12. ⸬ It is said not of workes as thine of thy self being vnto thee but as those in which God hath made formed and created thee Aug. de gr lib. arbit c. 8. seq 1. reg 17 26. Ezec 44 7. Ro. 9 4. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ro. 5 2. The Epistle for S. Thomas the Apostle Decemb. 21. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Our first iustificatiō of mere grace faith the foundatiō therof The Church builded vpon Christ and yet vpon the Apostles also 1. Cor. 15 9. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c That is for euer before c that is the eternal prafinitiō b The Epistle vpon the 16 Sunday after Pentecost ⸬ Christ dwelleth in vs by his giftes and vve be iust by those his giftes remaining and resident in vs not by Christes proper instice onely as the Heretikes affirme c Not faith only must be in vs but charitie vvhich accōplisheth al vertues Ro. 16 2● The Epistle vpon the 17 Sunday after Pentecost And in a Votiue Masse against Schisme Malat. 2 10. The Epistle vpō Ascension eue And vpon SS Simon and Iudes day Ro. 12 4 1. Cor. 12 4. Ps 67 19. c He m●aneth specially of his descending to Hel. 1. Cor. 12 28. 1 Pet. 4 3. Ro. 1 21. Ro. 1 24. Colos 3 8 Heb. 12 1. ⸬ The Apostle teacheth vs not to apprehēd Christs iustice by faith only but to be renevved in our selues truly to put on vs the nevv mā formed created in iustice and holines of truth By the which free vvil also is proued to be in vs to worke with God or to consent vnto him in our sanctification Zach. 8 16. Ps 4 5. Vnitie of the Cath. Church Ep. 40. Schisme detestable Among heretikes as many faithes as willes The heretikes folish negatiue argument against the Pope ansvvered The Popes office is called an Apostleship Continual succession of Bishops an euident argument of the true visible Church The father's refuted heretikes by the succession of the Bishops of Rome Heretical blastes carie away the inconstant only The epistle vpon the 3 Sūday in Lent Io. 13 34 Col. 3 5. ⸬ See the heretical corruption of this place in the Annotation Col. 3. v. 5. Es 9 60 The Epistle vpon the 20 Sunday after Pentecost Col. 4 5. Ro. 12 2. Col. 3 18. The Epistle in a votiue masse for mariage Tit. 2 5. 1 Pe● 3 1. ⸬ It is much to be noted that in the first English Bibles there is not once the name of CHVRCH in al the Bible but in steede thereof Congregatiō vvhich is so notorious a corruption that thē selues in the later bibles correct it for shame but yet suffer the other to be read and vsed still See the Bible printed in the yere 1562. Ge. 3 16. 1 Cor. 11 3. Gen. 2 24. Mat. 19 5. No ●aluation out of the oath CHVRCH The CHVRCH neuer erreth Christs loue tovvard his Church The Church triumphant vvithout spot and vvrinkle The manifold dignitie of the Church * Aug. li. 8 de Symb. ad Catech. c. 9. The Church is the principal creature The Church can not erre Absurdities that folow if the Church may erre MATRIMONIA a Sacrament The grace giuen by this Sacrament 1 Thes
Epistle vpō the a Sunday after Easter ` you ` vs Es 53 9. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Es 53 4. Mt. 8 17. Spiritual hostes and Priests Obedience to temporal princes Ro. 〈◊〉 God instituted the Spiritual gouernemēs in more excellēt maner then the temporal Act. 1. Act. 20 Eph. 4. Hebr. 13. Heret translation The Kings excellencie of power is in respect of the nobilitie and lay magistrates vnder him Christiā Princes haue no more right to be supreme heads in spiritual causes then the Heathen Libertines Deadly sinnes of Princes or Superiors exempt not the subiectes frō obedience as Wicleffe held Hovv vviues should behaue them selues tovvard their husbands Eph. 5 28. Col. 3 18. 1 Tim. 2 9. Against the proud curious and costly attire of vvomē vvhere in this il time of ours excedeth Gen. 18. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hovv husbands should behaue them selues tovvard their vviues ` in faith Pro. 17 13. Mat. 5 44. Ps 33 13 Mat. 5 10. The Epistle vpon friday in Easter vveeke ` those spirites Gen. 6. Mat. 24 Gen. 7 7 ` vs Christ in soule descēded vnto hel vvhiles his body lay in the graue The Caluinists denying the same are by S. Augustines iudgement infidels Certaine difficulties whereof S. Augustine doubteth Purgatorie Vvhat vvere the incredulous persons of vvhom the Apostle here speaketh Noës Arke the vvater a figure of christs Crosse Baptisme Ibid. c. 17. Baptisme receiued of Heretikes or Schismatikes vvhen damnable vvhen not Ep. 57. The ceremonies of Baptisme namely Abr●●●ntio c. ⸬ It hath the same difficulty and sense that the other like wordes haue before Chap. 3. See the annotation there v. 19. and S. Aug. ep 69. Oecumenius vpon this place ●is at hand The Epistle vpon Sunday next after the Ascension Prou. 10 Ro. 12 Heb. 13. Ro. 12 6. The Epistle for a Martyr Mt. 5 11. Hier. 25 29. Prou. 11 31. Not only faith Vvorkes of mercie The better mē most afflicted in this life The iust man him self is hardly saued Against the vaine securitie of only faith The Epistle for S. Apollinaris Iul. 23. