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A18672 The foundation of Christian religion: comprehended in three godlie and learned treatises. 1. Faith. 2. Hope. 3. Charitie L'Espine, Jean de, ca. 1506-1597. Traité de la foy. English.; Veghelman, S. 1612 (1612) STC 5188; ESTC S118874 139,379 370

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some men call historicall the which is nothing else but the simple knowledge of the things spoken of in the Scriptures as well of the old as of the new Testament The which knowledge onely is not sufficient to make a man faithfull for we see that the Rabbines among the Iewes haue great knowledge in texts of the Scripture and some true jntelligence of many places thereof the which neverthelesse are not reputed faithfull for all that In the Papistry likewise wee see many Monckes and Doctors of Sorbonne and of other Vniversities that can well alleadge and compare divers places of holy Scripture in their sermons and writings the which most an end they pull as it is sayd by the haires to make them to serue for proofe and confirmation of their errours and lyes Nevertheles they are so farre from being faithfull that there are no people more contrary nor more enemies to the true Faith of Iesus Christ nor that do resist and fight with greater furie and courage against the Evangelicall verity then they It is not then jnough to read the holy Scriptures to remember that which is therein spoken of for to ground a firme Faith by the which we may be justified in the judgement of God and be agreeable vnto him The second kind is of those that haue a faith like vnto that of Divels Iames. 2. who by reason of the subtilty of their spirits and of the long time since their creation are not jgnorant of the holy scriptures which we see in the history of the Evangelists which say that Satan addressing himselfe to Iesus Christ Mat. 4. to trye if he could make him turne and to snatch from him the faith and perswasion that he had that he was the sonne of God alleadgeth places of scripture vnto him to wit of the 91. Psalme wherein hee shewed that hee had some knowledge thereof but hee was not faithfull though being destitute of the feare of God of the hope of Salvation and of a true confidence in his promises All which things are necessarily and essentially of the nature of true faith So that if these things are not joyned vnto it it cannot in any wise subsist Wee see also that many heretickes as Arius Macedonius Valentine Marcion Apollinaris Nestorius Eutiches and divers others had the Scriptures in hand which they did pervert and corrupt being jnduced therevnto by the evill spirit who vrged them and made them obstinate the which although they were in the Church marked with the Baptisme of Iesus Christ exercised in the texts of the Bible it selfe provided with Ecclesiasticall charge Nevertheles let not to be wicked and vnbeleevers as also the Apostle calleth them Apostates and straglers from the faith 1. Tim. 1. This second kind may seeme to some to be like vnto the former but there is great difference betweene those two the which may clearely be perceived by the collation of their effects for historicall faith doth not rejoyce trouble nor assure the consciences of those that haue it the which reading the histories other texts of the Bible are no more moued in their hearts with the reading ther of thē if they read some profane history or other treatise of Philosophy because they did not apply the reading thereof to the end true vse whereto it ought to be applyed which is to rule and ordaine the estate of the affections passions desires and all humane actions but doe content themselues that they haue well remembred what they haue read to set it before them as occasion is offered in such company as they shall be in and shew thereby that they are not ignorant of Theologie but the faith of Divels and the reprobate represents vnto them the threatnings judgments and dreadfull face of God which doth sometimes so astonish and fright them that they tremble and quake seeking every where for rest and remedie to their torment which they cannot find so that of some them that cannot vndergoe it sincke vnder the burthen and fall into despaire as we may see by the examples of Caine Sem and Iudas The third is the faith of Myracles whereof mention is made in S. Mathew Mat. 7. where it is sayd that many shall say vnto Iesvs Christ at the day of judgement Lord Lord haue wee not prophesied through thy name and through thy name haue cast out Divels and done many great worker through thy name and then I will confesse openly vnto them depart from me yee that that worke jniquity By the which woords Iesus Christ rejecteth thē which he would never haue done had they been provided with a true faith with the which it is vnpossible to displease God It is also spoken of in the first Epistle to the Corinthians 1. Cor. 13. Iohn 1. 