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A30316 The Spiritual anatomy of man in which is considered I. the happy state of mans integrity in his first creation, II. the woful apostacy of man from God, by his original sin ..., III. mans restoration by ... Jesus Christ, and the excellency of the Covenant of Grace, IV. the whole series of Christian duties ..., V. the particular cases of affliction, especially spiritual defection ..., VI. the great encouragement to believers, for patience and perseverance ... : to which is added an index of the whole contents / published by Andrew Burnet ... Burnet, A. (Andrew) 1693 (1693) Wing B5753; ESTC R15370 202,954 328

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seek my Face in their Afflictions they will seek me early Hosea 5.15 by all which we see the Lord in Mercy often clouds his Face from his People not in Anger but to rouse them up to enquire into the cause of his withdrawing and by Afflictions to set them more eagerly on returning to him by Repentance that he may return to them with a healing in his Wings Fourthly No Extremity of Condition can hinder the Love of God to his People he brings back the Captive he raiseth the Dead Bones and causeth them to take flesh and live he unites divided Brethren who are at Enmity and Cements them in Love for all which see Eze. 37. Isa 43.2 25. Ps 91. all Neither Death nor Life Heighth nor Depth things present nor things to come Principalities nor Powers Angels nor Men nor any other Creature can separate us from the Love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord Rom. 8.35 to 39. Fourthly The greatness of the Prize to be contended for should raise our great pursuit of that Salvation to our Souls the Holy Scriptures are full in the Enumeration of the many excellencies that attend that great Interest that they are almost infinite and it may be well applyed to that which the Holy Prophet saith That Eye hath not seen Ear hath not heard neither hath it entred into the Heart of Man to conceive besides thee O Lord what good things The Lord hath laid up for them that fear him Is 64.4 However the great Salvation of Man may be in some measure considered under these Heads First It 's the restoring of lost Man from the deepest State of Misery without power in himself to a State of Happiness in Christ Jesus in the Day thou wast born thy Navel was not cut thou wast in thy Blood no Eye pittyed thee thou wast cast out to the loathing of thy Person but when I passed by it was the time of Love I said to thee ●ive in that often repeated place Eze. 16. to 15. and Rom. 5. to 10. wherein we have the perfect emblem of Mans Misery in Nature and by Sin and the lively Discription of the love of God to lost Man Secondly All in this State are intituled to and are made Heirs of all things and called to an Inheritance Incorruptible as in these foregoing Scriptures Rom. 8.32 and 1 Peter 1.3 and 4. Thirdly They are exempted from all manner of Evil are happy in their Death and God shall wipe away all Tears from their Eyes and there shall be no more Death Sorrow nor Crying neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away Rev. 7.14 to 18. ch 21 4. Fourthly they have all Compleat Happiness and Fulness of Glory are united to God in Christ Jesus and Crowned with his Crown of Glory and admitted into the Inseparable Fellowship of Christ Saints and Angels according to that great Scripture that they all may be one as thou O Father art in me and I in thee that they also may be one in us the glory which thou gavest me I have given them that they may be one even as we are one I in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one I will that they may be with me where I am to behold my glory John 17.21 to 25. And for the Fellowship of the Saints with God Christ Jesus Angels and just Men made perfect in the New Jerusalem see that often repeated place Hebrews 12.22 23 24. Thus this great Prize should in the Apostles Exhortation raise our Encouragement to hasten our motion to the New Jerusalem where for being compassed about with so great a Cloud of Witnesses let us lay aside every weight which hang down and the Sin that doth so easily beset us and with patience run the Race that is set before us looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our Faith who for the glory was set before him endured the Cross dispising the shame and is set down at the Right Hand of the Throne of God Consider him which endured such contradiction of Sinners least ye be wearyed and faint in your Minds Heb. 12.1 Thus as Salvation Eternal Happiness the Incorruptible and Undefiled Inheritance of all things the inseparable fellowship of the Holy Trinity Angels and Saints is the undeniable Prize at the end of our Race the Interest and valuableness thereof ought to raise our constant zealous and patient pursuit thereof for which besides what hath already been said we have these manifold and superexcellent Encouragements First our Salvation is freely of Gods pure Love in Christ Jesus Secondly Christ made and redeemed the World without Mans help Thirdly We have the examples and instances of Christs great humiliation and sufferings on Earth Forthly The different and sure estate of the Redeemed far more excellent and sure than Mans Estate in his first Creation Fifthly The great Priviledges and Excellencies of the Saints in Heaven First God being infinite in Power Wisdom and Holiness absolute and perfect in himself without the help or necessity of any humane Being being to accomplish his Soveraignty of himself of his own free Will and for his Glory he made the World and upholds it Who is the Image of the Invisible God the first born of every Creature by him were all things created that are in Heaven and that are in the Earth Visible and Invisible whether they be Thrones or Dominions Principalities or Powers all things were created by him and for him and by him all things consist And to us there is but one God the Father of whom are all things and we in him and one Lord Jesus Christ 1 Cor. 8.6 Secondly As Man The World and all things were freely made by Ood so Man and the World are freely Redeemed by Jesus Christ This of the Redemption of Man by Jesus Christ being one of the most incomprehensible mysteries of free love It may be branched out thus First That it is free without paction or condition of any retribution or satisfaction but meerly by love and good will Secondly That this Salvation is to such who are utterly incapable of helping themselves and in such circumstances as they are in most incapacities and disadvantages Thirdly That it brings with it all means of comfort and suitable supplies Fouthly That it is compleat and full and nothing can lessen the enjoyment or bar the sense of it except obstinate wilfulness and a refusing of the offer Fifthly The Method and Way by which this great Salvation is accomplished to wit by Christs taking on him the humane Nature and in the flesh suffered for Mans Transgressions do much heigthen the mistery of Redemption Sixthly That the Mediator when he hath compleated that great work makes the Redeemed sharers of his own and Fathers glory First That this Salvation is freely of love and good will without paction of any recompence from such as expect and receive the benefit of it appears from these
1 Tim. 6.7 8 9 10. This Blessed Lord Jesus Christ who is the only Wisdom Light and truth it self teacheth his People to a dependance on himself by Faith and Submission in all Providences and as in the foregoing Scriptures we are taught the emptiness of all other supports besides himself and the emptiness of all other Enjoyments his purpose therein is to wean our Hearts from thence and fix them on himself by Faith and Submission in all Providences he tells us that a Mans Life consisteth not in the abundance of what a Man hath in the foregoing Instance of the Rich Husband-Man and that Man liveth not by Bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the Mouth of God this was the Doctrine of Moses to the People of Israel when in the Wilderness they murmured for want of Bread and when they were shut up from expectation of help and all probabilities of supply were hid from their Eyes he minds them of the great wonders God had wrought for them in their Deliverance from Pharaohs Servitude and designing to wind up their thoughts to God by Faith that he would as well relieve them in that straight as well as he had done from under former difficulties and therefore tell them Man liveth not by Bread alone but by every Word that proceedeth out of the Mouth of God Deu. 8.3 Implying that the sole pleasure of God influences all the Creatures and that God in his Omnipotence and Wisdom is not confined to the Methods and Appearances of Men but can in his own way accomplish his purpose at his own pleasure his Blessing on the Creature can Augment them to such a Pitch as he designs he can make a little Pot of Oyl swell to many Barrels when he designs to manifest his Power and good Will to Man 2 Kings 4. to 8. he can make one or two single Meals feed and refresh for forty Days and forty Nights he can make five Loaves and two small Fishes feed five thousand Men and cause the Fragments left to exceed the first bulk Luke 9.12 to 18. he can open the Windows of Heaven and give a Blessing so as no room is for it to be stowed Mal. 3.10 he Cloaths the Lillies and feeds the Ravens without their Care or Industry so that Faith and Submission to his Blessed Will and Care will answer all things He it is that Commands seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened whatsoever ye ask the Father in my Name believe ye have it and ye shall receive it Math. 7.7 to 13. Now as Christs Doctrine is full and without Parallel so his Sufferings are without example as being without Sin not only against God but upright also and perfect so as he could not offend against Mans Law and that all his sufferings were voluntary of pure love not for Friends but for Sinners and Enemies wherefore such as believe in him and have the Hope of eternal Life ought chearfully and patiently to endure Temptations and bear their Afflictions in the Flesh and willingly take up and bear the Cross and more paraicularly for these Reasons First To bear the Cross is Christs Command Secondly For this we have the Example of Christ his Prophets Saints and Martyrs Thirdly We have his Manifold promises of Assistance Fourthly The Cross is the inevitable Path and Way by which he leads his People to the Kingdom of Heaven Fifthly It is the means by which he fits his People by Holiness for that eternal Union and Communion with himself Sixthly The Reward of Eternal Life at the end of the Race is exceeding great First Patient suffering and bearing the Cross is Christs Command Christ Jesus the Word of God by whom is forgiveness of Sins and Redemption through his Blood who made our Peace through the Blood of his Cross Preacheth this Doctrine come unto me all ye that Labour and are Heavy Laden and I will give you rest take my Yoak upon you and learn of me for I am Meek and Lowly in Mind my Yoak is easy and my Burthen is Light Math. 11.28 29 30. When he sends out his Disciples to Instruct and Convert the World he tells them he sends them as Sheep in the midst of Woolves he Commands them to be wise as Serpents and harmless as Doves and that they shall be brought before Kings and Governors and hated of all Men for his sake and that they could not expect better Entertainment than he their Master that they must deny Father and Mother and all other Relations and things dear to them for his sake and if they loved their Lives or any thing else better than him they should loose them and he that taketh not up his Cross and followeth not him was not worthy of him Math. 10.10 to end This also hath been the strain of all the Prophets and Apostles to Preach up Patient bearing of the Cross to you it is given saith the Apostle not only to believe but also to suffer Phi. 1.27 to 31. let us go forth therefore saith the same Apostle unto him bearing his Reproach Heb. 13.12 to 16. Count it all Joy saith the Apostle James when you fall into divers Temptations knowing that the Trial of your Faith worketh Patience but let Patience have her perfect works that ye may be entire wanting nothing James 1. to 6. take the Prophets saith the same Apostle for an example of suffering affliction and Patience ye have heard of the Patience of Job and have seen the end of the Lord that the Lord is very pittiful and of tender Mercy Jam. 5.7 to 12. For even hereunto are we called saith the Apostle Peter because Christ also suffered for us leaving us an Example that ye should follow his Steps who did not Sin neither was guile found in his Mouth who when he was reviled reviled not again when he suffered he threatned not but committed himself to him that Judgeth Righteously 1 Pet. 2. to end ch 3 14 25. Whos 's own self bore our sins in his own Body on the Tre● that we being Dead to sin should cleave unto Righteousness by whose Stripes we are healed see further of this 1 Pet. 4.12 to end Secondly We have the Sufferings of Christ and his Prophets Apostles Saints and Martyrs for our Examples the Holy Scriptures give an account of the Opprobious usage of Christ his patient Sufferings his Ignominious death who willingly gave up his Life for Enemies see this more particularly under four heads elsewhere These Holy Scriptures Isa 51.6 chap. 53. all Psalm 22. all John 14.31 Mat. 27. all give the fuller history of the Particulars The whole book of Holy writ offers to our view a large Catalogue of the sufferings of Prophets Saints and Martyrs with their patient deportment therein how patiently did Moses the mildest of Men bear the revilings of Aaron and Miriam and prayed for Miriam Numb 12. so the Lord healed her How humble was David under his Son Absolom's Usurpation