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ⸬ Desire of Iucre or to exercise holy functions for gaine is a filthy fault in the Clergie and therfore much to be auoided The Epistle vpon the 3 Sūday after Pentecost Prou 3. Iac. 4. Iac. 4. Psa 54 Mt. 6 25 Ro. 16 16. 1 Cor. 16 20. 2 Cor. 1● 12. Senior in the vulgar translation is often Priest or Bishop See Act. ●5 Not Superioritie but tyrannie and lordlines is forbidden in the Clergie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Mat. 20. v. 25. Heret translation The name of Clergie and Clerke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Priests crownes The heauenly crowne of Doctors and preachers S. Peter vvriteth from Babylon that is Rome Vvhy Rome vvas called Babylon The Protestāts vvil haue Babylon to signifie Rome in other places but not here The Protestants vvrāgle about the time of Peters being at Rome Many things most true euen in the Scriptures are not agreed vpon concerning the time The Epistle in the Transifiguration of our Lord Aug. 6. ●prescience c By this it is plaine that either Iohn Iames or Peter must be the author of this epistle for these three onely vvere present at the Trāsfiguration Mat. 17● Mt. 17 5 ⸬ You see that places are made holy by Christs presence that al places be not alike holy See Annot. Act. 7 33. 2 Tim 3 17. Good vvorkes must concurre vvith Gods predestination to the effecte thereof 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The heretikes according to their custom exclude this sense altogether by their false translation Oecum in hunc l●● Gagn. S. Peters Pastoral care protection of the Church after his death Luc. 22. Io. 21. The Saincts in heauen pray for the liuing Feastes of holy Virgins Inuocation of Saincts Priuate phantastical interpretation● 1 Tim. 4. Iude. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ⸬ Heretikes of whom he prophecieth here do gaine scholers by preaching libertie and by their owne licentious life which is specially ioyned to the heresie of these daies c Al the sweete wordes of heretikes speaking much of the vvord of the Lord the Gospel IESVS CHRIST c. are but termes of art to bie and sel poore mens soules Gen 7. Gen. 19. Gen. 19 16. The special properties of heretikes * from our Lord ⸬ So heretikes blaspheme the highest mysteries of our faith through ignorance b coinquinationes maecula Nu. 22 23. ⸬ Vvho euer promised more libertie to their folowers then Luther Caluin the like taking away penance fasting continencie or chastitie keeping of vowes necessitie of good vvorkes because faith doeth al obedience to Ecclesiastical pastors and Coūcels and such like Io. 8 34. Ro. 6 16. Mt. 12. 45. Pro. 26 11. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c in quibus 2 Tim. 3 1. Iude 18. Ps 89 4 Ezec. 33. 1 Tim. 2. Mt. 24. 1 Thes 5. Apoc. 3. Esa 65 17. Apo. 21 1. Ro. 2 4. The heretical proud spirit of priuate interpretation of Scriptures The Scriptures be hard namely S. Paules epistles specially vvhere he speaketh of iustificatiō by faith * De fid op c. 14 The Protestāts idle distinctiō betvvene difficultie in the Epistles and difficultie in the things The Greeke copies haue both some 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in vvhich things some 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in vvhich epistles Not only the matter but the style of the Scriptures is hard Ps 118. Act. 8. Luc. 24. v. 45. * Higinus ep 2. to 1. Cōcil August li. 2. Euang. quaest q. 39. 1. Ioh. 2. v. 24. De fid op c. 14. 1. Ioh. ● 5. Io. 8 12. Heb. 9. 1 Pet. 1. Apo. 1. 3 Reg. 8 46. 2 Par. 6 36. No saluatiō but in the Societie of the Church Many meanes instruments of remitting sinne but al by the force merite of Christs bloud applied by them Al remission of sinnes is by the Passiō of Christ though by secūdarie meanes also Some sinnes venial A man may be truely iust notvvithstanding venial sinnes S. Augustine excepteth our B. Ladie from sinners * c. 3● Examples of venial sinnes * de 〈◊〉 perseuerās c. 2. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Io. 13 34 15 12. ● Io. 3 14. ⸬ Hovv al sinne tentation procede of these three see S. Thomas Summe 1. 2. quaest 77. art 5. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ⸬ They vvere of vs for the time that is of and in the Church otherwise they could not haue gone out but they vvere not of the cōstāt sort or of the elect predestinat for then they had taried within or returned before their death c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chrisma whereof Christ Christiās ⸬ Keepe that firmely constantly vvhich you haue heard euen from the beginning by the mouth of the Apostles not that only vvhich you haue receiued by vvriting c or in it ⸬ Vve see
