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A65855 The Christianity of the people commonly called Quakers, asserted. Being a brief account of their faith in relation to divers matters where-in their Christian belief is questioned. Published in behalf of the people of God called Quakers by some of them. Whitehead, George, 1636?-1723. 1696 (1696) Wing W1915; ESTC R214791 13,648 20

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Redemption which he hath ●tained for us who gave Himself for Vs that he might Redeem us from 〈◊〉 Iniquity He died for our Sins and rose again for our Justification and if 〈◊〉 walk in the Light as He is in the Light we have fellowship one with another and the Blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all Sin 1 Joh. 2. 2. 2 Cor. 5 14. 1 Joh. 1. 7. Quest. Do you believe and own the Divine Offices of Jesus Christ in his Church Answ. Yes verily we sincerely believe and own Christ not only as He is the Light of the World enlightning every Man coming into it but also that he is given for a Leader and for a Commander And that He is both King Priest and Prophet to and over His Church and People He is the Minister of the Sanctuary which the Lord pitched and not Man and we are to hear Him in all things Isa. 55. 4. Zech. 9. 9. Heb. 3. 1. Deut 18. 15. 18. Heb. 8. 2. Quest. Do you believe or own Baptism as Essential to Christianity or necessary to Salvation and for the Ingrafting us into Christ and His Church Answ. We believe and are fully perswaded That Baptism which is Essential to Christianity and the saving Baptism or the Cause without which none can be true Christians or saved is the Inward Spiritual washing of Regeneration by the Word of Life This is the saving Baptism into Christ and His Church which produceth the Answer of a Good Conscience towards God of which the outward was a Figure 1 Pet. 3. 21. This is that One Baptism of Christ by one Spirit into that one Body whereof Christ is Head Eph. 4. 5. As to Dipping or Sprinkling Infants or Young Children we find no Precept or Precedent in Holy Scripture for the practice thereof and therefore we cannot think our not believing it Essential or necessary to Salvation or making Christians a sufficient Argument to prove us no Christians unless it can be proved that none are saved without it and that all are saved that have it Considering also what 's positively affirmed in the 39 Articles of the Church of England as in the 6th Article That whatsoever is not Read in the Holy Scriptures nor may be proved thereby is not to be required of any Man That it should be believed as an Article of the Faith or be thought requisite or necessary to Salvation And in the 20th Article That the Church ought not to Decree or Enforce anything against or besides Holy Writ to be believed for necessity of Salvation And in Article 21. That things ordain'd by General Councils as necessary to Salvation have neither strength nor Authority unless that they be taken out of Holy Scripture And in the Westminster Confession of Faith professed by the Kirk of Scotland Chap. 20. It is Said God alone is Lord of the Conscience and hath left it free from the doctrins and Commandments of men which are in any thing contrary to his word i. e. The holy Scripture or beside it if matters of Faith or Worship so that to believe such doctrines or obey such Commands out of Conscience is to betray true liberty of Conscience and the requiring of an implicit faith and an absolute and blin●● obedience Quest. Do you believe or own the Lords Supper either as a sign of the Love that Christians ou●ht to have among themselves or as a Seal of the Saints Communion and Commemoration of Christs Death for us or as Figurative of Christs Body and Blood Spiritually received by Faith Answ. The Supper of the Lord we own and tenderly consider in a twofold Sense 1. In the Figure 2. In the Substance 1. That our Lord Jesus Christ at his Supper with His Disciples did Eat the Passover which was for the Fulfilling and Consummation of the Fasts under the Law see Luke 22. And at this Supper He did take and Minister Bread and the Cup to his Disciples for there was no Transubstantiation saying This do in Remembrance of Me and said the Apostle As often as ye shall Eat this Bread and Drink this Cup ye shew the Lords Death till he come 1 Cor. 11. After this they did more clearly know His coming and Christ after the Spirit Jesus Christ in them 2 Cor. 13. 5. and 5. 16. 