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A08447 Certaine godly and very profitable sermons of faith, hope and charitie. First set foorth by Master Barnardine Occhine, of Siena in Italy, and now lately collected, and translated out of the Italian tongue, into the English by William Phiston of London student. Published for the profit of such as desire to vnderstand the truth of the gospell. Ochino, Bernardino, 1487-1564.; Phiston, William. 1580 (1580) STC 18769; ESTC S103131 141,223 250

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Or be not men capable of the things of God except they be learned The holy scriptures and chiefelye the Gospel ought to be had in euery language to be preached reade and taught to all men and likewise to be hearde of euery one studyed and learned as they did before time in the primitiue Church of Christ To this ende was giuen to the Apostles the gifte of tongues and they were enioyned that they shoulde goe preaching the Gospel thorough all the worlde Christ would that it should be vnderstoode of all men and likewise would the Apostles Before time the holy Scriptures were translated out of Hebrewe and also out of Gréeke into Latine bicause the Latine tongue especially in Italie was common to all men there-fore they said the Créede the Gospel the Psalmes the Lords prayer other prayers in Latine but nowe séeing that the common Italian tongue is no more Latine we ought to haue those things which be necessary to be knowne brought into a tongue which may be vnderstoode which thing I say were also conuenient in all other nations I say not nowe that the ministers of the worde of God are not bounde to studie and vnderstande better the holy scriptures then the simple people that they may be able as Paul writeth to instruct others and moreouer to resist and ouercome those which shall gaine-say the trueth But to others concerning the thinges whiche be of God it is sufficient for them to knowe as much as is néedefull for their saluation They doe not euill but well if they studie the holy scriptures so that they studie them in such sort as they ought But I thinke that the heades of the kingdome of Antichrist with their subtile and deuilish craftinesse are forced so to hide these thinges bicause they might be so worshipped like diuyne creatures and as though they among all others had the light of diuine secreates They also haue deuised so to kéepe close the trueth that it should not be declared bicause if men should haue the light of the holy scriptures they shoulde see the doctrin of Antichrist to be not only vnprofitable vaine but false wicked contrary and repugning against Christ and his Gospel They will say that if the vnlearned should studie the scriptures they should easilye fall into many errours and heresies and there-fore it is not good And I say 1. Cor. ● that the wise of this worlde doe so much more easily fall as that by their greater prudence humaine wisedome which being compared to God is but foolishnesse they are further of from God aduersaryes and enemies of Christ of grace of Faith and of the Gospel and in as much as with greater force they doe withstand the holy Ghost As it hath béen séene by experience that where as the simple people haue receiued the Gospel and beléeued in Christ Ioan. 7. the worldly wise men haue not beléeued but haue persecuted him And the errours heresies are growen of their learned doctours as is to be séene by hereticall doctrine and theologie of Antichrist And albeit that the vnlearned by studying the holye scriptures do sometimes fall into errours it is not thorough defect of the scriptures nor yet bicause it is not good that euery bodie should studie it but thorough their owne defect for that they doe not study it with humilytie purenesse and a right purpose as they ought They craue not at Gods hande the true vnderstanding thereof with such zeale and Faith as of duetye they shoulde wherefore they néede not withdraw themselues from studying it but apply themselues to studie it as is conuenient Otherwise forasmuch as many good thinges are vsed to the dishonour of God men had néede euen to withdrawe themselues from all companyes and to heare the word of God But they will say if the ignorant would study the word of God they cannot vnderstand it Then according to that opinion they vnderstande it by force of the letter and humaine wisdome and not by diuine reuelation contrarye to saint Paul which would that the interpretation and vnderstanding of the holy scriptures shoulde be the gift of God 1. Cor. 12 Luc. 24. It must néedes be for that Christ opened the mindes of the Apostles to the intent that they shoulde vnderstande the holy scriptures and for that they thorough their simplicitie made smaller resistance against the holy ghost then the wise men of the worlde therefore that they vnderstoode it better forasmuch as they studyed it with reuerence and for the glory of God and in such sort as they ought And if they will say they cannot vnderstande the harde places I will say that God is able to giue them light as well as to thée and more too whiche be so much the apter to vnderstand then the worldly learned as that not hauing their so much dead learning they haue occasion to be more humble to which sort of people God reuealeth his secretes Math. 11. And if by and by they doe not vnderstand thinking that they please not God he immediately giueth them light so that with yelding thankes vnto God they passe away to the vnderstāding of the other places do not as you that be proud which not séeking to haue light from God nor hauing patience to tary with humblenesse vntill the Lord giue you the right vnderstanding ye haue expounded them falselye and vngodly according to your owne fantasie so you be fallen into a thousand errours They will saye that in studying the scriptures they would be contented to haue vs onely which can-not erre for their Masters and to vnderstand them according as we haue expounded wée would not say that it were euill that they should studye them but forasmuch as there be many Wolues and especially in these our times which being cloathed in the manner of Shéepe doe preach new doctrines and do not expound the holy scriptures in many places after our fashion therefore we doe not onely excommunicate persecute and burne whosoeuer sticke vnto their opinions but who so doe read those bookes And if we feared not that it would be accompted vnto vs for a great impietie we would not onely forbid vnto the vnlearned the studye of holy Scriptures but we woulde burne the Epistles of Saint Paul and the Gospell bicause we would not suffer men to haue any further knowledge séeing of studying them doe grow euery day new Heretickes To this I first say that if that be true which Christ sayd that by the fruites by the lyfe and by the workes Mat. 7. false Prophets shall be knowen we maye make a sure iudgement that you be no true shepheards nor Pastors of soules but most rauening Wolues inasmuch as ye féede not the soules with the word of God but persecute euen to the death those which preach it being with your wicked lyuing an offence to all the world Is it possible that you should be so blinde peruerse obstinate that you see not how
in the questions of your schoole Doctors ther is but a lytle Diuinitie and that most intricate full of erroures and Heresies and you will néedes haue them for your Masters Who doth not sée the obscure thicke palpable darkenesse in which we were and the great lyght which God hath giuen vs of himselfe within these few yeares Not with any new doctrine but with the verye same which Christ preached the Apostles the Prophetes and those which were true Saincts therefore olde although newe to those which had bene blinde for that it was a long while buried Know you not that the light of the Gospel is so great that it discouereth all deceipts errours and falshood And that all the false perswasions of the worlde can doe no hurt to such as be lyghtened with the truth that is to them which be illuminated Whereof are you then afraide if you with your people be in the truth together with the Gospell If you were in the lyght you would not flye it as ye doe but would desire and seeke for it not fainedly but in truth to come vnto the toppe But you as those which know that your doctrine consisteth in deceipts and falshoode fearing least you should be discouered with making your selues suspected doe not onely flye as hastely as you can all counsell but doe persecute those which preach Christ and his Gospel And it is manifest that in persecuting so grieuouslye the true Christians they are not moued by zeale of the honour of God séeing that in other things they shew no such sparkle of zeale They are moued for that they doubt their kingdome will be brought to nothing as a most vaine shadowe thorough the lyght of the Gospell And forasmuch as they saye that they cannot erre I say that they should say true if they were God himselfe or that they had his spirite but it is séene by their lyfe that they be carnall men whose propertie is to be lyers And suppose it could be that they did not fal into so great errors as not being defiled any more they could not erre Read with the spirite their decretalls and ordinaunces say they thou shalt be pure inough And withall this they would that the people leauing Christ should ground their faith vppon them hauing for their rule not the holy scriptures but their words They would also that men should haue in stéede of Christ of the Apostles albeit they haue not their spirit their zeale their doctrine their vertues their lyfe yea and their ceremonyes as sufficient But séeing that God doth let them alone being in such great blindenesse we haue to wonder of his so excessiue diuine goodnesse and bountie to force our selues with humble and feruent prayer with hearing the word of God with study of the holy scriptures to grow euery day more more in a greater light of God so that being lightened with the truth we may render to our heauenly and diuine Father all praise honour