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A14352 Most godly prayers compiled out of Dauids Psalmes by D. Peter Martyr. Translated out of Latine into English by Charles Glemhan. G. Seene and allowed according to the order appointed; Preces sacrae ex psalmis Davidis desumptae. English Vermigli, Pietro Martire, 1499-1562.; Glemhan, Charles.; Simmler, Josias, 1530-1576. 1569 (1569) STC 24671; ESTC S103274 186,941 520

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seruauntes Let the kinges therefore assemble togither and the princes conspire as they thinke good vtterly to subuert and ouerthrow hir yet shall they be inforced to leaue of their fonde deuices as who at the féeling of thy mighty power present being striken with excéeding feare must néedes ceasse from their wicked attempts for such as thou strykest a feare into they are ouertaken wyth sorrowe as women laboring of childe Wherefore O good God suffer not our heynous sinnes to excéede surmount thy vnspeakable goodnesse we truely haue offended thée verye gréeuously neyther doe we denie the same but togither with oure heynous sinnes wée acknowledge also thy excéeding great mercy which we séeke for with sorowfull teares that we may at length be reconciled vnto thée not for our owne deserts but through the inestimable goodnesse louing fauour and bening grace of thy deere sonne and graunt that the fierce enimies of thy blessed Church may in likewise come to vtter ruine as shippes are oftentymes torne amiddest the sea through the very great and excéeding hideous noyse of the wind which is sodenlye stirred vp so that like as wée haue heard with our eares thy most large promises set forth and preached out of the holy Scriptures so we may also with our eyes sée them mightily come to passe and be performed We haue alreadie conceyued an assured hope and stedfast confidence by those thinges which are set out vnto vs in thy most blessed worde now graunt wée humbly beséech thée that the thing maye take so good successe as through the publishing of thy glorious name and goodnesse incontinent after the performaunce of thy excellent benefites we may with great solemnitie render due thankes for the same And to the intent it maye be euery where knowne that whatsoeuer procéedeth from thée is nothing else but vpright iustice be thou our God euen our God I say both so long as we here liue and also euerlastingly through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme ALl creatures O most good and mercifull God doe plainelye and euidentlye acknowledge thy great goodnesse but thy sacred Church is the especial worke wherin thou art singularlye preached and magnified From thence all the whole worlde receyueth gladnesse for so much as the sounde doctrine is there wherby both thou thy selfe art manifestly knowne we also called to heauen for what most pleasaunt ioyful and blessed thing so euer can be had vppon earth it florisheth there And therefore no maruell is it though the aduersaries force rageth against hir with cruell threatning outragious madnesse and furious violence if thou be at hande without delay thou doest maintain fauor and defend it in such wise that the mighty rulers of the worlde and princes of darkenesse are inforced will they nill they to be sore troubled to runne hedlong away to be marueylously disquieted with excéeding great feare Their impotent threatnings are vtterly disapoynted through thy mighty power but there thy faithfull seruants are vnburthened of their heauie cares and sadde gréefes which benifites of thine we now and then féele not bicause we fall excéeding miserably and meruelous painfullye into sundrie and manifolde faults being driuen therto partly by infirmitie and partly through ignoraunce By this so great honor of thy glorious house we humbly beséech thée therefore to blot out whatsoeuer we haue committed against thée to the intent that thou thy selfe mayst rule and gouerne vs in the same Church to the glory of thy most excellent name through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xlix. Psalme WE heartily require thée O most mightie God that fayth may be annixed to the doctrine of thy holy Ghost A praier that we abuse not temporall goodes when as being greeuouslye afflicted through the naughtie behauiour of our outragious enimies we maye duely way this with our selues that they stay most vpon their transitorie riches and welth wherein they much abounde for they verilye perceyue not that men can by no riches in this world redeme themselues from death and eternall damnation Bridle thou O excellent father our affections in such wise that no fraile things take any place at all in vs. Let the common infirmity and miserie which is wholy sowne in such as we be admonish vs or else verie death that spreadeth it selfe ouer all people how wise or foolish soeuer men be they can in no sort so mocke death as alwayes to kéepe and inioy the goods they haue gotten in this wreched world We also doe plainly confesse that we haue oftentimes fallen on this behalfe who trusting in worldlye strength were perswaded of wonderfull victories pompes triumphes as though our names shoulde haue beene exalted aboue all measure Neyther did we well