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A13881 A full and plaine declaration of ecclesiasticall discipline owt off the word off God and off the declininge off the churche off England from the same.; Ecclesiasticae disciplinae, et Anglicanae Ecclesiae ab illa aberrationis, plena è verbo Dei, et dilucidà explicatio. English Travers, Walter, 1547 or 8-1635.; Cartwright, Thomas, 1535-1603. 1574 (1574) STC 24184; ESTC S118505 144,991 206

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in glory and so forth as Paule most notably reherseth and which he declareth that the good minister off Christ ought to teache vnto the churche Furthermore who but a lerned man and well taught and brought vp in the schoole off Christ is able to discerne betwene sound and corrupt doctrine and to geue that as most holesome foode and pleasaunt waters vnto the flock and that also fitly aceordinge to the varietie of diuers times and of the other part to knowe and perceiue in tyme and wisely to auoide false and corrupt opynions or foolishe and vaine questions which as the Apostle saith like gangrenes doe freat to the ruyne off the churche And doth it not require a merueilous great diligence and singuler knowledge in the holie scriptures to prescribe all orders and degrees off men what they ought to doe what is fitt for euery one and what euery mans dutie is to declare the dewty off kinges and magistrates to shewe the obedience off subiectes to preache the law the gospell repentaunce faith which S Paule in Timothes person prescribeth all ministers to preache and in the person off the Auncientes off Ephesus wherin takinge to witnes that he had done so exhorteth them to followe hym and to do the like How hard a matter it is to stay thos that are fallinge by the comfort off the promises to refreshe and ease thos that ar weary and heauie laden to raise vp them that are beaten downe to the ground as it were from the graue againe Thes thinges had neede off a heauenly kind off cun̄inge and knowledge and off that learned tonge wherby Esay witnesseth that he refreshed thos that trauayled and wer weary But that I be not to long in this matter and that I omitt both many other thinges namely thos devine and merueilous secreates off the election off the faithfull and reprobacion off the vngodly how great is that one thinge to be able to answer whē he is asked in all matters what the lords will and pleasure is and to be as it wer the oracle off the church which it is not possible any man should be able to doe with out a great and excellent knowledge off the word off god which only is left to vs in steade off the Sainctuary off the Arke and orakle off god vnder the lawe no more then it was possible to execute the priesthoode with out Vrim and Thummim Therfore seinge ther is so great art required to the gouernment off the churche and seinge as it is said by one in an other case that it is a pece off worck that had need off many taklinges helmes and oares no man ought to haue the guidinge heroff committed to him but he that is expert and cōninge neither is it meet to set a boateman or a skoller to it Who by reason off his ignorance in the starres iff he were in the middest off the Sea cold not tell wher aboutes he were but shold be compelled to crie as it is in the Poet. O Syrs we know no east nor west wher Sonne doth rise or goeth to rest It wer more meet to set heere to the gouernmēt off the ship the con̄ingest master that euer was who lookinge to the word off god in steade off the north starre may bring it with streight and direct cuurse to the hauen Further it is also to be considered in this questiō that the case is touchinge the gouernmēt off the churche off feedinge of the flock off the lord of keping Hierusalē the citie off our god off building the temple off god off the body off Christ then the which ther is nothinge more to be esteemed in heauē and earth That we may the rather determin that suche a flock that hath as many goulden fleeces in it as ther be sheepe ought to be committed to the keepinge off none but off a most con̄inge painefull and diligēt man and as it wer an other Iacob For who is he that wer able to answer the Lord for the losse off the lest sheepe off this flock At whos bringinge to the fould againe after it hath wandred and gone astray seinge the Aungelles are so gladd off and reioyce iff it wer lost would they not in a maner Lament and would not heauē and eaathe put vpon them mourninge apparell for the same yff then we commit this flock vnto a shepphard that not only seketh not the lost sheepe nor bindeth not that which is brokē but cānot if he would howe many would be lost and how greatly do we thinck that the lord off the flock will esteeme so great a losse What would he say not only to the shepherdes but to his stewardes that had set such a one ouer his flock Surely all ther Iudgement is pronounced by Ezechiel namely that both the watchemen that geue not warninge off the enemyes and the cytie also that seteth such watch men ouer them shal be bothe taken and perishe togeether and by our Sauior Christ sayinge that if the blynd leade the blynd both shall fall into the ditche Therfore seinge the Bishopp must speake and preache off so heauenly matters by reason off his office Seinge he is set ouer the gouernment off the church off god Seing that vndoubted daunger hangeth ouer the head both off the minister and churche iff such a one be chosen to rule that is not able and seinge off the other part all this fitnes and abilitie consisteth in holie knowledg off the sacred doctrine and vnderstandinge off the word off God I thinck it is sufficiently proued that no man ought to be admitted Bishopp ot minister who is not godly and lerned And iff any haue bene o●herwise by error admitted to be put oute againe For so our Sauior Christ hath allredy pronounced that the vnsauery salt is to be cast out off the dores and the Prophet Zachary prophesied that it should come to passe in the kingdom off CHRIST that they should willingly geue ouer that office againe freely openly professinge that they are in deed not Prophetes but husbandmen and that from ther you●h vp they had neuer beene schollers vnto the Prophettes but Neathearedes Porters shepherdes seruinge men and suche like Which seinge yt is so manifest and confirmed by so many Testimonyes off the Scripture that yt can not be denyed I merueile that euer yt could come to passe in a Christian churche that so clere and expresse commandementes off God so proffitable for vs and necessary for the saluacion off the churche should be broken and transgressed But they are not only broken and that commonly and so offten that for one fyt minister a man may find a nomber off vnfit and vnlerned but excuses and pretēces are sought to defēd this fault with all as iff in manner it wer lawful to do so And the most hainous crymes that can be wanteth not there lawer and counsell to pleade for them They say that yt is euill in deed but a necessary euill
and must needes be so nor can not be otherwise seinge ther be not so many lerned men as ar able to suffice for all the kingdom So that the people must either want alltogether a minister or some must needes be admitted althoughe they be not fitt and able It should seeme by this defence that all thos that wer lerned and fitt were allready placed throwout the churches which how trew it is It may be seene in both the vniuersities wherin ther be many bothe off excellent godlines and lerninge which neither are called to the ministerie nor neuer shal be on lesse they go for it seke ambiciously after it buye it and bargayne for it But let vs put the case they wer all placed abrode and that yet still many churches wanted ministers They aske vs heere what is to be done I answere Surely euen that which our Sauior Christ commandeth his disciples to do wher the haruest was great and the laborers wer fewe That is to say That we praie the Lord off the haruest that he would send out laborers into his haruest For euery man may not be sent into the Lordes feeld to reape his corne because the haruest is great But the Lord him selffe is to be desired and praied that he wold haue a care off his corne and prouide haruest men who settethe no man to do his work that is not fit and able for it Therfore iff we be towched with trew compassion for the lordes haruest fearinge least iff any storme come it may susteine some damage let vs not be caried awai with a folishe pitie to prouide for yt as we think best for what wer this ells but to blame the lord as negligent and not carefull enoughe for his affaires but let vs keepe that meane and measure which our Sauior hath prescribed vs which is to commend vnto the Lord his owne haruest by our earnest praiers And as all men must pray for it So the Magystrate to whom god hathe committed this charge is bound to prouide workmen as sone as is possible They must erect schooles and collrdges finde and mainteine teachers and readers that the youth may be taught and made fitt for this work finally they must bestowe all ther care thought studie and labor vpon this that this golden haruest may with all possible speed be prouided for to pray to god that he woold send out workmen for to praie to god that he wold send out workmen and not to doe the diligence for that place and callinge wherunto thow art called that they may be sent is not to praye but to moke and tempt the lord Therfore suche order is to be taken wher by in thes dayes the lorde doth ordinarily send out his workemen or suche order beinge allredy well taken is diligently and carefully to be looked vnto that it be not neglected And surely it is not to be doubted but the lord will blesse our praiers and our endeuors and sent out fit worck men into his haruest But in the meane time vntill all may sufficiently be prouided for As it was practized in the Apostles tyme men must come to the next churches wher the word off god is preached and to those places wher the churches are allready established vntill suche tyme as moe may besett in order which thinges iff they wer not so cleere and manifest and iff we had not so certen a rule to followe herein yet what necessitie is that which ought to make vs breake the expresse commandement off god to set him ouer the church whom the lord hathe forbidden Is ther as off all other thinges a tyme also to synne or may we do any thinge against the good will and pleasur off God vnder pretence to helpe and edifie the churches and are we not rather bownd to obey that euerlastinge and most holy law that no euill is to be done that good may come off it and seeke for that that is good and honest by iust and lawfull meanes Althoughe in deed the churche is not holpen by this meanes but rather much hindered wher that as iff they wer sufficiently prouided for allready they care not nor thinck any more off prouiding fit and worthy ministers and preachers off the word off god But to