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A50202 An essay for the recording of illustrious providences wherein an account is given of many remarkable and very memorable events which have hapned this last age, especially in New-England / by Increase Mather, teacher of a church at Boston in New-England. Mather, Increase, 1639-1723. 1684 (1684) Wing M1207; ESTC W479522 170,040 411

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much given to such unlawful Arts. It is still customary amongst the Heathenish Africans by Incantations to charm Serpents Which when they are in that way brought to them by the devil they use with the blood of such Serpents to anoint their Weapons that so they may become the more mortiferous And that the like Incantations were practised amongst the Gentiles of old is evident from that verse of Virgil in his 8 Eclog. Frigidus in pratis cantando rumpiter anguis As also by that of Ovid in Metam Lib. 7. Viperias rumpi verbis carmina fauces Yea the Holy Scriptures intimate that such diabolical practices were used by some in the dayes of old Those words of David Psal. 58. 4 5. imply no less as our Excellent Rainold has with great Learning and Judgement evinced It must be acknowledged that the notion which many have from Austin taken up as if Serpents to avoid the power of Charms would lay one Ear to the ground and with their tails stop the other ear is to be reckoned amongst vulgar errors nevertheless that there were then Charmers in the World the mentioned as well as other Scriptures notifie Moreover those Inchanters had their formulae whereby they did imprecate the persons whom they designed hurt unto and the Devil when the Great and Holy God saw meet to permit him would upon the using of those words go to work and do strange things Hence Livy speaks of the Devotaria Carmina used by Wizards The truth of this is also manifest from some passages in Aeschines his Oration against Ctesiphon And of this nature were Balaams Curses desired by Baalak as Enchantments against Iacob Numb 22. 6. 23. 23. If it had not been a thing famously known that Baalam a black Wizard did mischief others by his Incantations the King of Moab would never have sent to him for that end And as Witchcrafts of this kind were frequent among the Gentiles who kn●w not God so in a more especial manner amongst the Ephesians before they were enlightened by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Upon their Conversion to the Christian Faith as many as had used curious i. e. as the Syriac Translation rightly Interprets Magical Arts brought their Books together and burned them before all men Acts 19. 19. Which sheweth that Ephesus did once abound with these Heathenish Superstitions They pretended that they could by certain Words cure Diseases eject Devils c. Hence it became a Proverbial Phrase to say 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 when Magical Spells and Incantations were intended Hesychius mentions some of those Charms being obscure barbarous words such as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. These words they would sometimes carry about with them fairly written and then they were a Sacrament for the Devil to operate by That insignificant word Abr●dacara is by Sammonious mentioned as a Magical Spell which hobgoblin word the late miracle Monger or Mirabilarian stroaker in Ireland Valentin Greatrix attempted to cure an Ague by Porphyrius saith that the Egyptians had Symbols which Serapis appointed them to use in order to the driving away D●mons Now he whom the Egyptians called Serapis is by the Greeks called Pluto and by the I●ws Bel-zebub And as the Heathen learned such things from Bel-zebub so have the Papists who are called Gentiles in the Scripture Rev. 11. 2. and well they may be so since as to all manner of Idolatry and Superstition they Gentilize from them learned to cure Diseases and drive away Evil Spirits by Words and Spells Exor●izations c. Matthiolus reports that he knew a man that would and that without seeing the persons wounded by Charms heal those that were stung with deadly Serpents and Fernelius saith that he has seen some curing a Feaver only by muttering words without the use of any natural means Not only professed Heathen but Papists have by reciting certain Verses bin wont to cure other Diseases Yea they have practised to free persons from the Epilepsie by mentioning the Names of the three Kings of Colon as the wise Men which came from the East are usually called Hence are those celebrated Verses Haec tria qui secum Portabit nomina Regum Solvitur a morbo Christi pietate caduco It is too well known that Popish Countries do still abound with such Superstitious Vanities as these mentioned And as Voetius in his Dissertation de Exorcismo truly tells them the Exorcizations of the Papists are as like those of