consider that a good fortune and prosperous successe of the fleshe endureth but a time and so many as haue assured confidence in them shall perishe at length lyke beastes and are put into hell and inprisoned vnder an euerlasting night Forgiue vs O good God this heynous crime that putting awaye and casting aside all vayne hope of worldly welth thou thy selfe mayst take vs vp into thy tuition and rayse vs from eternal death and the paines of Hell Graunt that we stande in no feare at all of them who haue greatly increased themselues and their houses with riches and honor all which things are but commodious onely for this present life that they might be the better able to follow the sensuall appetite of their fleshly lustes Finally wée humbly require thée O good God to deliuer thy blessed church from these outragious enimies which haue not this perceyueraunce as to vnderstande that the honor and authoritie they haue is giuen them of God whoe dye not onely like senselesse beastes but being depriued of their worldly goods shall after this wretched life suffer eternall punishment through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme THe renowmed oracles of the sacred doctrine which thou hast vouched safe to set out in the holye scriptures ought men O mightie God well to consider with most attentiue mindes yea there is no man so ignoraunt or any of so high degree but it behoueth him verie diligentlye to ponder and waye the excellent things that thou speakest And this thou chiefly admonishest vs off that we haue not that confidence in the pleasures of this world being verie vayne and frayle which wée ought to repose in thee only What thing soeuer is wonderfull puissaunt excéeding strong meruailous excellent or verye honourable amongst men are of no force to redéeme and deliuer vs from death but such is their propertie and condicion that they are quicly chaunged perish in the twinckling of an eie neyther may the man which hath his whole affiaunce in these abide anye while in honor For so soone as they wither and perish so sone also doth their counterfeit renowne fade away Wherefore we earnestly require thée O good father
Church no lesse then thou shewedst the same in tymes past touching the deliueraunce of the Israelites from the Egyptians bondage and seruitude to the intent that howe much the more care thou hast therof so much the more a great deale it may appéere that thou hast mightily deliuered the same from the deuill sinne and moste cruell death through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxxviij Psalme A prayer for grace and ●prightnesse of heart FOrsomuch as the diuine scriptures haue most perfectly published thy excéeding glorious workes O most mightie God by setting thy children at libertie in Egypt assuredlye knowing that what thinges soeuer are set forth in the holy Bible they all make very much to our comfort and consolation wée nowe most heartily require thée that thou wouldest in these excéeding daungerous tymes continuallye renue our memorie with thy holye spirite who béeing moued herewith may repose our whole cōfidence in thee onely Thou broughtest thy children of Israell oute of Egypt in working of dreadfull things agaynst Pharao The sea gaue place a clowde couered them a light of fire guided them on their iourney the rocke gaue water the heauen sent them both Manna and fleshe and in Mount Sinai thou shewedst thy selfe at what tyme it pleased thée to giue them a law by Moyses Thou therefore who hast done so great and manifold things for the Israelites forsake vs not in such wise as the shepe of thy flocke may be scattered abroade by the Deuill and Antichrist We verily haue sinned agaynst thee and that gréeuously and very often howbeit they also were oftentymes rebellious and murmured agaynst thy diuine Maiestie in the wildernesse when as they had lesse credite to thy sacred worde then beseemed them There thou diddest sharpely punishe that people neyther yet sufferedst thy heritage to be destroyed but knewest well that they were fleshe and had a verye wauering spirite wherefore thou wert so touched with mercy that thou didst helpe them in aduersitie We therfore earnestly require thee O good God that thou wouldest doe none otherwise to thy blessed Church at this present in mightie defending and valiant deliuering hir after any other sort then thou didst the Iewes when thou haddest layde thy rod of correction somewhat vpon them through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme WEe heartily acknowledge and earnestly confesse O most mighty god that the ingratitude of mankinde is excéeding great which thing truely appeareth plainly by our lewd deedes but séeing that it is an easie matter for euery man to bee blind in his owne case it is more manifestly set forth by our forefathers actes which are most truely made mencion of in the holy scriptures We haue heard that the childrē of Israell were deliuered through thée by a number of miracles when as thou broughtest them out of Egypt who being gouerned defended and nourished in the desert with such a diligent studie and prudent care as no greater could be deuised and imagined yet for all this the same people are reported to shewe