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A84126 A Bermudas preacher proved a persecutor being a just tryal of Sampson Bond's book, entituled, A publick tryal of the Quakers, &c. : Fraught with fallacies, false doctrine, slanders, railings, aspersions, perversions, and other abuses herein detected, disproved and wiped off. : And that the True Christ is owned by the people called Quakers, plainly made manifest. Estlake, Francis.; Bond, Samson. Publick tryal of the Quakers in Barmudas upon the first day of May, 1678. 1683 (1683) Wing E3354; ESTC R225052 130,172 133

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World and upholds it by the same Word of Power who after he had purged our sins said the Apostle sat down on the Right Hand of the Majesty on High Ephes 4.6 And this is he who fills all things and is above all and in us all So all those that desire to know their Sin purged must know Christ not at a distance only but nigh even dwelling in them else they are Reprobates which all the obedient in Heart do Witness according to his promise If a Man love me he will keep my Words and my Father will love him and we will come unto him and make our abode with him So he that believeth in Christ at a distance only never knows a fulfilling of Christs Words in them who said He and his Father would make their abode with them For it was revealed by the Holy Ghost to Old Simeon before he had seen the Lords Christ and Simeon came by the Spirit into the Temple c. And the Angel of the Lord told Ioseph that which was conceived in Ma●y is of the Holy Ghost Now Simeon by the Spirit and Holy Ghost did see the Lords Christ which was conceived by the Holy Ghost who was revealed to him by the Holy Ghost So this was a Spiritual Sight not Natural For the Natural Man receives not the things of God they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them b●cause they are Spiritually discerned Mat. 1.20 Luke 2.26 27. 1 Cor. 2.14 And the Angel said to Mary that Holy Thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God And doth not Christ say That none knowes the Father nor the Son but by Revelation 3. S. B. saith farther we make the Angels Lyars who said he bore witness only to the Body or Man Luke 2.11 To which I Answer I deny that the Angels there do bear Witness meerly to the Body for in their Testimony they testifie to this Saviour as a King For unto you is Born said they in the City of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord. Which Word Christ relates to his Kingly Power which was Spiritual as he saith My Kingdom is not of this World And the Testimony or Message the Angel brought to Mary as concerning the Son of God who was now coming to be made manifest in the Flesh said He should Reign forever and his Kingdom should have no End Luke 1.33 For the Angel said Behold a Virgin shall be with Child and shall bring forth a Son and they shall call his Name Emanuel which being Interpreted is God with us So here you may see that the Angels bore Witness more then only to the Body or Man Mat. 1.23 as Sampson Bond doth assert which he has not proved So Mary believed God and did not ascribe the Work of Salvation to him meerly as Man but to God saying My Spirit hath rejoyced in God my Saviour Vers 47. I would not have any one to think because I plead so much for the Spirit that I deny the Body of Christ but do own it in all points as the Scripture doth declare of it and so give the Honour due unto it Though I cannot believe the things declared by S. B. in his Nonscriptural expressions The last thing which is the Apostles Testimony of Christ I have sufficiently spoke to already and so shall wave it here So People may see how far short of his promise he came in proving his Three Accusations with the greatest clearness from the Holy Scripture so hath little cause to boast or glory of his Victory for the Truth stands over his Head and will do for ever The Third and last Accusation is That the prime Principles of a Quaker is the same that was held and professed by the Beasts which Paul fought with at Ephesus And to prove this he first doth endeavour to prove that those Beasts did deny the Resurrection and said so do we I answer The first was never truly proved and the second is absolutely false his Scripture to prove the first 1 Cor. 15.32 where the Apostle saith If after the manner of Men I have fought with Beasts at Ephesus what doth it avail if the Dead rise not Doth this at all argue that this was the Ephesians profest Principles or doth it not rather argue that the Saints loses their reward for all their labour if the Dead rise not as he saith in the 19th Vers If in this Life only we have hope in Christ we are of all Men most Miserable So that he hath fallen short of his proof and so his Accusation is truly overthrown But inasmuch as he did go on to charge the thing upon us viz That we do deny the Resurrection I do here testifie that it is none of our Principles to deny the Resurrertion for we own it as the Apostles own'd it Not the same Body not a Corruptible Body not a Natural Body a Natural Body hath Flesh Blood and Bones but a Spiritual Body as the Apostle saith And a Spirit hath not Flesh and Bones said Christ which before he can prove he must be fain to get new Scripture for the Old will maintain no such Doctrines So though he did stop and hinder me that time by his Mocks and Scoffs and deriding Speeches and clamorous Noise altogether unlike a Preacher of the Everlasting Gospel as he saith in his Paper be is yet now through mercy I trust as the Truth will stand over your Heads so I shall be clear of your Blood whether you will hear or forbear I am a Friend to the Seed and a Lover of your Souls The 11th of the 3d Month 1678. Francis Estlacke Some few Lines briefly Answering some Part of SAMPSON BOND 's Book Entituled The Quakers in BERMUDAS Tryed c. THat part in his Book which I find my self chiefly concerned to make Answer to is where he makes mention of my Name viz. William Wilkinson As for my part I do not know that I should have set Pen to Paper to have made him any Answer had he laid down the Matter concerning me every way Fairly and truly without Abusing me or the Truth but I finding in several places of his Book Words printed that I cannot own to be Truth besides his reviling Speeches which he hath cast at me As Prater a Baffling Quaker and one that never had the Spirit of God in me All which things in the sense he brings them if true were a great Reproach But I knowing it is too hard a thing for him to prove or plainly to make appear do find my self justly concerned to make some reply or answers both to these and several other things for the vindicating of the Truth and my self also from him whom I find in his Book hath very much strove to make his own case appear strong and ours weak c. But according to that saying in Prov. 18.17 He that is first in his own cause seemeth just but his Neighbour cometh and searcheth
perish but he that hath the true living hope in him which the Apostle speaks of in John 2.3 purifieth himself even as he is pure And again Rom. 8.11 If the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the Dead dwell in you he shall also quicken your Mortal Bodies Many other places of Scripture might be brought tending to the proof of what I have before asserted but these I judge might be sufficient The last thing I find my self concerned with him in his Book is in Page 69. Where he saith I called on him to make good the third part of the Charge viz That the prime Principles of a Quaker are the same which were held and professed by the Beasts that Paul fought with at Ephesus This I own indeed that I did call upon him to make good or prove as in his paper sent to us he said he would do with the greatest plainness and clearness out of the Holy Scriptures a copy of which paper I have still by me these words to wit with the greatest plainness and clearness I find he has left out and saith in his Book from the Holy Scriptures I note it because there is a great deal of difference between proving a matter with the greatest plainness and clearnness out of Holy Scriptures and proving of it by his pretended Logical Arguments and Cousequences Because the one makes a thing perfectly appear as it is but the other as ill managed and misapplyed darkens Peoples minds as his Ergo's it is so or consequently it must be or may be so in which manner of proving a matter may be gross erring as I have already shewed where he said of me That I never had the Spirit of God in me His first Argument to prove that was thus formed Using the Apostles Words in the 1 John 5.8 where he saith There are three that bear witness in Earth the Spirit and the Water and the Blood and these three agree in me meaning himself But the Spirit that is in thee doth not agree with the Water of Baptism nor Blood of the Supper for thou hast renounced both the Sacraments ther●fore the Spirit of God is not in thee Why should the Spirit that is in me agree with such a Popish Phrase as Blood of the Supper any mo●e than with Sacrament of the Altar will this prove that I never had the Spirit of God in me or that the Spirit of God is not in me The like I never read in all the Scriptures of Truth that ever any of the true Ministers of Christ used thus to censure others on such occasion and terms But this was the way that this Man used to prove several of his charges against us But I minding this third Part of his Charge which was as beforemention'd That the prime Principles of a Q●ak r are the same which were held and professed by the Beasts Paul fought with at Ephesus And knowing it was too hard a thing for him to prove against all such as are call'd Quakers or any one as I know of I urged him to prove it if he could by plain Scripture but no such place of Scripture did he bring that could prove that charge for that the Principles of the People of God called Quak●rs and them Men called Beasts at Ephesus are far enough differing if they were Men the Apostle means as in point of Worship is well known to the Nation As in this particular that the People called Quakers do not Worship an Image an Idol God the Workmanship of Mans Hands which the Men at Ephesus called Beasts did as we may read in Acts 19.26 This Paul hath perswaded and turned away much People saying that they be not Gods which are made by Mens Hands and in Vers 27. So that not only our Craft is in danger to be set at nought but also that the Temple of the great Goddess Diana should be despised and her magnificence should be destroyed whom all Asia and the World Worshippeth and in the 28 Verse And when they heard these sayings they where full of Wrath and cryed out saying great is Diana of the Ephesians and in the 35 Vers Ye Men of Eph●sus what Man is there that knoweth not how that the City of the Ephesians is a Worshipper of the great Goddess Diana and of tht Image which fell from Jupiter But the Principles of the People called Quakers in point of Worship is to Worship the true God in Spirit and in Truth and such Worshippers Christ himself saith the Father seeketh And their prime Principle is Christ Jesus the Power of God the Light that inlightneth every Man that cometh into the World And what other erronious Principles them Beasts at Eph●sus held I know the People called Quakers disown sufficiently but what need have I to make that my business to search for them now this Man viz Sampson Bond having charged us so grosly and falsly as he hath and saying He would prove with the great●st in pl●in●●ss and clearness out of the Holy Scriptures it was his place if he could have done it to have brought forth the Scripture to have proved both the Principles of the one and the other and so have made them appear to be as one and the same as he in his Paper to us said he would But here I have answered that false Charge of his and made it appear by plain Scripture that their Principles or at least some of their P●incip●es was to Worship a visible Image And no such thing can be proved against he People called Quakers Now where does it appear that the Principles of the Beasts at Ephesus these being some of theirs and the P●inciples of the People called Quakers agree Surely the Principles of those called Beasts at Ephesus and the Principles of the People called Qua●ers are far enough from agreeing as one and the same But I find in his Book that he alleadges their Principles were First That the Body of Christ was not rais●d from the Dead Second●y That no Mans Body shall be rais●d from the Dead No● that these ●here the Princip●es of these Feasts that Paul fought with at Ephesus I do not find the Scripture plain for it But that their P●inciples were as I have bef●r●mentioned the Scripture is very plain clear for that if the Apostle speak figuratively But that it was part of the Apostles Testimony to preach unto People Jesus and the Resurrection I own and truly believe as may be plain●y seen both to the A●henians and Corinthians and it is like to many mo●e both Jews and Greeks and that it was strange Doctrine as we may read in Acts 17. It was to the Ath●nians to whom Paul preached at Mars-hill ●ut what is this to prove that it was the Principles of the Beasts that Paul fought with at Eph●sus or of the Q●●k●rs either This Man having given f●om under his Ha●d that he would prove his charge with the gre●test plai●n ss clearness from the Holy
