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A17724 Two and twentie sermons of Maister Iohn Caluin In which sermons is most religiously handled, the hundredth and nineteenth Psalme of Dauid, by eight verses aparte according to the Hebrewe alphabet. Translated out of Frenche into Englishe by T.S.; Vingt-deux sermons de M. Iean Calvin ausquels est expose le Pseaume cent dixneufieme. English Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Stocker, Thomas, fl. 1569-1592. 1580 (1580) STC 4460; ESTC S107289 289,195 394

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hee sayeth O Lorde open myne eyes that I may see the woonderous thinges of thy Lawe Wherefore vseth hee this woorde woonderous It is as if he would haue saue saide Although the world taketh the lawe of God to be but a light thing and seemeth to be giuen but as it were for simple soules yong children Yet for al that there seemeth such a wisedom to bee in it as that it surmounteth all the wisedome of the worlde and that therein lye hidde wonderfull secrets Asmuch is saide of the Gospell and that not without great cause And in very deede that which at this daye is most plainely declared in the Gospell was before conteined in the lawe onely these were darker shadowes then they are which were since the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ And yet notwithstanding there is no chaung or alteration in this wisedome as God also is not mutable Ephes 3.10 1. Pet. 1.12 It is not then without cause that all the holy scripture is called wisedome and that the Angels of heauen thēselues do wōder thereat If then the Angels be astoyned at the secrets conteined in the holy scripture I beseeche you tell mee what reuerence deserueth it to haue among vs mortall men For we are but poore wormes vpon earth creeping here belowe If there be comparison made betwixt vs and the Angels what shall it be See howe the Angels are wonderfully rauished to see the wisedome of the word of God and yet we make no accompt of it but esteeme of it as a base and childish thing The more therefore ought wee throughly to marke this saying of Dauid that the doctrine of the lawe is not as wee take it to bee to wit a thing of small valure or a common and ordinarie doctrine but a wonderfull wisedome wherein are such secrets as ought to rauish vs with admiration bicause they farre surpasse our wit and reason But what is the cause that we so lightly esteeme of the lawe of God that is to say his whole word Herein the common prouerbe is verified when we saye A foole regardeth nothing Which prouerbe we declare to be rightly verified in vs For many of vs make no estimation of the holy scripture it seemeth to vs that that which we reade there is too to cōmon and this is the reason bicause we know not what it is ●●e yet the great and abundant treasure hidde therein But such as haue once knowen what the Maiestie of God is which hee sheweth and declareth him selfe to be there and do see whether it is that God calleth and allureth them and do also vnderstand and knowe the large and sweete promises offered vnto them therein such I say will say with Dauid O Lorde thy law is wonderfull And so consequently will desire that their eyes might be lightened confessing them selues to be blind vntill such time as God hath ayded them with his holy spirite Now it followeth I am a stranger vpon earth hyde not thy commandementes from me When Dauid did put to this verse he ment to confirme the matter which before he touched that is to say that he desired not simply to liue as if his life had beene deare and precious vnto him without any other respect but he had a further meaning For he saith by a by after I am a stranger in the world therefore hyde not thy commandements from me They which make their continuall nest here according to their owne fansie and thinke to make their heauen in this world these men I say haue nothing to do with the commandementes of God for their saluation For they are safe enough if they may eate and drinke to be glutted that they may take their pleasures and delightes that they may be honoured that they may be in estimation and credit loe here is all that they desire or wysh to haue Yea forsooth For they looke no further but to this corruptible and transitorie life These men I saye are not greatly troubled ne yet haue any care of the commaundementes of God but when as they shal be taken from them all shall be one to them When as the couetous man the whoremonger the dronkarde the ambitious person shall heare no preaching of the word at all neither any talke of God ne yet of Christianitie nor of life euerlasting He in the meane time ceaseth not to pursue his owne waye Yea and it is to them a lothsome and vnpleasant kinde of speach to heare God spoken of but had rather haue no mention in the whole worlde made of him And therefore it is not without cause why Dauid requireth not to haue the cōmandements of God taken from him this is his reason to wit bicause he is a stranger on the earth As if he should haue sayd O Lord if I had none other consideration but of this present life I should be euen accursed and it had beene better my mother had beene deliuered of me as of a dead body and that I had beene an hundred times plunged in hell And why so For we are here in this world but as pilgrims and wayfaring men and we passe to a more excellent life as to that also wherein we repose our whole trust Seeing then O Lord that I am a stranger in the world let not thy commandementes be taken away from me Nowe in this part is conteined a very profitable doctrine and exhortation for vs for we knowe how cold wee are where in deede we ought to haue an ardent desire to be taught the worde of God and to be more and more confirmed therein And I beseeche you how carelesse are we But what is the cause hereof No doubt of it we must alwayes euen searche and looke into the depth and bottom of this corruption and mischiefe for when we see any vice in our selues we ought to enquire from whence the cause proceedeth to the ende we might finde remedy for the same Now the reason is bicause we are blynde and do suppose our abode should bee here still vpon earth and euery man imagineth him selfe to haue here euerlasting life Wherefore when we are thus giuen to the world thinke our selues to haue here an euerlasting enheritance loe this is the cause of our thus contēning of God and his word or rather that we care no whit at all for the seeking out of the doctrine of our saluation What must we then do Forsooth wee must looke a great deale further then to the world if we will come vnto God and be exercised in this study wherof mētion is here made and to say with Dauid O Lord bicause we are strangers in this world to wit that we are to passe here only that nothing can be shorter then our life is here let not thy commandements be taken away from vs. On thother side Dauid his meaning here is to signifie vnto vs that he was but as a poore pilgrime and wandring man without he were conducted and guided by the worde of
aboade in the worde of God which will assure vs of all together Let vs not then measure our saluation by the present estate of the world and as it seemeth now in our eyes wherby we may well perceiue and discerne the same And why so Bicause that all things here belowe haue an ende as wee haue said that heauen and earth shall perish but God hath giuen to vs his truth which is of such an euerlastingnesse as that it surpasseth both heauen and earth It behoueth vs then to bee lifted vp and rapt with this eternitie of the kingdome of God so often as his word shall be spoken vnto vs wherein consisteth all our saluation And according to this holy doctrine let vs prostrate our selues before the maiestie of our good God with acknowledging our innumerable offences by which wee cease not daily to prouoke his heauy wrath indignation against vs Beseeching him that it would please him to cause vs to feele our wretchednesse more then heretofore wee haue done to the ende we might be displeased with our sinnes seeke for remedie where it is shewed vs to wit that seing there is nothing els in vs and in all creatures but vanitie that we beseeche the same good God to confirme vs in his promisses that all our studie be wholy there knowing that all our life resteth in them to the ende wee searche no other where but there where hee hath promised wee shall finde it that is in his worde That it would please him so to make vs taste and sauoure the power and strength thereof as that we may be wholy giuen to serue him and that receiuing vs into his holy protection and conduct he wil not impute vnto vs so many vices and imperfections as are in vs but that he will supporte them through his goodnesse vntil such time as he hath despoyled vs of altogether And that it would please him also too vse the like grace and fauoure towardes all people and nations of the earth c. The thirteenth Sermon vpon the hundreth and nineteene Psalme MEM. O Lord what loue haue I vnto thy lawe al the day long is my study in it Thou through thy commaundements hast made me wiser then mine enemies for they are euer with mee I haue had more vnderstanding then al my teachers for thy testimonies are my studie I vnderstode more then the aged bicause I keepe thy commaundements I haue refrained my feete from euery euill way that I might keepe thy worde I haue not declined from thy iudgementes for thou diddest teach me How sweete are thy woordes vnto my throat yea sweeter then hony vnto my mouth Through thy commandementes I get vnderstanding therefore I hate all the wayes of falsehood WE shall see in this behalf a great many which will not sticke to bragge and say that they haue greatly profited in the woorde of God but yet if we looke into their liues wee shall see and finde that they haue profited as much as if they had neuer read nor heard one worde of the holy scripture Moreouer all the goodly and gay protestations which they shal make tende to none other end but to get them selues estimation and credit there is noone other thing in them but a foolish and vaine glorious shewe that is they desire to bee commended and praysed as though they were the most able and worthy people of all others Nowe when we will saye that we haue profited in the schoole of God first of all we ought to shewe by our life and conuersation whether it bee so or no. For this is the true testimonie whereunto wee must holde vs. God teacheth vs not to the ende we should do nothing els but prattle and babble but he instructeth vs in what maner we ought to liue Hee then which shall leade a dissolute and wanton life declareth manifestly that he neuer knew either God or his truthe Moreouer the meaning is not that we should set foorth our selues to bee had in estimation of men or to get vs reputation and credit but we ought rather to glorifie God knowing that we are so much the more beholden and bounde vnto him in that it hath pleased him too bestowe such his grace and fauour vpon vs as that we surmount others in learning for that commeth not vnto vs by reason that wee are sharper witted or that we haue gotten it through our owne industrie to know I say the way of saluation but it is a free gift which commeth vnto vs from aboue Furthermore when wee shall acknowledge this too come from God it is then great reason that we should drawe our neighbours with vs and like as we are in a good way euen so ought wee to bee desirous to haue euery one to followe vs. Loe to what intent Dauid declareth in this place that he hath loued the worde of God aboue all and that by it he hath beene so well taught as that hee surpassed his maisters and enemies and all those which were in great reputation and credit Very certaine it is that Dauid is not here led by an ambitious or high minded spirite meaning to be coyed and clawed and looking to bee thought to haue greater vnderstanding then others but desireth none other thing saue that the profite which he had receiued by the lawe of God might be throughly engraffed in all men and that it might be a thing common vnto euery one In very deede since that we are all members of one body wee ought continually to labour and trauell for the vpholding and mainteining of it one with another neither ought any of vs to serue him selfe and his owne particular profit but we ought rather to desire to haue the graces of God to abound in all our neighbours that euery of them might haue a feeling of them and that when as wee shall haue enjoyed this common saluation that we might all with one accorde and as it were with one mouth glorifie him And besides Dauid sheweth soone after that hee was no babbling scholler to shewe it onely in mouth too haue many times turned ouer the leaues of the lawe of God and to haue very well vnderstood it but sheweth his life to bee agreing to his speeche and that God hath givē him grace to walke according to his will A great deale the rather ought we then throughly to consider of the order that is here set downe in the first verse he saith O Lord what loue haue I vnto thy lawe all the day long is my study in it The saying which Dauid here vseth signifieth speach and meditation And the verbe whereof it commeth signifieth to speake to deuise to talke or rather to applie his minde to any thing to be therein exercised and stadied Now there is no doubt but that Dauid spake here of a matter which is conioyned with meditatiō For as before we haue said it is not meant by them which make some certaine shew at their tongues ende and yet to haue
touched moued to hearken vnto our God when he speaketh vnto vs yea and that in such sort as that he handleth no small and light matters and of no importance but openeth vnto vs his mysteries which are farre beyond our reach and capacities except that of his infinite goodnesse hee bare vs that fauoure too fit him selfe to our vnderstanding Now Dauid addeth in the second verse The entrance into thy wordes sheweth light and giueth vnderstanding vnto the most simple Wherein he signifieth that if we vnderstand not all the mysteries of God which he sheweth vnto vs in his worde we must not straightwayes therefore say that the doctrine is vnprofitable vnto vs. Why so Bicause the onely sauoure which we shall feele therein shall profit vs. It is not nedeful that wee bee great clarkes nor perfect doctors to receiue some benefire and edifying from the word of God for we can not haue so small an entrance into it but that wee shal become already both wise and well aduised Loe here in summe the meaning of the second verse And it is a place which we very well ought to obserue for like as there are a great sort of people which make no accompt of the worde of God bicause they neuer tasted of the mysteries therein conteined euen so also there are some which excuse them selues and say that the worde of God is too too darke and harde in so much that it maketh them too flie from it dare not come neare it Alas will one say I am a very ignoraunt soule or I am not so sharpe witted as in deede a man would iudge or els I am but a simple scholler and therefore can not conceiue of so high mysteries Lo here what excuses a number of men will make bicause they would not be acquainted with the word of God No doubt of it we shall haue of those people which will vse such excuses and startingholes onely bicause they would be ignorant and haue their eyes fast closed vp although they haue the light of God too shine vpon them Againe there are another sort which will keepe them selues cleane away from the worde of God fearing that if they should once enter into it that it would be like vnto a maze wherein they should be held fast in and so bee vtterly confounded And therefore let vs for this cause throughly consider the saying of Dauid to wit that although wee attaine not vnto such a perfection as that wee are able to vnderstand and know whatsoeuer is written in the holy scriptures and to be so exercised therein euen at the full as that nothing hath escaped vs but let vs be throughly acquainted with the law and haue the very true and vndoubted exposition and meaning of the Prophets yea and let vs know and vnderstand the Gospel at our fingers endes and yet although I say we haue not attained vnto this excellency let vs not for all this cease to bee inlightened Let vs then boldly approche when as we see that God calleth and allureth vs and is ready to teach vs his word and let vs know that when we shall haue neuer so little a tast thereof that it shal be for our saluation so that we shall not be altogether blinde but that we may be able to know which is the right way vnto euerlasting life To be short we shal be inlightened as Dauid speaketh of in this place And hereby we may see what a great abuse at this day raigneth in this point in Poperie when as they shall put by the greater part of Christendome from the reading of the holy scripture vnder a colour it should thereby be vtterly confoūded and againe being neuer able once to come to haue any tast therof that it is ouer high a thing for them to meddle with Now this is to make the holy Ghost a manifest liar who hath spoken pronoūced by the mouth of Dauid that which we haue already heard That the first entraunce into the woorde of God sheweth light in so much that so soone as we shal haue vnderstoode but one onely sentence thereof the same to be already euen enough to leade and guide vs to euerlasting life Now sithens then wee see how the deuill possesseth the Papistes when as vnder such a cloke they withdrawe the simple people from the reading of the word of God yea in forbidding it them with such a cruell tyranny let vs for our part hauing so good and sure a ground take great heede how we wauer and how we alwayes abide wittingly ignorant considering that God hauing openly and at large mainfested himself vnto vs cōtinueth still more and more our good God and giueth vs so great leisure and large a time to profit in his schoole And why so Bicause then tree alone is cleare and bright what will it then bee when as wee shall enter on somewhat further that euen in the very entrance we finde saluation in what case then I beseech you shall we be when as we shal haue once passed the midway on And to the ende that Dauid might the better expresse that the question is not here of the great learned doctors he namely saieth That it giueth instruction to the simple and silly soules to the ende they might haue light and vnderstanding As if he should haue said that God hath so communicated his word vnto vs and in such sort framed and wrought it for our vnderstanding as that there is not the most simple ignorant which shal not find himselfe capable to bee the scholler of God yea so that we come vnto it in all lowlinesse and humblenesse For Dauid in saying that the word of God maketh the lowly to vnderstand right wel sheweth that if we come vnto it in the pride of our own minds presuming of our own fine heads as in this point a great nūber of proud and glorious men doe who wil rather cōtroll God then submit them selues vnto him to his word no doubt of it wee shal bee left in the darke For let vs not bee abashed although such people of whome I haue already spoken do continually remaine most blockish But wee for our partes ought to know that we must be hūbled throwne down in ourselues to thend god might lightē vs. And then let vs not dout but that we shal feele God to be euer more ready to play the part of a good schoolemaster vnto vs whē as we shal shew our selues to bee true and dutiful schollers Now by and by followeth I opened my mouth and panted he was scarsly able to fetch his breath And by this is signified the feruent zeale which he had which was to be wel instructed in the law of God Now here Dauid sheweth how it is that wee should bee enlightened that is that after wee are knowne to be lowly and hūbled feeling our want and necessitie let vs sigh groane vnto the maiestie of our God in beseeching him to instruct vs.