themselues so much vngratefull and obliuious of thy excellent benefites that they alwayes murmured against thée their god their maker deliuerer guide most iust Therefore we humbly beseeche thée O excellent father that seéing thou of thy frée mercie hast elected vs and moreouer bewtified vs with the highest ornamentes of thy grace thou wouldest neuer suffer or cause the same to depart out of our memory but rather stirre vs vp euery moment with thy blessed spirit to render such kinde of thankes vnto thée wherby both thou mayst be most honored and we greatly prouoked forward to leade a godlye and vertuous life through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme BEsides the prodigious wonders and marueylous signes O moste good and mercifull God whereby thou thoughtest good diuers and sundry times to maintaine and defend the fathers in the olde lawe the selfe same hast thou commaunded both to be set forth for the commoditie of those that come after and also to be registred for a perpetuall remembraunce to the intent that so many as shall perceyue the things by fayth may conceyue as assured an hope of thy mercie louing kindnesse and faythfulnesse toward themselues as they wonder excéeding greatly at thy vnspeakeable goodnesse extended vpon their olde fathers For the séeing of those mens chasticements by the seueritie of thy iust iudgement may also be a verye great warning vnto them that they shall be no more spared then the others when through their lewde behauiour they ceasse not to prouoke thy wrathfull indignation agaynst them Our earnest request is therefore O heauenly father that we may reape much commoditie hereby For we verilye are through thy gracious fauor deliuered from euerlasting destruction euen as they were out of Egypt But this is our most earnest request which we require as nowe at thy mercifull handes that we be not ledde by our filthie lustes and lewd desires to prouoke thy heauie wrath vnto our confusion in such sort as they were by grudging at thy vnestimable goodnesse in the wildernesse through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme WE may right well perceyue O most good and mercifull God that the desires of our wicked lustes be much hurtful either bicause we are prouoked through thē to poure out complaints agaynst thée who art most perfectly good or else for that in compassing the filthie desires of them we purchase greatly vnto our selues the most seuere punishmentes of thy vnspeakable iustice for we are now admonished in due tyme by the holy ghost of all such thinges as happened vnto the Israelits in the wildernesse Wherefore we being taught by other mens perilles are very carefull least we be wrapped in semblable misfortunes through the like misbehauiour Our earnest desire is therefore that thou wouldest giue eare vnto our feruent prayers wherein we humbly beséech thee to giue vs grace that we may neuer be forgetfull of thy excellencie neyther let it come at any time into our harts either by words or thought to dallye with thée in whome is nothing but most perfect veritie For whensoeuer we fall through humaine infirmitie haue thou mercie vpon vs who knowest vs to he both frayle fleshe and also very weake spirited and so of thy infinite goodnesse incline thy selfe nowe partly to rayse vs vp being alreadie fallen and partlye also to confirme vs that we be not thrust downe into euerlasting destruction through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxxix Psalme A prayer for obteyning of mercie and fauor agaynst the persecutors of the Church THou hast chosen vs O most mightie God to be thy heritage and doubtlesse there is nothing permitted which might be a furtheraunce to the furnishing garnishing and making vs right blessed thou hast giuen vs the knowledge of thy sacred scriptures the preaching of thy blessed Gospel the
there is no cause why the faythful should be greatly afrayde forsomuch as thou hast taken the gouernement of all worldlye things into thy mightie protection and guydest with thy excellent wisdome the state of the whole worlde for whosoeuer they be which are assuredlye perswaded in this poynt they leaue feare for such as be otherwise minded while they themselues being fully replenished with pure ioy and perfect gladnesse doe extoll thée with vncessaunt prayses to the vttermoste of their powers and shewe forth thy famous glorie by all meanes that can be deuised vnto whom we also annix our indeuours with an exceeding chéerefull courage and also humbly require thée in our most feruent cryes and earnest petitions that as thou shewedst thy selfe gentle and treatable vnto Moses Aaron Samuell and the remnaunt of thy most faythfull priestes when they did inuocate call vpon thy glorious name giue eare in likewise to vs at thys present defend thy sacred Church which now standeth in great néede of thy mighty assistance if euer it wanted the same no lesse with thy diuine presence good counsel holye spirite and grace then thou diddest help our fathers in times past with a piller of fire with clowdes in the Sea and in the most wide and large wildernesse through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the C Psalme VErily thy excéeding great honour O most