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A63997 The Christian Sabbath defended against a crying evil in these times of the antisabitarians of our age: wherein is shewed that the morality of the fourth Commandement is still in force to bind Christians unto the sanctification of the Sabbath day. Written by that learned assertor of the truth, William Twisse D.D. late prolocutor to the Assembly of Divines. Twisse, William, 1578?-1646.; Lake, Arthur, 1569-1626. Theses de Sabbato. 1652 (1652) Wing T3419; ESTC R222255 225,372 293

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equity of bringing our Lords Day into the place of the Jewish Sabbath In his speech in the Starre Chamber against Traske The Sabbath saith hee had reference to the old Creation but in Christ we are a new Creature a new Creation and so to have a new Sabbath And againe It hath ever beene the Churches doctrine that Christ made an end of all Sabbaths by his Sabbath in the Grave That Sabbath was the last of them And that the Lords Day presently came in place of it And for the confirmation hereof brings in that of Austin Ep. 119 ad Ianuarium The Lords Day by Christs Resurrection hath beene declared unto Christians and from that time began to have its festivity These Theses of his were written as it seemes in opposition to Broade Doctor Lakes Bishop of Wells maintaines the same Doctrine after the same manner in his Theses de Sabbato thes 27. Man having sinned and so by sinne abolished the first Creation De jure though not de facto God was pleased by Christ to make a new instauration of the World 28. He as the Scripture speakes of Christs redemptions made a new Heaven and a new Earth Old things passed then away and so all things were made new 29. Yea every man in Christ is a new Creature 30. As God then when he ended the first Creation made a day of rest and sanctified it 31. So did Christ when he ended his worke made a day of rest and sanctified it 32. Not altering the proportion of time which is eternall but taking the first day of seven for his portion because sin had made the seventh alterable But a man may easily perceive whither this Prefacer tends and such as are of his Spirit The Rhemists upon the first of the Revel and 10. verse doe observe that the Apostles and the faithfull abrogated the Sabbath which was the seventh day and made holy day for it the next day following being the eighth day in compt from the Creation and that without all Scriptures and Commandements of Christ that we read of yea which is more not only otherwise then was by the Law observed but plainly otherwise than was prescribed by God himselfe in the second Commandement yea otherwise than he ordained in the first Creation when he sanctified precisely the Sabbath day and not the day following Such great power did Christ leave to his Church and for such causes gave he the Holy Ghost to be resident in it to guide it into all truthes even such as in the Scripture are not expressed And if the Church had authority and inspiration from God to make Sunday being a working day before an everlasting holy day and the Saturday that before was holy day now a common work-day why may not the same Church prescribe and appoint the other feasts of Easter Whitsontide Christmas and the rest for the same warrant she hath for the one as she hath for the other Now to this Doctor Fulk makes answer after this manner The Apostles did not abrogate the Jewish Sabbath but Christ himselfe by his death as he did all other ceremonies of the Law that were figures and shadowes of things to come whereof he was the body and they were fulfulled and accomplished in him and by him And this the Apostles knew both by the Scriptures and by the Word of Christ and his holy Spirit By the Scriptures also they knew that one day of seven was appointed to be observed for ever during the World as consecrated and hallowed to the publike exercise of the Religion of God Although the ceremoniall rest and prescript day according to the Law were abrogated by the death of Christ Now for the prescription of this day before any other of seven they had without doubt either the expresse commandement of Christ before his ascension when he gave them precepts concerning the Kingdome of God and the order and government of the Church Acts 1.2 or else the certaine direction of his Spirit that it was his will and pleasure it should be so and that also according to the Scriptures And observe how in the words following he falls in upon the same reason of the change of the day which of old was mentioned by Athanasius formerly rehearsed herein by Beza Doctor Andrews D. Lake as I have already shewed Seeing there is the same reason of sanctifying the day in which our Saviour Christ accomplished our redemption and the restitution of the world by his resurrection from death that was of sanctifying the day in which the Lord rested from the creation of the world And after many lines nothing necessary to be recited he comes to the comparison made betweene the Lords Day and other Festivalls saying Although the Church in dayes or times which are indifferent may take order for some other