men And whence then proceedeth this Verily from their owne securytie and negligence because they thought them selues to bee very perfect But Paule is c1eane contrary to this for thus he sayth I haue not attained as yet to that ful perfection neuerthelese I haue done what in melyeth Phil. 3 12. When he sayth I haue doone what in me lyeth he declareth that there was that humilitie in him whereof he spake in the place before by me already alleaged and this humilitie importeth that we should call vpon God as Dauid did as he sheweth vnto vs heere in this place It followeth I haue hid my promise within my heart that I might not sinne against thee When Dauid speaketh after this manner I haue hid thy word or promise in mine heart he wet declareth that if we haue but only a wandring knowledge that the same wil not holde vs in but that the Deuil hath by and by woone vpon vs to oppresse vs with temptations and in the ende to cast vs downe hedlong What must wee then doe It is not inough that we haue beene at church and heard what hath bin there said vnto vs and that euery of vs hath mumbled vp vnto himselfe some one thing or another but the word of God must be setled in vs and be hid in our heart to wit that it may there be resiaunt and continually abyding and to haue receiued it with such an affection as that it bee as it were imprinted in vs. If this be not so sinne will reigne in vs for it hath by nature his habitation with vs For all our senses are wicked and corrupt all our willes and desires are enemyes vnto God vnlesse Gods woord be wel hidden in our heartes Moreouer we are to vnderstande that Dauid heere vaunted not him selfe of his owne power strength as though he were in admiration thereof but the spirite of God speaking by his mouth entendeth to giue vs a glasse wherein we must be confirmed to weete that we must not haue onely our eares beaten with the Doctrine of saluation and receiue it in our braine but that it should be hidden in our heart to wit that we should lay it vp as in a Treasure house For this saying to hide importeth that Dauid studyed not to be ambitious to set foorth him selfe and to make a glorious shew before men but that he had God for a witnesse of that secret desire which was within him Hee neuer looked to worldly creatures but being content that he had so great a Treasure he knewe full wel that God who had giuen it him would so surely and safely garde it as that it should not be layd open to Satan to be taken away Saint Paule also declareth vnto vs 1. Tim. 1.19 that the chest wherein this treasure must be hid is a good conscience For it is said that many beeing voyde of this good conscience haue lost also their faith and haue beene robbed thereof As if a man shoulde forsake his goods and put them in aduenture with out shutting of any dore it were an easy matter for theeues to come in and to reaue and spoyle him of all Euen so if wee leaue at randon too Satan the Treasure which GOD hath giuen vnto vs in his word without it be hidden in this good conscience and in the very bottome of our hearte as Dauid heere speaketh we shal be spoiled thereof He addeth immediatly after Blessed art thou O Lorde O teach me thy statutes After he had fayd I haue sought thee with mine whole heart hee addeth Blessed art thou O Lorde O teach mee thy Statutes Dauid sheweth in this verse that the request which he made here afore is not founded or grounded of any merite or desert which he pretended to haue In very deede at the first sight it might be said that Dauid ment that God would not for sake him because he had sought him thervpon conclude that man must first beginne to goe on too preuent Gods grace and then that God wil afterward aide him Yee see here what men may imagine but this is not Dauids meaning and purpose And to proue it to be so it is moste sure hee attributeth it not to his owne power and strength that he had sought God with his whole heart for we must first be touched with the spirite of God when as we haue any such affection And why so For by nature we haue all strayed from God and all our force power and study bende them selues to estraunge vs from him And therefore wee must come vnto him in such sorte as is declared unto vs in many places of the holy Scripture Dauid then was preuented already by Gods grace and hee onely requireth of God to continue the same in him which hee hath begunne for he knewe right well that hee had greate neede thereof As if he should haue said I know very wel O Lord that thou hast already mightily put too thy helping hand by thy holy spirit when as I sought thee in very deed I had neuer done it without I had beene conducted by thy holy hand neither is this yet inough except thou continue the same in me when thou shalt so doe O Lord all praise and glory shal be thine for the same because thou hast done it of thy meere fauour and grace By this then we may see that Dauid heere meaneth not to glorifie himselfe as beeing puffed vp with his owne vertues and merites But because God deserueth to be blessed and exalted to the end that we shoulde render vnto him all honor and glory See now wherefore hee assureth himselfe that he will teach him and that he shall be more and more confirmed in that doctrine which he hath already learned For when he sayth Teach me thy Statutes O Lord it was not because that he was altogither rude and ignorant that hee coulde bee nowe a Nouice which was a Prophet had charge to instruct others and was also a King Dauid then spake not as one that was vnlearned but hee knewe well inough that all this was not sufficient without hee profited still more and more Now if Dauid spake after this manner I beseech you what ought we to do When soeuer then that we would obtaine this grace at Gods hands to be instructed in his statutes let vs bring this reason vnto him ground our selues vpon this to wit that he be blessed and praysed And aboue all things let vs vnderstand the great neede we haue heereof that is that although wee haue already beene instructed in the holy Scripture that wee must be Scholers vnto the ende and too pray vnto God dayly to encrease our fayth I meane such chiefely as are appointed too preach the woorde True it is that it were a meruelous great presumption for any man too come into the Pulpit and to vsurpe the office of a Preacher excepte hee were well studyed in the holy Scripture But so it is that wee goe vpp
vs it is good reason that hee take them from vs and set vs cleane without them yea and that hee take his holy spirite from vs although we had bene before endued with the same He added soone after Enclinemy heart vnto thy testimonies and not vnto couetousnesse Here we see how it hath already byn taught that God must haue the gouernement of all the partes of man that it is not enough that he giue him a good witt to the ende to iudge that which is good but his courage and minde must also be tied thereto He hath said before Giue me vnderstanding and by and by Encline my heart vnto thy testimonies And to what ende should he encline it Let vs here note that it is the office of God to encline our heartes vnto his ordinances or els they would goe cleane against the haire For if we were disposed of our selues to walke according to the wil of God to hold conceiue whatsoeuer is written in his worde Dauid needed neuer to haue made this request or els he should speake it faynedly and after a lying maner When then the besought God to encline his heart to well doing it is as much as if he had confessed said It is not in me O Lord neither yet in any mortal creatures to walke as thou hast commaunded for our heartes are altogether peruerse and wicked There is nothing in vs but rebellion and treason against thee wee shall neuer be able to walke in thy obedience nor neuer place ourselues therein except thou puttest to thy hand and enclinest our mindes and heartes thereto We see then what the condicion and disobedience of mans nature against God is vntill such time as hee hath softened our stony and flinty heartes and that we haue learned to beare his yoke to bee short that our heartes be so abased and humbled as that wee haue learned to hate that which is euill and to desire that which is good Loe what is declared vnto vs in the first place Nowe when Dauid speaketh here of couetousnes hee sheweth vnto vs that these thinges can abide no fellowship together as to followe the word of God to be giuen to the goodes of this world In very deede he putteth in here one kinde for al the whole But in the first place let vs note that in opposing against the keeping of the commaundements of God that which he knewe to be cleane contrary vnto it he meaneth to declare that wee are intangled with so many vices and desires as is most lamentable And to say the truthe what are the appetites and desires of men when as we shall haue called out euery of them by their selfe we shall finde nothing in them but a mere contrarietie to resist die Lorde our God For looke howe many thoughtes and affections are in vs they are euen so many mē of warre to fight against God So then Dauid acknowledged that he can not serue God vntil such time as he be clensed from all his euill desires and vitious affections and therefore he beseecheth God to expell out of him that peruersenesse which he felt in him selfe that he was ouermuch giuen to couetousnes and to such other like things And thus much for this first point Euen so when as wee would followe God let vs vnderstand that we can not do it without great conflict to wit vntill such time as all our passions are mortified For out heart will neuer place it selfe rightly vntill such time as our nature be brought vnder True it is that wee must not serue God either by force or constraynedly Yea but let vs see howe wee doe serue him Are wee thereunto enclined as of our selues Alas it is nothing so vntill such tyme as he hath renued in vs our minde and will For so long as we remaine in this our nature all our senses are stirred vp to doe euill so that as I haue before said wee shall neuer bee able to serue God in captiuing our affections and holding them in as prysoners to the end wee be not letted to followe that which God hath commaunded vs. Let vs now come to the second point Bicause that some vices are greater then other some and sithens that euery man may be giuen more to one vice then to an other let vs keepe good watche and warde and stande vppon our garde If there be any man that feeleth a vice to reigne in him selfe let him vnderstand and saye loe a combat euen ready at hand and so let euery other man doe the like As how If a man haue a great number of seruants vnder him he wil appoint euery one his taske hee will appoint to one man this thing to another that thing and euery of them must bestowe him selfe accordingly as hee is appointed Euen so is it in an army Some are appointed to wayte vpon the ordinaunce some other are harquebuziers some are horsemen and other some armed pykes or otherwise Now euery of these must haue regarde whereunto to applie him selfe and the same is looked for at his hand Euen so it is with vs when as any vice warreth against vs for it is as much as if God addressed vs to be exercised therewith to the ende wee might fight against it No doubte there is not that man which hath not in him selfe some one roote of all kinde of wickednesse and this is a bottomlesse pitte wherein we are all confounded But yet as I haue before saide there are vices which more plentifully doe abounde in one more then in another Euery man therefore ought to haue great regarde whereunto his nature is most enclined and so much the more enforce him selfe to resist all those temptations wherewith hee may bee most crusshed and shaken And that which is more wee must haue respect to those wicked affections and thoughtes which might in any wyse deceiue vs by occasions offered vs. It is not like to be true that Dauid was naturally couetous neither yet do we finde that he was so But wee reade that he was a king that he had a fertile and plentifull countrey and that he might haue gathered together excedingly as we also see he did When men come to wealth and riches after that maner it is great perill but that they will giue them selues too too much thereto where before they had them in contempt Euen so then it may be that Dauid had a care to desire to be more welthy thē he was although as the scripture witnesseth that Gold and siluer was then little set by For he had such plenty of them as that golde and siluer were no better accompted off thē leade or earth He then seeing him selfe to haue so great occasions to bee giuen and drawne vnto couetousnes was the more carefull to pray vnto God to deliuer him from it Wee haue now to gather out of this place a good and holsome doctrine that they which are chosen to dignitie and honour ought to haue great regard that
commaundements Heere Dauid more liuely expresseth and declareth that which I haue already touched to wit that our affection in seruing of God proceedeth of the trust which wee haue in him in beleeuing his promises If then we conceiue not that God is our sauiour and so by that meanes truste that hee will help vs it is impossible that we should be inflamed too serue him It is true we may very well haue some feeling of the duetie which we owe vnto him and be some what touched therewith although in deed few there are which think therof but admit it be so yet will no man for all that freely and of his owne accord say O come Let vs serue yea let vs serue our God euen vntill such time as we are fully assured of the good which he meaneth and is ready to procure vs and of the true and full hope of our saluation throughly imprinted in our heartes And so let vs rightly consider that they which remember no more of that which is preached vnto them but this to say Loe this is it which GOD commaundeth vs we must either doe this or that Truely this is no pointe of true Christianitie And why so Because the principallest pointe of Christianitie is to knowe the goodnesse of God and the mercie which hee vseth towardes vs. Loe this is I say the true knowledge which wee muste learne in the Schoole of our Lorde Iesus Christe and holde vs to that which he hath declared vnto vs. And besides we are also to consider of that which he commaundeth vs but his promises must be preferred haue the cheefest place And by this also we are shewed that in the popish religiō the principall doctrine of Christianitie is put out made nothing Because that when the Papistes creake and chatter their prayers making as though they presented their supplications vnto God they say that they must neuer assure them selues of that which they pray for And the cause is for that they looke not vnto the free promises of God And how so Beholde an hypocrite shall step vp and preach nothing else but that which euery man is bounde to doe Hee will preach vnto you of Chastitie he will make you another Sermon of Almes one of this matter another of that and yet for all this we knowe not what it is to beleeue in God Then doe we a great deale lesse know what it is to call vpon him in full assurance to say God is our father he alloweth vs for his children because he hath vs as he would wish that our sins are forgiuen vs through the grace of our lord Iesus Christ There is no whit of this in popery therfore it is impossible that there should be one word of good and sound doctrine in it and profitable vnto saluation Let vs then well consider of this saying of Dauid O Lorde I haue trusted in thy sauing health and haue doone thy Commaundements Nowe in the ende he sayth My soule hath kept thy testimonyes and I loue them exceedingly I haue kept thy commaundements and testimonies for all my wayes are before thee After that Dauid hath sufficiently protested that hee loueth the word of God that it was so sweete and pleasant vnto him as that all his study and delight consisted therin he concludeth and saith That his soule had kept it as if he should haue said O Lord in that I was giuen to serue thee it was not with my hands and feete onely but because I loued thy word yea and that with all my soule and I take my whole delight therein For when the Hebrewes meane too shewe a pure and sounde lyking they say My soule hath done this or that that is asmuch to say as I haue doone it with all mine hearte Loe then an heartie seruice which Dauid heere expresseth this is yet a point which ought throughly too be considered of For wee see howe men are giuen to play the hypocrites euen too set a very fayre outwarde shewe of the matter and by that meanes thinke them selues to be discharged before God Nowe wee must beginne farder of as Dauid heere sheweth vs that is wee muste keepe the woorde of God in our heartes Wherein hee confirmeth the matter which we haue already heeretofore handled to witte that the question is not to haue GOD simply to teach vs whereby wee might know what he requireth at our hands what our duetie is towards him but he buildeth vpon his promises Howbeit Dauid hauing said that his soul kept the cōmādemēts of God because he loued thē by this which he addeth sone after he ioyneth the promises with the cōmandemēts saying For al my wayes are before thine eyes It is true that he sheweth by these words that except he had byn sure that god protected him it had not byn possible for him to haue had that true lyking to haue serued his maiestie And herevpon hangeth the seconde pointe that God helde him alwayes in his presence because hee should not haue leaue to doe euill as if hee shoulde haue saide O Lorde because I knowe that no man is able too hide him selfe from thee Loe why I giue my selfe wholly too feare and serue thee And too say the trueth what is the cause that the vngodly take such libertie to commit and deuise such vilanous and greeuous Actes as that they them selues are ashamed off yea that it maketh the very heares of their head to stand vpright What is the cause of this The reason is for that they knowe not that God seeth them for if they were sure of that they would be somwhat moued with the feare of his maiestie So then in that the faithles war thus against God and take libertie too doe wickedly it is bicause they think that God seeth them not according too that saying in the Scripture The wicked man hath said God seeth not hee knoweth nothing of that which is doone heere on the earth I meane not that the wicked doe thus openly speake yet for all that they think no lesse as by experience wee see for they thinke that God marketh not all their iniquities neither yet that it is needefull for them once too make any account of their sinnes Howbeit Dauid sayth cleane contrary That because hee knewe that all his wayes were before God therefore he kept his commaundements See also why the scripture in speaking of the holy fathers which liued sinceerly sayth That they walked before God to wit they had this consideration that they knew that God did see them and therefore they walked as if they had beene in his presence And this importeth that they toke not such liberty as they thēselues thought good but that they wholy ordered them selues according to the will of God as hee had declared it by his worde See then Dauid his meaning And euen so must we also doe if wee will haue our life and conuersation to be well ordered to witte to know that God seeth
