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A19495 Heauen opened VVherein the counsaile of God concerning mans saluation is yet more cleerely manifested, so that they that haue eyes may come and se the Christian possessed and crowned in his heauenly kingdome: which is the greatest and last benefit we haue by Christ Iesus our Lord. Come and see. First, written, and now newly amended and enlarged, by Mr. William Cowper, minister of Gods word. Cowper, William, 1568-1619. 1611 (1611) STC 5920; ESTC S121914 411,827 530

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the word In the carnall brotherhoode though the parents be one yet the inheritance is not one though the seede of the flesh be one yet the soule that quickneth the body in both is not one but in the spirituall brotherhood the parents are one the inheritance one the seede vvhereof they are begotten is one and the spirit which quickeneth them all is one It is not then Baptisme nor externall profession which proueth a man to be the kinsman and brother of Christ it is the spirit of Iesus which whosoeuer hath not the same is not his and whosoeuer hath him it is certaine they become new creatures Great is that dignitie certainely whereunto we are called The greatnes of Christs loue toward vs in making vs his brethren and matchlesse is that loue which the Lord Iesus hath carried toward vs who not content to make vs his seruants hath made vs his brethren If he had shewed vs no more kindnesse then Abraham did Lot his kinsman yet euen for that had hee beene worthy to be loued for euer but behold what a greater loue our Lord hath shewed vnto vs we forsooke him more vnkindly than Lot did Abraham yet did hee still retayne his kindly affection toward vs when we were carried away captiue by spirituall Chedarlaomer he did not onely hazard but laid downe his life for our Redemption Moses is greatly praised for that vvhen hee was honourable in Aegypt he left the Court of Pharaoh to visit his brethren esteeming the rebuke of Christ in his people greater riches than all the treasures of Aegypt and Ioseph is also commended that being second person vnder Pharaoh in the kingdome of Aegypt yet hee was not ashamed of his Father and brethren albeit they for their trade being sheepekeepers were abhomination to the Aegyptians But all these are not comparable to that loue which the Lord Iesus hath borne toward vs in that notwithstanding our base estate hee hath not beene ashamed to call vs his brethren The Lord make vs thankefull and shed abroad in our hearts the sense of that loue vvhich hee hath borne toward vs that wee neuer be ashamed of him for no Crosse that for his sake can be laid vpon vs. Verse 30. Moreouer whom he predestinated them also he called and whom he called them also he iustified and whom he iustified them also he glorified THere is no part of holy Scripture vvhich is What a cleare sight of saluation is here discouered to the Christian not stored with the words of eternall life but as that part of earth which is rich of minerals of gold and siluer is more esteemed than other land vvere it neuer so fruitfull so ought this place of holy Scripture to be accounted of vs all as containing in it a most rich minerall not of gold siluer or precious stones but of a more precious saluation wherein the deeper thou art able to digge the stronger clearer and greater sight of saluation ariseth vnto thee there is not in all the booke of God a place of holy Scripture vvhich presents to the childe of God so cleare and certaine a sight of his election and glorification as this place doth wherein now we are trauailing for the holy Apostle in this golden chaine of Saluation doth in such sort knit our effectuall Calling with our Election and Glorification that the Christian vpon earth may euidently see what God in the heauens hath decreed toward him we haue spoken of the first two lincks of the Chaine Prescience and Predestination now we proceed to speake of the third to wit our Calling Where first of all for our greater comfort let vs stand The prerogatiues of a Christian are farre more honourable than any that worldlings can claime and consider how great and glorious are the benefits which God hath bestowed on the Christian before time the Lord hath chosen him after time the Lord will glorifie him in time the Lord doth can and iustifie him Worldlings also haue their owne prerogatiues wherin they place their glory those among them that haue most ample and ancient inheritances are counted most honourable but thou vvho art named a Christian if thou be so indeede looke to thine owne priuiledges and thou shalt see that the glorie of a Christian doth far exceed the glorie of the most honorable Worldling as the Psalmist spake of Ierusalem so may wee of the Christian Glorious things are spoken of thee O thou man Psal 87. 3. of God Election is the first and most auncient charter of the The most sure and auncient Charters of a Christian to his inheritance right of Gods Children to their Fathers inheritance Calling is the second by it we are knowne to be the Sonnes of God and our Election secret in it selfe is manifested to vs and others Iustification is the third by it wee are infest in Iesus Christ and made partakers of all that is his Glorification is the last by it wee are entred heyres to our Father and fully possessed in his inheritance No King vpon earth can produce so auncient a right to his Crowne though vvith the Egyptian thou shouldest reckon thy beginning so many yeares before the creation of the world yet canst thou not match the Christian hee hath the most auncient charter of the most ample inheritance neither can any man vpon earth be knowne his Fathers heyre vpon such sufficient warrand as the Christian for in the regeneration the Father communicateth to him his Image his Nature his Spirit whereby he beginneth from feeling to call God his Father and in life and manners to resemble him No freeholder so surely infest in his lands nor hath receiued so many confirmations thereupon as the Christian iustified who vpon his gift of righteousnesse and life hath also receiued the earnest the pledge the scale and the witnesse of the great King And last of all the Christian shall be entred to the full possession of his Fathers inheritance vvith such ioy and triumph in the glorious assembly of the Saints as the like was neuer seene in the world no not in Ierusalem that day wherein Salomon entred heyre to his Father Dauid then the earth rang for ioy but nothing comparable to that ioy wherewith the heauens shall ring when all the Sonnes of God shall be caught from the earth into the ayre to meet the Lord Iesus and to be inuested in the Kingdome of their Father But now wee are to speake of this Calling wherein consists all our comfort for it is the middle lincke of this indiuisible Calling is the first manifestation of our Election and forerunner of our Glorification Chaine he that hath it is sure of both the ends Our Calling is the first manifestation of our secret Election and it is a sure forerunner of our Glorification being in effect the voyce of GOD fore-telling vs that he will glorifie vs. As the best way in a maine land to finde the sea is to walke by a riuer
