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A19694 A treatise of faith wherein is declared how a man may liue by faith and finde releefe in all his necessities : applied especially vnto the use of the weakest Christians / by Ezekel Culvervvell. Culverwell, Ezekiel, 1553 or 4-1631. 1623 (1623) STC 6113.5; ESTC S4074 171,849 534

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proclaimed vnto yea bestowed vpon sinners yea great and all vnworthy as in the last point before this was shewed yet theese poore soules doe sticke so fast in the mudde of their naturall pride of Popery as to seeke for some worthinesse in themselues for which God should make them his sonnes To conclude then this point seeing God is a free giuer of this high fauour of Adoption and no seller of it and seeing he so freelie offers it to thee in Christ beware that neither by idlenesse nor proud ignorance thou depriue thy selfe of it but thankfullie accept it so shalt thou bee saued The last speciall benefit which we receiue from Christ Hope of glory as a fruit of our iustification seruing for strengthening of our faith in the assurance of our saluation is the Hope of Glory whereby I vnderstand that God hath prepared for vs sinners this singular comfort that wee may enioy in this life such a hope and expectation of euerlasting glorie as may both inwardlie cheere our hearts and cause vs outwardlie to professe the same to the glorie of God encouragement of other faithfull people of God amazing of the wicked and strengthening of our selues to hold out to the end against al discouragements whatsouer That God hath prouided such a stay to support vs in all the changes of this life may sufficiently appeare by that which we reade Hebr. 6. 17. 18 19. a Scripture containing great force for the strengthening of our faith in the certaintie of our saluation as we shall see Wherein God willing more abundantly to shew vnto the heires of promise the immutability of his coūsell confirmed it by an oath That by two immutable things in which it was not possible that God should lye wee might haue a strong consolation who haue fled for refuge to lay holde vpon the hope set before vs which hope we haue as an anker of the soule both sure and stedfast and which entreth into that which is within the vaile whither the forerunner is for vs entered euen Iesus made an high Priest after the order of Melchisedech Wherein bee these heauenly matters contained which I wil only laie open so gather out that which makes most for our presentintention to make vs more sure of this grace the hope of glorie 1. Gods decree and euerlasting counsell concerning our saluation is vnchangeable 2. It was Gods good pleasure to make this exceedinglie manifest 3. The persons to whom God would thus manifest his counsell were the heires of promise 4. The meanes whereby God would thus manifest his counsell was this That what he promised he bound with an oath 5. These two euidences of Gods counsell bee sure and vnchangeable 6. It is impossible that God should lye in these 7. By these wee may haue strong consolation 8. They who shall haue strong consolation must make hope their refuge that is holde fast on ir 9. That hope is set before them to hold fast by 10. This hope is to our soules in tentations as an Anker to a ship in stormes 11. This Anker which will holde it is sure and stedfast 12. It is entred vpward into heauen as our earthlie ank●●●e cast downewards 13. Christ our forerunner is gone to heauen for vs. 14. Christ is our euerlasting high Priest Behold what store of heauenlie matters be here contained which when I did consider so closelie folded vp and so well furthering the point in hand I was drawne thus to vnfold them Among all this is speciall for our purpose that Almighty God as a louing Father hauing prouided for his children a good estate was very carefull to make it sure vnto them and therefore hath giuen two such euidences as cannot deceiue his promise and oath that wee being perswaded heereby might in all our feares for out refuge cast our hope vpon his fidelitie so shall we bee safe and haue strong consolation Wherein we see the singular vse of this hope of eternall life that it is hope which makes vs not ashamed Rom. 5. 5. as the Apostle speaketh and the Prophet Dauid exceeding oft the same Psal 25. 3. Yea that we are saued by hope that is Rom. 8. 23. we are so assured of our saluation as if wee possessed it already and therefore doe with patience waite for it There is much in this Scripture to this end that as the whole Creation as it were groaneth and trauelleth in paine with earnest expectation waiting for the manifestation of the sonnes of God what time they shall bee deliuered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God So all true beleeuers who haue the first fruites of the spirit groane in themselues waiting for the Adoption to wit the redemption of their bodies that is for a full glorification of soule and body This is to bee seene in the liues and deaths of Gods faithfull seruants Heb. 12. 2. who for this hope endured the crosse and despised shame as is testified of our Sauiour himselfe and of Moses that hee did choose rather to suffer affliction with the people of God Heb. 11. 26. then to enioy the pleasures of sinne for a season esteeming the reproch of Christ greater riches then the treasures in Egypt for hee had respect to the recompence of reward The same is to be seene in all that honourable company mentioned Hebr. 11. And so in all the holy Martyrs in all ages what was it but this hope of glory after a short suffering which made them willingly to endure so great and sore persecutions I might bee long in this for the Scripture speakes much hereof exhorting vs to reioice in hope making it th' end of our vocation and regeneration God hath called vs to his kingdome and glory 1 Thes 2. 12. God according to his mercy hath begotten vs againe to a liuely hope 1 Petr. 1. 3. by the resurrection of Iesus Christ from the dead to an inheritance incorruptible vndefiled that fadeth not away reserued in the heauens for vs c. And more to like effect as doth follow well worth our reading and carefull consideration seruing much for the comfort of Gods children Out of all which this is that I gather Vse seeing this hope of glory is so sure an Anker in all storms so strong a helmet in all our battailes that we therefore carefully prouide our selues of this grace yea rather seeing God hath so plentifully prouided it for vs and giuen vs so many promises hereof and hath called vs hereunto and so oft exhorteth vs to reioyce in this hope of glory all this should mooue vs to hold fast the profession of our hope without wauering For hee is faithfull that promised Heb. 10. 23 as the Apostle exhorteth otherwise we shal call Gods truth and faithfulnesse into question which is a high degree of tempting God and no lesse prouocation of his high displeasure whereas on the other side by casting this anker in
sinners Mat. 22. 9 10 may be seene in his gracious inuitation of the vnworthiest to come to the wedding of his Son yea more by his beseeching sinners to be reconciled to him 2 Cor. 5. 20 and by the many and weighty arguments he vseth to perswade men to beleeue by the great rewards earthly and spirituall temporall and eternall which all beleeuers shall enioy and by the fearefull woes which shall fall on all vnbeleeuers both in this life and that to come Ioh. 7. 38. 3. 18. as plentifully is to bee seene throughout the Scriptures Out of all this mee thinkes a poore distressed sinner might thus stirre vp himselfe to beleeue If this bee certaine Note that God would not haue me perish but is very willing to saue me and therfore hath not onely prouided all sufficient meanes to bring mee thereto and made such a generall pardon as may assure mee I am contained vnder it yea seeing I now know that I am inuited and called to come to Christ and intreated to bee friends with God then may I be bold to come and assure my self I shal be welcome Yea further if I will not forgoe all these rich rewards tendered vnto me and pull vpon my selfe most iustly all those woes which God hath threatned against all despisers of his mercies then must I gladly accept Gods mercy offered to mee and if I finde my vnbeleeuing heart to draw back then must I ply the Lord with feruent and constant prayers that hee would draw mee by his Spirit to come to Christ and so to rest vpon him for my saluation And thus much for the generall promises both in regard of the matters promised and of the persons to whom they bee proclaimed that euery one who heares them may claime his part in them Speciall benefits Now to come to those speciall benefites which we receiue in Christ which belong to this first point how our faith is to bee strengthened in the assurance of our saluation by Christ I intend to referre all that I haue to say herein to these two 1. our Justification and 2. the fruites immediately growing from thence which I gather out of the Apostle Rom. 5. 1. to bee these three 1. Reconciliation 2. Adoption 3. Hope of Glory Concerning Iustification Iustification it is euident by the Scripture that all our saluation depends vpon it that whosoeuer shall bee saued must be iustified and therefore of necessity he that is not iustified must needs bee condemned it behooueth then euery one who lookes for saluation well to conceiue what it is to be iustified in Gods sight and then to make sure worke that hee may attaine it yea and know it also that hee is iustified without which is no comfort or hope of happinesse To be iustified before God is to be made righteous that is not onely without all sinne but hauing all that righteousnes which God in his holy law requireth as Rom. 2. 13. So was Adam and Eue by creation Eccl. 7. 31. God made man righteous Heb. 7. 26. So was Christ Such an high Priest it became vs to haue who is holy harmelesse vndefiled separate from sinners and made higher then the heauens Besides these not one of the whole stocke of mankinde was thus righteous but euery soule young and old was is and euer shall be in this world voyde of this righteousnesse and full of all vnrighteousnesse As Rom. 3. 20. Therefore by the workes of the law shall no flesh be iustified in his sight It followeth then that all that shall be saued must bee iustified another way and that is this by hauing that perfect righteousnes which was in Christ alone to bee accounted theirs as if it had been in themselues Not intending to enter into any further discours hereof which may bee seene in sundry Treatises written of this argument all our care must bee to get this grace in Christ whereby we shal assuredly be saued The Scripture is cleare that this is obtained by faith and no way else as besides sundry other scriptures the Apostle both soundly and plentifully prooueth Rom. 3. Gal. 3. reade the places in which wee shall see not onely the truth of the doctrine but many motiues to beleeue and imbrace this grace wrought by Christ for vs and by him freely offered vnto vs that we might receaue it to our comfort To this purpose is that which is said Rom. 3. vers 21. 22. But now is the righteousnesse of God made manifest without the Law hauing witnesse of the Law and the Prophets to wit the righteousnesse of God by the faith of Iesus Christ vnto all and vpon all that beleeue And so forward to the end of the chapter wherein for our purpose this is chiefly to be considered That as none are partakers of this benefite of Iustification in Christ but beleeuers so seeing none can beleeue to enioy this but such as know that God freely and faithfully offers it to them therefore it is here and elsewhere oft reuealed that as all haue sinned and are depriued of the glory of God so are they iustified feeely by his grace through the Redemption that is in Christ Jesus Which as I said cannot bee vnderstood that all doe receiue this mercie of Iustification purchased by Christ but that as Christ hath wrought it so God doth indifferently offer it in the Gospell to all which is more manifested by the words following verse 25. Whom God hath set forth to bee a reconciliation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousnesse by the forgiuenesse of sinnes that are passed c. The vse to bee made of these Vse and the like for the strengthening of our Faith in the assurance of our saluation by Christ is this that euery one who would beleeue doe set before him on the one side his owne sinfulnesse and cursednesse to be such that he is no way able to make any satisfaction whereby he might be deliuered on the other side that Christ hath made a full satisfaction vnto his Father for him a miserable sinner and freely offers it to him which if hee beleeue it shall be accepted for him and he thereby saued that this may draw him to renounce all hope in himselfe and so to relie vpon Christ for his Iustification and saluation This shall be more manifest in the parts of Iustification Parts of iustification which are forgiuenesse of sinnes Forgiuenes of sinne and imputation of righteousnesse and more especially in the former forgiuenesse of sinne which so vnseparably bringing in the latter imputation of righteousnesse the Scripture doth most labour to assure vs of And for this cause all blessednesse is worthily placed herein both by the Prophet Dauid and the Apostle Paul saying Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiuen Psal 32. 1 2. and whose sinnes are couered Rom. 4. 7 8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputeth not sinne That it may driue
A TREATISE OF FAITH Wherein is declared how a man may liue by Faith and finde releefe in all his necessities Applyed especially vnto the vse of the weakest Christians By EZEKEL CVLVERVVELL The Iust shall Liue by Faith EPHES. 6. 16. Aboue all taking the shield of Faith ROM 15. 4. Whatsoeuer things were written aforetime were written for our learning that we through patience cōfort of the Scriptures might haue hope LONDON Printed by I. L. for William Sheffard and are to be sold at his shop at the entring in of Popes head Allie out of Lumbard-streete 1623. TO ALL GODS PEOPLE WHO HAVE ENIOYED any benefit by my Ministerie especially of my Pastorall charge DEARLY Beloued in the Lord although I cannot but be priuie to my selfe of many defects in discharge of my dutie which God required at my hands toward you which I humbly beseech the Lord and you to pardon yet this hath beene is and I hope shall be to the end of my dayes my comfort that I haue not laboured in vaine amongst you What were my labours and successe thereof I must appeale to the consciences of you who are yet liuing for you know that not a few are now at rest with the Lord whose holy liues and happy ends gaue good testimony hereof But to leaue these to the wise consideration of such whom they may concerne and to giue vnto all to whom these presents shall come a iust account of my proceedings herein I doe professe that for many yeares past I haue had my thoughts much exercised about this prime grace of Faith by which alone we receiue all sauing grace and without which none and after that by long experience I found through conference with many of diuers sorts that very few attained to the true knowledge much lesse to the right vse of Faith either in the assurance of their saluation or well ordering of their conuersation For to passe ouer all carnall Protestants who only haue a forme of godlinesse making an outward shew thereof and deny the power of it in walking after their owne lusts I haue obserued very many who haue in truth laboured after saluation yet through want of good direction haue made forsaking of their sinne the ground of their beleeuing and so building such a weightie matter vpon so weake a foundation could neuer come to such certaintie of their saluation or constancie in a holy conuersation as true Faith would haue brought them vnto Some others I haue seene who being deeply affected with the sense of their misery and knowing that there is no meanes of recouery but by Christ haue desired nothing more then to be deliuered and restored by him yet these not knowing the right way how to attaine to Faith by which alone doe receiue Christ and all his benefits haue spent many yeares vnprofitably and vnfruitfu●ly Others there be who perswading themselues that they haue Faith and thereby bee quieted from feare of condemnation yet much wanting the life and power of Faith neither so honour God and their profession nor in time of triall finde that sound peace and comfort which a liuely Faith would certainly procure By all which it appeareth how few they be that haue attained to the true knowledge of Faith what it is how it is go●ten and increased and how to liue by it The consideration whereof grieuing my soule to see so many mistaken in so weightie a matter and so much labour to be lost hath been the chiefe moouer of me to imploy all my thoughts how this great euill may be redressed Whereupon entering into deeper consideration how this might be attained I well perceiued that seeing Gods truth reuealed vnto vs in his Word is the sole ground of Faith the only way to get and keepe Faith is to bee well acquainted with Gods Word in which I cannot sufficiently admire the wisedome and loue of God in prouiding such store of heauenly comforts to releeue vs in all our necessities so that had wee the knowledge and the right vse of them we should then see what were the Life of Faith and the blessed estate of a beleeuer in this world aboue all other estates though neuer so excellent These thus being I gaue my selfe to the search of the Scriptures to finde out what these heauenly comforts were which God hath so abundantly prouided for our reliefe in all time of neede And to this purpose with no small labour haue gathered out all the promises as well as I could out of both the Testaments which being laide together made a great heape of heauenly treasure such as any of vnderstanding would greatly admire and reioyce in and I may in truth professe I was much affected with the bare reading of them But well considering that the naked laying downe of these promises would not be sufficient to direct euery one to the right vse and fit application of them for the begetting and increasing of Faith I haue laboured to draw these vnto seuerall heads such as in my opinion may containe all our necessities that at leastwise the weakest sort may more fitly apply them to their seuerall vses and so by Faith be comforted when all other helpes faile them If in this my labour I haue not so sufficiently satisfied the desires of the most iudicious I must content my selfe that according to the measure of grace receiued I haue laboured to be helpfull to such as stand in neede hereof and haue carefully auoided whatsoeuer I haue thought might hinder their profiting and specially all controuersies about Faith and haue plainly shewed out of the Scriptures what I haue conceiued to be the truth wherein I may haue this defence of my failing that I haue not had any guide in this labour neither haue I seene any who haue in this way gone before me and therefore I entreate my Reuerend brethren in the Ministerie whose abilities doe farre exceede mine that they would perfect this which is but weakely begun And for my part I will not cease to pray that this may be as profitable to others as painfull to my selfe which the Lord grant for his Christs sake Ezekel Culuerwell TO THE CHRISTIAN READER THE leading of a happy Life the attainement whereof this Treatise directeth vnto is that which all desire but Gods truth only discouereth and Faith only enioyeth In the first Adam our happinesse was in our owne keeping but he by turning from God to the creature made proofe what and whence he was a creature raised out of nothing and without the supporting power of Him in whom all things consist subiect to fall into a state worse then nothing againe Hence God out of his infinite power depth of goodnesse intending the glory of his mercy in restoring man would not trust man with his owne happinesse but would haue it procured and established in the person of a second Adam in whom we recouer a suter estate then we lost in the first for though Adams soule was ioyned to God yet
