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A06800 The sicke-mans comfort against death and the deuill, the law and sinne, the wrath and iudgement of God. Translated out of Frenche into English, by I.E.; Consolation et instruction aux malades contre l'appréhension. English. L'Espine, Jean de, ca. 1506-1597.; Eliot, John. 1590 (1590) STC 17238; ESTC S119213 84,176 220

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soule is buried when it pleaseth God to fetch it from thence it is not as though he should make it come forth of the graue and raise it vp againe What is the occasion then that men may haue to flye from this corporall death and to haue it in such horrour Séeing that seperating the soule frō the body setteth the soul out of prison and sendeth it to enioy liberty in heauen there to be made much of in the bosome of Iesus christ and to inioy with him and with all the happy soules the eternall comforts promised and reserued for the elect people of God The body on the other side liethe in the earth as in a bed there to sléep and take his rest at his ease being neuer wake or troubled in his sléepe neither by fearefull dreames nor cares nor feares nor cries noyses or any thing els that maye disquiet the same sléeping there til the day of the resurrection when it shalbe waked by the sound of Gods Trumpet and knit againe to the Soule hauing left behind in the earth his mortality dishonour and weakenesse hauing put on his robes of glory power immortality and corruption Whereby we may sée that it is without curse that men feare so much this corporall death the which doth but seperate for a time the soule from the body for y ● great profite of the one and of the other For the body is by this meanes out of all daunger not onely of sinne and of the miseries that waite thereuppon but also of all temptation remaining and resting in the earth in certaine hope of the resurrection and of the life euerlasting And although it séeme to be altogether depriued of life lyinge in the earth because that the soule being departed from it leaueth it without any mo uing or féeling and it putrifieth and goeth into earth yet being alwaies accompanied with the spirit and infinit power of God which quickeneth all thinges it is not altogether void of life as Saint Paul saith If the spirite of him which raised Iesus Christ vp from the dead dwell within you He also which hath raised him vp shal also quicken your mortal bodies because of his spirit which dwelleth in you This is the reason why in another place drawing out vnto vs the portrature of the resurrection of our bodies to come he brings in an example of the séede which is cast into the earth the which hath life in it although being in the Garner it semeeh to haue none and holding it in our hands wee cannot iudge but that it is a thinge dead and without life Yet when it is cast into the earth where a man would think the life if it had any would be smothered and taken away it showes it selfe and growes as it were from the rottennesse from whence wee sée the eare commeth which nourisheth and grows afterwards shewing plainely by euident tokens the life that was hidde in it before it was cast in the earth So God in the holy scripture caleth himself the God of Abraham long time after Abrahams death and saith that he is not the God of the dead but of the liuing Then it followeth that not only the soule of Abraham which he redeemed by the death of his Sonne is yet liuing since it hath béen seperated from the Body but that the bodye which is partaker of the same redemption which is knit and incorporate to Iesus Christ to be one of his members and hath bene consecrated and sanctified vnto God that he may dwel therin as in his holy Temple is not clean without life although it be putrified in the bowels of the earth For so much as it is alwaies accompanied with the grace of God and iointly with the soule comprised in the euerlasting couenant that hee hath made with his people which couenant is a fountaine and vaine of life not onely to the souls but also the bodies of al the faithfull And if as Saint Iohn saith they bee most happy and blessed which die in the Lord and that no blessednes can be without life we must needes conclude the one of these two things either that no blessednes can come to the body or els if it may come that the body is not depriued and void of all life lying in the earth For although it be putrified and haue no signe of life in it at all yet retayneth it in it selfe as it were a séede and stack which shal appeare at the day of the resurrection when the spirite of God pouring out his infinite vertue on our bodies shal raise them vppe againe and shall make them shine with the glory and brightnes that hee hath promised his elect And euen as in an egge there is a chicken and a certain life which is euidently perceiued when the hen hath heated and hatched it by her heate so immortality and life euerlasting whereof both our soules and bodies are called to bée partakers from the time that we haue receiued the Gospell of Christ which is a worde of life and a séede incorruptible shal shut vp till the last day by the power of our God which shall then make vs newe againe as hee shall doe the Heauens the earth and all other creatures which then shall fully be deliuered from the bondage of corruption Whereof we are also assured by the baptisme that is giuen vs in the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost For the water which hath bene poured vpon our bodies whiche the Scripture calleth the lauer of Regeneration is not onely to assure vs that our soules are washt and purged cleane by the bloud of Iesus Christ for the remission of our sinnes but also our bodies And that being both together couered and clad with the righteousnes and innocency of the son of God and besides sanctified by his holye Spirite they are by and by put in possession of life euerlasting and altogether made frée and deliuered frō the slauery of death which hath no power as we said but onely where sinne raigneth which is the onely cause of death The holy Supper of our Lord in the which taking by faith breade and wine which are giuen vnto vs by the handes of the minister we are receiued to the partaking of the flesh and bloud of Iesus Christ and so vnited and incorporate with him that for euer as Saint Iohn saith he dweleth in vs and we in him doth it not assure vs also that being inseperably ioyned with the life and with him that is cause of life wee can neither die either in soule or body by reason of this vniō which is common both to soule and body The death of the body ought not to séeme so hor rible and hideous as it doth vnto others who are frighted as little children with a maske or false vizard For if the mother should come to her childe with a monstruous and vgly face to be séene he would be afraid and