the end we should not thinck but that they wer carefull for the churche they haue founde out a merueilous way wherby appointing readers to reade some part of the scripture and the praiers and the rest off the seruice they should be thought notwithstanding to make meet ministers and preachers off the word off god For they haue made certen homilies off the creation off prouidence off the dewty off the magistrat off the obedience off the subiect and other thinges which they thought needefull which they charge them to reade to the people at certen times supposing that by this meanes they remedy that euill off admitting thos that be vnworthy which they say is so necessary A meruelous straunge remedy and neuer hard off in the churche in the Apostles tyme and which not only amendethe not the fault but maketh it greater and most like to the pece that our Sauior Christ speaketh off in the gospell wherby the rent is not amended but made a great deale worse For who may arrogate this vnto hym to haue his writinges rehersed read and propounded vnto the church Is not this proper to god onlie that his worde be reade in the churche and ought not the voice off god alone to sound and to be hard in the church But they say thes ar holie meditations to good manners taken out off the scriptures and written by great and worthy men why then do they not reade also the holy meditations off Augustin Chrysostome and other great men why not also the eccesiasticall history which conteineth infinite examples off singuler vertue for men to follow By which meanes at the last the lord shal be pulled out off his throne that as we sawe it come to passe in that egyptiacall darcknes off popery men may sit in his place What then say they shall we take awaye al interpretation off the word off god shall only the writinges off the Apostles and prophetes be read and shall not the holy doctrine be more fully expounded Shall ther be no exhortations nor reprehēsions as the times off the church shall geue occasion yes verely for I haue declared aboue that suche a one is to to be chosen minister that is able to exhort with sownd doctrine and to conuince thos that speake against it and doe suppose this to be the especiall dewty off a lawfull Pastor to applie the word of god to this churche as time and occasion shall serue but to bring in other writinges into the churche which cōteine either generall doctrine or holie meditatiōs and are not applied to the speciall vse off the churche as beinge such which are common to all churches and to all times I thinke it is no more lawfull thē to translate
succeded by inheritance vnto the Apostles and therfore haue receyued yt off them allthoghe I should graunt them the first the second yet is disprouued by most manyfest testimonies and examples of the appostles them selues For let vs see iff euer the Apostles in any election did challendge this power and authoritie vnto them Sainct Luke writeth off thre elections holden by the appostles the fyrst in the fyrst off the Actes wher a new Apostle is chosen The second in the sixth wher the Seacons the third in the fourtenthe wher the Elders ar appointed in euery church For althoughe the Apostles did not choose Matthias But left it to the Lott which should declare the Lordes will and counsell therin because this was proper and peculier for that office off Apostles that they should not be chosen off men nor by men But immediatly from the Lord him selfe yet in settinge forth two ther is a certene kind off choise and election But what is ther in all this actiō that either Iames whome some say to haue bene Bishopp at Ierusalem or P●●er or any off the other Apostles doth take vnto him selfe For althoughe that Sainct Luke declareth that Iames was present heere yet we reade not that he was cheefe ther or tooke vpon him as he was Bishoppe authority to appointe an Apostle Or ells thos two off whom one should be chosen by the Lott But contrawise we see that he challenged no more to him selfe then either Andrew or Philipp or any other off the rest off the Apostles In deed Peter as Proloquutor propoundethe all the matter and purteth vp as yt wer this grace vnto the churche off chosinge an Apostle And he him self declareth what one they ought to choose and what especially in ther election they ought to respect and regard But vsed no particuler or special autoritie in choosinge the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 They sett forthe Which is off the plurall nomber vsed by Sainct Luke in that place dothe manyfestly declare and proue Therfore in this first and solemne election off the Apostles ther was nothinge done or said from whence this infynite power and authoritie may be deriued vnto the Bishoppes But contrariwise seinge Iames taketh nothinge to him selffe nor Peter nor any other off the rest nay seinge all the Apostles togeether doe nothinge heere off ther owne authoritie nor choose whom yt pleasethe them It is sure and manifest that That Bishopp that will not take him selfe greater then an Apostle or then all the Apostles can by no right challendge to hym selffe any suche power or priuiledge in gyuinge and apointinge the offices off the churche But Let yt be that this election for the choice off Mathias and the great office and callinge wherevnto he was chosen had somewhat singuler and extraordinary and let vs see the next that is the election off the Seacons written by Saincte Luke in the sixthe chapter off the Actes wherin ik is so farr off that Peter or Iames or any other off the Apostles challenged any thinge aboue the rest vnto them selues in choosinge off them that contrariwise ther was nothinge done but by the common consent and agreement off them all For Sainct Luke dothe expressly declare that the multitude off the disciples we called togeether by the twelue that the choosinge off Seacōs was propoūded by the twelue and that the election beinge ended the praiers were made and handes laid on by the twelue For allthoughe they did not all call them to geether nor propounde the election nor make the praiers yet so expresse a speakinge as Sainct Luke vseth heere That the tvvelue called the disciples together and the words off the plurall nombre which he vsethe in euery place off this history do manyfestly proue that nothing was done heere by the priuate commandement or counsell off any but that cōtrariwise all thinges passed by the com̄on consent and authoritie off all the Apostles Therfore in this second and most solemne election bothe for the presence off all the Apostles and multitude off the disciples They take the repulse againe and can not obteyne this immesurable and princely authoritie in the churche which they seeke to haue The last is the election off Elders written in the fourtenth off the Actes which was heeld not by all the Apostles but only by Paule and Burnabas wherin althoughe they two ruled all the actiō and did moderate and gouerne the Iudgment off those that gaue the voices yet that they vsed no power and authoritie off ther owne in electinge the Elders off the churche euen that one word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chosinge by liftinge vp off the handes off the people doth manyfestly declare Therfore the Bishopps receyued not this authoritie by inheritance from the Apostles whose elections I haue declared to haue beene furthest off from this lordly authoritie For so they had bene taught off Christ that his kingdome was notlike the kingdomes off this world wherin some one hathe the chiefe authoritie to whome the rest ought to obey and whom they call ther Lord an master But he had appointed ●oir greatest or greater then his fellowes they had lerned that he was only king to whom all ought to be obedient and that they ought to lyue togeether like fellows in equall place and degree one with an other But they flee from the Apostles to the Euāgelistes And that fauour they could not get off the Apostles they hope to atteyne by them therfore they fetche the begynninge off this power and authoritie from Tymothie and Titus loff whom they say the one was bishop at Ephesus and the other in Candy And Timothie say they was commanded that he should not lay on his handes to rashly vpon any which commandement had bin in vayne iff the election off ministers had not beene in the Bishopps handes But I aske them how they proue that Tymothe was bishoppe at Ephesus For I thinck they will not bringe me that subscriptiō To Tymothe first chosen bishoppe off Ephesus much lesse Eusebius authorite the Author wheroff is vnknowne and off no great credit which also is not sett at the end off the first epistle against the most manifest testimoni off the Scripture which callethe Tymothie not a Bishoppe but an Euangelist for so Sainct Paule expresly calleth hym in the ende off his secōd epistle vnto him And the whole history prouethe that it cannot be that he could haue taried long at Ephesus who followed Paule trauelinge throughe so many churches and serued him in his iourny whom Paule himselfe doth witnes in mani places to haue beene an eye witnes off his afflictions whome he sent some tymes to Ephesus namely when he went into Macedonia sometymes to Corinth witnessinge that he did the lordes worck euen as he him selfe As also to the Rom. he calleth him his follow laborer as one that labored to gee●her her with him in plantynge and orderinge off churches and last ●ff all that ther may be no way