clear to understand good and evil and in respect there was a positive prohibition against such offence it must imply knowledge and therefore makes it a wilful breach and offence against a known Law Secondly It cannot be called the Sin of Infirmity or surprize as Adam would have excused himself by the Womans giving of the fruit to him and the Womans Apology of the Serpents beguiling her for that they were foretold that they should not Eat of that Fruit and forbid the eating thereof under the Penalty of Death Gen. 3.12 13. and that the knowledge they had of good and evil and that to break the Commandment of God was evil it self although it had not been under the Penalty expressed and therefore having in themselves sufficient knowledge to understand and strength to defeat and resist the force and arguments of Satans Insinuations this Sin was a vehement and bold presumption against the Justice and Authority of God Thirdly This Sin was of the greatest Pride and Ambition imaginable for that God had endowed Man with knowledge sufficient in every respect to make him happy in understanding all things to complete his satisfaction and delight in God and the Creatures nevertheless upon Satans Insinuation that by eating of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil they should become more knowing and be like Gods knowing Good and Evil they wilfully in the Pride and Ambition of their Hearts lusted after knowledge to be equal with God and by disobedience broke Gods Law Fourthly This Sin was of greatest unbelief and impeachment of Gods Truth and Justice in believing Satans Lye you shall not surely die Gen. 3.4 and not believing Gods word thou shalt surely die Whereby to their own ruin and ruin of their Posterity they yeilded to a deceitfully and did not obey the Truth and righteousness Gen. 2.17 Fifthly This eating of the Tree of Knowledge implyed the greatest Murmuring Repining and Ingratitude for that God had given to Man the Use of and Dominion over all the Creatures and had only reserved one single Tree with a Prohibition from meddling with it nevertheless man is not Content but must have all not remembring or willfully forgetting that he had his beginning and being of God and what he had was of and from him and that he had what was sufficient to make him happy yet was his Covetousness without bounds Sixthly This Sin was of the greatest Sloth imprudence and inadvertence in that while God had endowed Man with Knowledge Righteousness and Holiness when Satan did accost him with a Ly to break the Command he should have reflected on the Righteousness and Hoilness of God that it was impossible for God to Lie and thereby should have resisted Satans Suggestions founded on a Ly from the Holyness and Goodness of God in giving man all things he should have reasoned that it was not just in him to murmur at his pleasure in mans being restrained from some thing and upon Satans first Suggestion of a Ly against God he should not have listned further to him but rested in the Credit of Gods truth and continued in his Obedience Seventhly From the Method of Committing this Sin all manner of Sin seems to be employed in it the Text saith And when the Woman saw that the Tree was good for Food and that it was pleasant to the Eyes and a Tree to be desired to make one wise She took of the Fruit thereof and did eat and gave also to her Husband with her and he did eat Gen. 3.6 From hence we see when Satan by a lying Suggestion had tampered with the Woman ay and got her to listen to his temptation from her ambition of being as Gods she lets her thoughts out to a further survey of the apparent excellencies and advantages to be had in the eating of that fruit and thus ambition kindleth lust and one lust begetteth another so the heart swelling with ambition of further Knowledge and that ambition runs to the Eyes and from the Eyes to the Sensual Appetite and thus the whole Mass is tainted and defiled and let out to the gluttinous poysoning of the Soul to the Rebellion of Disobedience This seems to be that same thing which the Apostle calls the Lust of the Flesh the Lust of the Eyes and the Pride of Life Which is an entire Mass of all pollution so that it was not only the eating of that fruit which was the Sin only but the Infection that was got into the Heart and Affections whereby the goodly frame of Righteousness Holyness and true Knowledge became all tainted and infected with the deceitful Appetites and Lusts of the Flesh 1 Joh. 2.15 16. First By distrusting of God and then by a Covetous lusting after what was set apart from them by Gods prohibition and so breaking the limits of Obedience le ts the Lust swing after a carnal propension or forwardness to satiate their desires and thus disorders the righteous frame of Justice Holyness and Knowledge lately erected by God in them so that this Sin was not only that actual and only act of eating the fruit but the Corruption of the whole faculties run into disorder from God expressed by that rebellious act of eating the forbidden Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge This also seems to be proved and explained in many places of Scripture especially those of the Apostle Paul I had not known Sin but by the Law I had not known lust except the Law had said thou shalt not Covet Rom. 7.7 Where by the word Lust rendred most properly in the Original Concupiscence and the word Covet there Exod. 20.17 is properly meant a desire of what is more than our own and allowable in Justice and in that place For the Iniquity of his Covetousness Isa 57.17 Where by Covetousness is meant the lustful Inclinations and by the Apostle in that place Rom. 7.7 By lusts he means not so much the polluted actions of the Flesh as the polluted fountain of them Non pravas Cupiditates sed illarum fontem and the Soul is well called Sedes Nativae illius labis the seat of that Natural Corruption and this seems likewise to be confirmed by that Scripture and God saw that the wickedness of man was greater in the Earth and that every Imagination of the thoughts of his heart was evil and only evil continually Gen 6.5 Where God chargeth mans heart with this Sin as being the Fountain of the Corruption That of the Psalmist The Fool hath said in his heart there is no God Psal 14.1 Seems to be to the same purpose for none were openly such professed Atheists as to deny the being of God but the Prophanity of their Conversation leads the Psalmist to charge them with denying of God whereby he chargeth the heart with the pollution and brings the act of Sin as Instance and proof of it Christ himself also in that Scripture But those things which come out of the mouth come from the heart and they do defile
original guilt imputable to them in so much as they are part of that Mass which was corrupted common experience in all Ages tell us that unhappy constitutions of Parents either natural or accidental render Posterity exceeding corrupt as well in Intellectuals as in bodily habits and what reason can be given why men beget men and not beasts and beasts beget beasts and not men but because of the Affinity of Nature between the Sire and what is begotten the same Parity of reason will infer that from corrupt Men corrupt Issue must be produced and how can it be otherwise supposed for what is begotten of man can give no quality to it self and therefore must participate of the nature and ascribe its quality to that by which it is begotten This also is clear from Scripture who can bring a clean thing from an unclean not one Job 14.4 If a man be sinful polluted and unclean as Adam was after his fall how could his Posterity be clean they have it not of themselves and could not claim or derive it from him David gives us for this a clear Scripture proof in his own acknowledgment of Original guilt behold I was shapen in iniquity and in sin did my Mother conceive me Psal 51.5 From whence comes this pollution of David the Embrio took it not from its lodging in the Womb there being nothing there to defile it therefore it must needs have it from its polluted Parents Do not dayly and woful experience instruct us that the first Acts of Children is wickedness and if not restrained and instructed they will perish in Sin and Atheism whence comes this Man was created Righteous and Holy untill he wilfully defiled himself doth not then this wickedness arise from that first pollution of Nature in Adam and so descended and fell on all Posterity and continues successively until Nature be polished by Grace and man be renewed in Christ Jesus and made conformable to the Image of him that Created him in Righteousness and true holiness wherefore we must conclude all men under Sin by natural Generation and for this the Scripture is most clear for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles that they are all under Sin and in that other place of the same Apostle Wherefore as by one Man sin entred into the World and Death by Sin so Death passed upon all Men for that all have sinned Rom. 3.9 Again therefore as by the offence of one Judgment came upon all Men to condemnation For as by one Mans Disobedience many were made Sinners so by the Obedience of one shall many be made Righteous Rom. 5.12 18 19. Having discovered from Scripture and by other arguments that by Adams Transgression his Nature was corrupted and that thereby his Posterity partaking of his corrupted complexion and nature are also tainted with his corruption and are thereby guilty of his original Transgression we come next to consider the consequences thereof upon his Posterity and these are twofold First The Posterity of Adam are made subject to Death and disabled from succeeding him in the many priviledges he enjoyed in his Integrity Secondly They are disabled in natural enjoyment and spiritual performances For the first as we have already cleared upon Adams transgression an act of attender passed against him and he was deprived of his Soveraignty over the Creatures enmity was sowed between him and them and the Earth was accursed for his sake and he himself exposed to toil misery and sorrow so that all these evil effects have fallen on his Posterity and they also made subject to Death This is already cleared from their participation of the corrupt nature and consequently the Judgments which have followed must also affect them and they are thereby brought under the Judgment of Death as by that Scripture already cited as by one man Sin entred into the World and Death by Sin so Death passed upon all men for that all men have sinned Rom. 5.12 So as Adam had not seen Death if he had not sinned and sinning was brought under the Judgment of Death all his Posterity likewise sinning in him are liable to the Judgment of Death For the Wages of sin is Death Rom. 6.23 Secondly The Posterity of Adam are not only disabled from succeeding him in that glorious state of his Integrity but are disabled in the use of natural enjoyment and spiritual performances First In natural and temporary enjoyments for though the World be respited from utter ruine and God continues Man on Earth with a Course of Day and Night and the usual seasons nevertheless since the Curse on the Creatures for Mans Sin the enjoyment of Creature delights is attended with such uneasiness that Mans Life is a continual dying and a Life of Sorrow Man that is born of a Woman is of few days and full of trouble he cometh forth like a flower and is cut down he flieth also as a shadow and continueth not Job 14.1 2. See Davids testimony of the greatest of Men surely Men of low degree are vanity and Men of high degree a lye to be laid in the hallance they are altogether lighter than vanity Psal 62.9 If we take Solomons opinion of the whole World he plainly tells us all is Vanity and Vexation of Spirit Eccles 2. all The holy Apostle gives us an Inventory of the World In the World is only the Lusts of the Flesh the Lusts of the Eyes and the Pride of Life and these things are not of God and perish in the using 1 Joh. 2.15 16. The holy Apostle Paul informs us that the whole Creation is brought under subjection and groans under bondage for Sin Rom. 8.20 21. So that since the Curse for Sin the World is but a Stage of Sin Sorrow and Misery This also is proved from daily experience what Age Nation City or Family is exempted from the lash of mortality misery or changes is not the greatest Earthly glory honour wealth and strength clouded in a moment and brought to nothing and this is the just effect of mans Sin and Rebellion and will be the continuing Lot of the Seed of Adam untill the Restoration of Man in Christ Jesus according to the Image of him that created him and that the bondage of the Creation be restored by the coming of the second Adam and restitution of all things by him Rom. 8.21 22. The second thing wherein Man is disabled by Adam's Sin and inherent Corruption from the first pollution is not only natural feebleness and weakness all the vital and corporal faculties being disabled from that original wholesome and vigorous Constitution of the first Adam whereby the actions are either corrupt or faint in comparison with what they were before the Fall but also in Religious performances and duties so as all these actions and performances are either wholly corrupt and sinful or so weak and scanty that they are rather a Skeleton or Picture than real Duties This is illustrated from these three Instances First
From the corruption of the Fountain Secondly From Scripture Thirdly From daily experience First From the corruption of the Fountain of our actions or performance of Duties It being already proved that Man having wilfully polluted and disordered the frame of Holiness Integrity and Knowledge in which he was created and poysoned the Heart and Affections from whence actions and performances do flow how can pure and full performances or duties be expected from thence Man being in his Heart and Thoughts polluted his Actions must be suitable to the pure all things are pure but unto them that are defiled is nothing pure but even their Mind and Conscience is defiled Tit. 1.15 This is of necessary consequence who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean not one Job 14.4 Wherefore we must conclude that so long as the Fountain of the Heart is defiled so must the actions and performances coming from thence be impure and weak and until Man be renewed in the Spirit of his Mind by regeneration in Jesus Christ he still remains corrupt and polluted until he be again revested with that holy Spirit and that a new heart be given to him by which again he may be enabled to walk in the Statutes of God to do them by vertue of that promise I will put my Spirit within you and cause you to walk in my Statutes and ye shall keep my Judgments and do them Ezek. 36.26 27. Secondly Scripture is most clear that all the Actions of a Carnal Man such as are all the Issue of Adam until restored by Regeneration are sinful and unacceptable with God First His Thoughts are polluted and defiled and God saw that the wickedness of Man was great in the Earth and that every Imagination of the Thoughts of his Heart was only evil continually Gen. 6.5 Secondly His words are defiled and sinful but unto the wicked God saith what hast thou to do to declare my Statutes and take my Covenant in thy Mouth seeing thou hatest Instruction and casteth my Words behind thee Psal 50.16 17. Thirdly His Actions are all evil the Ploughing of the Wicked is sin Prov. 21.4 Fourthly The very Religious Actions or Performances of Duties of the Wicked are sinful The Sacrifice of the Wicked is an abomination to the Lord Prov. 15.8 He that turneth away his Ear from hearing the Law even his Prayer shall be an abomination Prov. 28.9 When ye spread forth your hands I will hide mine Eyes from you yea when ye make many Prayers I will not hear your hands are full of blood Isa 1.11 to 16. This point we may thus conclude that whatever flows from a Carnal Man whose Mind and Heart