THE SICKE-MANS Comfort against Death and the Deuill the Law and Sinne the Wrath and Iudgement of God Translated out of Frenche into Englishe by I. E. LONDON Printed by Iohn Wolfe 1590. The sicke-Mans Comfort against Death and the Deuill the Law and Sinne the Wrath and Iudgement of God THe life of man stuing in this vale of misery is enuironed and compassed in round with mountains of infinit calamities and tribulatiōs wherof some are but incident to some particular men other more common generall to all as Death and diseases which hasten and procure men to die which amate vs so much the more when they come vpon vs by reason they are so dangerous and by reason that we cannot auoide them for albeit that Kings Emperors Princes and other Potentates may preserue themselues for a while from the danger of diseases and preuent hem by the helpe of God vsing such good and lawfull meanes as he hath giuen them for their comfort and preseruation yet without exception not one no not one is found amongst them that can saue or may exempt himself but he must die first or last either in battaile by the sword or in his bed by sicknes or els by such accident as the diuine prouidence of God hath set downe before hee was borne Dauid could tell vs this in many places in the 82. Psalme where he speaketh of Princes I haue said ye are Gods and ye are all children of the most high But yee shall die like men and fall like one of the Princes And in another place There be some that put their trust in their goods and boast themselues in the multitude of their riches But no man maie deliuer his brother nor make agreemēt with God for him for it cost more to redeem his soule so that hee must let that alone for euer Yea though he liue long and see not the graue For hee seeth that wise men also die and perish together as well as the ignorant foolish and leaue their riches for other whō they haue not knowne And in another place he speaketh of the ende and condition of all men in generall What man is hee that liueth and shal not see death and shall deliuer his owne soule from the hand of Hell And againe in the next Psalme following Thou turnest man to destruction Again thou saist come again ye children of men We sée then that it is Gods decrée and ordinance inuiolable that all men that come into the worlde come but conditionally n●…t to make any long tarrying as the Trées which are fastned déepe within the earth by the rootes and haue a long time of abode graunted them but to passe away swiftly as dooth the Current of a running Riuer and to be gone assoone as it shall please the Lord to call them away againe And for all that as the Prophet saith we séeke to come to composition with Death or to haue some daies of truce and respite to delaie his comming yet we sée daily our date is out and the daie of our assignation is soone expired when we must appeare before the dreadfull Iudge at a certaine houre and at the same instant wee must heare from his own mouth the sentence definitiue either of life or Death for euer irreuocable What shall we then doo we must first and chiefly haue a care not as Aza had to séeke out skilfull Phisitions to take the potions and drugs that they shall minister to saue vs from sicknes which otherwise would be incident vnto vs nor as Mithridates had to kéepe in store many preseruatiues and medicines for feare of empoysoning by our familiar friends we must not prouide a braue and goodly Horse a swoord of the best and trustiest making an armour of proofe to put our trust therin as though these coulde saue vs from the hazarde of the battaile For all this cannot infringe the ordinance of God nor once saue vs from his anger nor any iote turne away from vs the effects and execution of his diuine will But the chiefest care and consideration that we must haue if we either meane to preuent the mischiefs which may be fall vs hereafter or remedie those which are happened vnto vs alreadie is humbly to desire and diligently to séeke for the grace and fauour of God which is the most soueraign and readiest remedy that men may finde for the spéedie redresse of all calamities and aduersities where with they shalbe afflicted Now for that I am earnestly entreated by some of my brethren and friends to select and set downe in writing certaine places of holy scripture for the comfort of such as be sicke to strengthen them against the horrours and apprehensions wherewith they are commonly saised as well of their sinnes and offences as of Death of the Diuell and of the displeasure iudgement of God which are more horrible a great deale then al the other Finding my self bound hereunto by Christian charitie by the band whereof all the members of Christes bodie are firmely linked together and knowing besides that it is a péece of the charge that God hath laide on the neckes not onely of the Ministers of the Gospell but also of the Superintendents which are ioyned with them for ayders and fellow-helpers I would in no wise make refusall to satisfie my brethren in this their request although I know well inough that many of my fellow-labourers on whom God hath bestowed greater talents might be better spared and were fitter to be employed in this busines then my selfe neuerthelesse seeing that the members in what ranke or degrée so euer they bee ought not to refuse any labour or seruice for the bodie if it lie in their power to doo I will attempt by the helpe of God to doo that I am able by his grace to content and satisfie them in their desire Omitting then many other kinds of afflictions by the which it pleaseth God to chastise and kéepe vnder his children let vs speake here onely of Sicknes and Death and set downe summarily consolations fit for the purpose to instruct and kéepe men in vre to abide patiently their sicknes and diseases the which are not casuall things and matters of méere chaunce now happening to one now to an other by rash and vnaduised rencountre but we must thinke that they are al sent vpon vs by the prouidence of God And although the endes and occasions of Sicknes be diuers yet the Author is alwaies one is the same who is the giuer of all health and welfare For from the mouth and ordinance of God as saith Ieremy procéedeth good and euill which is contrary to good And there is none euill as Amos saith be it within the Citie or in the field but it commeth from God So then as peace and warre pouertie and riches libertie and imprisonment are from God so in like maner are health sicknes Dauid in all his anguishes confesseth this For