the Heathen as Milk is like to Milk or as one Egg is like to another I know that some Popish Authors who are more ingenious write against attempting the cure of Diseases by Words or Charms Fernelius Benevenius and as I remember Valesius disapprove of it But few if any of them are against Conjuring away Evil Spirits by Words and I know not what Formulae of their own or rather of the Devils inventing One of them viz. Hieronymus Mengus having Published a Book filled with Con●urations Entituleth it The Scourge of Devils It adds to the abomination when Men shall not only break the first and second Commandment but the third also by making use of any of the sacred Names or Titles belonging to the Glor●●●s God or to his Son Jesus Christ as Charms 〈◊〉 which nothing is more frequent amongst R●manists To conclude God in his word doth with the highest severity condemn all such Practices declaring not only that ●●chanters and Charmers are not to be tolerated amongst his People but that all who do such things are an abomination to him Deut. 18. 10 11 12. The Iews are wont to be extreamly charitable towards those of their own Nation affirming That every Israelite shall have a part in the World to come only they except such as shall by Incantation heal Diseases There are some that practise such things in their simplicity not knowing that therein they gratifie the Devil Voetiu● in his Disputation de Magia P. 576. speak● of one that according to the vain conversation received by Tradition from fo●e Fathers would sometimes attempt things of this nature but upon Voetius his instructing him concerning the sin and evil which was there● in the Man durst never more do as formerly If this discourse fail into the hands of an● whose Consciences tell them they have been guilty of the same iniquity God gran that it may have the same effect on them It is a marvelous and an amazing thing that in such a place as New-England where the Gospel hath shined with great power and glory any should be so blind as to make attempts of t●●s kind yet some such I know there have been A Man in Boston gave to one a Sealed Paper as an effectual remedy against the Tooth-ach wherein were drawn several confused Characters and these words written IN Nomine Patris Filii Spiritus Sancti Preserve thy Servant such an one Bodinus and others write of a convicted Witch whose Name was Barbary Dore that confessed she had
can make them more terrible and dreadful than they are in their own nature Satan is said to be the Prince of the Power of the Air Eph. 2. 2. And we read of the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying words 2 Thess. 2. 9. It is moreover predicted in the Revelation that Antichrist should cause fire to come down from Heaven Rev. 13. 13. Accordingly we read in History that some of the Popes have by their skill in the black Art caused Balls of fire to be seen in the Air. So then it is not beyond Satans power to effect such things if the great God give him leave without whose leave he cannot blow a Feather much less raise a Thunder-storm And as the Scriptures intimate Satan's Power in the Air to be great so Histories do abundantly confirm it by remarkable Instances One of the Scholars of Empedocles has testified that he saw his Master raising Winds and laying them again and there were once many Witnesses of it whence they called Empedocles 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Clemens Alexandrinus mentions this as unquestionably true Our great Rainold de libris Apoeryphis Lect. 202. saith that we may from Iob conclude it was not impossible for Empedocles by the Devils aid to do as has been reported of him Dio relates that when the Roman Army in the dayes of the Emperour Cl●udius pursuing the Africa● was in extream danger of perishing by Drought a Magician undertook to procure water for them and presently upon his Incantations an astonishing shower fell Iovianus Pontanus reports that when King Ferdinand besieged the City Suella all the waters in the Cisterns being dried up the Citizens had like to have lost their lives by the prevailing Drought The Popish Priests undertook by Conjuration to obtain Water The Magical Ceremonies by them observed were most horrid and ridiculous For they took an Asse and put the Sacrament of the Eucharist into his Mouth sang Funeral Verses over him and then buried him alive before the Church doors as soon as these rites so pleasing to the Devil were finished the Heavens began to look black and the Sea to be agitated with Winds and anon it rained and lightned after a most horrendous manner Smetius in his Miscellanies Lib. 5. Relates that a Girl foolishly imitating the Ceremonies of her Nurse whom she had sometimes seen raising Tempests immediately a prodigious Storm of Thunder and Lightning hapned so as that a Village near Lipsia was thereby set on fire This