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A19303 A godly meditacion vpon. xx. select and chosen Psalmes of the prophet Dauid as wel necessary to al them that are desirous to haue ye darke wordes of the prophet declared and made playn: as also fruitfull to suche as delyte in the contemplatio[n] of the spiritual meanyng of them. Compiled and set furth by Sir Anthony Cope knight. Cope, Anthony, Sir, d. 1551. 1547 (1547) STC 5717; ESTC S109096 127,918 198

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harde our hūble peticiō hath receyued our prayers Eradiuit dominue doprecationē meā dominus orationē meā suscepit We prayed to the for grace and thou full louynglye hast sent vs downe dewes therof in great abundaunce We prayed for remission of oure synnes and delyueraunce out of all our tribulations thou lorde most mercifully hast harde and graunted our peticiōs Wherfore al our enemyes shall be cōfoūded and sore vexed Eruhescāt conturbētur inimici mei cōuertaetur et erubescāt valde velociter Yea they shal be put to flyghte and to shame And that ryght sone sodenly For they haue lost in a shorte space thorowe oure humble contricion that whiche they haue of longe tyme had in theyr possession They kept wyth wronge that thy blessed sonne hath dearely boughte But he lyke a stronge myghty warriour hath throwen them all out of theyr possession And throwgh our humilitie graūted to vs that felicitie whiche oure sayde enemyes throwgh theyr pryde hath loste Wherfore Lord we thy poore faythful creatures beyng through thy grace and the battayle of thy sonne vpō the crosse restored now to thy fauour and hauynge the houses of our hertes and soules swepte and made cleane from all vices whiche were wont to inhabit in vs we now fearynge lest the sturdy tyraunte oure enemye fyndynge no reste in places where he walketh returne agayne into the houses of oure soules Luke .vi. from whence he is already by force of thy sonne cast out and fyndyng it cleane swept brynge wyth hym seuen other suche as he is him selfe to dwell there and therby make vs in worse case then we were before we most humbly beseche the to gyue vs strengthe and force to kepe our sayde houses of our soules from euerye violent inuasion of these wycked enemyes And sence thou hast said by thine apostle Paule 1. Corin. iii. that thy faythfull are the tēple or habitaciō of god that the spirite of god dwelleth in thē we therfore moost hertely beseche the to dwell styll in vs by thy continuall grace whose assistence is sufficient to put to flyghte all wycked spirites Ephes ● Make vs to be of thy householde buylde vs vppon the foundacyon of thy blessyd sonne Iesus Christe that is the head corner stone In whō euery buyldynge coupled together growyth to an holy tēple in the Lorde and is made an habitacyon for God in the spiryte ¶ The Prophet considering the corrupt maner of lyuing of the greatest sort of people and forseyng in spirit the darknyng of holy scripture through mēs tradicions in the person of the faythfull congregation prayseth the lawe of God and desyreth to be deliuered from all false doctryne and from the company of the wycked Psalme ●● Vsque quo domin●● O Most holy most glorious and ineffable trinitie .iii. persōs in one godhed By whose goodnes al creatures haue theyr beyng before whose eies all thynges as well that are paste as that are to come are accōptid as presēnt to thi mighty maiestye we thy poore faythfull subiectes of thy churche here militant shewe forth oure lamētable prayer Beseching the pitifully to behold the miserable estate therof whyche neuer had more neade of thy godly assistēce thē at this present it hathe For where to Adam father of all man kynde in his creaciō thou gauest a participacion of thy wisdom goodnes iustice whyche all by his transgressiō were greatly diminished and after by the incarnacion and passion of the seconde person in trinite thou dyddest restore agayne mākynde to his originall iustice through the sacramentes of baptisme penaunce yf he dyd abyde in the obseruynge of thy lawes the veritie of thē It is now come to passe most mercifull lorde that not onely oure sayd father Adā beynge made iust and holy dyd fall frō the veritie of thy lawes in which lawes as in a mirour thy veritie iustice goodnes are declared but also all other very fewe except since that tyme haue also erred left thy sayd verities Saluum me fac domine quoniam defecte sāctus There is not one saynte or good man left few