and glory thorough Iesus Christ our Lord Amen How euery one may be tryed whether he be in a true Faith or no. Sermon 7. THere be some which for to try themselues to be in a true Faith do say to themselues We beléeue in such sort as our forefathers haue taught vs and therefore it is not lykely that being their children they should haue deceiued vs wherefore we maye bée sure to be in a true Faith But tell me might it not be possible that your fathers and mothers would willingly deceiue you And much the rather vnwillingly they béeing deceiued in errour themselues might deceiue you Such manner of Faithes be all humane Faithes grounded vpon the loue and wisdome of parents therfore vpon probable reasons but they be not firme stedfast they haue so feeble a foundation that they do not only alwayes wauer but will faile in the children at all times when the parents doe denie Christ After that if when they would be tried to be in a true Faith it shuld suffice them to know those things which were taught them of their parents they should follow that which the heritikes the Turks the Idolaters and all those which beléeue according as their parents haue taught thē whether their faith be true or false thinking not onely to be excused before God but to be pure in the true Faith forasmuch as there-in they haue bene instructed of their fathers and moth●rs which opinion is most false Therefore some others going another way to worke to be tryed that they be in true Faith doe alwayes call to minde that they wer borne nourished and by their parents instructed in that Faith and moreouer that they sée a great multitude of people that beléeue as they doe especially those with whome they be conuersant Now this Faith also is altogether humane blinde full of darknesse weake grounded so féebly that if the multitude faile the Faith also will faile And if such as these be had bene in that time when the Apostles were when there were but a fewe that beléeued in Christ they would not had beléeued they will not beléeue that which they sée gain-said of others if also they had ben borne amongst the Turkes or had bene conuersant amongst them they would beléeue as they doe and so the Turkes should bée excused séeing they are such and lyke-wise all other Heretickes and Infidells which be a great multitude they also shoulde be proued to be in a true Faith And so it should of necessitie be sayd that euery Faith where ther is a multitude were true Now see if this be not a great errour Many other there be which for tryall of Faith do regard miracles and they thinke that bicause their Religion hath bene confirmed by many miracles therefore they suppose that it is manifest that their Faith is true But this their Faith is very weak féeble and vnperfect inasmuch as there be but a very fewe Christians which haue séene miracles the true Christians haue perceiued that it is but mens talke the which doe easelye beguyle them and bée lyes Psal 15. and for that theyr Faith is grounded vppon mens wordes it hath a féeble foundation But let vs graunt that they had séene such myracles they had not knowledge to discerne whether they were effects natural diuellish illusions or things wrought supernaturally by God Seing that Christ and also Sainct Paul haue shewed afore that in the kingdome of Antichrist false Christians and preachers shall arise and shall deceiue the worlde shewing signes and wonders Mat. 24. 2. Thess 2. Euen to the Romaines when they worshipped idols haue bene myracles shewed therefore they shoulde then be excused before God likewise with the Antichristians if these myracles were the foundation of Faith and that it sufficed to haue a certain humaine opiniō that in their religion haue ben wrought myracles For that it is manifest that the Scribes and Pharisées saw the myracles of Christ and yet beléeued not therefore
be moued to goe séeke for grace at Gods hande Lastlye he vsed with vs great mercy in sending Christ his onely begotten sonne who albeit for the space of thirtie and thrée yeares he shewed himselfe most pitifull vnto sinnners yet they alwayes persecuted him so that at last wyth very great ignominie and shame they crucified him And he of that death which they put him vnto wrought meanes to giue vs lyfe shewing himselfe still pitifull vnto man when man was most cruellye bent against him And besides all this arisinge agayne hée shewed himselfe oftentimes vnto his electe more amyable godlye and pacified hée lightened them with diuine matters with bestowinge on them many gracious benefites Hee ascended visibly into heauen that our hope might be lifted vp on high abiding therefore with his spirit vpon earth He sent the holy ghost vpon his Apostles visibly at the day of Pentecost like as he sent it vnto his alwaies inuisibly He prayeth for vs cōtinually bestoweth new graces vpō vs although we be most vnworthy There is no man that can deuise greater mercy then that which God hath vsed with vs. Séeing that we offend him he should haue vsed great mercy with vs if he should but once haue had remembraunce of vs but that he sent not a seruant but his sonne to heale our sicknes with his own bloud yea toke our infirmitie vpon him suffered the which of duetie we ought to haue suffered this was a very great mercifulnes that after sinne committed hath saued Adam all his posteritie Be our sinnes neuer so great innumerable that if we do hartely craue pardō at gods hand we shall immediately be pardoned His mercy it is that preserueth vs frō innumerabe sinnes and euills into which we should fall if that were not ready to helpe vs that preuenteth vs maketh vs riche deliuereth and saueth vs. If tenne onelye righteous men had bene in Sodome God woulde not haue destroyed the filthy citie so euer is his mercy Somtimes God punisheth euen to the third and fourth generation and sheweth mercy vpon a thousand The sin of Dauid was great therefore with his heart he sayd I haue sinned and immediately he was pardoned The holy Ghost doth extoll in the holy Scriptures no perfection of God so highly as his mercy to the intent that wée should not dispayre and nothing doth so much displease him as when we distrust in his goodnesse and mercy so that I would choose rather if it were possible to haue committed all sinnes to haue hope in God then to haue this one sin of desperation We al haue néede of the mercy of God therefore we all ought to gaspe after it chiefly marke that it is offered vnto all and he that hath the eyes of fayth shall sée that the works of god be full of mercy not only when he chastiseth vs but also when he suffereth vs to fall into any sinne He suffered as Paul did write euen the Iewes to fall that he might saue the gentiles Hauing then to bring vs vnto the mercye of god one so mighty pitifull an high Priest as Christ is who preuenteth vs with his mercye we ought in him put all our hope and forasmuch as he hath already deliuered vs from all sinnes therefore also from all miseries He as Ioseph the Patriarch although he had bene hurt by his brethren could not in any wise refrain but that with his mercy he would embrace vs. He alone was that Samaritane who truely had pitie vpon vs. He also hath bene and is that diuine shephearde which came downe from heauen for his lost flocke He together with the father of the prodigall sonne receiueth embraceth with great ioy the miserable sinner when he humbly turneth vnto him He without béeing many times requested rayseth againe the dead sonne of the Church militant as before time he raysed vp the widowes sonne And what néede I say more he hath turned all the world vp side down for to finde againe the groate that was lost Séeing thē that the mercie of God is so great let vs labour by al meanes possible to put all our trust in him so that we may render vnto him all praise honour glory thorough Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Of the good Thiefe Sermon 7. WHo is it that is not astonied in considering the bottomelesse profunditie of Gods diuine Iudgement Séeing Christ vppon the Crosse altogether tormented next vnto deaths dore betrayed of Iudas denyed of Peter forsaken of the rest of his Disciples persecuted of the Iewes scorned of the Gentiles euery bodye fell from the Faith and euen then a poore Théefe opened his eyes and began to haue Faith when all the world had lost their Faith The others had talked with Christ heard the Gospell his doctrine seene his innocent lyfe his excéeding charitie his excellent wisdome profound humilitie and other his diuine vertues his so great wonders signes and miracles they had read the Prophets studied the Scriptures séene the figures and all to be fulfilled in Christ and yet for all this they beléeued not on him not onely whilest they sawe him hang vppon the Crosse but whilest he shewed himselfe glorious vppon the earth and on the other part a Thiefe or robber béeing blynde and ignoraunt without peraduenture euer hauing séene or read the holy Scriptures with out miracles being with such great paine and sorrow vpon the Cross euen ready to dye and séeing that Christ dyed vppon the Crosse beléeued that he was the Sonne of God and hoped for Heauen by his meanes who hanging on the Crosse said My God my God why hast thou forsaken me It cannot be sayd but that his conuersion was a singular lyght and grace which he had from God so that as his conuersion was the last miracle that Christ wrought vppon the earth so it was of all other the greatest He was a figure of al the elect who are saued onely thorough grace as he was He is set for an exāple to all the world to the intent that none shoulde euer dispayre of the grace of God seing that a Théefe who for his wickednesse was punished euen with death and for his vngraciousnesse was crucified is saued Was it not a great matter that in the same day when Christ with so great zeale shed his bloud that then he opened the windowes of his diuine treasures and rayned downe grace in such aboundaunce that a Théefe was illuminated and is saued The good Théefe perceiuing that Christ with great pittie prayed vnto the Father for those that crucified him more-ouer excused them with saying that they knewe not what they did wondering at this so great loue hée tourned his eyes vnto Christ and sawe that he suffered so great euills without any perturbation hée sawe such pitifull teares fall from him to the grounde and such feruent and kindeled groanings mount from him vp to the Heauen he heard his wordes so full of loue he behelde such his gestures