Ceremonies ô forsake mee not ouerlonge BEloued we ought to be greatly ashamed of our selues when as our good God and heauenly Father goeth aboute by all meanes possible too drawe vs vnto him and yet wee in no wise will come nighe him but rather as is commonly said do pul our heads out of the coller and hale backwarde If there were none other testimonie hereof againste vs but this Psalme which I am heere nowe in hand about to handle it might suffice The summe whereof is this to shewe vnto vs what grace the Lorde our God offereth vnto vs when as we are taught the straight rule and order by which wee may rightly and truely serue him wherein cons●steth the whole effect of our saluation and the same to bee the very way and meane to com therunto When as God then granteth vnto vs his grace to be thus instructed by his woorde beholde he hath now giuen vnto vs an vnspeakeable treasure and impossible too bee sufficiently valued By this Psalme is declared vntoo vs that this is the very vse of the lawe of God and also of all the holy Scripture and that we are instructed and exhorted too profite our selues by that which is there offred vnto vs. But because that when any talke is ministred of drawing vs to God wee are so blockishe and dull that it is pittie and lamentable to see and albeit that God approcheth neere vnto vs and that wee haue many and sundry times cleerely forgotten all whatsoeuer wee haue vnderstoode and learned of him see heere what an ayde and helpe he hath added for our behoofe which is this that his will and meaning is that this Psalme shoulde bee drawne and framed into an order of eight verses aparte and that all the verses of euery eight aparte should begin with a seuerall letter after the order of an A.B.C. As if he should say It shall not be materiall that we be profounde learned men for our instruction in that which is necessary to our saluation But that the doctrine is common aswell to the learned as to the vnlearned Are our wittes and memoryes growen so short Let vs then recken and tell vpon our fingers when as wee haue learned A.B.C. Let vs then ioyne eight verses togither and so eight by eight go through the whole crosserow and wee shall haue the whole Psalme at our fingers endes What shall we farther say If wee will hereby profite our selues no way neither yet vouchsafe to hearken vnto our good God ne suffer vs to be so familiarly guyded by him yea euen vnto that thing which is more then necessary may it not be very well sayd that we are al most accursed True it is that verses in deede beginne not either with the English or yet the Latine letters but with the Hebrue wherin Dauid made and wrote this Psalme Notwithstanding so it is that the wil and purpose of the holy ghost is to make vs to fieele and vnderstand that which before I haue declared to witt that the doctrine herein conteyned is not onely see downe for great Clearkes which haue gone to schoole ten or twentie yeeres but also for the most simple to the ende none shoulde pretende any excuse of ignoraunce And herewithal let vs note this by the way That weal ought too knowe and vnderstand this Psalme as perfectly as our Pater noster as we vsually say But here we must not say as a number of men doo that our wit capacities are not so excellent and fyne as to comprehende vnderstande the holy scriptures and besides that oure memorie will not serue too reteine and keepe that whiche sometymes is preached vntoo vs. A straunge case wee will easely retaine and keepe in minde not onely vayne and foolishe songes and ditties but also such as are both wanton dissolute euen such as S. Paule sayth doe corrupt and poyson good manners for this horrible infection is always shutte vp for an euil intent and purpose For if wee shall heare any villainous and ribaudrous song which shall only stirre vs vp all to all filthy lust and shamelesnesse the same by and by we retaine with great ease Beholde nowe how the Lorde our God here teacheth vs as it were by an A. B. C. a moste excellent song amongst the rest by which we may learne to rule order our liues whereby also he exhorteth vs to well dooing to comforte vs in all our afflictions to ratifie vnto vs the promisses of saluation too open vnto vs the Gates of his euerlasting Kingdome that wee might enter into euerlasting life and all this is contayned within this A. B. C. of this present Psalme and yet wee will all say that our memory is ouer shorte and our witte too too grosse or weake to holde it Nowe I beseech you tell mee this will this excuse goe for payment or not Verely I beleeue not wherfore let vs learne to bestowe our whole indeuour and study to recorde the lessons which are heere taught vs that we may be heerafter throughly acquainted with this Psalme if we wil be repured takē to be the children of God And seeing we see our nature to be giuen to many vngodly and pernicious or at the least to very vnprofitable thing let vs yet retaine and holde that which shall be moste profitable for vs and the rather because that God so abaseth himselfe to the moste rude simple and ignorauntest emong vs. For mine owne parte because I will frame my selfe to that manner and order which the holy Ghoste hath heere set downe I shall inforce my selfe to followe as briefely as I can the plaine and true meaning of the text and without continuing in longe exhortations I will onely doe my beste too mince or shred as we say the wordes of Dauid because wee may the better digest them For performance whereof I determine by the grace of God too finishe eight verses aparte in euery Sermon and to holde my selfe with in such a compasse as that the most ignoraunt shall easily acknowledge and confesse that I meane nothing else but to make open and playne the simple and pure substaunce of the text And nowe let vs come to the contents if the first viii verses apart beginning with the first letter Aleph Blessed are they saith Dauid which are vpright in the way and walke in the Lawe of the Lorde First of all he doth vs heere to witte that we vnderstand not wherin our chiefe blessednesse consisteth and the reason is because that wee are blinde and doe liue in the worlde as sauage and wilde beastes vtterly voyde of sense and reason and suffer our selues to be ledde and carryed away of our brutishe and swinish affections and lustes And because it is so that we are thus carryed away it is a manifest signe and token that wee discerne not good from euill or else that the Deuill hath so bewitched vs that wee thinke thereof no whitte at all True it is that
This diuersitie of woords vsed heere in this Psalme by Dauid is not superfluous For it sheweth vs that the Lawe of God doth hot onely commaunde vs how wee should liue and after what sorte but doth also certifie vs of the good will of God promiseth vs saluation leadeth vs too Iesus Christe stirreth vs vp too call vpon the name of God giueth vs Ceremonies to confirme vs therein and moreouer that it guideth holdeth vs within our limits And surely there is not one verse in all this Psalme although there are very many wherein there is not mention made of one of these wordes too witte either of the lawe of God or of his Commaundementes either else of his Ordinaunces Statutes or Testimonyes or of his voice Iudgementes or Iustice These wordes are heere so many times repeated as that there is not one verse but that there is one or sometimes twoo of them in it as heereafter wee shall see throughout the whole Psalme And now let vs come to the matter heerin contayned Blessed are they which keepe the Testimonies of the Lorde and which seeke him with their whole heart First Dauid decalareth heere as afore said that wee haue greatly profited in the lawe when as wee shall acknowledge and confesse what affection and loue God beareth vs and how we ought to assure our selues of his good will and fatherly loue And afterward he telleth vs to what end and purpose it is that God graunteth vnto vs such an assurance bicause saith he we should seeke him For this is most sure when as we shall vnderstand God to be such a one as he declareth himselfe vnto vs by his worde it is impossible but that wee shoulde stirre vp our selues and be moued to giue our selues wholy vnto him And to proue that this is true behold the inestimable bountie and goodnes declared vnto vs in our God what man is hee that is so peruerse and voide of sense and reason which wil not be contented to place him self there where he thinketh his whole blessednes and felicitie consisteth and lieth Euen so likewise when as become careles in seeking after the Lorde our God it is a signe and token that we haue vnderstoode nothing of that which he hath shewed vnto vs of his goodnes and mercie and of all his fatherly affection which is witnessed vnto vs in the law and in the holy scriptures But because it shall be no great adoe for a number of men to make a countenance of seeking the Lord Dauid sheweth that wee must not seeke him with our feete and handes with the outward gestures of the bodie alone but with a true and pure affection And therefore he saieth Blessed are they which seeke him with their whole heart As if he should say I would not haue you to doe as the hypocrites do which beare of religion with strōg hand no I meane not so but I would haue your loue to be sound and true As touching that saying With their whole heart it is to declare vnto vs That God cannot away with parting of stakes as we men many times doe For we are well contented to bestowe some part vpon God and would be at free libertie to holde vs with the world and to serue God by halfes But Dauid teacheth vs here to serue him with our whole heart to wit in all integritie and soundnes and not with two faces in one hood He would not haue vs patted in sunder to saye Well I am contented to serue God howbeit I would not that he should require my whole seruice to him selfe but that I might after satisfie and followe my owne lustes and pleasures that I might be at libertie to serue the worlde No not so saith he It must be brought into a true and perfect soundnes and not to deuide man after such a maner True it is that wee shall neuer be able to seeke God with such a perfection but that it may be greatly amēded neither doth the holy scripture meane by this saying With their whole heart ful perfection but only opposeth it selfe against the hypocrisie of a great nūber of men and which would be in vs al were it not that God him self did remedy help it That is we would with good wil serue God by halfes if so be he would let vs alone with the rest to do what we thought good As for example Wee shall haue very many which will not sticke with God to come to the Sermon on a Sunday and to be present at the prayers of the faithfull and to make some shewe of religiō and yet they would haue God to giue them free choise to do what they listed at the rest of the weeke after or if they come to a Sermon oftener then on the Sunday it seemeth to them that they haue done very well that they are throughly discharged of their dueties if they tarrie there but one houre But because they might be set at more libertie they will not sticke to saye that they will bee free from some one vice one will say that he will be no whoremaister Another that he will be no drunkarde Another that he wil be no blasphemer yet euery one of these wil haue his particular vice and thinke that God ought to beare with them seeing that for his honour and to do him pleasure they absteined from some synne and that they obeyed him in some point But the scripture telleth vs that all this is nothing but that euery one ought to examine him selfe throughly and in all pointes and finding in him selfe any thing which is against the wil of God to be vtterly displeased therewith clerely to renounce it and to desire nothing but to be cleansed thereof See nowe this is that perfection whereof Dauid here speaketh Nowe let vs see what is the summe of the second verse to weete that wee should doe nothing els but study in the lawe of God not onely to knowe what is forbidden or commaunded but to be certaine what maner of one GOD is towardes vs and what affection he beareth vs that we might put the trust of our saluation in him and call vpon his holy name And besides there is declared vnto vs that when we haue tasted of the mercies of God that hee hath certified vs of his loue and grace that the same ought to stirre vs vp to seeke him and to cleaue wholy vnto him and to yelde our selues wholly to his seruice and that not in the outward shewe and in hypocrisie but with a pure and sound heart and affection and not by halfes so that there bee founde true soundnes and integritie as before I haue touched Now it followeth Surely they woorke none iniquitie that walke in his waies First Dauid here sheweth in this present verse what the cause is why all men abounde in euill and iniquitie to weete for so much as they will not bee ruled by the Lorde their God See here the spring head of the outrages of
all the disorder and confusions in the worlde to weete that God is prest and ready to guyde and gouerne vs but what we may not awaye to beare his yoke euery man refuseth it and wil be exempt from it Loe here whereupon ariseth our dissolute and wanton life to weete bicause we will not suffer the authoritie which God hath ouer vs to leade and guide vs as he is alwayes ready to do and as he also sheweth vs by his lawe Let this then be an Item for vs. And it followeth further For Dauid meaneth to confirme the woordes before spoken to weete howe it commeth to passe that wee are blessed that is if wee keepe the testimonies of our GOD and walke in his lawe For sayeth hee they which doe no wickednesse walke in his wayes contrarywyse wee doe nothing but prouoke his heauy wrath and displeasure against vs in committing of synne and iniquitie when as God then standeth against vs becommeth our enemie must not our life be vnhappy and accursed It can not be otherwise chosen Heere then is one proofe of that which before hath beene said to wit that our whole felicitie consisteth in this that God is our instructer and teacher and that we holde our selues too the doctrine which wee receiue from him And what is the reason For loe sayth Dauid they will abstaine from euill dooing When then wee abstaine from dooing of euill wee prouoke not God his heauy wrath against vs and so let vs conclude that herein consisteth our chiefe felicitie Moreouer here is to be noted that as many as walke not in the law of God cannot but runne into mischiefe and destruction yea how soeuer they thinke of their well doing and persuade them selues to liue holily and godly yet hath God tolde them that it is cleane contrary And here this parcell of scripture is worthie the marking for hereby we may see the pryde of vs men in that wee make all the worlde beleeue that all things goe with vs as well as is possible when as we follow our own fantasies being thus arrogant to say whatsoeuer we do it is all well done But behold what God the onely iudge hereof hath certainly set downe which we can no way repeale or call backe neither shal be possible to be retracted as we lust to wit that no man can abstaine from euill doing but such onely which walke after this heauenly doctrine They then which walke after their owne pleasure must needes runne into euerlasting perdition Now then there are two maner of wayes wherein men doe erre For one sort exceede in open and most manifest transgressions and sinnes and although they very well knowe that they are euill and wicked yet take they leaue continually to followe them As a whoremonger can not iustifie his wicked doing no more can a theefe a swearer nor a dronkard And yet it is so with them that they alwaies giue them selues leaue to goe from better to worse Howbeit there is another maner of way of euill doing which is mere d̄agerous and a great deale more to be feared bicause it is more couert and secret to weete when as men will not acknowledge them selues to be worthy of commendation and that they thinke that there is none that can detecte or condemne them hauing a foolish and diuelish opinion which blindeth their eyes These men then as it is the maner of all hypocrites may well iustifie them selues but yet the case so standeth that God condemneth them as here we may see It remaineth now that we vse nothing for the whole rule and order of our life but the law of God alone for without it all our life must needes bee dissolute and there shal be nothing in it but confusion and destruction It followeth next after That God hath commaunded vs too keepe diligently his precepts That is alwayes according to the truth which Dauid holdeth For it is very sure that God is so carefull ouer our saluation that he procureth and furthereth it as much as is possible for vs to desire No we if God be thus touched with vs and beareth vs such a good will and loue let vs vnderstand that when he chargeth vs to keepe his ordinances and preceptes that he thereby signifieth vnto vs that the same is our whole blessedness and felicitie And to prooue it to be so God requireth not our seruice bicause he hath some busines for vs to do For he hath not nor needeth any helpe of his creattres When then we are not able do that which he commaundeth vs we can neither do good nor hurt vnro our creator What is it that moueth him to bee so carefull ouer vs as he is and what is it that pricketh and thrusteth vs foreward to keepe his commandements Surely since neither his profite nor gaine leadeth him to be thus careful doutles he respecteth onely our saluation By this we may conclude that there is none other blessednes which we can enioy but to walke in his lawe as he hath before said But in the meane while we may see how villanous and wicked a thing our vnthankfulnes is for God sheweth not vnto vs onely in a worde what is our duetie to doe but vseth also a familiar gentle doctrine to drawe vs vnto him And afterward he exhorteth vs because he seeth vs to be very cold and vntoward And for the selfsame cause he vseth much diuersitie and pursueth it diligently as we see to the ende wee might pretende no excuse of ignorance when we haue nor performed that which he hath set downe vnto vs by his lawe but that we should be conuinced of malice and that wee might vnderstand and knowe that wee are well worthie of euerlasting cond̄enation And so much the more ought we thoroughly to marke this doctrine where it is declared vnto vs that no excuse shall serue vs whē as euery of vs outrageth so much and followeth his owne lust seeing that God hath preuented vs and that he hath declared vnto vs that the right rule to walke by is to follow his cōmandementes neither that he hath done the same slightly but that hee hath persisted and continued therein as much as was possible for him to do Thirdly that by this meane hee hath shewed vnto vs his great loue towardes vs and what care he hath of our welfare life Dauid thē goeth on forward saith O that my wayes were directed to keepe thy Statutes Here Dauid pricketh him selfe fowarde and sheweth the desire hee hath to come to that blessednes and felicitie whereof hee hath spoken before And we must be sure to obserue this order for it is not enough for vs to vnderstand and knowe wherein our felicitie and blessednes consisteth and the way to come thereunto as God hath appointed vs but we must also enter into our selues For euery man must thinke thus with him selfe What maner of man am I Seeing my God is so louing and mercifull tha the seeketh me that he