notes on this The Iesuites collect here that the Law is fulfilled in this life Verse collects a note which the word here rendreth not vnto them We see say they that the Law which is Gods commandements may be kept that the keeping thereof is iustice and that in Christian men that is fulfilled by Christs grace which by the force of the Law could neuer be fulfilled that the law may be fulfilled and also shall be fulfilled by the grace of Christ who hath deliuered vs from the Law of sin is euident This place proueth no such thing out of the Apostles words we confesse it and are comforted in it this is an end which Christ hath proposed vnto himselfe that he may make vs perfectly answerable to that holinesse which the Law requireth and in his owne good time he shall bring it to passe but that the Law is fulfilled of men in this life cannot be proued neither out of this place nor any other place of holy Scripture Damnatum est peccatum non extinctum Sinne is condemned saith Caietane Caietane one of their owne but not extinguished And hereunto beside infinite testimonies of holy Scripture That the law is not fulfilled in vs nor by vs in this life is proued Amb. de paeniten lib. 1. cap. 6. agreeth also the suffrages of pure antiquitie Non dicit familia tua sana sum medicum non requiro sed sana me Domine sanabor It is not saith Ambrose the voyce of thy family I am whole and needes not a Phisition but heale me O Lord and I shall be healed Tu audes Nouatiane mundum te dicere qui etsi operibus mundus esses hoc solo verbo i●mundus fieres Ambrose spake it to the Nouatian Heretiques of his time and it may be sitly turned ouer to the Iesuites of our time Darest thou O Iesuit call thy selfe Ierem. 17. cleane and holy Albeit thou wert cleane in regard of thy works this one word were enough to make thee vncleane With him also agrees Augustine Sunt quidam inflati vtres Aug. de verb. Apost ser 29. spiritu elationis pleni non magnitudine ingentes sed superbiae morbo tumentes vt audeant dicere inueniri homines absque p●ccato There are some saith hee like vnto vessels blowne vp with winde filled with a hautie spirit not solidly great but swelled with the sicknesse of pride who dare be bolde to say that men are found in earth without sinne Of such as these hee demaunds in that same place Interrogo te O Ibidem homo sancte iuste sine macula oratio ista dimitte nobis debita nostra fidelium est an catechumenorum certe regeneratorum est immo filiorum nam si non est filiorum qua fronte dicitur Pater noster quies in coelis vbi ergo estis O iusti sancti in quibus peccata non sunt I demand of thee O man thou who A question for Papist● art iust and holy this prayer Forgiue vs our sinnes whether is it a prayer to be said by Catechists onely or to be said also of such as are beleeuers and conuerted Christians surely it is the prayer of men regenerated yea it is the prayer of the Sonnes of God for they call God their Father in heauen where then are ye O ye iust and holy ones in whom are no sinnes If the regenerate and sonnes of God haue need to craue remission of sinnes what are ye who say ye haue no sinne If we say we haue no sinne we lie and the truth is not 1. Ioh. 1. 9. in vs and our blessed Sauiour to let vs see how farre we are from doing that which we should doe saith When yee haue Luke 17. 10. done all that yee can doe yet say yee are vnprofitable Seruants Where because they haue a silly subterfuge that albeit wee were neuer so righteous yet for humilities sake we should say we are vnprofitable I answere them as Augustine answered the same obiection in his time propter humilitatem Aug. de verb. Apost ser 29. ergo mentiris then for humilities sake thou lyest but it is certaine Christ neuer taught man to lye for humility this is but a forged falshood of their owne And to ioyne the third witnesse with the former two Bernard who liued in a very corrupt time yet retained this truth Quis melior Propheta de quo dixit Deus inueni virum Ber. in annū Mariae secundum cor meum tamen ipse necesse habuit dicere Deo Ne intres in iudicium cum seruo tuo who is better then the Prophet Dauid of whom the Lord said I haue found a man after mine owne heart yet had he neede to say Lord enter not into iudgement with thy Seruant And againe Sufficit Ber. in Cant. Serm. 23. mihi ad omnem iustitiam solum habere propitium cui soli peccaui non peccare Dei iustitia est hominis iustitia indulgentia Dei It sufficeth me for all righteousnes to haue him onely mercifull to me whom I haue only offended to be without sinne is the righteousnesse of God mans righteousnesse is Gods indulgence pardoning his sinne we conclude therefore with him Vaegenerationi huic miserae cui sufficere videtur Ber. ser cont vitiū ingrati sua insufficientia immo inopia tanta quis enim ad perfectionem illam quam Scripturae tradunt vel aspirare videtur woe to this miserable generation to whom their owne insufficiencie seems sufficient for who is it that hath so much as aspired to that perfection which the holy Scripture commaunds vs But to maintaine their errour they enforce these places Places of scripture wherein godly men are called Saints and righteous makes not for their errour of perfect obseruance of the Law of holy Scripture wherein mention is made of innocencie iustice and perfection in the Godly whereupon they simply inferre that the Law is fulfilled Their paralogismes shall easily be discouered if we keepe Augustines rule when the perfection of any man is mentioned we must consider wherein for a man may be righteous in comparison of others so Noah was a righteous man in comparison of that generation wherein hee liued yet was hee not without sinne A man may be also so called in comparison of himselfe the Lord iudging a man according to that where vnto the greater part of his disposition is inclined for the Lord doth repute and account his Children not after the remanents of the old man but according to the new workmanship of his grace in them whereof it commeth to passe that albeit in a great part they be sinfull yet the Lord giueth vnto them the names of Saints and righteous men Againe in handling of the Apostles words Philippians 3. In what sense Godly men are called perfect in holy Scripture let vs as many as are perfect be thus minded hee moues the question seeing the Apostle