wrought for the glory of God but we ought at least to do so héereafter and then euery thing that we shal do shal be acceptable vnto God so that our purpose be right vnto him Euery man therfore ought to haue God for his last ende before his eyes to order al his life vnto him with chusing those things that serue most to his glory with forsaking those things which do hinder or stay vs wtout regarding things which appertaine not to vs which we shall be constrained to doe at any time when being in loue with God we féele with the spirit in Christ his great goodnesse Let vs pray to God therfore that he would giue vs a liuely light of him to the intent that hauing alwayes our eyes open to his honour we maye render vnto him all prayse thorough Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen How that the Law of the Gospell is more perfect then all other Lawes Sermon 11. AS there is but one onely God one onely Christ one onely holy Ghost one onely Faith one onely Church and one onely Gospell so lykewise vnto the world is but one onely diuine Lawe imprinted alreadye by God in the minde of man darkened by sinne expressed somewhat by morall Philosophy but much better by Moses and most perfectlye by Christ and a new by Christ the spirit of God being the guyde powred in imprinted and written in the bowels and in the hearts of the regenerate as God afore time promised by his Prophet They call notwithstanding the naturall Law those canons rules and truth practised of that which is right and of that which is not right imprinted in the booke of the minde in the which euery one reading when he commeth to yeares of discretion without any other master and booke he discerneth by himselfe good from euil And the truth it self inasmuch as by Moses it was expressed in tables is called the Law writtē wheras afterward by Christ the holy Ghost being the guide it was in a more perfect manner imprinted in the harts of the regenerate that is called the Euangelical law of grace of the spirit Wher is to be noted that although a philosopher hath for example imprinted in minde this truth that God ought not to be dishonoured but honored knew that this thing is most right yet notwithstandinge hée obserued not this most iust lawe Yea the Iewes albeit they had this same truth not only imprinted in the minds but also expressed in the tables of Moses discerned the righteous from the vnrighteous that with greater light then the Philosophers they could in no wise obserue that iust honest law bicause they were letted by their concupisences But in a Christian already by faith regenerated the goodnesse of God thorough Christ is in such sort imprinted in his heart that by the liuely spirituall tast feeling which he hath in Christ of God he cannot dishonour him yea by the spirit which he hath the which preuayleth agaynst his carnall concupisences he is constrayned to honour him And this according to the measure of fayth which he hath The Philosopher then albeit he knew in part his bounden duetie he did not therfore fulfill it bicause the flesh resisted him And in lyke case also the Iew albeit he knew that better then all the Philosophers what the wil of God is neuerthelesse béeing without Christ without grace he obeied it not Wherefore he shall be punished the more grieuously as hée had greater knowledge of the lawe of God The naturall lawe therefore much more the written law is the Minister of death and damnation whereas the euangelicall law of spirite of grace is the minister of lyfe saluation Wherefore Paul speaking of it sayd the lawe of the spirit of lyfe in Christ Iesu hath deliuered mée from the law of death of sinne The written law therefore is vnperfect although the naturall lawe be much more vnperfect séeing that albeit they shew those thinges which ought to be done they doe not therefore giue the grace to be able to obserue them The law naturall then was as it were in darknesse the lawe of Moses in shadowes the euangelicall law in light The law natural came at midnight Moses lawe at the morning and the euangelicall law at noone day The naturall lawe came with a little candle burning Moses lawe with a great torch but couered the euangelical law with the cléere light of the Sun The natural law saw god in his creatures Moses law in the Scriptures the euangelical law in Christ The natural law séeth not Christ Moses law saw him and shewed him a farre off the euangelicall law hath seene him openly imbraced him for his owne The natural law hath imbraced no man Moses law hath painted him out with giuing him coulours the euangelical law hath giuen him spirit The naturall lawe made him serue by reasons Moses lawe for feare the euangelicall lawe for loue The natural lawe deliuereth vs from worldly infamy Moses law from the tyranny of Pharao and the euangelicall law from the tyranny of the world of the flesh of sinne and of the diuell The naturall law hath for the guide vnderstandinge Moses lawe a piller of fire and the euangelicall lawe the holy Ghost The natural lawe is the lawe of the Philosophers Moses law hath him for the author the euangelicall law is of Christ The naturall lawe féedeth men with worldly thinges Moses law with Manna and the euangelical law with God The natural law buildeth vp a worldly common wealth Moses law the holy citie of Hierusalem and the euangelicall lawe the heauenly countrey By the naturall law we were straungers by Moses law seruants and by the euangelicall frée and the sonnes of God The naturall law guided vs to a certeine humaine felicity Moses lawe into the land of promise and the euangelicall law vnto heauen The natural law is a burthen fit for humaine strength Moses lawe is a burthen sharp grieuous and the euangelicall lawe is pleasant delectable The naturall law hath a respect to the comelines of vertues Moses law vnto felicitie and the euangelical law vnto the glory of God The naturall conducteth thee into Aegipt there leaueth thee Moses law deliuereth thée frō thence maketh thée walk thorough the desert the euangelical law bringeth thée into the land of promise The natural law begetteth thee vnto the world Moses law killeth thée vnto God the euangelical law raiseth thée againe The natural law accuseth thée Moses law condemneth thée and the euangelicall law saueth thée The naturall law awaketh man when he sléepeth Moses law maketh him to tremble and the euangelical law setteth him at rest The naturall lawe maketh men righteous in their owne sight Moses law in the sight of the world and the euangelicall law maketh them righteous in the sight of God The naturall lawe promiseth not any thing that is supernaturall Moses law maketh promises of most rich diuine thinges and the euangelicall lawe obserueth them The naturall lawe maketh vs men Moses law maketh vs Angells and the euangelicall law euen as Gods Wherfore the natural law is good Moses law better the euangelicall law best and most perfect Let vs pray therefore vnto the Lorde that hée would imprint it in our heartes to the intent that we may render to him all prayse honour and glory thorough Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen FINIS ❧ IMPRINTED AT London by Thomas East dwelling betwéene Paules Wharfe and Baynards Castle 1580. MIEVLX VAVLT MOVRIR EN VERTV QVE VIVRE EN HONCTE
is true is most euident First that the light of a true and vnfained Faith is aboue all the lights of worldly opinions for that whereas they haue the authoritie of humane Historyes this hath authoritie of diuine Scriptures whereas humane Faith hath the testimony of men of their vniuersities of learning diuine Faith hath the Prophets the Apostles Ioan. 4. 8. the Euangelistes the Martirs the Saincts the Angells the holy Church Christ the holy Ghost and God himselfe for their testimony the witnes of which is greater then of all others and therefore whereas that Faith alwayes doubteth this is stedfast cleare and certeine The light of a true Faith also is so cleare that it ouercōmeth all natural light of vnderstanding so that the wise of this world do not sée with so great clearenesse the truth declared in the chiefe principles of their Sciences as the illuminate Christians doe the truth therefore reuealed and the articles of faith which humane reason can haue thorough the sinne of their first parents is weake féeble and blinde and the spirite in the regenerated is sounde strong full of light and cleare Seing then that whereas the light of humane reason is but naturall and purchased and therefore it is obscure blinde and grosse insomuch that it tosseth about like a wallet about ones neck But the light of Faith as that which is supernaturall inspired heauenly most pure cleare perfect and diuine lighteneth and pearceth thorough the whole soule They are therefore blinde and in a very darke night to whom the clearenesse of the Gospell doth not shine 2. Pet. 1. Rom. 13. 