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A43199 Ductor historicus, or, A short system of universal history and an introduction to the study of that science containing a chronology of the most celebrated persons and actions from the creation to this time, a compendious history of ... transactions ... of the ancient monarchies and governments of the world, an account of the writings of the most noted historians ... together with definitions and explications of terms used in history and chronology, and general instructions for the reading of history / partly translated from the French of M. de Vallemont, but chiefly composed anew by W.J., M.A. Hearne, Thomas, 1678-1735.; Vallemont, abbé de (Pierre Le Lorrain), 1649-1721. Elémens de l'histoire. 1698 (1698) Wing H1309; ESTC R15760 279,844 444

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his Common Places which will produce another Advantage for by this second Reading he must undoubtedly engraft them the deeper into his Memory But here a great deal of Care must be taken to reject Minutia Trifles which contribute nothing to the Benefit of the Publick which ought to be the chief end propos'd in reading History Hoc est illud praecipue in cognitione rerum Salubre Frugiferum omnis te exempli documenta in illustri posita Monumenta intueri Vnde tibi tuaeque Reipublicae quod imitere capias inde faedum exitu quod vites Liv. lib. 1. Hist. I would here conclude this Chapter did I not foresee two Observations which it is necessary Youth should be acquainted with OBSERVATION I. Vpon the Four Monarchies There is a very considerable Error crept into Chronology and History which relates to the placing of the Four Monarchies for they are commonly thought to have succeeded each other immediately As first the Assyrian Empire is supposed to end with Sardanapalu● and then the Median to succeed to all the Power of the Assyrians which is not true for altho' A●baces caus'd the Medians to revolt from Sardanapalus whom he consequently freed from the Yoke of the Assy●ians yet the Assyrian Empire continu'd after this for near 150 Years to the time that Cyrus the Great ruin'd it by the taking of Babylon What remain'd of the Assyrian Monarchy after the death of Sardanapalus was term'd the second Assyrian Empire which altho' it was altogether unknown to the Greeks yet it is nevertheless famous in Holy Scripture The like Fault is committed in regard to the Mede● and Persians of which the Bishop of Meaux speaks thus As to what relates to the Monarchy of the Medians which the greatest part of Prophane Historians place in the second Rank and separate from that of the Persians it is certain that the Holy Scripture unites them together and over and above the Authority of these Holy Books the bare Order of Matters require it should be so The Medes before Cyrus altho' they were powerful and very considerable yet were they totally eclips'd by the Grandeur of the Babylonish Kings but Cyrus having conquer'd their Kingdom by the united Force of the Medes and Persians and to which afterwards he came to be the lawful Successor as we have observ'd after Zenophon that Great Empire whereof he was the Founder ought reasonably to take its Name from those two Nations altho' the Glory of Cyrus has occasion'd that of the Persians to be prefer'd Also it may well be imagin'd that before the War with Babylon the Median Kings having extended their Conquests all over the Greek Colonies of Lesser Asia might have been exceedingly famous among the Greeks who consequently might have attributed the Empire of all Asia to them inasmuch as they were then acquainted with no other Eastern Kings for the Kings of Nineveh and Babylon who have been more Potent have scarce been so much as mention'd in those Remains we have of the Greek Historians when all that was considerable from the time of Sardanapalus to that of Cyrus was wholly ascrib'd by them to the Medes Bodin imploys all the 7th Chapter of his Method to refute those that make the Four Empires of the Assyrians Persians Greeks and Romans to succeed immediately to each other and who likewise pretend that those Monarchies were figured to us by the Four Beasts and the Statue compos'd of Four Metals spoken of by the Prophet Daniel and which they also affirm are to continue to the end of the World But here Bodin finds no great difficulty to demonstrate that the Roman Empire which was the last of the Four came to a Period under Augustulus in the Year 475. and that from thenceforward it was never more able to re-establish it self for it is most absurd to imagine the present German Empire to be the same with the Roman as appears by the ancient and modern Bounds for the Roman Empire in the time of Trajan according to Sixtus Rufus was bounded on the North by the Danube and the O●cades on the West by the Isle of Cadiz on the East by the Euphrates and on the South is contain'd all that was then known to be habitable in Africa to which Trajan added moreover his Conquests in Mesopotamia and Arabia Felix whereas at this Day what is call'd the Empire of the Romans scarce comprehends the hundredth part of that All Asia as every Body knows is now under the Turk Persian M●gul c. and Rome has nothing left to boast of in Africk England France Spain Portugal Denmark c. with all Greece and the neighbouring Countries as likewise Sicily Sardinia c. are now fell off from that Empire and are long since become New States under several potent and formidable Kings Italy which was the first Patrimony of the Roman Empire is at this Day subject to divers Princes and Rome it self under the absolute Dominion of the Pope Father M. Lomejer has lately maintained That the Four Sovereign Monarchies boasted of by so many Authors did not take up all that space of time from the building of the Tower of Babel to their supposed Conclusion for he pretends that there were other Monarchies both before and after these as likewise several considerable