haue continued in thy faith and giuē the thy dewe honor puttinge all theyr hope loue and trust in the as in the most chief goodnes but haue fallē frō the euen from the begynninge vnto this daye For as Ninus erectid an ymage of his father which he caused to be honoured of all mē that were vnder his dominiō wherbye ydolatry grew amōge al other nacions so that at length euery cytie contrye chose thē a peculiar god euen so hath it ben sence the cōmynge of thy sonne Chryste vnto this day For the honoure only dew vnto thy maiestie hath ben yet in most places is geuen to stockes stones Superstition ydolatry remainith yet amōge the professoures of the christē religiō Diminute sunt veritatis a fi us hominum Michee iii. Wherby thy verities are diminished and few are faythful amōge the childrē of men The veritie of iustice is gone For rewardes affection blyndeth iustice The veritie of good lyuinge is decayed for verye fewe are founde whiche gyue good example to other by there godly lyfe and cōuersation The veritie also of doctrine hath takē her wynges and is flowen away The priestes prophetes preach and prophecy for lucre please for promotion Ese● iiii They peruerte scripture to theyr imaginations Neither are men louing to theyr neighbours for thy sake as thou hast cōmaūded them to be but euery man telleth lyes to other Euery man is glad to deceyue his neighbour in bargayne ●lana loquuti sunt vnus quisque ad protimū suum No man lendeth wythoute gaynes Yea that most pitie and harme is they lye vpō the trew testament of Christ by wrestynge therof makynge lyght to be darkenes Esaye .v. and darkenes to be taken as lyght Labia dolosa in corde cordeloquuti sūt They do flatter with theyr lyppes beyng dissēblers double of hert They haue one hert to thincke one thynge an other hert causing the mouth to vtter the cōtrary Iacob .i. Al which sorte of men that haue double chaungeable mindes are incōstant in al their waies And as thier hertes are double euē so are their tōges But we doubte not but that thou wilt rote vp and vterly destroy such deceptfull tōgues and lyppes Disperdat dominus vniuersa●●abi● dolosa linguā magni loquam specially if they at any tyme speake proude thinges in contēpt of thy name as thou diddest cōfounde the building and tongues of those that buylded the tower of Babel in the land of Sinear Psalme lx●● Whiche tower they of pryde intended to erecte vp to heauē These crafty people whet they re tongues as men do the edges of theyr swerdes to do myschyef Adders poyson is vnder their lyppes but their language to the vtter shewe is fayr painted that therby
thereof as we mortall men are a fearde of the noyse of thunder The hylles and the valleys appeare accordyng to thyne appoyntmente And the waters dare not passe theyr boūdes to tourne agayne to couer the earth Of this thy power the experience was shewed at the general floude when the waters couered the hyghest hylles the heyght of fyftene cubites Neuertheles when thy pleasuse was they retourned agayne thyther from whence they came so woulde the sea nowe drowne all creatures lyuyng vpon the earth yf thy pleasure were not to staye it Genes ix But thou mercyful God haste made a couenaunt wyth thy seruaunt Noe to the contrary That thou wylt no more destroye al the world by water In token whereof thou haste put thy rayne bow in the cloudes And as the sea and the waters woulde couer the earth onles thou dyddest staye them wyth thy worde Euen so woulde the tyrantes heathen and vnfaythfull people cypresse and vtterly destroye thy churche and thy seruauntes If thou Lorde diddest not kepe and defende them But when thy church semeth most oppressed yet doest thou reserue vnto the a greate numbre of faythfull that to the worlde are vnknowen iii. Regum .xix. as thou dyddeste in the dayes of Elias thy prophete preserue seuen thousande whyche neuer bowed their knees to ydolles Thou makest them stronge against al persecutions Thy worde maketh theyr enemyes afrayed They haue no further power to hurte thy faythfull then thou permittest them to haue Wherfore althoughe the waters that is to saye the wycked swell neuer so hygh yet we feare not a generall floulde They maye inuade thy churche and hurte many of thyne electe membres of the same churche But they shall not vtterly destroye it For thou Lorde Mathew .xxviii. haste promysed to abyde wyth thy faythfull people to the worldes ende Thy grace wyl not leaue thē that loue and serue the. They are the valeys