brought to nothinge by hym wherby he hathe obteined this infinite and princely power and authoritie so it will one daie come to passe that he shal be destroyed againe by the empyre But wold to god that only the Bramble off Rome had desyred this kingdom and lordshipp and that our olyue trees also and our figg trees and our vynes had not left ther fatnes and ther sweetnes and most excellent fruit for the desyre off lordshipp and gouernment For the preaching off the gospell is in deed most sweet ād pleasaunt fruit and with this ther new wine they reioysed both god and men as also with the oyle off the gospell more precious then any balme and off sweeter and more fragrant smell then that which was poured vpon Aarons hedd For we complaine that euen or bishoppes haue gotten this lordshipp into ther handes and finde great want and long for thos excellent fruites againe off that wyne and thos figgas and Olyues which in old tyme the church was wont to gather off ther Bishopps And surely I am afrayd that we wishe and longe for them in vayne and lest that they beinge delighted now with an other kind off fatnes and off sweetnes that is off Riches and Honor haue allready begonne to neglect and despise the other and will so contynew to despise yt But the Lord will see to thes thinges who off his good will will prouide for his churche either by them iff they will come to the first root and stock againe or ells without them yff they continew to neglect and despise the same But paraduenture I haue beene to longe in this part beinge moued both with the vnworthines off the thing and the daunger off the church Now seing as I suppose yt is sufficiently proued that the office off a Bishopp is lymited in the administration off heauēly and spirituall thinges let vs particulerly declare the seuerall partes off this office Which consist partly in teaching and interpretinge off the word off God and partly in making praiers for the church For thes two are so lincked togither that they may by no meanes be separated For he that takethe cure off teachinge the churche hath layd vpon hym also the prayinge for the church And contrariwise the office off prayinge and makinge solemne and publique praiers for the church in respect off his office can nor ought to be commited to no man but to hym that hathe power allso to teache the churche For we read that thes two wer allways so ioined and knit togither that he that off office did the one was bound to the doinge off bothe Neyther haue thes at any tyme bene seuered or drawen a sonder So the Priestes vnder the law wer bound to bothe as Moses expressely declarethe in the blessing off Leui. They shall teache saythe he Iacob thy iudgmentes and Israell thy law They shall put incense before thy face and bourne offeringe● vpon thy aulter For that praier and Supplication was shadowed vnder the law by burninge off parfume and incense It ys playne by many other other places and namely by Dauid who without question in the 141. psalme alludeth hereunto and the first off Luke wher it appereth that all the church vnderstood it so wherunto also S. Iohn alludeth in his reuelation Lickwise also the Prophet Samuel answeringe the people that desired him that he would pray to god for them God forbidd saithe he that I should offend against God in ceasinge to pray for yow for I will also teache yow the good and perfit way declaringe ther by both to belonge to his dutie So then in the Priesthood and the Prophesie two off the cheifest offices in the Iewishe churche which our Bishopps do resemble iff we compare the Pastors with the Priestes and the Doctors with the Prophetes Thes two offices off teachying and prayinge were ioyned togither And do not the Apostles in the gospell wher they leaue the ministringe to the pore professing that they did it to this purpose that they might more frely geue thē selues wholy to ther office do they not limit ther office with thes two partes off preaching and Praier Paule also in his epistle to Timothe doth manifestly referre praier to the office off a Bishoppe wheras geuinge order off stablisshinge the churche off Ephesus hauing declared the forme off publique praiers after sheweth at large what man̄er off man he ought to be Therfore seing it is plaine by the perpetuall vse off the scripture that thes two belong both to one and the same office They cannot in any sort be drauen a sonder and an vnlawfull diuorcement it is when as our ministers I speake off thos Curates that are vnable to teache are off this condicion ordeined to the ministerie that they reade ther seruise and prescript praiers out off the booke but that they be not so bold to teache or interpret without newe and especiall authorite graunted to that purpose But some men will say They are not able to interpret the scriptures Surely iff yt be so they are well and worthely and by the commandement off god forbidden to interprete yt But that is not well that they are not al so forbidden to reade the praiers seing that thes two preachinge and praier which are bothe but one office are torne and drawē a sonder cōtrary to the ordinannce off God and a certen new and lame mynistery is brought into the church by the boldnes off men Thus therfore hauing described the whole dewty and office off Bishoppes let vs come to that which is proper and particuler in ther eletion and ordination The Election therfore off Bishoppes that I may be gyn̄ ther because the whole safety of the church is in daunger in that actiō ought to be ioyned with most ernest praier to god that it would please him to direct the iudgemēt off the choosers which his holy spyrit to prouide a worthy and an able Bishopp for his church and not suffer them being ledd away by any blind affection to be deceyued with so dangerous an error For hither both the reasone which I haue allready brought and especially the example off 〈◊〉 Sauior Christ him selffe doth leade vs whom Sainct Luke rehersethe to haue spent the whole might before the choosinge and declaringe off his Apostles in supplicacion and praiers which also the same Luke reherseth to haue bene practized by the Apostles in the election off Mathias Which all men vnderstand ought to be necessarilie restored againe that obserue and marck the successe and fallinge out off our elections farr otherwise taken in hand But I trust I shall not need to take much paines in so cleere a matter Therfore I will go forward and declare what a one he ought to be who shold be chosen a Bishopp It is allready plaine enoughe by that which hathe bene said that in the choosinge off a Bishopp the especiall care and respect ought to be off his learninge seinge he is chosen to teach and
interpret the word off god vnto others althoughe also ther ought to be no common and ordinary but a singuler and chiefe respect in examyninge his manners as beinge suche whos smallest faultes for the high place wherin they are can by no meanes be hidden and couered Seing that the ministers off the word off God as Christ warneth the Apostles are like vnto cyties that are vpon the mountaynes Therfore seinge they must dwell in the eyes off men and in the fayrest light and as our Sauior Christ saith in the same place be put as it wer vpon candel stickes that they may gyue light vnto other It is meet that there holines off life godlines and moderat cōuersacion should shine like lightes a monges men whervppon the Apostle Paule setting furth in Timothe a lawfull minister off the word declareth that he ought to be such as may be an example or glasse and a patterne to all the faithfull in loue ●n chastitie and in all the order off his life And sure good cause it is he should be innocent that asketh other mē accompt off ther life seinge nothing is more iust then that he that teacheth other should first instruct hym selffe and that callinge other men from shame he hould keep hym selffe free from any spott or blemishe For what a shame is it when the sick man may say to hym that wolde help him Physicion heale thy selfe or when thos thinges are cast in a mans teeth which Paule vpbraydeth the Iewes with all thow that teachest an other teachest not thy selffe and thow that preachest a man should not steale stealest thy selffe And againe the name off God is blasphemed amonge the gentils for your cause Therfore seing that they are set in so highe a pla●● that the example off ther integritie not only edifieth the churche but also glorifieth god therby And contrarywise ther faultes and errors do geue occasion to straungers to speake euill off the Lord whom they preache and the gospell which they publishe abrode and to the faithfull that are weake to whom the lest fault that they make is as it wer a law wherby they thincke they may lickwise offend with out reproofe and seinge herein they hurt by ther example no lesse yea a great deale more then by the fault it selfe a great diligēce and singuler care is to be had off the life and manners off him who is to be chosen a bishopp But seinge the office off a Bishop consisteth chifely in this that they publishe preach and interpret all the gospell especially thos giftes are to be respected which are proper and peculier to that office to the executinge wheroff he is to be chosen therfore he is to be examined how well he hath been exercised in the holie scriptures and whither he be able fruitfully and to edifyinge to cōmunicate with the churche that which he doth godlilie vnderstād No vnskillfull or vnlerned man may be called to the stearing off this helme vnlesse we would haue the shipp not only to be in daunger but willingly to runne vpon the r●kes But what is he onlesse he wer cōspired agaīst the safety of the church and of the son̄es off god that would cōmit the church which god redeemed with his blud that he might adopt vs to be his sonnes an this nobleship fraighted full off worthies to any but to some most conninge and expert pilote and master Therfore suche con̄ing Pylotes and gouernours ar to be chosen ād set to the stearinge off the shipp who ar able to discerne the diuers face and chaungeable contenaunce of the heauēs that ar able to for seestormes and tēpestes that can guid ther ship by the north starr and finallie whom thos heauenly muses haue taught the vnknowne pathes ād wais of the sea and that which is in the Poet. From smoky storme fluddes that swell Kepe of the shipp guide it well But the word of god is the only starr wherby this life is Our eies must be bent vpon this heauen and fyrmament wherby stormes and tempestes are much more certenly fore sene then by the other This is the helme off our life which who so euer hath not lerned to steare and gouerne he may well be put to some other seruice but let hym not come into the sterne and iff he he do let him be put out a-againe For it is very good reason to requyre off an Artificer knowledge off that art which he professeth to require off a Captain● and a Generall knowledge and skill off war fare and chieualty off a physicion that he know how to mayteyne the health and to recouer them that are diseased And vnder the law the Lord apointed his priestes that they should be suche as might be able when they wer asked to answer out off the law off god Which wer adorned not only with the diademe and myter but with thos xij Iewelles and precious stones which Moses for ther lightsome clerenes and perfit beauty calleth Vrrim and Thummim by meanes wheroff they asked off the Lord in all affaires by which two names sometymes all the priesthood is signified to teach vs that he that hath not them hath nothing And that ther is no priesthood with out Vrim and Tummim To whom seinge the Bishoppes as parteininge to to this matter haue succeded although they had put on Aarons tunicle Ephod or Diademe yet iff thos stones shyne not in ther brest wherby as Ennius saithe men being doutfull of there matters what to do may be certefied that they take not waight● thinges rasshly in hand we acknowledge no stock nor succession off the Priesthoode nor all the rest off the garmentes off Aaron And seing we haue now in thes tymes no other meanes to be certified off the will off god besides his writtē word and the holy scriptures And seing it is sure that this word is come in place off the Arck the Sanctuary the brestplate off Iudgement and all the other ceremonies off off the old law euen as thos in old tyme wer necessary for the priestes So now is the vnderstandinge and knowledge heroff for the ministers off the word off god Therfore the Apostle Paule warneth Timothe that a bishopp ought to be able to teache Wheras declaringe that he ought to be suche he speaketh not off it as off some helpe or ornamēt but as off the nature matter and substance off a Bishop● And that we may more full● vnderstand what the force off the word is and how many thinges are conteined vnder it he declareth it more at large in his epistle to Titus sainge a Bishopp ought to besuche a one as holdeth fast the faithfull word according to doctrine that he may be able also to exhort with holesome doctrine and reproue them that speake against it But how is it possible that he should be able to exhort with sound doctrine vnlesse he hath first lerned that sound doctrine him selffe out off the holie scriptures And by what meanes
