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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13966 An apologie, or defence of our dayes, against the vaine murmurings & complaints of manie wherein is plainly proued, that our dayes are more happie & blessed than the dayes of our forefathers. Trigge, Francis, 1547?-1606. 1589 (1589) STC 24276; ESTC S103280 42,588 50

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this prophesie doth plainly proue the same in our eyes For from whence commeth those great streames of knowledge of light of learning of wisedom in euery arte in euery science in comparison of the former times but from this powring out of the Holie Ghost Then seeing in all other artes also in diuinitie in the knowledge of tongues and in expounding of Scriptures this wisedome this light this knowledge of the Scriptures this gift of tongues this great blessing of expounding the Scriptures and prophesieng the which al the Church of God now enioyeth cannot be denyed but to be of the Holie Ghost Wherefore this prophesie doeth stretch out it selfe euen vnto vs. This floud and powring out of the Holie Ghost being begunne in the Apostles time and being dryed vp with that feruent heate of worldlye troubles of warres in the Popes tyrannie nowe at the length in the euentyde in this twilight is burst foorth againe and floweth to vs most plenteously and also with great aboundance This we see this let vs confesse this we must acknowledge The Holie Ghost is compared to the winde by our Sauiour It loueth the coolenes of the ayre It flyeth from the scortching heate of the Sunne Morning and euening the pleasant and wholesome blastes of it is felt and perceiued And at noone time for the most parte it is quiet calme and not discerned What that same coopling together that followeth of miracles of wonders of the Sunne of the Earth of the Moone of lightning the which our times do beholde do plainly testifie that the same prophesie going before doth concerne vs that that same streame of the Holie Ghost doth reach vnto vs that it doth water also our Church Hereof thanks be to God for this his vnspeakable gyft the states of our Realme our Noble men our Counsellours are more wise as Dauid in the lawe of the Lord and by his lawe then their Elders Seniors Priests yea what do I say Priests or elders then their doctours yea then their Bishops in time of Popish religion Our children are able to speake to the praise glorie of God farre beyond their olde men And when as their Pharisies their Scribes and doctours of the Lawe are in deede dombe our infants and sucklings in age in comparison of them crye Osanna And that in Greeke Hebrewe and all kinde of tongues When as in that blinde and darke kingdome this prouerbe no lesse olde then true was commonly vsed It is Greeke it cannot be read Timothie the young man Apollo the Iewe Aquila the artificer euen nowe in the Church of God are more mightie in the Scripture can expound the worde of God more perfectly can reprehend sinne more boldly can comfort the afflicted soule more forceablye then those whome they called Clergie men as though they alone had beene the Lordes then the Schoole-men whome they so termed much like the Scribes amongest the Iewes then those greye haires reuerend fathers of their Hermits Abbots Monkes in all their Cloisters Such Timothies haue we had verie manie Some such Iewes Tremelius Some such artificers in the beginning of the Gospell Although they do depraue and maliciously scoffe at such young men and such workemen But in the ende such which are young in yeares haue beene trayned vp in some occupacion in the beginning of their life that with S. Paul counselleth Timothie to doe shall shewe them selues workemen without reproofe rightly deuiding the worde of trueth against that great daye of the haruest to the shame and confusion of their so manie Priestes Elders fathers Of whome if I helde my peace their workes monuments in the Church of God would testifie the same Wherefore this prophesie doth belong vnto vs those holie streames flowe vnto vs and also they are ours Hereof are those dreames meditations and reuelations by night of the lawe of the Lord to his faithfull seruants to them which loue it to them which chewe as it were eate it to them that muse in it daye and night Therefore this is an vniust complaint That selfe same thing and these our dayes nature her selfe also hath as it were shadowed vnto vs and liuely expressed in the Sunne What do we not see in our Sunne before his rising a certaine brightnesse to goe before by certaine degrees through our whole Hemispherie An Hemispherie is the compas of the heauens as farre as we can see and the beames of his light as it were sent before before the appearing and seeing of the bodye of the Sunne it selfe So truely before the rising and returning againe of Iesus Christ of that true Sunne before his moste glorious appearing in the Hemispherie or compasse of his Church wee see it come to passe and doe nowe plainly feele Wee see the beames of his brightnesse sent before through the whole worlde through all thinges through all Artes through all countries this light this brightnes encreaseth euery yeare more and more wee our selues doe plainly perceiue this When Wyckliffe and Hus preached this light beganne in the middest of most thicke Popish darkenesse When Erasmus and Luther preached this light was increased as in the dawning or in the daye breake When Caluin Bucer and Bullinger preached it was spread farre and wyde But nowe truely all darkenes being dispersed it hath filled all the worlde it hath entred into euery thinke it hath lightned all the ayre And it encreaseth euery daye and is more brighter and clearer This is a moste certaine signe as also in that materiall Sunne euen nowe of Christes drawing neare of appearing in his maiestie and standing as it were in the last degree And as S. Iames sayeth standing at the dore yea nowe at the verye thresholde And is not this the verie true Image of our time O howe happie were were wee if wee knewe our owne good things but wee are like Israell plainly vnder the gouernement of Moses both for Gods blessings and for our owne blindnesse vnthankefulnes and murmurings Pharaoes Egypt was not better than the Wildernes his meates not better than Manna His Leekes not better than the Lawe of the Lorde The waters of Nilu● then that which flowed out of the Rocke the harbours of their houses than the ouershadowing of the darke cloude the Torches and lightes of the Egyptians than the Piller of fire which coulde not be put out But yet the blinde vnthankefull and wicked Israelites doe not accompt these thinges so Howe often woulde they haue gone backe to Egypt againe Howe often did they wish for it againe Howe often in their mouthes did they highly commende it Wee plainlye are in the same case What good thinges they had in the shadowe wee haue them in the trueth What things they had painted vnto them as it were wee haue the thinges them selues liuely giuen vnto vs What thinges they had in their bodyes wee haue them in our soules And yet wee complaine we murmure wee are not thankefull wee wish for the former Egypt