1. Cor. 5. Ephe. 2. where the Apostle speaketh in this manner If I haue all faith so that I can remooue Mountaines and haue not charitie I am nothing Which he would not say of a true faith the which maketh a man the child of God and a member of the body of Iesus Christ and Citizens of heavenly Cittie It is also spoken of in the 2. Epistle to the Thessalonians 2. Thes 2. where the Apostle saith Then shall the wicked bee reuealed whome the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroye with the brightnesse of his comming Euen him whose comming is after the working of Satan in all power and signes and woonders of lying and in all deceauablenes of vnrighteousnes in them that perish because they receaued not the loue of the truth that they might be saued which sheweth jnough that faith and the facultie to doe miracles is not alwayes jnoyned with the Spirit of regeneration and sanctification for Iudas who was of the nomber of the Apostles had that power to doe miracles although that Iesus Christ saith of him that he was a Divell The fourth kind of Fith whereof is spoken in the Scripture is a Temporall faith wherewith those men were prouided for a while of whome mention is made in St. Luke Luk. 8. where it is spoken of those vpon whom the seed fell who receaved it for a time euen with joye but hauing not taken roote in their hearts withdrew themselues in time of temptation Simon the Sorcerer was of this number of whome it is spoken in the Acts That he beleeued and was baptized Act. 8. Heb. 6. Also were those whereof mentions is made by the Apostle who hauing tasted the word of God and the powers of ths Age to come finally fell backe and returned to their vomit like vnto the Dog and to wallow themselues in their filthines like vnto the Sowe 2. Pet. 2. Such men for some time haue belieued the promises of God and continued in the faith and an jndifferent perswasion of the truth of them with some joye and rest that they felt as is very likely in their hearts And neverthelesse their Apostacy
but it must goe out if care bee not had to powre fresh oyle into it to preserue it also without the word of God Faith cannot subsist nor be long vnprovided for of this nouriture but it must be in prison and become as it were sluggish and finally it must dye and be altogether extinguished for wee see it happens ordinarily to those that are negligent in exercising themselues in the meditation of the word of God as it doth to the water the which although it be of cold nature is neverthelesse subceptible of the heat when it is set neere the fire but when it is taken from it first it cooleth by little and little and at length commeth to it former coldnesse and so returning to it first nature the heat quencheth and dyeth all together It followeth in the definition That Faith is an jndubitable knowledge of all things contained in the word of God as well in the old as in the new Testament Which is added to reprooue the errours of the Manicheans of Marcion and of other hereticks which did not receaue nor approue none of the bookes of the Bible but those onely which did not seeme contrary to their heresies Also for to reject the errours of the Iewes who doe not approoue the Bookes of the new Testament and likewise of the Libertines who say that men must not abide in the earth which is but for children and such as bee yet in their rudiments but that men must suffer themselues to bee conducted by I know not what fantasticall spirit the which can bring forth nothing but prodigious railyngs and such monsters as those that haue beene seene in our time in the citie of Munster in West-phalia and elswhere where these Organs and Instruments of of Satan haue been able to gather disciples together Now we must aboue all things take heed to that and altogether approue all the books in the which the spirit of God hath pleased to reveale and discouer his will and to esteeme that there is not any superfluous or vnprofitable word therein and that there is never a portion what a one soever it be in the scripture that it is dry or barren which wee experiment when after we haue prayed to God wee apply our selues attentiuely to meditate therevppon and that to contemplate the secrets and mysteries of God which are therin covered and wrapped vp wee will vnfold them like vnto a Tapistry that wee may see therin discovered the great singularity and art of the workeman who did make and weaue it It followeth in the definition that the same Faith is joyned with a true and perfect trust of their salvation propounded vnto them in the Evangelicall