from the loue of God Verse 36. As it is written for thy sake are wee killed all the day long wee are counted as sheepe for the slaughter THe nature of man doth greatly abhorre the That the christian is subiect to these crosses he proues by a testimonie of holy scripture crosse and therefore the Apostle here is the more aboundant in furnishing vs vvith comforts against it glorying in this that no crosse can seperate vs from Christ a comfort exceeding great indeed for seeing we know that the Lords loue towards vs is vnchangeable hauing his fauour which is better than life vvhat other losse should wee regard or make mone for Now because he hath made an enumeration of sundry sorts of crosses he proues here by a testimonie of scripture that it is the lot of Gods children to be subiect vnto them for seeing they are not exempted from the greatest which is to be slaine by the sword why shall we promise to our selues any immunitie from the smallest The testimonie is taken out of the 44. Psalme wherein Worshippers of God howsoeuer disioyned in time or place yet are of one communion Psal 44. 22. the Church of God being heauily afflicted as some thinkes vnder Antiochus complayned to God of her heauy trouble that albeit they had not fallen away from the pure worship of his name nor lifted vp their hands to a strange God yet they were counted as sheepe for the slaughter and this testimonie the Apostle applyes to the estate of the Church in his time wherein the Apostle will teach vs that howsoeuer the true worshippers of God liue in sundry times and ages yet they are of one communion maintaining all one cause therfore the Apostle vseth that which is spoken of the afflicted Church of the Iewes as competent to afflicted Christians As it is written Albeit the Apostles had their immediate A pleasant harmonie among the writers of holy Scripture calling from God and spake and wrote nothing of priuate motion but by diuine inspiration yet is it their custome to confirme their doctrine by testimonies of the Prophets This harmonie among the Writers of holy Scripture is no small confirmation of our Faith that they who neuer saw one another in the face yet all together agrees to breath out one truth As the Cherubines stretch their wings one to Ezech. 1. 11. another so the Prophets and Apostles reach their testimonies one to another and as the Mariners in Peters ship hauing Luke 5. 7. a greater draught than they were able to hale in beckned to their companions to help them so doe the Apostles call on the Prophets and require their help for confirmation of the truth of God that the more may be conuerted by them And their fact stands for a rule to teach vs that Euery Ecclesiastique teacher is bound to confirme his doctrine by Scripture what-euer calling men pretend they should confirme their doctrine by that which is written a necessary ground to be holden in these dayes wherein the name of the Church is abused to impugne the truth of the Church The Apostles after the example of their Maister confirmed their doctrine by Scripture S. Paul was content that the Beraeans should Acts 17. 11. try his doctrine by the Scripture vvhat pertnesse then is it that the Doctors of the Romish Church challenge to themselues this singular exemption as not to be iudged by the word as though they themselues and not that which is written should be the warrant of their doctrine and all men were bound to beleeue them side implicita Againe we are to marke here how that one place of holy No booke betweene Malachie and Matthew to be receiued for Canonicall Scripture Scripture doth interpret and confirme another Moses layes a ground to the Prophets the Prophets expounds them and deliuers them clearer to the Apostles the Apostles builds vpon them a plaine and perfect doctrine for the edification of Christs misticall body The two Testaments are as the two lips of the mouth of God by vvhich hee hath breathed out to vs his minde concerning his worship and our saluation And it is to be marked that out of these bookes vvhich the primitiue Church of olde and the reformed Church now hath esteemed Apocrypha neither Iesus our Lord nor any of his Apostles haue brought out any testimonie for confirmation of doctrine and therefore those Bookes interiected betweene Malachie and Matthew are to be reiected as an vncouth breath Malachie endeth the olde Testament with a promise of the comming of the Angell Mal. 3. 1. euen the new Eliah vvho should goe before the face of our Lord to prepare his way Iohn the Baptist and Matthew beginneth the New Testament with a narration of the accomplishment of that Prophecie but betweene these two the holy Ghost employed no penne-man of the holy Oracles For thy sake In the testimonie vve haue three things Three things obserued in this testimonie first the greatnesse of the affliction of a Christian when he saith we are slaine subiect not onely to smaller crosses but to the greatest Secondly the continuance of their affliction All the day long that is not in one age but in all ages of the world hath it beene our lot thirdly the cause of their suffering for thy sake It is necessary for our comfort that we marke the fountaine The causes for which GOD sends affliction should be marked and from whence affliction proceedes to the Godly for the ignorance thereof makes many to erre vvith the friends of Iob and iudge wrong of the godly as if they were stricken alway for their sinnes vvhen indeed they are not we are therefore to know that sometime affliction comes to the Godly for sinne past sometime for sinne to come sometime neither for sinne past nor sinne to come but that the works of God may be made manifest The first way afflictions to them whom the Lord loueth Afflictions laid on for sin past are medicinall restoratiues are medicinall restoratiue by which they are wakened to recouer their health by repentance for those sinnes through which they haue become spiritually diseased for howsoeuer the Lord giue loose reines to the children of wrath and deliuers them vp to their owne hearts desire yet will he hedge Ps●l 81. 12. H●s 2. 6. in with thornes the wayes of those whom he purposeth to saue and will waken them by some sharp rod or other when he seeth them sleeping in securitie so taught he Miriam by Leprosie to leaue her murmuring so wakened he Ionas out of his sleepe by casting him into the sea he cured Zachary of insidelitie by striking him with dumbnesse he diuerted Paul from his euill course by blindnesse blessed is the man whom the Lord this way correcteth Sometime againe the Lord sends affliction as preseruatiues Afflictions laid on to preuent sin to come are wholesome preseruatiues 2 Cor. 12. 7. to his children to keepe
