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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17693 A sermon of the famous and Godly learned man, master Iohn Caluine chiefe Minister and Pastour of Christs church at Geneua, conteining an exhortation to suffer persecution for followinge Iesus Christe and his Gospell, vpon this text following. Heb. 13. 13. Go ye out of the tents after Christe, bearing his rebuke. Translated out of French into english,; Quatre sermons avec exposition du Pseaume 87. English. Sermon 2. Selections Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Fielde, John, d. 1588.; I. P., fl. 1581. 1581 (1581) STC 4439.5; ESTC S116257 19,849 45

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A Sermon of the famous and Godly learned man master Iohn Caluine chiefe Minister and Pastour of Christs church at Geneua conteining an exhortation to suffer persecution for followinge Iesus Christe and his Gospell vppon this Text following Heb. 13.13 Go ye out of the Tents after Christe bearing his rebuke Translated out of French into english Imprinted at London by Robert VValdegraue for Edward VVhite 1581. A SERMON of the Famous and godly learned man Master Iohn Caluine Chiefe minister and Pastour of Christes Church at Geneua conteining an exhortation to suffer persecution Heb. 13.13 Go ye out of the Tents after Christ bearing his rebuke ALl exhortations that a man maye make to vs of suffering patiently for the name of Iesus Christe A constant man in religion is knowne by the certenty of the word whereupon he standeth and for the quarrell of the Gospell they shall haue no place if we bee not very well assured of the cause for the which wee doe contend for when the question is of yeelding the life it is requisit that we be resolued and certaine wherefore it is And such constancie cannot bee in vs vnlesse it bee grounded on the certeinty of fayth True it is that a man shall finde out some that will submit themselues foolishly to death Stubbornes in opinion besides the word is frensie For to mainteine certeine fond opinions fantasies which they shall conceiue in their head but such an earnestnesse deserueth rather to bee counted for frensie then for a Christian zeale like as in deede there is neither constancy neither approued iudgement in such people who gaue themself so to stubbornnesse Sithen this is so there is nothing but a good cause which maketh that God accepteth vs for his Martyrs for death is common to all A good cause maketh a martyr And the children of God shall be condemned to such shame and torments as though they were theeues But God putteth a difference betweene them in so much that he can not deny this verity the children of God are put to villany in this worlde Therfore it is requisit that on our part we haue sure vndoubted testimony of the doctrine which we doe sustaine For as much as I haue sayd we can not bee moued neither touched with a good intention for any exhortations that any body make to vs to suffer persecution for the Gospel if ther be not a true certeinty of faith grauen in our hearts A man can not suffer persecution for the gospell vnlesse fayth be grauen in his heart for to hazard our life it is not naturall but temeritie for to hazarde our life at all aduenture that is not natural And when we shal so do that shall be but temerity and no Christian vertue at all at length God will approue nothing at alll that wee shall do vnlesse we be well peesuaded that it is for his sake and for his cause that men doe molest vs and that the world is our enemy Now when I speake of such a certeinty I do not meane only that we know to desern betweene true religion and the abuses or follies of men But also that we be well persuaded of the life celestiall and of the crowne whiche is there promised vs after that we haue striuen here beneath In the meane while note that both these two points be requisit VVe must be persuaded of the life celestiall and the glory to come and that no man ought to seperate the one from the other it is meete therefore for vs to begin at this point to knowe well what our Christanitye is what the fayth is which we must mayntein and follow what is the rule that God hath giuen vs Too points necessary in religion to be knowen and that we be defended with such instruction that we can boldly condemn all false lies errors and superstitions whiche the diuell hath brought in for to corrupt the pure simplicity of the doctrine of God wherefore a man must not be amazed if he see not at this present day VVhy men commonly refuse the Crosse of that very many persons that be disposed for the gospell to suffer that the greatest part of those which name themselues Christians knoweth not what it is For al be in manner negligent make no account neiher to heare neither to reade but it is ynough for them that they haue had a little taste of the fayth of Christe beholde then wherefore there be so few of others but if they be assaulted they wil by and by run away This ought to stirre vs vp to enquire more diligently of the trueth of God because we might be certein therof But yet this is not al The want of zeale and loue to the trueth is the cause why men refuse to suffer persecutiō therfore God speaketh to vs in the scriptures that we should be taught wel and haue intelligence for we may see such as seeme to be perfect in good doctrine the which notwithstanding haue neither zeal neither affection in them no more then if they had neuer knowen any thing of God but after some fantasticall will And wherfore is that but in as muche they neuer before comprehended the maiesty of the holy scripture And in deede if we all to gether considered well that it is God which speaketh to vs it is most certeine that we shold be more attentiue to hearken to the same and with a great reuerence when we in reading the scripture doe think that we are at the schole of Angelles The scripture is the schole of Angelles we shal straite haue another care and desire to exercise vs in that doctrin which is set before vs now we seeing that it is the meane to prepare vs to suffer for the gospel that is that we haue so farre profited in the schole of God that wee being assured of the true religion and doctrine which we ought to holde we may auoyd all the craftes and subtelties of the Diuel and all mans inuentions Note howe a true martyr is known from the fals as things not onely of no effect but also accurssed in as much as they corrupt Christian puritie and in this point we as true Martyrs of Iesus Christ do differ from these bedlems that suffer for their foolish opinions Secondarily that wee being certeine of the good cause be enkendled as it is conueniente to followe God whereto soeuer he calleth vs that his word hath such authority with vs as it is worthy and that we being wtdrawn frō the worlde be in maner rauished to seek after the celestiall life But this is a thing very straunge that the brightnesse of God shineth at this day so playnly as it did neuer more and yet there be very fewe that haue a zeale thereto whiche is lamentable and if we bee not ashamed hereof it is so much the worse for vs for wee must come shortly before the great Iudge where that euill which we