say when wee come afresh to pray O Lord thou hast heard mee For as I haue before saide our vnthankfulnesse hindereth vs that we cannot haue any such experience practise too pray vntoo God incessauntly And see also what is the cause of our so colde and faynt prayers for if wee were ready too cal to minde the graces of God O we should be sure and certaine to bee alwaies fenced when as we meant to present our selues before him to say Alas my God this is no noueltie vnto mee neither ought I Lorde to thinke it straunge too present my selfe before thee for thou hast graunted mee free accesse and libertie this is not the first tyme that thou hast doone mee good no I haue felte thy fauour by experience euen from my youth and when as I shal speak e of the number of tymes which thou hast hearde me I shall finde them infinite I may very well then repose and put all my trust in thee hoping that thou wilt continue thy goodnesse towardes me as thou art alwayes ready so to doe Nowe because we are so vnthankfull vnto God as not to acknowledge his benefites as becommeth vs and as to him apperteyneth Loe here why we cannot benefite our selues by this confession in truth to confirme our hope to come vnto him as should be good for vs. Moreouer we are to note that we must not deale with God as with mortall men For if any man hath doone vs a pleasure we may truely say as we commonly do I shal be the more beholding vnto you because you haue already bound mee thereto this shall come in amongst the reste But yet if we shall haue borrowed much of any man wee shall be a shamed that we haue troubled him so often But the case standeth not so betwixt God and vs. And why so For God is neuer weary of well dooing as men are and besides he neuer diminisheth his substaunce when hee dooth vs any good If any man bestoweth his goodes liberally vpon vs hee hath so much the lesse if he giue his woorde for vs hee will say this is all that I can doe for you But God so aboundeth in riches that it is like too a Spring which can neuer be drawne dry the more that is drawn out of it the greater abundance is to be seene So then wee must not be affrayde too come vnto God when as he shall haue bestowed vpon vs store of wealth that we shall be so much bounde vnto him as is possible to be thought but the same ought to make vs the boulder as Dauid heere declareth vnto vs. And of this are many like sayings in the Scripture O Lorde sayth Iacob I was neuer woorthy of the benefites which thou haste bestowed vson me Gen. 32 10. but yet thou haste so bountifully dealte with thy seruaunte as that I must needes call vpon thy name continually See then howe GOD moueth vs to come familyarly vnto him by reason that he sheweth him selfe so liberall and hath his hands wyde open to the ende hee might giue vs whatsoeuer wee stand in neede off And when as bee shall haue continued thus all the dayes of our life wee ought the boldelyer to call vpon him as Dauid him selfe sheweth vs heere by example And now let vs mark his saying I haue declared my wayes and thou heardst mee teach mee thy statutes Dauid heere protesteth that God hath giuen eare vnto his particular matters to wit when as he was perplexed and full of forowe hee then called vpon God Loe what this worde Way in the Hebrue meaneth where it is sayde I haue acknowledged my wayes and thou answearedst me to witte heardst me Heerevpon hee desireth that God woulde teache him his Statutes to witte that hee woulde shewe him the right rule to liue wel Heere we are to note that God yeldeth his consent euen vnto vs and that hee will assist vs in all our seuerall needes We see that our Lorde Iesus hath taught vs too aske our dayly breade which importeth all that concerneth this transitory life Euen so when we haue any thing to doe or too treate off God graunteth vnto vs this priuiledge and licence too come vrito him yea if wee should steppe on but one pace or but remooue our hand we may come vnto God beseeching him to direct and conduct vs. Let vs then marke this inestimable goodnesse which God vseth towards vs when hee seeth well that wee haue shewed vnto him all our wayes to witte all our desires and smallest matters If a man had his brother or deere companion he durst hardly shewe him selfe so familyarly for feare he would be importune vpon him as God giueth vs leaue too come vnto him What bountie is this Nowe when wee see that God maketh himselfe so familyar in our small affayrs so much the snore ought we to beseech him after the example of Dauid that he would conduct vs according to his lawe to witte that hee will graunte vs his grace to liue in such sorte as that wee may followe the rule which hee hath sette downe heere vnto vs. See then howe that by the lesse wee muste come too the greater as by particularityes wee muste come to generalities From the lesse too the greater say I is this That if God giueth vnto vs our dayly breade let vs also craue of him health for our soules If God will so humble him selfe as to aduise vs when we haue any thing to doe amongst men about the earthly affaires of this transitory life let vs also beseech him to doe vs this good as to conduct vs likewise according to his lawe Loe heere how we may come from the lesser to the greater Wee may also discend from particularities to generalities when as we shall say O Lorde thou hast hearde me in such a thing which is a speciall matter now by a more forcible reason I may call vpon thee for a thinge which may serue me all the dayes of my life which is that whē thou hast set me into the way of saluation thou wouldst keepe me therein and that thou neuer forsake me vntill such time as thou hast brought mee vnto that ende and perfection whereunto thou hast called me It followeth Make me to vnderstand the way of thy commaundementes and I will meditate of thy woondrous woorkes Marke heere the thirde reason which Dauid alledgeth to obtaine of God that he might bee taught in his lawe O Lorde saith he make me to vnderstande the way of thy commaundementes and so shall I talke of thy woondrous woorkes As if hee should haue sayd O Lorde if it be thy good pleasure instruct me according to thy will and it shall not serue for my selfe onely but also for my neighbours for I will indeuour my selfe to bring also others vnto thee And thus we ought to vse the graces and giftes of God to wit that they be not as it were buryed in vs but that wee may also profite our neighbours
and to communicate them vnto such as they may doe good vnto to the ende that God may be honoured and that they all may serue to the common saluation of the members of our Lord Iesus Christ But heere we haue in this Texte too note that it is impossible for vs to instruct others except we haue beene before the disciples and Scholers of God There area greate many which will put foorth them selues as if they were sufficient and able Clearkes inoughe too teach others And in so thrusting in them selues they haue not once knowen what they ought to vnderstand either for themselues or yet for any others Let vs then consider the order which is heere obserued to wit that euery of vs doe acknowledge our owne ignoraunce Dauid was a moste excellent Prophet and yet notwithstanding he besought God that he woulde make him too vnderstande the way of his commaundementes Yea but had not he the Lawe written Wherefore then desired he that which hee had already in his handes For he knewe well inough that to read to preach and to heare was not all that was needfull For vnlesse God open our eares we shall neuer be able to vnderstād it And therfore it behoueth that he inlighten vs or else we shall neuer be able to see the brightnesse thereof albeit it lye wide open before our eyes If Dauid made this request as we haue already heeretofore intreated I beseech you what shall we doe then Let vs then euen so confesse our ignoraunce and beseech God that it would please him to teach vs. See now that we must needes bee first scholers before we vsurpe the office of a Maister and before wee thrust our selues in too speake vnto others that we heare God first speake vnto vs and that we bee grounded in his woorde that we may protest as Saint Peeter telleth vs 1. Pet. 4.11 that it is the woorde of GOD which commeth out of our mouthes Who soeure speaketh sayeth hee let him speake the woord of God For it is rid reason that a mortall man shoulde extoll him selfe and preferre his owne dreames and fantasies And although that this sacriledge be ouer-common in the worlde it behoueth vs too haue greate regarde therto that we al keepe silence that both great and small ignoraunt and wise the simple and learned giue eare to the word of God suffer them selues to be taught by him and after that euery man according to those graces which he hath receiued to communicate them vnto his neighbours And when any of vs shall be better instructed in the word of God then any of our brethren we ought so much the more to exhorte them that haue neede therof to reprehende and rebuke those which make defaulte and to instruct the ignoraunt and vnlearned For our Lorde God bestoweth not his graces liberally vpon vs to the end we should holde them fast locked as it were in a chest but that we should make them common to others to set forth and commend them to other according as opportunitie shall serue and also according to the dispositions of those to whome we addict our selues to teach are contented to heare vs. Moreouer when Dauid sayth That hee will speake of the woondrous woorkes of God Let vs marke that he dooth it not of any ambition or vaine glory as many doe which could be very wel contented that we should heare them when as they shall doe nothing else but babble at randon of the worde of God And why is that It is because they prophane it without hauing any reuerence thereto For wee see that the moste ignoraunt will be most bolde according to the olde saying None so bolde as blinde Bayard or A foolish man doubteth no perill When soeuer any would goe about to teach them O by and by the word of God shall be nothing with them For ye shall haue them alwayes to haue answeares ready coyned in their sleeues There are then which woulde be accounted great Clarkes who notwithstanding shewe them selues not to knowe what holynesse and Maiestie the worde of God carryeth with it But contrarywise Dauid telleth vs that if we will instruct and teach our neighboures that wee ought firste to vnderstand the lawe of GOD to be full of woonderfull and straunge secrets to be so high a wisdome as that we ought not to presume to take on hande too handle it without all modestie and sobrietie Let vs then learne if we will be good Doctors and teachers to proceede in all hunblenes and feare knowing that the least sentence in the scripture surmounteth our vnderstanding and that wee are too too dull and blockish to attaine vnto so high wisdome except the Lord our God guideth and leadeth vs thereto Lo how that both scholers and maisters as many as are hearers and speaker ought to come with great reuerence when as they meane to handle the word of God It followeth soone after My soule melteth with very heauinesse raise me vp according to thy woorde Heere Dauid more cleerely expresseth that which wee haue already touched to witte that the abundaunt ioy of the faythfull consisteth wholly in this that God is merciful vnto them and knowing him to be such one they are comforted by his grace nothing douting of his good will And to proue it to be so Dauid saith in the first place My soule melieth away with very heauinesse as if hee should haue said that all his power and vertue was cleane gone from him For this similitude heere is also very well set downe in diuerse places of the Scripture We haue gushed and burst out like water So then see how Dauid is heere become as a forlorne man so throwne downe and humbled as that he is cleane voyde of all strength and all other things whatsoeuer and therevpon beseecheth God to comfort him Now heere we are to note that he speaketh not of the feeblenes of his body to say that he was humbled by sicknesse yet his soule to be lusty and strong but he sayth that he is melted away with very heauinesse as if he should haue said that he was vtterly ouerthrowne And therevpon he desireth to be comforted and that by the worde of God Heere then we see that when God shall mortifie vs we shall be as men forlorne and that not onely all our force and strength in this present life shall be of no value but also our soules and spirites shal be as it were humbled and cast downe too this ende that we might boldely call vpon God after the example of Dauid Let vs not feare then that God wil forsake vs but let vs rather learne to beseech him to comforte vs for Dauid hath shewed vs the way vnto it neither went hee so on of his owne proper motion but it was the spirit of God which pus●hed him forward thereto Wherefore hauing so good a guyde let vs not feare to be frustrate and voyde of our petitions and demaundes so long as wee
instruction and profit See then how we ought to linke together that which is written with that which we daily see before our eyes and to be confirmed throughout all the histories in such sorte as that they might serue as it were to seale vp the woorde of GOD that it might bee of a great deale more strength and force and too magnifie the same when neede shal be Nowe haue we so remembred the iudgements of God and are wee so exercised in them yea euen in those I say which were made before we were borne into this worlde Whatsoeuer then that we shall now perceiue and marke whatsoeuer also shal be declared vnto vs so long as we liue we ought by a more forcible reason so much the narrowlier to consider to bee a great deale the more confirmed in them and not to be like vnto brute beastes when as god stretcheth foorth his hand giueth vs some testimonyes that it is he alone which so helpeth vs when as I say God sheweth vs this wee must thinke on them in good earnest and so stay our selues in them to wit that we make not account of them as vaine speculations but too apply all the Iudgementes of God to our vse since it is to this ende and purpose that he sheweth vs them For when wee shall reade that God reuealed himselfe to Abraham and that hee did helpe him in such a necessitie Let this bee our conclusion Very wel that which God did vnto his seruaunt Abraham is to assure vs that he will doe the like for vs and therefore we must euen now runne vnto God for refuge and succor See howe all the testimonyes which God hath lefte vnto vs in the holy Scripture of all his woonderfull works ought to serue euery of vs for aydes and helpes Nowe Dauid setteth downe soone after I am horribly afrayd for the vngodly which forsake thy lawe Heere Dauid protesteth that hee hath resisted another temptation ouer and besides that which wee haue already seene This is already a very sore and harde combate too abyde when as the wicked mock and scorne vs as if God had deceiued vs as if we had bin too too simple foolish to put our trust in him Loe heere a great trouble for miserable and wretched weakelings yea and that such as it cannot be chosen but that they must at the leaste be mooued and astonyed But this temptation which heere followeth is none of the least to ouercome as when wee see all the whole world addicted and giuen to wickednesse that what soeuer we doe is as it were to conspire to lay a platforme to prouoke God his wrath to distrust him to reiect all his graces and to treade them cleane vnder foote When then wee shall see men so estraunge them selues from God euen to make open warre against him it goeth very hardly if we be not as it were vtterly ouercome And yet neuerthelesse it is as Dauid heere protesteth that it is so farre of that he gaue him selfe wickedly seeing the corruptions to bee such as they were all ouer as that hee was horribly affrayde for the vngodly which so forsooke the law of God Wherefore let vs learne to be thus horribly affrayde so often as we see men exceede in wickednesse Let vs learne I say too haue recourse vnto God and as it were in gathering our wittes vnto vs that we might conceiue an horrour feare when as we see such monsters and such things so committed against nature If this hath beene alwayes a necessary doctrine it is at this day moste necessary for let vs a little beholde what a generall confusion there is when as we shal see the order and doings of the Papistes wee shall finde it to be a most hellish outrage And emongest vs alas where the woorde of God should be of greater power and force yet wee see howe the more parte will not onely alter and chaunge the lawe of God but desire nothing more then euen vtterly to abolishe it What is to be doone then It is not inough that we followe not the wicked and vngodly in their impietie and not to linke in with thē as their companions but wee must bee horribly afrayde because wee know that they must perish as miserable wretched creatures therfore we should be greeued and vexed but yet a great deale the rather when as they see them make open war against the maiestie of God For these are matters too to monstrous to see mortal men lift them selues vp against their creator and in very good earnest to fight against him Lo then what is heere shewed vnto vs by the spirite of God vnder the example of Dauid And in this let vs see whether we ought to couer our selues with such horrible yea and most detestable filthynes vncleannes when as any talke shall arise of the contēning of the maiestie of God of the discrediting of his law or worde whether we ought I say to make countenaunce as if such talke were nothing whether we ought to support maintaine the same and to passe it lightly ouer as though we cared nothing at al for it or that it no whit appertained vnto vs. Nowe if in this behalfe we shal doe so it is a signe and token that there is neither zeale nor affection in vs. And heerin we shew our selues not worthy that God should take vs for his childrē For we must remember that which is written The zeale of thy house hath euen consumed me and the rebukes and slaunders which haue bin laide vpon thee O Lorde are come vpon me Whē then we shall see the name of God to be contemned made no account off and shall see the wicked to caste him cleane without the doores in such sort as that they wil make no more reckoning of the law of God without all question wee must not dissemble and holde our peace make account as though it were nothing but if we be the seruaunts of God it shall behoue vs not onely to be touched but also to be horribly afrayd to be as it were forlorne men when as we see such abhomination that it should in such sort fall out as to haue the name of God to be so contēned by his creatures Now for a conclusion Dauid saith Thy statutes haue beene my songues in the house of my Pilgrimage This was yet another great temptation to Dauid aswel as the other that it so fel out as that he was once driuen out of the countrie of Iudea was far from the temple of God dwelt among the Pagans and Infidels Nowe he sayth that notwithstanding al this that hee was not estraunged from God nor yet from the knowledge of saluation but contrariwise that he was the rather stirred vp to sing prayses vnto God and those Psalmes which God did put in his mouth yea euen such as were taken out of the law For we haue to note that Dauid made not the