fountaine of life of all felicitie might proceede any miserie or affilction wherin they were not deceiued but in this onely that from a good Maxime they drewe a naughtie conclusion For in trueth the good in so high degree as God is that is to saye soueraigne and infinite cannot produce any euill no more than fire can any thing that is colde light darknen or life death And the reason is because God after that he had created the world and all that therein is contained considered throughly all the workemanship of his hands beare witnes that they were all perfect good And this is not simply to be vnderstood of all things that God created and made but it extendeth also to all things that God doth without any exception For séeing that God is alwayes like to himselfe and that in him as Saint Iames sayth there is no changing at all no not the least shadowe of alteration and as his bountie is eternall so at all times can it produce nothing but good workes and doe those things that are good And this is the reason which he gaue aunswering by his Prophet to the people who complained of the grieuous calamities that did ouerpresse them that he was by no meanes the causer thereof as for him he onely had procured their benefit and safegard but that they were cause of their owne ruine and of all the desolatiōs that happened to them in their countrey For as the fire kindleth but fire and other things semblably do produce things of their own qualitie and nature alike so doeth God to from whom can proceede none euill because he is perfectly good But then wil some man saye why sicknes and diseases famin pouertie dearth warres are not these euils plagues that God doth sende vpon vs and is not he then the author and causer of them God sendeth them in deede as well vpon the good as the bad on the one to punish their sinnes which is a verie good déede and a deede of Iustice on the other to trye their patience or to bring them to repentance Thus if we would be good seruants and fitly applye these sicknesses that God doeth send amongst vs referring them to their right ende wee should reape thereby much profit many goodly instructions First then there is nothing so needefull as to knowe our owne sinnes the corruption and vice that is in vs to the ende wee may humble our selues before God and dispose our selues to beseech and seeke his grace and fauour the onely meane whereby they may be remitted couered and hid before him that so wee may auoide and escape his iudgement and the condemnation which otherwise shall be appointed for vs if our sinnes be not pardoned But wee are so naturally blinded in our owne iudgement by reason of the excessiue selfeloue that we haue in our selues which doth blindfolde our eyes that wee cannot perceiue nor discouer the malice hipocrisie false dealing pride vanitie defyance of one another iniustice impietie idolatrie inhumanitie and all this lumpe of wickednes which lurketh in our heart from our birth hatcheth euery day more and more as occasions shall serue to commit euil For although we séeke to keepe close for a while the malice which we haue conceiued in our hearts as women do which say they are not with chyld till their bellie begin to swell and til the daye of their deliuerie drawe neere and then they must needes confesse that which before they stoutly denyed So doe wee neuer confesie our sinnes vntil wee be by manifest proofes conuinced and yet then wee stand to debate and diminish still some thing from the enormitie of our faultes and offences whereof we haue a notable example in our first Parents who when they stood before the face of God from whom nothing maye be concealed or hidden their owne consciences accusing them yet they sought by all craftie means they could to counterfait and laye one from another the fault that they had committed coulde not be induced neyther by the feare and reuerence of God who being present spake vnto thē neither by the accusation and witnes of their own consciences which vrged them sore on euery side but to confesse clearely and without any doubling their disobedience their ingratitude and ambition by the which they were cast headlong from the happie blessed estate wherein they were a little before Whereby we may see how harde a matter it is for men to acknowledge and confesse their sinnes sincerely and without hipocrisie Wee may see also by the Patriarches who dissembled all their wickednes cruell and inhumaine-conspiracie that they had wrought against their poore brother which they neuer acknowledged til they were constrained by the anguish and distresse into the which God brought them to make them remember call to minde And how long time was Dauid a sleepe in his sinne and neuer once thought vpon it till he felt the hande of God touch him so sore that he found himself almost intrapped of his enimies as he confesseth himselfe Thy hand is heauie vpon mee day and night my moisture is turned into the drought of Summer Then I acknowledged my sinne vnto thee neither hid I mine iniquitie for I thought I will confesse my selfe my wickednes vnto the Lord and thou forgauest the punishment of my sinne And Saint Peter after that he had so often times denyed his maister swearing and cursing himselfe if he euer had knowen him before had he not perseuered still in his sinne and abandoned himselfe wholly from the Church of God as Iudas did and many other Apostataes which do so daily if Iesus Christ had not cast his eye vpon him by his looking vpon him pearced so déep within his conscience to make him feele and bewaile his sinne And likewise S. Paul who like a madde raging beast ranne about euery where seeking to kill and slaie all the poore Christians he could come by in what case had he beene if he had not repented him of his sinnes But contrariwise had he not persisted in his obstinacie and hardnes of heart to waste and scatter the flocke had not the strong and mighty arme of the shepheard w●…o watched carefully to saue his flock stopt him of his iourney and kept him short by force making him to acknowledge perceiue the great hurt and iniury he did to the poore sheepe By these few examples wee may easily perceiue that men although they beouer whelmed and filled with an infinite number of sinnes yet they cannot acknowledge them or haue feeling of them if God do not giue them the grace to set them before their eyes And this is the reason that in many places of holy Scripture Repentance which partly consisteth in the knowledge and displeasure that man conceaueth of his sinne is called the gift of God For as we cannot know God nor those good thinges which wee ought to