2. Cor. 4 1. Pet. 2. Math. 1. and we are 〈◊〉 to yéeld God most high thankes for that of his m●●re grace we be called vnto so wonderful light which excéedeth all that any man is able to expresse As we sée in Ioseph in whom naturall reson perswaded that Mary was great with childe by the force and power of man and yet Faith preuailed in him so with a greater light that he beléeued that she had conceiued by the holy Ghost And further I saye that the light of Faith is so much greater then the light naturall that as the Sunne with the greatnesse of his light when it is in our Hemispherye darkeneth the light of the Starres so doth Faith darken all the light of humane wisedome The light of Faith is so high and so supreme that it is comprehended with it selfe And the same is so cléere and mightie that wicked reason and humane wisdome cannot conteine it but euen as in the morning when thou openest the windowes of thine house thou puttest out all the candells bicause that the Sunne being then risen aboue our Horizon pearceth with his bright beames and shineth euerye where so when Christ the Sunne of righteousnesse with the beames of a cleare Faith shall enter into our soules he shall quench in vs and diminish the light of humane wisedome and then we shall sée 1. Cor. 3. that our knowledge is ignoraunce and our wisedome foolishnesse And that we must néedes say more humane reason as a thing that is blinde lyke vnto a Bat or Flinder-mouse lyeth hidden in the darke crauyes of the creatures whereas a cléere Faith is lifted vp pearceth thorough and flyeth aboue all the heauens Humane reason séeth but a very few things Faith séeth all things that be necessarye and profitable to saluation Humane reason séeth not Ioan. 15. 14. but as it were thorough a thicke glasse windowe and therefore vnperfectlye and Faith lifteth vp it selfe aboue all vayne shaddowes of sensible things and séeth the sincere pure and euerlasting truth most perfectly Humane reason séeth the out-warde accident●● of things created and storye of the holy Scriptures albeit imperfectly and if it enter into the bowells thereof it is with a verye obscure knowledge that it maye bée easelye iudged howe weake féeble darke and imperfecte the opinion which it hath conceyued of the materiall sincere and eternall truth is whereas Faith with his cléere light doth not onely pearce in to the very marrow of the holy Scriptures Luc. 24. but séeth God and his secretes Humane reason séeth not but onely the things that be of this present lyfe where-as Faith hauing a farre greater light séeth those things which be of the other life and a great waye further off Humane reason hath not the light of things passed nor of things to come but by waye of a féeble coniecture where-as vnto a diuine Faith the things passed and the things to come be as certaine as the things that be present And finally where Faith sheweth vs God with so cleare a lyght then for his honour we leaue gladlye all riches plesures dignitie glory our own life our selues with yéelding our selues to all vexations and torments for the loue of him as we sée in the Martirs Humane reason as a thing that hath but a litle light of God maketh thée not to leaue the worlde for the loue of him well may it cause thée to leaue one part of the world for another but not to forsake it wholly for God The Sainctes would not so had forsaken all things if they had not had a greater light and feeling of God then of themselues and all creatures All the knowledge which worldly wise men haue depende vppon their thoughts and for that loue followeth knowledge therefore it doth necessarily follow also that all their loue dependeth on sensible things Being then that the foundation of humane creatures of all their loue and knowledge is of necessitie such that forsaking the world they forsake in themselues al light loue iudgement reason vertue and strength whereas inuincible Faith forasmuch as it is grounded onely in God in condempnations and in torments sheweth it selfe most cleare most constant and strong Likewise the things which we haue obiected before our eyes we do not see with such clearenesse as with the eyes of faith we do sée things which are in the other life Also how much more the spirite that beléeueth is noble and more perfite of the bodily eye which séeth and how much the more God to whom faith hath regarde is obiected more perfect mightie stedfast a present and déere friende to the soule which are thinges that can-not be séene with corporall eyes And further howe much the light of faith Ioan. 8. and of Christ the light of the worlde and the sonne of righteousnesse is more cleare then the light of the sunne so much with more clearenesse and certeintie is séene the trueth reuealed to them that haue perfect faith not according as we sée those thinges whiche are before our eyes for the corporall eye may be deceyued but so cannot the spiritual in the faith be deceiued for by the death of Christ all shadowes and figures are taken away with all vailes and couerings so that in Christ crucifyed we may plainely beholde God albeit not with such a great clearenesse as
eyes of those which were his enemyes how should they not beléeue then that he wil also lighten the eyes of their mindes Thou must also stirre vp thy selfe with saying thus if I trust the earth and therefore doe sow and plant the Sea and windes and therefore doe sayle men and that most euill therefore doe make bargaines and couenaunts with them why should I not much more put my trust in God the most good and my best Father And bicause that God doth more often make himselfe knowen with his goodnes in the holy Scriptures then in his creatures therfore we ought to be diligent industrious and carefull in the study of them inasmuch as they doe auayle greatly vnto fayth especially if a man considerth that God who is true Rom. 3. is he that speaketh in them and the large and great promises which he doth make vnto vs for that as by reading a writing wherein a creadible and honest man is become thy debter of a thousand Crowns giueth thée his promise and fayth that he will pay thée them so in reading in the holy Scriptures the promises of God there become to thée in fayth a warrant that God wil obserue them The reading of holy Scriptures also doth cause a man much the better to vnderstand how with a liuely faith Rom. 10 the worde of God may be preached for as Paul sayd fayth is by hearing hearing by the word of Christ Act. 9.10 8. God could immediately lighten his yet to the intent that loue might be exercised amongest vs orderly in giuing it the Ministers of his woorde be appointed as is séene in Paul when he was sent to Annanias in Cornelius béeing sent to Peter and in Philips comming to the Chamberlaine It is profitable also for fayth to meditate vpon the lyfe of Christ He sayd to Thomas Iohn 20 Luc. 5 bicause thou hast séene me thou hast beléeued And the consideration of his myracles is necessary Peter bicause of one onely miracle that he sawe of the fishes beléeued and left all that hée had He sawe that which wée ought to doe but perticulerly the consideration of Christ vpon the the Crosse is profitable wherfore Saint Iohn hauing briefly written the passion of Christ Iohn 20 sayde These thinges are written that we might beléeue And bicause we cannot haue trust in any person whome we despise as is séene with the fellow Country-men and naturall brothers of Christ Ioan. 17. which beléeued not in him therefore we must néedes constraine our selues to haue 〈◊〉 ●●●●rence also bée affectionated to the truth to the ende we may not perish We had néede also to endeuour our selues as much as in vs lyeth to forsake sinne especially arrogancie Ioan. 5 stubburnnesse and pride for bicause that as Christ sayde he coulde not trust in and séeke the glory of the worlde Mar. 1 yea we ought to repent vs of that which is past Wherefore Christ preaching sayd repent and beléeue the Gospell We ought to remoue all lettes and obstracts from the light of God 2. Pet. 1. Psal 33. yea with good woorks let vs draw néere vnto him so that we béeing lightened may certefie our selues euery day more and more of our vocation and so grow in fayth But vnderstand that whereas to haue worldly thinges is néedefull to haue strength diligence science wisdome prudēce towardnesse subtiltie craft actiuitie sleightes and humane artes to haue Faith is néedeful to haue a simple minde sincere humble pure these be those little ones and cleane to whom be reuealed the diuine secretes of God Mat. 11 which doe receyue the Gospell and which by fayth doe sée God Mat. 6 And although the foresaid things cannot of vs be done without the grace of God yet it is our duetie not onely to knowe that we are bounde to doe them yea and most diligently to force our selues to doo them Mar. 9 Luc. 17. to assay euen things which be to vs impossible But besides all this we had néede to make feruent and continuall prayer we ought to make our petition vnto Christ with the blinde that he would giue vs light and to beséech with the Father of him that was possessed with an euill spirite that he would helpe our vnbeliefe Deut. 23 Mar. 7. 2. Cor. 2. Mat 13 and with the Apostles intreate that he woulde increase our Faith yea with a newe heart and vnderstanding so that with the worde of his vertue he woulde open the eares of our heartes as he did to the deafe and woulde giue vs eares to heare his worde inwardlye If then we woulde haue lyght let vs go to Christ the light of the worlde and our onely Master inasmuch as without that his spirit without his fauour grace and inwarde worde the which is neuer without fruites we cannot doe any thing that is acceptable before God The reading also of the word of God is profitable for the commendations of our bretheren in theyr prayers so that praying for vs as Christ healed the man sicke of the palsie when he sawe the Faith of them which carryed him so likwise he would saue vs not for the worthynesse of our workes or of our Faith but by his méere grace so the we may as we ought yéeld vnto God al honour glory through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ Of the true Caball Sermon xiii GOD vpon the mount Synai gaue by Moses a lawe vnto the worlde Exod. 20 and that so perfect a one that to the perfection theroff could nothing be added inasmuch as it is contained all thinges profitable and necessary to saluation And all be it that Moses wrote the same lawe by the will of God yet the Hebaewes saye that hée was forbidden to expresse with letters the great treasures of the wisedome and knowledge of GOD the which were hidden vnder a coueringe of the letter reuealed to Moses himselfe Mat. 7 And this bicause that holy thinges should not bée giuen to dogges nor pearles should be cast before swine wherefore vntill the time of Esdras the Caball that is the reuealed and secrat vnderstanding of the holy Scriptures was as they say onely in the custody of certeine old men whereoff when one dyed they chose an other in his place and reuealed the lawes to him But afterwardes being captiues and dispearsed and that many of them dyed fearing least the lawe should be vtterly lost they began to write it out and after to corrupt and alter it in such sort that the Hebrewes be now ignoraunt of the true Caball and the which they haue is altogether a vain superstitious mischieuous and diuellish Caball The true Caball is a diuine knowledge reuealed and is so perfect that he which hath it hath the light of all diuine secreats can doe merueylous things and whatsoeuer he will obteineth that which he demaundeth hath that he desireth satisfieth his will and is most happie And forasmuch as it
