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A00980 The way to blessednes a treatise or commentary, on the first Psalme. By Phinees Fletcher, B. in D. and minister of Gods Word at Hilgay, in Norfolke. Fletcher, Phineas, 1582-1650. 1632 (1632) STC 11085; ESTC S102384 208,041 304

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divelli●h eye full of lies succeeds it The losse of the former necessarily inferres ignorance of good the other presents to us evill in the forme and appearance of good As fooles by want of naturall wisedome know not the worth of things excellent and by a childish folly esteeme highly of vaine uselesse and unprofitable things or as mad men that haue no knowledge of their friends but esteeme them enemies and desperately in spight of all good counsell runne into any danger or mischiefe so senselesse man hating indeed God himselfe and all the meanes and offers of life willingly followes the Devill through sinne unto hell can discerne no goodnes in that which is truely good but seemes to see much content in vanitie and that which leads him to destruction In a word before our transplantation our fruits are described by the Spirit namely adulterie fornication uncleannesse lasciviousnesse Idolatry withcraft hatred variance emulation wrath strife seditions heresies envyings murthers drunkennesse revilings and such like after our implanting we may see the spirituall fruits set out in the same place love joy peace long suffering gentlenesse goodnesse faith meekenesse temperanee and such like see also 1 Cor. 6. 9. 10. 11. Necessary is this change seing we are all naturally accursed but without it there can be no passage from cursing to blessing from one contrary to another Againe God the Father hath decreed for the honour of the Sonne that all nations shall bee blessed in him and none saved but by his name that he shall bee the head of every creature Now then wee must of necessitie be cut off from the first Adam before we can be grafted into the second Adam and cannot be blessed in him till we be grafted into him 2. Whosoever forsakes his sinne and with delight meditates in the word of God day and night that word shall bee to him as water to a plant it shall continually nourish him in the life of grace and that gracious and holy Spirit shall as a River feede and sustaine him in this blessed life that he may continue and daily encrease in this spirituall fruitfulnesse This is here evidently a●firmed by the Psalmist often and strongly confirmed by other Scriptures and the examples of the Saints He that heareth me hath everlasting life He makes them to rest in green pastures and leads them by the still waters They shall bee as a watered garden and like a spring of water whose waters faile not And againe Their soule shall be as a watered garden Certainely that holy Spirit himselfe enters into us by his word Gal. 3. 2. Acts 10. 33.44 And even hence is it that the Spirit compareth the word so often to seed and food as the meanes whereby life growth and strength spirituall is given us Every severall creature hath his peculiar nourishment but this onely is the food which nourishes the new creature to life eternall True is it of the bodily much more of spirituall life that man liues not by bread onely but by every word that commeth out of the mouth of God Thus when the Thessalonians received the word not as mans but Gods it was effectuall and wrought mightily in them ● Thes. 2.13 Thus whensoever the Prophet ● found himselfe dull heartlesse and dead in performance of any dutie he had recourse to this word and found quickning grace Psal. 119. 50.93 And indeed as every creature hath his force and worke by Gods appointment and ordinance and not by any thing of it selfe and therefore worketh only to that end which he hath set out for it so this word is by him ordained to this purpose namely to giue and maintaine spirituall life and hence it powerfully worketh and misseth not this effect Manifest is it that in the word written the image of the essentiall word even of Christ is engraven and figured by the Spirit of God and evident that our soules are as waxe liable to any impression good or bad Now then when that blessed Spirit applieth this word to our hearts having before prepared and fitted them for it and often by delight and meditation renewes this impression hee will bring in us still continue and daily renew the same forme and image in our soules 3. Wheresoever this word hath made an effectuall entrance and brought in with it the spirit of grace that word and Spirit shall be not onely as water but as rivers of water Standing waters will soone be corrupt stinke and become unhealthfull and noysome to the body but running waters are ever sweete and wholesome Standing waters will dry up and faile but the Rivers fed with living Springs continue and endure even in heat and drought Such as forsaking this word follow their owne devices are like those who make pits and forsake the rivers their pits yeeld unwholesome and poysonous waters and soone are dryed up and faile but hee that cleaues to the word and Spirit working in it shall be certaine to finde health and continuall supply This comparison is used by the Spirit Ier. 2. 13. Obserue those words in the Prophet Ezek. 47. 8. 9. 11. There we shall perceiue that those running waters of the Sanctuary are very healthfull but when wretched men mingle them with their owne mire their owne muddie braines and inventions they shall be as salt pits not healed There is no doubt but these waters are the Apostolicall doctrines delivered by them first in preaching secondly in writing This is that wholesome doctrine so often commended to the Ministers of God 1 Tim. 1. 