wicked reiecting and contemning the worde and promise of God by their contempt and obstinacie make it that doth not produce the effect in shewing the vertue that it would haue to saue them if they did beléeue it yet that cannot bring any preiudice vnto others that do receiue it and obey it and cannot hinder that they beleeuing and by faith apprehending it in their heartes be not quickened no more then a man that would shut his eyes in the daye and would see no light can hinder him that holdeth his eyes open and beholdeth the light For the light and couller are the obiects of the eye the which being open sound and of a quicke fight apprehendeth by and by things obiect vnto it So the promises of God be the obiectes of Faith which causeth a man to receiue them incontinent as they are announced vnto her so that the spirite of God haue touched and prepared his heart before For otherwise if it remaine in his stonie nature the spirituall seede which is sowen can take no roote at all nor fructifie no more then the seede that is sowen vppon stones or vppon ground that is not tilled The sicke man being resolued then of remission of all his sinnes may not doubt but that he is in the fauour of God and that thereby he must looke for life euerlasting vndoubtedly and all the blessednes that God hath promised to his children for there is nothing that may shutt or debarre vs from it except onely sinne the which being not imputed vnto vs but couered and blotted out cleane what may nowe hurte vs or bring vs out of Gods fauour And if by faith wee be vnited inseparably with him who is the fountaine of life and the fulnesse of all good what can wee desire but wee shall straight finde in him What mischiefe or miserie may wee feare being in his fauour Nowe being assured that he will continue towardes vs the good will that hee beareth vs for euer and that there is no creature in the whole worlde that can alter it from vs as Saint Paul sayeth to the Romanes I am assured that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor heighth nor depth nor any other creature shalbe able to seperate vs frō the loue of god which is in Christ Iesus And a little aboue this place saith he What shall seperate vs from the loue of Christ shall tribulation or anguish or persecution or famine or nakednes or peril or sworde Euery man then that hath once beene graffed in by faith into the bodie of Christ Iesus by consequent is the adopted sonne of God receiued into his grace into his house as his childe departeth not from thence any more but euen as he is assured of his election by his calling and iustification which followed the one the other so is he also of his glorification which is the conclusion and as it were the crowning of his saluation for the giftes and calling of God are without repentance That which the Apostle writeth most euidently to the Romans Those whom he hath predestinate he hath also called and those whome he hath called he hath also iustified and those whom he hath iustified he hath also glorified And although we haue yet many vices and infirmities in vs and that it chaunce that wee fall grieuously sometimes as it happened to Dauid S. Peter S. Paul and almost to all the Saintes yea to the perfectest that euer were yet there is one point vpon the which we must rest be well grounded wherby we must comfort our selues greatly and hold out against all the assaults and temptations of Sathan this is it that Saint Iohn saieth Who soeuer is borne of God sinneth no more that is to saye the sinne vnto death for the séede of God remaineth in him that cannot sinne because he is borne of God That which hee declareth better in another place All iniquitie saith he is sinne But there is a sinne which is not vnto death Wee knowe that whosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not but he that is borne of God standeth vpon his garde that the tempter touch him not For by this he giueth vs ynough to vnderstande that faith and the worde of God which are the soule and the foundation be neuer whollie and altogether plucked vp and banished from the heart of the elect and therefore they cannot sinne in that sinne that Saint Iohn calleth to death For although that faith be sometime as it were buryed in them hauing no mouing or feeling no more then a dead thing Yet it is not altogether extinguished no more then fire couered with a fewe cenders albeit it shewe not the flame and heate nor no more dead than a tree in Winter when all the sappe is got into the roote and it bringeth foorth no blossomes nor leaues nor fruite as though it were not aliue the sappe neuerthelesse remaineth at the heart hidden within in the roote and this is the reason why Dauid speaking of the faithfull man sayeth Though he fall he shall not be cast off for the Lorde putteth vnder his hande And in another place I will keepe my promise that I haue sworne vnto him and shewe my fauour vnto him for euer And in the foure score and nynth Psalme I saide Mercie shoulde be set vp for euer Thy trueth shalt thou establish in the verie Heauens I haue made a couenant with my chosen c. And in another place more plainlye I will not faile Dauid his seede shall endure for euer and his throane shall bee as the Sunne before mee He shall bee established for euer more as the Moone and as a faithfull witnesse in Heauen But if his children forsake my lawe and walke not in my iudgementes If they breake my statutes and keepe not my commaundements Then will I visite their transgressions with the rodde and their iniquitie with strokes yet my louing kindnesse will I not take from him neither will I falsifie my trueth My couenant will I not breake nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lippes And in the 23 Psalme Doubtlesse kindnesse and mercie shall followe thee all the dayes of thy life and I shall remaine a long season in the house of the Lorde And in the thirtieth Psalme Hee endureth but a while in his anger but in his fauour is life Weeping may abide ar euening but ioye commeth in the morning Likewise in the 65 Psalm Blessed is he whom thou choosest and causest to come to thee Hee shall dwell in thy courtes and wee shall be satisfied with the pleasures of thine house euen of thine holie Temple And last of all in the 119 Psalme I pray thee that thy mercies may comfort mee according to thy promise These and other like places of holie Scriptures must wee alleage vnto the sicke pacient to strengthen his faith and to arme him