Relation is mentioned by Sennertus as a thing really true At some places in Denmark it is a common and a wicked practice to buy Winds when they are going to Sea● If Satan has so far the power of the Air as to cause Winds he may cause Storms also Livy reports concerning Romulus that he was by a Tempest of Thunder and Lightning transported no man knew whither being after that never heard of Meurerus in Comment Meteorolog speaketh of a Man that going between Lipsia and Torga was suddenly carried out of sight by a Thunder-storm and never seen more And the truth of our assertion seems to be confirmed by one of those sad effects of Lightning mentioned in the precedeing Chapter For I am informed that when Matthew Cole was killed with the Lightning at North-hampton the D●mon● which disturbed his Sister Ann Cole forty miles distant in Hartford spoke of it intimating their concurrence in that terrible accident The Iewish Rabbins affirm that all great and suddain Destructions are from Satan the Angel of Death That he has frequently a● hand therein is past doubt And if the fallen Angels are able when God shall grant the● a Commission to cause fearful and 〈◊〉 Thunders it is much more true concerning the good and holy Angels 2 King 1. 14 〈◊〉 When the Law was given at Mount 〈◊〉 there were amazing Thundrings and Lightnings wherein the great God saw meet to make use of the Ministry of Holy Angels Act. 7. 53. Gal. 3. 19. Heb. 2. 2. Some think that Sodom was destroyed by extraordinary Lightning It s certain that Holy Angels had an hand in effecting that Desolation Gen. 19. 13. We know that one Night the Angel of the Lord smote in the Camp of the Assyrians an 185000. It is not improbable but that those Assyrians were killed with Lightning For it was with respect to that tremendous Providence that those words were uttered Who amongst us shall dwell with the devouring Fire Isai. 33. 14. Ecclesiastical History informs us that the Iews being encouraged by the Apostate Iulian were resolved to re-build their Temple but Lightning from Heaven consumed not only their Work but all their Tools and Instruments wherewith that cursed Enterprize was to have been carried on so was their design utterly frustrate Why might not holy Angels have an hand in that Lightning There occurs to my mind a Remarkable Passage mentioned by Dr. Beard in his Chapter about the Protection of Holy Angels over them that fear God P. 443. he saith that a certain Man travelling between two Woods in a great Tempest of Thunder and Lightning rode under an Oak to shelter himself but his Horse would by no means stay under that Oak but whither his Master would or no went from that Tree and stayed very quietly under another Tree not far off he had not been there many Minutes before the first Oak was torn all to fitters with a fearful Clap of Thunder and Lightning Surely there was the invisible Guardianship of an Holy Angel in that Providence But though it be true that both natural Causes and Angels do many times concurre when Thunder and Lightning with the awful effects thereof happen nevertheless the supream cause must not be disackno●ledged The Eternal himself has a mighty hand of providence in such works He thundreth with the voice of His Excellency Among the Greeks Thunder was stiled 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And the Scripture calls it the Voice of the Lord. The God of Glory Thundereth The Voice of the Lord is very powerful the Voice of the Lord is full of Majesty the Voice of the Lord breaketh the Cedars the Voice of the Lord divideth the Flames of Fires Lightnings are also said to be the Arrows of God Psal. 18. 14. upon which account the Children of Men ought to dread the hand of the Highest therein And the more for that all places in the habitable World are exposed unto Dangers and Destruction by this Artillery of Heaven though some parts of the Earth are naturally subject thereunto more than others Acosta saith that it seldom Thunders about Brasil but such Lightnings are frequent there as make the Night appear brighter than the Noon Day Travell●rs report that there are some Snowy Mountains in Africa on which the Cracks of Thunder are so loud and vehement as that they are heard fifty Miles off at Sea In some parts of Tartaria it will both Snow and Thunder at the same time In the Northern Climates there