Psalmes as a newe doctrine ne yet as a doctrine separate from the doctrine of the lawe but drew them from it as out of a Fountaine So then it is not without cause that he protesteth heere that the Statutes of God serued him for Psalmes and for songes yea in steade of his Pilgrimages that is to say in a strange Countrie in the middest of Infidels when he was as it were banished from the Church that he could not bee in the Temple to make confession of his faith yet was he not for all this wickedly addicted Nowe heere they which are trauellers are admonished of their duetie For albeit they see a greate many of enormities committed in the worlde neuerthelesse they are stedfastly purposed to holde themselues in the feare of God and to walke in a pure and soūd conscience albeit they are mingled emongst the infidels As behold euen the very Christians which are in the Papacy although they are there prisoners hauing no doctrine preached vnto thē without libertie to serue God publikely and to make confession of their faith as they would yet doe they not exceed and outrage with the rest in these villanyes which reigne amongest them but confirme themselues the best they can to the worde of God take all their delight and pleasure therein and make the lawe of God their song which maketh them to withdrawe themselues from all the vanities and corruptions which they commit so that they keepe them selues within this compasse Moreouer if they which are in a place where the worde of life is not taught and doe so yea euen greate store of offences wherewith they may take occasion too be drawne to wickednesse and to be corrupt with the rest these I say be inexcusable but are commaunded to take their delighte and pleasure in God and in his lawe and too incourage themselues taking the holy songs to exhorte them to well doing what shall become of vs when as wee are in a place where the Bell ringeth too call vs that we might bee admonished by the woorde of God to be instructed too call vpon his name and to make confession of our fayth When GOD then calleth vs vnto his Schoole and openeth his mouth to instruct vs I pray you are not we worthy of most horrible condemnation when as wee shall doe altogither preposterously in that whereof Dauid heere maketh protestation As we shall see very many which can neuer bee mery but when as they shall deafely hearken vnto God if they come to a Sermon it is onely to heare their condemnation For whatsoeuer is sayd vnto them and layde before thē to bring them into the right way they soone forget what hath beene saide Must not these mindes then be violently carried with a merueylous fury Yes without all doubte And therefore let vs keepe in minde the conclusion which Dauid heere maketh That hee remembred the lawe of God vnto the ende As if he had sayd Beholde what is the cause that I beeing a miserable vacabond cast out of the Temple and driuen out of my countrie did yet neuer but stay vpon thee And after that beeing assayled by the Infidels haue perseuered in the consideration of thy lawe and delighted my selfe therein Euen so also must wee doe For if we see many offences and many things which might withdrawe vs from the lawe of God let vs ouercome all that in the vertue and power of the promises which God hath made vs that by them we might be confirmed in his loue and bountie to the ende we fall not into such a confusion as wee see the wicked and vngodly fall and dayly caste themselues And according too this doctrine let vs prostrate our selues before the Maiestie of our good God in acknowledging of our offences Beseeching him that it would please him to make vs better too feele what taste wee ought too take in his holy promises and to be exercised in them that we might valiantly fighte against those vices which might hinder vs to stay vpon his protection and that by the power of his holy spirit we might ouercome all offences and griefes to the ende that beeing fortifyed by his grace wee might not haue any accesse to Satan whereby hee might winne and get of vs but that we constantly perseuering in the holy vocation of this good God might followe our course vntill such time as he shall take vs out of this worlde to bring vs vnto that heritage which hee hath prepared for vs before the beginning of the worlde and also which Iesus Christe hath purchased for vs with his moste pretious bloode And that hee will not onely graunt vnto vs this grace but also to all people and nations of the earth c. The eight Sermon of the hundreth and nineteenth Psalme HETH Thou art my portion O Lorde I haue determined to keepe thy lawe I made mine humble petition in thy presence with my whole hearte O be mercifull to mee according too thy woord I haue considered mine owne wayes and turned my feete vnto thy testimonyes I made haste prolonged not the time to keepe thy Commaundementes The handes of the vngodly haue robbed me but I haue not forgotten thy lawe At midnight I will rise too giue thankes vnto thee because of thy righteous Iudgementes I am a companion of all them that feare thee and keepe thy commaundements The Earth O Lord is full of thy mercie O teache mee thy statutes THese eight verses nexte before conteine none other thinge but the protestations which Dauid maketh in giuing himselfe wholly too God sticking vnto his law except two requestes which he maketh in the second verse in the last Now in the first place he saith that his soueraigne good and chiefe felicitie was in that he was resolute to keepe the law of God It is very true that some doe expounde this thus that Dauid calleth God his inheritance But when as the matter shal be well wayed and considered the meaning is this that he setteth his whole felicitie in this that hee is fully determined and resolued as already hath bin touched to followe that which God had shewed and taught him Nowe this worde Portion in the Scripture is taken for inheritaunce and inheritaunce is taken for the chiefest and most desired thing that man hath And so it is as much as if hee had sayde That euery man might deuide it as hee woulde and lusted As wee see the desires of men too bee sundry and diuerse one draweth one way another another And in deede sayth hee euery man wisheth as hee fantasieth but as for my selfe I desire none other blessednesse nor felicitie but to content my selfe with the lawe of God and when I haue this I haue gotten a good and an excellent inheritaunce And nowe we see the summe and effect of this first verse it remaineth that wee gather out thereof such Doctrine as is therein conteined For when wee heare Dauid speake after this manner there is no
himselfe as he ought O deere brethren let vs not build vpon such a foundation but let vs fight against our vices and take and get vnto vs strength and courage against all the stumbling blocks and ambusshes which Satan shall lay against vs that we may breake all the bandes and Cordes wherewith hee holdeth vs bound See I say howe we ought to doe in this case For let vs not thinke but that Dauid was a man passionate as we are and felt in himselfe greate infirmities neither made he protestation of this in vaine when he sayth that he hasted and made no delay to doe the Commaundementes of God And so let vs haste after his example when God speaketh and let vs bowe downe our eares to heare him and lift vp our foote to obey that which he shall say vnto vs. Loe then what Dauid meaneth to declare vnto vs in this place to witte what readynesse ought to be in all the children of God to heare his worde and to receiue it and not to deferre from day to day For wee knowe not what time God will giue vs the grace to offer his woord vnto vs. They which in such sorte delay the time doe make their account that God is greatly bound and beholden too attend vpon them Now we see how he scorneth such our arrogācy when as wee pray vnto him with such tearmes and conditions Wherefore we ought a greate deale the more too force our selues to the ende to attaine to that perfection after the example which is heere set downe vnto vs too runne without delay so often as God shall haue mercy vppon vs. It followeth soone after that Dauid was not giuen too doe wickedly notwithstāding all the wrongs which the wicked had done vnto him and had persecuted him with all the greefes and conflictes which he had sustained Albeit sayth he that the hands of the vngodly haue robbed me yet haue not I forgotten thy law This is not heere put to without a cause For wee shall heerein see very many which are peaceable and moderate inough when as they be not greeued but suffred to runne their owne course But if any trouble ouer take them and that they be molested beholde then are giue to doe wickedly then alter they their determination and purpose and chaunge their coppy So then because men are so easy to be drawne to euill although before they followed the thing that was good see therefore we ought diligently to note this place which Dauid heere addeth For it is as it were to ratifie that which he hath before spoken of the ready nesse to followe the woorde because that that had not beene inough without he had beene so confirmed in it For although the Deuill had so lyen vpon him euen too haue discouraged him yet was he not without hope continually to make his parte good against him And so muste wee also doo in this case When our Lorde then shall sette vs in the way and shall giue vs some good motions let vs beseech him so to confirme vs in the same as that when the Deuill shall goe aboute for too assayle vs wee might repulse and ouer come all the assaultes wherewith hee shall assayle vs and alwayes too continue and remaine in our determination and purpose without chaunge Loe the thinge which is heere declared vnto vs. And we are also to note that there are two temptations which we must resist when as wee shall be greeued and iniuried The first temptation is that when we are iniuried we are by and by mooued too render the like Marke I beeseech you the state and condicion of our nature Nowe since God commaundeth vs to flye that which is naught to doe that which is good euen to loue our enemyes wee had neede tobee very well armed and furnished with these textes of the Scriptures For wee shall neuer bee able to attaine to the ende to ouer come any such temptation nor desire of reuenge excepte God putteth to his helping hande We think it also lawfull to doe euill when we see our selues compassed with nothing else but euill and wickednesse if we looke into the order and gouernment of the world wee shall see one man exceede in lechery another to be an horrible blasphemer one an extortioner vsurer and another a deceitfull bargainer one in this thing another in that very many estranged from God and become neere neighbours to Satan violētly carried to this that Whē as then we are thus incompassed with euil and iniquitie we thinke that we may take leaue to doe wickedly Loe how the children of God may be tempted and how we see a so and infinite number to be as it were dayly deceiued And therefore let vs note that if wee haue at any time beene boldely affected too come vnto God and that hee hath reached foorth his hande for a season to haue vs too come vnto him that yet this is not inough But wee must heereupon indeuour our selues too gather vnto vs newe force and courage to the ende the Deuill might not shake vs when as hee shall rayse vpp against vs troubles and vexations and lay a great number of stoppes and stumbling blocks in our wayes Wee muste therefore bee armed againste him to the ende wee forget not the Lawe of God whatsoeuer come of it And here we are to note this circumstance that Dauid doth not onely saye that he was greued by one man alone ne yet by two or three but he sayeth The congregation of the wicked When he sayeth The whole congregation this is very much if there had beene but a small number it had beene enough But he sayeth The whole congregation signifying that he was assayled on euery side that he was like a sheepe amonge Wolues Lyons Beares and other wilde beastes of rauyne and yet for all that that he always put his trust in the Lorde Now if we shall looke well into our selues how few shall we see which haue not beene ouercome with the least temtation that hath come vnto them there shall neede but one man to oppose him selfe against vs and loe we are by and by carried to do wickedly now we knowe not that this cōmeth from God To be short the least flie which flieth before our eyes as we saye is euen enough to turne vs quite out of the right way And surely we may be greatly ashamed so suddainly to change our copie where before wee made great showe of following of God and by and by to goe cleane against the haire And we thinke this may be a most lawefull excuse when as we can handle the matter thus to say that we were carried to doe wickedly through some tētation It is so farre of that this excuse should goe for payement as that it is neither worth ware nor money But wee must seye with Dauid yea and that truely as he hath done That whensoeuer the whole congregation of the wicked shall assaile vs let vs not
too too vnthankfull we must needes beleeue that God will heare as aswell as those whome wee haue already seene him to haue hearde heeretofore and wee muste take their example for our better cōfirmation of the promises which he hath made vnto vs. See heere why Dauid sayth That they which feare God shal see him and in seeing him will be glad of it yea and wee are throughly too consider of that which followeth for I haue put my trust in thy Commaundements As if he had said They shal find nothing in me why thou haste shewed thy selfe so louing and liberall when as thou hast taught te by thy holy spirit but because I haue put my trust in thy word Now thy woorde is come too all those which feare thee So then let them knowe that the same which thou hast doone too my person appertayneth too them also and may applye it too their owne vse This is said for a better cōfirmatiō of that which I haue already spoken to witte that if God hath gently dealte with any of our neighbours that he hath had compassion vpon him we are to conclude that we shall feele him too doe the like vnto vs And why so Because he hath giuen vs his woorde which is true and will neuer deceiue vs. Let vs then put our trust in him and we shall feele the like of that which wee haue seene in others that haue gone before vs and shewed vs the way and haue giuen vs an example too repose all our trust in the goodnesse of God hauing the promises which he hath offred vs. Loe heere the meaning of Dauid in this verse Now it followeth I knowe O Lord that thy iudgementes are right and that thou haste afflicted me iustly Dauid thinketh good to speake heere a common thing That he knoweth the statutes of God to be right For what is he that is so accursed which will confesse that Yea euen they which dare blaspheme and speake euill against God when they shall be pressed thus farre yet will say that the holy scripture is a doctrine that cannot bee amended and that the lawe of God is the rule of all equitie The very wicked then will speake thus wel of it but yet there are very few which haue this cōsideration imprinted in their harts to wit to make this estimation of the lawe of God as too say that what soeuer is conteined therein is iust And why so That is first by reason of the cōtrarietie that is betwene our wit and the wisedome of God And next by reason of the contrarietie of our wicked lustes and affections with the bridle which he holdeth vs too rule vs according too his pleasure and in his obedience when as men will take councell of their owne head that they thinke to controle thereby whatsoeuer God speaketh in his woorde wee then agree euen like fire and water For all our wisdome is but vanitie and leasing when as wee shall appose and set our selues againste the holy Scriptures the doctrine of the Lawe and whatsoeuer is contayned in the Prophetes and the Gospell As we see at this day the worlde will in no wise subiect it selfe thereto From whence come all these controuersies and dissentions throughout al christendom Forsooth it is because that men will be ouerwise and will neuer honor God in such sort as to say Although O Lord our ownwittes lead vs altogither preposterously yet must wee needes be ruled by thee And because that wee are not able to attaine to this reason it cannot bee chosen but that the tyle shardes must needes flye about and the worlde bee infected See then what is the cause that letteth the bigger number too confesse bothe with hearte and mouthe that the iudgementes of God are right to wit that all perfection of wisedome is in his lawe in his Prophetes and in his Gospell that it must needes fall out that we ought to doe him homage in all this knowing that it is impossible too finde any one iot therein contayned to be amended For although wee very well knowe that the iudgementes of God are right to wit in such sorte as that our wittes and mindes might thereby be confirmed that we might iudge it to be so yet it so standeth neuerthelesse that beholde our lustes and passions doe violently withstand God and are euer against him As howe An whoremonger shall be vanquished that his whoredome is wicked and abhominable A drunkarde shall condemne his drunkennesse and shal neuer be able to say that the vice wherevnto he is giuen is a vertue And so much may bee sayde of the swearer and theefe But yet it is so that such kinde of people cannot giue God the glory saying that his lawe is right For they murmure against him and are very angry that they haue not the raynes of the bridle layde in their neck and giueth them not all the lybertie that may bee too doe what them selues list No doubt of it if it lay in their power they would plucke GOD out of his seate that hee might haue no authoritie ouer them Loe what mens affections and desires are So then we shall finde a very small number of people to be like vnto Dauid which wil say in trueth and without hypocrisie I knowe O Lorde that thy iudgementes are right When hee sayth that he hath knowen he meaneth that hee hath gotten newe vnderstanding which hee neuer had before as if hee had sayde I haue O Lorde profited so much that I haue cleane giuen ouer mine owne witte and reason For I knowe it to be blinde because that men will alwayes lifte vpp them selues aboue measure But nowe O Lorde thou hast brought me to this poynt that I will no longer bee gouerned by mine owne heade and fantasie I will not trust to my selfe to knowe whether the matter shall be good or not but I will rest me on that which thou sayest vnto me And thus much for the first poynte And a litle after he sayth Although mine affections are cleane against thy law that they are ready to cast mee quite out at the Cartes arse as we say yet for all that O Lorde I haue bridled all my passions yea and that through thy mightie power beseeching thee to continue and hold them as prysoners vntill such time as thou shakte fully haue deliuered me from them Loe how Dauid practised this knowledge which he sayd he had of God by his worde And let vs after his example continually recorde this lesson Let vs bestowe all our study both euening and morning vpon it to the end we may say that we haue knowne that it is that which GOD hath commaunded vs yea too followe it But Dauid dooth not heere set downe this simple knowledge of the woorde of God but goeth on farther too witte that God of very faythfulnesse had caused him to bee troubled Nowe is this farre harder then the firste It is very true that we shall haue great conflictes before wee
this free mercie of our God that he declareth him selfe pitifull vnto vs in that he seeth vs to be miserable wretched creatures and to put foorth our hand vnto him to receiue his mercie Nowe Dauid in the ende sheweth whereuppon he buildeth him selfe in making such a request According vnto thy worde made vnto thy seruant Loe whereupon we must builde and settle our selues when as we will come vnto God to be heard of him to wit vpon his meere mercie as we haue here aboue said But are wee already come thus farrefurth And if wee be yet is there an other point farther required to wit wee must assure our selues that the graces of God shall adorne and garnishe vs so we seeke them according to his word And to proue it to be so marke I beseeche you for it were marueilous great presumption in vs to come vnto God without we had his promises for it and to desire of him any thing and say O Lord I haue neede of this and that Go to now here is already some occasion which causeth vs to come vnto God And againe O Lord thou art good and gracious loe this is an other thing also which augmenteth our courage and boldnes But bicause we are so farre from God that we are not able to come nere his maiestie without he come down vnto vs we must then before wee can haue any accesse to make our prayers vnto him lay this foundation which is here set before vs that is to say the word of God when as thereby God witnesseth vnto vs that his mercie is alwayes readie that he there laieth it before vs and offereth the same there vnto vs. There remaineth now nothing els but that wee receiue it by faith and that there wee declare our faith through our calling vpon him So then we see the order which Dauid here setteth downe that is that hee bringeth vs to God to the ende we might take our whole contentation repose and reioysing in his meere goodnesse And since that he hath receiued vs through his mercie let vs beseeche him that he would looke vnto vs with his eyes of pitie For the third point he sheweth vs how we ought to make such our petitions that is bicause God hath bounde him selfe vnto vs of his own good will and hath witnessed vnto vs that he wil be neare vs. When then we shal come vnto him in this sort let vs not doubt but that he wil heare vs graunt whatsoeuer we shall desire according to his will And namely he sayeth thy woorde made vnto thy seruant to th ende he would declare to euery of vs that euery man should apply the promises of God particularly vnto him selfe And not to vse the maner of the Papistes to saye It is very true that God hath promised this and that but we know not whether the same belongeth vnto vs or not And these are no fooles which say thus but this is the doctrine which they teache in all their Satanicall and deuelish Schooles and Synagogues Loe here the very doctrine of popish doctors that the promise of God are vncertaine that we must receiue thē as things hanging in the ayre not to take them generally to say I doubt not but that GOD speaketh the same vnto me But contrariwise we must conclude as Dauid here doth and O Lord let it be done vnto thy seruant according to thy word He saith not according to thy word I knowe not to whom nor vnto such mē of which number I am not so that I can not builde vppon it but he saith according to thy promise O Lord made vnto me Let vs then learne by his example that when we desire the Lord God to assiste vs to charge him with his promises yea let vs apply them vnto our selues and beleeue that they are also spoken to euery of vs in particular and generally vnto all I meane vnto all the faithfull When as the Lord our God saieth I receiue all sinners to mercy let euery one saye O Lorde I am one of those miserable and wretched creatures and therefore I come vnto thee charging thee with thy promise made vnto me Loe howe wee must behaue our selues herein for els we shall but wander in the holy scripture all the daies of our life It followeth immediatly after Let thy tender mercies come vnto me that I may liue for thy lawe is my delight In this verse we may very well see that Dauid was as it were estranged from the mercie of God Now this is a very notable point to be considered off for what is the cause of our distrust yea euen to close vp the gate against God for that we would not come vnto him but onely bicause wee thinke that God hath estraunged him selfe from vs and that we should be thereby confounded It is very true that he will sometimes cause vs to feele them as if he had cleane turned him selfe away from vs and all bicause we first forsooke him but yet we must notwithstanding returne vnto him and not be discouraged but followe the example of Dauid that although the mercies of God to the outwarde apparance and in our iudgement bee farre from vs and in such sort as that we may well perceiue it yet must we neuer cease to say O Lord let thy louing mercies come vnto me surely to the outrward shew so farre as I can iudge they are farre of me but yet O Lorde I knowe that thou wilt in the ende make me to attaine vnto them yea and although thou manifestly shewest me them not yet notwithstanding I will wayte and surely looke for them with an assured faith and hope Moreouer when he sayeth that I may liue that is to signifie vnto vs the same which I haue already said to wit that although his wit and spirite stayed it selfe vpon creatures yet that he was but as a dead man whiles he thought God not to be neare him hee supposed him self to be but as a forlorne man And in deede although we had all the world on our side and had GOD against vs and were sure that he neither loued nor fauoured vs all the rest would turne but to our ruyne and destruction And if wee esteeme not thus of him must it not needes be but that we must bee bewitched by Satan and caried violently away when we shall content vs onely with these worldly things and neuer haue regard vnto the spring head and fountaine of all goodnesse to wit the bounty of God But in the meane while let vs note this that although we bee dead for a time after the example of Dauid yet shall wee be quickened so that we come to God beseeching him not to holde backe his mercies farre from vs. Now he saieth in the ende For thy lawe is my delight By this we are admonished what it is that we must craue at the handes of God in good earnest forsooth that his mercies may remaine with vs