Empires which flourished at the same time with them The Image which Nebuchodonosor saw in a Dream did not foretel the Four pretended Monarchies seeing that David who expounded this Dream says That the first should be the Empire of Nebuchodonosor whose Reign would be the most Glorious for that afterwards the others would decrease by little and little till they came to be of small Note And moreover the Assyrian Empire was in its declension when Daniel expounded Nebuchodonosor's Vision By all that has been observed we may collect That those who lay down the Successions of the Four Monarchies for a Ground of Universal History may build upon a deceitful Foundation OBSERVATION II. Vpon the several kinds of Government As there is frequent occasion to speak of Empires Monarchies Republicks Aristocracies c. in History and as it may happen that they may not always be rightly understood I do not think it amiss to give some general Ideas of them and first of I. Theocracy which is when a State is govern'd by the sole Power and Will of God For Example The ancient Government of the Iews was a The●cracy as Iosephus observes for God there administred all Matters relating to a Sovereignty For 1. He gave them Laws which were either Political Ceremonial or Moral 2. He denounc'd War order'd their Camps and nam'd their Generals 3. He created their Magistrates appointed them Judges even to Saul's time who were then as it were his Viceroys and moreover it was by his Order that Samuel consecrated Saul King of Israel Thus we see God was pleased to be a Monarch and Sovereign Judge and Arbiter over the Iews but this Theocracy or Divine Government lasted only to
under the Conduct of Moses Six hundred thousand fighting Men beside Women and Children 1497 A REMAKK Concerning the Origine of the Nations of the Earth FOrasmuch as the whole Race of Mankind except Noah's Family perished by the Flood 't is from this Family that all the People of the Earth descended Noah had three Sons Iaphet Sem Ham. I. SEM thô the second Son is the Person we place first because from him descended Abraham David and Iesus Christ himself according to the Flesh. He had five Sons 1. Elam from whom came the Elamites the Grandsires of the Persians 2. Assur from whom came the Name of Assyria and the Assyrians 3. Arphaxad to whom was born Salah the Father of Eber or Heber from whom proceeded the Hebrews that is the Iews or the People of God 4. Lud from whom proceeded the Lydians not those of Asia Minor but others less known upon the Confines of Persia. 5. Aram from whom proceeded the Syrians Syria in the Hebrew is called Aram. St. Augustin makes this Judicious Reflection That the Scriptures make no mention of the Descendants of several of Noah's Children as for Instance of Elam Assur Lud the Sons of Sem because they were not the Heads or Chiefs of any Nation Aram had four Sons 1. Vz who seiz'd upon Trachonitis and the Country of Damas and called one of these Countries by the Name of Vz where Iob dwelt 2. Hull from whom came the Armenians 3. Gether from whom proceeded the Bactrians 4. Mesh from whom came the Mesraeneans situated along the Gulph of Persia. Heber Arphaxad's Grandson had two Sons 1. Peleg so called because in his Days the Earth was divided into several Nations and Languages 2. Ioktan who had 13 Sons They were the Chief Heads of several Colonies who spread themselves over the Face of the Earth 1. Almodad who became Master of all the Countries of the Indians from the River Cophena which falls into the River Indus according to Iosephus and St. Ierom. 2. Sheleph 3. Hazarmaveth 4. Ierah 5. Hadoram 6. Vzal 7. Diklah 8. Obal 9. Abimael 10. Sheba 11. Ophir who gave his Name to that Country in the East from which they fetch Gold And the Scriptures make mention of Mount Sephar towards the East which was upon the Confines of their Country 12. Havila 13. Iobab II. HAM had four Sons 1. Cush settled himself in Ethiopia which the Hebrews to this day call Cush 2. Misraim who went into Egypt which in Hebrew is called Mesraim where there is even at this day a City called Mesra 3. Phut from whom proceeded the Inhabitants of Lybia and Mauritania where at this very time there is a River called Phut 4. Canaan from whom came the Canaanites who were in possession of the Holy Land till they were outed by the People of Israel Cush begat Nimrod who began to be a mighty one upon Earth He was one of the greatest Hunters under the Cope of Heaven The Capital City of his Kingdom was Babylon next to it Erech that is Edessa in Mesopotamia Achads that is Nisiba and Calneh that is Seleusia or Ctesiphonta in the Land of Shinar near Babylon Out of that Land went forth Ashur who built Nineveh and the Streets of that City and Calah He likewise built the great City of Resen which lies between Nineveh and Calah Cush had five Sons more 1. Seba from whom came the Sabeans in Arabia Felix 2. Havilah from whom proceeded the Getulians in Africa 3. Sabtah from whom came the Sabathenians in Arabia where according to the Account of Geographers is situated the City of Sabathai or Sabatia 4 Raamah 5. Sabtechah St. Ierom says that from these two last Sons of Cush are descended such People as 't is hard at present to reconcile their ancient Names with the new ones Raamah had two Sons 1. Sheba from whom descended the Sabeans different from those which we have already mentioned For there are two Countries of Sheba in Arabia both of them famous for the Frankincense which comes from thence in abundance The one is writ with a Schin and the other with a Samech 'T is from the first which the Queen of Sheba came to visit King Solomon And in the 71st Psalm where we read the Kings of Arabia and Saba in the Hebrew 't is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Kings of Sheba and Saba 2. Dodan from whom is derived according to St. Ierom the Name of a Country of Ethiopia Misraim had six Sons 1. Ludim from whom came the Lydians who are in Africa 2. Anamim 