is defiled must be impure and unacceptable to God for that the Carnal Mind is enmity against God and is not subject to the Law of God neither indeed can be Rom. 8.7 Wherefore until the Fountain be purified and the imbred prejudice of the Heart be taken away and man be reconciled to God in Christ Jesus nothing coming from him can be acceptable with God Thirdly Experience clearly proves such disability in every performance Religion for most part is wrapt up in a bare exercise of outward actions of Devotion Formality Ceremony and customary performances are come in such repute that men easily deceive themselves and sit down at ease in these performances without searching into the frame of the Spirit towards God or examining the spring and motive of these Duties or scope and end of their Devotion not regarding whether these duties be undertaken and performed in obedience of the Command in Faith in Sense of Sin in Eye to the Glory of God or remorse for Sin in sense of self pollution and in a desire of renovation and assistance to perform and in every thing to deny our selves and depend on God by Faith but lull their Consciences for most part secure by having done what was customarily reputed religious performances Let a Man pretending to religion more than ordinary examine himself impartially he shall find such disorder of Thoughts in religious duties such narrow and scanty apprehensions of God such invasion of his Thoughts and Affections diverting him from the right and leading him to improper objects unruly interruptions such scanty performances and such uneasiness under these duties that Custom rather than Conscience and Conscience for Self if not carnal Interest at best than for Gods Glory and Salvation is the chief Impulse or Spring of such actions But as to the arraigning of the Affection before God whether placed on God or Lusts Faith on Christ for Justification and Salvation the work of Mortification unfeigned Repentance Christian Patience Charity Brotherly Love and new Obedience are Riddles not only hid from Carnal apprehensions and made mens duties but rather thought nusancies scare crows and enmity to the World and the flesh so that we must conclude that in nature we are without streng●h for any Righteous performances and that until the Law of the Members be brought under the Law of the Spirit we can do no good thing Rom. 8.6 For I know that in me that is in my Flesh dwelleth no good thing for to will is present with me but how to perform that which is good I find not Rom. 7.18 For I see a Law in my Members warring against the Law of my Mind and bringing me into Captivity to the Law of sin which is in my Members Chap. 7.23 Here we have a clear description and proof of mans natural Incapacity for doing any good and this Incapacity we must ascribe to the corruption of the Heart Affections which had its rise from sin in Adam Having cleared what Original Sin in Adam was and how his Posterity was tainted therewith and made liable to the fatal Consequences thereof we come in the third place to make some practical Inferences from thence First If from the premises it be an unquestionable truth that Adam was created in Perfection and Integrity and that he fell under the most detestable Apostacy and that in his Transgression were complicated all manner of Sins that Nature was polluted in him that all after Posterity are tainted with his guilt and made liable to the consequences of his Sin How little reason have the greatest and richest Men of the World to boast and how great reason have they to humble themselves upon reflection of their Pedigree For that their descent was from him who once was the most glorious absolute richest and only Soveraign on Earth who for his Pride Covetousness Ingratitude and Murmuring was forfeit degraded made miserable and debased That they are at best of corrupted adulterate and degenerate blood and extraction Scripture doth clearly explain this Cause Jerusalem to know her abominations thy Birth and thy Nativity is of the Land of Canaan thy Father was an Amorite thy Mother a Hittite Ezek. 16 23. This People was lineally of Abraham but had followed the Idolatry and wickedness of the Amorites and Hittites therefore are
the depth of the Riches both of the Wisdom and Knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his Judgments and his Ways past finding out for who hath known the Mind of the Lord or who hath been his Counsellor Rom. 11.33 34. And with the same Apostle That ye being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend with all Saints what is the breadth and length and depth and heighth and to know the love of Christ which passeth Knowledge that ye may be filled with all the fulness of God Eph. 3.17 18 19. And to admire Infinite Goodness with the Holy Prophet For since the beginning of the World Man hath not heard nor perceived by the Ear neither hath the Eye seen O God besides thee what he hath prepared for him Isa 64.4 And further of the mistery of this love read 1 Tim. 3.16 Psalm 139.17 18. Having thus viewed the first estate of Man in his Innocence and his estate of Apostacy from God and being informed of the mistery of Gods Love and eternal good Will to Man in Christ Jesus we come next to consider how in infinite Wisdom the Redemption of Man is contrived We have already discovered how God of his bounty made man in a happy and glorious estate after his own Image and upon the Condition and Covenant of obedience he was made Lord of all the sublunary Creatures and that God putting Mans Stock in his own hand and though he was sufficiently enabled to perform Obedience nevertheless through the Concupisence of his Heart he broke his Allegiance to God and incurred to himself and posterity the forfeiture of all the glorious Dignities and Priviledges given to him and he and his Posterity were concluded under Misery and Wrath because of Sin so that having no capacity in himself to be reconciled to God and retrieve his loss the Infinite Wisdom and Bounty of God from all Eternity as above is discovered did determine mans Restoration to a better and surer Estate and Condition than what he was in at his first Creation and that same Infinite Wisdom foreseeing that Man having corrupted his Way and Heart the Fountain of Actions And that the Thoughts and Imaginations of his Heart were evil and only evil continually Gen 6.5 And that his Heart was deceitful and desperately wicked Jer. 17.9 And though he intended Mans Restoration and Eternal Happiness yet because of the pravity of Mans Heart he was neither to be treated with upon his own Integrity nor fit to be trusted with a new Stock in his own strength and therefore Heavenly Wisdom appoints the only begotten Son of God and Second Person of the Holy Trinity to be a Mediator for Man and by him enters into an everlasting Covenant with Man which shall be demonstrated in the ensuing Discourse and that as well to satisfie Divine Justice for Mans Transgression as to secure to Man the future Stock of Gods bounty granted unto him by vertue of this New and Second Covenant and what this Covenant is and the terms of it shall be the next Subject of Discourse This Covenant commonly called the Covenant of Grace is mutual between God and Man through the Mediator Jesus Christ who in Scripture is called the Mediator of the New Covenant considering this Covenant we shall First Take notice of the freedom thereof Secondly Of the terms of it First As to the freedom It being apparent that God of his Free-Will and Goodness without any tye necessity or obligation upon him for his own Glory Created the World and Man in that glorious and stately Condition as we have heard and that Man by his Rebellion departing from God had incurred the execution of Justice upon himself and all after Posterity and that the Pravity of Mans Nature was such that it grieved and repented God that he had made Man Gen. 6.6 There lay no obligation upon God to restore lost Man but that God intending to make Bounty and Mercy as it were to triumph over Justice and magnifie his Infinite goodness by the Council of Heaven this mystery of Christs love is contrived by which Justice is satisfied and Man is not only relieved from the servitude of Sin and delivered from wrath to come and insured in a better estate than what he was in at first but also is made Heir to all the most excellent priviledges contained in this new Covenant which shall be branched forch in the ensuing Discourse The frequent testimonies of the Spirit in the New Testament witness the freedom of this Covenant Having Predestinated us to the Adoption of Children by Jesus Christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his Will Eph. 1.5 But God who is rich in Mercy for his great love wherewith he hath loved us even when we were dead in sins hath he quickened us together in Christ by Grace ye are saved Eph. 2.4 5 11. And not by Works of Righteousness which we have done but according to his Mercy he saved us by the washing of Regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour that being Justified by his Grace we should be made Heirs according to the hope of Eternal Life Titus 3.5 6 7. For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God being justified freely by his Grace through the Redemption that is in Christ Jesus whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through Faith in his blood to declare his Righteousness for the remission of sins that are past through the forbearance of God to declare his righteousness that he may be just and the justifier of him that believeth in Jesus Rom. 3.21 to the end When we were yet without strength in due time Christ died for the ungodly God commendeth his love towards us in that while we were yet Sinners Christ died for us for if when we were Enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his Life Rom 5.6 to 11. Who was delivered for our offences and was raised again for our Justification Rom. 4.25 and other innumerable places of Scripture as Rom. 9.11 15 16. Ezek. 16. to 15 and Ezek. 36.17 to 33. James 1.17 By all which we see the blessing of this Covenant coming freely of Grace by the Council of Heaven Christ undertaking for impotent helpless sinners and enemies and this undertaking approved and accepted of by the forbearance of God and the suffering of Christ coming as a propitiation and satisfaction to Justice for Mans offences who was in no capacity to help himself the freedom and excellency of this love of Christ in this new Covenant appears yet more particularly in these respects First As man was of himself incapable to make satisfaction to Justice and reconcile himself to God so he was not fit to be treated with by God in his own person because he had altogether defiled himself and was of no Integrity therefore Jesus Christ
Gen. 17.7 And that Prophet promised to Moses and I will raise them up a Prophet amongst their Brethren like unto thee and I will put my words into his mouth and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him Deut. 18.18 And he is that Prophet of whom the Apostle speaketh Of this Mans Seed hath God according to his promise raised unto Israel a Saviour Jesus Act. 13.22 And this is that rod out of the Stem of Jesse on whom the Spirit of the Lord doth rest The Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding the Spirit of Counsel and Might the Spirit of Knowledge and of the fear of the Lord he shall not judge after the sight of his Eyes nor reprove after the hearing of his Ears but with Righteousness shall he judge the Poor and Reprove with Equity for the meek of the Earth and shall smite the Earth with the Rod of his Mouth and with the breath of his Lips shall he slay the Wicked and righteousness shall be the Girdle of his Loyns and Faithfulness the Girdle of his Reins Isa 11. to 11. And this is that Prophet who hath received the Spirit in full The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because the Lord hath appointed me to Preach good tidings to the meek he hath sent me to bind up the broken hearted to proclaim liberty to the captive and the opening of the Prison to them that are bound to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God and to comfort all that mourn to appoint unto them that mourn in Zion to give unto them Beauty for Ashes the Oil of Joy for Mourning the Garment of Praise for the Spirit of Heaviness Isa 61. to 4. He is the only true Sheepheard of the Sheep and entreth in at the Door to whom it is opened and the Sheep hear his voice and follow him he knoweth his Sheep calleth them by their Names and leads them into the true and good Pastures John 10. to 6. He is the infallible guide and teacher He is the Way the Truth the Light and Life and no Man cometh unto the Father but by him Joh. 14.6 He is the only true light that lightneth every Man that cometh into the World John 1.6 This then being the first step of Christs Mediation between God and Man to be their Teacher to instruct them their duty towards God by his infallible Spirit this should lead us again with the Apostle to cry out O the depth and infinite dimensions of the Love and Wisdom of God to sinners If we consider Mans Fall from his credulity in believing the lying suggestions of a fallen Angel in the Mouth of a Serpent and not believing of God and that to avoid mans splitting on this Rock God sends his infallible Spirit of Truth to guide them in all Truth and bring them under the Law of the Spirit by Regeneration and a new Life in Christ Jesus by putting his Spirit in them to make them walk in the Spirit and no more in the unprofitable course of this World in the Flesh and Lusts thereof and endoweth them with the Wisdom and Graces of his Spirit to perform to God new obedience as shall be shewen in examining of the Christian Duties as the conditions of this Covenant on Mans part how much should the consideration of this mystery of Love and Wisdom lead our anxious desires after attaining unto a large stock of this enriching and confirming Grace and to be endowed with the knowledge of the love of God in Christ Jesus by which poor Believers are not only retrieved from Sin and Wrath but are kept sure in Christs Hand from falling away from God as under the first Covenant John 17.6 to 13. The second branch of Christs Mediatory Office is to be a Priest and the Office of a Priest being to offer up Sacrifice for Sinners we shall consider how this agreeth to Christ and is performed by him the holy Apostle tells us That he that desireth the Office of a Bishop or Teacher desireth a good work 1 Tim. 3.1 And he also tells us that it is so honourable and sacred that no man taketh it to himself but he that is called thereunto as was Aaron Heb. 5.4 And therefore God in displeasure with Uzziah the great King of Israel for intruding into the Priests Office struck him with Leprosy to his death 2 Chron. 