our spirit by the second our sanctification by the third our iustificatiō that in the mouth of so many witnesses this truth which of al others is the greatest yet most hardly receiued may stand sure for the consolation of all beleeuers and conviction of all vnbeleeuers c. To which is further added vers 10. Hee that beleeueth in the Sonne of God hath the witnesse in himselfe he that beleeueth not God hath made him a lyar because hee beleeued not the record which God witnesseth of his sonne The selfe same word of life is in sundry other Scriptures published vnto vs because the Lord knoweth we haue neede to heare of it continually wee are so full of doubting in time of temptation therefore our Sauiour himselfe proclaimeth this glad tydings Ioh. 3. 16. For God so loued the world that he hath giuen his onely begotten sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life and verse 17. For God sent not his Sonne into the world to condemne the world but that the world through him might bee saued So likewise Ioh. 12 47. I came not to condemne the world but to saue the world Againe Ioh. 2. 2. If any man sinne we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ the Iust vers 3. And he is the reconciliation for our sinnes and not for ours only but for the sinnes of the whole world And Ioh. 1. 29. Behold the lambe of God which taketh away the sins of the world So the Apostle saith 2. Cor. 5. 19. For God was in Christ reconciling the world vnto himselfe not imputing their sinnes vnto them and hath committed to vs the word of reconciliation In all which and many other Scriptures this is manifest that God in his word hath made a generall offer of saluation in Christ and inuiteth all to whom hee sendeth his seruants the preachers of his Gospell to come to Christ that they might bee saued as is plaine in the parable of the wedding Mat. 22. 1. which is therefore called the Gospell that is good newes because it bringeth foorth this glad tydings of great ioye that shall be to all people as the Angels of the Lord tolde that the sheepheards of the birth of Christ Luk. 2. 10. And this is the same which our Lord Iesus himselfe after hee had finished his whole work of mans redemption here on earth and was to ascend vp to his father to prepare a place for all his members commanded his Apostles and so consequently gaue in commission to al their successours the preachers of the Gospell to proclaime and publish this Gospell to euery creature that is to euery man and woman that so euery soule to whom the sound of the Gospell should come might haue sufficient ground whereon to build their faith and be saued or be made without excuse for neglecting so great saluation which at the first began to bee preached by the Lord and afterward was confirmed by vs that heard him Heb. 2 3. This then is the only ground whereon sauing faith is builded Namely this generall pardon proclaimed in the Gospell to poore sinners which I haue very plentifully prooued for that it is not well considered by many who faine would beleeue yet being ignorant hereof doe long time pine away with griefe for that they see nothing which might make them being so vile in their owne eyes so bold as to beleeue that there is any such loue in God towards them as to giue Christ vnto them Others more dangerously presume of Gods fauour without any such ground whereon they build their perswasion but onely on the outward change of their life which often is found deceitfull as was before shewed Now followeth how a poore sinner yet voide of sauing grace How to build faith on the word and finding nothing in himselfe which may make him bold to beleeue may builde vpon this ground that so he may attaine to true faith whereunto these three considerations bee necessary Three considera●ions First what is said Secondly to whom Thirdly by whom that so hee may haue good warrant to beleeue that he shal enioy this mercy offered For the former What is said the poore distressed sinner is to weigh with himselfe that in this Gospell and glad tidings of saluation is proclaimed and freely offered forgiuenesse of sins through Christ as is plaine by the Apostle Paul his preaching to them at Antioch Act. 13. 38. Bee it knowne vnto you therefore men and brethren that through this man is preached vnto you forgiuenesse of sinnes where as in all the former Scriptures and in many others Christ and all his benefits for our iustification sanctification and full glorification is the matter offered which beeing that which euery humbled sinner most desireth how can it be but welcome newes to heare that there are such things prepared and offered as hee most desireth which must needes mooue him oft to sigh for the same and say Oh that I might once haue my part in this vnestimable treasure but presently comes into his minde his owne vnworthinesse which driues him as farre backe from all hope that euer any such as hee should haue part therein wherin many a poore soule doth remaine a long season because he cannot see any thing which might make him bold to beleeue that there is any such benefite prepared for him For remedy wherof he is in the second place deeply to weigh this wonderfull mercy of God 2. To whom who so freely offers this great benefit of Christ and all his merits not to the righteous but to sinners yea to all without exception to whom the Gospell commeth as wee haue seene in the former Scriptures where the ground of faith was laide and because such as haue most feeling of their sinnes are most fearefull and hardliest brought to beleeue that this is tendered to them therefore are they more especially called as appeareth Matthew 11. 28. Where Christ himselfe hauing proclaimed that all things are deliuered to him of his Father Mat. 28. 18. meaning as els where Heb. 7. 27. that all power is giuen to him whereby he is perfectly able to saue all them that come vnto God by him inuiteth all that labour and are heauy laden to come vnto him promising that he will ease them wherby euery poore sinner who feeles his woefull estate by reason of his sinne and Gods curse hanging ouer his head for the same may certainely know that hee is the party whom Christ calleth to come to him and to whom this benefite of Christ and saluation in him is freely offered that so he may be somewhat more raised vp to conceiue hope that hee shall in due time enioy the same to which end euery one who faine would beleeue is to consider that as there is no grace in any why hee should hope for such fauour at Gods hand for Gods mercy in preparing and offering his Sonne a redemption for sinners is altogether
we shall see there bee generall promises which all may and ought to apply to themselues Now for the better practise of this duty Meanes of application by meditation prayer that we may so apply Gods promises to ourselues that we may thereby haue our faith increased and we liue thereby we are to vse meditation prayer and that not slightly in common manner or seldome but often and earnestly with wisedome and conscience and all little enough so to keepe our faith aliue that it alone may vpholde vs Meditation when nothing els can Vnder this meditation I containe such a consideration of Gods promises as may leade vs to see what his good will and pleasure is what a fatherly care of our welfare hee hath and not onely how able but how willing also he is to help vs. And lest wee should bee dismayed first by our vnworthinesse we are to consider that all Gods fauour is free procured by none but that hee shewes mercy for his owne names sake which is oft so saide and alwaies vnderstood Or secondly for that some of those his promises are made to certain special men as Abraham Dauid Raul the like not belonging to vs we are to remember that whatsoeuer God promiseth to any one of his children not in any speciall or proper respect onely concerning such a person and for such a time as the promise to Abraham that in Isacke should his seede bee called Gen. 21. 12. and many other like promises which properly belonged to them onely to whom they were made But whatsoeuer God promiseth though particularly to one yet in no speciall respect but as a common fauour belonging to all Gods children That promise euery childe of God may and ought to apply to himselfe as if it had beene spoken by God to him in particular An euident proofe hereof wee haue in that promise made to Ioshua Iosua 1. 5. That God would neuer leaue him nor forsake him which the Authour to the Hebre 〈◊〉 13 5. is bolde to apply to those to whom he writ exhorting them that their conuersation bee without couetousnesse and to bee content with such things as they had and that vpon this reason Seeing God had promised that hee would not leaue them nor forsake them where wee see hee applyeth to all the faithfull that promise which was particularly made to Iosua So are wee to doe with all the promises made to any of the faithfull wherein we see no speciall limitation that it cannot belong to any other For further warrant hereof this may serue that the Apostle 〈…〉 Rom. 15. 4 Whatsoeuer things were written aforetime were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might haue hope And more specially seeing all the promises are yea and Amen in Christ 2. Cor. ● 20. that is they be all set out in Christ to bee offered and bestowed in a constant and vnchangeable manner Bez● as a learned man wel expoundeth this place So that he that hath Christ hath an interest and right vnto all the promises of this life and that to come 1. Tim. 4. 8 As the Apostle speaketh of godlinesse which is the daughter of faith and cannot be without faith more then a child without a mother Therefore euery faithfull soule who cannot but be godly may assure himselfe to be true heire to all the promises which God hath made to his children in Christ and so farre may boldly apply them all to himselfe as if they were personally made to him And so much for the former part of the application of the promises to euery one his owne person Now for the second how to apply them yet more neerely to our present state and condition whatsouer 2. How to apply the promises seeing the Lord hath yeelded so much to our weakenesse as not onely in generall to make out his promises to all his children but to descend particularly to our seuerall estates and necessities bodily and spirituall that in what condition soeuer we be and whatsoeuer worke of his we shall vndertake hee hath made promises to his children To bee with them to succour and support them Psal 91. 15 10 84. 11. that no euill shall hurt them no good thing shall bee wanting Rom. 8. 28. and whatsoeuer doth come shal be for their good Seeing God I say doth oft more specially intaile his promises that is bequeath them to such and such persons as to the humble to the meeke to the hungry to the afflicted to the fatherlesse widdowe and the like many and so likewise to our prayers hearing of his word and all other holy exercises yea to all obedience to any of his commandements This shall bee our wisedome and is our duty more specially to weigh how these belong vnto vs and finding our selues so qualified and in such condition as the Lord made his promise vnto we may then much more confidently apply his promise to vs in such estate that so we may more comfortably beleeue and look for his helpe al-sufficient and in due season Which what quiet it will bring to any in distresse cannot be hid or doubted of And this is that which I haue conceiued to be the right way of application of Gods promises by this meditating wise considering of them that so wee may haue our vse of them But yet all this is not sufficient in regard of our great frailtie who be not onelie blind not able to search and see these promises and forgetfull as the Hebre wes Chap. 12. 5. of whom he saith They had forgotten the consolations But wee are as the two Disciples whereof Luke 24. 25. Slow of heart to beleeue what God promiseth to vs. Neither indeede can we beleeue first or last more then God by his Spirit shal worke in vs as both by Scripture and dailie experience is to bee seene how exceeding full of doubts we are when wee can see no meanes to put vs its hope of helpe 2. meanes of applying the promises is prayer but doe pittifully sinke downe in despaire In regard whereof our onelie refuge is to flye to God and to ply him with feruent prayer that he would by his Spirit both reueale vnto vs what be those precious promises which he hath made vnto his people in his holy word and likewise giue vnto vs wisedome rightlie to iudge of them and fitlie to apply them vnto our selues in euery estate we shall be in yea and about al to moue our hearts so to beleeue them that we may thereupon assure our selues of all needfull helpe in due time seeeing God al-sufficient and faithfull hath promised it and so with comfort and patience waite for the accomplishment thereof Which seeing it is so weakly attained euen by those that haue receiued some true and sauing grace as euerie one that will well weigh his owne practise may easilie see It sheweth full well that this dutie is
8. 37. That is not only to ouercome these with faith and patience but to glorie in them and reioyce that wee are counted worthy to suffer shame for his name Acts 5. 41. And whereas the naturall man doth for these especially shunne true religion and the sincere profession therof which vsually brings the crosse and manifold troubles What a singular comfort is this that Gods childe may assure himselfe these afflictions how many and great soeuer yet they shall bee so farre ftom hurting him that they shall all turne to his good many waies and therefore that he hath iust matter of ioy and thankes though not for the paine and griefe which bee bitter but for the gaine which is sweet as Heb. 12. 11. Because this is not readilie receiued the Apostle in this Scripture Rom. 5. 3 c. doth vndertake to giue sufficient reason hereof namelie this that the firme beleeuer doth know that tribulation worketh patience patience experience Tribulation bringeth patience and experience hope c. In all which hee setteth forth certaine speciall fruites which Gods children reape by afflictions Namelie these That whereas we all are by nature like vntamed Heiffers neuer accustomed to the yoke who by bearing the yoke bee made gentle and willing to put their neckes vnder the yoke and quietly to beare it so Gods children being not acquainted with afflictions be much disquieted therwith at first But afterwards being more exercised with sundrie tribulations grow more acquainted and become more willing to beare them and quietly to endure them which alone is true patience Not to be furious or sencelesse but meekely to abide vnder Gods hand and so To hold their peace Psal 39. 9. because God who cannot erre hath done it The worth of this may herein bee seene in that so few haue well learned this Christian patience From hence ariseth another speciall fruit Patience brings experience namely experience That as Mariners at the first going to sea seeing the great waues and tossing of the ship looke still to bee swallowed vp and to perish but afterward by enduring many of these stormes grow to such experience of Gods power in preseruing them that they doe not so feare perishing as before but cheerefully endure them Euen so the faithfull how so euer at the first they begin to be dismayed with the manifold troubles they meet withall corruptions within and afflictions without reproches and iniuries by men of the world not the least yet afterwards by patient enduring of these they finde by proofe that God hath made them able to beare them and graciously deliuered them Whereby they grow to bee as trained souldiers better exercised both to beare and profite by them and so to waite for a good end and issue out of them which is the next benefite here mentioned namely hope whereof it is said Experience bringeth hope Experience worketh hope whereby is meant that as in all kinde of difficulties men hauing often found helpe and release doe gather thereout hope of like assistance for time to come Euen so likewise the often proofe and experience which the faithfull haue of Gods mightie power and readie helpe in all their trials and troubles both preseruing them vnder their heauie burthens and in due time and measure easing them and in the end fully releasing them The experience hereof I say makes them hope and looke for like helpe hereafter in time of need What sweet ease and refreshing this brings to a weary heart may be seene by that common and true prouerbe If it were not for hope hart would break And to goe no further the next words makes it manifest Where it is said Hope maketh not ashamed Vers 5. Hope makes not ashamed That is when wee bee sore distressed and see no apparent meanes of escaping or deliuerance naturally wee begin to faint and to bee confounded in our selues and so driuen to hide our heads for shame as not able to abide the reprochfull speeches which vsually passe vpon men so cast downe A cleere proofe whereof we haue in Iobs case Then if there bee any true hope grounded on Gods faithful promise of helpe in due time which is imbraced by faith then I say shall we be able to hold vp our heads and say with faithfull Iob Iob 13. 