3. Lehabim from whom came the Lydians formerly called Phuteans 4. Nephtahim 5. Pathrusim 6. Chas●uhim As for four of these Nations Iosephus and St. Ierom declare That at present they are very obseure because they were exterminated in the Wars of Ethiopia Canaan had eleven Sons 1. Sidon who built the City of Sidon and gave it his Name The Canaanites who inhabited Phenicia and the Holy Land have been famous for their great Commerce from whence came the Riches of Tyre and Sidon Upon which account it is that the Scripture gives in the general the Name of Canaanites to Merchants and Traders 2. Heth the Father of the People who dwelt in the Promised Land 3. Iebuseus Iebus was the first Name of the City of Ierusalem whose Inhabitants and those of the Neighbouring Country were called Iebusites 4. Amoreheus the Father of the Amorites who dwelt in the Promised Land and whom God ordered his People to drive out 5. Gergeseus From whom descended The Girgasites 6. Heveus From whom descended The Hivites 7. Araceus from whom came the Arkites and from whom according to St. Ierom the City of Arcas near Libanus took its Name 8. Sineus of whom came the Inhabitants of the Wilderness of Sin or rather of Mount Sina 9. Aradeus from whom descended the Arvadites and who gave his own Name to the Cities of Arade and Antarade of which Ezekiel makes mention 10. Samareus of whom came the Inhabitants of the City and Country of Samaria 11. Hamatheus from whom proceeded the Inhabitants of the City of Hamath There are two of these Cities mentioned in Scripture the Greater Hamath which is Antioch and the Lesser Hamath called Epiphania III. IAPHET had seven Sons 1. Gomer of whom came the first Inhabitants of the Country of Galatia 2. Magog from whom proceeded the Greeks the Messagetans and the Scythians 3. Madai from whom descended the Medes and according to several the Macedonians 4. Iavan of whom came the Ionians and all the other Greeks 5. Tubal of whom came the Iberians who are situated beyond the Euxine Sea and not those who dwelt in Spain 6. Meschech from whom descended the Muscovites or the Capadocians There is in Capadocia a City formerly called Mazaca and since named Cesarea 7. Tiras from whom proceeded the Thracians Gomer had three Sons 1. Ashkenaz from whom came the Germans whom the Hebrews at this very day call Askenssim 2. Riphath of
SOLAR CYCLE is the Revolution of 28 Years after which the Letters that mark the Sundays and other Holy-days return to the same Order they were in at first The Sun has nothing to do with this Revolution which is called Solar only because the Sunday whose Letter we are principally in quest of is called by the Astronomers Dies Solis the Day of the Sun LVNAR CYCLE or GOLDEN NVMBER is a Period of 19 Years invented by Methon an Athenian who observ'd that at the end of that time the Moon began the same Lunations over again INDICTION is a way of Computing used formerly among the Romans which contains a Revolution of 15 Years It is still in use in Apostolical Bulls and Rescripts ANACHRONISM is an Error or Mistake in the Computation of Time Thus Virgil is guilty of an Anachronism in his Aeneis by making Aeneas and Dido Cotemporaries whereas they lived 300 Years distant one from another For Aeneas is placed about the Year of the World 2820. and Dido about the Year 3112. SYNCRONISME is a View of all Cotemporary History THE IVLIAN PERIOD is a space of Time containing 7980 Years Iulius Scaliger the Inventer of it composed it of the Solar Cycle of 28 Years of the Lunar Cycle of 19● and of the Indiction of 15. for these three Numbers multiplied together make up 7980. We suppose in Chronology this Period to be 765 Years older than the World I have had no regard in all this Work to the Iulian Period with which it is not proper to trouble and puzzle those who study Chronology only in their way to History Therefore I have fitted all the Epocha's to the Years of the World and the Years either before or after the Vulgar Aera the beginning of which I place according to the most skilful in this sort of Study in the Year of the World 4004. One can never be too careful in removing Difficulties from a Subject which is so intricate of it self For after all if you tell young People and even those that are come to Man's Estate That the Iulian Period begins 765 Years before the World you 'll amaze them to that degree that tho' you tell them afterwards That this is but a Supposition you will have much ado to bring them back again to themselves Now this Period was invented to no other purpose than to square by it all the other Epocha's and reconcile if possible Chronologers one to another and therefore it does not concern those who have only a Mind to learn History and whom it were unjust to engage in minute Punctilio's of Chronology which have been ever look'd upon as Thorns very difficult and troublesome to handle CHAP. II. The Grounds of Chronology ALtho' Chronologers do very much disagree in their Opinions yet there is an Art and certain Rules for the placing in order the Succession of Times and Epocha's and this Marshalling of Events which we observe in their Books is always grounded upon some Reason or other They have all the same Guides but because every Man follows them after his own way it is not to be wondered if the Minds of Men being so different in their Nature seldom agree upon the same Subject The Certainty of Chronology depends upon three Principles The First is the Testimony of Writers or Authors The Second is grounded upon Astronomical Observations and particularly upon the Eclipses of the Sun and Moon The Third is taken out of certain Epocha's so constant and evident in History that it never came into any Man's Thoughts to call them in question §. 