is to liue in this wicked peruerse world and be forced to see so many abhominable impietie and sacriledges committed and to heare so many execrable and horrible blasphemies that they spit out without any feare or shame against Heauen against the throne and maiesty of God shall he not lament his life so long in this world and say with the Prophet Dauid Woe is me that I remaine in messhech and dwell in the tents of Kedar my soule hath too long dwelt with them that hate peace I seeke peace and when I speake thereof they are bente towarre Ely séeing the people of Israell had forsaken GOD and had giuen themselues ouer to Idolatry and perceiuing the strange cruelties on the other side that Achab and Iezabell did vse against the Prophets and seruants of God being a weary of his life got him into the desart vnder a Iuniper trée and ther he praied vnto god that hee would take him out of this life that he might not behold any lōger that he did then behold and sée so also is it not possible for a man be he neuer so stronge harted séeing the disorder and confusion that raignes now a daies in the world and how euery where except in very few places Piety and Iustice are altogether ouerthrowne faith and the feare of God vertue and verity are clean banished from the company of most men but he shal féele in his heart strange pangs and passions of sorrow and that to turne away his eies from such pitifull sightes hee shall desire with all his heart that his soule mighte dislodge quickely from this earthly Tabernacle to take vppe and haue a newe dwelling place in Heauen where wee haue a permanent Cittye and an habitation well fenced and fortified againste all dangers and that then shalbe fully accomplished that which the Prophet saith The Lorde shall preserue thee from all euill he shal keepe thy soule The Lord shall preserue thy going out and thy comming in from henceforth and for euer And besides this will greatly increase our desire for that dislodging from this world we shalbe sodenly transported vp into Heauen where we shall sée God face to face and Iesus Christ in his glory by which sight the Angells af heauen and all blessed Spirites are so rauished that they desire and séeke none other thinge at all for their contentment and pleasure as saith the Prophet In thy presence is the fulnes of ioy at thy right hand there is pleasure for euermore The Quéen of Saba hauing séene Salomon and heard his great wisedome by the aunswere that he made to all questions that shée demanded hauing moreouer considered and remarked the order and pomp of his Court being as one rauished and in an estasis shée began to cry O how happy are the seruants of thy house that may behold thy face euery day and vnderstand thy profound wisedome that commeth from thy lippes How much more happy then they shall we be then séeing fully the glorious face of our God all the diuine treasures of his heauenly wisedome being opened vnto vs. If Moyses thought himselfe happy and was accounted one of the greatest Prophets of the world because he had séene on ly the hinder part of God what shall w●…e be when we shall sée him face to face as he is in all his glory Many kings and prophets in the time of our Fathers haue greatly desired the comming of Iesus Christ and would haue thought themselues most happy if they had séene God manifestly in the flesh as Saint Iohn Baptist Simeon the Apostle did how happy then may we thinke our selues at this present day when by our death wee haue this prerogatiue to se him in his glory and maiesty clothed with his royall robe sitting at the right hand of God his Father hauing auctority and power in heauen and earth to gouerne and dispose all things according to his good pleasure treading vppon all his enemies as vpon a footestoole vnder his féete When hee transfigured himselfe in the mountaine Peter Iohn and Iames séeing but a little beame of his glorie were so soddenly rauished in thēselues that forgetting all other things they desired for all felicitie but that they might continue still in that ioy and pleasure wherein they were at that houre Now let vs thinke if neuer so little taste of the life to come hath béene able so to rauish these thrée Disciples how shall it be with vs when according to the good hope that we haue we shall haue the whole precious stone and drinke our fill in this streame or rather in this Sea of pleasure and al perfect contentment When this euerlasting ioy whereof the Apostle speaketh shalbe poured vpon our heads And this ioy shalbe doubled when with Iesus Christ we shall see this noble and glorious company of Angels Archangels dominions powers patriarches prophetes apostles martirs and generally all the triumphant Church of the blessed soules which doe nothing but sing incessantly the praises of God crying Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty who wast art and art to come for euer Likwise to him that sitteth on the throne and to the Lambe be honour praise glory and power for euer euer It was merueilous pleasant in olde time to beholde the solemne méeting of all the Tribes of all the people of Israell in Ierusalem when Salomou hauing finished the Temple did dedicate it with an infinite number of burnt offerings and other sacrifices with swéete parfume and incence with praiers and thankesgiuing and such mirth and melody of al the people that the like was neuer séene nor heard off before There was likewise two other notable assemblies in Ierusalē which are very famous in holy Scripture the one in the raigne of Ezechias the other in the raign of Iosias when these two good princes moued with a zeale of godlines and the seruice of God that before had béene pittifully corrupted by the idolatry and impiety of their predecessors with an heroical and magnanimious hart vndertook to pu●…ge y ● holy land of al filthy stinking abhominations wherwith both the bodies soules of diuers were infected taking clean away y ● stewes Idols of al the county of Iudaea and abolishing cleane all the false seruices that their hipocritical fathers had inuented and established against or cleane beside the worde and ordinance of God hauing no warant for it at all And to renew the couenant of God which was almost forgotten and cleane defaced out of the peoples heart assembled all the inhabitants of the Countrey with whom after the law was read publikely they solemnised the Easter with great solemnity then euer was séene or heard of before And who was he amongst that company think ye that séeing such an assembly gathered together for so good an end whose heart did not leape in his belly for ioy séeing God present in the midst of his holy people hearing the agréement that was
