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A52022 The lives of the prophets, patriarchs, apostles, &c. With the interpretation of their names: collected into an alphabetical order, for the benefit of the reader. R. M. 1695 (1695) Wing M72B; ESTC R217713 239,005 339

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THE LIVES OF THE PROPHETS Patriarchs Apostles c. WITH The Interpretation of their Names Collected into an Alphabetical Order for the benefit of the Reader LONDON Printed for Nathaniel Rolls at his Auction-House in Petty Cannon Hall near the North-side of St. Paul's Church 1695. TO THE CHRISTIAN READER THE best learned and wisest Philosophers having received no taste or light of the Gospel of Christ but only being led and directed by Nature and Reason held this for a Principle among themselves that MAN was not born to himself only but was framed of Nature such an excellent Creature as he is to that end that he might imploy those singular gifts wherewith he is beautified as Wisdom Reason Memory Discretion and Judgment not only to his own private commodity but also to the profit of his Country and others This good opinion ingraffed in their minds by Nature delivered from one to another by Instruction and so from time to time continued among themselves by consent caused the best able Men among them such as God and Nature had plentifully endued with knowledge and understanding to leave such worthy Monuments as they did to Posterity as Plato and Tully good Rules of life and government Aristotle the hidden secrets of Philosophy Ptolomy the high mysteries of Astronomy Euclyde the infallible Principles of Geometry Varro the necessary observations of Husbandry c. Out of the which so great commodities in all Ages have been reaped and as occasion and good wits have served have also from time to time been encreased If this Principle of theirs be sound and true as indeed I take it to be then of consequence one other depending upon the same must needs be as true and that is this That those Men do nearest approach to the Rule of uncorrupt Nature and do best deserve of a Common-wealth whose labours and travails are bestowed on those things which tend to the best end For by the consideration of the end whereunto each thing leadeth the goodness and excellency of the thing it self is to be known and esteemed As for example If health either maintained or recovered be good then Physick whose chief end is to maintain and recover health must needs be good also If good government publickly and peaceable enjoying of our own privately be a good thing and to be commended then the Law for that it respecteth Justice in all actions and quietness as his chief end must needs likewise be good and deserve the like commendation And as there be many things which for this self same Reason that I have now alledged are to be accounted good and praise-worthy in their kind So I think there is no man so far from Reason but that he seeth by the self same Argument it must needs be inforced that though many Arts and Sciences be good for that their ends be good yet some one there is that is to be accounted as best for that its end is best The chief end of Man in this World what it is I think no Christian man so slenderly instructed that he maketh any doubt thereof For the very Philosophers themselves of whom I spake before were fully resolved that it was to live well and vertuously and affirmed that whereas other Creatures are made groveling and still beholding the ground as they go Man was therefore framed streight and upright that he might always behold Heaven and heavenly things and so by the very shape of his body and countenance be put in mind continually that albeit he were here for a season as a wandring Pilgrim upon earth yet his end was to be a free Citizen and an inheritor of Heaven above And as they by Reason and Conjecture were led so to think so we by Faith and express Commandment are moved so stedfastly to believe If then the knowledge of God and heavenly things be the chiefest end and mark whereat man ought to shoot it must needs be concluded that those Mens studies and labours deserve the greatest praise which are employed to the attaining and directing of others thereunto Wherein as God in all Ages hath always stirred up some who have taken great pains therein to the publick commodity of others So in my simple judgment neither this present Work neither the Author thereof deserveth the least commendation And albeit I wot full well that so the Work it self be good it is not greatly material what the Workman be yet like as good Wine is then best when it is drunk out of a clean Vessel and good Meat then most delighteth when the Dresser thereof is cleanly So this Book which of it self I doubt not to be such that it will be liked of all those who delight in God and godliness I trust even for the Author's sake it shall never