1. The Testimony of Authors THe Testimony of Authors is so universally received among all civiliz'd Nations that it would be a Breach of good Manners to question the Certainty of some Facts which are mentioned in History How would that Man be look'd upon in the World that should dare to maintain That Xerxes never came into Greece That Rome was not taken by the Gauls and That Iulius Caesar was not stabb'd in the Senate-house Altho' I have not seen Rome with my own Eyes says S. Augustin and never was at Constantinople yet upon the Credit of those that speak of it I hold it for as great a Certainty that there is such a City as Constantinople as that there is such a City as Rome Lib. 13. de● Civ Dei Cap. 3. However there are Rules which a Man must take along with him to avoid the danger of embracing Errors instead of Truth And 't were against Reason to believe upon Trust and without Examination what we are told to have happen'd a great many Ages before The late Mr. de Launoy a Doctor of Navarre and so famous by many Critical Works upon several Passages of Church-History has given us Four Rules or sure Precepts to discern Truth from Falshood in Matters related by Historians which are these viz. RULE I. In Matters belonging to History and Tradition those Authors are chiefly to be credited who wrote of Things transacted in their own Time provided they are not contradicted by a Cotemporary Author of known Integrity and Ability RULE II. Next to Cotemporary Authors those Writers who lived nearest the Age wherein the Things were transacted are rather to be depended on than those who are more remote from it RULE III. Histories that look Apocryphal or doubtful and are written by a new or obscure Author ought to weigh nothing especially if they clash with Reason against the constant Tradition of the Ancients RULE IV. We must suspect the Truth of a History related by modern Authors especially when they disagree among themselves and with the Ancients about several Circumstances These Rules ought to be remember'd for the studious Critick will find them to be excellent Guides in his Journey through the dark and obscure Regions of Antiquity wherein if he makes not use of his judging Faculty he may instead of improving very much impair his Understanding by being led astray by the false Relations of ignorant Pretenders to History To these Four Rules we must add one more of S. Augustine's viz. As for Prophane Authors says he when they relate Things contrary to the History contain'd in the Bible we must not believe them for our own Reason will tell us That the Divine Spirit which is conspicuous in that Book by the true Predictions of Things long before they came to pass is certainly to be credited in the relation of Matters of Fact preferably to all Mankind De Civit. Dei Lib. 18. Nothing ought to weigh more with Christians than the Authority of the Holy Scripture those Bounds which the Spirit of God has set ought never to be remov'd by Men and therefore it is Ma●ter of just Indignation to see some Men of Learning who profess the true Religion set the Historical Fables for I will venture to call 'em so of the Chaldeans Egyptians and Chineses in competition with the Chronology of the Bible a Fault so much the more inexcusable on account of the
1. The Sabbatical Year of the Iews 38. 3938. 2. The beginning of the Olympiads 776. 3961. 3. The building of Rome according to Varro 753. 3967. 4. The Aera of Nabonassar 747. 4154. 5. Cyrus lays the Foundation of the Persian Monarchy 560. 4185. 6. Cambisis Cyrus's Son began to reign 529. 4193. 7. Darius Histaspes's Son began to reign 521. 4234. 8. Sea-fight betwixt Xerxes and the Grecians near Salamina 480. 4283. 9. The beginning of the Peloponesian War 431. 4383. 10. A Victory gain'd by Alexander the Great at Arabella the end of the Persian Empire 331. 4390. 11. The Death of Alexander the Great 324. 4402. 12. The Aera of the Seleucidae 312. 4429. 13. Ptolomeus Philadelpus began his Reign 285. 4543. 14. Ptolomeus VI. or Philometor began to Reign 181. 4546. 15. The Kingdom of Macedon ends in Perseus 168. 4546. 16. Antiochus Epiphanes prophanes the Temple 168. 4669. 17. The first Iulian Year 45. 4676. 18. The Aera of Spain 38. 4683. 19. The Battle of Actium wherein Anthony is vanquished and Cleopatra dies 31 4684. Whence the Egyptians began an Aera 30 4714. 20. The Vulgar Aera or the Birth of Jesus Christ beginning on the Calends or First Day of Ianuary the middle of the 4th Year of the 194 Olympiad Years of the Vulg. Aera 21. The Death of Caesar Augustus 14 22. Claudius succeeds Caius Caligula 41. 23. Nero reigns after Claudius 54. 24. Death of Domitian 96. 25. The Aera of Dioclesian or of Martyrs 284. 26. The Council of Nice is held 325. 27. Constantine the Great dies 337. 28. Valentinian I. began to reign 364. 29. The Hegira or Flight of the false Prophet Mahomet Iuly 16. 622. CHAP. III. Of the Vncertainty Chronologers are at concerning the Year wherein our Saviour was born 'T IS matter of Surprize that the Professors of Christianity should have lived so long without knowing precisely how many Years are elapsed since the Birth of the Saviour of the World And it cannot be denied but that this Ignorance is very shameful to Christians whom it so nearly concerns to know all that belongs to the Mysterious Incarnation of the Son of God 'T is true that some time since People have begun to be sensible that the Christian Aera was too short and that it wanted about two or three Years to begin with the Birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ They have also found out at last that it wants four compleat Years to reach the Birth of our Saviour but this Knowledge is come but very late They have followed that Error for near 1200 Years without being sensible of it and now that we are evidently acquainted with it we cannot but follow it on still since we cannot mend it without making a great many Changes in the Date of Affairs both Ecclesiastical and Civil Which would occasion a greater Trouble and Disorder than did in the last Age the cutting off ten Days for the Correction of the Kalendar We are fallen into that Error by following upon Trust Dionysius