must resist being grounded in the faith And Saint Iohn saith Ye are strong and the word o●… God remaineth among you and ye haue ouercome the wicked spirit And Iesus Christ speaking of faith did hee not promise that the gates of hell that is to saie all the counsell craft fetches meanes and power that the deuill is able to deuise and make are not able to encounter with her and cannot resist the worde of God That which we sée cléerely appeare in the example of Iesus Christ. For the deuill being come to assaile him and hauing assaied all meanes possible that he could to make him fall in distrust of God he could bring nothing to passe but lost his labour for he founde him so well armed on euerie side with the word that he was gladde to forsake the field and was glad to be gone with shame leauing him If wee then bee also well armed we néede not feare what he can hurt vs nor stand in doubt but wée shall bée couquerours both of him and of all our other enemies As Saint Paul sayth The weapons of our warre are not carnall but mighty through God to cast downe holdes casting downe the imaginations euerie high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God Whosoeuer then would stand in feare of the deuill béeing armed with saith and with the worde of GOD shoulde shewe thereby that hée knoweth not what is the force of the one or of the other nor what is the power and might of him who conducteth vs and knowe●…h not vnder what standarde wée fight For hath not our Captaine broken the serpents head Hath hée not dispossessed the strong man of his fortresse and taken all his armour from him Is it not hee that hath cast out the Prince of this worlde and destroyed all the workes of the deuill Is it not this grand Captaine Michael who already hath got the victorie against the Dragon and his Angelles and hath them in chase till hée haue defeated and vlterly ouerthrowen them for euer But to take better héede of him we must note two speciall pointes of pollicie in him whereby hée thinketh to ouer-catch vs if he sée vs vertuous to puffe vs vp with a vaine presumption of our selues of our owne workes and vertues But on the contrarie side if hee sée that wee are vicious and that in this life we haue béene licentious and dissolute then will hée laie before our eies as much as possiblie hee can the grieuousnes and enormitie of our sinnes that he may thrust vs hea●…long into a desperation of the grace of GOD. These are the two halters wherewith as Saint Augustine saith this hangman of mankinde doeth vse to strangle men But wee haue alreadie shewed how we may auoide these temptations And as for our good workes we knowe that they are al so filthy vnperfect y ● we can make no more account of them before the face of God then of olde and vncleane rags And againe y ● our sins cannot be so great but y e mercy of God doth surmoūt them nor so vncleane but the righteousnes blood of Iesus Christ is able to wash thē cleane make thē as white as snow Nor finally so damnable but in confessing them with humilitie and contrition God will shew himselfe faithfull to pardon and forgiue them euery one It resteth nowe that we set down some assurance to comfort the sick man against the feare that he may haue of y e iudgemēt of God For whē we sée our selues cited by sicknes to appeare quicklie personally before his tribunall seate if we haue in vs but the least sparke of grace we shall call to mind that which is sayd in the holy Scripture that is to say that it is an horrible thing to fall into the hands of the liuing God First that there is no partialitie or exception of persons that is to say no respect vnto greatnes dignitie noblenes riches beautie knowledge parentage allyance to no such matter which is of account and much regard among men causing them oftentimes to swarue a little go awry in their iudgementes from the true rule of iustice but it is not ●…o in the iudgements of God which beeing immumutable and impassible can nothing at all alter his will By reason whereof all his iudgements are measured by the rule and pronounced according to the rigour of the lawe Then that all our thoughtes affections wordes déedes and actions and generally all the course of our life from the beginning to the ending is vnfolded and sifted out throughly That the bookes and registers are brought forth wherein are noted all the faults that euer we haue cōmitted by thought worde or déede with all their circumstances Likewise that iudgement shall be giuen without mercie and to be short that no vertue of ours is allowed of nor any righteousnes accepted that is not pure and perfect in all pointes I saie then when wee come to set these thinges before our eies concerning this fearefull iudgement the which we can by no meanes auoide or escape And on the other side whē we come to set these things before our eyes the vice the corruption and imperfections which are in vs and y ● infinit number of sins that we haue committed against the first and second Table that is to say against God and man it must néeds be that we remaine greatlie astonished and forlorne considering that we haue so many aduersaries and accusers which will not cease to persecute vs extreamly that is to saie the deuill the lawe and our owne consciences which produce against vs a thousande a thousand informations séeking to condemne vs considering the qualitie of the crimes whereof we are conuinced And these things cānot we withstand nor any wise escape the rigor of the iudgement of God but in confessing our debts first and then next to haue recourse to the death of our sauiour Iesus Christ to bée forgiuen For it is otherwise in the iudgement of God then in the iudgement of men by the which a person accused is condemned as soone as he hath by mouth confessed himselfe to be guiltie of the offence but contrariwise the confession of our offences is one of the meanes whereby wee obtayne remission and are absolued and iustified before God as saith Saint Iohn If wee confesse our sinnes God is faithfull iust to pardon them and to make vs cleane from all iniquitie And Dauid sayth I acknowledged my sinne vnto thee neither hid I mine iniquitie for I thought I will confesse against my selfe mine wickednes vnto the Lord thou forgauest the punishment of my sinne After the confessing and acknowledging of our sinnes wee must haue recourse vnto Iesus Christ the iust who isour aduocate to God the Father and the propitiation for our sinnes and repose our selues wholy vpon him referring our cause vnto him for hauing put it into his handes it cannot choose but
