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A13294 The historie of the Church since the dayes of our Saviour Iesus Christ, vntill this present age. Devided into foure bookes. 1. The first containeth the whole proceedings and practises of the emperours ... 2. The second containeth a breefe catalogue of the beginnings, and proceedings; of all the bishops, popes, patriarchs, doctors, pastors, and other learned men ... 3. The third containeth a short summe of all the heretiques ... 4. The fourth containeth a short compend of all the councels generall, nationall, and provinciall ... Devided into 16. centuries. ... Collected out of sundry authors both ancient and moderne; by the famous and worthy preacher of Gods word, Master Patrick Symson, late minister at Striueling in Scotland.; Historie of the Church. Part 1 Simson, Patrick, 1556-1618.; Simson, Patrick, 1556-1618. Short compend of the historie of the first ten persecutions moved against Christians.; Symson, Andrew. 1624 (1624) STC 23598; ESTC S117589 486,336 718

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conversant with secular men I am discontented and as it were dilacerate with a multitude of secular cares Hee was a stout defender of the authority of the Bishoppe of Rome in so much that he was content to forgoe the favour of his Prince and to bee banished for the excessiue loue hee caryed to the priviledges of the Romane Chaire After the death of Rufus Anselmus was received from banishment by King Henry But because hee would not admit and consecrate those Bishops who had received investment from the King but called them bastards and abortiue births whosoever received investment from secular men great contention arose betweene the King and the Prelat the issue whereof was this that the decision of the question was referred to the Bishoppe of Rome who gaue sentence in favour of Anselmus because Anselmus suffered trouble for maintaining of the Popes authoritie The King was irritate and exasperate with the Popes decree and spoyled Anselmus of all his dignities Who remained for the most part in Lions during the time of his second banishment But the King reduced him againe from banishment and was reconciled with him After his returning from his second banishment hee lived three yeeres and died in the yeer● of our Lord 1109. having continued Bishop of Canterburie thirteene yeeres In his bookes no errour is more intollerable then this that hee equalleth the Virgine Mary with Christ attributing to her all the treasures of wisedome and knowledge as the Apostle Paul atiributeth them to Christ our Saviour CENTVRIE XII Popes of Rome AFter Vrbanus the second followed Paschalis the second and ruled eighteene yeeres 6. moneths and 7. dayes Called before Reginerus a man brought vp in the Monasteries of Italy hee seemed to shun the high preheminencie of the Popedome but the acclamations of the people often repeating that Saint Peter had chosen good Reginerus to be Pope bowed his flexible minde and inclined it to the Popedome hee then putting on a purple garment and a Diadem vpon his head was brought vnto the Church of Lateran vpon a white pamphrey where a Scepter was put in his hand and a girdle tyed about him having seven Seales and seven Keyes hanging thereupon for a recognizance of his seven-fold power and seven-fold grace of God resting vpon him to wit of binding loosing shutting opening sealing resigning and iudging He excommunicated the noble Emperor Henry the fourth following the example of three of his predecessors to wit Gregorie the seventh Victor the third Vrbanus the second Hee stirred vp Henry the fift against his naturall father Henry the fourth and caused the body of the noble Eemperour Henry the fourth who died at Leodim to bee raised out of his sepulchre to be carryed to the towne of Spire and to want the honour of Christian buriall five yeeres O Antichristian pride O barbarous inhumanity O cruelty and rage ranscending the cruelty of Pagans who persecuted the Church of Christ for the space of three hundred yeeres In his time the Bishop of Florence taught that Antichrist was already borne and manifested to the world Vpon which occasion Paschalis assembled a Councell at Florence and with terrible threatnings put him to silence and damned his bookes Also hee assembled another Councell at Tretas a famous towne in Campanie in France where hee ratified the decrees of his Predecessors in condemning the mariage of Priests as the heresie of the Nicolaitans and receiving Ecclesiasticall rents from Lay persons as Simonie Of his revocation of the priviledge of investment of Bishops granted to the Emperour Henry the fift I haue spoken already in the historie of the life of the Emperour His Competitors were Albertus Theodoricus and Maginulphus whom hee easily subdued To him succeeded Gelasius the second and ruled one yeere and fiue dayes He was elected without consent of the Emp. Henry 5. which procured vnto him great griefe For Cincius a noble man of Rome of the family of Frangepanis invaded the Pope and Cardinals and trod the Pope vnder foot and cast him in prison and bonds but the citizens of Rome relieved him and threatned to destroy the familie of Frangepanis if they set not the Pope at liberty After this trouble another followed the Emperour sent an army to Rome and authorized another to be pope whom they called Gregorius the eight The Pope fled to Caieta the place of his nativity but when the army returned to Germany hee came to Rome where hee found his estate to be ieoperdous Therefore hee fled to France and dyed of a plurisie in the Abbey of Clumack After Gelasius succeeded Calixtus the second sometime Bishop of Vier and kinsman to the King of France he governed fiue yeeres ten moneths and thirteene dayes Hee compelled the Emperor Henry the fift to agree to his election albeit Mauritius Burdinus otherwise called Gregorie the eight whom the Emperour himselfe had authorized was yet aliue Also hee compelled the foresayd Emperour to ouergiue all right which hee claimed to investment of Bishops and election of Popes so much did the Roman Antichrist prevaile by the thunder bolts of his curses that hee compelled the Emperour by these means to stoupe vnder his feete Also he besiedged Sutrium a Towne of the Romans wherein Mauritius Burdinus his Competitor had his remaining Hee tooke the Towne and his Competitor hee carried Captiue to Rome setting him vpon a Camel with his face toward the hinder-parts thereof and in the end thrust him into a Monasterie He assembled a Councell at Rhemes wherein he renewed the ordinance against married Priests ordaining that not onely they should be spoyled of their liuings and offices but also that they should be debarred from the communion of Christian people Like as these verses doe testifie O bone Calixte nunc omnis clerus odit te Quondam presbyteri poterant vxoribus vti Hoc destruxisti postquam tu Papa fuisti Also hee held another Councell at Rome where it was statute and ordained that it should not be lawfull to the people to repudiat their Bishop or to choose another during his life-time grounding their ordinance vpon a place of Scripture a wife is bound to the law of her husband so long as her husband is aliue After hee is dead shee is loosed from the Law of her husband So learnedly did these Aecumenique Asses expound places of holy scripture After Calixtus succeeded Pope Honorius the second and ruled fiue yeeres and two months In his time Arnulphus an eloquent man a famous Preacher came to Rome whether out of the wildernesse or out of any other place wherein he had exercised a ministeriall office it is vncertaine alwayes it is thought of all men that he was sent of God hee sharpely rebuked the dissolute Loosnesse incontinencie auarice and pride of the clergie of Rome so that hee incenced their hearts against him speciallie for this that hee said it was no wonder that they sought his life for if
fornication of Athanasius of the hand of Arsenius of the Table Cuppe and bookes aboue mentioned but they forged new accusations against him whereunto the Emp. gaue too hastie credit and banished Athanasius to Triere Immediatly after the Councell of Tyrus many Bishops were assembled at Ierusalem for the dedication of the Temple which the Emperour Constantine had builded at the place of the Lords sepulchre Concerning the Councell of Antiochia wherein the Arrians deposed Eustatius and the Councell of Arles wherein Cecilianus was absolued from the accusation of the Donatists no further discourse is needful then is contained in the history of the liues of these two Bishops GAngra is a towne of Paphlagonia In this towne were assembled certaine Fathers to the number of 16. about the yeere of our Lord 324. The occasiō of their meeting was the heretike Eustatius who admiring the Monasticke life or as others affirme fauouring the heresie of Encratitae and the Manicheās he spake against Marriage against eating of flesh and hee damned the publicke Congregations of Gods people in Temples and said a man could not be saued except he forsooke all his possessions and renounced the world after the forme of monkish doing These opinions were dāned in the Councell of Gangra The subscriptions of the fathers of this Councell after their Canons are worthie to be remarked These things say they haue wee subscribed not vituperating them who according to Scripture chooseth vnto themselues an holy purpose of a continent life but them onely who abuseth the purpose of their minds to pride extolling themselues against the simpler sort Yea and damne and cut off all those who contrary to Scripture Ecclesiasticall rules bring in new commandements But wee admire humble Virginity and we approue continencie that is vnder taken with chastity and Religion And we embrace the renounciation of secular businesse with humilitie And wee honour the chast bōd of Marriage And we despise not riches joined with righteousnesse good workes And we cōmend a simple course apparrel vsed for couering the body without Hypocrisie Likewise we reject loose and dissolute garments And we honour the houses of God assemblies that are in them as holy and profitable not debarring men from exercises of pietie in their owne priuate houses But places builded in the name of the Lord we honour and Congregations assembled in the places for the common vtilitie wee approue And good workes which are done to poore brethren euen aboue mens abilitie according to the Ecclesiasticall traditions we blesse them And we wish all things to be celebrated in the Church according to holy Scriptures and the ordinances of the Apostles IN the time of the raigne of Constantine in Eliberis a towne of Spaine were assembled nineteene Bishops of Presbyters thirty six The end of their meeting was to reforme horrible abuses both in Religion manners which in time of the ten Persecutions had preuailed in Spaine And now in time of peace such enormities and festered manners could hardly be amended Many Ecclesiasticall Canons were made in this Synode to the number of 81. Whereof wee shall rehearse but a few and such as clearely pointeth out the principall end of their meeting They ordained the Hea●hnicke sacrificing Priests called of old Flamines if they were content to abstaine from sacrificing to Idols and to learne the groundes of Christian Religion after three yeeres repentance they should be admitted to baptisme Likewise they ordained that Christian Virgins should not be giuen in marriage to Pagans lest in the floure of their youth they should be entangled with spiritual whooredome In like maner that Bishops should receiue no reward from men that did not communicate with the Church They ordained that nothing that is worshipped should be pictured on the wall And that in priuate houses no Idols should be found And in case the masters of houses were afraid of the violence of their seruants at least they should keepe themselues pure and cleane which if they did not they should be counted strangers from the fellowship of the Church And that if any man happen to be slayne in the action of breaking downe images his name shall bee enrolled in the catalogue of Martyrs because it is not written in the history of the Gospell that the Apostles vsed any such forme of reformation whereby they signifie that by wholsome doctrine images should be cast out of the hearts of men rather than broken with popular violence and with the tumultuary attempts of priuate men Any iudicious man may perceiue by these Canons both the time when and the cause wherefore this Councell was assembled THey who count the first Councell of Carthage to be that Councell whereinto Cyprian with aduise of many other bishops of Numidia Lybia and other partes of Africa ordained men who were baptized by Heretikes to be rebaptised againe they commit a great ouer sight to reckon the first Councell of Carthage to be holden vnder the raigne of Constantine whereas it is certainely knowne that Cyprian was martyred in the dayes of Valerian the eight persecuting Emperour But the first Councell of Carthage that was kept in Constantines dayes was that Councell whereinto the Donatistes cōdemned Caecilianus Bishop of Carthage whose innocencie afterward was tryed by many Iudges In it there was no matter of great importance concluded and therefore I ouer-passe it with few wordes as an assemblie of little account All these Councells aboue mentioned were assembled in the dayes of Constantine the Great Now followeth Councells gathered in the dayes of his sonnes The cause pretended for the gathering of the Councell of Antiochia in the dayes of Constantius the sonne of Constantine was the dedication of the Church of Antiochia which albeit Constantine had builded yet fiue yeeres after his death and in the seuenteenth yeere after the foundation of the Temple was laide Constantius his sonne finished and perfected the worke And vnder pretence of dedication of this Temple as said is this Assemblie of Antiochia was gathered Anno 344. but indeed of purpose to supplant the true Faith To this Assemblie resorted many Bishops to the number of 90. But Maximus Bishop of Ierusalem and Iulius Bishop of Rome neither came they to the Councell neither sent they any messenger in their name fearing as the truth was that they were gathered for euill and not for good At this time Placitus the success out of Euphronius gouerned Antiochia Now when they were me● together many accusations were heaped vp against Athanasius First that hee had accepted his place againe without aduise of other Bishops Secondlie because at the time of his returning backe againe to Alexandria there fell out great commotion amongst the people and some were slaine others were contumeliouslie beaten and violently drawne befor justice seates Mention also was made of the decrete of the Councell of Tyrus against Athanasius It was an casie matter for the
and slew a great number of them By this the Emperour cleerly perceived the treason of Stilico and caused him and his sonne to bee slaine but to his owne great hurt hee appointed no generall Commander of the army in his place Alaricus and his army were enraged partly by their losse and partly by remembrance of the covenant made with them and incontinent violated Therefore they turned backe againe and invaded Italy with all their might and besieged Rome two yeeres and tooke it in the yeere of our Lord 410. or as some reckon 412. In the midst of burning slaying robbing and military outrage some fauour was showne by the expresse commandement of Alaricus to such as fled to Christian Churches for safetie of their liues Alaricus led his army from Rome and was purposed to sayle to Africke there to settle his abode but being driven backe with tempestuous windes hee wintred in Consentia where hee ended his life Alaricus in his life-time had given in marriage Placidia the sister of Honorius to Ataulphus his neerest kinsman and Ataulphus after the death of Alaricus raigned over the Gothes The Gothes vnder the conduct of Ataulphus returned backe againe to Rome Placidia through her intercession purchased great good to the towne of Rome the Gothes abstained from burning and shedding of blood and addressed themselues toward France and Spaine Theodosius 2. and Valentinian 3. AFter Arcadius raigned his sonne Theodosius the second 42. yeeres His vncle Honorius governed in the West After whose death the whole government pertained to Theodosius who associated vnto himselfe Valentinian the third the sonne of Placidia his fathers sister Theodosius in godlinesse was like vnto his grandfather in collecting a great librarie of good bookes nothing inferiour to Ptolemaus Philadelphus In collecting in one short sum the Iawes of kings and princes he tread a path whereinto Iustinian walked following Theodosius example and benefited all men desirous of learning His house was like vnto a sanctuarie for exercises of reading of holy Scripture and deuote prayers He was of a meeke tractable nature almost beyond measure his facilitie in subscribing vnread letters was corrected by the prudēt aduice of his sister Pulcheria In these two Emp. time the estate was mightily crossed troubled by strangers By the procurement of Bonifacius deputie of Africke the Vandales vnder the conduct of Gensericus their king came into Africk tooke the towne of Carthage other principall townes and settled their abode in that countrie Valentinian 3. Emp. of the West was compelled to make a couenant with the Vandales to assigne vnto them limited bounds in Africke for their dwelling place The Vandales were partly Pagans and partly Arrians whereby it came to passe that the true Church in Africke was persecuted with no lesse inhumanitie and barbarous crueltie by Gensericus King of the Vandales then it was in the dayes of the Emp. Dioclesian Attila King of the Hunnes encombred the Romane Empire with greater troubles Theodosius Emperour of the East bought peace with payment of a yearly tribute of gold to Attila Valentinian the third by the meanes of Aetius his chiefe Counseller allured Theodoricus King of the Westerne Gothes to take his part The parties fought in the fieldes called Catalaunici a great fight wherein a hundreth and fourescore thousand men were slaine And Theodoricus King of the Gothes in this battell lost his life Attila was compelled to flee Thrasimundus the sonne of Theodoricus was very willing to pursue Attila for desire he had to reuenge his fathers slaughter but hee was stayed by Aetius This counsell seemes to be the occasion of his death Valentinian commanded to cut off Aetius Attila finding that the Romane armie was destitute of the conduct of so wise a gouernour as Aetius was he tooke courage againe and in great rage set himselfe against Italie tooke the townes of Aquileia Ticinum and Millane sacked and ruined them and set himselfe directly against Rome with intention to haue vsed the like crueltie also against it But Leo Bishop of Rome went foorth and with gentle words so mitigated his mind that he left besieging of the towne of Rome Soone after this Attila died the terrour of the world and the whip wherewith God scourged many nations Valentinian the thirde after hee had raigned in whole 30. yeeres was cut off for the slaughter of Aetius Maximus vsurped the Kingdome and violently tooke vnto himselfe Eudoxia the relict of Valentinian but shee was relieued againe by Gensericus King of Vandales who led an armie to Rome and spoyled the towne and relieued Eudoxia and carried her and her daughters to Africke and gaue Honoricus his sonne in marriage vnto her eldest daughter Maximus was cut in pieces by the people his body was cast into Tyber From this time foorth the Empire vtterly decayed in the West vntill the dayes of Carolus Magnus so that Anitus Richimex Maioranus Severus Anthemius Olybrius Glycerius Nepos Orestes and his sonne Augustulus they continued so short time and gouerned so vnprosperously that their names may bee left out of the rolle of the Emperours Now to returne againe to Theodosius Emperour in the East a King beloued of God in so much that by praier hee obtained of God a wonderfull deliuerance to Ardaburius captaine of his armie When his vncle had ended his life Ardaburius was sent against a tyrant Iohn who did vsurpe the Kingdome in the West The ship whereinto Ardaburius failed by tempest of weather was driuen to Rauenna where the tyrant Iohn tooke him prisoner Aspar the captaines sonne beeing conducted by an Angell of God as Socrates writeth entred in Rauenna by the passage of the loch which was neuer found dried vp before that time the portes of the towne were patent so that Aspar and his armie entred into the towne slew the tyrant Iohn and relieued Ardaburius his father This miraculous deliuerance is thought to be the fruite of the effectuall prayers of the godly Emperour His death was procured by a fall from his horse after which hee was diseased and died an Emperour worthy of euerlasting remembrance Martianus MArtianus by the meanes of Pulcheria the sister of Theodosius was aduanced to the Kingdome with whom Valentinian the thirde of whom I haue already spoken raigned 4. yeeres Martianus albeit hee obtained the gouernment in a time most troublesome when the Gothes Vandales Hunnes and Herules had disquieted the estate of the Roman Empire out of measure yet by the prouidence of God the short time of his gouernment was peaceable for he raigned not fully 7 yeere and he left behind him great griefe in the hearts of the people because a gouernement so good and godly endured so short time Concerning the councell of Chalcedon assembled by him it is to be referred vnto the owne place Leo. AFter Martianus succeeded Leo and gouerned 17. yeeres He was godly peaceable not vnlike Martianus his predecessor He interposed his authoritie to
the execution of those decrees for a time and namely for this that the greatest part of Germany haue alwayes had this perswasion that great inconvenience hath come to this Nation by the Court of Rome and now if they should proceede with rigour in executing the Popes sentence and the Emperours edict the people would suspect in their mindes this to bee done for supporting and confirming the former abuses whereupon great warres and tumults no doubt would ensue For the avoyding whereof they thought to vse more gentle remedies serving better for the time Also seeing the Pope by his foresaid Ambassadour desired to be informed what way were best to take in resisting those errours of the Lutherans The Estates answered that if the Popes holinesse with consent of the Emperours Maiestie should gather a free Christian Councell in some convenient place of Germanie and that with such speed as conueniently might bee it were in their iudgement the readiest way to suppresse the attempts of Luther and in the meane time vntill the Councell might bee set they had provided wayes to stay the tumults of the Germaine people 1. First by dealing with the Noble Prince Fredericke Duke of Saxony that Luther nor his followers shall not write set foorth or print any thing during the saide space 2. Item that the Princes shall labour so with the Preachers of Germany that they shall not in their Sermons teach or blow into the peoples eares such matters whereby the multitude may bee mooved to rebellion or vprore or bee induced vnto errour and that they shall preach or teach nothing but the true pure sincere and holy Gospell and approoved Scripture according to the exposition approoved and received of Christs Church 3. And finally as concerning Priests that contract Matrimony and religious men leaving their Cloysters for as much as in the civill law there is no penalty for them ordained they shall bee referred to the Canonicall constitutions to be punished thereafter accordingly that is by losse of their benefices and priviledges or other condigne censures Amongst others things done at this assembly of Norinberg certaine grievances were collected to the number of an hundreth and exhibited to the Bishoppe of Rome wherewith the countrey of Germanie was grieved as namely that many things were prohibited by mens Constitutions which are not prohibited by any Commandement of God and many things were exacted which are not commanded by any precept of God Item that the Popes indulgences and pardons bee most importable perswading simple people of a remission of sinnes a poena culpa and that not in this life onely but after this life through the hope and occasion whereof true piety is almost extinct in all Germany whilest every evill disposed person promiseth to himselfe for a little mony licence and impunity to doe what him listeth whereupon followeth fornication incest adultery periury homicide robbing and spoyling rapine vsurie with a whole flood of mischiefes Item that whosoever hath received Ecclesiasticall orders doth contend to bee free from all punishment of the secular Magistrate how great soever his offence be which hee committeth Also that in many places the Bishoppes and their Officialls doe not onely suffer Priests to haue concubines so that they pay certaine summes of money but also compell continent and chaste Priestes to pay tribute for concubines which being paid it shall bee lawfull for them either to liue chaste or otherwise as it shall please them These with many mo to the number of an 100. the secular States of Germanie delivered to the Popes Legat desiring him to present them to Pope Adrian But Pope Adrian died about the same time and Pope Clemens the seventh succeeding in his place sent downe his Legat Cardinall Campeius vnto the Councell of Germane Princes assembled againe at Norinberg the next Convention with letters to Duke Fredericke full of many faire petitions and sharpe complaints But as touching the grievances aboue mentioned no word at all was sent Thus was the Pope ever ready with all diligence to call vpon Princes to suppresse Luther and the liberty of the Gospell But when any redresse or reformation of the Church was craved hereto the Pope neither gaue eare nor answer In these Councels of Norinberg it is to bee noted that the execution of the sentence of Leo and the Emperours edict made at Wormes against Luther was suspended for a time and many other things that were desired by the Popes Legate to bee enacted in a full Councell and with consent of all the Empire yet could not bee brought to passe by reason that the mindes of divers were gone from the Pope For this cause Ferdinand the Emperours brother with Campeius and the Cardinall of Salisburg the two Dukes of Bavaria the Bishops of Trent and Ratisbone also the Legates of the Bishops of Bamberg Spires Stransbrugh Ausbrugh Constance Basile Frising Passavie and Brixine assembled themselues together in a particular Conventicle at Ratisbone and there ratified all the articles which they had hatched amongst themselues for suppressing of Luthers doctrine 1. First that the edict of the Emperour made at Worms should be observed in all their precincts 2. That the Gospell and all other holy Scriptures shall be taught according to the interpretation of the auncient forefathers 3. That in the Sacraments of the Masse and in all other things no invocation shall be but all things shall stand as before time they did 4. That all that approach to the Lords Supper without confession and absolution or doe eate flesh on dayes forbidden or which doe runne out of their order also Priests that be married shall be punished 5. That no Booke of Luther or Lutheran shall be Printed or sold. 6. That they of their iurisdiction which studie in the Vniversitie of Wirtenberge shall euery one repaire home within three moneths after the publishing hereof or els turne to some other place free from the infection of Luther vnder paine of confiscating all their goods loosing their heritage 7. That no Benefice or other office of teaching be giuen to any Student of that Vniversitie with diverse other Articles conteined at greater length in the commentaries of Iohn Slendan After this other two Conventions were kept at Spiers In the first were exhibited to the Princes many billes of request that Monkes and Fryers might be no more in place of them that died and that the priviledges of the Clergie might be taken away as lets of ciuill administration that certaine holy dayes might be abolished that choice of meats and ceremonies might be free And finally seeing there was no hope of a generall Councell that either the Emperour would appoint a Provinciall Councell in Germany for matters of Religion or els cause the decree of Wormes to cease At this time the Bishops would not suffer any matter of Religion to be handled and therefore the Duke of Saxonie and the Landgraue would haue departed At last it was decreed that either a
his rigour and through the intercession of the Bishop of Mentz and the Palsgraue granted peace to the Protestants so that they should ayde the Emperour against the Turks and on the other part the action of the Chamber-court should cease in all sutes of Religion against the Protestants About the same time that all this businesse was in Germanie for the Doctrine of Martin Luther Vlricus Zuinglius Preached the Word at Zurik detested the abuse of pardons of other corruptions then reigning in the Church but see great offence begun to rise and diverse stepped out on the contrary side to Preach and inveigh against him Vpon this the Magistrates and Senate of Zurik sent forth their commandement to all Priests Ministers within their Dominion to repaire to the Citie of Zurik against the 29. of Ianuarie next ensuing there euery one to speake freely and to be heard quietly touching those Controversies of Religion This disputation was appointed in the yeare of our Lord 1523. Zuinglius had contriued all his doctrine in a certaine ord●● of places to the number of 77. Articles which he had published also abroad before to the end that they who were disposed might resort thither better prepared for disputation The Bishop of Constance sent thither Iohannes Faber Stapulensis his Vicegerent who in stead of disputation reasoned that this was no convenient place for disputation but rather the handling of Controversies in Religion belonged to a generall Councell which he said was alreadie appointed and nigh at hand Wherevpon the Senate of Zurik caused incontinent to be proclaimed through all their Dominions and Territories that the traditions of men should be displaced and abandoned and the Gospell of Christ purely taught out of the old and new Testament When the Gospell begun thus to flourish in Zurik the yeare next following Anno 1524. another assemblie of the Helvetians was convented at Lucerna where Decrees were made on the contrary part that no man should deride the Masse that no mention should be made of Luther or any new doctrine that Pictures and Images of Saints in euery place should be kept inviolate and finally that all the lawes and decrees set forth by the Bishop of Constance should be obserued After these things thus concluded at Lucerna the Cantones of Helvetia together direct their publique Letter to the Tygurines or men of Zurik complaining that they had receiued a new Doctrine which would be the seed of discord whereas before time all things were in quiet Wherevnto the Tigurines answered that at the first this Doctrine seemed strange to themselues but after they vnderstood it directed them onely to Christ as the pillar and onely rocke of their saluation they could no otherwise doe but with ardent affection receiue so wholesome and ioyfull message And like as faithfull Christians in former times after they had receiued the Gospell did not by and by fall out in debate with their neighbours So l●kewise they trusted God willing to keepe peace with all men Neuerthelesse the rest of the Cantons grew in hatred against the men of Zurike and for suppressing of the doctrine of Zuinglius appointed a disputation to be holden at Baden which was kept in the moneth of Iune Anno 1525. where were present amongst other Divines Iohannes Faber Eccius and Murnerus The Bishops also of Lucerna Basile Curiak and Lawsanna The conclusions there propounded were these 1. That the true body and blood of Christ is in the Sacrament 2. That the Masse is a Sacrifice for the quicke and the dead 3. That the blessed Virgin and other Saints are to be invocated as Mediators and Intercessors 4. That Images ought not to be abolished 5. That there is a Purgatorie Which Conclusions or assertions Eccius tooke vpon him soundly to defend Against him reasoned Oecolampadius Preacher at Basile with other moe Zuinglius at that time was not there present but by writing confuted the doctrine of Eccius declaring withall the causes of his absence which were for that he durst not for feare of his life commit himselfe to the hands of Lucernates Vrbani Suitij Vnternaldi and Tugiani his enemies and that he refused not to dispute but onely the place of disputation excusing moreouer that he was not permitted of the Senate to come Neverthelesse if they would assigne the place of disputation either at Zurik Berna or Sangallum thither he would not refuse to come The conclusion of this disputation was this that all should remaine in that Religion which hitherto they had kept and should follow the authoritie of the Councell neither should admit any other new Doctrine within their dominions In the yeare of our Lord 1527. the Senate and people of Berne whose power amongst all the Helvetians chiefely excelled considering how neither they could haue the acts of the disputation of Baden committed vnto them and that the variance about Religion still more and more increased assigned another disputation within their owne Cittie and sending forth writings thereof called vnto the same all the Bishops bordering about them as the Bishops of Constance Basile Sedune Lusanna determining also the whole disputation to be decided only by the authority of the old new Testament To all that would come thither they graunted safe conduct And to the end men might come thither better prepared before they proposed in publique writing ten conclusions in the said disputation to be defended by their Ministers by the Scriptures which Ministers were Franciscus Colbus and Bertholdus Hallerus The Theames or Conclusions were these 1. That the true Church whereof Christ is the head riseth out of Gods Word and persisteth in the same and heareth not the voyce of any other 2. That the same Church maketh no lawes without Gods Word 3. That traditions ordained in the name of the Church doe not binde but so farre forth as they be consonant to Gods Word 4. That Christ onely hath made satisfaction for the sins of the world and therefore if any man say there is another way of saluation or meane to put away sinne he denieth Christ. 5. That the body and blood of Christ cannot be receiued really and corporally by the testimonie of the Scripture 6. That the vse of the Masse wherein Christ is presented and offered vp to his heauenly Father for the quicke and the dead is against the Scripture and contumelious to the Sacrifice which Christ made for vs. 7. That Christ onely is to be invocated as the Mediatour and Advocate of Mankinde to God ●he Father 8. That there is no place to be found ●y the holy Scripture wherein soules are purged after this life and therefore all those prayers and ceremonies yeerely dirges and obiles which are bestowed on the dead also Lampes Tapers and such other things profit nothing at all 9. That to set vp any Picture or Image to be worshipped is repugnant to the holy Scripture and therefore if any such be
brought vp amongst the Monkes of Palestina and Egypt In the ende he was ordained Bishop of Salamina the Metropolitane towne of the Isle of Cyprus He refuted the Heresies preceding his time in his booke called Panarium and set downe a summe of the true faith in his booke called Anchoratus He had a great regard to the poore in so much that he was called Oeconomus pauperum And like as Cyprus was naturally situated in a place neere approaching to Asia the lesse and to Syria and to Egypt and Pentapolis and not farre distant from Europe so it fell out that Christians who were disposed to support their indigent brethren they sent their collections to Epiphanius and he distributed them to the poore With all these commendable vertues there was mixed a reproueable simplicitie in him he was circumveened by Theophilus Bishop of Alexandria and tooke a dealing against Iohn Chrysostome Bishop of Constantinople because he would not be suddaine in damning the Books of Origen Also he taught in Constantinople with indeuour to alienate the hearts of the people from their owne Pastour and celebrated the communion and ordained a Deacon in Constantinople without the foreknowledge and consent of Chrysostome and contrary to the Church order Chrysostome on the other part sent him aduertisement that in case he receiued any disgrace or harme in the fury of popular commotions he should blame himselfe who by his own inordinate doings was procuring the same After this Epiphanius ceased from such doings and entered into a ship of purpose to returne backe againe to Cyprus but he died by the way It is reported of him that when he entered into the ship he said he left three great things behinde him to wit a great towne a great pallace and great hypocrisie It were a matter of infinite labour and not agreeing with the nature of a Compend to write of all the worthie men of God in the Easterne parts who did fight a good fight runne a good race and kept the Faith Asclepas in Gaza Luci●● in Adrianopolis Basilius presbyter in Ancyra a mightie adversarie to the Arrians vnder the raigne of Constantius and to the Pagans vnder the raigne of Iulian in whose time he was martyred Philogonius Bishop of Antiochia Hellanicus Bishop of Tripolis and Spyridion who of a keeper of cattell became Bishop of Trimythus Hermogenes Bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia who was present at the Councell of Nice Iames Bishop of Nisibis in Mesopotamia in the dayes of Constantius by whose prayers the armie of Sapores King of Persia was miraculously disappointed Paulus Bishop of Neocaesarea this towne is situated vpon the bankes of Euprates and Paphnutius Bishop in Thebaida two notable Confessors who were both present at the Councell of Nice Eusebius Samosatenus to whom many of Basilius Epistles are directed and who refused to redeliuer vnto the Emperour Constantius the subscriptiōs of the Arrian Bishops who consented to the admission of Meletius to be Bishop of Antiochia which subscriptions were put in his custodie And albeit the messenger sent from the Emperour threatned to cut off his right hand in case he deliuered not the subscriptions aforesaid yet he constantly refused to deliuer them and the Emperour both admired and commended his constancie Barses Bishop of Edessa in Mesopotamia Eulogius and Protogenes presbyters there vnder the raigne of Valens were banished to Antinoe in Thebaida whose travailes God wonderfully blessed to the conversion of many soules to the kingdome of God Theodulus Bishop of Trianopolis Amphilochius Bishop of Iconium in Lycaonia Pelagius Laodicenus whose name is the more famous for his insolent fact for he married a young woman and the first night after her marriage he perswaded her to preferre Virginall chastitie to matrimoniall copulation Antiochus the brother sonne of Eusebius Samosatenus could not abide the imposi●on of the hands of an Arrian Bishop Letoius Bishop of Meletina in Armenia who burnt the Monasteries or rather as Theodoretus writes the dennes of theeues wherein the Heretiques called Massaliani had their abiding Ephem Syrus a man borne in Nisibis brought vp in the wildernesse was counted a famous Writer in the Syrian Language The bookes shrowded vnder his name are thought for the most part to be supposititious Aeas who liued in company with Zenon Bishop of Maioma neere vnto Gaza is much reported of because he married a young woman procreated three children with her and in the end left her and entered into a Monasterie forgetting his matrimoniall couenant Zebe●nius Bishop of Eleutheropolis in Phaenicia to whom Sozomenus affirmeth that by diuine revelation the places were manifested wherein the bodies of the Prophets Habacuk and Micheas were buried So superstitious are Ecclesiasticall Writers alreadie become that the searching out of things nothing appertaining to eternall life are ascribed to divine revelations The judicious Reader will pardon me that I write not in particular of the liues of all the fore mentioned Bishops and Pastors because the nature of a short Compend cannot permit it to be done Bishops and Doctors in Africke IN Africke ouer and besides the Bishops of Alexandria was Didymus a Doctor of the schoole of Alexandria who through occasion of a dolour that fell into his eyes became blind from his very youth Yet by continuall exercise of his minde he became excellently learned in all Sciences But aboue all things the exact knowledge of divine Scriptures made him a terrour to the Arrians Many doe write that the very last period of time wherein Iulian the Apostate concluded his wretched life was revealed to Didymus in a dreame and that he againe tolde it to Athanasius who lurked secretly in Alexandria during the time of the raigne of Iulian. Arnobius was an Oratour in Africke afterward he became a Christian and craued to be baptized Christian Bishops lingered to conferre the holy Sacrament to a man who had beene a hater of Christian Religion of a long time Yet Arnob. freed himself from all suspition of Paganisme by writing Bookes wherein he confuted the Idolatrie of the Pagans and was baptized about the yeere of our Lord 330. About the suffering of our Lord he writes very judiciously That like as the beames of the Sunne that shine vpon a tree when the tree is cutted the Sunne-beames cannot be cutted Euen so in the suffering of Christ the diuine Nature suffered no paine Lactantius F●rmianus was the Disciple of Arnobius In eloquence he was nothing inferior to his Master yet it is thought that he impugned errours with greater dexteritie then he confirmed the Doctrine of the Truth Optatus Bishop of Meleuitanum in Africke in the dayes of Valentinian and Valens set his Pen against the Donatistes especially against Parmenianus whose absurd assertion he clearely refutes First Whereas the Donatists affirmed that the Church of Christ was onely to be found in a corner of Africke He refutes it by Scripture
