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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13086 The anatomie of abuses contayning a discouerie, or briefe summarie of such notable vices and imperfections, as now raigne in many Christian countreyes of the worlde: but (especiallie) in a verie famous ilande called Ailgna: together, with most fearefull examples of Gods iudgementes, executed vpon the wicked for the same, aswell in Ailgna of late, as in other places, elsewhere. Verie godly, to be read of all true Christians, euerie where: but most needefull, to be regarded in Englande. Made dialogue-wise, by Phillip Stubbes. Seene and allowed, according to order.; Anatomie of abuses. Part 1 Stubbes, Phillip. 1583 (1583) STC 23376; ESTC S117966 128,152 256

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consider t●eir gestures dem●nors how they stut and stāmer stagger réele too fro like madmen some vomiting spewing disgorging their filthie stomacks other some Honor sit auribus piss●ng vnder the boord as they sit which is most horrible some fall to swering cursing ●āning interlacing their spéeches w e curious tearms of blasphemie to y e great dishonour of God and offence of the godly eares present Sp. But they wil say y ● god ordained wines strong drinks to chéer y ● hart to sustain the body therfore it is lawful to vse thē to y e end Phi. Meats moderatly taken corroborate y e body re●resh y e arteries reuiue the spirits making them apier euery member to doo his office as god hath appointed but being immoderatly takē as cōmonly they be they are instrumēts to damnatiō to y e abusers of y e same noorish not y e body but corrupt it rather casteth it into a world of deseases And a man once drunk with wine or strong drink rather resembleth a brute beaste then a christian man for doo not his eies begin to stare to be red fiery blered blubbering ●oorth seas of teares dooth he not frothe fome at the mouth like a bore dooth not his tung faulter stāmer in his mouth dooth not his hed séeme as heuie as a milstone he not being able to bear it vp Are not his wits spirits as it were drowued Is not his vnderstanding altogher decayed doo not his hands all his body quiuer shake as it were with a quotidiā feuer Besides these it cast●th him into adropsie or pluresie nothing so soon it inféebleth the sinewes it weakneth y ● natural strength it corrupteth the blood it dissolueth y e whole man at y e lēgth and finally maketh him forgetful of him self altogither so that what be dooth being drunk he remembreth not being sober The Drunkard in his drunkennes killeth his fréend reuileth his louer discloseth secrets and regardeth no man he either expelleth all feare of god out of his minde all looue of his fréends kinsfolkes all remembrance of honestie ciuilitie humanitie so that I will not feare to call drunkerds beasts and no men and much wursse then beasts for beasts neuer excéed in such kind of excesse or superfluitie but alway modum adhibent appetitum they measure their appetites by the rule of necessitie which would God wee would doo Spud. Séeing it is so great an offence before God I pray you show me some testimonies of the holy Scripture against it for whatsoeuer is euil y e woord of God I doubt not reproueth the same Philo. It séemeth you haue not read y e holy fcripture very much for if you had you should haue found it not only spoke against but all● throwē down euen to hel for proof whereof of infinit places I wil recite a few The Prophet Esaias thundereth out against it saying ve qui consurgitis mane ad ebrietatē sectandā Wo be to them that ryse earlie to followe drunkennesse wallowing therein from morning to night vntill they be set on fire with wyne strong drinke Therfore gapeth heil ●peneth her mouth wyde that the glory multitude and welth of them that delight therin may go downe into it saith the Prophet The Prophet Hoseas saith fornicatio vinū mustum auferunt animum Whordome wyne strong drinke infatuat y e heart of mā The Prophet Ioel biddeth all Drunkards awake saying wéepe and howle you winebi●bers for the wickednesse of destruction that shall fall vppon you The Prophet Habacuck soundeth a most dreadfull alarme not only to all Drunkards but also to all that make them drunken saying wo be to him that geueth his Neighbour drinke till he be drunke that thou mayst sée his priuities Salomon saith wyne maketh a Man to be scornfull and strong drinke maketh a Man vnquiet who so taketh pleasure in it shall not be wise In an other place kéep not companie with wynebibbers and riotous Persons for such as be Drunkards shal come to beggerie In the xxiij of his Prouerbes he saith To whome is woo To whome is sorow to whome is strife to whome is murmuring to whome are woūds without cause and to whome are red eyes Euen to thē that tarie longe at the wyne to them that go and séek mixt wyne And againe Looke not thou vppon the wyne when it is red and when it sheweth his colour in the cup or gooth downe pleasantlie for in