put on incorruption and this mortall must put on immortality 2 Resurrection confirmed by types figures such as The same is in like manner shadowed in holy Scripture by sundry types and figures among which in Tertulian his iudgement the restitution of Ionas out of the Whales belly is one albeit the belly of the Whale was more able to haue altered and changed the body of Ionas by reason of the Ionas body great heat that is therein then the belly of the earth could haue beene by reason of her colde yet is hee restored the third day as liuely as he was receiued The same he thinkes of that vision of dry bones shewed to Ezechiel which at Ezekiels bones Chap. 38. once ●t the word of the Lord was knit together with sinews and couered vvith flesh and skinne this was not onely a prediction of the deliuerance of Israell out of Babell but also a typical confirmation of the resurrection of our bodies Non enim figura de ossi●us potuisset componi nisi id ipsum essibu● Tertull. de resur carnis 〈…〉 rum ess●t for that figure of the bones could not haue beene made if the truth figured thereby were not also to be accomplished vpon such bones Parabola de nullo non conuenit vvhat parable or similitude can be brought from a thing which is not We shall not reade in all the booke of God that any parable hath beene borrowed from that thing which neuer was nor neuer will be Of this sort also is the flourishing of Aarons rodde in the iudgement of Cyril Aarons rodde Numb 17. which being before a dry and withered sticke incontinent by the word of the Lord flourished hee that restored to Aarons rodde that kinde of vegitatiue life which it had before will much more raise Aaron himselfe from the dead Of these figures shadowing the resurrection many more are to be found in holy Scripture As for examples in euery age of the world the Lord Examples of the Resurrection Gen. 5. hath raised some from the dead to be witnesses of the resurrection of the rest Before the floud hee carried vp Henoch aliue int● heauen and hee saw no death vnder the law Elias was transported in a fierie chariot and in the last age 2 Kings 2. of the world not onely hath our Lord blessed for euer risen from the dead and ascended into heauen as the first fruits of them which rise from the dead but also by his power hee raised Lazarus out of the graue euen after that stinking rottennesse had entred into his flesh and vpon the Crosse when hee seemed to be most weake hee shewed himselfe most strong hee caused by his power many that were dead to come out of their graues and to enter into the Citie Yea his seruant Peter by the power of the Lord Iesus raised the damsell Dorcas from death and in the name of the Lord Iesus Act. 9. 40. Acts. 3. made him that was lame of his feete to arise and walke when we see such power in the seruant of Christ working in his name shall we not reserue the praise of a greater power to himselfe And lastly as for the practises of God in nature wee are 3 Gods working both in our selues and the creature confirmes the Resurrection 1 Cor. 15. not to neglect them for the Apostle himselfe brings arguments from them to confirme the resurrection He first propones the question of the Atheist how are the dead raised vp and with what body come they forth and then subioynes the answere O foole that which thou sowest is not quickned except it die it is sowen in the earth bare corne and God raiseth it with another body at his pleasure seeing thou beholdest this daily working of God in nature why wilt not thou beleeue that the Lord is able to doe the like vnto thy selfe Qui illa reparat quae tibi sunt necessaria quanto m●g●s te reparabit propter Ang. de verb. Apost ser 34. quem illa reparare dignatus est Seeing the Lord for thy sake repaires those things which are necessary to maintaine thy life will he not much more restore thy selfe and raise thee vp from death vnto eternall life And to insist in these same confirmations which we may A two-fold meditation to cōfirme the resurrection haue from the working of God in nature both in our selues and in other creatures if eyther with Iustin Martyr wee consider of how small a beginning or then with Cyril how of nothing God hath made vp man we shall see how iustly the Apostle calleth them fooles who deny the resurrection of our bodyes The Lord saith Iustin Ma●tyr of a little drop of mans seede which as Iob saith is powred out like 1 How of a litle drop god made vs that which now wee are water buildeth vp daily this excellent workmanship of mans body who would beleeue that of so small a beginning and without forme so well a proportionate body in all the members thereof could be brought forth nisi aspectus sidem faceret were it not that daily sight and experience confirmeth Iust Mart. apol 2. ad Senat. Rom. it why then shall it be thought a thing impossible to the Lord to reedifie the same body after that by death it hath beene dissolued into dust and ashes And againe if with 2 How God hath made vs of nothing to be that which now wee are Cyrill wee will s 〈…〉 out our beginning and consider what wee were this day hundred yeare wee shall finde that wee were not seeing the Lord of nothing hath brought out so pleasant and beautifull a creature as thou art this day shalt thou thinke it impossible to him an hundred yeares after this o● longer or shorter as it pleaseth him to restore thee againe and raise thee from the dead qui potuit id quod non Ciril cate 4 erat producere vt aliquid esse id quod iam est cum ●eciderit restituere non poterit he that could bring out that which was not and make it to be something shall we thinke that he cannot raise vp againe that which now is after that it hath fallen Which of these two I pray thee is the greatest and most It is easier to restore one that hath been then to make one that neuer was difficult worke in thy iudgement for vnto the Lord euery thing that hee will is alike easie whether to make one who neuer was or to restore againe one who hath beene Doubtlesse to make a man in our iudgement is a greater thing then to raise him In the worke of creation the Lord made that to bee which was not in the worke of resurrection the Lord shall make that to be which was before the one thou beleeuest because thou seest it dayly done the other thou doubtest of because it is to be done but cease to doubt any more and of that which God hath