Exiguus an Abbot who in the Year 532. began first among Christians to make an Epoch of the Birth of our Saviour and compute the Years from that Time in order to make Chronology altogether Christian. It seems this learned Man was not extraordinary exact in his Computation tho' it were at that time not over difficult since he lived in the middle of the VI. Century when they did not want Monuments and Memorials to settle and regulate that Chronology But tho' there have been great Difficulties in finding out the true number of Years that have follow'd the Birth of our Saviour yet there are infinitely greater in computing the Years that have gone before it In that great space of so many Years it is not possible for a Man not to go astray in some Place or other That● Way is so long so dark so little beaten through by Historians especially that part of it where the first Monarchies of the World lie that it would be a kind of Miracle if no Body should mistake it and all Chronologers go Hand in Hand together The same Reasons which prove the Holy Scripture and the remaining Monuments of ancient History to be insufficient to make a clear and firm Concatenation of the Succession of Times do also evince by a necessary Consequence That we cannot justly determine the individual Year of the coming of the Messiah Therefore we must not wonder to see Chronologers so much divided upon this Matter This Confusion goes so far that it is become a Proverb to say They agree no more than Chronologers However this Misunderstanding does not proceed from a Desire of contradicting others and setting up a Party in the learned World tho' the generality of Men be extream fond of the Reputation of a new System but this War the most obstinate and irreconcilable that ever was springs from the very Nature of the Thing it self which will ever be full of insuperable Difficulties Frederick Gusman in a Letter to the Elector Palatine reckons up 40 different Opinions about the Year of the World wherein our Saviour was born Calvisius a German very learned in Chronology tells us That he could scarce find two Authors who agreed upon that Matter De Annis Mundi cap. 27. p. 160. Maestlinus who had spent all his Life-time in the Study of the Mathematicks and Chronology assures us That he had met with 132 Opinions intirely different in that respect As imperfect as the Doctrin of the Times may seem here to be yet it has merited the Application of the most refined and discerning Wits and a vast number of Men illustrious in the Arts and Sciences have made it their particular Study We must not be discouraged by the Difficulties we are to encounter since the obstinate and indefatigable Labour of those great Men born to surmount the hardest Obstacles has already cleared and made plain an infinite number of Facts which were dark and intricate a hundred Years ago Their Discoveries will undoubtedly be carried on further but in the mean time we must advertize those who have a Mind to enter upon this sort of Study of what they must look for and what they will really find in Chronology First That they may not think that there is an equal Degree of Certainty in every Thing Secondly That they do not expect the same Evidence as in the Mathematicks Among the Chronologers that disagree about the Year of the World of the coming of the Messiah I have chosen those that I thought the most considerable whose Computation you have in the following Table Where you may observe that of all those Authors none reckons more than 7000 Years nor less than 3700. Divers Authors disagreeing about the Year of the coming of the Messiah Rabbi Naason 3707. Rabbi Abraham Rabbi Levi Rabbi Gerson 3754. The Chronicle of the Hebrews 3760. Some Talmudists 3784. Benedictus Arias 3849. Iames Gordon 3880. David Paraeus 3928. Paulus Aphae 3937. S.
after the Death of her Son Ahasias resolv'd to make away with all that was left of the Royal Family without sparing her own Sons that she might reign without a Competitor Ioas Son to Ahasias was saved alone from his Grandmothers Fury by Iesabeth who hid him when he was in the Cradle in the House of the Lord and so preserved this precious Remainder of David's Family 3120. Ionah the Prophet lived 3125. Hosea the Prophet lived 3135. Ioel the Prophet lived 3150. Hesiod the Greek Poet lived 3155. Amos the Prophet lived 3180. Isaiah the Prophet lived 3190. Micah the Prophet lived 3174. Olympick Games instituted by Iphitus King of Elis Son of Praxonidas of the Race of the famous Oxiles Here begin the Olympiads where Varro places the end of Fabulous Times and the beginning of the Historical These were celebrated every fifth Year or after four compleat Years 776. 3057. Sardanapalus King of the Assyrians begins to reign 'T is said of him That he built two Towns in one Day viz. Anchiale and Tarsus in Cilicia After him that Monarchy was divided into Assyrians and Medes Arbaces taking advantage of the Effeminacy of Sardanapalus erected to himself a Kingdom and Sardanapalus press'd by his Enemies burnt himself in his Palace 3075. Carthage built EPOCHA VII 3198. Romulus or Rome founded 752. This Epocha goes as far as the end of the Captivity of Babylon and lasts 218 Years REmus and Romulus were Sons of the Vestal Rhea Daughter to Amulius who had usurp'd the Kingdom of Alba from his Brother Numitor. This Amulius not willing to have any Heir commanded his Daughter's two Sons to be cast into the Tyber But the King's Shepherd having found them on the side of that River took them up and nursed them at home At 15 Years of Age they instituted the Feast called Lupercals afterwards they restored Numitor to his Kingdom and some time after they built the City of Rome of which Romulus was declared the Founder It was encompassed at first only with a little Ditch which Remus leap'd over out of Contempt but he paid dear for his Jest and lost his Life for it Thus began the Capital of the greatest Empire that ever was in the World 3205. Obed the Prophet lived 3220. Habakkuk the Prophet 3230. Nahum the Prophet 3215. Syracuse built 3228. Salmanassar King of Assyria takes Samaria the chief City of the Kingdom of Israel after a Siege of 3 Years and carries away the Ten Tribes in perpetual Bondage to Ninive Thus ended the KINGDOM OF ISRAEL which had lasted 258 Years since its Division from that of Iudah 723. Tobiah and his History are to be placed about this Time 3235. Sennacherib King of Assyria enters Iudea with an Army and carries Spoil and Desolation where-ever he comes He besieges Ierusalem but Hezekiah by earnest Prayer obtains Favour of God and an Angel of the Lord kills by the Sword in one Night 185000 of his Men. From thence he flies to Ninive where he is killed 715. 