awhit the worse be welcome Of whose sincere life and great praises although there is good cause why I should speak for that he hath been of long time throughly known to me and I am assured his vertues and integrity to be such that if I should say there are few like him to be found I trust for saying the truth no good man would be offended Yet partly for that I am not ignorant that no man delighteth less to hear his own praise than he doth partly for that there be many causes why I should rather honour him than for lack of sufficient skill and ability meanly praise him I will leave him to thy particular judgment gentle Reader and to the testimonial of the whole World who I doubt not will say no less but that he is a man without fraud or guile and such a one as feareth God As touching the Book it self good reason it is each man should use his own judgment and opinion But if my simple Testimonial may prevail I dare warrant it to be such that what study soever thou shalt bestow in reading the same it shall well requite thy pains And though the Author be such that he rather delighteth in good and vertuous life than maketh boast of any great learning Yet such hath his pains been herein that very good Clerks need take no scorn to receive some light from this his Candel In summ the Book is of God and his holy Saints and therefore to be reverenced collected out of Scripture and therefore no vain fable written briefly and therefore not tedious set forth in plain and simple wise and therefore the better for thy capacity truly reporting the life and death of such as either for sin and those to be avoided either for vertue and those to be imitated have mention made in God's holy Book All that is written therein is written for thy help and instruction Use it then to that end that the Author meaneth that is Not only to increase thy knowledge and so to be made more learned but also to increase thy vertuous life and so to become the better Man R. M. A BRIEF ACCOUNT Of the LIVES of the PATRIARCHS PROPHETS APOSTLES and
that curse thee and in thee shall all the Families of the Earth be blessed Abraham now having this promise made him of God departed out of Haran he and Sara his wife with Lot his Nephew and with all their substance that they had to go and to sojourn in the Land of Canaan And being there the Lord made a promise to Abraham that his Seed should possess that Land Whereupon soon after and in the same place where God spake thus unto him he made an Altar and offered Sacrifices thereon to the Lord. And so remaining in the Land there fell at the last so great a Famine that he was constrained to flie into Egypt where he fearing the Egyptians to be ungodly and vicious men feigned Sara to be his Sister Abraham taught the Egyptians Astronomy and Geometry Joseph●● thinking that if she were known to be his Wife they would for her beauty take her from him and put him in hazard of his life Then was it told to King Pharaoh what a beautiful Woman Abraham had brought with him into Egypt The King now knowing thereof commanded the Woman to be brought unto him and with all gentle entertainment received her into his house and intreated Abraham well for her sake But when he saw so many plagues fall on him and on all his hous-hold understanding that it was for with-holding another Mans wife from him he restored the Woman without dishonesty to Abraham her Husband again Giving also his Men a great charge concerning the Man and his Wife 13. cap. Then soon after Abraham returned from Egypt into the Country of Canaan where he had been afore And when he had lived some space in the Land there fell such a strife between the Herdmen of Abrahams Cattel and the Herdmen of Lots Cattel that Abraham was fain to divide the Land between his Nephew Lot and him and so they removed the one from the other Abraham had now been so long without issue 16. cap. that he took by consent and advice of Sarah one of his Maids named Agar to Wife who conceived and brought him forth a Son which was called Ishmael Abraham then being at the age of fourscore years and six 17. cap. And when he was come to the number of ninety and nine God gave unto him the covenant of Circumcision which he received first in himself and then made Ishmael and all the rest of his houshold to receive the same 21. cap. The next year after when Abraham was just an hundred years old Sarah conceived brought him forth his long promised Son named Isaac whom he circumcised the eighth day following would after that have offered him up in sacrifice 22. cap. but that God seeing his ready obedience staid his hand Finally after the death of Sarah 25. cap. Abraham took him another Wife called Keturah who bare unto him six Sons Which Children he would not suffer to remain and company with his Son Isaac Abrabam dyed before the Incarnation of Christ 1838. years but before he died sent them away with great Rewards and