of their vertues That he hath delighted to heare flattering tongues that doe nothing but glose with him and make him beléeue that hée was more vertuous and lesse vicious then his owne conscience could witnes and accuse him in secret 10 Lastly to shut vp his confession we must shew him that all his nature as also that of all other men that liue here on the earth is most vile vicious corrupt and that of himselfe he can bring forth but bad fruit as a bad trée doth that is to say all wicked thoughts all inordinate affectiens all filthie and dishonest talke and all things contrarie to the will of God leauing vndone all that is conformable to his will and expresly commanded by him Then when we haue shewed vnto him in this manner his faultes to make him haue a better féeling of them and to conceiue in himselfe a greater displeasure and sorow for them we must aggrauate them vnto him by the circumstances of place time and person where hee hath committed them And then by féeling them if we perceiue him to be humble and contrite wée must lift him vp againe and comfort him in denouncing vnto him the remission and pardon of his sinnes and to assure him of it in the mercie of God Then must we discourse vnto him the reasons contained in this treatise to take awaie the feare that he may haue conceiued of death the deuill the iudgement of God and lastly the sorrowe that hée may haue to forgoe and leaue this worlde and the things that are therein in lieu of the hope and desire that he ought to haue of those heauenly incorruptible blessings This done we must knéele downe our his knées and praie vnto God for him and all the assemblie in this manner A Praier O God the Father of all consolation who hast promised to heare all those that call vpon thée in sinceritie and truth and to reiect none that commeth to prostrate himselfe before thy Maiestie with a sighing soule and sorrowfull heart humble contrite and repentant with the remembrance and féeling of his most grieuous sinnes wée beséech thée altogether in the name of thy sonne Iesus Christ our sauiour and redéemer that it will please thée to extend thy mercie vppon vs all that are héere assembled together and specially vppon this our brother whome it hath pleased thée to afflict and visite by sicknes and by the same to couer forget and forgiue and cleane to blot out all his sinnes by the which he hath so grieuously offended in all his lyfe Beséeching thée that 〈◊〉 woulde please thée of thy great grace and fauour to seale confirme in his hart by the holy spirit the forgiuenes that thou doest grant vnto him by the promise of all his sinnes That he may féele in his conscience and that with ioy and full assurance hée may make himselfe readie to appeare before thée when it shall please thée to call him out of this world assuring him that there is no condemnation neither for him neyther for all those which by true faith are vnited and incorporate in thy sonne Iesus Christ. That not his sinnes death and the deuill nor anie other creature whatsoeuer shal be able to separate him from thy loue or cast him out of thy fauour and grace and that thy throne is not a throne of rigorous iustice but an hauen of health a throne of mercie a sanctuarie a place of libertie and fréedome for all the faythfull Good God strengthen and increase his faith héerein so that he may couer him selfe as with a shéeld be by this meanes made strong and inuincible against all temptations wherewith hée may bée assayled and that reiecting all other confidence hée relie vpon nothing but the sole righteousnes obedience and sacrifice of thine onely sonne to assure him agaynst the daie of thy iudgement And now wée heséech thée good God to giue him grace to pardon and forgiue from the bottom of his heart all his neighbours who haue by anie wise offended him to the end that hée béeing vnited by true charitie with all the members of the bodie of thy Church may also be knit and ioyned with thée who art the head thereof Lastly we beséech thée that it woulde please thée to giue vs also grace so well to looke into the person and disease of this our brother that séeing how short and vncertaine the course of our lyfe is wee may thinke betime of our owne selues and retiring our mindes from the vanities of this worlde wee may bestowe that litle time that we haue to liue here in learning the wisedome of God that is to beléeue firmely and to trust in his promises to shewe our obedience in all thinges that he doth command and to take diligent héede to flie and auoid all things that hee defendeth vs in his holy word FINIS A SHORT CONsolation for the sicke taken forth of the holy Scriptures WHosoeuer is of God heareth Gods word and doeth not onelie heare it but kéepeth and followeth it also for all things shall haue an end and wax olde as doth a garment but the worde of God abideth for euer Now séeing it is so that by a man sin is come into the world and by sinne death and therevpon by consequent all afflictions and aduersities doe depend verie well may the life of man bée termed a continual fight here vpon earth where the flesh doth fight against the spirite and the spirite against the world the flesh and the deuill who are the deadly enemies of our soules But following the counsel of the Apostle to get the victory in the spirituall battaile wee must resist and striue against them constantly by faith For the victorie which ouercommeth the world is our faith the which is an assured knowledge of the loue of God towardes vs by the which hée declareth in his Gospell to bée our Father and sauiour by the meanes of Iesus Christ his sonne Hauing then such a firme faith for our prinicpall foundation acknowledge and confesse your selfe before the maiestie of God to be a poore and miserable sinner conceiued and borne in sinne and corruption redie and apt to doe euill vnreadie and vnapt to doe anie good and that by your vice and sinne you haue transgressed without measure the holy commandementes of God so that you haue purchased by his iust iudgement vtter ruine and perdition vpon you Yet you haue great sorrowe in your selfe to haue offended him so grieuously condemning your selfe and your vices with true repentance desiring that the grace of God woulde succour you in this your great calamitie Praie you then with a firme faith if you cannot with your mouth yet from your heart That God our most mercifull Father woulde not enter into count or iudgement with you but that hée woulde take some pittie on you in the name of his sonne Iesus Christ our Lord and that hée woulde blot out our sinnes and staines by