of Canaan to that lande of the Lordes rest so no doubt the Churche of God shall haue as long as it is in this wildernesse vntill it come to the verye limitres of that spirituall lande of promise I meane the kingdome of heauen in this wildernesse though it haue some abode some stoppes some stayes as yet no continuall reste no continuall stoppe prefixed no not of knowledge In this vaile of darkenesse wee haue onely shadowes Images darke spéeches parables degrées gresings as it were of knowledge of thinges But on the toppe of a hill whether wee shall ascende there is a perfection of all thinges the absolute knowledge of the thinges them selues the verie naked face of trueth the highest degrée the verie crowne of vnderstanding and knowlenge her selfe Why therefore do we maruaile here the diuerse searchings of men after the diuerse degrées of knowledge and vnderstanding the diuerse leuelinges and roauings of many although at the marke ye sometimes beside the marke But as long as they shoote at one marke that is to say Iesus Christ as long as they tread his way of truth as long as they séeke for Iesus Christ and preach him as long as they beare no weapons against him and the saluation which he purchased with his owne bloud they are to be borne withall they are not to be condemned they are not to be forbiddē they are to be admitted as souldiers into his campe but besides all these things how vnequally they weigh all things here and how smally do they consider in all artes the Lordes diuerse wayes and iudgements Of Phisitions in diseases of the bodie diuerse medicines are prescribed in one disease Shall wee therefore condemne Phisicke Also of lawyers in the selfe same cause there are diuerse allegations diuerse proceedinges sometimes diuerse sentences shall we therefore abrogate lawes shall we not vse the helpes and counsailes of both these in our necessities and causes This varietie is mans frailtie from whence commeth that olde Prouerbe As many heads as many deuises as many men so many mindes Nay in my opinion this varietie is a certaine print or footesteppe of the Image of God left and is yet remayning in the minde of man That of the same matter of the same cause of the same theame two excellent wise well learned men shall neuer write thinke or speake the same things But diuerse and yet truth sondrie and yet excellent Of such sentences in the same causes of such diuerse handling of the same matter verie excellently of diuerse men wee haue many examples But to let this passe in this thing me thinkes the great wisdome of our heauenly Father most clearely appeareth who as in the faces of so many men being such a small part in so many countries thorough so many ages hath put a beautifull kinde of difference so that of countriemen of kinsmen of twinnes there is no two one like another in euerie respect And yet all their countenances very comely and beautifull euen so likewise in the minde of man he hath put a certaine comely and deuine difference that they shall thinke and speake and deuise diuersely and yet all to the purpose and yet cunningly and yet wisely Neither this thing onely clearely appeareth in all artes and in the workemanshippe of God the Father but also in the diuine inspiration and wonderfull framing of the holy scriptures by the holy spirite As in the writinges of the Prophets and Euangelistes there is a most beautifull harmonie So there is also a pleasant varietie and a wise diuersitie intermingled The fathers also had among themselues this varietie of opinions and diuerse interpretations of places of scripture as wee may see in their workes yet for all this those fathers which were at discention amongest themselues were not by and by Heretikes and damned and iudged to hell fire Our Sauiour Iesus Christ called himselfe a vine and all his branches And the Apostle S. Paule calleth him an Olife and vs all wilde Olifes which should be grafted in him Now wee see in the vine and in the Olife that all branches do not growe out straight nor of one side nor are all of like height but some are crooked some are straight some are heigh some are lowe some are stretched foorth some are bowed in yet all are fast in the roote all are fixed in the bodie all are partakers of the sappe and this diuersitie of the bowghes is the beautie of the trée So truly in the vine Iesus Christ in the true Olife although all his branches be not plaine although all his bowes be not straight although all his grafts be not lowe yet as long as they remaine in the vine as long as they are partakers of that sappe which commeth from the roote and as long as the wordes of Iesus remaine in them and by faith they are grafted in him yet they liue all both crooked and straight both stretched out drawen in both high and lowe and they flourish without doubt neither do they wither neither as they which hate the Gospell would gladly haue them are they cast out into the fire This crookednesse of the boughes as it is manifest in euery mans eies and apparant so they are not ashamed to confesse it with their owne mouthes but the roote is as certaine and the grafting in as sure and the vnitie or ioyning with the stocke no lesse manifest The faith of the Gospell is that thing by the which alone we are grafted into the truth As the Apostle teacheth vs plainely in the 10. of the Romaines An incredulitie or vnbeliefe is that thing by the which the Iewes although they were olde men and fathers and kinne to Christ Iesus according to the flesh were broken off Hereof then is the life of the bowghes wherefore although some of them be so farre stretched out a sunder that they cannot bee brought together although other some do growe a loft and will bowe to none being wise in their owne eyes although other some be crooked being made crooked of the craftie serpent and being turned out of the straight way of the lawe of the Lorde yet as long as they haue this grafting in of fayth as long as they drawe that liuely sappe from the roote as long as the wordes of Iesus remaine in them as long as they beléeue them loue them reade them muse on them day and night so long they are branches so long the children of Abraham so long boughes of the true Olife Let our aduersaries take héede here which doe offende at the very knotte of the grafting which deuide and part in sunder their fayth which do not sucke onely the sappe of Iesus Christ that is his words as necessary to their saluation but also the Popes colde water and the vaine doctrines of men and the vncertaine traditions of their fathers Let them take héede I say least they waxe rotten least the barke of the stocke do not couer them least they be not safe and