Gifts and made Isaac Heir of all his Goods He died at the age of an hundred seventy and five and was buried beside Sarah his Wife in the double Gave which he bought of Ephron the Hittite Look more in the histories of Lot Sarah and Melchisedeck Abraham a Father of a great multitude Absalom the son of David 2 Sam. 3. whom he begat on his wife Maacha the daughter of Thalmai King of Geshur was the goodliest personage in all Israel for as Scripture witnesseth God had so framed the form and ornaments of his body that from the soal of the foot to the crown of the head was no member amiss And yet among all the hair of his head excelled which so increased daily that the weight thereof compelled him at every years end to shave it off This Absalom had a brother named Amnon 2 Sam. 13. to whom he bare a privie grudge for defiling his sister Thamar And to be reveng'd on him for the same he invited all his brethren unto a banket made in the time of his sheep-shearing to the which banket Amnon came with the rest of his brethren and in the midst of their cheer Absalom killed Amnon and fled to the King of Geshur his Grandfather with whom he abode three years In the which space by mediation of friends 14. cap. he was at the last call'd home again and brought by Joab his Aunts son to Jerusalem where he remained two years after Then Absalom marvailing why Joab had not brought him to the King his Father in all that space sent once or twice for him to come and speak with him and when he saw that he came not he commanded his men to go and burn up the field of Barley which pertained to Joab and lay joyning to his ground Then Joab hearing thereof went to Absalom demanding wherefore his men had destroyed his Corn Because quoth Absalom I sent for thee twice and thou wouldest not come wherefore didst thou bring me from Geshur had it not been as good for me and better to have continued there still than here to lye so nigh the King my Father and cannot be suffered to see him then Joab considering the matter had him to the King where he was joyfully received After all this 15. cap. Absalom began certain practices to aspire to the kingdom wherein he prospered so far that at length he proclaimed himself King in Hebron Causing his Father for fear to flie out of his Realm against whom he called his counsel to devise what way he might best overcome his Father But God by whose providence all things are staid so wrought with his Counsellors 17. cap. that the success of his enterprise turned to his own destruction For when it came so to pass 18. cap. that both the armies were joyned in battel together Absaloms men had the worst and he himself a sudden mischance for as he rode on his Mule through the wood to have escaped Rebellion never escapeth Gods punishment a twist of an Oak caught him so fast in the hair of his head that it took him quite out of his Saddle And so he hang'd on the tree till Joab came with his spear and slew him whose Carcass after was taken down and cast into a pit and covered with an heap of stones Absalom A Father of Peace or the Fathers Peace or Reward Achan Josua 7. was the son of Charmy and of the Tribe of Juda who being at the winning of the City of Jericho and hearing Josua pronounce the City and all things therein to be excommunicate and accursed of the Lord took not withstanding certain jewels of the same and hid them privily under the ground in his tent Then after when Josua went about the taking of Hai and had sent three thousand souldiers to win it the men of Hai issued out of the city
and slew thirty and six of the Israelites and chased the rest back again whereat Josua was so discomfited that he rent his clothes and called on God to know the cause of their overthrowing who made him answer that Israel could not stand before the men of Hai forasmuch as some of them had transgressed his commandment and told him the way and means how he should search it out which thing being done he found that Achan had taken of the spoil of Jericho a Babylonish garment two hundred sicles of silver and a wedge of gold which being tried and brought forth before the whole congregation Josua took Achan his sons and daughters cattel goods and all that he had and carried them out to the valley of Achor where they were stoned to death and consumed with fire Achan Troubling Achab the son of Amry 1 King 16. began his raign over Israel in the 39th year of the raign of Asa King of Juda. He took Jezabel the daughter of Ethbaal King of the Sydonites to wife by whose means he fell into all wicked and strange Idolatry and cruel persecution for the which God plagued him so 18. cap. that in three years space neither dew nor rain fell down from above to moisten the earth whereof ensued so great a Murren of men and beasts that innumerable dyed thereof and all the fault and cause of this plague he laid on Elia the Prophet and sought by all means how to destroy him 