can we conuince thos that speak against it but by the scriptures as it is rehersed in the Actes that Apollos did Finally how shall he be able to do that which Sainct Paule commandeth Timothe namely to enstruct to teache to reprehend reproue and exhorte but by the Scripture which as the same Apostle in an other place teacheth Timothe are able to furnishe the man off god that is to say the minister off his word to do all thes thinges according to his dewty And seing Sainct Peter witnessethe that we are begotten againe into a new life by this seed and being borne are norished and grow vp by this milk how can it be that any man with out this seed should gett children vnto god or norishe and bring vp such as ar begotten off other The kingly Prophet Dauid doth witnes that he knew not which way to go yf this lampe did not shine allwais before hī to direct him in the right way Therfore seing the Ministers off the word are commaunded to lead vs in the right way They ought to be Torch bearers and to cary this light kindled in ther hand which may first geue light vnto them selues and after also to those off whom they haue receiued charge to leade them in the wais off god And off this office off leadinge guiding and geuing light come those worthy names and titles wherby they are called in the scriptures starrs off the heauē the salt off the earthe the light off the world and guides off the blynd and such like But onlesse thes starres do shyne and onlesse a gret deale off light be first gathered into these Sonnes as there was in the first creation when the Sonne was created to rule the day iff I say the sonne yt selffe be not first lighted and kindled It cannot shyne to others nor shew the way by that light it hathe not so likewise yff the salt be vnsauery wherwith shall a manseason yt The like may be said off thes who are guydes of the blinde For as our sauior saithe if the blind lead the blind they must both fall into the ditche And that we may more surely be perswaded off this doctrine Let vs consider some other names and titles for it wer an infinite thinge to gather all wherby ther office and dutie is declared Sainct Paule saithe that the mynister is the Stewarde off god And addeth in the same place A disposer off the mysteries off god Therfore bothe he ought to geue meat to the lords houshold in dew time and the houshold must aske thes Misteries off the steward As the Egyptians when they came to the kinge in the famyn wer sent by him to his highe steward that had the disposinge off the corne As it is also expressely said by Malachy the Prophete That the lippes off the priest keepe knowledge and the lawe shal be asked at his mouthe Therfore this steward ought to be suche an other as Ioseph was that hath gathered togither great store of corne and filled his barnes and granaries and stored the store house off his breast longe before with thes victualles that he may minister to the necessitie ād famin off the people And this is that scribe which the lord him selffe doth witnes to be made ready for the kingdome off god that is for the prechinge off the Gospell that is able to bringe out off his store hous as the houshold shall haue neede bothe newe store and old To the Ephesians S. Paule saith that the pastor and the Doctor wer geuen off Christ to the buildinge off his body as it wer off the temple off god that this most noble frame and more meruelous thē the most beautifull frame off this world might the builded But he that cannot tell how to handle the tooles and instrumetes that he should occupy for his buildinge what his he able to doe worthie the precious foundaciō wherupon he buildeth The same Paule as he calleth the the churche the Building of God so he calleth it his husbādry which allthoughe it receiueth encrease of the only blessinge off god yet ther be som seruantes set to plant it and to water it in respect of which wateringe in other places also they are compared to the heauen and to the cloudes and the doctrine with the raine and with the dewe But iff thes cloudes be such as S. Iude speakethe off Clouds without water and this Heauen such a one as the lord treatnethe in the lawe to his people whē they shall offend hym harder then any yron or steele how shall the field or herytage off the lord florishe or bring fourth fruit But because it wer an infinit thīge to gather all the names off ministers which ar immunerable let vs leaue the rest and consider only the name off a Pastor and Shephard For how many thinges are conteined vnder this one nāe of a Sheppard how infinit a care and wonderfull knowledge off diuers and sondry thinges namely that he keepe the flock day ād night euē with the daunger of his life frō the wolues wheroff S. Paule diligētly warneth the bishoppes off the church of Ephesus that they feede the sheepe rule them with the shepehooke call thē by name and leade thē out to the holesome pastures ād sweet run̄ynge streames and after bringe them to the fold againe which that Archpastor and chefe sheppard did fully and thorowly parforme Furthermore what lerninge were yt needefull to haue to do those thinges which Ezechiel and Zacharie require off the Pastors namely to strengthen the weake to heale the sick and diseased to bind the broken and wind vp thos that ar brused to seek thos that are lost and to brynge home againe to the fould thos that goe astraie Therfore no man may be chosen to be Pastor or sheppard off the lordes flock but he that is endewed with thes diuers and manifold giftes whos voyce may be insteade off a sheephooke to rule his sheepe at the hearing wheroff they may go in and out that knoweth what feadinge and what waters is fittest for the flock and fynallie that perfectly vnderstandeth how to helpe and heale the weake and diseased Neither let any man here complaine that I am more seuere and rigorous then needethe seing that which Paule requireth is nothing lesse that is to say to teache in sound doctrine to raise vp thos that faynt to cōuict thos that resist to strenghten thos that shake and are fallinge to breake the prowd and stubburne to allure the godly by hope of reward to all vertue and honesty and to terrify the wicked from synne by menacinge and thretninges For for the first point that is off doctrine what a man thinck we ought he to be that ought to vnderstand that he be able to teache thos misteries meruaillous to the Angelles themselues and vnknowen in the worlde not longe agoe off god manifested in fleshe iustified in spirit receyued vp
the glory off god vnto men And if they declare the creation of the world in ther homelies the dewties of all sortes and degrees off mē why do they not rather declare it out of Moses and the writinges of the Prophetes and Apostles then oute of ther booke off homelies Therfore a worthy Bishop or minister is to be chosen that can interprete the holie scriptures and applie it as occasion shall serue to the vse and necessitie of the churche not a reader to rehearse other mens sayinges and writinges by whos ignorance the church of god may be in daunger of there saluacion They haue found out also an other remedy for this disease which is as ill as the disease it selfe They geue them leaue to go to the vniuersitie and to tary there for three yeres that after they haue bene diligently occupied for that time in the readinge hearinge and meditatīge of the scriptures They may returne againe better furnished for the teachinge of the church But what shal be come of the miserable churches in the meane tyme if they be left as shippes without takle and furniture and without a gouernor for the space of thre yeres fletyng vpon the Seas It is not to feared that they shal be drowned or broken or ouerwhelmed or synke beinge subiect to so many daungers of Pirates of rokes of gulfes swallowes sandes stormes and tempestes And why are they wise to late in this point and do not rather send them first to the vniuersitie to learne before they begyn to teache And what an after wit is this to appoint hī to teache who must after learne euen in the pulpit Trew it is we can neuer sufficiently profit in the scriptures and that the best lerned of all ought continuallie and diligently to reade and studie them wherby they may encrease ther strenght and abilitie for the discharge of there dewties as we reade that both S. Paule exhorted Timothie to doe and it appereth by the parchementes he sent for to Rome that he did so him selfe But this is it that I reproue and find fault with all that they admit suche to the office off a Bishop that is to say vnto the ministery and expoundinge off the word who are alltogether vnmeete who vnderstand not the scriptures and who take vpon them the place to teache before they haue lerned The lord contrariwise wold haue his will perfectly knowne to his Prophetes before he send thē out to prophesie in his name Which is set forth in the third chap. of the prophesye of Ezechiel and the x. of the reuelation of S. Iohn vnder a prety similitude of eatinge concoctinge and disgestinge the booke and turninge it in a manner into ther owne substance and bloode So also the Prophet Dauid witnessethe that he layd to his eare to vnderstand the parable before that he went aboute to sing it and play it vpon the instrument in the hearinge of all estates of people declaringe therby that men ought first thorowly to vnderstand that which they will take vppon them to vtter vnto others But this is the nature and propertie of that which is euill That being once let go it cannot be s●aide but dayly breedeth and bringeth furth many other euilles Therfore let vs returne vnto the wais of the lord and be obedient to his most iust and holie lawes and ordinaunces and decree that no man be admitted minister or Bishopp who is not so well studied in the holie scriptures before that he is able also to vtter it bothe purely ād sincerely and faithfully to the profit and edification of the churche For it is not sufficiēt that he be not dombe in the church but he ought also reuerētlie to handle the holy scriptures and as S. Peter giueth warninge so v●ter them as the word and oracles of god that as S. Paule warnethe Timothy he may