Priest Bonds mad confusion and contradiction in Page 53. Priest Bonds bad words Wickedly equivocate Idol Light within Leger-demain a Bratt hatcht in their Addle-Brain Page 53. Idol Light within p. 55. Teach a denyal of Jesus of Nazareth Lyers and False-Witnesses Page 54. Enemies Liers such Liers Seducing Quakers Cursed Liers Horrid Blasphemers aim to make the Angels of Christ Liars Again They do in their meetings and aims make the Apostles of Christ Liers and False Witnesses of God c. the Idol-light within Page 57. Here the Reader may see Priest Bonds foul Language and his ravenous blasphemous spirit and lies against the Light within And the Quakers own Christ Jesus within and without as the Prophets and the Angels and the Apostles have declared him We do witness Christ both his Birth Death and his Resurrection and Ascension Again Priest Bond saith The Light that is in every man the Quakers rotten Principle by natural generation is not the true Christ Page 58. And Page 8. in contradiction to himself saith It s true that by Light in that place of Scripture viz. John 1. That was the true Light which enlightens every Man that comes into the World the true Christ and our only Saviour is meant And yet see how often over he calls the Light of Christ an Idol Light within and now a Rotten Principle and the False Christ the Devil But how doth Priest Bond prove Christ the Light which he confesses to be the only Saviour who enlightens every one that comes into the World to be a Rotten Principle and by natural generation and that he is not the true Christ who enlightens every wan that comes into the world And yet in Page 8. Priest Bond confesses That the true Light that enlightens every man that comes into the world the true Christ and our only Saviour is meant John 1. For the Quakers never said that this Light came by natural generation which Light enlightens every man that comes into the World which is the Life in Christ our Saviour More of Priest Bonds foul words Lunatick Crafty Knave Wedding-Cloaths faced with a dissembling madness Quakers have learned their ignorant Disciples to glory in their own flesh Blasphemous contempt upon the glorified manhood Page 59. These are Priest Bonds horrid Lies and madness And yet S. B. saith in Page 21. That F. E. the Quaker did believe that Jesus of Nazareth a man approved of God among the people whom the Jews slew and God raised from the dead and raised up into Heaven is the true Christ and only Saviour Yet in Page 59. thou saist the bold and open wickedness of W. H. who did reflect blasphemous contempt upon the glorious manhood c. in Heaven above Here dost not thou abuse the Quaker who said he did believe and confess that Christ suffered in the Flesh and was received up to Heaven as thou confessest Page 21. And Page 23. S. B. saith W. H. called S. B's Christ an outside Christ which W. H. denies But Priest Bond calls the true Christ which is revealed from Heaven in his People a Devil and the Light of Christ in his People an Idol therefore what Christ is it that S. B. owns but Antichrist Priest Bond goes on in his foul words Thou art blasphemous rude ye make it your profest Religion to derogate from the true humane substance of the Lord 's Christ ignorant seduced Quakers Page 60. These are Priest Bond 's Lies and his own Blasphemies As for the word Humane he hath not proved it by Scripture Again Priest Bond 's foul words With a Brazen Forehead and seared Conscience villifying the holy thing born of Mary called the Son of God And yet Bond confesses a little before That the Quakers own Christ Jesus born of that Mary both his death and resurrection c. And in Page 61. Open Deriders and Blasphemers contemners of him Christ false Glossers These are Priest Bonds foul words which Lies he may apply to his self Priest Bond saith Page 62. F.E. shutes this Bolt to wit That the Deity was within him and saith that the Deity is in Cats and Dogs as well as in F.E. which he hath not proved by Scripture P. Bond The Legerdemain of seducing Quakers baffling prating Quakers page 63. which foul words he had better applied to himself S. B. F. Eastlacke said 'T is Christ in you c. Priest Bond scoffingly ask'd him Whether Christ was in his Lye Legs Brains or Bowels An Idol light within Blasphemer the Quakers who glory in their own flesh bitter mocking sarcastical blasphemous scorning scoffing quaffing Quakers All this ungracious filthy Language proceeds from Priest Bonds Lying Poisonous Tongue Page 64. 65. S. B. Thou saist F. E. thou hast renounced both the Sacraments Still the Idol Light within Fanciful Principles invisible Sacraments Blasphemy thy dreadful cursed Apostacy Page 66 67. These are Priest Bonds Lies and foul expressions Page 68. They deny Jesus of Nazareth the only Saviour O thou poor sinner that art deluded Visible and Invisible hand-shaking of God Page 80. Stephen saw Christs humane body in Heaven above Priest Bond with all his Lies who saith that Scripture is his Rule hath not proved such a word as Humane in Scripture Neither doth the Apostle say that Stephen mentioned a Humane Body in Acts 7. But Stephen saw the Heavens open and Jesus standing at the right hand of God being full of the Holy-Ghost And the Quakers own Christ more than Priest Bond. Here are more of Priest Bonds railing words Bruitish Disputants Bruitish Principles Lude Fellows of the more bruitish sort Seducing Quakers These are more of Priest Bonds lies and filthy Language W.W. desired Priest Bond to shew him an express Scripture which saith that the Beasts which Paul fought with at Ephesus denyed the resurrection of the dead And Priest Bond makes a great rambling in three or four Pages and when he hath been beating the Air he brings no express Scripture Priest Bond saith That the Body shall be raised spiritual as Christs Body of flesh and bones after the resurrection were spiritual Page 72. And S. Bond saith in Page 69. Stephen saw Christs humane Body in Heaven above And doth not Priest Bond nick-name the Lord's Body and call it humane over and over in his Book And is humane spiritual As in Page 50. Humane Nature How doth he prove Christs Body Humane Nature And now confesses that Christs Body of flesh and bones after the resurrection was spiritual and yet humane and also confesses with W.B. the Quaker who speaks concerning the Resurrection It is sown a natural body it is raised a spiritua● body And S. B. doth confess in 1 Cor. 15. that the body shall be raised s●iritual So Priest Bond hath granted the Apostles and the Quakers Principles and yet Priest Bond makes a great noise to no purpose in three or four Pages and at last grants the thing as in Page 72 73. Priest Bond brings John 5. Christs saying who
for his Seed remains in him and he cannot Sin because he is born of God 1 John 3.9 Now let Priest Bond prove where ever the Apostle Preached such a Doctrine as in all true Believers there is a cursed Root of Bitterness mortified and not nullified in this World Death only makes the Conquest over Sin So we must understand we must have this cursed Root of Bitterness as long as the Believers live according to Priest Bond 's Doctrine though he has not proved it by Scripture and then how can they be kept blameless to the Day of the Lord as in page 85 Priest Bond saith 't is an erroneous Principle for the Quakers to say that the Scriptures are not the word of God in page 77. and page 87. he brings many Scriptures and makes a great pudder and abuses them to prove it but to no purpose his declarative word of God but he hath not proved such a word in Scripture all Scripture is given forth by Inspiration of God c. 1 Tim. 3. Therefore saith Priest Bond the Scriptures is the word of God but that Scripture doth not say so 2 Tim. 3. And in page 88. Priest Bond falls a Railing against Quakers and saith Is there any word asserted to be the word of Christ but the written word of Truth Doth not the Apostle say that the Word of Faith is nigh in the heart let the word of Christ dwell in you c. Being born again not of corruptible Seed but of Incorruptible by the word of God the word of God endures for ever and are these Writings of the Letter And Priest Bond saith page 88. The Lord hath no other will as a Rule of Obedience than his will revealed in the written Scriptures had the Lord no other will or Rule of Obedience before the Scripture was written Prove that by Scripture Priest Bond runs into Lies and foul words the Quakers worship cannot be accepted of God Quakers are under the power of Satan gross blind and ignorant the Cavil is idle and vain These Lyes Priest Bond may apply to himself but where doth the Scripture say of themselves in so many words as S. B. doth that the Scripiures are the infallible standing Rule of his Faith and Life and yet acts contrary to them for the Scripture saith The Holy-Ghost shall lead you into all Truth and no Man knows the things of God But the Spirit of God and Holy Men spake forth Scripture as they were moved by the holy Ghost And Priest Bond falls a railing against Quakers Spirit and calls it their Idol light within seducing Quakers is blind These filthy ungodly words he had better apply to himself Priest Bond saith Because the Spirit is antecedent to the Scriptures therefore none can walk in the Scriptures till they walk in the Spirit This consequence is lame saith Bond Page 90. Howbeit the Scriptures are before the Spirit in respect of aid and assistance The Apostle doth not say so in 1 Pet. 1. The Apostle tells you The natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness to him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned So it is the Spirit of God that brings people both to discern the Scriptures and to walk according to them which Spirit of God or Holy-Ghost was before they were written which moved the holy men to give them forth And Bond saith To the Law and the Testimony the Written Word he adds Written Word and yet he saith Scripture is his Rule And Bond saith When the Spirit of Truth is come it shall guide you into all truth of the Scriptures And yet he saith The Written Scriptures are the Infallible standing Rule of Faith and Life page 89. 91. And how can the Scriptures be the Rule and the Spirit of Truth must be the guide into all the truth of the Scriptures And again Priest Bond contradicts himself and saith He affirms that the matter contained in the Scriptures is the only infallible standing rule of Faith and Life Page 91. So then the Scriptures are not the only rule but that which is contained in them And what is that which is contained in them which is thy Rule seeing the Holy-Ghost was in them which moved them to speak them forth and in them that leads them into all the truth of them But Priest Bond is all the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelations thy Rule and all that is contained in them For the Scripture speaks of the Devils words and bad men's words as well as the good Priest Bond saith The People of God had no Word Written from Adam to Moses and yet they had a Word given from God to be the rule else their worship would have been like the Quakers Will-worship If Priest Bond have not the same Word and Holy-Ghost as they had he cannot Worship God in Spirit and Truth neither can he be born again of the incorruptible seed but by that Word which lives and abides and endures for ever And Will-worship is not the Quakers who worship God in Spirit and Truth but his own In Page 92. Priest Bond is full of railing against Quakers their Idol light within craftily thrown down the Scriptures this Plot cannot be from the Spirit of Christ blind rotten and wicked spirit your Light that false Christ within See how wickedly Bond torments himself and blasphemes against the true Christ and the Light in his people Priest Bond saith Where is that place of Scripture to be found which saith the Scriptures are to be tryed by the Spirit the Spirits are to be tryed by the Scripture and not the Scripture by the Spirit Then Priest Bond what Scripture had they to try withal from Adam to Moses before the Scripture was written And Priest Bond saith It is the Holy-Ghost that leads into all truth of the Scriptures Then it must try the truth of them whether they be rightly translated or no And the Spirit of God will not deny its own Words And again Priest Bond saith The Spirit witnesses in the Scripture But where doth the Scripture say such words That the Spirit witnesses in the Scripture Priest Bond saith The Spirit witnesses in the Scripture that he is a righteous man who walks in all the Commandments or Ordinances of the Lord page 99. And page 87. Thou saith in contradiction There is in all true Believe●● a cursed root of bitterness and death makes only the conquest over sin But we tell thee That Christ through death destroys Death and the Devil the Power of Death and makes an end of Sin Then Priest Bond falls a railing Quakers damnable delusion hellish Impostor that Idol light for if they might herein prevail and withal get into the Saddle they would undoubtedly soon arreign try and condemn the inspired Bible of God to the Fire and Fagot These are horrid malicious Lies Blasphemed from Priest Bonds evil Tongue For we have esteemed and do own the Scriptures more