26.18 to end But none can claim better or so good a Title to the Priesthood as our great high Priest Jesus Christ who took not that honour to himself but it was given to him of his Father who said to him this day have I begotten thee and thou art a Priest for ever after the Order of Melchisedeck Heb. 5.5 Psalm 110.4 Isa 7.13 14 15 16. And although he was Heir of all things and by whom the World was made and being the brightness of the Fathers glory and express Image of his person he was annointed with the Oil of Gladness above his Fellows Heb. 1.2 3 9. And made the High Priest by the Council of Heaven for Mans Eternal Salvation and as he had this his call immediately from Heaven so he hath it with more transcendent eminency than other Priests in many considerations First The holy Apostle Paul tells us that all Priests taken from amongst Men are compassed about with Infirmities and Sins and as in compassion to others so also for their own as well as for the sins of others they are to offer up Sacrifices Heb. 5.1 2 3. ch 7.23 28. chap. 9.7 but this our great High Priest though in Compassion to us he took our nature upon him and was subject to natural Infirmities and in the Flesh was tempted with like Infirmities to succour such as were tempted yet without sin Heb. 2.16 17 18. chap. 4.15 However he is essentially holy for such an High Priest became us who is holy harmless undefiled separate from Sinners and made higher than the Heavens who needeth not daily as these High Priests to offer up Sacrifice first for his own Sins and then for the People for this he did once when he offered up himself Heb. 7.26 27. Secondly All other Priests are made without an Oath but he with an Oath for those Priests were made without an Oath but this with an Oath by him that said to him the Lord Swore and will not Repent thou art a Priest for ever after the order of Melchisedeck and hath an unchangeable Priesthood Hebrews 7.21 24. Thirdly Other Priests are for a time his Priesthood is for ever and unchangeable as in the foregoing Scripture They were many Priests and not suffered to continue because of death but this man because he continueth ever hath an unchangeable Priesthood wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him seeing he ever liveth to make Intercession for them for the Law maketh High Priests which have Infirmities but the word of the Oath
which was since the Law maketh his Son who is consecrated for evermore for Christ is not entered into the Holy Places made with Hands which are the figures of the true but into Heaven it self now to appear in the Presence of God for us Heb. 9.24 Heb. 7.23 24 25 28. And by the Holy Apostle John If any man sin we have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the Righteous 1 John 2.1 From these Scriptures we have a clear proof of this consolatory Doctrine that Christs Priesthood continueth when mens cease for his is Eternal theirs are but while they are on Earth but on the other Hand Christ hath entered into the Heavens to make Intercession for us and although he hath once for all fulfilled the Sacrifice to Justice for Sinners nevertheless he is still at a post of Intercession in Heaven with the Father to make our requests known and to procure the answer to our Petitions and as at his leaving of the World he told his Disciples he was going to the Father and told them Whatsoever ye ask in my name that I will do that the Father may be glorified in the Son and if ye ask anything in my name I will do it Joh. 14.13 14. It clearly appears his Mediatory Office is not determined but continueth and will continue until the restitution of all things and he give up the Kingdom to his Father As this Doctrine affords great consolation to all Believers that in all their wants Spiritual and Temporal while in their Pilgrim state they are assured of an Advocate to make Intercession for them so we have a clear confutation of that errour of the Church of Rome who set up the Doctrine of Invocation and Intercession of Saints which exceedingly derogates from the Prerogative of Jesus Christ who is that great High Priest and only Mediator for Sinners for the Apostle is most positively clear that Priests amongst men are not suffered to continue because of Death but this man continueth for ever so as nothing can be clearer than that their Office determines with their Lives and his continueth in Heaven making Intercession for Sinners What can be a greater contradiction of Scripture and more derogatory to the sole Prerogative of Jesus Christs Mediation than to allow the power of Intercession to any Saint or Angel whose Office is extinguished when they yield up the Ghost Fourthly Priests amongst Men offer Sacrifices of corruptible things at the charge of others but this great High Priest hath made a Sacrifice of his own blood for the sins of others But Christ being come an High Priest of good things to come by a greater and more perfect Tabernacle not made with hands that is to say neither by the blood of Goates and Calves but by his own blood he entred in once into the Holy Place having obtained eternal Redemption for us for if the blood of Bulls and Goates and of the Ashes of an Heifer sprinkling the Unclean sanctifieth to the purifying of the Flesh how much more shall the blood of Christ who through the Eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God purge your Consciences to serve the living God Heb. 9.11 12 13 14. and elsewhere Looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the Great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all Iniquity and purify to himself a peculiar people zealous of good works Tit. 2.13 14. Who gave himself for our sins that he might deliver us from this present evil World according to the Will of God and our Father Gal. 1.4 being justified freely by his Grace by the Redemption that is in Christ Jesus whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through Faith in his Blood to declare his righteousness for the Remission of Sins that are past through the forbearance of God to declare at this time his Righteousness that he might be just and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus where is boasting then it is excluded by what Law of Works nay but by the Law of Faith therefore we conclude that a Man is justified by Faith without thee deeds of the Law Rom. 3.24 to 29. Hence then have we this great Doctrine of Christs satisfaction for Believers plainly discovered and proved unto us in which we see the contrivance of Heaven for Mans Eternal Redemption freely justified that is without merit or reward on our part but of Bounty and Grace whom God hath set forth by the joint Council of the Godhead through Christ Jesus here the Sole Mediatory office lodged in him through Faith in his blood this is the duty and condition on Believers part for remission of Sins that are past this is the full satisfaction to Justice through the forbearance of God the consent of Heaven and Indemnity for Sinners that he might be just that Justice might be satisfied and sin expiated by the Blood of Jesus and the Justifier of him that believeth in Jesus that Christs Blood be imputed as satisfaction for Sin without farther satisfaction from Believers or other Mediators From all which and almost in express words we have the confutation of that impious Doctrine of Rome viz. of Merit Mediation of Saints Purgatory after Death all sins being done away by the Blood of Jesus God being the justifier of him that believeth in Jesus what room then is there for Purgatory Another difference between our great High Priest and Priests on Earth is that they offered often but he offered up himself once for all a Propitiation for Sin and thereby at once satisfied Justice as in the foregoing and other Scriptures By the which Will we are sanctified through the offering of the Body of Jesus once for all and every Priest standeth daily ministring and oftentimes offering the same sacrifices which can never take away Sin but this Man after he had offered one Sacrifice for sin for ever sate down on the Right Hand of God for by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified Heb. 9.11 12. He entred in once into the holy Place having obtained Eternal Redemption for us Heb. 10.11 12 14. From this plain Doctrine of Christs once offering himself a Sacrifice for Sinners believers may comfort themselves in assurance of Salvation from that Sacrifice of his Blood and may come boldly to the Throne of Grace that we may obtain Mercy and find Grace to help in time of need Heb. 4.16 And may have a strong consolation who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us which hope we have as an Anchor of the Soul both sure and stedfast and which entreth into that within the Vail whether the forerunner is for us entred even Jesus made an High Priest for ever after the order of Melchisedeck Heb. 6.18 19 20. This Doctrine also plainly reproves that Judaick Idolatrous and vain opinion of the Popish Mass in crucifying a fresh the Lord of Glory and so
God that justifieth who is he that shall condemn It is Christ that died yea rather that is risen again who is even at the Right Hand of God making intercession for us Rom. 8.1 33 34. Thirdly Is Christ Jesus that triumphant and glorious Champion With dyed Garments from Bozrah having trode the Wine-press of his Fathers wrath alone for sinners Isa 63.1 2 3. Who hath conquered over Hell and Death for sinners 1 Cor. 15.54 55 56 57. Why should a Believer be afraid and doubtful of his Eternal Salvation in Jesus Christ considering he hath his Promise for it who cannot lye I even I am he that comforteth thee who art thou that thou shouldest be afraid of a Man that shall die and of the Son of Man that shall be made as Grass and forgetteth the Lord thy Maker that hath stretched forth the Heavens and hast feared continually every day because of the fury of the Oppressour as if he were ready to destroy and where is the fury of the Oppressour Isa 51.12 13. This one Consideration and Faith in exercise is sufficient to stay the Soul against all discouragements and doubtings Fourthly Is Christ that brightness of the Fathers Glory and express Image of his Person whose Throne is for ever Heb. 1.3 8. Hath he dignified man and abased himself in taking Mans Nature upon him and not the Nature of Angels Heb. 2.16 Art thou amongst men O Christian contemptible as a Worm and no Man looked upon as the abject and of scouring of the Earth as was Christ Psalm 22. Why art thou cast down and disquieted is not Christ thy Eldest Brother hath he taken thy Nature on him for any other end than for thy comfort For that he himself hath suffered being tempted he is able to succour those that are tempted Heb. 2.18 Let therefore thy Condition in the World be never so despicable lay thou hold on Christ as thy Sacrifice be comforted in this Though thou hast lien amongst the Pots yet shalt thou be like a Dove whose Wings are covered with Silver and her Feathers with yellow Gold Psal 68.13 Fifthly Is Christ thy King who hath the Keys of Hell and Death who can bind and no man loose and loose and no man bind Rev. 1.18 What Prison Confinement Restraint or Power can keep thee out of his Hands when his appointed time cometh That he will send his word and heal and loose thee Psalm 107.16 20. Rom. 8.35 38 39. Sixthly Is Christ that bountiful Prince who giveth gifts to Men hath he abased himself to Death to make thee a King John 1.12 art thou in Poverty with Lazarus and in thy own sense and humane appearance thy way is hid from God as in the foregoing place nevertheless remember his power and bounty He setteth the poor on high and maketh them families like a Flock the righteous shall see it and rejoice Psalm 1●7 41 42. Yea remember his Promise believe and be comforted in it I will give thee the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places Isa 45.3 Prove me now saith the Lord if I will not open thee the Windows of Heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it Mal. 3.10 But above all whereas the Wicked and Rich of this World receive their Consolation in this Life Wo to you that are Rich for you have received your Consolation Luke 6.24 Believers shall be Eternally happy And they shall be mine in that day when I make up my Jewels and I will spare him as a man spareth his own Son that serveth him then shall ye return and discern between the Righteous and the Wicked between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not Mal. 3.17 18. We have seen in the foregoing discourse the happy condition of man in his first Creation and thereafter his unhappy and miserable estate by reason of sin and also and immediately preceeding this discourse the Lords great clemency and free bounty to Man by the Counsel of Heaven from all Eternity in redeeming Man by a Covenant of free Love in Jesus Christ according to that Scripture O Israel thou hast destroyed thy self but in me is thy help Hosea 13. and 9. And as this great Salvation is by a Covenant with Jesus Christ wherein he both undertakes for Man and procures Mercies to Man so there are duties incumbent to man on his part of the Covenant Although Man by his first and original sin as hath been already shewn hath disabled himself that he is capable of no performance in himself nevertheless Jesus Christ his surety undertakes for him and he works and accomplisheth all these works in him These Conditions on Mans part are variously expressed in Scripture Moses under the Law tells the People of Israel their duty towards God And now O Israel what doth the Lord thy God require of thee but to fear the Lord thy God to walk in all his ways and to love him and to serve the Lord thy God with all thy Heart and with all thy Soul to keep the Commandments of the Lord and his Statutes which I command thee for thy good Deut. 10.22 23. The holy Prophet Micah much to the same purpose he hath shewed thee O Man what is good and what doth the Lord require of thee but to do justly love mercy and walk humbly with thy God Mic. 6.8 The duty of Christians under the Gospel and Believers under the Law are morally the same the holy Apostle gives us in divers places the account of our duties under the Gospel Let us cleanse our selves from all filthiness of the Flesh and of the Spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of the Lord 2 Cor. 7.1 And the same Apostle elsewhere For the Grace of God that bringeth Salvation hath appeared to all Men teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present World Titus 2.11 12. These foregoing and other Scriptures as well in the old as new Testament hold out to us the material and substantial part of our duties or conditions of the new Covenant on mans part although grace and salvation comes freely unto us by the forbearance of God and free love of Jesus Christ as is already shewen nevertheless it is but reasonable and just that such precious mercies should be answered with conditions on Mans part and the rather for that Man hath neither strength power nor capacity in himself to perform But that as the Covenant is free so grace to perform is freely given and obtained by Jesus Christ James 1.17 and all the performances of Christians though never so exact are but the returning to God what we received from him and though we may better our selves by these performances and thereby render our selves more acceptable to God nevertheless we do not at all profit God thereby for what we can do to God in our Service and Worship is but our Duty and brings him no advantage