2. And Christ sald to His Disciples I will not Drink henceforth of this Fruit of the Vine until that day I Drink it new with you in my Fathers Kingdom Matth. 26 29. And likewise of the Bread I will not any more Eat thereof until it be fulfilled in the Kingdom of God Luke 22. 16. And he further said I appoint unto you a Kingdom as my Father hath appointed to me that ye may Eat and Drink at my Table in my Kingdom c. Luke 22 29. 30. In these things we believe he spoke Mysteriously and that every Member of his Spiritual Church doth daily Spiritually partake of His Body and Blood by Faith as the Cup of Blessing which we Bless is it not the Communion of the Blood of Christ And the Bread which we break is it not the Communion of the Body of Christ For we being many are ONE Bread and ONE Body for we are all partakers of that ONE Bread 1 Cor. 10. 15 16. 17. The Son of God saith Behold I stand at the Door and knock if any Man hear my Voice and open the Door I will come into him and will SVP with him and he with me Rev. 3. 20. And Wisdom calleth to the Simple Come Eat of my Bread aud Drink of my Wine Prov. 9. 4 5. And saith Christ The Bread of God is He that cometh down from Heaven and giveth Life unto the VVorld I am that Bread of Life my Flesh is Meat indeed and my Blood is Drink indeed He that Eateth my Flesh and Drinketh my Blood dwelleth in Me and I in him John 6. We believe that all who thus do truly partake of Christ by Faith are in true Communion and Love among themselves which they do want who are only in the outward Observations of Sign and Shadows Quest. Do you own the Seals of the New Covenant Answ. Yes as the New Covenant is Spiritual so are the Seals thereof as they may be Termed proper to it and therefore we believe they stand not in any external Shadow Sign or Figure but in Spirit and Substance the Seals of the New Covenant which is Inward and Spiritual must needs be the Evidence Testimony and Work of the Holy Spirit giving us Assurance through Faith of our share and Interest in that Covenant See what the Holy Scripture saith in this Case see 2 Cor. 1. 22. Who hath also Sealed us and hath given us the earnest of the Spirit in our Hearts Ephes. 1. 13. After that ye believed ye were Sealed with that Holy Spirit of Promise And Ephes. 4. 30. And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby ye are Sealed unto the day of Redemption Our Christian Sense
Being 〈◊〉 excellency namely that God should be and was Manifest in the Flesh Justifie● in the Spirit seen of Angels Preached unto the Gentiles Believed on it th● World and received up into Glory And it is a great and precious mystery of Godliness and Christianity also th● Christ should b● spiritually and effectually in mens hearts to save and deliv●● them from sin Satan and bondage of Corruption Christ being thus reveall●● in true Believers and dwelling in their hearts by Faith Christ within the ho●● of Glory our Light and Life who of God is made unto us Wisdom Righteou●●ness Sanctification and Redemption 1 Cor. 1. 30. And therefore this Mystery of Godliness both as in its own Being and Glor● and also as in men in many hid and in some revealed hath been and must be Testified Preached and believed where God is Pleased to give Commission and prepare Peoples hearts for the same and not in mans will Concerning the Resurrection of the Dead and the Great day of Judgement yet to come beyond the Grave or after Death and CHRISTS Comming without us to Judge the Quick and the Dead as diverse Questions are put in such Terms what the Holy Scriptures plainly declare and testifie in these matters we have great reason to Credit and not to Question and have been alwayes ready to Embrace with Respect to CHRIST and his Apostles own Testimony and Prophecies 1. FOR the Doctrine of the Resurrection If in this Life onely we have Hope in Christ we are of all Men most Miserable 1 Cor. 15. 19. We sincerely believe not only a Resurrection in Christ from the fallen sinfull State here but a Rising and Ascending into Glory with Him hereafter that when he at last appears we may appear also with him in Glory Col. 3. 4. 1 John 3. 