lowe throughe humilitie Qui emittis foutes in conuallibus but greate in vertue and myghtye in operation Amonge whyche the welles of the worde of God dooe springe They preache and declare thy holy scripture amonge all that wyll heare them Inter medium montium pertransibūt aque The waters of these welles haue theyr originall amonge the hylles and from thense discende to the valyes These hylles be the two testamentes from whens al scriptures which declare thy wyl are deriued And who so euer vttereth any other lawe contrarye to that is conteyned in thy sayed testamentes Genes xxvi dyggeth newe welles wyth the seruauntes of Abimaleche and stoppeth the welles of Abraham whyche conteyne the water of lyfe With these waters of holy scripture is the groūd of thy faythfull christians watered and it bryngeth forth good fruite in dewe season Of these waters all the beastes of the feldes maye drynke Sotabunt omnes be●ie agri reficiat ona●et sium suam Of these also the great wylde asses may quenche theyr thyrst The gentiles the Iewes the christians all men of al countreyes and al degrees may quenche theyr thyrst in the readynge of thy holye worde Which yf they do wyth good entent thy grace shal be ready to worke in them theyr saluation Thy grace is locked from none but frō such as wil remaine thrusty drye and bareyne of good wyll good workes The stronge and the weake the wyse and the foly she maye refreshe them at these waters to make thē able to perfourme their iourney in the pylgrimage of thys lyfe Who so wyl wyth the woman of Samaria aske of Christ drynke Iohn iiii He wyll not fayle to gyue hym water of lyfe Which who so drynketh shal neuer be thirsty after O noble waters O cleare fountaynes Sende vs Lorde of thy grace that we maye feruently desyre Psalm .xxiii. greadely receyue and plentiouslye be fulfylled Yea that we may be dronke with the muche receyuyng of thys noble drynke Wherby we may forget al our wanton and ydel liues that we haue hytherto ledde nowe begyn to leade a newe lyfe a spiritual and a godly lyfe buyldynge our nestes in the rockes of the fayed hylles Super ea volucres celi morabuntur de medio petrarum dabunt vocem and ouer these delectable waters leauyng al base and earthly places restynge in them as in a sure habitation The preceptes of these two testamētes are faste and surely grounded vpon the stronge rocke whyche is Christ What soule so euer dwelleth or bydeth on thys rocke wyll synge and put forth his voyce as he hath learned in the scriptures cōteyned wythin these two testamentes Christ did referre his sayinges to the scriptures so dyd his apostles and other holy mē buylde vpon the same foundacion Theyr songes were euer agreable to the scriptures Mathe. xiii They were lyke the good housholder that bryngeth forth of his treasure thynges both newe and olde Rigans montes de renaculis tuis de fructu operum tuorum satiabitur terra Wherfore the dewes of thy grace came downe from aboue and watered their hertes They were fyrst earthly men and sauored nothynge but that was earthlye and temporall But thy grace made them become spirituall and so wrought in thē that they broughte forth good workes For the whyche they gaue to the the honour the prayse They accompted al their good dedes to be thy workes and al their good thoughtes to come of thy gyfte and goodnes When the glory redounded to thy maiestie then were they satisfyed and but reasone For what goodnes had they that they had not receyued i. Corin. iiii Roma iii. and that frely wythout any of theyr deseruynges Wherfore to the Lorde be al honoure and prayse worlde wythout ende who haste so mercifully declared thy great goodnes to mankynde in orderyng al thinges in thys worlde to hys mooste comforte that coulde be deuysed and to do hym seruice All beastes thou madest subiecte vnto hym and for hys vse Producens fenum iu●●is Et berbam ser●●● hominum Whiche to noryshe and to feade thou causest the grounde naturally to brynge forth grasse and all kyndes of other herbes Thou bryngeste throughe the trauayle of man ●ducens panem de ter●● foode out of the earth both for man beastes and foules But to exercise hym in laboure thou requirest his industrie to be put to thy power O howe great is thy liberalitie dayly shewed herin No tyme can be founde wherin the earth bryngeth not fruite to serue man But specially Lorde thou hast ordeyned the earth to bringe forth thre kindes of thynges muche to his strength comforte and reliefe Which are corne for breade to make hym stronge and able to trauayle Et vinum letificet cor●ominis ad exhilaran●um faciem in oleo et ●anis cor hominis cor●oboret Wyne to quenche his thyrst and to make his hert glad And oyle to make hym to haue a cheareful coūtenaunce to make his body fatte and his