10. and 6. 3. 2 Tim. 1.13 Tit. 1.9 and 2. 1. So likewise it continues and stayes by us when this seed is sowen it abideth in us It shall not be taken from us Marke the covenant of God He puts his law into the hearts of the faithfull and writes it in their inward parts so that this law shall not be razed out nor the Covenant broken as the former but such a feare of his name there setled that they shall never depart from God Read Ier. 31. 33. and 32.40 It shall be as a living fountaine in the heart springing up to life eternall See Iohn 4. 14. and 7. 38. 39. The word of God is an immortall seed and abides for ever not as earthly seed which when it is sowen and is fruitfull dyeth and emptieth it selfe to fill up the eare but this still continues and is a living roote ever sending forth the fruits of spirituall life Men perish the best of men faile● The very Prophets which are vessels bringing this word are as speakes the Apostle earthen vessels and are broken but the word which they bring surviues them and thousand generations after them Read Zach. 1.5.6 To shut up this point for continuance both of the word and Spirit we haue that faithfull promise made to our head As for me this is my covenant with them saith the Lord My spirit which is upon thee and my words which
the Spirit Here may you view him tugging with that roring Lion who seeks whom he may devour and reskuing out of his mouth that almost lost sheep there againe compast about with mighty bulls of Basan gaping on him with their mouths bayted with dogs even the assembly of the wicked and crying lowd for helpe that his soule may be delivered from the sword and the power of the dog Oft-times you may heare him like the Larke singing and mounting in his song his heart well tuned and his tongue co●sorting with it both full to the brinks and overflowing with praise and thanksgiving yet often mourning like a dove and chattering like a swallow his spirit drunke up and sinking in the deepe waters sticking fast in the mire where no stay is sometime faith even soring so high that it is sing'd with presumption sometime plunged in the deep labouring for life altogether benumbd and almost frozen in despaire In a word the Booke of Psalmes is a field where we may be most skilfully trained in all our Christian warfare where this great Commander famous for earthly but far more renowned for heavenly victories will breed us up in skill and courage by his owne example where of the one side wee shall learne to know all our spirituall enemies their colours weapons stratagems their manner of charging of the other side our Captain succours armours offensive and defensive our discipline conflict victory and triumph and all these not onely by relation but action in our fellow-souldier and an old experienced Commander This was the cause why having in the flock over which the great Shepheard hath set me for some yeers layed a foundation in the more contemplative and doctrinall parts of scripture I after desired to build on this ground and lead them on to the practicall here to learne of this holy Psalmi●t how to doe that which they have there learnt must be done In this little brooke this net hath not wholy beene in vaine which hath perswaded me to let it downe into the sea I haue not fished for vaine glory or applause of men nor used such trammels as may enclose any such game He that hath spent most labour this way hath tooke nothing but that prouerb He hath fished fair and caught a frog But if Christ may receiue any glory from hence or any of his members pro●ite this is all my Ambition for which I will earnestly sue to him who delights to glori●ie his power in humane weaknes and teacheth the onely wisdome by this reputed foolishnes To his grace in the Lord Iesus Christ● I heartily commend thee true Christian Reader earnestly praying thou mayst grow in knowledge and more in practise of what thou knowest Thy fellow-servant Phinees Fletcher The Analysis 〈◊〉 the P 〈…〉 er 1. the Author Principall The holy Ghost Subordinate The Kingly Prophet David 2. The matter here obserue 1. the Scope Generall of all Scripture to to be a lampe unto our feete c. Speciall to discover 1. the blessednes of man 2. the miserie of man 2. The method where our Guide pointeth out 1. The right end desired of all 1. more confusedly and farre off in the summe Blessed c. 2. more distinctly aad neere hand 1. by similitude A tree 1. planted ver 1. 2. watered ver 1. 3. fruitfull ver 1. 4. flourishing ver 1. 2. by a part of it namely Prosperitie ver 3. And with the end the way to it 1. The left hand to be declined 1. ungodly counsel ver 1. 2. way of sinners ver 1. 3. seat of scorners ver 1. 2. The right hand to bee followed 1. delighting in the word amplified by the time day night v. 2 2. meditating in the word amplified by the time day night v. 2 2. The contrary end detested of all described 1. Negatiuely not so that is 1. not blessed but cursed ver 4. 2. not planted but wilde ver 4. 3. not watered but parched ver 4. 4. not fruitfull but barren ver 4. 5. not flourishing but fading ver 4. 6. not prospering but confounded ver 4. 2. Affirmatiuely 1. By a similitude As chaffe blowne away vers 4. 2. Simply 1. to be condemned ver 5. 2. to be separated ver 5. 