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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08083 The tocsin, or watch-bell sent to the king, queene regent, princes of blood, to all the parlaments, magistrates, officers, and loyall subiects of France. Against the booke of the popes temporall power, not long since set forth by Cardinall Bellarmine Iesuite. By Memnons Statue. With the permission of the best genie of Fraunce. And done into English by I.R. ...; Tocsin au roy. English Le Jay, Nicolas.; I. R., fl. 1611.; France. Parliament (Paris) 1611 (1611) STC 1845; ESTC S113759 24,586 62

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bankes of which thou hast a long time slept and as it were thy selfe at ease stretched to receiue the filth of the first which attempteth to blemish thy incomparable beauty And if the Naramones seeing the South winde had dried vp all their Cesternes in battell array resolued to seeke out his Origine thereby to fight and be reuenged of him O France France what oughtest thou to do against the pestiferous winde of this Cardinals booke which attempteth to drie vp the perpetuall source of thy Crowne and Kingdomes Soueraignty Steneleides Ephore of Lacedemonia counselled the Spartans to beare to the gates both the weapons and wou●ds of those which violate their liberties but at the ●●st I am not so bloudy neuertheles did occasion require I would not be the last for so good a subiect But France I with Publius the Syrian content my selfe to aduertise thee that the iniurie first receiued and not reuenged draweth on a second and that this second will soone bring thee a third if thou winke thereat and dissemble it vnder the cloake of Religion Briefly I tell thee that this Cardinals booke is the same to thee that Epeus horse was to the Troians that is to say in good French he will be thy ruine for in his entrailes he hideth a thousand sharpe weapons to subuert the Maiesty of thy Kings and consequently to metamorphose thy tranquility into a combustion I haue read that Pythagoras adored the Altars of Apollos Temples in Delos because they were neuer sacked nor ruinated and I beleeue likewise that the world will reuerence France because she was neuer brought vnder the yoake of subiection and slauerie But alas poore France thou now remembrest not that as aunciently for sacrifices the quietest beasts were soonest done to death and immolated so likewise at present thy excessiue piety to the See of Rome proueth to be the chiefest cause of thy destruction Cardinall Bellarmine should haue addressed himselfe to the King of Spaine to haue practised these pranckes in his Dominions for he hath shewed vs how we should beare ourselues For when Baronius likewise Cardinall wrote a Treatise of the Sicilian Monarchy this King which for Sicilia is the elected and feuditorie heyre of the Popes so well ordered his affaires that the most audacious durst not presume to publish what the said Baronius had written of that matter Many countreys subiect to his obedience yea and his Officers bore themselues so brauely in the discharge that neither the Pope nor Cardinall hath since reaped any benefite thereof yea and will or nill they were forced so to content themselues both within Italy as also in Kingdomes which yearely contribute many hundreds to the Church of Rome And yet we in France are afraid of our shadowes If there be replie made that the king of Spaine hath as iust cause to except at this Booke as the king of France in a word I answer that the quality of the estates of these two kingdomes are very much different and that Rome hath not rounded France in the eare as she hath done Spaine The wiser sort vnderstand me Et ecce mysterium quod vobis dico But now what will the aduersaries of the Romane Religion say seeing that the Sea of Rome which was heretofore the tree of life is now become an Oleander and a Vgh tree whose contagious shadow killeth those which thinke to repose themselues vnder the sweetenesse of their branches O deceitfull verdure of religion which like that of the North Sea dost couer by the faire greene passages of the holy Scriptures wrested the shelues and rockie places where all the Lordships of the world ruine themselues and suffer shipwracke No no France it is no longer time to dissemble for as Pyndarus violated the peace contracted betwixt the Greeks and Troians through the leueling of one arrow at Menelaus so this Cardinall through the arrow which he hath shot forth against the liberty of France the which he hath not exempted from the Popes bondage induceth vs to esteeme the familiarity of the Sea of Rome to be full of feare and suspition I haue heretofore heard the Abbot of Boys Oliuier report being a person sufficiently knowne for the good offices which he daily performeth both to the Church of Rome and his King that this present Pope Paulus Quintus is very affectionately addicted to France and that this Cardinall Bellarmine is a man very deuout and of a most innocent life and conuersation But now I begin to suspect and doubt the fidelity of this Abbot for the booke now published by Bellarmine and approued and authorised by the Pope doth apparantly testifie the contrary For doth his Holinesse loue France why then permitteth he that this Cardinals booke set it on fire and if the Cardinall himselfe be a deuout and innocent man why giueth he not to France that which he oweth I meane by separating and distinguishing it from other kingdomes which for the most part are feuditory and tributary to Popes I will yet further tie my selfe to the relation of this Abbot for he is knowne to be a Prelate so sincere and faithfull that he will rather die then speake one thing and thinke another and will rather beleeue that a great part of this fault proceeded thorough the negligence of the kings intelligencers at Rome and namely of Monsieur de Marquemont Auditor of Rota which hath yearely great pensions from the king and neuerthelesse was not so well aduised to discouer the imprinting of this booke whereof if he had certified Monsieur de Breues his Maiesties Ambassadour he would so powerfully and valably haue conferred with the Pope that his Holinesse weighing his allegations and reasons at least if he had loued France would haue preuented the impression therof and the Cardinall were he so deuout and innocent would himselfe haue abhorred the publishing thereof especially sith both the one and the other well knew what trouble this vnnecessary booke would occasion in all Christendome And as for vs respecting our Kings minoritie wherein it was published we can say no other then Scorpius insidias illa sub caute tetendit Those amongst vs which esteeme themselues cleerer sighted then others thinke that the publishing of this booke is a tricke meerely inuented by the society of Iesuites purposely to replunge France in the miseries from whence the late deceased King had miraculously withdrawen it esteeming that sect to resemble frogges which are neuer well before they are in the mire Which if it be so the Iesuites may properly be parallel'd to the trees of the Forrest Lytania which inuite trauellers to come and repose themselues vnder the delectable shaddow of their branches and then being set downe instantly fall on them and kill them for all their speeches are nothing but of peace of matters of state and of the dignitie of France which indeede draweth many of their side and faction so as if in the meane time they sell vs we shall be cunningly deceiued but