the end it will bite like a serpent and hurt like a Cockatrise or Basilicock which slay or kill men with the poison of their sighte Again it is not for Kings to drinke wyne nor for Princes to drinke strong drinke Our Sauiour Christ in the gospell of of S. Luke biddeth vs take héed that we be not ouercome with surffeting and drunknes and cares of this lyfe least the day of the Lorde come vppon vs vnawares Paule to the Ephesians biddeth beware that we be not drūk with wine wherin is excesse but to be filled with y e spirit The same apostle in an other place saith y ● neither whoremōger adulterer Drunkard glutton ryotous person nor such like shal euer enter into y e kingdome of Heauen By these few places out of many you may sée the inormitie of this vice which is so much euery where frequented Spud. Let me intreate you to shew me some examples withall wherby I may see what euill it hath done in al ages Philo. Drunknes caused Lot to commit most shamefull incest with his owne two Daughters who got them both with Child he not perceuing it neither when they lay downe nor when they rose vp See how drunkennesse assotteth a man depriuing him of all sence reason and vnderstanding Drunkennesse caused Noah to lye with his priuities bare in his Tabernacle in suche beastlie sorte as his wicked Sonne Cham iested and ●coffed at the same Thorow drunkennesse Holophernes that great and inuincible Monarche of the Assyrians was ouercome by a Woman hauing his head cut from his shoulders with a fauchone Thorow drunkennesse King Herode was brought to suche ydiocie and foolishe dotage that he caused the head of good Ihon Baptist to be cut of to satis●ie the request of a dauncing strumpet That riche Epulo of whom Luke maketh mention was for his drunkennesse and ryotous excesse condemned to the fire of Hel for euer with many moe examples which for shortnes I omit Now seeing than that drunkēnesse is both offensiue to GOD and bringeth such euil●s in this lyfe present let vs in the name of GOD auoyde it as a most wicked thing and prenicious euill For euery Dr●nkard is so farre estranged from himselfe that as one in an extasie of mind or rather in a playne Phrensie he maye not be said to be sui animi compos or a
dauncing is but rather of restraints inhibitiōs frō the same which are not there to be found For what clipping what culling what kissing and bussing what smouching s●abbering one of another what filthie groping and vncleane handling is not practised euery wher in these dauncings yea the very deed and action it selfe which I will not name for offending chast eares shall be purtrayed and shewed foorth in their bawdye gestures of one to another All which whither they blow vp Venus cole or not who is so blind that séeth not wherfore let them not think that it is any recreation which word is abusiuely vsed to expresse the ioyes or delightes of y ● mind which signifieth a making againe of that which before was made to the mind of a good Christian but rather a corrosiue most sharp and nipping For seing that it is euill in it self it is not a thing wherin a Christiā Mans heart may take any comfort The ●nely summum bonum wherin a true Christians heart is recreated and comforted is the meditatiō of y ● passion of Iesus Christ the effusion of his blood the remission of sins and the contemplation of the ineffable ioyes and beatituds after this life prepared for the faithfull in the blood of Iesus Christ. This is the only thing wherin a Christian mā ought to reioyse and take delight in all other pleasures delights of this lyfe set a parte as amarulent and bitter bringing foorth fruit to eternall destruction but the other to eternall lyfe And wheras they conclude it is a holesome exercise for the bodie the contrary is moste true for I haue knowen diuers by the immoderate vse therof haue in short time become decrepit and lame so remaining to their dying day Some haue broke their legs with skipping leaping turning and vawting and some haue come by one hurt some by another but neuer any came from thence without sōe parte of his minde broken and lame such a wholsome exercise it is But say they it induceth looue so I say also but what looue Truely a lustful loue a venereous looue a concupiscencious baudie beastiall looue such as procéedeth from the stinking pump and lothsome sink of carnall affection and fleshly appetite and not such as distilleth from the bowels of the hart ingenerat by the spirit of God Wherfore I exhort them in the bowels of Iesus Christ to eschue not only from euil but also from all apperance of euil as the Apostle willeth them proceeding from one vertue to another vntil they growe to perfect men in Christe Iesus knowing that we must giue accoūts at y ● day of iudgment of euery minut and iote of time from the day of our birth to the time of our death for there is nothing more precious then time which is giuen vs to glorifie God in good-woorks and not to spend in luxurious exercises after our owne fantasies and delights Spud. But