promise and by the grace of God which ought diligently to be obserued in the nature and essence of Faith for it sufficeth not to beleeue in God and in Iesus Christ that wee know them in their workes to admire and adore them but this knowledge which we haue of them and to depend of them in all our affaires and necessities to haue our recourse vnto them to be succoured and ayded in all dangers And finally when we haue experimented their favour and care which they haue had to helpe vs we must giue them thankes and glorifie their holy name which S. Paul teacheth vs plainly in the 3. chapter of the Epistle to the Ephesians the 12. verse where he sayth By which Iesus Christ wee haue boldnesse and and entrance in with confidence by Faith vnto him Also in the Epistle to Hebrews chap. 4. All the faithfull are exhorted to goe with boldnesse vnto the throne of grace that we may obtaine mercy and find grace to helpe in the time of need Iesus Christ also in S. Iohn exhorting the Apostle to beleeue in him Iohn 14. and in God his Father doth not meane to exhort them onely to know the essence or the will of the one or the other but also to put their whole trust in them And when in Esay chap. 28. it is sayd That who so euer beleeueth in God shall neuer bee confounded It ought not to be vnderstood only of the knowledge which we ought to haue of the certainty and verity of the doctrine and word pronounced and preached but also of the trust vnto the which such a knowledge doth conduct vs to referre our selues with all our affayres to God and to his providence Which Dauid teacheth vs in many places as in the 2. Psalme where hee exhorteth the Princes and great Lords to do homage to Iesus Christ saying Serue the Lord in feare reioyce in trembling Kisse the Sonne least he be angry and yee perish in the way when his wrath shall suddainly burne Blessed are all they that trust in him And in the 3. Psalme at the end thereof Saluation belongeth vnto the Lord and thy blessing is vpon thy people And in the 5. Psalme And let all them that trust in thee reioyce and triumph for euer and couer thou them And in the 32 Psalme Many sorrows shall come to the wicked but he that trusteth in the Lord mercy shall compasse him And in the 25 Psalme Let me not be confounded I trust in thee but let them be confounded that trangresse without cause And in the 34 Psalme The Lord redeemeth the soules of his Seruants and none that trust in him shall perish Wee may see by these percels and jnfinite others which are in the Scripture that this terme of Faith is not simply taken onely for the knowledge of the truth of the word of God but principally for the trust hope and assurance which we have of the effect of the promises of God of his grace and favour of the loue and affection which he beareth vs and of his care of vs and of all our affaires to conduct them happily according as our good and salvation requireth It followeth that this Faith is propounded vnto them in the Evangelicall promise by the grace of God Wherevpon we must note two things first that the subject and principal foundation vpon the which Faith is built is not the Law nor the commandements which propound nothing else but a curse vpon those that transgresse them nor yet the threatnings which propound nothing but the wrath of God to those that withstand them which may rather affright and astonish then comfort and assure wherefore the faithfull man must not haue a regard to the Law or to threatnings of God to assure himselfe of his grace and by consequent of his salvation which dependeth thereon but he must keepe his eyes fixed vppon the promise of God which is the ground and the foundation wherevpon the whole building and edifies of his Faith may rest and be well vpheld which is the cause that the Apostle sayth in Romaines the 10. That Faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of God to wit the woord of Faith the which was preached by the Apostles And in the 4. hee sayth it more expresly Therefore by
in these endeauours that men vse against her the patience which God hath giuen her is as it were a rampard bulwark to couer saue it It is the reasō for the which S. August saith that the Arke of God whereof we haue spoken was built of thick peeces of wood which were square the which doth represent vnto vs the vertue force and patience of the faithfull man the which howsoeuer it may be cast doth not rowle like vnto a round body but abides alwaies firme and stable vppon one of the sides thereof Aristotle for this reason said that an honest and vertuous man is Tetragone that is to say square euery way The faithfull then must not be astonished in tribulations but be resolute in them and thinck that they are more profitable and healthfull