this time especially Evagrius who concluded his History with the death of Mauritius bringeth in many famous men in this Centurie gifted with power to worke miraculous workes But when I consider the end of these miraculous workes they are brought in either to confirme the sanctimonie of the Monasticke life the adoration of the Crosse or some other grosse superstition Zosymas a monke is commended by him for his prophericall foreknowledge of the ruine of Antiochia and for the miracle of the Lyon who slew the Asse that caried his victualing to Caesarea and likewise the Lyon by his mandate was compelled to beare that same burden which the A●●e had borne to the portes of Caesarea No man is so senselesse or ignorant but may perceiue that this lying miracle is brought in to the confirmation of the excellency of the monasticall life The miracle of Thomas B. of Apamea tendeth to the adoration of the tree of the Cro●●e The miracle of the fire that came out of Barsaunphius shop at Gaza and consumed the most part of them who were in company with Eustochius B. of Ierusalem is a notable lie and tendeth onely to confirme superstition The miracle of the Image of the Virgine Marie detesting Anatolius an hypocrite an Idolater and a sorcerer and yet insinuating himselfe in familiar acquaintance with Gregorius B. of Antiochia in the dayes of the Emperour Tiberius any man may perceiue that this miracle is forged not so much for detestation of hypocrisie Idolatrie c sorcerie as for worshipping the Image of the Virgine with a deuout minde The miracle of Simeones who in his yo uth miraculously tamed a Pard and fastened his girdle about the necke thereof and brought it like a Catte into the Monasterie and afterward liued vpon the toppes of pillars and mountaines fed with branches of trees 68. yeeres this fable whereunto it tendeth all men doe see And finally the golden Crosse sent by Cosroes to Sergiopolis tendeth not onely to the invocation of Saints but also to put our trust and confidence in them as the last words of the Epistle of Cosro es and his wife Sira clearely importeth Now let the judicious Reader pardon me in pretermitting many things written by others left I should wearie them by filling their eares with fables and lyes CENTVRIE VII Of Popes Bishops Pastors and Doctors AFter Sabinianus succeeded Bonifacius the third and continued onely nine moneths in his Popedome finding opportunitie of time by the disliking that the Emperour Phocas had of the Patriarch of Constantinople Bonifacius insinuated himselfe in the fauour of the Emperour and obtained at his hands that the Church of Rome should be called the supreme head of all other Churches To him succeeded Bonifacius the fourth and gouerned sixe yeeres eight moneths and thirteene dayes He obtained from Phocas a Temple of olde builded to the honour of all the gods of the Gentiles called Pantheon this he purged from the abominations of Heathen people and dedicated it to the Virgine Marie and to the Saints Likewise he instituted a Festiuall day to be kept in honour of all the Saints in which day the Bishop of Rome himselfe should read the seruice He esteemed much of the Monasticke like and gaue vnto the Monkes equall honour with the Clergie in priuiledge of Preaching ministring the Sacraments binding and loosing c. so were the Monks associated into the tribe of the Priests After him succeeded Theodatus otherwise called Deus dedit and gouerned three yeeres and three dayes He made an Ordinance that no man should marry the woman to whom or with whom he had beene witnesse in Baptisme because this was counted spirituall consanguinity This was an vndoubted note of Antichrist to make lawes in the matter of marriage not agreeable to the law of God Many doe write that he cured a leprous man with a kisse But from this time forward let vs beware to giue hastie credite to miracles which are brought in for none other cause but onely to confirme a lying doctrine and in holy Scripture they are called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is Miracles of lyes To him succeeded Bonifacius the fift and ruled fiue yeeres and ten moneths He made a constitution that no man who ranne for safetie to a religious place should be drawne out of it by violence how grieuous soeuer his offence had beene A law-Antichristian indeede and much impairing the authoritie of the ciuill Magistrate Honorius the first succeeded Bonifacius the fift and ruled twelue yeeres eleuen moneths and seuenteene dayes He was infected with the heresie of the Monothelites and was damned in the sixt generall Councell assembled in the dayes of the Emperour Constantinus Pogonatus and hath bin touched in the Treatise of Succession To him succeeded Seuerinus the first and continued one yeere nine moneths and eleuen dayes He was confirmed in his Popedome by Isacius Exarche of Italie for at that time the election of the Clergie and consent of the people was not much set by Isacius also spoiled the treasures of the Church of Laterane being offended with this that the Church-treasures were so rich and that they bestowed nothing to the support of Souldiers who were in great necessitie After him followed Pope Iohn the fourth who exceeded not the space of one yeere one moneth and nineteene dayes in his gouernment Theodoretus the successor of Iohn the fourth was the sonne of Theodorus Bishop of Ierusalem If the Romane Church so much detested marriage in the persons of men in a spirituall calling how came it to passe that they admitted Theodoretus to be Pope who was the sonne of a married Bishop He ruled sixe yeeres fiue moneths and eighteene dayes He excommunicated Pyrrhus Patriarch of Constantinople for the heresie of the Monothelites but after the death of the Emperour Heraclius Pyrrhus returned from Afrike where he had remained a space in banishment he came to Rome recanted his errour and was absolued from excommunication but like vnto a dogge he returned againe to his vomite and was excommunicated of new againe by Theodoretus but Pyrrhus was slaine by the Senators of Constantinople before he was possessed into his former dignitie as partaker of the vile treason intended by Martina and Heracleonas her sonne against Constantine the sonne of the Emperour Heraclius After him succeeded Pope Martinus and gouerned sixe yeeres one moneth and twentie-sixe dayes He sent Ambassadours to Paulus Patriarch of Constantinople exhorting him to forsake the errour of the Monothelites but he misvsed the messengers the more confidently because he saw the Emperour Constans altogether addicted vnto the heresie of the Monothelites Martinus on the other part assembled a Councell at Rome of 150. Bishops wherein he renewed the excommunication of Syrus B. of Alexandria Sergius and Pyrrus Bishops of Constantinople likewise he excommunicated Paulus Bishop of Constantinople for the errour of the Monothelites The Emperour
in office aboue the space of two yeeres And after him Gulielmus ruled fifteene yeeres After whom succeeded Fulcherus and continued Patriarch twelue yeeres Hee was hated of Raymond master of the Templaries who caused the bells to bee rung in the time when hee preached to the people so that the people could not profit by hearing his Sermons For this cause he went to Rome to complaine of the iniuries done vnto him but some of the Cardinalls were corrupted with money so that he obtained nothing at the hands of Adrian the fourth who was Pope at that time and so returned againe with shame After him followed Amalricus and ruled two and twenty yeeres In whose dayes Saladinus a Prince of the Turkes recovered Ierusalem out tht hands of the Christians Of other Pastors and Doctors FRom the beginning of this Compend I haue kept this order that I haue not overcharged a little booke with mention-making of all things that are written neither haue I pretermitted in the heads which I entreat matters of greatest importance so farre as my memory and vnderstanding could comprehend In this age the Scholastique Doctors began to arise of whom Petrus Lombardus was the first who afterward was made Bishop of Paris but I supersede to write of them vntill the next Centurie Arnulphus was an eloquent man and a mighty preacher who reprooved the Clergie of Rome for the lewdnesse of their conversation Wherefore the Clergie hated him and drowned him secretly in the night time as hath been declared in the historie of the life of Honorius the second At this time was set forth a booke called Opus Tripartitum Arnulphus was supposed to bee the Author thereof It contained an heavie complaint of the enormities and abuses of the Church of the number of their holy-dayes and all lusts of vncleannesse according to the saying of whores and naughty women who bragged that they gained more in one day then in fifty other dayes Likewise it complained of the curious singing in Cathedrall Churches whereby many are occasioned to spend much time in singing which might bee better spent in more necessarie sciences It also complained of the rabble and multitude of begging Fryers shewing what idlenesse and vncomely behaviour hath proceeded thereof Also it toucheth the vnchaste and voluptuous behaviour of Church men aggravating their faults by the similitude of storks who are accustomed to beate those storkes out of their number that having a mate ioyne themselues vnto another What then is to bee done with Church-men who professing chastity doe defile other mens houses so that the stinke of their vncleannesse is knowne to the whole world Finally it wisheth reformation to begin at the Sanctuary as the Prophet speaketh In this age also was Vualdus a Merchant-man of Lions in France whom God enlightned with the true knowledge of his word and remooved from the eyes of his minde the common vaile of ignorance that overcovered the eyes of the most part of men who liued at this time in such sort that albeit Antichrist was sitting in the chaire of Christ yet very few either perceived him or abhorred his tyrannie This man Vualdus was stirred vp by God after this manner Some of the chiefest heads-men of Lions were walking abroad and it chanced one of them the rest looking on to fall downe by sudden death This Vualdus being one of the company and a rich man beholding the matter more earnestly then the rest was touched with a deepe and earnest repentance whereupon followed a carefull study to reforme his former life in so much that hee first begun to distribute large almes to the poore and to instruct his familie in the knowledge of the Word of God and to exhort all them who resorted vnto him to repentance and amendment of life The Bishops envyed the travels of Vualdus nothing regarding the words of holy Scripture Let the Word of God dwell plentifully in you and edifie one another with Psalmes and Hymnes and spirituall songs And being mooved with great malice against him threatned to excommunicate him if hee ceased not from catechizing those who resorted to him But Vualdus neglecting the threatnings of the wicked sayd hee must rather obey God then men Whereupon followed cruell persecution of him and of all his adherents So that they were compelled to fly from Lions and the Bishop seazed vpon their goods These were called Waldenses or Pauperes de Lugduno The doctrine and articles which they professed were these 1. That onely the holy Scripture is to bee believed in matters pertaining vnto eternall life and that it contayneth all things necessary to salvation 2. That there is onely one Mediator of God and man the man Christ Iesus and that Saints ●re not to be invocated as Mediators 3. That there is no Purgatorie fire but all men are either iustified by faith in Christ or else they are in the state of condemnation 4. That all masses namely such as are sung for the dead are wicked and to be abrogated 5. That all mens traditions are to be reiected at least not to be accounted necessary vnto salvation 6. That constrained and prefixed fasts bound to dayes and times difference of meats such variety of degrees and orders of Priests Fryers Monkes and Nunnes superfluous holy-dayes so many sundry benedictions and hallowing of creatures vowes peregrinations with all the rablement of such rites and ceremonies brought in by man should be abolished 7. The supremacie of the Pope vsurping aboue all Churches and especially aboue all politique Realmes and Governments or for him to vsurpe both the swords is to be denyed 8. That no degrees are to bee received into the Church but onely Priests Deacons and Bishops 9. The Communion vnder both kinds to bee necessarie to all people according to the institution of Christ. 10. That the Church of Rome is Babylon spoken of in the booke of the Revelation and the Pope the fountaine of errors and the very Antichrist 11. The Popes pardons and indulgences to be reiected 12. The mariage of Priests and men in spirituall offices they hold to be lawfull and necessary 13. Such as heare the true Word of God and beleeue it are the true Church of God to whom the keyes belong to driue away wolfes to institute true Pastors to preach the Word and to administer the Sacraments These are the most principall articles of Vualdenses to the which the rest may be reduced 14. Concerning the Supper of the Lord their faith was that it was ordayned to be eaten and not to bee shewed and worshipped for a memoriall not for a sacrifice to serue for the present ministration not for reservation to be received at the table not to be caryed out of the doores in pomp And this they proue by an old Chronicle called Chronica gestorū and by the testimonie of Origen who writing vpon Levit. saith thus Whosoever receiveth this bread of Christs Supper vpon the
of Christ. And the bookes of holy Canonicke Scripture which are to be read in time of holy Conuocations of people are particularly reckoned out both of olde new Testament And in this Catalogue of canonicke bookes no mention is made of the bookes of the Machabees of Ecclesiasticus and other Apocreeph bookes VNder the raigne of the Emperours Valentinian and Valens and about the yeere of our Lord 370. With aduice of both the Emperours a Councell was gathered in Illyricum wherein the Nicene Faith had confirmation and allowance The Emperour Valens was not as yet infected with the poison of the Arrian heresie LAmpsacum is a towne situated about the narrow passages of Hellespontus The Macedoniā heretikes sought liberty from the Emp. Valens to meete in this towne who granted their petition the more willingly because he supposed that they had accorded in opinion with Acacius Eudoxius but they ratified the Coūcel set foorth at Seleucia damned the Councel holden at Constantinople by the Acacians The Emp. Valens being deceiued of his expectation commanded them to be banished and their Churches to be giuen to the fauourers of the opinion of Eudoxius This dash constrained the Macedonians to take a new course and to aggree with Laberius Bishop of Rome But these Camelions when they had changed many colours they could neuer be white that is sincere and vpright in Religion VNder the Emperour Valentinian in the West Damasus bishop of Rome gathered a Councel in Rome wherein he confirmed the Nicene Faith and damned Auxentius Bishop of Millan with Vrsatius Valens and Caius Likewise hee damned Apollinaris and his disciple Timotheus IN the yeere of our Lord 38.3 or as Bullinger reckoneth 385 in the third yeere of the raigne of Theodosius a Generall Councell was gathered at Constantinople consisting of 150. Bishops of whom 36. were entangled with the heresie of Macedonius who called the Holy Spirit a creature a minister seruant but not consubstantiall with the Father and the Son In this Councel the Macedoniā heretikes were louingly admonished to forsake their errour to embrace the true faith and that so much the more because they had once already sent messengers to Liberius and professed the true Faith But they continued obstinately in their errour departed from the Councell The heresie of Macedonius was dāned the Nicen faith confirmed with amplification of that part of the Symbole which concerned the holy Spirit in this manner I beleeue in the holy Spirit our Lord giuer of life who proceedeth from the Father with the Father and the Son is to be worshipped glorified They ordained Nectarius B. of Cōstantinople that Constātinople shuld haue the prerogatiue of honour next to Rome Great care was had of Prouinces that they should not of new againe be infected with Heresies For this cause the name of Patriarches in the Councell of Nice appropriated to a few in this Generall Councell is communicated to manie To Nectarius Megapolis and Thracia was allotted Pontus to Hellodius Cappadocia to Gregorius Nyssenus Meletina and Armenia to Otreius Amphilochius attended vpon Iconium and Lycaonia Optimus vpon Antiochia and Pisidia Timotheus vpon the Churches of Aegypt Laodicea was recommended to Pelagius Tarsus to Diodorus and Antiochia to Meletius who was present at the Councell and ended his life in Constantinople To other Bishops a care and sollicitude of their owne boundes was committed with this caueat that no man should inuade the bounds belonging to another but if necessitie so required Synods should be assembled and euery one being desired should mutuallie assist his neighbour THe great affaires of the Church the care of their brethren in the West compelled them to meete againe in Constantinople where they wrote a Synodicke letter to Damasus B. of Rome to Ambrose Britto Valeriāus Acholius Anemius Basilius to the rest of the Bishops cōueened at Rome Wherin they declare the māifold troubles they had sustained by heretikes now albeit in the mercie of God they were ejected out of the sheepe-folds yet like vnto rauening wolues they were lurking in woods seeking oportūity to deuour the sheepe of Christ. They excuse their absence because the infirmitie of their Churches newly recouered from the hands of heretikes could not permit many of their number to journey to Rome Alwayes they sent their beloued brethren Cyriacus Eusebius Priscianus to countenance the assembly at Rome In matters of Discipline they recommended vnto them the Canons of the Councell of Nice namely that Ecclesiasticall honours should be conferred to persons worthy that with the speciall aduice and consent of the Bishops of that same Prouince with assistance of their confining neighbours if neede required After this manner was Nectarius B. of Constantinople Flauianus B. of Antiochia Cyrillus B. of Ierusalem ordained Heere marke that the consent of the Bishop of Rome was not necessarie to the ordination of the Bishops of the East And the vsurped authoritie of the Bishop of Rome smelleth of Noueltie and not of Antiquitie This Synodicke letter sent from Constantinople would seeme to import that the Councell which Damasus gathered at Rome was assembled in the dayes of Theodosius or els that hee had gathered two assemblies in Rome at diuers times and yet for owne purpose GOdly Emperours and Kings such as Constantine Theodosius and Dauid were very carefull of the vnitie of the Church that it might be like vnto a compact Citie as Ierusalem was when the tower of Iebus was conquised then the people worshipped one God were obedient to one Law and subject onely to one Soueraigne Theodosius in the fifth yeere of his raigne caring for the peace of the Church conueened a great Nationáll Councell at Constantinople not onely of Homousians but also of Arrians Eunomians and Macedonians hoping that by mutuall conference possibly they might in end accord The good Emperour consulted with Nectarius Bishop of Constantinople Nectarius with Agelius a Bishop of the Novatians Agelius with Sisinius an eloquent man and a mightie Teacher and a Reader in his Church This man considering that by contentious disputations Schismes were increased but not quenched gaue this aduice to Nectarius that hee should counsell the Emperour to demande of Heretikes in what account they had the holy Fathers who preceeded their time The Heretikes at the first spake reuerently of the Fathers but when they were demaunded if in matters of Faith they would giue credit to the testimonie of the Fathers the Heretikes were diuided amongst themselues Therefore the Emperour rent in pieces the summes of the Arrian Eunomian and Macedonian faith and ordained the Homousian Faith onely to haue place THe second Councell of Carthage was assēbled vnder the raigne of Theodosius neere vnto the time of the Generall Councell holden in Constantinople In it first the summe of the Nicene Faith is confirmed The continencie of
of the night In the seventh eighth and ninth Centuries the Romane Church resembling the Harlots of Heliopolis in Phoenitia who having liberty to prostitute themselues to the lust of strangers teach their children procreated by this libidinous copulation to depend only vpon them whom they know not vpon their fathers whom they know not disadvantageth her children with the voyce of God sounding in holy Scripture teaching that it is sufficient to beleeue as the Church of Rome the mother of al Churches beleeveth which in matters of faith cannot erre But wee must depend vpon the voyce of God our heavenly Father Who hath begotten vs by the incorruptible seed of his Word fed vs with the sincere milke of the same and anoynted vs with the balme of Gilead making glad his owne Citie even with the waters of his owne Sancturay The lowd sounding trumpets of vaine and idle words we leaue to the adversaries of the truth for that is their armour wherewith they fight against the Gospell of Iesus Christ. In the tenth eleventh and twelfth Centuries the tyranny of Antichrist was accompanied with a wonderfull growth of lyes falshood and ridiculous fables of which the absurdity of one striving with the absurditie of anothe● derogateth in the end credite from them all and as the souldiers of Cadmus who were bred of Dragons teeth kill one another Vincentius is not ashamed to write that they who regarded more their play game dancing then they did the reverend hearing of the masse were plagued with a continuance in dancing without intermission for the space of a twelue-moneth thereafter If penne could blush if hand could tremble if paper could bee ashamed such ridiculous fables had not beene written At this time learning was not to bee found in Pastors sincerity in Councels humility in Prelates and true religion in the multitude of people and Nations For in stead of these there was abundance of Liturgies Processions and Pilgrimages Masses superstitious vowes multiplication of vnprofitable ceremonies confidence in externall service as if it could saue ex opere operato Fastings tyed to dayes and moneths not vnlike to the fasts of the Donatists At this time the vines of Sodome and Gomorrah abounded with grapes of gall and bitter clusters At this time the key of the kingdome of God seemed almost lost the preaching of the kindome of Christ ceased for the most part The authority and preheminence of the Pope over Princes and all men in spirituall offices like the axes and hammers of the Assyrians cutting downe the carved worke of the house of the Lord sounded so lowd in all Churches that the sound of the Gospell could scarcely be heard And although at this time there were some Romane Bishops who spoke against the kingdome of the Divell yet their hearts were so filled by him with ambition avarice vncleannesse contempt of the lawfull authority of Princes superstition and horrible idolatry that hee led them head-long to hell as men may leade dogs though barking aloud whither they please In the thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth and sixteenth Centuries even to these our times there is nothing to bee expected but a discoverie of Antichrists hypocrisie a decay of his vsurped authority an abrogation of his tyrannous lawes and finally an vtter ruine and destruction of his kingdome notwithstanding of all the maintainers and vpholders of the same And surely it is a great encouragement to vs when we see false teachers dayly renuing their forces to fight against the truth as the Philistims did who fought against David in the valley of Rephaim after they had beene often discomfited by him The last period of their reluctation against the Lords annoynted was losse and hurt to themselues and dishonour to their gods whom they were forced to leaue behinde them which David tooke and burnt with fire calling the place Baalperatzim that is the rupture of Baal The adversaries of the Gospell in Christendom by renuing their forces againe are procuring a new name vnto their Idols They cannot bee content with the name of Baal-peor Baal-meon Baal-thamar Baal-chatsor Baal-gad but they will spread out their banners in the valley of Rephaim against the Lord longing for the last name Baal-peperatzim confusion to themselves That this hath beene the estate of the Church euer since the dayes of Christ vntill this present doth evidently appeare out of the ensuing History wherein besides the antiquity and visibility of this our Church your Ladiship may also as in a mirrour behold her wonderful constancie opposed to her enemies cruelty Let the Papists to cover the turpitude of their new found doctrine pretend antiquity as much as they will yet they will never bee able to proue it So did the Hagarens boldly vsurp the name of Saracens although they were only the brood that sprang from the wombe of Hagar the hand-maide of Sarah And the Priests boy in the dayes of Eli came to the Caldron while the flesh of the peace-offering was seething and thrust in his flesh-hooke all that the flesh-hooke brought vp the Priest tooke for himselfe which thing was done by violence the Priest having no right thereto The Roman Church in our dayes having borrowed the flesh-hooke of the Priests boy and violently arrogated vnto themselues the faithfull keeping of ancient Apostolique traditions when wee demand where the Charter containing their title and right wee see nothing but the flesh-hooke with these three teeth in their hand 1. The Church cannot erre 2. Wee are the true Church 3. Cursed be hee that saith in matters of faith our generall Councels can erre Madam accept vnder your Ladiships favourable protection these my travailes in weaknesse not vnlike the writer whose life it hath pleased the Lord to prolong these many yeeres by-past vnder many infirmities of a dayly decaying tabernacle containing a faithfull testimony of my humble endeavour to confirme the branches of your noble houshould in the true faith of Christ. Though there be many that forsake Christ and are as reprobate silver from whom the drosse cannot bee separated yet let the Noble house of Marre follow Christ. And as Helene Queen of Adiabani when she left her Countrey and came to dwell at Ierusalem filled the bellies of the poore with the corne of Egypt and the fruites of Cyprus for it was a yeere of vniversall famine and spared for no cost to doe good to the Saints who were at Ierusalem so I beseech the Lord to raise vp many honourable Ladies such as your Ladiship is to refresh the barren soules of ignorant people in this Land with examples of humilitie modestie godlinesse and all other vertues Now the mercies of the Lord Iesus The Author and finisher of our faith attend vpon my Lord your husband vpon your Ladiship and all your Noble house and The great Mediator of the covenant of God stablish all your hearts in the certainty of his vndoubted truth vnto the end and in
viuely by the Euangelist Luke whereat were present the Apostles Peter and Paul and Iames and Barnabas a reuerent man of God in whom Apostolike giftes were not lacking with other worthie men Iudas surnamed Barsabas and Silas notable Prophets and fellow-labourers of the Apostles likewise the Commissioners of Antiochia and Elders of Ierusalem with many others who were beleeuers What was concluded in this Councell I remit to the faithfull narration of the Euangelist Luke Alwayes if votes be pondered rather then numbred this is the Councell of Councels more worthie to bee called O Ecomenicke then the Councels of Nice of Constantinople of Ephesus and Chalcedon In the Councell of Nice were worthy Bishops who came from all quarters of the world but in this Councill were holy Apostles who could not erre in matters of faith O Ecomenicke Bishops indeede and any one of the holy Apostles was illuminated with more aboundance of cleare light in things pertaining to the worship of God then al the 300 18. bishops cōueened at Nice in Bithynea Many Romaine Deputies were sent in the dayes of Claudius to keepe Syria and Iudea in subjection to the Romaines such as Marsus Longinus Cuspius Phadus Tiberius Alexander Cumanus and Felix I leaue Marsus and Longinus for desire to open vp in what Deputies time things mentioned in holy Scripture came to passe When Cuspius Phadus was deputie there arose a deceitfull man named Theudas to whom resorted a number of men aboue 400. who were slaine and all who followed him were scattered Iosephus writeth that Phadus sent forth a trope of horsemen who suddenly charged the people that followed Theudas and slew them and tooke Theudas aliue and cut off his head and brought it to Ierusalem After this man arose one Iudas of Galile in the dayes of the tribute and drew away much people after him he also perished and all that obeyed him were scattered If Gamaliel in that narration keepe the order of time as these words After him would import of necessitie the words of the history of the Actes must be vnderstood of another Theudas then that man of whom Iosephus writeth in the place aboue mentioned For Iudas of Galile liued in the dayes of Augustus and when Cyrenius was Deputie of Syria and Iudea But I am not certaine whether or no the words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 doe absolutely import that Iudas of Galile was posterior in time to Theudas When Cumanus was Deputie who succeded to Tiberius Alexander the insolencie of one Romaine souldier was the destruction of twentie thousand innocent people he discouered the secret parts of his body vpon a solemne feast day neere vnto the Temple and in the sight of the Iewes they counted this a contempt done to God in the porch of his owne house Cumanus drew the Romane souldiers to the Castle called Antonia verie neere the temple and set them in order and the people of the Iewes fearing the inuasion of the souldiers sled and in the narrow passages ouertrode one another and a great multitude of people were slaine After this the people of the Iewes came to Caesarea where Cumanus was for the time and complained of a Romane souldier who had cast a booke of holy Scripture into the fire whom Cumanus beheaded and so pacified the Iewes In end Cumanus through his euill gouernement procured to himselfe the indignation of the Emperour Claudius he fauoured the wicked cause of the Samaritanes who had stopped the passages of the Galileans and slaine a great number of them They were accustomed yeerely to goe vp to Ierusalem to holy fea●tes and their way was through the townes and villages of the Samaritanes Cumanus rather fauoured then punished this wicked fact of the Samaritanes therefore he was remoued from his place and Felix was sent to be Deputie of Iudea Whether Claudius was impoisoned by Agrippina his wife to prepare an easie passage to Nero her sonne to be Emperour or not I leaue that to be read in authors who haue entreated the liues of Emperours politikly It contenteth me to write of the estate of the Church in their time Nero. DOmitius Nero succeeded to Claudius he reigned thirteene yeeres and eight months His mother Agrippina after the death of Cneus Domitius Aenobarbus was joyned in mariage with the Emperour Claudius In the first fiue yeeres of his gouernement he abandoned the insolencie of his wicked disposition so that it was a prouerbe in the mouthes of men Neronis quinquennium in regard of his good cariage for the space of fiue yeeres But a fire long couered in end breaketh out into a mightie flame that no water can slake it His cruelitie against his mother his wife 's Octa●ia and Poppea his master Seneca the Poet Lucan and the vile abuse of his body with persons of his neerest consanguinitie I remit to the reading of learned authors who haue written exactly the historie of the Romane Emperours and I hast to that which is the principall purpose of this compend how wicked Nero kindled the first great Fornace of horrible persecution against the Christians It cannot be denyed but in the dayes of Tiberius our Lord Christ Iesus was crucified in the dayes of Caligula and Claudius the hands of that cruell persecuter Herod was mightily strengthened by the fauour countenance and bountifulnesse of both these Emperours so that he layd hands vpon the pillars of the house of God and so I deny not but the Church of God before the dayes of Nero was in the fornace of trouble but now ' come the dayes whereinto the Roman Emperours like vnto Nebuchadnezar were full of rage and the forme of their visage was changed against the Christians they commanded that the fornace should be hoate seuen times more then it was wont to be This historie henceforth conteineth on the one part the great wrestling of persecuting Emperours against God not like to the wrestling of Iacob with God The place of Iacobs wrestling was Pen●el where he saw God the forme of wrestling was with many teares and strong supplications the end was that the Angel should not hastly depart from him leauing him comfortlesse the successe was the obtaining of a blessing which was the armour of God to saue him against the hatefull malice of Esau but by the contrary Nero Domitian Traian Antonius and the rest set their faces against the heauen commanded the holy One of Israel to depart out of the world endeuoured to quench the sauing light of his Gospell and by so doing brought downe vpon themselues in stead of a blessing that wrath that is reueiled from heauen vpon all them who detaine the truth of God into vnrighteousnes On the other part is set downe the constant faith and patient suffering of the Saints who hated not the burning bush because it was set on fire but they loued it because in it they were refreshed with the comfortable presence of the great Angel
thirteene yeares Hee delighted to haue about him wife and learned Counsellers such as Fabius Sabinus Domitius Vlpianus c. This renowned Lawyer Vlpianus was not a friend to Christians but by collecting together a number of lawes made against Christians in times past hee animated the hearts of Iudges against them And this is a piece of the rebuke of Christ that Christians haue borne continually to be hated of the wise men of the world Hereof it came to passe that in this Emperours time albeit hee was not so bloody as many others had beene before him and therefore his Empire was called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is vnbloody yet not a few suffered martyrdom even in the daies of Alexander such as Agapetus a young man of fifteene yeares old at Praeneste a towne of Italie hee was assayed with many torments and finally with the sword he was beheaded The Iudge who gaue out sentence of death against him fell out of his iudiciall seat and suddenly dyed The martyrdome of Cecilia if by her trauells Valerian her espoused husband and Tiburtius his brother and 400. moe had beene converted to Christ and secretly baptized by Vrbanus Bishop of Rome immediatly before her death I marvell that no mention should bee made by Eusebius of such a rare and miraculous worke Senators and noble men at Rome such as Pammachius Simplicius and Quiritius with their wiues and children died for the faith of Christ with many others The favour that this Emperour shewed to Christians against whom the very stubbering cookes did contend challenging vnto themselues the right of a place wherein Christians were accustomed to conveene for exercise of divine seruice this favour I say seemeth to haue proceeded from the councell of Mammea his Christian mother rather then from the counsell of Vlpianus that renowned lawyer an hatefull aduersarie to Christians But Mammea his mother hearing the report of the learning of Origen sent for him and by him was instructed in the groundes of Christian faith The learned doctour who wrote the booke of the martyrs very judiciously obserueth the iniquitie of this time whereinto no Christian Churches were erected when as yet notwithstanding of the fauour of the Emperour at some times no publicke house could quietly be obtained for the Christians so that by reason hereof may appeare the decretall epistle of Pope Hyginus concerning the dedication of Churches is forged and fained because the raigne of Alexander is a long time posterior to the dayes of Hyginus who liued vnder the raigne of Antoninus Pius and in the raigne of A lexander as yet there was great difficultie to obteine a place whereinto Christians might assemble together The just deserued punishment of Turinus whom the Emperour caused to bee fastened to a stake in the open market place and thereto be killed with smoke the Herald standing by and crying to the people Smoke he sold and with smoke hee is punished This punishment I say declareth that this Emperour counted flatterers worthy of great punishment Alexander and his mother Mammea were both slaine by his owne souldiers Maximinus AFter Alexander Seuerus Maximinus was Emperour and raigned 3. yeeres A man of base parentage of an huge stature promoted to honours by Alexander who nourished a serpent in his owne bosome as the prouerbe speaketh when he aduanced Maximinus an ingrate foster to great dignities and honours For by his meanes the armie killed Alexander and his mother Mammea and saluted him and his sonne Emperours without aduise of the Romane Senate a man hated of all good men beloued of euill men more grieuous to the citizens of Rome then to their enemies who for hatred of the house of Alexander as Eusebius recordeth raised vp the sixt persecution against Christians specially against the teachers and leaders of the Church thinking the sooner to vanquish the rest if the Captaines and guiders of them were made out of the way Origen at this time wrote a booke de martyrie and dedicated it to Ambrosius and Protectetus pastors of the Church of Caesarca because these two vnder this persecution had susteined great afflictions and constantly perseuered in the true faith No persecution was more violent no persecution endured shorter time In no persecution are the names of suffering martyrs so obscured and couered with silence possibly because the booke of Origen de martyrio through injurie of time is not to be found therefore some learned men doe referre the martyrdome of such as we haue spoken of in the dayes of Alexander to this time or to the persecution of Decius I will not dispute of such doubtsome things Three other things that are more necessarie to the edification of the Church I will touch First the malice of the deuill who hateth the welfare of the sheepfold of Christ and laboureth either to spoyle it of true Pastors or to send in among them poore sheepe hyrelings and men not regarding the wellfare of the flock but their own gaine or else if they haue true Pastors to mooue the flocke to be disobedient to faithfull and vigilant Pastors The stocke that can eschew all these three snares of the deuill and all these three wofull calamities so oft seasing vpon the poore sheepefolde they are in good estate Reade Chrysostome writing vpon the 13. chap. Heb. ver 17. Another thing is worthie to be marked that in three great persecutions in the fift sixt and seuenth Origen a man more renowmed in his life time then after his death God vouchsafed vpon him two great honours but not the third whereof he was most of all desirous He encouraged his father Leonides and his disciples Plutarchus two S●reni Heron and Heraclides patiently to suffer martyrdome in the dayes of Seuerus Next hee wrote a booke de martyrio in the daies of Maximinus the sixt persecuter whereby doubtlesse many were incouraged patiently to suffer euill for Christs sake What remaineth now but the third and principall honour of martyrdome it selfe wherevnto he had a bent desire in the dayes of Decius the 7. persecuter but then he fainted as shall be declared hereafter God willing When we call to minde this weakenes of Origen let all the cogitations of our heartes stoope and thinke that we are not meete for great things but if the Lord call vs to suffer great things for his Names sake the Lord perfite his strength in our infirmitie and weakenesse Thirdly let vs marke the great difference that is betweene the volume of the booke of holy canonicke and sacred Scripture and all other bookes whatsoeuer In Scripture the ouerpassing of matters of great importance and moment is not for ignorance misknowledge or doubting of those things that are ouerslidden but for mysterie and representation of things more necessarie to be knowne as namely when Moses a most accurat writer of the life death and genealogies of holy Patriarches ouerpasseth the description of the genealogie