according to Christs own Doctrine When ye shall have done all these things which are commanded you say we are uprofitable Servants we have done that which was our duty to do Luke 17.10 As the holy Scriptures of the old and new testament hold out to us the whole complex of Christian duties which being so various and collected from so many several Scriptures and for the better attaining to the knowledge thereof are to be reduced in order under the several heads of the duties of the first and second Table shall by the blessing of God be the subject of the ensuing Discourse Before we proceed to examine the particular duties of Christians under this new Covenant we shall by the way consider the great difference between the bounty and goodness of God to Repenting Sinners and the bounty and goodness of man to one another in which we shall find made good that Scripture As the Heavens are higher than the Earth so are my thoughts higher than your thoughts and my ways higher than your ways Isa 55.9 We have discovered that the Lord Jesus Christ his bounty is such that man by sin against God having forfeited his first and happy estate in Paradise and being therefore accursed and concluded under wrath is freely restored by the Sacrifice of Christs Blood and that all required of him in return of such mercies is the due observance of Gods Commands in new obedience and that towards mans performance God in Christ Jesus makes with him an everlasting Covenant that he is their God and they his People That he will give them one Heart and one Way that they may fear him for ever for the good of them and their Children after them Jer. 32.38 39 40. and give them a new Spirit Ezek. 11.19 and I will put my Spirit within you and cause you to walk in my Statutes and ye shall keep my Commandments and do them Jer. 36.27 By which we perceive that as the Lord requires duties on mans part he affords to his people Strength and Grace to perform the duties Commanded which other Benefactors neither do nor can do Secondly The Lord gives power and authority to his people to call on him for a supply of such of his Graces as are necessary for them to enable them to walk with him Ezek. 36.37 I will yet for this be inquired of the House of Israel to do it for them seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened c. Mat. 7.7 8. and in that famous place Ask me of things to come concerning my Sons and my Daughters and the works of my hands command ye me Isa 45.11 Thirdly The Lord doth not only afford stock of Grace by his Spirit and gives a command to call for more supply but he also rewards the right improvement of Grace with fresh Grace he will give Grace for Grace and no good thing will he with-hold from those that fear him Then shall we know if we follow on to know the Lord Hos 6.3 and this is clear by the parable of the Talents to such as improved more was given and Eternal Life as a reward of their well-doing but he that did not improve what he had was taken from him and he himself was thrust into utter darkness Mat. 25. Fourthly The Lord delighteth in mercy and not in the severity of his Justice and rather desires sinners should repent and live than perish under his Wrath and Justice Cast away all your transgressions whereby you have transgressed and make you a new Heart and a new Spirit for why will you dye O House of Israel for I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth wherefore turn your selves and live Ezek. 18.31 32. As I live saith the Lord I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked turn from his way and live turn ye turn ye for why will ye dye O House of Israel Ezek. 33.11 We see in all these foregoing steps the great desire and zeal the Lord Jesus Christ hath for the good and conversion of sinners and aversation to their distruction but on the other hand we shall find the great prejudice oppression and cruelty of men against one another For first consider any man as a benefactor to another either in that case where any man hath raised some to some degree of preferment or profit either of meer good will or favour and on taking a liking to him as his favourite or for some good office done to him by another makes him some grant to himself and his heirs how frequently doth it happen that either the donor looseth his fancy or forgets the good office to the donec in his own time or like Pharaoh to the Posterity of Joseph and thereby rests not till by some means or other he brings his favourite into disgrace and worms from him the grant with Ignominy and leaves him in worse condition than he found him or makes him the continual Butt of his displeasure and exposeth him to the contempt of others or if any condition be performable on the grant makes the Grantee uneasy and never at quiet until the grant be voided Secondly If on the account of Charity or common course of dealing one Neighbour or Friend happen on some pinching exigent to supply the want of another how frequently doth Pride upbraid the necessitous and covetousness take these advantages that what was lent is called and forced back so unseasonably and in such rigid and hard terms that the calling the thing back after such manner is a greater prejudice than the supply could be a service and many are ruined on pretence of friendship in lending when the event is pernicious and the design appears to have been nothing but covetousness let such persons consider the common duty of Charity of lending without expectation of a return according to Christs Doctrine Love ye your Enemies and do good for evil and lend hoping for nothing again and your reward shall be great and ye shall be the Children of the highest for he is kind to the unthankful and to the evil be ye therefore merciful as your heavenly Father is merciful Luke 6.34 35 36. It were advisable such persons would consider it 's only Gods bounty which makes one man in a worldly state to differ from another What hast thou O man that thou hast not received Every Good and every Perfect Gift cometh from the Father of Light Jam. 1.17 The Race is not to the Swift nor the Battel to the Strong but God raiseth up one and casteth down another Let man in prosperity consider it is only by the favour of God he standeth and he that thinketh he standeth let him take heed least he fall And remember what the Psalmist saith When thou Lord rebukest man for Iniquity how dost thou make his beauty to consume like a Mothe Let him consider the Parable of Dives and Lazarus Luke 16.19 to the end and the rich Husbandman in the
I am and none else besides me I shall not sit as a Widow neither shall I know the loss of Children but these two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day the loss of Children and Widow-hood they shall come upon thee in their perfection for the multitude of thy Sorceries and great abundance of thy Enchantments Therefore all that devour thee shall be devoured and all that prey upon thee wi l I give for a prey for I will restore health unto thee and heal thee of thy Wounds though I make an end of all Nations whether I have scattered thee yet will I not make a full end of thee but will correct thee in measure and not leave thee altogether unpunished Jer. 30.7 11 to 18. And they shall dwell safely therein and build houses and plant vineyards yea they shall dwell with confidence when I shall have executed Judgment on all them that despise them round about and they shall know that I am their God Jer. 50.29 Ezek. 25.26 Thou shalt seek them but not find them that contended with thee they that War against thee shall be as nothing and as a thing of nought Isa 41.12 The Sons of them who afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee and they that despised thee shall bow themselves and the soles of thy Feet Isa 64.12 14 15 Behold I have taken out of thy hand the Cup of trembling even the dregs of the Cup of my fury thou shalt no more drink it again but I will put it into the hands of those that afflicted thee which said to thy Soul bow down that we may go over and thou hast laid thy Body as the ground and as the street to them that went over Isa 51.21 22 23. They shall rob them that robbed them and spoil those that spoiled them read Ezekiel 20. all chapter 36. all chapter 39. all Fifthly The People of God in their afflictions have the comfortable presence of God with them but the wicked are wrackt and torn with anxiety and displeasure under Gods Judgmencs In all their afflictions he was afflicted and the Angel of his Presence saved them in his love and in his pity he redeemed them and bore them all the days of old Isa 63.9 He that dwelleth in the secrets of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty Psal 91. all When thou passest thorough the Waters I will be with thee and through the Rivers they shall not overflow thee when thou walkest thorough the Fire thou shalt not be burned neither shall the Flames come upon thee for I am the Lord thy God Fear not for I am with thee be not afraid for I am thy God I will strengthen thee yea I will uphold thee with my right hand of my righteousness for I the Lord will uphold thy right hand saying fear not I will help thee saith thy Redeemer the holy one of Israel Isal 43.2 3. chap 44.10 13 14. The sixth thing God intends in chastising of his People is to teach them to distinguish between Spiritual and Temporal Eternal and Temporary Mercies this being one of the chiefest considerations and proper for Mans direction in his choice of things and useful for Man in his Conversation how to chuse things most desireable we shall consider things Temporal and things Spiritual and Eternal under their several qualities as they are contained in holy Scriptures the holy Evangelist St. John sums up all the things of the World in these three heads The Lust of the Eye the Lust of the Flesh and Pride of Life It being usual and natural to all men to seek and affect the enjoyment of what seems best to them wherefore the great point of discretion is to inform our Judgments what things are best which will appear by comparing of things Temporal with tho●e that are Eternal The several qualities of Temporal things may be briefly taken up from the foregoing Scripture in these heads First All things Temporal or of this Life are subject to changes and have no certainty or stability in them but things Spiritual or Eternal are parmanent Secondly All enjoyments of this Life are unperfect and cannot make any man happy while he h●th them but Spiritual and things Eternal are perfect and make the Possessors happy in t●em Thirdly All the excellencies of Creature enjoyments are short of the Eternal Inheritance of the Saints which is Christ and Eternal Life Fourthly All secular or temporary enjoyments leave a Man at his Grave but when this Life is ended then cometh the Saints Eternal rest and continues to all Eternity First Things of this Life are uncertain and changeable the great Saviour of the World Love and Wisdom it self being willing to inform the World and draw them off the uncertainties of perishing things in his great Sermon on the Mount adviseth to Seek Treasure in Heaven where the Moth consumeth not nor the Thief doth purloyn Mat. 6.19 to 34. See what account Solomon the greatest richest and most honourable of all Men giveth of all humane things All his days are sorrow his travel grief his Heart taketh no rest in the Night this also is vanity and vexation of Spirit continually see Eccles 1.2 See the uncertainty of humane things in Nebuchadnezzar Adonibezech Ahithophel Haman Herod and many others see Dan. 4.30 to end 2 Sam. 17. to 24. Esther 7. Act. 12.20 to 24 We find in daily experience a Man to day in Court like a green Bay Tree and next in Disgrace Prison or Misery The Wicked shall perish and the Enemies of the Lord shall be as the fat of Lambs they shall consume into Smoak shall they consume away I have seen the wicked in great power and spreading himself like a green Bay Tree yet he passed away and Lo he was not I sought him but he could not be found but the Lord knoweth the days of the Righteous and his Inheritance shall be for ever Psal 37. Secondly the enjoyments of this Life are all imperfect and cannot make happy The foregoing truth of uncertainty Demonstrate this truth of imperfection and daily experience confirm it the gathering and preserving of Riches acquiring and restlessness in upholding of Honour care to preserve and recover Health do so Cruciate and Oppress Men with such Anxiety that all their Labour and Travel is Sorrow and Trouble Psal 90.9 10. And they have no Pleasure much less Happiness in any Enjoyment the Rich Man in the Gospel went from Christ sorrowful for that he could not hold his Riches and have Life eternal the Scripture tells us we brought nothing into this World with us and it is certain we shall carry nothing out with us and having Food and Rayment let us be therewith content but they that will be Rich fall into Temptation and a Snare and into many foolish and hurtful Lusts which drown'd Men in Distruction and Perdition for the love of Money is the Root of all Evil which while some covered after they have