cannot stande steadfast one minute of an houre strengthen vs by thy holy spirite and so arme vs with thy spiritull giftes and graces that wée may constantly perseuere in the faith without the which it is not possible to please thée Strengthen vs then day by daie in the same faith whereof we will make confefsion vnto thée with heart and mouth saying I beleeue in God the Father c. Then may they looke howe the sicke person doth vsing gracious and Christian spéeches vnto him but if no signe of amendement appeare soone after they may find out a fit time●…to aske of him if he would willingly heere to speake of God and to heare his worde whilest hée is in perfect sense and memorie then may they beginne this little Catechisme which followeth A SHORT CAtechisme to refresh the memorie of the sick person in points of Christianitie and to make him chieflie vnderstand the mysterie of our Redemption The Minister N. BRother euerie man who knoweth himselfe well and séeth of what condition and qualitie hee is must surely confesse that albeit he be created after the image and likenesse of God yet that he is conceiued and borne in the sin●…e of olde Adam and so made a poore and miserable sinner ignorant vnconstant and full of all iniquitie and by consequent subiect to all miseries afflictions and aduersities and finally to death Of all which sinne is the cause the which God wil not suffer to bee vnpunished but afflicteth vs therfore daily and doth plague and punishe vs in this worlde least hée should condemne vs with the worlde Wherefore déere brother N. haue patience in your sicknesse and affliction and you shall possesse your soule in spirituall ioy Confesse your sinne and accuse your selfe before the maiestie of Godvnto whome you must cast vp your eyes to contemplate him by faith confessing your faith with heart and mouth before all this assistance of your faithfull Brethren For it is written With the heart man beléeueth vnto righteousnesse and with the mouth man confesseth to saluation Hearken then to these questions that I shall demand of you and answere to them faithfully according to the vnderstanding that God hath giuen you But if you cannot answere by reason of your féeblenesse I will answere for you and it shall suffice vs verie well to vnderstande your meaning and the constancie of your faith in the which you must liue and die Nowe I must first aske you wherefore and to what end were you created in this world The Sicke To know God The Minister Was it necessarie for you to know God S. Yea verily for séeing that he is my soueraigne God without the knowledge of him sure I had béene more miserable then the brute beastes M. Séeing that you know God you know well that he is power wisedom and infinite bountie one God in thrée persons the Father Sonne and the holy Ghost The onely God that A braham Isaac and Iacob haue worshipped in spirit and truth The onely eternall God who hath created heauen and earth and all thinges therein contained Is not the knowledge that you haue of God such S. Yes M. But so simple knowledge of God is it sufficient to bring you to life euerlasting S. Uery hardly For it is life euerlasting to confesse and to know one onely God and him whom hee hath sent his onely Sonne for euer our Lorde Iesus Christ. M. Wherefore is it necessarie for you to confesse and know the Lorde Iesus Christ S. Because I must recouer in Iesus Christ all that I lost in my selfe by the sinne of old Adam in the which I was borne and conceiued therefore it was méete for my saluation that Iesus Christ verie God and verie man inuesting our flesh should giue me of his grace and fauour againe that which I had lost in Adam M. Uerie well saide And therefore was Iesus Christ conceiued of the holy Ghost and borne of the virgin Mary to purge and sancttifie you but you for your part were conceiued and borne in sinne and of sinfull parents Wherefore you must confesse that without Iesus Christ you had remained a poore and miserable sinner iudged to eternall death S. So in déed I had But I firmely belieue and confesse that this good Iesus Christ hath reconciled mee to God his Father M. But how hath he reconciled you to God the Father S. By his death and passion in shedding of his most precious bloude for to deliuer mee from euerlasting paines This good GOD Iesus Christ hath suffered for mee vnder Pontius Pilate manie afflictions iniuries and tribulations This Iesus Christ was crucified for mee as one accursed vppon the trée of the Crosse to deliuer mee from the eternall cursse vnto the which Adam had made me subiect This my Sauiour Iesus Christ was verily buried to burie with him all my sinnes to the ende that they shoulde not bee imputed vnto mee before God This is my Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ who descended into hell suffering an extreame anguish and pangue for the time to deliuer mee from eternall paines of hell M. All this that you haue now confessed of Iesus Christ is it sufficient to saue you S. No for the holie scriptures must bee in all thinges fulfilled For what had this profited mee that Iesus Christ was borne crucified dead and buried and gone downe into hell onely for mée and if hée had not rose againe Wherefore I belieue and confesse that my Lord my heade and Sauiour Iesus Christ is risen from the dead to make me rise againe with him as one of his little members into euerlasting life M. Consequentle it is writen that he is ascended vp into heauen sitting now at the right hand of God his Father But what profit get you by his ascention S. My Lord my heade and Sauiour Iesus Christ is ascended vp into heauen to make me ascend after him for where the head is the members are also and I constantly belieue that sitting at the right hand of God his Father he is mine aduocate intercessor and mediator towards him assuring me that nothing may hurt me he being both mine aduocat and Iudge Wherefore I néede not to feare the day of his iudgement when he shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead for I belieue and confesse with a stedfast beliefe that there is no iudgement or 〈◊〉 for them that are faithfull members in Iesus Christ. M. Who hath giuen you the grace to vnderstand and doe these things S. It is by the grace of the holy Ghost one onely God with the Father and the Sonne by whom wee receiue all these gifts and graces which are offered vnto vs in Iesus Christ. M. Séeing y ● you haue already cōfessed y ● you are one of y e mēbers of Iesus Chrst it followeth then that you are incorporate also into his church the which you