I haue heard then affirme that daūcing is prouable by the woord of God for say they did not the women come foorth of all the Cities of Israel to méet king Saule and Dauid returning from the slaughter of Goliath with psalteries flutes tabrets Cymbals and other musicall Instruments dauncing leaping before them Did not the Israelites hauing passed ouer the red sea bring foorth their Instruments and danced for ioy of their deliuerance Againe● did they not daunce before th● golden Calf which they had made in Horeb or Sinai Did not king Dauid daunce before the Ark of the Lord Did not the Daughter of Iephtah daunce with tabret and harp at the return of her Father from the Féeld Did not the women of the Israelits dance comming to visit● good Iudith Did not the Damsel dance before King Herod Did not Christ blame y e people for their not dancing when he said wee haue pyped vnto you but you haue not daunced Saith not Salomon there is a tune to wéep and a time to laughe a time to mourne and a time to daunce And dooth not the Prophet Dauid in many places of his Psalmes commend and commaund dauncing and playing vpon Instruments of Musick Wherfore for thus they conclude séeing these holy Fathers wherof some were guided by the instinction of God his Spirit haue not only taught it in doctrine but also expressed it by their Examples of life who may open his mouth once to speake against it Philo. The Fathers as they were men had their errors and erred as men for Hominis est errare decipi et labi it is naturall for man to erre to be deceiued to slide from the trueth Therfore the Apostle saith follow mée in all things as I follow Christ but to y e intent that they who perpend the Examples of the Fathers and Scripture falsly wrested to maintaine their● deuilish dauncings withall may sée their owne impietie grosse ignorance discouered I wil cōpendiously set down the true sence and meaning of euery place as they haue cyted them perticulerly For the first wheras they say that the Women came foorth in daunces with timbrels and Instruments of Ioy to méet Dauid and Saule I aske them for what cause they did so Was it for wantonnes or for very ioye of hart for their Uictorie gotten ouer the Philistines their sworne Enemies Was it in prayse of GOD or to stirre vp filthie lust in them selues or for nicenes onely as our daunces bée Did men and women daunce togither as is now vsed to be doon or rather was it not doon amongst women only for so saith the text the women came foorth c. But admit it were neither so nor so wil they conclude a generall rule of a particuler example it is no good reason to say such and such did so therfore it is good or we may doo so but all things are to be poysed in y e balance of holy scripture and therby to be allowed or disalowed according to the meaning of the holy Ghost who is only to be heard and obeyed in his woord The Israelitish women hearing of the fame of Dauid and how he had killed their deadly enemie Goliath came foorth to méet him playing vpon instrumēts dancing singing songs of ioye and thanks-giuing to the Lord who had giuen them victorie and deliuered them from the deadly hostilitie of him who sought their distruction euery way Now what maketh this for our le●d wanton nice and vbiquitarie dauncings for so I may call them because they be vsed euery where let the godly iudge who seeth not rather y ● this example let Cerberus the dog of hel alatrate what he list to the cōtrary clean ouerthroweth them Theirs was a godly kind of dācing in praise of God ours a lustful baudie kinde of deame●our in praise of our selues the●rs to shew their inward ioy of minde for the blessings of God bestowed vpon them ours to show our actiuitie
but most ruefull to behold did y ● Lord send down from Heauen to shew vnto the whole World how gréeuously he is offended with those that spend his Sabaoth in such wicked exercises In y ● meane tyme leauing his temple desolat and emptie God graunt all men may take warning hereby to shun the same for feare of like or worser Iudgement to come A fearfull Iudgement of GOD shewed at the Theaters THE like Iudgement almost did the Lord shew vnto them a litle befor being assembled at their Theaters to sée their bawdie enterluds and other trumperies practised For he caused y e earth mightely to shak and quauer as though all would haue fallen down wherat the People sore amazed some leapt down frō the top of y e turrets pinacles and towres wher they stood to the ground wherof some had their legs broke some their arms some their backs some hurt one where some another many sore crusht and brused but not any but they wēt away store affraid wounded in cōscience And yet cā neither y e one nor y ● other fray them frō these diuelish exercyses vntill the Lorde consume them all in his wrath which God forbid The Lord of his mercie opē the eyes of the maiestrats to pluck down these places of abuse that god may be honored and their consciēces disburthe●ed Besids these exercises thei flock thick thrée