shewe him selfe a worckman that needeth not be a shamed of his labor Not suche as the same Apostle writeth to haue beene amonges the Corinthes that build strawe and stubble which the Lord will consume to ther losse vpon the precious foundacion but in a word that they may rightly deuide the worde of truthe Neither am I purposed here to appointe any manner off makinge of sermons but generallie to declare that doctrine is to be referred to the edifyinge of the churche and that the holie scriptures are to be expounded simplie and sincerely and vttered with reuerence For some to shew them selues to the people to be lerned stuffe ther sermons with diuers sentences out off Philosophers Poets Orators and scholemen and of the auncient fathers Augustine Hierome and others and thes often times rehersed in greek or latin by which pieces somtime ill fauoredly pached togither they seeke and hunt for commendation and to be esteemed lerned of the people which also some doe that are vnlerned I call them vnlerned touchinge the knowledge of the scriptures who takinge vppon them to teache and hauing not ther mindes well practized with the word off god no nor as the Apostle saithe ther senses well exercised but allwais haue bene occupied in readinge ethnick writers they bring forth to the people off that store which they haue gathered to gether and play rather the Orators and Philosophers then Prophets and interpreters off the holie scripture Other some vse I know not what straunge kind off interpreting and peruert the trew and naturall sence off the scriptures with allegories and foolishe and old wiues tales which Paule admonisheth Timothie and Titus are to be auoided Therfore a great care and respect ought to be had herein that the partie which is to be chosē be first heard speake by the chosers that they may knowe how he expoundeth the scriptures before they admit hī to the ministerie off the word and the office off a Bishopp And thus much for the learinige off him that is to be chosen minister Now let vs go foreward to other thinges For the Apostle thought it not enoughe that a minister should be able to teache who for the merueilous care that he had off the church took great heed that ther wer no daunger secretly hid in some parte that might hurt the churche especially in that which this building staid vppon as a piller Therfore he geueth warninge to take heed that a Bishopp and minister be no new vpstart in religion newly drawen out off Idolatry and superstition which when it cometh to passe must needes be ioyned with great damage and losse off the churche For when a minister or teacher off the word off god doth fall who as I haue saide is as it were a piller off the church or some off the most chifest beames wheron the building doth stay It must needes be that they which stay vpon him being shaken with the same wind shold fall to togither with it Therfore our master Builder wisely and conningly forbiddeth to vse thes yonnglinges and startvppes to the buildlnge off the house off god as
which they haue iff at any tyme they haue gotten wrongfully into ther handes the patrimony off the churche For they must either restore it againe that the churche may be prouided for off worthy teachers or ells make them selues giltie off the losse and destruction off so many soules as by there meanes are destitute off a minister and shall perishe in ther ignorance But seing this place hath bene handled now fullie enoughe as I suppose let vs conclude that which I purposed in the begin̄inge namely that the churches ought the prouide for the ministers and that in suche measure that they be not hindred from doinge there dewties either by neede and pouerty or by welthe and aboundance That they be not despised thorowghe neede and necessitie nor waxe wanton by excessiue riches As for that point by what meanes this ought especially to be done we must vnderstand that which was cōmanded in the lawe touchinge the geuinge the tēthes to the priestes and Leuites bindeth not vs precisely to the payinge of tēthes For this was a politique lawe off the Iewes which bindeth vs only generallie that we also prouide for them which labor in the Lordes work But as we are not necessarylie bounde to vse that way off prouision for them So iff it be commodious for any country either because the people are allreadie accustomed vnto it or for some orher ciuill and politique respect yt may be vsed so that we remember that which hath bene shewed before That the ministers must honestly and liberally be prouided for with oute ther takinge off any suche paines as may hindre the doinge off ther dewtie And seing the Lord would not suffer the Leuites and Priestes to the with drawinge off them from doinge ther dewtie to goe about the feeldes and see that euery man pay ther tithes and to see it brought home how muche lesse ought the worck off the ministerie to be hindered by doing this busynes But also besides this discommoditie It is a base and a vile thing for them to vewe euery mans feelde lest they be deceyued and to knowe the nombre and encrease off euery mans flocke or cattell and off other thinges wheroff by the custome off our realme the tenthes are paide especially seinge he shal be forced sometymes to striue with peuishe and couetous men for his right which in suche a man especially in suche a case were a shamefull and vnworthie thinge Therfore iff we thinck good to keepe still the tenthes and to pay the Ministers off them the magistrate must prouide for this by his authoritie that they may be free from all thes troubles that they may wholie bestowe them selues in readinge meditating and expoundinge off the Scriptures and at one word in doing off there dewtie And to see that so doing they may be honestly and liberally prouided for For thus we reade that the godlie and noble kinge Ezechias did who brought to passe by his authoritie first that the Priestes were prouided for as yt was commanded in the lawe Then also he tooke suche order That ther tithes growinge to a great quantitie and store should be so laide vpp and reserued as might be most commodious for the priestes And howe meete wer it for Christian princes and for the perpetuall praise off ther godlines in the churche to followe the example off Ezechias in this behalffe who not only brought to passe by his authoritie that as I said before the priestes and Leuites should be prouided for as it was commanded by the lawe but also had a especiall care that That which was liberallie giuen might be deuided to those to whom yt apperteined Therfore he built barnes and granaries for the better commoditie off the priestes and finally appointed certen men by whose meanes the Leuites who were scattered throwgh owt the kingdome were prouided for Suche Auncetors and so worthy patterns and examples off godlines and all kind off vertue let Good Princes set before them to followe and not only not spoile the Ministery them selves or suffer it to be robbed off others but liberallie accordinge to the commandement off our Sauior Christ see it mainteined and prouided for thorowghe owt ther kingdome nor suffer that That which was once geuen to this ende be prodigallie spent and wasted in courtly Pompe excesse and wantones nor bestowed vppon noble mens seruantes nor other innumerable sortes off vngodlie and intollerable abuses by sacriledge and the churche robbery but that yt be faithfully ordered and bestowed vppon Religion the seruice off god and publishinge off the word off god thorowghe out the kingdome and the maintenance off the sacred ministerie Thus they shall proue them selues to be suche kinges and Queenes as Esay prophesied off who should norishe cherishe and defeund the churche like foster Fathers and nurces Thus therfore hauinge ended this pointe off the Liuinge off Bishoppes or Mynisters Let vs go forward to the next which is touching ther garmentes and appparell which apparell being off ij sortes that is to saye either belonging to deuine seruice or which seruethe in the common and dailie vse off life I finde nothing written or commanded in in the gospell off either off them but only that which is generallie commannded touchinge modestie sobernes and honest conuersacion with all men which as yt may be referred to the diet and houshold stuffe and to all other partes off ther life So also to ther garmentes and apparell But a certen kinde forme and fashion off apparell either in dailie vse off liffe or ells in deuine seruice is no where commannded in the Gospell Neither yet vnder the lawe was any thing prescribed to the Leuites and Priestes for ther daylie wearinge in what apparell or garmentes they should daylie goe In deede in the diuine seruice which they did in the tabernacle off the Temple such thinges are diligentlie and exactly prescribed and set forthe accordinge to the dispensacion off the old Testament But in thes our tymes wherin by the grace off God we haue the trewth yt selffe and the bodie in Christ our Sauior we haue no lenger neede off figures and shadowes Thes thinges were but for a certen tyme which so long as God would haue kept he left the forme and fashion off ther apparell plainly set forthe in his law adioining therunto the punishement off deathe iff any man should trangresse the lawe therin But this difference off apparell in diuine seruice doeth no more belōg vnto vs thē the offring vp off sacrifice and the kepinge off other ceremonies off the lawe Neither vnder the lawe perteined it to any but only to suche as ministred in the tabernacle and temple and not to the rest off the Leuites who were scattered throwgh out Iury and preached the word off god in the Sinagoges How much lesse ought the Interpreters off the gospell vse those veiles and shadowes in thes daies wherin as the Apostle saithe we behold which open and vncouered face the glory off god And iff