3235. Numa Pompilius King of Rome began to Reign 3254. Manasses King of Iuda is taken Prisoner by the Assyrians and carried in Chains into Babylon where he becomes penitent makes a Prayer extant in the Apocrypha and God restores him to his former Dignity 696. Nebuchodonosor or Nebuchadnezzar the Monarch of Babylon 3350. Enters Iudea with an Army and takes Ieco●iah King of Iudah Captive 3360. Zedechias King of Iuda In the 11th Year of his Reign Nebuchodonosor takes Ierusalem Zedechias is taken endeavouring to make his Escape They put his Children to Death before him afterwards they put out his Eyes load him with Chains and carry him Prisoner to Babylon His Palace is burnt the Temple destroyed the Walls of Ierusalem pull'd down and all the Inhabitans led Captive among the Babylonians 590. 3375. Nebuchadnezzar's Pride is punished by God He loses his Senses and is reduced to live 7 Years in the Woods among the Beasts 3385. Nebuchadnezzar being converted and restored to his former Grandeur dies in the 32d Year of his Reign 3387. Ieconiah after 37 Years Imprisonment was freed and treated honourably by Evil-marodoch 3390. Balthasar in the midst of a Feast sees a Hand writing some Words on the Wall which according to Daniel's Interpretation signifie That God will give his Kingdom to the Medians and Persians Which begins to prove true the next Night 3350. Ezechiel began to Prophecy 3370. Pythagoras flourished 3391. Cyrus the Founder of the Persian Monarchy began to Reign 559. Croesus the rich King of Lydia 3400. Conquer'd by Cyrus 3400. Daniel the Prophet flourish'd EPOCHA VIII 3420. Cyrus or the Iews restored 530. This Epocha reaches as far as the Taking of Carthage and lasts 334 Years THe 70 Years of Captivity to which God in his Wrath had condemned the Iews being expired in order to their Restoration he resolved to make Cyrus Master of all the East and place him on the Throne of the Kings of Babylon This Prince hearing the Prophets had foretold That he should rebuild the Temple of Ierusalem gave leave to all the Iews that were Captive at Babylon to return to their own Country under the Conduct of Zorobabel He took all the Holy Utensils of the Temple out of the Treasury of the Kings of Babylon whither they had been transported and gave them back to the Iews who marched away to the number of 42000 Persons and were no sooner arrived but they laid the Foundation of the New Temple 3419. Cyrus having conquer'd and slain Nabboneus otherwise call'd by Daniel Darius the Median King of Babylon becomes Monarch of all Asia 3421. Cambyses succeeds Cyrus 3417. Tarquin last King of the Romans He is sirnam'd the Proud He puts to Death Servius his Father-in-Law and his Wife Tullia has the Impudence to drive her Chariot over the dead Body of her Father 3436. Sextus Son to Tarquin ravishes Lucretia the Wife of Collatinus in regret thereof she stabs her self having first adjur'd her Husband and Friends to revenge the Injury Which they immediately prosecuted under the Conduct of L. Iunius Brutus and Tarquin with all his Family are expell'd Also the Royal Government pull'd down and a new one erected under Consuls whereof Brutus was the first This happen'd 245 Years after the City was built 509. 3429. Darius Hystaspes succeeds his Father Cambyses in Persia. 3460. The Persians are defeated at the Battle of Marathon in Attica by Miltiades the Athenian General 3465. Xerxes the great Monarch of Persia call'd in Scripture Ahasuerus began to reign 485. 3469. Invades Greece with an Army of 5 millions 283000 Men according to Herodotus Plutarch says 5 millions Theodoret 3 millions 3470. This great Army is fought by 5500 Grecians at the Streights of Thermopilae wherein the Lacedemonians being surrounded are cut off The Athenians admonish'd by the Oracle to make use of Wooden Walls by Advice of Themistocles retire on board their Ships which gives Xerxes opportunity to burn Athens 480. 3470. The Athenians under
consequent thereupon All Mankind make up one sinful Mass of Perdition out of which God makes choice of a small number of Persons to compose the Heavenly Ierusalem These Elect are mix'd on Earth in the Church among the Men of this World whom God looks upon as Vessels of Wrath and abandons to his Justice These Carnal and Fleshly-minded Men together with the Infidels make up the Church of the Reprobate which in Scripture Language is called Babylon All that happens here on Earth is for the Sanctification of the Elect whose Assembly composes Ierusalem which is actuated by no other Principle than Charity whereas Babylon a Slave to its Lusts and Passions is under the Dominion of Concupiscence So that the Church the Object of our Lord's Mercy is the only thing which lasts in the World for ever All Things pass away all Things perish the most puissant Monarchies fall to decay The Church alone remains thô God sometimes seems to abandon it in order to purifie correct and prove it This is what may easily be collected from the whole Sequel of this Chronology where we shall find that all Empires have an End whilst the Church lasts always and Iesus Christ brings within the Pale of his visible Church all Nations of the Earth by virtue of the Cross. This made