vnto himselfe but here the more wee pay the richer we are the doing of one good worke of seruice vnto the Lord makes vs both more willing and able to doe an other the talents of spirituall Graces being of that nature that the more they are vsed the more they are encreased and these should work in vs a delight to pay that debt which wee owe vnto the Lord. Last of all we marke vpon this word that the good wee Good works are debts therfore not merits doe is debt and not merit When one of your seruants saith Iesus hath done that which he is commanded will one of you giue him thanks because he hath done that which was Luke 17. 7. 8. 9. 10. commanded him I beleeue not hee applyeth the Parable to his Disciples and in them to vs all so likewise when you haue done all those thing● which are commanded you say that yee are vnp●●fitable Seruants Our Sauiour commaunds vs plainely to doe well but as plainely forbids all presumptuous conceit of our merit when wee haue done well To speake against good workes is impiety and to presume of the merits of our best workes is Antichristian pride No man No penman of the holy Ghost did euer vse the word of merit led by the Spirit of Iesus did euer vse this word of merit it is the proud speech of the spirit of Antichrist search the Scripture and ye shall see that none of all those who spake by diuine inspiration did euer vse it yea the Godly Fathers who haue liued in darke and corrupt times haue alway abhorred it If a man could liue saith Macarius from the dayes of The Fathers thought it smelled of presumption Mac. hom 15 Adam to the end of the world and fight neuer so strongly against Sathan yet were hee not able to deserue so great a glory as is prepared for vs how much lesse then are we able to promerit it that is his owne word who so short a space are mil●tant here vpon earth Praetendat alter meritum sustinere Ber. in Psal qui habitat Ser. 1. se dicat ●stus diei ieiunare bis in Sabbatho mihi adhaerere Deo bonum est let another man saith Bernard pretend merit let him boast that he suffers the heat of the day and that he fasts twise in the Sabboth it is good for me to draw neere the Lord and put my hope in him Meritum enim In Cant. ser 61. meum miseratio Domini non sum plane meriti inops quamdiu ille miserationum non fuerit for my merit is Gods mercy I shall not altogether want merits as long as he wants not compassion And againe suffi●it ad m●ritam s●ire quod non Serm. 66. sufficiant merita this is sufficient merit to know that merits are not sufficient this he makes more cleare in that Sermon of his de quad●uplici debito wherein hee declares how man is so many wayes debter to the Lord that hee cannot doe that which hee ought why then shall any man say that hee hath done enough cum nec m●llissim● imo nec minimae parti debitorum suorum valeat respondere seeing he is not able to De quadrupli●● debito answer the thousand part no not the least part of that debt which hee oweth vnto God To liue Wee haue heard that wee are debters now haue Our life should declare whose Seruants and debters we are Philem. vers 19 wee to see wherein wee are debt-bound Wee owe to the Lord not onely those things which are ours but as sayeth Paul to Philem●n we owe him our selues also Euery mans life must declare who it is whom hee acknowledgeth for a Superiour and vnto whom hee submitteth himselfe a debter Shew me saith Saint Iames thy Faith by thy workes Iam. 2. 19. Mal. 1. 6. shew mee saith Malachie thy Father by thy Sonnely reuerence toward him let me know thy master by thy obedience and the attendance thou giuest him As C●sar mony is discerned by his image and superscription so the Christian is knowne by his conuersation hee walkes after the Spirit and by his deedes more then by his words hee disclaimeth the gouernement of the flesh But surely as Ch●is●stom● complained of bastard professors in his time so may wee in our time of many to vvhom wee are ambassadours An accusation of the carelesse Christians of our time in Christs name wee haue more then cause to feare we haue bestowed labour vpon you in vaine for I pray you what part of your liues giues sentence for you and proues that ye are Christians shall wee iudge by the place which ye delight Chrisost in Math. most to frequent are there not many among you oftner in the Tauerne then in the Temple silling your belly intemperately at that same time wherein the Sonnes and Daughters of the liuing God are gathered together into their fathers house to be refreshed with his heuenly Manna Shall we iudge you by your garments doe they not in many of you declare the vanity of your minds if we estimate you according to your companions what shall wee thinke but that ye are such as those are with whom ye delight to resort ye sit in the seat of scorners if thou seest a theefe thou runst Psal 50. with him and art partaker with the adulterers If wee try you by your language yee shal be found vncircumcised Philistims and not holy Israelites for yee haue learned to speak the language of Ashdo● ye speake as Micah complayned of Nihe 13. 26. Micah 7. 3. the wicked in his time out of the corruption of your soule making your throat an open sepulchre yee send out the stinking breath of your inward abhominations by your euill and vncleane speeches ye corrupt the minds of the hearers And thus seeing euery part of your life giues sentence against you as a cloud of many witnesses testifying that yee are vncleane what haue yee to speake for you to proue that yee are Christians shall your naked word be sufficient to do it no certainly for against it the Lord Iesus hath made exception before hand Not euery one that saith Lord Lord shal Math. 7. 21. enter into m● kingdome your works must be your witnesses and your deeds must declare who it is to whom ye acknowledge your selues seruants and debters Not to the flesh Sometime the flesh signifies the body It is a difficult thing so to nourish the body that we nourish not sinne in the body and in that sense we are debters vnto it for the couenant saith Bernard which the Lord hath bound vp betweene the soule and the body is not to be broke at our will but at the Lords will and in the meane time we are bound to nourish it but the flesh here is put for the sinfull lusts of the flesh and so we are not debters vnto it Take no thought Rom. 13. 14. for the flesh to fulfill