of the booke of martyres Onely I find somethings in this seuenth persecution which the principall purpose wherefore I haue collected this compend will not permit me to passe ouer with silence Namely these first let no ma n thinke that the veritie is weake and hath neede to be strengthened by a lie as Nicephorus is accustomed to doe The seuen martyres of Ephesus whose names were Maximianus Malchus Martinianus Dionysius Ioannes Serapion and Constantinus were lurking in a caue the entrie whereof Decius commanded to be closed with great heapes of stones to the end that the forenamed Christians might be killed with famine which came to passe indeede Yet famine could not separate these holy Martyres from Christ. But Nicephorus the father of many other fables also saith that they fell on sleepe which they continued till the time of Theodosius that is from the 250. vntill the 379. yeere of our Lord and then they did awake out of their sleepe saith Nicephorus But he who will giue hastie credite to Nicephorus fables writing of the 7. martyres who lurked in a caue of mount Caelius and to Euagrius description of Barsanuphius an Egyptian monke who enclosed himselfe in a cottage beside Gaza for the space of 50. yeares and vsed no kinde of bodily refreshment to sustaine his earthly tabernacle he may be easily led to all kinde of errour The second thing worthy to be marked is that many persecuted preachers had wiues and children as the historie recordeth Cheremon Bishop of a citie in Egypt called Nilus fled to the mountaines of Arabia accompanied with his wife and returned not againe to Egypt neither was he seene of those who sought him in the wildernesse Dionysius Bishop of Alexandria who miraculously escaped the crueltie of persecuters maketh expresse mention of his children Deo mihi vt migrarem praecipiente viámque mirabiliter aperiente ego liberi multi fratres egressisumus that is after that God had commanded me to remooue and had miraculously opened a passage vnto me I and my children and brethren went forth If antiquitie be regarded Bishops who doe marrie are not Nicolatian Heretiques but rather such as forbid to marrie teach a doctrine of deuils Thirdly it is to be marked that in time of this vehement persecution many fainted and fell backe from the open profession of Christian faith Others to prouide timous remedie against such defections gaue out a rigorous sentence against such as had fallen of infirmitie that they should not be receiued againe into the fellowship of the church In this opinion was Nouatus and his complices And by their example we should learne to beware of such men as vnder pretence of zeale perturbe the vnitie of the Church and inuent remedies to cure the maladies of the diseased Church which are worse then the sicknes it selfe as the Novatians did Weakenes at some time is to be pitied but deuilish rigour pitying no man who falleth of infirmitie is a lesson that hath no allowance in the booke of God This cruell tyrant after he had raigned two yeeres made warre against the Scythians some call them the Gothes by whom hee was vanquished in battell and fearing to be ouertaken and to come vnder the tyrannie of barbarous people he cast himselfe into a deepe pit where he ended his life and his body could not be found The great desolations that were made in the world about this time by the plague of pestilence the Ethnickes imputed the cause of them to the Christians But Cyprian whose pen the Lord guided better declared that the cause of all these calamities was the worshipping of Idols the contempt of Gods true seruice and the persecuting of innocent Christians Gallus and Volusian AFter Decius Gallus and Volusian his sonne raigned two yeeres Hee walked in the footsteps of Decius Hee was slaine by Emilian who presumed to raigne but he was so hastily made out of the way that Eusebius and many other Historians misknow his name in the Catalogue o● Emperours Valerianus and Gallienus VAlerianus and Gallienus his sonne raigned 15. yeeres viz. Gallienus with his father in coniunct authoritie 7. yeeres after his fathers captivity and death hee raigned alone eight yeeres In the first three or foure yeeres of the Empire of Valerian hee was favourable and friendly to Christians and great numbers of them were found in the Emperours Court But afterward hee was seduced by an Egyptian Sorcerer who hated Christians because that by them he was hindred from practicing his magicall charms So the eight persecution began vnder Valerian In this persecution suffered three Bishops of Rome Lucius Stephanus and Sixtus and a Deacon Laurence who was layd vpon an hot broyling iron and patiently endured the torment of fire This is that Deacon who called the poore the treasure of the Church for then is the Church rich when it is rich in good workes and feedeth clotheth and visiteth Christ in his hungry naked and diseased members Dionysius Bishop of Alexandria was banished to Cephro a place in the wildernesse of Libya Priscus Mal●bus and Alexander were devoured by beasts in Caesarea Palestina Cyprian Bishop of Carthage was beheaded Marinus a Roman Captaine in Caesarea was envied for the dignity and honour he was advanced vnto and hee was accused to bee a Christian and consequently to bee vncapable of great preferments and dignities he was encouraged by Theotecnus Bishop of Caesarea patiently to suffer death for the cause of Christ by taking him into a secret chamber and laying before him a drawne sword and the booke of the Gospell and bidding him take his choice of one of these two which he liked best Marinus liked better the booke of the Gospell then of the sword and was martyred for the faith contained in that sacred booke of holy Scripture Astyrius a noble Senatour caryed the body of this holy Martyr Marinus vpon his own shoulders and buried it hounourably In the end the Lord delivered this persecuting Tyrant into the hand of Sapor King of Persia who not onely detained him in strait captivity but also abused him most filthily and made his bodie a footstoole and trampled vpon his necke at such times as he was about to mount on horsebacke This fearfull captivity of Valerian had vnto it a notable testimony of the wrath of God against persecuters For like as hee trampled vnder his feet the Church of Christ so in like manner the Lord gaue his necke and backe to be trampled vpon by the feet of his enemies This example of Gods heavie indignation somewhat terrified Gal●ienus his sonne and he gaue out an edict for the safe returning of such as were banished to their own dwelling places and for staying the rage of persecution Dionysius Bishop of Alexandria having liberty granted by the Emperors edict to returne from banishment came back againe to Alexandria wherein hee found such terrible desolation by famine
Maximian retained to themselues These two Augusties raigned 20. yeeres Constantius Chlorus Caesar continued fifteene Galerius Caesar 21. yeeres Dioclesian and Maximianus Herculeus abstained from persecuting of Christians vntill the nineteene yeere of their raigne Before I touch the History of the tenth persecution three things are to be premitted First that after the persecution of Valerian the eight Persecuter the Church enioyed great peace which albeit it was like to bee cut off by the altered minde of Aurelian yet the wise dispensation of the wisdome of God provided that all his cruell enterprises were disappointed The righteous Lord cutted the cords of the wicked Secondly Christians were in great favour and credit with Emperours and to them was committed the gouernment of Provinces and Nations as cleerly appeared in the preferment of Dorotheus and Gorgonius Thirdly they had libertie to build Oratories and Temples large and ample in every Citie All this came to passe in the forty yeeres peace that intervened betweene the raigne of Valerian and the nineteenth yeere of the raigne of Dioclesian Yet the Church of Christ in this short time began to be festred with the corrupt manners of carnall and fleshly people so that contentions abounded but charity waxed cold in the Church of God What wonder was it then that the Lord permitted this tenth and most horrible persecution of Dioclesian to stirre and to waken drowsie Christians who were beginning to be fashioned according to the likenesse of the world In the nineteenth yeere of his Imperiall authority and in the moneth of March this horrible persecution began to arise Dioclesian in the East and Maximianus in the West bending all their forces to roote out the profession of Christians out of the world Dioclesian was pufft vp in pride for his manifold victories and triumphes and would bee counted a God and adorned his shooes with gold and precious stones and commanded the people to kisse his feete This Persecution continued ten yeeres even vntill the seventh yeere of the raigne of Constantine the great So that whatsoever cruelty was practised by Maximinianus Maximinus Maxentius and Licinius all goeth vnder the name of Dioclesian the author of this tenth persecution Cruell edicts and proclamations were set forth in the beginning of this persecution cōmanding to overthrow cast to the ground the Temples of Christians to burne the bookes of holy Scripture to displace all such as were magistrates and were in office and to cast Christian Bishops into prison and to compell them with sundry kinds of punishments to offer vnto Idols Also common people who would not renounce the profession of Christianity to be spoyled of their liberty These edicts were hastily put in execution Many Christians were scourged racked and cruciated with intolerable torments Some were violently drawne to impure sacrifice and as though they had sacrificed when indeede they did not were let goe some were downe vpon the ground and drawne by the legges a great space and the people was made to beleeue that they had sacrificed some stoutly withstood them and denyed with a lowd voyce that they had not bin or ever would be partakers of Idolatry Notwithstanding of the weake sort many for feare and infirmity gaue over even at the first assault When the foresaid edicts were proclaimed both the Emperours happened to be in the towne of Nicomedia notwithstanding a certaine Christian being a noble man borne whose name was Iohn ranne and tooke downe the proclamation and openly tare and rent it peeces For which fact he was put to a most bitter death which hee patiently endured vntill his last gaspe The generall Captaine of the army of Dioclesian gaue choyce to the souldiers whether they would obey the Emperours commandement in offering sacrifices and keeps still their offices or else lay away their armour and be depriued of their offices but the Christian souldiers were not onely content to lay away their armour bu also to offer themselues vnto the death rather then to obey such vnlawfull commandements In Nicomedia the Emperour refraind not from the slaughter and death of the children of Emperours neither yet from the slaughter of the chiefest princes of his court such as Peter whose body being beaten with whips and torne that a man might see the bare bones and after they had mingled vineger and salt they powred it vpon the most tender partes of his body and lastly rosted him at a soft fire as a man would rost flesh to eare and so this victorious martyr ended his life Dorotheus and Gorgonius being in great authoritie and office vnder the Emperour after diuerse torments were strangled with an halter The torments that Peter suffered encouraged them to giue a worthy confession that they were of that same faith and religion that Peter was of This persecution raged most vehemently in Nicomedia where the Emperours palace through some occasion being set on fire the Christians were blamed as authors of that fact Therefore so many as could be found out were burned with fire or drowned in water or beheaded with the sword amongst whom was Anthimus Bishop of Antiochia who was beheaded The bodies of the sonnes of Emperours that were buried they digged out of their graues and sent them in boates to bee buried in the bottome of the sea lest Christians should haue worshipped them as gods if their sepulchres had beene knowne such opinion they had of Christians The number of twentie thousand burned in one temple of Nicomedia by Maximinus smelleth of the libertie that Nicephorus taketh in adding many things to the veritie of the historie The martyrdome of Serena the Emperour Dioclesians wife is rejected by learned men as a fable albeit recorded by Hermannus Gigas The number of Christians cast into prison and appointed for death was so great that scarcely a voide place could be found in a prison to thrust in a murtherer or an opener of graues such heapes of Christians were inclosed in darke prisons The martyrs of Palestina of Tyrus in Phenicia of Tarsus of Antiochia of Alexandria of Miletina in Armenia and of Pontus Cappadocia and Arabia they could not easily bee numbred In Thebaida horrible and vnnaturall crueltie was vsed against christian women whom they hanged vpon gibbets with their heades down-ward toward the ground and fastened one of their legges onely to the gibbet the other being free thus their naked bodies hanging vpon trees in maner aforesaid presenced to the beholders a spectacle of most vile and horrible inhumanitie In like maner the branches of trees were artificially bowed downe to the earth and the feete and legges of Christians tied to them so that by their hastie returning againe vnto their naturall places the bodies of Christians were rent in pieces This was not a crueltie finished in a short space of time but of long continuance some dayes 20. some dayes 60. and at sometimes an hundred were with sundrie kindes of torments
Merchant wares in that place This Altar I say was commanded tō be demolished and a Temple to be builded in the same place for exercise of divine service The care this good Emperour had to quench the schisme that began in Alexandria shall bee declared in its due time God willing In some things Constantine was not vnlike to King Salomon who finding his Kingdome to be peaceably settled hee gaue himselfe to the building of the Temple of Palaces and of Townes which hee fortified and made strong Even so Constantine finding that no enemie durst enterprise any longer to molest the peaceable estate of his settled Kingdome hee builded magnifique Temples in Bethlehem the place of the Lords Nativity vpon Mount Olivet from whence Christ ascended to Heaven vpon Mount Calvarie where Christs Sepurchre was Hee builded also a Citie in Bithinia and called it Helenopolis for honour of his mother Helena and another in Palestina and called it Constantia by the name of his Sister Also hee builded a glorious Temple in Antiochia which his sonne Constantius perfected and to the dedication of that Temple a number of Bishoppes were assembled And finally hee builded the great Citie of Constantinople in Thracia and called it Nova Roma whereas before it was called Byzantium This towne was builded Anno 336. In the end the good Emperour intended to haue made warre against the Persians and by the way hee was purposed to haue beene baptised in Iordan where our Saviour Christ was baptised by Iohn but the Lord had disposed otherwise for the good Emperor fell sicke at Nicomedia and was baptised in the suburbs of that principall towne of Bithynia not in Rome nor by Silvester but in Nicomedia and by Eusebius How this Eusebius coozned the Emperour and obscured the wicked purpose of his hereticall heart from him and continued in good favour and credit with the Emperour even to the last period of his life so that hee had the honour to baptise the good Emperour will bee declared hereafter In his testamentall legacy hee left his Dominions to his sonnes ended his life happily and was buried in Constantinople Constantius Constans and younger Constantius COnstantius governed the East parts of the Romane Empire and he raigned 25. yeeres The other two brethren governed the West parts Constantine the younger was slain at Aquileia after hee had raigned with his brethren three yeers The Emperour Constans raigned 13. yeeres and was slaine in France by the Tyrant Magnentius so after the death of Constance the whole government of the Empire turned into the hands of Constantius He overcame Magnentius in battell who fled to Lions and slew his mother his owne brother and himselfe And so the Tyrant Magnentius brought himselfe and his kindred to a miserable end Constantius was infected with the heresie of Arrius by the meanes of an Arrian Priest who had beene in Court with Constantia the sister of the Emperour Constantine and relict of Licinius When shee was bound to bed by infirmity and sicknesse where of she died She recommended this Arrian presbyter to Constantine her brother whereby it came to passe that he had favour and credit in the Emperours court Hee procured the returning of Arrius from banishment and was the first reporter to Constantius of his fathers testamentall legacie And finally he perverted Constantius from the true faith which his father had professed So pernicious a thing is it to haue deceitfull Heretiques lurking in the courts of Princes During the life-time of his brother Constans Arrianisme had no great vpper hand because Constans Emperour of the West protected Paulus Bishop of Constantinople Athanasius Bishop of Alexandria and the rest of the Bishoppes whom the Arrians had most vniustly accused deposed and persecuted But after the slaughter of Constans the Arrians were encouraged by the inconstancy of the Emperour whose flexible and instable minde like vnto a reede shaken with the winde was inclined to follow the course that the fore-mentioned Priest put in his head This Priest informed the Emperour Constantius that the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is Consubstantiall was not found in holy Scripture and that the inserting of this word in the forme of faith set downe by the Nicene Councell was the occasion of many debates and contentions in the Church of God and that the returning of Athanasius from banishment was the ground of a terrible tempest whereby not onely the estate of Egypt was shaken but also the estate of Palestina and Phoenicia and other places not farre distant from Egypt Moreover he added Athanasius had beene the author of m●testine dissention betwixt the Emperour Constantius and his brother Constans so that 〈◊〉 wrote menacing letters to his brother either to repossesse Paulus and Athanasius into their places again or else if he lingred in so doing since their innocency was cleered in the Councell of Sardica he threatned to lead an army to the East and to see them repossessed in their own roomes againe The Emperour Constantius was easily incited to wrath against Athanasius and he sent Sebastianus one of his Captaines accompanied with 5000. armed men to slay Athanasius but the Lord delivered him miraculously out of their hands when there seemed to bee no way of escaping because armed souldiers were planted round about the Temple yet he went safely through the midst of them and was not discerned albeit many Arrians were present of purpose to designe and point him out by the finger as a sheepe ordained for the slaughter Georgius an Arrian Bishop was seated in Alexandria in the place of Athanasius a wolfe in the chaire of a true Pastor whose fury and madnesse was helped by Sebastianus who furnished him with armed souldiers to accompany all his wicked and divelish devices A fire was kindled in the towne Christian Virgins were stripped naked brought to the fire and commanded to renounce their faith but the terror of the fire made them not once to shrinke When the sight of the fire could not terrifie them he caused their faces to be so dashed with strokes misfashioned their countenances that they could not bee knowne by their familiar friends but they like vnto victorious souldiers patiently endured all kinde of rebuke for the Name of Christ. Thirty Bishops of Egypt and Lybia were slaine in the fury of this Arrian persecution Fourteene Bishops whose names are particularly mentioned by Theodoretus were banished of whom some died in the way when they were transported others died in the place of their banishment Forty good Christians in Alexandria were scourged with rods because they would not communicate with the Arrian wolfe Georgius and so pitiously demained that some peeces of the rods were so deepely fixed in their flesh that they could not bee drawne out againe and many through excessiue paine of their wounded bodies concluded their liues Here is a liuely portrait of the mercies of the wicked which are cruell
many followed him When Pope Alexander came to Rome the Townes of Italie were in great ●●ope of libertie and rebelled against the Emperour they reedefied the towne of Millan which the Emperour had sacked and ruinated and they builded a towne called Alexandria in contempt of the Emperour and in honour of the Pope When the Emperour Frederike came to Italie hee besieged this new builded towne called Alexandria but was betraied by Henry Duke of Bauaria and Saxonia so that he escaped hardlie in the habit of a seruant and returned to Germanie The Emperour renewed his forces againe and pierced into Italie with a great armie Pope Alexander fled to Venice Otto the Emperours sonne on the other part with a well appointed nauie pursued after him hauing receiued a commandement from his father to attempt nothing against the Venetians vntil his owne comming But the young man more hardie then circumspect encountred with the Venetians and was ouercome and taken prisoner The father for relieuing of his sonne from Captiuitie was content to come to Venice and in Saint Marks Church to craue absolution from Pope Alexander When hee kneeled downe at the Popes feete the proud Pope set his foot vpon the Emperours necke and abused the words of holy Scripture Super aspidem basiliscum ambulabis conculcabis leonem draconem that is thou shall walke vpon the Lyon and the Aspe the young Lyon and the Dragon shalt thou tread vnder feet The Emperour answered non tibi sed petro that is not to thee but to S. Peter but the proud Pope replyed Et mihi petro that is both to me and to S. Peter to wit thou doest this homage The Emperour not willing to giue any further occasion of offence held his peace and so was absolued and his sonne relieued with whom hee departed from Venice After this some affirme that he led an armie to Palestina to fight against the Turks and that hee prospered vntill at length he was drowned in a certaine riuer The Christians in Ierusalem had their last helpe and refreshment from Philip king of France and Richard king of England These two besieged Acon and conquered it But there was kindled betweene the two kings a feruent heat and indignation euerie one of them enuying the honour of another so that Philip returned to France and king Richard after hee had conquered Ioppo returned also to England But by the way hee made ship-wracke and hardly escaped the perill of drowning And albeit hee disguised himselfe putting on the habite of a seruant yet he was knowne and taken prisoner by the Duke of Austria and was brought to the Emperour Henry the sixt where hee was detained vntill hee paied the ransome of 10000. pounds money After Baldowine succeeded Amalricus the sixt king of Ierusalem And after him his sonne Baldowine the 4. the 7. king of Ierusalem Hee was sickly and not meet for governement Therefore he committed the gouernement to Guido and Raimundo Count of Tripoli The discord and debate betweene Raimund and Guido presented occasion to Saladin king of Turkes to recouer againe Ierusalem and other Townes possessed by Christians for the space of 88. yeeres Henry the Sixt. AEter the death of Frederike the first his sonne Henry the sixt was declared Emperour who raigned 8. yeeres hee was Crowned by Pope Caelestinus the second who tooke Constantia the daughter of Rogerius out of a Monasterie and gaue her in marriage to Henry the sixt and both Sicils were bestowed to him in way of dowrie paying alwayes to the Bishop of Rome the fee duely that was accustomed to bee paied out of those parts Henry the sixt tooke Trancredus the young king of Sicile put out his eyes and thrust him into a Monastery and vsed great cruelty against the Bishops and other inhabitants of the Isle of Sicile So that Pope Caelestinus did excommunicate him for his Barbarous crueltie but hee went to Rome acknowledged his fault and obtained pardon together with a confirmation of the kingdome of Sicile The Pope sollicited also the Emperour to lead an armie to Asia for support of distressed Christians which thing hee performed albeit he went not thither in his owne person for he sent the Bishop of Mentz the Duke of Saxonie the Duke of Austria and the Duke of Bauaria and the Lantgraue of Thuringia with many other noble persons and with a well appointed armie But the yeere following their arriual at Palestina the report of the Emperour Henries death caused them to returne backe againe to Germanie leauing the Christians in a verie desolate care CENTVRIE XIII Philippus AFter the death of Henry the sixt Philip his brother by the helpe of the Bohems Saxons Bauaroies and Sueuians tooke on him the Emperiall authoritie contrarie to the minde of Innocentius Bishop of Rome and reigned 10. yeeres In his time the country of Germanie was tormented with most cruell wars for the Pope of Rome did excommunicate him and caused the Bishop of Colen and other electors to make Otto Duke of Saxon Emperour betweene whom and Philip were fought diuers battels But Philip defended himselfe so couragiously that by force hee held the Emperiall Crowne all his life-time against the heart both of Otto and the Roman Bishop who oftentimes had threatened that either hee would pull from Phillip the Imperiall Crowne or else that Phillip shold take from him his triple Diademe so meek was this gentle Byshop In the end the Countrey of Germanie being wearied with continuall warres entreated for peace betweene Philip and the Pope which was obtained vpon these conditions that one of Philips daughters should bee giuen in marriage to Count Richard the Popes Nephew and another of his daughters should be giuen in marriage to Otto Duke of Saxon who should for that cause denude himselfe of the Emperiall dignitie Not long after this peace was concluded the Emperour was cruellie murthered in his owne chamber by Otto Count Palatine In this Emperours daies began the kingdome of the Tartarians who came from the mountains of India with their wifes and children in 〈◊〉 1202 and began to spoyle the Prouinces nerest adiacent to themselus afterward they ouerhaled the Parchians Medes Assyrians Persians Armenians and Sarmatians and in the end setled their dwelling place at Meotidis Paludes a barbarous and fierce people practising great crueltie against all nations both of Christians and others Otto Quartus AFter the death of Philip Otto Duke of Saxon was Crowned Emperour by Pope Innocentius the third Now it was the custome that hee who was crowned Emperour vsed to distribute gifts to the Romans which custome being neglected by Otto the Romans made some commotion and tumult wherein they abused the Emperours seruants He therefore departing from Rome with great discontentment invaded certaine townes belonging to the Chaire of Rome whereby hee incurred such hatred at the Popes hands that hee was forth-with excommunicated and although the Pope hated the of-spring of Henry the sixt
occasion it hath beene alreadie declared He lacked not his owne infirmities and errours euen in doctrine He was intangled with the errour of the Chiliasts He supposed that as Christ being thirtie yeere old was baptized so likewise he began to teach when he was fortie yeere old and suffered when he was fiftie because he came to saue all and therefore he would taste of all the ages of mankinde Yet is this opinion repugnant to the narration of the foure Euangelists Clemens Alexandrinus liued in the dayes of the Emperour Commodus He was the disciple of Pantenus These two seeme to be the authors of Vniversities and Colledges For they taught the grounds of Religion not by Sermons and Homilies to the people but by catecheticall doctrine to the learned in the schooles This Clemens esteemed too much of tradition like as Papias did of whom we spake in the former Centurie whereby it came to passe that he fell into many strange absurd opinions directly repugnant to the written word of God affirming that after our calling to the knowledge of the truth possibly God may grant to them that haue sinned 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but if we sin ofter then once or twise there is no more renuing by repentance or pardon for sin but a fearefull expectation of iudgement And in his 4. booke of Strom. as it were forgetting his own rigorous sentence against those who sinne ofter then once or twise after their illumination with the light of God he saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to say whether here or els-where viz. creatures do repent no place is void of the mercy of God In which words he would insinuate that those who repent either in this world or els-where that is in the world to come may possibly obtaine fauour at Gods hand nothing can be written more repugnant both to the word of God and also to his own forementioned opinion Many other worthy Preachers and learned men flourished in this Centurie whose names of purpose are pretermitted In Athens Publius Athenagoras In Corinth Primus Dionysius and Bacchilus In the Isle of Candie Philippus and Pinytus In Antiochia Hieron Theophilus Maximus Serapion In Ierusalem before the daies of the Emperour Adrian the Bishops of Ierusalem were of the nation of the Iewes But after the daies of Adrian who banished the Iewes from their natiue soile Christian Preachers of other nations were Bishops in Ierusalem such as Marcus Cassianus Publius Maximus Iulianus Capito Valens Dolichianus Narcissus the most part of all these liued in this Centurie but Narcissus with some others are knowne to haue liued in the dayes of Seuerus the fift persecuter and some space after him But to write of all other worthy Preachers Doctours in particular it were an infinite labour and far surmounting the abilitie of these ecclesiastick Writers who wrote in ancicient times and much more our abilitie who liue in a latter age CENTVRIE III. Bishops of Rome TO Victor succeeded Zephyrinus the 14. Bishop of Rome who liued in that charge eight yeeres seauen moneths ten dayes Eusebius attributeth vnto him 18. yeeres so vncertaine is the computation of the yeeres of the gouernment of the Bishops of Rome Eusebius writeth nothing of his decretall Epistles and these that are forged by late Writers are foolish and ridiculous Consecration of the holy cup to be in a vessell of glasse onely A Bishop to be accused before honest Iudges twelue in number whom the Bishop himselfe shall chuse if need be Honest and vnspotted witnesses to be heard in this cause no fewer then 72. conforme and aboue the number of those 70. Disciples whom Christ adioyned as fellow-labourers in Preaching with his Apostles And finally that no definitiue sentence should be pronounced against a Bishop vntill the time his cause were heard of the Patriarch of Rome This is but a mocking of the Church of God to attribute such smelling pride such vnaccustomed formes of Iudicatory such defencing armour fencing guarding vnrighteous men against iust deserued punishment to the simplicitie of an ancient Church humbled vnder the crosse and fighting vnder the yoke of heauie and long-lasting afflictions These false and forged decretall Epistles altogether vnknowne to the Fathers who liued before the dayes of Constantine will procure one day a decree sentence of wrath against those who haue giuen out new intended lies vnder the names of ancient and holy Fathers The canons of the Apostles albeit a booke falsely attributed to the Apostles doe agree better with Scripture then the constitution of Zephyrinus for the scripture saith That by the mouth of two or three witnesses euery word shall be confirmed The canons of the Apostles say 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is Let not an Heretique be admitted to beare witnes against a Bishop neither yet one witnesse onely albeit he be faithfull because that by the mouth of two or three witnesses euery word shall be confirmed The writer of the canons of the Apostles had some remembrance of the words of Scripture but the forger of the decretall Epistles of Zephyrinus is like vnto a ship-man who hath hoised vp his saile and aduanced his ship so far into the sea that he hath lost the sight of land and townes as the Poet speaketh Provehimur Pelago terraque vrbésque recedunt Surely this lying fellow who euer he hath bin that hath written this supposititious decretall Epistle of Zephyrinus he hath hoised vp his saile and is so bent to lie that he hath lost both sight remembrance of the words of holy Scripture Callistus the 15. Bishop of Rome continued in his charge fiue yeeres Platina saith 6. yeeres 10. moneths 10. dayes The fable of Pope Damasus who affirmeth that Callistus builded a Church to the honour of the Virgin Mary beyond Tyber is reiected by Platina himselfe because the hystorie of the time cleerely prooueth that in the dayes of Seuerus and his sonnes the conuentions of the Christians could not haue beene in magnificke temples but rather in obscure chappels or subterraneall places so that the multiplied number of lies written of the Bishops of Rome who liued in this age and the decretall Epistles falsly attributed vnto them plainly proue that the garment of antiquitie vnder the lap whereof Papists would so gladly lurke is altogether wanting to them Vrbanus 1. was the 16. Bishop of Rome He continued in his office 8. yeeres Platina 4. yeeres 10. moneths 12. dayes Of his martyrdome Eusebius maketh no mention Others who record his martyrdome are not certaine in what Emperours dayes he was martyred I proceede to his successour Pontianus the 17. B. of Rome He continued in his charge 9. yeeres 5. months 2. dayes Euseb saith 6. yeeres He was banished to the Isle Sardinia where he died Of the two decretall epistles ascribed vnto him the second is general written to al men who feare and loue God the