mightie God and notable benefites bestowed vpon vs A praier that we may in all places both glorifie God and also confesse him require this that we of dutie should come before thy presence with thankes giuing and magnifying thy blessed name with a notable gladnesse and vnspeakable ioy There be two thinges chiefly which seeme to hinder vs from doing thereof first we are burthened with an innumerable multitude of horrible vices and so kept downe with sinne that wée dare scarcely lift vp our eyes vnto thée furthermore we are by the desert of our owne lewde factes inuironed in such wise with anguishe and feare of Antichrist as we are in a maner swalowed vp therewith For experience teacheth that he is so stirred vp agaynst vs by thy iustice through our owne wicked behauiour that vnlesse thy louing mercy be our readie helper mannes power and strength shall further vs nothing in this behalfe First and formost therefore our earnest request is that thou wouldest take vtterly away from thy faythful seruaunts the burthen of wickednesse and graunt that we may lead a pure and vndefiled life in stéede of such a one as is very lewde and marueylous corrupt Secondly that thou wouldst deliuer thy blessed people from the Iawes of the most cruell enimies whose indeuour is alwayes to bring not only the bodyes and goodes but also the soules of thy faythfull seruaunts to eternall destruction Thou that art our God suffer not these things to be done we humbly beséech thee we are the worke of thy handes for thou diddest make vs and not we our selues Seing therefore that we be thy chosen people shéepe of thy pasture be present so to helpe vs both in the outward and inward man that we may in the end enter the Court of thy diuine presence by publishing thy vnspeakable goodnesse with high praises godly Hymnes pleasaunt songs so that assuraunce thereof may be giuen by vs both to all Nations and throughout all ages by Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme WE being greatly assured by the outward testimonie of the sacred scriptures and inward inspiration of thy blessed spirite O most good and mercifull God that thou wilt be fauourable and mercifull vnto vs and all ours are both filled wyth perfect ioy and receyue full pleasure But forsomuche as we right well perceyue by the excellent benefites of fayth that thou art our founder by whome we are created and chosen to be thy beloued flocke and peculier people we can neuer be fully satisfied 〈…〉 due thankes giuing and remembraunce of thy so great goodnesse We come and approche vnto thee therefore with vncessaunt prayses and humble supplications moste earnestly requiring thy diuine Maiestie in oure feruent prayers to manifest thy glorious name vnto all Nations and of thy louing kindnesse to set thy sacred Church againe in such blessed felicitie as all men may right well know and perfectly vnderstand thy clemencie extended towards hir both for the veritie of the doctrine and also for liuing and conuersation fully agréeable to the things that are faythfully and truely taught by Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cj. Psalme ●●rayer for ●dly life THou requirest this especiallye in such mens liuings as professe thy blessed name and holy Gospell O most good and mercifull God that they should lead their life excéeding iustly and with great vprightnesse and to performe the déedes of charitie towardes their neighbours which thing séeing the holye Scriptures do euery where beate into vs we vnfeynedly confesse that we haue in no wise performed it and in this behalfe wée acknowledge before thy diuine Maiestie our gréeuous wickednesse moste wrongfull dealings and the colde zeale we haue had towardes thy holy Church and blessed people praying thee that thou wouldest pardon and remit whatsoeuer we haue hitherto trayterously and rashlye committed agaynst thy sacred commaundements and graunt that being inforced therto through the wisedome of thy holy spirite we maye beginne an innocent and blamelesse life let all wicked deuices be excluded far from our hearts and cause vs to detest such matters as be repugnant to iustice and equity so that we may neyther thinke nor yet doe any thing which may be disagreable to thy blessed lawe and good pleasure Moreouer we humbly beséech thee not to forsake thy holy Church in this most troublesom time for thou both féest and right wel perceiuest howe the cruell malicious and vngodlye Antichristians haue inuaded hir being so puft vp with pride inflamed with furie scorning as well diuine lawes as humaine with like statelinesse and equall contempt doing nothing with courtesie and faythfulnesse but practise to bring all thinges to nought by forged tales politique deceypts and very much outrage wherfore our earnest request is O good GOD that thou wouldest make hast to succor thy faythfull people and destroy with thy puyssant force and mightie power suche as are wicked who be no lesse aduersaryes to thy blessed name then of our peace and quietnesse through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme IT behoueth the Church O al●●htye God which is thy blessed house to bée decked with all maner of ornaments apperteyning to holinesse and vertue whereof forsomuch as we sée it to bée as now miserably destitute we humbly beséech thée who art beneuolent and wisheth hir as wée doubt not all good and prosperous things whom thou especially fauourest according to the meaning of thy louing promises graūt hir in such wise to be restored as all thinges may