3. The reason of both Gods providence over-looking both vers 6. over-ruling both vers 6. A Treatise or Commentarie vpon the first Psalme Psalme I. 1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the Counsell of the vngodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seate of the scornefull 2 But his delight is in the Law of the Lord and in his Law doth he meditate day and night 3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruite in his season his leafe also shall not wither and whatsoever he doth shall prosper 4 The vngodly are not so but are like the chaffe which the winde driveth away 5 Therefore the vngodly shall not stand in judgement nor sinners in the Congregation of the righteous 6 For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous and the way of the wicked shall perish BLessednesse is that greatest good of man which all desire and seeke for it selfe and all other things for it that Haven of rest to which man driues with all his sailes and oares and there vnfraughts all his thoughts and actions sits downe and so acquieteth his soule Where it is situate and how to shape our course to attaine it no Card or Compasse but onely Gods Word can direct vs. They which saile thither without this Needle doe but obserue them after with their guide they haue compassed Sea and Land finish their voyage in the dead Sea Most men and almost all that travaile this way are wasted by such Pilots that it is no maruaile to see them so widely or wildely to erre and wander The Covetous man sets Mammon at the sterne and makes no doubt but to arriue safely there with such a guide The Ambitious chuseth Lucifer and fully perswades himselfe to attaine it by his direction The Voluptuous takes along Beliall with him that dissolute and vnthriftie companion and feares not while he holds the rudder to touch at this Land of Happinesse The very best and wisest not onely of the Heathen but worldly Professours resting themselues vpon Morality and Forme haue seemed to themselues and others a long time to make a good voyage but all at length split at one rocke and meete in the gulfe of destruction Some few embarking themselues in that sure but despised Vessell of Gods word and vtterly reiecting all other Pilots giving vp themselues vnto the direction of the blessed Spirit haue not indeed without many stormes yet safely landed their soules in that blessed Haven and possessed the inheritance of rest and promise Hence it is that the Wisedome of God whose delights are with the children of men seeing such multitudes scattered and wandring as sheepe without a shepheard hath compassion on
them and aswell by his owne as by this his King of Heralds voyce and by his Sonne the wisest type of Wisedome calls to these wandring wretches Forsake your way yee foolish and you shall liue and walke in the way of vnderstanding Now of this Psalme where our happy estate is excellently described and the way to it plainely poynted out to vs it is fit to consider aswell the Authour as the matter The Authour is either principall or subordinate our head Iesus Christ who by his Spirit indited it and the Prophet David whom he vsed as his Secretary or hand to write it The scope as of all other Scripture is to be a lampe vnto our feete and a light vnto our paths and as the very finger of God to point out the new and dangerous but intising way to misery and the old and safe way which leads to happinesse The method or order is this First our Guide shewes us a farre off a generall confused view of blessednes the end of all our travell then points out the left-hand way which to an unwary eye seemes faire and likely and warnes us to take heed of it which more perfectly he describes by the severall periods of it These are three 1. walking in the counsell of the ungodly 2. standing in the way of sinners 3. sitting in the seate of the scornefull All this in the first verse Secondly he sets out the true way to happines which seemes the farthest about but is the neerest home● and our severall journies in it which are but two first delighting secondly meditating in Gods word which is amplified from the time day and night And this is contained in the second verse Thirdly in the next place he more distinctly and severally discovers this happinesse that so he may winne us to it First by a most familiar and elegant similitude of a tree 1. planted 2. watered 3. fruitfull 4. flourishing then by a part of it namely prosperity This in the 3 verse Fourthly h● displayes the woefull estate of those who goe the other way first negatiuely They are not so not blessed not planted not watered not fruitfull not flourishing they prosper not Againe affirmatiuely by a comparison they are as chaffe blowne away with the wind and therefore shall be separated from the wheat and burnt with fire This is deliver●d in the 4 and 5 v●rses Lastly in the sixt he giues an infallible reason of all he speakes namely the providence of God over-looking and disposing both Now as a Guide who undertakes onely to bring us in the right way to our journies end in our passage will beguile the way with some discourse or name to us the Townes Castles Rivers c. by which we passe So this holy Saint leading us forward entertaines the way with much profitable matter pointing out though obscurely old Babilon and new Ierusalem the false and true Church with their lawes and manners Having thus prepared the way let us now enter upon it and in the first wee 'l obserue the Guide himselfe from whom we gather this proposition The Prophet David and in him the holy Ghost is the Author of this Psalme And that we may profit the more by this Teacher let us consider how he is