vnto them when they beare them patiently then can be prosperitie which flattereth and maketh them wanton Comparison of Adam and of Iob. as saith S. Augustine making a comparison of Iob and of the first man saying That the man vppon the dunghill was more happie then the man in Paradise because that the man in Paradise was ouercome by the Serpent and the woman and the man vppon the dunghill had ouercome both the one and the other It is true that some times the temptations are so great and so long that men know not on which side to turne because that the fire is kindled on euery part that the Churches are dissipate the children of God some one way some an other are glad to saue themselues by sea through the woods and desarts and in caues insomuch that it seemes that God will wholy turne away the light of his countenance from his children because they shall not see the brightnes of his face But then the faithfull must make vse of their patience and that they stiffen and hould firme against such temptations assuring themselues that in filence and hope they shall obtaine the deliuerance which they expect Psal 126. When the Lord brought againe the Captiuitie of Syon wee were like them that dreame Then was our mouth filled with laughter and our tongue with Ioy. Let vs then remember the exhortation of the Prophet who addressing his speech to all the faithfull sayth Psal 97. Yee that loue the Lord hate euill he preserueth the soules of his Saints he will deliuer them from the hand of the wicked light is sowen for the righteous and ioy for the vpright in heart And although that the persecutions are sometimes so hard so sharpe that it should seeme they are intollerable Psal 121. neuerthelesse God who is keeper of Israel whose eyes are alwaies open to behold and provide for all their necessities and his eares to their prayers and requests to vnderstand and graunt them alwayes accommodateth his poore Church And although shee be hunted out of Cities and Townes he provides a lodging to harbour it in the deserts and to giue it leasure to propagate and if shee bee hunted from all the places of the earth in so much that there remaineth no corner nor place where to with-draw her selfe God preserues her vpon the Sea as he did Noe and his familie We haue two notable examples Examples the one in the Scripture the other in nature which we ought alwayes to set before our eyes to vphold and assure vs in all our afflictions To wit first the Bush which Moyses saw in the desart The Bush the which bejng all on fire was not burnt neverthelesse nor consumed nor brought to ashes Which did signifie to vs the estate condition of the Church the which is alwayes as it were on fire in this world as it were in a fournace without that the force vehemence of the fire hath any power to consume it no more then the young men which Nebucadnezar caused to be cast jnto the fiery fournace because they would not obtemperate nor obay the vnjust commandement which he made them to obey the stature which they had erected The other is in that which God propounds vnto vs in nature to wit The bird Alcyon of the byrd Alcyon to whome God giveth leasure in the middest of the hardest of Winter to build his nest vppon the high rockes in the Sea which for the space of 14. dayes is as calme and peaceable or rather more than in the heart of Sommer vntill such time as their young ones are disclosed and fledged to fly away So God at all times hath so conducted the affaires of his Church that in the middest of the greatest and most horrible tempests that ever were he hath alwaies preserved it and hath furnished and prepared for it some little place to make her nest and her aboad We see every day Comparisons and Inducements to Patience that in the night the clearenesse and light of the Starres doth appeare and that in day time they are covered in so much that the beauty and splendour of them is not seene Also we see that the children of Abraham that is to say the faithfull which in the scripture are compared vnto Starres in their adversitie do much more shew the brightnesse of their Faith patience and magnanimitie then they do in prosperitie Moreover how dare we hope one day to participate in the trivmphāt glory of Iesus Christ if in this world we doe not with patience participate in his crosse How also can we hope to attaine to eternall life without patience seejng that the way which leadeth thither bejng full of Bryars and thornes cannot bee passed but they will catch them that keepe it or walke therein the which cannot be done without having great occasion and matter of patience the which sheweth it selfe more in suffering then it doth in dojng or performing as sheweth the Apostle to the Hebrewes Heb. 11. where he