the Gentiles to be innumerable c The elect of the Gentiles ⸬ Boughes of the palme tree be tokens of triumph and victorie The Epistle for many Martyrs The glorie of Martyrs Esa 49 10. Es 25 8. Apo. 21 4. THE 4 VISION ⸬ The Priest standing at the altar praying offering for the people in the time of the high mysteries Christ him self also being present vpon the altar is a figure of this thing therevnto he alludeth c If this be S. Michael or any Angel and not Christ him self as some take it Angels offer vp the praiers of the faithful as the 24 Elders did chap. 5. for this vvvord Saincts is taken here for the holy persons on earth as often in the Scripture though it be not against the Scriptures that the inferior Sainct or Angel in heauē should offer their praiers to God by their superiors there But hereby vve cōclude against the Protestants that it derogateth not from Christ that Angels or Saincts offer our praiers to God as also it is plaine of Raphael Tob. 12 12. Most vnderstand al this of Heretikes ⸬ The fall of an Arch heretike as Arius Luther Caluin out of the Church of God Which haue the key of Hel to open bring forth al the old condemned heresies buried before in the depth c Innumerable pe●y heretikes folowing their Maisters after the opening the smoke of the bottomlesse pit Apoc. 6 16. The cheefe Maister of heretikes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 In English Destroier c Pagans Infidels and sinful impenitent Catholikes must be condemned also ⸬ This phrase being the like both in greeke and latin signifieth such sorowful penal repentance as causeth a man to forsake his former sinnes and depart from them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 See the same phrase c. 2 21 22. Act. ● v. 22. Vvho are seduced by Heretikes The manifold hypocrisie of Heretikes Her●t translation CHRIST the valiant Angel is here described ` pillers ⸬ Many great mysteries and truthes are to be preserued in the Church vvhich for causes knovven to Gods prouidence are not to be vvritten in the booke of holy Scripture Dan. 12 7. c This vvas the maner of taking an othe by the true God as 〈◊〉 32. Ezec. 3 1 c By earnest studie and meditation ⸬ Svveete in the reading but in fulfilling somevvhat bitter because it cōmaūdeth workes of penance and suffering of tribulatiōs ⸬ Three yeres and a halfe vvhich is the time of Antichrists reigne and persecution ⸬ The great Antichrist c He meaneth Hierusalem named Sodom and Aegypt for the imitatiō of thē in wickednes So that we see his cheefe reigne shal be there though his tyrannie may extend to al places of the vvorld ⸬ The wicked reioyce vvhen holy men are executed by the tyrants of the vvorld because their life and doctrine are hurdenous vnto them ⸬ The kingdō of this world vsurped before by Satan Antichrist shal aftervvard be Christes for euer ⸬ To repay the hire or wages for so both the Greeke vvord and the latin signifie due to holy men proueth against the protestāts that they did truely merite the same in this life Enoch Elias yet aliue shal preach in the time of Antichrist THE 3 PART ⸬ This is properly principally spoken of the Church and by allusion of our B. Lady also The Dragons incredulous persecuting multitude and Antichrist the cheefe head thereof c The great Diuel Lucifer ⸬ The spirites that fall from their first state into Apostasie vvith him and by his meanes c The Diuels endeuour agaīst the Churches children and specially our B. Ladies onely sonne the head of the rest Ps 2 9. Apoc. 2 27. ⸬ Vvhen the Angels or vve haue the victorie vve must knovv it is by the bloud of Christ and so al is referred alvvaies to him ⸬ This often insinuatiō that Antichrists reigne shal be but three yeres a halfe Dan. 7 25. Apoc. 12 2. 