to vs more profitable then true concord vnitie and peace so also there is not found any thing which is in it selfe more blame-worthy miserable and vnhappie which more doth displease God is to vs more hurtfull then discord disunion discention warre all which albeit be wicked yet those which be of faith be so much the more wicked as that they be matters of the more importaunce and as the persecutions which by them are made by béeing made vnder a forme or coulour of goodnesse be more cruell and durable It is true that those things which the false Christians and especially the Papistes doe to the true bretheren and members of Christ be more cruell inasmuch as they be more repugning against the truth Mat. 2 and inasmuch as they be most carnall with Herode they would not lose their kingdome their glory dignitie treasures pleasures and other worldly benefites by the which they are moued to persecute Christ his members and his Doctrine although vnder a pretence of honouring God They be also not onely enimies and that ciuill enimies but familyar and inward enimies therefore the worst Which thing considering with my selfe and seing that in the world especially in this our age there be so manye faithes opinions sectes heresies religions diuers rights lawes rules and sorts of lyuing wherefore so great dissentions discordes enmities hatreds infamies and persecutions I went on thinking how there might be anye meane to vnyte all men together in a vniforme true Faith and Religion And although some haue proued and sought to doe the selfe same thing and could not I did not therefore dispayre knowing that God with his grace can doe this a greater matter and so much the rather for that I know that lyke as it is necessary that those which come to an agréement about the principles of a science do agrée also about all conclusions whereon the first principle do depende so it must néedes bée that they who agrée about the principles of Faith do agrée also in al other things necessary to saluation And for that I sée that all persons in the world not onely Christians but Iewes Turkes Pagans and all the sectes that be founde doe agrée in the first and chiefe poynt of true Religion wheron dependeth all our saluation that is in beléeuing in God as if any of them were asked he would so saye Wherefore I am of opinion not onely that it were possible but easie to vnyte all persons in a true Faith and I meruaile greatly how it were possible that they should all beléeue in the selfe same God and were notwitstanding so much differing and cōtrary in beléeuing other things necessary to saluation so much the more I meruaile of false Christians inasmuch as I sée that as they say they not onely beléeue in God but in Christ And moreouer allowing the selfe same holy Scriptures they all confesse to beléeue that which is conteined in the Apostles Crede But going further in waighing well the matter I haue séene cléerely manifestly that not onely the Iewes Turkes Infidels but the Papists do not beléeue in truth any of the Articles of the Faith do not beléeue in Christ nor in God further also I say that they know not God in such sort as is necessary to know him They haue in déede a certeine idle barreine and dead opinion of God and a certeine obscure knowledge but it is none such as sufficeth to saluatiō A body may haue some lyght of God Rom. 1. as the Philosophers had and lykewise of the Scriptures as the Iewes had but without Christ we can haue no sufficient light of god Col. 2 for that Christ alone is the lyuely Image of God his countenaunce in the which is discouered to vs sufficiently the lyght of the world the way and meane to goe vnto God and onely those which sée and know Christ Iohn 8. 14 doe sée and knowe the Father Wherefore Paul writing to the Galathians sayed vnto them that they coulde not knowe God when they were without Christ This is the chiefe and principall sinne of the Turkes of the Iewes of the Infidelles and of the false Christians not to know God and for this they shall be punished Ephes 2 He then that is without Christ is without God as Paul did write he hath not God for his God nor for the latter ende The world can doe more in such a one then God and he is moued alwayes to worke not for the glory of God but for his owne gayne In Christ therefore alone is God reuealed with his so great goodnesse and grace that he draweth vs vnto him more effectuallye then the worlde so that despising our selues with all our earthlye thinges and pleasures we goe to the glory of God And then we know and féele God not onely for his respecting vs as our benefactour and one who is good vnto vs but much rather absolutelye as béeing good in himselfe and so also wée loue him with a sincere and pure loue Now forasmuch as Christ is he who hath made manifest vnto the world the vnspeakeable name of God Ioan. 17. Iehoua Ioan. 17. which onely signifieth God himselfe without any respect vnto creatures that is Christ alone hath gyuen vs light and made vs knowe feele and loue very GOD in himselfe therefore without Christ wée cannot knowe God truely And forbicause the Turkes the Iewes the Infidells and likewise the Papistes doe not knowe Christ in truth therefore it must be of necessitie sayde that they knowe not GOD. And that these doe not knowe Christ in truth is manifest for that Christ is not knowe truely but of them which sée him by all his righteousnesse sanctification wisedome and saluation as the Euangelistes 1. Cor. 1 and true Christians onely doe see him Inasmuch as the Turkes the Iewes and the Infidells beléeue not in any wise to be saued thorough Christ The Papistes also although they saye that they beléeue to be saued thorough CHRIST yet the beléeue not wholely to bée saued thorough him but in parte and partly by theyr owne woorkes Not hauing or accounting therefore Christ for any theyr righteousnesse and saluation they know him not so as they ought to knowe him to bée theyr Sauiour It must therefore néedes bée sayde forasmuch as they know not Christ that they know not God And for that they know neither God nor Christ it must néedes be concluded that they beléeue not in truth neither in the one nor in the other whereoff doth necessarily followe that they beléeue not anye article necessary to saluation All those therefore be deceiued who willing to vnite and knitte in one accorde all sectes in one true fayth doe cease to drawe men vnto the true knowledge and Faith of Christ and of GOD and doe labour to vnite and ioyne them togeather in outwarde woorkes and Ceremonies in as much as the true knowledge and fayth in Christ importeth all So
that which hath small lyght and a feeble discerning openeth not the eyes vnto God but vnto the worlde and to the commodities thereoff which it accounteth to be the latter ende of all things and if it sometimes hath respect vnto God that is a farre off and vnperfectly it cannot fixe stedfastly the eyes vppon God nor account him for his last end but it is offended at his great lyght is constrained to holde downe the face and to get it away with the Bats flying about into the darke inextricable dennes of the vayne shadowes of the worlde with seeking to rest in them so that he cannot vse God as his Lord but séeketh for his owne gayne to vse and to serue that as though the other wisedome were a thing lytle worth Like as is seene by experience in carnall men which loue not come not neere esteeme not feare not God but for their owne lucre They respect therefore humaine wisedome and holding theyr eyes open and fixed not vppon God who is in truth our last ende and refuge but vpon pleasures treasures honours other benefites of the world it must necessarily be sayd that as a man shoulde be a very foole if when he woulde goe into the East partes should choose for his guyde one that would conduct him into the West lykewise those be fooles which béeing desirous to goe vnto God and to felycitie which is not founde but in him alone doe choose to lyue and to bée gouerned after carnall prudence and wisedome But manye will saye Wouldest thou not that wée shoulde profite our selues with that humaine prudence and wisedome which GOD hath giuen vs at the least yet in worldlye thinges thinkest thou that GOD woulde haue giuen it vs if it had not bene good for some thing it is not now to be thought that God hath giuen it vs in vayne Doest thou thinke that wée woulde lyue by chaunce and not gouerne our selues according to the wisedome that God hath giuen vs surelye wée maye not deale so foolishly Now to such as these be I aunswere and saye that if carnal wisdome wer of God it should not so be condempned in the holy Scriptures as it is wherefore it must néedes be sayd that it is naught and diuelish And what is carnal wisdome els but the ignoraunce of God therfore sinne it is not onely the ignorance of God but also the ignorāce of creatures which if they knew him he néede not so be shewed forth vnto vs for to be our last ende as he is we would not so be perswaded to séeke enioy this wisdome as we do without hauing respect to the honor of God Knowest thou what prudēce wisdom that is which God giueth and is commended in the holy scriptures it is that which guyding vs we sée God to be