praiseth the faith and patience of those great and jllustrious persons that by Faith haue combated with Kingdomes haue done justice haue obtayned the promises haue closed the Lions jawes haue quenched the vehemency of the fire haue avoyded the edge of the Swoord haue shewed themselues strong in battaile haue driuen backe the strangers Camps And then a little after prayseth those that haue byn tried by mockings and scourgings yea moreover by bonds and jmprisonmēt they were stoned they were hewen in sunder they were tempted they were slayne with the Sword they wandred vp and downe in sheeps skins and in Goats skinnes bejng destitute afflicted and tormented whome the world was not worthy of they wandered in the Wildernesses and Mountains and dennes and caues of the earth The which the Apostle hath very well noted to giue vs to vnderstand that the Faith and patience of the faithfull is as much or more to be praysed for the constancy and vertue which it hath to suffer and endure great torments as it is to doe great and memorable exploits As we doe not lesse praise the patience of Iob in the losses of
is healthfull to all men hath appeared teaching vs that denying vngodlinesse worldly lusts wee should liue soberly and righteously and godly in this present world looking for that blessed hope and appearing of the glory of the great God and our Sauiour Iesus Christ which gaue himselfe for vs that hee might redeeme vs from all vnrighteousnesse purge vs a peculiar people vnto himselfe zealous of good workes These parcels and jnfinite others sowed in the Scripture in diuers places sufficiently shew that the Faith of our vocation and justification and of the Light vnto the which it hath pleased him to call vs Ephe. 5. is to separate vs from the world and from all the polutions and filthinesse there abounding and not to communicate with the workes of darknesse but to walke in righteousnesse truth all the dayes of our life For why are wee called good trees An exhortation taken out of the names of the faithfull if it be not to bring forth good friute in season Why likewise are wee called good ground if it bee not to bring forth all sorts of good friutes euen when we are well tilled and sowed by the word of God which is euery day faithfully and purely administred vnto vs by his seruants Ephe. 5. Wherefore also are wee called the spowse of Christ if it bee not to verifie him by the sanctification which ought to shine and appeare in vs for it is the end that Iesus Christ set before him when hee deliuered himselfe for it to the end to sanctifie it clensing it by washing of water by the word to the end hee might make it a glorious Church hauing neither spot nor wrinkle nor any such thing but that it might bee holy and irreprehensible Moreouer God by his Prophet Esay Esay 56. foretelling what should be the state of the Church at the comming of Iesus Christ saith That there shal be no more Eunuke that shall be able to say by complaint that hee is a drye tree because that euery one of them should keepe his sabbaths and should chuse the things which hee would haue and should keepe his alliance Hee would teach thereby that in his Church there should be no barren or fruitelesse person that all should bee as sayth Dauid Psal 92. Such as be planted in the house of the Lord shall florish in the courts of the house of our God Gal. 5. 6 Also S. Paule sayth he not that Faith worketh by Charitie and that in Iesus Christ nether circumcision auaileth any thing nor vncircumcision but a new creature opēly declaring that by Faith men are so renewed that they chaung their thoughts their affections their words their workes their manners and their whole life and conuersation the which they study to make comformable wholy to the will of God so as it is propoūded vnto vs in his Lawes and holy ordinances 1. Cor. 3. Why also are wee called temples of God if not by reason of the holy exersices which ought continually to be vsed in our hearts and vnderstandings why likewise are we called high Priests if it be not to giue vs to vnderstand 1. Peter 2 that our dutie is to offer vp our bodies a liuely sacrifice holy pleasing to God Rom. 12. which may bee 〈◊〉 ●easonable seruice And that wee do not conforme our selues to this world but bee transformed by the renuing of our sence to trye what is the good will of our God pleasant and perfect Wherfore also are we called his children js it not to render him the honour the feare and the obedience which true children owe to their Fathers and by that meanes to glorifie him for a wise childe is the glorie of his Father Our confession sheweth that which ought to be inseparablie ioyned to our Faith 1. Iohn 5. In our confession wee say that wee beeleeue in the holy Ghost