very first words of it proue it to be false forged Pontianus sanct● uniuersal●s Ecclesia Episcopus c. that is Pontianus B. of the holy vniuersal Church to al them who feare loue God wisheth welfare Such magnificke stiles as these were not as yet in vse when they crept into the Church afterward they were giuen by persons who admired the vertues of some singular and rare men such as Cyprian and Athanasius and Eusebius but no man did vsurpe such proud arrogant ti tles of dignitie in his owne writings directed to other Christians and therefore the learned reject this epistle as composed by some late vnlearned and flattering fellow After Pontianus succeeded Anterus the 18. B. of Rome to whom Eusebius assigned but one month of continuance in his ministrie Damasus assigneth to him 12. yeeres Platina 11. yeeres 1. month 12. dayes and this diuersitie of counting cannot be reconciled Next to Anterus succeeded Fabianus the 19. B. of Rome vpon whose head a doue lighted when the people were consulting concerning the election of a B. therefore with full consent of the whole cōgregation he was declared to be their B. The people at this time were so farre from being secluded frō giuing their consent to the election of him who should be ordained their Pastour that the consent of the people had the sway in the election of Pastours Func Chron Commentar He suffered martyrdom vnder the raigne of Decius the 7. great persecuter after hee had continued in his office 14. yeeres 11. months 11. daies Many constitutions made by him are cited by Gratianus and inserted Tom 1. Concil One of them I cannot passe by We constitute that vpon euery Lords day the oblation of the altar shall be made by euery man woman both of bread wine to the end that by these oblations they may be deliuered frō the heapes of their sinnes First marke in this constitution that the bread and wine which the people brought with them vpon the Lords day for the ministration of the holy communion is called the oblation of the altar the table whereupon the bread and wine were laide was called the alter the bread and the wine are called the offering or the sacrifice because part of it was distributed in the holy communion to keepe a memoriall of the Lords death and the rest was giuen to the sustentation of the poore and in that respect also it was called a sacrifice as ●he scripture speaketh To do good to distribute forget not for with such sacrifices God is pleased The last part of the decreet is blasphemous and falsly attributed to Fabian because the sinnes of men and women who beleeue and repent are forgiuen onely for the merite of that bloodie sacrifice which the Lord Iesus offered vpon the Crosse for our sins But our furnishing of elements to the cōmunion sustentation of the poore cannot merite forgiuenes of sins The successour of Fabianus was Cornelius the 20. Bishop of Rome He had a great strife against Nouatus and his complices He assembled a Councell at Rome of 60. Bishops besides Elders and Deacons by whom the heresie of Nouatus was condemned and the Nouatians were separated from the fellowship of the Church Cornelius was bāished from Rome by the Emperour Decius and sent to a towne in Hetruria called Centum-cellae where hee had great comfort by the mutuall letters that passed betweene him and Cyprian Bishop of Carthage When the Emperour got knowledge of this he sent for Cornelius and accused him as a man who not onely despised the worshipping of the gods was disobedient to the Emperours commandement but also that he was a trafficker against the estate of the empire by receiuing and sending letters beyond sea Cornelius answered that he wrote matters pertaining to Christ the saluation of mens soules and not of matters belonging to the estate of the empire Notwithstanding the Emperour Decius commanded that hee should be scourged with plumbats this was a sort of grieuous whip and afterward that hee should be led to the Temple of Mars with commandement to put him to death if he refused to worship the image of Mars Thus was Cornelius beheaded for the name of Christ after hee had gouerned 2. yeeres 3. daies Or as Eusebius writeth 3. yeares Lucius the 21. Bishop of Rome was successour to Cornelius continued in the gouernement of the Church of Rome 3. yeeres 3. months 3. daies Platin. Euseb. 8. months lib. 7. cap. 2. One decretall epistle is assigned vnto him written vnto the Bishoppes of France and Spaine wherein hee braggeth that the Bishops of Rome cannot erre in matter of faith but the ineptitude of a barbarous Latine stile wherein the Epistle is dited declareth it hath beene written by an vnlearned Asse and not by Lucius Bishop of Rome Stephanus 22. Bishop of Rome ruled that Church 2 yeeres Platin. 7. yeeres 5. months 2. dayes He was greatly commoued against Cyprian B. of Carthage because that by his opinion of rebaptizing those who were baptized by Heretikes the vnitie of the Church of Christ was perturbed and rent Platina writeth that Cyprian before his martyrdome forsooke his opinion of rebaptizing and was content by imposition of hands according to the custome of the Romane Church to receiue such as had beene baptized by Heretikes The constitution concerning consecrated garments that men in spirituall offices should weare in the Church and no where else lest they incurre the like punishment with Baltasar who abused the holy vessels of the house of God in my opinion is not judiciously attributed by Platina vnto this B. Stephanus because the ordinance smelleth rather of Iudaisme then of Christian religion and the reason subioyned to the constitution is altogether impertinent It was sacriledge indeed and a proud contempt of God in the person of Baltasar to drinke common wine with his harlots in the vessels of gold dedicated to the holy seruice of God but an holy preacher to walke in the same apparell in the streete wherein he preached and ministred the communion in the Church this is no sinne nor a thing forbidden by any Apostolike precept But Platina is dreaming when he ascribeth such sriuolous constitutions to a Bishop preparing himselfe for death for Platina supposeth that he was martyred in the dayes of Galliexus Let the reader marke vpon what sandy ground of friuolous constitutions and falsely alledged Popish faith is grounded The decree of Stephanus concerning marriage bearing that the Priests Deacons Subdeacons of the Oriental Church were coupled in matrimonie but in the Roman Church no person in a spiritual office from the Bishop to the Subdeacon had libertie to marrie if it were true as it is assuredly false the Orientall Church hath a great commendation because they would not be wiser then God and they would not lay the yoke of the ordinances of men vpon the
consciences of their Church-men but prohibition of marriage which I haue prooued to be a doctrine of deuils cannot be referred to so ancient a beginning The Romane church desirous to be masked with a shewe of antiquitie they haue attributed Canons to the Apostles which are not found in their writings Yet it is a shame to the forgers of these canons to be found the principall impugners and transgressers of them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to say A Bishop elder or deacon who vnder pretence of religion putteth away his owne wife if he cast her off let him be excommunicated and if hee perseuere in so doing let him be deposed How can this constitution of Stephanus agree with the Canons of the Apostles Heere I appeale to the consciences of honest and vpright men if they finde not that the lie is not onely repugnant vnto the veritie but also vnto it selfe The supposititious Canons of the Apostles and the supposititious constitutions of Stephanus cannot both consist I know what they answere viz. that the Canons of the Apostles speake of those Bishops Elders and Deacons who had wiues when they were admitted to ecclesiasticall offices these should not put away their wiues vnder pretence of religion but concerning others who were vnmarried in the time of their admission the 25. Canon declareth otherwise 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to vnmarried men who are promoted to the clergie we command that if they please they shall marrie but onely readers and singers to wit shall haue this priuiledge It is an vnsufferable thing to heare such leuitie and inconstancie imputed to the holy Apostles that they debarred no man from the office of a Bishop Elder or Deacon because he was a married man O but if any man enter vnmarried to be a Bishop Elder or Deacon then hee must not marrie If marriage had beene an vncleane thing it might haue debarred men from entering into holy offices but if it be a cleane thing it cannot exclude them after they haue entred The other decreet alledged out of Gratian dist 79. Oporrebat ut haec c. that by the constitution of Peter and his successors it was ordained that one of the Cardinall Elders or Deacons should be consecrated to be Bishop of Rome no other Such stiles of preheminence are vnknown to scripture and to the antiquitie of this time Xistus or Sixtus the 2. of that name and in number the 23. Bishop of Rome succeeded to Stephanus and gouerned 2. yeeres 10. months 23. dayes And Func Chron 11. yeeres such vncertaintie is in counting the yeeres of their administration The chaire of Rome through the vehemencie of persecution was vacant without a successour 1. yeere 11. months 15. dayes as Damasus granteth and Onuphrius the corrector of Platina cannot denie If the Bishop of Rome be the head of the Church then was the Church headlesse almost for the space of two yeeres To Xistus 2 succeeded Dionysius 24. Bishop of Rome and continued in his ministration 9. yeeres according to the computation of Eusebius Damasus assigneth vnto him 6. yeeres 2. months Marianus 6. yeeres and 5. months such certaintie is in the cheife and principall ground of the Romane faith concerning the succession of the Romane Bishops that scarse two writers doe agree in one minde concerning the time of their succession To Dionysius succeeded Felix 1. the 25. Bishop of Rome and gouerned 5. yeeres He liued in the dayes of Aurelian the 9. persecuter and obtained the honour of martyrdome In the three supposititious decretall epistles assigned to him the second epistle written to the Bishops of the Prouinces of France very sollicitously careth for Bishops that they be not accused by secular men but with so many caueats as in effect exempteth them from all accusation The language wherin the epistle is indited cannot agree with the ornat stile of the Latin tongue in this age he being a Romane borne as Platina writeth Post quam ipse ab ●s charitativè conventus fuerit Ad summos primates causa ejus canonicè defertur Conciliū regulariter convocare debebunt c. The Galilean language manifested not more euidently that Peter was a man of Galile then the first of these 3. phrases manifesteth that the foresaid epistle was compiled in a time of great barbaritie Eutychianus the 26. Bishop of Rome followed after Felix 1. Heē continued scarce ten months in his ministrie Caius the 27. Bishop of Rome succeeded to Eutychianus and continued 15. yeeres He liued in the dayes of the persecution of Dioclesian and lurked for a time in subterraneall places In the end he was found out by the persecuters and put to death and with his brother Gabinius and his brothers daughter Susanna suffered martyrdome Here it is to be marked that many martyrs died before the edict of horrible persecution was set forth in the 19. yeere of Dioclesians raigne For Marcellinus succeeded to Caius Anno 298. but the cruell edicts of persecution of Dioclesian were not set forth before the 308. yeere of our Lord. Whereby it appeareth euidently that many Christians were put to death before the edicts of horrible persecution were renued by the Emperour Dioclesian So hard was the outward estate of Christians that they were put to death vpon the warrant of the edicts of Valerian and Aurelian before the edicts of Dioclesian and Maximian came forth To Caius is attributed the constitution of ecclesiastical orders and degrees by which men must mount vp to the dignitie of a Bishop First he must be Ostiarius next Lector 3. Exorcista 4. Acoluthus 5. Subdiaconus 6. Diaconus 7. Presbyter and last of all Episcopus This order of ascending by degrees to the dignitie of a Bishop is confidently referred to the constitution of the Apostles but I say Beatus qui non credit that is happie is he who beleeueth it not Like as within scripture there is no lie so likewise without scripture there is no truth in matters of faith ordering of maners and appointing of ecclesiastical offices all that is necessarie is contained in the written Word of God But now to performe a part of that which I promised in the end of my treatise of Antiquitie and to let euēry man see what vnlearned Asses they haue been who haue set foorth the fained decretall epistles of the fathers of this age In the epistle written by Caius to the Bishop Felix aboue-mentioned hee saith If any man of what dignitie so euer he be delate such persons viz. Bishops Elders Deacons for faultes that cannot bee proued let him vnderstand that by the authoritie of this constitution hee shall be counted infamous This constitution hath three parts First that no ecclesiasticall 1 person should be accused before a secular Iudge Secondly if any accusation be intended against Bishop Elder or Deacon it should be qualified by sufficient probation Thirdly if the accuser succumbe
afffirmed that the soules of men perish with their bodies and are raised vp againe in the day of the resurrection with the bodies whom Origen mightily refuted Likewise hee was present at the Councell in Arabia gathered against Berillus Bishop of Bostra who denyed that Christ was existent before his manifestation in the flesh and by the travelles of Origen Berillus was reclaimed and reduced to the true faith therefore I reckon him not in the roll of heretickes Firmilianus Bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia invited Origen to come to Cappadocia where hee detained him a long time Likewise Mammea the mother of Alexander the Emperour sent for him to come to Antiochia and had him in reverent regard Likewise hee wrote to the Emperour Philip and to his mother who was the first Emperour that professed the name of Christ. Hee studied to bee acquainted with the Hebrew language farre contrary to the custome of his owne Nation and hee conferred the Hebrew text with the Greeke translations not onely the Septuagints but also the translations of Aquila Theodosion and Symmachus and he found out the fift sixt and seventh editions Notwithstanding all these excellent gifts and renowned fame of Origen hee wanted not his owne grosse errours and foolish facts In expounding of Scriptures he became a curious searcher out of allegories Yet this father of allegories Origen mistooke the words of Christ spoken of Eunuches There bee some chaste which haue made themselues chaste for the kingdome of heauen these words I say spoken in an allegor●coll sense hee tooke in a simple and vnfigurate meaning and gelded himselfe to the end hee might liue without all suspition of vncleannesse No learned man hath commended this fact of Origen so farre as my reading can extend for if a man might lawfully dismember his own body to the end hee might liue chastely why might not a man in like manner cut off his owne hand to the end he should not in hastie motion of anger kill his neighhour But the obedience of the commandements of God is seated in the heart and more commended for voluntary subiection then for necessity of abstinence of committing evill because there is not an instument in the body able to commit transgression Finally by seeking of divinity without the bounds of the holy Scriptures of God in stead of true divinity he was entangled with foolish errors concerning the creation of many worlds one succeeding to another concerning the paines of divels and wicked men after long torments to be finished and concerning the possibility of nature to keepe the whole law of God For which opinions long after his death he was excommunicate in the fift generall Councell holden Anno 551. Concerning his weakenesse in offering to Idols rather then to suffer his chaste body to be abused I haue spoken in the historie of the seventh persecution Hee lived vntill the dayes of Gallus and Volusianus and died in 69. yeere of his age in the towne of Tyrus where hee was buried Cyprian was an African borne in Carthage in his youth altogether given to the studie and practice of Magicall arts His conversion was by the meanes of Cecilius a Preacher whose name after hee bare and through occasion of hearing the history of the prophet Ionah After his conversion hee distributed all his substance to the poore and became first a Presbyter and afterward Bishop of Carthage Hee was banished in the persecution of Decius and martyred vnder Valerian The worthy D. I. Foxe thinketh that Nazianzen commendeth another Bishop of that same name borne in Antiochia and Bishop in Antiochia who suffered martyrdome in the dayes of Dioclesian This Cyprian Bishop of Carthage was a man full of loue a great comforter of Cornelius Bishop of Rome He suffered martyrdome as Ierom writeth that same day albeit not in the same yeere that Cornelius concluded his life by glorious martyrdome Hee had great strife against two contrarie Sects viz. againsh Novatus who was excessiue rigorous against those who had fallen in time of persecution and against Novatia●us and Felicissimus who by the contrary would haue had both Heretiques and Apostates received without all forme of Ecclesiasticall discipline He esteemed much of those who suffered rebuke for the Name of Christ and hee sayd of the metall mynes that those that were condemned for Christs sake to worke in them that whereas they were wont to deliver gold and silver and precious things vnto the world now by the contrary the mynes receiue gold and siluer and the most precious things in the world counting the Confessours and Martyres of Christ the rich treasures of the earth of whom the world was not worthy His opinion concerning rebaptizing such as were baptized by Heretiques albeit it was erronius yet his modesty in not damning them rashly who were of a contrary opinion is greatly praised by Saint Austen who saith that the modestie of Cyprian in his error was more to be regarded then a sound and right opinion concerning baptisme without humility and modesty Hee was a faithfull builder of the house of God not by word onely but also by writing and his bookes remaine to this day as a precious treasure in the Church of Christ. The booke de Revelatione capitis Iohannis Baptisiae is supposititious because in it mention is made of the reverence that Pipinus King of France did to the head of Iohn Baptist when it was transported from Constantinople to France and it is knowne that Pipinus was not borne 300. yeeres after the martyrdom of Cyprian how then could Cyprian write of a fact done so long time after his death The Church of Christ was multiplyed vnder the persecutions of S●verus Maximinus Decius Valerian Aurelian and Dioclesian All these sixe persecutions are comprehended in the third Centurie Bishops of Ierusalem IN Ierusalem was Narcissus against whom wicked men combined themselues together with forged accusations and false testimonies sealed vp with oaths and imprecations to grieue the heart of Narcissus in so much that hee left his calling and fled to the wildernesse where hee lurked a long time But the false witnesses who bare testimony against him escaped not vnpunished by the hand of God One of them and his whole family and substance was burned with fire another of them was stricken with an heavie disease such as hee himselfe in his imprecations had wished vnto himselfe the third was terrified with the sight of the iudgements of God that lighted vpon the other two and hee repented and poured out the griefe of his dolorus heart in such aboundance of teares that hee became blinde All these false witnesses were punished and he who was penitent albeit the Lord pardoned his sinne yet hee chastised him with temporall punishments The Bishops of the next adiacent Churches because they knew not what was become of Narcissus they admitted another called Dios who continued but a short time To him
wherein it is written Aske of me and I will giue thee the Heathen for thine inheritance and the ends of the world for thy possession This place proues the Church to be Catholicke Also whereas they saide that Baptisme was not auaileable except some of their sect had beene present at the administration thereof he answereth That when God first created the Element of water the presence of the Trinitie was powerfull in operation to create water albeit none of the Donatists were then present Euen so the Trinitie can worke effectually in Baptisme albeit none of the Donatists be present Yea and that it was God the author of Baptisme and not the Minister that did sanctifie according as it is written Wash me and I shall be whiter then the snow c. Bishops and Doctours of Europe ACHOLIVS Bishop of Thessalonica baptized the Emperour Theodosius after he returned from the slaughter of Maximus The Emperour fell sicke by the way before he came to Constantinople and was desirous to be baptized Neverthelesse he would not suffer Acholius to baptize him vntill he was assured that Acholius was not spotted with the Arrian Heresie After Baptisme the Emperour recouered his health againe Acholius was brought vp in Monasteries like as Epiphanius and many other worthie men were brought vp Hilarius Bishop of Poitiers in France liued vnder the raigne of Constantius a man in Religion constant in manners meeke and courteous He was banished immediately after the Councell of Millane to Phrygia as some suppose Theodoretus writeth that he was banished to Thebaida and relieued againe from banishment vnder Iulian. But it is more apparent that he remained in Phrygia vntill the Councell of Seleucia vnto which Councell he was brought from banishment not by any speciall commandement from the Emperour but by a generall commandement giuen to his Deputie Leonas to assemble together the Bishops of the East Vnder pretence of obeying this commandement Hilarius being banished in the East was brought to the Councell of Seleucia from Seleucia he went to Constantinople The Emperour refused to heare him reason with the Arrians in the matters of Faith but gaue him libertie to returne to his owne countrey againe He tooke great paines to purge the countrey of France from the poyson of Arrian heresie and he preuailed so farre that Ierom compares him to Deucalion who both sawe the flood of waters ouer-flowing Thessalia and the abating of them also Euen so Hilarius saw both the growth and decay of Arrianisme in France He liued sixe yeeres after his returning from banishment and concluded his life vnder the reigne of Valentinian Ambrose the sonne of Symmachus was a man of noble parentage vnder the Emperour Valentinian he was gouernour of Liguria At this time Auxentius Bishop of Millane an Arrian died Great sedition was in the Towne for the election of a new Bishop euery man contending to haue a Bishop chosen of that faith which he himselfe best liked Ambrose fearing the vndoing of the Towne by this intestine contention exhorted them to vnitie and concord with words and reasons to perswas●●e that the people with one consent cried out they would be all of one minde if that Ambrose were appointed to be their Bishop The Emperour thought this inexpected consent of the people came from GOD and he consented to the desire of the people So was Ambrose ordained Bishop of Millaine After the death of Valentinian he was grieuously troubled by Iustina the mother of Valentinian the second for shee was infected with Arrianisine Ambrose was fauoured by the people and would not betray the sheepe-folde of GOD to Wolues The particular description of the broile of Iustina may be read at length in the Epistle that Ambrose writes to his sister Marcellina The miracle wrought at the sepulchres of Protasius and Gervasius mittigated somewhat the furie of Iustina But the dolorous tydings of the slaughter of Gratianus compelled Iustina to flie from Italie to Illyricum for safetie of her owne life and her sonnes life He sustained also great trouble vnder the two Tyrants Maximus and Eugenius so that he was compelled in the time of Maximus to flie to Aquileia and in the time of Eugenius to flie to Hetruria He liued also vnder the raigne of Theodosius whom hee sharpely reprooued for the slaughter of the innocent people of Thessalonica and died in the third yeere of the raigne of Honorius after he had gouerned the Church of Millane twentie-two yeeres Prudentius a man of Spaine a Lawyer at some times and a Warriour at other times in his young yeeres In his old age he writ of diuine matters He liued vnder the reigne of Valentinian the second of Theodosius and his sonnes He set forth his knowledge in Bookes of Latine Poesie albeit Greeke inscriptions be prefixed vnto them such as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which intreateth of the fight betwixt the spirit and the flesh 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which intreateth of the workes to be done in the day time 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 intreateth of Divinitie and divine things 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 intreateth of Originall sinne against Cerdon and Marcion the Authors of two beginnings 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a booke conteining the prayses of victorious Martyrs In this Booke is frequent invocation of Saints expresse against holy Scripture 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 conteining Histories both of the olde and new Testament The verses wherein he argueth the Heresie of the Manicheans who attributed vnto Christ not a true but a phantasticall bodie made of aire are very judiciously conceiued Restat vt aëriam pingas ab origine gentem● Aërios proceres Leuim Iudam Simeonem Aerium DAVID magnorum corpora Regum Aeria at que ipsam foecundae virginis alvum Acre fallaci nebulisque nube tumentem The Ecclesiasticall Writers whom I haue chiefly followed in this Compend make no mention of him Osius Bishop of Corduba was a Confessor in the Persecution of Dioclesian and Maximianus He was regarded by the Emperour Constantine for the markes of the rebuke of Christ. The Emperour employed him in the schisme in Aegypt betwixt Alexander and Arrius Likewise he sent him to the Bishops of the East who differed in opinion from the Bishops of the West concerning the keeping of Easter day He was present at the Councell of Nice where he damned the heresie of Arrius And at the councell of Sardica he absolued Athanasius Paulus c. Neither was he terrified with the menacing Letters of Constantius but answered couragiously that Athanasius was an innocent man and that the Emperour did not well to hearken to the calumnies of Versatous and Valens men who had by writ confessed to Iulius Bishop of Rome that the accusations intended against Athanasius were but forged calumnies And this they did of their owne accord freely and not compelled In his decrepit yeeres for hee liued an hundreth yeeres some
weaknesse was found in him At the councell of Syrmium he was compelled to be present in that assembly of Arrian Bishops to whose wicked constitutions fearing torture and banishment from which he was lately reduced he subscribed Ierom was borne in a towne of Dalmatia called Stridon and was instructed in the Rudiments of Learning at Rome From Rome he went to France of purpose to increase his knowledge and to diuerse other places and he returned againe to Rome where he acquainted himselfe with honourable women such as Marcella Sophronia Principia Paula and Eustochium to whom he expounded places of holy Scripture for he was admitted presbyter He was counted worthie to succeed Damasus B. of Rome his gifts were enuied at Rome therefore he left Rome and tooke his voiage toward Palestina By the way he acquainted himselfe with Epiphanius B. of Cyprus with Nazianzenus B. in Constantinople with Didymus Doctor in the Schoole of Alexandria and sundry other men of Note and Marke In the end he came to Iudea and made choise of the place of the Lords Natiuitie to be the place of his death At Bethlehem Paula a Noble woman who accompanied Ierom and his brother Paulinianus from Rome vpon her owne charges builded foure Monasteries Ierom guided one Monasterie wherein were a number of Monkes The other three wherein there were companies of holy Virgines she guided her selfe Ierom was a man of sterne disposition and more inclinable to a solitary and Monkish life then to fellowship and societie Neither Heliodorus in the Wildernesse nor Ruffinus out of the Wildernesse could keepe inuiolable friendship with him The Letters that passed betwixt August and Ierom declare that Ierom knew not how great a victory it was in loue in humilitie and friendship to ouer-come them who seemed to contend against him Ierom wanted not his owne grosse errours Concerning the creation hee thought that Angels Thrones Dominations were existent before the world was created In his Bookes written against Iouinian he writeth not reuerently of Mariage and he seemeth to condemne the second Mariage He ended his life about the twelfth yeere of the raigne of Honorius in the yeere of his age 91. Ecclesiasticall Writers haue filled their Bookes with excessiue commendations of Heremites and Monks of whom God willing I shall write in a particular Treatise of Monasticall life CENTVRIE V. Patriarches of Rome AFter Stricius succeeded Anastatius and gouerned the Church of Rome three yeeres About the yeere of our Lord 401. hee entred into his office vnder the raigne of Honorius Hee made a constitution that men should not sit but stand when the Gospell was read After him succeeded Innocentius and continued in his office fifteene yeeres hee was an aduersarie to the Novatians and Pelagians and was friendly to Iohn Chrysostome whose deposition Eudoxia the Emperours wife had procured Innocentius sent to Honorius and Arcadius fiue Bishops and two Presbiters to procure the appointment of a Councell wherein the cause of Chrysostome might be examined for hee counted the gathering of an Ae cumenicke Councell the only remedy whereby the vehement tempest of so great commotions as followed the deposition and banishment of Chrysostome could be settled but the aduersaries of Chrysostome procured the messengers of Innocentius to be ignominiously entreated and sent backe againe Heere let the iudicious Reader marke that the power of conuocating generall Councells appertained to the Emperour and not vnto the Bishop of Rome In this mans time according to mine opinion the Roman Church began to swell in pride and to vsurpe iurisdiction ouer other Churches hauing no better ground than a personall and temporall act of the councel of Sardica Zosimus the successor of Innocentius continued not aboue the space of a yeere and 5. months in office or 2. yeeres as Socrates writeth To him Platina ascribeth this constitution that no seruant should be assumed into the clergie but he lamenteth that not onely seruants but also the sons of strange women and flagitious persons were admitted to spirituall offices to great detriment of the Church He sent Faustinus a Bishop to the Councell of Carthage with 2. Presbyters of the Romane Church to craue that no matter of moment and importance should be done without aduise of the Roman Bishop He pretended an act of the councell of Nice allotting this dignitie to the Romane chaire but after diligent search of the principall register no such act was found I expected that Onuphrius now should haue compeared in so maine a point said something to the cause which with tooth naile he defendeth but in his annotations I see nothing except a diuersity of coūting of yeres for in his reckoning Zosimus continued 3. yeeres 4-months To Zosimus succeeded Bonifacius 1. and gouerned 3. yeeres At his election there was a schisme in Rome Some elected Bonifacius others Eulalius to be their bishop The Emperour Honorius bāished them both from Rome but after 7 months Bonifacius was restored and was Bishop of Rome at this time they were bishops of Rome to whom the Emperour gaue allowance but they were not Emperours to whom the Bishop of Rome gaue allowance After Bonifacius Coelestinus gouerned the Church of Rome eight yeeres ten months and seuenteene dayes He was an aduersary to the Novatians Pelagians and to Nestorius and his adherents Socrates taketh him vp right that hee was bitter against the Novatians for desire of preheminence In Constantinople they who professed the true faith had libertie to meete together ●albeit in matters of discipline their opinion was not found but Coelestinus silenced Rusticola the Bishop of the Novatians For desire to haue all Bishoppes stouping vnder his soueraignitie Marke the words of Socrates in the Latine translation bearing these words Romano Episcopatus iam ●dim peri●de atque Alexandrin● ultra sacred●●● lu●●tes a●d exterum dominatum progr●ss● that is the bishoprick of Rome euen of old hauing stepped beyond the limites of Priesthood to an externall domination as the Bishopricke of Alexandria had done before Pelagius had propagated his heresie in the Isle of Britaine But Coelestinus hindred the propagation of a wicked heresie by sending Germanus to the Brittaines and Palladius to the Scots Coelestinus more impudently than his predecessours Innocentius Zosimus and Bonifacius vrged a submission of the Churches of Carthage vnto the Romane chaire and that they should accept in fauour Appiarius whom they excommunicated for his appellation from his owne Bishop to the Bishop of Rome but the fathers of the sixt Councell of Carthage would neither absolue Appiarius before his repentance were knowne neither would they stoup vnder the iurisdiction of the Roman Church To Coelestinus succeeded Sixtus the third and continued in office eight yeeres ninteene dayes Hee was accused of the crime of Adultery by Bassus but Sixtus was found innocent and Bassus was found a calumniator and a false accuser
and Eutyches they in like maner absolued him And finally after his death in the fift general councell his writings against the twelue heades of Cyrillus were damned All these troubles proceeded from one and the selfe same ground to wit vpon the extraordinarie loue hee caried toward his Patriarch Iohn This one thing laid aside hee was nothing inferiour to the most wise accurate and learned writers of the ancient time In the first of his learned dialogues called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he prooueth that the Word became flesh without changing of the diuine Nature into the humane Nature or the humane Nature into the diuine Euen as in the Sacrament of the Supper of the Lord the bread becomes the body of the Lord not by changing the substance of it but by assuming by grace an other vse than it had the very symbol obtaineth the name of the thing represented by the symbol When Papists doe read the dialogues of Theodoritus let them leaue off to bragge of the antiquitie of the doctrine of Transubstantiation and take them to the Monke Damascene the first authour of their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he continued at least thirtie yeeres in his ministrie and ended his life as is supposed vnder the raigne of Leo the first Augustine in his young yeeres was infected with the errour of the Manicheans His mother Monica watered her face many times with teares in her prayers begging at God his conuersion to the truth God heard her prayers he was sent to Millan to be a teacher of Rhetoricke by the preaching of Ambrose Bishop of Millan and the deuote behauiour of the people in singing Psalmes to the praise of God the like whereof Augustine had neuer seene in any place before for men in earth praising God with ardent affection seemed to represent the Angels of heauen who incessantly prayse God with vnspeakable desire Also with the reading of the life of Antonius the heremite he was wonderfully moued and began to dislike his former conuersation which hee had spent in worldly pleasures and went vnto a quiet garden accompanied with Alipius with many teares he bewailed the insolencie of his bypast conuersation wishing the time to be now come wherein without farther delay his soule should be watred with the dew of the conuerting grace of God And as he was powring out the griefe of his wounded heart to God with a flood of teares hee heard a voyce saying vnto him tolle lege and againe tolle lege that is to say take vp and read take vp and read At the first hearing he tooke it to haue beene the voyce of boyes or maides speaking in their play such words one to another but when he looked about could see no body hee knew it to be a celestiall admonition warning him to take vp the booke of holy Scripture which he had in the garden with him and read Now the first place that fell in his hands after the opening of the booke was this Not in gluttonie nor drunkennes nor in chambring nor wantonnesse nor in strife or enuying but put on the Lord Iesus Christ and take no thought of the flesh to fulfill the lustes thereof At the reading whereof he was so fully resolued to forsake the vanities of the world and to become a Christian that immediatly thereafter he was baptized by Ambrose Bishop of Millan with his companion Alipius and his sonne Adeodatus After this hee returned to Africke and was coadiutor to Valerius Bishop of Hippo as Chrysostome was to Flauianus in Antiocha and after the departure of Valerius he was Bishop of Hippo his vncessant trauels in teaching Gods people and in stopping the mouthes of heretikes and gainsaiers of the truth of God specially Donatists Pelagians and Manichean heretikes his learned writings do testifie When he had liued 76. yeeres he rested from his labours before the Vandales had taken the towne of Hippo which in time of Augustines sicknesse they had besieged In this Century flourished worthy preachers in France such as Eutherius Bishop of Lions Saluianus B. of Marseill who liued at that time when the nation of the Gothes oppressed France and many beganne to doubt of the prouidence of God in respect that wicked men had so great vpper-hand Salvianus in his godly and learned bookes doth declare that it is a iust thing with God to punish men who knowes their dutie best with greatest punishments in respect that oft times they are most negligent doers of it Clauaianus Mammertus Bishop of Vienne is praised by Sidonius with excessiue commendations as if all the graces of Ierom Augustine Basilius Nazianzenus and many other fathers had beene incorporated into his person Hilarius first Bishop of Arls and afterward as appeareth of Vienne opposed himselfe directly to Leo Bishop of Rome and would acknowledge no iurisdiction nor domination of the Bishop of Rome ouer the Churches of France for this cause Leo accused him as an vsurper of supremacie onely because hee would not stoupe vnder his feete but Hilarius came to Rome nothing regarding the anathems and cursings of the Romane B. and in his face affirmed that neither did Christ appoint Peter to be head of the rest of the Apostles neither had the Bishop of Rome a soueraigntie ouer the Churches of Fraunce All the grandure of Leo his speeches was to talke of those few words Tu es Petrus super ha● petra c. that is thou art Peter and vpon this Rocke c. as if Christ had breathed vppon him and had bidden him receiue the holy Spirit so confidently did he affirme that in these wordes was allotted a supremacie to the Bishoppes of Rome the successors of Peter But this grandure I say of his proud conceites and vaine interpretation of Scripture made not men of vnderstanding incontinentlie to stoup vnder the feete of a proud Prelate Vincentius Lirinensis a mightie impugner of heresies Prosper Aquitāicus Sidōius B. in some part of Ouernie Martinus Turonensis is cōmended for the gift of many miraculous workes that were wrought by his hands He cōpared virginitie marriage fornication to a medow a part wherof was eaten by the pastoring of beastes another part was hollwed by the rudenes of rooting swine and the third part was vntouched but flourishing in the per●ect growth of grasse neere to mowing time Fornication he compared to the part of the medow that was hollowed and misf●shioned with Swine Mariage to that part of the medow that was pastored so that the herbes had then rootes but wanted the beautie of their flowres but virginitie is like vnto that part of the medow that is vntouched flourishing with roote blade flower and all kinde of perfection In counting marriage good but virginitie better hee followeth the doctrine of the holy Apostle Paul R●● gius Bishop of Rhemes by whom Clodo●eus the first Christian king of France was baptized and the whole countrie of France was purged