fold to y ● cockf●ights an exercyse nothing inferiour to y ● rest wher nothing is vsed but swering forswering deceit fraude collusion co●enage scoulding railing conuitious talking feighting brawling quarreling drinking whooring which is worst of all robbing of one an other of their goods y ● not by direct but indirect means attēpts yet to blaūch set out these mischiefs w tall as though they were vertues thei haue their appointed daies set howrs when these d●uelries must be exercised They haue houses erected to y ● purpose flags ensignes hanged out● to giue notice of it to others and proclamation goes out to proclaim y e same to th●end y ● many may come to the dedication of this solemne feast of mischief the Lord supplant them And as for hawking hunting vpō the sabaoth day it is an exercyse vpon y ● day no lesse vnlawful thā the other For no mā ought to spend any day of his life much lesse euery day in his life as many do in such vaine ydle pastimes wherfore let Gentlemen take ●eed for be sure accounts must be giuen at the day of iudgemēt for euery minut of time ●oth how they haue spent it in what exercyses And let them be sure no more libertie is giuen thē to mispend an howre or one iote of the Lord his goods than is giuen to the poorest and meanest person y ● liueth vpō the face of the earth I neuer read of any in y ● volume of y ● sacred scripture that was a good man and a Hunter Esau was a great hun●er but a reprobat Ismaell a great hunter but a miscreant Nemrode a great hunter but yet a reprobat and a vessell of wrath Thus I speake not to condemne hawking and hunting altogether being vsed for recreation now and than but against the continuall vse therof daylie hourly wéekly yéerly yea all the time of their life without intermissiō And such a felicitie haue some in it as they make it all their ioye bestowing more vpō hawkes and hounds and a sort of idle lubbers to followe them in one yéer than they will impart to the poore members of Christ Iesus in vij yéers peraduenture in all the dayes of their life So long as mā in Paradice persisted in innocency all beasts what so euer we are obediēt to him and came and prostrated themselues before him But euer since his ●all they haue fled from him disobeyed him because of his sin that séeing he disobeyed the Lord they again disobeied him For so long as man obeied God so long they obeied him but so soone as mā disobeyed God they disobeyed him becam enemies to him as it were seeking to reuēge y e iniurie which mā had don vnto GOD in disobeying his lawes Wherfore the cause why all beasts do fly from vs and are become Enemies to vs is our disobedience to the LORD which we are rather to sorow for than to hunt after their deaths by the sheading of their blood ●If necessitie or want of other meats inforceth vs to séek after their liues it is lawfull to vse them in the feare of God w t thanks to his name but for our pastimes and vain pleasures sake wée are not in any wise to spoyle or hurt them Is he a christian man or rather a pseudo-christian that delighteth in blood Is he a Christian that spendeth all his life in wanton pleasures and plesaunt delights Is hée a Christian that buieth vp the corne of y ● poor turning it into bread as many doo to féed dogs for his pleasure Is hée a christian that liueth to the hurt of his Neighbour in treading and breaking down his hedges in casting open his gates in trampling of his corne otherwise in preiudicing him as hunters doo wherfore God giue them grace to see to it and to mend it betimes ere it be to late for they know mora trahit periculum delay bringeth danger Let vs not deferre to leaue the euil and to doo good least the wrath of the Lord be kindled against vs and consume vs from of the vpper face of the Earth Spud What say you to kéeping of Markets of Fayres Courtes and Léetes vpon y ● Sabaoth day Think you it is not lawful to vse the same vpon any day Philo. No truely for can you serue God the deuil togither can wée carrie to God and ferrie to the deuil can we serue two Maisters and neither offend the one nor the other can wée serue God and Mammon can wée please God and the world bothe at one time The Lord wil not be serued by péecemeale for either he wil haue the wholeman or els none For saith he Thou shalt looue the Lord thy God with all thy soule withall thy minde witha●l thy power withall thy strength and so foorth orels with none at all Then séeing that we are to giue ouer our selues so wholely and totally to the seruice of God al y e daies of our life but especially vppon the Sabaoth day being consecrate to that end we may not intermedle with these prophane exercised vpon that day For it is more then manifest y ● these faires markets courtes and léetes vpon the Sabaoth day are not only a hinderāce vnto vs in the true seruice of God and an abuse of y ● Sabaoth but also lead vs the path way to hel For what cosonage is not there practised what falshod deceit fraude is not there exercised what dissimulation in bargaining