3. in this chap. v. 6. c. 13 5. proueth that the heretikes be excedingly blinded vvith malice that hold the Pope to be Antichrist who hath ruled so many ages The Church shal flee as to a desert in Antichrists time but not decay or be vnknowen no not for so short a time S. Michael fighting vvith the dragon Antichrists attēpts to draw from the true faith ⸬ They that now folow the simplest grossest heretikes that euer were without seeing miracles vvould then much more folow this great seducer working miracles ⸬ No heretikes euer liker Antichrist thē these in our daies specially in blasphemies against Gods Church Sacraments Saincts ministers and al sacred thinges Apoc. 3. 5 Gen. 9 6 Mt. 26 52. ⸬ An other false prophet inferior to Antichrist shal vvorke vvonders also but al referred to the honour of his maister Antichrist So doth Caluin other Arch-heretikes peruert the world to the honour of Antichrist and so do their scholers also for the honour of them Many mysteries expounded Great persecution by Antichrist and his ministers Their blessednes that continue cōstant The honour of Christs image is for the honour of Christ Antichrists triple honour against the honour of Christ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Protestāts by abolishing of Christes image crosse and irreuerēce to the name IESVS make a ready vvay to the honour of Antichrist Io. 14 29. Antichrists name secrete Antichrist shal be one special man and of a peculiar name The Pope can not be Antichrist Al scaming of letters to expresse Antichrists name is vncertaine Irem li. 5 in fine The Epistle vpō S. Innocents day in Christmas ⸬ Christ and the same number of elect that were signed chap. 7. ` learne 〈◊〉 ⸬ One state of life more excellēt then an other and virgins for their puritie passing the rest alwaies accompanying Christ according to the Churches hymne out of this place Quecunque pergis virgines sequuntur c. c This the Church applieth to the holy Innocents that died first for Christ Ps 145. Act. 14. Esa 21. ⸬ The citie of the diuel which is the vniuersal societie of the wicked misbeleuers il liuers in the vvorld Ier. 51. Apo. 18. ⸬ The great damnatiō that shal folovv them that forsake Christ the Church worship Antichrist or his image ⸬ Faith is not ynough to saluatiō without fulfilling of Gods cōmaūdements b The Epistle in a daily Masse for the dead Ioel 3. Mat. 13. c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 lacū fat trough lake Beza Praying for the dead and vnto Saincts at the altar The place abused against Purgatorie ansvvered ` á modo ` 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Photius in Lexico THE 4 PART Of the 7 last plagues final damnatiō of the vvicked The tribulations about the day of iudgement c Baptisme ⸬ The song of Moyses and Christ is the new Testamēt and the old ` Saincts THE EIETH VISION linen 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ⸬
word soundeth for vs Againe was he a Papist in these kinde of wordes onely and was he not in whole sentences as Tibi dabo claues c. Quicquid solueris in terrae erit solutum in coelis and Quorum remiseritis peccata remittuntur eis and Tunc reddet vnicuique secundum operasua and Nunquid poterit sides saluare eum Ex operibus iustificatur homo non ex fide tantùm and Nubere volunt damnationem habentes quia primam fidem irritam fecerunt and Mandata eius grauia non sunt and Aspexit in remunerationem Are al these and such like Papistical translations because they are most plaine for the Catholike faith which they call Papistrie Are they not word for word as in the Greeke and the very wordes of the holy Ghost And if in these there be no accusatiō of Papistical partiality vvhy in the other Lastly are the auncient fathers General Councels the Churches of al the west part that vse al these speaches phrases now so many hundred yeres are they al Papistical Be it so and let vs in the name of God folow them speake as they spake translate as they translated interprete as they interpreted because we beleeue as they beleeued And thus far for defense of the old vulgar Latin translation and why we translated it before al others Now of the maner of translating the same IN THIS OVR TRANSLATION because we wish it to be most sincere as becōmeth a Catholike translation and haue endeuoured so to make it we are very precise religious in folowing our copie the old vulgar approued Latin not onely in sense which we hope we alwaies doe but sometime in the very wordes also and phrases which may seeme to the vulgar Reader to common English cares not yet acquainted therewith rudenesse or ignorance but to the discrete Reader that deepely weigheth and considereth the importance of sacred wordes and speaches and how easily the voluntarie Translatour may misse true sense of the Holy Ghost we doubt not but our consideration and doing therein