the towne of Damascus into the hands of the Emperor Leo. Vpon this occasion saith Iohn Patriarch of Ierusalem the Prince of Saracens cut off the hand of Damascene and on the other part Damascene by humble kneeling before the Image of the Virgin Marie was miraculously cured and restored againe to the power of his hand But this is like to the rest of popish fables and lyes For Damascene writeth many notable fables for cōfirmation of adoration of Images And in case a miracle had beene wrought in his owne person by prostrating himselfe before an Image Damascene had no manner of way ouer-passed with silence the memoriall thereof But we haue to doe with adversaries who are not ashamed of lies Damascene was a diligent reader of the bookes of ancient Fathers as appeareth by his foure bookes De Orthodoxa fide but not so diligent a reader of holy Scripture which is the ground of manifold errors His history of Iosophat King of India is knowne to be a Monkish fable Paulus Diaconus of the kindred of the Lombards became a deacon in Aquileia hee was carryed captiue into France in the dayes of Charles the great who besieged Papia banished Desiderius and made an end of the Kingdome of the Lombards Afterwards he was accused of treason and conspiracie against Charles King of France His malicious and hatefull accusers were bent to haue had his hands cut off or his eyes put out but King Charles pitying him for his learning was content that hee should bee banished to the Isle of Diomedes From thence hee fled and came to Beneventum where Arachis was dwelling who had married Adelporga the daughter of Desiderius In his palace it is thought hee writ his sixe bookes De rebus gestis Longobardorum After the death of Arachis hee came to the Monastery called Cassinense where hee ended his life Beda a man borne and brought vp in England was called venerable and was in great account in his time Onely he was miserably intangled with deceitfull Antichristian errors vniversally overspred in his dayes In writing reading and praying hee was a man of incessant paines Nothing is found in him more commendable then his patient suffering of the agonies immediately preceding his dissolution with a desire to be dissolved and to be with Christ. Albertus Gallus a Bishop in some part of France a learned and godly man opposed himselfe mightily to Boniface the foot-groom of the Roman Antichrist with whom concurred two learned men borne in Scotland named Clemens Presbyter and Samson and offered to prooue both by word and writing that Bonifacius was an author of lyes a troubler of the peace of Christians and a corrupter and deceiver of the people But Pope Zacharias excommunicated them before they were heard in lawfull Assembly and gaue power to his foot-groome Bonifacius to depose them and procured at the hands of the King of France that they should be cast into prison and bound with bonds as schismatickes false teachers and sacrilegious men Such reward men received who were witnesses to the truth of God and reprehended any corruption of the Romane Church In like manner Iohannes Mailrosius and Claudius Clemens learned men of Scotland sent by King Achaius to Charles King of France and the first professors of learning in the Academie founded by Charles the great in Paris these two likewise were disliked of the Roman Church because they could not assent to all the superstions of that Church in this age so miserably deformed CENTVRIE IX Popes of Rome AFter Leo the third succeeded Stephanus the fourth and ruled seuen months He was not elected with consent and allowance of the Emperour but onely by the Clergie and the people of Rome Here it is well marked by Functius that the Roman Church doth obserue their owne lawes so inuiolably that the priuiledge granted to the Emperour by Pope Leo the third it is vndone againe euen in his first successors time to wit in Pope Stephanus the fourth his time In the third month of his Popedome he journied toward France for what cause it is not certaine but it appeareth he would trie the Emperours minde whether or no he was griued for this that he had beene elected Pope without the consent and fore-knowledge of the Emperour When he returned againe finding that Ludouicus Pius the Emperour was not greatly grieued at the matter but accepted his excuse he began to make Commentaries vpon the Decrees of Hadrian the first and Leo the third to wit that they meaned not that the Emp. should bee first acquainted with the election of the Pope but rather that after his election the Emperour should be acquainted with the businesse before the Pope were anointed By such false Glosses and Commentaries they were by degrees excluding the Emperour from all kind of medling with the election of the Pope After Stephanus the fourth succeeded Pascalis the first who was elected without consent of the Emperour Hee sent Ambassadours to excuse himselfe to the Emperour Ludouicus Pius because the Clergie and people had compelled him to accept the Popedome The Emperour Ludouicus Pius on the other part seeing how this matter went and that he was troubled with the vnconstancie ambition and obstinacie of the Romane Church he gaue them libertie to choose their owne Bishop without the fore-knowledge and consent of the Emperour in time to come And Pascalis after hee had ruled seuen yeeres and seuenteene dayes he ended his course Eugenius the second succeeded Pascalis and ruled foure yeeres His Popedome was in the time when Lotharius was appointed to gouerne Italie His commendations are these great Learning great Eloquence with a mixture of great Hypocrisie Valentinus the successour of Eugenius within the space of fourtie dayes after that he was elected of a Deacon to be Pope hee concluded his life To Valentinus succeeded Gregorius the fourth and ruled sixteene yeeres Ludouicke and his sonne Lotharius were Emperours at this time without whose consent hee would not accept his Popedome Gregorie would haue seemed to haue beene a mediator betwixt Ludouicke and his sonnes but he is marked with a note of shame in the Magdeburg history as a man who encreased discord rather than quenched it What he did in the Conuention at Aken which was conueened by the authoritie of the Emperour it shall be declared God willing in its owne place To Gregorie the fourth succeeded Sergius the second ruled three yeeres He seemed to be the first Pope who chāged the name giuen vnto him in Baptisme for he was called Os porci that is the mouth of the Sowe and for the basenes of the name he called himselfe by the name of one of his antecessours Lotharius sent Ludouick his eldest son accōpanied with many Noble persons to be crowned Emperour for Lotharius thought meete to enter into a Monasterie and to lament for his by-past sinnes especially for grieuing the heart of his
second or third day after his soule shall not be blessed but polluted Therefore the Gibeonites because they brought old bread to the children of Israel it was ioyned them to hew wood and beare water In this age also are found some learned men who detested the pride of the Bishop of Rome such as Hildebertus Archbishop of Towrs a disciple of Berengarius and an excellent Poet who made this distinchon of the towne of Rome Vrbs foelix si vel dominis vrbs illa careret Vel dominis esset turpe carere fide Bernard Abbot of Claravall borne in Burgundie was respected in his countrey aboue others who although hee lived in a most corupt age yet he was found in the doctrine of iustification as may appeare by the words which hee vttered on a time being diseased after this manner I grant saith he I am vnworthy and that I cannot obtaine the kingdome of heaven by mine owne merits neverthelesse my Lord hath a double right to it First by this right that he is his fathers heire Secondly by right of the merit of his suffering With the first right he contenteth himselfe The second he bestoweth on vs by whose free gift I claime a right thereto and am not confounded Hee detested the corruption of manners which abounded in his time as may bee knowne by the words of Hugo Cardinalis It seemeth saith he good Iesus that the whole vniuersitie of Christian people haue conspired against thee and these are the chiefe persecutors who haue the principall roomes in thy Church Hee admonished Count Theobald who bestowed great cost in building of Abbies and Churches that he would rather support them who were of the houshold of faith and that he would be carefull to build the immortall and everlasting tabernacles of God Hee subdued his body by fasting beyond all measure whereby his stomacke became so diseased that oftentimes it rendered againe the small portion of food which it had received Hee was very superstitious in receiving the reliques of the Saints In so much that when hee came to Rome and the head of the Martyr Casarius was offered to him to take of it what part hee pleased hee was content to take one tooth onely And when his associates could not draw out the tooth it was so fast fastened vnto the Iawbone Bernard counselled them to pray that the Martyr would willingly conferre vnto them one of his teeth Many visions and miracles are attributed to him but they smell so much of superstition as it is easily knowne that the most part of them are invented and forged by the deceiving teachers of this age He died in the 64. yeere of his age leaving them that were about him three testamentall lessons 1. That they should offend no man 2. That they should giue lesse credite to their owne opinion then to the iudgement of other men 3. That they should not be vindictiue nor desirous of revenge for wrongs done vnto themselues He esteemed much of the prophecies of Hildegardis a Prophetesse in France whose wordes Bernard thought to be indyted by divine inspiration In this age also flourished Anselmus Bishop of Havelburg whom the Emperour Lotharius 2. sent to Calowannes Emp. of Constantinople Hee disputed with Nichetes Bishop of Nicomedia in the temple of Sophia about the old error of the Grecians who affirmed that the holy Spirit proceeded onely from the Father and not from the Sonne Hee refuted very learnedly the obiections of Nichetes who obiected that two fountaines and beginnings were set vp in the Godhead if the holy Spirit proceeded both from the Father and the Sonne Wherevnto Anselmus answered that when the Councell of Nice sayd Deus de Deo lumen de lumine They established not two Gods nor two lights in the Trinitie Euen so when it is sayd Principium de principio there is not brought in two beginnings but one only And whosoever saith he denyeth that the holy Spirit proceedeth from the Son denyeth also that he proceedeth from the Father For the Scripture saith I and the Father are one I am in the Father and the Father in me and againe Hee that seeth mee seeth the Father From this argument they went to another concerning the supremacie of the Bishop of Rome Anselmus prooved the supremacie of the Bishop of Rome by three arguments 1. Because the Councell of Nice had preferred the chaire of Rome to all other chaires 2. Because Christ assigned superiority to Peter when hee sayd Thou art Peter and vppon this Rocke will I build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevaile against it And I will giue vnto thee the keyes of the kingdome of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt binde on earth is bound in heauen and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven 3. The chaire of Rome was free of heresies when Constantinople and other Churches of the East were defiled with heresie To the first argument Nichetes answered that the Councell of Nice called the Bishop of Rome the Bishop of the principall chaire but not the principall Bishop for that dignitie hee received from the Emperour Phocas but not from the Councell of Nice To the second argument he answered that the power of binding and loosing was not given to Peter onely but also to all the rest of the Apostles And like as they were all partakers of that same heavenly grace whereof Peter was partaker in the day of Pentecost so likewise they all received that selfe same power of binding and loosing And Peter alone received not the power like as he received not the grace alone Thirdly whereas it was alledged that the Romane Church remained vnspotted with heresie when as other Churches were defiled with it Nichetes answered that it was true that Arrius Macedonius Nestorius and Eutiches did spring vp among the Grecians and they likewise were chiefly refuted and suppressed by the the Grecians And the fountaine of all heresies being humane Philosophie it was no marvell that greatest heresies sprung vp where men of greatest learning and vnderstanding were found and it is likely that the fewer heresies sprung vp in the West because they were men of lesse learning and not of so deepe vnderstanding as the people of the East CENTVRIE XIII Popes of Rome AFter Caelestinus succeeded Innocentius the third and ruled eighteene yeeres he excommunicated Iohn king of England for not receiuing of Stephen Langtowne Archbishop of Canterbury being approued by the Pope he brought the said king so low that he was in the ende constrained to resigne his crowne of England and Ireland to the Pope and to receiue the same backe againe from the Pope to him and his heires for yeerely payment of a thousand marks He confirmed the order of the Dominike or blacke friers and the order of Franciscans or begging Friers To him Henry the sixt when hee departed this life left the tuition and
was no head of doctrine howbeit plaine in it selfe which they did not obscure and darken with the mist of vaine Philosophie curious disputation And that which was more lamentable the pure foundations of the word of God were vtterlie forsaken Theologues began to reuerence Aristotle his writings as if hee had bin a Prophet of God the Apostle of Iesus Christ. Yea things cōtained in the holy scripture were counted vulgar common base of little importance but they who were deeply learned in Aristotles Philosophie and in the volumes of the ancient doctors were counted excellent teachers Angelicall and Geraphicall Doctors Then were set out prolixe commentaries vpon the master of Sentēces by Albertus Aquinae Alexander and Scotus and all the schooles were filled with contentious disputations This Albertus was a Dominik frier who for his great learning was called Magnus was made B. of Ratisbon by Pope Alexander 4. but he being wearied with the painefull trauels of that calling returned home again to Colen to spēd his time more quietly in reading and writing of bookes Where hee writ those commentaries vpon the Master of Sentences vpon Aristotle with many other volumes Also hee defended his owne order of friers against Guil. de S. Amore who impugned the same as shal be hereafter declared God willing before he died he pointed out a place for his owne burial and dailie visited it Et vig●lias pro se ac si vita s●nctus esset legit Thomas de Aquino otherwaies called Angelicus Doctor was disciple to Albertus Magnus and profited in Theologie and Philosophie beyond others while he was yong at the schoole he was quiet stil more inclined to heare al men then to speake was called by his condisciples Bos that is a kow because hee was so silent Neuerthelesse afterward by his penne this kow lowed louder then all his cōdisciples filled al nations with the sound of his Doctrine He was of the order of the Dominike or preaching Friers defended his order against William de S. Amore as Albertus his Master had done before He died in the way as he was iourneying to the coūcel at Lyons was canonised by Pope Ioannes 22. and was supposed to haue wrought miracles after his death because this age was full of lying miracles Alexander Neckam was learned in Philosophie Poetrie Oratrie and Theologie obtained a glorious name to be called Ingenij Miraculū hee was made Abbot of Excester in England vpon whose Sepulchre when hee died were written these Barbarous verses Eclipsin patitur sapientia Sol sepelitur Cui si par vnus minus esset flebile funus Vir bene discretus in omni more facetus Dictus erat Nequam vitam duxit tamen aequam Ioannes Duns otherwise called Scotus Subtilis was a man borne in Dunce a towne of Scotland who departed from his natiue countrie and ioyned himselfe to the companie of the gray friers in Oxford from thence he passed to Paris from thence to Colen where hee died being yet yong in yeeres Hee was called Subtilis from the subtilitie of his wit In his commentaries vpon the Master of Sentences hee entreateth largely of the head of the Sacrament of the supper where it may be seene that hee would neuer haue condiscended to the opinion of Transubstantiation if hee had not beene induced thereto by the authoritie of the church of Rome Likewise in this age liued Alexander de Ales an English man brought vp in Paris and expert in Philosophie Theologie who amplified the doctrine of Petrus Lombardus with many subtile arguments and was called Doctor irrefragabilis In the end hee tooke vpon him the habit and order of the Graye Friers vpon this Occasion Hee had vowed that hee should doe all things which he was required to do in the name of the blessed Virgin if so be they were possible to be done and vpon a time hee forgathered with a begging Frier seeking almes who besought him for the Loue of our Lady to ioyne himselfe to their order because they had no Master to gouerne and rule them Thus Alexander de Ales without delay tooke vpon him the habit of a graye frier and became their doctour He died at Paris and was buried in one of the Abbacees of the graye friers Now in this time of most palpable darkenesse the Lord lacked not witnesses of his truth but stirred vp many who damned the grosse ignorance and superstition of those times Of this number was Arnoldus de Nova Villa a Spainard a man famously learned and a great writer whom the Pope with his Clergie condemned among Heretikes for holding writing against the corrupt errours of the Popish Church His teaching was that Sathan had seduced all the world from the truth of Christ Iesus First That the faith which then Christian men were commonly taught was such a faith as the Deuils had Secondly That Christian people were led by the Pope to hell Thirdly That all Cloysters are voyde of Charitie and that they doe all falsifie the doctrine of Christ. Fourthly That the Diuines doe euill in mixing Philosophie with Diuinitie Fiftly That the Masses are not to be celebrated and that they ought not to sacrifice for the dead Certaine other opinions there be which the slaunderous sects of Monkes and Friers doe attribute to him as is their custome rather of envious taking then of any iust cause giuen In this number also was the worthy and valiant Champion of Christ and aduersary of Antichrist Guilielmus de S. Amore a Master of Paris and a chiefe ruler then of that Vniuersitie He in his time had no small adoe writing against the Friers and their Hypocrisie but especiallie against the begging Friers both condemning their whole Order and also accusing them as those that did disturbe and trouble all the churches of Christ by their preaching in churches against the will of the Ordinarie Pastors by their hearing of confessions and executing the charge of ordinarie preachings in their churches All the testimonies of Scripture that make against the Antichrist hee applied them against the Clergie of Prelats and the Popes spirituallie The same Guilelmus is thought to be the author of the booke which is attributed to the schoole of Paris and intituled De Periculis ecclesiae where hee prooueth by 39. arguments that Friers be false Prophets Moreouer he doth wel expound this saying of Christ. If thou wilt be perfect goe and sell all that thou hast and come follow mee declaring there pouertie to be inioyned vs of Christ non actualem sed habitualem not in such sort as standeth in outward action when no neede requireth but in inward affection of heart when neede requireth as though the meaning and precept of our Lord were not that wee should cast away actuallie all that wee haue but that when the confession of the name of Christ and his glorie shall so require
that then wee be readie to leaue all things for his sake as when hee requireth in vs after the like phrase the hatred of father and mother and of our owne liues hee biddeth vs not to dishonour our father or mother much lesse to hate them but that then when it is required we set all things behind the loue of Christ. Many other worthy workes hee compiled wherein albeit hee vttered nothing but what was truth yet notwithstanding hee was by the Antichrist and his rable condemned for an heretike exiled and his bookes burnt Of this number also was one Laurence an Englishman Master of Paris and Petrus Ioannis a Minorit who taught and maintained many things against the Pope prouing that hee was Antichrist and that the Synagogue of Rome was great Babylon whom because the Pope could not burne aliue after his death his bones were taken vp and burned Also Robertus Gallus is to be added to those before mentioned who being borne of a right noble parentage for devotions sake was made a Dominik Frier about the yeere of our Lord 1290. This man as appeareth by his writings had diuerse and sundrie visions al tending against the spirituallitie of Rome for hee called the Pope plainely an Idole who hauing eyes neither saw nor desired to see the abhominations of his people nor the excessiue enormitie of their voluptuousnesse but onely to heape vp treasures to himselfe And hauing a mouth did not speake himselfe but sayd I haue set good men ouer them which is sufficient to doe them good either by himselfe or others Hee notably describeth in one of his visions the curiositie and vanitie of the Scholastig Doctours who flourished in this age comparing them to a man who hauing good bread good wine hanging on both his sides was notwithstanding gnawing hungerly on a flint stone thereby signifiyng that they leauing the wholsome foode of their soules contained in the Scriptures busied themselues with subtile questions containing no edification in them nor comfort to the soule of man In this age also is reckoned Robert Gostred Bishoppe of Lincolne in England a man of great learning godlinesse and constancie who liued in the daies of Pope Innocentius the fourth and constantly resisted his vnlawfull request For this Pope had recommended vnto him a yong Italian boy to bee admitted to the first vacant prebendry of his diosie But Robert Gostred would not agree to the vngodlie desire of the Pope but did write backe an answere to him declaring that next after the sinne of Lucifer there is not nor can bee any kinde of sinne so repugnant and contrarie to the doctrine of the Apostles and holy Scripture and to our Soueraigue Christ himselfe more hatefull detestable and abhominable then to destroy and kill mens soules by defrauding them of the misterie of the Pastorall office which by the ministerie of the Pastorall cure ought to saue and quicken the same Which sinne by most euident places of Scripture such men are descerned and knowne to commit who being in the authoritie of that Pastoral dignity doe serue their owne carnall desires with the benefite of the milke and wool of the sheepe and flocke of Christ and doe not minister the same Pastorall office to the benefite and saluation of those their sheepe And whereas hee perceiued that the Bishop of Rome delt in all his requests imperiouslie rather commaunding nor requesting any thing to bee done hee answered in the end of this letter that the power which was giuen by God to any Bishop was to build the house of God and not to destroy it hereby blaming the Bishop of Rome as one who abused his authoritie to the destruction of the Church of God by placing young boyes in offices neither apt to teach nor wel acquainted with the maners and language of the people This ans●●re being returned to the Pope hee was greatly moued with indignation and sware that except hee had beene restrained by his owne naturall clemencie hee would hurle him downe to such confusion as to make him afable a gazing stocke and a wonder to the world Not long after thus it pleased God to visit this reuerend father with sicknesse in the time whereof hee called to him a Frier of the preaching Order named Master Iohn Giles a man expert and cunning both in Physicke and Diuinitie partly to receiue from him some comfort to his body and partly to conferre with him in spirituall matters Thus vpon a certaine day the said Bishop conferring with the said Master Iohn and reciting to him the doings and proceedings of the Pope did grieuously rebuke his fellow brethren the Preaching Friers and the other Order also of the Minorites Because their Order being planted in wilfull pouertie of the Spirit to the intent they should more freely carpe and repro●e the vices of the mightie and not to flatter or to spare them but sharpely to rebuke and reprehend the same yet the said Friers contrarie to their profession did not boldly enough cry out and invey against the abuses of their superiours and men of power not did vncouer nor detect their faults and wickednesse And therefore the B. said I ●udge them to be no better than manifest heretickes And added moreouer demanding of Master Iohn what is heresie that hee would giue him the true definition of it Whereat when the Frier did stay and pause not remembering the solemne definition of that matter the Bishop therevpon inferreth giuing this definition in Latine by the true interpretation of the Greeke word Heresis gracè Latine electio est sententia humano sensu electa scripturae sacrae contraria palam docta pertinaciter desensa that is heresie is a sentence taken and chosen of mans owne braine contrarie to holy Scripture openly maintained and st●flie defended And this definition especiallie hee applied against the Romans who commit the charge of soules vnto their kinsfolkes being both in age vnworthie and in learning insufficient and so stiflie defend this their wicked opinion that if any dare presume to withstand the same hee is suspended and excommunicated and open warre proclaimed against him Therefore hee to whom the whole definition of an heretike doth agree hee is a verie heretike And euery Christian man ought to set himselfe against an heretike as farre as hee may yea and that person who can resist him and doth it not hee sinneth and seemeth to be a fauourer thereof according to the saying of Gregorie Hee lacketh not conscience of secret societie who ceaseth to resist open impietie and the Apostle writeth to the Romans saying not onely they who commit such things but also they that consent are worthie of death Therefore it may be concluded that aswell the Pope Vnlesse he cease from that vice as also the same Friers vnlesse they shew themselues more earnest and studious in repelling the same are both worthy of death that is perpetuall damnation Item sayth the Canon Decretall that vpon this
then the traditions of Bishopps and therefore by his Cardinall de Columna Iohn Husse was cited to appeare at Rome where hee appearing by his procurators was notwithstanding excommunicated as an obstinate Heretike because hee appeared not personallie at the appointed day The Bohemians notwithstanding cared litle for all this but grew in knowledge daylie In the meane time it hapned by the occasion of Ladislaus king of Naples who had besieged the Popes townes and territories that Pope Iohn raising vp warre against the said Ladislaus gaue full remission of sinnes to all them who would warre on his side to defend the Church When this Bull of the Popes indulgences was come to Prague Iohn Husse and his fellowes not able to abide the impietie of those pardons began manifestly to speake against them And albeit Winceslaus king of Bohemia who then fauoured the Pope gaue out strict commaundement that no man should speake against those indulgences yet of Iohn Husses companie were found three Artificers who hearing the Priest speaking of the forsaid indulgences did openly speake against them calling the Pope the Antichrist wherefore they were brought before the Senate and committed to prison But the people ioyning themselues in armes required them to be let loose The magistrates one the other part albeit they satisfied the people with gentle wordes and faire promises for a time yet when the tumult was asswaged they sent to the prison and secretlie beheaded the three foresaid artificers whose names were Iohn Martine and Staston The people hearing of this tooke their dead bodies and with great solemnitie buried them in the Church of Bethleem at whose funerall diuers Priests fauouring that side did sing thus These be the Saincts which for the testimonie of God gaue their bodies c. Thus the citie of Prague was divided The Prelats and greatest part of the Clergie and most of the Barons who had any thing to lose did hold with the Pope especially Steuen Pallats being chiefest doer of that side On the contrarie part the communes with part of the clergie and students of the vniuersitie went with Iohn Husse Winceslaus the king fearing lest this should grow to a tumult being moued by the Doctors and Prelats and Counsell of his Barons thought best to remoue Iohn Husse out of the citie who had beene excommunicated before by the Pope The people on the other part began mightilie to grudge and to cry out against the Prelats and Priests who were the workers hereof accusing them to be Simonits couetous whoremasters adulterers proud not sparing also to lay opē their vices to their great ignominie shame wherevpon it came to passe that the king seeing the inclination of the people being also not ignorant of the wickednesse of the Clergie vnder pretence to reforme the Church began to require great exactions from such Priests men of the clergie as were accused knowne to be wicked liuers And thus the Popish clergie while they went about to persecute Iohn Husse were intrapped themselues in great tribulation brought in contempt and hated of all men At this time were three Popes raigning together by reason whereof a generall Councell was ordained and holden at Constance in the yeere of our Lord 1413. And this councell being called by Sigismund the Emperour for the taking away of the schismaticall dissention of so many Popes ruling at one time to the great disturbance of all Christian nations it pleased the said Emperour to send vnto Iohn Husse Bacheler of Diuinitie in the countrie of Bohemia his safe conduct and letters of protection inviting him to come to the Councell and promising him a libertie of safe returning vnto his owne country without any maner of empeachment trouble or vexation Notwithstanding as soone as he came to Constance he was cast into prison before he was heard And when he was brought forth to the Councell there befell a strange and shamefull matter for his aduersaries had scarsly read one article and brought forth a few witnesses of the same against him but as he was about to open his mouth to answere all that were about him began so to cry out that he had no leasure to speake a word The noise and trouble was so great and vehement that a man might well haue called it a noyse of wilde beastes not of men much lesse was it like a congregation of men gathered together to iudge and determine so graue and weightie matters The next time he was brought foorh to the convent of the Franciscans where the Emperour himselfe was present and exhorted Iohn Husse to submit himselfe to the generall councell otherwise said he my safe conduct cannot nor should not be a protection to any who maintaine hereticall doctrin The day after which was the eight of Iune he was brought out againe to the same place and in his presence there were read thirtie nine Articles the which they said were drawne out of his bookes which were iudged by the councell to be hereticall and hee of new againe was required by the Emperour to submit himselfe to the councell Iohn Husse answered that hee would not maintaine any opinion with obstinate minde but if the Councell would instruct him clearlie that any of his Articles were repugnant to the holy scriptures of God he would renounce and forsake the same affirming also most constantlie that the most part of all those thinges that were alledged against him were falsly forged and neuer thought nor vttered by him when they saw that by no exhortation Iohn Husse could be moued to acknowledge his doctrine to be errōeous to recant the same vpon the sixt day of Iulie he was brought to the head church of the citie of Constance there in presence of the Emperour and councell was degraded of all Priestly orders and dignities and a definitiue sentence was giuen out against him wherein hee was condemned as an heretike for that hee preached and openly defended the articles of Iohn Wickliffe which were condemned by the Church of Rome and likewise had appealed to the Lord Iesus Christ as the most high Iudge which appellation they counted a great contempt of the Apostolique Sea and the Ecclesiasticall Censures and Keyes After this hee was put into the Secular Iudges hands to be burnt as an Heretique having vpon his head a crowne of paper with vgly pictures of divels painted thereupon Which rebuke as also the torment of fire hee most patiently sustained with Psalmes and spirituall Songs lauding God vntill the winde droue the fire vpon his face and choaked his breath And after his bodie was consumed with fire they cast the ashes of the burnt body into the river of Rhene Thus died Iohn Hus the faithfull Martyr of God the sixt of Iuly 1516. Now while as Iohn Hus had beene lying in prison and so hardly handled his faithfull companion Ierom of Prague came to Constance the fourth day of Aprill anno 1415. who there
Popes excommunications are not to be feared and that hee who doth feare or flie them is excommunicate of God 9. That the auricular confession is not necessary 10. That hee had mooved the Citizens to vprore and sedition 11. That hee had neglected and contemned the Popes citation 12. That he had shamefully slandred and spoken against the Pope 13. That he had taken Christ to witnesse of his naughtinesse and heresie 14. That Italy must be cleansed through Gods scourg for the manifold wickednesse of the Princes and Clergie These and such like articles were layd to their charge and reade before them Then they demanded of the said Hierom and his companions whether they would recant and giue over their opinions Whereunto they answered that thorow Gods help they would stedfastly continue in the manifest truth and not depart from the same Then were they degraded one after another by the Bishop of Wasson and so delivered to the secular rulers of Florence with strict commandement to carry them forth and handle them as obstinate and stifnecked Heretiques Thus was that worthy witnesse of Christ with the other two aforesayd first hanged vp openly in the market place and afterward burnt to ashes and the ashes gathered vp and cast into the river of Arum the 24. day of May 1499. In this age likewise sprang vp many men of great erudition and learning as namely Laurentius Valla Picus Mirandulae Comes Angelus Politianus with many others whose names for learning are worthy rememberance The meane whereby learning so exceedingly increased in this age seemeth to bee the Art of printing found out in Germany by a certaine Gold smith named Iohn Faustus in Strausbrugh and Guttemberg his copartner as some write but whosoever was the inventer of it it is certaine that this faculty was given to the vse of man by the providence of almighty God at what time the Bishop of Rome with all the whole and full consent of all the Cardinals Patriarchs Archbishops Bishops Abbots Priors Lawyers Doctors Provosts Deanes Archdeanes assembled together in the Councell of Constance and had condemned poore Iohn Hus and Ierom of Prague to death for heresie and after subdued the Bohemians and in a manner the whole world to be vnder the supreme authority of the Romi●h Sea In the very time so dangerous and desperate where mans power could doe no more The blessed wisedome and omnipotent power of God began to worke for the Church not with sword and target to subdue his exalted adversary but with printing writing and reading to convince darknes by light error by truth ignorance by learning So that by this meanes of printing God hath heaped vpon the proud kingdome of Antichrist a double confusion For whereas hee could not abide to haue the enormity of Prelats liues to be condemned by Iohn Hus who neither denyed his Transubstantiation nor his Purgatory nor yet spake any thing against his Masse but onely exclaimed against his excessiue and pompous pride his vnchristian or rather antichristian abhomination of life Now of late dayes God hath found a way by this faculty of printing not onely to confound his life and conversation which before hee could not abide to be touched but also to cast downe the foundation of his standing that is to examine confute and detect his doctrine lawes and institutions in such sort that albeit his life were never so pure yet his doctrine standing as it doth no man is so blinde but may see the Pope to be Anti-Christ For by this Art Tongues are knowne knowledge groweth iudgement increaseth bookes are dispersed the Scripture is seene the Doctors are read the stories bee opened times compared truth decerned falshood detected and with the finger pointed at and all as I haue said God hath wrought by the benefit of printing CENTVRIE XVI Popes of Rome AFter Paulus the second succeeded Sixtus the fourth and ruled thirteen yeeres and foure dayes Hee changed the custome of keeping the Iubilie every 50. yeere and would haue it kept every 25. yeeres After him succeeded Innocentius the eight and ruled seven yeers ten months and twenty seven dayes After him Alexander the sixt ruled eleven yeeres and eight dayes Hee was a notable tyrant and a scourg of God to all Italy and in speciall to that corrupt Colledge of Cardinals which had chosen him to be Pope not for his good graces and vertues but for the heapes of gold which hee had distributed amongst them of whom some he banished others hee caused to be impoysoned and cruelly slaine In his time Charles the eight King of France clayming right to the Kingdome of Naples entred into Italy with a mighty army and without great resistance came to the towne of Rome and from thence to Naples Alphonsus King of Naples at this time finding himselfe to be hated of all men had denuded himselfe of the Kingdome and given it to his sonne Ferdinand and hee himselfe was fled into Sicilie Also his sonne Ferdinand not being able to resist the puissant army of King Charles was likewise compelled to flie to the little Island of Istria for safety of his life and the whole kingdome of Naples was in short time ouer-run and subdued to the King of France This victorious conquest so hastily atchieved made the name of Charles to be terrible to other Princes even to the Duke of Millan and Estate of Venice who had beene his confederate friends assisters in this warfare Notwithstanding fearing lest his increasing power should in time be the overthrow of their Estates they conspired with the Pope and the Emperour and the King of Spaine against him and as hee returned backe againe to France fought against him at Fornovo not farre distant from the towne of Parma The victory was vncertaine notwithstanding Ferdinand King of Naples was so encouraged with this encounter that hee recovered againe all his kingdome which hee had lost Likewise in this Popes time Lewis the twelfth who succeeded to Charles the eight came into Italy claiming right not onely to the kingdome of Naples but also to the Dukedome of Millan He had before bound vp a covenant with the Pope the King of Spaine and the Venetians vpon these conditions that having possessed himselfe first in the Dukedome of Millan hee should give Cremona a famous towne in the Dukedome of Millan to the Venetians and hee should assist Caesar Borgia Duke of Valentinois and sonne to Pope Alexander the sixt to eiect out of Romagna the Lords presently bearing sway in that Countrey to the end that all might come vnder the Soveraignty and commandement of this Duke of Valentinois only and finally that he should divide the Kingdome of Naples betwixt himselfe and Ferdinand King of Spaine Vpon these conditions was King Lewis assisted by the Pope the King of Spaine and the Estate of Venice and so with little adoe obtained the Dukedome of Millan and carryed away Lodovick Sforce Duke of