15. Though he kil me yet wil I trust in him Eph. 6. 17. For which cause this grace of hope is fitly compared to an helmet 1 Thess 5. 8. wherewith a man armed dares boldly hold vp his head and looke his enemy in the face This is the benefite which the beleeuer hath in all extremities which no other can enioy For they if they be not senselesse either struggle like a wilde beast in the net or sinke downe in despaire without any comfort If this be so let it bee then acknowledged to bee no common blessing to liue by faith which besides many others brings such patience experience hope and confidence in all our troubles The true cause of all which the Apostle here laieth downe to bee this Rom. 5. 5. Because the loue of God is shed abroad in their hearts by the Holy Ghost which is giuen to vs meaning that as the loue of a friend is best tried and seene in greatest need so Gods loue vnto his children is most manifest in their greatest tribulations For wheras at other times God giues to his some sweet tastes of his fatherly loue Esa 63. 9. In all their troubles he is so troubled his bowels so moued that like a tender mother bee as it were dandles them in his lap and speaks so kindly to them yea not onely bemones them but helpes them euery way as need requires that now they see plainly how tenderly he loues them which grace is wrought in them by the holy Ghost which is giuen to all beleeuers All which cōmendeth Gods high fauour to these and so the most happy condition of them all and of them alone that liue by faith All which is contained in this one scripture Rom. 5. 7. which I haue but opened and not powred out all that herein is contained Now if this one boxe of Spikenard containe such store of sweet consolations what may wee thinke is to bee drawn out of al other scriptures I dare say a large volume for to say what I haue obserued all may see who will consider it that although the Lord in great wisdome loue regarding our frailty who are not more loth to read much then prone to forget what we reade hath set downe his will in vnimitable breuity yet he is very plentifull in laying forth his exceeding great precious promises 2 Pet. 1. 4. as S. Peter calleth them All which doe containe those blessings earthly and spirituall for this life and that to come which God hath prepared for all true beleeuers who onely being the iust possessors of these I thinke it sufficiently proueth that which I
better want them then haue them as health wealth peace and all earthlie blessings yea many common gifts of the Spirit at least the measure of them as excellent wit memorie knowledge of heauenlie things courage liberalitie gentlenesse c. all of these be promised with limitation With limitation so farre as they be good for vs and no further and so farre onely are to bee desired and beleeued Another needfull consideration of Gods promises that wee may better make our vse of them is this that God doth proclame in the Gospell his Sonne Christ and all his benefites generally to all Generall promises offered to all and euery soule to whom the Gospell comes so that euery one who heareth the Gospell ought to beleeue which if he doe not which none can without speciall grace yet this is his sin and shall be his condemnation for wilfull refusing mercie offered And therefore euerie one that will not perish must beleeue that there is such mercie in God as he offereth and that God is able willing and faithfull to performe his promise that so beleeuing hee may enioy the benefite of which otherwise hee depriueth himselfe This therefore I doe before hand make knowne that seeing many worthie promises be thus generally propounded and set out that wee might by beleeuing bee made partakers of Christ therefore none doe shut out themselues and so bring vpon themselues more iust damnation as Iohn 3. 18. is plainlie expressed Hee that beleeues not is condemned alreadie ver 19. This is the condemnation that light is come into the world c. There bee also many speciall promises made to speciall persons performing such duties as to Faith and trust in God to confession of sinne to prayer and so to all obedience for God requires no dutie but there is a Reward belonging thereto though not alwaies expressed which reward though it may moue the heart to desire it yet it cannot beget Faith but the truth of the promiser must draw vs to beleeue and our beliefe of hauing the reward which we desire will moue to obedience And therefore euerie one who heares such rewards promised must bee thereby moued to beleeue Secondly to obey as was before said These well considered will better guide the weaker sort to applie and make the right vse of all the promises in the Scripture which may any way concerne them Now then because these promises be exceeding many wee must needs bring them to some order and that as plaine and short as may be lest the weaker memories be ouer-loaden and so their vnderstanding confounded by many diuisions as is too oft seene I cannot thinke of any more easie way to teach the full vse of our faith in euery part of our liues then to laie open the most principall matters in which we are most subiect to doubt and feare that seeing our diseases we may more fitly applie the remedie Ouerlooking the whole course of life Order I obserue these sixe speciall occasions of doubting wherein we haue most need to be releeued by Faith 1. First and aboue all 6. Choise heads we are most subiect to doubt whether we be in the state of grace and so of the number of those that shall be saued by Christ 2. Secondly how wee shall be able to ouercome our strong corruptions and temptations 3. Thirdly how to get grace to praie heare the word and to performe all duties to God and man in faith so as God will accept them 4. Fourthly how to endure and profite by all afflictions and persecutions 5. Fiftly how to be prouided for of all things needfull for this naturall life 6. Sixtly how wee shall hold out to the end All which may bee drawne to two heads first for our spirituall life secondly for this bodilie life In both which were wee so strengthened in Faith as to rest vpon God for all sufficient releefe I well see not what might be much wanting to make vs reioyce alwaies in the Lord and sure I am no other state in this life herewith were to be compared Let vs therefore come to particulars and see how in all of these wee may gather out of Gods word strength of Faith and so comfort to our soules for the better finishing of our warfare in this life and more full assurance of our finall victorie and glorie hereafter in and through our Lord Iesus And now to begin with that First point wherein we liue by Faith is for assurance of our saluation which as it is first in order so is it in degree aboue all to be most sought for seeing vpon it all the rest doe depend and yet we are vsually in nothing more wanting namely to be sure of our saluation by Christ vnder which I doe containe especiallie our Iustification by which we be made Gods children All which as wee haue alreadie heard is to be had alone in Christ and to be made ours only by Faith Titus 3. 5 not by any workes of righteousnesse which wee haue done Whereof although there hath beene in the former part of this Treatise so much said as might suffise for this point to shew how this Faith is attained yet seeing the Lord hath left vs so many promises in the holie Scriptures speciallie in the new Testament wherein Christ who was before shadowed in Types is more cleerelie reuealed for which cause I doe chiefly cite these And seeing this is my maine scope to teach the weake beleeuer how hee may by these promises dailie nourish his faith specially in time of tentation I hope it will be found no lost labour to gather some store of these promises and to shew the right vse of them To come then to the practise of this first point how wee may dailie come to more certaintie that wee bee reconciled to God and so his adopted children and heires of saluation we are to remember Double ●ertentie that there is a twofold certaintie or assurance of Gods fauour 1. Of faith one the certaintie which comes by Faith alone 2. Sense the only staie wherof is Gods word The other is the certaintie of sense when as we haue some spirituall feeling of Gods fauour manifested to vs by his manifold graces bestowed on vs which be so many tokens and testimonies of his Fatherlie loue A cleare resemblance whereof may bee that which Ioab said to Dauid 2 Sam. 14. 22. To day thy seruant knoweth that I haue found grace in thy sight my Lord O King in that the King hath fulfilled the request of his seruant Wherein wee see Ioab was more assured of the Kings fauour by granting his request Both these assurances be expresly coupled in that one sentence of the Apostle Iohn 1 Iohn 2. 3. And hereby wee doe know that wee know him if wee keepe his Commandements Meaning that the conscionable indeuour to keepe Gods Commandements makes vs to know certainely that wee truely beleeue and haue the true certaintie of
Faith for our saluation by Christ For our strengthening in both of these assurances the Lord maketh diuers promises In all of which wee shall finde vsually these two things Matter what First what bee the excellent benefites and vnsearchable riches which be brought to vs in Christ which bee set forth vnto vs sometimes generallie all in a lumpe that hee will saue vs and sometimes more particularlie that hee will forgiue and cleanse vs all to this end to draw vp our earthly mindes and affections so to hunger and thirst after them as neuer to be at rest till wee doe in some measure enioy them Secondly Persons to whom the persons to whom these bee in the Gospell proclamed that so euery one may applie them to himselfe by Faith and be assured they be his Both which shall now better app●are in the particular promises And first concerning Christ and the benefites brought by him Christ promised wee may well begin with that which was the first promise made to man and the foundation of all others where the Lord denouncing his vengeance against the Serpent the deuils instrument in seducing mankinde said Gen. 3. 15. And I will put enmitie betweene thee and the woman and betweene thy seed and her seed It shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heele In which besides sundrie other things there intended this is chiefe for our purpose that Christ the promised seed of the woman should fullie conquer Sathan and his whole kingdome howsoeuer Sathan would continually molest the seede of the woman till hee were quite vanquished The selfesame matter is more plainelie taught Heb. 2. 14. that Christ tooke our nature That through death hee might destroy him that had the power of death that is the Deuill And deliuer them who for feare of death were all their life subiect to bondage Which if God had made no other promise might bee a sufficient word to perswade euery soule that heareth it not onely to desire and seeke this deliuerance by Christ but to beleeue that hee shall enioy it seeing God hath so faithfully said it For the further confirmation of the faith of gods people in this point in all ages the Lord renewed this promise of sending Christ the promised seede As immediatly after the flood Noah by Prophesie blessing his two sonnes said God shall enlarge Iaphet and hee shall dwell in the tents of She●● Gen. 9. 27. Which intendeth that wee Gentils Gal. 3. 16. should be called to bee one body with the Iewes in Christ The same was afterwards oft renewed to Abraham 22. 18. In thy seede shall all the nations of the earth be blessed 26. 4. 28. 14 Act. 3. 25. The like to Isaacke and to Iacob also In all which Christ was promised the true seede in whom alone all families be blessed And so forward in all succeeding ages Moses and all the Prophets in their times foretold of Christ as we reade Act. 3. 24. 10. 43. So that it is needelesse to write all the scriptures tending to this point All this serues thus to strengthen the faith of all that will giue credit to God Vse that seeing the Lord nourished the faith of his Church from Adam to Christ with those promises of saluation by Christ the promised seede we therfore may boldly rest hereupon much the rather seeing we vnder the Gospel haue all things fulfilled which they vnder the former Testament sawe a farre off Heb. 11. 13 and were perswaded of them and embraced them To passe ouer then all the promises of the olde Testament concerning Christ his benefits to come to the new Multitude of promises concerning Christ wherein all things which were foretolde are fully accomplished and wee may with open face beholde as in a glasse 2. Cor. 3. 17 the glory of the Lord. Here be so many promises wherein Christ and his benefites bee set foorth vnto vs that the bare rehearsing of them without any further opening of them would make a sufficient book and longer I feare then any of our idle professours would once reade ouer I intend therefore to range these into some order and to make choice of some principall of euery sort and by them to shew how wee may make vse of the rest that are of the same kind Now all these promises concerning this first point for the strengthening of our faith in the assurance of our saluation by Christ be propounded either generally or more specially as was before said Generall Matter Generally Persons in respect of the matter promised as that Christ shall saue vs and the like as also of the persons to whom these promises be performed that is generally to all mankinde Both which be for the most part ioyned together what is promised and to whom therefore we will handle them together for breuity sake least otherwise wee should be faine to alleage the same scriptures againe to sundry purposes which would bee tedious which I desire to auoide To begin then with the very names which throughout the new Testament bee giuen to our redeemer Iesus Christ they are both of great force to confirme our faith When the angell Gabriel was sent from God to the Virgin Mary with that heauenly salutation he told her That she should conceiue in her wombe and bring foorth a Sonne and she shall call his name Iesus Iesus Whereof the Euangelist Mat. giues this reason Luk. 1. 26. 31 for hee shall saue his people from their sinne Mat. 1. 21. and to like effect oft All flesh shall see the saluation of God Luk. 3. 6. 1 When Christ came to Zacheus he saide This day is saluation come to this house 19. 9 10. for as much as he also is the sonne of Abraham for the Sonne of man is come to seek and to saue that which is lost Christ himselfe saide Ioh. 3. 17. God sent not his Sonne into the world to condemne the world but that the world through him should be saued And againe I came not to iudge the world 12. 47. but to saue the world And to heape vp no more of this sort to this end is Christ to oft called our Sauiour In all which we ought to reason thus Vse Seeing the eternall Son of God did take mans nature and so was Immanuel God with vs Mat. 1. 23. as the Euangelist Matthew Esa 7. 14. sheweth out of the Prophet and that to this end to saue vs being lost and not to condemne the world but to saue the world therefore vnlesse we will thinke all this is but a fable we are vndoubtedly to beleeue that there is in this Iesus and in him alone saluation for vs sinners Act. 4. 12. For there is no other name vnder heauen giuen among men whereby wee must bee saued And further if wee will not despise this wonderfull mercy of God in sending his Sonne and of