a punishment for sin committed Most commonly either for the sin of Murder Plutarch writes that the House of Pusanias was haunted by an evil spirit after he had Murdered his Wife Many like Instances have been reported and recorded by credible Authors Or else for the sin of Theft As for Walton the Quaker of Portsmouth whose House has been so strangely troubled he suspects that one of his Neighbours has caused it by witchcraft she being a Widow-woman chargeth him with injustice in detaining some Land from her It is none of my work to reflect upon the Man nor will I do it only if there be any late or old guilt upon his Conscience it concerns him by Confession and Repentance to give Glory to that God who is able in strange wayes to discover the sins of Men. I shall here take occasion to commemorate an alike notable scene of Providence which was taken notice of in another part of the World s●il at Brightling in Sussex in England The Minister in that Town viz. Mr. Ioseph Bennet has given a faithful account of that strange Providence which is published by Mr. Clark in his Examples Vol. 2. Page 593 c. I shall relate it in his Words thus he writeth concerning it Anno Christi 1659. There was at Brightling an amazing Providence containing many strange passages A wonderful hand of God by what Instrument or Instruments soever which was a fire strangely kindled which burnt down a Mans house and afterwards kindled in another to which the mans Goods were carried and to which himself and his Wife and his Servant Girl were removed and several things were thrown by an invisible hand powerfully convincing and thereby discovering the Hypocrisie and Theft of the Man and for a warning to others to take heed of the like November 7. In the Evening The fire first kindled in this Man's Milk-house and November 9. there was dust thrown upon this Man and his Wife as they lay in Bed together and there was knocking several times and the same morning divers things were thrown about and the Fire again kindled in the Milk-house which was yet put out by the Woman her self then it kindled in the Eves of the house in the Thatch which was put out by a Man which was their next Neighbour That night as the Man had a pot of Beer in his hand a stone fell into the Pot then did he set down the pot upon the Table When some Men came to be with them that night they were speaking how convenient it would be to have a Tub filled with Water to stand ready in case they should have occasion to use it and as they were going out of the door to prepare it the fire again kindled in the Milk-house and suddenly the whole house was on fire but most of the Goods and Household-stuff were carried out and preserved The fire was a strange fire very white and not singing their hands when they pulled the things out of it The next day the Houshold-stuff was carried to another house wherein was a Family but those were to be in one end of the House and the other in the other end But before the Man and his Wife went to Bed there was dust thrown upon them which so troubled them that the Man having another Man with them and a Candle and Lanthorn in his hand came up to me saith my Author who was in Bed and asleep but when I was awakened I heard him say The hand of God still pursues me and so he intreated me to go down with him and accordingly I and my Brother went down where we found them in the house greatly troubled by reason of things that were thrown about and some things were thrown presently after we came in Hereupon we went to Prayer and as I was kneeling down dust was thrown upon me but afterwards all was quiet so long as we were at Prayer When we arose from Prayer I applied my self to the reading of a portion of Scripture which was Psal. 91. The Man standing by me and holding the Candle but presently something did beat out the Light whereupon the Man said That some body else must hold it Presently a Knife was thrown at me which fell behind me my Brother said he saw it come Then a chopping Knife was thrown I think at the Man's Wife whereupon the Man said Things are thrown at others for my sake At length he fell upon his knees and confessed that he had been an Hypocrite and a Pilfering Fellow and that he had robbed his Master c. and he was willing to separate the things which he had taken wrongfully from the rest which he did accordingly laying forth several things which he said were none of his naming the persons from whom he had taken them And as a great Chest was carrying forth Trenchers Platters and other things were thrown about in so dreadful a manner that one not much noted for Religion said pray you let us go to Prayer and indeed that was our only Refuge so to go to God and so we spent our time as well as we could in Prayer reading some portions of Scripture and singing of Psalms And though divers things were thrown as a Dish several times so that once I had a smart blow on the Cheek with a Dish and the Man that lived in the House had his Boots thrown at him and a chopping Knife twice Crabs out of a Tub standing in the midst of the room a fire Brand though without fire and an hammer thrown twice and a Bible The Man's Wife who lived in the house usually took up the things thus thrown yet still in time of Prayer all was quiet In the morning after I had prayed before which Prayer I was hit with a Dish my Brother and I came away