Scriptures for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God Rom. 3.23 24 25. Being justified freely by his Grace through the Redemption that is in Jesus Christ Rom. 8.29.30 I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and compassion on whom I will have compassion Rom. 9.15 16. So that it is not of him that wil●eth nor of him that runneth but of God that sheweth mercy Ephes 5.8 In hope of eternal Life which God that cannot Lye hath promised before the World began not by works of Righteousness which we have done but according to his Mercy he saved us by the washing of Regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour Tit. 3.5 6. Secondly This Salvation is to such as are incapable of helping themselves and under most miserable circumstances Christ is that charitable and kind Samaritan to the wounded man by the Thieves who brings help when the Levite and Priest whose Office preach charity passed by without giving any ●elief See that ●●mous and often repeated place ●n instance of mercy and relief when Man was exposed to all imaginable misery in most contemptible and helpless condition where the bowels of mercy are liberally extended and relief is brought from meer love and pity Ezek. 16. to 9. And that other famous Scripture demonstrate the freedom and fulness of love when Man was in the worst of circumstances when we were without strength Christ died for the ungodly God commendeth his love to us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us for if when we were Enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son much more being reconciled we shall be saved throug his Life Rom. 5. to 12. Nothing can be a greater instance of love pity and compassion than the relieving of one in a helpless state so that Christs redeeming of Souls is unparallelled who relieved Enemies without their own help or capacity to relieve themselves and that famous Scripture of causing the Dead Bones to take flesh sinews and life and become a numerous host is a clear emblem of the Infinite and Free love of God and mans incapacity to relieve himself Ezek. 37. And in that famous place of Gods interposing for his People when all friends and relations are treacherous and helpless Micah 7.4 5 6. From all which we may see the eminent instances of Mans self incapacity and miserableness and of the fulness and freedom of Gods Love and early mercies for him Thirdly The third excellency and encouragement in this great Salvation is that it brings with it all suitable helps and supplies to assist us to promote that great Salvation we find the Apostle discovering to us Gods eternal purpose of Mans Redemption he resolved to bring Man to a conformity with his own Will and Image For whom he did foreknow he also did predestinate to be conformed to the Image of his Son that he might be the first born among many Brethren Rom. 8.29 Whereby we find God purposed to have the ransomed and such as shall be saved by Christs Blood to be compleatly supplied with all things necessary to adorn and compleat that great Salvation and this is most manifest in the Scripture He that spared not his own Son but gave him up for us all how shall he not also with him freely give us all things Rom. 8.32 He will give Grace and Glory and no good thing will he with-hold from such as fear him seek first the Kingdom of God and the Righteousness thereof then all things else shall be added thereunto Mat. 6.33 Ho every one that thirsteth come ye to the Waters and he that hath no money come come ye buy and eat without money and without price and let your Soul delight it self in fatness Isa 55.1 2. Here we find a full free and cheap Market of all supplies from whence may clearly be implyed Gods purpose to have his people whom he adopteth heirs of his Kingdom to be compleatly furnished with all things necessary thereunto Fourthly The fourth and sixth may be comprehended in one that this great salvation is compleat and full in that it hath the enjoyment of God in union of the Father by the Son in the Spirit and the Heirs of that Inheritance are made sharers of all Heavenly excellencies In thy presence is fulness of Joy and at thy right hand are pleasures for evermore this is more particularly expressed by the manifold priviledges of the glorified Saints and their blessed Inheritance First As it is the restoring of Man from the deepest state of misery and exalting him to the highest pitch of happiness as hath been already shewed Secondly These of that estate are entituled to all things as hath been alreardy shewed Thirdly They shall be exempted from all manner of misery sorrow and grief They have compleat happiness and enjoyment of all things as being eternally united to God by Jesus Christ The fifth and last mystical excellency of this great Salvation is in the method taken by Heavenly Wisdom in the accomplishing of it to wit by Christ the Mediators taking upon him the humane nature and therein making an attonement for Sin in the Flesh This is so great a mystery that it merits all admiration that Jesus Christ though he was from the beginning and from all eternity cloathed with all Majesty and Glory and the first born of all the Creation the Heir of all things by whom the World was made and by whom it subsists who being the brightness of the Fathers glory and express Image of his Person and by himself upholding all things the only begotten Son of God whose Throne is in glory for ever more who laid the Foundations of the Earth and the Heavens are the Workmanship of his Hands nevertheless according to the Counsel of his own Will he abased himself to enter into a Virgins Womb and came into the World and under the infirmities of humane Nature suffered the highes● indignities that the vilest wretches could have been exposed unto And at last though he knew no sin he gave himself unto Death to make satisfaction for our sins this is that mystery which was hid from the beginning of the World Ephes 3.9 This is the riches of the glorious mystery of love to the Gentiles Col. 1.25 26. Christ the hope of glory And oppositely it is said by the holy Prophet and Apostle Paul Eye hath not seen nor Ear heard neither hath it entred into the Heart of Man to conceive besides thee O Lord what great things he hath treasured up for them that love him 1 Cor. 2.3 And though the Tongues of Angels and Men are not able sufficiently to express and unfold this great mystery nevertheless we may sincerely view it in these four heads First The unsearchable dimensions of the love of God to Sinners in his eternal purpose of redeeming the World by Jesus Christ before the World began To make all men see
either under Spiritual or Temporal Diseases or Temptations And first a Spiritual and as the Soul is more excellent than the Body so the diseases of the Soul are more dangerous grievous and uneasy The Spirit of a Man can bear his Infirmities but a wounded Spirit who can bear as all the motions of the body are disordered by the distemper of the Spirit so greatest care should be taken to cure and remove the disorders thereof and this is the great consolation of the diseased in Spirit that their Physitian hath cures paramount to the cures of all others as being in himself omnipotent to whom alone is given the faculty of healing of Soul distempers The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings to the meek he hath sent me to bind up the broken hearted and to proclaim liberty to the Captives and the opening of the Prison to them that are bound to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God to comfort all that mourn to appoint unto them that mourn in Zion to give unto them Beauty for Ashes the oil of Joy for Mourning the Garment of Praise for the Spirit of Heaviness that they might be called Trees of Righteousness the planting of the Lord that he might be glorified Isa 61.1 2 3. And see hence what great encouragement the Saints have to wait on God for the accomplishments of his Promises who is faithful and cannot fail the Church and People of God say in the same Scripture I will rejoyce in the Lord my Soul shall be joyful in my God for he hath cloathed me with the Garments of Salvation he hath covered ●e with the Robe of Righteousness as a Bridegroom decketh himself with Ornaments and as a Bride adorneth her self with her Jewels Isa 61.10 By which we see his Promises are not only large but he makes them effectual in the Christians Improvement thereof to their own comfort these Promises may be branched forth answerable to the several Spiritual Distempers in these three Heads First Under Spiritual darkness and desertion Secondly Under anguish of Spirit for heinous Sins Thirdly For the multitude of Sins or under Relapses And as to these three states or conditions of Spiritual Distempers see the manifold particular and apposite Promises of God under these Distempers The second Disease to which Gods Promises are annexed is under Temporary afflictions and trials which though he could easie and instantly remove nevertheless as a wise and just Physitian judiciously consults the Patients Distemper and finds that one single Dose or Potion is not enough but that a course of Physick is absolutely necessary to cure the Distemper and as he studies neither to gratify the Patients present distempered Palat nor his uneasy humour but minds the most suitable Medicines proper method of Cure order of Diet and Exercise under the Cure he confines him to retirement and abstinence as well from the luxuriant eating and drinking and the too great liberty of former converse as the causes and rise of his distemper so that tender Physitian of Souls the Lord Jesus Christ takes the same method of curing and relieving his afflicted under their distempers by afflictions and as he knows the humours on which the Physick is to work that it must have liberty and time for operation and that the Patient must needs be sick and anxious for a Cordial as when a Chirurgeon hath bound up a wound and applied suitable Plaisters pinching and cauthorizing which necessarily in order to cure must annoy and disquiet the patient that he will importune the Doctor for a Cordial to abate his sickness and the Chirurgeon to remove the Plaister nevertheless they wisely considering that giving a Cordial or removing the Plaisters before its time hinders cure encreaseth more and grosser humours therefore gives no other compliance but advice of Patience and assurance of cure on the due operation of the means so this great Physitian of Souls though in all their afflictions he is afflicted he will take his own time and way for their relief and affords no other Cordial for the present but that of his universal promises which are extensive to all circumstances of their several cases and conditions which may be branched out in these heads First Sickness Secondly Imprisonments Thirdly Poverty Fourthly Desertion and forsaking of friends Fifthly Under Slanders and Reproaches in all which cases the Lords promises are not only full and numerous but also peculiarly apposite and especially calculated by him to all ●nd every of the particular cases which is more expresly set down before Fourthly The fourth encouragement for the People of God to bear afflictions patiently is that the Cross of Christ is the Path way that Christ hath appointed his People to walk to Heaven for if you be without chastisement whereof all are partakers then are you Bastards and no Sons Heb. 12.5 to 12. Wo is me for my hurt my wound is grievous but I said I must bear it Jer. 10.19 24. O Lord correct me not in thine anger but in judgment least thou bring me to nothing I am with thee saith the Lord to save thee though I make a full end of all Nations whether I have scattered thee I will not make a full end of thee but correct thee in measure and not leave thee altogether unpunished Jer. 30.11 And this is Christs Legacy to his followers Brothers shall deliver up Brothers to death the Fathers shall rise against the Children and Children against their Parents and cause them to be put to Death and ye shall be hated of all men for my sake Mat. 10.6 to 40. and if any man will be my Disciple he must deny himself lay down his Life take up his Cross daily and follow me if any man suffer as a Christian let him not be ashamed but let him glorify God on this behalf for the time is come that Judgment must begin at the House of God and if it first begin at us what shall the end be of them that obey not the Gospel of God if the Righteous scarcely be saved where shall the ungodly appear wherefore let them that suffer according to the Will of God commit the keeping of their Souls to him in well doing as unto a faithful Creator 1 Pet. 4.15 16 17 18. For if God spared not the natural branches take heed lest he also spair not thee behold therefore the goodness and severity of God to them that fell severity but towards thee goodness if thou continue in his goodness otherwise thou shalt be cut off Rom. 11.21 22. Is it not the foretold Lot of Gods People that through tribulation and persecution they must enter into the Kingdom of God and the Disciple cannot expect better entertainment than the master if they have called the Master Beelzebub how much more they of his house-hold Mat. 10.24 25. Fifthly The furnace of affliction is the means by which
the wise contriver of our Salvation fits his People for these eternal Mansions of Glory for as the Goldsmith doth purify his mettal by fire and furnace to bring it to the pure and true touch and as the Joiner by Plain and Chissel fashioneth his Wood for his Mortice even so the Lord who is of purer Eyes than can behold Iniquity by his Fatherly chastisements of trials and afflictions doth polish and fit his peoples Hearts and Affections and by blasting the glory of humane enjoyments he raiseth their desires to the heavenly enjoyments and fits and fashions them with suitable qualifications of holiness and having experienced the vanity emptiness and uncertainty of all earthly enjoyments their affections are wholly raised unto and set upon God alone The Prodigal had never thought of the plenty wealth or glory of his Fathers House or of returning thither had it not been that he was pinched and under straits The Church had not thought of returning to her first love had it not been that her Corn and Wine and the delicacies by which she entertained her self with and lived voluptuously were taken away Hos 2. The sixth thing to encourage Believers patiently to bear the Cross is the great prize of Eternal Life already spoken of But here it may be objected that the Doctrine of mortification self-denial and contempt of the World is a comfortless and melancholy Doctrine and Heaven seems only to be obtained on hard and dear terms and that the necessity of loosing all for Heaven will encourage the neglect of Heaven and induce men rather to take Solomons advice in taking pleasure and delight in the Creatures and therein to comfort themselves and thereby they will be the less anxious for Heaven Ecclesiast 11.9 Secondly This Doctrine seems contrary to the Scriptures which promises halcyon days to the Church and great Honour Wealth and prosperity and that Kings shall be her nursing Fathers and Queens her nursing Mothers and that the Saints shall Judge the Earth how then can this consist with the contempt of the World Thirdly This Doctrine seems desparagable and contrary to the Holy Just and good Nature of God to treat the best of his Friends and People with pinches Difficulties and Contempt and to suffer the wicked to enjoy their full delight and amongst Men it will be thought great ingratitude to treat the best of Friends worse than the worst of Enemies As it is most certain from experience and History from the beginning of the World and coming of Christ the People of God have been under the worst of Temporary Circumstances so it is likewise proved in the foregoing Discourse that this is their appointed Lot and this hath also been the stumbling of the Saints and particularly to David the wicked's constant oppulency quiet and prosperity made him much amazed Psalms 10. Psalm 17.9 to 15. Ps 37. Ps 73.3 to 17. Jer. 12.1 