dayes or times to be solemnized for the exercises of Religion or the remembrance of Christs nativity resurrection ascension or the comming of the holy Ghost may be celebrated either on the Lords Day or any other time yet there is great difference between the authority of the Church in this case and the prescription of the Lords Day by the Apostles for the speciall memory of those things are indifferent of their nature either to be kept on certaine daies or left to the discretion of the Governours of the Church But to change the Lords Day or to keepe it on Munday Tuesday or any other day the Church hath no authority For it is not a matter of indifferency but a necessary prescription of Christ himselfe delivered to us by his Apostles And againe in the next place The cause of this change it was not our estimation that either we have or ought to have of our redemption before our creation but the Ordinance of God who as first he sanctified the rest from creation for the glory of that weeke so now also he sanctifieth the day of the restitution of the world for his glory of the accomplishment of our redemption Thus wee have not onely authority Humane but authority Divine for the alteration of the Day and that by the testimony of more Bishops antient and late than this Prefacer makes shew of amongst farre meaner names Yet he doth immodestly abuse Doctor Prideaux in putting it upon him that in the fifth Section he maintaines the alteration of the day to be onely an humane and Ecclesiasticall institution For in that Section he onely opposeth them who would derive the Divine authority which they stand for of the alteration of the Day from the old Testament but as for those who derive the Divine authority thereof from the new they hee confesseth doe carry themselves herein more warily the other more weakly and them alone he disputes against in that Section In the sixth Section he comes to the deriving thereof from the new Testament and first he challengeth them who boast that they have found the insti ution of the Lords Day in the new Testament expressely
keep all those things which I have commanded unto you On the Lords Day also John was in the spirit and in the spirit saw and heard the Revelation concerning the state of the Church that was to come Apoc. 1.10 whence we may gather that even then he rested to holy meditations such as became the Lords Day There is not a passage in all this but of great weight and very considerable 6. As for Doctor Fulk upon the Re. 1.10 I have represented him formerly at large that for the prescription of this day before any other of the seven they had without doubt ether the expresse Commandement of Christ before his Ascension when he gave them precepts concerning the Kingdom of God and the ordering and government of the Church Acts 1.2 or else the certaine direction of his spirit that it was his will and pleasure that it should so be and that also according to the Scriptures And observe how hee falls upon the same reason that Athanasius and the ancient Fathers insist upon Seeing there is the same reason of sanctifying that day in which our Saviour Christ accomplished our redemption and the restitution of the World by his resurrection from death that was of sanctifying the day in which the Lord rested from the Creation of the World 7. Doctor Andrewes in like manner Bishop of Winchester in his Starre Chamber speech in the case of Traske hee not onely professeth that the Sabbath had reference to the old Creation but in Christ we are a new Creature a new Creation and so to have a new Sabbath and that this new Sabbath is the Lords Day declared unto us by the resurrection of Christ for which he alleageth Austin Ep. 119. ad Ianuarium But also for the confirmation of it saith it is deduced plainly by practise adding that these two onely the day of the weeke whereon Christ rose and the Supper are called the Lords to shew that the word Dominicum is taken alike in both Nay hee goes farther as namely to alleage not onely practise but precept also for it from the first of the Epistle to the Corin. cap. 16.2 For albeit the Apostle there doth expressely constitute onely an order for collections for the poore on the day of their meeting yet as Piscator observes it cannot bee denied but that undoubtedly as touching the time of their meeting they were therein ordered also by S. Paul as they were about the manner of celebrating the Lords Supper And accordingly Paraeus in the very passage alleaged by Gomarus doth take that place of 1 Cor. 16.2 to notifie that the very time of their meeting there specified was by the ordinance of S. Paul Doctor Lake Bishop of Bath and Wells in his Theses de Sabbato Thes 34. The Apostles directed by Christs not only example but spirit also observed the same witnesse in the Acts S. Paul S. John in the Revelation 38. And from the Apostles the Catholique Church uniformly receaved it witnesse all Ecclesiasticall writers 39. And the Church hath receaved it not to be liberae observationis as if men might at their pleasure accept or refuse it 40. but to be perpetually observed to the Worlds end For as God only hath power to apportion