St. Augustine to say that Iesus Christ became Lord of the Universe not with the Sword in his Hand but on the contrary by having his Hands nailed to the Cross. His Words are Quid fortius manu hâc quae mundum vicit non ferro armata sed ferro transfixa Forasmuch as Christians cannot have any greater Interest than to be acquainted with the History of that Church whereof they are Members Their Curiosity methinks might induce them to enquire how the Church of God still subsists even when every thing else decays and submits to the Stroke of Fate or Time We can discover the Duration of Monarchies trace their Beginning Progress and End But the Church Militant here on Earth is what began and will end with the World What an amazing Sight is this Can any thing more excite the Curiosity of a Man of Genius than to know how this Church a Stranger here on Earth surrounded by so many Enemies and which so many Kings and Emperors attempted to destroy has still subsisted spight of all the Fury and Malice of Hell The Church of God under the Old Testament begins with the World and ends at Iesus Christ who is the Corner-Stone which under the Gospel reunites all Nations in his Church and which takes away that middle Wall of Partition which stood formerly between the Iews and the Gentiles It s Duration is according to some about 3950 according to others 4000 Years But since 't is difficult to trace the Succession of so many Years together without being bewilder'd we have assigned several Epochas which may serve as so many Points of Sight to direct us farther or as so many Breathing Places to rest in before we proceed We shall therefore consider the Iews to the Coming of Christ under four kinds of Governments The first is Patriarchal under 22 Patriarchs The second is Iudicial under 22 Iudges The third is Regal under 22 Kings The fourth is Sacerdotal under 22 Ancestors of Iesus Christ. Sect. 1. The State of the People of God under the 22 Patriarchs This State lasts 2453 Years that is from Adam the first of Men and the first of Patriarchs down to Moses the first Governor or Iudge of the Jews Years of the World Years before Christ. 1. 1. ADAM is created by God and lived 930 Years 3950 130. 2. SETH is born he lived 912 Years 3820 235. 3. Enos is born he lived 905 Years 3715 325. 4. Cainan is born he lived 910 Years 3625 395. 5. Malaleel is born he lived 895 Years 3555 460. 6. Iared is born he lived 962 Years 3490 622. 7. Enoch born he lived 365 Years and is Translated 3328 687. 8. Methusalah is born he lived 969 Years 3263 874. 9. Lamech is born he lived 777 Years 3076 1056. 10. Noah is born he lived 950 Years 2894 1558. 11. Shem is born he lived 600 Years 2392 1656. 12. The Deluge wherein all that had Life perished except Noah and his Family and the Creatures which he took with him into the Ark. 2294 1658. 12. Arphaxad is born he lived 438 Years 2292 1693. 13. Salah is born he lived 433 Years 2257 1723. 14. Eber is born he lived 464 Years 2227 1757. 15. Peleg is born he lived 239 Years 2193 1781. The Chaldeans the first Observers of the Stars 2169 1787. 16. Reu is born he lived 239 Years 2163 1819. 17. Serug is born he lived 230 Years 2131 1849. 18. Nahor is born he lived 148 Years 2101 1878. 19. Terah is born he lived 205 Years 2072 1948. 20. Abraham is born he lived 175 Years 2002 It is here to be observed That there are some who place the Birth of Abraham 60 Years later viz. in the Year of the World 2008 because as they gather from Gen. 12.4 he was but 75 Years old when he departed out of Haran which happened after Terah's Death who died in Haran in the 205th Year of his Age. This Opinion seems to have very probable Reasons on its side which inclined Archbishop Vsher and others to embrace it But let the Case be how it will ●e thought fit to make this Remark and to inform the Reader that notwithstanding this we chose to follow the Vulgar and more known Account that so our Chronology may be all of a Piece and the Thread of it be the better continued 2023. Much about the time it was that the Nations of the Earth being notoriously given up to Idolatry and the Worship of false Gods God thought fit to separate to himself a Chosen People from the rest of the Corrupted World Abraham was the Person made choice of to be the Head and Father of all the Faithful He always led a Plain and Pastoral but withal a Noble and Magnificent Life From his Loins proceeded the Saviour of the World Iesus Christ and he was the first Man whom God honoured with his Alliance stiling him his Friend 1927 2048. 21. Isaac is born he lived 180 Years 1902 2108. 22. Iacob is born he lived 147 Years 1842 2238. About this time Iacob understanding that his Son Ioseph whom he thought to have been dead was living and preferred to great Honour in Egypt went down thither as well to have the Comfort of seeing him before he died as to get a Subsistance for himself and Family because the Famine raged in all that Country except in Egypt The Scriptures inform us that Iacob's Family who went down into Egypt was in all 70 Souls 1712 2453. The Children of Israel remained in Egypt the space of 215 Years where they multiplied so exceedingly even amidst the Pressures of a very severe Bondage which they endured after the Death of Ioseph that they went thence