See what Holy Job the Patient and Wise saith on this Subject The Wicked become Old they are mighty in Power their Seed is Established in their Sight and Of-spring in their Eyes their Houses are safe from fear the wrath of God is not upon them their Bull gendreth and faileth not their Cow Calveth and casteth not her Calf they send forth their little ones like a Flock and their Children dance they take the Timbrel and Harp and rejoyce at the sound of the Organ they spend their Days in Wealth and in a Moment go down to their Grave wherefore they say unto God depart from us for we desire not the knowledge of thy war what is the Almighty that we should serve him and what profit have we if we Pray unto him Job 21.7 to 16. And the same Language was in use in the time of the Prophet Malachy And ye said it is in vain to serve God and what profit have we if we keep his Commandments and Ordinances and that we have walked mournfully before the Lord of Hosts and now we call the proud Happy and they that work wickedness are set up yea even they that tempt God are delivered Mal. 3.14 For the full clearing and answering these Objections let us consider the things in Competition and Weigh them in the Ballance of the Sanctuary and these are chiefly two First The Enjoyments of this sensual Life and Being which are Temporary Secondly Things Spiritual which are Eternal First As God of his Heavenly Wisdom made the World for his own glory and by himself upholds the same and gives to whom he pleaseth what portion thereof he will so it is at his pleasure to recall what he giveth when he will so that Man is but a Sojourner in Earth and Tenant at Will for Life and all Human Enjoyments and Mans claim thereunto is extinguishable at his pleasure Secondly Let us consider the vast disproportion in value between things Temporal and things Spirital Solomon the Wisest and of greatest experience hath given us this Testimony on Record that all Human Enjoyments are but vanity and vexation of Spirit Ecl. 2. all The Apostle Paul in the foregoing Scriptures sheweth the emptiness and vanity of all that may be challenged for good or great in the World that all perish in the using 1 Tim. 6.7 to 17. The Holy Evangelist John gives us the like account 1 John 2.15 16 17. so that the whole that can be pretended to in this World is some present possession of Worlds vanities attended with uneasiness and discontent of Mind uncertainty in the Enjoyment all being subject to change at the plesure of God Thirdly Let us consider the Nature Value and Continuance of things Spiritual things Spiritual litterally understood imply something above the sensual Appetite and Perception and only to be apprehended and enjoyed by the Spirit Mind or Soul of Man the Nobler part and that is Eternal and not seen as described by the Apostle while we look not after things which are seen but after things which are not seen for that which is seen is Temporal but that which is not seen is Eternal 2 Cor. 4.18 In the next place we are to consider what are these Spiritual things which Transcend and are above sensual Enjoyments about which the Soul is only and principally exercised which may be briefly comprized in these four First Jesus Christ the Son of God and Saviour of the World Secondly All Spiritual Endowments and Graces given to the Saints and procured to them by Jesus Christ Thirdly The Sanctified Use of all Temporal and Spiritual Mercies bestowed on the Saints while in time Fourthly Eternal Life obtained and freely bestowed on the Saints by Jesus Christ As to the first God of his own free Will having Created Man in Holiness and Righteousness according to his own Image Gen. 3.6 Scripture and sad experience inform us that our first Parents and we in them have fallen from the Original State of Innocence in which they were Created and thereby the Venom of their sin hath infected and depraved Mans
I have not appointed the Ordinances of Heaven and Earth then will I cast away the Seed of Jacob and David my Servant I will not take away any of his Seed to be Rulers over the Seed of Abraham Isaac and Jacob for I will cause their Captivity to return and have mercy on them Heaven and Earth shall pass away but one Jot of my word shall not pass away Jer. 33.25 26. Thirdly The third and main point in this Covenant are the qualifications given by God to man to perform this Covenant for He it is that works all our works in us in him we live move and have our Being and without him we can do nothing These qualifications are principally Faith and Holiness Faith by the Apostle is defined The Evidence of things not seen the Substance of things hoped for Heb. 11.1 Faith by the same Apostle elsewhere is thus described If thou wilt confess with thy Mouth the Lord Jesus Christ and believe with thy Heart that God hath raised him up from the Dead thou shalt be saved for with the Heart man believeth unto Righteousness and with the Mouth Man's confession is made unto Salvation Rom. 10.9 So that Faith is the giving credit to the Word of God in all his Judgments Threatnings Promises and disengaging our affections to sin and lusts of the flesh and turning to God with all our Souls Hearts Minds and resting confidently and quietly on the Accomplishment of what is promised patiently waiting for the same and this grace of Faith is accomplished and wrought in the Hearts of his People by the Spirit of God by Grace you are saved not of Works lest any should boast but by Faith in Jesus Christ not of your selves it is the gift of God Eph. 2.7 8 9. and this Grace of Faith hath he promised in his New Covenant they shall be my People and I will be their God and I will give them one Heart and one way that they may fear me for ever for the good of them and their Children after them Jer. 32.38 39. this qualification also hath he promised to give his People in that often mentioned Scripture of the New Covenant A New Heart a New Spirit will I give them I will take away the Stony Heart and give you a Heart of Flesh and put my Spirit in you and cause you to walk in my ways and ye shall keep my Judgments and do them Eze. 26.25 to 29. of this grace and qualification of Faith we have spoken el●ewhere The Second qualification to those in this Covenant is Holiness for without Holiness it is impossible to please God of this grace and qualification of Godliness we have spoken elsewhere The Fourth excellency of this Covenant are the many Advantages attending it which may briefly be summed up in these four First To these within this Covenant belong an universal Inheritance of all things Secondly The certainty of that Inheritance Thirdly The excellencies of the Companions of that Covenant Fourthly The many Priviledges belonging to those within this Covenant Although the whole Scriptures are full of the great excellencies of the Heavenly Inheritance and that place herein is verified Eye hath not seen nor Ear heard neither hath it entred into the Heart of Man to conceive besides thee O Lord what he hath prepared for those that wait on him Is 64.4 Ps 31.19 however they may be thus hinted at The first is it is an universal Inheritance He that spared not his own Son but freely gave him up for us all how shall he not also with him freely give us all things Ro. 8.32 All Monarchs Princes and Propriators of the Earth have certain Confinements and limits to their Territories and some enjoy what others cannot pretend unto either in respect of the extent of their Countrys or Qualities or Wealth thereof but none can pretend in the right of their Inheritance or Possessions to that unlimitted Interest of fulness of right that the Partners of this Covenant may for in Christ Jesus all things are theirs and they are Heirs of all things and shall Inherit all things Rev. 21.5 6. But of him are ye in Christ Jesus who of God is made to us Wisdom Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption 1 Cor. 1.30 Let no Man glory in Man all things are yours whether Paul Apollos Cephas or the World Life or Death or things present or things to come all are yours and ye are Christs and Christ is Gods 1 Cor. 3.21 to 24. Secondly this Covenant is certain all pretentions of right or possession of Earthly things are uncertain and ambulatory and in the experience of most admit of their Eclipse in this Life witness David Solomon Haman Mordecai Herod and all the great Heroes of this Life who had their ebbings and flowings and have not been exempted from the fate of changes and with Solomon have found all but vanity and vexation of Spirit and that often repeated place the 1 John 2.15 16 17. describes the uncertainty and perishing condition of the things of this Life and doth ascertain the Interest and certain condition of the fellows of this New Covenant as is more plainly expressed elsewhere and if they continue in this Life they leave a Man at best at his Grave For we brought nothing into the World with us and it is certain we shall carry nothing out 1 Tim. 6 7 17. Thirdly The third excellency of this New Covenant is in the Company Fellowship and Society the fellows of this Covenant have by vertue thereof Men may have Honour Wealth and all other Human Delicacies and all this may be marred and imbittered to them by the uneasiness unsuitableness and disagreeableness of their Companions or unavoidable Society but the Companions of this New Covenant are all desirable grateful acceptable and advantagious the Soul of Lot was vexed by the wickedness of Sodom Job in his Affliction was Tempted by his own Wife and heavily grieved by his three Friends David Sojourned in Mesech and dwelt in the Tents of Kedar and this marred and lessened their quiet and deprived them of that content they could have had in more agreeable Society but the Blessed Harmony of the Saints increased the Comfort of all their Enjoyments they are all so framed qualified and adorned with Holiness Righteousness Love and Unanimity as they all mind the same things and cannot jar or disagree and their joynt song is Holy Holy Lord God of Sabaoths the whole Earth is full of thy Praise for through him we both have an Access by one Spirit unto the Father now therefore ye are no more Strangers and Forraigners but fellow Citizens with the Saints and the House-hold of God and are built upon the Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Jesus Christ himself being the chief Corner Stone in whom all the Building fitly framed together groweth into an Holy Temple in the Lord in whom also ye are built together for an Habitation of God through the Spirit Eph. 2.18 to
liveth in me and the Life that I live in the flesh is by the Faith of the Son of God that loved me and gave himself for me Gal. 2.20 From hence and other Scriptures and History of the Saints Lives we see the different usage of the Godly and Wicked the Saints are Dead to the World and their Delight and chief Satisfaction is in God the Wicked make the World their God and sole Delight and glut themselves with Satiety in it but the Godly can find no Contentment in the Creature but with Reference to God in Christ Jesus and make him their chief Delight and cry out none but Christ and this is the Prohibition of the Gospel that we should not love Father Mother Brothers or Sisters or our own Life more than God Mat. 10.37 38 39. but God doth not forbid the lawful use of the Creatures but only forbids using it in Vanity Superfluity and Prodigality Secondly In being of the same Mind with Christ is not only to Act Do and propose the same things with his Father but also to do all and suffer all for the Glory of God The Worldlings kiss their own Hand and Sacrifice to their own Net and say their own Hand hath done it and ascribe the glory of all the Enjoyments they have to themselves or to the Creatures in which they delight and say These are the Rewards which my Lovers and Companions have given me Hosea 2.12 13. Nebuchadnezzar ascribed all to his own Power and Glory Is not this great Babylon that I have built for the House of the Kingdom by the Might of my Power and for the Honour of my Majesty and see the Event and Gods Just Judgment upon him while the word was in his Mouth there fell a Voice from Heaven saying O King Nebuchadnezzar to thee it is spoken the Kingdom is departed from thee and they shall drive thee from Men and thy dwelling shall be with the Beasts of the Field they shall make thee to eat Grass as Oxen and seven times shall pass over thee until thou know that the most High Ruleth in the Kingdom of Men and giveth it to whomsoever he will Dan. 4.30 to 34. See the Pride of Herod and taking to himself the glory due to God and the fatal Judgment of God on him for it And immediately an Angel of God smote him because he gave not God the glory and was eaten of worms and gave up the Ghost Acts 12.21 22 23. On the other Hand Christ set the Fathers glory before him as the chief Scope and Design of all his Actions and Intentions When his supposed Father Joseph and his Mother sought him with Care and came back to Jerusalem and found him in the Temple disputing they told him they had anxiously sought him he answered not with Apology or Excuse but said How is it that you sought me wist ye not that I must be about my Fathers Business Luke 2.46 to 50. We see that he placeth all his Business in the Honour and doing of the Will of God yea he placeth his Esteem on all such and accounts such only to be his Relations as obey his Fathers Will And Jesus answered and said to them these are my Father Mother and Brethren which hear the Word of God and do it Luke 8.21 We see in all the Miracles and Wonders Christ wrought Curing Diseases and Raising the Dead he Exhorts to the giving of glory to God and more particularly in that Famous place Thus saith the Lord let not the Wise Man glory in his Wisdom nor the Rich Man glory in his Riches neither let the Mighty Man glory in his Might but let him that glorieth glory in this that he knoweth and understandeth me that I am the Lord which exerciseth loving Kindness Judgment and Righteousness in the Earth for in these things I delight Jer. 9.23 24. Thus then ought all the Followers of Christ to have the same mind that was in Christ Jesus that is to set Gods glory as the chief Scope of all Designs and Actions before them He that gloryeth let him glory in the Lord and whatsoever we do whether we Eat or Drink let us do all things to the glory of God 1 Cor. 1.31 The World was made by God and for his Honour therefore all should be ascribed to him hence we may find whether the same mind be in us which was in Christ Jesus if we do what he did and to the same end and glory of God therefore it behoveth us to bring all our Actions and Purposes to this Touch for if they be not of this stamp they are Reprobated Counterfeit and will not be allowed in the Ballance of the Sanctuary for all the Children of God are led by his Spirit wherefore we must try the Spirits whether the same mind be in us which was in Christ Jesus know ye not that Christ is in you except ye be Reprobates but ye are not in the flesh but in the spirit if so be that the spirit of God dwelleth in you now if any Man have not the spirit of Christ he is none of his and if Christ be in you the Body is Dead because of sin but the spirit is life Rom. 8.9 10 11. because of Righteousness but if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the Dead dwell in you he that raised Christ from the Dead shall also quicken your Mortal Bodies by his spirit that dwelleth in you Ro. 9.10 11. Thirdly Unity of Spirit is to be one in Knowledge there is nothing raiseth Mans thoughts more than desire of Knowledge and nothing Magnifieth Man more than Knowledge and herein doth Man most excel all other Creatures not only that God hath made them Lords over the Creatures but that he hat endowed him with a Rational Soul capable of understanding above other Creatures and in nothing is the Power Wisdom and Goodness of God more eminent than by the different measure of Knowledge bestowed on Mankind Man in general exceeds all other Creatures in Knowledge and Ingenuity but every Generation and Nation exceed others at such a Rate so as what in one Age or Generation is a Riddle and hid as a Mystery in another it is Perspicuous clear and easie so that the knowledge of things is the darling of Ages Although we have the Sun Moon and Stars the Fabrick of Heaven Earth and the Seas the indefatigable and daily Travels of Discoverers and the use of Reading and the Antients to inform us either of the parts of the Earth and Treasures thereof yet are we still to seek as well of the Parts as Treasures of things undiscovered The New Inventions of Mens Ingenuity or the secrets of Nature and Power of Art make it true which Solomon saith he that increaseth in Knowledge encreaseth in Sorrow because the Soul of Man is restless and the account of the Idolatry Wickedness and Rebellion of Man on Earth is just cause of Sorrow Grief and Mourning because of the