not onely to assure that he is holy in himsefe hauing a holines essentially residing in him but also for the office which it doth to sanctifie all the elect and render them capable to doe all the good workes which they do and to shew in effect that they are separated from the world the which is steeped in malice and altogether giuen to wickednesse Wee also beleeue the holy catholicke Church that is to say that there is a companie of folkes who by the grace of God are separated from the wicked and consecrated to the seruice of God and that wee are of this nomber By meanes whereof our Faith obligeth vs to liue holyly in the obedience and feare of God so that if wee bee vicious and that our life bee disordinate in any kinde of manner we shew thereby that wee are hypocrites and that our confession is belyed by our works The Prophet Esay sayth that at the comming of Iesus Christ which is the cheife the foundation A sumptuous description of the Church and architect of the Church hee was to build a Temple to God his Father framed of all precious things as of Pearles Saphirs Emeralds Rubies Carbuncles 1. Tim. 3. Which is to instruct vs that the members of the Church of God ought to be rare precious and exquisite in all sorts of vertues To the end that the house of God which is the collom and vpholder of truth should not bee like an edifice builded of mud and slime but a stately pallace sumptuous and worthy of the greatnesse of the maiestie of our God who is the creator of heauen and Earth God sayth S. Iohn is light 1. Iohn 1. and in him is no darknesse at all If we say wee haue fellowship with him and walke in darkenesse we lye and do not the truth But if wee walke in the light as he is the light then haue wee fellowship one with an other and the bloud of Iesus Christ his sonne cleanseth vs from all sinne By that we see plainlie that we haue no society and acquaintance with the Father and the Sonne if we do not our dutie and jndeauour our selues to liue holily and conforme our selus with all our thoghts affections words and actions to his holy will which is layd before vs in his law which the same Apostle confirmes moreouer in his first Epistle chapt 3. vers 6. As many as abide in him sinne not whosoeuer sinneth hath not seene him neither knowne him Babes let no man deceaue you hee that doth righteousnes is righteous euen as he is righteous hee that committeth sinne is of the Deuill for the Diuell sinneth from the beginning for this purpose appeared the Sonne of God to loose the workes of the Diuell whosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not for his seed remayneth in him and hee cannot sinne because he is borne of God In this are the children of God knowne and the children of the Diuell whosoeuer doth not righteousnes is not of God nor he that loueth not his brother for if we would sinne willingly and liue
were haue been perfect but in Iesus Christ And if in any other but him there is some seede and principles of vertues they are jmperfect yea as sayth S. Augustine that which wanteth of the vertues alwaies surmounteth that which wee haue of them And we haue alwayes neede to pray with the Apostles That God would encrease our Faith for our vicious and corrupt nature enclineth vs still to all sorts of vices But principally to that of mistrust and dovbt of the promises of God the which wee cannot well perswade our selues nor settle our minds and our heart vppon them especially when wee are invironned with some dangers and that before our eyes there commeth a representation of some horrible temptations then wee forget that God hath promised vs and seeke of our selues the meanes to get out of those dangers thinking that it is the surest for vs although that in that wee shew the rudenesse and vanitie of our sences thinking that the creatures haue more force meanes will to ayde vs thē the Creator who is our Father and almightie Moreouer that which sheweth plainely the imperfection of the knowledge which they haue of God Proofe of the Inperfection of our Faith of his promises and of Iesus Christ who is the meanes thereof For if as sayrh the Scripture wee know but in part also must wee inferre that wee beleeue but in part and if the Faith were perfect in vs Faith I say 1. Cor. 13. by the which the hearts are purified wee should bee pure and holy altogether and should haue no more neede Act. 10. neither to aske of God in our prayers that hee would pardon our offences nor also to beleeue the article of the remission of our sinnes Ephe. 4. Also wherefore is it that Iesus Christ being in the world did institute the ministrie of his Church and ordained that the word should be there continually preached the sacramēts purely administred the confessions prayers and