not at the first as in the very time of Prayer Daniel receiued his answere yea at the beginning of his supplication Dau. 9. 22. 23. as the Angell Gabriel informed him the commandement came forth to answere him yet shall not the Lord faile in his owne good time to fulfill the desires of them who feare him Manifold examples of holy Scripture lets vs see that Efficacie of Prayer euery petition returns with profit Gen. 18. Prayer this way powred out vnto God is most effectuall At fiue sundry petitions did not Abraham bring the Lord from fiftie to ten euery petition returnes to Abraham some vantage faine would Abraham had Sodome preserued for Lots cause at his first request hee got this answere that the Lord would spare it for fiftie righteous mens sake if they might be found in it but at the last from fiftie hee brings him to ten as long as Abraham prayed the Lord answered and for euery petition hee yeelded something to Abraham and most comfortable it is that the Lord ceases not from answering till Abraham ceased from asking any more Acts 10. When Peter prayed vpon the house top he fel into a trance and saw a heauenly vision when Iesus prayed vpon Mount Mat. 17. Tabor he was transfigured and if at any time the children of GOD be transformed from an earthly disposition to a heauenly they finde in their owne experience that it is in the time of prayer Sathan for this cause is a most troublesome enemy to the Sathan an enemie to the Word and Prayer exercises of the word and of prayer because the one is the mother the other is the nurse of all the graces of God in vs eyther he makes them lightly to esteeme the exercise of prayer or then doth what hee can to interrupt them in it as that Pithonisse interrupted Paul while hee was going to Acts 16. 16. pray so hath that aduersarie a thousand wiles whereby eyther before prayer he seekes to diuert them to some other businesse or in the action to trouble them and diuide the powers of the soule by vncomely and prophane motions If Iehoshua stand before the Lord Sathan shall stand at his Zach. 3. 1. Gen. 15. right hand to resist him Vnlesse therefore with Abraham we driue away the rauening birds from our sacrifice vnles with the Israelites wee stand on Ierusalems wall with a weapon ready in our hand to repell the aduersarie as oft as he comes to stay the worke of God it is impossible that our hearts can continue in feruent prayer to God Yet the restlesse opposition of the aduersarie should not make vs to breake off this exercise of prayer but the more we finde Sathan angry at our prayers the more should wee be prouoked to pray if he felt not himselfe hurt and his kingdome weakened by our prayers he would not so busily trouble vs in prayer yee see hee troubles vs not in such exercises as troubles not him speake as long as you will of vvorldly affaires refresh the body with eating and drinking exercise the body in playing in these and such like hee interrupts vs not because they offend him not but if vvee goe by prayer to vvound the head of the serpent then vvill he doe vvhat he can to sting vs. And herewithall let vs remember that any other practise Other exercises of religion may at a time be omitted with an excuse but the neglect of Prayer is vnexcusable of religion men may omit it and be excusable but the neglect of prayer cannot be excused It may be at a time thou hast not giuen almes to the needy because thou hadst it not it may be thou hast not come to heare the vvord because thou hast beene diseased but as for the neglect of prayer wherewith wilt thou excuse it labouring with thy hands in thy vocation needs not to hinder the lifting vp of thy hart vnto God if thine heart be good euery time euery place is conuenient for prayer with Ieremy thou maist pray in the Ieremi● 36. Daniel 6. Gen. 24. Luke 6. 14. prison with Daniel in the denne vvith Ionas in the Whales belly vvith Dauid in the bed vvith Isaac in the fields with Iesus on the mountaine for thou thy selfe art the temple of the liuing God the sanctuarie vvherein hee will be worshipped and shouldst alway carry about vvith thee and within thee that golden Alter whereupon incense should be euery morning and euening sacrificed vnto the Lord thy God so that if thou doe not pray it is because thou vvilt not Abba Father c. But vvhat is this that the spirit teacheth It is a strong Prayer if by the Spirit thou canst call God thy father vs to cry the Apostle saith that he teacheth vs to cry vpon God as vpon our Father Is this inough in prayer to call vpon GOD thy Father yea if thou canst so call him from this spirit of Adoption for all Gods children are not indued with a like grace of prayer it is effectuall inough to draw downe vpon thee all those blessings vvhich the Lord communicates to his sonnes his name shall be sanctified in thee his kingdome shall be aduanced in thee he shal teach thee to doe his vvill thou shalt not want thy daily bread he shall forgiue thee thy sinnes and preserue thee that thou fall not into tentations all comfort rests vnder this name of a father if thou canst so call him in saith the riches of his mercies are thine As the heauens are aboue the earth so are his thoughts What comfort we haue in this that we may call God our father aboue ours if then earthly fathers carrie so kindely an affection toward their children vvhat louing affection may vvee thinke is there in our heauenly Father toward vs Shall I cause others to beare saith the Lord and remaine barren my selfe shall the Lord communicate to men the name and heart of a Father and fill them with compassion toward their children and shall hee himselfe to vvhom the name of a Father most properly belongs vvant the heart and compassion of a Father toward his children let it be farre from vs so to thinke Seeing the Lord will haue such tender mercy in vs that are mortal creatures that not onely seauen times but seauentie times seauen times vvee forgiue our brother in the day vvhat readinesse to forgiue the sins of his children must there be in himselfe and seeing our Sauiour in the Gospell points out so great a commiseration Luke 15. in that earthly Father toward his prodigall Sonne that when he saw him a farre off comming homeward hee ranne and met him and sell vpon his face and kissed him vvhat louing kindnes may vve looke for at the hands of our heauenly father if we doe repent of our wandrings and resolue w●th our selues to returne vnto him Againe wee see here that the holy Spirit teacheth vs to Prayer to creatures