Christ himselfe in comming into the world not to condemne vs but to saue vs being lost then must we with a true faith accept this mercy The same may bee saide of the name Christ Christ vnto both which all his other names may be referred which signifieth Annointed whereto answereth the word Messiah in Hebrew By both which beeing referred to Christ is meant that the Son of God taking our nature was in the same filled with the Holy Ghost as is oft saide of him and that farre aboue all other holy men as was prophesied of him Psal 45. 7. Thou louest righteousnes hatest wickednes therfore God thy God hath annointed thee with the oyle of gladnesse aboue thy fellowes Of which the Euangelist Iohn more plainely saith Ioh. 3. 34. For God giueth not the spirit by measure vnto him which was manifestly shewed at Christs baptizing where the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a doue vpon him Luk. 3. 22. and a voyce came frō heauen which said Thou art my beloued Son in thee I am well pleased Which was to this end that as vnder the Law the Prophets Priests and Kings were consecrated to their offices by the annointing with the holy oyle so Christ was consecrated to the offices of his mediation 1. to be our Prophet to reueale the whole will of God for our saluation 2. to bee our high Priest both to offer vp himselfe to God his Father a full and sufficient sacrifice for the redemption of vs sinners and to make intercession for vs. 3. to be our King to rule and gouerne his people and to subdue all his enemies All which bee notably set out in that worthy epistle to the Hebrewes which beeing too long to recite I desire the Christian reader to reade with obseruation that epistle to this end From whence another effectuall motiue to beleeue Vse may bee thus taken Seeing God the Father hath thus annointed his Son in our nature and therefore called him Christ and filled him with the Holy Ghost without measure that he might performe all things needfull for our saluation all which he hath fully accomplished wee may therefore boldly come to him and so stedfastly rest vpon him for our saluation And on the other side they who hearing these bee not drawne heereby to beleeue in Christ for their saluation doe either deny the truth of these which is to make God a lyar or despise their owne saluation so prepared and offered to them which shall bring vpon them most iust condemnation And these briefly for those two names Iesus Christ properly belonging to our Sauiour which doe summarily containe all and so to a wise regarder hereof might suffise to perswade him to rest vpon Christ for saluation But seeing the Lord who knowes how hardly wee bee brought to this assurance by faith of our saluation by Christ hath in that small volume of the new Testament spoken so much of Christ and the benefites which hee hath brought vnto vs to this end that wee might bee more stirred vp to seeke to him and to embrace him for our Sauiour I hope it shall bee worth our labour further to consider what the Lord saith And before I come to particulars let vs heare and wonder at these heapes of heauenly treasures Generall benefits by Christ which bee brought to sinners in Christ Wherein this is the first Saueth vs. that Christ is sent to saue sinners Luk. 2. 32. wherof enough was spoken before in the name Iesus therefore now no more thereof The next is that Christ is said to bee a light to the Gentiles Light to Gent. which was long before prophecyed often times by the Prophet Esay Esa 9. 2. 42. 6. 49. 6. 60. 3. saying The people that walke in darknesse Mat. 4. 16. haue seene a great light they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death vpon them is the light shined which the Euangelist Matthew applyeth to Christ bringing the light of the Gospell to a blind and ignorant people And the Apostle Paul alleadgeth for his warrant in preaching the Gospel to the Gentiles To like effect Christ is often said to be the light of the world Act. 13. 48. as he professeth of himselfe Ioh. 8. 12. 9. 5. I am the light of the world And of this I vnderstand that which is spoken by the Euangelist Iohn 1. 9. That Christ was that true light which lighteth euery man that commeth into the world that is who casteth out the light of the Gospell to all nations as the sunne in the firmament shines to al the world though many blind neuer see the light thereof Vnder this comparison of light all the benefites which Christ brings vs be contained light of knowledge light of grace and holy life and light of eternall life and glory All which be contained either generally or specially in the former alleadged scriptures and in sundry others To this head also belongs such scriptures as shew Christ to bee our life Ioh. 6. 33. 51. 10. 10. 14. 6. 2. Tim. 1. 10. Of all which this is the vse we Vse are to make that seeing God hath set vp his Sonne Iesus Christ in the ministery of the Gospell to all nations where euer it comes to lighten and to giue life to euery man who heareth it if he refuse it not and shut not his eyes against it as the Pharises did Therefore euery one who heareth this Ioh. 9. 41. not only may but is bound to embrace this light Ioh. 12. 36. by a true faith that so they may be the children of the light and that vpon paine of condemnation euen as our Sauiour himselfe denounceth against all vnbeleeuers saying This is the condemnation that light is come into the world Ioh. 3. 19. and men loue darkenesse rather then light Another worthy ground for our faith is this that God the Father when at the baptizing of Christ hee sent downe his Holy Spirit in the likenesse of a doue 3. God is well pleased in Christ lighting vpon him sent a voyce from heauen saying This is my beloued Sonne in whom I am well pleased Wherein is meant not onely that God did loue and like well his Sonne with whom for himselfe hee could neuer bee displeased there beeing no cause why but this rather that wheras God was extreamely offended with all mankinde now hee was fully appeased by Christ and for his sake ready to receiue into fauour all that by Faith should receiue him and so to accept him for vs and vs in him which is the same with that where it is saide God hath made vs accepted in his beloued Eph. 1. 6. 5. 2. And againe That Christ hath giuen himselfe for vs an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweete smelling sauour meaning that whereas whole mankinde since the fall is become odious to God for sin so that neither their persons nor their workes could
euery man out of himselfe for happinesse seeing God iustifieth the vngodly verse 5 and to draw all that shall bee saued to looke for saluation onely in Gods free mercy forgiueing their iniquitie and couering their sinne and not imputing to them their sinne Vnder which speeches is contained the way and meanes how the righteous God who will not let one sinne and breach of his Law to escape vnpunished without deserued condemnation doth yet set free poore sinners from their sinne and punishment which is onely by the satisfaction which Christ hath made for them in bearing their punishment wherwith God being satisfied doth fully and freely forgiue all those who by Faith accept this mercie offered vnto them To this end throughout the Scripture is this great benefite of forgiuenes of sinne by Christ so plentifully proclamed vnto vs miserable sinners I wil cite a few for many When Iohn the Baptist was sent to prepare way for Christ first seeing Christ cōming vnto him Ioh. 1. 29. hee cried out Behold the Lambe of God which taketh away the sinnes of the world Our Sauiour himselfe after his resurrection appearing to two of his Disciples going to Emaus Luk 24. 45. hauing opened their vnderstanding that they might vnderstand the Scriptures 46. said vnto them Thus it is written 47. and thus it behoued Christ to suffer and to rise againe from the dead the third day and that Repentance and Remission of sinnes should bee preached in his name among all nations beginning at Ierusalem Likewise the Apostle Paul preaching at Antioch to the Iewes in their Synagogues said vnto them Be it knowne vnto you therefore men and brethren that through this man meaning Christ is preached vuto you forgiuenesse of sinnes Act. 3. 38 39. And from all things from which yee could not be iustified by the Law of Moses Rom. 4. 25. by him euery one that beleeues is Iustified Gal. 1. 4. And so all the rest of the Scriptures Tit. 2. 14. in which it is said Heb. 1. 3. that Christ was Deliuered to death for our sinnes 1. Pet. 2. 24. And gaue himselfe to redeeme vs from all iniquitie And hath by himselfe purged our sinne Reu. 1. 5. That he bare our sinnes on the tree That hee loued vs and washed vs from our sinnes And to shut vp all with that worthie saying of Saint John If any man sinne 1 Ioh. 2. 1 2. wee haue an Aduocate with the Father Christ the righteous And he is the propitiation for our sinnes and not for ours onely but for the sinnes of the whole world In all of which what can any man thinke to be Gods meaning Vse but to prouide a meanes to saue vs sinners And therefore whosoeuer feeles his sinne and feares Gods wrath may boldly come to Christ and stedfastly beleeue that God for Christs sake will forgiue him and remember his sinnes no more And so much the more may and ought euery one to whom this good newes of pardon is brought by the preaching of the Gospell lay claime to this pardon and so shall hee please God and saue his owne soule otherwise as his sin shall bee exceeding great so shall his damnation bee more grieuous I doe therefore againe exhort euery poore soule who faine would beleeue not to make his sinne greater then Gods mercy but seeing Christ hath borne the punishment of his sinne and fully appeased Gods wrath for him and doth expresly call him and proclaime this pardon vnto him therefore that hee commit himselfe to Christ and so giue glorie to God in beleeuing that through Christ his debt is discharged and he freed from condemnation so that neither God will nor the deuill nor his owne conscience shall be able to lay any thing to his charge then which what can bee more comfortable to a distressed sinner I know not This might content vs if wee were not so full of vnbeleefe but the Lord both knowing and pittying our distrustfull hearts hath said much more to perswade vs of our saluation in and by our Lord Christ Iesus And whereas wee haue learned that to the iustifying of a sinner there is required not onely that his sinne and punishment bee quite taken away but that hee haue perfect righteousnesse 2. part of Iustification without which there can be no life for although these two bee neuer parted no more then soule and body in a liuing man yet they be not both one Imputation of righteousnesse but necessarily distinguished and both required in him that is iustified in Gods sight The Lord therefore hath graciously prouided a meanes whereby we who since the fall of our first parents haue vtterly lost our originall righteousnesse and bee no way able to attaine such righteousnesse as God in iustice requires at our hands may recouer our losse be made perfectly righteous such as God will allow and for which hee will in his iustice grant eternall life As Paul in his glorious triumph before his departure did boldly professe 2 Tim. 4. 6. For I am now readie to be offered 7. and the time of my departure is at hand 8. I haue fought a good fight I haue finished my course I haue kept the Faith Henceforth is laid vp for mee the crowne of righteousn●sse which the Lord the righteous Iudge shall giue me at that day and not to me onely but to all that loue his appearing Which one Scripture might suffise to perswade vs to looke for this righteousnesse and eternall life which by due debt through Gods mercie and the merit of Christ is made ours But because this is not so easily seene much lesse beleeued that such as we shall euer attaine to this high dignitie the Lord hath reuealed his good will towards vs sinners in this behalfe that he hath prepared such a perfect righteousnesse for vs and made a faithfull free grant therof vnto vs that so wee may make it our owne by Faith This is most manifest in that heauenly comparison betweene the first Adam and the second Adam Christ Iesus set forth at large and in many degrees Rom. 5. 12 to the end The summe of all is this that the benefite we haue in Christ doth euery way exceede all the hurt we had in Adam as the Apostle himselfe saith verse 20. Where sinne abounded grace did much more abound v. 21. That as sinne had reigned vnto death so might grace also reigne by righteousnesse vnto eternall life through Iesus Christ our Lord. Where wee see that as sinne through Gods iustice brought death so by Gods mercy the righteousnesse of Christ brought to vs eternall life As is expresly said verse 19. For as by one mans disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous Wherin it is cleere that as Christ by his obedience was perfectly righteous so by it many that is all that by Faith receiue Christ are made
righteous in Gods sight To the same purpose it is said that wee are made the righteousnesse of God in him 2 Cor. 5. 21 And that of the Prophet Esa Esa 53. 11. By his knowledge shall my righteous seruant iustifie many for hee shall beare their iniquities And for this cause is Christ called The Lord our righteousnesse Ier. 23. 6. 33. 16. and that he is the end of the Law Rom. 10. 4. for righteousnesse to euery one that beleeueth And for this cause are the Sacraments said to be seales of the righteousnes of Faith 4. 11. to the same intent much wherein wee see how plainely and plentifully the Lord sets out this perfect righteousnesse and life thereby in Christ to be made ours Which if any shall but neglect and passe by and not accept how shall hee escape most iust condemnation As wee reade Heb. 2. 3. speaking of the same matter How then can this but perswade euery one Vse who desires saluation with both hands as wee say to receiue this great gift of Christs righteousnesse to bee his wherevpon depends so certainly his eternall happinesse And how iustly shalt thou perish who hearest of this great goodnesse of God prepared in Christ and offered in the Gospell to thee and yet wilt not receiue it but either securely neglect it or at least by thy vnbeleefe depriue thy selfe of so incomparable a benefite I can say no more to perswade thee but I beseech the Lord to perswade thee and doe thou giue the Lord no rest till by his Spirit he draw thee to embrace this benefite to thy euerlasting comfort Now to come to the fruites of Iustification Fruites of Iustification which bee so many effects of Gods grace accompanying and following our Iustification 1. Reconciliation 2. Adoption and 3. Hope of Glorie I am not ignorant that these bee set in another order diuersly by diuers Diuines which is not much materiall for all consent that they bee speciall benefites which Christ hath purchased for vs by his death and obedience and serue much for the assurance of our saluation Whereas on the contrarie the ignorance or doubting of them must needes breed much discomfort especially in time of temptation and at the houre of death Yet seeing these doe so depend vpon the former of our Iustification that hee who is iustified cannot want these and without a man be iustified he can neuer enioy any of them either to bee at peace with God much lesse to come into so high fauour as to bee adopted and made Gods childe and heire of all his blessings and lest of all attaine such hope of euerlasting glorie with God in his kingdome as might make him here in this vale of miserie not onely to cheere vp his heart in the expectation thereof but outwardly to reioyce and holilie to boast thereof seeing I say the iustified man and none else hath these most certainly the best way to get assurance of these is to make sure our Iustification in such sort as hath beene already shewed But seeing the Scriptures doe oft make mention of these that God hath prepared and offered these to vs in Christ it shall bee to our comfort to take knowledge of them and so labour for the right vse of them Remembring that I haue in the former part of this Treatise spoken of these effects of our faith out of Rom. 5. 1 c. to set out the great and pretious fruites which are gotten by Faith thereby to prouoke all more to labour for Faith I may now be the more briefe especially seeing the Scripture including them in the former is not so plentifull as in the former For the first of these Reconciliation Reconciliation I vnderstand that whereas before wee were in Christ we were enemies to God by reason of sinne Now by Christ wee are reconciled and made friends as Rom. 5. 10. For if when wee were enemies we were reconciled by the death of his Son much more being reconciled wee shall be saued by his life So likewise notably is this set forth 2 Cor. 5. 18 19 20. All things are of God who hath reconciled the world vnto himselfe by Iesus Christ and hath giuen vs the ministerie of Reconciliation For God was in Christ and reconciled the world vnto himselfe not imputing their sinnes vnto them and hath committed to vs the word of Reconciliation Now then are wee ambassadours of Christ As though God did beseech you through vs we pray you in Christ stead that yee bee reconciled to God In both which Scriptures these two things I obserue for our purpose first that we being rancke enemies to God Christ by his full satisfaction whereof his death was a principall part hath reconciled God his Father vnto mankinde yet not so that any haue the benefite thereof but they who gladly doe accept it The second is that seeing none could so much as know this much lesse haue warrant to beleeue to haue any part in it Therefore the Apostle as a faithfull disposer of the secrets of God plainely affirmes and for more certaintie repeats that this reconciliation was wrought for the world that is all mankinde though againe I say none but beleeuers enioy it And the more to draw vs to beleeue that God hath granted out a commission to the Ministers of the Gospell to preach and publish this good newes of reconciliation wrought by Christ betweene God and man and that they should by all meanes labour to perswade men yea which is wonderfull he saith that God by his Ambassadours doth intreate them to bee reconciled to God that is to accept this vnheard of mercy offered to them These things when I consider I cannot but admire Gods vnspeakable mercie in so seeking to saue vs his enemies and our brutish ingratitude in so light esteeming thereof yea our sensles neglect of our chiefest good and our deadly vnbeliefe by which we depriue out selues of so vnualuable treasure freely offered vnto vs. What may be said more to moue our stonie hearts either to desire or to accept so great grace I well see not but this I see and am sure of that it shall be more tollerable for Turkes and Pagans in the day of iudgement then for thee whosoeuer thou art who liuing in the Church doest either despise or so distrust this bountie of the Lord that thou doest not receaue it As for such who preferre any worldly thing before this vnmatchable mercy and so if not grossely reiect it yet securely neglect it and as swine trample such pretious pearles vnder their feet Reu. 22. 11 I say no more but hee that is filthy let him be filthie still But for such poore soules as doe highly prise this exceeding fauour to be reconciled vnto God and onely bee kept from it by distrustfull feares that it is not for them they being so vnworthie I beseech them in the Lord deeply to weigh what hath beene said to draw them