the Lord commanded that greater seueritie should be vsed against them off the land off Canaan then against Idolaters off other nacions and cuntries But they saie further that men should be admonished that they are nowe vsed to an other ende then they were by the Papistes and that the abuse cannot take awaye the right vse off thē and althoughe the popishe priesthoode be a most greuous leprosie yet the apparell which they vsed iff yt be washed againe may be applied againe to our vse but I say that off all the leprous garmentes they haue chosen the filthiest and most polluted and suche as cannot be washed nor made cleane againe by anie art or conning off the fuller For seing it is manifest that Popishe Priestes receiued ther orders by the puttinge on off a surplice and square cappe and that they vsed the coope euen to the singinge off masse who is he that hathe lerned by the lawe off god to distinguishe and discerne betwene sore and sore betwene holie and vncleane and vnderstandethe not and euen seethe with his eies that the leprosie was spredde vpon thes garmentes and that they are polluted and vncleane not only by the contagion off the leprous man but euen by ther owne disease And therfore by the lawe not to be washed but to be burned nor to be purged with water but to be consumed with fier Seinge then it is so and that this lawe off prescripte apparell off ministers hath no grownde not only off no scripture but also off no sownde Iudgment and reason a merueile it is to see howe earnestly and with great contencion yt hath bene defended and mainteined And it makethe me afraide to remember the bitternes of thos daies the churches bereaued of there ministers and most faithfull Pastors and Doctors driuen from there places the troble that came in the vniuersities for this cause and the most toward youth both for godlines and lerninge driuen out off ther colledges finally the commandementes off god transgressed that the preceptes off men might be established But they haue made me to longe in a matter off small waight who do so earnestly vrge these trifles as iff they were matter off great waight and were grounded off the commandement off God But seinge yt appereth manifestly as I suppose by that which I haue said that yt is farre otherwise Let vs conclud that noe certeine kinde forme or fashion off apparell is to be prescribed to ministers neither to be dailie worne nor yet in seruice tyme and that they are only to be admonished that they shewe them selues sober modest and honest both in ther apparell ād in all the rest off there life and conuersation which iff some shall neglect to doe and beinge admonished by there breethren doe not amend yt let thē be corrected by the magistrate And thus muche generallie off Bishopps that is to say off ministers Now it followeth to declare the diuers sortes and kindes of them and to shew what euery one hath proper and peculier to hī selffe There be therfore two kindes and sortes off Bishopes the one off Doctors the other off Pastors For these are not to be confounded as iff one and the selfe same office were signified by two names as some haue supposed For seinge the Apostle in the iiij to the Ephesians doth seuerally reherse all the ministers off the church which Christ hathe geuen and appointed to the edifyinge theroff and distinguisheth Apostles from Prophets and Prophetes from Euangelistes I do not see why we shold not think also that Pastors and Doctors as they are distinguished and seuered by name to be so also in office and duty which also appereth more manifestly in the xij to the Romans wher they are distinguished not only by names but also by giftes proper to seuerall offices Therfore these are diuers and sundry offices how neere so euer they seeme to be togither Now to proue that only Doctors and Pastors be Bishopps and that no man ells as it hathe bene saide here to fore may or ought to minister the word off god in the church needeth a longer proofe But seing it cannot be doubted that the Apostle rehearseth in the iiij to the Ephesians all the offices and functiōs which haue any thinge to doo with the worck off the ministery and by which Christ would haue his church builded vp and seing that those offices off Apostles Euangelistes ād Prophetes are ceased as also they were geuē only to to serue for a tyme and not for the perpetuall gouerment off the churche It is manifest that ther remaine no other Bishoppes or ministers off the word off god but only Pastors and Doctors But that it may the more clerely be shewed that those other offices serued but for a time let vs more at large consider the nature and condition off euery one off them And first for the Apostles office what it was it apperethe by the word off our Sauior wherby he ordeineth them to the Apostleshipp namely This that they should go preache the Gospell in all the world and baptize those which beleue So that an Apostle was not bound to preache the gospell to any one and certeine prouince naciō or country but to the whole world So lickwise Christ before his departure commended not to peter and by him to the rest off the Apostles any certen sheepe off some certē grownd or pasture but all his flock For as our Sauior Christ had geuen thē merueilous giftes off the Spirit So he would haue them beare greater offices He assigned them not a fewe acres to plowe and till or a litle feelde not some small porcion off his vyneiard and inheritaunce to dresse but euen all his feeld his whole vyneiard and inheri●aunce Suche off all the disciples off Christ ther were only xij to whome afterwardes were added Paule and as some think Barnabas who as certeyne chiefe capitaines should bring the world vnder subiection to the kingdome and Empire off Christ And as Maister builders who should drawe out and describe the patterne and platforme off all the churches and lay the fyrst foundacions and groundes Which so great a charge beinge laid vpon them excellent giftes were also geuen them wherby they might be able to beare and vphold so great a burthen For they were endewed with a merueilous knowledge off heauenly thinges and diuers straung tongues and languages as is yt rehersed off the xij Apostles in the Actes and as Paule testifiethe off him selffe to the Corinthes Furthermore there were many other thinges proper and peculier to this office as that they should be witnesses off the Lordes resurrection that they should be immediatly called and appointed by CHRIST and otherlike Which seing they can be in no man now adayes yt is playne and euident that the Apostleshipp is ceased and that this worthy and excellent office ys no longer remaininge in the churche wherupon the Apostles who did choose Matthias into Iudas place beinge voyd
yet when Iames was slaine they did choose nome into his Roume or the Roume oft any other off the Apostles when they died So that yt is plaine that this office is abolished Which beinge playne off the Apostles must be likewise vnderstood off the Euangelistes who serued and mynistred vnto them and were after a sort ther vicairs and deputies For as it doth appere in the Actes This was the office of the Euangelistes to accōpany the Apostles whom they when they had gathered any company off a churche together and must needes depart left behind them beinge instructed by them in what sort ād order to stablishe the churche who hauinge set the churche in order and prouided pastors and Elders to gouerne yt left it ād followed the Apostles againe So they as Emperors and Generalles when they had ouercome any citie left as it were some chiefe captaines behinde them vntill thinges could be brought to a better stay and that ancientes and elders as certen perpetuall garrisons were set ouer them for the Apostles were appointed to cōquere and to ouercome The Euangelistes to establishe and set in order The elders to mainteine and preserue the churche of god Therfore this office off the Euangelist must needes cease seinge the Apostleshippe is ceased allreadie As for the Prophetes office althoughe it consisted in expoundinge the scriptures yet seinge it was ioyned with extraordinary gyft off foretellinge thinges to come necessary for the primitiue churche but now no more in vse yt can not be doubted but that the office ys ceased as well as the gyft wherupon we may conclude That seinge as Saint Paule witnessethe onely Apostles Euangelistes Prophetes Pastors and Doctors were geuen by Christ to the edifyinge off the churche and the work off the ministery That the three first ceasinge there remaine only Pastors and Doctors perpetuall and ordinary ministers off the word In deede sometymes the lord extraordinarily in a confused state where is no place off ordynary callinge stirreth vp as be did in our tyme as yt were certen newe Apostles to lighten the world agayne with the light off the gospell And Eusebius maketh mencion off some who saith he with a heauenly zeale off followinge the Apostles went preachinge the gospell to the Indians But I speake off the Ordinary state off the churche suche as oures ought to be after so many yeeres Therfore Sainct Paule in the xij to the Romans speakinge off this state makethe no mencion off Apostles Euangelistes or Prophetes but only off Teachers and exhorters callinge Pastors Exhorters as it shall appeere hereafter Neither was i● needfull that they should continewe any longer in the churche no more then it is needfull after the platforme be drawen that the master builder tarie any longer but that there be carpenters and workmen to builde and raise the worck as he hathe appointed And it seemethe that our Sauior Christ in the stablishinge off his kingdome followed a kind off order not diuers from that which is vsed by earthly kinges and princes Who at the daie off ther coronacion and for a certen time after make many officers for diuers and sondry vses who serue not only for a solemnitie pompe and shewe but also to great vse and seruice for that time but when thinges are set in order and the kingdome stablished are vsed no longer So Christ our lord and king when as beinge ascended into heauen he was as it were inuested into his kingdome created Apostles and suche other officers which should set his kingdome in order and appoint and ordeine a certen ordinary state for the gouernment and administracion off it which being so established and set in order Those offices should cease and the kingdome should be gouerned as they had appointed Therfore theris no cause why we should think the loue ād care off our Sauior towardes his churche to be diminished for this cause or that he dealethe not bountifully and liberallie with vs no more then subiectes for the like cause haue occasiō to suspect ther kinges good will and fauor to be chaunged towardes them For these thinges are but for a certeyne time and perteine to the beginninge off the kingdome which time seemethe necessarilie to require some other kinde of order then all the rest that followeth Therfore to cōtinewe the same similiritude after he was crowned-kinge he scattered in great aboundāce spirituall giftes off knowledge prophesyinge healinge and other graces as gold and siluer amonges his people All the conduites ranne with sweet and most pleasant wyne All the pipes and cockes ranne with rose water and other sweet and plesant waters But allthoughe he geueth vs dailie all thinges liberally and plentifully yet he geueth vs not dailie a Largesse as at the tyme off his coronacion Therfore we ought to be content with that liberalitie which the lord shewethe vnto vs and not to looke to haue allwais alike The same reason is off the perpetuall mynisters off the word with whom he would haue vs to be contented and not to wishe for the first and those which were extraordinary and apointed to serue but for a tyme For as some thinge was geuen more liberally and extraordinarilie to the extraordinary tymes off the churche So we are sufficiently prouided for off all thinges which belonge to the continuall and necessarie vse off the churche Therfore beinge content with this meane estate and condicion Let vs vse that which is giuen vnto vs and seeke not for offices which serued but for a tyme in the perpetuall gouernment off the churche nor wil he extraordinary functions in an ordinary state Wherfore we ought to haue Pastors and Doctors appointed in our churche and not to reteine still the extraordinary office off preachers which yet I reproue more sparingly for the respect I haue to many worthie men who haue labored with some fruite after this sort for I see that some by the negligence off those who ought to haue prouided meete Pastors for the churches for the loue they had vnto the gospell thought it lawfull for them in these tymes to take vpon them this Apostolicall or Euangelicall kind off office and embassage wheras rather they owght to haue vrged the full and perfit reformacion off our churche and to haue striuen by the word off god that euery church might haue bene prouided off a fit Pastor And that the Lordes heritage might be no more left barren and vntilled left that at the last the Lord be angry with vs and take it from vs and let out his farme to other that will dresse it better But iff there be any which please them selues to muche in this gadding abroade thorough out the churches and will contend they may do so by the example off the Apostles and Euangelistes let them shew vs the signes off ther Apostleship as Saint Paule did to the Corinthians Let them proue that they are indewed with those Apostolicall gyftes off knowledge and vnderstanding tonges healinges doinge off