with tentations on the right hand and on the left vt quatuor angulis Gregor Moral pulsata domus aliqua ex parte ruinam saciat that the house being shaken at all the soure corners may fall downe in one part or other no rest nor quietnes for vs in this habitation terrours within fightings without Propter quod vno con●ilio Act. 20. 19. migrandum est Christianis for the which it is best for vs vvith one aduice to conclude that wee vvill remoue and in the meane time send vp our complaint to our Father in heauen as the Gibionites did to Ioshua shewing him how vve Ioshua 10. 6. are besieged and enuironed for his sake and praying him to come with hast and help vs. Waiting for the Adoption Now followeth the other effect The other effect the spirit works in vs i● a waiting for deliuerance of the Spirit for hee not onely causeth vs as we haue heard to sigh and mourne for our present miseries but also comforts vs with the hope and expectation of deliuerance though in this life vve haue trouble yet haue we no trouble vvithout comfort Blessed be God who comforts vs in all our 2 Cor. 1. 3. 4. tribulations and beside that vvhich vve presently haue it is yet much more vvhich vvee looke for The men of this vvorld haue no ioy vvithout sorrow euen in laughter their Pro● 24. 13. heart is sorrowfull pretend what they will in their countenance there is a heauinesse in their conscience arising of the vveight of sinne but it is far otherwise vvith the godly for euen in mourning they doe reioyce and vnder greatest heauinesse they carry a liuely hope of ioyfull deliuerance Againe wee are to marke that the godly are described The day of death and day of resurrection earnestly waited for by the godly in holy Scripture to be such as doe not liue content with their present estate but waites and longs for a better and specially there are two dayes for which the Children of GOD are said to waite the first the day of death wherein they goe to the Lord the second the day of appearing wherein the Lord shall come vnto them they soiourne in the body more weary of it then Dauid was of his dwelling in the tents of Kedar they wait with patient Iob till the day of their change come and doe desire with the Apostle to be Iob. 14. 14. dissolued that they may be with Christ they pray for it so oft as they vse that petition Let thy kingdome come seeking Mat. 6. 10. Luke 11. 3. death so farre as it is a meanes to abolish sinne vtterly that Christ their King may alone raigne in them but as for the wicked the remembrance of death is terrible vnto them and in their thought they put it far from them and when it comes it comes vpon them vnlooked for As Iehu furiously Death comes on the wicked as Iehu came on Iehoram came vpon Iehoram and hee made vvith all his speed to his chariot thinking to flye away but in vaine for the arrow of Iehu ouertooke him so death comes vpon the wicked 2 King 9. 23. 24 in a day and place wherein they looked not for it and they being terrified with it runnes with all the speede they can to their chariots that is to their refuges of vanity but the dart of death surely ouer-takes them Miserable are they vvhose comfort standeth rather in an vncertaine delay of death than in any certaintie vvhich they haue of eternall life But let vs be prepared for it as the good Israelites of We should not soiourne in the body like Ionas in the sides of the s●●p but like Abraham in the doore of the tabernacle Exod. 12. 11. Gen. 18. 1. 1 King 19. 9. God with our loynes girded vp and our staues in our hands ready to take our iourney from Egypt to Canaan vvhensoeuer the Lord our God shall command vs. As fowles desirous to flye stretch ou● their vvings so should man desirous to be with the Lord stretch out his affections toward the heauens Abraham sat in the doore of his Tabernacle when the Angell appeared vnto him Elias came out to the mouth of his Caue when the Lord appeared to him and we must also reioyce to come out of the caue and tabernacle of this vvretched body if vve would meet vvith the Lord yea euen while as wee dwell in the body if in our affection vve come not out and stand as it were in the doore of our tabernacle but like Ionas sleeping in the sides of the ship Ionas 1. 5. we lye downe in the hollow of our heart sleeping in carelesse securitie it is not possible that the Lord can be familiar with vs. The other day for which the godly are said to wait is the The day of Christs second comming longed for 1 Cor. 1. 7. Phil. 3. day of Christs second comming The Apostle giues this as a token of the rich grace of God bestowed on the Corinthians that they waited for the appearance of Christ and to the Philippians he saith our cōuersation is in heauen from whence we looke for our Sauiour the Lord Iesus yea he giues it out as a marke of all those who are to be glorified when hee saith 2 Tim. 4. 8. there is laid vp for mee a crowne of righteousnes and not for me onely but for all them who loue Christs second appearing And Heb. 9. 28. againe Christ was once offered to take away the sinnes of many and vnto them that looke for him shall he appeare the second time without sinne vnto saluation These and many moe places proues that there is great As the Iewes waited for the yeere of Iubilie so should we for the day of Christ but alas few doe so Reu. 22. 20. scarcitie of Faith and spirituall grace in this generation there being so few that vnfainedly longs for the day of his appearance suppose euery man in word mumble vp that petition let thy kingdome come yet are they few who when Iesus testifieth surely I come quickly can in truth answer with the godly Amen euen so come Lord Iesus and all because we are neithe wearier of our present miserie nor certaine of that glorious deliuerance to come otherwise we would long for it and reioyce at the smallest appearance thereof The woman with child reckons her time as neere as shee can and albeit others haue no minde of it yet is it alway in her remembrance because that then she hopes for deliuerance Among the Iewes as the day of their Iubilie drawes neere Leuit. 25. 10. so the ioy of them that were in prison encreased being assured that then they were to be releeued and should not wee much more reioyce the neerer that the day of our eternall Iubilie draweth vnto vs wherein all teares shall be wiped away from our eyes and sorrow and mourning shall flye away for euer