any storme wee shall bee sure to escape shipwracke and so in the end arriue at our desired port of euerlasting saluation Thus haue I now shewed as briefly and plainely as I could how euery one who is troubled with vnbeleefe about the cercainety of his saluation namely whether such as he so void of all grace and so full of all sinne may be bold to beleeue and thereby be assured to be saued by Christ and to this end that his sinne is quite forgiuen and hee accepted as righteous in Gods sight so reconciled to God and adopted to be Gods child that hee may reioyce in hope of the glory of God how such an one I say may get and dayly increase this assurance of faith that there is no condemnation to him belonging but that he hath euerlasting life and is passed from death to life then which what can be more welcome and comfortable to a troubled conscience I well see not And therefore as oft before I exhort all that feele this weaknes of faith concerning their saluation aboue all to obserue these and such other Scriptures whereof there bee many wherein Christ and saluation be offered to poore sinners Obserue Scriptures concerning Christ that they who haue as good right to them as any may not for any thing they see in themselues put these promises from them as not made to them But rather in admiration of Gods wonderfull goodnesse mercy and compassion vpon such vnworthy wretches to giue glory to God in beleeuing and accepting this mercy so freely offered which they must doe before they shall see such a true change of heart life in them as they earnestly desire for want wherof they thinke they ought not to beleeue which is to such if not the onely yet the chiefest lette and hinderance from faith whereas on the other side when it shal please Gods spirit by these his free promises to drawe them to beleeue and though weakely yet truely to stay themselues vpon Gods great mercy so reuealed to them then assuredly shall they see and feele this change in their hearts that they know not what to say or thinke of Gods mercy in pardoning such as they feele themselues to be This cannot but breede an vnfained loue in them to God with an earnest desire and true purpose to glorifie him which be the chiefe parts of a holy life and surest proofes of sauing faith which can no more want these then a true fire can be without heate though too many carnal Gospellers think otherwise and so miserably perish Hauing thus seene how wee are by Gods promises to get and increase our assurance by faith that we be Gods children Now it followes that wee consider what be the markes of God children Assurance by the fruits of faith whereby we may be further assured thereof Among which markes seeing faith it selfe is the first and surest proofe that we be Gods children and to this end many pretious promises bee made to such as doe already beleeue as the former promises were made to beget and increase faith It is meete that wee take some view of these not for the strengthening of our faith but that by our faith bee it small or great we may haue a sensible assurance of our saluation To which purpose may this serue that we who beleeue in Christ are so oft said to bee blessed as our Sauiour said to Thomas Blessed are they who haue not seene Ioh. 20. 29. and yet haue beleeued Mat. 13. 16. 16 17. and againe to his Disciples Blessed are your eyes for they see c and likewise to Peter Blessed art thou Simon Bar Iona for flesh and blood hath not reuealed it vnto thee but my father which is in heauen and the like many to the same end also it is said That he who beleeueth shall be saued Mr. k. 16. 16 That the Gospell is the power of God vnto saluation to euery one that beleeueth Rom. 1. 16. 10. 9. Againe If thou confesse with thy mouth the Lord Iesus and shalt beleeue in thy heart that God raised him from the dead thou shalt besaued and againe Whosoeuer beleeueth in Christ Ioh. 3. 15. 16 shall not perish but haue euerlasting life yea hath euerlasting life 5. 24. Ioh. ● 47. and is passed from death to life Againe 12. 46. 11. 26. I am come a light into the world that whosoeuer beleeueth in me shall not abide in darkenes and though he were dead yet shall hee liue and shall neuer dye The same also is intended in these Scriptures in which forgiuenesse of sinnes righteousnesse and iustification are promised to beleeuers Act. 10. 45. Rom. 10. 4. Act. 13. 30. Rom. 4. 5. 5. 1. Gal. 3. 26. So likewise it is saide Ioh. 1. 12. Wee are made the children of God by faith and as many as receiued him to them hee gaue power to be the sonnes of God euen to them that beleeue in his name Lastly to heape vp no more of this kinde to this end is that Christ shall come to bee glorified in his Saints 1. Thes 〈◊〉 10. and be made maruellous in all them that beleeue c. In all these and many the like promiises made to such as doe truely beleeue in Christ may euidently appeare that if any doe know and can prooue themselues to bee in the faith 2 Cor. 13. 5. as the Apostle speaketh by this he may be infallibly assured of his saluation Wherein seeing the greatest part of professours of Christian Religion bee deceiued saying they haue faith when in truth they haue none it highly behooues such as looke for better comfort aboue all to beware their hearts doe not beguile them herein 2. Pet. 1. 10. and to bestowe all study to make their calling and election sure that they may know that Christ dwels in them otherwise they cannot bee approued neither by themselues nor any others to bee in the state of grace Thus much for faith it selfe whereby we may certenly know that we be Gods children heires of saluation and cannot perish We are now further to see some speciall fruits of our faith which be the effects of Gods Spirit in al true beleeuers be so many marks whereby they doe know themselues and be knowne to others that they be Gods sheep so be further euidences and assurances that they be Gods children and shall be saued In which respect Assurance by the fruites of faith this gift of Gods Spirit to beleeuers is called a seale Ephesians 1. 13. Where the Apostle setting out the conuersation of the Ephesians 1. by the gift of the spirit layes downe both these euidences first of their faith secondly of this gift of the spirit saying In whō ye also haue obtained inheritance after that ye heard the word of truth the Gospell of your saluation wherein also after yee beleeued yee were sealed with the Spirit of promise which is the earnest
of that excellent sentence 1 Cor. 2. 9. 8. 3. Eye hath not seene nor eare heard neither hath entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that loue him And to like effect But if any man loue God the same is knowne of him In all which and the like many our loue of God is made a certaine proofe that we be in Gods fauour and heires of his kingdome Our loue to Christ so likewise is our loue to Christ Ioh. 14. 21. 23. as he himselfe professeth And he that loueth me shall bee loued of my Father where our loue of Christ is not the cause but the effect of Gods loue to vs as followeth a little after If any man loue me hee will keepe my words and my Father will loue him and we will come vnto him and make our abode with him In like sort our loue we beare one to another as brethren and members of the body of Christ Loue of our brethren is made an infallible marke that we belong to Christ as he said to his Disciples Iohn 13. 35. By this shall all men know that yee are my Disciples if you loue one another And for further proofe hereof we need goe no further then to the first Epistle of John in which this brotherly loue is oft set downe as a sure euidence that we are in a blessed estate 1. Iohn 2. 10. Hee that loueth his brother abideth in the light chap. 3. 14. and there is no occasion of stumbling in him Againe we know that wee are passed from death to life because we loue the Brethren And in another place 4. Vers 12. If wee loue one another God dwelleth in vs and his loue is perfected in vs. And a little before in the same chapter Vers 7. Beloued let vs loue one another for loue is of God and euery one that loueth is borne of God And againe verse 17. Herein is our loue made perfect that we haue boldnesse in the day of Iudgement Yea more our Sauiour teacheth Loue of our enemies that the loue of our enemies is a good proofe that we are the children of God as both the Euangelist Mathew and Luke report Matth. 5. 44 45. The places be knowne Luk. 6. 35. From all which wee see how any who calleth in question Vse whether hee hath true faith and be in the state of grace may by this grace of loue assure himselfe that he hath true faith and so shall bee saued Onely we must take heed wee deceaue not our selues with a vaine carnall loue Take heed of deceit as many doe which shall appeare by these two especially whether our loue come from Faith and secondly breed true obedience which if it doe it is sound and a sure warrant of sauing grace otherwise if either of these bee wanting then our loue at best is but naturall which can be no proofe of true happinesse For further manifestation hereof that our loue is sound and so our faith and safety we need no other arguments then to see what bee the fruites that grow from hence For the Scriptures in sundrie places make loue the root of all fruites of a godly life Rome 13. 10 calling it the fulfilling of the Law Col. 3. 14. and the bond of perfectnesse So that if our loue be fruitfull in holinesse to God and in righteousnesse to men it will manifestly declare that wee bee the true children of God Herein may well come in the first place 2. Feare of God the feare of God which if it come not from loue and be not tempered therewith is but a seruile feare and not that holy feare which is made such a marke of Gods children that it is vsually made a surname to them all to be such as feare God As Psal 112. 1. 115. 13. Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord and greatly delighteth in his Commandements Hee will blesse them that feare the Lord both small and great And the like many That which wee are here chiefly to regard is what high commendations are giuen to this fruite of Faith the feare of God whereby he that feeles this grace may know he is truly conuerted and shall bee saued This is to bee seene in all those Scriptures where they that feare the Lord be pronounced blessed as in the last forenamed places and so Psal 128. 1. 4. meaning hee that feares the Lord is and shall be euery way blessed To the same purpose be those Scriptures which set out the greatnesse and perpetuity of Gods mercy to those that feare him Psal 103. 11. 17. and Luk. 1. 50. the places bee knowne Such is that Psal 31. 19 O how great is thy goodnesse which thou hast laid vp for them that feare thee The like Eccl. 8. 12 It would bee long to cite all of this kinde These bee some that such as feare God are accepted of him Act. 13. 26 That God will teach the man that feareth him in the way that he shall choose Psal 25. 12 347 10 and more in the same Psalme to the like effect The Angell of the Lord encampeth about them they shall not want any good thing Psal 145. 19. 147. 12. The Lord will fulfill their desire bee taketh pleasure in them Mal. 4. 2. And to end this The Sunne of righteousnesse shall rise vp to these and the reward of eternall life shall be giuen them Reu. 11. 18. If this bee not sufficient I know not what may be to perswade any man who findeth this true feare of God in his heart that he is and shall be blessed for euer It behoueth therefore all that would haue this comfort to make sure to themselues that God hath put this holy feare into their hearts and so may they rest assured of Gods loue Thus would I leaue this point but I feare some tender consciences will aske how may I know that I haue this holy feare in me whom I might send to that briefe note of difference that I gaue a little before which in my opinion is the best difference between the good feare and the bad namely the holy and childe-like feare comes from the loue of God the other at the best from selfe-loue which may goe farre yet can it neuer come neere the holy feare as not in the roote of Faith and Loue so neither in the fruit of syncere obedience which the Holy Ghost makes the fruite of the feare of God Eccles 12. 13. Feare God and keepe his Commandements He then that feeles Gods rich mercie vnto him in calling him out of his miserable estate to some hope of saluation by Christ to breed in him a loue to God for the same and that loue to make him afraid to displease and offend so gracious a Father and shall finde this feare mouing him to shun what God dislikes though neuer so pleasing to his corrupt
when the Lord gaue his Law to his people of Israell that he bound his people to obedience by these two bonds of his great Maiestie and his speciall fauour saying Exod. 3. 6. and 6. 7. and 20. 2. I am the Lord thy God It would be tedious and needlesse to heape more of this sort for this was promised to the faithful by the Prophets and Apostles in all ages that God would be their God and they should be his people Whereby was meant that they should certainly receaue from him whatsoeuer might bee good for them and should yeeld to him all that obedience which he required In which one promise if wee could stedfastly beleeue and rest vpon we should finde more true comfort then in all the world beside And therefore I desire all that want comfort to thinke much vpon this Of this kinde likewise be all those gracious promises that God is our portion that is all wee haue to maintaine vs in this world and wee his portion that is the chiefest thing hee makes reckoning of Psal 16. 5. 19. 5. 1. 7. 142. 5. his treasure his peculiar people the lot of his inheritance Deut. 32. 9. his chosen his delight and many the like are plentifull in the Scriptures Psal 33. 26. all shewing how deare vnto God his people are Psal 135. 4. that they may assure themselues they shall not want Exod. 19. 5. as the Prophet Dauid concluded vpon that meditation that the Lord was his sheepheard Psal 23. 1. and 146. 9. To this end is God said to bee Father to the fatherlesse a helper to the widow to succour them to supplie thē with all needfull blessings spirituall and bodily To this purpose very comfortable is that Psal 84 11. For the Lord God is a Sun and Shield the Lord will giue grace and glory and no good thing will hee with-hold from them that walke vprightly Meaning that the Sunne is not more beneficiall to the earth then God to his Oh that we had hearts to consider and beleeue these Then might we say and sing for ioy of heart with Dauid Psal 27. 1. The Lord is my light and my saluation whom shall I feare The Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I bee afraid And to like effect Psal 28. 7. 8. Seeing the Lord hath thought it needfull so oft to testifie his goodnesse vnto vs there is no reason wee should thinke much to remember the same for our good The Prophet Dauid was neuer wearie of thinking hereof which was as I conceaue that which made him so large-hearted towards God and so excelling others in all holy conuersation as himselfe professeth vnto God saying Psal 26. 3 Examine me O Lord and proue me trie my reines and my heart for thy louing kindenesse is before mine eies therefore I haue walked in thy truth And againe How excellent is thy louing kindenesse O God! Psal 36. 7. therefore the children of men put their trust vnder the shadow of thy winges And the like Psal 31. 19. and else-where oft hee professeth Psal 62. 2. 6 7. 71. 5. God is his hope his helpe his health his rocke his refuge Ier. 17. 7. and many the like I●el 3. 16. All which should make vs boldly to rest on God for all things necessarie And yet behold more for exceeding oft doth the Lord promise that he will dwell among them Exod. 29. 46. and not forsake them but bee with them both to prouide for them Psal 37. 4. 145. 19. and protect them that he will blesse them Pro. 10. 24. that all shall goe well with them God will giue them their hearts desire that hee will bee their reward All which with sundrie the like effects of Gods fauour and prouident care ouer his to minister vnto them abundant releefe in all their needs are throughout the Scriptures so oft repeated that in what condition soeuer wee bee wee might haue store of helpe at hand to strengthen our faith that God will neuer faile vs but in that season and measure which he seeth fittest wee shall assuredly finde all needfull helpe for soule and body Vse for this life and that to come I doe therefore commend vnto all those who haue so profited by the former promises pertaining to the assurance of saluation that they haue some comfort therein this care to obserue well these large legacies which the Lord both in the olde and new Testament hath bequeathed to all his children as so many priuiledges belonging to them whereof no other person in the world though neuer so high in mans account shall euer bee partaker That they be not dismaid with any discouragements they shall meet with but rather reioyce and glory in their happie condition and so bee carefull to walke worthy of the same that they may thereby honour God their Father and that high dignity whereto hee hath aduanced them yea also mooue many to seeke to be partakers with them of so blessed a condition I could heere willingly take vp a bitter complaint against many of good hope that spend most of their daies either securely or vncomfortably Neh. 8. 10. not finding this ioy of the Lord to be their strength and not walking in the light of Gods fauour so cheerefully as they might if they would better weigh these gracious promises made vnto them and so lay hold vpon them as their owne whereby they might be refreshed in their greatest discouragements But this being besides my intentiō I wil thus end this point The second generall Head Now wee come to the second generall matter wherein we are to liue by faith namely how we may be able to mortifie our corrupt nature and ouercome our speciall sinnes which most preuaile ouer vs. That this cannot be without faith hath beene sufficiently prooued in the former part of this Treatise and how this power is obtained by faith from Christ Heere onely wee are to consider what promises God hath made vnto vs in the Scriptures to strengthen our faith in this that whereas we are full of doubting how we who are so full of sinne yea naturally sold vnder sinne and oft held captiue vnder some strong corruptions should possibly ouercome these yet wee may heare such comfortable promises from God as may assure vs no sinne shall haue dominion ouer vs but we shall daily master it and in the end obtaine a full victory ouer it For which purpose I cannot begin with any Scripture more effectuall then this selfe same Rom. 6. 1. c. where the Apostle doth not onely shew the absolute necessitie of forsaking sinne by all those who bee members of Christ but thereupon he exhorts them all saying Let not sinne reigne in your mortall body Verse 12. that yee should obey it in the lust thereof and shewes the way how this may be attained by not yeelding vnto sinne their mindes and hearts which be principall members