21. cap. This King was so wicked that Scripture saith he had even sold himself to work wickedness and yet notwithstanding God gave him a marvellous victory of Benhadad King of Syria who had in his company 20. cap. thirty two Kings with whom he fought twice and beat him and at the third time brought * Here God as he many times doth did punish one wicked by another him into so miserable a case that he was fain to humble himself to Achab with a rope about his neck who nevertheless had pity on that wicked King and made a bond with him and let him go Now for this mercy which Achab had shewed to Benhadad whom the Lord had cursed and put into Achabs hands to be slain God was angry with Achab and promised his utter destruction for the same 1 King 21. This greedy Cormorant was not content with his Kingdom and spoil of his victories which God had given him but caused Naboth that innocent man to be murdered only to have his vineyard which lay so nigh his nose whose bloud did cry for such vengeance of God that word was brought him by the Prophet Elia that in the same place where dogs had licked the bloud of Naboth should dogs lick his also and that he would do unto Achab and his posterity even as he had done to the house of Jeroboam and Baasha which terrible threatnings of God so frighted Achab that he * His repentance was not true but plain hypocrisie repented and humbled himself in sackcloth for the which the Lord deferred his plague and would not perform it in Achabs days but in the time of his sons reign Finally it came in the mind of Achab to go into Syria 22. cap. to recover the City of Ramoth which he claimed by inheritance And trusting more to the counsel of four hundred false Prophets than he did to Micajah the true Prophet of God he took his journey towards Ramoth and being in battel against his enemies the Syrians he was shot with an arrow standing in his Chariot of the which stroke he died And then when his Chariot was had to the pool of Samaria to be washed the dogs licked up the bloud that ran thorow the Chariot and so was the word of the Lord fulfilled which he had spoken before concerning the same He reigned twenty two years Achab The Fathers brother Achaicus 1 Cor. 16. was a faithful Christian brother whom St. Paul sent with Stephanus and Fortunatus from Philippi to the Corinthians with his Epistle Achaicus Mourning or sad Achaz look Ahaz Achior Judith 5. was Captain and governour of all the Ammonites under Holofernes and had the spirit of Prophecie so plentiful in him that when Holofernes demanded what manner of people the Jews were he stepped forth before him and said If it please thee O Prince I will tell thee of a truth what they be They are a people which came of the generation of the Chaldees and because they would not serve their gods nor yet follow their customs they went and dwelt first in Mesopotamia worshipping one God that made Heaven and Earth at whose commandment they went from thence and dwelt in the Land of Canaan where in process fell so great a Dearth that then from Canaan they went down to Egypt and dwelt among the Egyptians four hundred Years In the which space they grew to a mighty number and were sore oppressed of the King of that Land but assoon as they cryed to their God for help he sent down such Plagues upon the King and all his Land that he was fain to suffer them to depart yet when they were gone and the Plague ceased he then pursued to have brought them back again into bondage But GOD perceiving his People to be in a streight opened the Sea before them and brought them thorow on dry ground and closed the Sea upon their Enemies and so drowned Pharaoh with all his Host And now being passed the red Sea they came to the Wilderness of Mount Sinai where the Waters being bitter he made them sweet and fed them Forty Years with Meat from Heaven They had such power from their God that they cast out before them the Canaanites the Perisites the Jebusites and the Hittites with many great Nations more For so long as they stood in awe of their God and did not offend him so long was no Nation ever able to molest or hurt them But if at any time they declined from his will and Ordinance then were they quickly destroyed in Battel and brought to captivity and bondage Wherefore O Prince let inquisition now be made whether they have offended their God or no and if they have then let us go against them for God shall deliver them into thy hand But if they have not displeased their God he will so defend them that we shall not surely be able to stand before them but become a reproach unto all the World Judith 6. Now was Holofernes so mad with Achior that he commanded his Men to carry him to the Jews that he might perish with them in their destruction And as they went toward Bethulia with Achior and saw they might not come nigh the City without great peril of their lives they went to a Tree and bound him fast to the same and so leaving him went their ways Then came the Jews to Achior and loosed his Bands had him into the City and set him before the Senators who demanded