than he or any of the persecuting Priests in New-England who make a Trade of them and keep people always under Teaching that they may be always paying of them And Priest Bond saith The spirits are to be tryed by the Scriptures and not the Scriptures by the Spirit page 92. And in page 93. He contradicts himself and confounds all again The Holy and Blessed Spirit of God is above all Tryal Priest Bond saith We deny the written Scripture to be a witness-bearer to your Light within See how Ignorant he is of the Scripture 2 Cor. 4. God who commanded the Light to shine out of darkness hath shined in our hearts to give us the Light of the knowledge of the Glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus Mark the Light that shines in the heart that is the Light within that the Scriptures bear witness too But I perceive the God of this World hath blinded Priest Bond 's eye And how can any man come to the knowledge of God and Christ without the Light of Christ within shining in their hearts And Priest Bond falls on rayling Idol light within page 94. Seducing Quakers Idol light of your own addle brains Soul-deceivers ye would lay a foundation of your own humane inventions And yet Priest Bond calls Christs Body humane which is his own Invention and not Scripture And unbloody Light within Idolized light hath no more real blood in it than there is in the Transubstantiated blood of your Popish Brethren Here the Reader may see what a rage and madness Priest Bond is in against the Light of Christ And as for Popish Brethren Priest Bond 's language bewrays him he is nearer to them than the Quakers And S. B. confesses in page 95. That the Word of God was manifest through Adam and to Cain and to Noah Our Light within is the Light of Christ the Word by which all things were made and created and in him was Life and that Life was the Light of men And this the Scriptures witness But Priest Bond saith The whimsey called Light within is the new devised ground of Faith Christ who doth inlighten every man that cometh into the World saith Believe in the Light that you may become Children of the Light And Christ is the author and finisher of our Faith and the Light of Christ that he bids us believe in is no Whimsey which Priest Bond blasphemes against And in Page 96. Priest Bond makes a great pudder about the Soul of Man and he saith That the Quakers say the Soul of Man is God in part which are not the Quakers words And then he saith the Soul cannot be God No Quakers ever said so S. B. saith The Soul of Man was made after Gods Image It is a true Image it is a very near and likely Image which appears not only in the spiritual and immortal nature of it c. All pure and righteous conformed to Gods will the Soul is a Spirit c. page 98. And when Priest Bond hath rambled over a great deal of Pages about the Soul this he is made to confess and the Quakers say God breathed into Man the Breath of Life and he became a living soul And so is not the Soul part of his Breath And Priest Bond confesses the Soul is a Spirit and then is it not part of Gods Spirit from him And the Light in Man which is the Life of Christ the Word by whom all things are made Priest Bond saith must be the Principle of true Religion in the Devils and damned Oh hellish Divinity and Doctrine for even the Devils and damned live and move c. page 96. These are Priest Bond 's false conclusions The Light which is the Life in Christ the Word they that hate the Light their deeds are evil and the Light is their condemnation for it condemns the Devil who abode not in the Truth in whom there is no Truth S. Bond saith That the Quaker doth conclude that the invisible and Infinite Godhead is divided into parts Then he cries thus senseless are they of the gross absurdities But we charge S. B. to quote the Book or the Man that ever said the Godhead is devided into parts Then S. B. falls a railing in page 99. The Idol light within And in page 90. he makes many Comparisons with his railing words betwixt the Quakers and the Papists Quakers light within Quakers light within infallible Light within infallible Spirit within erroneous high blasphemy Thus Priest Bond is in a rage and a fury against the Light of Christ and his Infallible Spirit within But I ask Priest Bond and all his fellow Priests whether the Light of Christ and his Spirit within and his Holy Ghost be infallible yea or nay And whether he can call Jesus Lord without the Holy-Ghost and whether he that hath not the Spirit of Christ is Christs yea or nay And what Brightman said of the Pope Priest Bond may take it home to himself And in page 98. The Quakers Light within his Pope without These are scornful expressions and his Lies In page 99 and an 100. Priest Bond saith the Quakers denying of the Trinity or Three persons in one Deity Three persons in one Godhead Gen. 1. Let us make man c. But hath not Priest Bond made Four here Three persons in one Deity and one Godhead S. Bond saith No Man hath seen ●od at any time Then how can he tell he is a Person then and Christ saith He is a Spirit He saith The Father the Son and the Holy Ghost are declared three Witnesses c. And why cannot Priest Bond own them so but give other names to them Bu● 〈◊〉 all these Pages Priest Bond hath not proved his word Trinity nor Three Pers●ns The Scripture mentions Christs Person but it doth not say a Trinity in Three Persons Is not Priest Bond ashamed to say That Scripture is his Rules and cannot prove his word Trinity or Three Persons by Scripture or in the Scripture But the Quakers according to the Scripture do believe that there is Three that bear Record in Heaven the Father the Word and the Holy-Ghost and these three are one mark are one which we own And there are three that bear witness in the earth the Spirit the Water and the Blood and these three agree in one which we own in 1 John 5.8 And Priest Bond goes on in his course of railing Atheistical and Idol light within which the Romish Nebuchadnezzar set up in teaching Quakers the Devil hath inspired S. B. Thus to blaspheme against the Light of Christ in his people and yet he makes people believe that he would dye for the Name of Jesus and dye like the glorious Martirs of Jesus whereas he is persecuting the true Lord Jesus of Nazareth in his people like Saul and blaspheming against the Light of Christ within his people which they believe in which shines in their hearts to give them the light of the knowledge of the
their God and they shall be my people And we have the comfort of the Scripture 2 Cor. 6. And if this Christ which we own be not in Priest Bond then he is a Reprobate Priest Bond saith In all Places and Countries the generality of Quakers do purposely use these words THEE and THOU and deny all reverential respect to all sorts of men these things the unmannerly Quakers will do but the Scriptures do command all men to pray for Rulers and to submit unto them and to give the honour that 's due unto them And therefore saith Priest Bond over and over The Light of the Scriptures doth reprove them Page 41. 42 43 44 45. He makes a great pudder about THOU and THEE but to no purpose Doth THOU and THEE dishonour Magistrates and to say YOU to them is that the true honour and reverence that belongs to them If so let Priest Bond prove it by Scripture which thou saist is thy Rule And thou saist The Quakers seeming Sanctity consists in thee and thou That is false for Christ is our Sanctification and thee and thou is according to the Scripture c. And three times over in the fortieth Page Priest Bond saith That we deny Jesus Christ of Nazereth born of the Virgin Mary which are all horrid lies in Page 40. and 41. For we own Christ Jesus more than he Priest Bond saith that John Crook said it was the Light within that was Crucified without the Gates of Jerusalem These are more Lies for Christ suffered in the Flesh without the Gates of Jerusalem who enlightens every Man that comes into the World and was quickned by the Spirit Bond runs into his wicked words and tells of an Inside Christ but he hath not proved such a word in Scripture Page 39. And Priest Bond saith The inspired Scriptures of God are against the feigned Light of Christ within them But Priest Bond hath brought no Scripture against the Light of Chirst shining in our Hearts which gives us the knowledge of the Glory of God in the Face of Christ our Saviour And so it was the Apostles Doctrine and reaching to bring People to the Light of Chirst which shined in their Hearts which Light of Christ thou callest an Idol and a feigned Light Christ within Page 38. which thou hast not proved by Scripture which thou callest thy Rule and by it thou art reproved And Christ is manifest in us by his Spirit Priest Bond But all things reproved are made manifest by the Light of the Scripture Scripture Light Then how chanced it the Jews were not reporved by Scripture Light And what reproved before Scripture was written or them that have not nor had not the Scripture Had people no Light to reprove before the Scripture was written And Priest Bond saith Every one that doth evil hates the Light c. By the Light Christ Understand the Doctrinal Light contained in the written Scripture of the New-Testament But Priest Bond prove that the New-Testament was written when Christ Preacht that Doctrine in John 3. And every one that doth evil hates the Light and will not come to it Hath every one the Scriptures that doth evil in the World Prove that Priest Bond who saist that Scripture is the Light for do not the Scriptures declare that Christ enlightens every one that comes into the World Priest Bond saith That the True Christ hath stopped F. E's Mouth and yet F. E. and he disputes over and over in his Book afterwards And then Priest Bond goes to his Lies and Blasphemous Language False Christ the Devil Christ within is the false Christ the Devil Page 36. And yet Priest Bond is made to confess in Page 21. 23. that F. E. the Quaker did confess the word took Flesh and in that Flesh dyed for all Men and further F. E. did believe that Jesus Christ of Nazareth a Man approved of God amongst the People whom the Jews hanged and slew and God raised from the dead and also received up into Heaven was the true Christ and only Saviour And yet Priest Bond saith in the same 21. Page That the Scriptures of Truth doth plainly charge the generality of Quakers with the guilt of the Sin against the Holy-Ghost because they have sinned willfully after a Profession openly made of Faith in the Lord Christ born of the Virgin Mary c. See the Priests contradictions here in F. E's confession as Priest Bond prints them But these are all horrid Lies for we are in the same Faith which Christ Jesus is the Author and Finisher of and the Scripture charges us with no such thing which he falsly perverts and misapplies they are better applied to himself in sinning against the Holy-Ghost who calls Christ within a Devil and an Idol-Light which will be his own Condemnation Then he is making a pudder about Christs humane nature and yet cannot give a Scripture to prove it as in Page 55. And yet he saith Christs Body of flesh and bones after the Resurrection was spiritual Page 72. And in Page 69. He saith Stephen saw Christs Humane Body above Are not these contradictions And the Apostle saith All things were made by Jesus Christ and all things were made by the Word and Christs Name is called the Word of God Priest Bond saith to F. E. It is strange that thou wilt produce a Christ for Evidence in whom thou dost not believe Page 34. And in Page 40. They deny that Jesus Christ was come into the Flesh And in Page 21. 23. They confess Christs coming into the Flesh Thou saist and here thou contradicts thy self and saith and unsaith and belies the Quakers Priest Bond thou brings Christs Words I in them and thou in me that they may be perfect in me to wit Christ i. e. that is in oneness of Affections but affections he hath added and what Affections them are he hath not declared Page 34. Yet thou saist The Saints must have sin in them as long as they live and shall not be made free from Sin in this Life and there is a Cursed Root of Bitterness in all true Believers and not Cast out Death only makes Conquest over Sin Page 87. So it is not Christ that makes an end of Sin and his Blood that cleanseth from Sin and make their Garments white and gives Victory and Conquest but it is death according to Priest Bonds Doctrine that Conquers Sin And thou saist If the Man Christ Jesus had not first given himself a Ransome for our Sins c. Page 32. And then thou saist You must not be free from Sin in this Life What contradictions are here And how art thou reconciled to God and pleads thou shalt not be made free from Sin in this Life which is of the Devil And Christ enlightens every Man that comes into the World who is the Redeemer which Light thou callest an Idol Light within The Quakers say thou that hates the Light of Christ and calls it an Idol thou hates
say That the Word took Flesh of the Virgin and that he suffered without the Gates of Jerusalen c. And therefore Priest Bond is to prove who ever said That the Body of Christ attributes no more Soul saving Merit than to the Body of a Turk or a Jew And again Priest Bond saith I do acknowledge with him to wit the Quaker that the effects of Christs death and sufferings are to be inwardly Witnessed within us Page 8. And yet Chirst within is a Devil his Light an Idol within How agrees the Blasphemy with the Confession And who is it that works Doth not Christ work inwardly in his People by his Faith Light and Spirit And Priest Bond hath made a great stir in three or four Pages about the False Christ and he may apply all these Pages to himself for they do not at all concern the Quakers And all his Lies and Slanders and filthy calumnies and his ungracious filthy Language in his Book doth manifest him to be no Minister of the Gospel but a Minister of soul Language and Lies neither hath he proved the Quakers principles to be erroneous but hath manifested his own erroneous Principles 75 times over Priest Bond saith The Quakers in Burmoudos Tryed found guilty Sentenced and Executed But Priest Bond here is both False-witness False Accusor and Flase Judge and Party and yet accuses Francis Eastlack and saith He that was the Party made himself the determinating Judge Page 6. But the Quakers are clear of all his Slanders and he is found Guilty of all the false Charges that he would falsly Charge upon the Quakers in Burmoudas and others that he hath mentioned and wronged in his wicked Lying Book and therefore he may take them home for they are fittest for him and his Condemnation with the Light of Christ Priest Bond saith As I was about to read some of G. F 's Doctrine they grew impatient and by no means would have it read thereupon I did forbear But I have here inserted it to wit G. Fox in his Boook entituled the Mystery Page 49. 