nothing to be found in their life and conuersation of the thing whereof they babble Hee then was exercised in the word of God and that not onely for his owne particular vse but to th ende also to instruct his neighbours and to communicate to them the matter which he had heard and learned Now we see the summe and effect of this first verse He protesteth that he hath loued the word of God that not after a common manner but with a vehement zeale in such sort as that it hath beene his whole purpose and drift as when we haue liking of any one thing we cannot holde from talking thereof continually to be thinking of it As we shall see a miserable couetous man neuer but hunting after his wealth occupied about his lands possessions marchandise cattle must make prouisiō for this and that In like sort also is it with the whoremonger and the glutton and accordingly as euery mans desire leadeth him so must the tongue speake euery one apply him self wholy to that Se wherefore Dauid addeth that he was continually exercised in the word of God meaning thereby to shew howe greatly he hath loued it as he hath in deede said And nowe we see what thexample is which is here set down before vs for Dauid speaketh not this for himself but telleth vs what we ought to be if we will haue God to instruct vs and too haue him to make vs partakers of his truth wherein consisteth our whole felicitie and welfare for if wee wax colde make no accōpt of the word of God we are not worthy that he should giue vs the least taste thereof And for this cause we must not marueile much though so small a number at this daye haue profited in the scripture Although euery man desireth to be praised and esteemed amongest men to bee very able and sufficient yet for all that wee see what ignoraunce is in the greater number And therefore it is good reason that God should shut the gate vpon vs so that we might not haue so much as the least entraunce into his woorde And why so For where is the loue and desire that Dauid here maketh mention of Nowe when we shall know such a vice to be within vs we ought by and by to seeke to amende it and beseeche God to put this coldnesse from out of our heartes and that it would please him to enflame vs in such sort as that wee might learne to preferre his worde before all our fleshly desires that we be no more so much giuen to all these vayne follies of the world but that we may looke vnto the principal thing Let vs now come to that which followeth He sayeth Thou through thy commaundementes hast made mee wiser then mine enemies teachers and auncientes He setteth down here three sortes of people with whom he compareth him selfe and saith that God hath bestowed this grace vpon him to surpasse them all Now here Dauid sheweth vnto vs what profit shall redounde vnto vs when as we shal reade the word of God after his example to wit that we shall get thereby such wisedome as shall defende vs from our enemies to be better learned then our teachers and those which otherwise should haue byn in stead of our instructours To be short that all the men of the world shal not haue that which wee shall finde there and that all the wisedome which is in al the creatures of God deserueth not to bee egall and comparable too it Loe here in effect that which he meaneth Now we ought alwaies to cal to minde that which we haue already touched When as Dauid here setteth downe him selfe in the first ranke and sayeth that hee hath surpassed his enemies teachers and those which were the moste wyse and of greatest vnderstanding that this is not too attribute anye thing vntoo him selfe and to his owne persone but to the ende that God might be glorified in him and that we might knowe what profit shall redound vnto vs by the word of God when as we shal giue our selues vnto it We see then that Dauid had no regarde to him self but meaneth rather to giue vs occasion to glorifie God And besides his purpose is to stirre vs vp to the loue as we haue already touched which hee had to the word of God knowing the same to be so profitable for vs. For what is the cause that wee are so very negligent as in deede wee are in giuing our selues to the study of the holy scripture that we thinke it to be euen labour and time lost if we onely spend but one houre of the day therein What is the cause of such contempt Verely bicause we know not the profit that might come vnto vs thereby for if we were thus persuaded that all our wisedome is and consisteth in the worde of GOD and that without it we are like vnto miserable beastes so that Satan hath caught and holdeth vs fast bound in his grinnes and snares and that we cannot erre in all the whole course of our life if we know this and againe that it is sufficient that God hath taught vs and so haue thereby such a cleare light as that will neuer faile vs that we be fenced against all the ambushes of Satan and against all the villanies and deceiptes of the world if then we were thus throughly persuaded that the worde of God were sufficient against all this it is most certaine that wee should be a great deale more in loue without all comparison with the studie thereof then now we are And therefore let vs well recorde this lesson which is here set downe vnto vs by Dauid to wit that in the first place wee shall be wyser then all our enemies if that wee haue the woorde of God alwayes remayning with vs. Nowe when he sayeth that hee was made wyser and had more vnderstanding then his enemies hee meaneth that hee had so excellēt a knowledge as that God would not suffer him to fall into the ambushes priuie engines which the vngodly had layde for him suddenly to bee entrapped caught by their subtill traines and pollicies Loe already a wonderfull profit which we receiue by the worde of God that although wee be encompassed with the wicked which seeke nothing but our destruction when as wee doe thinke that we should perishe euery minute of an houre yet that we shall bee guarded from all whatsoeuer that they may any way attempt and priuily laye in wayte against vs so that we be instructed in the worde of God Lo say I an inestimable treasure but we must cōsider who they be that are our enemies For we haue not onely to do with men which seeke our hurt dishonour or that which might grieue vs as touching this present life but wee haue Satan and all his fauourers and mainteiners which are deadly enemies too our soules who seeke nothing els but our destruction yea not onely as concerning the worlde
that we must be as strayed wilde beastes without the woorde of God and that without it there is neither way nor stay for vs. And although wee thinke our selues to be wise inough yet shall wee be altogether abused and when as wee shall thinke vs to be fully resolued yet shall all our case estate be but smoke When then we shall knowe this too be true we may very well say with Dauid that the woorde of God is in steade of a Lanterne vnto vs. For what is the cause that we will not be ordered ruled by God but either by reason of our pryde or else because we know not our own want Some of vs are hindered through a vaine foolishe opinion which we haue of our selues that wee are sufficiently learned too iudge of that which is good and profitable Loe heere is the very cause why wee will not giue place vnto the worde of God There are other some of vs that although wee truste not so much vnto our owne wisdome yet knowe wee not what a misery it is to be heere as it were in a place of confusion and that there is no stay of all the whole course of our life And heerevppon wee contemne the woorde of God and make no accounte of it So then wee must come too this humilitie that beeing wholly throwne downe as touching the presumption of our wittes we must suffer our selues too be taught of God And besids that we might also know that our state condition is too too miserable vntil such time as we are lightened with this lantern Now then like as Dauid sheweth vnto vs by his example that we ought not to haue any other guide nor stay but that which proccedeth frō the word of God Euen so also sheweth hee vnto vs that if so be we bee teachable of God accept him as our scholmaister submit our selues to him that we shall finde light inough in his word that we nede not to feare to be confoūded as though we knew not which way to turne vs. For God will giue vs sufficient light in his word to lead vs to saluation And this is such a comfort as cannot be sufficiētly inough expressed For as it is declared that we are miscrable blind soules and that whilst we walke in this world we are but in darkenes see how God putteth a remedy into our hands that is that we should heare him speake and that we should learne to be ordered by his word that then although this same world be a maze although we haue many troubles in our life although the deuil neuer ceaseth crastely to inuent many deceits to turn vs from the right way yet we shal be assured to go straight to attain vnto saluatiō And by this wee may see how Satan hath possessed the papists when as they say that the word of God is so darke that wee are neuer able once to bite at it and that we ought not to stay our selues thereon because it is so vncertaine a thing besids that it is also a nose of wax which a man may turne what way he listeth They shame not to spue out such horrible blasphemies But contrariwise let vs trust vnto the spirit of God speaking by the mouth of Dauid to wit that if we be lightened by the word of God we neede not to feare falling that there is no rule so certain For although the deuil went about with a thousand deceits to turne vs this way and that by crooked bypathes yet must we be fully assured that the word of God is a lantern vnto our feete to lead vs the right way Neuertheles Dauid sheweth vnto vs howe we shonlde seele such a cōmoditie comming vnto vs by the law of god to wit when as we shall receiue it with harty affection For he saith I haue sworne and will performe it that I will keepe thy righteous iudgements Nowe heere hee sheweth that if there bee a wauering minded spirit which readeth the Scripture for curiosities sake the same must needes remaine and continue alwayes blinde and ignoraunt as we shall see many of them which doe nothing else but turne ouer the leaues and wander in such sorte as that there is neither firmenesse nor yet soundnesse in any of them And what is the cause thereof For sooth it is because they seeke not God with a right earnest affection If we then will haue the commoditie which Dauid heere speaketh of we must come back againe to the woord of God and apply all our study so couragiously as that wee desire nothing else but too bee instructed in this trueth and to submit our selues wholly vnto it And yet Dauid was not contented to say that this was his onely determination But sayth that hee had sworne and was stedfastly purposed to obserue it For the word which he vseth signifieth that I will establish it to wit I will wholly giue my self vnto it for I am so resolute in this matter as that I will neuer be turned away from it Wherby he sheweth that there is no question but that we haue certaine small motions which slip vs but wee must haue such a feruent zeale as possesseth our whole minde and after we must with this zeale be constant because then we shal be able rightly to see those men which so trimly and fairely pus and blowe at vs. But what This is but a false fire as we say Nowe if wee bee truely affected to serue God the same our affection muste be firme and sure that we may vnfaignedly say with Dauid that we haue sworne and are fully purposed too stand and abide by this matter In very deede heere may some question arise For it should seme that Dauid hath too too much presumed of him self to sweare that he wil keepe the testimonies of God For we are not able to promise any thing which is not in our power and strength If a man shal thrust in himself to promise that which he hath not he of right is to be accused of follie for euery man wil say that it is great arrogancy in him because he hath passed his bounds Now when as wee shall haue throughly considered heereof we shall finde that it is impossible for any mortall man perfectly to obserue the Commaundements of God This should seeme then at the first sight that the othe which Dauid heere speaketh of ought rather too be reprehended then commaunded But heere are two things too be considered of The one is that when the faithfull binde them selues so vnto God they lay not this foundation in their owne proper strength they looke not into their own abilitie but they desire of God to accomplish that whiche they haue promised him And why doe they soe Now let vs note that heere he speaketh of the commaundementes of God And we haue here already declared that when Dauid nameth the lawe hee looketh not simply too the Commaundements but also to the promises and in these
such time as he deliuereth vs when we haue all this we may then say with Dauid that we haue displaied and layde wide open our life to serue God and this shall be a good and sure profe thereof But if we haue not this constancie a great number may make a wonderfull shewe of godlinesse before the face of the worlde but all that shall proue nothing And so let vs well consider of this place for Dauid spake not this for him selfe but for our common instruction And besides if we will in deede profit our selues by this doctrine let vs consider that if we sometimes see the apparaunt dangers of death so that wee be pressed downe on euery side not to thinke it to be any strange thing And why so Bicause the same came too passe as greatly sometimes to Dauid For he saieth that he was not without continuall trouble My soule saieth he is alwaies in my hand my life is as it were I can not tell where it is put foorth to abide all mischiefe that it seemeth I were at deathes doore euery minute of an houre If Dauid was alwayes thus troubled and yet perseuered in the praysing of God I beseech you ought not we to bee ashamed to be faint harted when as it shal please God to exercise vs onely but now and then Euen so although afflictions oppresse vs yet must we not cease too fight against them attending and crauing the helpe of God And thus much for this And besides when wee are thus assured let vs seeke our comfort where it may hee founde that is in the woorde of God and to be thus constant neuer to forget the lawe of God Let vs thē consider and obserue this doctrine For it is not without cause that Dauid sayeth That although my soule bee in my hande yet haue I not forgotten thy lawe Hee sheweth vs heereby that as wee are weake so we shoulde be soone shaken and in the ende throwne downe when as wee shoulde see our selues laide wyde open to death Wee then hauing this vnderstanding ought to stand vpon our guarde to the ende the diuell might neuer beguile vs vnder the coloure that God had as it were forsaken vs and that we should be as it were in the shadowe of death Moreouer we see what doltishnesse or rather beastlinesse this is amongst the Papistes to take this place for proofe of freewill My soule is in my hand to wit I am able of mine owne nature and of my owne proper strength to discerne betweene good and euill and to do whatsoeuer I thinke best If brute beastes could speake they would speake a little wiselier then thus For to what purpose should Dauid say although O Lorde that my soule is in my hande yet haue I not forgotten thy lawe He should altogether speake cleane against nature But as we haue already declared this is a kinde of speeche much vsed in the scripture to say that the life of a man is in his hande it is as it were in the winde or I know not where Let vs now come vnto the protestation which he addeth The vngodly haue laid a snare for me but yet I swarued not from thy commaundementes This sentence is like vnto the other which we are about to handle For hee sheweth howe his life was in his hande too witte that ouer and besides the afflictions which were directly sent him from the hande of God that the wicked also persecuted him aswel and besides the violences and outrages that were doone vntoo him hee had also secrete ambushes laide for him See then howe diuersly hee is oppressed and yet he neuer shronke from the lawe of God In the ende he addeth and saith Thy testimonies haue I claymed as myne heritage for euer for they are the very ioy of mine hart Nowe heere hee sheweth howe he was able to remaine firme constant without being withdrawne by any temptations but that hee alwaies stood stedfastly in the lawe of God that is bicause hee alwaies chose it for his heritage that is for his chiefe felicitie For this worde heritage in the scripture is taken for the thing that man moste desireth and that which moste properly belongeth vnto him To be shorte it is such a similitude as that is which is spoken of the Treasure as if a man shoulde call it the souereigne good the true and perfect felicitie See then at what ende wee must beginne if in the middest of death we wil abide so constantly as Dauid hath doone too keepe the lawe of god that is I say to choose it for our inheritance And how is that First of al we must vnderstande that al the commodities wherevntoo wee are ouermuch giuen are transitory without certaintie and without propertie For wee may want them euery handewhyle neither can wee enioy any thing be it neuer so iustly giuē but that we may be robbed of it betwixt this day and too morowe What is then the surest felicitie which wee can haue and may enioy for euer it is euen the woorde of God And this is it which wee ought chiefely too desire and wherein wee are especially too reioyce Lo then how wee must vnderstande that which Dauid heere protesteth That hee hath chosen the woorde of God for his heritage Yea and he setteth it downe by and by after that it hath beene the very ioye of his heart For vntill such time as wee haue had this taste in the woorde of God that wee truely ioye in it it is a signe that we neuer yet had any good affection thereto at all Although wee haue knowne that our chiefe felicitie lieth therein yet are wee not able well too keepe our selues in it vntill such time as wee haue conceiued that it is that wherein wee must delight and in none other thing Nowe it is impossible that wee should euer take any delight or pleasure in the lawe of God except we did knowe that he declareth him selfe to vs in it that hee is our father and taketh vs for his children that wee haue a testimonie that our sinnes are forgiuen vs that wee may haue accesse vnto him and hee able to call vpon him in all our necessities If God sayeth onely vnto vs loe what it is that I would haue you to doe I would haue you too take mee for your God to serue me with all your heart if we haue but these two tables to looke into to knowe what wee haue to doe shall the lawe of God delight vs No but contrariwise it shall feare vs. We see then very well when Dauid sayth that hee tooke all his delight and pleasure in the commandementes of God that he had not simply the bare worde of the lawe to say that God commaunded him that which he ought to do but that he also ioyned the promises thereto bicause that God willing his children to come vnto him promiseth to make them feele his goodnesse and fatherly loue which hee vseth towardes those that are his To