report to their Brethren of that good Land saying it was a Country of strong and fierce People and such a Land as did eat up the Inhabiters thereof and with like perswasions made them both astonished and afraid and to murmur and grudge against Moses and Aaron saying they would make them a Captain and go into Egypt again Then Caleb and Joshua seeing their Brethren so discomfited rent their cloaths for sorrow and said Oh dear Brethren be ye not discouraged at these false surmised tails neither yet rebel against the Lord for we have seen the Land as well as they that have discouraged you and know it to be a better Land than they report a Land that floweth with Milk and Hony And as for the People therein fear them not for they be but Bread for us their shield is departed from them and God is with us therefore pluck up your hearts and fear not With these and the like comfortable sayings Caleb and Jeshua withdrew the fury of the multitude which were ready to destroy them and also ceased their murmuring which murmuration of the People so grieved the Lord that he swore to Moses that not one of them all should see that good Land save Caleb and Joshua although their children should see it But first said God to Moses they shall wander in the Wilderness Forty Years and suffer for their Fathers * Which is their infidelity and disobedience whoredome until their Fathers Carkasses be wasted a Year for a Day according to the number of days in searching the Land which was forty days And because Caleb followed the Lord continually God swore to Moses that Caleb and his Seed should inherit that Land which came so to pass for after xlv years Josh 14 10 11. Caleb then being at the age of lxxxv years and as lusty as he was when Moses sent him first to search the Land required of Joshua his Heritage who appointed out unto him the City of Hebron with the Countries thereabout out of the which City he drove out the three Sons of Anak Joshua 15.14 Judg. 1.13 This Caleb had a younger Brother called Othoniel to whom he gave his Daughter Achsah to Wife for taking of a certain City called Kiriathsepher Caleb as a Hart. Carpus 2 Tim. 4.13 was a certain godly Man dwelling at Croada with whom Paul left his Cloak with certain Books which he desired Timothy to bring with him when he came to him again Carpus Fruit or fruitful Cendebius 1 Mac. 15. cap. 16. was Captain-General of Antiochus's Host And when he had done much harm in the Land of Jewry and built up Cedron and fortified it with Men of War he was at the last by the Sons of Simon discomfited and put to flight Cendebius Zeal or the possession of sorrow or grief Cereas was Brother to Timotheus 2 Mac. 10. and Captain of a strong Castle called Gazar into the which Timotheus being overcome of Judas Machabeus was fain to flie for succor Now Cereas and they that were with him in the Fort trusted so much to the strength of the place that they fell to railing and cursing of their Enemies without who notwithstanding set so manfully upon the Hold that at last they wan it and took the blasphemers and burnt them quick and slew this Cereas and his Brother Timotheus with another famous Captain called Apollophanes Cereas Glad or rejoycing Centura look Ketura Chedorlaomor look Kedorlaomor Cis was the Son of Abiel of the Tribe of Benjamin 1 Sam 9.1 c. and Father to King Saul Whose Asses on a time being strayed abroad he said unto Saul his Son Take one of the Lads with thee and go and seek out mine Asses that are lost This Cis is called also the Son of Ner 1 Chron. 8.33 Cis Hard or stubble or a place where Cucumbers are Cis The Son of Jehiel 1 Cor. 8.29 30.9.35 36. his Mother was called Maacah Cis the Son of Mahli Son to Merari 1 Chron. 23.21 His Brother's name was Eleazar Whose Daughters he being dead the Sons of this Cis took to their Wives Claudia was a certain godly Brother 2 Tim. 4.21 who being with Paul at Rome sent as many more did greetings to Timothy in Paul's Letter Claudia a proper name Act. 11.28 * He was poisoned of his Wife Agrippina that Nero her son might succeed in the Empire Claudius was an Emperour in whose time the fourth Year of his reign was a great Dearth thorowout all the World whereof Agabus the Prophet prophesied aforehand Claudius a proper name Cleopatra Cooper 1 Mac. 10. chap. 11. the Daughter of King Ptolomy was married to Alexander the Son of Noble Antiochus And again for displeasure taken from Alexander her lawful Husband and given to Demetrius the Son of Demetrius Cleopatra the Glory of the Country Cleophas Luk. 24.13.18 was the Husband of Mary Sister to Mary the Mother of Christ and one of the two Disciples which after the death of Christ went to the Town of Emaus talking and reasoning together of all things that had