50. Hath these words Ye scorn me the Light in you they have disobeyed it and called it a natural Light and ye have said that I the Light am not able to save these that believe in me Furthermore Page 54. that if ye would believe and wait on me the Light I will purge out all your iniquity and forgive all your Trespasses and I shall change your natures if you hearken to me and obey the Light within These are the words I would have read but being hindred c. Answer These are Priest Bonds horrid Lies for there is not one of these words in all the Pages of G. F's Book which Priest Bond brings S. Bond thou brings G. F's query which any that reads G. F's Book may see which he queries of the Priest F. Higinson Where doth the Scripture speak of Humane the word Humane where is it written tell us that we may search for it S. B. forger of these Lies Now we do not deny that Christ according to the Flesh was of Abraham but not the word Humane and Christs Nature is not Humane which is Earthly for that is the first Adam And this is G. F's answer to Higinson who said That Christs Nature was Humane c. And S. Bond in Page 50. makes a great pudder about it but instead of proving of it which he hath not by Scripture but hath made the matter worse and saith G. F. puts no difference betwixt Humane and Humane which S. Bond hath proved neither of these words by Scripture which he calls his Rule And when he hath been beating the Air he confesses We have not such a Word And yet S. B. saith Having the thing who contradicts himself but he hath not proved it And again S. Bond saith Christ is also said to be from Heaven Page 50. and yet Humane And again Page 69. S. Bond saith Stephen saw Christs humane Body in Heaven Acts 7. Here thou wrongest the Scripture and Stephen for there is not the word Humame in Acts 7. But Stephen being full of the Holy-Ghost looked up stedfastly into Heaven and saw the Glory of God and Jesus standing on the Right Hand of God and said behold I saw the Heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the Right Hand of G d So he saw Christ being full of the Holy-Ghost And yet Priest Bond saith Chirsts Flesh and Bones was Spiritual after he was Risen Page 72. And the Quakers say The Word of God is nigh thee even in thy Mouth and in thy Heart which is the Word of Faith that we and the Apostle preacht And S. Bond saith c. I do not apprehend in Rom. 10.6 c. How these verses do answer the argument of any one of them which proves a Quakers pretended Saviour within to be a false Christ the Devil Page 13. Or how they preve the pretended Saviour within to be the true Christ and yet Priest Bond saith As the righteousness of Faith is the Redeemer against all doubts of Salvation c. But Priest Bond is not this Righteousness of Faith within the Hearts of Gods people And hi Page 15. S. Bond contradicts himself and saith That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus Christ and shall believe in thy heart that God hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved that is to say the word of Faith Preacht is nigh in our Mouths We have received Christ whom God hath revealed in our hearts and hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into our hearts crying Aba Father Gal. 4. this we witness 2. Cor. 13. Now S. Bond finds fault with G. F. for using the word their for our as in Page 51. and saith It is contrary to the Apostle But in page 15. Priest Bond uses the word is nigh in our Mouths instead of saying The word is nigh thee even in thy Mouth And so doth not he himself abuse the Apostles words as in Rom. 10. And I bring but this for him to see his own folly who is Straining at Gnats and swallowing Camels though G. F's word our to us and their to the Apostles is proper enough and the word of Faith is nigh us in our hearts and mouths as well as in thy as the Apostle said but Priest Bond who cavils at Words may see how he mistakes himself and utters forth his own Folly S. Bond brings Thomas Moors saying in Page 51. That Christ was absent from us while we were in this Mortal Body And G. F. answers contrary to the Apostle who said The Life of Christ is manifest in their Mortal Flesh yes and we say again that the Life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our Mortal Flesh and Christ is in us the hope of Glory But Bond makes a great pudder that the Life of Christ Jesus might not is but be made manifest in not their but our mortal Flesh But
is Incorruptible And we say that we were never able to pay or satisfy God yet Christ leadeth his people by his Spirit and reconcileth them to his Father c. And we dare not for all the World to assert that which R. W. hath affirmed here to wit That the Flood of Christ is Corruptible and did Corrupt For we know that we are Redeemed not with corruptible things c. but with the precious Blood of Christ as of a Lamb without blemish and spot 1 Pet. 1.18 19. 3. R. W. affirmed That Salvation was by a way that was corruptible I do not say corrupted So far R. W. J. B. answered and said to this purpose I desire not to grate upon the Antient man but am sorry that he should so overshoot himself as he hath done so far to deny Christ and undervalue his appearance both inward and outward as to say That Christ within was but a fancy and a false Christ as he then affirmed and That Christ without was Corruptible contrary to the Apostle who said His Flesh saw no Corruption and also of his appearance without who then also said That his Blood was Corruptible and corrupted as I believe many of the people that was there may yet remember I shewed then how that he had brought upon himself that charge and proved himself guilty of that for which he indeavoured to condemn us And I spoke at that time of our owning of the true Lord Jesus Christ in his appearing in that Body and of his suffering and resurrection according to the Scriptures and also of his spiritual appearance in his Saints after his ascension according to the promise of Christ and the testimony of his Apostles as I then brought many testimonies ●ut of Scriptures to maintain and prove the same and so signified fully to the people of our true owning of Christ and there bore testimony against his dangerous words that he had then uttered before them in speaking contrary to what is written of Christs being corruptible and his Blood And was as I then signified truly sorry that he should so sin against God and Christ and wrong his own Soul 1. And now how could W. E. do any otherwise but charge R. W. with Blasphemy against Christ his Body and Blood for he affirms That the Light of Christ is an Id●l a Fancy a Frantick-light and Christ within an Imaginary Christ as you may see in many places of his Book 2. He affirms That Salvation was by a man that was corruptible and that his Blood was Corruptible and Corrupted Now we do charge R. W. and all the New-England Priests together with these Baptists that took his part against us at Rhode-Island and Providence at the Dispute to make those his assertions good by Scripture if they can which we do affirm are Blasphemies and shew us Chapter and Ve●se which he saith is the Rule and Touch-stone and so let his H●rrible Bl●●●hemies be touched and tryed with Scriptures For David saith Psal ●6 My Heart is glad and my Glory rejoyceth my Flesh also rests in Hope for thou wilt not leave my Soul in Hell neither wilt thou suffer thy Holy one to see corruption And again the Apostle saith who spoke of the Resu●●●ction of Christ that his Soul was not left in Hell neither mark His Flesh did s●e Corruption Acts 2.27.31 And Acts. 13.34 Thou shalt not ●uff●●● 〈◊〉 Holy one to see Corruption David saw corruption but he whom God raised ●gai● ●● wit● Christ saw Mark no corruption Now if R. W. and the New-England Priests be Redeemed by Corruptible Man and a corruptible Blood that did Corrupt this is contrary to what the Apostle saith His Flesh saw no corru●●●on ●nd they were not Redeemed with Corruptible things but with the Precu●us wood●t Christ So it is clearly proved that Christ his Flesh and Blood is no●●●●●●●ptible but Incoruptible and therefore R. W's Corruptible Man and Co●●uptible Blood ●●at did Corrupt by which he pretends he is Saved is a saite Christ and not the Christ the Apostles Preached the true Lord Jesus whose Flesh and Blood did not Corrupt and if the Flesh and Blood of Christ as R. W. affirmeth be Corruptible then how is he in Heaven with Corruptible Flesh and Blood when the Apostle saith Corruption doth not inherrit Inc●rruption 1 Cor. 15.50 Christ Sanctifieth the people with his own Blood Heb. 13. And 1 Pet. 1.2 The Saints were Sprinkled with the Blood of Jesus And 1 John 1 The Blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all Sin And Revel ●1 He hath washed us from our Sins and Christ hath Redeemed us to God by his Blood Rev. 5.9 And the Saints Garmets were made white in the blood of the Lamb. ●ev 7. And the Saints overcame by the Blood of the Lamb. Rev. 12.11 And Christ saith Wh●●●teth my Flesh and drinketh my Blood c. And my Blood is Drink indeed Now was it Corruptile Blood or Corruptible Flesh that the ●●ints did eat and Corruptible Blood which cleanseth from all Sins and mad● the Saints Garments white by which they overcome O Horrid darkness for will not Corruptible stain and not fetch out the Stain and the Saints were to have Faith in Christs Blood Rom. 25. The Saints are made high to God by the Blo●d of Christ the Flock of God which Christ hath purchased with his own Blood Acts 20.28 Now if this be the New-England Priests prnciple Profession and Judgement that they be Redeemed by a corruptible man and the Blood of Christ Jesus was corruptible and corrupted then they that have tolerated R. W. his Blasphemous Book to be Printed that held forth those abominable things in his Dispute before a great assembly of people at Newport in Rhode Island how can we say otherwise but they are Blasphemers and own not the true Lord Christ Jesus Whose Flesh saw no corruption neither was his Blood corruptible And therefore we do conclude with the Apostle that R. W. and they that held forth this Doctrine with him are such as have trodden under Foot the Son of God and counted the Blood of the New-Covenant wherewith they were Sanctified an unholy thing and have done despite unto the Spirit of Grace and have Crucified to themselves the Son of God afresh and put him to open Shame Now see if this man R. W. that hath spoken those blaphemous Words against Christ Jesus his Body and Blood and Spirit and Light is fit to take the Name of Christ in his mouth and yet this man he brought this saying of the Priest to be G. F's to prove That our Christ was not the true Christ Which words proving to be the Priests and not G. F's he R. W. stood by them and maintained them against us and so by his own Argument and Judgement by the same rule and words that he would have disproved ours he hath proved his own Christ not to be the true Christ But should we the People of God in scorn called Quakers have come and Preached in New-England and told you That you were saved by a Man that was Corruptible and that Christ's Blood was Corruptible and Corrupted and that you were wash't and cleansed by such a Blood then ye might have said what a Hellish Doctrine is this indeed which we abhor and such Doctrines as R. W. hath Preached to us in the dispute And our desires are that the Lord God of Heaven may deliver all people from such Doctrines of all the Doctrines that ever we read we never heard the like THE END Books Printed and Sold by John Bringhurst at the Sign of the Book in Grace Church-street near Cornhill 1. Counsel to the Christian Traveller also Experiences made publick As a Testimony to the right way of God Revealed and made known in this the Day of his Glorious Appearing in his People That they may be encouraged to walk therein to the end thereof By William Shewen price 1 s. 2. A general Epistle given forth in Obedience to the God of Peace For the Preservation and Increase of Charity and Vnity amongst the Professors of Christ Jesus And the Teachings of his Divine Light within By Wil●iam Gibson Price 1 s. 3. The Testimony of Truth exalted By the Collected Labours of that worthy Man good Scribe and faithful Minister of Jesus Christ By Samuel Fisher Price 10 s. 4. the Life of Christ magnified in his Minister being Seventeen Friends Testimonies concerning Gi●es Barnadiston Price 3 d. 5. A way to prevent the Indignation and Judgements of the Lord from coming on a Nation or Family By G.F. Price 1 d. 6. The Devil was and is the old Informer against the Righteous By G. F. Price 1. d. 7. Concerning Persecution in all Ages to this Day By G. F. Price a Half-penny 8. To all Rulers and Magistrates to be tender and take heed of Persecuting and Imprisoning and spoiling the goods of Gods People for obeying serving and worshipping the Lord God that made them By G. F. Price 1 d. 9. An Epistle to the Houshould of the Seed of Abraham By G. F. Price a Ha●●-penny 10. An Epistle to all Christians Jews and Gentiles By G. F. Price a Half-penny 11. Concerning the upright and good Conversation of the Saints in Christ and in Heaven By G. F. Price a Half-penny 12. To all the faithful Flock of God in suffering whether in Prison or at Liberty In scorn called Quakers By Ambrose Rigge Price a Half-penny 13. An Epistle to Friends By Ed. Bourn Price a Half-penny 14. Something concerning Agbarus Prince of the Aedesseans also Pauls Epistle to the Laodiceams Price 1. d. 15. Primitive Christians bearing their Testimonie in time of Pers●e●tion Price a Half-penny