shal seeme reasonable and necessarie yea and that al sortes of Catholike Readers wil in short time thinke that familiar which at the first may seeme strange wil esteeme it more when they shal otherwise be taught to vnderstand it then if it were the common knowen English For example vve translate often thus Amen amen I say vnto you Vvhich as yet seemeth strange but after a while it wil be as familiar as Amen in the end of al praiers and Psalmes and euen as when we end with Amen it soundeth far better then So be it so in the beginning Amen Amen must needes by vse and custom sound far better then Verily verily Vvhich in deede doth not expresse the asseueration and assurance signified in this Hebrue word besides that it is the solemne and vsual word of our Sauiour to expresse a vehement asseueration and therfore is not changed neither in the Syriake nor Greeke nor vulgar Latin Testament but is preserued and vsed of the Euangelistes and Apostles them selues euen as Christ spake it propter sanctiorem authoritatem as S. Augustine saith of this and of Allelu-ia for the more holy and sacred authoritie thereof li. 2. Doct. Christ c. 11. And therfore do we keepe the word Allelu-ia Apoc. 19 as it is both in Greeke and Latin yea and in al the English translations though in their bookes of common praier they translate it Praise ye the Lord. Againe if Hosanna Raca Belial and such like be yet vntranslated in the English Bibles why may not we say Corbana and Parasceue specially when they Englishing this later thus the preparation of the Sabboth put three wordes more into the text then the Greek word doth signifie Mat 27 62. And others saying thus After the day of preparing make a cold translation and short of the sense as if they should trāslate Sabboth the resling for Parasceue is as solemne a word for the Sabboth eue as Sabboth is for the Iewes seuenth day and now among Christians much more solemner taken for Good-friday onely These wordes then we thought it far better to keepe in the text and to tel their signification in the margent or in a table for that purpose then to disgrace bothe the text them with translating them Such are also these wordes The Pasche The feast of Azymes The bread of Proposition Vvhich they translate The Passeouer The feast of svvete bread The shevv bread But if Pentecost Act. 2 be yet vntrāslated in their bibles and seemeth not strange why should not Pasche and Azymes so remaine also being solemne feastes as Pentecost was or why should they English one rather then the other specially whereas Passeouer at the first was as strange as Pasche may seeme now and perhaps as many now vnderstand Pasche as Passemer and as for Azymes when they English it the feast of svveete bread it is a false interpretatiō of the word nothing expresseth that which belongeth to the feast concerning vnleauened bread And as for their terme of shevv bread it is very strange and ridiculous Againe if Proselyte be a receiued word in the English bibles Mat. 23. Act. 2 why may not we be bold to say Neophyte 1 Tim. 3 specially when they translating it into English do falsely expresse the signification of the word thus a yong scholer Vvhereas it is a peculiar word to signifie them that were lately baptized as Catechumenus signifieth the newely instructed in faith not yet baptized who is also yong scholer rather then the other and many that haue been old scholers may be Neophytes by differring baptisme And if Phylacteries be allowed for English Mat. 23 we hope that Didragmes also Prepuce Paraclete and such like wil easily grow to be currant and familiar And in good sooth there is in al these such necessitie that they can not conueniently be translated as when S. Paul saith concisio non circumcisi● how can we but folow his very wordes and allusion And how is it possible to expresse Euangelizo but as vve do Euangelize for Euangelium being the Gospel what is Euangelizo or to Euangelize but to shew the glad tydings of the Gospel of the time of grace of al Christs benefites Al which signification is lost by translating as the English bibles do I bring you good tydings Luc. 2 10. Therfore we say Depositum 2 Tim. 6. and He exinanited him self Philip. 2. and You haue reflorished Philip. 4. and to exhaust Hebr. 9 28 because vve can not possibly attaine to expresse these vvordes fully in English and vve thinke much better that the reader staying at the difficultie of them should take an occasion to looke in the table folovving or othervvise to aske the ful meaning of them then by putting some vsual English vvordes that expresse them not so