able to redresse our good cause We doe not denie but that our deserts are marueylous wicked insomuch as we should verye iustly be altogither destroyed with these present calamyties who haue nothing faythfully performed that which in name and outwarde shewe hath béene of vs professed But it is thy nature O good God forsomuche as thou art mercy and very goodnesse it selfe not to cast off those which flie vnto thée for succour Sende downe thy ayding hande from heauē we humble besech thee wherby thou mayst deliuer thy faythfull people from the reproches of vngodly and wicked persons The Antichristians rore against thy blessed Church like Lyons and theyr hote burning furie agaynst thy holy worde increaseth dayly more and more Shewe forth thy selfe therefore O excellent father and cause thy glorie wherewith thou art renowmed aboue all other to be manifestly knowen Rende the nettes fill vppe the ditches and make the deceiptes of none effect which they practise agaynst the sacred Gospell whereby our minde may daylye more and more be strengthned heartily to confesse couragiously to extoll and aboue all thinges to exalt thy wonderfull prayses vncessauntlye through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lviij Psalme ●●ayer a●st our ●rall de●ngs frō 〈◊〉 crafty ●ges a●e of the ●dly THe princes of this wretched world O moste mightie God doe gréeuously assault thy blessed Church bicause sounde and vpright iudgement is not giuen vppon diuine and heauenly things by such as continually imagine mischiefe in their mindes and onelye practise violence against thy elect and chosen seruaunts But howe should they doe otherwise that euen from their mothers wombe are borne wicked into this worlde and haue a most noysome venime like vnto poyson of Ser●ents naturally graffed in them which c●uld neuer by any exhortations or friendly ●arnings at gods hand be taken out of the● for they put those thinges after none o●her sort from them then doe the deafe Adders that shunne the charmes of the Charmers Our heynous sinnes therefore haue verye well deserued that the outragious enimies of thy fayth doctrine should afflict vs which nowe we both hartily confesse and also for thy infinite mercies sake earnestly require thée to pardon and forgiue Furthermore we feruently desire this at thy mercifull handes that thou wouldest breake in péeces and gnashe the Lions téeth to the intent they may shed away as water and be like broken shaftes neyther let those men hurt thy faythfull seruauntes any more but cause them to wither awaye as a Snaile in hir shell and be weake as the vntimely fruite of a woman And finally let their outrage fade away euen so easily as a flame made of thornes is quenched But chéere thou vp O good God thy faithfull seruaunts who séeing the great reuengementes which thou thy selfe takest vppon the sworne aduersaries of thy blessed religion may right well perceyue that thou hast a reward laid vp in store for thy faythfull beléeuers and let their well doing be established when as they shall assuredly know and perfectly vnderstand that thou executest streight iudgement vpon the earth through Iesus christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme ANtichrist with all his adherentes doe imagin none other thing in their mind agaynst thy sacred Church O most good and merciful God then mischiefe and most wicked deuices but whereas they make a goodly shewe to the intent they woulde be accompted godly and religious yet in very deede they imagine nothing but lyes going astray from thée euen from their birth hauing alwayes hitherto marueylous great delight in erronious thinges Nowe at length are they desirous to spewe out and cast forth their venome which they like the Adder haue kept in a readinesse neyther could they so be charmed with the sayings of the holy Scriptures as to ceasse from their owne lewde desires Surely O heauenly father we are not they that deserue not to be destroyed by them for oure euill déedes and lewde behauiour for somuch as through thy excellent mercy we haue wel knowen the waye of truth and life albeit we haue cōtinually started aside therefro giuen our selues to vaine ymaginations wicked desires But deale thou with vs according to the glorie honor of thy name and vouchsafe to yéelde vnto vs not that which we haue deserued but that which by thy promises behight vs. Ouerthrowe grinde to powder and vtterly make voyde the subtile deuices outragious force and deuilishe power of the enimies of thy glorious name and sincere doctrine so that the godly may perfectly reioyce when as they sée thée take their cause in hande and shall perceyue that their is some fruite of righteousnesse while thou dealest by vpright iudgement through Iesus Christ our lord Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme THe behauiours of the wicked O most mighty God are so corrupt and naughtie that verye little wholsomnesse or none at