his time so hath he power to set out the day that he will take for his portion For he is Lord of the Sabbath 8. Master Fox upon the Rev. 1. v. 10. professeth that the observation of the Lords Day doth Niti authoritate institutionis Apostolicae depend upon the authority of Apostolicall institution 9. Walaeus dissert de Sab. p. 172. we conclude saith hee this first day of the weeke was by the Apostles put in the place of the Sabbath and commended to the Church not only by a power ordinary competent to all pastors for the ordering of indifferent rites in their Churches but by a singular power also as who had the oversight of the whole Churches and who as extraordinary Ministers of Christ were by the holy Ghost put in trust that they might be faithfull not only for the delivering of certaine precepts concerning faith and manners but also as touching upright ordering of the Church that so it might be made known to all Christians every where what day in the weeke was to be kept by vertue and Analogy of the fourth Commandement least dissension thereabouts and consequently confusion might arise in the Church of God and to this purpose hee alleageth Beza before mentioned and Gallesius Calvins Collegue on Exod. 31. This ordinance to wit that the Lords Day should be substituted in the place of the Sabbath we have re●aved saith hee not from men but from the Apostles that is from the Spirit of God whereby they were governed and after he had proved this out of three places of Scripture Acts 20.7 1 Cor. 16 2. Re. 1.10 in the end hee addes For although we are not tied to the observation of dayes yet this necessary order must be observed least confusion should be bred in the Church 10. Fayus Calvins successor alleaged also by Walaeus disput 47. in q. praecept Iustly therefore may we say that the Apostles by the leading of the Holy Ghost for the seventh day of the Law substituted the first day of the week which was the first in the Creation of the first World 11. Hyperius in 1. Cor. 16. 1. The first day of the weeke in memory of the Lords Resurrection was called the Lords Day the observation of the Sabbath being translated thereunto through the command of the Holy Ghost by the Apostles 12. Adde unto these Master Perkins maintaining the same That which he delivers of the Parliament in the dayes of King Edward the sixt in that preamble of theirs concerning holy dayes as left by the authority of Gods Word to the authority of Christs Church by the discretion of the Rulers and Ministers therof as they shall judge most expedient to the true setting forth of Gods Glory and edification of the people I say that this should bee understood not of holy dayes onely but of the Lords Day also is a thing most incredible neither doth hee offer to cite any parcell thereof to justifie this so bold an affirmation onely hee sayth that by the body of the act it doth appeare but what that is in the body of that act whereby this doth appeare hee very judiciously conceales How improbable is it that Bishop Andrewes would have opposed this Doctrine in the Starte Chamber if a Parliament of Prelates and that in the dayes of King Edward the sixt had maintained it For hee professeth that these two onely the Lords Day and the Lords Supper are called the Lords to shew that Dominicum is alike to bee taken in both and takes upon him to shew that in the very Scripture there is found a precept for observation of the Lords Day And Bishop Lake in like manner professeth that it is not Liberae observatio nis but necessarily to be observed Doctor Fulks answer
Section for the justifying thereof Onely it is said that therence it followeth not that Then or at that time to wit the very day whereon God rested he commanded it to be kept holy by his people Now this exception also I have remooved in the former Section And it is very strange we should be to seeke of the time in reference whereunto this is delivered most of all if spoken onely in reference to 2500 yeares after and not the least intimation of so strange an anticipation beyond all example as Walaeus and Rivetus have proved When Abulensis saith that Moses spake this by anticipation rather to shew the equity of the Commandement then the Originall If the booke of Genesis were written before the Commandement was given on mount Sina this interpretation must suppose that the Lord had already revealed to Moses what hee would doe on Mount Sina and what ground is produced for the building of so much as any conjecture hereof thereupon And what wise man would expect that any man should be satisfied herewith Doth it not concerne them who maintaine this affirmative to make it good by Texts of Scripture If after the Commandements were delivered on Mount Sina what neede of representing the equity thereof seeing the equity and that in this very way is expressed in the Commandement it selfe and that in such manner as to manifest evidently that God did not now begin to command this but that hee commanded it of old even from the Creation as already I have disputed and proved And though Abulensis were of this opinion yet Catarinus was not and though Perorius the Jesuite to●ke part