go about to couer shal be set before vs with such reproch that there wil be found sufficient cause to cast vs downe altogether to the pit of hell For if we bee bounde to render testimony to God alter the mesure of the knowledge which he hath giuen vs to what tendeth it I praye you that we are so colde and fearefull VVe are bound to confesse our fayth for to enter to this combat sithen that God is in such sort reuealed to vs at this time that a man may say that he hath disclosed and opened the great treasures of his secretes may it not be well sayde that we will not haue any thing to doe with God for if wee had any regard of his maiestie we woulde not bee so bolde as to turne the doctrine which proceedeth out of his mouth into a certeine Phylosophy or speculation I can not tel what To be short ther is no excuse but this is to our greate shame and rather to our horrible condemnation that we haue had so much knowledge of the truth of God haue so litle corage to stand to the same Ouer al when wee consider the martirs in times past Courage to stand is requisit with knowledge The faith of Martyrs in pime past we may wel abhorre the vilany which is in vs for the most part of thē were not much exercised in the holy scripture for to haue knowledge to dispute of all things they know that there was one God alone whome men ought to worshippe and serue Also that they were redemed by the blood of Iesus Christe to this ende to put their trust of saluation in him and in his grace that all that which hath bine found out by mē was not to be esteemed were able therby to cōdemn al idollatry superstitiō the summe of their diuinitie was this ther is one onely God who hath created all the world hath declared vs his wil by Moses by the prophets last of all by Iesus Christe his Apostles we haue one only redeemer who hath redeemed vs by his bloode and grace wherby we trust to be saued Al the Idolles of the world be accurssed execrable hauing nothing but this they went frankly either to the fier or els to any other kind of deathe And this was not done by two or three but in so great multitudes that the number of those whiche bee dead by the handes of Tyrantes is in manner infinite we are of our part so great Clearks that none can be more Now a days much knowledge and litle zeale at least so we think in deede as concerning the vnderstanding of the scripture God hath dealt so largely with vs as euer he hath don with any age Yet not with standing there is scarce one drop of zeal Now to make much of such a feeblenes it is to no purpose vnles we wil willingly prouoke the vengeaunce of God Note what is to be done to haue a courage to suffer what shall we then doe for to take a good courage First of al we haue to cōsider how this thing is pretious before God the confession of our faith for we knowe it slenderlye howe God alloweth the same since our life which is verye nothing is more esteemed of vs In the which we declare a maruelous bestialitie for we can not spare our life in this cause but wee must confesse that the same is more beloued of vs then the honor of God and the saluation of our soules A certaine painime could well saie that it was a miserable thing for a man to put awaie the causes wherfore he doth liue to saue his life neuertheles he and such like neuer knew to what ende men were set in the worlde and for what cause they liue It is true that they had good knoweledge to say that a man ought to follow vertue that a man ought to behaue him selfe honestlie Our life is to glorifie God The prolōging of our life besides Gods wil is malediction and without reproche but all their vertues were but colours smokes we know much better to what our life ought to be imploied that is to glorifie God to the end hee might be our glory without this the woe is ouer vs and we can not prolong our life as much as one minute more of time on the earth in the which wee doe bring so muche the more malediction vpon our own heads Notwithstanding we are not ashamed to purchase here in this world a certaine few daies for vs to lament in renouncing therby the euerlasting kingdome seperating our selues from him by whose vertue we are maintained in life If a man demand of the veriest ignorant persons or els of the most brutest of the world for what cause is it that they liue they dare not simply saye that it was to eate drinke and sleepe The ende of our life is to honor God and to bee ruled by his word for al men do knowe that they were created to a more noble and more excelent end what end can we finde els but to honor God and to suffer our selues to be ruled by him as children of a good father to the intent that after we haue ended the viage of this corruptible life we may be receiued into his eternall inheritaunce beholde this is the principall cause of our life and the selfe same altogether when we make account thereof that we are incarnated to a beastly life the which is worsse then a thousande deathes what may we allege for our expences for to liue and not to knowe wherfore it is against nature plainly And to reiect the causes for the which we liue vnder the pretence of a foolishe appetite for to haue a certaine respite of three daies to the end to dwel in the world being seperate from god I can not tell how a man shall call suche a frensie and rage But because persecutions doe not cease to be grieuous and bitter vnto vs marke how this commeth to passe by what meanes Christians might strengthen them selues to patience euen to yeeld cōstantly their life for Gods verity the text which we haue recited Heb. 13. when it shal be vnder stood is sufficient inough for to induce vs to the same Let vs go out of the country saith the apostle after the Lorde Iesus bearing his reproche In the first parte he exhorteth vs although the swords be not redie drawn vppon vs nether the fires kindled to burn vs that we can not truelie be ioyned to the sonne of God whilest that we be engraffed in this worlde A person of God must haue his affectiō drawn from the world wherfore it is requisite that a christian person being him selfe at rest hath alwayes one foote lift vp to go to battayle and not onely that but that hee hath his affection withdrawne from the worlde albeit the body dwelleth here Although this seemeth to vs a rude thing