and as we were coming near home we turned aside to speak with a Friend but before we got home we heard that the house was on fire hereupon they sent for me again and in the mean time they carried out their Goods pulled off the Thatch and quenched the fire yet as I heard it kindled again and again till all the Man's Goods were carried out and when these People whose House was burnt down to the ground together with all their Goods were removed into the Field all was quiet in this second house But somethings were thrown in the Field and in the afternoon when another Minister and I went to them some assured us that some things had been thrown This was November 11. the night following some noise was heard among the Houshold-stuff as was testified to me Thus these poor Creatures were distressed their House was burned down that to which they were removed several times fired so that neither they nor their Goods might stay any longer there nor durst any other receive them but they with their Goods were forced to lie in the open Field for divers dayes and nights together being made a sad spectacle to all sorts
was in the mind and how should that be in the mind which never came there through the outward senses This cannot be without some supernatural influence As when things destitute of Reason have given rational Answers unto what hath been demanded of them it must needs have proceded from the operation of a supernatural Agent It is reported that one of the Popes in way of pleasancy saying to a Parrat what art thou thinking of the Parrat immediately replied I have considered the dayes of old the years of antient times at the which Consternation fell upon the Pope and others that heard the Words concluding that the Devil spake in the Parrat abusing Scripture Expressions whereupon they caused it to be killed De La Cerda speaketh of a Crow that did discourse rationally undoubtedly it was acted by a Caco-Daemon Some write of Achilles his Horse and that Simon Magus had a Dog that would Discourse with him yea it is storied concerning the River Causus and the Keel of Ship Argus and of many Statues that they have been heard speaking The Image of Memnon in Aegypt as the rising Sun shined upon its Mouth began to speak The Image of Iuno Moneta being asked if she would be removed to Rome Replied that she would The Image of Fortune being set up said rite me consacrastis Valer. Maxim Lib. 1 Capult A Gymnosophist in Ethiopia caused an Elm with a low and soft voice to salute Apollonius Such things must needs be the operation of Caco-Daemons The like is to be concluded when any shall utter themselves in Languages which they were never learned It is not they but a Spirit which speaketh in them The Noble Man whom Fernelius writeth of was first known to be possessed by a Daemon inasmuch as many Sentences uttered by him were Greek in which Language the Diseased person had no knowledge A Maid in Frankford was concluded to be possessed it that when in her Fits she could speak the High Dutch Language perfectly though she never learned it Manlius writeth of a possessed Woman who used to speak Latin and Greek to the admiration of all that heard it I remember an Honourable Gentleman told me that when he was at Somers in France a Woman there was possessed with a Devil many Learned Divines both Protestants and Papists discoursing with her she would readily answer them not only in the French Tongue but in Latin Greek or Hebrew But when one Mr. Duncan after he had Discoursed and received Answers in more learned Languages spake to her in the British tongue the Daemon made no Reply which occasioned great wonderment and too much sporting about a sad and serious matter CHAP. VII Concerning Apparitions That they are not so frequent in places where the Gospel prevaileth as in dark corners of the Earth That good Angels do sometimes visibly appear Confirmed by several Histories That Caco-daemons oftentimes pretend to be good Angels That Satan may appear in the likeness of Holy men proved by notable Instances Concerning the appearance of Persons Deceased The procuring cause thereof is usually some sin committed Some late remarkable Examples Of Mens Covenanting to appear after their Death It is an heavy judgement when places are infested with such doleful Spectres AS yet no place nor any person in New-England excepting the Instances before mentioned have been troubled with Aparitions Some indeed have given out that I know not what Spectres were seen by them but upon enquiry I cannot find that there was any thing therein more than Phansie and frightful Apprehensions without sufficient ground Nevertheless that Spirits have sometimes really as well as imaginarily appeared to Mortals in the World is amongst sober Men beyond controversie And that such things were of old taken notice of we may rationally conclude from that Scripture Luk. 24. 