watching writing and teaching whereof also hee dyed anno 1564. on the 27. day of May. I passe by the rest of those learned and holy men of God by whose labours the kingdome of Christ hath bene prorogated in Europe because their names like as they are worthy of perpetuall remembrance so likewise are they registred in sundry volumes namely by Theodorus Beza in his booke intituled Icones Here endeth the second booke THE THIRD BOOKE OF THE HISTORY of the Church containing a short summe of all the Heretiques and Heresies which sprang vp since the dayes of Christ vntill this present CENTVRIE I. AS it is the accustomed dealing of Satan to pervert men by drawing them from the simplicity of Gods truth So it standeth well with the iustice of God to giue over men to strong delusions who will not beleeue the truth of God Therefore in the third head we are to speake of Heretiques that sprang vp in this age Heresie I count to be an opinion repugnant to the grounds of our Christian faith obstinately maintained by those that professe the name of Christ. As touching them who lead an evill life yea and in effect deny the Sonne of God by a prophane conversation but maintaine an opinion that it is lawfull so to doe they may be counted Atheists or carnall Gospellers and not Heretiques Iewes and Turkes also who deny the divinity of Christ because they doe not professe the Name of Christ we call them Infidels but not Heretiques And the Corinthians who erred in some fundamentall points of the Christian faith yet seeing they maintained not their error with obstinate mindes but yeelded to the wholesome doctrine of Paul no man doth count the Corinthians Heretiques but infirme and weake Christians And the Apostle himselfe writing to them calleth them Gods building and Gods husbandry But when these three things concurre together that men professe the Name of Christ and yet they maintaine opinions repugnant to the very grounds of true faith and will not receiue instruction but obstinately persevere in their error they are to be counted Heretiques Of this number was Simon Magus the father of Heretiques who being confounded in Samaria by the great power of God which appeared in the Ministery of Philip and of Peter hee fled from the East to the West and came to Rome where hee prevailed so farre in short time hee was counted a god and an image was set vp for him with this superscription Simoni deo sancto that is to Simon an holy God Thus the Romanes who in the dayes of Tiberius refused to acknowledge the divinity of Christ in the dayes of Claudius they honoured a Sorcerer and a seducing Heretique with divine honours He taught them who followed him to fall downe before pictures and images and in speciall to worship his owne image and the image of Helena a certaine woman who accompanied him in his iourney form Asia to Rome After Simon sprang vp another Suppost of Satan called Menander like to his master Simon in many things for he was both a Samaritane and a Sorcerer but in absurdity of monstrous opinions hee was farre beyond Simon for hee sayd that the world was created by Angels and that he himselfe was sent from aboue to saue the world and by vertue of his Baptisme men should bee made immortall euen in this world in such sort that they should neither waxe old nor taste of death This heresie Epiph●●ius compareth to Aspido-gorgon in Egypt a great Serpent inclosed into a vessell of Earth with many other Serpents after hee hath devoured all the rest of the Serpents hee beginneth to gnaw his owne tayle for hunger and to destroy himselfe so did this heresie vndoe it selfe by promising great things which Menander could not performe neither in himselfe nor in others In this age also sprang vp Ebion who denyed the divinitie of Christ and sayd hee was onely a man begotten betweene Ioseph and Marie and that the observation of Moses Law was necessary to eternall life his followers were called Ebionites either by the name of their master Ebion or else as Eusebius thinketh for their poore and beggerly opinion they had of Christ supposing him only to be a man for Ebion in the Hebrew language signifieth one that is poore These Ebionites damne all the Epistles of Paul and count him an Apostate from the law and they admit no part of the New Testament for Canonicke Scripture except the Gospell of Matthew Cerinthus about the same time was the author of strange revelations which hee sayd hee received from the Angels that after the resurrection from the dead Christ should haue an earthly kingdome in this world and that the subiects of Christs kingdome should eate and drinke and marry and keepe holy dayes and offer sacrifices for hee himselfe was a man given to fleshly lusts and hee imagined that the pleasures of Christs kingdome should consist in fulfilling the concupiscence of the flesh Likewise in this age sprang vp the errour of the Nicolaitans vpon this occasion as Clemens Alexandrinus doth write One of the Deacons chosen by the Apostles to haue the oversight of the poore had a beautifull woman to his wife and was accused of over much iealousie To purge him selfe of all suspition of that fault hee brought his wife into the midst of his brethren and sayd he was content that any man should marrie her Of which words many tooke occasion to liue promiscuously like beasts no man having his owne proper wife but making them all common Howbeit Nicolaus is sayd to haue lived himselfe in matrimoniall chastity contenting himselfe with his owne wife alone Neverthelesse his foolish and vnadvised speech were the occasion of a most wicked and damnable error of the Nicolaitans whereof the Lord speaketh in the Revelation of Iohn that he hated it This is that heresie which Gregorie the seventh imputed to all married Priests but with what equity marriage ordained by God and honorable among all men can bee called an heresie or hated of the Lord Let the Christian Reader iudge CENTVRIE II. IN this second Centurie Sathā enuying the propagation of the Gospel sent forth a pernicious swarme of heretikes such as Saturninus of Antiochia Basilides of Alexandria the one of them thorow Syria the other through Egypt dispersed the venome of their heretical doctrine To whom Eusebius addeth Carpocrates most properly counted the father of the heretikes called Gnostici they receiued this name because they professed a knowledge of darke and hid mysteries The golden age of the Apostles Euangelists was now spent false teachers tooke the greater incouragement to teach a doctrin of deuils disallowing marriage cōmanding fornication practizing abominable filthie things which mine owne heart abhorreth to thinke vpon What necessity droue Epiphanius in particular to manifest to the world the detestable and execrable misteries of
the lye whereunto his heart was inclined But in the Councell of Constantinople holden after the Councels of Ariminum and Seleucia he transferred all the blame vpon Aëtius whom the Emperour banished so that it is a strange thing that this errour should haue had the name also from such a feeble patron as Eudoxius was to be called the errour of Eudoxiani Macedonius rather by the authoritie of the Emp. Constantius then by the consent of the people was made Bishop of Constantinople Paulus lawfull Bishop of Constantinople was banished to Cucusus a towne of Armenia and there hee was strangled by the Arrians also 3150. of the people were slaine and troden vnder feete at his violent entrie This bloody Tyrant denyed the diuinitie of the holy Ghost He was deposed by the Emperours procurement because hee durst presume at his owne hand to transport the bones of the Emp. Constantine from one Church to another His followers were abhorred more then any other branch of the Arrian heresie for their inconstancie They sent Messengers to Liberius Bishop of Rome and consented in all points to the Nicene Faith but afterward like vnto dogges they returned to their vomit a gaine Hee was damned as a notable heretike by the second Generall Councell gathered at Constantinople by the Emperour Theodosius Anno. 386. He died in a little Village neere to Constantinople and Eudoxius obtained his place Photinus Bishop of Sirmium in Illyria was the Disciple of Marcellus Bishop of Ancyra in Galatia These two renewed both the heresie of Sabellius and Samosatenus and augmented the blasphemous opinion of Samosatenus with this addition That the kingdome of Christ was not euerlasting but it had a beginning when he was borne of the Virgin should haue an end at the latter day This heresie hath the name from the disciple and not the master in regard that Marcellus continued not so obstinately in his errour as did Photinus his disciple but renounced his errour was receiued into the fellowship of the Church in the Councell of Sardica but Photinus was deposed at the Councell of Sirmium and banished by the Emperour Constantine Neuerthelesse after his deposition banishment he continued obstinately in his errour wrote bookes both in Latine and Greeke in defence of his heresie whereby his name became infamous and he was counted the author of this heresie Audaeus was a man of Syria vnder the raigne of Valentinian and his brother Valens He published an errour That God was like the similitude of a mans bodie This errour hee conceiued through wrong vnderstanding of the words of Scripture wherein it is said Let vs make man in our owne Image according to our likenesse With this errour many vnlerned Aegyptian Monkes were intangled They pretended great innocencie and chastitie in their liues and separated themselues from the societie of the Church couering their impietie with this pretext that they saw vsurers and vncleane persons tolerated in the Church About this time saith Theodoretus that is in the dayes of Valentinianus and Valens sprang vp the heresie of Messaliani Albeit this name be vnquoth yet the Greeke names giuen vnto this heresie are more significatiue they were called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because they counted prayer the onely exercise necessary to the children of God euen as if a man could talke with God by prayer before he hath first heard God talking with him by the preaching of the Word Likewise they were called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is men rauished in the spirit after long continuance in prayer When they were transported and out of their wits then they supposed that the holy spirit was sensibly infused into them whereby their bodies were made free of all perturbation and their soules were auerted from all inclination to euill in such sort that they had no neede of fasting to subdue their bodies nor of Doctrine to restraine the disordered affections of their soules This Pestilent heresie was ouerspred in many places but it was mightily suppressed by Letoius B. of Meletina Amphilachius B. of Iconium in Lycaonia Flaniāus B. of Antiochia who with great dexterity drew out a cōfession out of the mouth of Adelphius an aged man a propagator of this heresie in Edessa This Heresie albeit it had many patrons such as Dadoes Sabas Adelphius Hermas Simeones yet from none of them it receiued the name but rather from the actions and passions wherevnto they inclined Apollinaris Bishop of Laodicea in Syria gloried in the quickenesse of his wit and delighted to make contradiction to euery thing that any man could speake and so it came to passe as Ruffinus writeth Heresim ex contentione generauit that is to say Through contention he procreated an heresie affirming that in the dispensation of Christes Incarnation hee assumed the body of a man onely but not the soule of a man because his diuinitie supplied the place of his soule And when hee was argued by euident places of Scripture that Christ in his humane nature was a perfect man hauing not onely a body but also the soule of a man as when he sayd His soul was heauy vnto the death left he should haue seemed to bee vtterly conuinced and ouercome hee confessed that Christes bodie was quickned with a naturall life but the diuinitie o f Christ was in place of a reasonable soule This heresie was damned in Councels conueened at Rome Alexandria and Constantinople Hee augmented the schisme at Antiochia where there had beene alreadie three factions to wit Eustatiani Meletiani and Pauliniani Now Apollinaris dwelling in Laodicea a towne of Syria neere approaching to Antiochia hee was the author of the fourth faction In the dayes of Iulian hee compiled histories of Scripture in Greeke Poesie In the dayes of Valentinian and Gratian he defended his Heresie In the dayes of the Emperour Theodosius he concluded his life His sonne in name learning and bad vse of excellent gifts was like vnto his father Vitalius presbiter in Antiochia was a serious defender of the heresie of Apollinaris in so much that the followers of Apollinaris were called Vitaliani Donatus was a Bishop in Numidia who contended with vnsupportable hatred against Cecilianus Bishop of Carthage challenging him that he had receiued ordination from Foelix Altungensis who was proditor that is who in time of persecution had deliuered the booke of holy Scripture to be burnt or as others say because hee admitted to an Ecclesiasticall office a Deacon who had committed the like fault The cause of Cecilianus was oft agitat before the Councell of Carthage before Miltiades B. of Rome before the Councell of Arles and by the Emp. Constantine but the Donatistes at all times succumbed in probation Therefore they were enraged because they could not accomplish their wicked designes against Cecilianus they fell from the vnity of the Church Inueterate schismes oft times
turne to Heresies So the Donatists in the end were defenders of Hereticall opinions namely that the Catholicke church was no where els to be found but only in that corner of Africke wherein they themselues dwelt and that Baptisme was not effectual except it had bin ministred by one of their societie Of all the branches of this heresie Circūcelliones was the most reprobate branch a people cruel sauage not only against others but also against themselues throwing themselues headlong frō high places or casting themselues in fire and water and this sort of death they counted Martyrdome The diuersitie of names wherewith this Heresie was pointed out clearely declares that the Donatistes wanted not a great number of fauorers for they were called Parmeniani Rogatistae Cirtenses and Maximianistae Against this Heresie and the Heresie of the Pelagians August Bishop of Hippo contended with mightie grace as likewise against the Heresie of the Manicheans wherein he had bin nursed himselfe Collyridiani were a sort of superstitious people who worshipped the Virgin Marie the mother of our Lord with diuine adoration and with baking little pasties which in the Greeke language are called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which they offered to the Virgin Marie as to the Queene of Heauen Epiphanius counts them Heretikes because the Virgin Marie albeit shee be a blessed woman yet is shee not God Many late heresies are nothing els but a renewing of old decayed heresies Such was the heresie of Priscillianus a man of Noble birth in Spaine very eloqvent rich temperate with great show of humilitie who easilie insinuated himselfe in the fauour of the people In his youth hee was inclined to Magical Arts and renewed the heresie of Gnostici who disallowed Marriage and commended fornication Some Bishops of Spaine were entangled with this heresie such as Iustantius Salvianus and Helpidius whom Adygimus Bishop of Corduba damned in a Coūcell gathered at Caesaraugusta This was done in the dayes of the Emp. Gratianus Valentinian The great Citie of refuge to heretikes was to addresse themselues to the Bishop of Rome and to leane vnder his shadow But Damasus who was bishop of Rome at this time would not admit these Heretikes to his presence Neither would Ambrose Bishop of Millane to whom they addressed next in any wise accept of them when al other means failed them last of al with buddes and bribes they sollicited the Emp. cubiculers were sent backe againe to enjoy their owne places Neuerthelesse God suffered not Priscillianus to escape punishment for hee was conuict of sorcery and was punished to the death after the death of Valentinian the second whether by Maximus an vsurper of the Emperiall Soueraintie or by Theodosius I am not certaine Lucifer was Bishop of Calaris in Sardinia He was present at the Councell of Millan and was banished by Constantius because hee would not consent to the deposition of Athanasius Hee was reduced from banishment by the Emperour Iulian. Hee visited Antiochia a towne miserably distracted with Schismes and by ordaining Paulinus Bishop of Antiochia hee rather augmented then lessened the schisme he perceiued that this his fact was disproued by Euseb. Bishop of Vercellis and many others therefore he and his followers did not communicate with such as disproued the ordination of Paulinus This seemeth rather to be reckoned in the catalogue of schismes then of heresies and Theod. disprouing Lucifer saith that hee made faith to be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but he saith not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is a weapon of contentions but not a weapon of heresie These who supposed that after the Natiuitie of the Lord the Virgin Marie companied with her husband Ioseph and did beare children to him were called Antidicomarianitae In this opinion was Helvidius a man more curious then wise The opinion of the Fathers of the Church not repugnant to Scripture was this That like as no man did lie in the sepulchre wherein Christ was buried before him Euen so in the wombe wherein hee was conceiued no man was conceiued after him so the Fathers tooke the words of the Apostolicke symbole 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as if it had beene said 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is borne of Mary a perpetuall Virgin In holy scriptures by the brethren of our Lord is meant the kinsmen of the Lord according to the flesh to which exposition the consent of Ancient and Neotericke writers for the most part agreeth Augustine cites out of Philaster a sort of heretikes called Metangismonitae whose heresie sounded to this That the sonne is in the Father according to the similitude of a little vessel comprehended within the compasse of a greater vessel 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the Greeke Language signifieth a vessell and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifieth the entering of one vessel within another which in our language cannot be expressed by one word as it is in the Greeke From Seleucus Hermias this heresie had the name where they dwelt or in what Emperours daies this heresie was propagated August maketh no mention their opinions were most abominable namely that the Masse whereof God created the elements was coeternall with him and that the Angels and not God created the soules of men that Christ in his ascension vncloathed himselfe of the flesh of man and left it in the Globe of the Sunne They receiued not baptisme by water They denyed the resurrection of the dead supposing that by new generations one succeeding to another that is performed which in Scripture is written concerning the resurrection The rest of heresies of this age were all obscure and had few followers such as Proclianitae who denied that Christ was come in the flesh Patriciani who affirmed that the body of man was formed by the deuil not by God Ascitae who carried about with them the new vessels to represent that they were vessels filled with the new wine of the Gospell Patalorynchitae foolish men who counted it religion to stop their breath with their fingers and to vtter no intelligible speech Aquarij who in stead of wine receiued water in the holy Sacrament The beginning of this errour seemes to haue beene in the dayes of Cyprian Coluthiani denyed that any evill either of sinne or punishment came of God Floriani who by the contrary affirmed that God created creatures in an evill estate The eight heresies which Philaster cōmemorates without any name either taken from the Author or from the heresie it self Augustine scarcely will reckon them into the roll of heresies CENTVRIE V. PElagius Brito and his followers Iulianus and Coelestius mantained damnable heresies in the dayes of Arcadius and Honorius Their pernitious heresies may be easily knowne by the learned writings of Augustine who directly impugneth the Pelagians and by the Councels of Arausio in France and Milivetanum in Numidia which damned the error
of the Pelagians They affirmed that men by nature were able to fulfill the whole lawe of God howbeit more easily and better if they were supported by the grace of God They denyed moreover that there was originall sinne and sayd the posterity of Adam were sinners by imitation of Adams sinne but had not received sinne by carnall propagation They said moreover that children had not need to be baptized for remission of sinnes and that godly fathers in Scripture when they confessed their sinnes they did it rather for example of humility then for necessity and guiltinesse of sin This pestilent heresie was spread abroad in many places but chiefly in the Isle of Brittaine because Pelagius being driven from Rome came to the Isle aforesaid and infected it with his error but by the diligent travels of Germanus Altisidorensis and Palladius sent from Coelestinus Bishop of Rome both England and Scotland were freed from that error Nestorius Bishop of Constantinople lived in the dayes of Theodosius the second Hee was an eloquent man but his head wanted braines when hee spake against the personall vnion of the divine and humane nature of Christ. He denyed that the Virgin Marie could bee called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Deipara that is the mother of God but only 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is the mother of Christ. Hee was condemned as an Heretique in the Councell of Ephesus and banished by the Emperour Theodosius to the wildernesse of Thebaida and was plagued by God with extraordinary iudgements as other Heretiques had beene before for his blasphemous tongue was consumed with wormes and rotted in his mouth and so hee ended his wretched life most miserablie Eutyches was an Abbot in Constantinople hee fell into an errour farre different from the heresie of Nestorius for Nestorius would not grant the personall vnion of two natures in Christ but Eutyches confounded the natures and would haue the humane nature so swallowed vp by the immensitie of the divine nature in Christ that there was nor two natures in Christ but one onely to wit the divine nature He was condemned in the Councell of Chalcedon as will bee declared hereafter God willing This heresie much perturbed and troubled the Church in respect of the fautors and favourers thereof both in Policie and Church Chrysaphius a principall ruler in the Court of Theodosius the second Basiliscus and Anastatius Emperours were favourers of this heresie and of Bishops not a few such as Dioscorus Bishop of Alexandria Timotheus Aelurus who entred into the chaire of Alexandria like vnto a Wolfe with sheading the blood of Proterius the true shepheard and Petrus Moggus Bishoppe of Alexandria and Petrus Gnapheus Bishoppe of Antiochia all these maintained the heresie of Eutiches a long time And now appeareth the fruit of humane wisedome who chose Patriarches to suppresse heresies and yet they are the principall maintainers of it Likewise a multitude of wicked men specially Monkes cryed out against the decrees of the Councell of Chalcedon which were assembled by the authority of the Emperor Martianus these were called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because they had no principall head vpon whom they depended all these countenanced the heresie of Eutiches whereby it became the more pernicious to the Church It is to be vnderstood that old heresies such as the heresie of the Manicheans and the heresie of the Donatists sprung vp of later time were in vigour and strength as yet whereby it came to passe that Augustine is compelled to write in his time against many Manicheans such as Faustus Fortunatus Felix Secundinus and against Donatists such as Gandentius Parmenianus Emeritus Ticonius so that it is evident that the Church in this Centurie and in the former was chiefly perturbed with the multitude and diversitie of heresies CENTVRIE VI. IN this and the next Centurie I finde that the error of Eutyches is like vnto a roote of bitternesse which budding out with new branches not seene before but fostered with the venomous sappe of the old roote that seemed to bee abolished did mightily perturbe the Church The error of the Monothelites was but a branch of the error of Eutyches of which hereafter In this Centurie a great number of people especially of Monkes favouring the heresie of Eutyches spake against the Councell of Chalcedon These were called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because they had no principall head vpon whom they depended and they were anterior to Anthimus or Anthimius Bishop of Constantinople and to Theodosius Bishop of Alexandria and Severus Bishop of Antiochia therefore they were not called Anthimians Theodosians or Severites but indeed they might haue beene called Eutychians but the vulgar name given vnto them was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Another branch which sprang vp from the root of Eutyches heresie was the errour of those who supposed that the flesh of Christ was voyd of all kinde of humane infirmitie expresly contradicting holy Scriptures which attributeth vnto the body of Christ hunger and wearinesse and other infirmities which hee voluntarily accepted for our sakes And where it is sayd that the Lord Iesus did eat and drink to this they answered that hee seemed to eaté and drinke as hee did after his resurrection but hee had no necessity of eating and drinking But the verity of his death stoppeth the mouth of all these Heretiques for Christ was content to taste of all our infirmities death it selfe not excepted that we might know hee will be a mercifull high Priest because hee hath tasted of our infirmities and can haue compassion on those who are in trouble In this opinion was the Emperour Iustinian in his old dayes whose vices did almost equall his vertues especially in comporting so much with Theodora the Empresse to the great advancement of the error of Eutyches and hinderance of the Gospell In this Centurie the defenders of the bookes of Origen were Theodorus Ascidas Bishop of Caesarea Cappadocia and the Monkes of No●a Laura whom Eustochius Bishop of Ierusalem eiected out of their Monasteries as shall bee declared hereafter Finally there were some Heretiques who durst derogate perfection of knowledge to the sonne of God in his divine nature These were called Agnoitae whom I leaue as buried in the dust according to their name never worthy to haue beene knowne in the world CENTVRIE VII IN this age partly through the malice of Satan and partly through the power of the wrath of God punishing the contempt of his truth heresies did mightily abound for the heresie of Arrius began to reviue againe and many of the Kings of Lombardis were addicted vnto it in speciall Rhotaris the sonne of Arioaldus who appointed that in every towne of Lombardie there should be two Bishops having equall authority the one a Catholick Bishop the other an Arrian In England and Scotland the heresie of Pelagius was renewed as Beda testifieth The Monkes of Syria propagated the heresie
of Nestorius as Platina recordeth in the life of Donus the first The heresies of Severitae Apartodotitae Momphysitae Acephali Theopafcitae Iacobitae Armenij all were Eutichian Heretiques differing one from another in some ceremonies in absurditie of speeches in authors whom they principally admitted and followed in places where the heresie chiefly increased and in their carriage Likewise Staurolatrae were Eutychian Heretiques but the worshipping of the Crosse was a note distinguishing them from other Heretiques of their owne opinion Priscillianistae were Heretiques who borrowed absurd opinions from Samosatenus and Photinus from Cerdon and Marcion and from the Manicheans but all these ancient errours were sufficiently refuted in ancient times The heresie of the Monothelites was a branch of the heresie of Eutyches by a secret and crafty conuoy insinuating it selfe into credite againe after it was condemned in the Councell of Chalcedon The authors of this heresie were Sergius Pyrrhus and Paulus Patriarches of Constantinople and Macarius Patriarch of Antiochia Cyrus Patriarch of Alexandria Petrus Bishop of Nicomedia with many others They denyed not directly the two natures of Christ personally vnited but onely affirmed that after the vnion of the natures there was onely one will and one operation in Christ whereas the holy Scriptures attribute vnto Christ as hee is man the action of sleeping and to Christ in respect of his divine nature the action of compescing and calming the rage and stormy tempest of blowing windes and swelling Seas This heresie was damned in the sixt generall Councell as wee shall heare God willing in its owne place CENTVRIE VIII MAny were accounted heretikes in this age because they worshipped God sincerely according to the rule of his owne blessed word and would not giue consent to the fond errours of the Roman Church But some were counted heretikes iustly and without all controuersie as namelie they who call Christ in his human nature the adoptiue son of God This wicked heresie repungeth vnto the celestiall Oracle which the three Apostles heard in the holy mountaine This is my wellbeloued sonne in whom I am well pleased we are adopted in Christ to be the sons of God But Christ euen in his manly nature is the son of God by the excellent prerogatiue of personall vnion with the diuine nature It is not certainlie knowne whether Elipandus Bishop of Hispalis or another named Foelix with whom some affirme that Elipandus consulted about this damnable opinion was the author of this damnable heresie CENTVRY IX THey who of old were accustomed to condemne Heresies now they are become the chiefe patrons and maintainers of adoration of Images a notable heresie whose Pusillanimitre argueth the weakenesse of their cause For vnder the raigne of Lodouicus Pius Claudius Taurinensis wrote bookes against the adoration of Images and the Emperour by a publike edict commaunded them who were disposed to answere to his bookes to answere whilst Claudius was aliue But Ionas Bishop of Orleans concealed and obscured his bookes during Claudius lifetime but after his death with impotencie of railing words rather then with power of solide arguments hee indeuored to refute Claudius Taurinensis Let the iudicious reader without partialitie peruse the bookes of Ionas Bishop of Orleans and the verie stinking breath of the aduersarie of the truth shall giue great allowance to the truth of God Godescalcus a man of the low Countries is reckoned in the number of Heretikes of this age about the yeere of our Lord 849. Because hee spake of Predestination perilouslie to witt that these who were Predestinated to life by the decree of Gods Predestination were forced to doe well and those who were Predestinated to condemnation were forced by the decree of God to doe euill Concerning old extinguished heresies as the Manicheans Arrians Donatists and such like who preased to build vp the walls of Iericho which God had destroyed there is no necessitie to speake because these were vaine attempts wiihout any successe CENTVRIE X. IN this age darkenes had gotten such vpper hand that the eye it selfe was darkened as our Lord speaketh The Spirit of errour so possessed the verie teachers that the most part of them worshipped Images yea the verie elements in the holy Sacraments of the Supper Churches were replenished with the bones of dead men whereunto the people kneeled worshipping dead bones in place of the liuing God And the small sparke of knowledge which remained not extinguished seemeth to be in the people rather then in the Pastours for the people saw that the Preachers entered not at the right doore but rather like vnto thiefes robbers they entered by bribes and gifts into spirituall offices and therefore the Historie recordeth that Henricus Auceps when hee did fight against the Hungarians made his vowe to God that if the Lord would giue him victorie against his enemies hee would purge his countrie from Simonie which was an euident token that the vilde heresie of Simon Magus in buying and selling spirituall things did at this time mightily abound CENTVRIE XI IN this Centurie the Pope had such vpper-hand both ouer Princes and Pastors that they accounted euery thing that displeased them to be heresie The inuestment of Bishops by secular men was called Simonie and marriage of Priests was called the Heresie of the Nicolaitans Likewise betweene the Latine and Greeke Church fell out such contention for a matter of small importance that they accounted one another to be heretikes The Greeke Church called the Latines Azymitae because they celebrated the Lords supper with vnleauened bread and the Latine Church on the other part called the Greeke Church Fermentarij because they vsed leauened breade yea and the Roman Church in this age so obstinately maintained the errour of Transubstantiation that they accounted all them heretikes who dissented from their opinion CENTVRIE XII IN this Centurie is found a French man Petrus Abelardus an accurat Philosopher who vttered vncouth things concerning the blessed Trinitie That the holie spirit was the soule of the world and that hee was not of the substāce of the father whose opinions were dāned by the Theolgues of Paris by Bernard of Clarauall in the Councells of Seison and Senon as also by Pope Innocentius the second after he had receiued this foyle hee entered into the Monasterie of Cluniacke where he concluded his life CENTVRYE XIII AMongst Heretikes in this age were reckoned Albigenses so called from the name of the part in France where they dwelt They were fauoured and assisted in many parts of France but namelie in Tolosa not only by the inferiour sort but also by the Count himself It is to be lamēted that the heads of their doctrine are not acuratly set downe by the writers of this age For it is verie likely that they haue taught otherwise then their aduersaries doe report of them who attribute vnto them the errours of the Manicheās who supposed that there
Bishops Elders and Deacons is recommended with abstinence euen from matrimoniall societie so earlie began men to bee wiser then God But in the twelfth Canon of the third Councell of Carthage it may bee perceiued that this constitution as disagreeable from Gods word was not regarded because Bishops in Africa married and had sonnes and daughters and these are inhibite to marrie with Infidels and Heretikes in the Canons a fore-saide The making of Chrisme and consecrating of holie Virgins is ordained onely to belong to Bishops The Canons of this Councell for the most part tend to this to aduance the authoritie of their Bishops fore-smelling as appeares the vsurpation of preheminence in the Bishops beyond sea THe third Councell of Carthage was assembled in the yeere of the Lord 399. Aurelius Bishop of Carthage seemeth to haue bin Moderatour of the Councell Augustine Bishop of Hippo was present Many good constitutions were accorded vpon in this Councell as namely that the Sacramentes should not bee ministred to the dead That the sonnes and daughters of Bishops and others in spirituall offices should not be giuen in marriage to Pagans Heretikes or Schismatikes The men in spirituall offices should not be intangled with secular businesse according to the precept of the Apostle 2. Tim. 2. verse 4. That men of the Cleargy should practise no kind of vsury That no man shall be ordained Bishop Elder or Deacon before hee haue brought all persons of his owne familie to the profession of Christian Religion That Readers who are come to perfect yeeres shall either marrie or els professe continencie That in the ministration of the Sacrament or Sacrifice to wit Eucharistike nothing should bee offered except bread and wine mixed with water of the fruites of the Cornes and Grapes That the Bishop of Rome should bee called the Bishop of the first seate but not the high Priest nor the Prince of Priestes That nothing except holy Canonicke Scripture should be read in the Churches vnder the name of holy bookes ABout the yeere of our Lord 401. vnder the raigne of Honorius was assembled againe a great nationall Councell in Carthage of 214. Bishops Augustine Bishop of Hippo was also present at this Councell Manie Canons were set downe in this Councell almost equall with the number of conueened Bishops That persons married for reuerence of the blessing pronounced to the marriage should not companie together the first night after their marriage That the Bishop should haue his dwelling place neere vnto the Church his house-holde-stuffe should be vncostly his fare should be course and vndelicate and that hee should conquiese authoritie vnto himselfe by fidelitie and vprightnesse of an holy conuersation That a Bishop should not spend time in reading the bookes of Pagans the bookes of Heretikes if necessitie required he might reade That a Bishop entangle not himselfe deepely with houshold businesse to the end hee may attend vpon reading Prayer and Preaching That a Bishop admit no man vnto a spirituall office without aduice of the Clergie and consent of the people That a Bishop without aduice of his Cleargie pronounce no sentence els it shall haue no force except they confirme it That a Bishop sitting shall not suffer a presbyter to stand That an assembly of Heretikes conueened together shall not be called Concilium but Conciliabulum That hee who communicateth with an Heretike shall be excommunicate whether he be of the number of the Laikes or of the Cleargie That such as refuse to giue vnto the Church the oblations of defunct persons shall bee excommunicate as murtherers of the poore Heere marke what is meaned by Oblationes Defunctorum not soul-masses said for the defunct but the charitie which they haue in testamentall legacy to the poore That no woman shal presume to baptize CENTVRIE V. COncerning Councels gathered in the daies of Arcadius and Honorius by Epiphanius in Cyprus and Theophilus in Alexandria vnder pretence of damning the bookes of Origen and in Constantinople first and last by the malice of Eudoxia the Emperour Arcadius wife to the deposition of Iohn Chrysostome Bishop of Constantinople I hope I haue not need to make a new declaration of things which are amply declared in the preceding history ABout the yeere of our Lord 419. a great number of Bishops were assembled in the Towne of Carthage whose names are particularly expressed in their Synodicke letters sent to Innocentius the first Bishop of Rome In this assemblie they damned the opinions of Pelagius and Coelestius which hath been aboue rehearsed as hereticall The answer that Innocentius returned to the Councell is intermixed with words of swelling pride as if no Decree could be firme vntill it had allowance of the Romane chaire yet the fift Councell of Carthage had pronounced Anathema against the opinions of Pelagius and Coelestius before they sent their letter to Innocentius Amongst the canons of this Councell the two last are to be remarked namely the fourteenth and fifteenth canon The one declareth that no Church was consecrated without the reliques of the Martyrs the other declareth that adoration of reliques at this time was the custome of Ethnickes supplication is appointed to be made to the Emperors that reliques which are found in Images groues or trees or such other places should bee abolished THe first Councell of Toledo in Spaine was assembled vnder the raignes of Arcadius and Honorius The yeere of our Lord wherein this Councell was gathered is much contraverted therefore I overpasse it contenting my selfe with some notice of the time of the Emperour in whose time the Councell was gathered It seemeth to haue beene assembled for confirmation of the Nicene Councell and refutation of some errours The canons concerning prohibibition of marriage to some persons are foolish and the admitting of a man to the communion who wanteth a wife and contenteth himselfe with one concubine onely is foolisher so perilous a thing it is in a iot to depart from the certaine rule of the written Word of God MIlevitum is a towne of Numidia in it many Bishops were assembled vnder the raigne of Arcadius whose names are particularly expressed in the letter sent from the Councell to Innocentius Bishop of Rome which letter is inserted in the Epistles of Augustine together with the answer of Innocentius the first Two principall causes mooved them to assemble together First to finish the work they had begun in the fift Councell of Carthage in condemning the heresies of Pelagius and Coelestius by whom as yet many were deceiued and perverted from the true faith Augustine Bishop of Hippo was not onely present but also President The opinions of Pelagius and Coelestius concerning the power of mans nature not supported by the grace of God and free-will of man to doe good of it selfe is so solidly refuted and that by arguments taken out