qualified for this office wise Princes if they cannot make men fit for any place will chuse such as are already made to their hand But the Lords election prepares and enables his servants for any calling in his Church Let us then behold him either in his spirituall or temporall estate First God tooke him the youngest of many brethren from following the sheepe and made him a Shepheard of men King over his onely people the house of Israell and so filled his heart with wisedome valour and other gifts necessary for government that never any Prince joyntly in them all was more or indeed equally renowned He blessed his raigne with many famous victories was with him wheresoever he went cut off all his enemies and made him a great name like the name of the great men which are on the earth Secondly his spirituall estate may be considered either in his publike office as he was a Prophet a man of God none more famous among the Prophets or in his private disposition a man after Gods owne heart propounded as a patterne especially to Princes whence it is that all his successours are either condemned for not following him or commended for treading in his footsteps For confirmation of this Proposition it is evident that the Holy Ghost is the prime Author of the Booke of Psalmes For all Scripture is inspired and holy men spake as they were moved by the holy Ghost Moreover our Saviour reckons the Psalmes with Moses the Prophets as holy Scripture and David by Christ is entituled to this Booke and the Scripture giues evident witnesse of the Spirit speaking by him The Spirit of the Lord spoke by me and his word was in my tongue It will not be vnprofitable to lay downe some reasons or grounds of this action aswell in God the principall as in David the subordinate Author The cause then why God writes and writes in this kinde by songs and why he employes David as his hand are either in himselfe in vs or in this holy Proph●t In himselfe his gracious will and wisedome He reveales and conceales these things because it so pleaseth him See also Exod. 33. 13. 17. and Numb 12. 6 7 8. In vs whom he teacheth there are some occasions as 1. our difficulty in learning especially things spirituall 2. our naturall delight in Musicke 3. A certaine aptnesse in numbers to convey to our mindes and settle in our memories these profitablelessons The reasons why he vseth David in this imployment may be 1. the gift of Musicke in which he excelled 2. the sanctifying gifts of Gods Spirit which afforded ditties to his notes and by expressing his holy affections filled others on all o●casions to lay open and poure out their hearts to God in prayer In Dauid the cause of writing may be 1. his Faith I beleeved therfore I spake 2. his loue desiring to draw others on to that happinesse which himselfe had found Ioyne these together and we shall find a good ground of this action We are vnapt to learne there is an aptnesse in this kind of teaching to sinke easier and deeper into our mindes God knowes in his wisedome what is best for vs and his loue will effect it therefore having-fitted David with this qualitie of holy Musicke he stirres vp his heart to vtter by faith what he had learned and by loue to draw on our lagging affections to the like gracious practise Now be●ause the Word of God whether written or preached is given for our vse and profit for teaching confuting trying comforting and exhorting that by applying it partly to our vnderstanding we might grow in light and be better informed in
we may more then probably gather from one to another but especially to the Patriarchs by inspiration and gift of Prophecie But in processe of time when he had called out a Nation sanctified them to himselfe to be his Church and people he contracted this spirituall light into the body of the Scripture and appointed not onely the people in his Chu●ch but even the Starres the Ministers to take from it what they brought to us and to shine with no other beames to the people then which they drew from the word Hence the Prophet recals the people to this fountaine of light to the law to the testimonie if they speake not according to this word it is because there is no light● in them Hence so often called Light and the Apostle as before witnesseth that the Minister is made wise to salvation and perfect to every good worke by it As therefore the Creatour framed one great originall light to rule the day so that by the beames of it the creature might haue power to discerne all things necessarie to be seene so to this end he calleth the Scripture light because he hath given it a lightsome qualitie whereby it discovers unto us whatsoever is necessary to eternall life and it might direct and instruct us in every good way and worke for surely words are to the eare the same that light is to the eye the eye by light discerneth things visible and distinguisheth every creature which it seeth so the word of man opens his intention to us which else lieth hidden in his heart and is altogether imperceptible Thus the word of God doth manifest unto us the will and purpose of God and cleerely reveales to all and every one what is necessary for them to know as being all plaine to them that will understand Now then seeing God cannot dissemble and it were blasphemie to affirme that he who hath given us Christ would giue us an obscure light which should make us doubtfull in seeing and should utter words to discover his minde which wee cannot understand this he doth in judgment to the reprobate but he deales not so with his children see Mar. 4. 