intended matter So I leave that and come a little to examin the proof of the second false Assertion viz. That the main End of the Quakers Meetings in these Islands is to make the Lords Christ his Holy Spirit his Angells and Apostles all Lyars and false Witnesses of God Now let any Reasonable Man judge what ground or foundation he hath to lay down such a positive Assertion for he never was at any of our Meetings in these Islands to know our practices in our Meetings whereby he might discover our ends but either he must have it by Information or Supposition or Consequence Which either of these may prove true or false and therefore whether the one or the other it is too slender a ground to build such an Accusation upon against an Innocent People but whither will not Envy lead a Man Even to shame himself But let us see how he will prove his Work Why Mark. First he supposes That the main end of our Meeting is to declare to People or to build up one another in this Doctrine that the Light within or Spirit of Christ in us is the Saviour This he supposeth to be the main end of our Meeting and this saith he is against the Testimony of Christ to the Man whose Eyes he had opened John 9.35 36 37. As I remember this was the Scriptu e he brought when the Blind Man enquired who the Son of God was that he might believe Jesus Answered I that speak unto thee am he This saith he was the Man or Body only from whence he doth infer that the Man Jesus considered meerly as Man is the o●ly Saviour and therefore saith he The Quakers main end of their Meeting is to make the Lords Christ a Lyar. No● see what Weight this Argument hath in it the Weight must lie in these Words I that speak unto thee am he Now here lies the Question whether in these Words he meant the Body only or that which dwelt in the Body also Which was the Godhead joyned with the Manhood which thing was not at all proved at that time from the Scripture according to his promise and so did falsifie his Word and is it not strange that the Priest should make Christs Body to speak without his Spirit But now that People may not be left in the dark with their Understandings Clouded consider and Weigh seriously whether it was not the same Jesus which spake to the Jews in the foregoing Chapter 8 56. Abraham rejoyced to see my Day and he saw it and was glad And Verse 58. Before Abraham was I am Now the Body was brought forth in time according to Gal. 4.5 And so was not before Abraham in the Body But S. B. said That he is not the Son of God but as he was Man Now consider how grievous dark this Man is read the Scripture diligently and you shall see what a Testimony it gives concerning the Son of God Psal 2.7 The Lord hath said unto me thou art my Son this Day have I begotten thee This was long before the Body was and he speaks here of the time present This Day have I begotten thee Heb. 1.2 Where he saith that God Hath in these last Dayes spoken to us by his Son whom he hath appoined Heir of all things now mark by whom also he made the Worlds So he that made the World or that Word by which the World was made was the Son of God John 1.10.3 Who being the brightness of his glory the Son of God he is the Brightness of his Fathers Glory and the express Image of his substance and upholding all things by the Word of his Power mark this was the Son of God that upholds all things by the word of his Power when he had by himself purged our Sins sat down on the Right Hand of the Majesty on High So see and consider well and weigh this matter and let the wise in Heart Judge For God had promised afore by his Prophets in the Holy Scriptures concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord who was made of the seed of David according to the Flesh and declared to be the Son of God with Power according to the Spirit of Holiness by the Resurrection from the Dead by whom we have received grace c. Rom. 1 And this is the true Christ we own in his Grace and Truth both as he was made of the seed of David according to the Flesh and as he is declared to be the Son of God with Power according to the Spirit of Holiness c. according to God and his Son and his Angels and Prophets and Apostles against all Opposers and Blasphemers but espacially against SAMPSON BOND who was Priest at Bermudas And we are sorry that the Sherriffe and Justices of Peace in Bermudas should believe or regard his Lyes and Slanders But it is clear Sampson Bond hath put the Sheep of Christ in scorn called Quakers in his Bear-Skin that such as he is might worry them Secondly He saith We in our Meetings or the main end of our Meetings is to make the Holy Spirit a Lyar and to prove this he names Luke 2.30 Lord now lettest thou thy Servant depart in Peace for mine Eyes hath seen thy Salvation I hope said he you will not deny that Old Simeon spak● by the Spirit Now said he it was his Bodily Eyes which he spake of by which he only beheld the Body of Jesus and hence doth infer that we witnessing to the Spirit do mak●th Spirit of God a Lyar. Let us see what weight this Argument hath in it and for the better opening of your Understandings take S. B's own Words I hope you will not deny Old Simeon to speak by the Spirit Indeed he was a Spiritual Man and so was ab●e to discern the things of God and he was a Prophet and spake in the Spirit of Prophesie in which he spake and declared of him as a Light prepared before the face of all People not the Jews only but all People A Light to lighten the Gentiles c. And mark withal what it was that was revealed to him by the Holy Ghost that he should see Was it not the Lords Christ If the Body barely considered without the Spirit had been the Lords Christ then the Jews had seen the Lords Christ for they only saw the Body and Crucified it But the Lords Christ the Lord of Glory was vailed from their Eyes For had they seen him they had seen the Father also John 14.9 And had they known him they would not have Crucified him But now the unbelieving Iews had neither heard the Fathers Voice at any time nor seen his shape Iohn 5.37 And so it is clear though they saw the Body yet saw not the Father they saw not the Eternal Power and Godhead as they did whose Eyes where opened in and by the Spirit as Old Simeons was who saw through the Vail and beheld the endless Power of that which made the
Guts c. But this wicked heathenish work may make thee manifest to poor People who have been deceived by thee But it is no strange thing to us whose Eyes God hath opened for we know the wisdom of this World cannot perceive the things of God for they are Spiritually discerned and by his Spiritual Appearance in this latter Age of the World God hath raised contemptible Instruments to perfect his praise and to confound the Haughty Scoffer who is glorying in his own shame As Priest Bound doth with his little Schollarship who is tanting and huffing in the Air against an Innocent People yet let him know they are learned in the School of Christ Jesus and are his Disciples though derided by him the Lord hath made them so wise as to see over such blind guides as S. B. is though many of them never learnt Hebrew Greek nor Latin which you Night-Watch-Men glory in which Pilate set over the head of Christ Jesus our Saviour and in this night of Darkness and Idolatry you blind Watch-men have been calling it your Original and none have been counted fit by you to Preach Christ but such as have your Original to wit the Tongues But God hath opened an Eye that sees you and is redeeming his People from under your Bondage at which you are angry and your sorrow and torment will yet increase And S. B. saith in the 94 Page of his Book That useful Instructions may be drawn from Iudases words and the Devils Reply With whom thou mighst have joyned thy self with thy wicked Book for I never read of such Lies and Blasphemys uttered by Judas as thou hast in thy ungodly Book from whence we may draw these useful conclusions that it was Gods great love and mercy to us in gathering us to himself from the Mouths of such blind Hirelings as thou art Who in the same Page saith The Scripture doth not bear witness to the Light within for if the Scriptures of God should bear witness to that gross piece of foollery called Light within it would witness it self to be no word of God Reply Here thou Blasphemest against God and beliest the Scriptures which saith God is Light and in him is no Darkness at all 1 John 1.5 And also he hath shined in our Hearts to give us the Light of the Knowledge of the Glory of God in the Face of Christ Jesus 2 Cor. 4.6 And S. B. in the same Page of his Book hath published these lines against us to wit 1. That the Quakers say the Light in every Man by natural Generation is the true Christ and only Saviour 2. And that the Lord Jesus Christ is not the Son of God the Saviour of the World 3. That we say Christ is not in Heaven 4. And that it is Blasphemy to affirm he is there 5. And that we say the Light in Man is the Scriptures Reply All these Lies we turn back upon thy own Head whose dwelling is in Darkness and all thy Blasphemy and derision against the Light of Christ Iesus the Son of the living God our only Saviour in these several places in this one Page of thy filthy Book which will be thy Burthen in the Day of Account And in Page 31. S. B. saith Francis Estlacke speaks of his being washed and justified in measure but sayes S. B. I demanded of him whether it were from Theft Drunkenness Oaths or Adultery which it seems thou queri'st in derision For saith S. B. I more seriously requested the Assembly to take notice of his want of knowledge in the Scripture inasmuch as that he makes justification from Sin not only a work within him but to be daily wrought in him by measure which assertion saith S. B. is directly contrary to the manifold Scriptures of Truth but brings not one to prove it but in a few lines after grosly contradicts himself and saith Washing and Justification from Sin is to be received and wrought not at once but by degrees and in measure by the working and operation of the Spirit of God in us which the Quakers do witness and bear testimony to which thou Blasphemously calls the Devil And again in the same Page S. B. scoffingly saith This Doctors new Divinity to wit that he is washed and justified from his Sins in measure is most false and dangerous Doctrine Reply So S. B. For all thy great Notion of Christ without thee and this pretence of the Scriptures being thy rule yet thou wantest Light Grace to teach thee to speak truth and not to belie the Scriptures and to contradict thy self as thou hast done over and again in this one Page of thy Book For notwithstanding this great work of Christ offering up himself upon the Cross a Sacrifice for the Sins of the World yet Sanctification and Iustification is imputed to no Man but through Faith in his Blood which is the gift of God through the operation of his Spirit in the Heart of Man whereby this work of Sanctification and Iustification comes gradually to be wrought in Man and no further is Man truly justified in the sight of God then he is truly Sanctified which work is assuredly known in the Hearts of all that are redeemed to God through the precious Blood of Christ Iesus the Lamb of God which takes away the Sins of the World And so there is a dying to Sin and his Baptism is known which is with Fire and the Holy Ghost and such are created anew in Christ Iesus And he is formed in them and he is mighty and powerful in them and they can truly say greater is he that is in us then he that is in the World and so Christ Iesus is precious to them and they can speak of his workes of Salvation which he hath wrought in them to the praise and glory of his great and worthy Name And not like S. B's Blasphemous Confused Unsavoury talk who is not fit to take the Holy Name of Christ Iesus into his Mouth until it be washt and his wicked Heart cleansed and then he may know better how to speak of the things of Gods Kingdom which at present he is ignorant of and and an Enemy to And in the 90 Page Sampson Bond saith That the Holy Spirit in respect special help and asistance is subsequent to the Scriptural Gospel Preached Reply Where hast thou learnt this Doctrine The Scriptures speaks but of one Gospel and saith It is the Power of God Rom. 1.16 thou that brings another art under the curse who art preferring the Scripture before the Spirit for aid and assistance like a blind guide for the Scripture will Witness against thee and thy abuse thereof for the Scripture saith There is none knows the things of God but by the Spirit of God 1 Cor. 2.11 12. Nor do we know how to pray as we ought but by the Assistance of the Spirit of Christ Rom. 8.26 And it is the Spirit must lead us into all Truth and it is
way of such as desire to know the Truth In Page 6. I take notice how Deceitfully S. B. casts a slander upon us pretending how he hath fil'd off the Rust and Ruggedness of our Expressions yet charging us with disorder dismembring the Scripture which happily we might not speak every Word yet certain I am although many things were then cast in yet I did not violate or pervert the sense of any one Scripture Again he chargeth us with Dishonesty in not Noting Chapter and Verse in which he did greatly boast To which I then answered the Words we speak were Scripture Words and he had no great cause to boast For the Scripture was not given forth in Chapter and Verse neither did the Apostles ever so declare but when they speak Scripture Words they said as it is written naming only the Prophet or writer of the same and here People may take notice of a manifest Slander viz That it is Friends usual manner to speak Scripture darkly and confusedly thereby the more easily to deceive those with whom the Scripture hath any Credit Page 6. Page 7. He goes on with his Lies and Slanders saying My design was to make the Hearers believe that the Eternal Word as distinct from the Manhood of Christ is the true Christ and only Saviour As if I had gone about directly to deny the Body which is like many more of his Charges in his Book which are absolute Lies and Slanders which I shall note hereafter as they fall in my way Neither did I ever use any such Expression for if I had said He were the true and only Saviour that is to say according to S. B's sense every way sufficient to perform the whole Office of a Saviour as disti●guished from the Manhood then was that work in vain viz Christ taking upon him a Body of Flesh and all his Sufferings Death and Resurrection in vain If Christ as God only did perform and perfect the work of Mans Salvation without it Presently he contradicts himself saying Hereunto agrees his Words meaning mine so often repeated by him God was manifest in the Flesh which he saith we mean all Mankind Flesh which he calls an Error Which although it is my belief that God is manifest in his glorious Light in every Man according to his measure according to John 1.9 He Enlightneth every Man that cometh into the World yet my Words chiefly had Reference to that prepared Body in which the Invisible Power did so gloriously appear to those whose Eyes was open to behold it but this his Lie and Slander I shall leave upon his own Head Another Lie or Slander is in Page 8. where he saith A Teaching Quaker whom he calls a Seducing Quaker such a Quaker saith he attributes no more Soul-saving merit to the Body of Christ then to the Body of a Turk or a Jew All that have heard or read the Declarations of Friends concerning the Manhood of Christ can do no less then Judge him to be a