God our last ende the creatures to be creatures and by due meanes do serue to the honour of God as is spirituall prudence and wisdome to doe I say not then that men should lyue by chaunce but I say that in all theyr lyfe in all their actions workes euen in worldly things they ought to haue God alwayes before theyr eyes and to order all their lyfe to his honour and glorye so that although one would purchase him apparell or any other worldly commoditie he ought not to desire it but so as he might vse it to the glory of God he ought not to séeke it but with honest and iust meanes without dishonouring God in any wise Lyke as he doth that is gouerned guyded with the wisedome of God But they that bée guyded with worldly wisdome locking their eyes against the glory of God and fixing them vpon worldly thinges with all craft subtiltie malice deceipts treason extortion vsury rauening vyolence by al other meanes possible which may turne to their gaine without hauing any litle respect to the honour of God do séeke to haue to vse things not to the glory of God but to their own benefit It is manifest therfore that such wisedome as this is is not of God bicause it is euill and diuelish and God would that it should vtterly be lefte But I would thou shouldest vnderstande that those which be gouerned with humaine wisedome be fooles not onelye for bicause they forsake to be guyded on the contrarye respecting the ende but also respecting the meanes inasmuch as although one woulde with-out hauing anye respecte vnto GOD make him-selfe happye in this world by such meanes as he can he ought not in anye wise be guyded after humane and carnall wisedome bicause it is so blinde frantike and foolish that not onelye thou canst not know how to finde the due meanes but contrariwise it will make thée most miserable euen in things of the world And that this is true put case thou finde a man who hath no Religion and that is as it were a beast beleeueth not that there is found any God nor other lyfe Now in such a case if this man would make himselfe happy in this present life he must liue after the fashion of brute beastes with taking day by day all those pleasures that hée could obtaine without fainting therefore and not to thinke of the time to come in any wise for that immediately when this man would begin to héede that to heape vp and make gardeines in the aire with that his carnall wisedome he should enter into a thousand cares pensiuenesse thoughts trauailes feares suspitions hatreds passions torments miseryes and hellishnesse and so he should he most miserable not onely by béeing without God but also by being ignorant of himselfe with his owne proper wisedome of the small felicitie which he might haue in this life in such sort as other liuing creatures haue So that I iudge that if religion be taken away from man it were better for him to be a beast then a man with wisedome Humane wisedome then as that which is diuelish and most euill can not but hurt a man in what estate so euer it possesseth him That was it which béeing figured by the Serpent caused the first parents to loose their happy and blessed estate Wherefore they be of all other most foolish miseable who leauing the bridle in that hands of a carnal wisedome do commit themselues wholly to the wicked pernitious franticke gouernaunce there-off although the blinde world doth extoll such men for wise and happie men And know that this humane wisedome is so stiffe-necked that it cannot yeelde it selfe to vnderstande the truth which if it could be capable off it should no more be carnall but spirituall so that humane wisedome is none other but an incurable phrensie more-ouer it is so blynde of it selfe that not onely it hath taken in hande to order the worlde with disordering it euerye day more and more but it presumeth to iudge and condempne euen God in his workes as though it wer his superiour both in wisedome and righteousnesse But wilt thou sée
such pitie towardes him that for to raunsome him to satisfie for his iustice appoyntinge in his place his owne beloued and onelye begotten sonne caused him to dye and afterwardes all this notwithstanding that seruaunt woulde not trust or put any confidence but dispayred to haue or euer obtaine mercye at his handes in such a case the Lord woulde be more offended at this last iniurye then by all them that be passed and that bicause he should sée that all the meanes which he had wrought to saue him and that the death of his sonne for him was in vaine and also for bicause he coulde haue no more any remedy to saue him euen so wée if we dispayre of the mercye of GOD seeinge that he hath appoynted his owne sonne vnto the crosse for to satisfie for our sinnes we doe vnto GOD a most great iniury for as much as it is by our own meanes we make vnprofitable and vaine the passion and death of Christ all that which God Christ hath wrought Neither remaineth there any more remedy for our saluation except the passion of Christ be profitable to him Chiefly for that like as if a sicke man who might easily be healed with medicines being frantick or out of his wits thought himselfe to be haile would take no medicines that his madnesse should more hurt him then all other sicknesse so likewise vnto a desperate person the onely phrensie of desperation doth more hurte then all other his vices So that if it were possible thou might better choose to haue committed all the sinnes of the worlde and to trust in God then not to haue committed any other sinne but to distrust in God Desperation also is most euill not onely bicause a desperate person doth not allow any remedye but also bicause he giueth the bridle at wil vnto al wickednesse with saying why not in any wise I cannot be remedied I must néedes be damned seeing it is so it is best that while I am in this present lyfe I take my pleasures without hauinge any respect vnto God Seeing then that desperation is so horrible a vice let vs pray the Lord that he would deliuer vs from it with giuing vs grace that we may haue stéedfast hope in him so that we may render vnto him all praise honour and glory thorough Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ How that in God alone euery one ought to put their whole Hope and confidence Sermon 2. THe comfort of the wretched whilst they be in their miseries is Hope the whiche vpholdeth them comforteth nourisheth maketh them happie so that it bée a true Hope for that a deceitfull Hope maketh them so much the more miserable as that it beguileth thē the more And forasmuch as ther is no true Hope but only the which is groūded vpō god therfore like as by him alone we must cōfesse that we haue al good things whatsoeuer we possesse to him alone we ought to render all thāks so also in him alone we ought to hope And this bicause al those things that can be desired in any persō to the intent that in the same person all our hopes ought of vs to be placed are founde in God Inasmuch as God is omnipotent most wise most rich most liberall most good of infinite charitie and most méeke And although he be righteous and we continually offende him yet notwithstanding he is in Christ and thorough Christe pacified and that in such sorte that although we haue cause to feare yet we may hope that he chastiseth vs as a Father we haue not therefore any cause to feare that he forsaketh or condempneth vs but alwayes to trust that we shall be saued and that all that which he worketh with vs is for his greater glorie and our felicitie He striketh vs vppon the handes with his rodde to the intent that we may leaue these wordly thinges and so may be constrayned to tourne vs vnto him and to taste of the great deintinesse of his loue He plucketh vs back sometimes with his benefites mouinge his creatures agaynst vs to the ende that we maye so much the more stricktly embrace him yea he suffereth vs oftentimes to fall bicause that the better knowing our owne infirmitie and his goodnesse we may depend alwayes vppon him Besides all this God from euerlasting hath determined in time promised to saue vs and not with this condition if we shall do good woorks but by béeing sure of our saluation and to the intent that it shoulde not depend in any wise vppon vs and that he may bée stéedefast in his wordes and firme in his promises he hath made an vnchaungeable determination to saue vs absolutely which trust in him although we haue bene contrary vnto him he hath vtterly purposed to chaūge our wills to giue vs a newe heart to make vs walke thorough his pathes to cause vs to obserue his preceptes to make vs doe good woorkes and to saue vs. And moreouer to haue of vs such a most singuler care that all things that we shall doe and that shall happen vnto vs shall serue to our saluation Hée hath also not onely promised vs all the foresayd things and that absolutely as it is euident in diuerse places of the holy Scriptures but already in Christ and thorough Christ hath obserued the same as may be séene in so many Saints as haue bene saued Séeing that we haue experience which is such a Mistres that maketh vs sée playnly the truth with making vs in the ende to féele the same If a Prince besides his abilitie that thou knowest certeynly he is a good man knoweth howe and will helpe thée asmuch as he can that he is determined to take thée for his sonne and hath promised thée so that he hath also bestowed vpon thée many benefites and still dayly doth in the ende for thy benifite he offered his owne sonne to dye in such a case wouldst thou not trust him yes truely And if any should perswade thée to distrust the sayd Prince by and by thou wouldst say and why I haue tryed his goodnesse so many times and in suche sort that I ought not nor can doubt of him any more Now we ought much more to doe and saye the same of God in as much as his loue is greater then all the loue of men his wordes more stéedfast his promises more firme and his benefites greater continuall more durable If God should but onely the twinklinge of an eye leaue off to preserue vs and to do vs good we should sodainly come to naught And what néede I speak any more we trye by a thousand wayes and continually his goodnesse and shall we doubte thereoff But it happeneth vnto vs I will not say as vnto Ionas but much worse bicause that although Ionas when he was on the earth felt not the goodnesse of God and therefore was disobedient vnto him it séemed vnto him that the earth not god susteyned him