of holy Scripture onely that it is to be wished that other Councels had followed the example of this Councell wherein Augustine was President The other cause of the meeting of this Councell was to constitute canons concerning Ecclesiasticall discipline specially that no man should make appellation from his owne Bishop to Bishops beyond Sea but in case his owne Bishop did him wrong then hee should appeale vnto an assembly of African Bishops but hee who would needes appeare to Bishoppes beyond Sea meaning chiefly of the Bishop of Rome let him be secluded from the communion of all African Bishops The cause of Apiarius and his Bishop Vrbanus Siccensis seemed already to bee wakened and the Fathers of this Councell fore-smelled that he was to appeale to the Bishop of Rome like as he did indeed to Zosymus the successor of Innocentius and therefore like wise men in due time they made this constitution Innocentius received the Councels letter from a brother named Iulius and approoved the condemnatory sentence pronunced against Pelagius and Coelestius but marke the words of Innocentius letter Frater Coepiscopus noster Iulius dilectionis vestraeliteras quas ex Milevitano cura fide● propensiore misist●s mihi●nopinanter suggessi● that is to say Our brother and fellowship Iulius brought vnto mee vnawares your brotherly letters which ye sent vnto me from the Councell Milevitanū with a care very bent for the Faith The word inopinanter declareth that hee received their letter before hee knew that any such Councell was gathered for the Bishops of Rome as yet tooke not vpon them that authority to bee the onely appointers of generall and nationall Councels Pelagius after this Councell compeared before a Councell in Palestina and seemed to renounce his errors but hee spake deceitfully as Heretiques are accustomed to doe but hee set forth nothing in writing to destroy the errour hee had builded and to procure the safety of them whom hee had intangled with the snares of deceitfull errours as the Epistle of Aurelius Alipius Augustinus Evodius and Possidius written to Innocentius doth declare Obscure Covncels I haue not overpassed with silence and do minde God willing to keep the like order in time to come IN the yeere of our Lord 402. and vnder the raignes of Honorius and Theodosius the second a great nationall Councell was assembled in Carthage two hundred and seventeene bishops were present at this Councell and it continued for the space of six yeeres Aurelius Bishop of Carthage was Moderator Three Bishops of Rome to wit Zosymus Bonifacius the first and Coelestinus endevoured with all their might to perswade the African Bishops that they were vnder the soueraignty and iurisdiction of the Bishops of Rome but all in vaine as the issue of this Councell will proue The ground of the great controversie betwixt the Bishops of Rome and the sixt Councell of Carthage was Apiarius Presbyter Siccencis a wicked man and iustly excommunicate not onely by his owne Bishoppe Vrbanus but also by a Synode of other neere approaching Bishops Hee appealed to Zosymus Bishop of Rome a Citie of refuge to all villanous men as appeared by the insolent forme of his cariage toward his brethren in Africke for before hee had heard the causes wherefore they had excommunicated this wicked man Apiarius hee absolued him and admitted him to his communion Moreover vnderstanding that a Councell was to be convened in Carthage hee sent thither Ambassadours to plead the cause of Apiarius to procure the excommunication of Vrbanus and in case this succeeded not to desire that this question might be remitted to the determination of the Romane Bishop as vndoubted Iudge of appellations according to an act of the Councell of Nice The Fathers of the Councell of Carthage answered with great modesty that they knew no such act to haue beene made in the Councell of Nice Alwayes time is granted to the Bishop of Rome to prooue that such right belongeth to him by an act of the Councell of Nice Zosymus the first alleadger of this false act continued short time in office for hee ended his course within the space of one yeere and few moneths Bonifacius the successor of Zosymus seriously vrging the same prerogatiue to be iudges in all causes of appellation according to the act of the Councell of Nice When all the acts were read both in the Latine and Greeke exemplars and no such act was found the Ambassadors of Bonifacius returned to him with this answer that the principall Registers ought to bee searched which were to bee found in Constantinople Alexandria and Antiochia and in the meane time no man should bee challenged for appealing to the Bishoppe of Rome vntill this question had an end by viewing of the authentique Registers Cyrillus Bishop of Alexandria and Atticus Bishop of Constantinople sent to the Councell of Carthage the iust copies of the acts of the Councell of Nice but no such act was found as was alledged by Zosymus and Bonifacius and by this time Bonifacius also ended his life for hee sate not aboue three yeeres The Epistle sent from the sixt Councell of Carthage declaring that they found the act aforesayd alledged by the ambassadours of the Bishop of Rome to bee supposititious and false this Epistle I say was directed to Bonifacius but seeing hee had ended his life it came into the hands of Coelestinus the successor of Bonifacius who insisted by the same ambassadours who were employed before to wit Faustinus a Bishop and Philippus and Asellus two Presbyters to haue Ap●arius received into fauour and the African Bishops to bee subiect to the Bishop of Rome but their travels were bestowed in vaine The last period of this controversie was this that Ap●arius despairing of helpe from the Bishops of Rome confessed his faults and humbly submitted himselfe to the Councell of Carthage And the Ambassadours of Coelestinus returned with this answer that the Bishop of Rome had no authoritie over the Bishops of Africa but hee who thought himselfe to bee wronged let him complaine to a nationall Councell and if the nationall Councel also did him wrong then let him complaine to the generall Councell but no appellation to be made in time to come from Africa to the Bishop of Rome VNder the raignes of Arcadius and Honorius and about the yeere of our Lord 433. The Donatists assembled themselues in a towne of Africa called Bagaia in frequent number for they are counted 310. who were present at this Councell The principall purpose of their meeting was for deposition of Maximianus Bishop of Bagara who fell from their societie and drew many others from their heresie him they deposed and accursed I haue made mention of this vnhappy Councell for two causes First to declare the vncessant diligence of Heretiques in advancing a doctrine of lies for it was a strange thing that for the deposition of one man so many should assemble themselues in one towne seldome were so many present
the Bishop of Agabra had set at liberty and hee on the other part abused his liberty so farre that he presumed by Magicall Art to cut off the Bshoppe who had beene so beneficiall vnto him he was ordained to be redacted againe to his former servile estate that hee might learne obedience to his superiours by the heavie yoke of servile subiection In the ninth Session it is forbidden that Bishops should haue Leke-men to be masters of their house but onely some of their owne Clergie should be dispensators of their houshold affaires because it is written Thou shalt not plow with an Oxe and an Asse together By the way marke that nothing was so miserably abused at this time as testimonies of holy Scripture In the tenth Session the Monasteries lately builded in the Baetike Province were allowed and confirmed In the eleventh Session the Monasteries of Virgins are recommended to the over-sight of the Abbot governing the Monastery of Monkes with caveats that all appearance of evill should be providently eschewed In the twelfth Session one professing the heresie of Acephali compeared who denyed the distinction of two natures in Christ and affirmed that the divinity of Christ did suffer vpon the Crosse but he was seriously dealt withall and convicted by testimonies of holy Scripture and Fathers so that hee renounced his hereticall opinion and embraced the true faith and the whole Councell gaue thankes and praise vnto God for conuersion In the thirteenth Session there is a prolix refutation of the opinion of those who supposed that the two natures of Christ were confounded and that the divinity suffered Isidorus seemeth to be the compiler of this Treatise against Acephali given into the Councell of Hispalis and many do thinke that hee collected into one volume the Councels that preceded his time for he was a man more learned than his fellowes in his dayes IN the yeere of our Lord 639. and vnder the raigne of Sisenandus King of Spaine by the Kings commandement moe then 70. Bishops and Presbyters were convened in the towne of Toledo vpon occasion of diversity of ceremonies and discipline in the countrey of Spaine First they set downe a short confession of the true Faith which they ordayned to be embraced and kept Secondly that there should be an vniforme order of praying singing of Psalmes solemnities of Masses Euen-song seruice throughout al Spaine Gallicia like as they all professed one faith dwelt in one kingdome lest diuersitie of ceremonies rites should offend ignorant people make them to thinke that there was a schisme in the Church It was statuted and ordained That at least once in the yeere prouinciall Councels should be assembled and in case any controuersie should fall out in matters of Faith a generall Councell of al the prouinces of Spaine should be assembled Here let the judicious Reader marke that in processe of time almost all thinges are subject to alteration and Councels of old called Nationall now abusiuely begin to be called Generall The order of incomming of Bishops to the Councell sitting in the first place and of the Presbyters after them and sitting in a place behinde the Bishops and of Deacons who should stand in presence of Bishops and Presbyters is described at length in the third Canon That the Festiuitie of Easter or Pashe day should be kept vpon the day of Christes resurrection Concerning the diuersitie of rites vsed in Baptisme some vsing the ceremonie of thrise dipping in water others one dipping only It was thought most expedient to be content with one dipping because the Trinitie is so viuely represented in the name of the Father Sonne and holy Ghost that there is no necessitie by three dippinges in water to represent the Trinitie and for eschewing all appearance of schisme and lest Christians should seeme to assent vnto heretikes who diuide the Trinitie For all these causes it was expedient to keepe vniformitie in the ceremonies of Baptisme It was statuted and ordained That vpon Fryday immediately preceeding Easter day the doctrine of the suffering of Christ of repentance and remission of sinnes should be clearely taught vnto the people to the end that they being purged by the remission of sins might the more worthily celebrate the feast of the Lords resurrection and receiue the holie Sacrament of the Lords bodie and blood The custome of putting an ende vnto the fasting of Lent vpon fryday at nine a clocke as damned because in the day of the Lords suffering the Sunne was couered with darknesse and the elementes were troubled and for honour of the Lords suffering that day should be spent in fasting mourning and abstinence and he who spendeth any part of that day in banqueting let him be debarred from the Sacrament of Christs bodie and blood on Pashe day That the Tapers and Torches which shined in the church in the night preceeding the day of the resurrection should be solemnly blessed to the end that the mystery of the holy resurrection might be expected with consecrated lights Such voluntary seruice inuented by the braine of man had great sway at this time That in the day lie Church-seruice the Lords prayer vulgarly called Pater noster should be rehearsed because it is vsually called Oratio quotidiana that is a daylie prayer That Alleluiah be not sung in time of Lent because it is a time of mourning and humiliation vntill the dayes of resurrection be celebrated which is a time of ioy and gladnesse That after the Epistle a part of the Gospell should bee read That Hymnes and spirituall songes not contained in holy Scripture may be sung in the Church The song of the three Children shall be sung in all Churches of Spaine and Gallicia In the end of Spirituall songes it shall not be simply saide Glorie to the Father and to the Son c. but Glorie and honour to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit to the end that hymmes sung in earth may be correspondent to the song of the Elders in Heauen 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Apocal. 4.11 In Responsories if it be a matter of gladnesse the ende shall be Gloria c. and if it bee a matter of sadnesse the end shall be Principium c. The booke of the Apocalyps of Saint Iohn is declared to be a booke of Canonicke Scripture and to be preached in open audience of the Church betwixt Easter and Whitsonday It is forbidden that the holy Communion should be celebrated immediatly after the saying of the Lords Prayer but let the blessing bee first giuen and then let the Priestes and Leuites communicate before the Altar the Clergie within the Quire and the people without the Quire No man shall be promoted to the honour of Priesthood who is infamous who hath beene baptized in heresie who hath gelded himselfe who hath married the second wife or a
widow who hath had concubines who is in a servile condition who is vnknowne Neophycus who is given to war-fare or an attender in Court who is vnlearned or hath not attained to the age of thirtie yeares who hath not proceeded to honour by ascending degrees who by ambition or bribes hath presumed to honour who hath been elected by his predecessor who hath not beene elected by the Clergie and people of his owne citie He who is approved shall be consecrated on the Lords day by all the comprovinciall Bishops at least by three of them Let Levites be of the age of 25. yeeres before their admission and Presbyters of 30. Let Bishops be vnreproveable according to the precept of the Apostle 1 Tim. 3. Let Bishops not onely haue the testimony of a Good conscience in the sight of God but also the testimony of an vnruproueable conversation amongst men Presbyters Levites whom infirmity of old age permits not to abide in their secret chambers yet let them haue witnesses of their honest conversation and remaining places Youth-hood is prone and bent to evill therefore let them that are young be all brought vp in one conclaue vnder the instruction and government of some well approved Senior But they who shall be found lascivious and incorrigible let them bee thrust into a Monastery to the end that stricter discipline may correct the proud minds of insolent youths Seeing that ignorance is the mother of all errours it becommeth Presbyters who haue vndertaken the office of teaching continually to meditate vpon holy Scripture according to the words of the Apostle Take heed to reading exhortation and doctrine 1 Tim. 4. for by meditation of holy Scripture and the Canons of the Church men are made able to instruct others in knowledge and in precepts of good manners Presbyters shal receiue from their owne Bishops an officiall booke to the end that through ignorance they doe nothing amisse neither in celebration of the Sacraments nor in their Letanies nor in their forme of comming to Councels When Presbyters and Deacons are admitted to their offices they must vow chastitie and binde themselues to their Bishops to lead a continent life and after such profession let them retaine the discipline of an holy life A Bishop Presbyter or Deacon who shall happen to be vniustly deposed if they bee found innocent by the tryall of the Synode let them be restored to their former dignities before the Altar by the hands of Bishops in this manner If hee bee a Bishop let him be restored to his Orarium with Staffe and Ring If hee be a Presbyter to his Orarium and Planeta If he be a Deacon to his orarium and Alba If he be a Sub-deacon to his Plate and Chalice and other orders let them receiue in their restitution that which was given vnto them in their ordination If any of the Clergy be found to haue cōsulted with diviners sorcerers let him be deposed from his dignity put into a Monastery to make cōtinual penance for his sacrilege Church-men who dwell in borders confining to a Nation that is vnder hostility with their owne countrey let them neither receiue from the enemies of the countrey nor direct any secret message vnto the enemies If any Church-man sit in iudgement or be iudge in a sentence of blood let him bee depriued of his dignity in the Church Let Bishoppes haue a care of such as are oppressed to reproove the mightie men who oppresse them and if the word of wholesome reproofe profite nothing let them complaine to the king to the ende that by regall authoritie impietie may be subdued Seeing auarice is the roote of all euill let Bishops so gouerne their dioceses that they spoyle thē not of their rightes but according to the determination of anteriour Councels let them haue the third part of Oblations Tithes Tributes Cornes the rest let it remaine vnto the Paroches free and vntouched That thing which one Bishop possesseth without interpellation for the space of thirtie yeeres let no man in that same Prouince be heard in an action of repetition But as concerning them who dwell in diuerse Prouinces the case standeth otherwise lest while Dioceses are defended the boundes of Prouinces be confounded A Church newly builded shall appertaine vnto that Bishop in whose diosie it is knowne that spiritual conuentions haue beene kept A Bishop shall visit yeerelie all the paroches of his diosie and in case he be hindered by infirmitie or by weightie businesse he shall appoint faithfull Presbyters and Deacons to take inspection of the fabricke of the Churches and of their rentes Whatsoeuer reward a Prelate promiseth to a man who vndertaketh any worke tending to the vtilitie of the Church let him faithfully performe his promise Seeing that a part of Church-rentes is bestowed vpon sustentation of strangers and of poore and indigent people if it shall happen at any time those persons or their children to be indigent who haue rendered any rent to the Church let them render a just deserued retribution to their bene-factors in sustaining them to whose beneuolence they are addoted The Deacons are decerned to be inferiour to Presbyters Let the Leuites be content to be cloathed with their Orarium onely vpon the left shoulder and not vpon their right shoulders and let it neither be beautified with colours nor with gold Platina in the life of Zosinus calleth it Linostima Let Clergie-men haue the vpper-most part of their heads bare and shauen and the lower-part rounded not following the example of the Readers of Gallicia who did shaue onelie a little of the vpper-most part of the haire of their head conforming themselues in so doing to the custome of some Heretikes which dishonour is to bee remoued from the Churches of Spaine No strange women shall cohabite with Church-men only their mother or sister or her daughter or fathers sister may dwell with them amongst which persons the bandes of nature permitteth not to suspect any sinne according to the constitutions of auncient Fathers Some of the Clergie who are not married are intangled with the forbidden lust of strange women let the Bishop separate them sell the women and redact the men infected with their lust for a space vnto penance If a man of the Clergy marrie a wife or a widow or a deuorced woman or an harlot without aduise of his Bishop let the Bishop separate them againe Clergie-men who haue cloathed themselues with armour voluntarilie and haue gone to warre fare let them be deposed from their office and bee thrust into a Monasterie there to remaine all the dayes of their life Church-men who are found spoyling the sepulchers of persons departed let them be deposed and be subject vnto three yeeres penance By the commandement of king Sisenandus Churchmen are exempted from all publike indictions and labours to the end
Fathers who had been present at this Councell and were pictured in the Temple of Sophia and that on the other part Pope Constantine the first not onely caused the same effigíes to bee pictured in the porch of the Church of Saint Peter at Rome but also procured that the Emperours name should be razed out of charters and that his effigie should not bee ingraved in any kinde of coyned mettall Also it is cleere that Philippicus remooued Cyrus from his office and placed in his roome Iohn who fore-told him that he should be Emperour IN the yeere of our Lord 714. Pope Gregorie the second assembled a Councell in the which two Bishops of Brittaine to wit Sedulius and Fergustus were present It was ordained that masses should bee celebrated publiquely in Temples which custome was not in vse before In the second Tome of Councels this Synod is referred to Gregorie the third A great number of the Canons of this Councell doe concerne marriage That no man should take in marriage a woman who was a relict of a Presbvter or Deacon or a Nunne or his spirituall sister or his brothers wife or his neece or his mother in law or daughter in law or his neare cousens or a woman whom by these or ravishing hee hath led away And that no man should consult with Iuchanters and Sorcerers And that no man should violate the mandates of the Apostolicke Chaire no not in a matter of an haire GRegorie the third after he had received a mandate from the Emperour Leo concerning abolishing of Images hee assembled a great Councell at Rome of 903. Bishops in the which the Emperour Leo was excommunicated and deprived of his Imperiall dignity Here marke the tyranny and fiercenesse of Antichrist Who gaue such authority to a Roman Preacher to dismount the Monarches of the world from their royall thrones Yet Gregorie the third attempted such high matters because the Emperor Leo had disallowed the worshipping of Images Likewise by his instigation the whole countrey of Italy refused to pay tribute to the Emperour Now is the banner of Antichrist displayed against the Emperour and this is a fore-running token of the hatefull enmity which is to ensue betwixt the Popes and the Emperours which God willing shall bee declared in its owne time Likewise Anastatius Patriarch of Constantinople was condemned and excommunicated in this Councell To favour the Emperour and to dislike the worshipping of Images were two irremissable sinnes and meriting the great Anathems of the Bishop of Rome IN the yeere of our Lord 742. and in time of the raigne of Charles the Great and vnder the Popedome of Zacharias the first Bonifaoius Archbishop of Mentz assembled a Councell of the Bishops Presbyters and Clergy of France for reformation of abuses in that countrey or rather as the truth is to bring the countrey of France as hee had already brought many parts of Germany to a conformity with the superstitious rites of the Romane Church It is to bee marked that this nationall Councel was assembled by the mandate of King Charles howsoeuer Bonifacius ordered the affaires of the Councell It was ordained that Synodes should be kept yeerly and that Clergie men should not put on armour and goe to warre-fare except one or two Bishops with their Presbyters Chaplens to prescribe penance to them who should happen to confesse their sinnes And that hunting and hauking and such idle pastimes should not be vsed by the Clergie That every Presbyter shall be ready to giue account of his ministery to his owne Bishop in time of Lent especially concerning his ministration of Baptisme the summe of his Catholicke Faith the forme of his prayers and the order of his saying of masses That no vncouth Bishop or Presbyter be admitted without the tryall and allowance of a Synode That Presbyters and Deacons be not cloathed as secular men with short cloakes but with the habit of men who are in spirituall offices And that no woman cohabite in the house with them That every Bishop haue a care within his owne bounds to abolish all heathenish superstitions IN the yeere of our Lord 755. and in the thirteenth yeere of the Empire of Constantinus Copronymus a general Coūcell of 338. Bishops was assembled at Constantinople by the commandement of the Emperour In this Councell the worshipping of Images was damned and the placing of them in Oratories and Temples where the divine Maiesty is worshipped was forbidden as a custome borrowed from Pagans who had no hope of the resurrection and therefore solaced thēselues with pictured similitudes of their friends as if they had beene bodily present with them Yea for three principall causes they damned the worshipping of Images First because the worshipping of them is repugnant vnto holy Scripture Secondly because the divine and humane nature being vnseparably vnited in Christ and the divine nature cannot be presented by an Image therefore it is not meete to represent his humane nature by an Image left we should seeme to separate the two natures in Christ. And thirdly because the writings of ancient Fathers doe vtterlie condemne the worshipping of Images such as Epiphanius Eusebius Gregorius Theologus Athanasius Amphilochius Chrysostomus and Theodorus Bishop of Ancyra It were a prolixt thing to make a rehearsall of the sentences of all the forenamed Fathers therefore for breuities cause I will heere onely make choise of one place which is this Eusebius Pamphili writing to Constantia the Empresse who was desirous that the image of Christ should be sent her hee returneth vnto hir this answere Because yee haue written vnto mee to send vnto you the Image of Christ I would gladly vnderstand what image of Christ yee are inquiring for whether it bee that true and vnchangeable nature bearing the character and ingrauen similitude of the person of the Father or if it bee the image of the shape of a seruant which Christ tooke vpon him for our sakes As concerning His diuine nature I hope yee are not sollicitous to seeke the image thereof beeing sufficientlie instructed that no man knoweth the Father except the Sonne and on the other part no man knoweth the Sonne except the Father But if yee desire the similitude of mans nature wherewith He clad Himselfe for our sakes vnderstand that the splender and shining brightnesse of his glorie cannot be represented with dead coloures and shaddowed pictures For euen his Disciples in the mountaine were not able to abide the brightnesse of His shining face Mat. Chap. 17. vers 1. Mark Chap. 9. vers 2. Luk. Chap. 9. vers 28. how much lesse are we now able to abide the celestiall splender of his glorified bodie In this Councell Germanus Bishop of Constantinople Georgius Cyprius and Damascene a Monke who were principall defenders of the worshipping of images were excommunicated In the Canons of this Councel which were 19. in number inuocation of Saints hath allowance in the 15. 17. Canon
a forme of receiuing of confessions and prescribing of penance according to the Canonicall institutions 13. They reasoned about the eight principall vices to the end their diuersitie being distinguished every man might know what vices he should eschew and teach others to beware of the same 14. That Bishops should take heed of the reading of the bookes of the Canonicke Scripture and the bookes of Fathers and should attend vpon the preaching of the Word of God 15. That Bishops should preach the Sermons and Homilies of holy Fathers in such sort as all the people might vnderstand them The 16. Canon is coincident with the 12. 17. That Bishops and Abbots permit no man to solace the company with filthy gesting in their presence but let poore and indigent people be refreshed at their tables with lectures of divine Scripture and praising of God according to the Precept of the Apostle that whether wee eate or drinke let all things be done to the glory of God 18. Gluttony and Drunkennesse forbidden to Bishops and the Ministers of God 19. Let not Bishops bee rash to iudge in things secret which are to bee referred to the iudgement of God who can manifest things hid vp in darknesse and discouer the secrets of the heart 20. Presbyters shall not transport themselues from a low place to a greater 21. Whosoever by paying money procureth a preferment in the Church shall be deposed 22. No Church-man shall cohabite with a woman except it be with his mother or sister or such like persons by whose company no suspition of vncleannesse can arise Precepts given to Monkes and Nunnes I passe by as I did in the former Councell Canon 35. The Sabbath day shall be kept holy and in it no servile worke shall bee done according to the Lords commandement 36. Let no man bestow vpon the Church that thing which by vnlawfull meanes hee hath fraudulently with-drawne from others 37. Nor yet by lies and deceitfull meanes with-draw any thing duly belonging to the Church 38. Let tythes be precisely payed 39. Let no man presume to receiue rewards for his decreet and sentence 40. Let prayers and oblations be made for the Emperour and his noble race that it would please God to preserue them in all happines in this present life and vouchsafe vnto them celestiall ioyes in company of the Angels in the life to come In the 41. Canon mention is made of a certaine rent left by King Pipinus of Good memory which they wish the Emperour Charles Pipinus sonne should not alter nor transferre into another summe in respect that by so doing many periuries and false testimonies might ensue 42. And that no man should be remoued from his mansion to whom the Emperours almes is distributed 43. And that the statute may bee confirmed by his Highnesse allowance whereby all contentions and strifes are ordained to haue a decision and end 44. And that the statute made in Bononia concerning false witnesses may be ratified and confirmed with augmentation if neede require for eschewing of periuries false testimonies and many other inconueniences IN the yeere of our Lord 813. and at the commandement of the Emperour Carolus Magnus a Councell of many Bishops and Abbots was assembled about establishing of Ecclesiasticall discipline in the towne of Towers In the first Canon all men are admonished to be obedient to the Emperour Charles the Great and to keepe the oath of allegeance made vnto him and to make prayers and supplications for his prosperity and wel-fare 2. All Bishoppes shall diligently reade and frequently peruse the bookes of holy Scripture the histories of the Euangels and the Epistles of Paul together with the bookes of ancient Fathers written thereupon 3. It is not lawfull for any Bishop to bee ignorant of the Canons of the Church and of the Pastorall booke of Gregorius in the which every man as in a liuely mirrour might see himselfe 4. Let every Bishop feede the flocke committed vnto him not onely with doctrine but also with examples of good conversation 5. A Bishop must not be giuen to sumptuous banquets but be content with a moderate diet lest hee should seeme to abuse the counsell of our Lord saying Take heed that your hearts be not surfeited with gluttony or drunkennesse but let holy lecture be at his table rather then the idle wordes of flattering fellowes 6. Let strangers and indigent people bee at Bishops tables whom they may refresh both with corporall and spirituall repast 7. The delicate pleasure of the eare and eyes are to bee eschewed left by such pleasures the minde be effeminate and inchanted 8. Let not the Lords servants delight in vaine gesting nor in hunting nor hawking 9. Let Presbyters and Deacons follow the foot-steps of their Bishops assuring themselues that the good conuersation enioyned vnto their Bishops is also enioyned vnto them 10. Let Bishops haue a great sollicitude and care towards the poore and be faithfull dispensators of Ecclesiasticall goods as the Ministers of God and not as hunters after filthy lucre 11. It is lawfull for Bishops with consent of Presbyters and Deacons to bestow out of the Church treasure to support indigent people of that same Church 12. A Presbyter is not to be ordained vntill hee bee thirtie yeere old 13. Let the Bishop make diligent inquisition in his owne parish Church that no Presbyter comming from any other parts make seruice in his Church without letters of recommendation 14. Let a Presbyter leaving a low place and presuming to an higher incurre that same punishment which a Bishop deprehended in the like fault should incurre 15. A Presbyter who attaineth to a Church by giving money for it let him bee deposed 16. Let tythes bestowed vpon Churches by advice of Bishops be faithfully distributed to the poore by the Presbyters 17. The families of Bishops shall be instructed in the summe of the true faith In the knowledge of the retribution to be given to good men and the condemnation of people and of the resurrection and last iudgement and by what kinde of workes eternall life may be promerited and that the Homilies containing these instructions shall bee translated into Rusticke-Latine-language to the end that every person may vnderstand them Marke in what estimation the Latine language hath beene at this time that instructions in Rusticke and barbarous Latine are counted better then instructions in good French language 18. It is the dutie of the Bishop to instruct his Presbyter concerning the Sacrament of Baptisme what it is that they should desire the people baptized to renounce namely that they should renounce the divell and all his workes and his pomps Now the workes of the Diuell are murther fornication adulterie drunkennesse and other such like faults But the pompes of the Divell are pride ostentation swelling conceits vaine-glory loftinesse and such other faults as spring vp from such grounds 19. Presbyters are precisely to be admonished that when they say the masse and do communicate they doe
not distribute the Lords bodie indiscreetly to children and to all persons who happen to be present who if they be entangled with great sinnes they procure vnto themselues rather damnation then any remedie to their soules according to the saying of the Apostle Whosoeuer eateth this Bread and drinketh this Cup unworthily hee shall be guilty of the bodie and blood of the Lord Let a man therefore try himselfe and so let him eate of this Bread and drinke of this Cup. By this let the iudicious Reader marke that even in the dayes of Carolus Magnus priuate masses had no place but they who were duly prepared did communicate with the Priest 20. Presbyters shall not suffer the holy Chrisme to be touched by every man 21. Presbyters shall not resort to Tavernes to eate or drinke 22. Bishops and Presbyters shall prescribe to sinners who haue confessed their sinnes penance discreetly according to the waightinesse of their fault 23. Chanons who dwell in Cities let them eate in one Cloyster and sleepe vnder one roofe to the end they may bee ready to celebrate their Canonicall houres From the 24. Canon vnto the 32. are contained constitutions concerning Monkes and Nunnes which I ouer-passe with silence fearing to be prolix Canon 32. All men should studie to peace and concord but especially Christians forsaking hatred discord and envie 33. Lords and Iudges should be obedient to the wholsome admonitions of their Bishops and Bishops on the other part should reverently regard them to the end they may be mutually supported every one with the consolations one of another 34. Lords and Iudges are to bee admonished that they admit not vile and naughty persons to beare witnesse in their iudicatories because there are many who for a contemptible price are ready to make shipwracke of a good conscience 35. Let no man for his decreet receiue a reward For divine Scripture in many places forbiddeth this as a thing that blindeth the eyes of the blind 36. Let euery man be carefull to support indigent persons of his owne family and kindred for it is an impious and abominable thing in the sight of God that men abounding in riches should neglect their owne 37. Christians when they make supplications to God let them in humble manner bow downe their knees following the example of the Martyr Steven and of the Apostle Paul Except vpon the Lords day and other solemne dayes on the which the vniversall Church keepeth a memoriall of the Lords resurrection and at such times they are accustomed to stand and pray 38. Faithfull people must be admonished not to enter into the Church with tumult and noyse and in time of prayer and celebration of the masse not to be occupied in vaine confabulations and idle speeches but even to abstain from wicked cogitations 39. Let not the Consistories and Iudgement-seates of secular Iudges be in the Church or portches thereof in any time to come because the house of God should bee an house of Prayer as our Lord Iesus Christ saith 40. Let it be forbidden that Merchandize be vsed vpon the Lords day or Iustice-Courts because all men should abstaine from servile labours to the end this day may be spent in praising and thanking God from morning till evening 41. Incestuous persons parracides and murtherers are found who will not hearken to the wholsome admonitions of Church-men but persevere in their vitious conversation who must be reduced to order by the discipline of the secular power 42. Let the people be admonished to abstaine from Magicall Arts which can bring no support and helpe to the infirmities of men and beasts but they are the deceitfull snares of the Divell whereby he deceiveth man-kinde 43. A frequent custome of swearing is forbidden wherein men vpon euery light occasion willing to purchase credit to that which they speake they take God to be witnesse of the verity of their speeches 44. Many free subiects by the oppression of their Masters are redacted to extreame pouerty whose causes if our element Soveraigne please to examine hee shall finde that they are vniustly redacted to extreame indigence 45. A false measure and a false ballance is an abomination vnto the Lord as Salomon recordeth The 46. Canon containeth a regrate that tythes were not duly payed to the Church notwithstanding that the Church had giuen in their complaint to the civil Magistrate whereby it came to passe that not only lights in the Church and stipends to the Clergie began to inlacke but also the very parish Churches became ruinous 47. When generall Fastings are appointed for any impendent calamity let man neglect the fellowship of the humble Church for desire to feed his belly with delicate foode 48. Drunkennes and surfeiting are forbidden as offensiue both to soule and bodie and the ground of many other sinnes 49. Lords and Masters are to be admonished not to deale cruelly and vnmercifully with their subiects yea and not to seeke that which is due vnto themselues with excessiue rigour 50. Let Laicke people communicate at least thrise in a yeere vnlesse they be hindred by some grivous sinnes committed by them 51. In the last Canon mention is made that they diligently examined the cause of them who complained to the Emperour that they were dis-inherited by th● donation of lands which their Fathers and friends had bestowed vpon the Church and in their bounds they found no man who did complaine Alwaies in that matter if any thing was done amisse they humbly submitted themselues to be corrected by their Soveraigne Lord and King THe Councell of Chalons was the fourth Councell convened in the yeere of our Lord 813. by the commandement of Charles the Great for the reformation of the Ecclesiasticall Estate Many of the Canons of this Councell are coincident with the Canons of the former therefore I shall be the shorter in the commemoration thereof 1. That Bishops acquaint themselues diligently with reading the bookes of holy Scripture and the Bookes of ancient Fathers together with the Pastorall bookes of Gregorius 2. Let Bishops practice in their workes the knowledge which they haue attained vnto by by reading 3. Let them also constitute Schooles wherein learning may be increased and men brought vp in them that may be like to the salt of the earth to season the corrupt manners of the people and to stop the mouthes of Heretiques according as it is said to the commendation of the Church A thousand Targes are hung vp in it even all the Armour of the strong Cant. chap. 4 vers 4. ● 4. Let Church-men shew humility in word deed countenance and habite 5. Let Priests bee vnreproueable adorned with good manners and not given to filthy lucre 6. The blame of filthy lucre wherewith many Church-men were charged for this that they allured secular men to renounce the world and to bring their goods to the Church they endeuour with multiplyed number of words to remoue 7. Bishops and Abbots who with deceitfull speeches haue circumvened