happened to Jesus and as they were reasoning the matter Jesus joyned himself personally with them as a wayfaring man desirous to know whereof they talked so sadly To whom Cleophas made answer and said Art thou only a stranger in Jerusalem and hast not known the things which have chanced there of late What things said Jesus Of one Jesus of Nazareth which was a Prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the People and how the chief Priests and our Rulers delivered him to be condemned to death and have crucified him but we trusted that it had been he that should have delivered Israel They understood not yet what was the deliverance that Jesus Christ purchased for us and besides all these things to day is the third day since they were done Then Jesus opened the Scriptures to Cleophas and the other and being known of them at the last by breaking of Bread they returned to the Apostles at Jerusalem and told them all what they had heard and seen of Jesus by the way to Emaus Cleophas All manner of glory Clement Philip. 4.3 was one of Paul's Fellow-labourers in the Gospel among the Philippians as Paul himself reporteth saying And I beseech thee faithful yoke-fellow help the Women which laboured with me in the Gospel with Clement also and with other my Fellow-labourers whose Names are in the Book of Life Clement Meek Crescens what time as Paul sent for Timothy 2 Tim. 4.10 was departed from Rome into Galatia for business he had there whereof he certifieth Timothy saying Crescens is gone to Galatia and Titus unto Dalmatia Crescens a Latine word Encreasing Crispus the chief Ruler of the Synagogue at Corinth Acts 18.8 after he had heard Paul's preaching believed in the Lord he and all his Houshold and were baptized in the Name of Christ Jesus Crispus a Latine word curled
he married to Jacob his Sisters Son as in the story of Jacob is at large set forth Laban White Lamech the Son of Methuselah Gen 4.19 c. came of the Generation of Cain and was the first Man that took him two Wives whereby the lawful Institution of Marriage which is that two should be one flesh was first in him corrupted His two Wives were called Adah and Zillah By Adah he had two Sons Jubal and Tubal By Zillah one Son called Tubal-Cain and a Daughter called Naamah He slew Cain but not willingly and told his Wives saying I have slain a Man unto the wounding of my self and a young Man unto mine own punishment If Cain shall be avenged seven fold truly Lamech seventy and seven fold 5.28 c. When Lamech had lived 182. years he begat a Son and called his name Noah of whom he prophesied saying This shall comfort us concerning the works and labours of our hands in the Earth which the Lord hath cursed He lived 777. years and dyed Lamech Poor or smitten Lazarus John 11. cap. was a certain Man dwelling in the Town of Bethanie which Town pertained to him and his Sisters called Martha and Mary Magdalene And being sick on a time his Sister Mary sent unto Jesus saying Oh Lord behold he whom thou lovest is sick At whose request Jesus when he saw his time took his journey into Jewry to visit his Friend Lazarus who was dead and buried four days before his coming Then Jesus who was not ignorant of that which was done went to his Grave wherein they had laid him and said Lazarus come forth And forthwith he came out of his Grave bound Hand and Foot with his Grave-cloaths upon him and a Napkin bound about his Face who being untied came forth of his Cloaths as whole and as lusty as ever he was in all his life For the which Miracle the Jews sought not only how they might put Jesus to death but Lazarus also upon whom the Miracle was done because that for his sake many of the Jews went away and believed on Jesus After this about six days before the Feast of Easter came Jesus to Bethanie again John 12.1 2. where they had prepared him a Supper at the which Martha served him but Lazarus sat at the Table with him as others did Lazarus the Help or succour of God or Gods Court Lazarus Luk. 16.20 c. the poor Begger which lay at the great Man's Gate full of botches and sores even ready to die for hunger could not be relieved with so much as one crum of the Scraps which fell from the Rich man's Board when he made his earnest petition for them whereas the Dogs were fed with great Lumps of good Bread yea he found more favour and gentleness with the Dogs than with the Rich man For whereas the rich Glutton would refresh the poor Begger with nothing of all his delicious and sumptuous fare yet the hungry Dogs came and licked his sores But when it chanced that this Begger died he was carried by the Angels into * So●e do understand by Abraham's bosom the faith of Abraham And some the place where those do rest which die in the faith of Abraham Which place is not expressed in Scripture Abraham's bosom And contrariwise the rich Man then dying also and being sumptuously buried was carried into Hell where