point to quiet the minds of all that be troubled with the doubt how they shall be able to get the mastery ouer their greatest corruptions If any should further require to haue particular promises for particular sinnes hee is to know that howsoeuer the Lord doth sometimes descend to particulars Ezek. 36. 25 26. as that the wil cleanse them frō their Idols and that he will take away the stony heart out of them and such like Yet this is not done in euery sin neither is it needfull for when God speaketh so generally that he will clense vs from all vnrighteousnes and that he will heale al our diseases and the like many as we haue seene in the forenamed places who would require more Let vs then learne to apply these generall promises to our particular occasions I nothing doubt but it will as sufficiently comfort vs as if the Lord had saide in particular hee will kill our pride our vnbeleefe our hypocrisie and the rest Onely let vs be familiarly acquainted with these as need shal require and be oft in meditation vpon these whereof wee shall haue daily vse and hereunto ioyne feruent prayer that the Lord would perswade vs by his Spirit thus to rest vpon his promise for his helpe in our greatest need and then shal we more couragiously set our selues against our greatest sinnes and dayly more and more get the victory ouer them all to the honour of God and of our holy profession to the good ensample and incouragement of our brethren and to the present comfort and saluation of our owne soules c. THE THIRD generall head of liuing by faith is concerning holy duties THus hauing seene how we are to gather out of Gods promises daily more certainety of our saluation both by faith and by the principall fruits thereof and in the second place how wee may bee daily more assured of a full victory ouer all our corruptions that they shall neuer ouercome vs but wee them which must needs bring much comfort to all poore distressed soules who groane vnder the burthen of them till they may be eased Wee are to proceede to the third generall point propounded wherein wee are to haue vse of our faith against those many doubts which arise in our hearts how we who be so full of frailty and so weake in grace may yet be able to performe all those duties which God requireth at our hands both towards his maiesty in the first table of the ten commandements and towards man our selues and others in the second table and that in such manner as may bee pleasing to him For howsoeuer many carnall professours in truth little better then hypocrites imagine it is no such hard matter to leade a godly life and so content themselues with such common duties as may vpholde a name in profession of true Religion as frequenting the publike assemblies saying prayers in their houses and liuing honestly among their neighbours all which must bee done and many come not so farre yet they who haue truely tasted of Gods mercy in their redemption by Christ doe know that God hath deserued better seruice at their hands What holinesse God requires and requires more duty of them 1. Pet. 1. 15 namely That as he who hath called them is holy so they must bee holy in all manner of conuersation and that it must be their chiefe Study to adde to their faith vertue and to vertue knowledge and to knowledge temperance 2. Pet. 1. 4. 6. and to temperance patience and to patience godlinesse and to godlinesse 7. brotherly kindnesse and to brotherly kindnes charity And for the manner of their seruice it must bee 1. without feare that is not seruile and constrained but willing and cheerefull 2. vniuersall in holinesse towards God in righteousnes towards mē 3. before him as in his sight sincerely Luk. 1 78. 75. 4. all the dayes of their life constantly in all estates vnto the end and so to please God in all things Col. 1. 10. The faithfull people of God know Gods children vnable thus to liue by themselues that this is the life which God in his word so much requireth at their hands and which they so earnestly desire and endeauour to performe But so are they beset round with sinne Heb. 12. 1. and oft so taken captiue by the power of their corrupt nature That when they would doe good euill is present with them Rom. 7. 21 whereby it comes to passe that all euen the strongest Christians finde it a matter aboue their ability thus to leade their liues and many of the weaker sort bee oft discouraged to see how weakely they performe all Christian duties And no meruaile for seeing the regenerate themselues haue not receiued any such measure of grace whereby they may thus willingly and throughly sincerely and constantly so serue God as to feare him with reuerence and godly feare Heb. 12. 28 witnesse the slips and fals of the most worthy seruants of God but all our sufficiency is of God 2 Cor. 3. 5. 12. 9. and his grace must bee sufficient for vs Ioh. 15. 5. and his power must bee magnified in our weakenesse and without Christ we can doe nothing Out of all this may be gathered what need we haue of faith to enable vs to leade this life wherby we may please God and finde comfort to our soules Which shall further appeare What is necessary to please God if we well consider what is necessarily required of vs sinners that we may please God in any duty we performe which I conceiue be these three 1. First a conscionable indeauour to doe the will of God Mat. 7. 21. in such sort as hee in his word commandeth 2. Secondly Psal 51. 17 a true griefe for our many failings heerein Esa 66. 2. both in the deede Heb. 11. 6. and right manner of doing 3. Thirdly a beliefe that God for Christs sake will assist vs and accept of our weake obedience All which as we see be euident in the scripture and oft required so are they as manifest by reason that seeing Gods will is the rule of all equity therefore whatsoeuer swarueth from it though neuer so little must needes be vnequall and so displeasing to God And on the other side seeing all our righteousnesse is as a stained or defiled cloath such as Gods pure eyes cannot endure of necessity it follows that they who will be acceptable to God must come vnto God in Christ All our sufficiency is in Christ receiued by faith both for strength to do that which God requireth and for fauour that God will bee pleased to accept of the satisfaction made by Christ for the pardon of their defects in their best duties and for the allowing of their obedience to bee well liking in his sight Whereupon it necessarily followes that whosoeuer intends so to leade a godly life that he may be pleasing
to God m●st attaine this by faith without which as all we doe is sinne Heb. 11. 6. so the Scripture speakes plainely Without faith it is impossible to please God And yet how few be they who haue attained this grace so to liue by faith as thereby to drawe from Christ continuall increase of spirituall strength better to performe all holy obedience and daily to get more comfort that this their obedience shall bee acceptable to God! Two branches of this 1. how to get grace 2. how to be accepted Wherein wee haue these two speciall branches to bee considered How we may get this grace to leade a godly life or how wee may haue comfort that this shall be accepted For the former Some chiefe failings in euery commādement that wee may better see how vnable wee bee of our selues to performe all holy obedience and so bee more willing to embrace the remedy I desire euery one carefully to examine himselfe by the Lawe of God how exceedingly he faileth in euery one of them 1. As for example in the first commandement In not walking with God not resting vpon him for relief in all his necessities nor so delighting in him as to count nothing too deare for him and that he is not more afraid to displease God then any in the world besides 2. In the second commaundement how slacke and slight hee is in all the worship of God both priuate and publike as namely in priuate praier which yet for the most part is in greatest vse As for reading the scriptures and other godly bookes how seldome meditation alone and conference with others how little thought vpon So likewise for the publike what carelesse and vnfruitfull hearing praying singing and receiuing of the Sacraments 3. In the third commandement How backeward he is lifting vp the name of God so as he might by all his behauiour bring God into better esteeme with those with whom he conuerseth 4. In the fourth commandement What adoe he hath to keepe his whole man imployed about the true sanctification of the Lords Sabbath In all which whosoeuer shall conscionably consider his waies I nothing doubt but he shall see iust cause to complaine of his want of faith whereby alone hee should receiue power from Christ and his Spirit much more effectually to performe all these holy duties to God The like defect shall be found vpon due examination in all duties of righteousnesse in the second table which God requireth both in regard of our selues and our neighbour As in the fifth commandement I wish euery one duely to waigh how badly hee dischargeth the dutie of his speciall place either in the Family Church or Common-wealth both such as are set aboue others and such as be below gouernours and gouerned and then he shall well see what neede he hath of faith to enable him to a better performance of those duties which his place requireth 6. In the sixt commandement How carelesse he is both in auoiding those things which hurt the life and health of body and soule both of himselfe and others and in vsing all good meanes for the preseruation of both And much more wanting in bearing and forgiuing wrongs in louing his enemies and ouercomming euill with goodnesse 7. In the seauenth commandement likewise What little watch and meanes are vsed to keepe both soule and body chaste and so to auoide all allurements to vncleannesse soberly vsing all our senses and their delights 8. In the eight commandement How hee failes in getting his goods iustly and so vsing them holily to Gods honour mercifully to the releefe of his neighbour and wisely to his owne good of soule and body 9. In the ninth commandement How carelesse he is as to auoide all blemishing of his owne good name or his neighbours any manner of way and so to preserue either and to recouer them being wounded by such meanes as God hath appointed 10. In the tenth commandement How hardly he can bring his heart to loue his neighbour as himselfe and to be as loath to hurt him as his owne selfe and to seeke his neighbours good as his owne Thus haue I briefely drawne out of the Commandements some of the chiefest duties which we cannot deny but that as wee are bound to performe them and desire so to doe so we faile much in the practise of them neither possibly can we doe better till we receiue grace from Christ to enable vs thereunto These being so manifest I hope I shall not neede to say any thing more to perswade any true Christian to labour for the increase of this pretious gift of faith whereby he may get power from Christ better to obey God in all that he shall require at his hands And therefore I would now set vpon this worke which is my chiefe intent to gather some speciall promises and to shew the right vse of Faith for our helpe in this behalfe But that I remember there is an other branch of this matter 2. Branch of this third point how our obedience may be accepted namely how we may doe all our workes in faith that God will accept thereof Wherein it will be no hard matter to shew that we are for the most part as much if not more failing then in the former as both reason and experience will prooue For a meere naturall man voide of all sauing grace may be drawne by selfe-loue for his owne good or by feare of danger that might befall him to doe many good things Mark 6. 20. as wee reade of Herod 2 King 10. 30. Iehu 2 Chron. 25. 2. Amaziah who did that which was right in the sight of the Lord but not with a perfect heart But to bee perswaded vpon good ground that God will accept our weake and sinfull obedience for perfect as if it were without fault this requires true grace yea a greater measure then many a weake beleeuer can attaine From hence it specially ariseth that sundry true hearted Christians Many discouraged by their infirmities very conscionable in their conuersation be yet much discouraged and by reason of the infirmities of their best duties haue little comfort in any thing they doe and so loose if not all yet much fruit of great labour so that it cannot be but welcome instruction to them to heare and learne how they may be assured that their weake obedience shall be pleasing to God as if it were without fault In both which I will doe my best to draw out of the welles of saluation the holy Scriptures such sweete promises as shall abundantly satisfie the thirstie soule whose chiefe desire is nothing more then to haue grace whereby they may serue God acceptably with reuerence and godly feare Heb. 12. 28. And first to begin with the former How wee may be sure wee shall want no grace that we may assure our selues wee shall not want any needfull grace for the leading of a godly life the Lord hath
expressely said so much Psal 84. 11. For the Lord God is a Sunne and shield The Lord will giue grace and glory no good thing will he with-hold from them that walke vprightly Which being so generall I nothing doubt but it includes this grace of holinesse among the rest To this end also doth the Lord so often promise to sanctifie and make holy his people as Exod. 19. 6. 31. 13. Leu. 20. 8. 21. 8. 22. 32. Deut. 22. 8. 9. Esa 4. 3. 35. 8. Joel 3. 17. I spare to set downe the words which they that list may easily reade Againe to the same end God promiseth to make his people fruitfull and so compareth himselfe to a good husband-man as in the 15. of Iohn I am the Vine and my Father is the husbandman Euery branch that beareth not fruit he taketh away and euery branch that beareth fruit he purgeth it that it may bring forth more fruite So Esa 27. 2 3. In that day sing yee vnto her a vineyard of red wine I the Lord doe keepe it I will water it euery moment least any hurt it I will keepe it night and day and Psal 92. 14. They shall still bring foorth fruit in old age they shall be fat and flourishing This also is meant where the Lord as a good shepheard saith he will feede his people that they may be fat that is abounding in grace as Psal 23. Ezek. 34. 13 14 15. and Psal 36. 8. They shall bee abundantly satisfied with the fatnesse of thy house and thou shalt make them drinke of the riuer of thy pleasures c. This grace of God to leade a godly life is likewise intended in many other promises God giues strength as where it is said That God will giue strength to his people which as it is in some places meant against enemies bodily or spirituall so in other to walke in the waies of the Lord c. Esa 45. 24. Surely shall one say In the Lord haue I righteousnesse and strength Zach. 10. 12. And I will strengthen them in the Lord and they shall walke vp and downe in his Name saith the Lord and the like That God hath wrought all our workes in vs. Esa 26. 12. and so the Apostle Phil. 4. 13. I can doe all things through Christ who strengtheneth me But to this purpose be most plaine those promises where God saith Hee will circumcise thine heart and the heart of thy seede to loue the Lord thy God with all thine heart and with all thy soule that thou mayest liue Deut. 30. 6. God makes able to obey And to the like effect verse 8. And thou shalt returne and obey the voice of the Lord and doe all his commandements which I command thee this day which is here made a promise of God to them what hee would make them able to performe as may appeare by Hosea 3. 5. and 14. 7. and Ierem. 24. 7. where the like promise is made And so Ezek. 11. 19 20. And I will giue them one heart and I will put a new spirit within you and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh and will giue them a heart of flesh That they may walke in my statutes and keepe my ordinances and doe them and they shall be my people and I will be their God The like is repeated 36. 27. and 37. 24. Thus wee may see in these Scriptures and many 〈◊〉 of like sort Vse of these generall promises for sanctification how the Lord seeing the frailtie of his children both in obeying his will and in beleeuing that euer they shall be able to attaine thereunto hath for their comfort herein giuen many pretious promises in generall containing all grace needfull to the leading of a godly life which euery childe of God may boldly apply to himselfe in this manner seeing God who is faithfull hath said to all his people that he will giue grace that hee will sanctifie them and make them fruitfull satisfie them with the fatnesse of his house make them strong to walke in his waies and giue them a new heart to feare him for euer and to walke in his statutes and to keepe his ordinances and to doe them c. therefore I may boldly assure my selfe though I be neuer so weake yet through Christ I shall be able to doe all things For he hath wrought and will worke all our workes 2 Cor. 12. 9. and his grace shall be sufficient for vs. Yea we may say as Esa 45. 24. In the Lord haue I righteousnesse and strength If thus we would call to minde what God hath spoken for our comfort in this kinde it would well hearten vs to set vpon any dutie which the Lord shall require at our hands with confidence that we shall be able so to performe it as he will approoue and say Matth. 25. 21. It is well done good and faithfull seruant Whereas otherwise if wee looke vpon the difficultie of the worke and our owne insufficiency to euery good dutie we shall haue no heart to set vpon it but either quite giue it ouer or very vnfruitfully and vncomfortably goe about it as the manner of most is whereby God hath small honour and themselues as little comfort in all their profession This might suffice Particular graces to encourage vs cheerefully to set vpon a godly life in all the parts of it if we were not so vntoward to it in our selues and had not so many discouragements from others and so full of vnbeleefe towards God But because of all these the Lord in loue is constrained to take more paines with vs and not onely thus in general to promise vs his helpe but he descends to particulars and where he sees vs most mistrustful there he doth more specially promise his helpe that so we might more willingly serue him And first whereas we be all ignorant euen after regeneration in many things what is Gods will and how to performe such things as God requireth as may bee seene in those speciall duties before named in euery commandement and this hath beene of old and is at this day the complaint of the godly and so their oft and earnest prayer to God to teach them as that one booke of the Psalmes and therein that one Psal 119. doth shew wherein this prayer is oft repeated For these causes it is so oft said God will teach vs. that the Lord will teach his people As in that famous prophesie of the dayes of the Gospell where the zeale and faith of Gods people is foreshewed that they called vpon one another to frequent the publike assemblies vpō this ground That God would teach them his waies and they would walke in his pathes Esa 2. 3. Mich. 4. 2. So Psal 25. 8 9. He will teach sinners in the way and the meeke he will teach his way So Esa 54. 13. And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord. And to this purpose that is special 1.