2. But that all the Wicked who live in Rebellion against the Light of Grace and Die finally Impenitent shall come forth to the Resurrection of Condemnation And that the Soul or Spirit of every Man and Woman shal be reserved in its own distinct proper Being so as there shall be as many Souls in the World to come as in this and every Seed yea every Soul shall have its proper Body as GOD is pleased to give it 1 Cor. 15. A Natural Body is sown a Spiritual Body is Raised that being first which is Natural and afterwards ●nat which is Spiritual And though it 's said this Corruptible shall put on Incorruption and this Mortal shall put on Immortality the Change shal be such as Flesh and Blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of GOD neither doth Corruption inherit Incorruption 1 Cor. 15. Chap. We shall be Raised out of all Corruption and Corruptibility out of all Mortality and he Children of GOD and of the Resurrection shall be equal to the Angels of GOD in Heaven Mat. 22. 30. Mark 12. 25. Luke 20. 36. And as the Celestial Bodies do far excell Terrestriall So we expect ou● Spirituall Bodies in the Resurrection shall far excell what our Bodies now are and we hope none can Justly blame us for thus expecting better bodie● than they now are Howbeit we esteem it very unnecessary to Dispute or Question how the Dead are Raised or with what Body they come But rather submit that to the Wisdom and Pleasure of Almighty GOD. Secondly For the Doctrine of Eternal Judgement GOD hath committed all Judgement unto His Son JESUS CHRIST and He is Judge of both Quick and Dead and of the States and Ends of all Mankind John 5. 22. 27. Acts 10. 42. 2 Timothy 4. 1. 1 Peter 4. 5. That there shall be hereafter a Great Harvest which is the End of the World A Great Day of Judgement and for the Judgment of that Great Day the Holy Scripture is clear Matthew 13. ' 39 40 41. Chap. 20. 15. and 11. 24. Jude 6. When the Son of Man cometh in His Glory and all the Holy Angels with Him Then shall He sit upon the Throne in his Glory and before Him shall be gathered all Nations c. Matthew 25. 31. 32. to the end compared with Chapter 22. 31. Mark 8. 38. Luke 9. 26. and 1 Corinthians 15. 52. 2 Thessalonians 1. 7 8. to the end 1 Thessalontans 4. 19. Revelation 20. 12 13 14 15. That this Blessed Heavenly Man this Son of Man who hath so deeply Suffered and Endured so many Indignities and Persecutions from his Adversaries both to Himself and his Members and Brethren should at last even in the Last and Great Day Signally and Manifestly Appear in Glory and Triumph attended with all his Glorious Heavenly Host and Retinue before all Nations before all his Enemies and those that have denyed him this will be to their great Terror and Amazement that this most Glorious Heavenly Man and his Brethren that have been so much Contemned and set at Nought should be thus Exalted over their Enemies and Persecutors in Glory and Triumph is a righteous thing with GOD and that they that Suffer with Him should Appear with Him in Glory and Dignity when He thus Appears at Last CHRIST was Judge of the World and o● the Prince thereof when on the Earth John 9. 39 and 12. 31. He is still Judge of the World the Wickedness and Prince thereof by his Light Spirit and Gospel in Mens Hearts and Consciences John 16. 8 11. Matthew 12. 18 ●0 Isaiah 42. 1. Romans 2. 16. 1 Peter 4. 6. And he will be the Judge and ●inal Determiner thereof in that Great Day appointed GOD having appointed a Day wherein he will Judge the World in Righteousness by that Man whom he hath ordained Christ foretold it shall be more tolerable for them of the Land of Sodom and Gommorah in the Day of Judgement than for that City or People that would not receive his Messengers or Ministers c. Matthew 10 15. and ●ee Chap. 11. 24. and Mark 6. 11. Luke 10. 12. 14. It is certain that GOD knows how to deliver the Godly out of all their Trials and Afflictions and at last to bring them forth and raise them up into Glory with CHRIST So he knoweth also how to reserve the unjust and finally Impenitent unto the Day of Judgement to be Punished 2 Peter 2. 9. He will bring them forth unto the Day of Destruction Job 21. 30. The LORD can and will ●eserve such Impenitent Presumptuous and Rebellious Criminals as bound under Chains of Darkness as were the fallen Angels unto the Judgment of the Great Day Jude 6. Matthew 25. 30. 'T is not for us to Determine or dispute the Manner how they shall be so reserved but leave it to GOD He knows how Something further Relating to this Doctrine of the Resurrection and eternal Judgment AT the last Trump of GOD and Voice of the Arch Angel the Dead shall be raised incorruptible the Dead in CHRIST shall rise first 1 Corinthians 15. 52. 1 Thessalonians 4. 16. Compared with Matthew 24. 31. Many are often allarm'd in Conscience