thunder off the iudgement off god whereat they may be cast downe and as yff they had bene stricken with a thunder bolt from heauen and consumed yff they repent not to lift vpp some as yt were to heauen and to cast downe other to the bottom off hell All which Sainct Paule doth signifie to the Romaine figuratiuelie by nanynge one kinde theroff that is to say off Exhortation for all the rest In his Epistle to Timothy he settethe out euery thinge more at large commandinge Timothy to preache the word to correct to reproue to exhort Seing therfore the Pastors office is so wayghty and so diuers I will not shewe that they which be vnable to teache are not to be admitted vnto it for that I haue hādled this before but how weake there defence herein is which they are wont to bring that is to say That the want off these vnable ministers is supplied by the diligence off others whereas they reade and reherse out off the booke vnto the people homelies touching all the necessary pointes off Religion I dispute not heere against homelies nor minde to shew what iniury is done vnto god his worde when the wrightinges off men are redd and rehersed in the churche or howe daungerous a thinge it is for geuinge occasion off bringing in to the churche the writinges and sermons also off other godly men the stories off martyres and at the last also the Popishe Legend For that it belongeth to an other place to speake off thes thinges this one thinge I will shewe that the reading off Homelies is no sufficient excuse for an vnable and vnlearned Pastor seing that it belongethe to the dewtie off a Pastor to applie the doctrine off the Scriptures to the diuers tymes necessities and occasion off the churche For seing that the Homelies be domme and speake only that which hathe beene endited a long time a fore how can they either knowe or vnderstand or cure and remedie the diseases off the churche Therfore let vs not thinke that the Ordeininge of● vnable Pastors can be excused by this pretence nor that Homelies as it is saide off a sworde in olde time as Delphos which did serue for all vses can serue for all occasions which do arise in the churche Here the Pastor had neede off greate and profounde knowledge to knowe the chaunge off times the diuersitie off thinges the variety off persons and to deale thus or otherwise according to that varietie and difference For a Shephard hathe not only one way both to heale the sike and cure the broken and bruised And the phisicion cureth some men by diet and medicine some by cutting ād surgerie so likewise this only waie off readinge off Homelies can in no wise be sufficient to cure and to remedy all the sondry necessities off the churche To be cōninge in the profession off this kinde off physick a man had neede be perfite in his simples he had need to knowe many kindes off herbes floures rotes an infynite sort off other thinges fynallie he must needes thouroughly knowe all Eden and the whole garden off God that he may knowe what herbes are fit to raise vp those who are cast downe and as it were to cōforte and restore againe suche as be in a consumpcion which also are meet to purge and clense those that are full and stuffed finallie what so euer is proper for the curinge off euery disease and in what sorte and after what manner and at what time yt ys to be ministred and applied Which most worthie and necessary office for the saluacion off mankind and chiefest off all which be vnder the Sonne Good Lord how infinite waies is it prophaned So that now a daies to make a Pastor is nothing ells but to make a seruice saier or reader off praiers out off his booke And this not only emonges the people but euen in the middest off the vniuersities in the scholes and Colledges them selues from whence as frō certen sacred and pure fountaines reformatiō ought to flowe from thence I say euen from thence shamefull examples off this great disorder and prophanacion do springe and come furthe into all the realme iff we seeke thoroughe both the vniuersities what schole is there what Colledge society and fellowshipp off learned men that hathe a right and a lawfull Pastor amonges them But either one or moe chaplaines and conductes as they call them are hired to reade the seruice at the houres appointed or ells the fellowes off Colledges them selues do read yt being bound by othe to enter into the ministery at a certen time appointed after they become Fellowes Wherupon it commeth to passe that a man may finde sometimes ten or a dossen off these Pastors in a litle Colledge But one suche Pastor as the word off God doth set out is hardly or not at all to be found amonges them Further also this fault is made in the apointinge off pastors That vnder pretence off makinge a more full and perfit triall off suche as are to be apointed they ordeine not any man wholy and at once to the office off a pastor but I knowe not by what degrees they leade him vp to this pulpit They must first be Deacons as they call yt for a yere that is to saye they must receyve authoritie to saie praiers and reade the Scriptures But in no case to admynister the Sacramentes or to expounde without furder lycense Then at the last he is fullie admitted to he office off a Pastor Which as I perceiue well enoughe to haue bene translated from the manner off Popishe ordres So knowe I not what ground off Scripture yt hath or can haue But rather cōtrarywise yt semethe to be cleane against the expresse appointement off the Scriptures which make no more degrees to come to the office But the godlines and integritie off his former life in what sort so euer he hathe occupied him selffe vnto that tyme and the knowledge off the holie scriptures So that it is needles for a man to come thoroughe all the offices off the churche before he can euer atteine to this Wherin also ther was to to curious a diligence in Siluester Bishopp off Rome and others who appointed that before a man was ordeyned a Pastor he should first come vp vnto yt as yt were by certen staires steppes and degres thoroughe out all those offices off the churche which they had inuented And first he must be Accolythus twenty yeere Deacon xxvj and so furth That at the last after fyfty or thre score yeres triall thus had he should be admitted to the full priesthood Leauing therfore these vaine inuentions off the braine off man Let vs keepe that certeine ordre which is taught vs by the Apostles which is That after dewe examination had of his life and doctrine he be admitted to this ministery and office off a Bishopp Lest by this drawing a sonder and quarteringe off the right office off a Pastor we be iustly
to ther conscience whom they thought to haue a speciall care off yt hoped that all thinges wold be more faithfully ordered for the benefit off the churche and maintenance off the poore But they wheras they ought rather to haue followed the example off the Apostes and to haue requested that they might geue them selues to preaching and praier and that they would choose some other to take that charge vppon them did not only suffer them selues to be entreated to take yt But also did vnfaithfullie behaue them selues in disposing the poore mens boxe that at the last they ceased to be Almners any more or distributers vnto others and as yff they had bene the poore men gaue all vnto them selues concerning which matter the Deacons iff we had any ought to deale with the Bishoppes in the behalffe off the poore whose charge is committed vnto them by the churche and enter an action against them for recouering this mony againe to requyre againe ther siluer vesselles and the golden plate wherwith they haue so gorgeously garnished and adorned ther cuphordes and pleade against them that all that belongeth to the poore by whose pouertie they haue waxen riche by whose want and neede they are become full and welthy Therfore seinge the office off a Deacon is so necessary yt may seme a merueile how the churche could suffer that the poore and the straungers who for Christes cause ought to be most deere vnto vs shold want ther Gardyanes and Tutors We haue brought in other Collectors gatherers and church wardēs into ther roume But yt were better that we had none suche at all then that by them so necessarye an office should be abolished For seinge the charge requirethe both a singuler wisdome simplicitie and integrity why shold ther not be choise made as in the other offices off the churche triall had that the wisest may be chosen by the churche and as the Apostle Sainct Peter speakethe suche as be full off the holie ghost and off wisdome Why are not handes laid vppon them that they may knowe that they deale in the Lordes busines Why are they not praid for that they may haue grace to discharge there duty Fynally why had they rather that they should be cyuill then Ecclesiasticall Officers this therfore is the charge and office off Deacons In whose Election and ordynacion seing ther is nothing ells partyculerly to be considered besydes that which hath bene Generallie spoken off all heretofore Let vs come to the Elders which are the second kind and sort off Deacons Elders therfore are Deacons who are appoynted to take heede off the offences that arise in the churche Therfore in well reformed churches euery one off them haue ther warde and as yt were there watche to looke vnto off that porcion off the churche in which they may most fytlye serue Wherin iff any