they bee most humbled come to God in Christ for pardon beleeuing that their imperfections should bee couered by the full and perfect satisfaction of Christ they might finde comfort in their weakest obedience and so bee more encouraged to serue God This then is that I would perswade all that would finde sound and lasting comfort in their praiers and other holy exercises Remedy in their best duties to beware of pride which accompanieth them and to that end euer to thinke of their failings to humble them and driue to Christ that so they may offer vp their sacrifice in faith and bee accepted On the other side when they be most deiected then to beware of despaire doubting and discouragement which bee vsuall companions of vs in the sense of our wants and to comfort our selues by faith in Christ in that wee know hee is as able and willing to cure great diseases as small to pardon our fowler falles as our lesser slippes In all which wee now see that which I intended how needfull it is to be stored and strengthened with faith that wee may finde comfort in our prayers and other holy exercises which I know is much wanting in many true hearted Christians for whose sake in speciall I write these and will now for their further comfort lay out some store of pretious promises which God our Father hath treasured vp in his word to this purpose that wee his children might bee imboldened to come with confidence to him in all our necessities Perusing these I finde that the farre greater number of them doe specially promise that God will accept our prayers grant our desires and doe not so expresly assure vs that God will assist vs and make vs able to pray which yet sundry promises doe God promiseth to make vs able to pray I will therefore heere gather such as expresly promise Gods helpe to teach vs to pray for that we are no lesse subiect to doubt of our ability to pray aright then of Gods readinesse to heare our poore and weake prayers Among all that comes first to minde which might serue in stead of all if we could hold it fast where the Apostle labouring to comfort the hearts of Gods children ouer all their corruptions and afflictions Rom. 8. 26. doth answer a great obiection which many a heauy heart makes namely this Many troubled that they cannot pray I am oft so distressed that I am not able to pray and how then may I looke for any helpe at Gods hand Thus it fareth oft with Gods children and those not of the weakest sort that their hearts bee so ●ore oppressed that they can doe nothing but sigh and groane not able to set aright their hearts to pray to God As wee reade of Hezekiah Esa 38. 14. that he like a Crane or Swallow did chatter and did mourne as a Doue not able to vtter his griefes to God The like we reade of Dauid oft Psal 32. how hee roared for griefe but could not come to make his moane to God and the like many Yea what more ordinary complaint doe wee heare made by many worthy Christians in their extremities then this to their friends O helpe me I cannot pray To this sore tentation the Apostle answers Rom. 8. 26. saying Likewise the Spirit helpeth our infirmities for we know not what wee should pray for 27. as we ought But the Spirit it selfe maketh intercession for vs with groanings that cannot bee vttered And hee that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the minde of the spirit because he maketh intercession for the Saints according to the will of God Wherein he freely confesseth that he and all the rest of Gods children doe know this by woefull experience that they in such cases know not what they should pray as they ought But yet for all this God hath not left vs comfortlesse for he hath giuen vs his own Spirit to succour and helpe vs as it were to beare that part of the burthe which is too heauy for vs to beare and whereas we cannot pray as we ought that selfe same Spirit shall by his power make vs able to pray with such feeling faith and feruencie as no words can expresse in such sort that God who both knowes and regards the secret desires of the heart beholding the worke of his Spirit doth graciously accept and approoue of those prayers of his children I make no doubt but this is the intent of the Apostle in this Scripture In which if there were no more is enough to comfort any poore afflicted soule against this temptation that they cannot pray In that God hath giuen vs his Spirit so to helpe vs that our poore prayers are said to be the prayers of Gods Spirit in vs which God cannot deny This I take to bee the cause why else-where we be called vpon to pray in the Spirit Eph. 6. 18. and in the holy Ghost Iude v. 20. that is as he doth teach vs not as any naturall gift can Where I note a speciall difference of true prayer from counterfeit Difference of prayers true and counterfeit which may be excellent in speech but wanting this breath of Gods Spirit it is but a dead sacrifice vnpleasing to God and vnprofitable to him that offereth it And therefore I aduise all who looke for comfort by their prayers more to labour for Spirit then speech in prayers And so much for this Scripture whereupon I haue stood the longer for that it may suffise in stead of all But seeing the Lord knowing our weakenesse hath in all ages of his Church comforted his people with the like it shal more confirme vs to heare more of these sweete promises To this may well be referred that which one of Iobs friends said to comfort him which doubtlesse was good comfort howsouer misapplyed when after some good exhortations he makes many moe gracious promises among all hee addes these For thou shalt haue thy delight in the Almightie Iob 22. and shalt lift vp thy face to God 21. and 6. Thou shalt make thy prayer vnto him 26. and he shall heare thee and thou shalt pay thy vowes c. 27. And in like manner doth another of Iobs friends say Hee shall pray vnto the Lord Iob 33. 26. and hee will be fauourable to him So Dauid in his time said For this shall euery one that is godly pray vnto thee Psal 32. 6. in the time when thou mayest be found Esa 58. 9. And the Prophet Esay makes such promises to the people in his time Then shalt thou call and the Lord will answer thou shalt cry and hee shall say Here I am So Ieremie Ier. 29. 12. Then shall yee call vpon mee and yee shall goe and pray vnto me and I will hearken to you 13. And yee shall seeke me and finde me when you shall search for me with all your heart Againe They shall come with
without the preaching of the word so whosoeuer shall conscionably attend to it shall certainly be saued which if it were beleeued it could not but make men runne to it with great alacritie and so should they finde much comfort thereby To this purpose bee there so many commendations of the word throughout the scriptures specially in the bookes of the Psalmes and of the Prouerbs It would be too long to cite all yet all are to be referred to this end to breede in vs a greater delight in this word which bringeth such incomparable benefits Of this sort are these Psal 19. 7 c. The Law of the Lord is perfect conuerting the soule The testimonie of the Lord is sure making wise the simple The statutes of the Lord are right reioycing the heart And so followeth to like effect in the same place The whole Psalme 119 was written to this purpose to set out the excellencie of this word in all respects and specially for the worthy effects and fruits which it bringeth foorth in euery one who truelie embraceth it so that it is obserued by many learned Diuines that omong 176. verses there be scarce foure or fiue at the most wherein there is not some commendation of the word to stirre vp all Gods people better to esteeme it and more diligently to attend to it that they may enioy the fruites of it at all times and in all estates To which end I require euery true Christian to be much exercised in this Psalme that they may be familiarlie acquainted with it and so haue it in readines for their vse in all their necessities I might say as much for the booke of the Prouerbs wherein besides the many and most wise directions for the well ordering of our whole life are contained especially in the first nine chapters admirable commendations of those heauenly instructions which God as a Father by his seruants doth giue vnto his children Prou. 4. 13. A few for many Take fast hold of instruction let her not goe Keepe her for she is thy life Wherin what can bee more contained then this that instruction is our life meaning that thereby wee attaine all things pertaining to the comfort of this life and of that to come This might be set out at large in particulars both in the escaping of manifold euills sinnes and punishments which they fall into who want or will not receiue these instructions as also in the enioying of many blessings bodily and spirituall which others want but I leaue the further consideration of these to euery ones particular meditation who desires to see the truth hereof No doubt Dauid meant no lesse when he said Psal 119. 165. Great peace is and shall be to them that loue thy Law and nothing shal offend them Who would not highly prise that word which brings all manner of wisedome to all sorts learned vnlearned wise and silly olde and young Yet all this doth that one booke of the Prouerbs as is expresly said in the sixe first verses of the first chapter as you may there reade and therefore how much more is this to bee found in the whole Scripture Which Vse me thinkes should put life into any good heart to bee much conuersant in the hearing reading and meditating of the word of God For further quickning herein I will onely quote the places and referre euery one that listeth to heare more of this matter to peruse them and so shall he finde enough to hearten him to this duty Prou. 1. 9. 23. 2. from 1. to 13. 3. 1. to 4. 13. to 24 4 5. to 13. 20. to 22. 6. 20. to 24 7. 1. to 5. 8. the whole chapter In these and many other places of the olde and new Testament Applicatiō the Lord knowing our exceeding backwardnesse in true receiuing and keeping his word which yet is so necessary as that there is no saluation without it doth make so many pretious promises as I know not whether to any thing more That at least by some of them we who bee so full of doubting how wee may attaine to the right vse of the word may be more heartened to a conscionable and constant attendance vnto it that so we may in due season reape the sweete fruit thereof This then must be the care and labour of euery one who feeles the want of this comfortable vse of Gods word and earnestly desires it to bee well acquainted with these promises and out of all to gather some of the chiefe such as seeme to him most speciall and so commit them to memory that whensoeuer he goeth to the word he may meditate vpon these and so be more encouraged to attend vnto Gods word with expectation of Gods blessing vpon his labour The want of this meditation vpon Gods promises when wee goe to the word is one chiefe cause of that great sinne of vnfruitfull hearing and consequently of that little growth in grace which is euery where to be seene among ordinary resorters to the publike ministery as the Apostle reporteth of the Hebrewes that the Word preached did not profite them Heb. 4. 2. being not mingled with faith in them that heard it Out of this which hath beene saide of the word in generall Sacramēts which well may bee referred to all the seuerall exercises therein publike or priuate to euery of which many of these promises doe pertaine we may safely gather comfort in the vse of the Sacraments which be truely called a visible Word because that which is spoken in the word to the eare is in visible signes represented to our eyes sealed to our hearts that wee may bee the more assured of them to bee ours so that if wee had no speciall promises made expresly to them yet wee might out of the former receiue sufficient encouragement to looke for the benefite of them that is to be made partakers of Christ and life in him which is the summe and substance of all that which is promised in the word But seeing the Lord who in all ages of his Church ordained these holy signes and seales of his Testament in which he bequeathed Christ and all his benefits to true beleeuers and their seede knowing our great weakenesse of faith in receiuing these seales hath so laboured to giue vs assurance that if wee thinke there is any truth in him we may bee as sure that Christ and al his merits are ours as the outward signes which we see with oureies and our hands doe handle let vs for our comfort carefully consider hereof Not to meddle with the Sacraments of the olde Testament Circumcision and the Passeouer both which were to the people of God sure seales of the righteousnes of faith Rom. 4. 11. as the Apostle speaketh of Circumcision and doth as truely belong to all the Sacraments of the olde and new Testament this one Scripture might sufficiently assure any that hee truely receiuing the outward seales according to Gods appointment should
example to others and our own good 4. The last is that hee will both helpe vs in them and giue vs a good end of them For the first that all our afflictions come from God as the supreme judge and disposer of them needs not so much proofe of the truth of it as due consideration to make the right vse of it It is said by the Prophet Amos 3. 6. Shall there be euill in a City the Lord hath not done it meaning of the euill of affliction not of sinne further then it is a punishment of sinne So likewise the Prophet Hosea 6. 1. Come let vs returne vnto the Lord for he hath torne and he will heale vs he hath smitten and he will binde vs vp And this is manifest in that common speech The chastening of the Lord so often vsed especially Heb. 12. 5. c In which one Scripture be contained many speciall consolations against all manner of afflictions as we shall see euery one in his place heere onely I would joyne this with the former that as all the afflictions which Gods children doe suffer come from the hand of God Afflictions bee common to all Gods children so hee spareth none of them but as it is said verse 6. He scourgeth euery sonne whom he receiueth and verse 7. What sonne is he whom the father correcteth not and more to like effect both there and else-where Application Both which that all our afflictions come from God and that hee dealeth so with all his children may minister much comfort vnto vs in all our afflictions first seeing what God doth must needs be good how euill and bitter soeuer it seemes to vs Yea Psal 39. 9. wee must hold our peace because he hath done it Although we cannot see any reason thereof yet we may be sure the Lord doth neuer correct his children but he seeth iust cause so to doe As the Prophet Dauid plainly professeth Psal 119. 75. I know oh Lord that thy iudgements are right and that thou in faithfulnesse hast afflicted mee But more seeing God who correcteth vs is our Father we may much more comfort our hearts in all that hee sends that he will neuer send any crosse but such as shall bee for our good as we shall more see And seeing this is no other then such as befals the rest of Gods children As the Apostle Peter affirmeth saying 1. Pet 5. 9. Knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world Yea more seeing God did not spare his owne Sonne but he was a man of sorrowes and acquainted with griefe Yea smitten of God and afflicted as Esa 53. 3 4. These should much more make vs willing to beare the crosse yea and much the rather seeing it is the way to glory as more heereafter But this will yet be more effectuall for our consolation in all troubles In what manner God correcteth his in Wisedome Loue. if we shall aduisedly waigh in what manner God dealeth with his children when he corrects them which as it is euery way and in all repects very well so this may epecially be seene in these two In wisedome and loue both which well regarded will make vs much more willing to beare any thing at Gods hand and to looke for some good issue out of all the afflictions which hee shall lay vpon vs. Although those two diuine properties in God be vnseparably ioyned together in all his dealings with his owne children Both ioyned Yet it shall much more increase our comfort in any affliction which befalles vs to consider them apart and first that wee may behold how wisely God ordereth the matter in all his chasti sements vpon his owne children Most wisely This may sufficiently be seene in these two With meet corrections in iust measure First that God doth chastise his with most meete corrections and secondly in iust measure The fitnesse of Gods correction stands in this that God knoweth all circumstances both when and how to chastise his children and so accordingly dispenseth this spirituall Physicke as he seeth most fit for the good of the patient and qualitie of the disease This me thinkes may be well gathered out of that comparison which the holy Ghost makes betweene our naturall parents and our spirituall Father in correcting their children saying Furthermore Heb. 12. 9 10. we haue had the fathers of our flesh which corrected vs and we gaue them reuerence shall we not much rather be in subiection to the Father of our spirits and liue For they verily for a few dayes chastised vs after their owne pleasure but hee for our profit that we might be partakers of his holinesse Wherein besides other differences this is manifest that earthly parents oft correct their children after their owne pleasure to satisfie their will not so respecting wisely what might be euery way best for them but God our heauenly Father in great wisdome considereth with what correction and when to chastise his so as may be most for their profite yea the best profite to repaire his Image of holinesse in them which is a chiefe end and vse of all afflictions as wee shall hereafter see This wisedome of God in chastising his children may cleerely be seene in the histories of all ages of the Church Memorable is that of the children of Iacob Gen 37. 28. who mooued with enuy sold Ioseph their brother into Egypt and deceiued their old father verse 33. 42 who thought that an euill beast had deuoured him Wherat the Lord holding his peace for many yeares they were quiet all was well But afterward the Lord tooke a fit season and meanes to make them see their sinne namely by their brother Ioseph who though they knew him not roughly handled them accused them for spies cast them into prison and many other waies sorely grieued thē then their guiltie consciences could make them confesse their sinne and say We are verily guiltie concerning our brother in that we saw the anguish of his soule when he besought vs and we would not heare therefore is this distresse come vpon vs. And another time Iudah confessed to Ioseph what shall we say vnto my Lord what shall we speake God hath found out the iniquitie of thy seruants The like course did the Lord take with Dauid 2. Sam. 12. 15. in correcting his grieuous sinnes in the matter of Vriah both by the death of the childe so borne in adultery and by the fact of Absolon not onely rising vp in rebellion 16. 22. to driue him out of his kingdome but openly before all Israel defiling his wiues concubines as was denounced by Nathan vnto him So likewise the Lord corrected his pride in numbring the people by that fearefull plague whereof dyed threescore and ten thousand 2. Sam. 24. 15. In like manner the Lord denounced his iudgement against his owne people Deut. 2● 47. Because thou