whom proceeded the Paphlagonians 3. Togarmath of whom came the Phrygians Iavan had four Sons 1. Elishah of whom came the Italians or the Inhabitants of the Fortunate Islands which were called Elisiae 2. Tarshish of whom proceeded the Cilicians the Capital City whereof is Tarsus 3. Kittim from whom descended the Cyprians of which the Capital City is called Cytinium The Hebrews give the Name of Chittim to all the Cities and Provinces which are upon the Sea-Coast for which Reason 't is said of Alexander the Great that he comes from the Land of Chittim and the same Name in Scripture is applied to Italy 4. Dodonim from whom came the Rhodians or rather the Dodoneans in Epirus These are the Families of the Sons of Noah after their Generations in their Nations and by these were the Nations divided in tho Earth after the Flood Gen. X. 32. And now after all this Account does it not appear that the World is but of a short Date We here find Laws first Enacted the Manners polished Empires founded and Arts invented The Earth we find peopled by little and little Experience improved and Mankind by degrees awaking out of the Slumber of Ignorance Husbandry then began to be in Use wild Beasts were caught and tamed for the Service of Mankind Abundance of Inventions and Sciences began then to appear and Nimrod the first Warrior and other of the first Heroes began to Signalize themselves Should we look beyond this Account which Moses has given us of the Origine of the World we shall meet with nothing but Darkness Obscurity and Chaos and no Wonder if Fables and Fictions be the Product of such Beginnings Whereas if we fix here we find Truth and Light and Certainty whereon to build some Assurance and to which we may give our free Assent and Consent A REMARK Concerning the Heads of the Families of the People of God JACOB had twelve Sons who were the twelve Heads from whence the twelve Tribes of the People of God proceeded By his Wife Leah he had six Sons 1. Reuben 2. Simeon 3. Levi. 4. Iudah 5. Issachar 6. Zabulon By his Wife Zilpah he had two Sons 1. Gad. 2. Aser By his Wife Rachel he had two Sons 1. Ioseph 2. Benjamin By his Wife Bilhah he had two Sons 1. Dan. 2. Nephthali Iacob who had a great deal of Esteem and Affection for Rachel continued the same Respect for her after her Death Therefore having only two Sons by her Ioseph and Benjamin he adopts the two Sons of Ioseph Ephraim and Manasses that so by placing these among the rest of his Sons he might give himself some Comfort for the small number of Children which he had by her 'T is upon this account that Iacob blessed Ephraim and Manasses as well as his own Children which he did after a strange and surprising manner Manasses was the eldest and therefore Iacob's Right Hand should have been laid upon him and his Left on Ephraim But the quite contrary happen'd which made Ioseph inform his Father of the Mistake supposing it had been through the Dimness of his Sight But Iacob tells him I know it my Son I know it Manasses shall become the Head of many People and he shall be great but his Brother Ephraim shall be greater than he and his Seed shall become a Multitude of Nations Gen. 48.19 These are the Heads of the Twelve Tribes of Israel and this is it that their Father spake to them and blessed them every one according to his Blessing he blessed them Gen. 49.28 Sect. 2. The State of the People of God under the 22 Iudges or Leaders This State lasts 426 Years that is from Moses the first Leader of the People of God to Saul the first of their Kings Among these there are six of the Leaders who were not Hebrews but Tyrants to whom God delivered his People to punish them for their Sins Years of the World Years before Christ. 2453. 1. MOSES begins to govern the People of God and leads them for the space of Forty Years 1497 2493. 2. IOSHVA governs the Iews and within six years about the year of the World 2499 setled them in the Promised Land 1457 2510. Ioshua dies having governed the People of God about 17 years after the Death of Moses 1440 The Elders govern the Iews who are obedient to God for the space of 15 years 2525. There is an Interregnum among the Iews for the space of six years during which time the People lived according as they thought fit They became corrupted in their Manners fell into downright Idolatry and provoked God to give them up to the Cruelty of their Enemies 1425 2531. I. The First Servitude which lasted Eight years 1419 3. Chushan-rishathaim King of Mesopotamia oppresses the People of God 2539. 4. Othniel frees the People of God from their Servitude 1411 2551. II. The Second Servitude which lasted Eighteen years 1399 5. Eglon the King of Moab oppresses the People of God 2570. 6. Ehud delivers the People of God He was a valiant Man and as the Scripture tells us was Left-handed 1380 2631. III. The Third Servitude which lasted Twenty years 1319 7. Iabin the King of Canaan oppresses the People of God 2651 8. Deborah who judged the Iews together with Barak defeats Sisera Iabin's General and delivers the People of God Iael Heber's Wife fastens Sisera's Head while he was asleep with a Nail to the Ground 1299 2671. IV. The Fourth Servitude which lasted Seven years 9. The Midianites oppress the Iews 2679. 10. Gideon defeats the Midianites and delivers the Iews from their Servitude 1271 After the Death of Gideon the Iews fall into Idolatry 2711. 11. Abimilech the Son of Gideon desiring to be made King kills his seventy Brethren and governs the Iews three years 1239 2714. 12. Tolah judges the Iews the space of three and twenty years 1236 2737. Iair governs the Iews the space of two and twenty years 1213 2741. V. The Fifth Servitude which lasted Eighteen years 1209 14. The Philistines and Ammonites afflict the People of God in the time of Iair's Government 2759. 15. Iephtha succeeds Iair delivers the Israelites from the Servitude of the Philistines and the Ammonites and governs the Iews six years The Scriptures take notice that this Man made a rash Vow to sacrifice the first who should give him the Meeting upon his Return from the Conquest who happen'd to be his own Daughter 1191 2765. 16. Ibzan succeeds Iephtha and judges Israel seven years 1185 2772. 17. Elon judges the Iews the space of ten years 1178 2782. 18. Abdon governs Israel the space of eight years 1168 2767. VI. The Sixth Servitude which lasted almost Forty years 1183 19. The Philistines afflict the People of God 2789. 20. Sampson when he was about Nineteen years old being inspired by God undertakes to defend the Israelites whom he judges for the space of twenty years and as far as he was able delivered from the Tyranny of the Philistines of