thinge be done otherwise then ought to be that shall deserue iust reproufe yff yt be priuatly committed He Goeth vnto the partie and admonisheth him priuatly for his fault accordinge to the word off God exhortinge him that he do so no more but iff openly he certifiethe the counsell or consistory off the churche lest the faulte off one man be spred to the destruction off all the rest For although after a sort yt is all mens duty to bringe him into his waye which goeth astray yet better and more diligent heed is takē that offences arise not in the churche when euery part off the churche shold haue ther watchmen assigned to them to whose office especially it should belonge to marke ouersee and obserue all mens manners Wheras otherwise ther are many faultes which may easilie escape those who haue not a carefull eye ouerthem For which cause Saint Paule to the Thessalonians attributeth admonitions and reprehensions specially vnto the Elders which notwithstanding afterwardes in an other sorte he declareth to belonge vnto all the faithfull Therfore those Elders be such as those officers off the Athenienses were who had charge to see the lawes kept or as the Censors off Rome who exacted and examined euery citezens life accordinge to the lawes So they marke and obserue euery mans manners and they them selues doe admonishe men off the lighter faultes and bring the greater to the Consistory Finally they take heede by all meanes lest God be offended with the churche by reason off some mans fault and see that thinges be done honestly godly and comely in the churche off God. Therfore yff ther come into there warde any strangers from other places to inhabit whose Religion is not yet knowne They certifie the Ministers that they may haue meanes to talke with thē before they come to the Lordes supper So lykewise iff ther be any children to be baptized they admonishe the minister of it ād finallie off all suche thinges which do belonge to the good and semely gouerment off the churche that the minister shold vnderstand theroff Furder more also in the administration off the Lordes supper for the better commoditie off the churche they helpe the pastor and take heede that none come vnto the lordes supper whose Religion and honestie is not knowen and with whome the ministers haue not delt withall before and other suche like things which allthough they be not all expresly mencioned in the Scriptures yet seing it belongethe not only vnto Order and to comelines But also to the profit and commoditie off the churche that some shold be set ouer thes matters suche as emonges the Iewes were those who were called Cheeff off the Synagoge and seing the Scripture mencionethe no other Elders to whome the charge off these thinges should apperteine I thincke it plaine enoughe that these thinges by the worde off god ought to be referred to the office off Elders And as for that part off there office off taking heede to offences who can doubt that That charge properly apperteineth vnto the Elders seing that they are saide also in the Scriptures to rule to ouersee and to gouerne For this ouersight can haue but two partes only wheroff the first perteinethe to Doctrine and Religion the other to life and māners Seing then that two kindes off Elders are expressly named by Saint Paule wher off the first sort are occupied in preachinge and Doctrine Iris necessary that the other should haue charge off manners and conuersacion which part only remaineth And hitherto the example off the primitiue churche doth leade vs which for asmuche as they were next to the Apostles time might best vnderstand to what vse Elders had bene appointed in the church by them But how the primitiue churche tooke those degrees off the Apostles both Ecclesiasticall histories doe witnes ād reformed churches which in our tyme haue reformed them selues according to there example doe sufficiently declare Therfore seing the office off Elders was apointed in the churche off our Sauior Christ by his Apostles and seing it is so proffitable ād necessarie for the same haue we not
in the same simplicitie and sinceritie vndefiled In which so worthie an office Godlie Princes now a daies may choose out of the holie history many paterns to look vpon and to followe as Dauid Salomon Ezechias Iosias Zerubabell and others whose labor was famous and notable partly in apointinge the ordre off religion accordinge to the word of god and the voice of the prophetes partlie in restoringe yt againe after it had bene decaied By religion I vnderstād not only the doctrine which we professe touching the māner off seruing god and the obteininge of our saluaciō by his sonē but also the māner of gouernīge the churche of apointing the Officers theroff off correctīge and takinge away off offences which all those most noble worthies did trewlie and according to the will off god iudge to belong to the office and dewty off the magistrate Whose worthie examples O most noble Queene Elizabeth iff as your Maiestie hath well begun̄ so yow do continewe to followe I hope surelie that for the godlie disposition theroff both your honorable nobilitie and many notable and famous men off the Ecclesiasticall degree and euen the whole Parliamēt wil be ready to furder your Graces godlie purpose which bote the scriptures do witnes to haue hapned to Dauid Salomon and other Religious Princes and famous euen for Religion and reformacions sake in the like cause And we haue also seene to haue hapned vnto your Maiestie not with out the devine and merueilous prouidence off god at the abolishing off poperie in the beginninge off your raigne Especially your Highnes right honorable Counsellers and chosen by your Maiestie vnto the bearinge off the chiefest offices in your realme wyll furder this noble enterprise who euery one will choose vnto him selffe some worthie patterne out off the godlie courtes off those noble kinges for him to followe in this behalffe and some man peraduēture Eliachim great steward off kīg Ezechias house Some other Shaphan Chan̄cellor in Iosias time other the honorable Secretaries off king Salamon And the rest some other off the godlie officers in Dauids and Salomons courts fynally all off them choosinge to them selues some suche patterns to followe in all vertue and Religion will striue which off them shall be most foreward to promote your Graces godlie decrees and purposes Seing then that all will be so ready O most noble Quene fynishe and make perfit now at the last with the readie wil and consent off all your Highenes subiectes this heauenlie worck off the seruice and Religiō off god which your maiesty hathe begōne and that not onlie by the example of these excellent and famous kinges whom I haue set before your eyes but also by the example off your Graces most noble Father Henry the viij off most famous memory and off the most godlie prince Edvvard the vj. your Highnes brother that in the same familie wherin the praise off religion and reformacion begann to florishe yt may be also perfected and finished by your maiesty For these are allmost the speciall praises off your Highnes house and progenie To banishe Idolatry and to set vp the trewe seruice off god wherby the one that is to say the abolishinge off popery we owe in a great parte to your highnes most noble Father the other that is the restoringe off trew religion first to your Highnes most worthy brother that godlie Prince Edvvard the vj. and after also to your maiesty who as yt is written off the good king Ezechias opened vnto vs againe the dores off the tēple of the Lord which had bene shut ād closed vp before erected vp his aulters againe which had bene beatē downe and lighted againe the cleere lampe off the word off the Lord which had bene put out Which Princely vertewes off your Highnes most worthy house iff your maiesty crowne with restoringe off lawfull discipline vnto the churche which yet remaineth Then shall our churche of Englād most worthelie acknowledg to haue receiued hir full libertie and perfit restoringe againe next after god only to that most noble house wheroff your Highnes is And confesse to haue founde most trew in that one famouse house off Tedder hir estate that worthy prophesie off Esay Kings shal be thy foster fathers Queenes thy Nurces which I pray God moue your Graces hart to performe to the honor off his most holy name the edifying off this our churche off England and the discharge off your Highnes dewty vnto bothe and last off all to the longe and prosperous continuance off your maiesties reigne ouer vs. Thus nowe the lawfull and trew discipline hath bene described which gouernment of the churche off Christ as off the Lords house who so euer diligently and attentiuely consider shall easilie perceiue a merueilous heauēly wisdome to shine in all the gouernmēt of the same And so muche the more merveilous then was the gouernment off the house and court off Salamon weroff mencion is made in the holie history off the kinges as he is wiser then Salomon who did appoint all the ordre and manner off the ordring off it For wither we consider the ordres and degrees off Officers or ther orderly sitting downe or the diuers ornamentes and apparell off euery one according to his diuers estate and degree we shall see that nothing could be wisely inuented nor disposed with Iudgement and reason either forthe preseruacion off the sure and safe estate off the churche or for beautifyinge and adorninge the estimacion off the same which is wanting in this gouernment For as touching the Officers what necessary office is omitted and neglected or what office needles and vnnecessary is appointed or what can be named more seemely and orderly then this appointinge off the offices That those functions ceasinge which serued but for a tyme and were vsed extraordinarily in the first yeeres off the raigne off our Sauiour Christ for the establishing off his kingdome Ordinary and perpetuall offices should be appoynted in two sortes wheroff the first is suche wheras euery man hath his seuerall charge The other where many haue but one and the same charge which they execute by common counsell and Authoritie Wheroff againe the first sort consisteth in ij kindes of Bishopps which expound and teache Religion and the seruice off god that is Pastors ad Doctors and as many Deacons that is to say Deacons Elders so called figuratiuely by names which are more generall Off whō some go watche ouer the life ād conuersatiō off all the churche And the other are carefull to helpe the necessities off wydowes straungers sick folk and generallie off all the poore so that both all the house is sufficiently prouided for aswell touchinge the purity off faithe and doctrine as the honestie and integritie off life and manners and also the neede and necessitie off every one particulerly not neglected Then the consistory or the Assembly off Elders which consistethe of the three first and cheefe Officers off the church Pastors