Psal xxviii and I founde that all good deades shal be rewarded and that all euyll deades shal be punished I founde also that many tymes tirauntes and the persequutoures of thyne electe all thoughe they haue prosperitie here for a ceasō yet at the last they are punissed in thys worlde and make a miserable ende as it was proued by Pharao kyng of Egypt Exod. xiiii that scurged the people of Israel by Achab kynge of Israell by Aman Holofernes Alcimus Antiochus iii. Regū xxv Hester .vii. Iudi. xiii i. Macha ix ii Macha ix Actu x. Herode And this doest thou to shewe thy power for thyne honoure to the feare of the wycked comfort of thyne electe I founde also that thou reseruest for thyne elect Euerlastinge rewardes for the short payne that they take here in thy seruice and therfore doeste thou not rewarde them here with light rewardes of transitory thynges but thou rewardest the wycked of thy great liberalitie wyth prosperitie here and other lyght trāsitory pleasures which endureth wyth them but a smale season Esay .lxv. and then thou punishest them for theyr wickednes with payne euerlastinge Thus in scripture I beholde as it were in a miroure or glas thy great iustice infinitie goodnes which to thy faythfull louers frendes wilt not turne theyr longe and euerlastynge rewarde into a tēporal and short rewarde neither from thyne enemies wilt thou withdrawe those temporall rewardes which worthely haue loste their eternall heauenly rewardes ●●●men in luh●sco po●●●sti co● detecisticos ad interliu● Thou settest these fatte synners in a slyppery place that thou mayst cast thē downe hedlonge and destroye them The hygher a man buyldeth a towre when the same through decay falleth the greater and more terrible is the fall therof Euen so the hygher a man climmeth the sorer is his fal yea many times they are skarcely clomben to the hyght of theyr honoure but anone theyr fall is shewed not vnlyke to the smoke of a chynney which ascendeth highe and thē sodēly vanisheth away It is a wonder to se how sodenly they consume Q●omodo vastati sūt subito defecerunt consumpti sunt quasi non sint 1 Thesssloni v. perish and come to a fearfull ende When they shal say peace is and no daunger then comethe on them sodayne destruction as the trauaylynge of a woman with chyld and they shall not escape Luke thyne euangelist putteth to this purpose a parable of a rych man that had gathered together greate abōdaūce of godes and then sayd to his soule O my soule thou hast muche goode layde vp in store for manye yeares take thyne ease eat drynke be mery But thou lorde saydest vnto hym O thou foule this night wyll the wycked spirites fetche awaye thy soule frō the. Thē whose shall those thynges be which thou hast so paynfully prouided and so carefully kept O lord what man that hath wytte would not be afrayd to haue the vse of thy goodes here beyng bound to render accompt both for the gettyng kepyng and bestowyng of thē Considering the smale tyme he hath pleasure in the keping of them and howe sodenly he shal leaue them The possessours of them are likened to one whych dremeth that he is lift vp in great honour Quasi somnium egilātis in riches in his princes fauour and enioyeth all kyndes of pleasures But when he awaketh he fyndeth no part of his dreame true The vanitie of his dreame came of his idle fantasie It was pleasure for a whyle but after he is sorye for his fayned losse In lyke maner when the riche man dieth he perceyueth he was not ryche in dede but as it were in a dreame Esay xxix He is neuer the rycher for all that he was ruler of When the hungrye man dreameth that he hath plentie of meat that he is eatynge his fyll and then awaketh fyndyng no food he is faynt and his soule impatient So is it of the rych mā after death he hath nothyng Iob .i. He came naked into this worlde so shal he depart out of it again nothyng is his of all that he had Luke .xii. i. Timo. vi but that which he bestowed charitabli which lieth in store for him in heauen The rest is vanished away from hym the glory therof was but a shadowe of glory not glory it selfe it was the image of a thyng not the thing it self Thus their image of felicitie that is all their pompe pride