naked and bare of all goodnesse For so much then as wee are too liue here amongst contemptuous and outragious people who haue neither fayth trust nor truthe and that these tēptations are very perilous vnto vs as wee see what a great number of men are corrupt by them Dauid saith Awaye from me yee wicked bicause I keepe the commaundements of my God Here wee are to note as before I haue touched that hee speaketh not this too make recitall of his worthinesse or that hee alledgeth it for his power and strength to wynne him reputation but speaking by the spirite of God he admonisheth vs to liue holily to wit that if we will walke in the feare of God and be vnder his yoke wee must in the first place separate out selues from the vngodly Nowe this is an easie doctrine to be learned but it is so slenderly practized of vs as that we had neede better to thinke of it then heretofore wee haue done If there were a great number of offences in Dauid his time which were to turne the faithfull awaye from the feare of God and too leade them to doe wickedly in what case then stande we nowe It is very true that we are come to the full measure of all iniquitie For if wee doe beholde at this day the states and conditions of all men it wil seeme that it is impossible for the world to be worse that the deuill so possesseth both great and small in townes villages as that it is a very hell and tormentory to see it Euen so thē howe is it possible that a faithfull man can perseuer to liue in the feare of God and in such soundnesse as he hath commaunded without hee stande very sure vpon his guarde without he keepe a good watche and chiefly except he separate him selfe from so great a number of corruptions For at this daye a man can come in no company but that the talke shall tende to the dishonouring of God with all vngodlinesse or els the talke shall bee so vaine as that it shall haue no good sauoure yea and too make whatsoeuer good seede that is in any man who is yet teacheable to bee nothing worth And yet many times this shall not bee the greatest mischiefe but a man shall heare the most cursed blasphemies that may be vometed out by these grenning helhoundes at this day who are growne to the full measure of impudencie like vnto shamelesse harlottes discouering their vilanies not onely against God and all true Christianitie but doe also euen like mastife curres barke against al religion This we see let vs then come to the greatest number of those which seeme to bee a little more tollerable I beseeche you what lesson or fruite shall wee reape by them We shall finde some of them to vse aboundance of wicked traffique craftes deceiptes or els outrages violences oppressions and cruelties against their neighbours Another sorte shal be giuen to lech ery and to such beastlinesse another kinde shall bee gluttons and such like brutish people of life and conuersation To be short turne which way soeuer we will and wee shall finde nothing but corruption so that if this doctrine hath beene any time necessarily to bee taught it is at this most necessary and hie time since wee are come euen to so full a measure bottomlesse depth of iniquitie let vs then be well aduised too departe from all those that worke iniquitie yea and let vs chase them farre from vs if we will faithfully and truely serue God It is most sure that we must needes be conuersaunt with the vngodly or els departe out of this worlde at once but yet we must not keepe them companie so familiarly as too drawe with them the same yoke Let vs take heede that wee in no wayes wynde our selues in with them but that our life and conuersation bee so simple and playne as that they be neuer able to bring vs in and to bee infected with their vices For we heare what the holy scripture saieth that we had no neede of any thing to corrupt good manners For as a little leauen sowreth the whole lumpe of dough euen so when the deuill can thrust in amongst vs the least drop of corruption loe all shall be peruerted and come to naught We see not at the first sight howe the deuill goeth about to beguile vs and therefore we ought to be so much the more watchfull Let the vngodly complaine as much as they will as wee see at this daye the murmurers and grudgers doe that they thinke them selues to bee ill dealt withall when as we will not be partakers of their filthines Nowe wee knowe right well that they seeke none other thing but too make wicked whatsoeuer is well ruled and ordered too ouerthrowe whatsoeuer hath beene builded vp in GOD and too bring soules too destruction All this wee knowe Nowe if any man keepe him selfe from this here at they are all grieued Howe so They say our company is eschewed Yea but giue you the occasion that you may be followed seeke the right meane to giue your selues to God and follow you the right way of saluation and the better sorte will not absent them selues farre from you but will rather ioyne with you If they shall see you ready to march forward they will say Let vs goe togither If they shall see you goe before they will come after if they shall see you tarry behinde so that you be entred into the right way they will stirre you vp too followe them But when as we see such kinde of people to goe cleane backwarde from all goodnesse and desire nothing else but to leade vs too wickednesse yea too cast vs downe hedlong with them into hell mouth wherein to they runne like mad men what should we doe but separate our selues from amongst them and retire vs from thence as Dauid sheweth vs. And namely he sayth For I wil keepe the commaundements of my God As if he should haue sayd These cursed men doe right well shewe that they haue no feeling nor knowledge of euerlasting life but that they liue here like to brute beastes Neuertheles for my parte I will not goe one foote forwarde with them but will goe towards my God And out of this saying we are to gather a good instruction to wit that when we see rounde aboute vs all people giuen ouer to wickednes that it seemeth the worlde hath conspired to make the maiestie of God nothing worth that wee declare by our lines and conuersation that wee haue no knowledge of euerlasting life when as then wee shall see such impieties it is euen to this end and purpose too withdrawe vs quite and cleane from our God It is very true that these are very daungerous offences and temptations But let vs alwayes be sure to abide firme and stedfast let vs continue constant in this trueth which once we haue receiued See then what Dauid meaneth to expresse in this saying
My God It is true that the faithfull will often say thus But when there is any question to make these comparisons with contrary thinges the scripture vseth not this saying My God so that it is to declare vnto vs that nothing ought to make vs wauer when we see the thinges confused in the worlde when we shall see all whatsoeuer to be there peruerted and ouerthrowne that there is neither any more lawe nor order that it seemeth vnto vs as it were an Hell let vs not for all that bee shaken Abac. 1.12 Let vs stande still vppon our guarde as the Prophet Abacuc thereof speaketh our faith must serue vs in steade of a Tower wherein we keepe good watch and yet too say notwithstanding no no God will tarry with me and then I neede not to care for the whole worlde See then that no temptations ought to quaile vs being euen in closed amidst the impieties and abhominaons of the faithlesse seeing we cannot otherwise chose but to bee conuersaunt amongest them It followeth nexte after Establist me or stay me in thy worde that I may liue and let me not be disapoynted of mine hope Although Dauid protesteth heere aboue that he trusted in God and that this hope proceeded vnto him from his worde yet prayeth hee his maiestie notwithstanding too establish him Wherin he sheweth vs that we shal neuer haue so well profited neither in faith nor yet in hope but that there shal be alwayes some want and remnaunt of incredulitie and weakenesse in vs so that whensoeuer there shall be any question of comming to God yet shall wee goe as it were halting vnto him Now if Dauid hath made such a request I beseech you haue not wee a greate deale more neede to doe it aswell as hee It is moste sure that he neuer spake it hypocritically When he saith Vpholde me or establish me in thy word this is not too make a shewe that his fayth was imperfect and that hee needed not be strengthened no not so but he knewe well inough his owne infirmitie If he then who was as it were an Angell of God had need to profite in fayth and in hope and that hee had beene moulten and beene quite consumed had not God throughly confirmed and established him I pray you what shall we doe So then when as God shall haue already shewed vs this fauour too bee surely grounded in his woord so that wee are able to say that we trust in it let vs not cease notwithstanding to continue this request and say O Lorde establish and confirme mee For when wee shall well consider our weakenesse wee shall finde that a very small thinge will quayle vs if God holdeth vs not vp with his hand and power And afterwarde let vs consider howe boysterous the assaultes of Satan are what violence he bringeth against vs and are we euer able too withstand them if that wee bee not dayly strengthened They then which shall haue conceiued a true hope in the woord of God let them knowe that they are yet but in the midde way and that they must alwayes march furtherforward vntill such time as they are come to the ende thereof Which thing shall neuer be vntill they are vncased of this fleshe and are departed out of this present life Seeing then wee cannot goe forwarde as of our selues nor yet be strengthened without God assist vs Let vs beseech him after the example of Dauid that hee will confirme vs in his woorde And afterwarde hee addeth and sayth That then he shall liue and disappoint me not saith he of my hope When he sayeth that he shall liue It is to shewe vs that all our felicities lyeth in this that wee are thoughly confirmed and fully setled in the word of God When this shal be so let vs then feare no more It is very true that we shal neuer be but subiect to a greate many of myseryes and afflictions for it cannot be otherwise but that this life muste be full of afflictions and many griefes and vexations Wee are then to fight whiles we liue in this worlde And so wee shall finde a great number of miseryes and yet we shall not choose but to liue still when we shall bee throughly founded vppon the woorde of God that is to say our saluation shall be sure and certaine euen amidst all the afflictions which may come vnto vs. And so shall wee haue wherewith to be contented For vnder this woorde to liue Dauid comprehendeth all whatsoeuer concerneth the welfare and felicitie of men He sayth then Although O Lorde I shal be taken as a miserable creature and that in deede I shall abide many troubles which shall be greeuous vnto me yet shall I haue true life and saluation so I be thus established in thy word Now he addeth a little more Let me not be disapoynted of mine hope wherein his meaning is to signifie that God neuer suffereth his Children to be disapoynted when as they put their trust in him But yet the case so standeth as that wee must so beseech him by reason of our weakenesse For although we trust in God yet for all that we goe coldely vnto him and wee shall finde our faith to be alwayes too too weake and feeble To be short our hearte shal be so shutte vp as that the graces of God as touching our selues shall hardly water it by dropmeale It is very true that God for his parte poureth vppon vs his graces abundauntly but we therein are nothing capable for the receiuing of them Wherefore wee are not worthy to tast and feele his ayde in our neede What should this then be if he surmounted not our hope to help that which therein is wanting And besides we knowe that the Deuill would soone ouerthrow al our hope were it not that it is very well kepte by an heauenly power as also S. Peter maketh thereof mention 1. Pet. 1. For when he speaketh of faith he sayth not that men are the Gardians or keepers of it For if that were so it should oftentimes bee violently taken from them But that is a treasure which God keepeth in his own hands and that by his owne inuincible power and strength See also why our Lorde and Sauiour Christ in the 10. of Iohn for our comforte saith Ioh. 10 24. That the father who hath vs in his hand and through whome wee are committed vnto him to be kept is mightier and greater then they all Accordingly then as wee knowe the power of God to be infinite so must we also assure our selues of our saluation And therefore it is that wee are to require of God as Dauid hath done that we be not disapointed of our hope Nowe in summe when we make such requests it is too the end that the promises of God should be so much the more certaine and better ratified vnto vs. See then what God sayth vnto vs. Feare you not when as you shall put your trust in me for
Priestes doe sing or rather which they bleate and houle out in their Churches are that they are without either vnderstanding deuotion and any good desire whatsoeuer And they thinke it not inough that they shewe them selues in deede openly to mock God but their deuilish doctrine also emporteth the same that they cannot but merit hauing this finall meaning to prayse God So that when a Chanon hath put on his Grayamisse and Surplisse and going out of his Chamber with this finall intent and yet anon after thinketh of his Gossip his cheere and his pastime yea that he play the Hypocrite there yet forsooth he must needes merit It is very true that they will confesse that there is veniall sinne entermedled amongest but yet that the same cannot hinder them from meriting when as they had this finall intent to prayse God yea and so also as that when they come home againe vntoo their house they think them selues to haue discharged their dutye To be short so that at the beginning and the end they had some motion to deuotion it is inough And is not this wholly to mock God and to dally with him more then a man would dandle a young Childe But see how this miserable cursed people haue peruerted all the holy Scripture in mingling it with so shameful thinges that euen the very Heathen when as they shall haue gotten the vnderstanding of the least sparke of trueth will bee ashamed too see such seruice in the Papacy too bee called godly seruice When it is all after this manner I pray you what praysing of GOD shall there remains Let vs then vnderstande that these people are very farre from Dauid and that if wee woulde take example by them they right well shewe that they knowe not what it is too prayse God but rather prophane his holy name when as they wil thrust in such abhominatiōs amongst as we dayly see them to commit against his worde Now Dauid addeth soone after They which loue thy law shall haue great prosperitie and they shall haue no hurt Heere Dauid beeing led by the spirit of God as a true Prophet contenteth not him selfe with speaking of the benefites which hee had receiued But instructeth others of that which they haue to doe Although in trueth all the protestations which wee haue seene heere are full of doctrine And that it is so wee see that Dauid might very well haue praysed God in his hart without declaring what he had done But it was needefull that he might be set as a Glasse before our eyes to the ende we might be ledde too followe him But yet in this verse he more expressely setteth foorth the office and duetie of a prophet when as hee sayth They which loue thy lawe shall haue great prosperitie and they shall haue no hurt Nowe by this he sheweth vnto vs that wee are euen in good earnest accursed when as wee giue our selues vp vnto our owne fleshly liking because we would bee esteemed amongst men and take pleasure in our pastimes and delightes And why so Because we shall be alwayes tormenmented with vnquietnesse and griefe so that we shall neuer be at peace and rest And although wee veryly thinke our selues to be assured of victory all the dayes of our life yet shall we reele this way and that and willingly hurt our selues so that it shoulde seeme we had a will too breake both our armes and legges in the end neck and all And the reasō is for that we follow not the way which God hath set before vs. Let vs then cōsider what the meaning of Dauid is to wit that we must not make reckoning of any assurāce heere in this worlde except we loue the woorde of God yea and that so to as that we desire nothing else but to be wholly ordered by it to submit and holde our selues therto without beeing withdrawen by the intisementes of Satan and with all the temptations of our corrupte fleshe and nature shall laye before our eyes In very deede it may very well seeme at the firste sight that experience teacheth vs the contrary of that which Dauid speaketh For who are moste greeued vexed and troubled Forsooth euen the children of God who haue al the shame offences doone vnto them Euen the selfe same men For it is saide That our sauiour Christ is as it were a badge and marke of all these contrarieties we must then haue all the vngodly to be our enemyes In summe all they which intend too serue God cannot escape from shame and slaunderous reportes from beeing despised troubled and outraged to indure great numbers of iniuryes and violences Loe howe the Children of God are intreated and handled in this present life And so by this reason it seemeth that Dauid promiseth vs heere that which we haue not But we are heere too consider that Dauid promiseth vs not such a rest as shal be as it were an earthly Paradise Hee speaketh of this true prosperitie which the Children of God haue when they are contented to serue him that in all their griefes yea in all their anguishes and troubles they runne onely vntoo him and lay all their cares vpon him not doubting but that he will helpe them and afterward heerevpon not too feare whatsoeuer that mortall men can imagine or deuise against them When as then wee shall haue such a peace as this although our estate and condition be in the viewe of men the moste miserable in the whole worlde yet ought we too bee throughly contented knowing that God will raise vs vp and make vs to tryumph ouer all our enemyes although we thought we should fall euen to bee crusshed and vtterly beaten too poulder yet will God bee ready too vpholde vs Psam 91. and make vs to be blessed As it is said in the 91. Psalme That God will not suffer his faithfull too tumble ouer and ouer neither yet so to fall as that they shall not be able to releeue them selues againe but will rather sende his Angels to lifte them vpp into the Ayre In very deede yet shall it not bee so as that we shall not sometimes hurt our selues howbeit the assaultes shall not be such as to frush vs deadly howe euer it bee wee shall in the ende feele in what sort God shall haue assisted vs by his Angels This is the meane and the manner too feele by effecte that which Dauid speaketh off Now in trueth the wicked shal neuer be able to take any such holde because they are not worthy of it For by reason they know not what God nor his worde is without it be to hate him and too anger him it is meete that they proue by experiment the contrary of that which is heere spoken of by Dauid to wit because they loue not the lawe of God it is good reason that they shoulde bee inwardly troubled and greeuously tormented without end Now it followeth Lorde I haue trusted in thy sauing health and haue done thy