the elect as well of Soul as Body is changed into the likeness of Christ in Spirit and Body If any Man be in Christ he is a New Creature all things are made New and old things are done away 2 Cor. 5.5 17. That you put off the Old Man which is corrupt according to the Deceitful Lusts and that you put on the New Man which after God is Created in Righteousness and True Holiness Eph. 4.22 23 24. That such fashioning and change must be before the Elect can fully be admitted into the presence of God and enjoy him unchangeably may appear by these reasons First for that the Wisdom and Goodness of God intending to compleat Mans Happiness and to magnifie the Mistery of his love by their immediate enjoyment of himself in the Spiritual Clear and full presence of glory That they may be one with me see me and behold my glory Jo. 17.24 The Communication of Gods glory being so sublimely spiritual and not apprehendible but by these who are purely spiritual therefore our dark understanding must be made spiritual The Natural Man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God neither indeed can do because they are spiritually discerned but he that is spiritual judgeth all things 1 Cor. 2.14 15. and therefore in order to compleating of the Saints Happiness and to frame them for that he promiseth to put his spirit in them and give them a New Heart and renew a right spirit in them so as they may suitably enjoy God Eze. 36.25 26 27. Secondly Divine Wisdom knowing how Earthly mindedness runs after the Creature and being intangled therewith is clog'd from thirsting after God and things spiritual to be Carnally minded is Death but to be spiritually minded is Life and Peace for that they who are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh but they who are after the spirit the things of the spirit because the Carnal mind is enmity against God for it is not subject to the Law of God neither indeed can be Ro. 5.5 6 7. And therefore to wean their Hearts from the World and to wind up the Affections of the elect to himself it behoveth their frame to be made spiritual The Lord Jesus Christ gives this as his Command to his Disciples to be spiritually minded and to mind Heavenly Treasures which are not Corruptible and useth this Argument for where your Treasure is there will your Hearts be also Mat. 6.19 20 21. And thus the Lord Jesus making his People of a Heavenly and Spiritual frame chiefly to mind Heaven and Spiritual things sets their Affections more earnestly on himself disengages them to Human Enjoyments Reconciles them to Afflictions and makes them more easie under the Cross If in Solomons experience that all the World is but Labour and Sorrow and Death is more to be desired than Life how much more easier will the Affections of the renewed be under all Disappointments of Carnal things when with the Apostle they look to Heaven and the inseparable and everlasting Communion of God will they not count all things but Dung and Loss in Compare with the Excellencies of Christ Ro. 8.18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present Life are not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall be revealed in us And in that other Famous Scripture for our Light Afflictions which are but for a Moment work for us a far more exceeding and an Eternal weight of glory whilst we look not after things which are seen but after things which are not seen for things which are seen are Temporal but things which are not seen Eternal 2 Cor. 4.17 Hence we see how great is the goodness and wisdom of God towards renewed Mortals intreating them with so great Mercy and Love in convincing them of the vanity of Earthly shadows and discovering to them that so High Deep Long and Broad Mistery of Love in Christ Jesus which passeth knowledge and the Riches of the glory of that Mistery which is Christ the hope of all glory made manifest in the Saints Eph. 3.9 18 19. Col. 2.26 27. And by their choice of these excellencies above the Creatures to make all things else to be esteemed of no value and in their Souls desire to Eccho forth none but Christ and having so spiritualized their minds that they can neither Touch Handle Smell or delight in any thing but him and what tends to his glory and their Enjoyment of him Thirdly In the framing of the Saints Bodies at the Resurrection in a Spiritual and Incorruptible Body for Christs designing not only Mans Redemption from wrath to come but also to make them Coheirs and participate with him of his own glory John 17.22 And in respect the frame of our Carnal and Corruptible Bodies is not capable to receive that glory nor to continue under the Enjoyment of it for that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of glory nor Corruption inherit Incorruption he therefore changeth that Corruption into Incorruption and makes Mortality put on Immortality and changeth our vile Bodies into the fashion of his glorious Body 2 Cor. 15.42 to 55. according to the working whereby he is able to subdue all things to himself Phi. 3.21 What then can or will be wanting to compleat the Eternal Happiness of the Saints seeing they have so sure a Cov●●ant with such ample Priviledges and that they are and shall be fitted as well in Body as Soul to receive these Rivers of Pleasures in the Enjoyment of God in whose presence is fulness of Joy and at whose Right Hand there are pleasures for ever-more Ps 16.11 What then remains for the Prisoners of Hope but to sit down admire the Heighth Depth Length and Breadth of that Incomprehensible Mistery of the Love of God in Christ Jesus Eph. 3.9 18 19. and by Faith Love and Patience to sit down under his shadow with great Delight Cant. 2.2 and against all Crosses Temptations and Difficulties to take Comfort in the Faith of Eternal Happiness there is therefore now no Condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit if God be for us who can be against us who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect it is God that Justifieth who is he that Condemneth it is Christ that Dyed yea rather that is risen again who is even at the right Hand of God who also maketh Intercession for us who shall separate us from the love of Christ I am perswaded that neither Death nor Life nor Angels nor Principalities nor Powers nor any other Creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus From what hath been said we see Believers firmly stated to the Title of Joynt Heirs of glory with Jesus Christ and in a firm Covenant through him with the Father and having so fair an interest at stake their Duty is to pursue the same with Faith Courage and
Judge shall give me at that day and not only to me but to all them also that love his appearing 1 Tim. 4.7.8 What can or should hinder the Joy and rejoycing of the People of God who are so well secured and assured of their everlasting Interest in him There is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit Rom. 8.1 If God be for us who can be against us Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect It is God that Justifieth who shall condemn Who is he that condemneth It is Christ that died yea rather that is risen again and sitteth at the right hand of God and maketh Intercession for us Rom. 8.1 31 to 35. Are there or can there be greater causes of Joy and Satisfaction than in the assurance of Eternal happiness given in Scriptures to Believers no casualty of condition in life or death can separate them from the love of God in Christ Jesus Heb. 2.9 to 15 Rom. 8.35 to 40. And whatever troubles or afflictions shall attend them in this World though their days may be spent in sorrow labour and tragical afflictions their end shall be joyous and comical He that soweth in Tears shall reap in Joy he that goeth forth and weepeth bearing pretious Seed shall doubtless come again with rejoycing bringing his Sheaves with him Psal 126.5 6. The condition of the Godly in the end shall certainly be happy Though you have lyen among the Pots yet shall ye be like the Wings of a Dove whose Feathers are covered with Silver and her Wings with yellow Gold Psal 68.13 Therefore to conclude all let us imitate the Holy Apostle Be ye stedfast unmoveable abounding in the work of the Lord for as much as ye know that your work is not in vain in the Lord 2 Tim. 4.7 8 1 Cor. 15 58. In all these things we are more than Conquerours Rom 8.35 to end and let us in thanksgiving acknowledge the Soveraign excellency of Christs love with Psalms 148. Psal 149. Psal 150. And lastly Let us come boldly to the Throne of Grace that we may obtain mercy and find Grace to help in time of need Heb. 4.16 Now unto him by whom the World was created and subsists who bounds the Seas who reveals to man his Thoughts who doth in the Armies of Heaven and Earth what he pleaseth and none dares say to him what dost thou Dan. 3.47 Who was dead and is alive and liveth for evermore who hath the Keys of Hell and Death Rev. 1.18 Who leads his people to the living Fountains of Water and wipes away all Tears from their Eyes and Crowns them with everlasting glory Rev. 7.16 17. Who is the way truth life light and resurrection John 14.6 Who shall come in the glory of his power to restore all the Kingdoms of the Earth from Antichristian tyranny and servitude of Sin and deliver up the Kingdom to his Father 1 Cor. 15.24 and who is now at the Right Hand of Glory be all Honour Power Glory Praise Majesty and Dominion from henceforth and for ever FINIS The Index of the Contents 1. § MAN was Created in Holiness Righteousness and knowledge and hath Dominion over the Creatures p. 2. by Righteousness is meant a Disposition to do good and shun Evil. p. 2. By Holiness Integrity of Life and Manners p. 3. By Knowledge Understanding of all things in reference to God Man and other Creatures p 3. Man in his happy State was a glorious thing and all the Creatures were pleasant and in unity one with another p 3 4 Man broke the Chain of Obedience is deprived of his Soveraignty the Earth accursed and Enmity sown p. 4. What Original Sin is 1. not of Ignorance but wilful 2. Not of Infirmity but against knowledge 3. Of great Pride and Ambition p. 5. 4. It was the Sin of Unbelief p. 5. 5. Of Murmuring and Ingratitude 6. Of Imprudence p 5 6. 7. Had in it the Lust of the Eyes Lust of the Flesh and Pride of Life p. 6 7 8. It was the Corruption of the whole Nature of Man which hath tainted the Blood to all Posterity p. 7 8 9 10. Man lately a Soveraign now Outlawed a Rebel and Slave p. 10. This Sin is charged on all Posterity by the Corruption of Nature of which all Men are come p. 10 11 12 13 14. Mans Posterity are thereby Subject 1. To Death 2. Disabled in Natural Enjoyment and Spiritual Capacities p. 14 15 16. proved from the Corruption of Nature from Scripture and from experience p. 16. 17. In Thoughts Words Actions and Religious Duties p. 17 18. 19. Many Inferences 1. All Men of one Blood the Nobler should not dispise the Base 2. All Men are of a bastard and defiled Blood so no Man hath cause to glory p. 19 20 21. 3. Look on this sin as a Fountain of all sins p. 21. 4. Murmur not at Losses because by this sin Man grudgeth God reserving from him the Tree of knowledge p. 22. 5. Let not the Richer dispise the Poorer he is his Brother of the same Family p. 22 23. 6. All Men are Brethren and Members of each other therefore should have Simpathy p. 24 25. From this are two Duties 1. We must seek Reconciliation in Christ p. 25. 2. We should seek for the second coming of Christ p. 26 27 Use of Lamenting Mans lapsed State p. 27 28 29 30. The Mistery of Mans Restoration by Christ p. 30 31. The Contrivance of Mans Redemption by the Covenant of Grace through Christ p. 32 33. The free The freedom of that Covenant p. 33 34 35. The difference between Christs becoming surety for Man and one Mans surety for another p. 36 37 38. Use of Watchfulness to the godly p. 39 40 41. Reproof of Censoriousness and Slandering 41 42 43 44 45. Advice for Compassion and Charity p. 46 47 48. The parts of the Covenant of Grace on Gods part a free Pardon p. 49. Christ to Man is a King Priest and Prophet and first a Prophet p. 50. 51 52. Christ a Priest and the difference between his Priesthood and Mans p. 52 53 54 55 56 57. Christ a King to Believers p. 58 59. To Rule by his Law p. 60. To protect his People p. 60 61 62. To reward by his bounty p. 62 63 64. Use of Comfort to Believers from Christs Mediation p 64 65. Use of Comfort from his being King p. 66. Mans part in the Covenant of Grace p. 67 68. As God requires performance he assists with Grace and Ability p. 69. He Rewards Obedience p. 70. The Difference between Christs bounty to Man and the kindness of one Man to another p. 70 71. Exhortation to mutual Charity p. 71 72. Five Duties incumbent to Man p. 73. 1. Trace Man from his beginning 2. Set originally sin before us p. 73 74. 3. Mortification p. 74. 75. 4. Repentance p. 75 76 77. 5. Search the Records