and false prosperitie Domine in ciuitati tu● imaginem ipsorum ad nihilum rediges shalte thou bryng to naught and banyshe them out of thy citie with those that toke pleasure in theym here Thei shal not entre with their glori into thi heauenly citie of Ierusalem and good cause why for in their earthly cities and mansions they nothyng regarded thyne image they considered not the necessite of the poore For this cause rightfully thou shalt shut them with their image of prosperitie out of thine eternal mansion Thus haue I shewed before thy maiestie how through their prosperite I was almost drawne to folowe theyr wayes 〈◊〉 c●u●nest co●m●●ts ●● me● 〈…〉 ●ū apud t● Et eram semper 〈…〉 tenebis manum de●teram m●am my hert being sore moued and my reynes perced with the delectation thereof so foolyshe I was and ignorāt and as it were a beast before the Neuertheles though I passed the bondes of reason in consideryng thy power and diuyne prouidence yet I thanke the Lorde I wente not from the but dyd cleaue styll to the by fayth Though I slipped and almost fell from the yet I dyd not forsake the and thou ful mercifully knowyng my good wyll toward the diddest holde me vp by my ryght hand as thou diddest Peter whan he was in ieoperdy of drownyng Thy goodnes brought me to the knoledge of myne infirmitie Esay ●●● Thi grace called me from myne errour into the right waye Thou tokest me by the ryghte hande and diddest saue me Barteus as thy holy angelles toke Lothe and hys wyfe by the handes and led them oute of the synfull citie of Sodome that perished And as the louyng mother ledeth her yong chylde by the hand to cause hym to kepe the most fayre and easy way and to saue him from fallyng In constitum ●uum educes me e● preterea in 〈◊〉 suscipice me Thou diddest leade me with thy counsell preseruyng my weakenes in this present iourny of my lyfe wherfore my trust is thou wilt not leue me but wilt receiue me into glorye Thy fauour did guyde me Thy grace dyd direct all my doynges i. Corhin xv by whych I am all that I am It was not I nor myne acte but thy grace that was with me whych helde me styll through fayth Wherfore my trust is that thou wylt not leaue me but that thou wilt after thys lyfe bring me into glory where is al ioye pleasure rest quietnes and al
thyne honoure and prayse And to extolle the wyth my wordes whiche maye sprynge frome a pure and vncorrupte herte as cleane water doth from a cleare and vndefyled foūtayne This am I much moued to do by the consyderation of thy goodnesse shewed after the fall of thy bryght angelles whose places to fulfyll in thy heauenly Citie of Hierusalem Edificans Hierusalē dominus and to repayre the ruin of those stones whiche fell from thence thou madest mākinde entendynge by hym to restore at length the fyrste noble buyldynge therof But man alas when he shoulde haue bene hewed to the purpose of that noble edifice could not endure to be squared and tryed by the perfecte rule of thy godly commaundementes wherfore he also fell from paradyse as a stone abiecte and not worthy to be there placed He folowed the instigation of his enemie the deuyll wherfore he was caste from that pleasaunte place to wander abrode in thys present worlde as in a paynfull pilgrimage here traueylyng longe in miserie both he and all his posteritie as people dispersed into all partes thereof tyll thou Lorde of thyne exceadyng charitie dyddest sende downe thyne onely begottē sonne to shedde his bloud for the redemption of al the worlde who hath erected here one temporall Citie of Hierusalem his Citie of peace his holy and pure spouse the christen cōgregation calling to the erection of that his buylding his faythful people from the foure wyndes that is from the foure partes of the worlde which are the lyuely stones gathered together as well of the gentiles as of the Iewes Iohn xi Di●pertiones Israelis congregabit which were before as out castes dispersed and scattered into al partes of the worlde He soughte them of his mercie whiche sought not him and founde them whiche loked not for hym Qui sanat contritos contritos cuide alligat contricion●s corum He healed the grieffes of those that were brused in the sayed perillous fall byndynge vp theyr woundes and layed the holsome plaister of his passion and the oyle of his grace to as many of them as are contrite in herte Psalm .xxxiiii. To such art thou Lorde nere at hande and healpest those which be of an humble spirite Thou healest them I saye of theyr