all can seeme to be in their decrées they practise deceyts they offer wrong and now from their childhood haue both fallen from thée also liue in subiection to their owne cākred maliciousnes in fiercenes in hardnesse of heart in furious moode in outrage of minde in vnbrideled crueltie they may be likned vnto stinging Serpents roring Lyons such kinde of rauenous beastes therefore we earnestly require thée not to suffer vs for to fall as our heynous sinnes haue iustly deserued into such an extréeme madnesse that forsaking thee who art the Well Fountaine of all good things we may put our trust cōfidence in them neither permitting vs to followe their lewde decrées fond fantasies which were so perillous a thing as the other Cause vs we humbly require thée to dissent wholy from them in the meane time let their power in doing any hurt be vtterly abated so that as men altogither vnarmed althoughe their desire to do mischiefe be not aswaged yet both habilitie and knowledge to fulfill their wicked desire and extréeme egernesse be quite taken from them Confound thou in the turning of a hande their lewde deuices cause the Congregation of the faithfull greatly to triumph when as they may right well perceyue that thou both renderest the fruit of righteousnesse to the righteous and also takest punishement of the vngodly according to their wretched and lewde desertes through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lix Psalme OVr earnest request is O moste mightie God that thou onelye wouldest be our spéedie deliuerer A prayer agaynst the Pharisies and false pr●phets when as the extreeme enimies of thy sacred doctrine and pure religion doe gréeuously oppresse vs nowe it apperteyneth vnto thee for to defend vs frō naughty persons who gape much for our destruction and haue augmented theyr force and power with great and huge conspiracies to wipe out thy holye ones from off the earth They do persecute vs nothing at all for our heynous faultes and
vnspeakeable mercie which we sée offered vnto vs in the benigne promises of thy holye Scriptures Our earnest request is that thou wouldest not permitte vs to swarue from the sacred lawe which thou hast vouchedsafe to set before vs who do with much feruencie desire to be vnseperably annixed vnto thée howsoeuer the vngodly doe sore vexe and scorne vs. For séeing that thou hast diuers times heretofore taken vppon thée to discide thy faythfull seruauntes causes when as they were in a maner drowned with extreeme calamities therefore nowe also leaue not of to succour and helpe those which vnfeynedly call vpon thee Thy outragious enimies commit none other thing then to depriue the Church of thy sacred wordes thy holy ceremonies and all deuout worshipping of thee Forsomuch as thou art our onely lot we lift vp our eyes vnto thy face with our whole heart but or euer the multitude of wicked and moste abhominable men do swallow vs vp be thou present for thy infinite goodnesse sake to succor vs so that we may applie our selues day night to laude and prayse thée for thy iust iudgement through Iesus Christ our lord Amē Zain Heth. WEe haue not conceyued hope of our saluation O almightie God anye where else then from thy moste faythfull promises drawing out thereof onely an assured consolation if that at any time either the fleshe mans reason the deuill or wicked men shall vaunt themselues any thing stoutly against vs. We take a marueilous good courage agaynst all these thinges forsomuch as thou wilt most largely perform whatsoeuer thou hast faythfully promised bicause that euen from the beginning we haue had thy fayth in perfect remembrance seing it doth manifestly appeare 〈◊〉 thou hast neuer deceyued any that trust onely in thée Vouchsafe therefore that we may both day night be vnseperably annixed to this most strong rocke inuincible fortresse and well cast Anchor For inasmuch as we mistrust not but thou wilt performe whatsoeuer belongeth vnto thee this remayneth that we execute with an excéeding feruent desire the charge which is left vnto vs so that we may marueylous spéedily bestyrre our steppes and feete towarde the fulfilling of thy blessed law Cause thou vs O excellent father we humbly beséeche thée to cut of and cast aside all delayes and that contrary to the expectation of the vngodly who alwayes cast lettes to intrappe vs we may be obedient to thy sacred precepts so that all those which honour and loue thée purelye may accompany vs that like as the earth is euery where replenished with thy inestimable goodnesse so the number of thy true and faythfull suppliauntes may be daylye more and more greatly augmēted through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Teth Iod. THou hast bene hitherto accustomed O almightie God to deale louingly with thy faythfull seruaunts and we especially being through thy vnspeakable mercye brought to the true knowledge and perfect vnderstanding of thy sacred Gospell haue had thy excellent benefites in a wonderfull triall which we do plainly acknowledge and confesse that our heynous sinnes haue greatly defiled wherewith we haue not onely polluted our selues but also thy holy name and the blessed doctrine of thy deere sonne is thereby euill spoken of amongest