with Tostatus yet Rivetus hath shewed that Cornelius de lapide Emmanuel Sa. Ribera all Jesuites do not but with Catarinus rather or that Steuchus Eugubinus Genebrard and Iacobus Salianus concurre with them against the opinion of Tostatus Gomarus acknowledgeth Marius also to be of the same minde all Papists and let mee adde unto these all the Remists as appeares in their notes upon Apoc. 1.10 Enosh might call upon the Lord and Abraham offer sacrifice without relation to a set and appointed time oftner and seldomer as they had occasion It was in the former Section signified to be Torniellus his reason which here is answered now Torniellus was of a contrary opinion to us in this particular yet hee confesseth that it seemed hardly credible neither doth the Doctor deny it onely hee saith that Enosh might so doe hee doth not say hee did yet undoubtedly many things are done that are hardly credible should be done much more might bee done though indeed they are not Yet this is none of our arguments but such as it is let us not extenuate it but take it aright as it deserves to be taken Torniellus suppposeth that Enosh did apart himselfe from the sonnes of Cain Now Enosh was not alone in this for the Text saith Then began men to call upon the name of the Lord not Enosh alone Now in separation they that separate from the same company in an holy manner have reason to congregate themselves the same holinesse is as powerfully effectuall to the one as to the other and they are called the Sonnes of God in distinction from the sonnes and daughtes of men Gen. 6.2 though then the very sonnes of God began to degenerate And that these meetings of many should be without a set and appointed time I cannot devise any colour of probability 1. For that they could not all meete in one congregation 2. that meeting in diverse the children of God should desire that at one time their meeting might be the prayers of many concurring in the same faith and joyning together doe besiege Gods Eares and worke an holy violence upon him 3. otherwise there would be a breach of society and mutuall commerce that being an holy day in one place or countrey which was not in another 4. being divided farre off it would be most difficult to make new appointments 5. little likelihood of agreement herein if left unto themselves without some divine direction and appointment But to returne the next portion of the discourse is this And as for the not falling of the Manna on the Sabbath day this rather was a preparation to the Commandement then any promulgation of it But suppose it had beene a promulgation of it what could that hinder the discourse of Iacobs not neglecting Labans flocke upon conscience of the Sabbath which was long before the children of Israells going downe into Egypt whereas Manna fell not untill their departing out of Egypt and comming into the Wildernesse which was diverse hundreds of yeeres after But yet the ordering of the Manna in the falling of it six dayes and not the seventh doth evidently argue that this seventh standing in just correspondency to the seventh day from the Creation as appeares by the story following the dividing of time into weekes and septenaries from the Creation was exactly observed from the Creation all along untill that time And no lesse evidently doth it manifest that the Sabbath day was observed before the Law given on Mount Sinai and consequently either by light of nature directing them to the day of the weeke whereon God rested or by Commandement and Commandement wee finde none before that on Mount Sinai unlesse that in Gen. 2.3 Goe for a Commandement from the beginning The first mention wee reade of the Sabbath is that Exod. 16.23 Where Moses saith This is that which the Lord hath sayd to morrow is the rest of the holy Sabbath unto the Lord and let every one judge whether there bee any forme of a Commandement in this and whether hee doth not speake unto them of a Sabbath as of a thing formerly well knowne unto them and v. 25. To day is the Sabbath unto the Lord to day yee shall not find it in the feild This is not spoken as if the condition of a Sabbath were any new thing unto them But let us see whether there be any great strength in that which followeth Put the case that Iacob on the Sabbath had neglected Labans flook and that the Israelites under Pharaoh had not made up their tale of brickes neither had he escaped a chiding nor they the insolent fury of their taskmasters And now according to the principles of these Sabbatarians what would you counsaile them to doe did they observe the Sabbath they were sure of punishment from man did they neglect it they were sure of vengeance from the Lord unto such streights are they reduced who would impose the Sabbath as a perpetuall Law of nature As for the first of these wee cannot be ignorant that both flockes of sheepe and heads of greater cattell were looked unto in the time of the most rigorous observation of the Sabbath Our Saviour observes the Jewes practise notwithstanding all their rigour this way was to unloose their Oxe and leade him to watering Neither was Laban so rigorous a Lord to Iacob being from the first