Slanderer and a Liar Farther S. B. saith That I insisting upon John 1.9 concluded the Light in every Man to be Christ and that Christ to be the only Saviour I confess I have said That that Light in every Man i● given by Christ to believe in that he may be saved from Sin But rhe word only was never used by me so as to deny the Body of Christ in which he performed the will of God upon the account of Mans Salvation yet he confesseth its true that Light in that Scripture signifieth Christ and that Christ in a sense but it must be his own sense doth Enlighten every Man that cometh into the World that is said he with reason So here he adds to the Scripture whereby he doth confound or pervert the true sense of the same by his Addition concluding that Christ the true Light that Enlightneth every Man that cometh into the World doth Enlighten Man with no other Light then the Light of Reason according to the sense of that Scripture but we believe that the Light with which Christ doth Enlighten Mankind is that Light that shineth in Darkness and the Darkness cannot comprehend and also doth detect discover and make manifest the works of Darkness and doth lead those that believe in it out of the same and this Light is manifested in some measure in every Mans Conscience as they are exercised in the affairs of this World as they heed it But a little to go back to the 2d Confession in Page 82. S. B. calls the work of the Spirit within no other but the effects of the thing done by the Man Christ without us as if to be Sanctified Washed and Purged from Sin could not possibly be wrought except first the Man Christ must have suffered without us as the Anticedent cause of those effects Whereas it is certain that many of the Prophets and Righteous Men that lived before the Appearance of Christ in the Body did Witness these things wrought within them through the effectual working of the Spirit of God in their Hearts So that it is plain that Christ was manifest to them before he took the Body as well as when he took the Body according to the Scripture Christ the same Yesterday to Day and forever So having finished this digression I go forward again In the last line of the 8th Page he saith I belie the Holy Man John that the Enlightning in every Man is Christ which I again testifie that it is a measure of the Light of the true Christ who is God blessed for ever and to prove this a● Error he saith That this Evangelist doth evidently affirm that the Light he ●pake of in the 9th Vers was the Man Jesus which he saith never was nor ●an be in any Man for this he brings the 29 and 30 verses of the same Chapter I Answer The Evangelist in them words cannot be so understood as a Man only for he testifies of him as a whole or perfect Saviour and if so then God for if he were Man only he could not sanctifie and cleanse the Soul from Sin and how then is he the Lamb of God that taketh away the Sins of the World or how is the Sin taken away if it still remains ●n the Heart But peradventure he will say He takes away the guilt of Sin through his Sufferings and to be Cleansed from the Defilement doth follow as the effects I Answer If it be so then it appears that the whole work of Mans Salvation and so not the whole office of a Saviour was not performed at once without us as Sampson Bond affirmeth in his 3d Argument for there is something to be effected within still and if so who as it that works those effects within if it be not the Spirit In Page Nine He goes on to prove the Light within not to be the true Christ by my Words for he saith My Words Imply That thy Light in every Man is Christ therefore
the Light within a Quaker must be Born at Bethlehem Reply I could say more and yet speak truly of the work of the Light or Spirit of God or measure of Christ within then S. B. c●n receive or understand but this I say I never said the Light in every perticular was the entire Christ for that were to make many Christs but I say that it is only a measure of that Christ who appeared in the Body that was ●orn in Bethlehem Again this Priest Page 9. In his answer to that Text 1 Tim. 3.16 said Nothing can be more Evident then this Disputant would have had the Hearers to believe that the God-head as distinct from Christ being a Man is the true Christ and only Saviour In answer to this and all other of his Wicked and false Accusations I say and testifie that I do truly and really give according to what I Understand and feel by the Inward Operation of the Spirit of Christ within according to the Testimony of Saints without as it is Recorded in the Scripture of Truth unto God his due and also what the Scripture doth declare of the Man or Body of Christ I also truly own So let his Lies and false Accusations return upon his own Head who shall assuredly feel the weight of them in the Day of the Lord. In Page 10. He clearly manifests his Ignorance and the Car●allity of his Mind for speaking there of the Apostle John's words 1 John 1. Vers 1 2 3. where he saith That which was from the Beginning mark diligently Christ in that Body was not from the Beginning which we have heard which we have seen which we have looked upon and our hands have handled of the Word of Life This he seems to affirm That the blessed Apostle did testifie that they had seen him and looked upon him and handled him viz the Word of Life by being in his company as dark a piece and as ignorant almost as I have heard drop from ●ny one that hath taken upon them to write in the defence of their Religion What! the outward Eye to behold the word of Life Doth not the Scripture say No Man hath seen God at any time Did not the Jews see the Body Yet they saw not God that dwelt in the Body For he that saw Christ saw the Father also according to Christs own Words to Phillip likewise Christ saith The hour cometh and now is when the Dead should hear the Voice of the Son of Man and they that heard should live But the Jews heard the outward Voice yet did abide in Death and Darkness where this Priests place is otherwise he never durst adventure to open his Mouth in Blasphemies against the clear manifestation of the Spirit in the Heart and Consciences of Men calling it an Idol even the Light of Christ who himself bore witness and declared That he was the Light of the World But now having begun to revile the Appearance of Gods Spirit What can put a stop to him but the Hand of Divine Justice Which will assuredly overtake him and he shall have a Reward from the Hand of the Lord. In Page Twelve This Sampson Bond accuseth us of Envy comparing us to the Jews who Contradicted the things spoken by Paul and Blasphemed To which I Answer Therefore art thou inexcusable O Man for wherein thou Judgest us thou thy self art Condemned even by thine own Judgment for the very thing thou hast laid to this Peoples Charge thou thy self art sound guilty of for thou at found contradicting the things spoken by Paul and left upon Record viz Christ his being or Appearance within as witnessed 2 Cor. 13.5 Gal. 2.20 and Chap. 4.19 Col. 1.27 And hast also Blasphemed his Inward Appearance calling it an Idol So with the Wicked and Sloathful Servant thou art justly Condemned out of thine own Mouth and so the Judgment wherewith thou hast judged me will redound upon thy self defend thy self as well as thou canst And Rom. 10.6 7 8. Which he keeps such a busle about turning and winding Serpent like yet except he could race the Words out of the Book it will stand a Witness for Christ the Eternal Word which Faith takes hold of and brings the Soul into Union with him who is nigh unto his in the Mouth and in the Heart So that his People feeling his presence in their Hearts are not ashamed to Confess him with their Mouths In the Sixteenth Page speaking of the 2 Cor. 13 5. Know ye not your own selves how that Christ is in you except ye be Reprobates This Scripture he saith Wounds their new Coined Religion to Death and to make it appear he forms an Argument thus If the Light which is by Natural Generation in Reprobates coming into the World be not the true Christ then the Light that is in every Man that comes into the World by Natural Generation is not the true Christ But the Light which by Natural Generation in Reprobates is not the true Christ as above Ergo the Light which is in every Man which comes int● the World is not according to your selves the true Christ Reply I shall never fear wounding by a Weapon that never comes near me so this Argument of thine is farr enough off from wounding our Religion that it touches not neither comes near for I believe this Bond would be hard put to it to find that Quaker out that either writ or said that the light which is in every man by Natural Generation is the true Christ but he who is the true Ligh● that Lighteth every Man that cometh into the World is the true Christ but thy Natural Light we deny to be the Christ as well as thou dost knowing that whatsoever is Born of the Flesh is Flesh but that which is Born of the Spirit is Spirit at which I doubt thy enmity is chiefly although thy Ignorance is not able to put a difference between the one and the other but here by the way take Notice that the Apostle doth not say Christ is not in Reprobates but that Reprobates do not know Christ in them by his Light to condemn them in Page 18. he saith that I said I abhor Hour-Glasses Answer This is also false I said not I Abhor them for they are serviceable for their proper use but I said I deny them as they use them His Words viz. His familiar the Glow warm Light within what Scripture has he for this is not a Blasphemous Character put upon the Light within Farther in the same Page I take Notice of another grand Lie and false accusation Namely that I doubted in my Discourse whether the Word took Flesh of the Virgin and in that Flesh dyed for all Men. But I account it but a light thing to be Belied or Evil spoken of by him who is not afraid to speak Evil of the Divine and Elect Seed Christ in the Saints calling it the Idol Light within as it follows in the same Page and
by that Christ within whereupon I said then truly thou must be Damn'd for if Christ be not within the Apostles saith they are Reprobates These were the very words I spoke not at all denying the appearance of Christ in Body So His and their Lies and false Reports I leave at their own door knowing that a day of Account will come when the Lord will bring the Hidden things of Darkness to Light and will pass Judgment in Truth and Righteousness As for the rest of the matter in that Page contained about questioning with me about Heaven I do not remember any thing of it as he has laid it down only this I remember that upon some question demanded I answered that I did believe Christ was in Heaven to which George Bas●ome or Laurance Dill answered that I would deny it again to Morrow So that answer arose from that confession rather then the foregoing as mentioned by S. B. Now in answer to the thing he said I charge on him viz. that he had not mentioned Christ as God in the work of Mans Salvation Sampson's Bond in his answer seems to affirm that the Apostles although they knew that Christ was God as well as Man yet they Preached up the Man only to be believed in for the Remission of sins both to the Jews and Gentiles and saith farther that the Apostles do Joyntly Testifie of the Man Jesus Christ of Nazareth to be the only Lamb of God that taketh away the Sins of the World Reply I answer to the former part although the Apostles in their first going out to preach Christ to the Jewish People did mention the Manhood yet this did not at all Argue that he must not believe in as God for the Remission of Sin for as I have said before to the same purpose there was sufficient cause for them so strongly to contend with that people who had the Scripture and by the Scripture did understand that there was a mighty Prince to arise of the stock of David that should fit upon his Throne and Reign over the House of Israel The Apostles might therefore Judge in themselves that it would be in vain for them to Preach to the Jewes of the Invisible Glory of Christ till this Scruple were removed viz. whether Jesus of Nazareth were the promised Messiah yea or nay So I say this was their work thus to Testifie of him and then it rightly falls in after they were brought to believe that this was really he that should come and that they were not to look for another and that this King was cut off by such an Ignominous Death I say it did then rightly fall in to Testifie and declare and to give them an understanding what manner of King he should be over what People he was to Rule as also what manner of Kingdom it should be viz. a Spiritual King a Spiritual Kingdom and a Spiritual People even Spiritual Israel But when the Apostle wrote of Christ to the believing Romans he declared him as God Blessed for ever as well as Man Rom. 9.5 Also he declares him the Lord from Heaven the quickning Spirit 1 Cor. 15. He calls him the Second Adam the Lord from Heaven and whom Paul was first sent forth to Preach Act 26. He was sent to turn Men from Darkness to Light and from the Power of Sathan to God by all which it appears plainly that it was never the work of the Apostles nor of any of Christs true Ministers to Preach Christ to be believed in for the Remission of Sins as Man only without the God-head Therefore what God hath Joyned together let no Man put a sunder 2. Whereas S. B. saith that the Apostles bore a Testimony joyntly to the Man that he was the only Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the World No Quaker denys that And John speaking of Christ saith He was prefered before him for saith he He was before me Now if he had spoke of Christ barely as Man then John would have been found a false witness of Christ for as Man John was six Months before him as to his Age as may appear in Luk. 2. So he that but a little before charged me with belying the Holy Evangelist John himself is fallen under the condemnation and I am clear of his charge Having thus Traced S. B. through his four Arguments frained to prove his first Charge and given to each of them a particular answer