in his torments he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom unto whom he cryed saying O Father Abraham have mercy upon me and send Lazarus hither that he may but dip the tip of his finger in water to cool my Tongue for I am sore tormented in this Flame Nay said Abraham forasmuch as in thy lise time thou receivedst thy pleasure and hadst no pity on the poor now art thou punished And contrariwise Lazarus which received pain and took it patiently is now comforted Leah was the Eldest Daughter of Laban the Son of Nahor Abraham's Brother and somewhat blear-eyed Gen. 19.33 c. She prevented her Sister Rachel in marriage being brought to Jacob's Bed in her Sisters stead and so became Jacob's first Wife and bare unto him one after another these four Sons Reuben Simeon Levi and Judah 30.14 c. and so ceased till it chanced Reuben her Eldest Son in the time of wheat Harvest to go out into the fields and find * The Mandrake is a kind of Herb whose Root hath a certain likeness of the figure of 2 Man Mandrakes and brought them home to his Mother Then Rachel hearing thereof went to Leah her sister desiring to have her Sons Mandrakes who said to Rachel Is it not enough that thou hast taken away my Husband but wouldest take away my Son's Mandrakes also Well quoth Rachel let him sleep with thee this Night for thy Sons Mandrakes And so Jacob coming out of the Field at Even Leah met him and said Come in unto me for I have bought thee with my Sons Mandrakes and that night she conceived of Jacob and brought him forth the fifth Son and called his name Isachar After that she conceived again and brought him forth the sixth Son and called his name Zebulun Last of all she conceived and brought him forth a Daughter and called her name Dinah Leah Painful or wearied Levi Gen. 29.34.34 cap. the third Son of Jacob and Leah with his Brother Simeon slew Hemor and Sichem his Son for ravishing of their Sister Dinah And therefore were they called of Jacob their Father Cruel Instruments Levi had three Sons Gershon Kalath and Merari The Tribe of Levi Num. 18.20 c. Deut. 10.8 Joshua 13.33 the Lord chose unto himself and appointed them to serve in the Tabernacle of witness with Aaron to bear the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord to minister and bless in his name and had no Inheritance among their Brethren but the Lord who was their Inheritance He lived 137. years Exod. 6.16 Levi Joyned or coupled Levi Luke 5.27 c. Mar. 2.14 Matth. 9.9 otherwise called Matthew the Son of Alpheus was a Toll-gatherer or a receiver of Custome who at the voice of Jesus when he said Follow me left his office and all things behind him and followed the Lord. And became of a sinful Publican a true Disciple of Christ He invited Jesus to his house and made him a great Feast at the which were many Publicans beside other of his acquaintance which sat at Meat with Christ and his Disciples wherewith the Pharisees were much offended Levite and his Wife There was a certain Levite dwelling on this side of Mount Ephraim which took to Wife a Concubine out of Bethlehem Juda which Woman played the Whore by him and went away from him to her Fathers house where she remained four Moneths And at last her Husband being desirous to have her again went to intreat her friendly and to fetch her home and was gently entertained
Dowry Finally 2 King 23.33 c. Pharaoh Nechoh in the days of Jehoahaz the Son of Josiah King of Juda came and deposed him making Eliakim his Brother King in his stead and taxed the Land in a hundred Talents of Silver and one of Gold and carried Jehoahaz away with him into Egypt Pharaoh Vengeance Phebe was a certain Woman Rom. 16.1 which served in the Congregation of Cenchrea by whom Paul sent his Epistle to the Romans wherein he saith in her praise and commendation on this wise I commend unto you Phebe our Sister which is a Servant of the Church of Cenchrea that ye receive her in the Lord as it becometh Saints And ye assist her in whatsoever business she needeth of your aid for she hath succoured many and me also Phygellus was one of them in Asia 2 Tim. 1.15 which had cleaved to Paul's doctrine and after ward forsook him Of whom Paul writeth to Timothy thus This thou knowest how that all they which are in Asia be turned from me of which sort are Phygellus and Hermogenes Philemon look Onesimus Philetus 2 Tim. 2.17 was a certain Man in S. Paul's time which erred from the truth saying that the resurrection was past already of whose errour Paul warneth Timothy saying on this wise Study to shew thy self approved unto God a Workman that needeth not to be ashamed distributing the word of truth justly as for profane and vain bablings pass thou over them for they will increase unto ungodliness and their words will fret as doth the disease of a Canker of whose number is Hymeneus and Philetus which as concerning the truth have erred saying the resurrection is past already and do destroy the faith of many Philip. 