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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B21542 A musick-lector, or, The art of musick (that is so much vindicated in Christendome) discoursed of by way of dialogue between three men of several judgments the one a musician and master of that art, and zealous for the Church of England ..., the other a Baptist ..., the other a Quaker (so called) ... / written by Solomon Eccles. Eccles, Solomon, 1618-1683. 1667 (1667) Wing E129 22,469 30

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for the Lake I think you are for the Lake more likely But prethee Friend let me ask thee one Question more Qua. Speak on Mu. Doth not the Scripture say I will have mercy and not sacrifice Qua. Yea and it is a precious saying happy are they that can receive it and understand what it means Mu. Then truly if I had been your Counsellour you should never have burnt your Books nor brake and burnt your Instruments for if you could not for conscience sake have followed this Calling then I should have advised you to sell them and to have given the money to the Poor How say you Sir had not that been better Bap. Yes truly in my judgement it had for then some body would have been the better for it Qu. To obey the Lord. is better than to give all my goods to the poor and my body to be burned yet to let thee know the Truth of this thing when I came to be convinced of this everlasting truth I saw my Calling would not stand before it I went but not in the Counsel of the Lord and sold most of my Instruments howbeit that would not cover me for the Lord met with me and as I was learning to sew for I had formerly some insight of a Tailors Trade but I was too high to bow to it till the Truth came and that is of power to make the strong man bow and I sitting alone with my mind turned in the Voice of the Lord said Go thy way and buy those Instruments again thou lately soldest and carry them and the rest thou hast in thy house to Tower Hill and burn them there as a Testimony against that Calling So I obeyed the Lord and bought them again and carried them and all I had in my house to Tower Hill and burnt them there according to the uprightness of my heart before the Lord which Books and Instruments did amount to more than four and twenty pound and I had great peace Glory be to God for ever Amen Mu. But might it not be a delusion and false motion were you never sorry for what you have done in this thing Qu. Yes I was very sorry that when I had brought them to Tower Hill and had begun to set them on fire and when the fire flamed upon them the rude multitude would not suffer me to burn them but put the fire out so I was forced to stamp upon them and break them to pieces for I did it with much indignation though my Father and Grandfather and Great-grandfather were Mufitians yet he that was before sin was taught me to do as I did but I was sorry that I could not be avenged on them as I would but the Lord did accept of it and I had great peace And if at this time I had as many as would amount to a thousand pound of Instruments and Books for that purpose to the fire they should all go for the same indignation is with me still against that practice as against lying and stealing and committing adultery yet there is something in Musick but there is a difference between the Harps of God and the Harps of Men as there is a difference between the Natural man and the Spiritual 1 Cor. 2. 14. Mu. Well but my Friend I must tell you what the Judgement of wise men hath been in this your perverse proceedings for you were then distracted sure enough and it was a very great delusion of the enemy to perswade you from so good a Calling and this they say further That if the truth were known you have been sufficiently sorry for it since and some do verily believe that you will be glad to follow it again if you can but get an opportunity and truly as my old acquaintance I could wish that you would follow it again with all my heart What say you Sir Qu. God forbid that ever such a motion should enter my heart it never did nor never shall What go back and build again the things I have destroyed I have had opportunity sufficient to go back again into Egypt But to answer the thing thou spakest that if the truth were known some say that I have been sufficiently sorry Well both thou and they shall know the truth in this thing Indeed I was sorry at my very heart and to this hour it troubles me That ever I should spend so much of my pretious time so idely in such a cursed practice Acts 11. 17. Mu. But was not David a man after Gods own heart and he played before the Lord and danced before the Ark. And in Solomons day there was Musick in the Temple Qu. What hast thou to do with David or with Solomon or the Temple Where are your Burnt-offerings and Sacrifices you that plead for your Musick Dancing and instance David Solomon Ye filthy hypocrites would you have David and Solomon and the Temple to cover you Behold Nebuchadnezzar that old Idolater who ordained That at the sound of the Cornet Sackbut Dulcimer and all his gang of Fidlers men must bow to his Idol And for this thousand years his Brother the Pope hath set up Mass-houses and Musick and Organs and Bells and Queristers in Idol Temples For Pauls Church was called The Temple of Diana And Peters Church at Westminster The Temple of Apollo And in Rome they had the great God Jupiter and in Florence The Temple of Mars And in other places to other Idols Now Jupiter Mars Apollo and Diana were unclean Spirits and filthy Devils See Bishop Jewel of Salisbury in his Treatise of the holy Scriptures Pag. 30. And in Englands Idol Temples they sing Davids Lamentations but never follow his Practice Psal 6. Prov. 14. 9. Dan. 3. 15. Mu. Truly me thinks when I go to Church and hear the Organs and Voyces and the Discords and Concords I am even ravished to hear and I can praise the Lord with them and t is to me as the joys of Heaven Qu. That Heaven will be shaken and thy Song will be turned into howling for such Musick and Singing was never set up of God but of men and it takes with that part in man that serves not God aright but is for wrath and judgement Hos 12. 26. 1 Cor. 2. 24. Mu. Marry God forbid Friend be advised what you say and take heed for our most learned Divines and reverend Fathers in God that we have in England do highly approve of Musick Qu. T is never the better for that nor they are never the better for being called of men Divines and Reverend Fathers in God when they Persecute the Saints God is highly displeased with them and will give them blood to drink But what effects hath Musick brought forth that men so highly esteem it What fruit did Nebuchadnezzars Musick bring forth in his day was it not to murder But the three servants of the Lord would not bow to his Image at the sound of his Pipes and his Fiddles though others did