grounded upon plain Scripture Truth and right Reason agreeing thereto and his many false and Slanderous accusations brought fourth against me and the Light by me believed in with his Mallicious reproachful Lies and Blasphemies against the appearance of God in the Creature and given answer thereto I intend now God willing to pass forward to note his following Irregularities he having to do with other Friends as well as my self viz. The Lyes Slanders Mockings Blasphemies and False Interpretations of the Scripture and to give Answer to the same as I see occasion not intending a large discourse upon each particular But as it were to note here and there as I see a necessity to lay open his Deceit thereby to clear the Truth and Friends falsly charged And now to begin with his first work following in pag. 24. he saith William Bullock whose name by him is mistaken his name is Stephen Bullock was the next Disputant who mentioned the first of the Rom. 19. which he saith doth not at all answer the present matter by way of proof to prove the Saviour within to be the True Christ Now here mark how this Interpreter in his Interpretation of this Scripture doth make use of one word viz. Shewed it to them in the Text which seemed most fit for his turn not only to confound but quite to race out the other Manifest in them as if it had never been Inserted that thereby it might not prove that for which I judge this Scripture was brought to prove the inward Manifestation of Christ as God who is Truth it self even as Christ saith I am the Way the Truth and the Life Now in the foregoing verse the Apostle saith The wrath of God is Revealed from Heaven against all Vngodliness and Vnrighteousness of Men who hold the Truth in Vnrighteousness Mark here is a Generation that holds the Truth in Unrighteousness and thus he clears it up because said he that which may be known of God is manifest in them viz. in these unrighteous Men but is it not hid in them nay it is manifest in them for he hath shewed it unto them Now this word unto this Priest hath mad use of to overthrow the true sence of the word in so that by this his interpretation having raised out the internal manifestation or inward Teaching of Gods Spirit in the Heart he hath only set up an External Teacher without i. e. the Visible Creation without by which only neither he nor the wisest Man in the World by all their Craft
the only Saviour Was Christ sent without the Father Did he Rise from the dead without the Fathers Power for our Justification Doth Christ only reconcile the World without God But we do confess that Jesus Christ was an Offering for the Sins of the whole World and so he suffered in the Flesh and was quickned by the Spirit and is alive and lives for evermore and so dyed for our Sins and rose for our Justification S. B. Blasphemous words Idol-Light within Page 29. Old Popish-trick Carnal-Prophetess as Carnal-Gospellers Anti-Gospellers I charge S. B. to prove these foul Words of his by Scripture S. B. Quakers Light within is but the Pope without If the Quakers Light of Christ within had been the Pope without as in Page 27. then the Pope and the Papists would never have imprisoned and persecuted the Quakers to Death like the New-England Priests and Professors have done and S. B. would not have blasphemed so against the Light And now all people consider doth not S. B. keep all people in darkness and in a reprobate State for he saith Christ within is a Devil and the Light of Christ is an Idol seducing Quakers confounding Dogs and Swine and a wretched desire to blot out of our Hearts the Blessed Name to wit Jesus all these are S. B's Lyes Again S. B. saith the Idol-Light within Obedience to the Light that unbloody Redeemer the Pope without is become the Quakers Light within Page 32. But Reader didst thou ever read such Lyes and wicked Language against the Light within and against the Quakers the Children of the Light who are redeemed by the Blood of Christ And again Frank's Seducers Titular disputant and Christs Humane Nature What Scripture hath S. B. to prove these words which he saith is his Rule but shews none as Page 34 35. And again he saith That a Quakers Saviour within is not the true Christ Surely thou canst not be so Bruitish ●s to think so but rather the contrary that is the false Christ the Devil S. B. if thou hadst been in the days of the Apostles who told the Saints Christ was in them except they were Reprobates thou would'st have said as much to them When W. B. said to S. B. That the Light makes manistest which so troubled S. B. that he said He th ught that W. B. his loud lowing and bellowing was to prevent him of asking where these Words might be sound in Scripture which he says he did forbear to ask Was this a good answer for Priest Bond Instead of answering W. B. he gives him foul Words Page 37. The Light within thee is the true not the false Christ I hope Saith S. B. Thou art not such a BULLOCK as to think it to be the true Christ Page 38. and 39. Deceivers Antichrists Smoak-Coale If Christ be not in his People by his Light Grace and Faith c. Then Priest Bond would not have spoken so many ill words against Christ and his Light within Page 40. Bonds bad words seducing Quakers seducing Quakers Deceivers and Antichrists Then he saith They are of the Dragon and Beast making War against the Lamb do deny Jesus Christ of Nazareth to be the Christ c. These are all horrid Lyes from Priest Bonds foul mouth For Christ we own as is said before and his Lyes are sent home again Pr. Bond. says THOU and YOU is Diabolical to Idolize as the Quakers do THOU and THEE making it the dayly fuel for your levelling inflamed Pride This Bruitish kind of practice see if Priest Bond be not full of Pride who cannot endure the word Thee and Thou which is so frequently practiced in Scripture which he calls his Rule A Quaker who denies the Trinity c. but he hath not proved the Three persons nor the word Trinity in Scripture which he calls his Rule Page 43. Pr. Bond Page 44. A Shame to be of your Sneaking Surly Dum and Scurvy Carriage Unwritten Scripture that Idol-Light within Page 44. Deceit Blasphemy Pride Foolishness of these four Links hath Satan made your Chain of darkness your Idolized Thou and Thee Spring of your Scurvy and Surly deportment Thus poor Ignorant ones are deluded by your equivocations the Quakers is a Conscience of obeying his proud Lusts and of disobeying Gods inspired Laws for a Quaker boldly to Blaspheme Page 45. These are Priest Bond 's Slanderous Words and Lyes The Light within is written Scripture which he saith is unwritten Scripture as you may see in 2 Cor. 4. which he blasphemously calls your Idol Light and did the Apostles Idolize Thee and Thou when they frequently used it Priest Bonds foul words You are possessed with the infernal Spirit of superlative Pride against Jesus F. E. makes another motion on the behalf of his Client the false Christ Saviour within c. To wit The Blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all Sin Page 46. Here you may see the false Language of Priest Bond For doth not the Blood of Jesus Christ the Son of God Cleanse from all sin And if Christ be not in him is he not a Reprobate But Priest Bond saith that F. E. left out some part of the Scripture to wit His Son but Priest Bond himself hath left out more but what will serve his own Turn And as for his Lyes and filthy Language he may take it to himself S. B. saith Sundry persons laught at Francis to wit when they were disputing of the things of God Page 48 Page 49. he says the Idol-Light Christ within the Word Humane comprehends both Soul and Body Page 49. But Priest Bond hath not proved with his Idol light within Christs Soul and Body to be humane by the Scripture is not the Soul Immortal And is the Soul of Christ humane and is humane Immortal And in Page 50. Priest Bond is at humane nature again and humane and humane but Priest Bond hath not proved by Scriptures any of these words which he saith is his Rule Priest Bond The Manichees Doctrine namely That Christ brought from Heaven an Invisible Body of Flesh and Blood into the Womb of the Virgin Undoubtedly the Quakers have drunk in this Poison originally from them to advance the Idol light within This Poison comes out of Priest Bonds Bottle and he may take it home again not the Quakers For we own the true Jesus Christ as both the Angel and the Apostles have declared his Conception Birth c. as he was of the Seed of David c. Pr. Bond This seducing Teacher doth not confess Jesus Christ of Nazareth the Idol Light within Juggling Cheat c. Page 52. These are Priest Bonds horrid Lies and Blasphemy Christs flesh glorified in Heaven above which precious Truths are worth nothing in the account of a Quaker These are Priest Bonds Lies And yet Priest Bond saith That the Quakers do believe in Christs Body of Flesh and Blood and that he did dye for sin and rose again and that he is mans only Saviour See
Glory of God in the Face of Jesus Christ 2 Cor. 4. And truly Priest Bonds Book is such a pack of Nonsence and Contradictions and Tautologies that it is loathsome and noisome to the Reader and in it there is more malice than matter as any rational man may see by the foulness of his Spirit and Tongue and his filthy Language and ungracious and filthy words that his ungodly Book is stuft withal Priest Bond I would have thee to prove that the Holy-Ghost is a Person which proceeded from the Father and the Son and leads into all Truth And when the Holy-Ghost fell upon the Disciples in the time of Pentecost did it fall upon them as a Person And when it fell upon Cornelius's Family did it fall upon them as a Person And Christ tells the Disciples that the Holy-Ghost the Comforter dwells with you and shall be in you John 14. And was this a Person Acts 11. Acts 19. The Holy-Ghost fell upon c. So where ever did Christ or the Apostles call the Holy-Ghost a Person S. B. is to prove this Word by Scripture which he saith is his Rule Now concerning the Scriptures which Priest Bond calls the Word of God first doth not the Scripture signify Writings And do not you teach your Children so that Scripture signifies Writings in your Catichisme and Matthew the Book of the Generation of Jesus Christ and Christ read in the Book of the Prophet Isaiah and in the Book of the Words of Isaiah the Prophet Luke 3 and 4. and Luk. 4.17 Written in the Book of the Law Gal. 3.10 and Written in the Book of the Psalms Acts 1.20 And doth not Luke set forth a Declaration Luke 1. And so doth he not call that a Declaration which he set forth and so Daniel calls them the Scriptures of Truth Daniel 10.21 And Mark calls them the Scriptures Mark 12.10 and Luke 4.21 Christ calls them Scriptures and John 2.22 and in Acts 1.16 The Apostle calls them Scriptures Rom. 10.11 and 11.2 The Apostle calls them Scriptures 2 Tim. 3.16 James 2.8 2 Peter 1.20 Acts 17.2.11 Rom. 15.4 1 Cor. 15.3 Here in all these places and many more Christ and the Apostles calls them Scriptures which signifies Writings Now Scriptures of truth which signifies Writings they are called the Words of God God spake all these Words Exod. 20. And Christ saith John 3.34 The Words of God And John 5.47 John 6.62 And John 8.20.47 John 10.121 John 12.47 48. John All these are concerning the Words And Acts 1 Tim. The words in all these places and many more Revelations 1.3 that hear the words of this prophecy and until the Words of God shall be fulfilled Revel 17.17 These Words are true Revel 21.5 Testifie saith John to every Man the words of the Prophecy of this Book if any Man shall take away from the words of the Prophecy of this Book c. So here you may see the Scriptures are called Words Books Declarations and the Writings and Scripture and are called the Words of God and the Words of Christ but Christs Name is called the Word of God John 1.8 And again Christs Name is called the Word of God Revelations 19.13 So here the Quakers own the Scriptures as they have been called by Christ and his Apostles and the Prophets S. Bond saith The written Word of God the Scriptures are an infallible Rule of Faith and Life Page 88. The matter contained in Scriptures is the only Infallible Rule of Faith and Life Page 91. See here how Priest Bond contradicts himself Let the Word of Christ dwell in your hearts in all Wisdom Coloss 3. And what Priest Bond is this the Letter Priest Bond saith The Quakers worship cannot be acceptable to God Page 89. These are Priest Bonds Lyes for Quakers worship God in the Spirit and the Truth as Christ commanded and hath taught us John 4. And Priest Bond saith The Quakers reproach the Lord when they deny the Scriptures to be the Word of God Page 88. And yet Priest Bond contradicts himself in Page 87. and saith We do not affirm the Scriptures to be the Word of God but as the written Scriptures do declare the Mind of God to us So here Priest Bond is made to confess the Quakers principles but presently after he confounds it again and saith The Scripture is the Word of God And then contradicts himself again and saith The matter therein contained is the declaritive Word of God Page 87. Priest Bond saith the Quakers are apt to say there is no sin Charged upon Zachariahs Wife who was Righteous and blameless but saith Priest Bond Death took hold as well of her as of him which is the wages of sin Rom. 6. So what must we understand from Priest Bonds words Here they that put off the Earthen Tabernacle and dye in the Lord that natural death is the Wages of Sin Rom. 6.23 But let the Reader see how he abuses the Scripture for the Wages of sin is death But saith the Apostle Now being made free from sin and become the Servants of God This is while they were upon the Earth alive and is it not a denying of Christ that dyed for Sin to say that Death took hold of Elizabeth as well as Zachariah and so upon all other People to wit a natural death and that natural death which is the wages of sin as in Page 86. where he perverts Rom. 6. But the Saints and we tell Priest Bond Christ dyed for our Sins and is risen for our Justification and so whether we live or dye we are the Lords and if we dye we dye in the Lord and Blessed are they that dye in the Lord. Priest Bond They have a Light of direction from the Law of the Creation and this Light is clear and full enough to make them Guilty in Page 82. But Priest Bond dost not thou call this Light within an Idol Light Page 90 And where doth the Scripture call the Light of Christ a Law of the Creation or a natural Light And Priest Bond thou saist in Page 81. The Gentiles which have not the Law do by nature the things contained in the Law There is naturally in all Men as such a Light of direction or natural Light And Priest Bond dost not thou call this a Natural Light or by Generation this Law written in the Gentiles hearts as thou saist in Page 81. But who writ the Law in the Gentiles hearts and how doth this Light come by nature or generation prove this by express words in Scripture which thou callest thy rule Noah was a just and a perfect man c. Job was a good and perfect man And Priest Bond saith to infer and say that Noah or Job were perfect from all Sin in this Life would be a miserable perverting of other places of Scripture c. Page 78. And in Page 87. There is in all true believers a Cursed Root of bitterness not cast out Death only