publique thanksgiuings entertained by the pastors and doctors elected and deputed to that end if it bee not to exercise alwaies the Faith of the Faithfull and to encrease it Wee see that sickly men will alwaies haue their Phisick by them to succour them and to haue care of their health Remedy for this euill Also God knowing the weakenesse and feblenesse of our complexion hath ordained in his Church that there should be alwayes pastors who like expert Phisitians and wel● learned should haue care to procure the health of all those that are giue● them to keepe Comparison to this end And euen as out of ● wound that is alwayes open the matter must be drawne wich a tent and ● plaister also must the people be continually exercised in the meditation of the Law of God by the which they may bee exhorted and induced te withdraw themselues from vice and applie themselues to vertue A gardner what diligence soeuer hee vseth to clense and weede his garden well neuerthe●esse hee cannot do it so well but there will be some bad hearbs found the which would stifle the good if they were not plucked vp Also the vices which bud in vs continually would choke vp the seedes of pietie which God of his grace hath put into vs wirhout the great care and solicitude which wee ought to haue to put them vp and indeauour vntill the end and extremitie of our life to stoppe and stanch the spring thereof For as saith the Scripture although that we were pure and cleane by the grace of God yet haue wee some neede to wash our feete Iohn 13. And although that we are without leauen yet must wee alwaies study to purge the old leauen to the end 1. Cor. 5. that wee may be new dow ¶ Third question whether our so little Faith bee capable to apprehend the grace of God Answere yea TO know whether our Faith being little can apprehend the grace of God and the beneficence of Iesus Christ whose vertue is jnfinite Answere Our Faith although it be little le ts not though it be such to embrace the grace of God his promises Iesus Christ with all his blessings Comparison Like vnto the eye which is one of the least members of mans bodie doth neuerthelesse apprehend the greatnesse of the Sunne and the light thereof the which is spread ouer the whole world Also doth our Faith though it be little it lets not for the littlenesse thereof to conceiue the Sunne of righteousnesse to applie to it selfe all his gifts and graces Which wee see in the Apostles vnto whome Iesus Christ did often reproch the littlenesse of their Faith Example And yet for all that hee acknowledged them to bee truely faithfull and euen to bee his frends and true children of God Iohn 15. A childe with his hand although it be little taketh that which is giuen him So the faithfull man with his little Faith receaueth all the graces gifts and fauours that God will enlarge and administer vnto him And euen although it be sometimes contaminate with many sicknesses as ignorance cupidities passions doubts mistrusts feares and cares neuerthelesse that doth not hinder at all but sicke as it is it may notwithstanding well take the medicines and remedies which are fit and conuenient to recouer her health An other Comparison And euen as a Leaper with his hand couered with Leprosie le ts not to take the almes which is giuen him also the Faithfull although he haue an Itchie and scabbie Faith le ts not neuerthelesse to apprehend the promises and all the benefits of our God Iohn 1. For when God promiseth vs that hee that beleeueth shall be the Child of God and shall haue life euerlasting hee limiteth not the measure and degree of Faith to obtaine that which he promiseth But saith onelie that he that belieueth without determining the measure of Faith required to attaine to the marke which hee sets before vs. As if he should say who soeuer shall beleeue whether with great or with little faith prouided that it be true and not dissembled shall obtaine the remission of sins and the other graces which God promiseth him in belieuing Also wee see that hee that sayd to Iesus Christ that he belieued a little and desired him that he would helpe his vnbeleefe did not let to jmpetrate of him that which he demaunded non-obstan● the jmbecility and littlenes of his faith ¶ The Fourth question whether Faith sheweth it selfe alwaies A fit comparison TO wit whether Faith bee alwaies apparant Ans Faith is sometime● retained in the heart so that it appeareth not outwardly by reason that somtimes the temptations and dangers are so great that it shuts it selfe vp in the heart of the faithfull man As we see that in a great winter the seedes in the earth and the sappe in the trees keepe themselues close and covered within without shewing themselues in so much that one would judge feeing the