simple men and shauen their heads and by such meanes doe possesse their goods in respect of their covetous desire of filthy lucre let them be subiect to Canonicall or regular repentance But let those simple men who have layd downe their haire as men destitute of vnderstanding who cannot gouerne their owne affaires let them remaine in that estate which they haue once vndertaken but let the goods given by negligent Parents and received or rather reaved by avaritious Church-men be restored againe to their children heires 8. If Church men lay vp provision of come in Victuall-houses let it not be to keepe them to a dearth but to support the poore in time of need therewith 9. Hunting and hawking and the insolency of foolish and filthy iests are to bee forsaken of Church-men 10. Gluttony and drunkennesse is forbidden 11. The Bishop or Abbot must not resort to civill iudicators to plead their owne cause except it be to support the poore and oppressed Presbyters Deacons and Monkes having obtained licence from the Bishop may compeare in Civill iudgement-seats accompanied with their Advocate 12. Let not Presbyters Deacons or Monkes bee farmers or labourers of the ground 13. It is reported of some brethren that they compell the persons who are to be admitted in time of their ordination to sweare that they are worthy and that they shall do nothing repugnant to the Canons and that they shall be obedient to the Bishop who ordayneth them and to the Church in the which they are ordayned which oath in regard it is perilous we all inhibit and discharge it 14. Bishops in visiting of their Parishioners let them not be chargeable vnto them but rather comfortable by preaching the Word and by correcting things that are disordered 15. It is reported that some Arch-deacons vse domination over the Presbyters and take tribute from them which smelleth rather of tyranny then of due order For if the Bishoppe should not vse domination over the Clergie but by examplars to the flocke as the Apostle Peter writeth much lesse should these presume to doe any such like thing 16. Like as in dedication of Churches and for receiving of orders no money is received even so for buying of Balme to make Chrisme Presbyters keepers of Chrisme shall bestowe no money but Bishops of their owne rents shall furnish Baulme for the making of Chrisme and Lightes to the Church 17. It hath beene found in some places that Presbyters haue payed 12. or 14. pennies in yeerely tribute to the Bishop which custome wee haue ordained altogether to be abolished 18. The receiuing of paunds from incestuous persons and from men who pay not their Tythes and from negligent Presbyters is forbidden as a thing which openeth a doore to auarice but rather let Ecclesiasticall discipline strike vpon transgressours 19. Let people giue their Tythes to those Churches wherein their children are baptized whereunto they resort all the yeere long to heare Church-seruice 20. Let peace bee kept amongst all men but in speciall betwixt Bishops Countes whereby euery one of them may mutually support another 21. Ciuill Iudges ought to judge righteously without exception of persons and without receiuing of rewards and let their Officiars Vicars and Centenaries bee righteous men least by their auarice and greedinesse the people bee grieued and impouerished And let the witnesses be of vnsuspect credite for by false witnesses the Countrey is greatly damnified 22. The Abbots and Monkes in this part of the Countrie seeing they haue addicted themselues to the Order of Saint Benedict let them endeuour to conforme themselues vnto his institution and rules 23. The ordination of Presbyters Deacons and other inferiours is to bee made at a certaine prescribed time 24. Concerning Bishops Presbyters Deacons and Monkes who shall happen to be llaine let the Emperour giue determination to whom the satisfacton of blood shall belong 25. In many places the auncient custome of publicke repentance hath ceased neither is the auncient custome of excommunicatiō and reconciliation in vse Therefore the Emperour is to be entreated that the ancient discipline may be restored againe and they who sinne publikely may be brought to publike repentance and euery man according as hee deserueth may either bee excommunicated or reconciled 26. It is reported that in some Churches there is contention and strife for diuidng of Church rents It is ordained therefore That no Masse shall be said in those Churches vntill they who are at variance be reconciled againe 27. Neither the Sacrament of Baptisme nor the Sacrament of Confirmation should be reiterated 28. Concerning the decrees of affinitie and in what degree Marriage may be bound vp euery man is sent to the Canons of the Church to seeke resolution 29. Seing that the man and the woman are counted in Scripture as one flesh their Parentage is to be reckoned by like degrees in the matter of Marriage 30. The Marriage of seruants is not to bee dissolued which is bound vp with consent of both their masters euerie seruant remaining obedient to his owne master 31. It is rumoured that some women by negligence and others fraudulently doe present their owne children to the Sacrament of Confirmation to the ende they may bee separated from the companie of their husbandes Therefore wee statute and ordaine that such women as either negligently or fraudulently present their owne children to the Sacrament of Confirmation they shall bee compelled to doe penance all the dayes of their life neither shall they in any wise be separated from their husbandes 32. Let a sinner confesse vnto his Father-Confessor all his sinnes which hee hath committed either in thought word or deede because that hatred enuye and pride are such pestilentious botches of the soule and the more secretly that they are couched the more periculously they hurt 33. Sinnes should not onely bee confessed to God according to the example of Dauid who saith I will confesse against my selfe my wickednesse vnto the Lord and thou forgauest the punishment of my sinne Psal. 32. vers 5. But also wee should confesse our sinnes to our Father-Confessor according to the precept of the Apostle Acknowledge your faultes one to another and pray one for another that yee may bee healed I at 5.16.34 In pre●●●ibing of penance let fauour and hatred of any person be laide aside and let the injunctions be giuen according to the rule of holy Scripture and according to the Canons and custome of the Church following the example of the Physitions of the body who without exception of persons doe adhibit cuttings burnings and vehement remedies to perilous diseases 35. Many in doing of penance are not so desirous of remission of sinnes as of the accomplishment of the prescribed time of their humiliaon and beeing forbidden to eate flesh or drinke wine they haue the greater desire of other delicate meates and drinkes but spirituall abstinence which should bee in penitent persons excludeth all bodily delightes 36. Let no man sinne of
purpose to the ende hee may abolishe his sinnes by Almes-deedes for that is all one as if a man should hyre God to grant vnto him a libertie to sinne 37. Seeing all Canons of Councels are to be diligently read in speciall such as appertaine vnto faith and reformation of manners should bee most frequently perused 38. Bookes called Libelli Poenitentiales are to abolished because the erroures of these Bookes are certaine howbeit the authors of them be vncertaine and they prepare pillowes to lay vnder the heads of them who are sleeping in sinne 39. In the solemnities of the Masse Prayers are to bee made for the soules of them who are departed as well as for them who are aliue 40. Presbyters who are degraded liue like seculare men neglecting repentance whereby they might procure restitution to their office let them be excommunicated 41. A Presbyter who transporteth himselfe from his owne place shall not be receiued in any other Church except hee prooue both with witnesses and letters sealed with lead containing the name of the Bishop and of the Citie which he liued in that he hath liued innocently in his own Church and had a just cause of transportation 42. Let no Church bee committed to a Presbyter without consent of the Bishop 43. In some places are found Scots-men who call themselues Bishops they ordaine Presbyters Deacons whose ordination we altogether disallowe 44. Presbyters must not drinke in Tavernes wander in Markets nor goe to visite Cities without aduise of their Bishop 45. Many both of the Clergie Laickes go● to holy places such as Rome Turon imagining that by the sight of these places their sins are remitted and not attending to the sentence of Ierome It is a more commendable thing to liue well in Hierusalem than to haue seene Hierusalem 46. In receiuing the Sacrament of the bodie and blood of Christ great discretion is to be vsed Neither let the taking of it be long differred because Christ saith Except yee eate the flesh of the sonne of man and drinke his bloud yee haue no life in you Neither let vs come without due preparation because the Apostle saith He who eateth and dri●keth vnworthily eateth and drinketh his owne damnation 47. The Sacrament of the body blood of Christ which in one day is accustomed to be receiued of all Christians let no man neglect to receiue it except some grieuous crime doe hinder him from receiuing of it 48. According to the precept of the Apostle Iames Weake persons should be annointed with oyle by the Elders which oyle is blessed by the Bishop these words inclosed in a parenthesis are added to the Text for he saith Is any man sicke amongst you let him call for the Elders of the Church and let them pray for him and annoint him with oyle in the Name of the Lord And the prayer of faith shal saue the sicke and the Lord shall raise him vp And if he haue committed sin it shal be forgiuen him I am cap. 5. vers 14.15 Such a medicine as cureth both bodily spirituall maledies is not to be neglected 49. In the Councell of Laodicea it was forbidden that Masses should bee said and Oblations offered by Bishops or Presbyters in priuate houses This question also was disputed in this Councell 50. The authoritie of the Emperour is to be interponed for reuerent keeping of the Lords day 51. Because the Church is constituted of persons of diuerse conditions some are Noble others are ignoble some are seruants vassalles strangers c. It becommeth them who are in eminent rowmes to deale mercifully with their inferiours knowing that they are their brethren because God is one common Father to both and the Church is one common mother to both From the 52. Canon vnto the 66. are contained precepts of chaste and honest liuing prescribed to Prioresses and Nunnes which I ouer-passe as I haue done in the preceeding Councels 66. It is ordained that prayers and supplications shall be made for the Emperour and his children and for their well-fare both in soule and bodie 67. These things haue we touched shortly to be exhibited to our Soueraigne Lord the Emperour Hee who desireth a more ample declaration of all vertues to be followed and vices to be eschewed let him read the volume of the holy Scriptures of God IN the same yeere of our Lord wherein the preceding foure Councels were conueened by the mandate of the Emperour Charles the Great another Councell was conneened at Arles The Canons of this Councell were in number 25. 1. They set downe a Confession of their Faith 2. They ordaine That Prayers shall bee made for the Emperour and his children 3. They admonish Bishops and Pastors diligently to reade the bookes of holy Scripture To teach the Lords people in all truth and To administrate the Sacraments rightly 4. Laick people are admonished not to remooue their Presbyters from their Churches without consent of their Bishops 5. That Presbyters be not admitted for rewards 6. It is ordained That Bishops shall attend that euery person liue ordinately that is according to a prescribed rule The 7. and 8. Canons belong to the ordering of Monkes and Nunnes The 9. Canon pertaineth to the payment of Tythes and first fruits 10. It is ordained That Presbyters shall preach the word of God not only in Cities but also in euery Parochin 11. Incestuous copulations are to be v●terly abhor●ed 12. Peace is to blee● kep● with all men according to the words of the Apostle Follow peace and sanctification without the● which no man shall see God Heb. cap. 12. vers 14 1● Let Lords Iudges and the rest of the people be obedient to their Bishop let 〈…〉 judg●ment be vsed and no bribes receiued nor false testimonie be admitted 14. In time of Famine let euery man support the necessitie of his owne 15. Let all weightes and measures be equall and just 16. Let the Sabboth day be kept holy without Markets Iustice Courtes and seruile labour 17. Let euery Bishop visite his boundes once in the yeere if he finde the poore to be oppressed by the violence of the mightie then let the Bishop with wholesome admonitions exhort them to desist from such oppression and in case they will not desist from their violence then let the Bishop bring the cause to the eares of the Prince 18. Let Presbyters keepe the Chrisme and giue it to no man vnder pretence of Medicine 19. Parentes and Witnesses shall bring vp baptized children in the knowledge of God because God hath giuen them vnto Parents and Witnesses haue pawned their word for their faith 20. Ancient Churches shall not be depriued of Tythes nor of none other possession 21. That the constitution of ancient Fathers shal be kept concerning Buriall in Churches 22. Ciuill Iudgment-seates shall not bee in Churches 23. The goods belonging vnto the poore if they bee bought let it bee done openly in sight of the Nobles
who were assessors to the Archbishop of Mentz departed from him fearing the rage of commoued people This Councell began with pride and ended with fury and tumult The Bishop of Mentz in great wrath departed to Helegenstad because he could hardly digest the repulse which he gat in the Councell IN the yeere of our Lord 1075. in the moneth of October a Councell was assembled at Mentz wherein the Bishop of Chur as Ambassador from the Pope Gregorie the seventh was present and straitly commanded the Bishop of Mentz vnder paine of deposition from his prelacie to proceed against married Priestes according to the Popes commandement The Bishoppe terrified with the Popes threatning convened a Synode at Mentz The married Priests finding that the Bishoppe againe was willing to execute the Popes vngodly commandement they left supplications which they had vsed in the Councell of Erfurde and with their hands and a vehement commotion of their bodies so terrified the Bishop of Mentz and the Popes Ambassadour that they were glad by flying to escape the danger of their life Not daring to assemble any mo Councels to that effect AFter this Pope Hildebrand in the lofty conceits of his proud and Antichristian heart intended to gather a Councel at Rome in the time of Lent And he gaue warning to the Emperour to compeare before him and to answer to such things as had bin obiected against him The Emperor thought it no time to slumber nor sleepe when this seditious Pope threatned to cut him off from the body of the Church if hee did not compeare before his Iudgement-seat Therefore the Emperour assembled all the Bishops of his kingdome to the number of 24. in the towne of Wormes Many Abbots also were present The question intreated in this Councell was concerning the deposition of Pope Hildebrand As they were devising concerning this purpose in the Councell Hugo Blancus a Cardinall came from Rome with letters from the Popes enemies with many accusations against him These were read openly in the Councell Hildebrand was accused of periury and ambition of avarice and of pride and they desired that Hildebrand might bee displaced and another seated in his roome The determination of the Councell was this that Hildebrand who called himselfe Gregorie the seventh a forclopen Monke an vsurper of the Popedome without consent of the Emperour and against his oath a false interpreter and wrester of holy Scripture a renter of vnity a man who mixed all divine and humane things so together that he polluted them both a man who heard the false accusations of vngodly people who in one cause would be an accuser a witnesse a Iudge and an enemy who separated husbands from their wiues and preferred whoredome to lawfull marriage who stirred vp the people against their Bishops and teachers who counted no man consecrated lawfully except hee had bought his Prelacie from his dependers and begged it from himselfe a seeker of popular applause and a deceiver of the people vnder colour of religion ● a man who like to Decius and the rest of the persecuting Emperours and worshippers of false gods vsurped both Empire and the Priesthood For all these forementioned causes the holy Emperour the Bishops and Senators and Christian people assembled with them decerned that Hildebrand should bee remooued from the Popedome and that the sheepe of Christ should not be committed to a Wolfe This decreet was subscribed by all the Bishops who were present at the Councell IN the yeere of our Lord 1076. another Councell was assembled at Triburia The Princes of Saxonie and Sweue came to the Councell with obstinate mindes setting their whole indeavours against the Emperour Henry the fourth He approached neere to the towne but the river of Rhene was interiected betweene them The Emperour in all submissiue manner promised to amend all the faults whereof they complained But their hearts being possessed with a superstitious favour to the chaire of Rome and being inclinable to sedition alteration of the State they returned a very hard answer to the Emperour wherein they made a commemoration of all his youthly infirmities and how their expectation of his amendment had often-times deceiued them But seeing their consciences witnessed vnto them that infirmities in Princes is no sufficient cause to shake off the yoke of their obedience Therefore in the end they pretend that in case they adhered any longer to him they were in danger to incurre the condemnation of their own soules because hee was excommunicated by the Apostolick chaire This Councell is like vnto a looking glasse wherein two things may bee evidently seene to wit the inconstancy of people and pride of the Roman Antichrist bearing downe the authority of Princes for desire of his owne advancement THe Pope had appointed a day of compearance to the Emperour to be iudged in Lent as hath beene declared heretofore This Councell was full of cursings flattering the Romanes and prodigall largition of money to those who followed the Pope For in this Councell Gilbertus Bishop of Ravenna was cursed The Emperour Henry the fourth was not onely cursed but also denuded of his Imperiall dignity as if the Bishop of Rome had power to conferre the kingdomes of the world to whom hee pleaseth The flattering words of the Pope to the Romane Nobles Senators and People are beyond all measure of moderation For hee called them the head of the world having power to conferre all spirituall and civill dignities to whom they pleased Like as 270. yeeres agoe they transferred the Empire from the Grecians to the Germanes And like as the Emperour may displace an vnworthy souldier even so a souldier may forsake an vnrighteous Captaine After this hee distributed to his followers 15000. talents of siluer and so by cursings flattery and prodigality hee bewitched the Romans and engaged them against the Emperour IN the yeere of our Lord 1080. the Emperour Henry the fourth assembled of Germany and Italy 30. Bishops in the towne of Brixia-Notice together with many Princes of his kingdome All these consented that Hildebrand should be deposed from his Popedome and Gilbertus Bishoppe of Ravenna should be placed in his roome because Hildebrand was a subuerter of Ecclesiasticall order a troubler of the Imperiall estate a perturber of peace stirring vp dissention among brethren contention among those who lived peacebly divorcement among married persons and had troubled every thing that was setled in godlinesse and peace The tenour of the Decree followeth We who are assembled together by the providence of God in Brixia decerne that Hildebrand that obstinate preacher of sacrilegious flames and burnings a defender of periuries and murthers a Sorcerer and Inchanter a man who calleth in question the true Faith concerning the body and blood of Christ. We say they decerne that such a man should bee deposed and expelled from the Popedome and except nee forsake it after intimation of this Decree that hee is to be condemned perpetually IN the yeere
Councell of Basil with his Apostolike letters But after the death of the Emperour who died in the sixt yeere of the Councell Eugenius tooke vpon him greater boldnesse and first held a contrarie Councell at Ferraria and afterward at Florence pretending that he behoued to meet with the Greekes for vniting of them to the West Church who because they would no wayes passe the Alpes he was compelled for their commoditie to keepe a Councell in some neerer place The Councell of Basil although weakned by the Emperours death proceeded not the lesse to the deposition of Eugenius and elected Amedeus Duke of Sauoy to be Pope whom they called Foelix the fift To this Councell were the Bohemians and Morauians invited who after they had receiued sufficient suretie and pledges for their safe passage returning againe sent Ambassadours to the Councell by whose earnest trauels it was obtained that the Bohemians and Morauians should haue the communion celebrat vnto them vnder both kinds The Historie of this Councell was written by Aeneas Syluius who was present at the same and liked well of the proceedings and determinations thereof as may appeare by his owne writings and namely by a certaine Epistle of his written to the Rector of the vniuersitie of Colen wherein he reioyceth for a certaine treatise of the said rectors which came into his hands reprouing the rudenesse and rashnesse of such as deny the Bishop of Rome and his consistory to be subiect to the Generall Councell and that the supreme tribunall seat of iudgement standeth in the Church and not in one Bishop Notwithstanding the same Syluius who by his learned writings advanced the decrees of the Councell of Basil yet afterward being promoted to that papall dignitie himselfe turned his coat and returned againe to the old filthy pride of the Chaire of Rome which magnifieth it selfe not onely aboue the Church but also maketh it selfe companion to God himselfe IN the yeere of our Lord 1439. while as the Councell of Basil was yet sitting vndissolued Eugenius the fourth perceiuing that matters went against him in Basil he held a contrarie Councell at Florence where he brought to passe that the Emperour and Patriarch of Constantinople with the rest of the Grecians there present were perswaded to receiue the sentence of the Church of Rome concerning the proceeding of the holy Ghost also to receiue the communion in vnleauened bread to admit Purgatorie and to yeeld themselues to the authoritie of the Romish Bishop wherevnto notwithstanding the other Churches of Grecia would in no wise assent at their comming home in so much that with a publict execration they did condemne afterward all those Legats which had consented to those Articles that none of them should be buried in Christian buriall It is to be noted in this Councell that the Grecians who agreed to other opinions of the Roman Church yet could neuer be induced to beleeue their doctrine of transubstantiation Notwithstanding they were content to set forth vnto the people a Bull of agreement which they called Bulla Consensus and the difference of opinions in that point of doccrine was not thought a sufficient impediment to stay the promulgation of this agreement Howbeit afterward as it were forgetting what they had done themselues in the Coūcels of Florence their Bulla Consensus they cry out that there is no agreement vnitie amongst the Protestants because there is some difference of opinions about the Sacrament among them In the time of this Councell Iosephus Patriarch of Constantinople died Eugenius required that presently before the dissolution of the Councell another should be chosen but to this the Grecians would not agree affirming that it was not lawfull to choose a Patriarch of Cōstantinople but onely in their owne Church there The Emperour Paleologus after his returning liued not long And finallie this agreement was counted of the Grecians infortunat and an euill presage immediatly before the vtter ruine of the Orientall Empire and the destruction of the towne of Constantinople For within 14. yeeres after this agreement at Florence the famous citie of Constantinople was taken by Mahomet Emperour of Turkes the Emperour Constantine the Brother of Paleologus was slaine and the Empire of the East was cut off CENTVRIE XVI THis Councell of Trent begun in the yeere of our Lord 1546. the fourth of Ianuary in the Popedome of Paulus the third In the first session thereof an oration was made by the Popes Legat declaring the causes of the calamitie of the Church In the second Session the Articles of faith were read and confirmed and that was kept the fourth of Februarie The third Session was kept the eight of April wherein it was decreed that the old Latine translation of the Bible should onely be vsed and accounted authentike in Churches and Schooles and that the rule in expounding of the Scriptures should bee this to expound them as the Church and the ancient fathers haue expounded them before As also the number of the bookes accounted holy and Canonicke Scriptures were rehersed the fourth Session was kept the 17. day of Iune where it was decreed that all men should beleeue that originall sinne was vtterly taken away in Baptisme in such sort that the concupiscence which remaineth in our nature after Baptisme is not to be accounted a sinne vntill wee giue the consent of our minde thereto And because the Law of God plainely condemneth it and the Apostle Paul in plaine words sayeth I had not knowne concupiscence to haue beene a sinne except the Law had sayd thou shalt not covet lest they should seeme to Proclame to the world their manifest contradiction to the Scriptures they lenifie their decree againe with this distinction that the Apostle calleth it a sin not because it is a sin properlie and indeede but because it commeth of sin tendeth also thereto Howbeit with those fathers licence the Apostle Paul declareth his owne sense and meaning that hee calleth concupiscence sinne because it is a transgression of the Law so that he accounteth it a sinne properly and indeed Also in this Session they decerne that the mother of our Lord was not conceived in originall sinne In the fift Session was decerned that even after the fall of Adam and in the nature of man before his regeneration there remaineth a free-will to doe good which being wakened by God and stirred vp is a fellow-bearer with his grace In the sixt Session was concluded that man is iustified partly by faith in Christ and partly by workes and that our iustification stands not in a free forgiuenesse of sinnes and a free imputation of the righteousnesse of Christ to all them who beleeue in him The seventh Session was kept the third of March an 1547. wherein was decerned that all men should beleeue that the Sacraments of the Church were seven in number to wit Baptisme Confirmation the
Hist. Mag. cent 3. Mammea the Emperors mother is instructed by Origen in the faith Note Turinus killed with smoke Seuerus his death Bucole Index chron Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 28. Eucole Index chron The 6. persecution Ann. Christi 237. Euseb. lib. 6. cap. ●8 Origen wrote a booke de martyrie Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 28. 1 The malice of Satan against true Pastors 2 Not● Origen got not the honor of martyrdome Note difference betwixt holy scripture and other bookes The death of Maximinus and his sonne Func chron Chron. ●unt Chron. Funt ●●cole Euseb. lib. 6 cap. 34. Philippus his death Chron Fun● The 7 persecution Ann. Ch. 250. Alexander and Babylas both died in prison Origen at Ierusalem closeth the booke and weepeth Hist. Mag. cent 3. cap. 10. The teeth of the holy martyr Apollonia Chemnisius dereli quiis Note The Martyrdome of Nemesion Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 41. The veritie hath no neede to be vnderpropped with lies Note Nic●phorus lib. 5. cap. 27. Note Euseb lib. 6. cap. 42. Married Bishops Euseb lib. 6. cap. 40. 1 Tim. 4.3 Note The rigour of Novatus Euseb. lib. 6. cap. 43. Gal 6.1 Bucole Index Chron. chron Funct Cypry ad Demetrianum Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 1. The 8. Persecution Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 10. Anno Chr. 259. The martyrdome of Laurence Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 11. Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 12. The martyrdome of Cyprian Naz. in Ieudem Cypriani Theosecnus B. of Caesarea encourageth Marinus Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 15. Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 16. The miserable captivity of Valerian Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 13. Bucol Index chron Note Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 13. Christians full of pitty Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 21.22 The history of Eusebius concerning the tvvo brasen images in Caesarea Philippi Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 18. Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 13. Note Similitude Eusib. lib. 7. cap. 20. Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 30. The 9. Persecution Anno Chr. 278. Note Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 30. Funct chron Aurelian vvith ciuill authority assisteth the Church against Samosatenus Euseb. lib. 8. cap. 3. Note Funct chron Euseb. Func chron His death Func chron Bucol Euseb. lib. 7. cap. 30. Func chron Bucol Index chron Func chron Psal. 129.4 Temples were built by Christians after the death of Valerian Euseb. lib. 3. cap. 1. The 10. Persecution Anno Ch. 308. Euseb. lib. 8. cap. 3. The great cruelty vsed in this 10. persecution Iohn a noble man borne rent in peeces the Emperors Proclamation Euseb. lib. 8. cap. 5. Euseb. lib. 8. cap. 4. Note The martyrdome of P●ter Do●orbeus and Gorgonius Euseb. lib. 8. cap. 6. Euseb. lib. 8. cap. 6. Euseb. lib. 8. cap. 6. Horrible crueltie against Christian wom●n Euseb. lib. 8. cap. 9. Euseb ibid. A towne in Phrygiaset on fire and all the inhabitants burnt with fire Euseb. lib. 8. cap. 11. Euseb. lib. 8. cap. 13. Mauritius with a whole legion of Christian souldiers martyred Hist. Mag. cent 4. Euseb. lib. 8. cap. 12. Pro. 12. vers 10 Euseb. lib. 8. cap. 13. Diocletian and Maximian giue ouer their imperiall function Bucol Note Hist. Magd. Constantius tried his Captaines whether they were Christians or not Euseb. lib. 2. de vita Constantius lib. 1. A comparison betwixt Maximinus and Pharaoh Euseb. lib. 9. cap. 7. Euseb. lib. 9. cap. 6. Quirinus his death Edicts against Christians ingraued in Brasse Mat. 24 22 24. A sudden change of the prosperitie of Pagans into aduersitie Euseb. lib. 9. cap. 8. Eus●b lib. 9. cap. 9. Maximinus was ouercome in battel by Licinius Euseb. lib 9. cap. 10. Euseb. lib 8. cap. 14. Sophronia chused rather to kill her selfe then to be abused by Maxent●us Euseb. lib. 8. cap. 15. Constantine seeth the similitude of a bright crosse in heauen Euseb lib. 1 de vita Constantini Maxentius ouercome in battell by Constantine is drowned The death of Dioclesian Euseb. lib. 10. cap. 8. Euseb. lib. 2. de vita Constantini Three cruell edicts of Licinius against Christians Fortie martyrs tormented first with cold and next with heats So●om l. 9.6.2 Basil. Magn. in 40. Martyrs The martyrdom of Barlan Psal. 145. The death of Licinius Similitude Esa. 27.1 Similitude Euseb. de vita Const. lib. Sozon lib. 2. cap. 14. Idem lib. 2. cap. 8 9.10 13. Sozom. lib. 2. cap. 15. Ruffin l. 1. c 9. Theod. l. 1 c. 22. Sozom. l. 2. c. 24 Ruff. l. 1. c. 10. Socrat. l. 1. c. 20 Theod l. 1. 23. Sozom. l 2. c. 6. Euseb. de vita Constant. lib. 4. Theod. l. 5. c. 20. Socrat. l. 1. c. 1. Idem l. 3. c. 11. l. 3. c. 18. Ruff. l. 2. c. 3● Socrat. l. 1. c. 18 Soz●m l. 1. c. 8. Gen 18. Sozom. lib. 2. cap. 4. Sozom. lib. 2. cap. 2. Socrat. l. 1. c. 18 Socrat. l 5. c. 8 Socrat. l 1. c. 6 Func chron Iohn 3. Euseb. de vira Const. lib. 4 Ruff. l. 1. c. 18 Socrat. l. 2. c. 46 Idem l. 2. c. 5 Soc. l. 2. c. 32 Ruff. l. 1. c. 11 Theod. l. 2. c. 3 Theod. l. 2. c. 3 Theod. ibid. Theod. l. 2. c. 13 Theod. ibid. Pro. 10.9 Socrat. l. 2. c. 27. Socrat. l 2. c. 32. Socrat. l●b 2. cap. 33. Theod. lib. 2. cap. 32. Socrat. lib. 3. cap. 21. Socrat. lib. 3. cap. 1. Socrat. ibid. Socrat. ibid. Theod. lib. 3. cap. 4. Sozom. lib. 5. cap. 4. Note Theod. lib. 3. cap. 8. Socrat. lib. 13. 14. Sozom. lib. 5. cap. 15. Math. 5. Theod. lib. 3. cap. 16. Sozom. lib 5. cap. 17. Titus 1. verse 15. 1 Cor. 10. verse 25. Theodor. lib. 3. cap. 15. Ruffin lib. 2. cap. 28. Theod. lib. 3. cap. 6. Theod. lib. 3. cap. 7. Note Theodoret. ibid. Socrat. lib. 3. cap. 2. Socrat. lib. 3. cap. 15. Rufsin lib. 1. cap. 33. Sozom. lib. 5. cap. 4. Theodor. lib. 3. cap. 9. 10. Socrat lib. 3. cap. 18. 19. Theodoret. ibid. Ruffin lib. ● cap. 37.38.39 Socrat. l. 3. c. 20. Theod. lib. 3. cap. 20. Sozom. l●b 5. cap. 12. Socrat. l. 3. c. 21. Sozom. lib. 6. cap. 1.2 The death of Iulianus R●fin lib. 2. cap. 1. Socrat. lib. 3. cap. 21.22 Theod lib. 4. cap. 2.3 Theod. lib. 4. cap. 4. Sazom lib. 6. cap. 6. Socrat. lib. 4. cap. 31. Ruffin lib. 2. cap. 2. Theod. lib. ● cap. 16. Sozom. lib. 6. cap. 6. Socrat lib 4. cap. 1. Socrat lib. 4. cap. 5. Theodor. lib. 4. cap. 13. Theod. ibid. Socrat lib. 4. cap. 6. Ruffin lib. 2. cap. 5. Theod. lib. 4. cap. 17. Soz●m lib. 6. cap. 18. Socrat. lib. 4. cap. 16. Theod. lib. 4. cap. 24. Sozom. l. 6. c. 14 Theod. l. 4. c. 34 Ruff. l. 2. c. 13. Valens his death Sozom. lib. 7. cap. 40. Theod. l. 4. c. 12 Socrat. l. 4 c.31 Sozom. lib. 5. cap. 36. Valentinians death Ruff. l. 2. c. 13 Socrat. l. 5. c. 2 Sozom. l. 3. c. 17 The death of Gratian. Theod. l. 5.13 Sozom. l. 7. c. 13. Aug lib. Confes. 9 cap. 7. Ruff. l. 2. c. 16 Theod. l. 5.
contended mightily euen as Lactantius of olde contended against the Pagans impugning the errour more mightily than solidly confirming the truth It is supposed that he ministred 13. yeeres vnder the Emperour Mauritius To whom succeeded Cyriacus Patriarchs of Alexandria AFter Iohn called Tabennesiota succeeded another Iohn who kept the true faith was banished by Anastatius because he would not damme the Councell of Chalcedone To Iohn succeeded Theodosius an obstinate defender of the errour of Eutiches He was familiarly acquainted with Seuerus of Antiochia and Anthimus of Constantinople whereby the misery of these dayes may be easily es●ied wherein three notable heretiques gouerned principall Townes such as Constantinople Alexandria and Antiochia He was so obstinate in his errour that he was rather content to be banished vnder the raigne of Iustinian than to renounce his errour After him succeeded Zoilus and after him Apollinarius who was present at the fift generall Councell To whom succeeded Eulogius and after him Petrus who ministred vnder the raigne of Mauritius Patriarches of Antiochia AFter Palladius succeeded Flavianus who suffered great troubles for the true faith namely by the cruell persecution of the Emperour Anastatius and the calumnies of Xenaeas B. of Hierapolis a stranger indeed from the couenant of God as his name importeth for he blamed Flavianus most vniustly of the heresie of Nestorius but when Flavianus both by word writing had cleared himselfe of that calumnie the malice of Xenaeas ceased not for he brought with him to Antiochia a great number of Monkes to compell Flavianus to abiure the Councell of Chalcedon The towne supported their Bishop against a raskall number of seditious and hereticall Monkes Notwithstanding the Emperour Anastatius infected with the heresie of Eutyches counted Flavianus who was most vniustly persecuted to be the author of this tumult and banished him and placed Severus in his roome The Emperour Iustinus the elder displaced Severus and punished him and appointed Paulus to be Bishop of Antiochia To Paulus succeeded Euphraesius who died in that fearefull calamitie of the Towne of Antiochia when it was shaken and ouerthrowne with earthquake as Evagrius witnesseth Euphraimius was a ciuill gouernour in the East parts who pittied the decayed estate of the towne of Antiochia and furnished all necessarie things for the repairing of the towne of Antiochia for which cause the people were so affectioned to him that they would haue him to be their Bishop So Euphraimius becomes Bishop of Antiochia or Theopolis for at this time it had both these names Evagrius writeth that he vndertooke the charge of the Apostolicke chaire in which words it is manifest that not onely the chaire of Rome but also the chaire of Antiochia was called the Apostolicke chaire The towne of Antiochia at this time was taken by Cosroes King of Persia set on fire and many of the people were cruelly slaine Euphraimius their Bishop at this time left the towne a perilous example except the people had beene in safetie and he onely persecuted yet he left behinde him so much as might redeeme all the Church goods After Euphraimius followed Domnius And after him Anastatius He ministred vnder the Emperour Iustinian at what time the Emperour fell into the errour of them who saide that our Lord Iesus in his very conception adioyned vnto his diuine nature an immortall body which was subiect to no humane infirmities Anastatius opposed himselfe to the Emperours opinion and the Bishops followed Anastatius and not the Emperour for this cause Iustinian was purposed to haue banished him but he escaped this trouble by the Emperours death Neuerthelesse he was banished by Iustinus the younger for some alledged cause of dilapidation of Church goods and Gregorius was placed in his roome Gregorius ministred in Antiochia 23. yeeres vnder Iustinius 2. Tiberius and Mauritius he was in great account with Mauritius to whom he foretolde that he would be promoted to the Imperiall dignitie And Mauritius imployed him in great and waghtie businesse such as in pacifying the tumult of his armie which made insurrection against Germanus their captaine Also he sent him Ambassadour to Cosroes King of Persia who was astonied at the grace that was in his speeches Notwithstanding he was accused by Asterius a Deputy of the East of the filthie sinne of incest but he cleared his owne innocencie so euidently that his accuser was with ign●minie scourged and banished He died of the gowtes infirmitie and after his death Anastatius whom Iustinus banished for dilapidation of Church-goods being yet aliue was restored to his owne place againe To whom succeeded Euphemius Patriarches of Ierusalem AFter Martyrius succeeded Helias a feruent defender of the true faith Neither would he condescend to the banishment of Euphemius Bishop of Constantinople nor to the admission of Seuerus to be Bishop of Antiochia therefore the Emperour Anastatius banished him To him succeeded Iohn of whose politicke dealing in circumueening Anastatius the Emperours captaine I haue sufficiently declared in the preceding history To Iohn succeeded Peter and after him Macarius and after Macarius Eustochius who impugned the Bookes of Origen and draue out of his bounds the Monks of Nova Laura defenders of the opinions of Origen Theodorus Ascidas B. of Caesarea in Cappadocia tooke this in an euill part The Emperour Iustinian caused a generall Councell to be gathered at Constantinople wherein not onely the bookes of Origen were damned but also Theodorus himselfe the defender of them This displeased the Emperour Iustinian because he loued Theodorus dearely therefore he procured that Eustochius B. of Ierusalem should be remooued and Macarius restored againe After whom succeeded Iohannes Neamus and Isicius In this Centurie whereas I pretermit the names of other Pastors and Doctors in the Church I haue done it vpon this consideration I find in this Centurie that by the irruption of barbarous people such as the Gothes Vandales Hunnes Auares Schythians Lombards youth was hindred from studies many memorable bookes were burnt ancient Languages were vtterly spoyled learning was greatly diminished flattery of preuailing powers increased ambition in the West heresie in the East turned the estate of the Church vpside-downe so that scarcely could men of good gifts and keeping integritie of faith be furnished vnto the principall Apostolicke chaires Now after a manner the sunne is going downe the shadowes waxe great the darkenesse approacheth the Antichrist is at the doore worthy to be welcommed with darkenesse and decay of knowledge What shall I now write of other Pastors and Doctors shall I follow the foolish conceits of Historio graphers in whose opinion the gift of miracles increased when the gift of knowledge decayed but the contrary is knowne by Scripture that the holy Apostles whom Christ indued with extraordinary gifts of working miraculous workes he indued them also with extraordinary gifts of knowledge but the writers of