the Gentiles and a great number by our default driuen with feare from the way of truth We now therefore heartily beséech thée O heauenly father to cause vs for to sauer thee rightly and so acknowledge thy blessed name as we maye most constantly sticke to thy sacred wordes and holye commaundementes Let the afflictions wherwith we are touched be effectuall spurres and prickes to moue vs for to returne into the right perfect waye and forsomuch as thou art good and fauourable vnto al men suffer not those whome thou hast adobted to be thy beloued sonnes by Christ to denie thée shamefully For the more that the deuill Antichrist and his cursed members indeuour with all their industrie to plucke vs from thée make thou vs on the contrary part we heartily pray thée to be vnfeinedly obedient vnto thy blessed precepts and what troublesome things soeuer these men haue subtilty deuised let the same turne to the profite of thy blessed Church Let our heart which of it selfe is grosse and fat be made soft diligently to perceyue right well vnderstanding thy sacred worde diuine law hauing it in more credite and estimation then golde siluer and all the treasure of the worlde Forsake not O good God the worke of thy handes which thou thy selfe haste made and garnished and let the vngracious persons be put to shame who through a lewde zeale go about to ouerthrowe thy blessed wayes But let such reioyce in thée as honour thy diuine Maiestie and haue an eye with a pure fayth vnto thy louing promises Cause them also to inioy thy vnspeakable goodnesse lead alwayes such a lyfe as may right well please thée through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Teth Iod. THere is nothing either more honorable or greatlier to bee wished for of vs O most good and merciful God then that thou wouldest giue vs power to vnderstand thy holye worde with a right vp iudgement and we so feruentlye desire this that wée may be also in a readinesse to purchase the same with any calamitie whatsoeuer it be Wherefore if thou sée that thou canst by euill successe of fortune or by aduersities bring thy elect to a right minde which slide away oftentimes deale which way thou séemest best for to make vs applie our selues with earnest desire to liue after thy diuine lawe And séeing thou hast fashioned vs in our mothers wombe so fauour thou vs also and illuminate vs in such wise that we be not blinded in the worde of thy blessed truth For whilest we earnestly desire these things at thy mercifull handes O excellent father we doe not onely with heart craue our owne consolation but the comfort of all those which make much of thy sacred lawe and perfect truth These verily will wonderfully reioyce if they shall perceyue euery one of vs to be annixed vnto thee with vncorrupt mindes Wherfore we heartily beséech thée that thy holy will which thou hast set forth vnto vs in the sacred Scriptures maye be dearer vnto vs then gold and more beloued then all riches so as we may imbrace the same with a right perfect heart and nothing whatsoeuer wée attempt to do may redowne eyther to our shame or to the dishonour of thy sanctified Church through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen Caph Lamed FOrsomuch as we haue an especiall regard O most mightie God in these our dayes to thy faythfull promises and that our soule doth in a maner faint with longing for thy ayde whiles health séemeth to vanish away from before our eies it is time for thée to be our readie helper and sure defence Wey not we humbly beseech thée our weake fayth corrupt vices and wicked behauiour wherewith we haue slaundered thy blessed name and caused thy sacred gospell to
for lack of the foode of thy blessed word and euen as by thy word thou sendest forth snow yse hore frost dissoluing the same incontinent with a puffe of winde when it seemeth good in thy sight euen so with thy gracious fauour cause thou those aduersities which thou procurest for a tyme to exercise hir withall to vanishe spéedily away And thou who hast not dealt in such wyse with other nations as to reuele the misteries of thy sacred scriptures vnto them graunt that we may vse them to our soules health through Iesus Christ oure Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxlviij Psalme SEing that the monuments of thy excellēt goodnesse inuincible power in all things which thou hast created O almighty God be farre néere so famous notable A praier that God may be commended in al his creatures the setting out of thy worthy prayses in them séemeth wōderfull and in a maner singuler if so be that any man doth déepely wel consider the heauenly mindes the Sunne Moone Starres and workmanship of the Skies none other thing shall bee founde there then a méere commendation of thy louing fauour and vnspeakable wisedome All which things séeing that the clowdes rayne thunder windes hilles plantes liuing creatures with the whole vniuersall worke both of nature and of ciuell ordinaunce whereby common wealthes be gouerned amongest men do manifest the same vnto vs it is a thing to be wondered at how we should be so cold in this behalfe that being so pricked forward and stirred vppe with all things should kéepe silence and become almost as