is false which say that we be not bound to loue God alwayes and in lyke sort may be séene that they be very intricate in willing to determine and appoint the time in which we be as they say bound to loue him This their opinion is nothing els but an imagination of theirs without any foundation of the holy Scriptures a thing inuented to this end that I will tell you The Papists béeing desirous to holde against the truth that men may be iustified saued thorough their own works by obseruing the cōmaundements of God séeing that there is none that loueth God continually with all his heart with deprauing expresly gainesaying the holy Scriptures they be forced to perswade men that for obseruing the first and chiefest commaundement of the lawe it is sufficient that at the least the twinkling of an eye vppon the sabboth daye we haue in vs some act of loue towardes God with exalting him aboue al other things and that this thorough our most and mightie frée will is alwayes in our power It is our duetie to beséech the Lorde that he would heale and deliuer them from all such prensies with giuing them the light of the truth to the intent that together with other the elect they may render vnto God all prayse honour and glory thorough Iesus Christ our Lord Amen ¶ If it be in our power to loue God when and how much we list Sermon 6. LIKE as if an Eagle were without wings bound vpon the grounde wounded and dead it could not stirre it selfe not flye vp into the ayre and if yet it coulde flye it coulde not direct the flight vp to the Sunne and if it could thether direct the course yet it coulde not flye aboue it selfe euen so the soule thorough the sinne of Adam béeinge without the winges of Christian vertues bound vpon the earth with carnall affections thorough sin wounded and killed cannot moue it selfe be eleuated nor flye with loue on high and although it could be eleuated aboue the creatures it could not in any wise be directed vnto God and if it could be directed thether yet it could not with the winges of loue flye aboue it selfe so that it shoulde loue God more then it selfe Peraduenture thou wylt saye that this is true if we speake of our naturall and sensuall loue with which we can loue none but our selues and the thinges that be for our profite commoditie delyght and honour Wherefore with this loue we doe not loue God but for our owne gayne and inasmuch as he bestoweth benefits vpon vs which in truth is no louing of God but of our selues but if we would speak of loue procured by wil now with this we might with out any other grace loue God aboue all creatures and more then our selues and the reason is this There is none so wicked a person that without other grace doth not acknowledge and confesse that he is bounde to loue God aboue all things wherefore if he cannot loue God more then himselfe and all creatures as his vnderstanding doth shew and declare vnto him his will shall not be frée and moreouer he shall be naturally wicked seing that it could not obey the vnderstanding I aunswere say that as Paule did write we are by nature the children of wrath wherefore wicked and the seruaunts of sinne not therfore so created of God by nature but by nature corrupted in Adam wherefore with out diuine grace we cannot haue lybertie of power to loue God aboue al other things and lykewise it is true that our will by nature in Adam corrupted is alwayes mischieuous and a seruaunt of sinne vntill that thorough Christ it be made frée Peraduenture thou wilt say if that a valiant Citizen doth hazard his owne life for his country with out any other grace or light supernaturall yea and the hand doth offer it selfe for the sauegard of the head as is oftentimes séene by experience and thereby if a politike man without any other grace can loue his country more then himselfe and likewise also the hande doth manye times loue the head better then it selfe we haue cause to thinke and beléeue that our wil may so much more then the foresayd things loue God more then it selfe as that God is more greater then the head or the countrey Vnto this also I aunswere and say that a valiant Citizen doth hazard his life many times for glory which hée loueth more then his own life or it is true that he foreséeing that loosing his countrey he should loose all that he hath therefore he adiudgeth it be lesse hurte in such a case to spende his life Some other be moued to take armour vppon them for the profites sake which they hope to obtaine or els for the losse which they feare will happen All this then that a polytike man doth as one that is carnall is onely for himselfe and for his owne proper gaine And likewise also a man when he offereth his hande contrarye to the proper inclination to receiue a wound for the safegard of the head doth it bicause hée loueth himselfe and séeth that it would be smaller hurt lesse daunger if he suffer his hande to be hurt then if he suffer his head It is alwayes then selfe-loue which causeth vs to doe anye thing when wée bee with-out diuine grace And albeit that God alone in truth is good and includeth in him al vertues being al goodnesse wherefore not onely we ought to loue him aboue all other things but in him alone we ought to stay our loue notwithstanding thorough the sinne of our first parents we be so blinde féeble mischieuous and miserable that without his grace and light supernaturall not only we cannot set our whole loue vpon him no nor yet loue him aboue all other things Thou wilt say I proue yet that although I be wicked and without diuine grace I haue notwithstanding a certeine desire to loue him aboue all other things and forasmuch as this desire is nothing els but loue therefore it maye loue him aboue all creatures wtout any other grace Vnto this I say that if thou shalt go forward séeking diligently thou shalt finde that this desire which thou hast to loue him is none other but for thine owne lucre If thou be carnall thou doest not desire to loue him for his glory but for thine owne felitie and this is not to loue God but thy selfe And if thou wouldest say I desire that all my will loue desire may be most entire and sincere I aunswere likewise and say that this thy desire also if thou be carnall is onely for regard of thy selfe wherefore thou louest none but thy selfe Whilest therefore we be carnall and that self-loue doth raigne in vs not onely we cannot loue God aboue all things but we cannot in truth loue him but for our owne gaine the which is not to loue him but our selues Thou wilt say it is sufficiēt that diuine
Wherefore Christ wondering at the great charitie of the father sayd So god loued the world that he gaue his only begotten son for it And in an other place speaking of himself he sayd None hath any greater loue then to spend his lyfe for his friends Wherfore S. Iohn said In this we haue knowen the loue God for that he hath spent his own life for our sakes Man knoweth not neither can he imagine the God could shew any greater loue then that which he hath shewed with giuing vs his own son vpon the Crosse There be also some which say that the greatest signe of loue which God hath shewed vs hath ben in giuing vs his spirit forasmuch as although god had created vs and bestowed innumerable benefits vpō vs with giuing vs also Christ vpon the crosse we shold in no wise haue ben holpē if god with his spirt had not opened our mindes made vs féele in déede his great goodnes loue Other say that God shal then shew greater loue thē at any other time when at the day of iudgement he raysing vs again glorious both in respect of our soules also of our bodyes deliuering vs frō al euil of this present life of the life to come shal set vs in quiet restful peaceable possessiō of heauen of the most high perpetuall felycitie with making vs alwaies to inioy vse the most pleasāt fruits of the passion death of Christ of his diuine grace And I iudge that the greatest loue which God hath shewed vnto vs hath ben in purposing frō all eternitie in his diuine minde to saue vs with his most perfect felicitie high triumph of Christ and his most great glory forasmuch as this benefit includeth in it all other the which do depend on it alone Inasmuch as forbicause he determined to saue vs with our most high glory therfore he created vs so noble after his owne likenes capable of him the world for to serue vs for this cause he suffereth sin to this ende he chastiseth vs calleth vs biddeth vs tarrieth for vs dissimuleth himselfe tollerateth vs bestoweth innumerable benefits vpō vs for this cause he sent the Patriarches gaue a law by Moses sent the Prophets lastly his own son for this cause he appointed that they should preach worke myracles do all that which they did for this cause he sent Christ the lastly he should dye vpon the crosse And likewise bicause he had elected vs to most perfect felicytie therfore Christ arose againe ascended into heauen sent the holy ghost like as he sendeth it inuisibly alwayes vpō his elect And likewise also for bicause he hath predestinated vs to the glory therefore he sending Christ to iudge the quicke the dead we shal be by him thorough Christ takē vp to a most high perpetuall felicitie God therefore louing vs with an infinit loue hauing shewed his loue in so great excéeding meanes let vs besech him that he would giue vs a spiritual tast féeling of him to the intent that thorough Christ we may render vnto him all honour and glory Amen How Christ vpon the crosse draweth euery thing vnto him Sermon 9. HE that will duely beholde Christ vpon the crosse shal sée that with a most earnest violence by all meanes possible he draweth all things vnto him First for that words especially whē they be pronounced which eloquēce