11. 12. How lewdly doth he thinke of God who should affirme that he giues to his children a word cals it light commaunds them so to use it and continually to converse with it which yet is darke and imperfect and may easily deceiue them 2. The word whether that which God hath written downe for our eyes by the hands of his Secretaries or that which he speaketh to our ●ares by the mouth of his Messengers is the very law doctrine and word of that great Iehova the Lord of all and therefore so to be received with more reverence and subjection then any word or law of any creature The first of these is evidently affirmed here namely that this doctrine is the law of the Lord the second necessarily deducted that therfore it must bee received with all submission and obedience which becomes us servants to so great a Lord. Neither can this doctrine be confined to the Scriptures onely seing God doth not onely by writing but by preaching teach us the way to happinesse and lead us in it Hence is it that as the Scriptures are sayd to be inspired of God and by the moving of the holy Ghost so our Saviour without any ambiguitie plainely testifies that he speakes and is heard in his Ministers Flesh and bloud stands out against this truth and by no meanes will yeeld to it that the Ministers who now liue speake the very word of God and that the word which they heare is indeed not mans but Gods The Prophets say they and Apostles were extraordinary men and furnished with peculiar gifts for such a calling and with an unerring spirit therfore their word was infallibly God● message and so to be received but not so the Ministers of our times who haue not the same gifts but may erre and be deceived True it is that the Prophets and Apostles were 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 so infallibly assisted by the Spirit that they could not erre in their preaching and therefore their word without skanning might be safely received by those who knew them to be such But because even the faithfull themselues did not at the first thus know them therefore they examined their preaching by the touch-stone of the Scripture Paul was a singular Apostle in doctrine and miracles c. yet did not the faithfull take his word at adventure but tryed it by the Scripture and then gaue credit to it Acts 17. 11. Nay certainly had even these men though knowne Apostles preached other doctrine then was revealed in the written word it might not be received And therefore though the Ministers of these times are nothing comparable to them in gifts yet being Messengers of the same God sent by him when they speake the same doctrine which was before by them published and after left in writing they speake no lesse the word of God then they unlesse we thinke the qualitie of man can alter the truth of God When Satan spoke Thou art the holy one of God was it not the truth When Balaam a false Prophet over-ruled by God prophecied was not the prophecietrue because the tongue was false and might nay often did speake lies How much more is that word to be received as the truth of God which being spoken by his Messengers is no other then himselfe hath written In the time of the Law as there were some extraordinary Ministers as Prophets so were there ordinary Teachers the Levites who expounded the Law instructed the people and dare any man deny their preaching to be the word of God So was it likewise in the times of the Apostles They ordained Ministers in every congregation and was not their word the embassage of God Epaphras no Apostle and as farre as wee can gather no inspired Preacher yet planted the Church of the Colossians and the word preached by him was the word of Christ the Gospell the word of truth To conclude this point Hence the word delivered by Timothy an inferiour Minister was equally the word of God as if it had beene uttered by the Apostle see 1 Thes. 2. 13. Nay it must be remembred that those words of our Saviour he that heareth you heareth me and he that despiseth you despiseth me were not spoken to the Apostles but to the seventie Disciples and then when as yet the holy Ghost was not given nay when as yet the Apostles themselues were altogether unacquainted with the chiefe mysteries of salvation even the death and resurrection of Christ. But if any man reply that he cannot giue so assured assent unto the word now preached as to that of the Apostles let him know the fault is in himselfe not in the word and Ordinance of God for he ought to be so stedfastly grounded in the truth that if Angels from heaven
and thirst This will make that reproofe which to flesh and bloud is most bitter sweet and pleasant for the person that is full despiseth the hony combe but to the hungry soule every bitter thing is sweete Proposition 2. Now follows the second proposition arising from this verse namely The Psalmist pronounceth him blessed who day and night meditateth in the word of God Where is no need to expound many words for some are cleere enough of themselues and othersome haue before beene sufficiently explained Here onely consider what is this meditation and how that phrase day and night expressing the continuance of this duty is to bee understood This word meditation implies a vehement motion of the minde breaking forth into action The best Interpreter even the holy Ghost thus explaines this word in another place Let not this booke of the law depart out of thy mouth but meditate therein day and night that thou mayest obserue and doe according to all that is written therein Where we see the nature of meditation rightly unfolded consisting 1. in observation that includes diligent attending marking and remembring 2. in practising so what he there particulary commends to Ioshua he inforceth other where generally upon all Deut. 6. 