thou and learn of that Woman and go sweep the house and light the Candle that thou mayest find the lost Groat or Pearl Christ Jesus in thy heart and be not faithless but believe This is in love to you Baptists who are loytering away your precious time for that which never did nor can make perfect Acts 1. 11. Luke 15. 9. Bap. Perfect Why it is a very great question to me whether ever any man was perfect in this Life saving Christ himself nay or ever can be 'T is true indeed you Quakers do hold such Tenets but I do not believe it therefore prove it me by Scripture if you can from Genesis to the end of the Revelations See I have given thee the whole Bible to prove it but you Quakers deny the Scripture Qu. Thou hast given me Scripture room sufficient that 's true but to say the Quakers deny the Scripture in that thou beliest the Innocent Job 4. 7. Bap. Well I have given you Scripture-room enough but I believe you cannot do it for I have searched the Scriptures as well as any of you Qua. But thou mayest erre not knowing the Scriptures nor yet the Power of God Noah was a Just man and Perfect in his Generation Gen. 6. 9. Here was a Just and Perfect man approved of God himself And again God gave testimony of Enoch That he pleased God for he walked with God and was not for God took him and before his translation he had this testimony That he pleased God Gen. 5. 24. Heb. 11. 5. And again the Lord justified Abraham after he had said unto him Walk before me and be thou perfect and Abraham did so for God bore testimony of him and said Abraham obeyed my Voice and kept my Charge my Commandments my Statutes and my Laws Gen. 26. 5. Yea verily and Abraham was called The Friend of God And again God bore testimony of Job That he was a perfect man that did fear God and eschewed evil Job 1. Now Friend Here are four men whom God bore witness off What hast thou against them And David was a man after Gods own heart and God bore witness of him that he failed in nothing saving in the matter of Uriah the Hittite 1 Kings 15. 5. And who did ever go beyond him in his repentance Yet after this he did witness a perfect state For said he God is my strength he maketh my way perfect 2 Sam. 22. 33. And again I will walk within my house with a perfect heart Psal 101. 2. And King Hezekiah said Lord remember now I beseech thee how I have walked before thee in Truth and with a perfect heart Isa 38. 3. And saith David Mark the Perfect man behold the Vpright the End of that man is Peace Psal 37. 37. And again The Lord hath not seen Iniquity in Jacob nor Perversness in Israel as thou mayest read Numb 23. 21. And again They that are in Christ Jesus are New Creatures I in them and they in me perfect in one John 17. And Be you Perfect as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect Mat. 5. And saith the Apostle We speak wisdom to them that are Perfect 1 Cor. 2. 6. 2 Cor. 2. 11. Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect Rom. 8. And saith Paul That we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus Col. 1. 28. Ephes 4. 12. Col. 4. 12. 1 Thes 3. 10. 2 Thes 3. 17. Heb. 7. 19. Heb. 10. 14. Heb. 12. 23. Heb. 13. 21. Jam. 2. 22. Jam. 3. 2. 1 Pet. 5. 10. 1 John 4. 18. Rev. 14. 5. Mu. Truly Friend Baptist we are all out of the way we have spoke too much by hearsay of them that they do deny the Scriptures I would you had not said so But I see the poor Quakers put up much wrong for we have had very hard thoughts of them and they have been derided and mocked and hated of many insomuch that they have been punished to death many of them but for my part I shall be silent hereafter for I see they have been misrepresented And although we have said No man can be Perfect in this Life yet who is able to withstand these sound Scriptures and I have heard many say That a man may come to be as wicked as the Devil himself but t●uly I do believe that God is above the Devil yet I do not excuse my self for I am a grievous sinner and never look to come to such a state as to be Perfect in this Life Bap. Why no. For the righteousest man that is sins seven times a day Yea John himself said he was a sinner or else he would not have said We for the word we implies himself as well as they But if we say we have no sin we deceive our selves and the truth is not in us Qu. Do not bely the Scripture nor the Spirit that gave it forth for holy men wrote as they were moved by the Holy Ghost and it no where saith That the righteousest man that is sins seven times a day But Stand in awe and sin not And as for John he was a holy man a Divine and could not sin but he wrote to Children first that they might have fellowship with them who were Apostles But they being Children had not fellowship with them who had fellowship with the Father and with the Son Jesus Christ because they were subject to sin And besides Children are apt to sin and to think themselves better than they are which made the Apostle say this If we say we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lye and do not the truth Mark For this I do affirm That if John had said he had been a sinner he had lyed for no sinner hath fellowship with God For He that commits sin is of the Devil and God hath no fellowship with Devils But he that is born of God doth not commit sin And John was born of God as he said though he came to his own yet his own received him not but to as many as received him to them gave he power to become the Sons of God and John did receive him who were born mark not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God Yet the Apostle did use a condescending word to the Children in saying We. But let all men take heed how they call that common which God hath cleansed Yet this I say in the truth of God That if any shall say they have no sin when Gods Witness in them doth condemn them for sin they then make God a lyar and we are all sensible that God will not clear the guilty But if we confess our s●ns he is just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness And again If we shall say that we have not sinned we lye and do not the truth But he that is born of God sinneth not for his s●ed remaineth in him and he cannot