order pithy proprietie be most effectual to moue mens hearts to draw thē vnto it as hath ben is séene cōtinually in oratours wherfore Christ vpon the chaire of the crosse was not dumb yea he spake words that would moue draw vnto him any hardned faithles obstinate hart And although Christ had in his life time spoken and his words wer altogther diuine notwtstāding those words which he pronounced vpon the crosse wer of so much force aboue al other so much more effectual violent as that being the last pronounced by the son of God when alredy néere vnto death he was in great torments they are ful of exceding wisdom swetnes pitie goodnes righteousnes charity as euery one proueth which with the spirit doth tast them The iestures also doe helpe when they be fitly applyed vnto the wordes to moue greatly wherfore when a mother would haue hir young sonne come vnto hir she doth not onely call him but also proueth him the more with beckening hir head and with opening hir armes The which Christ also did for to drawe vs vnto him forasmuch as he stretched out his armes vpon the crosse as if he would say beholde that I open and offer my selfe vnto all men ready and prepared to receiue and imbrace euery sinner which by my meane doth thirst for his saluation Or if thou haddest seene with what how great firy teares burning sighes and excéeding loue he lifted vp his eyes to heauen to pray for vs with what sweete pitie he debased himselfe and behelde those which hadde nayled him on the crosse and others who were present if thy heart were a thousand times harder then an Adamant stone thou shouldest in any wise haue bene constrayned that it should not onely be mollyfied made féeble and pleasaunt but moulten chiefly séeing that for thy loue bloud guished out from euery part of him And if the wisdome of Salomon could worke so much in the Queene of Sabba that with causing hir to leaue hir rich and delicate kingdom drewe hir from so farre a country to trauaile euen to his presence for to heare him the wisedome of Christ excéedingly shewed vpon the Crosse ought so much the more effectuallly drawe vs from the world vnto him as that his is the greater without proportion Wherefore also in Christ vpon the Crosse are fulfilled al the Prophets are verified al the Scriptures all shadowes and figures are made manifest and all the treasures of the wisdome and knowledge of GOD are opened wherefore as the most high perfect open and manifest truth he draweth our mindes to beholde it in him And lykewise also for that lybertie especially of riches is most effectual in alluring chiefly the poore and such as be in necessitie therefore Christ for to draw vs vnto him vsed towardes vs vpon the crosse a most hygh and excéeding liberalitie forasmuch as by meere grace he not onely deliuered vs from sinne from the power of the diuell and from all euill of this present life and of the lyfe to come with making satisfaction for all our bonds but also moreouer giueth vs all his diuine treasures heauen and himselfe Yea he draweth vs to hym euen with his righteousnesse inasmuch as we be drawen and moued to haue compassion on him seeing that in him although he be most innocent the Father with most rigorous iustice punisheth all our sinnes Notwythstandinge albeit vppon the crosse he stirreth vs vp with wordes prouoketh vs with his déedes and diuine iestures calleth vs
Heb. 11. whereon dependeth Faith Hope Charitie and all other Christian vertues I say that Faith according to the iudgement of Saint Paul is a substance that is a certeine substanciall and sure possession of things promised which are hoped for and an euidence of things inuisible which cannot of vs be comprehnded except we be exalted vp aboue all that which our blinde and humaine reason can doe Therefore Faith is not as many doe thinke a certeine obscure lyght of God and a certeine triflyng and friuolous opinion but it is an euident lyght a certeintie and assuraunce of the minde and a cléere shining which being thy guyde thou séest that God is so mightie wise and good that he can that he knoweth how and that hée will saue thée Therefore with a sure and stedfast confidence thou dost trust in him repose and cast thy selfe wholly vppon him Faith is a cleare and effectuall perswasion wrought not in the bodilye eares but in the eares of the heart not by men but by the holy Ghost where-by we are made certeine and sure to bée the sonnes of God It is a firme Rom. 8. constant and perseuering trust in the bountifulnesse of God It is not an agréement brought to passe by humane reason but a certaintie more cleare loftie and high then all other things of this present lyfe It is a lyght which lifteth vp and rauisheth aboue all sensible things and beyond that any man is able to make discourse to comprehende the breadthe lengthe Ephes 3. height and depth of those things which are to vs incomprehensible with naturall eyes It is a heauenly Ladder with which men ascende to the knowledge of the truth supernaturall where-vnto no man can attaine with the Ladder of humaine reason It is a cleare eye of the minde where-with pearcing thorough the Heauens we doe see the deuine secretes of God Act. 5. It is a quickening cléere and fierye lyght which purgeth our heartes and delyuereth vs from the darke and inextricable Laborynthes of the vayne shadowes of this worlde by which we guyde our blynde reason and are lyfted vp to an high estate so that by the tasting of heauenly things we dispise humaine things It is a spirituall wedding and matrimony betwéene Christ and the Soule which béeing our Mediatour the soule is vnyted and transformed in Christ in such perfecte manner that all that which it hath becommeth to be of Christ and so Christ with all his vertues treasures and graces become to be of the soule It is a lyght so cleare and high that darkening others it maketh vs sée riches in pouertie glorye in confusion safetie in daunger peace in persecution rest in trauayle felicitie in miserye and lyfe in death He that beléeueth hath a spirituall tasting of God by meanes whereoff he feeleth his diuine goodnesse in such sorte that it bréedeth in him a feruent desire to honour GOD and séeing that wée can-not speake of him in such manner as we ought and as is conuenient for him we desire at least with our owne bloud to testifie vnto the world how great the goodnesse of God is Faith maketh vs conceiue Christ spiritually and by force of the spirite to be borne againe with lyfting vs vp vnto God Rom. 4. Rom. 5. Iacob 1. 1. Pet. 1. Rom. 5. Abac. 2. 1. Pet. 1. 2. Cor. 1. Ephe. 6. 1. Ioan. 3 Ioan. 1. Ioan. 17. Mat. 16. Gen. 4. Gen 6. Gen. 21. Luc. 1. Luc. 2. 1. Ioan. 3 Gal. 5. it maketh vs put of the old Adam and his concupiscences and to put on Christ with his vertues and to become of vngodly iust temples of God and his children brothers and members of Christ Faith iustifieth pacifieth the minde and conscience maketh mery causeth to reioice in such sort that we glory euen in shame This is such that it renueth vs regenerateth vs quickeneth maketh noble enricheth saueth sanctifieth preserueth defendeth obteineth that which it demaundeth Faith knitteth vs to God maketh vs his heires and children the brothers of Christ and his members yea it maketh vs deuine happy Faith is that which in Abel made him offer sacrifices acceptable to God in Noe caused him to frame the Arke for the sauegard of the world made Sara to conceiue that Abraham offered his owne sonne to God caused Moises to worke so manye wonders in Aegypt and in the Wildernes Faith made the Prophets to speak loosed the tongue of Zacharias and saued men in daungers made Simeon not to feare death also made Paul to wish for it This in the Saints caused them ouercomming the worlde that they haue wrought wonderfull things thorough loue But what néede I speak any more Faith is a vertue so noble excellent and worthy that how much the more a man consider of it so much more will it discouer the perfection therefore he which hath tasted it will neuer be satisfied with speaking in prayse thereoff Wheras those which neuer haue felt nor tryed it in thēselues can as much speake theroff as one that is blinde can discerne of colours Cor. 2. yea if those speake of it as those which be carnall and brutish they doe not vnderstand it nor know the excellencie there-off Therefore they doe not onely peruert good workes whereoff this is the true mother but they persecute it with speaches which idle and lycentious persons do vse But let vs pray vnto the Lord that he would delyuer them from those most thicke and palpable darkenesse that hauing the true and liuely light of God they may yéeld him all praise honor glory through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Of the lyght of Faith Sermon 3. THere be many which haue neuer experienced in themselues to haue anye other but a purchased faith the which bicause it is bleare-eyed and blinde from the truth supernaturall and reuealed and therefore they thinke that the lyght of Faith is small and inferiour to the light of humane and natural reason and moreouer to the light of the Sunne and kindeled as of a litle candle so that according to their fantasie not onely the vnderstanding doth sée better the truth of the first naturall principles of things which bée of themselues euident and with reason made manifest but also that corporall eyes doe better sée those things which are layed before them then we do sée according to their opinion the things supernaturall with the light of Faith It should of necessitie be therefore as they doe iudge that Faith is alwayes suspitious and doubtful neuer cléere certaine euident séeing that the light is so imperfect But they would not say so if they had proued to haue that Faith inspired into them which is supernaturall diuine full of lyght and cléere which doubteth not but is sure certaine and firme And of this therefore the light is so great that it ouercommeth all other lights in this present life Neither is any other lyght greater then this sauing the light of the blessed And that this