a moment but with euerlasting kindnesse will I haue mercie on thee saith the Lord thy redee●●er and 57. 16. For I will not contend for euer neither will I be alwaies wroth for the spirit should faile before mee and the soules which I haue made Likewise the Prophet Ieremie in his time witnesseth the same in the name of the Lord Iere. 3. 12. saying For I am mercifull saith the Lord and I will not keepe anger for euer and to the same effect Ezek. 16. 42. So will I make my fury towards thee to rest and my iealousie shall depart from thee and I will be quiet and will be no more angry Notable to this purpose is that of the Prophet Micah 7. 18. Who is a God like vnto thee that pardoneth iniquitie and passeth by the transgressien of the remnant of his heritage he retaineth not his anger for euer because he delighteth in mercie and to conclude with that of the Apostle 2. Cor. 4. 17. For our light affliction which is but for a moment worketh for vs a far more exceeding and eternall weight of glory Thus may we behold Gods wise dealing with his children in all his chastisements Application obseruing the fittest seasons and iust measure both for the quantitie of the correction and for the continuance thereof all as is most agreeable to the strength of the patient qualitie of the disease which if it be beleeued must needs in further degree make vs contented to beare the hand of the Lord and neither to fret at nor faint vnder any affliction which the Lord so wisely doth order for our good euery way And therefore so oft as we shall finde any affliction to lye heauy vpon vs either for the greatnesse of it or long continuance in our feeling so oft let vs runne to some of these promises wherein the Lord assureth vs that he will lay no more vpon vs then wee shall bee able to beare and will suffer no affliction to lye longer vpon vs then shall be needfull and for our good that thus resting vpon Gods word wee may waight Gods leasure for our ease and full deliuerance For our better furtherance herein Gods loving dealing with his in affliction we are to consider Gods louing and tender dealing with his children in all their afflictions which is plentifully set set forth vnto vs in the holy Scriptures both by many comparisons expresse testimonies and examples all little enough to hold vs vp from sinking if the affliction seeme great or long in which we are ready to feare God forgetteth vs or at least doth not pitty vs. For this cause the Lord is said to be a Father of the fatherlesse Psal 68. 5. and a Iudg● of the widdowes And Psal 103. 13. Like as a father pittieth his children so the Lord pittieth them that feare him For hee knoweth our 〈◊〉 he remembreth that we but dust Yea more The Prophet Esay 49. 13. c. notably sets out this comparison in God towards his afflicted people saying Sing O heauen and be ioyfull O earth and break● foorth into singing O mountaines for God hath comforted his people and will haue mercie on his afflicted But Zion said the Lord had forsaken me and my Lord hath forgotten mee Can a woman forsake her sucking childe that she should not haue compassion on the some of her wombe Yea they may forget yet will I not forget thee So Dauid Psal 9. 18. For the needy shall not alwaies be forgotten the expectation of the poore shall not perish for euer To the same purpose he said to God Psal 31. 7. I will be glad and rei●yce in thy mercy for thou hast considered my trouble thou hast knowne my soule in aduersitie And Psal 38. 9. Lord my desire is before thee and my gr●●●ing is not hid from thee And to the same end it is said Ps 56. 8. Thou tellest my wandrings put thou my teares into thy bottle are they not in thy booke which shewes such tender compassion that he was so affected with the calamities of his seruant that he most narrowly obserued euery one yea he made so pretious a reckoning of their griefes and sorrowes that not a teare fell to the ground but he kept them in memory as men preserue pretious liccours in bottles that in due time he might comfort and succour them For which cause it is said Psal 116. 15. Pretious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints And to like effect Esa 63. 9. In all their affliction hee was afflicted and the Angell of his presence saued them in his loue and in his pitie hee redeemed them and hee bare them and carryed them all the dayes of old Wherein as in many other places of Scripture for it would be to long to recite all wee may see most admirable Applicatiō compassion in Almightie God towards vs in all our afflictions that euen as the bowels of a tender hearted mother are mooued within her when shee seeth her childe in any perill so is the Lord troubled to see his children in any extreamitie that he doth as much pitie them and is as ready to succour them as if his bowels were mooued within him Mat. 14. 14 which was in very deed so in our Sauiour Christ in his humanity Marke 1 41 and 6. 34. as is * often testified of him in the holy story This should yet more comfort vs in all our afflictions that he who is God ouer all of such infinite power to helpe both whom he will and how and when it pleaseth him is so tenderly affected towards vs that he doth not onely take speciall notice of all our grieuances but doth after a sort euen as a tender mother suffer with vs and by his Spirit doth beare the burthen of our infirmities with vs as it is said Rom. 8. 20. This compassion of the Lord if well waighed must needes allay the heate of such fiery tryals as Gods children doe oft fall into and make vs more patiently indure whatsoeuer so tender hearted a Father shall lay vpon vs. And therfore these promises in which Gods louing and compassionate dealing with his is set forth vnto vs must be oft in our minde and thoroughly thought on that in time of neede wee may rest vpon them to finde like fauour at the hands of our most louing Father And th●s shall suffice for this second ground of comfort in all afflictions taken from the manner of Gods dealing with his as in great wisedome so in like loue 3. Ground of comfort in afflictions from the ends of them Wee are now in the third place to consider what be the worthy ends why God so exerciseth his children to beare the crosse euen from their youth to their old age these we heard be generally three First glory to God secondly example to others third profit to our selues all which should strongly mooue vs to be so farre from repining to suffer them
that we should rather reioyce and be glad as our Sauiour exhorts his Disciples Math 5. ●1 ●2 and the Apostle Iames 1. 2. which was often practised by the holy seruants of God Acts 5. 41. And Paul and Silas in the prison Sang praises vnto God Act. 16. 25. Wee reade also of Paul how he tooke pleasure in infirmities that is bodily not spirituall as himselfe expresseth in reproches in necessities in persecutions 2. Cor. 12. in distresses for Christs sake In all which it cannot be doubted but that the chiefe cause of this reioycing in afflictions was this that their sufferings made so much for Gods glory and the good of Gods Church who were greatly confirmed in the truth Phil. 1. 14 made bold to professe it and ready to suffer for it besides the manifold benefits themselues did reape thereby Heere I might take iust occasion more largely to shew how God is glorified by the afflictions of his children whether they bee sent for correction or for triall And likewise how these afflictions serue many waies for the good of others both which should and oft doe make Gods children more contentedly to beare them But seeing nothing can more preuaile with our fraile nature to make vs take such an vnpleasing potion or byting corasiue then the certaintie of the good it will doe vs therefore we will now consider what bee the chiefe benefits which God promiseth Chiefe Benefits by afflictions and his spirit worketh in the hearts of his children by afflictions Among all which this is most generall Blessed that they be blessed whom the Lord correcteth as Iob 5. 17. Behold happie is the man whom God correcteth therefore despise not the chastening of the Almightie The like Iam. 1. 12. 5. 11. Psal 94. 12. Blessed is the man whom thou chastenest O Lord and teachest him out of thy Law that thou mayest giue him rest from the dayes of aduersitie vntill the pit be digged for the wicked In the same sense it is so oft said Pro. 3. 12 whom the Lord loueth he correcteth euen as father the sonne 11. in whom he delighteth Where this vse is made of it not to despise the chastening of the Lord neither to bee wearie of his correction Which is to like purpose repeated Reve. 3. 19 Heb. 12. 5 6. c. Dauid also professeth the like It is good for me that I haue beene afflicted Psal 119. 71. that I might learne thy statutes In all which and the like is Vse plainly declared that how bitter soeuer afflictions be to our feeling yet to Gods children they be very profitable meanes and so markes of happines and speciall tokens of Gods fatherly loue and therefore so to be accounted of and with thankfulnesse to be receiued The same is said of all the sufferings which Gods children endure for righteousnesse sake which though they greatly differ from chastisements for sinne yet seeing they be bitter to our tast and oft sore afflict vs we haue neede to be heartned to beare and directed to make the right vse of them For this cause the Lord doth pronounce them Blessed that thus suffer Mat. 5 10. 11 which in all former ages of the Church Luke 6. 22. hath made the faithfull to suffer patiently and cheerefully for righteousnesse sake 1. Pet. 3. 14 4. 14. and so must it mooue vs that so wee may glorifie God in our generation as they haue done in theirs But for our better incouragement heerein let vs more particularly consider some of those benefits which Gods children doe obtaine by afflictions These are fitly drawne to three heads by the Prophet Daniel Chap. 11. 3. Benefits by affliction Who soreshewing the afflictions which should happen to Gods faithfull people vers 33. That they should fall by the sword and by flame by captiuitie and by spoile many daies vers 35. he addeth And some of them of vnderstanding shall fall to try them and to purge them and to make them white Meaning heereby that these were the three chiefe ends why God sent such afflictions on his owne children First to take triall of them what drosse of corruption and what sound metall of grace was in them Secondly to purge out that corruption which was found yet remaining in them The third to make them more beautifull and shining in grace all which should turne to the glory of God to the good ensample of others and to their owne comfort For the first Afflictions be trials they be trials of our strength and weakenesse what faith and patience we haue in bearing them what loue we beare to God who sends them and what we be the better by them This is oft in Scripture set out by this compar●son of gold and siluer tried by the fire So Zach. 13. 9. Speaking of the remnant of Gods people who should be reserued out of that generall destruction saith And I will bring the third part thorow the fire and will refine them as siluer is refined and will trie them as goldis tried the effect whereof followes They shall call vpon my name and I will heare them I will say it is my people and they shall say the Lord is my God So Ierem. 17. 10. Complaining of the deceitfulnesse and wickednesse of the heart to be exceeding saith I the Lord search the heart I try the reines to giue euery man according to his waies and according to the fruite of his doings heereof Salomon speaking more generally Prou. 17. 3. sa●th The fining pot is for siluer and the furnace for gold but the Lord trieth the hearts But more specially to the present purpose is that of 1. Pet. 1. 6 7. where he sheweth that the end of those manifold temptations which for a season made sad the hearts of Gods children when neede required was this That the triall of your faith being much more precious then of gold that perisheth though it be tried by fire might be found vnto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Iesus Christ And therefore chap. 4. vers 12. he exhorts them Beloued thinke it not strange concerning the fiery triall which is to try you as though some strange thing happened vnto you But reioyce in as much as yee are partakers of Christs sufferings that when his glory shall be reuealed yee may be glad also with exceeding ioy To like effect the Apostle Iames 1. 2. exhorts My brethren count it all ioy when yee fall into divers temp●tations knowing this that the trying of your faith worketh patience Many moe Scriptures might to this purpose be alledged In all which may be seene Application that this is one speciall benefit of the afflictions of Gods children that by th●se may be made manifest as to others so to themselues what drosse of sinne and pure metall of grace is in them It s not to be doubted but God knows perfectly what is in them yet he is sayd oft to
substance both ground and cattle Ezek. 36. 30. that they should eate old store Levit 26. 50. that threshing should reach vnto vintage and the like many as they who be exercised in the Scriptures can tell What should the Lord meane Application in multiplying these promises so oft but in mercy to meet with our weakenes who are so impatient of the want of these and thereby so discouraged and hindered in all our duties wee are therefore as with all thankefulnes to acknowledge this bounty of the Lord so by true faith to make these promises our owne that in all time of scarcity of any of these which oft sore pincheth we may run to some of these promises and so rest our selues quietly and comfortably that wee shall surely find releefe in such time and measure as God shal see fit and shal be most for our good I haue hitherto sayd nothing of that loue and favour with God and man peace rejoycing good successe and prosperitie safety freedome from all evils by adversaries or other judgements which light vpon the wicked All which with other the like be contained vnder this our welfare and be no lesse promised then the former take but one or two places in each for a patterne For the first of Loue and Favour Favour Prov. 34. So shalt thou find favour and good vnderstanding in the sight of God and man For Peace Peace Levit. 26. 6. And I will giue peace in the land and ye shall lie downe and none shall make you afraid c. For ioy and reioycing Esa 65. 13. 14. Behold my servants shall reioyce Reioycing but yee shall be ashamed Behold my servants shall sing for ioy of heart but yee shall cry for sorrow of heart For good successe and prosperitie Good successe Psal 122. 6. 7. Pray for the peace of Ierusalem they shall prosper that loue thee Peace be within thy walls and prosperitie within thy palaces For safetie Safetie Prov. 3. 23. Then shal● thou walke in thy way safely and thy foot shall not stumble Pro. 18. 10. The name of the Lord is a strong towre the righteous runneth vnto it and is safe For preservation from evill Free from evill Pro. 1. 33. But who so hearkneth vnto me shall dwell safely and be quiet from the feare of evill Iob. 5. 19. He shall deliver thee in six troubles yea in seven there shall no evill touch thee Vers 20. In famine he shall redeeme thee from death and in warre from the power of the sword Vers 21. Thou shalt be hid from the secourge of the tongue neither shal● thou be afraid of destruction when it commeth c. How welcome these Application or any of them would be vnto vs when we feele the want of them cannot be doubted but pittie it is that so few reape the fruit of these promises to vphold them in their greatest need which comes especially through want of faith for all desire these and many know that such things are promised in the Scripture but either they doubt they doe not belong vnto them as being none of Gods children who be the onely heires of all the promises or if they be of this number yet either forget the consolation offred or through mistrust do not apply them to their present necessities so languish in their extremities without comfort By this may well appeare what need there is to liue by faith for these earthly blessings which if we did we should not onely be free from many sore vexations which torment many vngodly in their distresses but haue quiet mindes in greatest stormes and in due season find such reliefe as shall be most expedient This if it were cōsidered would moue many to labour more for this precious gift of faith which will so abundantly supply all our earthly wants whereof we be so sensible and thereby so distracted There remaine sundry other earthly blessings which as they be much desired so are they abundantly provided promised and bestowed as need requires vpon the faithfull I will mention but two moe Good name viz a good name and posteritie for the former Eccles 7. 1. whereas a good name is better then a precious ointment and rather to be chosen then great riches God hath made many promises concerning this that he will honour those that honour him Pro. 22. 1. and bring forth their righteousnes as the light 1 Sam. 2. 30 and their iundgement as the moone day Psal 37. 6. that though they be falsly accused by the vngodly yet God will cleare their innocencie and free them from the reproch of such as defame them To like effect is that Pro. 4. 18. But the path of the iust is as the shining light that shineth more and more vnto the perfect day This is that which Salomon so oft repeateth That wisedome will honour those that honour her as Pro. 4. 8. Exalt her and shee shall promote thee shee shall bring thee to honour when thou doest imbrace her So it s oft sayd Riches and honour are with her Pro. 9. 18. 3. 16. vers 35. The wise shall inherite glory So chap. 13. 18. He that regardeth reproofe shall be honoured Deut. 28. 1. Esa 58. 14. Psal 132. 18. the like This also is meant by all those speeches where it is sayd that hearkning to instruction will adorne and bring into estimation as costly ornaments of bracelets jewels and the like will doe so it is Pro. 1. 19. They shall be an ornament of grace vnto thy head and chaines about thy necke Chap. 3. 22. So shall they be life to thy soule and grace to thy necke Chap. 4. 9. Shee shall giue to thy head an ornament of grace a crowne of glory shall shee deliver to thee In all which we see that howsoever the godly be hated and basely esteemed of the wicked yet the Lord doth not onely highly esteeme of them himselfe but will make them honoured in the world even of them who haue no saving grace themselues as it is said Act. 5. 13. And of the rest durst no man ioyne himselfe to them but the people magnified them Rev. 3. 9. Behold I will make them to come and worship before thy feete c. Seeing then Application that to be well esteemed especially of the better sort is so sweet and comfortable a blessing and the contrary of ill fame is so bitter as scarce any thing makes many a one more weary of their liues we are to behold Gods tender care over his children in preserving their good name yea in making them honourable that is of good esteeme not onely among the Saints but among meere naturall men who beholding their good workes may glorifie God in the day of visitation as the Apostle Peter speaketh 1 Pet. 2. 12. And not onely be carefull our selues by well doing to put to silence the ignorance of the foolish 15. but when we shall