1 Mac. 6. To this Man Antiochus the King at the day of his death committed the governance of his young Son Antiochus with the whole Realm during his Nonage Which Philip afterward went into Persia with a great Host leaving the King's Son under the tuition of Lysias who in the absence of Philip made Antiochus King in his Fathers stead adding to his name Eupater Then Philip hearing of this whose intent was to be King himself returned with the King's Army out of Persia and came to Antioch where he got the dominion But Lysias hearing thereof made haste to Antioch where he fought with Philip and in fine got the City from him Philip John 1.43 a Man born in Bethsaida a City of Galilee was called to be an Apostle After whose calling he went to Nathanael and said we have found him of whom Moses in the Law and the Prophets did write Jesus the Son of Joseph of Nazareth and so brought him to Jesus 6.5 This is he whom Christ asked to prove him where he might buy so much Bread as would serve the Company to eat that came unto him who made answer that two hundred penyworth would not suffice them to have but every Man a little Also 12.21 when there were certain Greeks which came to Philip saying they were desirous to see Jesus Philip went and told Andrew And again Andrew and Philip told Jesus Furthermore when Jesus reasoned with his Disciples about his Father saying that they both knew him and had seen him Philip said Lord shew us the Father 14.8 Act. 8.5 c. and it sufficeth us Now after the death of Christ and persecution that was about Stephen Philip went to the City of Samaria where he preached Christ and did not only convert the whole City but also Simon Magus the Sorcerer who had of long time seduced the same City with his sorcery and witchcraft And when he had thus sown the Word of God among the Samaritans the Angel of the Lord spake unto Philip saying Arise and go toward the South unto the way that goeth down from Jerusalem unto the City of Gaza which is in the Desert And as he was going he met in the way by God's providence a certain Man of Ethiopia a Chamberlain and of great Authority with Candace Queen of Ethiopia which had been at Jerusalem to worship And returning homeward sitting in his Chariot he read the Book of Esay the Prophet Then Philip being commanded by the Spirit of God to go and joyn himself unto the Chariot went And when he came near and heard him reading of Esay the Prophet he said unto the Chamberlain Understandest thou what thou readest How can I quoth he except I had a Guide wherefore I pray thee come up and sit with me The Tenor of the Scripture which he read was this He was led as a Sheep to be slain and like a Lamb dumb before his shearer so opened he not his mouth Because of his humbleness he was not esteemed But who shall declare his generation and his life is taken from the Earth When Philip had repeated this Text unto the Chamberlain he said unto Philip I pray thee of whom speaketh the Prophet this of himself or of some other man Then began Philip at the same Scripture and preached unto him Jesus And as they went on their way they came by a certain Water And the Chamberlain said to Philip See here is Water what doth lett me to be baptised Philip said If thou believe with all thy heart thou mayst And he said I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God Then was the Chariot stayed till they both went down into the Water where Philip baptised him And assoon as they were both out of the Water the spirit of the Lord caught away Philip so that the Chamberlain saw him no more who went away rejoycing But the Angel set Philip down in the next City called Azotus who walked thorowout the Country preaching in all the Cities till he came to Caesarea Philip Act. the Evangelist was one of the seven Deacons He dwelt in Caesarea and had four Daughters which did prophesie Phinehas Num. 25. cap. the Son of Eleazar was so jealous over the Laws of God that when the Children of Israel had committed whoredome with the Daughters of Moab and saw an Israelite named Zimri bring to his Brethren a Midianitish Wife named Gozbi even in the sight of Moses and all the multitude of Israel that stood before the Door of the Tabernacle lamenting their offence he took his Weapon in his hand and followed the Man into his Tent and thrust them both thorow the Bellies and killed them And then the Plague wherein were dead four and twenty thousand ceased For the which deed the Lord said to Moses Phinehas the Son of Eleazar hath turned away mine anger from the Children of Israel while he was jealous for my sake among them that I had not consumed them all in my jealousie Wherefore I give unto him my covenant of peace to him and to his seed after him even the Covenant of the Priests office for ever because he was jealous for his God's sake and made attonement for the Children of