37. where it is said that the Disciples were terrified and affrighted and supposed that they had seen a Spirit It is observable that such frightful Spectres do most frequently shew themselves in places where the light of the Gospel hath not prevailed Some have propounded it as a question worthy the inquiring into What should be the reason that Daemons did ordinarily infest the Gentiles of old as also the East and West Indians of later times and that Popish Countries are still commonly and grievously molested by them but in England and Scotland and in the united Provinces and in all Lands where the Reformed Religion hath taken place such things are more rare Popish Authors do acknowledge that as to matter of fact it is really thus and the reason which some of them assign for it is that the Devils are so sure of their Interest in Heretical Nations as that they pass over them and come molest Papists whom they are most afraid of losing But they should rather have attributed it to the Light of the Gospel and the power of Christ going along therewith Iustin Martyr Tertullian and others observe that upon the first promulgation of the Gospel those Diabolical Oracles whereby Satan had miserably deceived the Nations were silenced in which respect the Word of Christ Luk. 10. 17. was wonderfully fulfilled The like may be said as to Protestant being less imposed upon then Popish Nations by deceitful Daemons It is moreover sometimes very difficult to pass a true judgement of the Spectres which do appear whether they are good or evil Angels or the Spirits of deceased men That Holy Angels were frequently seen in old times we are from the Scriptures of truth assured And that the Angelical ministration doth still continue is past doubt Heb. 1. 14. But their visible appearance is less frequent than formerly They do invisibly perform many a good Office for the Heirs of Salvation continually Nor is it to be questioned but they may still appear visibly when the work which they are sent about cannot otherwise be performed I would not reject as fabulous all those passages which are related by Judicious Authors referring to this subject At a time when Grynaeus Melancthon and several other learned Men were discoursing together at an House in Spyres there came a Man of very grave and godly countenance into the House desiring to speak with Melancthon who going forth to him he told him that within one hour some Officers would be at that house to apprehend Grynaeus and therefore required Melancthon to advise Grynaeus to flee out of that City and having so spoken he vanished out of sight Melancthon returning into the room recounted the words of this strange Monitor whereupon Grynaeus instantly departed and he had no sooner Boated himself upon the Rhine but Officers came to lay hold of him This Story is mentioned by Melancthon in his Commentary upon Dani●l And he concludeth that the Man who had appeared to him was indeed an Angel sent in order to Grynaeus his being delivered from the bloody hands of them that sought his life Many Instances like to this I could mention But I shall only take
she then did was she commanded Dunen to Sacrifice a Dog The Man and the two Women Quakers Danced naked together having nothing but their shirts on The Constable brought them before the Magistrates in Plimouth where Ross uttered such prodigious Blasphemy as is not fit to be mentioned Dunen fell down like a dead Man upon the floor and so lay for about an hour and then came to himself The Magistrates demanding the reason of his strange actings his Answer was that Marry Ross bid him and he had no power to resist Thus when Men will not receive the Truth in the love of it the righteous Judgement of God sends upon them the efficacy of Error that they shall believe a lie That the Quakers are some of them undoubtedly possessed with Evil and Infernal Spirits and acted in a more than ordinary manner by the inmates of Hell is evident not only from the related Instances but by other awful Examples which might be mentioned They are indeed to be pitied in that they themselves know not that an Evil Spirit doth possess and act them Yet others should from that consideration dread to come among such Creatures lest haply the Righteous God suffer Satan to take possession of them also Memorable and marvelous is that Relation published the last year by Dr. Henry More in his addition to Mr. Glanvils Collections Page 58. c. wherein a true and faithful account is given of a Man whose Name is Robert Churchman living at Balsham in Cambridge-shire who was for some time inveigled in Quakerisme and then an Infernal Spirit spake in him pretending to be an Angel of Light Inasmuch as there is so far as I have heard but one of those Books in this Countrey I suppose it will be a service for the Truth and may if the Lord please to