3 4 5 6● 7. c. where we are commanded to get these words by heart to teach them others continually to thinke of them that we may bring our hearts to the loue of God 2. Night and day is a phrase of speech implying not onely frequencie but such a continuance as though it be not without some intermissiō yet is without negligence carefully and cheerefully performed in the season of it Some haue thought that night signifies the time of affliction and trouble day the time of our prosperitie and gladnesse and no doubt but darkenesse is in Scripture often taken for grievance and trouble light for solace and comfort No question also but it is our dutie in the evill day and in all our rejoycing to meditate in this word but seeing the former is not onely the genuine or naturall interpretation of the words but also includes the latter by night and day must here bee understood a continuall revolving of the will of God sometime in hearing it when the season giues leaue sometime reading it frequently recollecting it in our memorie and without intermission expressing it in all our actions and constant practise Thus then runne the words Whosoever with a fervent and zealous heart giues up himselfe to the word of God to heare read thinke of it to practice and doe it and that not by starts but in a continuall course of life and conversation this man is already blessed and shall at length attaine to perfect happinesse Proofe Blessed is the man that heareth mee watching daily at my gates and attending at the posts of my doores Blessed are they that heare the word of God and keepe it He that looketh in the perfect law of libertie continueth therin not being a forgetfull hearer but a doer of the worke shall be blessed in his deed The grounds or reasons may be 1. in the nature of the word .2 in God ordering it and working with it First therefore as God hath given to every creature a certaine nature wherby it is fitted for any worke or end and hath in it selfe a power to worke unto that end as to light to discover and present things to the eye to feed to produce the like unto it selfe so hath he made this word to be his Ordinance which shall worke powerfully unto salvation And as he hath ordained that our perfection and happinesse shall consist in the knowledge of himselfe in sanctification and eternall life so hath he given a vertue to this his immortall word to open all things unto us necessary for this knowledge and therefore cals it light to sanctifie and breed us to life eternall And as seed simply considered without his appointm●nt could haue no force to produce the like no more could this word which therefore by the naturall man is counted foolishnesse 2. In us who are wholly dead in nature and haue no power in our selues to worke out our owne salvation but as since the curse the earth must with much labour be ordered and fitted before it can be fruitfull so since our cursed fall we cannot attaine this fruit but with this spirituall labour and tillage 3. In God working in his owne institution he is the great Husbandman Iohn 15. 1. he that giues the increase 1 Cor. 3. 6. and 15. 10. Now therefore as no instrument hath power in it selfe to worke to its end but must be used applyed and directed by the hand of the workman so here unlesse the Spirit use this hammer it breakes not the stone in our hearts Looke then as in earthly tillage the ground must be first plowed up and prepared the labourer must cast in good seed harrow weed c. and yet still without the former and latter raine and the blessing of that Almighty Creatour and Governour all is in vaine thus God hath made the Law to be as a Coulter to breake up this fallow ground of our hearts sent in his Ministers with this his plough to prepare and fit it so he giues his Gospell to be the seed of life causeth his servants to scatter it nay makes the same Ordinance to bee as raine and heate to draw out the vertue and power of it into our practice yet all this is done by his blessing he onely giues all the successe and causeth it to worke to salvation Vse this first for Instruction 1. It is the word of God and that holy doctrine layd up and treasured in the Scripture thence brought out to us by the Stewards of Christ in the preached word which makes men happy And indeed seeing the Spirit doth there not onely set out one but the onely way to a blessed estate we may hence conclude that there is no other way which leads to happinesse nor any other appointed and effectuall revealed meane to attaine it but this Hence called the power if God to salvation Rom. 1. 16. 1 Cor. 1.18 Hence it is by the Spirit resembled to such things as are most necessary causes and helpes of life Before we attaine the life of God it is as seed to beget us 1 Pet. 1. 23. Iam. 1. 18. when we are borne againe it is food milke while we are babes that we may grow 1 Pet. 2. 2. stronger meate to establish us Heb. 5.13.14 when we attaine more ripenesse Obserue continually that when the Lord compares this our happines to any earthly thing still the word of God holds that part in the similitude which evidently sheweth it to be his instrument wherby he begins perfects this worke in us As when in some places we are likened to the Temple of God every pa●ticular Christian to be a liuely stone then in other places