translating of his kingdome The Husbandman calles not his Labourers For no Husbandman will want labourers in his field as long as the haruest is not ended out of the field in the middest of the day vnlesse the haruest be done and if the Lord remoue his Seruants from a people it is because his purpose is finished for the ground is sure that his calling is according to his purpose but the Lord forbid that the tearme of the ending of this calling should euer come in our dayes And to the end that vvee haste it not vpon our selues wee are to know that as the Gospell comes not to a Land by mans procurement so no power of man is able to remoue As the Gospell comes not by mans procurement so no power of man can remoue it it The Lord who set the Sunne in the Firmament and gouernes it in such sort that it giues light to one part of the world when another is in darknesse and no malice of the euill doer is able to obscure it howeuer he hates it hath also set his Gospell in the firmament of his Church to giue light to Goshen while as Egypt is in darknesse and all the courses of politikes though they were filled with Achitoph●ls wisedome are not able to stay it onely our owne vnthankfulnesse and abuse of the time of Grace is to be feared if therefore we loue the light let vs cast away the workes of darknesse and walke in the light while as yet we haue it let vs vvelcome those messengers of peace that come to vs in the name of the Lord endeauouring by all holy meanes to transferre this Kingdome of God to our Children after vs that they also may see the beautie of the Lord which we haue seene to their euerlasting saluation Verse 29. For those whom hee know before hee also predestinated to be made like vnto the image of his S●nn● that he might be the first borne among many brethren THe vvhole Booke of God is full of heauenly What a treasure of comfort is to be digged out of this Verse consolation euery parcell thereof hath in it the words of eternall life but this place of Scripture vvherein now wee are trauailing may be called aboue the rest a treasure of comfort for here the Apostle leadeth vp the Christian to the register of God and lets him see his owne name written in the booke of life his saluation established in Gods immutable decree exhibited now by Gods effectuall calling to be performed and perfected to him by his endlesse glorification So that in all the booke of God there is not so cleare and certaine a sight of saluation giuen to the Christian as in this place It Not so cleare a sight of saluation in all the booke of God comforted Stephen when he was in the vally of death that he saw the heauens opened and the Lord Iesus standing at the right hand of his Father and it should no lesse comfort vs in all our tribulations that the Apostle here lets vs see the third heauens opened vnto vs to make knowne vnto vs the will of God concerning our saluation This comfort the Apostle brake vp shortly as we heard The linckes of the Chaine of saluation Election Calling Iustification Glorification are knit inseperably in the end of the last verse and now more largely explanes it in these two verses in the which he sets downe in order the causes of our saluation and lets vs see how our present effectuall calling is so inseperably knit with our election and glorification by the hand of God that no power in earth nor in hell is able to sunder them whereof the certainty of his former comfort appeares cleerely that of necessitie all things must work together for the best vnto them that loue God euen to them that are called according to his purpose Which shall yet be more manifested if wee consider how that this golden Chaine of our saluation reaches so to speak it from eternitie to eternitie the beginning of it albeit without beginning is our Election the end of it albeit without end is our Glorification And these two ends of the chaine the Lord keepes them sure and secret in his owne hand but the two middle linkes thereof to wit our Calling and Iustification the Lord lets them downe from heauen to the earth that wee for our comfort might gripe and apprehend them and being sure of the two middle linckes wee might also be sure of the two ends because the Lord hath knit them inseperably together Thou then vvho wouldst be comforted vvith the assurance He that hath a sure hold of the middle linckes Calling and Iustification is sure of the other two Election and Glorification of thy saluation make it first knowne to thy owne conscience by breaking off the former course of thy sinnes and by well doing for the time to come that God hath called thee and iustified thee Gripe sure as it were with the one hand the lincke of Calling and vvith the other the linck of Iustification fasten both thy hands vpon the middle linckes of this Chaine that by them thou mayst be pulled out of this dungeon and raised vp to heauen to see that thou art one of them who was elected before time and after time shal be glorified To make this yet more plaine we are Our present life is a point of time betweene two eternities to know that this mortall life of ours is a short interiected point of time betweene two eternities so to call it in the which some in feare and trembling working out their saluation passes from Gods eternall election to endlesse glorification others againe in wantonnesse and carelesse securitie drinke in iniquitie with greedinesse and so steps from the decree of reprobation that most iustly they procure their owne condemnation So that euery man hath to consider of his euerlasting weale or woe by his present disposition in this life Oh that vvee had sanctified memories alwayes to remember If in this life we fall we may rise againe but if in death wee step downeward we shall neuer mend it Eccles 11. 3. this so long as wee are here if of vveakenesse we fall vvee may rise againe and if in one day wee haue not learned well to repent vvee haue leaue of the Lords patience to learne it better another day but hee vvho in the day of his transmigration steps the wrong step vvill neuer get leaue to amend it where the tree fals it shall lye there the wicked who dye in their sinnes step downward to the deepe pit and gulfe out of the vvhich there is no redemption Let vs therefore be vvell aduised before wee leape let vs fasten the one foote vpon the border of that Canaan before we goe out of the body let vs make sure that wee shall be receiued into those euerlasting habitations This shall be done if we make our vvhole life a proceeding from election to