mortally to wounde vs. And to put by these blowes wee had neede to bee armed with the woorde of God which is our sword with the buckler of faith and the Helmet of hope euen as Saint Paul exhorteth vs to doe Marke well this point we must not bee too too tyed vnto men when as they shall thus grieue and vexe vs but wee must looke a great way farther to witte vnto Satan who by such assaultes cōbattes goeth about al hee can too ouerthrowe our sayth Ephe. 6.16.17 if it were possible for him to doo Now the protestation which he maketh is well woorthy the noting for after hee had complayned of these rebukes and mockeries of the vngodly hee addeth yet haue I not shrinked from thy way O Lorde Let vs then conclude that since wee haue the word of God that if al the world shoulde conspire against vs too turne vs from it we ought too abyde stedfastly in it and too bee fast tyed thereto and too cleaue so harde vntoo it as that wee might neuer bee pulled away from the same To this ende ought this protestation to serue vs to witte to strengthen vs in constancie that wee might knowe that if Dauid was so stedfastly setled in the hope which he had that the truthe of God is not at this day diminished or decreased It behoueth vs then to make the promises of God forcible and to be so sure and certaine as that wee be not shaken nor moued for all the scornes and mockes which the wicked can make at vs. Let vs also marke that Dauid speaketh not here of one combat or of a woorde cast out at randon as sometimes it may escape from the mouth of a Scoffer or Iester among the wicked But it must needes bee that the holy Prophet was throughly sooked in them as hee him selfe declareth that they derided and scoffed at him and that exceedingly Let vs applie this too our selues that we quaile not nor faynt for one conflict wherwith Satan shall assayle vs by his substitutes but that wee perseuere in all conflictes that when we shall haue made an ende with the first to bee ready and prest to enter into an other neuer altering or chaunging our determination nor will come there whatsoeuer shall come that the scoffes scornes of the wicked yea and whatsoeuer Satan shall craftily inuent against vs hinder vs not from stedfastly abiding and continuing in faith without turning or writhing vs awaye from the lawe of God after the example of Dauid as here wee haue heard him make thereof protestation And if there were such constancie in Dauid hauing the lawe onely wee that haue the doctrine which is giuen by him and by the Prophetes after him by our Lorde Iesus Christe and his Apostles wee then which haue a great many moe conuenient helpes then Dauid had should wee be shaken and crusshed when as the deuill the wicked and all the girnardes and firebrandes of hell shall assayle our faith There remaineth nowe no excuse for vs seeing hee hath done thus Let vs then learne too helpe our selues with the meanes which God hath giuen vs and putteth in to our hande so that his woorde bee not vayne and vnprofitable vnto vs but that it serue vs in deede as it ought Nowe hee addeth For I remembred thine euerlasting iudgement O Lorde and haue receiued comfort Here Dauid declareth that hee is confirmed ouer and beside the worde in all the iudgementes of God which is the thing that we must also do after that we haue meditated vppon the promises of GOD by which hee testifieth that hee is nere vnto all those which call vppon him after that wee haue knowne that which hee declareth and pronounceth to humble and ouerthrowe the wicked in shewing them to be their iudge that ouer and besides this we would acknowledge as at all times we haue neede how he hath holpen and sustained his howe hee hath deliuered them out of all the miseries they were in and besides how he hath stretched foorth his arme against the wicked and contempners of his iustice See I say howe wee must linke together the woorkes of God with his word for the more notable confirmation of our faith And this is it which Dauid meaneth in this place for he speaketh not here of the iudgementes of God as hee hath done before and as he will hereafter to witte for his statutes and commaundementes but hee meaneth the actes and deedes which GOD in all ages hath done to shewe him selfe to be iudge ouer all men It is very true that such judgements as God hath put in execution are conteined in the Scripture But by this which is here spoken of them we are warned how we ought to reade such histories that is that God neuer forsaketh his faithfull and although for a while he slacketh yet will he not leaue the wicked vnpunished in the ende Dauid then meditated on these iudgements and exercised him selfe in them And so we are to remember that when we haue made the word of God forcible to resist Satan and al the assaultes wherewith he shal assaile vs we must also know that God hath not only spokē but hath likewyse shewed by experience that his worde is no vayne thing but that the execution thereof is at hand And therefore when as wee shall see that God shall put to his helping hande before our eyes and shall giue vs so many testimonies of his iudgementes it is no reason that wee should ouerslippe it but should haue our eyes open and acknowledge these thinges as they are declared vnto vs when as also wee shall feele any of GOD his grace towardes vs that wee ought to imprint the same surely in our myndes Loe howe wee must followe Dauid in that which hee sayeth O Lord I haue remembred thy iudgements Moreouer when it is said that hee hath called to mynde the iudgementes of GOD from the beginning of the worlde I praye you what excuse shall wee bee able too make if wee ouerslippe that which hee setteth before our eyes For when as at this daye GOD shoulde holde him selfe as if hee laye hidden that wee should haue no token nor proufe that hee shoulde bee the iudge of the wicked and vngodly for to confounde them and the Sauiour of those which trust in him and call vppon him yet that which is conteined in the holy Scripture and that which we reade too bee done before wee were borne the same I saye might suffice But nowe since God declareth him selfe vnto vs and sheweth vnto vs his presence and all this to bee cast vnder foote through our vnthankefulnesse must not wee needes be more then culpable or blameworthy In summe let vs marke that here the holy Ghost accuseth vs of negligence for if wee were such as in deede wee should be wee should applye our studie to reade the holy Scriptures where God sheweth vs his iudgementes as it were in beautifull glasses and all for our
here giueth vs is very necessary to wit that the commandementes of God are true As if he should haue said O Lorde I haue already said that thou art neare vnto vs for as much as thou seest vs to bee persecuted and troubled by the wicked and how they come vpon vs to destroye vs and that thou arte right before them and against them to beate them backe and to beare their blowes All this do I confesse O Lorde But yet I vee not this after a visible worldly maner Howe then It is bicause thy commaundements are true Dauid then knewe that God was neare vnto him bicause hee settled him selfe vpon the lawe and the promises which were giuen him And euen so must we do although it seeme very hard as we haue already touched It followeth I haue knowne long since by testimonies that thou hast grounded them for euer In this latter verse for a conclusion Dauid sayeth that he was not like a nouice to bee nowe too learne to knowe what the commaundements of God were but hee was resolute that God was neare him bicause hee had his worde from which he could not starte He sheweth then that the faithfull ought not too bee as it were in their A. B. C. but must bee long time exercised as Dauid protesteth of him selfe I haue knowne them sayeth hee long since Now here he setteth downe a woorde which signifieth continuaunce From the beginning haue I knowen saieth hee long since thy commaundements which thou haste grounded for euer So then let vs learne that if wee will boldely striue against all the assaultes wherewith wee may bee assayled wee muste continue in this knowledge of the woorde of God and we shall alwayes finde him ready to be neerehand vs so that we may be sure of his protection not for a day onely but all the dayes of our life And so let vs throughly recorde this lesson to the ende we may say with Dauid that wee haue the testimonyes of GOD so deepely imprinted in our heartes as that wee haue longe time since knowen what is already in them too witte that God hath established them That is to say that although we shall see a great number of chaunges in this world that all things are chaunged and turned yet that God is no chaungeling that hee neuer altereth his minde that his woorde is as it was from the beginning and as it shall continue for euer that it shall neuer be subiect to al the turnes and chaunges of this worlde but shall euer abide in his ful strength and vertue because that God hath established it for euer And this is euen so as that we ought to bee prepapared to call vpon God to witte when as we shall be setled vpon the true confidence of his promises that we shall haue knowne the euerlasting power strength which he hath giuen to his woorde that is that he will remaine alwayes like vnto him selfe When I say wee shall haue knowen this we may boldely come and present our selues before him beeing assured that hee will make vs feele by proofe that which he promiseth vs so oftentimes as wee shall haue recourse vnto him trusting heerein that he hath rendered vnto vs a testimonie of the loue which hee beareth vs. Nowe let vs prostrate our selues before the Maiestie of our good God and father in acknowledging our innumerable offences which wee dayly commit against him Beseeching him that he will so touch vs as that in steede that wee haue beene ouer much giuen to our fleshly affections and vanities of this world that nowe we seeke none other way but wholy too order our selues according to his good will beeing assured that although we bee feeble and weake yea and vtterly voyde of all strength so that wee cannot stepe one foote forwarde without stumbling or else in going backwarde we bee farre from him yet let vs not doute but that hee will be neere at hand too helpe vs And also that when hee hath made vs too feele his helpe that he will giue vs that grace that wee may bee so thankfull vnto him as hee deserueth desiring nothing else but too glorifie him all the dayes of our life for so many his benefites as he dayly giueth vs and liberally bestoweth vpon vs. That hee will not onely graunt vnto vs this grace but also vnto all people and nations of the earth c. The xx Sermon vpon the hundreth and nineteenth Psalme RESH Beholde mine affliction and deliuer mee for I haue not forgotten thy lawe Pleade my cause and deliuer me quicken me according vnto thy woorde Saluation is farre from the vngodly because they seeke not thy statutes Great are thy tender mercyes O Lord quicken me according to thy iudgements Many there are that trouble me and persecute mee yet doe I not swarue from thy testimonies It greeued mee when I sawe the transgressors bee cause they kept not thy lawe Consider O Lorde howe I loue thy Commaundementes quicken mee according vnto thy louing kindenesse Thy worde is true from euerlasting all the iudgements of thy righteousnesse inudre for euermore IF wee might haue whatsoeuer we would desire wish in very deede wee should bee the better at ease and without any griefe And this is it that man naturally desireth But in the meane while wee are to consider that God wil exercise vs with diuerse afflictions so long as we are in this worlde Wherefore such is the condition and state of Christians so long as they shall liue heere vpon the earth That is they must striue be exercised with diuerse sortes of greeues sometimes of the body and otherwhiles of the soule And therefore for this cause must we arme our selues to the ende we be not ouercome in the midest of our conflicts Now the principal peece of our armour is to pray vn-God and to call vpon him to helpe vs. And to bring this about we are throughly to consider howe all the faithfull which liued long before our time proceeded heerein too the ende we might order our selues after their example as in this texte heere we see howe Dauid was euen extreemely afflicted Againe wee see also howe he behaued him selfe in all his afflictions which although they were very vehement yet did they not hinder him too haue recourse vntoo God and of him he was rescued and saued See then what we haue to meditate vppon too the ende that wee might doe the like Beholde mine affliction and deliuer me for I doe not forget thy lawe When as he desireth God to looke vnto his afflictions it is euen the same which wee haue already saide too wit That although God loued him yet would he not but that he should be subiect too a greate number of miseryes torments and griefes Let vs not think then to be priuiledged so long as we are to walke heere bilowe on the earth but that God will exercise vs and assay and proue our patience as he hath prooued Dauids
whome he so greatly loued as the scripture witnesseth of him Nowe heere we are to note two things The one is that when Dauid desired God to looke vpon his afflictions and to deliuer him out of them hee confesseth that hee was astonyed as if God had turned his backe vpon him It is very true that Dauid considered not of all that was too bee considered neither did he conclude that God would cast off his children in such sorte But yet so farre forth as naturall reason coulde reach see howe he might iudge of his estate And at that pointe also are all the Children of God For on the one side when as they shall looke vppon their owne state and condition they cannot chose but that they must be forced to say what a thing is this Surely if God hath any compassion vpon vs and that he seeth vs is it possible that euer wee should bee thus cruelly handled will not he take some better order for this See then that wee cannot choose but to conceiue these and such like imaginations in our heartes when as wee are greeued and persecuted and looke into our owne present estate yea euen as I haue already sayde we cannot choose euen too feele our selues as it were to be forsaken of GOD. And yet for all this wee muste bee fully perswaded and resolued that GOD beholdeth vs and although it seemeth that hee hath turned his backe vppon vs yet that hee ceaseth not too helpe vs and is carefull for our saluation yea and though wee see nothing yet let vs holde this for a certaine and an vndoubted trueth in oure heartes And therfore so often as we shall be thus troubled to thinke that God hath no lenger care ouer vs but that he hath clerely forsakē vs yet let not this hinder vs from praying after the example of Dauid neither let vs be slacke but euen say O Lord beholde me In the second place we haue to note the reason which Dauid here setteth downe For I do not forget thy lawe If then wee will haue God to heare vs wee must haue his lawe as it were fully settled in our heartes And howe is that Forsooth wee must thinke and study vpon his promises we must know him to bee louing and mercifull to helpe all those that are his and too ayde them in all their necessities and besides this must bee oure sure foundation that his promises are infallible and that he will not suffer his children to goe emptie away when as they shall tende them selues thereto See then how we must meditate vpon the lawe of God that is to say vpon his word For vnder this worde the law there is no doubt but that Dauid comprehended the summe of al the doctrine which God gaue vnto his church Euery of vs then must be exercised in this study and we hauing the lawe thus imprinted in our heartes may bee certaine and sure that God beholdeth vs and will helpe vs in all our afflictions yea although it seemeth and wee may iudge according to our carnall senses that hee hath turned his backe vpon vs or that he hath closed vp his eyes and sleepeth and as a man would saye neuer thinketh more of vs. Now it followeth in the second verse Pleade my cause and deliuer me quicken me according vnto thy worde Here Dauid expresseth what this his affection is whereof hee hath spoken too wit howe that the wicked vniustly persecuted him as againe hereafter shall more at large bee declared Now wee knowe that the griefes which the children of God doe suffer in this worlde are diuerse and sundrie For sometimes God will lay heauy hande vppon them without any man his touching sometimes also men shall persecute them with vniust actions so that the wicked shall torment and grieue them Dauid then sheweth that the affliction which he endured was of this second kinde to wit that hee had enemies which did vniustly trouble him And see wherefore hee desireth God too pleade his cause and restore him By this wee are admonished according to that which I haue already saide that when we haue liued in a good conscience and haue trauelled euen to doe good vnto euery man so that no man hath any cause iustly to complaine of vs yet although wee are persecuted and troubled wee must not for all that bee ouermuch abashed bicause as great matters as al these were layde vpon Dauid For this is most sure that hee walked so marueilous soundly as that euery man had occasion too loue him And yet notwithstanding hee was not without troubles amongest men And why so Bicause of their vnthankefulnesse Let vs then vnderstande that this vice began not first in these dayes I meane the vnthankefulnesse and iniquitie of men But long time a goe and therefore as much as in vs lyeth let vs seeke after peace but if so be wee shall procure to doe any wrong the worlde will neuer giue ouer hating of vs and procuring of our hurte yea and goe about euen to destroye vs. But as I haue already saide let not that seeme straunge vnto vs seeing it came so to passe in Dauid And thus much for this Nowe in the second place wee are to beseeche God too auenge our cause too comfort vs when we see our selues to be wrongfully dealt withal when as we are oppressed with false and slaunderous reportes that we are euill spoken of without iust desert we must thē desire God to be our warrant and deliuerer and let vs not dout but that he will take our cause into his owne hand shewe him selfe to be more then a protector lawyer For he saieth that he is the aduerse partie for the maintenance and defence of the causes and quarrels of all his when as they shall haue walked sincerely before him selfe before men Loe here a notable and very profitable admonition That is we must cast all our care vpon God when as we are wrongfully accused iniuriously dealt withall troubled and oppressed and beseech God to take the cause into his own hand and to auenge it him selfe Nowe this may serue too make vs patient for what is the cause that men so trouble and torment them selues waxe so fierce and cruell vse reuenge or els growe to be very cowardes when any wrong is done them but bicause that they haue not recourse vnto God put not thē selues vnder his protectiō pray him not to holde his holy hand ouer them and to defend their cause Now if wee knowe this it is most certaine that oure heartes shall incontinent bee a great deale more quiet and let vs not haue such boyling affections as wee haue to be auenged of them which trouble vs but let vs followe the doctrine which is here set downe vnto vs to wit that when we are vniustly entreated let vs pray vnto God that he will auenge our cause And besides also let vs learne to stay our selues of the promise which is made vnto vs thereof for