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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10724 The true report of a late practise enterprised by a papist with a yong maiden in Wales, accompted emongst our Catholiques in those partes for a greater prophetise, then euer was the holie maide of Kent, till now on Sundaie beyng the iiii. of Marche this present yere 1582. in the Cathedrall Churche at Chester, before the whole assemblie then at a sermon she confessed how she had been seduced by a ronegate priest, and how by his instructions she had feined to see certaine visions, whiche like wise followe in due forme. The pervsyng whereof, the reformed Protestaunte shall finde cause worhtie to laugh at: the wilfull papist matter is to bee ashamed at: and all sortes of people good example to be warned at: truly set doune without any maner of parciallitie, by Barnabe Riche gentleman. Pervsed and allowed accordyng to the order appointed. Rich, Barnabe, 1540?-1617. 1582 (1582) STC 21004; ESTC S105153 23,787 40

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bee iust eleuen all the whiche at eleuation very deuoutly knocked their breastes Thus hauyng receiued hym self alone for I did see no bodie Communicate with hym the Masse ended the lightes were putt out and the sight vanished therewith immediatly myne eyes were opened that I behelde you all aboute me and so endeth her Vision But afterwardes beyng examined by a Catholike of the Masse more perticulerly she described in very good order diuers thynges belongyng to Masse as the siluer Chalice shorter and broder then the Communion Cuppe the Hoste with letters therein grauen and the Ceremonies also she noted as his standyng before the Aulter the booke remoued by one that attended and serued the turning of his face towardes them Briefly in all poinctes agreable to the Masse after the Romaine vse restored by the counsaile of Trent and preached by the Seminarie in England Finally certaine Gentlemen beeyng moued with the fame of these newes made meanes to see y e saied yong girle the eight of Aprill Anno. 1581. and intreated to vnderstande out of her mouth what thei heard of her by others but she had vtterly forgotten all in so muche that beeyng asked diuers questions as her beyng in Purgatorie and at S. Ihons Masse and she remembred nothyng whereat the sayd Gentlemen were greatly astonied at last one of the company suspecting the malice of the ghostly enemie caused her to make signe of y e Crosse on her forhead and breast wherevpon incontinently she opened bothe the Visions at large and vttered more then she could remember at any tyme before VVitnesses Thomas appe Iones Orton Recorder to the Right Honorable the Erle of Darby Ihon Orton seruaunt to the Erle of Darby Ihon Edwardes seruauntes to the Lorde Chaunceler of Irelande Ihon Humfey seruauntes to the Lorde Chaunceler of Irelande Ihon the Minister of Orton Edwarde appe Iones Orton Dauid his seruaunt Ihon Ortons Wife Owen Werch Thomas his Sister Annis Werch Thomas a seruaunt Maide with an other Maide seruaunt Gyles Orton with diuers others TEll me now freendly Reader is not this pretie stuffe to bee made so muche accompte of must not this Religion bee profounde that is propte vp with suche Pillers as this and yet thou seest that the greatest fortification of our holie Fathers doctrine consisteth in Dreames olde Wiues tales Vnknowwen scriptures Traditions of menne straunge Miracles Fables and Follies Truely our countrey is to be lamented in whiche the Gospell hauyng raigned long and Religion florished so many yeres yet Superstition preuaileth so muche that thei be readie to bee leade awaie with suche euident shewes of follie that vnlesse their eyes were bleared with too muche impudencie it were not possible thei should bee so deceiued But what Asse but would haue been ashamed to haue penned doune so ridiculous a matter vnder suche a shewe of veritie but that he knew emongest whom to sende it For truely the foolishe credulitie of the simplest sorte of our ignorant Papistes is suche that tell them a tale of a Masse Purgatorie of holie Water of the signe of the Crosse or of any other suche like vanitie and thei are streght leade in beleef of suche thynges to bee more then deuine that in deede doe moste deserue to bee laught at You maie see thei are driuen to a bare shifte that for want of better matter would foiste in a Religion with suche trashe as this but vnhappie thei that are so blinded in errour that thei should not bee able to descerne vanitie from veritie And this is the cause why thei restraine the Laietie from the readyng of the Scripture for otherwise it were not possible that suche Fables could bee so preciously accoumpted of And this is the cause that I haue laied open these Visions to the vewe of the worlde that those that bee wise might laugh at the doltishe deuises of our seducyng Papistes who vnder a shewe of learnyng deceiues the simple sore with suche manifest vntruthes But yet to lament the weakenesse of those that be ignoraunt who bee still readie to entertaine suche trifles as deuine and heauenly misteries to feede them in their farther follies But I must needes blame our aucthour what so euer he was who as it seemeth hauyng been long tyme schooled in the liyng Legend of Antechrist hath yet forgotten the cheefest axioma that longes to his profession whiche is oportet mendatem esse memorem who lies must bee carefull to remember for in knittyng vp his Visions where he would haue made greatest shewe of veritie euen there he laies in sight moste manifest vntruthes whiche I will not toucht in particularities for that thei bee freuilous yet will I note them in generall for that thei bee odious and deserues no better aunswere then a scoffe or a mocke His exordium taken from the sanctified Archaungell Raphaell might well haue stande if his cause had been iuste but now it is confessed that all these Miracles were but fantasies and the Prophetesse in her Patheticall extasies but a sillie Maiden seduced by a runnegate Papist as now it is proued And the matter it self if it bee wisely marked is enterlarded with contrarietie of vntruthes in one place she could discribe the roabes whiche Christe should weare to bee of Purple colour and presently she feineth them to bee more brighter then the beames of the Sunne and although she knewe Christe with his mother the Virgine Marie his Graunde mother Sainct Anne with Marie Magdalene and Sainct Ihon the Baptist euen at the first sight bothe of her first and laste Visions yet when Saincte Ihon should come to saie his Masse she was afraied of them and tooke them to bee Goblins till Christ had giuen her his hande to bee felt The assistauntes so many tymes spoken of our aucthour would perswade thei were Protestauntes and therefore wearied with her exclamations against Religion now vsed yet who would beleeue any woorde to bee true when one of them had a Crucifixe so readie to present and the reste was so foolishe to suffer her to take it The Apostles when she coumpted them she saieth were iuste eleuen I wonder where the twelfe was or who it was that was missyng but it might bee that this Vision was reuealed before Mathias was chosen in Iudas roome or els it was Sainct Peter that was missyng for he is Porter in heauen and therefore could not bee spared out of his office and I thinke if he had been there he had been a fitter man to haue saied Masse then Saincte Ihon for that he hymself was oure Pope and therefore should haue so muche the better experience Thus thou maiest see gentle reader that varietie and impossibilitie are the twoo best st●ynges that our aucthour hath to his bowe who findyng no other meanes to maintaine his vncertainties thinketh vnder disseblyng vntruthes to drawe the simplicitie of the common sorte from the truthe and right Religion But admitte that these feigned Visions had been senciblie seen and that