dumbe persons in publishing of thy worthy praises yea and which ought to séeme more hard and gréeuous in stead of praysing and glorifying thy excellent name which wée owe vnto thy diuine Maiestie for so great benefites as thou hast bestowed vppon vs we haue requited thée with slaunders reproches and blasphemies which thinges although we do not pronounce in expresse wordes yet notwithstanding forsomuch as we haue so sore defiled our selues with the most filthie spottes of sinne dishonored thy holy doctrine and by our lewde examples haue called others backe from the praysing of thy blessed name we dare not be so bolde as to speake of thy commendation and therfore worthily are our calamities made euery day more gréeuous then other But our earnest request is O good God that thou wouldst swa●ue nothing at all in this most sorowfull time from thy accustomed goodnesse and louing mercie who knowe thée very well to be of sufficient force for to vanquishe all maner of thinges that be repugnaunt to thy blessed will which puissaunce of thine is in no wise shaken of albeit thou hast thought good to hide it for a time to the intent we should vnderstand how sore wée haue sinned Vouchsafe now therefore that thy blessed Church maye according to thy faythfull promises both inioy and also retaine all good things which make to the glorifying of thy blessed name euen as it deserueth through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme THy vnmeasurable goodnesse infinite power and excellent wisedome O moste mightie God hath after a wonderfull sort set forth it selfe in all thinges which thou hast created for our sakes Wherefore it is not without iust cause sayd that euery creature doth publishe thy glorious renowme for they haue not come to light of their own proper nature but to the intent they should bée they were called out by thée and afterward when they were made thou didst not stablish them any otherwise then by thy sacred commaundement who do obserue the lawes which thou hast appoynted neyther passe they the certaine and decréed boundes that be limitted them All which things so long as we do dayly beholde with diligence it is very requisite that we should be stirred vp to magnifie thy blessed name bicause in them thy owne onely workmanship commeth to our sight and remembrance whervpon we being moued hereby do as nowe flie vnto thee for succour whome we haue learned to bée the aucthour of so great and manifold good thinges whose earnest desire is that thou wouldst lift vp the horne of thy mighty power vnto thy beloued people being thy blessed Church so as she maye haue sufficient abilitie to withstande all the force of hell and be linked dayly more and more vnto thee through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxlix Psalme ● prayer for ●e aduaūce●ent of the Gospell EIght worthie art thou O almighty god to whom new songs should continually bée song in the sacred Church and whose prayse should be set out in the Congregation of Saints For can it be that such as are thy faythfull people will not publish thée their king and maker doyng the same not onely with hart and voyce but also with euery outwarde instrument prepared for the same purpose Seing then that thou oughtest to bée so greatly commended and highly magnified for thy nature goodnesse and excellent benefites extended towardes vs bée not so greatly prouoked at our heynous sinnes as to chastice vs in thy furie pardon vs wee humbly beséeche thée for thy infinite mercies sake when we turne vnto thée and lamentably craue thy readie helpe by continuall prayer But if thou haue so good a lyking of thy blessed people as thou hast oftentymes affirmed then assist and garnish them with thy readie helpe in so great an extremitie Giue vs this cause of exalting thy glorious name which may be euermore in the mouth of thy faythfull seruants For we doubt not but thou canst be reuenged of the nations people that blasphéeme thee and binde the kings and princes who be aduersaries to thy blessed religion with fetters and linkes of Iron by executing most seuere iustice vpon them Our earnest desire is therfore that thou wouldst either conuert them vnto thée with the two edged sworde of thy blessed worde or if it séemeth not good in thy fight so to doe remoue the same farre from our neckes that all men may right well perceyue what great things thou doest for such as commit themselues wholy to thée and be desirous to celebrate thy worthy prayses through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme FOrsomuch as thou hast from tyme to tyme O most mightie God blessed vs with new benefites it is very requisite vnlesse we will become vtterly vnmindfull of our bounden dutie that we shoulde dayly with freshe ditties and newe songes giue thanks to thy blessed name in the congregation of the faythfull For what end shall we make of praysing thée whom in all things and at all tymes we féele to be our maker and perfect king of our saluation Certenly séeing that we right well perceyue thée to be so fauourable to the faythfull and doest garnish such as be godly with most plentifull giftes it is requisite that we should vtter tokens of a right thankfull minde in thought worde and worke