add his blessing tend to reclaim some from the error of their way and to deterr those from Quakerisme who have through the temptations of Satan any inclinations thereunto if that notable History should be more divulged I shall therefore here insert it And thus it was Dr. Templar the Minister in Balsham perceiving that Robert Churchman was in danger of being poysoned and seduced by the papers which the Quakers had been dispersing in that place desired him that when any of their Books came to his hands he might have the perusal of them Which being granted he suggested that it would be very convenient that the person who had given him that Book should be present when they considered it together This also was consented to When the Quaker came a special subject of the Discourse was Whether the Scripture is to be owned as a Rule This the Quaker denied asserting that the Rule was within them Hereupon Dr. Templar desired Churchman to take notice that the Quakers did not own the Scriptures to be their Rule which before this Conference he would not believe concerning them The next time he met with his Brother Thomas Churchman he acquainted him with the Conference which had been in Dr. Templars House and said for his part he would not be of that Religion which did disown the Scripture to be the Rule Not long after the Wife of the forementioned Quaker coming to his House to visit his Wife he met her at the door and told her she should not come in intimating that her visit would make division betwixt them After some Parley the Quakers Wife spake unto him in these words Thou wilt not believe unless thou see a sign and thou mayest see some such Within a few nights after Robert Churchman had a violent Storm upon the room where he lay when it was very calm in all other parts of the Town and a voice within him as he was in Bed spake to him and bid him Sing Praises Sing Praises telling him that he should see the Glory of the New Ierusalem about which time 〈◊〉 glimmering Light appeared all about the room Toward the morning the Voice commanded him to go out of his Bed naked with his Wife and Children They all standing upon the Floor the Spirit making use of his Tongue bid them to lie down and put their Mouthes in the dust which they did accordingly It likewise commanded them to go and call his Brother and Sister that they might see the New-Ierusalem to whom he went naked about half a mile When he had delivered his Message that which spake within him to denounce wrath against them and declare that Fire and Brimstone would fall upon them as it did upon Sodom and Gomorrah if they did not obey and so he returned to his own house Where upon the Floor of a low room he stood-about three or four hours All that while he was acted in a very unusual manner sometimes the Spirit within forced him to Sing sometimes to Bark like a Dog When his Brother and Sister who followed him were very importunate with him to resist it it bid him to kill them making use of these words These my Enemies which would not that I should Reign over them bring them and slay them before my face It made him to utter with great readiness many places of Scripture which he had no knowledge of before The drift of what was spoken was to perswade him to comply with the Quakers and it named some which lived in the Neighbouring Towns About three or four hours being thus spent he came to himself and was able to give a perfect account of what had be fallen him Several nights after the same trouble returned upon him His Wife was tortured with extraordinary pains the Children which lay in the room complained that their Mouthes were stopped with Wool as they were in Bed The disturbance was so great that he had thoughts of leaving his House for a time and made it his desire to be at Dr. Templars who prevailed with him not to be so sudden in his removal but to make some further Trial. It pleased God upon a continuation with him in Prayer every day in the house that he was at last perfectly free from all molestation The Quakers hearing of his condition gave it out that the power of God would come upon him again and that the Wound was but skinned over by the Priest Which made Dr. Templar the more importunate with him to keep close to the Publick Worship of God and to have nothing to do with them or their Writings Which direction he followed till November 1661. and then perusing one of their Books a little after upon the tenth day of that Moneth his troubles returned A voice within him began to speak to him after the former manner The first Sentence which it uttered was Cease thou from Man whose breath is in his Nostrils for wherein is he to be accounted The design which he discerned it did aim at was to take him off from comeing to the Church where he had been that day and from hearing the Word of God It suggested several other Scriptures in