woundes here in thys worlde but not to the very perfectnes of health vntyl the resurrection of the iust and elect persons at which tyme they shall shyne in beautie and clearnes as sterres in the firmament worlde wythout ende Dauid .xii. Math. ix yea they shall shyne as bryght as the sunne in thy glorious kyngdome The sunne the mone and the sterres are the noble garnishyng of the firmamēt So are thyne electe persons the glorious ornamentes of thy churche here militant In whiche through theyr vertuous lyuyng they giue an example of vertue for other to folowe them and being in the middes of the peruerse and croked nations they shyne as lyghte in the worlde holdyng fast the worde of lyfe Philip. ii Qui numerat multit●dinem stellarum om●bus eis nomina imponit Wherfore like as thou knowest the numbre of the sterres in the firmament which were of thyne owne making by thine eternal mynde wherin all thinges are conceyued and forsene before they were created and gyuest them all seueral names according to theyr distincte natures and properties euen so is the nūbre of thine electe knowen vnto the Io. xiii Luke .x. Magnus dominꝰ noster et magna virtus eius et sapientie eiꝰ 〈◊〉 est numerus theyr names are wrytten in the boke of euerlasting lyfe Great therfore art thou Lorde and great is thy power yea thy wysedome is infinite by whiche thou hast made and ordered all thynges in measure numbre and weyght Sapi. xi Neades muste thou farre exceade oure numbring for among vs numbre it selfe can not be numbred much lesse maist thou be included in numbre Thys thy wysedome is the bryghtnes of thyne euerlastynge lyght Sapi. vii the vndefyled myrrour of thy diuine maiestie and the image of thy goodnesse through whiche thy goodnes thy sayed wisedome conueyeth her selfe into the soules of thyne holy electe people there workynge the ryches of thy grace Duscipiens mansueos dominus graffyng in them the graffe or braūche of humilitie vpon the fruitefull rote of fayth and makynge therwyth all good workes to sprynge Thine apostle Paule declairng the fruites of the spirite in the good christian Sala v. puttteth mekenesse to be one of the principal saying that those which are endewed therwyth are not subiect to the law Wrathe and angre are in the bosome of the foule but mekenesse and suffering do rest in the bosome of the wyse The meke doest thou defende Ecclesiast vii take vnto thy protection and exalte highly in the tyme of thy visitasion ●umilians autem pec●tores vsque ad terrā But the vngodly and proude people thou bryngeste downe to the grounde that is to vtter confusion Graunte vs therefore mooste gentle heauenly father thy grace to expell from vs all pryde of mynde whereby we are made as straūgers vnto the. And gyue vs an humble wyll to synge vnto the wyth prayses and thankes gyuynge ●audate dominū in cō●ssione for the exceadynge goodnesse whiche we haue and dayly do receiue of the wherby we may moue all other to the lyke exaltynge of thy mightie magnificence that not onely wyth the voice or confession of the mouth ●sa●●ite deo nostro in thara but also wyth the spirituall harpe of good workes that as oure mouthes wholy be imployed to the settynge forth of thy godly honoure so maye oure handes execute thy holy preceptes of charitie to the comforte of oure neyghbours and that with a glad and a ioyfull herte wythout grudgynge ● Corhinth ix knowynge that thou louest a cheirfull gyuer and mercie is to be shewed wyth cheirfulnesse Roma xii and loue without dissimulation Worthy art thou I saye moste mightie God to haue honoure and prayse gyuen vnto the whiche couerest the heauen wyth cloudes kepynge vs from the syghte of the pure element for a season Qui operit eclum nubibus through the thicke darkenesse of the waterie substaunce that hangeth betwene it and vs. I meane that thou haste couered thy holy scripture wyth such figures and secrete misteries that wythout thy healpe no man is able to atteyne to the perfecte beholdyng therof Thy sonne Christe spake therfore to the Iewes in parables and similitudes Luce. viii to the entent that when they did see they should not see when they dyd heare they should not vnderstande Yet haue we not in that any cause of desperation for those same cloudes haste thou prepared to rayne vpō the earth Et patat terre pluuiā they were gathered vp of a waterie substaunce whyche at the descente or fallynge vpon the earthe causeth great fertilitie Thy goodnes Lorde hath so plentifully poured thy