thy Redeemer and Christ from whence it comes who Redeems Sanctifies Washes and Justifies Priest Bond saith Page 31. That F. E. saith He was Washed and Justified from Sin in some measure Is any man Justified but according to the measure of Faith And thou finds fault with measure or degrees and yet thou usest the same word degrees Page 31. And thou saist That our Justification from Sin was once finished and perfected without us on the Cross with the Offering of the Body of Christ Jesus once for all and Christ gave himself a Ransome for all c. This the Quakers believe But did Christ give himself a Ransome for all And was he an Offering for all Men And how can Priest Bond say Christ hath Justified him from his Sin or Washt him from his Sin when he saith He shall not be free from Sin which is of the Devil in this Life And yet he finds fault with F. E. who said He was Washed and Justified from his Sin in some Measure and calls it a dangerous Doctrine and saith Jesus Christ of Nazareth hath once by his own Crucified Body without us on the Cross finished Transgression and made an end of Sin Mark made an end of Sin And Priest Bond saith again They shall not be made free from Sin in this Life and there is in all true Believers a Cursed Root of bitterness not cast out death only mark only makes the Conquest over Sin and yet Christ hath made an end of Sin Then how can Priest Bond say Christs Death makes an end of Sin as in Page 31. When they cannot be made free from it in this Life it must be Death that must end it So you may see what conrtadiction he makes and what confusion he is in Priest Bond grants that we could not he saved without the operation of his Spirit in us and yet Christ within is a Devil and his Light is an Idol Light he saith And the Quakers own no other Christ within but what the Apostles Preacht both without and within Priest Bond saith It is the Spirit that quickens John 6.63 But Priest Bond hath not proved this Is not Christ who is the Saviour of the Soul a quickning Spirit as it is written the first Adam was made a Living Soul The second Adam was made a quickning Spirit 1 Cor. 15.47 But Priest Bond saith Though the Spirit be a dead Souls quickner yet it is not the quickned Souls Saviour Page 26. So then Christ the second Adam who is a quickning Spirit is not the Souls Saviour according to Priest Bonds Doctrine And Priest Bond makes a great deal of pudder in several Pages concerning eating Christs Flesh and drinking his Blood who saith Except ye eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink his Blood yee have no Life in you Now we that eat the Flesh of Christ and drink his Blood by Faith and have Life and Christ in us this Christ Priest Bond saith is a Devil and his Light is an Idol And Priest Bond falls a Railing against the Quakers in Page 20. and saith Crucifying of the Son of God Crucifying of him again c. And have trod under foot the Blood of the Son of God But Priest Bond is not this thy own condition and not the Quakers who calls Christ and his Light within his people an Idol the Devil And saist The Saints shall not he made free from Sin in this Life and the Apostle said That the Blood of Christ Jesus the Son of God cleanseth from all Sin And Priest Bond makes a great deal of Pudder in three or four Pages concerning the Seed in Page 19. Christ we say is the Seed of the Woman which bruises the Serpents Head and Christ is the Seed of Abraham in which seed all Nations are blest and if ye be Christs then are yee Abrahams Seed and heirs according to the promise and are the Children of God by Faith in Christ Jesus And we tell Priest Bond Christ is the Seeds-man And he may read in the Scriptures what Christ calls the Seed that he sows and the good Seed are the Children of the Kingdom Priest Bond thou saist Christ in you the cause being put for the effect by a Metonyma but he hath not proved the word Metonyma by Scripture that he hath added in Page 18. And Priest Bond makes a great stur Page 17. Of Christ being in his People but why cannot he own the Apostles words as they speak plainly which are better than his meanings as in 2 Cor. 13. Coloss 1.27 and Amos 2.13 Genesis 6.6 And there he is giving his meanings upon those Scriptures which are plain enough without his meanings and dark imaginations who pretends Scripture to be his Rule and the people must take his meanings to be the Rule And Priest Bond saith The Light within doth Justify the vilest Antichrists that are this day in the World The Light within which is by natural Generation in Reprobates is not the true Christ Page 16. saith Priest Bond. Answer These are Priest Bonds horrid Lies and Blasphemies Christ who enlightens every man that comes into the World Condemns the Antichrists and the wicked and the Reprobates that hate it and do not believe in it And this Light doth not come by natural Generation as Priest Bond scoffingly saith but the Light is called the Life in Christ the Word by which all things were made John 1. Page 16. And yet Priest Bond confesses in contradiction to himself and saith It is true by Light To wit Christ which enlightens every man that comes into the World is meant the true Christ and only Saviour Page 8. And Priest Bond goes over and over and scoffingly and Blasphemously saith Christ within is a Devil which he might as well have reflected on the Apostles as on the Quakers for the Quakers own the true Saviour manifest in them as he was in the Apostles and Saints in their days And it is false to say That we make no distinction betwixt Christs Godhead and Christs Manhood as in Page 12. Priest Bond thou saist Page 10. But as for your Idol Light Christ it was never visible but ever invisible So here Priest Bond hath set up an Invisible Idol of his own making in Page 10. And yet in Page 8. S. Bond saith It is true that by Light in that place of Scripture the true Christ and our only Saviour is meant John 1. And in Page 10. An Invisible Idol Priest Bond saith Page 8. A Quaker attributes no more Soul-saving Merit to the Body of Jesus than to the Body of a Turk or a Jew These horrid Lyes Priest Bond hath Forged which Lyes of his was never the Quakers thoughts For God prepared Christ a Body to do his Will and to fulfill his Will c. who was a sacrifice for the Sins of the whole World and dyed and rose again and sits at the Right Hand of God and yet Priest Bond made to confess that the Quakers
Scriptures I looked for it but not finding it I must needs judge his charges to be false And for his saying That it was one of th● Principles of the Beasts that Paul fought with at Ephesus to hold that the Body of Christ was not raised from the Dead To this I answer if it were one of their Principles to hold such a thing what is this to the People called Quakers they do not hold it for they as confidently be ieve the Resurrection of Christ ●ody as Sampson Bond or any other Man need do according to the Testimony of severa faithful Witnesses given o● him in the Holy S●riptures of Truth The second Principle that he saith them Beasts at Eph sus held is 2dly That no Mans Body shall be raised from the Dead First This I want a plain Scripture to prove First That it was one of those Men that Paul fought with Secondly I want a place of Scripture to prove that it is the Natural Carnal or Earthly Body of all Mankind that shall rise again after Death To this I need say but little because I do not find the thing proved that is asserted But least any should think or say I make that my excuse to save my answer I answer to it thus that for many to say hold and believe that the Natural Bodies of all Mankind shall rise again after Death this I esteem great ignoracne a●d doth in no wise agree with the Apostles Words as may be seen in the 1 Cor. 15.35 Where the Apostle speaking concerning the Resurrection put forth a Question and afterwards answered it himself saying But some Man will say how are the Dead raised up and with what Body do they come his answer was in the 36 Vers Thou fool that which thou sowest is not quickned except it dye Vers the 37. And that which thou sow●st thou sowest not that Body that shall be and in the 38 Vers But God giveth it a Body as it hath pleased him Verse the 42. So also is the Resurrection of the Dead it is sown in corruption it is raised in incorruption and Verse the 44 of the same Chap. saith It is sown a Natural Body it is raised a Spiritual Body And this Testimony of the Apostles I own and farther do believe a Resurrection both of the just and the unjust the one namely the just or they that have done good unto the Resurrection of Life and the other namely they that have done Evil unto the Resurrection of Damnation according to Christs own Words in John 5.29 Thus I having come through the thing which I at first intended though I could have here more inlarged concerning the Light within which Sampson Bond hath spoken so much Evil agaist it being that which our Lord Jesus Christ hath given a measure of to all Men to lead them out of Darkness and so into the Marvelous Light and Kingdom of Peace Yet here I forbear expecting that he will not miss the Hand Writing of some other to answer him both to that and several other things asserted in his Book Bermudas the 1st Month 1683. William Wilkinson A BRIEF TOUCH OF THE DECEIT AND False Doctrine OF SAMPSON BOND THe mighty strength as he thinks of this operative blind embondaged Sampson Bond lies in his 17th and 66th page wherein he grindes and grins against the Truth of the Gospel and he sayes wounds to D●ath a meer Lye that which makes a Devil the spirit that now works in the Children of Disobedience and in him a Falshood a Nullity nothing in his Text an Expletive of the Translaters having nothing or it in the Greek making an Ambiguity 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 bipen●●● which he makes use of as his Two edged Sword his Ax to wrest the Apostles Words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which are Know ye not that Christ dwells in you c. not How Christ dwelleth c. which word How which Justin Martyr a most eminent Writer soon after the Apostles dayes Ju●i M●r yr 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sayes is an Argument of Vnbelief to say How God is in men he makes his Text the Handle of his Mill the Hinge of his Work that brings him his Grist his Christ only without Word only without nothing within but his How a meer Manner Mode without Substance by his Popish Philosophy and Divinity like that of their Bread God And 't is no Wonder he lays such stress on the Translaters How not the Apostle's Know for the New Doctrine they have got up against us contrary not only to the Primitive Fathers but also to the Protestant Reformers is That the Spirit of Christ is not Objective and Perceptive See G Keith's Quakeris●n no Popery citing Aug. Luther Zw●ngl us Melancton c and h s B●ok of ●●mmedi●te Revelation a●d his Answer to the Dr. of Jena in Defence of Robert Barclay on that part but only Subjective and Effective as their Terms are his is Operative here that is according to his Comparison as the Sun's Effect is on Plants c. they not perceiving it So the Son's Effect is on Men yet they not knowing but only believing the Doctrine and that they have they have it This he shews is his by his Restraint in his Interpretation of John 1.1 and there is grounded his Argument against W.W. and our Friends in pag. 66. which is Popish not Protestant Doctrine too large a Field to be entred on here against such an inconsiderable Adversary who deserves but such answer as the Man made the Popish Priest that had taught him to believe Transubstantiated Christ to be his saying Believe thou hast him and thou hast him But lest he should conceit Silence to be as empty an Answer as his Text How wherein he would place the emphasis I shall offer him t'other glass to p●ove it that he is not beside his Text and that seeing he sayes the Hour-glass knows as w●ll his Terms as his Adversary it proves not the Divisions and Terms of time better than he does those of that Scripture that is Prove and Know wherein the Apostle's emphatical stress is laid not S. B's How For on the word Prove the Apostle discants after his manner as others have also observed using the word six times here twice in this Verse once before and three times after it as in Vers 3. A PROOF of Christ speaking in me Vers 5. PROVE your selves KNOW ye not that Jesus Christ is in you except ye be UNAPPROVED Vers 7. Not that we should appear UNAPPROVED We might be as UNAPPROVED Now here this Great Greek THRASONICAL SAMPSON boasting over unlearned Men with his Metonymyes and Syllogisms proves himself REPROBATE UNAPPROVED in the Greek in the words of his Text going beside it and placing the weight of the sentence on that which is not in it in the Greek in which the Apostle wrote and omitting that on which the Apostle insists so much viz KNOW by PROOF which word signifies to